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Names of Witnesses and Amounts paid to each.


Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Names of Witnesses. Amount paid. Adams, A. S. .. Ahier, C. Aislabie, J. H. Aitken, H. Alison, A. Allan, J. Angus, R. Armishaw, J. .. Arms rong, C. Asher; W. Azzariti, Nicholas Azzariti, Susan Baclley, F. .. Bailey, W. A. Baker, H. Balfour, T. W. Barclay, J. Barney, Ellen Barrett, T. .. Barry, P. Beaglehole, Joseph Beatty, Rev. W. Beauchamp, George Bucham, R. .. Bi 11, John Bell, John (Sergeant) .. Bell, R. R. .. Bennett, A. Bennett, H. J. Bentley, G. E. Bernstone, M. Berry, E. C. .. Beveridge, M. Bickerstaff, George Bingham, E. .. Bishop, R. BUsett, George Biack, Patrick (Sergeant) Boddam, T. .. Bonner, Charles Bosworth, E. T. Bourke, T. (Sergeant) .. Bowden, A. Bower, M. N. Bowman, Patrick (Sergeant) Bowron, George Brabant, H. W. Bridges, A. F. Bridgman, J. .. Brigham, J. M. Broadwood, Lilly Broberg, OR. Broharn, T. (Inspector) Brophy, E. .. Buchanan, Hugh Bullock, Margaret Burley, W. E. Cahill, Dr. T. Calders, H. .. Cameron, A. .. Campbell, J. .. Campbell, W. Carnell, S. Carolan, L. L. Carroll, L. Carter, L. Cassells, J. J. Cavanagh, J. .. Caverhill, Christina Checketts, H. J. Cliisholm, J. A. D. Christie, A. Christie, W. .. Clarkson, W. B. Cleave, A. Cockayne, Helen Cohen, H. P. .. Coleman, John Collier, G. .. Connie, W. J. Conn, Christopher (Sergeant) .. Connell, John.. Conway, J. M. Conway, Jane S. F. Conway, Kate Conway, Phoebe £ s. d. 1 1 0 4"3 0 Conway, Victoria Cooney, John Cooper, A. J. .. Cotter, P. Cotterill, A. J. Coughlan, W. Craig, James Craig, John Craig, James Cranby, OH. Crawford, J. R. Crawford, R. .. Crean, P. Crewes, J. Crockatt, J. D. Crosbie, L. E. Cross, W. Cullen, John (Inspector) Cullinane, John Cunningham, Major .. Dales, J, B. .. Danvers, A. T. Dash, George Davis, J. D. .. Day, S. Dean, J. De Lautour, Dr. B. De Lisle, Dr. F. I. Denton, Percy Denton, Robert De Renzie, Dr. A. 0. Dewdney, Elizabeth E. Douglas, Sir A. P. Duffin, J. Duncan, T. Y. Dunne, C. T. .. Dunne, John Dwyer, John Eccles, A. Ell, H. G. Elliott, Rev. G. Ellis, J. W. .. Ellison, J. (Sergeant) .. Emerson, Charlotte M. Emerson, Daisy Emerson, John (Inspector) Erskine, Sarah Evans, John Falvey, D. Fannin, G. T. Faulkner, H. .. Feast, H. Fenwick, F. F. Ferguson, H. .. Field, Harriet Finn, W. F. .. Finnerfcy, John Fitzgerald, G. Fleming, G. S. Flewellen, S. .. Flyger, S. L. .. Foley, J. T. .. Forbes, F. Forbes, J. W... Ford, J. T. Fox, W. G. .. Francis, Laura Fraser, C. (Sergeant) .. Fullbrook, W. W. Gaffney, M. .. Gamble, W. .. Gantley, James Gillam, Rev. W. E. .. Gillies, W. .. Gillingham, F. R. Gilmour, A. O. Gilmour, Ellen Gilmour, M. .. Gittos, Rev. W. Grace, M. Green, H. (Sergeant) .. Greene, B. (Sergeant) .. Greene, M. Greenwood, Thomas Gresham, T. .. Grey, W. £ s. d. 4 - 5 0 0 8 0 13 8 5 2 6 3 7 0 10 0 2 15 0 12 is 0 o'l2 0 10 0 14 4 0 16 1 o'io o 0 12 0 4 19 6 110 10 0 10 0 6 13 0 1 9 11 0 12 0 0 6 0 012 0 0 12 0 2 16 0 3 18 6 2 4 9 0 15 0 14 0 11 9 3 7 7 11 0 15 0 3 13 0 0 12 0 3 i6 0 0 "o 0 0 10 0 1 10 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 12 2 l"l 11 110 2'l9 8 0"l2 0 0 10 0 2 6 0 4i2 0 2"o 0 0 12 0 i"o 0 1 11 0 o'is 0 13 0 13 0 110 110 0 12 0 1 12 0 0 10 0 o "e o i"o 0