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Me. Speakeb,— Honourable members will, I feel assured, concede me every reasonable consideration in respect of my first Statement, and make due allowance for any shortcomings, seeing that I have only recently joined the Ministry, and have not as yet had an opportunity of making myself personally acquainted wifch all the details of the works in the various parts of the colony. In submitting my proposals for the consideration of honourable members, I desire to draw attention to the position to-day as compared with that in which my predecessors under former Administrations have found themselves. Prior to the Liberal party coming into office, in 1891, it had become customary for Parliament to pass Loan Bills fairly regularly at intervals of two or three years, thus providing large sums of money for the purpose of carrying on the public works of the colony. The following table shows the several loans authorised for services chargeable on the Public Works Fund from the initiation of the public-works policy : —

Since 1888 no loan has been raised for public-works purposes, but, notwithstanding this, ways and means have been found, and considerable progress has been made with all classes of public works.

i—D. 1.

Year. Authorising Act. Amount of Loan. 1870 1873 1873 1874 1876 1877 1879 1882 1882 1882 1884 1885 1886 1886 1888 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act Immigration and Public Works Loan Act General Purposes Loan Act Immigration and Public Works Loan Act New Zealand Loan Act New Zealand Loan Act New Zealand Loan Act New Zealand Loan Act North Island Main Trunk Bailway Loan Act New Zealand Colonial-inscribed Stock Loan Act New Zealand Loan Act District Bailways Purchasing Act District Bailways Purchasing Act New Zealand Loan Act New Zealand Loan Act £ 4,000,000 2,000,000 750,000 4,000,000 750,000 2,200,000 5,000,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 1,500,000 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 479,487 7 11 1,325,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 £27,254,487 7 11



I had the honour to be intrusted with the charge of the Public Works Department at a time when the Public Works Fund was at a lower ebb than it had ever been since its initiation. The amount to the credit of Part I. of the Fund on the 31st March, 1895, was £268,526. During the year £150,000 was transferred from the Consolidated Fund, as proposed in the Financial Statement of last year, and sundry credits also came to book to the amount of £2,272, bringing the total of this part of the &md up to £420,798. The expenditure amounted to £389,648, leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £31,150 only. On Part 11. the balance at 31st March, 1895, was £26,604, and £10,000 (being receipts in respect of land purchased out of the North Island Main Trunk Bailway Loan) was transferred to credit during the year, thus bringing the total amount up to £36,604. The expenditure amounted to £22,681, leaving a balance on the 31st March last of £13,923, or a total balance available on the whole Public Works Fund of £45,073. There was also £31,425 to the credit of the Lands Improvement Account, and £5,920 to the credit of the Native Lands Purchase Account, and in addition to these amounts there was authority for the creation of further debentures on these two accounts to the extent of £21,200 on the former, and £30,800 on the latter, so that the gross total ways and means available amounted to £134,418. It was well understood by all parties in the colony that additional funds would be required in aid of public works, the only doubtful point being whether the Government would ask Parliament for a large sum sufficient to complete the North Island Trunk, the Otago-Central, the Midland, the Thames-Te Aroha, the Woodville-Eketahuna, and other railways, or whether they would merely ask for aid to a limited amount, so as to permit the several works to be proceeded with for the present at the existing rate of expenditure. All doubts were set at rest when my colleague the Colonial Treasurer brought down the Financial Statement, in which it was set forth that aid to the extent of only one million was recommended ; and on the whole this proposal has been favourably received. There are some, I admit, who are opposed to extraneous aid in any shape being procured ; but, seeing that by the Public Works Appropriation Act of last session Parliament had authorised the expenditure on public works to proceed for three months of the current year at the same rate as that voted for last year, it was surprising and disappointing to find any opposition to the raising of the moneys required to pay for the works authorised, or for their continuance, for it would have been unreasonable to expect that all works should be stopped on the 30th of June, thus throwing out of work, in the dead of winter, some two to three thousand men. I am pleased, however, to be able to congratulate the House on having now made adequate provision for the present for carrying on the important aids to colonisation provided for under our public-works policy. Under the legislation of the present session the following additional sums will be made available, namely:— For Eailways ... ... ... ... ... ... £250,000 For Development of Goldfields ... ... ... ... 200,000 For Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery ... 50,000 For the Lands Improvement Account ... ... ... ... 250,000 For the Native Lands Purchase Account ... ... ... 250,000 Total ... ... ... ... ... £1,000,000 It is also proposed to transfer from revenue to the credit of the Public Works Fund £150,000 ; and about £20,000 will also probably come to credit from other sources. Adding to these amounts the balances remaining on the 31st March last — namely, £134,418 —there will be a gross total sum available of £1,304,418. The liabilities on the 31st March last were £320,636: after providing for the same there is left the sum of £983,782, being the largest sum available for public works during the last five years. This may lead to expectations being raised that an increased expenditure on public works will eventuate. Those who expect this will be doomed to disappointment, inasmuch as the Government have no intention whatever to largely increase the expenditure on



public works ; on the contrary, when the Eketahuna Railway is finished, and the other pressing works in connection with the lands improvement, roads to open lands for settlement, the drainage of Kotorua, the development of our thermal springs and goldflelds, and the making of our natural scenery accessible to the world, we deem it desirable, in the interest of the colony, that the expenditure on public works should be reduced to the lowest possible limit. A RETBOSPECT. It will be desirable, I think, before proceeding to outline our proposals for the current year, to give a brief resume of what has been done during the five years that the Government has been in office. During this period 172 miles of railway have been opened for traffic, while 138 miles in addition are now in course of construction. We have formed, or improved, 3,640 miles of roads, and added to the public estate, as completed purchases, an area of 1,168,513 acres of Native lands, leaving an area of 1,992,606 acres still under negotiation, in which interests estimated at 608,433 acres have also been finally acquired, and await location by the Native Land Court. In addition to this, and to meet the necessary requirements of the people, numerous public buildings have been erected in different parts of the colony, new lighthouses established on the coast, the telegraph system extended, &c, &c. The following table shows the expenditure on the services provided for under the Public Works Fund since 1884, and the average rate of expenditure that has taken place under each Government that has been in office during that period : —

* £108,076 also spent on roads, under Lands Improvement and Native Lands Purchase Accounts, in 1894-95, and £162,757 in 1895-96. THE CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM. Practically all our construction-works are now carried out under the cooperative system, and a good many of our buildings-repairs also. Up till recently we have not attempted iron-bridge construction under this system, but when the tenders for the Makohine Viaduct, on the North Island Main Trunk Eailway, were received, and the lowest was found to be several thousand pounds in excess of the Engineer-in-Chief's estimate, the Government decided to carry out the work under co-operative contracts. Arrangements are accordingly being made for the supply of the cement and the unmanufactured iron and steel, and it is proposed to let co-operative contracts to suitable skilled workmen for the building of the concrete piers and foundations, and the preparation and erection of the iron- and steel-work. The co-operative system having now been in operation for five years, I think I may take this opportunity of giving some facts and figures with regard to that method of carrying on our public works. During the five years ended 31st

Immigration. Railways. Roads. Development of Goldfields. Telegraph Public Extension. Buildings. Lighthouses,! &ts. Other Services. Totals. Stout-Vogel— 1884-85 .. 1885-86 .. 1886-87 .. £ 57,148 11,675 12,454 £ 663,063 725,496 615,265 £ 317,043 335,904 278,617 £ 8,029 9,032 7,665 £ 25,799 36,010 18,952 £ 117,361 86,859 89,598 £ 34,033 133,975 148,705 £ 114,251 136,435 162,228 £ 1,336,727 1,475,386 1,333,484 Atkinson — 1887-88 .. 1888-89 .. 1889-90 .. 1890-91 .. 81,277 2,003,824 931,564 24,726 80,761 293,818 Aven I 316,713 412,914 4,145,597 1,381,866 .ge per an: .ran 15,598 8,791 867 1,823 403,726 272,077 289,572 180,020 219,519 106,440 84,126 71,289 1,016 55 284 821 I 22,984 90,529 12,047 34,592 16,346 ! 35,473 16,292 I 22,819 70,825 47,593 9,434 2,666 135,962 132,344 46,362 39,026 966,159 613,939 482,464 334,756 27,079 1,145,395 481,374 2,176 67,669 ; 183,413 | 136,518 |353,694 2,397,318 Averai ;e per am: mm 599,329 lallance-Seddon — 1891-92 .. 1892-93 .. 1893-94 .. 1894-95 .. 1895-96 .. 817 242 343 101 Cr. 10 154,416 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 101,605 i 2,257 105,506 I 3,811 147,418 5,272 61,757* 5,865 66,774* 9,345 483,060 26,550 27,773 I 34,791 j 29,245 : 31,101 16,127 ' 44,032 19,229 ! 54,190 35,538 I 76,240 j 127,912 I 240,354 | 7,347 11,205 i 6,588 3,145 7,409 62,495 60,502 10,713 9,578 19,928 391,501 462,506 406,797 401,410 412,329 2,074,543 414,909 1,493 996,264 35,694 163,216 Averai ge per ann mm ..



March last the total expenditure on co-operative works amounted to £929,962 — viz., £528,785 by the Public Works Department, and £401,177 by the Lands Department; and of the total sum no less than £610,941 was paid direct to the workmen as the value of their labour. The length of railway constructed or partially constructed under the system was 172 miles, also 1,180 miles of roads, besides various public buildings. The average number of men employed each year has been as follows : —

The earnings of the men have, of course, varied, caused partly by their different degrees of capacity as workmen, and partly by the different climatic and other conditions under which they have worked ; but, on the whole, 1 think the results may "be* regarded as satisfactory, both to the State and to the men immediately affected. Full returns are attached to this Statement giving particulars as to the principal works carried out by the Public Works Department under this system during the last financial year. They show the different railways and buildings in the construction of which the system has been applied, the different classes of work carried out, the number of men employed, the time they worked, and what they earned. The average earnings per day in the different callings have been as follows : — s. d. Navvies ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 7 2 Concreters ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 2 .Fencers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 5 Bushmen ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 7 Labourers... ... ... ... ... ... ... 78 Platelayers and Ballasters ... ... ... ... ... 710 Carpenters (on buildings) ... ... ... ... ... 81 Painters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 Carpenters (on railways) ... ... ... ... ... 8 8 Tunnel-men ... ' ... ... ... ... ... 9 10 Slaters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 4 Masons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 8 Bricklayers ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 8 Plumbers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 10 Plasterers... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 0 Honourable members will also doubtless desire to know how works carried out on the co-operative system compare, in the matter of cost, with similar work carried out under the contract system. I have therefore had a table prepared showing the mileage-cost of each of the sections of railway that have been constructed under this system, and the cost of other sections of the same railways carried out under the contract system. The cost of the rails has been omitted in each instance, as the Government have provided the permanent-way materials under both the co-operative and the contract systems. As, however, some of these sections are dissimilar in character—as, for example, the sections of the Otago Central Railway between Wingatui and Middlemarch, and between Middlemarch and Hyde—l have had shown in another column the mileage-cost of similar works on the same or other railways which can more reasonably be compared with the sections of line in question. The following is the table, and I ask the attention of honourable members to it, as the facts disclosed will, I venture to think, be of interest not only to the workers, but also to every taxpayer in the colony : —

Year. Lands Department. Public Works Department. Total. 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 261 280 933 1,103 1,572 527 842 1,015 962 764 788 1,122 1,948 2,065 2,336 Gross totals 4,149 4,110 8,259 Average 830 822 1,652



Table showing Mileage-cost of Sections of Railway constructed under the Co-operative and Contract Systems respectively.

Co-operative System. Contract System. Other Sections constructed under Contract System. Railway. •S.9 J o Total Cost. Cost per Mile. Railway. ra.S Total gJ Cost. Cost per Mile. Railway. w-S I Total giJ ! Cost. Cost per Mile. M. £ £ M. £ £ M. £ Kamo-Whakapara 1 11 48,529 4,412 Whangarei-Kamo .. ■ 6i *36,885 5,676 Te Aroha-Paeroa 12J 29,359 2,349 Hamilton-Te Aroha 30 t105, 056 3,502 Marton-Te Awamutu (north end) — Mokau-Poro-o-tarao Hi 50,562 4,494 Te Awamutu-Mokau 34J 143,401 4,157 Masterton-Eketahuna 22J i|142,258 6,323 Marton-Te Awamutu (south end) — Marton-Te Awamutu — Mangaonoho-Mangaweka 1 §83,022 Marton-Mangaonoho 121,491 5,282 Mangaonoho Section 34,161 8,540 10j 7,723 23 4 Eketahuna- Woodville 1 27 139,593 5,170 Wellington-Eketahuna 89 810,498 9,174 Masterton-Eketahuna 22J ||142,258 6,323 27 ||117,233 4,342 Otago Central Railway — Wellmgton-Woodville Railway— Middlemarch-Hyde 16 66,704 4,169 VWingatui to Middlemarch Featherston to Mangamahoe 37| 163,802 4,339 Hyde-Kokonga 1 .. 87,066 40 481,482 12,037 Otago Central Railway — 177,840 8,782 11 7,915 Wingatui, Deep Stream, and Nenthorn Sections 20| Catlin's River — End of Tunnel Contract to Owaka 1 Balclutha to end of Tunnel Contract .. Romahapa to end of Tunnel Contract .. 44 30,114 6,692 13J 63,640 4,714 47,000 6,714 Seaward Bush — Waitaki-Bluff LineMokotua to Gorge Road 21,624 2,703 Appleby-Waimatua .. 9,491 1,726 Clinton Section 47,542 2,881 5| 161 * Exclusive of cost of wharf at Opau. t Exclusive § Exclusive of cost of Makohine Viaduct and Powhakaroa Tunnel. of cost of Hamilton and Te Aroha Bridges. II Exclusive of cost of bridges. 1 Section not yet completed. Engineer's estimate of cost to complete has bee: 1 added to the expenditure actually incurred.



BEABBANGEMENT OP DEPABTMENTS. In the Public Works Statement of last year my predecessor suggested a scheme for the reallocation of work between the Public Works, Railway, and Lands Departments. The matter is, however, not entirely free from difficulty, and, although a good deal of consideration was given to it during last recess, no final decision on the subject has yet been arrived at. It is still thought that some improvement in administration can be effected by a rearrangement of duties between the departments mentioned, and further consideration will be given to the matter after the close of the session. To guard against any possibility of conflict or difference of opinion arising between the Public Works and Railway Departments, I have arranged with my colleague the Minister for Railways for the Chief Engineer for Working Railways to confer with the Bngineer-in-Chief, and for these two officers to carefully review the whole of the standard drawings, and to arrange for future works to be carried out in accordance with the strong points of the present drawings of both departments, and for one uniform standard to be adopted for all works. I have also arranged that the Public Works officers shall consult the Railway officers before executing any work for the latter department, also that all plans and specifications for new railway-works shall be submitted to the Railway Department for approval before such work is put in hand, so as to insure that the work when carried out may be such as will fully meet the requirements and convenience of the latter department. With these safeguards, the' House will, I am sure, concur with me in thinking that the work of railway construction may safely and conveniently be left with the Public Works Department —the department which, in any case, must maintain a strong engineering and constructive staff to enable it to carry out the many other important works which will be under its control. INSPECTION OF MACHINEBY. The Inspection of Machinery Act, honourable members are aware, is now administered by the Public Works Department. The work has been ably and efficiently carried on during the year, and the very full report of the Chief Inspector appears as an appendix to this Statement. I deeply regret to have to report the decease of the late Mr. W. M. Mowatt, who filled the position of Chief Inspector from 30th June, 1892, to the date of his death on 31st January, 1896. The late Mr. Mowatt was an able, zealous, and conscientious officer, and the Government had full confidence in the administration of this branch of the department being well and economically conducted while it was under his charge. In filling the vacancy it was determined to offer the appointment to one of the Inspectors already in the service of the department, and Mr. Robert Duncan, the principal Inspector for the Otago District, was selected for the position. Mr. Duncan entered on his new duties in March last, and has already shown marked fitness for the position, and I have every confidence that the administration of the department will be as well conducted in the future as it has been in the past. NEW LEGISLATION. A Bill has already been passed by the Legislative Council to amend the Inspection of Machinery Acts in sundry particulars, and to somewhat enlarge their scope by subjecting to the operation of the Acts certain classes of machinery not hitherto included. The Bill is now before the House, and will, I trust, shortly be passed into law. A Bill to amend the Public Works Act has also been prepared, and will be introduced immediately. The Bill is for the most part intended to grant additional powers in connection with the working of our railways; but, at the same time, certain improved provisions regarding public-works administration are proposed. BAILWAYS. Our expenditure on railway-works has been kept within very narrow limits during the last few years. The railway expenditure during each of the fiveyearly periods since the initiation of the public-works policy has been as follows :—



Ist July, 1870, to 30th June, 1875 -... ... ... ... 3,575,362 Ist July, 1875, to 31st March, 1880 ... ... .. ... 4,919,712 Ist April, 1880, to 31st March, 1885 ... ... ... ... 3,120,680 Ist April, 1885, to 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 2,308,319 Ist April, 1890, to 31st March, 1895 ... ... ... ... 978,498 And for the year ended 31st March last ... ... ... 197,105 Total £15,099,676 This great diminution in expenditure has necessarily involved proceeding with our railways at a very much slower rate. So slowly, indeed, have we been proceeding during the last six years, as compared with our neighbours, that New Zealand's expenditure on railways is now the lowest per head of the population of any of the Australasian or South African colonies. The following table shows the cost of railway-works, the mileage, the average cost per mile, the population, and the cost per head of the population in the several colonies referred to : —

From the above table it will be apparent that, in order to place ourselves upon a footing of equality with New South Wales as regards our expenditure on. railways per head of the population, we should have to expend ,£4,870,895 in addition to the amount expended already; while an expenditure of ,£7,182,033 would bo required to place us on an equal footing with Victoria, and £12,138,240 to enable us to equal South Australia, and a still larger outlay would be required to equalise our expenditure with that of the South African Colonies. LIGHT RAILWAYS. The Government has already taken into consideration the subject of light railways, and further information will be obtained during the ensuing recess, and the result of our inquiries will be laid before Parliament next session. Some very successful narrow-gauge light railways have been constructed in France and other countries during recent years. A well-constructed line in Normandy, twenty-four miles long, cost only £2,258 per mile, and the stationbuildings are far handsomer structures than generally prevail in New Zealand. The line is also provided with a telephone throughout its entire length, and with rolling-stock sufficient for twenty-four trains per day. The gauge is 2ft., the sharpest curve 65ft. radius, and the rails weigh 301b. per lineal yard. The receipts per train-mile on this line in 1895 were 2s. Id. only, and yet it yielded a profit of nearly 7£ per cent, on the capital invested. The average receipts per train-mile in New Zealand at present are 7s. lfd., so that there would seem to be abundance of scope for the construction of light, cheaply-worked railways of this class in this colony. I have no doubt, however, that the working-expenses in New Zealand would largely exceed those in France; but if lines of this description can be constructed in New Zealand at anything approaching the cost of this one, there should be room in this colony for the construction of a considerable mileage of such railways, as the cost is not materially in excess of the cost of constructing a good road, and there are many districts in New Zealand where such railways could, if constructed, earn a much larger rate per train-mile than the railway referred to.

Cost of Railwayworks. Average Cost per Mile. Population. Cost per Head of Population. Colonies. Mileage. Year ending Tatal Jape of Good Hope ... iouth Australia QueenslandVictoria ... Tew South Wales ... Vestern Australia ... i'asmania... Tew Zealand - £ 6,117,211 20,487,072 13.665,945 16,522,293 37,922,207 36,611,366 2,092,372 3,518,595 15,425,532 401 2,253 1,867 2,379 3,103 2,531 573 420 2,014 £ 15,255 9,093 7,320 6,945 12,221 14,464 3,652 8,378 7,659 46,788 510,000 348,539 454,234 1,179,103 1,268,150 89,550 157,456 703,008 £ s. d. 130 14 10 40 3 5 39 4 2 36 7 6 32 3 2 28 17 5 23 7 3 22 6 11 21 18 10 31st Dec, 1895 31st Dec, 1895 30th June, 1895 30th June, 1895 30th June, 1895 30th June, 1895 30th June, 1895 31st Dec, 1894 31st Mar., 1896



The Darjeeling line, in India, fifty miles in length, is another very successful 2ft.-gauge railway. This line, however, cost over £5,000 per mile, which is accounted for by the roughness of the country it traverses, and the great height to which it rises—viz., 7,874 feet above sea-level. This railway, in the fourth year after its completion, and for some time after, paid 17 per cent, on its cost. A lighter 2ft.-gauge railway is the Pithiviers-Toury Branch of the OrleansMalasherbes Eailway. This line is nearly twenty miles long, and cost only £1,223 per mile for construction-work, and ,£323 per mile for rolling-stock. The rails weigh only 191b. per yard, and the goods-engines 9 tons when empty, and 12 tons in working-trim, the passenger-engines being lighter. In 1893, 27,236 passengers were carried over this railway. Some lines of similar gauge in Prussia have gradients as steep as lin 18; but it is admitted that such grades are far too steep for economical and safe working, and the authorities recommend adopting nothing steeper than lin4o in future. On these lines, also, they are running locomotives weighing over 14 tons, in working-trim, over rails weighing only 191b. per yard. I am of opinion that it would have been better for the colony if some of our railways in sparsely-settled districts had been constructed to a gauge somewhat approaching those I have referred to. The great economy, both in cost of construction and in working-expenses, indicates that light railways could be made to pay in many parts of the colony where lines constructed upon the present system would stand no chance of doing so. EAILWAYS UNDBE CONSTEUCTION. I will now give brief particulars of the principal works undertaken on the several lines of railway during last year, and what is proposed to be done during the current year. Kamo-Kawakawa . The section of this line between Hikurangi and Whakapara is now practically completed, and goods-traffic is already being run over it. The stationbuildings are now in course of erection, and as soon as they are finished the line will be handed over to the Railway Department for working in the ordinary way. The expenditure on this line last year amounted to .£7,378, out of a vote of ,£B,OOO. This year we ask for a vote of .£7,000. Kaihu Valley Eailway. The short section of this line, about 55 chains in length, beyond Opanake Station, which my predecessor stated last year was already formed, has since been completed by the laying of the permanent-way. This extension brings the line to a point on the Kaihu River where timber-booms and skids have been constructed by private enterprise for the purpose of arresting logs in and removing them from the river for carriage on the railway. A considerable increase in traffic by reason of this extension is already assured, and a further extension of the line will be taken in hand as soon as the requirements of traffic demand it. The vote taken last year was for £3,000, but, as operations were not begun until near the close of the year, scarcely any expenditure came to charge before 31st March last. A similar vote is proposed for the current year. Helensville Noethwabds. The Makarau contract on this railway, 3 miles 6 chains in length, is still unfinished. The Makarau tunnel was completed in September, 1895, but some heavy slips have occurred since in the cutting at the north end of the tunnel, which have seriously delayed the completion of the contract. The work is still proceeding, however—bridging, fencing, platelaying, and ballasting all being in hand —and it is hoped that the contract may be completed by about Christmas next. The approaching completion of this contract will enable the Tahekeroa Section, 3 miles 18 chains in length, to be put in hand shortly, should Parliament approve of the work being undertaken. It is proposed to construct the line on the co-operative principle, and a vote for £8,000 is provided on the



estimates to cover the cost of completing the Makarau Section, as well as to go on with this further section. The vote taken last year for this line was £6,000, but, owing to the slow progress of the Makarau contract, only ,£2,896 was expended. Petitions praying f>r the extension of this railway through the northern peninsula as far as Whangarei continue to be presented to Parliament. As stated last year, the Government fully recognises the importance of this railway, and, as an evidence of this, is proposing to vote a sum for it as above indicated. Gbahamstown-Te Aeoha. As anticipated in the Public Works Statement last year the section of this railway between Te Aroha and Paeroa was opened just before Christmas last. Although the line was opened for traffic at that date, it was not entirely completed, and a good deal of finishing-work has been going on since. The vote taken last year was for £7,000 ; but £7,384 was expended, and a considerable further sum has been spent since the close of the financial year. The vote proposed for the current year is £10,000, which will cover the expenditure since the 31st March last, and also provide for some rather large land-compensation claims still outstanding, and for the work to be undertaken on the new section between Paeroa and Puriri. The very active manner in which all classes of mining operations are now being pushed on throughout the Thames Goldfield renders it exceedingly desirable to proceed with this railway as rapidly as possible. -The bulk of the formation is already done, but, as. the work was executed several years ago, it has suffered injury from the weather and other causes, and will need some little expenditure to again bring it up fco standard requirements. This work will be taken in hand shortly. Contracts for the timber for several of the bridges have already been let, and arrangements are being made for the early supply of rails and sleepers. Noeth Island Main Trunk Eailway. The rail-laying and ballasting on the Mokau Section, at the northern end of this railway, have now been completed, and when some inexpensive station-build-ings, which are proposed, have been erected, the line will be ready for traffic. No great amount of traffic is anticipated at present, however, as the line will not really be of any very material use to settlers and travellers until it is completed to Kawakawa, where it joins the Stratford-Ongaruhe Boad, which connects the Auckland and Taranaki Districts, and which is already in course of formation and nearly finished. It is proposed to take in hand the formation of this section— called the Ohinemoa Section —next month, and to proceed with the work as rapidly as the means at our disposal will allow. At the south end of the line considerable further progress has been made with the works northwards of Mangaonoho, operations now extending as far as 40 miles 40 chains—namely, nearly as far as the Township of Kaikoura. In February last tenders were invited by advertisement in the principal towns of the colony for the construction of the viaduct over the Makohine Ravine. Four tenders were received for the work; but, as the lowest was largely in excess of the Government estimate, it was deemed advisable to decline the tenders, and arrangements have since been made for putting the work in hand on the cooperative principle. The sites for the piers have already been cleared, and the excavation of the foundations and the building of the concrete bases for the piers will be started immediately. An order for the requisite iron and steel materials is now being prepared for transmission to England, and on the arrival of the material in the colony it is proposed to let the completion of the manufacture of the piers and girders to suitable skilled mechanics, and to have the structure erected under the direct supervision of the Government Engineer, assisted by a bridge-foreman thoroughly experienced in the erection of iron and steel bridges. The Engineer-in-Chief advises me that the erection of the viaduct in this manner, including all necessary plant and materials, will not cost more, but probably less, than the amount of the lowest tender for the work, and the Government will have the plant on hand, and available for use in the erection of the Mangaweka Viaduct, and any other similar structures that may be required either on this or any other railway.

ii—D. 1.


