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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 20th September, 1898. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing in detail the cost of the Police Commission,, including the amounts paid for salary, wages, and travelling-expenses of each Commissioner; also the amounts paid to each of the witnesses, giving the name of each person examined, and all other payments in detail made in connection with the Commission."—(Mr. Duncan.)

Eetuen showing in Detail the Cost of the Police Commission. £ s. d. £ s. d. H. S. Wardell, Chairman— Advertising .. .. .. .. 90 11 170 days at £3 3s. .. .. .. 535 10 0 Transcribing reporters' notes, and clerical Amount paid in lieu of pension from 9th assistance— February to 28th July, 1898, which Cbristchurch — could not legally be charged to Pen- Hart, L., Miss, transcribing reporters' sionsVote.. .. .. .. 171 7 7 notes .. .. .. .. 6 6 0 Coach-fares .. .. .. .- 7 10 0 Dunedin— Steamer-fares .. .. .. 6 0 0 Sutherland, G., transcribing reporters' Train-fares .. .. .. .. 11 8 2 notes .. .. .. .. 4 4 0 A. Pitt, Commissioner— Smith, J., hire of typewriter.. .. 0 7 6 170 days at £3 3s. .. .. .. 535 10 0 Johnson, J., transcribing reporters' Coach-faros .. .. .. .. 13 0 6 notes .. .. .. .. 8 8 0 Steamer-fares .. .. .. 5 10 0 Napier— Train-fares .. .. •. • ■ 13 7 5 Misses Hardie and Manning, transJ. W. Poynton, Commissioner— cribing reporters' notes .. .. 15 4 6 170 days at £1 Is. .. .. . - 178 10 0 Auckland— Travelling-allowance, 170 days at 15s. .. 127 10 0 Berry, W., transcribing reporters'notes 15 15 0 Coach-fares .. .. .. .• 13 0 6 Mitchell, W. J., clerical assistance .. 0 5 0 Steamer-fares .. .. .. 4 15 0 Wellington— Train-fares .. .. .. * • ■ 13 7 5 Lowe, A. F., clerical assistance .. 214 2 E. W. Kane, Secretary— Baldwin, V. R., clerical assistance .. 016 3 160 days at £1 Is. .. .. .. 168 0 0 Luxford, D. L., transcribing reporters' Remuneration for overtime worked during notes .. .. .. .. 4 4 0 the Commission and during session in Baker, H. C, transcribing reporters' preparing index and general work .. 25 0 0 notes .. .. .. .. 4 4 0 Coach-fares .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Onyon, O, transcribing reporters'notes 6 6 0 Steamer-fares .. .. .. 7 10 0 Kinsella, J. L., transcribing reporters' Train-fares .. .. .. .. 8 14 4 notes .. .. .. .. 11 11 0 J. Dunbar Gray, Reporter— Le Grove, H., transcribing reporters' Travelling-allowance, 97 days at £1 Is. .. 101 17 0 notes .. .. .. .. 32 12 0 Coach-fares .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Tasker, J., extra services in arranging Steamer-fares .. .. .. 7 10 0 and correcting evidence, correcting Train-fares t. .. .. .. 814 4 proof-sheets, and passing same A. M. Kay, Reporter— through press .. .. .. 25 0 O Travelling-allowance, 67 days at £1 Is. .. 70 7 0 Cab-hire, express-hire, porterage, gratuities Steamer-fares .. .. .. 2 0 0 to servants, stewards' fees, ferryage, &c, Train-fares .. .. .. .. 5 5 7 for Commissioners, Secretary, Mr. TunD. H. Cameron, Reporter— bridge, Colonel Hume, and reporters .. 71 13 9 'Travelling-allowance, 87 days at £1 Is. .. 91 7 0 Printing evidence and report .. .. 832 15 0 Steamer-fares .. .. .. 2 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 19 3 0 Train-fares .. .. .. .. 10 810 Portfolio and despatch-bag for Mr. Gray, E. J. Le Grove, Reporter— reporter .. .. .. .. 4 5 0 Salary, 22 days at £1 Is. .. .. 23 2 0 Boxes and trunks for conveying papers .. 411 6 Transcribing notes .. .. .. 29 7 0 Exchange on conduct-money for witnesses, Train-fares .. .. .. .. 4 610 remitted by wire, post-office orders, &c . 13 0 J. B. Tunbridge, Commissioner of Police— Solicitor's fee, proceeding against T. Reidy, Travelling-allowance, 93 days at £1 Is. .. 97 13 0 of Napier, for refusing to give evidence Coach-fares .. .. .. .. 13 8 0 (fined £10 and costs) .. .. .. 3 3 0 Steamer-fares .. .. .. 5 0 0 Messengers .. .. .. .. 17 3 6 Train-fares .. .. .. .. 195 Newspapers .. .. .. .. 2 19 0 A. Hume, late Commissioner of Police— Office expenses, cleaning rooms, chair- and Travelling-allowance, 97 days at £1 Is. .. 10117 0 table-hire, &c. .. 7 6 6 Coach-fares .. .. .. .. 12 0 6 Expenses of police in serving summonses on Steamer-fares .. .. .. 4 15 0 witnesses .. .. .. .. 4 15 6 Witnesses' expenses — ■ Amounts paid, as per list attached .. 455 511 Total .. .. ..£4,116 2 8 Cullen, J., Inspector of Police, coach-fares 4 0 0 -lirrrnnrinai^ir