The survey of the portion of the line not previously finally located proceeded fairly during last summer. The survey party was rather late in taking the field, owing to the services of the surveyor being required for some little time on the Belgrove Section of the Midland Eailway. lam in hopes that the balance of the survey will be completed during the coming season. The expenditure on this railway, including surveys, during last year amounted to £20,882, and this year we ask for votes amounting to £31,923 — namely, £18,000 under Part I. and £13,923 under Part 11., the latter amount being the whole amount of the ways and means to the credit of that part of the Fund. Eke tahuna- Wood ville . The section of this line between Eketahuna and Newman, 2 miles 4 chains in length, was handed over to the Eailway Department in March last, and the further section between Newman and the Mangatainoka Bridge, a distance of 2 miles 69 chains, has been completed, and goods-traffic regularly worked over it since June last. The contract for the Mangatainoka Bridge has also been completed, and a satisfactory job made of the structure; but the contractor was nearly five months behind time in completing his contract, which has led to a very unfortunate delay in proceeding with the rail-laying on the line, as it was impossible (without incurring great expense for cartage, and badly damaging the main and district roads) to lay any rails beyond the Mangatainoka River until the bridge was available for the passage of the locomotive. Since the completion of the bridge the work has been resumed, however, and is now actively in progress. The rails have already been laid past the Hukanui Station, and will reach Tutaekara early next month, and Makakahi later in the same month. The ballasting will not, however, be completed until some time after these dates. The section to Hukanui is already available for goodstraffic, and the further sections to Tutaekara and Makakahi will be ready for working in about December and January next respectively. With a view of completing the line at an early date, it. may be found advisable to commence laying the rails from the Woodville end of the line. A drawback against this is the cost of carriage of rails and material, which will require to be taken over a private line or shipped to Foxton. The Ngawapurua Bridge, across the Manawatu Eiver, between Woodville and Pahia,tua, the erection of which was commenced in 1883, and which, since its completion, has been regularly used for ordinary road traffic, is now in need of extensive repairs and strengthening", in order to enable it to accommodate the heavy traffic which will pass over this railway. The cost of this work will amount to several thousand pounds. The vote taken for this railway last year was £25,000, and the whole of this amount would have been expended if the contractor for the Mangatainoka Bridge had completed his work within the contract time. The actual expenditure within the year amounted to £20,577. The Government recognises the necessity of completing this line through to Woodville at the earliest possible date. This year we ask for a vote of £32,000. Blenheim-A wateeb . Nothing was done on this railway last year, but, as several thousands of pounds have been spent in the formation-works south of Blenheim, the Government deems it advisable to proceed with the completion of the railway to the Awatere. A vote for £2,500 is asked for this year. This will enable the preliminary works to be put in hand. Otago Centeal Railway. Work on the section of this railway between Hyde and Taieri Lake has proceeded vigorously during the year, and very considerable progress has been made. The formation-works as far as Kokonga (Ryan's Crossing) are nearly completed, and rail-laying is about to be commenced, the whole of the rails and sleepers being already provided. The formation of the section between Kokonga and Komako (about a mile beyond the Taieri Bridge) is actively in progress, and will



probably be completed by the time the rail-laying reaches Kokonga, so that the work of laying the permanent-way will probably proceed uninterruptedly as far as the Taieri Bridge. Work at the Taieri Bridge is now in hand, and we have every reason to believe that it will be completed within the contract time. If this anticipation is realised the rail-laying can proceed uninterruptedly from the bridge toEweburn, as the formation-works between Komako andEweburn are mostly of a very light character. The vote taken for this railway last year was £25,000; but such excellent progress was made with the work that no less than £29,176 was expended, and this year we ask for a vote of £30,000. Roxbuegh Extension. The promised survey of the projected Heriot-Eoxburgh railway is now in progress, and nearing completion. The full report on the survey is not yet to hand ; but the progress reports of the surveyor show that a practicable line can be got, but that it will be of a very heavy and expensive character. It is probable that it will turn out to be better to connect Roxburgh with the Lawrence Railway than with the Heriot line. From the nature of the country to be traversed by this line, it is a matter for consideration whether this should not be one of the proposed light railways' to which reference has already been made in this Statement. To cover the cost of further surveys, and for preliminary expenses in connection with this proposed railway, a vote of £2,000 is provided in the Estimates. Catlin's Riveb Railway. This railway is now finished and open for traffic to Owaka. Petitions have been presented to Parliament praying for an extension of the line; but, seeing that the most advantageous route for the extension can only be ascertained after survey, it is impossible to take any action in this direction at present beyond putting the survey in hand. This will be done immediately. The vote for the Catlin's River Railway last year was £7,000, but £8,663 was expended. This year we ask for a vote of £7,000 to meet liabilities and to pay for the completion of the line to Owaka. Seawaed Bush Railway. The earthworks, fencing, and flood-openings (fifty-two 20ft. spans) have been in hand during the year, and considerable progress has been made. The erection of the large bridge over the Mat aura River has only recently been commenced, although the contract time for the work has already expired. The delay has been caused by the time taken in getting the requisite iron from England, and in working and fitting the same in the colony. This delay will retard the opening of the line to Waimahaka ; but it is hoped that the bridge will be finished by about A.pril next, and all earthwork will be completed by the time the bridge is ready. There will still remain to be constructed fifty-eight 20ft. flood-openings on the eastern side of the river, in addition to the laying of the rails and the construction of the station-buildings at Waimahaka. The vote taken for this railway last year was £8,000, but such good progress was made with the work in hand that £9,164 was expended. This year we ask for a vote of £12,000, to meet payments on the Mataura Bridge contract, and to complete the earthworks, &c, on the line. Foeest Hill Teamway. This tramway was originally authorised under " The Railways Authorisation Act, 1885," and ten miles of the line, from Winton to the Hokonui coal-mines, were constructed several years ago. The line was leased to the Hokonui Railway and Coal Company for a term of seven years, and this lease expires next year; but, work having stopped at the coal-mines, there is now practically no return from the line, which has cost the colony about £15,000. Under these circumstances, the House is brought face to face with this position : Is this large expenditure to remain unproductive, and the works be allowed to fall into disrepair, or, by the expenditure of a small sum in extending the same, shall traffic be secured which will give a handsome return on the additional cost, and at the same time produce a return on the original outlay?



On inquiry, we find that by continuing the line to Macdonald's Corner some good country will be tapped, which will provide a fair amount of traffic. The vote asked for this year is .£3,000. Midland Bail way. In the Public Works Statement of last year my predecessor announced that the Midland Railway Company had given notice of appeal to arbitration, and had appointed Sir B. L. Burnside as its arbitrator, and that the Government had appointed the Hon. Sir Charles Lilley as arbitrator on behalf of the Crown. These two gentlemen appointed the Hon. Edward Blake, Q.C., M.P., as umpire. Early in the proceedings a difference of opinion arose between the arbitrators, and they retired from the proceedings, leaving the umpire to carry on the reference alone. After a lengthy and exhaustive hearing Mr. Blake gave an award entirely in favour of the Crown, holding that the Government was justified in taking possession of the railway on either of the grounds advanced by the Crown —namely, that there had been unreasonable and inexcusable delay by the company in the prosecution of the works connected with the railway, and also that there was, on the part of the company, a wilful breach of the contract between the company and the Queen. The Government feels that its best thanks are due to Sir Charles Lilley, and also to Sir Robert Stout, who acted gratuitously as senior counsel, and to the Crown Solicitor, and to the other members of the legal profession who took part on behalf of the Crown in the proceedings before the Arbitration Court. Thanks are also due to the several departmental officers who loyally assisted in placing the case on behalf of the colony lucidly before the Umpire. The Government is now carrying on the construction of the railway at two points. At Belgrove, in the Nelson District, we have laid the rails on the section of line formed by the company between Belgrove Station and the south end of the tunnel through Spooner's Range, and we are proceeding with the formation of the line from the latter point to the Motueka River at the mouth of Norris's Gully. On the Otira Section, on the Springfield-Brunnerton portion of the line, we are continuing the company's works eastward from Jackson's to the marshalling-station near Goat Creek, where the Abt Incline line joins the flatter line leading to Greymouth. Accounts are being rendered against the company for the cost of these works, in accordance with section 123 of " The Railways Construction and Land Act, 1881." The first of such accounts was rendered to the company on the sth June last, and formal notice of intention to retain the railway as Government property has been served upon the company in accordance with the law. As stated by my predecessor in the Public Works Statement last year, the company had declined up to that date to hand over the plans of the uncompleted portions of its line, and without these plans a great part of the work could not be proceeded with. The Government has continued to apply for possession of these plans, and I am glad to be in a position to announce that the company, with the concurrence of Mr. G. B. Parker, the liquidator, has now agreed to furnish the Government with copies. On receipt of the plans some rather difficult portions of the Otira Section, which the Government has not hitherto put in hand for want of the plans, will be started, and, if the plans to be furnished should embrace the whole extent of the uncompleted portion of the line, work can be commenced at the Springfield end also. I understand that the works at this end of the line are of a particularly heavy character, but in the absence of the plans I cannot speak on this point with certainty. The vote taken for construction-works on the Midland Railway last year was £10,000, but only £5,868 was expended. This year we ask for a vote of £25,000, but, allowing credit for the amount which will probably be recovered from the company in payment of the accounts rendered and to be rendered to them under the Railways Construction and Land Act, as well as the profit accruing from the working of the opened portion of the railway, the net amount of the vote is reduced to £10,000. The company has recently petitioned Parliament asking to be given a new contract, for the completion of the Brunnerton-Springfield Section of the railway only, on somewhat similar terms to those rejected by the House in 1894. The



company's proposals have been under the consideration of the Public Accounts Committee, and the Committee have reported as follows : " That, inasmuch as the Midland Eailway Company does not regard its contractual rights as being at an end, but, on the contrary, expresses its intention, of paying the account already rendered to it by the Government up to 29th February last, in pursuance of section 123 of' The Bail ways Construction and Land Act, 1881,' on or before the expiry of the notice served upon its representative in July last under section 125 of the said Act, and as the Midland Eailway Company claims that upon such payment being made all its rights in the matter of land-selection and otherwise under the contract of the 3rd August, 1888, are and will be fully preserved, the Committee is unable to make any recommendation on the company's petition." The Receiver appointed on behalf of the debenture-holders has also petitioned Parliament praying for equitable consideration on account of the great loss which the debenture-holders must in any case sustain, and the almost entire loss which they will probably make unless Parliament intervenes. This petition has also been before the Public Accounts Committee, and the Committee has reported as follows : " That, having carefully considered the petition of the debentureholders in the Midland Railway Company, it finds that, from the facts contained in the report of the Committee of even date with this in respect to the Midland Railway Company's petition, it has no recommendation to make." WOKKING EAILWAYS. The Railways Statement, which has already been laid before Parliament, has dealt fully with the subject of the opened lines of railway, so that it will not be necessary for me to offer any remarks on that matter. The vote for " Additions to open lines," being a charge upon the Public Works Fund, however, I should explain what provision is intended to be made under this head. Last year £40,000 was voted for services of this class, and .£38,487 was expended. This year the amount asked for by my honourable colleague the Minister for Railways was £91,412, and the whole of that amount could be very advantageously expended in additions to open railways, but I regret that the demands for other pressing works do not admit of so large a sum being allocated. The vote proposed is £60,000, which shows an appreciable increase over last year's vote. The expenditure on additions to open lines during 1893-94 was £8,042 ; during 1894-95, £28,309 ; 1895-96, £38,487 ; and now proposed for 1896-97, £60,000. TOTAL APPEOPEIATIONS FOE EAILWAYS. The total appropriations proposed for rail way-works, including additions to open lines, surveys, permanent-way materials, and rolling-stock, and also the Midland Railway, is £263,923. Last year the amount was £215,550, which was by far the smallest amount on record. EOADS. Roads controlled by the Minister of Lands. The following table shows the amounts voted and expended during 1895-96 in respect of the votes and accounts named : —

Name of Vote or Account. Voted. Expended. Main roads ... Miscellaneous roads, &c. Local bodies' " thirds " and " fourths " ... Lands Improvement Account Government Loans to Local Bodies Account Native Lands Purchase Account ... ■ Cheviot Estate Account (roads only) Land for Settlements Account (roads, &c, only) £ 25,130 23,060 410 166,582 50,000 62,062 £ 27,959 17,075 168 108,168 28,343 56,947 1,779 4,740 Total 327,244 245,179



The work done under this heading may be summarised into three classes— main roads, district roads, and improved-farm settlements. The length of main roads maintained during the year was 1,348 miles, and the net cost £27,959. The district roads are of two kinds —dray-roads and horse-roads. Of the former 345 miles were constructed, and of the latter miles, together with 10] bridges, of an aggregate span of 8,442 ft. There were also 234 miles of district dray-roads maintained or improved, and 59 miles of horse-roads. Engineering surveys to enable contracts to be carried out were made of 562 miles. The mileage of construction and maintenance, and the expenditure in each land district, were, — Auckland ... 876-55 miles; £61,576 Otago ... 178-70 miles; £17,976 Hawke'sßay 125-79 „ 9,736 Southland ... 60-46 „ 18,960 Taranaki ... 274-46 „ 40,041 Wellington ... 701-53 „ • 62,135 Total ... ... 247,407 Nelson ... 251-09 „ 13,930 Less recoveries ... 514 Marlborough 76-08 „ 3,986 Westland ... 125-60 „ 9,463 £246,893 Canterbury... 224-57 „ 9,604 ' The mileage of new roads formed during the year, and which are included in the foregoing statement, was, — Auckland ... ... 220-10 miles. Marlborough... ... 26-40 miles. Hawke'sßay ... 23-51 „ Westland ... ... 38-41 „ Taranaki ... ... 113-34 „ Canterbury ... ... 7-18 „ Wellington ... ... 148-69 „ Otago ... ... 61-38 „ Nelson ... ... 21-10 „ Southland ... ... 52-70 „ The total net expenditure on roads leading to or passing through Crown lands or lands recently alienated was £203,024, and 1,383,886 acres of land have been made partially fit for settlement by this expenditure. The work was done mainly by settlers on the lands leased or otherwise disposed of by the Crown, and on the co- operative principle, the average number of men employed being 1,572. The principal roads constructed during the year have been,— In the Auckland District: Opanake-Hokianga, Awakino-Te Kuiti, GalateaWaikaremoana, Eangitaiki-Euatoki, and Eotorua-Te Teko. In Taranaki: Waitara-Awakino, Waitotara—Eltham,- and the Ohura Eoad. In Wellington : Alfredton-Weber, Pemberton-Mangaweka, and in the Waimarino and Te Kapua country. In Hawke's Bay, the Waikopiro Block has been partly roaded, and arrangements are being made to make a direct route to Ormondville. The road from Wairoa to Lake Waikaremoana, which is eventually to connect with the road now forming through the Urewera country, has been extended up to and some distance along the shores of the lake. In Nelson, the new road from Wangapeka to Karamea was continued for about six miles at the Wangapeka end, and work was also begun on the western end at the Little Wanganui Eiver. In Marlborough, the works are mainly for the improvement of the means of communication between the settlements in the Sounds. In Westland, the new route across the Southern Alps by Whitcombe's Pass was partly formed as a footpath for seventeen miles, leaving eleven miles to be done this year to reach the Eakaia Eiver in Canterbury. In Otago, the construction of roads in the Tautuku Forest country has been continued. In Central Otago numerous short roads have been formed to permit of settlement, and the new road from Livingstone to Naseby, via Dansey's Pass, completed, and a small party is now engaged clearing away some slips to make it fit for traffic. Eoads have also been made through the Maerewhenua Estate, leased early in the year under the Land for Settlements Act.



En Southland, the roads have been completed in the Lillburn district west of Wai an; but the bridge across the river at Clifden has not yet been built. Tenders were invited, but those received were considered too high. Another design is in course of preparation, and fresh tenders will be invited shortly. Some work was also done in the Waikawa district and on the Merrivale Estate. For the current year we ask for the following appropriations, viz. :— £ Main Eoads ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,000 Miscellaneous Eoads ... ... ... ... ... ... 21,694 Local Bodies ... ... ... ... ... ... 465 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery ... ... 41,715 Land Improvement Account ... ... ... ... ... 209,986 Government Loans to Local Bodies Account ... ... . . 50,000 Native Lands Purchase Account ... ... ... ... 162,276 Total ... ... ... ... ... £498,136 Eoads on Goldfields (Mines Depabtment). As mining and prospecting operations are extending to more outlying localities, greater demands are made for the construction of further roads, bridges, and tracks, as well as for assistance to the local bodies in improving roads already constructed so as to enable heavy machinery to be conveyed to the various claims which are being developed. The vote for roads and tracks last year amounted to £31,031, while the expenditure was £21,513, with liabilities to the amount of rather more than the balance of the vote. The vote proposed for the current year is £82,257. DEVELOPMENT OP GOLDFIELDS. As pointed out last year, a much larger expenditure is now required under this heading than has hitherto been the case. Owing to the increased demand for gold-mining claims, it is proposed to extend the existing provisions of the Mining Act in respect to the resumption of land, on payment of compensation, for gold-mining purposes. A Bill to give effect to these proposals is at present before Parliament. Applications have been received for fourteen extended prospecting-licenses at the Great Barrier Island under "The Mining Act Amendment Act, 1895," and, in consequence of the discoveries of gold and silver which have been reported in that locality, that island has been included in the boundaries of the Thames-Hauraki Mining District. This will enable applications for miningrights and claims there to be readily dealt with by the Warden's Court at the Thames. Thirteen applications have been received for assistance under the regulations of the 29th November, 1894, towards the construction of water-races and storage-reservoirs, but up to the present time only one of these has been finally dealt with—namely, that for the construction of a water-race from the Roaring Meg Creek to the head of German Gully, near Greymouth, towards which a subsidy of £800 has been promised. The sinking of the deep-level shaft at the Thames, to which reference was made in the Financial Statement, is being satisfactorily carried on, and, the Agent-General having informed the Government that the contract for the construction of the pumping plant was let in April last, and that the work was being pushed on rapidly, it is anticipated that advices will shortly be received of the shipment of the plant for this important work, toward which, as the House has already been informed by my colleague, assistance has been promised by way of subsidy to the extent of £25,000. Negotiations are still in progress in respect to the application of the Ross United Gold-mining Company for a subsidy to the extent of £10,000, at the rate of £1 for every £2 contributed by the company, towards the future development of that company's property at Ross Flat. From the annexed tables of expenditure it will be seen that the total sum expended last year on works under the head of Development of Goldfields was £9,345.



As already intimated in the Financial Statement, the desirability of expanding the mining industry generally by rendering assistance towards the construction of roads, prospecting-tracks, water-races, storage-reservoirs, and general prospecting throughout the colony, as well as at the deeper levels in known auriferous localities, necessitates provision being made by the House for works of this class. For the current year we ask for a vote of ,£98,950. DEVELOPMENT OF THEEMAL SPEINGS AND NATDEAL SCENEEY. Aji amount of £50,000 having now been specially provided for works coming under this head, the Government will be in a position to take more active steps to develop and turn to account our thermal and scenic resources than they have been able to do in the past. The most important work to be provided for is the drainage of the Township of Eotorua, with regard to which the Government is already arranging for suitable expert advice. Improvements and additions are also much required in the bathing establishments at both the Eotorua and Hanmer Springs. Improved means of access are needed to Mount Cook, Whitcombe Pass, and the Southern Alps, the Francis Josef Glacier, the Sutherland Falls, the South Island lakes, the West Coast Sounds, the Wairau Falls, the Tongariro National Park, the Ketatahi, Te-Mari, Tokaanu and Waiotapu Hot Springs, the summit of Mount Egmont, and other notable scenic features. Alterations and improvements are also needed at the Mount Cook Hermitage. It will be impossible to do all that is required in one year; but a vote for £41,715 is included in this year's estimates. PUECHASE OF NATIVE LANDS. The area of Native lands acquired during the year ended 31st March last was 516,000 acres, which is greatly in excess of the results of any one year for many years past. The lands acquired north of Auckland are reported upon by the Sur-veyor-General as being, on the whole, well suited for settlement, and their value will be considerably enhanced by the completion during the current year of the purchase of other lands already partially acquired. In the Thames and Coromandel districts the lands acquired are of a more or less auriferous character, and their value from both a mining and settlement point of view is considerable. The Wairere Waterfalls are within the portion of the Maurihoro Block which has been finally acqixired. The purchases in the Eotorua and Bay of Plenty districts include three-fourths of the thermal springs in the Whakarewarewa Block, the Hamarana Springs on the Eotorua Lake, and the Alum Caves at Orakeikoraka. Large areas have also been acquired, or partially acquired, in the King-country, adjacent to the North Island Main Trunk Eailway-line, and also in the Hawke's Bay and Wellington Districts. Full details of the various purchases will be found in Parliamentary Paper G.-3, presented to both Houses on 14th July last, under the provisions of " The Native Land Purchases Act, 1892." The amount voted under the Native Land Purchase Account last year was £148,991, and £163,411, including £56,947 for roads and surveys, was expended. This year we ask for a vote of £162,276. TELEGEAPH EXTENSION. The sum voted last year was £30,000, The expenditure" for the year was £35,538 (including expenditure of £8,203 on new telephone exchanges and additions to existing exchanges); and the liabilities on the 31st March last amounted to £4,000. The more important telegraph-lines constructed during the year were those from Hamilton to Morrinsville, Awanui to Cape Maria van Diemen (with branches), Dargaville to Kaihu, Whangarei to Kiripaka, Waitekauri line, Wellington to Oterangi Bay, Pahiatua to Eketahuna, Feilding to Waituna West, Alton to Hurleyville, Ashurst to Pohangina, Palmer's to Apiti, White's Bay to Ocean Bay, and Lumsden to Balfour; and additional wire-accommodation, which included new wires from Auckland to Paeroa and Wellington to Auckland.



Telephone exchanges have been established at ishburton and New Plymouth. The vote proposed for the current year is .£30,500, which provides for new telephone exchanges at Hastings and Gisborne, and additions to existing exchanges, in addition to a number of lines, the more important of which are — Whangarei to Poroti, Ormond to Waimata Valley, Burkes Pass to Tekapo, Cambrian's to Beck's, Hende's Ferry to Okarito, and Herbertville to Wimbledon. Besides these new lines, additions to existing wire-accommodation, to provide for increased traffic, amounting to about a thousand miles of wire, are in course of being carried out. The principal of these are as follows: Napier to Wairoa, Wanganui to Napier, Wanganui to New Plymouth, Greymouth to Eeefton, Springfield to Bealey, Blenheim to Invercargill, Lumsden to Queenstown, and Oamaru to Otiake. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Our expenditure on public buildings continues to be fairly heavy. The amounts voted and expended for services under this head last year were as follow :■ —

The appropriations proposed for the current year amount to £129,115 — namely, £87,615 under the Public Works Fund, and £41,500 under the Consolidated Fund. The expenditure under this head appears, on the first glance, to be rather high ; but, with an increase of population, and with the urgent necessity of restoring the auxiliary Asylum at Auckland and of erecting an additional wing of Porirua Asylum, and in view of the many other important works in hand or required, there is no help for it but to provide the necessary means. The principal works carried out last year, or provided for this year, are as follow: — GeNEBAL. The chief work under this head was the enlargement of the Government Printing Office, for which a vote of £2,000 was taken, and on which £2,456 was expended. This year we ask for a vote of £8,000, as it is important to push on with this much-needed building, so that a considerable part of it, at least, may be ready in time for the work of next session of Parliament. Amongst the illustrations at the end of this Statement will be found a view of the building as it will appear when completed. I think honourable members will agree with me that the additions will provide a much-needed want. I deeply regret that I am unable to make provision this year for the erection of a brick building for the General Assembly Library. This important work must, however, be put in hand at the first favourable opportunity. Judicial. A very large number of buildings under this head have been in hand during the year. Those on which the principal expenditure has been incurred are—the new Gaol at Dunedin ; new Law Library, Christchurch ; new Courthouses at Gisborne, New Plymouth, Stratford, Palmerston North, Otaki, Hunterville, Hawera, Paeroa, Darfieid, Milton, &c; and new police-stations at Napier, Wanganui, Palmerston North, Pleasant Point, Waitahuna, &c. For the current year substantial provision is made for carrying on the works at Dunedin Gaol, and also for completing iii—D. 1.

Consolidated Fund. Public Wi irks Pund. Totals. Voted. Expended. £ £ Voted. Expended. Voted. Expended. I i 46,700 42,829 £ 96,985 £ 76,240 £ 143,685 £ 119,069



a portion of the Mount Cook Gaol, Wellington, so that it may be occupied by the prisoners at present confined in the Terrace Gaol, with the view of the latter building being converted into an auxiliary lunatic asylum. Provision is also made for completing the new Courthouse at Hawera ; also for a new brick Courthouse at Marton to replace the building recently destroyed by fire, for completing the Courthouses at Paeroa and St. Bathan's, for considerable additions at Reefton, and renovations at Hokitika, &c. ; also for commencing new police-station at Auckland, and for new stations at Hikurangi, Moawhango, Bltham, Wellington (Manners Street), Christchurch (Bingsland), Eangiora, &c. Postal and Telegbaph. The principal expenditure under this head last year occurred on the offices at Hawera, Hastings, Stratford, Cheviot, and Queenstown, but smaller amounts were expended on several other offices. This year provision is made for completing the new office at Hawera, for erecting a new brick building to replace the one recently burned at Marton, and for new offices at Waitekauri, Waihi,, Kuaotunu, Ashurst, &c, and for additions to the Wellington Telephone Exchange and the Whakapuaka Cable-station. Lunatic Asylums. The principal expenditure in connection with lunatic asylums last year took place at Sunnyside (Christchurch), Auckland, and Seacliff (Otago), the total amount expended on buildings of this class being £10,935. This year we ask for a vote of £20,100—namely, £11,000 for works in Auckland, £4,000 for Porirua, and smaller amounts for other asylums. School-Buildings. The total amount voted under this head last year was £46,000 —namely f £26,000 under the Consolidated Fund and £20,000 under the Public Works Fund—and the whole amount was expended. This year £26,000 i? provided from the Consolidated Fund, and from the Public Works Fund we ask £22,780, £500 of which is required for alterations and renovations urgently needed at the Caversham Industrial School, and £2,000 for special grants for school buildings in newly-settled districts. Hospitals and Chabitable Institutions. Votes were taken last year for works in connection with the hospitals at Auckland, Wanganui, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill, the amounts voted being fully expended, except in the case of Christchurch. This year we ask for a vote to cover the balance due for the Christchurch Hospital. LIGHTHOUSES, HAEBOUB-WOEKS, AND HAEBOUE DEFENCES. The amount voted for lighthouses last year was £7,050, but only £234 actually came to charge within the year, owing to the Agent-General's accountsfor the lantern appliances not arriving in time to be brought to book, and the contract for the iron tower for Cape Palliser not being completed until after the close of the year. The amounts have therefore to be again voted this year, with an additional sum on account of the iron tower proposed to be erected at Cape Kidnappers. The lanterns for both Cape Palliser and Cape Kidnappers are already in the colony, and the tower for the former building is finished and ready for transport to the site. The tower for the latter building has not yet been contracted for, but it is proposed to call for tenders for it shortly. Last year's vote for harbour-works was £4,250, and £3,861 was expended. This year we ask for the reduced amount of £1,230 only, the principal item being the reclamation-works now in progress at Sticking Point, Lyttelton.



Our harbour defences have been proceeding slowly during recent years The amount voted last year was £4,000 only, and £3,314 was expended. It is desirable, however, that these works should be proceeded with somewhat more diligently, and this year a vote of .£5,000 is asked for. A vote of ,£5,000 was also obtained last year, under the head of " Contingent defence," for the purchase of Martini-Henry rifles for our Volunteer forces. The amount voted was only an instalment on account, however, and this year we ask for £23,000 to complete the equipment of ordnance and other warlike stores. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I may be permitted to draw attention to the duty we owe to the colony of seeing that due provision is made for opening up the country by providing for settlers reasonable facilities for carrying their produce to market. Every chain of road formed, and every mile of railway constructed, assist to place our fellow-colonists in a better position to compete in the markets of the world. The total appropriations proposed in the estimates accompanying this Statement amount to £1,113,861, as compared with £792,596 voted last year. The amounts under the several accounts are as follows :— £ • ■ Public Works Fund, Part I. ... ... .... 677,676 Public Works Fund, Part II ... ... 13,923 Lands Improvement Acco .... ... .... 209,986 Government Loans to Local Bodies Account .... 50,000 Native Lands Purchase Account .... .... 162,276 Total .... .... ....£1,113,861 It may be that some work has been omitted which should have been provided for, or it may be considered that the votes for some works are insufficient; I have, however, endeavoured to do the best I could with the funds at our disposal.




TABLES. p age No. 1. —Total Expendituke :—Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. 2 No. 2. —Yearly Expenditure out of the Public Woeks Fund, up to 1895-96 .. .. .. 3 No. 8, —Railways : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4.—Roads : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads to 31st March, 1896 .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development of Goldfields :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 No. 6.—Telegraphs : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1896 29 No. 7. —Public Buildings : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 No. B.—Lighthouses and Harbour-works : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour-works and Harbour Defences to 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. 31

APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure fok the Year : —Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1895-96 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 B,—Total Liabilities :—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. 34 „ C.—Railways and Public Buildings Contracts : —Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1893, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 D. —Sleeper Contracts : —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1892, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 3lst March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 E.—Statement showing the principal Works carried out by the Public Works Department under the Co-operative System, and the Earnings of the Men employed during the Year ended 31st March, 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 F.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Eiigineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 49 G. —Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Machinery .. :. .. .. 63 Enclosures with Appendix F. 1. Table of Lengths of Government Railways authorised, constructed, and surveyed up to 31st March, 1896. 2. Diagrams showing miles of Government Railways opened in the North and Middle Islands, year by year since 1872. 3. Maps of the North and Middle Islands, showing Railways opened and in progress. 4. Map showing North Island Main Trunk Railway Routes.

I—D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number ol Table containing Details. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Works. Works. 3 4* 5 and 5 A 6 Railways ... Roads Development of goldfields Telegraphs Public buildings Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences Departmental Coal-exploration and mine-development Aiding works on Thames goldfields Immigration Purchase of Native lands Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund Rates on Native lands Thermal springs £ s. d. 14,902,571 9 2 3,916,526 8 n 528,305 10 o 699,021 17 9 1,944,900 5 1 910,103 4 6 £ s. d. 197,105 9 1 66,773 17 3 9,345 ° 5 35.537 15 2 t?6,528 11 5 7,409 9 4 £ s. d. 15,099,676 18 3 t3,983>3oo 6 2 537.650 10 5 734.559 12 ii 2,021,428 16 6 917,512 13 10 £ s. d. 96,998 2 11 34,886 17 o 15,265 IO IO 4,000 O O 23,044 18 3 6,573 19 2 £ s. d. 15,196,675 1 2 4,018,187 3 2 552,9i6 1 3 738,559 12 n 2,044,473 H 9 924,086 13 o Railways. Roads. Development of goldfields. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Coal-exploration and mine-developinent. Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Immigration. Purchase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. 7 8 18 of 1878 1 1 of 1877 384,842 1 6 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2.'46,653 '3 4 1,297,853 17 ' 429,718 19 3 1,026,828 3 9 218,500 o o 61,633 8 7 ■4,599 1.3 2 14,299 IO o Cr. 911 o 399,141 11 6 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,146,644 2 4 1,297,853 17 1 434.718 19 3 1,026,828 3 9 218,500 o o 61,973 10 o ■4,599 '3 2 399,141 n 6 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2, 146,644 2 4 1.297.853 17 1 434,7i8 19 3 1,026,828 3 9 218,500 o o 62,083 IO o 14.599 13 2 29,136,103 11 4 5,000 o o 34° 1 5 no o o Totals ... ... 28,542,894 o 1 412.330 3 1 28,955,224 3 2 180,879 8 2 Totals. Less recoveries on account of £ ». d. services of previous years — Roade ... ... 572 15 11 £572 IS " 572 15 11 572 IS 11 Less recoveries on account of £ s. d. services of previous years — Roads ... ... 572 15 11 £57* IS " Grand Totals 180,879 8 2 Gband Totals. ... 28,954,651 7 3 29.135,530 15 5 * Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Lands Improvement Account, Native Lands Purchase Account, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Account, reduced by £89,800 received under section 31 of " The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886." J Includes £288 19s. 7d. " Unauthorised." f Has been



Table 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1880-81 to 1895-96.

Expenditure. Description of Services. Class. 1880-81. 1881-82. 1882-83. 1883-84. 1884-85. 1885-86. 1886-87. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1895-96. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. Services at pbesent chakged to Part I. of the Public Woeks Fund. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Immigration 29,701 4,334 3,999 107,041 57,148 11,675 12,454 15,5981 8,791 867 1,823 817 242 343 101 Cr. 10 I. II. Public Works Departmental* 12,896 6,089 6,458 700 6,996 5,990 6,606 6,880 §12,499 III. Railways! 16,729 1,408 4,762 7,976 3,005 135,632 177,706 137,085 166,581 176,224 IV. Roads: — Roads North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads to open up Lands ) 43,773 83,501 17,022 92,519 7,929 111,603 ( 17,566 31,809 61,635 84,631 34,571 30,380 37,165 49,314 33,163 26,833 37,615 61,794 30,738 22,294 39,748 57,157 3,138 13,756 25,989 61,488 264 10,968 26,748 21,954 f 26,913 (Cr. J 90 10,770 267 12,799 19,998 28,160 2,172 Cr. {153 7,345 9,905 12,489 24,285 1,586 Cr. +395 4,884 11,739 6,843 27,993 10,757 Cr. Jill 3,830 12,588 10,443 21,989 22,235 22,730 9,973 27,959 17,075 Grants-in-Aid 52,152 35,936 81,634 106,399 149,982 138,045 81,264 57,632 I 7,144 } 58,042 f 8,951 I Cr. +250 2,898 Cr. {6,'364 Village Settlements Local Bodies|| Roads on Goldfields Miscellaneous 1,891 12,053 4,412 51,117 129 9,439 26,602 15,631 31,622 32 ,'625 25,053 7,015 13,290 12" 687 9,795 19,490 20,387 17,577 168 21,513 59 Total, Roads 230,543 145,606 210,605 328,642 317,043 329,072 265,717 199,109 104,542 83,878 65,441 70,846 76,066 112,263 66,774 43,916 V. Development of Goldfields 16,577 13,272 6,824 16,596 8,029 9,032 7,665 1,016 55 284 821 2,257 3,811 5,272 9,345 5,865 VI. Purchase of Native Lands, North Island 56,887 37,912 29,844 24,480 70,572 34,545 18,457 1,515 5,089 4,144 4,012 23,610 lo.{10,438 4,320 349 VII. Telegraph Extension 43,783 7,485 18,654 19,532 25,799 36,010 18,952 22,984 12,047 16,346 16,292 27,773 29,245 16,127 35,538 19,229 VIII. Public Buildings :— Parliamentary General Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs Survey Quarantine Station . Lunatic Asylums . Miscellaneous Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School-buildings Agricultural 55,402 9,336 16|259 1,752 971 26,695 5,331 16,743 9,939 193 20 996 31,652 8,416 22,652 22,616 1,659 34 848 58,047 34 256 49,814 183 12,227 8,955 830 313 24,992 11,106 4,880 99 461 123 4,007 8 947 15,875 2,772 274 13,694 24 12,742 8,273 2,227 14,588 8,228 82 7,256 11,246 1,376 18 2,880 9,892 708 409 454 8,901 1,009 13 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 831 5,262 3,154 669 9,374 11,487 3,542 317 3,435 27,341 6,194 647 39,604 23,107 10,242 15,717 81930 16,914 11,887 P6\957 13,633 10,936 21219 99,173 140 82,535 64 88,134 3,792 66,069 3,299 62,884 4,421 51,607 4,156 40,000 "673 779 Cr. 140 7,500 7,999 15|000 6,560 20,000 1,127 159 15,000 837 Total, Public Buildings 205,734 128,352 153,072 164,376 117,361 89,598 90,529 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,240 86,859 34,592 35,473 22,819 IX. Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences :— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 24,512 904 2,397 18,810 4,724 19,874 6,730 29,591 7,213 7,382 17,050 9,601 300 6,508 127,167 3,272 6,004 139,429 2,866 500 73,459 2,504 Cr. {5,000 50,089 1,552 11589 7,293 "l89 2,477 6,642 2,612. 651 2,494 234 3,861 3,314 Total, Lighthouses, &o. 148,705 7,347 7,347 4" 563 3,976 25,416 21,207 24,598 43,534 34,033 133,975 76,825 47,593 8,845 2,666 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 Contingent Defence 154,000 133,219 25,000 12,500 25,139 5,000 X. Rates on Native Lands 8,446 10,304 5,874 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. +8 1 415 561 340 Thermal Springs 7,814 264 2,999 935 2,587 Charges and Expenses raising Loans 28,758 3,084 5,356 •• Advance to Westport Harbour, repayable 14,336 :Cr.{14,336 ■• Unauthorised 289 Totals for the Services atpresentcharged to Part I. of Public Works Fund .. 762,641 491,387 447,596 704,201 629,985 666,168 636,626 440,854 249,590 167,360 128,416 312,371 330,891 333,051 300,817 389,590 Othee Sebvioes. Railways:— Construction Works, including Rails, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock, and Additions to Open Lines Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway Purchase of District Railways Purchase of Native Lands, North Island 950,395 432,524 436,054 662,046 663,063 537,196 6,832 188,300 432,349 12,900 166,187 70,379 402,318 20,410 267,315 1,898 206,596 248 75,000 24,050 177,015 5,848 18,784 30,759 43,188 29,440 39,219 35,155 32,964 17,841 48,000 Cr. {12 20,882 24,129 3,983 13,913 28,787 57j 187 Cr. +2,428 Total charge to Railways (except the small items in Part I.) 950,395 432,524 436,054 662,046 663,063 732,328 681,815 446., 857 273,196 305,894 196,776 78,330 129,815 71,946 98,793 20,882 Miscellaneous, including Charges and Expenses raising Loans, Interest and Sinking Fund, Public Works Departmental [ 206,605 26,808 13,387 43,341 43,679 76,890 15,043 78,448 91,153 1 12,294) }3,084j 9,564 800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Total, Other Services 1,157,000 459,332 449,441 705,387 706,742 809,218 696,858 525,305 364,349 315,104 206,340 79,130 131,615 73,746 100,593 22,681 Grand Total .. .. 1,919,641 950,719 897,037 1,409,588 1,336,727 1,475,386 1,333,484 966,159 {613,939 482,464 334,756 391,501 462,506 406,797 401,410 412,329 * Up to 1886-87 this item was not subdivided, and is inclu t Up to 31st March, 1886, all expenditure on railways was I These credits are recoveries on account of expenditure ol § Includes Midland Railway arbitration, 1895-96, £5,587. || Previously provided under Part II. II Raising dredge, paid out of Unauthorised; £250 recovei 2—D. 1. ided under item " Miscellaneous," at f included under one heading. Dividec i previous years, amounting to, in 1886 foot of table d under Part 18-89, £19,42( ;s I., II., am 5; 1889-90, III., from 53,237; 189( L886 to 1891. )-91, £395; l! Parts I. and III. again S91-92, £111; 1892-93, i amalgamatei il0,446; 189; 1 in 1891-92. 1-94, £2,678; 1894-95, £6,376 :ed from Mokihinui Coal Company.



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1896, and Liabilities on that Date.

ExPENDITUBE DUEING YEAR 1895-96 (INCLUDING £3,181 4s. 11d. ADDED TO STOCK). Total Expenditure by General Government, and Liabilities, 31st March, 1896. Lines of Railway. Expenditure by General Government to Total New Works. Works on Open Lines (includii and other Old Liabil: lg Land-claims ities). Total Works on Open Lines, &c. Surveys. Additions to Rolling-stock. . Total Expenditure by General Government, 31st March, 1896. Liabilities. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1896. Lines of Railway. 31st March, 1895. n ,. PermanentConstruction. _._ way. Total New Works. Works on Open PermanentLines, &c. way. £ s. d. 51,138 2 10 90,337 11 5 118,880 1 4 60,891 3 5 1,330,563 13 2 56,442 18 0 £ s. d. 3 11 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 11 0 £ s. d. 839 18 6 300 16 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 839 18 6 300 16 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 51,981 12 4 90,638 8 1 130,813 11 1 64,239 9 5 1,334,008 7 11 56,442 18 0 £ s. d. 565 14 0 £ s. d. 52,547 6 4 90,638 8 1 134,742 10 6 71,048 10 2 1,334,008 7 11 56,442 18 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 52,547 6 4 90,638 8 1 134,742 10 6 71,048 10 2 1,334,008 7 11 56,442 18 0 Kaihu Valley .. ., Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Extension Helensville Northwards Kaipara to Waikato Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamutu — North End South End Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension Wellington to Foxton Foxton to Waitara Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Belgrove Section Otira Section Greymouth to Nelson Creek Greymouth to Hokitika Westport to Ngakawau Picton to Hurunui — Picton to Awatere Hurunui to Red Post.. Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern Whitecliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch .. 144,966 4 2 100,259 10 8 167,872 4 9 190,503 17 3 278,648 5 0 205,704 12 3 4,975 1 7 862,736 14 3 1,142,522 8 11 42,116 3 4 1,432,849 12 8 178,177 15 0 216,246 11 11 186,082 16 8 227,493 15 7 263,577 14 3 39,093 6 1 1,756,290 6 10 55,375 0 0 47,864 2 7 94,356 19 3 99,803 1 11 108,435 0 3 74,186 12 7 49,482 5 11 *73,454 5 10. 61,179 14 7 107,135 14 7 7,377 9 9 2,896 6 0 7,384* 1 10 1,248 10 5 5,791 8 4 15,090 9 0 20,576 19 10 1,742 19 3 4,124 17 3 5,096 14 8 4,456* 0 0 452 0 0 2,708 9 0 3211 4 11,516 18 8 3,987 18 9 4,940 19 0 59 18 2 11,833* 9 9 3,348 6 0 10,092 10 10 1,281* 1 9 17,308 7 0 15,090 9 0 24,564 18 7 6,683 18 3 4,124 17 3 5,156*12 10 2,344*14 9 111 0 4 102*18 2 111 18 4 3,529 10 3 5,299*14 2 921 13 7 169*15 10 294 7 3 811 1 10 38 18 8 53 1 2 68 3 0 15 0 7 2 2 9 60 11 7 2,344*14 9 111 0 4 102 18 2 111 18 4 3,529 10 3 5,299'14 2 921 13 7 169 15 10 294 7 3 811 1 10 38 18 8 53 1 2 68 3 0 15 0 7 2 2 9 60 11 7 100 0 0 1,100 0 0 3,419 9 1 2,687 0 7 3,419* 9 1 4,325 0 0 144,966 4 2 110,352 1 6 167,983 5 1 191,784 19 0 295,956 12 0 220,897 19 5 4,975 1 7 866,268 1 8 1,173,303 18 4 42,116 3 4 1,441,568 15 11 179,099 8 7 6,683 18 3 4,124 17 3 216,246 11 11 191,409 5 4 227,493 15 7 263,872 1 6 39,093 6 1 1,761,426 8 8 55,413 18 8 47,917 3 9 94,425 2 3 99,818 2 6 108,437 3 0 74,247 4 2 49,482 5 11 73,454 5 10 61,179 14 7 107,266 18 1 3,928 19 5 6,809 0 9 5,321 18 2 63 12 0 6,166 18 3 10,008 10 7 18,465 18 4 2,241 10 9 4,900 11 3 582 16 7 14 0 6 ' 756 7 10 144,966 4 2 115,673 19 8 167,983 5 1 191,848 11 0 302,123 10 3 230,906 10 0 4,975 1 7 866,268 1 8 1,191,769 16 8 42,116 3 4 1,441,568 15 11 179,099 8 7 8,925 9 0 9,025 8 6 216,246 11 11 191,992 1 11 227,493 15 7 263,886 2 0 39,093 6 1 1,762,182 16 6 55,413 18 8 47,917 3 9 94,425 2 3 99,818 2 6 108,437 3 0 74,247 4 2 49,482 5 11 73,454 5 10 61,179 14 7 107,266 18 1 316,135 0 0 340,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 144,966 4 2 115,673 19 8 167,983 5 1 191,848 11 0 302,123 10 3 230,906 10 0 4,975 1 7 866,268 1 8 1,191,769 16 8 42,116 3 4 1,441,568 15 11 179,099 8 7 8,925 9 0 9,025 8 6 216,246 11 11 191,992 1 11 227,493 15 7 263,886 2 0 39,093 6 1 2,078,317 16 6 55,413 18 8 47,917 3 9 434,925 2 3 99,818 2 6 108,437 3 0 149,371 4 2 49,482 5 11 73,454 5 10 61,179 14 7 107,266 18 1 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo Extension. Helensville Northwards. Kaipara to Waikato. Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Thames Valley to Rotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield. Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu —■ North End. South End. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North. Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Foxton, Foxton to Waitara. Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Belgrove Section. Otira Section. Greymouth to Nelson Creek. Greymouth to Hokitika. Westport to Ngakawau. Picton to Hurunui— Picton to Awatere. Hurunui to Red Post. Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches. Fairlie Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Ashburton Forks Branch. Upper Ashburton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to Bluff— Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Fernhill Railway. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. Waihemo Branch. Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waimea Plains Branch. Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzer's. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush Branch. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line. Mararoa Branch. (Makarewa to Orepuki. { Thornbury to Wairio, Forest Hill Tramway. Exp. of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines — North Island. Middle Island. Permanent-way for Railway Department. 131* 3 6 181 ■' 3 6 53,649 0 4 537 1 2 5,152 2 8 5* 5 0 55 0 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 2,741,561 1 3 5,194 2 3 5,194 2 3 4,325 0 0 2,751,080 3 6 756 7 9 2,751,836 11 3 82,258 17 3 2,834,095 8 6 Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Fernhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotburn Branch Waimea Plains Branch Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzer's Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush Branch Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line Mararoa Branch Makarewa to Orepuki Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. j Forest Hill Tramway Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines— North Island Middle Island Permanent-way for Railway Department Stock—March 31,1895 .. .. £25,359 3 3 99,997 3 10 28,621 15 2 99,997 3 10 28,621 15 2 1,150 0 0 7,363 11 1 14,853 19 9 169,699 9 0 81,848 17 8 32,911 13 10 113,868 8 7 93,490 3 0 106,927 11 1 52,264 2 3 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 70,662 16 2 682,203 19 2 99,997 3 10 28,621 15 2 1,150 0 0 7,363 11 1 14,853 19 9 169,699 9 0 81,848 17 8 32,911 13 10 116,227 10 11 93,490 3 0 106,927 11 1 52,264 2 3 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 80,147 5 11 696,954 19 9 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 137,497 3 10 86,630 15 2 1,150 0 0 20,192 11 1 44,544 19 9 169,699 9 0 81,848 17 8 32,911 13 10 116,227 10 11 93,490 3 0 106,927 11 1 52,264 2 3 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 80,147 5 11 696,954 19 9 1,150 0 0 1,150 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 7,363 11 1 14,853 19 9 169,699 9 0 81,828 7 4 32,911 13-10 100,802 9 5 93,490 3 0 106,905 18 6 52,264 2 3 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 61,467 4 10 652,255 9 5 8,663* 8 9 4,402*10 5 13,065*19 2 2010 4 21*12 7 20*10 4 21*12 7 2,359 2 4 9,164* 8 8 29,176 6 1 31* 2 8 9,195 11 4 29,176 6 1 !- 9,484 9 9 14,751 0 7 772* 3 8 772* 3 8 293,074 19 1 27,216 18 7 611 0 8 611 0 8 293,685 19 9 27,216 18 7 293,685 19 9 27,216 18 7 91,937 5 2 385,623 4 11 27,216 18 7 224,795 10 11 429 18 10 429 18 10 225,225 9 9 225,225 9 9 60,297 0 0 285,522 9 9 556 5 2 10,336 19 11 556 5 2 10,336 19 11 556 5 2 10,336 19 11 556 5 2 10,336 19 11 27,501 14 4 37,678 12 10 25,000 0 0 2li" 2 4 27,501 14 4 37,889 15 2 25,000 0 0 218 17 1 441 16 9 27,720 11 5 38,331 11 11 25,000 0 0 27,720 11 5 38,331 11 11 25,000 0 0 25,359 3 3 Stock of Permanent-way and Rollingstock increased by .. 3,181 4 11 14,902,571 9 2 ( :: 23,556 12 8 4,983 15 6 9,149 11 4 10 18 11 32,706 4 0 4,994 14 5 32,706 4 0 4,994 14 5 0 . > | Permanent-way. bt00K (Rolling-stock. 3,181 4 11 £28,540 8 2 Totals Totals. 14,905,752 14 1 119,487 10 10 32,588 8 0 |152,075 18 10 22,261 4 8 22,261 4 3 211 2 4 19,375 18 9 115,099,676 18 3 96,998 2 11 |15,196,675 1 2 |1,104,281 2 5 16,300,956 3 7 * Does not include amount expe: ided out of Co; iolidated Fund, viz., £35 15s. 7d. t Im dudes amount e: :pended on purchase of district railways, £477,487 7s. 1 .d.



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads and Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Funds, and Government Loans to Local Bodies, Lands Improvement, and Native Land Purchase Accounts to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that date.

3-D. 1.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on i Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1898. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. toADS, Bridges, and Wharves, North of Auckland Iain Roads : — Hokianga County roads Warkworth to Awanui Paeroa to Owharoa Cambridge to Taupo Oxford to Rotorua Native districts Maketu-Rotorua ... Birkenhead to Warkworth ... Hamilton Bridge ... Whatawhata Bridge Tokaanu to Taupo Tauranga to Napier, via Taupo Napier to Wairoa Wairoa to Gisborne Opoiti Bridge Bridge over Mohaka Kurupapanga to Inland Patea Seventy-mile Bush Manawatu Gorge ... Paikakariki-Waikanae Belgrove, Tophouse, and Tarndale ... Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika Belgrove, Westport, and Reefton Reefton, Hokitika, and Ross Three-mile Creek Bridge ... Otira Toll Inangahua Bridge, maintenance Nelson, Havelock, and bridges Paeroa to Teremakau Hokitika to Christchurch ... Cook's River southward Haast Pass Track Blenheim, Waiau, and Kaikoura Pelorus District and Rai Valley Waikawa to Catlin's Larry's Creek Bridge Alfred Creek Bridge Kaituna to Tuamarina Waihopai Bridge Dunback to Swinburn Lawrence to Clyde Clyde to Queenstown Miscellaneons and engineering £ s. d. 229,671 15 9 270 0 0 11,751 2 6 500 0 0 1,341 10 7 19,842 13 4 11,486 8 3 1,079 7 3 200 0 0 77 6 6 36,237 17 4 800 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 5,000 0 0 61,326 5 7 117,236 6 4 5,554 4 8 65,490 8 5 2,880 10 0 469 10 0 303 6 10 200 0 0 200 0 0 297 14 0 2,091 19 3 1,417 5 3 200 0 0 500 0 0 1,153 7 11 197 8 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 229,671 15 9 270 0 0 14,631 12 6 500 0 0 1,341 10 7 20,312 3 4 11,486 8 3 1,382 14 V 20i 0 0 400 0 0 375 0 6 38,329 16 7 2,217 5 3 500 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 5,000 0 0 61,326 5 7 117,236 6 4 1,153 7 11 5,751 13 5 65,490 8 5 299 10 2 8010 0 108 7 7 200 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 149 2 3 419 13 0 282 14 9 200 0 0 46 12 1 40 11 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 229,671 15 9 270 0 0 14,931 2 8 500 0 0 1,341 10 7 20,392 13 4 11,486 8 3 1,491 1 8 400 0 0 550 0 0 250 0 0 524 2 9 38,749 9 7 2,500 0 0 700 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 5,000 0 0 61,326 5 7 117,236 6 4 1,200 0 0 5,792 4 8 65,490 8 5 2,634 2 8 1,855 10 1 500 11 2 500 0 0 141 17 6 1,100 0 0 500 11 2 134,111 5 11 509 7 4 4,021 9 0 628 3 0 28,660 14 3 14,064 8 6 436 19 0 200 0 0 6,902 2 11 3,427 8 4 9,536 5 7 5,282 18 5 500 11 2 500 0 0 141 17 6 1,600 0 0 500 11 2 138,801 14 5 509 7 4 4,021 9 0 1,348 3 0 28,61 iO 14 3 14,064 8 6 436 19 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 1,100 0 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 33 14 0 150 0 0 998 7 3 9,686 5 7 6,281 5 8 500 11 2 500 0 0 141 17 6 1,900 0 0 500 11 2 139,726 0 4 509 7 4 4,021 9 0 1,628 3 0 28,660 14 3 14,064 8 6 436 19 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 1,100 0 0 1,100 0 0 1,500 0 0 500 0 0 58 11 9 500 0 0 300 0 0 4,690 8 6 924 5 11 720 0 0 280 0 0 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 8 1 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 24 17 9 25 13 0 Totals 557,843 6 1 6,454 12 0 529,884 3 4 27,959 2 9 564,297 18 1 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges. Luckland -. — Maungaturoto to Tokatoka... Mercury Bay to Mahikarau Hunua to Railway-station ... Putamahoe to Steinson's Corner Waioro to Port Waikato ... Tamaki Bridge Great South Waikomiti West ... Payment to ferryman, Port Waikato Pukekohe to Waiuku Punt at Tuakau ... Tuhikaramea to Hamilton ... Raglan Wharf, £1 for £1 ... Bridge over Waikato at Hamilton ... Cambridge to Tauranga Katikati to Te Aroha (horse-track) ... Katikati to Te Aroha (Thompson's track) Waihi Bridge, subsidy £1 for £1 Rotorua to Rotomahana Thames to Tauranga Roads and bridges in Native districts Rotoiti to Tikitere To Waitorno Caves Te Kuiti-Otorohanga to Kihikihi 230 6 6 400 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 160 0 0 764 5 8 750 0 0 7 10 0 5,424 2 1 270 9 6 500 0 0 242 0 0 284 12 3 4,000 0 0 359 9 5 2,139 16 11 250 0 0 206 17 0 5,323 8 0 714 16 5 87 16 0 1,325 17 8 384 10 0 230 6 6 400 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 160 0 0 764 5 8 750 0 0 7 10 0 5,424 2 1 270 9 6 500 0 0 242 0 0 284 12 3 4,000 0 0 359 9 5 2,139 16 11 250 0 0 206 17 0 5,323 8 0 883 5 5 87 16 0 1,354 14 11 392 2 4 200 0 0 100 0 0 230 6 6 400 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 160 0 0 764 5 8 950 0 0 7 10 0 5,424 2 1 370 9 6 500 0 0 242 0 0 284 12 3 4,000 0 0 359 9 5 2,139 16 11 250 0 0 206 17 0 5,323 8 0 1,014 16 5 87 16 0 1,374 12 1 484 10 0 ... ... 168 9 0 131 11 0 28 17 3 7 12 4 19 17 2 92 7 8 Carried forward 23,975 17 5; 204 18 7 24,180 16 Ol 543 15 io: 24,724 11 10