Names of Witnesses and Amounts paid to each.


Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Adams, A. S. .. Ahier, C. Aislabie, J. H. Aitken, H. Alison, A. Allan, J. Angus, R. Armishaw, J. .. Arms rong, C. Asher; W. Azzariti, Nicholas Azzariti, Susan Baclley, F. .. Bailey, W. A. Baker, H. Balfour, T. W. Barclay, J. Barney, Ellen Barrett, T. .. Barry, P. Beaglehole, Joseph Beatty, Rev. W. Beauchamp, George Bucham, R. .. Bi 11, John Bell, John (Sergeant) .. Bell, R. R. .. Bennett, A. Bennett, H. J. Bentley, G. E. Bernstone, M. Berry, E. C. .. Beveridge, M. Bickerstaff, George Bingham, E. .. Bishop, R. BUsett, George Biack, Patrick (Sergeant) Boddam, T. .. Bonner, Charles Bosworth, E. T. Bourke, T. (Sergeant) .. Bowden, A. Bower, M. N. Bowman, Patrick (Sergeant) Bowron, George Brabant, H. W. Bridges, A. F. Bridgman, J. .. Brigham, J. M. Broadwood, Lilly Broberg, OR. Broharn, T. (Inspector) Brophy, E. .. Buchanan, Hugh Bullock, Margaret Burley, W. E. Cahill, Dr. T. Calders, H. .. Cameron, A. .. Campbell, J. .. Campbell, W. Carnell, S. Carolan, L. L. Carroll, L. Carter, L. Cassells, J. J. Cavanagh, J. .. Caverhill, Christina Checketts, H. J. Cliisholm, J. A. D. Christie, A. Christie, W. .. Clarkson, W. B. Cleave, A. Cockayne, Helen Cohen, H. P. .. Coleman, John Collier, G. .. Connie, W. J. Conn, Christopher (Sergeant) .. Connell, John.. Conway, J. M. Conway, Jane S. F. Conway, Kate Conway, Phoebe £ s. d. 1 1 0 4"3 0 Conway, Victoria Cooney, John Cooper, A. J. .. Cotter, P. Cotterill, A. J. Coughlan, W. Craig, James Craig, John Craig, James Cranby, OH. Crawford, J. R. Crawford, R. .. Crean, P. Crewes, J. Crockatt, J. D. Crosbie, L. E. Cross, W. Cullen, John (Inspector) Cullinane, John Cunningham, Major .. Dales, J, B. .. Danvers, A. T. Dash, George Davis, J. D. .. Day, S. Dean, J. De Lautour, Dr. B. De Lisle, Dr. F. I. Denton, Percy Denton, Robert De Renzie, Dr. A. 0. Dewdney, Elizabeth E. Douglas, Sir A. P. Duffin, J. Duncan, T. Y. Dunne, C. T. .. Dunne, John Dwyer, John Eccles, A. Ell, H. G. Elliott, Rev. G. Ellis, J. W. .. Ellison, J. (Sergeant) .. Emerson, Charlotte M. Emerson, Daisy Emerson, John (Inspector) Erskine, Sarah Evans, John Falvey, D. Fannin, G. T. Faulkner, H. .. Feast, H. Fenwick, F. F. Ferguson, H. .. Field, Harriet Finn, W. F. .. Finnerfcy, John Fitzgerald, G. Fleming, G. S. Flewellen, S. .. Flyger, S. L. .. Foley, J. T. .. Forbes, F. Forbes, J. W... Ford, J. T. Fox, W. G. .. Francis, Laura Fraser, C. (Sergeant) .. Fullbrook, W. W. Gaffney, M. .. Gamble, W. .. Gantley, James Gillam, Rev. W. E. .. Gillies, W. .. Gillingham, F. R. Gilmour, A. O. Gilmour, Ellen Gilmour, M. .. Gittos, Rev. W. Grace, M. Green, H. (Sergeant) .. Greene, B. (Sergeant) .. Greene, M. Greenwood, Thomas Gresham, T. .. Grey, W. £ s. d. 4 - 5 0 0 8 0 13 8 5 2 6 3 7 0 10 0 2 15 0 12 is 0 o'l2 0 10 0 14 4 0 16 1 o'io o 0 12 0 4 19 6 110 10 0 10 0 6 13 0 1 9 11 0 12 0 0 6 0 012 0 0 12 0 2 16 0 3 18 6 2 4 9 0 15 0 14 0 11 9 3 7 7 11 0 15 0 3 13 0 0 12 0 3 i6 0 0 "o 0 0 10 0 1 10 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 12 2 l"l 11 110 2'l9 8 0"l2 0 0 10 0 2 6 0 4i2 0 2"o 0 0 12 0 i"o 0 1 11 0 o'is 0 13 0 13 0 110 110 0 12 0 1 12 0 0 10 0 o "e o i"o 0