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expend iture on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure j during 12 Months ended 31st March, ! 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. | Liabilities on ; Authorities, I Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward IlSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BEIDGE3— continued. .UCKLAND — continued. Mangapai Block ... Opotiki to Whakatane Repairing flood-damages, Cook County Sundry roads and bridges, Auckland... Bay of Islands District Mangere Bridge ... Thames ... Waikato... Bay of Plenty Poverty Bay Taupo ... Tools, &c. Mahurangi to Whangarei ... Pukekohe Railway-station, through East Pukekohe, to Bombay Works at Rotorua Buckland Station B ridge overWaipa,on Raglan Main Road TeAwamutu Station to Township To free Hamilton Bridge from tolls ... Waimapu Bridge... Repairing flood-damages at the Thames: Thames County Thames Borough Tararu Tramway ... Tauranga to Opotiki Whakatane to Oliape Orini Bridge, Whakatane ... West Coast Roads, Hoteo ... Hamilton to Cambridge Coromandel to Thames Coromandel to Port Charles Coromandel to Tairua Maungatawhhu Valley Maketu to Ararimu To Ohaupo Station Whau to Henderson's Creek Rukuhia Swamp South Bombay to Paparata Tuakau to Waikato Sundry roads, Waitoa District Wade to Wainui ... Helensville to Kankapakapa Komorau Bridge ... Totara-Whangaroa to Kaeo Clark's Road Road to Omaha Wharf Stokes Point to Lucas Creek Stokes Point to Lake District Removal of snags, Thames River Whatawhata Bridge Coromandel Wharf Coromandel to Mercury Bay Aroha Township to Gold-mines Removal of punt, Te Rori to Churchill Removal of Churchill punt... Herd's Point to Takahue ... Maunganui to Bluff Road ... Alexandra to Kawhia Aotea to Raglan ... Waipu to Mangawbai Road Puhipuhi Forest ... Bridge over Mangonui River Te Aroliato Katikati Road... Bridge over Kaitaia (Smith's Gate) ... Ruatangata to Railway-station ) Ruatangata j Whangarei Heads .. Roads to Knukapakapa Railway-station Opua to Waimate Kaihu to Kaikohe Homestead blocks, Manganui Pakiri Block Wairua to Sandy Bay £ s. d. 23,975 17 5 £ s. d. 204 18 7 £ s. d. 24,180 16 0 £ ». d. 543 15 10 £ s. d. 24,724 11 10 300 0 0 1,099 15 8 1,490 12 0 10.824 6 7 34,903 16 5 17,311 0 9 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 91,220 6 4 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 300 0 0 1,099 15 8 1,490 12 0 10,824 6 7 34,903 16 5 17,311 0 9 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 91,220 6 4 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 200 0 0 500 0 0 1,099 15 8 1,490 12 0 10,824 6 7 34,903 16 5 17,311 0 9 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 91,220 6 4 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 15 2 2 1,634 15 2 300 0 0 1,006 4 8 315 16 3 6,700 0 0 5,655 3 0 450 16 6 15 2 2 2,085 11 8 300 0 0 1,006 4 8 315 16 3 6,700 0 0^ 5,655 3 0 46 19 9 15 2 2 2,132 11 6 300 0 0 1,006 4 8 315 16 3 6,700 0 0 5,655 3 0 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 299 5 0 499 12 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 693 1 8 100 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 350 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 636 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 6,043 6 1 96 9 0 170 17 3 70 0 0 120 0 0 385 5 2 155 5 6 50 0 0) 20 0 0| 200 0 0 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 299 5 0 499 12 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 693 1 8 100 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 550 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 636 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 6,734 18 3 96 9 0 234 2 11 195 7 5 120 0 0 385 5 2 155 5 6 50 0 0 20 0 0 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 299 5 0 499 12 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 693 1 8 100 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 550 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 636 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 7,543 6 1 96 9 0 270 17 3 270 0 0 120 0 0 385 5 2 155 5 6 50 0 0 20 0 0 691 12 2 808 7 10 63 5 8 125 7 5 36 14 4 74 12 7 300 0 Oj 100 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 948 4 2 385 1 0 454 15 6 392 7 6 1,540 3 6 4* 14 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 952 18 2 385 1 0 454 15 6 392 7 6 1,540 3 6 395 6 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 1,348 4 2 385 1 0 454 15 6 392 7 6 1,540 3 6 Carried forward ... 283,009 1 51 1,840 14 284,849 15 9l 2,105 16 286,955 12 1



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expendi ture on Roads, &c. — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total , Liabilities on Expenditure 1 Authorities, to Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward £ s. d. 283,009 1 5 £ s. d. 1,840 14 4 £ s. d. 284,849 15 9 £ s. d. 2,105 16 4 £ 8. d. 286,955 12 1 IlSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BKIDGES — continued. .uckland — continued. Wairua to Helena Bay Whangarei through Taheke Purua, Ruatangata, and Mangakahia Tangihua Manganui Bluff to Kaihu Takahue to Mangonuiowae Okaihau to Victoria Valley Victoria Valley to main road Helensville to Kaipatiki Waikato to Block XVI., Awaroa .. Lake Whangape to Blk. VII., Awaroa Hikutaia to Ohinemuri Tauranga to Te Puke and Matata .. Opotiki to Waiotahi Te Aroha Block Block II., Tangihua Huihuitaha to Patetere Ruakituri Block Taupo, via Rotoaira and Murimotu, to West Coast Katikati to Te Aroha Tolago Bay to Arakihi Kohukohu to Rahutapu Ohuka to Waikaremoana Whangaroa to Kahuru Hamilton to Whatawhata Drain .. Wangamarino District Waimamaku Bridge Awaroa Swamp, drains and roads .. Pahi to Waikiekie Otamarakau Bridge Churchill Punt .. Otonga Bridge Kawhia to Waipa.. Alexandra to Kawhia Waiotapu to Galatea Rotorua to Te Wairoa Galatea to Te Kapu via Waikaremoana Alexandra to Hikurangi Waingaro to Akatea Waingaro to Ngaruawahia Akaaka Swamp Waihou Ferry through Komata Draining Tatarariki Drain, Te Aroha Cabbage Bay to Cape Colville Lower Waihou Road Otama to Deeds Mangapai to Mareretu Puriri to Tairoa Matawhero to Whangape Mauku Bridge (subsidy) Huka Falls to Puketarata.. Ahipara to Herekino Wairoa Ferry, Dargaville Tairua to Whenuakite Puhoi to Makarau Omaha Waimamaku to Pakanae Rotorua to Waiotapu Mata to Kauroa Opanaki to Hokianga Maungataniwha Waimamaku District Opuawhanga to Whangarei Mareretu Maioro Swamp Hoteo Valley Road Kawakawa Roads Kourawera District Otamatea County roads Tokatoka to Mangapai Whiskey Creek Road Maropiu to Kai-iwi 1,888 13 10 1,262 19 7 2,610 0 11 1,083 14 2 4,018 15 0 2,931 7 7 7,909 9 0 272 1 0 2,236 5 7 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 4 4,022 7 7 12,962 1 2 562 10 0 5,300 2 6 635 6 0 705 8 2 2,149 14 4 12,601 17 9 785 11 1 2,172 6 9 534 13 6 100 0 0 2,065 15 0 137 18 0 1,102 2 9 606 8 9 610 2 6 1,708 6 6 378 19 0 150 5 2 225 4 3 I 3,308 15 4 4,300 19 10 92 11 10 1,848 3 9 1,341 15 3 100 0 0 70 1 0 87 0 0 90 0 0 * * 251 14 10 26 14 0 1,888 13 10 1,262 19 7 2,710 0 11 1,083 14 2 4,018 15 0 2,931 7 7 7,979 10 0 309 1 0 2,236 5 7 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 4 4,022 7 7 12,962 1 2 562 10 0 5,300 2 6 635 6 0 705 8 2 2,149 14 4 12,601 17 9 785 11 1 2,172 6 9 624 13 6 100 0 0 2,065 15 0 137 18 0 1,102 2 9 606 8 9 610 2 6 1,960 1 4 378 19 0 150 5 2 225 4 3 3,308 15 4 4,300 19 10 119 5 10 1,848 3 9 1,341 15 3 100 0 0 143 14 0 72 14 0 213 0 0 60 0 0 148 5 2 23 6 0 1,888 13 10 1,262 19 7 2,810 0 11 1,227 8 2 4,018 15 0 2,931 7 7 8,052 4 0 522 1 0 2,236 5 7 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 4 4,022 7 7 12,962 1 2 562 10 0 5,300 2 6 635 6 0 705 8 2 2,149 14 4 12,601 17 9 785 11 1 2,172 6 9 684 13 6 100 0 0 2,065 15 0 137 18 0 1,102 2 9 606 8 9 610 2 6 2,108 6 6 378 19 0 150 5 2 225 4 3 3,308 15 4 4,300 19 10 142 11 10 1,848 3 9 1,341 15 8 | 4,909 18 10 1,696 10 9 80 13 0 350 0 0 776 19 3 350 0 0 284 11 0 375 0 0 502 0 6 924 0 0 511 8 0 41 0 0 1,800 1 5 2,252 5 6 299 18 11 550 0 0 745 12 0 272 16 6 1,068 16 8 1,162 5 7 202 17 1 6,311 7 4 32 14 11 4,942 13 9 1,696 10 9 80 13 0 350 0 0 776 19 3 350 0 0 284 11 0 375 0 0 502 0 6 924 0 0 511 8 0 41 0 0 1,800 1 5 2,302 5 6 299 18 11 550 0 0 845 12 0 272 16 6 1,211 8 2 1,162 5 7 202 17 1 8,370 6 9 183 7 9 605 19 3 300 0 0 849 13 2 523 15 10 200 0 0 150 0 0 472 17 9 500 0 0 796 15 4 149 2 8 250 0 0 167 5 1 5,109 18 10 1,696 10 9 80 13 0 350 0 0 776 19 3 350 0 0 284 11 0 375 0 0 502 0 6 924 0 0 511 8 0 41 0 0 1,800 1 5 2,302 5 6 299 18 11 550 0 0 850 16 0 272 16 6 1,368 16 8 1,162 5 7 202 17 1 9,811 7 4 500 0 0 605 19 3 300 0 0 994 16 0 585 18 9 200 0 0 150 0 0 472 17 9 500 0 0 902 1 6 149 2 8 250 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 *5 4 0 142 11 6 157 8 6 2,058 19 5 183 7 9 1,441 0 7 316 12 3 605 19 3 300 0 0 294 16 0 385 18 9 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 752 1 6 149 2 8 250 0 0 554 17 2 137 17 1 145 2 10 62 2 11 372 17 9 100 0 0 44 13 10 105 6 2 Carried forward 403,530 5 7l 6,194 3 7 1 409,724 9 2 ! 5,266 17 101 414,991 7



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

... I Expenditure Expenditure | duriag 12 „-, j. *2 o. Months ended 31st March, j 31st March> i8yt>. 1896 _ Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward £ s. d. 403,530 5 7 £ s. d. 6,194 3 7 £ s. d. 409,724 9 2 £ s. d. 5,266 17 10 £ s. d. 414,991 7 0 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— continued. Auckland — continued. Woodhill Bridge Wairua Bridge and Road Opuawhanga to Whananaki Waingaroa to Mangapiko Mangapiko to Maire .. J Purchase of roads to Crown lands .. Miscellaneous and engineering Oruru to Mangamuka Bridge over Puhi River, Mongonui.. Takahue to Herekino Utakura Bridge Tangowahine Bridge Mongonui Boundary to Iwitaua Whangaroa County roads Iwitaua to Kaeo Kaeo to Waimate Road Ngapipito Road .. Ramara'ma Vail ey Road Dargaville to Aratapu Towai to Ruapekapeka Main Road to Opanaki Railwaystation Maungatapere Road Tokatoka Post-office Maungakaramea .. North River, Waipu Matakohe to Tokatoka Grahamstown to Whangarei Whareora to Grahamstown Ngunguru Main Road Waipu to Marsden Point Waipu to Mareretu Opuawhanga to Main Road Pahi Wharf Pahi-Maungaturoto Road.. Warkworth Birkenhead Slip, £1 for £1 Kaukapakapa to Port Albert Road.. Wade to Lucas Creek Road Kaipara Flats Settlement Road Huntly to Kahuruhuru Road Huntly Punt Otorohanga to Te Kuiti Waiotahi Village Homestead, Thames Whakatane Road & Bridges, £1 for £1 Te Aroha Hot Springs Domain Board Bridge over Opanaki Elver Opuatia Bridge and Crossing \ Tuakau, Opuatia, and Kahurukuru , Hokianga County Roads Mititai to Tokatoka Aratapu to Tatarariki Ahuroa Roads Warkworth southwards Waikomiti to Swanson Miranda Road Mauku District Patumahoe Brigmen's Landing and Mercer Road (Waikato River) Gibbon's Creek Bridge (Hamilton) .. Kuaotunu Cemetery Road Pukaingataru Road Kaitaia-Ahipara Waipu Central Whananaki-Ngunguru Tikiponga Hill-Paranui Bridge Parua to Taheke Abraham's Gully (Waiuku-Maioro Swamp) Matahuru Rangiriri Lake, Matahuru Road Awaroa (XI) 264 14 3 608 10 0 340 0 6 708 1 0 20 0 0 13,060 12 0 125 0 0 68 10 0 290 8 0 290 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 306 5 0 232 3 7 200 0 0 100 0 0 197 12 3 6 0.0 200 0 0 200 0 0 518 12 6 300 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 506 10 6 200 0 0 58 12 5 117 1 0 300 0 0 118 3 0 145 2 1 358 18 9 60 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 71 9 10 181 1 4 100 0 0 150 0 0 163 3 3 100 0 0 178 18 4 100 0 0 150 0 0 114 0 0 100 0 0 264 14 3 608 10 0 458 3 6 853 3 1 20 0 0 13,419 10 9 125 0 0 68 10 0 290 8 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 550 0 0 377 14 10 413 4 11 300 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 197 12 3 169 3 3 300 0 0 200 0 0 697 10 10 300 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 314 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 641 15 3 200 0 0 58 12 5 117 1 0 300 0 0 81 17 0 200 0 0 300 4 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 128 10 2 118 18 8 30 16 9 121 1 8 1.50 0 0 300 0 0 264 14 3 608 10 0 540 0 6 853 3 1 220 0 0 13,719 15 3 125 0 0 68 10 0 390 8 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 650 0 0 506 5 0 532 3 7 300 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 197 12 3 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 818 12 6 300 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 200 0 0 314 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 705 19 2 200 0 0 58 12 5 117 1 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 135 4 9 64 3 11 300 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 449 17 5 500 0 0 949 17 5 949 17 5 122 10 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 107 0 8 50 0 0 50 0 0 122 10 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 109 0 8 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 5 19 4 122 10 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 115 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 2 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 17 6 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 32 8 0 17 6 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 32 8 0 40 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 82 14 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 47 12 0 40 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 '0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 15 13 3 200 0 0 15 13 3 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 184 6 9 Carried forward 427,713 6 0 11,842 12 10 439,555 18 10 7,983 2 7) 447,539 1 5



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward llSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES — continued. .uckland — continued. Te Kuiti to Awakino Te Aroha and Waitoa Drains Kaueranga Valley Road Waiotapu to Taupo Pye's Pa Mongonui roads Awhitu Road Wharf Rangiriri to railway-station Wairangi to railw.ay-station Waikaro Lake to Onewhero Rotorua Wharf Rotorua water-supply Taupo Domain Henderson Waimauku-Punakitere Hokianga Heads-Ohaewai, via Rawene Opanaki-Mongonui Bluff Dargaville-Tangitororia .. Hkurangi-Jordan Flat Kaitara Arapohue Valley Road, Paparoa Waipu Cove Whangarei Bridge, £1 for £1 Hikurangi Maunu-Otuhe Otuhe Forest Marsden Point Wharf Tekopuru-Tikinui Hukatere Waikomiti-Huia Whangamnrino Parish Wairangi-Matahuru Raglan-Waipa Waitetuna-Aotea Otau Arahiwi and Mamaku Railwaystation Wharauroa Waiotahi Bridge Sundry roads, Bay of Plenty Oruru-Hikurangi Manganuiowae Tauhoa Waipu North Grahamstown Paparoa Takahue Block .. Maungataniwha Block Manganuiowae Waipiua „ Ruapekapeka „ Motatau Opuawhanga-Whangarei No. 1 Block Tauhoa Block Tauhoa and Komokoriki Block Ahuroa Block Akaaka Swamp Block Otau Block Waiotahi Block Waiawa „ Taupiri „ Mangaokahu Block Kaimarama Pakiri Block Waimana Block Tokatoka Swamp Block Auckland S.S. „ Maropiu (Block III., Kaihu) Avoca Block Ngunguru Block Takahue-Whangape Block Karioi-Alexandra „ .. £ s. d. 427,713 6 0 £ s. d. 11,842 12 10 £ s. d. 439,555 18 10 £ s. d. 7,988 2 7 £ s. d. 447,589 1 5 618 12 3 4 11 11 214 9 6 73 10 0 618 12 3 219 1 5 73 10 0 5 10 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 18 6 226 10 0 618 12 3 469 19 11 300 0 0 5 10 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,547 14 0 *5 10 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 183 18 0 16 2 0 50 0 0 16 2 0 50 0 0 99 13 6 826 3 0 99 13 6 1,200 0 0 100 0 0 0 6 6 347 14 0 373 17 0 700 0 0 700 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 700 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 599 19 2 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 3,098 8 2 200 0 0 914 3 4 100 0 0 199 19 2 196 8 3 396 7 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 203 11 9 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 290 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 466 17 2 100 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 2,698 8 2 300 0 0 2,998 8 2 43 7 7 403 18 7 447 6 2 566 0 0 275 0 0 500 0 0 10,517 10 5 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 10,567 10 5 95 0 0 170 0 0 7 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 326 16 0 330 0 0 4,129 16 6 500 0 0 254 3 0 500 0 0 449 0 0 325 0 0 500 0 0 334 16 3 2,350 0 0 756 0 0 200 0 0 500 1 9 232 12 7 318 0 0 369 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,890 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 772 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,050 0 0 494,070 4 9 10,242 10 5 120 4 0 120 4 0 50 0 0 95 0 0 49 16 0 7 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 214 10 6 34 16 6 20 0 3 3,469 6 1 380 16 6 254 3 0 476 5 6 380 0 0 325 0 0 432 0 5 138 12 0 2,350 0 0 77 9 0 309 19 9 554 6 11 112 5 6 330 0 0 4,023 13 0 380 16 6 254 3 0 476 5 6 380 0 0 325 0 0 432 0 5 238 12 0 2,350 0 0 106 3 6 119 3 6 23 14 6 69 0 0 100 0 0 67 19 7 96 4 3 756 0 0 200 0 0 366 0 0 134 1 9 232 12 7 263 18 2 1 134 1 9 232 12 7 263 13 2 358 0 0 1,936 19 4 430 15 5 54 6 10 11 0 0 63 0 8 2,459 4 7 200 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 772 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,050 0 0 358 0 0 1,936 19 4 430 15 5 Totals— Auckland .. 470,687 2 4 23,433 2 5 450,791 10 a 19,845 12 1|



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total I Liabilities on Expenditure Authorities, to : Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. 131st March, 1896. I 1 Total Expenditure and Liabilities. [iSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES — continued. awki's Bay— Tolago to Mangatokerau Tolago to Arakihi Ormond to Waiapu Ormond to Opotiki and branch roads Waipoa Road to Oilsprings Norsewood District, Ngamoko, and Maharahara Victoria and Bush-mills Settlements Rotokakarangu Napier to Wairoa, £1 for £1 Mata Valley Waikohu Frasertown to Waikaremoana Totara Road, Tahoraite Otawai Road, Tahoraite Makaretu Te Ohu Manawatu Bridge Miscellaneous and engineering Gisborne-Tolago-Tauwhareparae .. Motu Bridge and Road Gisborne-Opitiki Opotiki-Ormond Wairoa and Waikaremoana bridletrack through the Waiau District, Poverty Bay Ormond-Waiapu Gisborne-Waimata Muriwai to Mahia Gisborne to Wairoa Manawatu and Makotuku Rivers, Ormondville Sundry roads and bridges, Hawke's Bay Waiomatatini to Hick's Bay Roads, Napier District Napier to Murimotu Road Roads, Wairoa, and Wairoa County Roads Nuhaka Waimata to Waiapu Tools, &c. Bridge over Ahuriri Harbour Meanee protective works Pakarae Road and punt Waiapu County Waikohu to Motu Waimata Riding Whataupoko Road Board Pouawa Road Board Waiapu Inland Road Wairoa County Roads (flood-damage) Awanui-Hick's Bay Cook County (flood-damage) Puketitiri Block Ahuturanga Block Tautane and Tahoraite .. ) Tautane to Weber Road .. ) Tukituki to Waipawa Mohaka and Waitara Waitara Block Umutaoroa Block Maharahara Nuhaka Block Nuhaka Block No. 2. Tauwharetoi Block Pohui Liberal „ Umutaoroa „ Waiau Woodville „ Tauwhareparae Crown lands Tologa-Marunga, Tauwhareparae .. Waimata-Tauwhareparae .. Gisborne, via Tologa Bay-Awanui .. Nuhaka-GiBborne Gisborne-Opotiki.. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 358 19 6 555 0 0 302 18 0 5,065 12 9 650 0 0 2,709 16 6 119 5 0 358 19 6 674 5 0 302 13 0 5,065 12 9 650 0 0 2,709 16 6 30 15 0 358 19 6 705 0 0 302 18 0 5,065 12 9 650 0 0 2,709 16 6 900 0 0 1,769 7 10 725 0 0 900 0 0 1,769 7 10 725 0 0 900 0 0 1,769 7 10 725 0 0 200 0 0 751 14 8 1,450 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 1,992 15 2 434 8 10 500 0 0 1,919 1 5 300 0 0 733 16 6 200 0 0 751 14 8 750 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 1,992 15 2 434 8 10 500 0 0 1,834 4 11 300 0 0 733 16 6 259 16 5 751 14 8 1,009 16 5 250 0 0 200 0 0 1,992 15 2 434 8 10 500 0 0 1,838 14 11 300 0 0 733 16 6 440 3 7 *4 10 0 80 6 6 | 17,481 18 4 17,481 18 4 17,481 18 4 544 18 6 544 18 6 544 18 6 12,476 0 1 4,250 9 6 150 0 0 11,963 7 8 450 0 0 50 0 0 12,476 0 1 4,250 9 6 200 0 0 11,963 7 8 450 0 0 150 0 0 12,476 0 1 4,250 9 6 350 0 0 11,963 7 8 450 0 0 419 10 5 419 10 5 419 10 5 313 0 9 32,189 19 2 1,047 6 0 1,512 7 8 313 0 9 32,189 19 2 1,047 6 0 1,512 7 8 313 0 9 32,189 19 2 1,047 6 0 1,512 7 8 46 6 3 600 0 0 248 15 0 625 16 1 100 0 0 691 0 3 737 6 6 600 0 0 248 15 0 625 16 1 500 0 0 782 9 4 400 0 0 551 16 1 830 0 0 120 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 6 0 6 200 0 0 520 0 0 1,883 7 11 108 19 9 846 6 3 600 0 0 248 15 0 625 16 1 500 0 0 782 9 4 400 0 0 608 17 0 830 0 0 120 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 6 0 6 200 0 0 520 0 0 1,883 7 11 400 0 0 782 9 4 400 0 0 8 17 0 830 0 0 120 0 0 37 5 0 100 0 0 542 19 1 57 0 11 92 15 0 300 0 0 6 0 6 200 0 0 520 0 0 1,883 7 11 20,556 7 11 20,556 7 11 20,556 7 11 985 1 5 151 6 4 781 0 6 2,088 15 4 1,938 12 8 568 3 0 58 0 0 1,160 6 2 316 7 7 400 0 0 28 7 1 300 0 0 26 9 10 9 10 121 4 11 985 1 5 151 6 4 781 0 6 2,088 15 4 1,938 12 8 568 3 0 58 0 0 1,169 7 2 437 12 6 400 0 0 28 7 1 400 0 0 26 9 10 *5 12 10 100 7 6 985 1 5 151 6 4 781 0 6 2,088 15 4 1,938 12 8 568 3 0 58 0 0 1,175 0 0 538 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 26 9 10 200 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 800 o 0 300 0 0 884 0 0 100 0 0 71 12 11 200 0 0 91 13 4 100 0 0 309 9 6 91 13 4 100 0 0 309 9 6 200 0 0 408 6 8 200 0 0 490 10 6 300 0 0 305 15 4 578 4 8 578 4 8 Carried forward 138,667 13 4,552 8 61 143,220 1 10] 3,349 11 6 1 146,569 13



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

# Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward .. lllSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES — continued. Iawke's Bay— continued. Opotiki-East Cape Ormondville-Waikopiro Hikurangi Block Ruakituri „ Ruahine „ £ s. d. 138,667 13 4 £ s. d. 4,552 8 6 £ s. d. 143,220 1 10 £ s. d. 3,349 11 6 £ s. d. 146,569 18 4 300 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 520 0 0 323 16 6 703 6 11 300 0 0 250 0 0 520 0 0 364 0 0 840 0 0 40 3 6 136 13 1 40 3 6 136 13 1 Totals —Hawke's Bay 138,667 13 4 5,029 5 1 143,696 18 5 5,146 14 11 148,843 13 4 ?aeanaki :— Roads and bridges in unsettled districts, Patea and Taranaki Great South Road between Opunake and Manaia Bridge over Stony River, and approaches Inglewood to Whitecliffs Inglewood to Ngatimaru Henwood and Upland Sundry roads, Taranaki New Plymouth, inland Hawera to Waitara Wai-iti to Patea Tools, &c. Waverley to Patea Junction Road from Inglewood eastward General salaries, &c. Refund expenses, T. Kelly, Mountain Road Commission Road through bush, Waimate Plains Roads east of Stratford Bush land inland of Patea Continuous Reserve (to be refunded) Mountain Road to blocks under survey Waitara Bridge Opening up Huiroa Block.. Huiroa District Huiroa Block, bridge over Manganui River To complete bushfelling, Stratford .. Through parts of Blocks I., II., V., VI., X., Ngaire District Through parts of Blocks III., V., X., Ngaire District Block X., Huiroa Egmont District Kahouri Bridge Eltham and Branch Roads Native Trust blocks Ironsand blocks Tariki Road Road through bush, Waimate Plains Pukearuhe to Mokau .. 1 Pukearuhe inland to Mohakitino [■ Pukearuhe inland .. J Bridge on Stratford to Opunake Road Inglewood to Waitara Roads east of Midhirst Egmont Road Roads east of Waitara Roads inland of Mokoia Alfred Road Rotokare and other roads Mokau punt Roads east of Waipuku Whenuakura Valley Bridge and Road Miscellaneous and Engineering Mangamingi Kaimanuka and Rawhitiroa Tikorangi to Te Tarata Tikorangi Bridge, £1 for £1 Anderson's Road and bridges Mohakatino Bridge Junction Road to Purangi, £1 for £1 48,296 16 3 2,946 0 0 1,151 6 2 5,000 0 0 368 3 1 993 12 10 251 11 3 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 70 0 0 1,000 0 0 402 18 8 19 8 0 15,714 8 9 1,865 19 8 1,926 0 11 5,045 10 4 890 14 0 968 18 2 I. 2,067 17 10 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 48,296 16 3 2,946 0 0 1,151 6 2 5,000 0 0 368 3 1 993 12 10 251 11 3 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 70 0 0 1,000 0 0 402 18 8 19 8 0 15,714 8 9 1,865 19 8 1,926 0 11 5,045 10 4 890 14 0 968 18 2 2,067 17 10 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 48,296 16 3 2,946 0 0 1,151 6 2 5,000 0 0 368 3 1 993 12 10 251 11 3 3,760 17 8 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 70 0 0 1,000 0 0 402 18 8 19 8 0 15,714 8 9 1,865 19 8 1,926 0 11 5,045 10 4 890 14 0 968 18 2 2,067 17 10 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 1,146 3 6 1,146 3 6 1,146 3 6 745 17 0 356 12 11 600 0 0 7,359 15 6 1,834 13 9 514 0 2 1,149 7 0 1,614 9 8 745 17 0 356 12 11 600 0 0 7,359 15 6 1,834 13 9 514 0 2 1,149 7 0 1,614 9 8 745 17 0 356 12 11 600 0 0 7,359 15 6 1,834 13 9 514 0 2 1,149 7 0 1,614 9 8 5,067 11 0 5,067 11 0 5,067 11 0 376 19 8 2,749 1 5 253 10 3 185 15 6 6,579 16 8 663 18 1 201 19 10 1,182 19 3 221 16 0 278 13 5 1,077 12 3 3,824 12 7 6,458 5 10 2,703 2 6 550 3 6 424 15 6 923 4 8 703 12 9 1,000 0 0 376 19 8 2,749 1 5 253 10 3 185 15 6 6,579 16 8 . 663 18 1 201 19 10 1,182 19 3 221 16 0 278 13 5 1,077 12 3 3,963 13 4 6,517 16 6 2,888 17 8 702 3 8 436 11 8 1,165 16 8 1,329 11 6 1,536 10 3 376 19 8 2,749 1 5 253 10 3 185 15 6 6,579 16 8 663 18 1 201 19 10 1,182 19 3 221 16 0 278 13 5 1,077 12 3 4,081 7 7 6,640 4 10 3,403 2 6 714 15 8 978 15 6 1,623 4 8 1,460 0 0 2,576 7 10 139 0 9 59 10 8 185 15 2 152 0 2 11 16 2 242 12 0 625 18 9 536 10 3 117 14 3 122 8 4 514 4 10 12 12 0 542 3 10 457 8 0 130 8 6 1,039 17 7 Carried forward .. 219,635 5 61 1,953 3 11 221,588 9 B| 2,936 17 224,525 6 9