Names of Witnesses and Amounts paid to each— continued.

Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. £ s. d. 0 12 0 1 12 6 10 0 Leeee, J. D. .. .. . Vj Lelievere, Jule Lenihan, Right Rev. Bishop Lewin, M. Lewis, C. T. .. Little, R. Livingstone, T. Logan, F. .. Lound, C. P. .. Lyons, W. (Sergeant) .. Mac"alister, John Macdonell, E. (Sergeant) Macdonneil, P. Mackay, E. (Sergeant) MacMurry, Rev. G. .. Madden, M. .. Maddern, W. .. Malcolm, A. S. Malcolm, F. S. Mallard, F. .. Manchester, J. Manning, C. A. Marsack, R. .. Martin, W. .. Mason, W. T. (Sergeant-Major) Mathew, J. A. Mathias, R. B. Mathieson, W. Matthews, R. .. Matthias, G. S. Mayne, Thomas MoArdle, Henry (Sergeant) McCaul, B. .. McClatchie, T. McClellan, W. J. .. McCormack, 0. McCormack, T.J. McDermott, P. McDonald, Alex. (Acting Sergeant-Major) McDonald, James McDonough, John McDougall, J. W. McGill, James McGill, Patrick McGiip, A. McGlone, R. V. McGovern, F. (Inspector) Mcllveney, W. B. McKeefry, M... McKenzie, D. McLaren, H. .. McLean, A. H. McLeod, W. .. McLeod, William (Sergeant) McMahon, John McMahon, P. T. McNab, R. .. McVay, J. C. .. Meikle, J. J. .. Menzies, J. H. Menzies, Dr. P. Millar, J. A. .. Milligan, J. 0. Mills, C. H. .. Mills, F. Mitchell, A. J. (Sergeant) Mitchell, J. W. Moir, W. Moore, Agnes P. (formerly Fullbrook) Moore, T. Moore, Dr. T. C. Morgan, T. .. Morrison, T. .. Mulholland, H. Murdock, Annie .. Murphy, M. .. Murray, W. (Sergeant) Myers, A. Napier, W. G. Neale, George Neave, F. Nevill, Right Rev. Bishop Newton, H. .. Nickless, Henry Nicol, A. W. .. Nisbet, J. £ s. d. 14 0 Griffin, J. Griffith, T. ... Grundy, W. J. .., Goldie, D. .. , tj Goldie, George Goodacre, H. .. Gordon, Emma Haggan, W. .. Hamilton, Margaret J. Hamlin, J. P. Hammond, Alfred Hammond, Rev. T. G... Hanna, S. D. .. Hannan, Daniel (Sergeant) Hannafin, D. .. Hannon, M. .. Harker, W. J. Harris, G. H... Harris, James Harrow, E. .. Harvey, Thomas Hastie, George Hattie, A. Henderson, A. B. Henderson, A. C. Henderson, G. Henderson, J. R. Henderson, William .. Henne, F. J. S. C. Henry, J. Herbert, P. Herd, J. B. E. Herron, F. Heslop, G. .. Heslop, W. .. Hickson, James (Inspector) Hill, V. A Hinton, J. Hislop, Robert Hohbs, Charles Hoddinott, A. T. Hogg, J. Holder, H. J. .. Hoare, J. Hooper, Florence Hooper, Margaret Howell, Rev. De Berdt Howell, E. T... Hume, Arthur Hunt, H. G. .. Hurrell, William Hussy, W.J... Hustwick, T. H. Hutchison, Joshua Isemonger, A. Isitt, Rev. F. W. Jackson, D. .. Jardine, J. F... Jeffrey, G. C. .. Jeffries, John Jennings, Hon. W. T. Jewies, R. W... Johnson, C.J. Johnson, George Johnston, J. J. Jones, E. F. .. Jones, Irene D. Jones, R. R. .. Jones, W. Joyce, E. M. .. Joyce, E. P. .. Joyce, John Kelly, J. S. (Sergeant) .. Kelly, J. W. .. Kelly, Robert Kelso, S. M. Kennedy, H. P. Kettle, C. O, District Judge Kiely, N. (Sergeant) .. King, Alfred H. Kingi, Hami Knott, J. Lambie, George Latimer, D. .. Lawry, F. Lee, E. P. 0 12 0 0 10 0 110 0 15 0 l"8 8 l"8 0 0 10 0 316 0 o'±9 11 lii 4 1 9 11 0 12 0 10 0 110 2 7 5 12 2 10 0 2 18 9 0 8 0 0 10 0 3 16 0 l"o 0 7 7 11 1 12 7 l"l 0 1 1 9 3 0 0 l'io 3 l"l 0 0 18 0 i"o 0 0 8 0 13 0 12 2 5"3 6 016 0 3"9 8 3*7 0 10 0 4 10 8 12 2 117 6 l"l 11 10 0 10 0 1 1 11 0 8 0 0 7 0 3 i3 0 o'is 0 110 2 16 0 17 8 8 0 6 10 0 316 0 2"2 0 i"o 0 3 13 0