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward £ s. d. 219,635 5 6 £ s. d. 1,953 3 11 £ s. d. 221,588 9 5 £ s. d. 2,936 17 4 £ s. d. 224,525 6 9 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— continued. Taeanaki— continued. Bridge over Purangi Ararata Bridge Mimi-Mangaroa Road (metalling), £1 for £1 Okoke Road Autawa and Pita Roads South Egmont Forest Reserve Newall Road Huiroa Township (bushfelling) Moanatairi Special Settlement East Road Ohura Tongapurutu Ferry Moki Road Upper Waitara-Mangaere Stratford-Ongaruhe (Ohura) Huiroa Roads ... Carrington Road Motukawa Mangaotuka Waiweranui Central Patea Valley Moanatairi Block Ross Block „ Eltham Manganui „ Terrace End „ Gatton „ Patua (Egmont) Block Kaitangiwhenua No. 3 Block Autawa Block Huiroa Block Mangaehu Block Mangaere Block Ngatimaru Block Oxford Association Block Upper Waitara Block Milsom Block Lepperton Block Mangaotuku Block Kaitangiwhenua Block Opaku-Kapara Block Egmont Block Kaitangiwhenua No. 2 Blook Okoke Block 150 0 0 2 7 6 2 7 6 150 0 0 297 12 6 300 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 47 8 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 47 8 0 100 0 0 98 5 0 52 12 0 500 0 0 498 5 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 135 0 0 200 0 0 1,158 7 6 3,601 11 5 100 0 0 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 115 10 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 650 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 421 0 0 800 0 0 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 1,153 0 0 1,254 6 8 301 0 0 4,144 0 0 1,830 0 0 1,200 0 0 126 0 0 1,750 0 0 966 0 0 376 12 7 1,375 0 0 2,793 0 0 421 0 0 3,338 0 0 1,100 8 10 69 8 6 69 8 6 1 1,158 7 6 3,337 1 2 135 0 0 130 11 6 1,158 7 6 3,337 1 2 264 10 3 100 0 0 200 0 0 338 18 11 23 14 6 115 10 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 525 18 0 200 0 0 359 0 0 300 0 0 421 0 0 140 13 5 191 19 8 1,000 0 0 189 13 6 300 0 0 500 0 0 255 1 11 661 1 1 3,976 5 6 661 1 l! 3,976 5 61 124 2 0 124 2 0 141 0 0 141 0 0 659 6 7 408 0 4 659 6 7 408 0 4 60 6 6 60 6 6 104 18 0 1,254 6 8 27 3 6 2,026 7 2 1,657 2 5 495 9 8 62 11 6 1,738 5 2 535 3 7 376 12 7 1,375 0 0 186 14 7 7S3 0 1 273 16 6 724 0 8 172 17 7 317 14 1 63 8 6 9 14 6 14 10 0 897 18 1 1,254 6 8 301 0 0 2,750 7 10 1,830 0 0 813 3 9 126 0 0 1,747 19 8 549 13 7 376 12 7 1,375 0 0 751 8 9 199 18 7 3,027 2 7 786 1 2 1,393 12 2 386 16 3 *2 0 4 416 6 5 201 19 6 515 8 10 564 14 2 199 18 7 2,825 3 1 270 12 4 2,041 11 3 221 1 5 310 17 5 314 7 8 Totals—Taranaki 232,000 16 2. 18,169 1 2 250,169 17 4 14,713 11 5 264,883 8 9 Wellington ;— Waimarino to Tokaanu Bridge over Wangaehu Bridge-approach, Orepuhi... Foxton to Otaki, inland Grant-in-aid for bridge over Manawatu River Roads in Fitzherbert Block Sundry roads, Wellington ... Patea to Wanganui Wanganui to Taupo Hutt to Lowry Bay Tools, &c. Bridge over Waiohine Parakaretu Block To relieve Wanganui Bridge from tolls Karori Road 43 6 6 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 599 10 9 3,198 15 1 1,050 5 3 347 1 11 36,275 18 9 5,376 18 1 290 0 0 504 9 8 13 15 6 149 0 0 17,000 0 0 153 1 8 43 6 6 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 599 10 9 3,198 15 1 1,050 5 3 347 1 11 36,275 18 9 5,376 18 1 290 0 0 504 9 8 13 15 6 149 0 0 17,000 0 0 153 1 8 43 6 6 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 599 10 9 3,198 15 1 1,050 5 3 347 1 11 36,275 18 9 5,376 18 1 290 0 0 504 9 8 13 15 6 149 0 0 17,000 0 0 153 1 8 Carried forward 66,152 3 2 66,152 3 2 66 152 3 2



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

4—D. 1.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 66,152 3 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 66,152 3 2 £ s, d. £ s. d. 66,152 3 2 Brought forward .. [iscellaneous Roads and Bbidges— continued. Wellington— continued. Waverley to Patea Road ... Manawatu Bridge at Foxton Pahiatua, Mangaone, &c. Pahiatua, Palmerston North Repairs, Fitzherbert Bridge Roads, Fitzherbert Block Otamakapua and Waitapu East side of Pohangina River Momahaki to Waitotara Tokomaru Block Wanganui to Murimotu Marton to Murimotu Rangitumau Block Sandon Township Wairarapa East Mungaroa to Waikanae Blocks V., VI., IX., and XIIL, Kairanga Survey Dist., Palmerston N. Road, Oroua River Toritea Road. Otamakapua Waitotara, Omahine Waitotara Valley Blocks V., VI., IX., X., and XIIL, Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston N., 24 miles, to open 8,582 acres Karewarewa Block Paratieke Otairi Block Makakahi Road .. .. ) Mangatainoko on Bridge Road j Wairoa Survey District Kairanga Drain Kimbolton Road Extension Kimbolton Road to Oroua Waitapu Block Mangatainoko roads Tiraumea Bridge .. Tutaekura Road South Pahiatua Road Mangaone to Tiraumea Tiraumea to Makuri Puketoi Makakahi Bridge to Mangahao Mauriceville West Otaki to Foxton South Mangaone Road Maungakaretu Mikimiki To purchase roads to Crown lands .. Mount Baker Valley Crossing at Levin Tiraumea Bridge and road, Napier's) Crossing .. .. V Pori Road, Puketoi .. J Pohonuiotane Block Makuri Gorge Road Mount Baker (Pioneer) Te Kapua Kawatau to Hautapu Apiti District Road through University Reserve .. Pohangina Valley Road Makuri to Aohanga Road Upper Makuri Valley Road Waikanae to Hutt Road Makairo Road Miscellaneous and engineering Wanganui River Trust Raetihi Township (clearing) Rangitikei Bridge, Otara, £1 for £1 Watershed Road Pakihikura Road Turakina Valley Road Mangatainoka Bridge 130 0 0 0 18 0 19,317 15 2 2,581 12 7 500 0 0 400 0 0 4,464 8 2 920 17 6 3,602 13 1 1,995 3 4 4,260 10 3 2,670 6 6J 4,118 0 7! 1,430 7 9| 1,500 0 0 4,373 2 11 3,738 8 0 500 0 0: 150 0 0; 2,288 0 9: 3,324 1 9 686 0 0 1,524 7 2 319 1 9 588 2 7 139 2 6 ! 722 17 10 14 5 7 851 8 4 1,008 4 11 496 2 0 1,379 6 6 5,411 18 3 2,244 10 10 311 1 6 1.609 0 8 1,246 4 6 1.610 14 2 12,374 18 9 316 12 6 662 1 2 512 2 8 214 7 4 1,730 7 0 135 12 6 519 10 7 100 0 0 107 0 0 .. •• 200 0 0, 96 10 0 130 0 0 0 18 0 19,317 15 2 2,581 12 7 500 0 0 400 0 0 4,464 8 2 920 17 6 3,602 13 1 1,995 3 4 4,260 10 3 2,670 6 6 4,118 0 7 1,430 7 9 1,500 0 0 4,373 2 11 3,738 8 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 2,288 0 9 3,524 1 9 686 0 0 1,524 7 2 319 1 9 588 2 7 139 2 6 819 7 10 14 5 7 851 8 4 1,008 4 11 496 2 0 1,379 6 6 5,411 18 3 2,244 10 10 311 1 6 1.609 0 8 1,246 4 6 1.610 14 2 12,374 18 9 316 12 6 652 1 2 512 2 8 214 7 4 1,730 7 0 135 12 6 519 10 7 100 0 0 107 0 0 130 0 0 0 18 0 19,317 15 2 2,581 12 7 500 0 0 400 0 0 4,464 8 2 920 17 6 3,602 13 1 1,995 3 4 4,260 10 3 2,670 6 6 4,118 0 7 1,430 7 9 1,500 0 0 4,373 2 11 3,738 8 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 2,288 0 9 3,524 1 9 686 0 0 1,524 7 2 319 1 9 588 2 7 139 2 6 819 7 10 14 5 7 851 8 4 1,008 4 11 496 2 0 1,379 6 6 5,411 18 3 2,244 10 10 311 1 6 1.609 0 8 1,246 4 6 1.610 14 2 12,374 18 9 316 12 6 652 1 2 512 2 8 214 7 4 1,730 7 0 135 12 6 519 10 7 100 0 0 107 0 0 " 900 0 0 900 0 0 150 0 0 1,050 0 0 59 14 9 3,925 3 4 3,394 14 1 370 15 8 438 16 8 500 0 0 400 0 0 578 9 0 1,428 9 8 5,669 15 1 1,329 4 2 2,909 6 9 ! 6,220 3 6 2,050 0 0 149 12 6 72 13 1 1,180 3 9 325 0 0 2,102 3 8 144 7 8 1,237 7 1 406 19 0 228 13 8 196 14 11 440 1 0 1 59 14 9! 3,925 3 4 ! 3,539 1 9, 370 15 8 438 16 8 500 0 0 400 0 0 578 9 0 2,665 16 9 6,076 14 1 1,557 17 10 3,106 1 8 6,660 4 6 2,050 0 0 149 12 6 72 13 1 1,180 3 9 325 0 0 2,185 4 8 900 0 0 266 18 9 99 13 11 171 6 4 403 5 l| 721 8 10 59 14 9 3,925 3 4 3,539 1 9 370 15 8 438 16 8 500 0 0 400 0 0 578 9 0 2,932 15 6 6,176 8 0 1,729 4 2 3,509 6 9 7,381 13 4 2,050 0 0 149 12 6 1,317 13 6 1,180 3 9 490 0 0 2,602 3 8 1,000 0 0 1,245 0 5 83 1 0 900 0 0 165 0 0 416 19 0 ! 100 0 0 Carried forward 199,247 16 9, 3,933 14 4| 203,181 11 1 3,739 12 4 206,921 3 5



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward !lSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES — continued. Wellington— continued. Hukanui to Hawera, £1 for 10s. Aohanga to Waewaepa Road Woodville to Aohanga .. J Aohanga Gorge Road Alfredton to Weber Road Maungatoro Valley ... Kaiwhata and Pahaoa Kaiwhata Valley.. .. j Te Aupapa Road and Makuri Bridge Towai Road Eketahuna to Stirling Mangamahoe Road Barton's Road to Wairere Upper Mangatiti Road .. 1 Makuri to Pongaroa .. J Waitangi Bridge, Chatham Islands Makuri Township, unsold Palmerston North Forest Reserve .. Wellington Settlement Forest Reserve Hautapu to Ruahine (Marton 1 and 2) Pohangina to Oroua .. \ Oroua to Coal Creek .. J Makuri Bridge, near Township Ihuraua Valley Road Mangaone Bridge Tiraumea Bridge (Ngaturi contribution) Tiraumea Valley Road Taumaranui to Ohakune Hautapu to Sommerville Kawatau Watershed and Murray's Kimbolton Pemberton to Wairaki (Pukerimu) Wanganui River Steamer (subsidy) Mangaramaraua Road Kelpie Road Mangawhio Road Upper Manawatu Gorge Road Oroua Bridge Pohangina Valley Forest Reserve .. Otawhao Road Mangahuo Bridge Burling's to Mecalickstone Mangatoro Township (felling) Dagg's Road Newman to Stirling Eketahuna to Parkville Waiohine Bridge Wainuioru, East Coast Cleland's Road Mount Holdsworth Road Waimarino (No. 2 Loan Block) Wanganui Block Kaitieke Block Pohoniuotaue Block (Hunterville, 1, 2,3) Manganui and Ruapehu Block Kawatau Block Malton Block Umutoi Block Te Kapua Block (Sommerville, Palmerston North Knights of Labour) Omahine Block Momohaki Village Settlement Block Hautapu Ruahine Block (Marton, 1 and 2) Hautapu Block Hautapu No. 2 Block Mangoira to Coal Creek Block Pohangina Block Salisbury Delaware Block.. Hall Association Block Waiwera Block Kakariki Block Stirling Block Tararua £ s. d. 199,247 16 9 £ s. a. 3,933 14 4 £ s. d. 203,181 11 1 £ s. d. 3,739 12 4 £ s. d. 206,921 3 5 250 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 924 13 7 389 17 11 1,314 11 6 47 12 11 1,362 4 5 400 0 0 4,165 14 7 2,773 4 7 9,930 11 11 1,777 19 2 400 0 0 14,096 6 6 4,551 3 9 222 0 10 400 0 0 14,096 6 6 4,773 4 7 666 19 3 366 12 5 1,033 11 8 237 0 10 1,270 12 6 200 0 0 667 12 9 297 19 1 22 15 3 585 8 11 200 0 0 245 18 3 500 0 0 292 2 8 400 0 0 913 11 0 297 19 1 522 15 3 877 11 7 454 1 9 400 0 0 1,367 12 9 297 19 1 522 15 3 877 11 7 3,087 5 Oj 1,089 3 11 4,176 8 11 1,811 2 5 5,987 11 4 210 0 3^ 674 8 3! 877 9 5; 200 0 01 899 4 9 65 7 3 42 2 10 275 7 6 716 11 1 877 9 5 200 0 0 899 4 9 24 12 6 13 7 7 300 0 0 729 18 8 877 9 5 200 0 0 899 4 9 1,654 3 5 229 7 11 1,883 11 4 120 12 1 2,004 3 5 295 0 0 300 0 0 252 7 3 1,000 0 0 295 0 0 300 0 0 252 7 3 1,000 0 0 295 0 0 300 0 0 252 7 3 1,000 0 0 1,854 19 2 109 12 0 616 19 11 214 3 1 1,131 2 3 214 3 1 2,986 1 5 109 12 0 616 19 11 772 12 9 449 15 0 460 0 0 475 0 0 22 0 11 288 6 4 190 9 3 377 11 11 205 14 8 375 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 240 0 0 34 2 6 150 0 0 300 0 0 85 16 11 695 10 8 300 0 0 3,681 12 1 109 12 0 616 19 11 772 12 9 449 15 0 460 0 0 475 0 0 218 19 3 370 13 3 190 9 3 400 0 0 500 0 0 575 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 240 0 0 34 2 6 150 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 510 0 0 6,837 0 0 1,350 0 0 2,500 0 0 618 9 0 772 12 9 449 15 0 54 18 7 475 0 0 18 19 3 70 13 3 190 9 3 405 1 5 *3 1 8 217 13 1 196 18 4 82 6 11 100 0 0 377 11 11 205 14 8 275 0 0 200 0 0 420 0 0 217 19 0 34 2 6 22 8 1 294 5 4 200 0 0 200 0 0 80 0 0 22 1 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 4,736 3 9 146 14 3 26 12 0 618 9 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 510 0 0 1,984 3 9 532 12 3 1,487 5 5 300 0 0 350 0 0 510 0 0 6,720 7 6 679 6 6 1,513 17 5 618 9 0 116 12 6 670 13 6 986 2 7 23 13 3 1,405 0 11 23 13 3 3,447 17 5 300 0 0 1,425 0 0 302 0 0 526 6 9 679 6 11 300 0 0 1,425 0 0 302 0 0 550 0 0 4,127 4 4 2,042 16 6 114 0 0 859 16 8 2,208 12 4 39 6 0 1,251 0 4 114 0 0 899 2 8 3,459 12 8 460 17 4 1,077 18 7 114 0 0 1,360 0 0 4,537 11 3 1,195 8 7 1,894 10 0 187 9 0 309 5 0 669 19 10 1,521 10 1 1,529 18 5 1,191 14 9 123 6 0 377 11 5 578 15 5 112 12 3 218 14 10 2,346 16 0i 124 0 2 1,573 0 0 578 15 5 2,007 2 3 406 3 10 2,656 1 0 794 0 0 1,521 10 1 1,529 18 5 1,191 14 9 123 6 0 1,135 4 7 23 17 9 293 16 2 691 19 0 1,573 0 0 1,714 0 0 2,031 0 0 700 0 0 3,348 0 0 794 0 0 1,521 10 1 1,562 0 0 1,191 14 9 123 6 0 32 1 7 Carried forward 243,171 16 8 35,528 12 ll| 278,700 9 71 18,419 6 9l 297,119 16 4



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— continued. Wellington— continued. East Puketoi Wellington Fruitgrowers' Association Block Mecalickstone Farm Homestead Block Christchurch Farm Homestead Block Clifton Block Coonoor Block Kaitangata Block Te Ngaue Block Puketoi-Aohoinga Block Mangoira-Ooal Creek Kaiparoro Block Okotuku Ngaio Road Hunterville 1, 2, 3 Raetihi-Ohura Pipiriki-Waiouru Waimarino ' Ohingaiti-Tokaanu Rangitikei Bridge (Mangaweka) .. Taihapi-Paingaroa Vinegar Hill Road Rangitikei Bridge, Vinegar Hill, £1 for£l Conspicuous Road Mangawharariki Makairo-Kumeroa Tiraumea North Waewaepa, £1 for £1 Tiraumea Bridge, subsidy, Hull's Crossing Tiraumea River Road-Pa Valley Road Mangaone Valley Rising Sun Association Mauriceville roads, storm-damages North Wairarapa, flood-damages, £1 for£l Bowen's Road-Hastwell Eketahuna-Alfredtown Coonoor Association Mangaoronga Road Mount Marchant Road, £1 for £1 .. Ruamahanga Bridge Whiteman's Valley-Hutt Mecalickstone Pahiatua-Palmerston Hautapu Ballance-Manawatu Gorge Eketahuna County roads, flooddamage £ s. d. 243,171 16 8 £ s. d. 35,528 12 11 £ s. d. 278,700 9 7 £ s. d. 18,419 6 9 £ s. d. 297,119 16 4 2,681 8 0 1,353 11 1 79 8 11 2,681 8 0 1,433 0 0 2,681 8 0 1,433 0 0 424 8 8 559 6 9 983 15 5 519 4 7 1,503 0 0 267 7 2 788 9 8 1,055 16 10 17 3 2 1,073 0 0 134 0 3 134 0 3 500 0 0 500 0 0 134 0 3 595 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 1,174 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 600 0 0 1,573 11 1 3,135 0 0 1,110 0 0 2,023 12 10 500 0 0 890 12 0 200 0 0 1,500 0 0 85 4 11 85 4 11 595 0 0 200 0 0 114 15 1 200 0 0 249 15 3 924 4 9 100 0 0 924 4 9 100 0 0 121 16 3 1,449 15 8 2,500 17 10 498 1 0 1,713 14 8 8 4 7 890 12 0 200 0 0 1,424 0 0 121 16 3 1,449 15 8 2,500 17 10 498 1 0 1,713 14 8 8 4 7 890 12 0 200 0 0 1,424 0 0 200 0 0 478 3 9 123 15 5 634 2 2 611 19 0 309 18 2 491 15 5 76 0 0 3,919 1 11 381 14 5 3,919 1 11 381 14 5 200 0 0 187 3 7 300 0 0 18 5 7 100 0 0 261 10 0 200 0 0 4,106 5 6 300 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 238 10 0 238 10 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 49 17 1 49 17 1 50 2 11 300 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 131 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 115 0 0 145 0 0 52 0 8 700 0 0 200 0 0 131 0 0 50 0 0 131 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 38 13 8 145 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 76 6 4 76 6 4 52 0 8 0 7 5 52 0 8 0 7 5 699 12 7 200 0 0 Totals—Wellington 248,032 11 10 51,921 7 9 299,953 19 7 27,491 7 1 327,445 6 Nelson :— Port to Stoke, Rocks Road... Roads, Lower Moutere, flood-damages Bridge over Granity Creek | Bridge over Owen Creek ... Horse-bridge over Matakitaki Bridge over Matiri River ... Bridge over Inangahua, at Buller Junction Bridges on road, Nelson to Reefton ... Bridge over Little Grey, at Devery's Bridge over Grey, at Cobden Bridge overWaiau, in Amuri County Bridge over Waiau, at Hanmer Plain Sandy Bay Takaka to Riwaka, Collingwood Nelson to Reefton, and Greymouth Bridges 1,531 8 0 1,661 18 10 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 1,413 4 4 2,841 16 0 8,804 2 7 1,531 8 0 1,661 18 10 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 1,413 4 4 2,841 16 0 8,804 2 7 9,795 10 2 3,870 18 1 4,971 8 5 11,640 14 11 14,937 18 4 300 0 0 1,450 0 0 13,731 15 1 1,531 8 0 1,661 18 10 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 1,413 4 4 2,841 16 0 8,804 2 7 9,795 10 2 3,870 18 1 4,971 8 5 11,640 14 11 14,937 18 4 300 0 0 1,550 0 0 13,731 15 1 9,795 10 2 3,870 18 1 4,971 8 5 11,640 14 11 14,937 18 4 300 0 0 1,150 0 0 13,731 15 1 300 0 0 100 0 0 Carried forward 79,211 4 9 300 0 0 79,511 4 9 100 0 0 79,611 4 9



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

T-, ,., Expenditure Expenditure d^g 12 on , l° T v Months ended 31st March, 31st March> iayo. 1896 Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Tota Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— continued. Nelson— continued. Sundry roads and bridges, Nelson ... Buller to Arnould Boatman's Westport to Lyell Upper Buller Road Ahaura to Amuri Nile Bridge Takaka Valley Collingwood to Quartz Range Takaka Road Takaka Tramway Mokihinui to Karamea Hanmer District ... Riwaka Valley Bridle-track B ridge over Wairoa, in W T aimea District Bridge over Inangahua, at Reefton ... Bridge over Ahaura Ngatimoti Bridge Cobden to Seventeen-mile Diggings.. Little Sydney Road Pigeon Valley to Dovedale Hampden to Maruia Grey Valley to Teremakau Wakefield to Stanley Brook Aorere Valley to Karamea Tadmor and Sherry to Buller Baton to Karamea Maruia to Amuri Takaka to Anatoki and Collingwood Takaka to Karamea Ahaura to Kopara and Amuri Oronoko to Rosedale Brooklands Valley Road .. Karamea to Mokihinui Ahaura (Mason's) to Haupiri Takaka to Stockyard Pigeon Valley to Motueka.. Pretty Bridge Valley Grey Valley, via Clarke, to Maruia.. Dovedale Little Sydney Road, Riwaka Riwaka Valley Road East Takaka Road Trass Valley Wakefield District Wairoa Bridge To purchase roads through Crown lands Miscellaneous and engineering Wairoa Gorge Road Mud Flat to Karamea River \ Oparara River .. .. j Karamea to Whangapeka.. Mangles Fox River Bridge Track, Railway to Millerton Graham River Bridge Takaka roads and bridges Waimea County roads and bridges Riwaka-Sandy Bay Brooklyn Valley Road Riwaka Bridge Mackay Pass Road Canaan Road Lloyd's Valley Road Quail Valley .. ... Waimea West Dove River Bridge Wakefield-Quail Valley Takaka-Collingwood Inland Road .. Whangapeka-Wanganui Seddonville-Mokihinui Fairdown-Waimangaroa Granity Creek-Ngakawau Reefton-Maruia-Inangahua Ferntowu-Pakawau £ s. d. 79,211 4 9 £ s. d. 300 0 0 £ s. d. 79,511 4 9 £ s. d. 100 0 0 £ s. d. 79,611 4 9 794 0 1 73,197 4 8 844 10 0 17,725 18 9 246 0 1 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 0 0 507 1 1 21 6 0 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 2,045 2 1 60 0 0 3 18 0 2,099 6 7 125 14 0 604 7 11 1,678 11 0 100 0 0 330 0 0 10,507 5 9 2,688 2 1 400 0 0 4,699 7 5 5,482 16 11 200 0 0 1,653 4 1 4,733 6 5 289 3 4 2,065 1 8 963 14 0 178 6 6 1,812 8 6 2,083 9 6 257 14 1 709 4 6 200 0 0 211 10 2 560 0 0 62 12 6 300 0 0 127 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 791 0 0 126 14 6 794 0 1 73,197 4 8 844 10 0 17,725 18 9 246 0 1 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 0 0 507 1 1 21 6 0 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 2,171 16 7 60 0 0 3 18 0 2,099 6 7 125 14 0 604 7 11 1,678 11 0 100 0 0 330 0 0 10,507 5 9 2,688 2 1 400 0 0 4,699 7 5 5,482 16 11 200 0 0 1,653 4 1 4,733 6 5 289 3 4 2,065 1 8 963 14 0 178 6 6 1,812 8 6 2,083 9 6 257 14 1 709 4 6 200 0 0 211 10 2 560 0 0 62 12 6 300 0 0 127 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 791 0 0 173 5 6 200 0 0 794 0 1 73,197 4 8 844 10 0 17,725 18 9 246 0 1 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 0 0 507 1 1 21 6 0 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 2,345 2 1 60 0 0 3 18 0 2,099 6 7 125 14 0 604 7 11 1,678 11 0 100 0 0 330 0 0 10,507 5 9 2,688 2 1 600 0 0 4,699 7 5 5,482 16 11 200 0 0 1,653 4 1 4,733 6 5 289 3 4 2,065 1 8 963 14 0 178 6 6 1,812 8 6 2,283 9 6 257 14 1 709 4 6 200 0 0 211 10 2 560 0 0 62 12 6 600 0 0 127 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 791 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 2,392 14 7 732 18 9 3 3 0 2,395 17 7 732 18 9 21 7 4 150 0 0 2,417 4 11 882 18 9 68 5 0 287 6 6 355 11 6 112 13 6 468 5 0 633 17 10 363 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 633 17 10 363 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 184 5 6 450 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 364 0 0 40 0 0 633 17 10 403 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 364 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 1,196 11 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 184 5 6 150 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 364 0 0 15 14 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 539 0 1 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 657 10 11 657 10 11 Totals—Nelson 238,781 18 9 2,903 0 51 j 241,684 19 2 3,452 0 11 245,137 0 1



TABLE NO, 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— continued. Marlborough :— Awatere Valley Road Rai, Ronga, and Whangamoa Roads Ronga Valley Road Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sounds Pelorus District and Rai Valley Bridge over Wairau, near Blenheim... Spring Creek Wharf Bridge over Clarence River Kaikoura to Clarence Kaikoura to Waiau Wharf at Havelock Kaituna to Tuamarina Pelorus to Queen Charlotte Sound ... Nydia Bay to Havelock Sundry roads and bridges, Marlborough Tracks to Mahou Sound Redwood Pass Road Watamonga to Port Underwood Track Waitaria to' Manaroa .. ) Kenepuru to Manaroa .. ) Tracks, Queen Charlotte Sound Havelock to Tuamarina Road Miscellaneous and engineering Anakoa to Manaroa Kenepuru to Anakoa Manaroa to Okoha Tory Heads to Whatamonga and Picton Brown River Bridge Mahakipawa to Kenepuru Torea Neck Crail Bay Track Double Bay White's Bay to Port Underwood .. Onamalutu Valley Okiwi to Ronga .. .. Manaroa-Hopai Arawapawa-Tawhiti Jordan Bridge, Awatere Bartlett's Creek Tawhiunui-Rai Footbridge, Taylor River Blenheim-Havelock Ferry House .. Robin Hood Bay-Ocean Bay Picton-Waikawa £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,484 11 1 53 11 10 495 6 10 1,171 19 0 65 3 6 8,484 11 1 53 11 10 560 10 4 1,171 19 0 234 16 6 8,484 11 1 53 11 10 795 6 10 1,171 19 0 3,722 19 2 4,362 8 3 95 0 0 18,615 3 11 14,424 6 1 31,282 8 11 441 6 10 400 0 0 224 19 0 420 10 6 508 0 11 3,722 19 2 4,362 8 3 95 0 0 18,615 3 11 14,424 6 1 31,282 8 11 441 6 10 400 0 0 224 19 0 487 12 2 508 0 11 3,722 19 2 4,362 8 3 95 0 0 18,615 3 11 14,424 6 1 31,282 8 11 441 6 10 400 0 0 224 19 0 570 10 6 508 0 11 67 1 8 82 18 4 30 9 6 500 0 0 101 7 11 800* 0 0 98 12 1 30 9 6 1,300 0 0 200 0 0 101 7 11 30 9 6 1,300 0 0 301 7 11 598 8 1 598 8 1 200 0 0 798 8 1 300 0 0 56 2 3 300 0 0 68 18 0 200 0 0 4 10 0 197 15 7 249 14 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 70 0 0 250 0 0 401 16 0 300 0 0 349 2 2 200 0 0 199 19 10 50 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 12 15 9 200 0 0 4 10 0 197 15 7 0 12 4 12 0 50 0 0 397 6 0 102 4 5 99 7 8 200 0 0 249 2 2 199 19 10 199 19 10 2 6 0 10 5 8 45 19 6 200 0 0 50 0 0 2 6 0 10 5 8 45 19 6 200 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 247 14 0 89 14 4 204 0 6 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 97 6 6 *2 13 6 *2 13 6 Totals—Marlborough 86,538 2 3 2,607 15 5 89,145 17 8 3,757 18 2 92,903 15 1 Westland :— Greymouth to Okarito Bridge over Teremakau, Kumara Bridge over Donnelly's Creek Extension south of Okarito Sundry roads, &c., Westland Hohonu Bridge ... Dray-road through Cheviot Hill country Bridge over Grey, at Cobden Greymouth to Arnold South Creek to Main Line ... Junction Line Greenstone to Lake B runner Marsden to Maori Creek ... Marsden to Paroa Stillwater to Maori Gully ... Kanieri Forks, Kanieri Lakes Hokitika to Bluespur Kanieri Bridge Waimea Bridge ... Westland, general Mapourika to Gillespie's Mahitahi to Haast Mathias Pass Road In the County of Westland Kumara to Beach 103,447 12 11 1,379 18 0 2,010 13 7 1,033 10 0 47 15 11 500 0 0 100 8 0 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,869 2 0 2,373 7 6 2,520 3 5 1,088 11 10 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 8,077 5 0 16,234 16 9 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 2,000 0 0 103,417 12 11 1,379 18 0 2,010 13 7 1,033 10 0 47 15 11 500 0 0 100 8 0 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,869 2 0 2,499 7 10 2,520 3 '5 1.088 11 10 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 8,077 5 0 16,234 16 9 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 2,000 0 0 103,447 12 11 1,379 18 0 2,010 13 7 1,033 10 0 47 15 11 500 0 0 100 8 0 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,869 2 o 2,563 12 4 2,520 3 5 1,088 11 10 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 8,077 5 0 16,234 16 9 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 2,000 0 0 126 0 4 64 4 6 Carried forward 163,191 3 6l 126 0 41 163,317 3 101 64 4 6! 163,381 8 4



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts,&c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward llSOELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES— continued. Vestland— continued. Kokatahi River to Hokitika River .. Moeraki Crossing to Otumotu Mount Bonar to Poerua River Wataroa and Waitangi-taone Teremakau to Bell Hill Road Waikukupa to Cook's River Flat .. Cook's River Flat Cascade Valley Road Pounamou to Teremakau Mahitahi to Paringa Hunt's Beach to Makawiho Makawiho to Mahitahi Jacob's River to Bruce Bay Miscellaneous and engineering Hungerford Bridge Hunt's Beach to Manakaiau Gillespie's Beach to Manakaiau Lake Mapourika Greenstone to Teremakau.. WestlandFerry service (maintenance) Stafford-Waimea Bell Hill to Mount Alexander Woodstock to Mahinapua Whitcombe Valley Track Dawson's Road Turnbull River Road Waitaroa Bluff to Okarita Track .. Hokitika southward Haast Pass Track Okarito River Bridge Lower Arahura Bridge (repairs) Mount Howe Track Block 112, Kokatahi Kokatahi Great South Road Grey County Roads (flood-damages) Westland County Roads £ s. d. 163,191 3 6 £ s. d. 126 0 4 £ s. d. 163,317 3 10 £ s. d. 64 4 6 £ s. d. 163,381 8 4 970 0 0 1,510 18 5 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,986 16 0 1,000 0 0 2,265 18 8 1,809 9 2 684 5 4 1,400 0 0 539 1 6 1,206 2 11 340 17 6 851 5 4 230 0 0 970 0 0 1,510 18 5 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,986 16 0 1,000 0 0 2,265 18 8 1,809 9 2 684 5 4 1,400 0 0 539 1 6 1,206 2 11 340 17 6 888 17 1 230 0 0 970 0 0 1,510 18 5 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,986 16 0 1,000 0 0 2,265 18 8 1,809 9 2 684 5 4 1,400 0 0 539 1 6 1,206 2 11 340 17 6 928 1 6 230 0 0 37 11 9 39 4 5 I 149 3 0 238 1 9 583 8 10 150 0 0 25 0 0 198 18 5 189 11 6 2 8 11 100 0 0 459 8 9 149 3 0 427 13 3 585 17 9 250 0 0 484 8 9 198 18 5 389 14 3 285 18 6 49 5 3 283 15 10 247 4 4 2,290 5 9 1,075 5 1 110 8 6 147 11 1 149 3 0 538 1 9 733 8 10 250 0 0 700 0 0 198 18 5 450 0 0 500 0 0 175 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 3,148 9 9 1,423 0 8 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 260 0 0 215 11 3 41 1 6 149 3 9 309 19 5 389 14 3 244 17 0 49 5 3 283 15 10 247 4 4 2,141 2 0 765 5 8 60 5 9 214 1 6 125 14 9 116 4 2 2 15 8 858 4 0 347 15 7 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 265 0 0 260 0 0 1,000 0 0 265 0 0 260 0 0 35 0 0 Totals, Westland 182,230 15 0 6,561 5 7 188,792 0 7 3,587 1 2 192,379 1 Ianterbuey :— Bridge over Upper Waitaki Bridge, Ashburton, subsidy Christchurch to Hokitika (Bealey Valley) Sundry roads, Canterbury ... Waikari to Waitati Summit Road Mathias Pass Road To Upper Ashley over Kuku Pass .. Irrigation works, Eyre & Waimakariri Oxford Bush to Upper Ashley Burke's Pass, Mackenzie County .. To deferred-payment lands, Teviotdale To deferred-payment lands, Waikari To village & deferred-payment blocks Blackford to Redcliffe Blackhills Road Road to Mount Cook and Glaciers .. Waihao to Hakateramea Mount Grey Downs Glentui Road Ohau Bridge, £1 for £1 Village-settlement roads Chertsey Village Settlement watersupply Waimate Reserves Miscellaneous and engineering Pukaki to Mount Cook Peninsula Road, Akaroa, £1 for £1 Lake Ellesmere drainage Cheviot Estate: Expenses incurred prior to opening Cheviot Estate Account Akaroa Head Lighthouse Road 510 18 3 7,000 0 0 1,778 11 1 818 11 9 3,257 6 4 296 1 3 2,046 15 10 8,630 4 8 3,400 0 0 3,996 2 3 249 18 10 1,764 4 11 784 19 1 1,399 15 10 600 0 0 970 0 0 2,186 9 8 863 8 5 468 0 0 683 5 4 800 0 0 172 5 0 23 0 0 510 18 3 7,000 0 0 1,778 11 1 818 11 9 3,257 6 4 296 1 3 2,046 15 10 8,630 4 8 3,400 0 0 3,996 2 8 249 18 10 1,764 4 11 784 19 1 1,399 15 10 600 0 0 970 0 0 2,186 9 8 863 8 5 468 0 0 683 5 4 800 0 0 172 5 0 23 0 0 510 18 3 7,000 0 0 1,778 11 1 818 11 9 3,257 6 4 296 1 3 2,046 15 10 8,630 4 8 3,400 0 0 3,996 2 3 249 18 10 1,764 4 11 784 19 1 1,399 15 10 600 0 0 970 0 0 2,186 9 8 863 8 5 468 0 0 683 5 4 800 0 0 172 5 0 23 0 0 363 11 4 2,270 5 2 1,137 12 2 375 0 0 753 17 4 3,536 12 1 21 3 6 363 11 4 2,270 5 2 1,158 15 8 375 0 0 753 17 4 3,536 12 1 12 12 5 78 16 6 363 11 4 2,282 17 7 1,237 12 2 375 0 0 753 17 4 3,536 12 1 69 10 0 30 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Carried forward 51,206 6 7, 51 13 6 51,258 0 1 91 8 11 51,349 9 0



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward llSCELLANEOUS RoADS AND BRIDGES— continued — 'anteebury— continued. Roads to Co-operative Dairy Factories, Akaroa Reserve 1496, Ashburton Cliff Road Contribution towards erection of Pukaki Bridge, £1 for £1 Fairlie to Pukaki Pukaki to Omarama Oxford Bush Road extension Tengawai, £1 for £1 Pareora Bridge Haehaetemoana Waipara-Cheviot.. Ruapuna Block £ s. d. 51,206 6 7 £ s. d. 51 13 6 £ s. d. 51,258 0 1 £ s. a. 91 8 11 £ s. a. 51,349 9 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 55 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 850 0 0 500 0 0 350 0 0 850 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 106 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 106 0 0 Totals —Canterbury 51,706 6 7 1,296 13 6 53,003 0 1 1,752 8 11 54,755 9 0 )tago :— Maori Kaika Road, Otago Heads Anderson's Bay ... Green Island to Brighton... Bridge over Taieri, Main South Road Bridges over Clutha at Beaumont and Roxburgh, grant-in-aid Taieri Bridge, Otakia, subsidy £1 for £3 Kaitangata to Wangaloa ... Martin's Bay Settlement ... To West Coast Sounds ... ) Lake Te Anau - Sutherland Falls I Track ) Sundry roads and bridges, Otago Queenstown Jetty Martin's Bay to Lake Wakatipu Henley protective river-works Pomahaka Bridge, £1 for £1 Bridge over Kaikorai Stream Waitati Road Grant in aid of bridge at Kaikorai, on Main South Road Tomahawk Road ... Subsidy, Clutha Bridge Warrington Bridge over Clutha at Alexandra, grant-in-aid Bridge over Clutha at Cromwell Waitahuna Bridge Native districts ... Beaumont to Miller's Flat Through Blocks VIII. and X., Benger Run 106.. Kelso to Greenvale Tapanui Railway to Run 140 Through Runs 171 and 171a Arrowtown to Crown Terrace Waitahuna to Run 52c Run 75 (Boyd's) Education reserves Through Runs 177 and 257 Glenorchy up Rees and Dart Upper Clutha Blocks Waikaia Bush to Clutha Valley Pembroke to Matukituki Taieri Lake, Block XV., Maniototo Taieri Bridge to Nenthorn Bridge .. Ida Valley Kurow Run Taieri River Road Hummockside District Moeraki District Maniototo Kawarau to Nevis Run 109 Block XII., Nenthorn Clarendon District 881 8 6 100 0 0 990 13 0 12,581 19 0 16,403 13 2 499 1 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,925 8 7 1,001 5 1 453 2 3 220 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 342 13 8 456 0 0 200 0 0 2,500 0 0 200 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,946 7 6 750 0 0 735 5 11 6,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,148 7 3 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,821 3 9 5,002 0 0 1,805 3 7 604 15 0 3,500 0 0 2,129 11 4 200 0 0 175 0 0 500 0 0 1,261 0 0 200 0 0 260 0 0 167 10 8 1,240 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 265 5 6 50 0 0 77 13 11 I i #lt 1 l 1,031 8 6 100 0 0 990 13 0 12,581 19 0 16,403 13 2 499 1 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 2,190 14 1 1,001 5 1 503 2 3 220 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 420 7 7 456 0 0 200 0 0 2,500 0 0 200 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,946 7 6 750 0 0 735 5 11 6,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,148 7 3 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,821 3 9 5,002 0 0 1,805 3 7 604 15 0 3,500 0 0 2,179 11 4 200 0 0 175 0 0 500 0 0 1,261 0 0 200 0 0 260 0 0 167 10 8 1,240 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 I I 69 12 2 i 1 i ... 120 18 1 i i 1 - i i I 1,031 8 6 100 0 0 990 13 0 12,581 19 0 16,403 13 2 499 1 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 2,260 6 3 1,001 5 1 503 2 3 220 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 541 5 8 456 0 0 200 0 0 2,500 0 0 200 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,946 7 6 750 0 0 735 5 11 6,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,148 7 3 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,821 3 9 5,002 0 0 1,805 3 7 604 15 0 3,500 0 0 2,379 11 4 200 0 0 175 0 0 500 0 0 1,261 0 0 200 0 0 260 0 0 167 10 8 1,240 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 1 I I I I I I , , i l , , i , , I i t m i i 50 0 0 i 200 0 0 ,, t • • t Carried forward 86,621 11 6 592 19 5 87,214 10 11 390 10 3 87,605 1 2



TABLE NO. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward llSCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES— continued. •tago— continued. Run 222 Swinburn and Rock and Pillar \ Run 210 .. .. j Silverpeak, &c. Switzer's Track to Spylaw and Clutha Rankleburn, &c. Bridge, Tokomairiro River, N. Branch Hindon Glenomaru and Owake Glenkenich Woodlands Glenomaru Block Hunt's Road Glenorchy to Earnslaw Teviot small grazing-runs Beaumont and Rankleburn Maruwhenua Bridge Ratanui Road Purchase of roads Tauhaukupu Catlin's Roads Catlin's and Tautuku Gimmerburn District Naseby, Maniototo, and Gimmerburn Blackstone and Lauder Livingstone to Kyeburn Kyeburn District.. Henley Road Caversham Industrial School Reserve Brinn's Point and Merton.. Martin's Bay, Lake Wakatipu Dart River Road Bent Burn to Glacier Burn Rees River Road Makarora, Haast Valley Makarora Valley Lower Hawea and Lower Wanaka .. Tuapeka Mouth Punt Run 206a, Naseby Run 206p, Maniototo Roughridge, Poolburn-Tuapeka Taieri Mouth Punt Seacliff Asylum Road Hamilton Bridge Waikawa to Catlin's Glenomaru Long Point Road.. Cannibal Bay Road Rimu Table Hill Capburn Bridge, £1 for £1 Maungatua and Waipori Lauder-Blackstone Block Lauder-Tiger Hill Block Maniototo Block Gimmerburn Block Swinburn Farm-homestead Block .. Tuapeka West Block Tahaukupu Block Lindis Pass Road Block XL, Maniototo Block XVI., Maniototo Upper Taieri and Rock and Pillar .. Connecting Road, Block IX., Moeraki Blair-Taieri Tautuku Rimu Block XIV. Wingfield Road, Ratanui Water of Leith protective-works Lake Wanaka wharves Ravensbourne Road Normanby-Mount Cargill Cargill Street, Caversham Domet-Marewenua Blook £ s. a. 86,621 11 6 £ s. a. 592 19 5 £ s. d. 87,214 10 11 '£ s. d. 390 10 3 £ s. d. 87,605 1 2 450 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 1,093 0 0 1,093 0 0 1,093 0 0 320 0 0 690 5 8 320 0 0 690 5 8 320 0 0 690 5 8 1,266 0 0 250 0 0 1,005 0 0 1,146 16 2 110 4 0 2,571 4 9 624 13 0 1,433 6 5 1,266 0 0 250 0 0 1,005 0 0 1,146 16 2 110 4 0 3,777 10 0 624 13 0 1,433 6 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,310 13 5 300 0 0 529 4 4 382 14 7 589 11 5 999 13 8 11,131 10 8 700 0 0 300 0 0 1,649 0 0 4,900 4 11 1,266 0 0 250 0 0 1,005 0 0 1,146 16 2 110 4 0 4,052 12 5 624 13 0 1,833 6 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,434 0 0 300 0 0 529 4 7 532 14 7 708 3 2 1,172 1 2 11,420 16 10 700 0 0 300 0 0 1,649 0 0 5,228 3 5 500 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 380 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 650 0 0 6,487 4 2 795 18 9 332 10 0 800 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 376 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 288 0 0 367 0 0 675 11 10 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 1,193 19 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 1,206 5 3 275 2 5 100 0 0 88 4 10 900 0 8 400 0 0 11 15 2 410 12 9 300 0 0 429 13 11 362 14 7 260 9 3 672 1 2; 10,970 16 10 700 0 0 300 0 0 1,649 0 0 2,803 19 7 99 10 5 20 0 0 329 2 2 327 12 6 160 13 10 123 6 7 0 0 3 150 0 0 118 11 9 172 7 6 289 6 2 2,096 5 4 327 18 6 500 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 250 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 380 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 4,816 0 10 395 18 9, 32 10 0 342 15 7 200 0 0 300 0 0 871 2 3 220 19 9 190 1 0 202 13 3 240 17 9 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 5,687 3 1 616 18 6 222 11 0 545 8 10 240 17 9 150 0 0 350 0 0 800 1 1 179 0 3 109 19 0 254 11 2 159 2 3 300 0 o' 150 0 o; 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 76 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 259 5 0 675 11 10 400 0 0 100 0 0 107 15 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 367 0 0 675 11 10 100 0 0 350 0 0 88 0 0 ■• 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 14 7 8 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 1,179 11 4 1,179 11 4 Carried forward 123,600 6 9 1 11,558 14 91 135,159 1 61 9,588 4 10 ! 144,747 6



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

TABLE No. 4-

„ ... i Expenditure Expenditure J d £ dng 12 o, i. i? v. Months ended 31st March, : 31st Marchj 1895. 189a Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Total Authorities, E diture Contracts, &c, and 31st March, Liabilities. 1896. Brought forward .. • • /[ISCELLANEOUS ROADS AND BRIDGES— continued. )tago- -continued. Catlin's Block Glenomaru (III., IV., V., VII., X.) Block £ s. d. 123,600 0 0 £ s. d. 11,558 14 9 £ s. d. 135,159 1 6 £ s. a. 9,588 4 10 £ s. d. 144,747 6 4 '. 50 0 0 179 0 0 50 0 0 179 0 0 Totals—Otago 123,600 6 9 11,558 14 9 135,159 1 6 9,817 4 10 144,976 6 lOUTHLAND :— Bridge over Mataura, Otama District Jacob's River Bridge, subsidy Te Anau Jetty Bridge over Oreti at Elbow Otautau Bridge, subsidy Wrey's Bridge, subsidy Otara to Waikawa, and bridge over Tokanui Creek Pyramid Bridge to Waikaia Athol to Nokomai Saddle Kelso to Waikaka Mossburn to Manapouri Blocks II. and III., Campbelltown.. Appleby to Tisbury Wood end to Bushy Point Waikaka to Wendon and Greenvale Waikoikoi Bridge Riversdale, Switzers Boundary Creek Bridge .. . • Horse-bridge, Wairaki River, £1 for £1 Wendon District Seaward Forest to coast Forest Hill Tramway Road Orepuki to Wairaurahiri Branch Road to Forest Hill Tomogalak Creek to deferred-pay-ment land Bridges, Fortrose to Wyndham Dome Creek Bridge Waikawa District Waikaka Siding to Waikaka Town.. Bay Road to Otara Bush Bush land east of Makarewa Port William to Half-moon Bay .. Wyndham, via Mimihau, to Otaraia Waikaka to Pyramid Forest Hill Road Tisbury to Waimatua Makarewa to Hedgehope Oteramika Wright's Bush Centre Bush, Otipiri Invercargill Hundred Campbelltown Hundred Wendonside Pyramid Bridge Otatara Bush West's to Mokohua Waimatuku Bush • • Blackmount to deferred-payment land Bush land, Makarewa Seaward Moss to Awarua Bay Hedgehope Road Waikiwi Suburban Wallacetown to Tomoporakau Winton Tramway to Winton Forest Seaward Forest to deferred-payment block Waikawa to Wyndham Valley Riverton to Colao Bay Grove Bush Winton drains Stewart Island roads Clifton to Seaward Bush Sundry roads Sundry roads, Native labour Mossburn Bridge Mossburn to Te Anau Road 1,998 17 2 300 0 0 140 0 0 9 0 0 250 0 0 1,190 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,000 8 6 400 0 0 100 0 0 344 6 7 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 594 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 6,064 15 11 13,016 7 10 2,607 8 11 1,494 19 5 499 5 6 250 0 0 400 0 0 8,639 14 9 2,000 0 0 1,179 18 3 520 0 0 250 0 0 1,499 18 2 200 0 0 313 10 3 300 0 0 200 0 0! 500 0 0 100 0 0 349 18 9 500 0 0 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 850 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 425 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 650 0 0 100 0 0 579 14 10 500 0 0 1,998 17 2 300 0 0 140 0 0 9 0 0 250 0 0 1,190 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,000 8 6 400 0 0 100 0 0 344 6 7 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 594 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 6,064 15 11 13,116 7 10 3,187 3 9 1,494 19 5 499 5 6 250 0 0 400 0 0 9,139 14 9 2,000 0 0 1,179 18 3 520 0 0 250 0 0 1,499 18 2 200 0 0 598 9 0 599 13 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 349 18 9 500 0 0 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 850 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 425 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 650 0 0 295 5 2 488 0 0 1,998 17 2 300 0 0 140 0 0 9 0 0 250 0 0 1,190 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,000 8 6 400 0 0 100 0 0 344 6 7 100 0 0 500 o 0 125 0 0 594 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 6,064 15 11 13,116 7 10 3,482 8 11 1,494 19 5 499 5 6 250 0 0 400 0 0 9,627 14 9 2,000 0 0 1,179 18 3 520 0 0 250 0 0 1,499 18 2 200 0 0 598 9 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 600 0 0 100 0 0 449 18 9 700 0 0 1,650 0 0 100 0 0 850 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 425 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 650 0 0 •• 284 18 9 299 13 0 0 7 0 100 0 Oi 100 0 0 200 0 0 600 0 0 100 0 0 717 3 5 400 0 0 200 0 0 700 0 0 1,776 18 2 585 10 0 9,394 2 11; 9 9 0 350 0 0 307 19 9| 0 19 0 718 2 5 400 0 0 200 0 0 750 0 0 2,590 12 5 694 4 11 9,394 2 11 9 9 0 350 0 0 807 19 9 109 1 0 200 0 0 827 3 5 600 0 0 200 0 0 750 0 0 2,603 0 7 694 4 11 9,394 2 11 9 9 0 350 0 0 807 19 9 50 0 0 813 14 3 108 14 11 12 8 2 500 0 0 Carried forward .. 5—D. 1. 70,453 13 3 3,237 14 9] 73,691 8 0| 2,205 1 4 75,896 9



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

,-, ,.. Expenditure Expenditure A^mg u „, . ,„ , Months ended 31s March, 31st March) isao. 18g6 Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— continued. Southland— continued. Riverton to Orepuki Otautau Bridge Makarewa Bridge Wallacetown, Spar Bush, and Waimatuku Flat Wallacetown to Ryal Bush Seaward Bush roads Aparima Bridge Waikawa to Otara Longwood (XVI., X.) Campbelltown Owari Bridge .. .. 1 Mokoreta Valley, £1 for £1 J Gow's Creek Stock Bridge Forest Hill-Macdonald Road Campbelltown Waiau Bridge-Clifden Clifden Ferry-Eastern Bush (Limestone Gorge) Mataura River protective works Makarewa to Grove Bush Track to McLaren's Run Grassy Creek Wyndham Road Bridge,-£1 for £1 .. Waimea Valley Road Quarry Hills Gore Bridge, £1 for £1 Longwood (XVI., I., Block) Lillburn, Monowai, and Alton Block Mokoreta (Scrubby Hill) Block Waikawa-Otara Block Oteramika Block .. Ackers Village Block Hokonui and Forest Hill Block Reaby Retreat Bluff Road Girdler's Road Hillenfi Bush (Dipton Flat) Black Creek Bridge and Road Orepuki-Waiau .. Heddon Bush Half moon Bay Wharf, Stewart Island Half-moon Bay Tramway Lillburn Road Lonaker's Settlement Fortrose, Tokauui-Waikawa Orion and Minerva Roads, Makarewa, £1 for £1 Millwood Special Settlement Mabel District Dunsdale Otamita Retreat Timpany's Hill - Gorge Railwaystation £ s. d. 70,453 13 3 £ s. d. 3,237 14 9 £ s. d. 73,691 8 0 £ s. d. 2,205 1 4 £ s. d. 75,896 9 4 549 13 6 550 0 0 11 1 0 150 0 0 332 19 2 549 13 6 550 0 0 344 0 2 150 0 0 270 10 10 100 0 0 549 13 6 550 0 0 614 11 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 240 12 3 100 0 0 5 0 0 258 0 11 90 0 0 155 8 10 150 0 0 396 1 1 100 0 0 5 0 0 258 0 11 500 0 0 3 18 11 150 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 258 0 11 500 0 0 410 0 0 128 9 6 128 9 6 21 10 6 150 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 697 4 8 300 0 0 81 10 9 150 0 0 697 4 8 300 0 0 81 10 9 302 15 4 150 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 418 9 3 300 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 40 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,700 0 0 8,000 0 0 502 5 2 6,963 0 0 125 0 0 220 0 0 83 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 320 0 0 200 0 0 120 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 1,400 0 0 8,000 0 0 492 13 2 5,686 18 1 120 1 8 185 6 3 200 0 0 1,400 0 0 7,916 8 7 492 13 2 2,040 14 9 32 11 0 500 0 0 300 0 0. 83 11 5 3,646 3 4 87 10 8 185 6 3 9 12 0 1,276 1 11 4 18 4 34 13 9 83 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 320 0 0 200 0 0 120 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 326 19 10 326 19 10 100 0 0 147 10 2 150 0 0 100 0 0 474 10 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 25 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 Totals—Southland .. 84,640 8 5 11,622 19 2 96,263 7 7 8,758 2 4 105,021 9 11 )tago and Southland :— Miscellaneous and engineering To open up Otago and Southland runs 8,289 6 6 12,941 15 7 231 10 6 8,520 17 0 12,941 15 7 801 8 2 9,322 5 2 12,941 15 7 21,231 2 1 231 10 6 21,462 12 7 801 8 2 22,264 0 9 3-ENERAL :— Expenditure under miscellaneous . public-works votes (see Table No. 7 of 1884) Works unprovided for Cheviot Cheese-factory (subsidy) .. Cheviot roads Jrants-in-aid :— Grants-in-aid under. " The Roads and Bridges Construction Act, 1882 " 322,358 5 4 285 0 10 226 19 7 700 0 0 3,691 5 5 322,358 5 4 512 0 5 700 0 0 3,691 5 5 792 3 5 322,358 5 4 1,304 3 10 700 0 0 3,691 5 5 375,213 14 10 375,213 14 10 375,213 14 10 Carried forward 697,857 1 0| 702,475 6 01 792 3 5 4,618 5 703,267 9 5