Names of Witnesses and Amounts paid to each— continued.

Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. • Northcroft, H-, W. Norwood, S. P. O'Brien, Rose.. O'Brien, T.J... O'Brien, Terence O'Donovan, J. (Sergeant) O'Grady, T. (Sergeant) O'Leary, P. .. O'Malley, James (Sergeant) O'Neill, James O'Neill, Mary O'Neill, Patrick (Sergeant) O'Rourke, T. Oswald, W. .. Paget, H. Panton, Annie Pardy, W. J. .. Pardy, W. S. (Inspector) Parker, P. S. .. Parker, Robert Parkinson, Annie Paterson, A. .. Paterson, Rev. J. G. .. Patrick, Jane E. Pearce, G. W. Pender, P. (Inspeotor) Petheriek, George Philpotts, T. .. Pinkerton, Hon. D. Pole-Penton, A. Porter, J. Porter, Lizzie Powell, Mary.. Pratt, Charles H. Pratt, James Price, James Price, T. H. .. Purser, E. Pyne, P. H. .. Quigley, W. J. Quinn, W. J. .. Ralfe, H. H. G. Ramage, J. Randall, John Reidy, Thomas Renner, A. E. Reynolds, J. J. Reynolds, S. .. Richmond, H. Roberts, Jane Roberts, R. M. Robinson, W... Robson, P. Roche, Maurice Roche, Michael Rolls, H. Roope, G. L. .. Roscoe, Herbert Roscoe, Hetty Roscoe, Isabella Rose, A. .. Rose, C. Rumsey, P. .. Rutledge, B. .. Rutledge, C. (Sergeant) Ryan, P. Salvador, Rev. Father, D.M. Saunders, S. .. Scott, W. H. .. Scully, Patrick (Sergeant) Shanks, Robert Sharman, E. W. Sheard, J. A. .. Sheeri, Jane Shepherd, R. W. Shera, J. M. .. Siddells, James (Sergeant) Simms, J. W... Slattery, Sarah J. Slight, Charles Smart, D. Smith, E. Smith, G. J. .. Smith, J. G. .. Smith, James.. .. Smith, T. H. .. £ s. a. 0 15 0 Smyth, J. H. .. Smyth, W. .. Smythe, Elizabeth .«' Snow, C. H. .. .1 Sole, E. Sorensen, H. B. .1' Sopp, J. C. .. Sparks, Charlotte Spenoe, J. Spencer, Bev. P. H. .. Stagpoole, M. D. (Sergeant) Stanton,A. .. Stanyer, G. Stewart, D. Stewart, George Stewart, J. Stoney, J. B. .. Storry, J. W. .. Strathern, J. .. Sutton, P. Swan, G. H. .. Taminelli, R. .. Tanner, John .. Tanner, Mary E. Tanner, W. W. Taylor, J. Taylor, J. E. .. Taylor, T. E. .. Thompson, Augustus .. Thompson, F. Thompson, George Thompson, J. Thompson, J. M. Thompson, S... Thomson, Christina Thomson, G. .. Thomson, J. B. .. Throp, B. Thyne, L. Tonks, Albert Toomey, J. Torrance, Dr. James .. Treacy, Dennis Treadwell, C. H. Trehey, E. C. Trent, P. Trist, E. Tunbridge, J. B. Turner, A. Turton, E. W. Upton, J. H. .. Waehsmann, A. Waldegrave, P. Walker, James .. ' Walker, E. T. Walker, William Wallace, Alice M. Ward, Hon. J. G. Warring, William (Sergeant) Wason, J. 0. .. Watters, Annie Weathered, J. J. Whitby, J. E. White, E. S. (Sergeant) White, P. Wildermoth, M. J. Wilkinson, G. T. Will, George Williams, H. .. Williams, W. Williams, Rev. W. J. Williamson, Marguerite Wilson, E. (Sergeant) .. Wilson, Henry Clark .. Wilson, Henry Charles Wilson, Rev. W. H. .. Wohlmann, W. G. Woodhouse, Ji P. Wright, A. H.: (Sergeant) Young, Dr. James Young, Jane J. £ s. d. 7 9 0 10 0 i"a o 4 2 0 1 2 2 0 12 00 16 0 4 10 1 1 0 i"o o 1 16 0 1 1 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 o'io o o"6 0 0 15 0 l' - 8 6 o"8 0 6 8 62'l6 5 o'io o 2"o 0 0 10 » 2 5 0 4 14 5> 10 0 1 15 2 3 2 0 0 8 0 14 0 12 2, 10 0 4 5 0 0 10 0 2 1 11 0 16 0 2"l 9' o"6 0 110 1 10 0 16 0 10 0 o"t 6 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 5 6 0 l"l 0 1 16 0l"l 0 s"i o 0 15 0 6 5 016 0 2"2 0> o'io o 2 19 11 Witnesses in ex-Constable case— j Bush, R. S. Grimmer, W. .. Haddock's, 3 2 0 6 17 f>



Names of Witnesses and Amounts paid to each.

J. B. TUNBEIDGE, Commissioner of Police. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,325 copies), £4 4s. 6d.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B. Price 3d.~\

Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Witnesses m ex-Constable's Haddock's case— continued. Haddock, J. Jordan, J. B. Palmer, J. .. .. Shoesmith, J. V. Witnesses who attended on summons,'but did not give evidence— Broderick, H. S. Bowden, N. K. Brosnahan, D. Bergman, John Beck, Richard Carter, James Cross, F. .. Doyle, G. .. Davy, C. .. Ferran, W. T. Freeman, E. Henney, Margaret Hutchinson, D. Hodgson, W. Higgins, John Mullaney, L. McCallum, D. McSairs, A. Mackell, John £ s. d. Witnesses who attended on summons, but did not give evidence— continued. McKenna, James McFadgen, John Mclntyre, Thomas Manning, Claud Nicol.J. .. Newman, C. O'Brien, F... Paget, H. .. Quinlivan, John Ramsay, W. Rolphman, T. W. .. Rymer, G. .. Robinson, J. .. ... Reeves, F. .. Smith, Walter Stacey, S. .. Sarten, F. .. Tully, W. .. Tatten, William Wilson, William White, John White, Thomas Whanonga, Hori £ s. d. 7 3 8 16 1 0 5 5 0 11 15 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 1 10 0 110 16 1 3 13 6 0 12 0 0 15 0 1 10 9 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 7 0 0 12 0 5 3 0 3 7 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 2 13 1 10 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 1 10 0 10 0 0 13 2 110 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 8 10 0 10 0 10 0 6 6 6 0 15 0 0 6 0 5 11 1 0 16 0 4 5 0 1 16 0 3 2 10 Total .. £455 5 11

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POLICE COMMISSION (DETAILS OF COST OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, H-02a

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POLICE COMMISSION (DETAILS OF COST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, H-02a

POLICE COMMISSION (DETAILS OF COST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, H-02a

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