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure Total during 12 Expenditure Months ended to 31st March, 31st March, 1896. 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward taNERAL — continued. Expenses taking poll re Buller Bridge Portion of subsidies to local bodies.. Turanga Creek Wharf Contingencies and subsidies to local bodies for providing work for unemployed Co-operative work for unemployed .. Liabilities of Victoria Valley Road Board Grant to Ohinemuri County Opunaki Wharf, £1 for £1.'. Improved-farm Settlements Advances to co operative workmen .. Miscellaneous jOcal Bodies :— Payments of thirds, &c. .. Ullage Settlements :— Village settlements £ s. d. 697,857 1 0 £ s. d. 4,618 5 0 £ s. d. 702,475 6 0 £ s. d. 792 3 5 £ s. d. 703,267 9 5 79 4 4 143,553 12 11 100 13 6 54,308 16 1 79 4 4 143,553 12 11 100 13 6 54,308 16 1 79 4 4 143,553 12 11 100 13 6 54,308 16 1 21,535 14 6 37 10 0 440 1 5 21,975 15 11 37 10 0 2,409 4 8 24,385 0 7 37 10 0 1,000 0 0 1,131 14 0 10,653 15 6 50 0 0 17,867 8 8 97 10 0 1,000 0 0 1,131 14. 0 28,521 4 2 147 10 0 13,716 3 0 2,012 10 0 525 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,131 14 0 42,237 7 2 2,160 0 0 525 0 0 1,175 0 2 168 3 0 1,343 3 2 464 14 4 1,807 17 6 50,908 18 1 529 18 5 51,438 16 6 1,412 10 2 52,851 6 8 Totals.. *982,392 0 1 123,721 6 6 1,006,113 6 7 21,332 5 7 1,027,445 12 2 ' Totals—Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges, &c. 2,840,613 11 6 155,468 11 11 2,996,082 3 5| 124,043 5 11 3,120,125 9 4 Ioads to give Access to Railway, Marton to Te Awamutu :— North end South end Tunnel to Karioi Kuripapanga to Karioi Moawhango to Karioi Mangawhero-Murimotu Hunterville to Taurangarere Ohingaiti to Tokaanu Rotoaira to Waimarino Waimarino Block Pipiriki-Karioi Stratford to Ongaruhe (Ohura) Hales's track to Murimotu Wanganui River steamer (subsidy).. Taupo-Tokaanu .. Awakino to Te Kuiti Raetihi-Parapara Miscellaneous and engineering 3,886 5 5 38,205 16 0 7,780 18 7 2,443 11 7 1,116 6 6 1,062 3 1 24,867 1 8 15,057 10 1 1,318 5 9 1,000 0 0 19,632 5 7 40,938 3 7 497 0 0 1,062 10 0 369 0 9 449 9 2 1,265 2 11 204 4 0 3,886 5 5 38,205 16 0 7,780 18 7 2,443 11 7 1,116 6 6 1,062 3 1 24,867 1 8 15,057 10 1 1,318 5 9 1,000 0 0 19,632 5 7 40,938 3 7 497 0 0 1,062 10 0 369 0 9 449 9 2 1,265 2 11 204 4 0 3,886 5 5 38,205 16 0 7,780 18 7 2,443 11 7 1,116 6 6 1,062 3 1 24,867 1 8 15,057 10 1 1,318 5 9 1,000 0 0 19,632 5 7 40,938 3 7 497 0 0 1,062 10 0 369 0 9 449 9 2 1,265 2 11 204 4 0 Totals.. +161,155 14 8 161,155 14 8 161,155 14 8 Native Land Purchases, etc. :— Surveys Roads — To lands acquired, viz.:— Kaueranga Papamoa No. 1 Taumata Nos. 1a, 2a, 3b East, 3b West No. 1, 3c East A, 3c West No. 1 Otawa Nos. 1a and 1b Taurewa Nos. 2a and 3 ) Okahukura Nos. 8b, 8g, and 8hJ Mangauika A 1a Ouruwhero No. 2, and Puketarata Wharepuhunga No. 1.. Mohakatino Parininihi No. 1a. . Tauranga No. 1 and C Ohura South, K No. 5, and L .. Ngaire Ruanui 2a and 3a Awarua Horowhenua 11b Waikopiro Te Kumi Hauturu East Rangitaiki-Ruatoki-Waiotahi.. Te Kuiti-Awakino Karu-o-te-whenua Rotorua-Galatea-Waikaremoana 3,365 3 1 2,358 3 8 24 4 0 317 16 0 3,864 17 10 5,723 7 6 24 4 0 317 16 0 3,864 17 10 375 16 0 500 0 0 182 4 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 5,723 7 6 400 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,864 17 10 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 7,950 15 8 200 0 0 11,563 1 9 440 0 0 3,615 16 4 500 0 0 500 0 0 4,539 12 3 5,281 6 11 1,000 0 0 13,807 3 11 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,258 1 10 6,692 13 10 7,950 15 8 200 0 0 2,609 1 2 19 6 2 938 9 2 500 0 0 500 0 0 4,719 18 7 4,234 2 0 420 13 10 1,560 10 10 8,954 0 7 420 13 10 2,677 7 2 1,116 16 4 4,539 12 3 5,280 6 1 4,539 12 3 5,280 6 1 1 0 10 1,000 0 0 2,401 10 8 11,405 13 3 11,405 13 3 Carried forward 10,460 0 7l 40,698 13 7l 51,158 14 2 [ 13,027 8 01 64,186 2 2 '£115,787 t £30,057 J £1,000 Advanced under " The Governmi >nt Loans to Loci d Bodies Act Amei idment Act, 1891.'



TABLE NO. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c. —continued.

I _ ,. L Expenditure Total Liabilities on Expenditure during i2 Expenditure Authorities, *J , Months ended to Contracts, &c, •.«Sf° 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 1895. 189 g 18g6 1896 _ I , , Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward .. Native Land Puechases, etc.—com- | tinued. Rotowhero via Waiotapu to Wairakei Rotorua-Te Teko Opuatia Mangatangi Bridge Tuakau-Opuatia-Kahuruhuru.. Tuakau Punt Awanui-Hicks Bay Okahuatiu-Tauwharetoi towards Galatea Opoiti Bridge Moawhango-Te Horo Pukearuhe inland to Mohakatinihi Taumatahoe Ohura Wanganui River Trust Wanganui River steamer subsidy Mangaonoho.. Mangapapa Raetihi'-Parapara Mangawhero-Murimoto To lands partially acquired, viz.:— Whakarewarewa Ngapaeruru Okahukura 8m Okohereki Id Pirongia West Kinehaku East Maraekowhai Taumatamahoe No. 2 Rangiwaea To new purchases £ s. d. 10,460 0 7 £ s. d. 40,698 13 7 £ s. d. 51,158 14 2 £ s. d. 13,027 8 0 £ s. d. 64,186 2 2 1,751 18 6 1,751 18 6 1,748 1 6 3,500 0 0 4,709 18 3 698 6 2 4,709 18 3 698 6 2 1,790 1 9 500 0 0 200 0 0 301 13 10 200 0 0 193 17 9 500 0 0 6,500 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 306 2 3 306 2 3 j 6 9 8 675 4 1 6 9 8 675 4 1 500 0 0 343 10 4 959 18 1 500 0 0 350 0 0 1,635 2 2 '" 2,992 0 0 700 0 0 600 0 0 375 0 0 34 2 0 2,992 0 0 700 0 0 600 0 0 375 0 0 34 2 0 8 0 0 3,000 0 0 700 0 0 1,000 0 0 462 10 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 87 10 0 115 18 0 500 0 0 251 14 4 81 10 11 248 5 8 218 9 1 248 5 8 218 9 1 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 234 17 4 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 3,408 19 11 0 18 0 500 0 0 167 1 0 408 19 11 0 18 0 2,765 2 8 3,174 2 7 0 18 0 500 0 0 167 1 0 167 1 0 Totals 10,869 18 6 56,946 12 11 67,816 11 5 4,012,569 11 4 25,294 1 10 93,110 13 3 Grand totals 3,772,195 3 9 240,374 7 7 155,791 19 9 4,168,361 11 1 Roads on Goldfields: — Subsidies towards the construction of roads and tracks in mining districts, and minor works for the development of minerals, upon a subscription of one-half being contributed Roads to open up mineral lands.. Auckland : — Assistance to Piako County Council towards constructing tramway from Te Aroha Mountain to batteries Opening Mokau River for development of coal-mine Kuaotunu-Coromandel Road Waikawau to Manaia Tapu to Waikawau Thames to Manaia Whangamata Harbour to Reefs .. Karangahake through Ohinemuri Gorge Tereohanga Gorge to Puhipuhi .. Cabbage Bay to Port Charles Tiki to Mahikarau Kuaotunu to Mercury Bay Karangahake and Waihi Karangahake Bridge Puriri to east side of range Tiki to Waikawau Hikutaia to Waihi Road Waitekauri to New Find Sylvia up Tararu Creek Thames to Waikawau 80,256 6 9 1,885 11 1 6,000 0 0 552 8 0 740 0 0 1,000 0 0 750 10 0 500 0 0 141 10 6 1,000 0 0 4,415 10 4 230 0 0 84,671 17 1 1,885 11 1 6,000 0 0 552 8 0 970 0 0 1,000 0 0 750 10 0 500 0 0 141 10 6 1,000 0 0 6,092 16 4 250 0 0 90,764 13 5 2,135 11 1 6,000 0 0 552 8 0 970 0 0 1,000 0 0 750 10 0 500 0 0 141 10 6 1,000 0 0 800 0 0 700 0 0 250 0 0 450 0 0 468 15 0 6 5 6 490 18 3 480 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 585 11 7 485 0 0 350 0 0 106 1 3 120 0 0 615 0 0 800 0 0 1,185 0 0 250 0 0 800 0 0 468 15 0 6 5 6 596 19 6 600 0 0 815 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 850 11 7 800 0 0 1,185 0 0 250 0 0 800 0 0 468 15 0 6 5 6 596 19 6 600 0 0 1,315 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 1,100 11 7 500 0 0 265 0 0 250 0 0 Carried forward 97,657 16 8] 6,586 11 7 ! 104,244 8 3| 7,092 16 4| 111,337 4 7



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895: Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Ioads on Goldfields — continued. Brought forward .UCKLAND —continued. Junction Waihi Road to New Find, Waitekauri Thompson's Track Paeroa to Waitoa Paeroa to Te Aroha Mercury Bay to Whenuakite and Boat Harbour Matawai to Kaimarama Tiki to Gum Town, via Kaimarama Driving Creek to Cape Colville .. Upper Tararu Road Thames to Hikutaia Upper Waiotahi Road Tapu Creek extension Gordon Settlement to Waharoa .. Turua Road Telson :— Repairs to Nile Bridge Lyell to Mokihinui via Eight-mile Mokihinui Quartz-reefs to Specimen Creek ■Brighton to Seventeen-mile Beach vid Terraces Cobden to Seventeen-mile Beach Wangapeka to Karamea Aorere Valley to Karamea and Mokihinui Owen Valley Road Hampden to Horse Terrace Hatter's Terrace to Bell Hill and Haupiri Larry's Creek to Lyell Road, near Dee River (subsidy of £1 for £1) Bridle-track to Upper Anatoki . Hatter's Terrace Road (£1 for £1 subsidy) Deep Creek to Bell Hill (£1 for £1 subsidy) Irishman's to Lake Brunner (£1 for £1 subsidy) Improving roads and tracks, Collingwood to Takaka, Motueka, and Karamea Ahaura to Amuri Grey River to Moonlight Blackball Track Ahaura-Kopara Road Nelson Creek Bridge Big River Road Approaches, Matakitaki Bridge .. Soldier's Creek Road Painkiller, to connect with Murray's Creek Road Gannon's to Painkiller Pain's Ford Bridge Red Hill Road.. Track, Slate River to Rocky Pack-track to Kill Devil Bridge, Karamea River Waimangaroa to Deuniston Road to Lyell's Creek, Extended Company's Tunnel Road from Lyell Bridge to Ryan's Road to Oparara Diggings Millerton Road Track to diggings, Cape Foulwind Cobden to Coal Creek Mackley's to Waipuna Terrace .. Footbridge over Blackball Creek .. Road to Barrytown Track to Adamstown Track to Crow Diggings.. Ngaliere to Blackball Ahaura Bridge.. Brown's Terrace to Arnold Prospecting-track, Brunnerton to Paparoa Carried forward .. £ s. d. 97,657 16 8 £ s. d. 6,586 11 7 £ s. d. 104,244 8 3 £ s. d. 7,092 16 4 £ s. d. 111,337 4 7 86 8 0 86 8 0 42 0 0 128 8 0 200 0 0 1,884 17 3 56 0 0 165 0 0 150 0 0 1,884 17 3 56 0 0 365 0 0 150 0 0 615 2 9 149 13 4 2,500 0 0 205 13 4 365 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 175 0 0 321 10 8 252 18 9 68 17 6 66 5 0 90 0 0 70 9 9 147 1 3 223 12 6 132 0 8 150 0 0 160 0 0 175 0 0 392 0 0 400 0 0 292 10 0 198 5 8 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 357 10 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 160 0 0 175 0 0 492 0 0 600 0 0 392 10 0 258 5 8 357 10 0 100 0 0 831 2 6 5,098 8 6 1,238 7 5 831 2 6 5,098 8 6 1,238 7 5 831 2 6 5,098 8 6 1,238 7 5 1,789 7 2 1,789 7 2 1,789 7 2 3,436 1 4 2,000 0 0 29,938 1 2 3,436 1 4 2,000 0 0 29,938 1 2 3,436 1 4 2,000 0 0 29,938 1 2 2,208 9 2 3,060 8 6 1,450 0 0 390 10 0 200 0 0 2,208 9 2 3,450 18 6 1,650 0 0 33 1 6 2,208 9 2 3,484 0 0 1,650 0 0 423 10 0 423 10 0 423 10 0 722 8 0 400 0 0 722 8 0 400 0 0 722 8 0 400 0 0 365 10 0 365 10 0 365 10 0 900 0 0 900 0 0 900 0 0 11,005 18 11 11,005 18 11 11,005 18 11 2,504 19 7 500 0 0 948 11 9 375 0 0 100 0 0 836 15 0 218 15 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 237 0 8 25 0 0 2,504 19 7 530 0 0 1,185 12 5 400 0 0 100 0 0 1,402 14 0 218 15 0 198 5 0 178 4 0 634 0 11 61 5 0 1 15 0 21 16 0 2,504 19 7 530 0 0 1,185 12 5 400 0 0 100 0 0 2,036 14 11 280 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 565 19 0 158 5 0 178 4 0 196 10 6 798 13 10 249 8 1 179 14 0 45 6 0 100 0 0 1,487 11 7 100 0 0 200 0 0 196 10 6 798 13 10 249 8 1 225 0 0 100 0 0 1,487 11 7 100 0 0 200 0 0 53 9 6 250 0 0 798 13 10 249 8 1 225 0 0 100 0 0 1,511 18 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 24 6 5 97 11 0 375 0 0 75 0 0 ■• 100 0 0 249 0 3 I 25 0 0 150 0 0 275 0 0 100 0 0 249 0 3 97 11 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 275 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 200 0 0 118 1 3 600 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 249 0 3 197 11 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 345 6 8 600 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 125 0 0 i ! 227 5 5 22*7 5 5 200 0 0 100 0 0 125 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 125 0 0 197,277 0 6 171,325 19 71 14,761 2 11| 186,087 2 6| 11,189 18 0|



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads on Goldfields — continued. Brought forward Marlborough :— Wakamarina Valley Anikiwa Jetty Havelock to Mahakipawa Onamalutu to Wakamarina Forks Deep Creek to Dome Creek Bartlett's Creek Track Gravelling road through Mr. Adams's property Canterbury:— Road to open up Wilberforce quartz-reefs Westland :— Cedar Creek Road Browning's Pass to Reefs (subsidy of £2 for £1) Great South Road Track up Waiho River .. Haast Ferry to Glue-pot Jackson's Bay to Cascade and Gorge River Districts Grey Valley to Teremakau Bridge over Mahinapua Creek Extension, Seddon's Terrace Track Bridge over Ogilvie Creek Deviation Road, Larrikin's Flat .. Gillam's Gully Track Bridge over Kanieri River at Kokatahi Taipo Creek to Seven-mile Totara Bridge Track, Waikupukupu ocean-beach to main road Wire Bridge, Waiho River Track, Totara River to Constitution Hill £ s. d. 171,325 19 7 11 0 0 135 15 9 1,311 9 0 1,830 17 7 4,500 0 0 2,207 10 8 6,443 5 8 86 17 6 126 0 0 6,085 15 1 £ s. d. 14,761 2 11 400 0 0 200 0 0 1,521 7 1 £ s. d. 186,087 2 6 11 0 0 135 15 9 1,311 9 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 1,830 17 7 4,500 0 0 2,207 10 8 7,964 12 9 86 17 6 126 0 0 6,832 6 0 £ s. d. 11,189 18 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 907 19 4 £ s. d. 197,277 0 6 11 0 0 135 15 9 1,311 9 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,830 17 7 4,500 0 0 2,207 10 8 8,872 12 1 86 17 6 126 0 0 6,832 6 0 746 10 11 900 0 0 503 16 10 101 6 3 50 0 0 - 1,025 4 2 164 11 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 55 9 0| 467 10 10 900 0 0 503 16 10 101 6 3 150 0 0 1,375 4 2 220 0 0 467 10 10 119 12 3 900 0 0 503 16 10 101 6 3 150 0 0 1,494 16 5 220 0 0 467 10 10 26 13 6 100 0 0 167 12 2 236 0 0 194 5 8 336 0 0 194 5 8 336 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 Otago:— Arthur's Point to Skipper's Waikaia Bush Road Arrowtown to Macetown Quartzreefs and Motutapu Bush Waitahuna Bridge, on account of reconstruction Garston to Nevis Wakatipu to Milford Sound Piers, Victoria Bridge Artesian-well boring, Maniototo Plains Miller's Flat to Skipper's Road .. Bridge and approaches, Skippers Arrowtown to Macetown Deviation, Pleasant Creek Track Waipori-Berwick Gorge Road Bridge over Clutha River at Miller's Flat Renewal bridge to Bannockburn.. Southland :— Tracks, Merivale District Waiau to Preservation Inlet Tracks, Stewart Island Waipapa to Waikawa Waipapa to Six-mile Assistance towards prospecting* Contingencies 12,167 4 1 1,000 0 0 9,720 6 8 750 0 0 1,565 17 2 5,816 6 4 362 10 0 800 0 0 580 0 0 1,424 1 7 400 0 0 12,167 4 1 1,000 0 0 9,720 6 8 750 0 0 1,565 17 2 7,240 7 11 362 10 0 800 0 0 580 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 12,167 4 1 1,000 0 0 9,720 6 8 750 0 0 1,715 17 2 8,740 7 11 362 10 0 800 0 0 580 0 0 1,500 0 0 600 0 0 130 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 600 0 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 7,613 3 9 130 8 0 342 15 9 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 7,955 19 6 130 8 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 2,630 16 2 639 13 8 69 12 0 500 0 0 7,955 19 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 2,630 16 2 639 13 8 2,630 16 2 639 13 8 • • Totals .. 241,212 8 5 21,512 10 3 262,724 18 8 18,377 1 7 281,102 0 3 * See also Table Nc


Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5 STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-Races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-95. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-95. Survey and Construction 1895-96. Grants, Subsidies, 1895-96. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Totals. Contracts. Totals. I NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames Tairua W r ater-race Compensation, Thames Waterrace R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.j NORTH ISLAND. : Auckland Peovincial District — 80,708 19 3 Thames. 200 0 0 Tairua Water-race. 1,250 0 Oi Compensation, Thames waterrace. 100 0 0 R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. 200 0 0[ Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. 80,708 19 3 34 '§ 4i 1,250 0 Oi 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 I 1,250 0 0 •• 165 14 8 165 14 8 •• •• 40 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 -• 225 14 8 •• j 80,708 19 3 i 82,458 19 3 1,524 5 4j 82,233 4 7 •• 225 14 8 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu .. .. Hibernian New River ... Kanieri .. Rimu Drainage- tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race.. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race.. Trustees Main Tail-race, Wai3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6: 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 0 12 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,000 0 0 1,319 4 11 273 2 6 MIDDLE ISLAND. I Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — 1,958 19 1 Hohonu. 2,005 0 4 Hibernian. 3,517 5 3 New River. 10,312 3 10 Kanieri. 250 0 0] Rimu Drainage-tunnel. 1,554 10 6; Ross Sludge-channel. 2,762 17 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. 1,000 0 0 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. 3,000 0 0 Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. 1,000 0 0 Trustees Main Tail-race, Wai- •• I 0 12 6 249**7 6 249**7 6 1,554*10 6 2,762 17 2 .. i 552 14 10 447 5 2 1,319 4 11 273 2 6 1,680*15 1 726 17 6 1,680 15 1 726 17 6 . -• mea mea. Government Works — Waimea-Kurnara Mikonui ... 181,694 9 6 25,927 4 6 3,289 18 0; •■ 184,984 7 6 25,927 4 6 1,116 5 3 1,116 5 3 Government V r orks — 186.100 12 9 Waimea- Kumara. 25,927 4 6 Mikonui. I Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — 90,722 10 8 1 Nelson Creek. 257 16 7 Napoleon Hill. 15,351 15 3 Argyle (Charleston). 244 9 0 Black's Point. 800 0 0 Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. 222 2 3 Randall Creek water-race. 150 0 0 Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Nelson Provincial. Distbict— Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water- race at Sulky Gully 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,151 15 3 244 9 0 I 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,151 15 3 244 9 0 200 0 0 800 "o 0 200 "o 0 800*0 0 222 2 3 76 5 0 222 2 3 76 5 0 73*15 01 73 15 0 •- 314,589 3 6 •22,072 13 0 1,116 5 3 347,137 7 2 Carried forward 3,512 0 3 2,116 10 1 342,290 6 10 3,730 15 1 4,847 0 4



Development of Goldflelds.— Table No. 5 -continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-Races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.

Locality and Name of Race. Expenditure. Survey and Construction 1895-96. Grants, Subsidies, 1895-96. LlABI] ■ITIES. Totals. Total ~ \ Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-95. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-95. Totals. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. ' Contracts. ' Brought forward .. .. ' £ s. d. 314,589 8 6! £ s. d. 22,072 13 0 £ s. d. 3,512 0 3 £ s. d. 2,116 10 1! £ s. d. 342,290 6 10 £ s. d. 1,116 5 3 £ s. d. 3,730 15 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,847 0 4i £ s. d. 347,137 7 2l MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Government Works — Mount Ida .. .. .. I Waipori .. .. 4 6 2 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 2,956 14 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,000 0 0 - 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 2,956 14 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 7 2 I ' " •- I i ! .. .. • • • 612 10 0 644 6 2 9.249 13 1 200 0 0 2,956 14 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1.250 0 0i MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Otago Peovincial Distbict — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. j 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 900 8 7 •' ■ I 249*18 7 | i 99*12 10 •• I i I i •• " 99 12 10 i __ 70,653 18 4 11,263 1 0 I ! 70,653 18 4 11,263 1 0 i .. 70,653 18 4 11,263 1 0 Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill 133 19 4 133 19 4 133 19 4 Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. General — Increased water-supply 530 4 0 ) 100 0 0 I 630 4 0 I 630 4 0 General — Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 6,720 6 8 ! I 6,720 6 8 ( 6,720 6 8 Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. i 3,761 18 10 2,116 10 1 .450,590 6 7 ' 1,215 18 1 . 3,730 15 1 4,946 13 2 I 455,536 19 9 405,746 8 3 38,965 9 5 Totals Totals. SUMMARY. North Island 1,524 5 4J 82,233 4 7 225 14 8' SUMMARY. North Island. 80,708 19 3 ■• •• ■• 225 14 8 82,458 19 3 Middle Island 405,746 8 3 ;38,965 9 5 3,761 18 10 2,116 10 1J450.590 6 7| 1,215 18 1 3,730 15 1 3,956 9 9i 4,946 13 2 455,536 19 9 Middle Island. Totals |486,455 7 6 38,965 9 5 1,215 18 1 5,172 7 10 i 537,995 19 0 Totals. 3,761 18 10J 3,640 15 5 532,823 11 2



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date.

♦ For expenditure prior to 31st March, 1894, see Boada on Goldfields, Table No. i (£2,630165. 2d.).

TABLE No. 6. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date.

6— D. 1.

Expenditure Expenditure during during 12 Months ended 12 Months ended 3lBt March, 31st March, 1895. 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on 31st March 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. .ssistance towards prospecting* .. 'urchase of diamond-drill 'rospecting deep levels, Thames, — Queen of Beauty Claim £ s. d. 2,378 12 3 505 19 11 £ s. d. 1,726 4 8 216 1 6 £ S. d, 4,104 16 11 722 1 5 £ s. d. 3,093 3 0 £ s. a. 7,197 19 11 722 1 5 7,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 Totals 2,884 12 2 1,942 6 2 4,826 18 4 10,093 3 0 14,920 1 4

Line. Miles Poles. Miles of !Of Wire. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 699,021 17 9 2,169 0 4 353 12 2 1,602 0 6 209 16 6 47 13 6 391 5 2 129 3 11 18 0 0 11 9 2 0 10 0 10 0 0 18 0 2 12 6 1 16 9 11 13 6 450 11 11 2 8 0 27 7 0 62 5 0 90 13 10 12 14 0 10 0 72 7 8 24 17 0 197 3 5 90 15 1 108 19 9 9 11 6 425 4 2 96 5 8 11 18 8 171 13 5 173 10 5 36 8 9 272 18 3 14 14 11 79 2 6 138 16 9 2 7 3 142 14 8 23 13 6 25 17 0 2 13 6 8 0 0 90 2 2 11 3 4 65 1 0 14 0 93 19 7 83 16 9 6 17 £ s. a. Expenditure to the 31st March, 1895 Telephone exchanges Hamilton to Morrinsville Awanui-Cape Maria van Diemen.. Wangarei-Kiripaka Wangarei-Poroki Dargaville -Opanaki Waihi-Waitekauri Auckland-Onehunga Driving Cieek Napier-Pohui Wairoa-Nuhaka Postmaster's house, Waipawa Petane-Eskdale Dannevirke-Mangatera Ormond-Waimata Valley Hutt-Hastings Wanganui Racecourse Bulls-Sanson .. Masterton-Pahiatua Tenui-Whakataki Pemberton Extension Taita Bureau Cheltenham-Waituna Feilding-Bunnythorpe .. Auckland-Paeroa Auckland-Taupo Fielding-Waituna West Waitotara-Maxwelltown Pahiatua-Eketahuna Alton-Hurleyville Cardiff extension Apiti extension Pohangina extension Koromiko-Tuamarina Blenheim-Kaikoura Kaikoura-Christchurch Blenheim-White's Bay Blenheim-Port Underwood Cape Campbell Tinline Bridge Flaxbourne extension .. Nelson-Whakapuaka O'Gilvie's Cass-Castlehill Hanmer Plains.. Cust-Bennett's Wainui extension Mayfield-Ruapuna Tapanui-Crookston Cambrian's-Beck's Mataura-Gore *8 16 34 'OI i io oi 16 4 3 17 60 9 13 16 74 6i 0* *2 *3 171 2 4 40 110 180 10 0J 32 4 3 10 10 8 *7 10 *7 20 'ii 'k 24 26 4 8 *6 7 "n 7 8 Carried forward 1707,100 11 9



TABLE NO. 6—continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.

TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Line. Miles of Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Poles. Wire. Brought forward Vedderburn !nvercargill-Mataura Hyde-Rock and Pillar Hyde-Albert Town Sweburn .. oloseburn Juggate liumsden-Balfour Drepuki-Puysegur file Camp oterangi Bay No. 1 .. .. Dterangi Bay No. 2 3ook Strait cable <To. 2 cable Purchase 32-knots cable Purchase of material (including poles and arms) *4 10 7 125 8 "of 10 707,100 11 9 15 7 6 18 12 9 19 12 4 5 3 6 15 7 6 2 4 0 6 4 3 200 9 10 49 6 11 14 19 10 268 18 4 54 15 5 1,584 5 10 859 15 2 4,203 11 3 20,140 6 9 'ii 12 10 12 12 734,559 12 11 Total expenditure 734,559 12 11 Liabilities to 31st March, 1896 .. 4,000 0 0 Total expenditure and liabilities £738,559 12 11

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Judicial Postal and Telegraphic Customs Offices for Public Departments Lunatic Asylums School-buildings Hospitals Quarantine Stations Survey Parliament Buildings Government House, Wellington Agricultural Miscellaneous £ s. d. 294,832 14 1 158,134 3 0 5,872 2 10 187,343 15 5 363,131 6 3 857,013 1 3 41,183 10 7 3,833 19 3 543 4 5 20,993 17 8 1,183 8 7 996 6 11 9,838 14 10 £ s. d. 27,341 3 4 6,193 12 3 646 17 0 3,435 7 10 10,934 16 8 20,000 0 0 6,560 9 11 £ s. d. 322,173 17 5 164,327 15 3 6,518 19 lOj 190,779 3 3 374,066 2 11 877,013 1 3 47,744 0 6 3,833 19 31 543 4 5 20,993 17 8 1,183 8 7 2,123 11 9 9,838 14 10 £ s. d. 8,917 12 3 2,079 8 4 7 14 5 1,503 16 1 8,628 11 7 1,389 10 1 £ s. d. 331,091 9 8 166,407 3 7 6,526 14 3 192,282 19 4 382,694 14 6 877,013 1 3 49,133 10 7 3,833 19 3 543 4 5 20,993 17 8 1,183 8 7 2,641 17 3 9,838 14 10 1,127 4 10 518 5 6 Totals.. 1,944,900 5 1 76,239 11 10 2,021,139 16 11 23,044 18 3 2,044,184 15 2



TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1896, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1895. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1896. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. Akaroa Brothers Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Kidnappers Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Palliser Cape Saunders Centre Island Cuvier Island French Pass Beacon French Pass Hokitika Jackson's Reef Beacon Kaipara Manukau Heads Marine Store Moeraki Mokohinau Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen's Island Timaru Tiritiri Cable Tory Channel Waipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s. "Hinemoa" and " Stella" .. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,324 14 7 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 £ s. d. 43 0 0 70 14 9 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 43 0 0 7,028 14 8 70 14 9 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,445 6 8 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 £ s. d. 2,060* 0 0 2,857 7 9 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,103 0 0 7,028 14 8 2,928 2 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,467 11 7 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 120*12 1 22* 4 11 20,590 5 9 20,590 5 9 20,590 5 9 Total Lighthouses 128,819 8 3 234 6 10 129,053 15 1 4,939 12 8 133,993 7 Harboue Works. Wharf at Howick Pollock Wharf, Manukau Whangarei Heads Wharf Matakana Wharf Waiuku Channel Coromandel Wharf Waitara Harbour Removing eel-weirs, Patea River Napier Harbour Castlepoint Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Picton, removal of old wharf Nelson, dredging harbour Collingwood Harbour Karamea Wharf Westport Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Lyttelton, reclamation works, Sticking Point .. Timaru Harbour .. .. Martin's Bay, removal of rock Port Levy Jetty Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Jackson's Bay Jetty Raising dredge " Hapuka " .. Miscellaneous 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 650 11 11 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 56,500 0 0 2,13616 3 956 16 7 956 16 7 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,787 8 2 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 56,500 0 0 707 0 11 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 223 16 8 27 10 8 357 2 9 1,180 13 3 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,814 18 10 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 56,500 0 0 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 767 0 11 1,124 3 8 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 Total Harbour Works .. 310,757 0 0 3,860 13 9 315,226 3 10 314,617 13 9 608 10 1 Harbour Defences. Guns .. .. Ammunition War Office stores Torpedo boats and torpedoes Submarine mining stores Miscellaneous Works in colony Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 195,813 3 1 36,601 15 5 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 18 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 199,127 11 10 36,601 15 5 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 200,153 8 3 36,601 15 5 3,314 8 9 1,02516 5 Total Harbour Defences 470,526 16 3 3,314 8 9 473,841 5 0* 1,025 16 5 474,867 1 5 Grand total 910,103 4 6 7,409 9 4 917,512 13 10 6,573 19 2 924,086 13 0 * In addition to the above expenditure o: of Consolidated Fund during the year 1889-9( iure from all sources, £492,760 16s. lid. l Harbour Defences out of Public : £8,458 16s. Id.; 1890-91, £8,320 1( ', Works Fund, the Is. lOd.; 1891-92, £! following amoui !,140 5s.; making its were spent out the total expend!





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1894."

Public Works Department, Wellington, Bib,— 10th September, 1896. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1894," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, - . . Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. » ;

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1895-96.

Public Works Department, 10th September, 1896. G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. J. K. Wabbueton, Controller and Auditor-General. (Details on next page.)

!lass. Votes. Summary. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Public Works Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Part I. 390 9 0 15,590 18 1 183,705 17 8 75,233 10 3 9,345 0 5 400 0 0 3,091 8 1 7,482 5 11 8,518 7 2 Cr. 9 11 0 12,499 10 0 176,223 11 9 66,715 3 1 9,345 0 5 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 75 76 77-92 93-96 97 98 99 100-107 108-110 Immigration Public Works, Departmental Railways Roads Development of Goldfields Purchase of Native Lands Telegraph Extension Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences Rates on Native Lands Contingent Defence Unauthorised 257 10,000 180,550 79,631: 20,750 1,000 30,000 96,985 15,300 36,556 14 10 76,356 0 9 7,418 0 4 1,018 19 8 116 8 11 8 11 0 35,537 15 2 76,239 11 10 7,409 9 4 X. XI. 111 112 750 5,000j 340 1 5 ; 5,000 0 0 i 10,288 19 7 340 1 5 5,000 0 0 288 19 7 10,000* 0 0 Total Part I. 440,223i 1420,225 12 4 30,636 0 9 389,589 11 7 Part II. I. II. 113 114,115 Public Works, Departmental Railways l,800j 35,000j 1,800 0 0 20,903 5 4 21* 8 0 1,800 0 0 20,881 17 4 Total Part II 36,800! 22,703 5 4 21 8 0 22,681 17 4 Total Public Works Fund ; 442,928 17 8 30,657 8 9 412,271 8 11 477,023



Vote No. Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. ■.,---. Public Works Fund. £ £ s. d. £ s. d.j £ s. a. Part I. 257 390 9 0 Cr. 9 11 0 Immigration— Immigration 400 0 0 75 Public Works, Departmental— Public Works, Departmental 76 10,000 15,590 18 1 3,091 8 1 12,499 10 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Railways— Whangarei-Kamo Extension Kaihu Valley Railway Extension .. Helensville Northwards Grahamstown-Te Aroha Putaruru-Rotorua Eketahuna-Woodville Midland Railway Greymouth-Hokitika Fernhill Railway Purchase Otago Central Catlin's River Seaward Bush Land-claims, &c. Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way, &c. Additions to Open Lines 8,000 3,000 6,000 7,000 2,000 25,000 10,000 6,000 1,150 25,000 7,000 8,000 1,500 700 30,200 40,000 7,455 8 1 3 11 0 2,896 6 0 7,432 6 10 1,248 10 5 20,612 0 9 5,881 15 10 5,096 14 8 1,150 0 0 29,176 8 1 8,696 14 2 9,164 8 8 3,153 8 7 214 2 4 42,961 16 10 38,562 5 5 77 18 4 48* 5 0 35* 0 11 13 19 4 7,377.9 ! 3 .11 i 2,896 6 I 7,384 1 1 1,248 10 I 20,576 19 li 5,867 16 i 5,096 14 I 1,150 0 i 29,176 6 8,663 8 ! 9,164 8 ; 3,149 18 ' 211 2 . 35,769 12 l: 38,487 4 i 6' 2 0 33 5 5 3 10 0 3 0 0 7,192 3 11 75 1 0 Roads— Main Roads ■Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields 180,550 183,705 17 8 7,482 5 11 176,223 11 93 9495 96 25,130 23,060 410 31,031 31,454 5 1 22,033 7 2 168 3 0 21,577 15 0 3,495 2 4 4,958 0 1 27,959 2 9 17,075 7 1 168 3 0 21,512 10 3 65* 4 9 Development of Goldfields— Development of Goldfields 79,631, 75,233 10 3 8,518 7 2 66,715 3 97 20,75i 9,345 0 5 9,345 0 98 Purchase of Native Lands — Purchase of Native Lands 1,000 99 Telegraph Extension— Telegraph Extension 30,000 36,556 14 10 1,018 19 8 35,537 15 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Public Buildings— General Judicial .. ... Postal and Telegraph Customs Lunatic Asylums School-buildings Agricultural Hospitals, &e. 3,400 33,715 10,890 600 17,800 20,000 2,180 8,400 3,440 7 10 27,430 18 4 6,209 14 3 646 17 0 10,940 8 7 20,000 0 0 1,127 4 10 6,560 9 11 5 0 0 89 15 0 16 2 0 511 11 3,435 7 10 27,341 3 4 6,193 12 3 646 17 0 10,934 16 8 20,000 0 0 1,127 4 10 6,560 9 11 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and fences— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences Harbour De96,985 76,356 0 9 116 8 11 76,239 11 11 108 109 110 7,050 4,250 4,000 234 6 10 3,869 4 9 3,314 8 9 8*11 0 234 6 10 3,860 13 9 3,314 8 9 15,300 7,418 0 4: 8 11 0 7,409 9 4 Rates on Native Lands— Bates on Native Lands 111 750 340 1 5 340 1 5 Contingent Defence— Contingent Defence 112 5,000! 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 Unauthorised— Services not provided for .. 10,000 0 0 288 19 7 10,288 19 7 Total Public Works Fund, Part I. 440,223 420,225 12 4 30,636 0 9 389,589 11 Part II. Public Works, Departmental— Public Works, Departmental 113 1,800 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 114 115 Railways— Marton-Te Awamutu Surveys 34,000 1,000 20,390 1 7 513 3 9 21 8 0 20,368 13 7 518 3 9 Total Public Works Fund, Part II. 35,000 20,903 5 4 21 8 0 20,881 17 4 36,800 22,703 5 4 21 8 0 22,681 17 4 Total Public Works Fund 477,023 442,928 17 8 30,657 8 9 412,271 8 11



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Period ended 31st March, 1896, prepared in terms of Section 38, Part IV., of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary. Public Works Department, 30th April, 1896.

Class. Votes. lummary. total. III. VIII. IX. 77-92 100-107 108-110 Public Works Fund. Part I. Railways Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences .. £ s. a. 80,606 17 0 23,044 18 3 6,573 19 2 & s. a. 110,225 14 5 II. 114,115 Part II. Railways 16,391 5 11 Consolidated Fund. Public Buildings and Inspection of Machinery 126,617 0 4 XII. 59,62 108 14 4 'ote N 1. Name of Vote. Total. Public Works Fund. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 | 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Railways— Part I. Whangarei-Kamo Extension Kaihu Valley Railway Extension Helensville Northwards Grahamstown-Te Aroha Putaruru-Rotorua Eketahuna-Woodville Midland Railway, Otira Section „ Belgrove Section Greymouth-Hokitika Fernhill Railway Purchase Otago Central Catlin's River Seaward Bush.. Land-claims and other old Liabilities, &c. Surveys of New Lines of Railway Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock Additions to open Lines £ s. d. 3,928 19 5 565 14 0 6,809 0 9 5,321.18 2 63 12 0 18,457 13 3 4,900 11 3 2,241 10 9 582 16 7 14,751 0 7 2,359 2 4 9,484 9 9 22 5 7 444 16 9 9,160 10 3 1,512 15 7 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Lunatic Asylums Agricultural Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions 80,606 17 0 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 1,503 16 1 8,917 12 3 2,079 8 4 7 14 5 8,628 11 7 518 5 6 1,389 10 1 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 23,044 18 3 108 109 110 4,939 12 8 608 10 1 1,025 16 5 Total, Part I. 6,573 19 2 110,225 14 5 Past II. 114 115 Railways— Marton-Te Awamutu, North Island Main Trunk Railway .. Surveys 16,175 8 10 215 17 1 16,391 5 11 Total, Public Works Fund.. 126,617 0 4 Consolidated Fund. 59 62 Public Buildings.. Inspection of Machinery 107 14 4 10 0 108 14 4



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1895, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. p Length Length of Hcnlars o£ Sidings in ticuiars. Contract _ Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. AILWAYS March 13, 1890 Helensville Northwards Makarau F. andp.l. M. ch. Ik. 3 6 0 Ik. 0 40 0 John McLean and Son March 1, 1892 £ s. d. 26,616 0 0 Jan. 25, 1894 Ekatahuna-Woodville Mangatainoka Bridge George Scott Dec. 19, 1895 8,867 10 1 April 11, 1895 70,000ft. Bridge, Timber .. John Henry's Executors Feb. 11, 1896 452 13 4 April 11, „ 288,000ft. Bridge, Timber .. Henry Carlson Feb. 11, „ 978 14 6 Dec. 2, „ Timber and Joinery, Newman Station-buildings 100,000 Bricks, Hyde Tunnel Henry Carlson Dec. 30, 1895 May 9, 1896 296 12 10 April 8, „ Otago Central C. and W. Shiel Sept. 30, 1895 249 18 0 Nov. 9, „ Bridge, Timber and Piles .. Murray, Arnold and Co. Nov. 9, „ Mar. 11, 1896 377 4 1 Nov. 18, „ Jan. 21, 1896 Plate Girders, Capburn Section Bridge over Taieri River J. and A. Anaerson Fraser ana Morley July 18, 1896 950 18 9 7,716 10 0 July 21, 1897 March 16, 1895 Seaward Bush Mataura Bridge J. and A. Anderson May 16, 1896 6,486 16 2 June 21, „ Bridge, Piles Murray, Arnold and Co. Sept. 27, 1895 Nov. 12, 1895 767 16 0 July 4, . Timber for Flood Openings.. Mace and Holland jOct. 10, „ Nov. 20, „ 396 10 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1895, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Auckland. £ s. a. 316 12 0 Jan. 28, 1895 July 19, , Sept. 11, „ Sept. 11, „ Oct. 15, . Oct. 16, „ Dec. 9, „ Police-station, Aratapu Supply of Timber for Howick Wharf Timber ana Joinery, Paeroa Railway-station Buildings Timber and Joinery, Paeroa Railway-station Buildings Ruatoki Native School 460,000 Bricks for Auxiliary, Asylum Timber and Joinery for Auxiliary, Asylum J. Nixon and C. Rosinsky, Aratapu T. M. Lane and W. Brown, Whangaroa Macklow Brothers, Aucklana .. J. McAndrew, Paeroa E. J. Robinson, Tauranga J. J. Craig, Auckland The Kauri Timber Company, Auckland George Gorton April 18, 1895 Oct. 19, „ Nov. 11, „ Nov. 11, „ Feb. 15, 1896 April 16, „ Feb. 9, „ April 29, 1895 Nov. 26, „ Nov. 30, , Jan. 11, 1896 587 19 10 332 19 1 275 10 11 668 0 0 1,058 0 0 1,381 5 3 Feb. 6, 1896 Police-station, Mongonui April 16, „ 247 0 0 April 11, 1895 Taranaki. Painting Government Buildings, New Plymouth Oakey, Arnold, and Earp, New Plymouth W. F. Brooking, New Plymouth H. Brown ana Co., Inglewooa .. j May 23, 1895 Aug. 16, 1895 136 18 1 April 11, April 11, „ Alterations and Repairs, Government Buiiaings New Plymouth Timber-supply for Carpenters' work, Stratford Courthouse May 9, „ As per specification Ditto Aug. 16, . Aug. 19, , 203 13 0 97 19 4 May 14, Joinery-supply, Stratford Courthouse New Plymouth Sash- and Doorfactory Company Ditto .. 211 18 5 July 6, „ July 19, „ Jan. 28, 1896 Jan. 28, „ March 14, „ March 14, „ Joiners' Materials, Stratford Post-office Carpenters' „ „ Carpenters' Materials for Hawera Courthouse Joiners' „ „ ...... Timber-supply for Joiners' work, Post- and Telegraph-office, Hawera Carpenters' work, „ ... Dec. 15, „ Nov. 18, . 201 3 9 83 12 0 110 17 0 338 2 0 262 11 1 238 1 3 G. Syme, Hawera March 14, 1895 July 19, „ Hawke's Bay. Furniture for Supreme Court, Gisborne Timber- and Joinery-supply, Napier Police-station T. Townley, Gisborne R. Holt, Napier May 7, 1895 June 15, „ July 15, 1895 Aug. 16, „ 179 4 3 441 19 1 June 25, 1895 Aug. 27, „ Aug. 1, „ Wellington. Installation of Electric Light, Departmental Buildings, Wellington Police-stetion, Te Nui Carpenters' Materials, Wanganui Police-station J. Dawson, Wellington J. Montgomery, Masterton W. G. Bassett, Wanganui June 25, 1895 Nov. 27, „ As per specification Ditto Aug. 12, 1895 Dec. 13, „ Sept. 30, „ 526 15 0 351 12 6 131 15 1 Sept. 7, „ Joiners' „ » ...... Wanganui Sash- and Door-factory, Wanganui R. T. Turnbull, Wellington Stewart and Co., Wellington S. Luke and Co. (Limited), Wellington Dec. 17, , 429 12 6 Nov. 27, » Jan. 21, 1896 Mar. 26, „ Accumulator Plant, Porirua Asylum Timber for Government Printing-office 36 Cast-iron Columns for Government Printing-office May 27, 1896 May 21, „ June 4, „ 859 0 0 505 19 9 217 0 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April 1895, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. . Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. | Remarks. PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. Aug. 21, 1895 ',..' Nelson. Police-sergeant's House, Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. J. and E. Webley, Nelson .. j Nov. 21,1895 Nov. 30, 1895 Marlborough. Repairs to Buildings, Cable-station, White's Bay, Marlborough .. .. R. Brewer &W.M. Hay, Blenheim : May 11,1895 May 6, 1895 i ' £ s. d. 392 11 3 107 1 6 Feb. 28, 1895 Feb. 14, 1895 March 1, „ April 19, „ May 28, „ July 1, „ Feb. 18, 1896 Canterbury. Drying-closet, Fittings, Laundry, Seacliff Asylum .. .. .. .. Scott Brothers, Christchurch .. : March 30, 1895 ! June 12, 1895 Additions and Repairs, Police-station, Courthouse, &c. Timaru .. .. James Craigie, Timaru .. j May 16, „ | May 30, „ Drying-closet, Fittings, Laundry, Sunnyside .. .. .. .. John Anderson, Christchurch .. June 7, „ June 14, „ Law-library, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. .. J. and W. Jamieson, Hazeldean ! Oct. 28, „ I Dec. 3, „ Post- and Telegraph-office, Cheviot .. .. .. .. .. A. H. Webb, Christchurch .. i Dec. 1, „ Doc. 7, „ Stock Inspector's House, Fairlie Creek .. .. .. .. .. Thomas Foden .. .. | June 18, 1896 245 0 0 278 0 0 146 4 6 1,159 19 10 645 11 1 359 17 3 Otago. Feb. 13, 1895 Jan. 15, March 29, „ March 19, „ April 8, „ Police-station, Waitahuna .. .. .. .. .. .. George France, Dunedin .. i May 9, 1895 j May 9, 1895 Post-office, Tapanui '.. .'. .. .. .. .. .. ! C. Sparrow and Co., Dunedin .. April 14, „ i April 11, „ Bricks for new Gaol (384,500), Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. C. J. and W. J. Gore, Dunedin .. ; May 21, ,. (384,500), „ .. .. .. .. .. C. A. and W. J. Shiel, Dunedin.. May 21, „ I June 5, 1895 i Alterations to Postmaster's Residence, Tapanui .. .. .. .. C. Sparrow and J. Sanders, Tapa- , May 20, „ June 10,1895 nui Erection of new Post-office and Alterations to Postmaster's Residence, George France, Dunedin .. j Aug. 19, „ Aug. 19, „ Queenstown Erection of Courthouse, Arrowtown .. .. .. .. .. John Salmond, Queenstown .. Aug. 13, „ : Oct. 2, „ Iron Sashes, &c, New Gaol, Dunedin .. .. .■•: .. .. .. Cossens and Black .. .. As per specifica- Jan. 31,1896 tion I Timber for Carpenters' and Joinero' Work, Dunedin Gaol .. .. ..CM,. Howison, Dunedin .. Aug. 2, 1895 j Erection of Courthouse, St. Bathans .. .. .. .. .. C. Sparrow, Dunedin .. .. Feb. 9, 1895 336 14 0 293 6 0 663 5 3 663 5 3 75 3 2 516 11 2 329 15 0 512 18 4 668 6 0 373 17 6 April 19, „ May 13, „ June. 22, „ July 5, '.',; Nov. 9,' ;.'■'„■


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1895, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. 1 Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. MISCELLANEOUS. Jan. 16, 1896 .. May 3, 1894 .. Jan. 16, 1895 .. Feb. 6, „ .. Feb. 7, „ .. Feb. 6, . .. Feb. 8, „ .. Feb. 21 1896 .. Feb. 21, , .. Auckland. Chimney-sweeping, Government Buildings, Auckland .. .. .. i M. Cockroft Coal and Firewood, „ „ .. .. .. , J. J. Craig Chimney-sweeping, Public Buildings, Auckland .. .. .. .. j M. Cockroft General Ironmongery, Paints, Oils, Auckland, Stores Supply .. .. j T. and S. Morrin and Co. Ship-chandlery, Iron and Steel, „ „ .. .. A. Porter and J. Hardie Lime and Drain-pipes, „ „ .. ..J.J. Craig Cement, „ „ .. .. J. Wilson Ship-chandlery, Iron, Steel, and Tents, „ „ .. .. .. A. Porter Drain-pipes, „ „ .. .. .. J. J. Craig Dec. May Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 31, 1896 3, 1895 May 3, 1895 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, 1896 31, „ £ s. d. 18 0 0 Schedule rates 17 0 0 Schedule rates Jan. 21, 1895 .. Jan. 10, ... Jan. 17, „ .. Jan. 14, „ .. Jan. 23, „ .. Feb. 6, „ .. Feb. 6, „ .. Feb. 6, „ .. Feb. 6, , .. Feb. 6, . .. Feb. 21 „ .. Feb. 21 » .. Jan. 4, 1896 .. Jan. 3, „ Dec. 30, 1895 .. Deo. 30, , .. Feb. 28, 1896 .. Mar. 2, „ ... Feb. 27, » .. Feb. 27, „ .. Wellington. Coal Supply, Government Buildings, Wellington .. .. .. .. Richard Duignan Cartage, Public Buildings, Wellington .. .. .. Michael Fitzgerald Removal of Rubbish, „ „ .. .. .. T. Costello Chimney-sweeping, „ „ .. .. .. H. Smith Window-cleaning, „ „ .. .. .. A. Drake General Ironmongery, Wellington, Stores Supply .. .. .. .. Briscoe, McNeil, and Co. Ship-chandlery, <fec, „ „ .. .. .. .. „ „ „ Iron and Steel, „ „ .. .. .. .. „ „ „ Paints, Oils, &c, „ „ .. .. .. .. „ „ Tents, &c, „ „ .. .. .. Cement and Lime, „ „ .. .. .. .. Peter Hutson and Co. .. Drain-pipes, &c, . „ Window-cleaning, Publio Buildings, Wellington .. .. .. Abraham Drake Removal of Rubbish, , „ .. .. .. Timothy Costello Chimney-sweeping, „ „ .. .. .. I Harry Smith Coal Supply, „ „ .. .. .. Westport Coal Co., Ld. Cast and Wrought Ironwork, Cape Palliser Lighthouse .. .. .. I S. Luke and Son .. .. j Cement and Lime, Stores Supply, .. .. P. Hutson and Co. Builders' and Furnishing Ironmongery, „ .. .. Cameron and Christie .. Ironmongery, Ship-chandlery, Iron, Steel, cfec, „ .. .. Briscoe, McNeil, and Co. .. j Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. : Dec. j Dec. ! Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. : June ! Dec. ! Dec. 1 Dec. 31, 1895 Dec. 81, 1895 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, 1895 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 81, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Deo. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 81, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, 1896 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 28, ,, 31, , 31, „ 31, . Schedule rates 39" 13 0 80 0 0 175 0 0 Schedule rates 159" 0 0 46 3 0 80 0 0 Schedule rates 709 0 0 Schedule rates Jan. 30, 1896 .. Feb. 9, 1895 .. Feb. 9, „ .. Feb. 13, „ .. Feb. 21, 1896 .. Feb. 81, . .. Canterbury. Coal and Firewood, Government Buildings and Lunatic Asylum, Christchurch C. W. Turner Ship-chandlery and Drain-pipes Christchurch, Stores Supply Ashby, Bergh, and Oo. General Ironmongery, Iron, Steel, Paints, Oils, Tents, „ „ A. Briscoe and Co. Cement and Lime « „ Milburn Lime and Cement Co. .. Ironmongery, &c, , , Ashby, Bergh, and Go. Paints, Gils, &o., „ „ E. Reece and Sons ■ Dec. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. Dec. 31, 1896 . .. 31, 1895 Dec. 31, 1895 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 31, 1896 31, „ Schedule rates



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1895, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896— continued.

Date of Contract. I Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Name of Contract. MISCELLA1 EOUS — continued. Jan. 28, 1896 .. Jan. 28, „ .. Jan. 28, , .. ! Westland. Paints and Oils, Hokitika, Stores Supply Ironmongery, &c, „ „ Ironmongery, Ship-chandlery, &c, James Holmes Johnstone and Co. Duncan McLean Dec. Dec. Dec. 31, 1896 31, , 31, „ Schedule rates: .. Jan. 10, 1895 .. Feb. 9, 1895 .. Feb. 21, 1896 .. Feb. 21, „ .. Feb. 21, „ .. Jan. 1, 1895 .. Otago. Coal Supply, Government Buildings, Dunedin Ironmongery, Ship-chandlery, Paints, Oils, Cement, &c,Dunedin, Stores Supply Ship-chandlery, „ „ Ironmongery, &c. „ „ Tents, &c. Coal Supply, Government Buildings, Dunedin John Swan A. Briscoe and Co. John Edmond A. Briscoe & Co. John Edmond Grey Valley Coal Co. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 31, 1895 31, „ 31, 1896 31, „ 31, „ 31, 1896 Dec. 31, 1895 Dec. 31, „ I ' Feb. 9, 1895 .. Feb. 13, , .. Feb. 21, 1896 .. Feb. 21, „ .. Southland. Ironmongery, Ship-chandlery, Paints, Oils, Drain-pipes, Invercargill, Stores Supply Cement and Lime, Invercargill, Stores Supply Paints. Oils, &c, „ „ Tents, A. Briscoe and Co. Milburn Lime and Cement Co. .. A. Briscoe and Co. John Edmond Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 31, 1895 31, „ 31, 1896 31, „ Dec. 31, 1895 Dec. 31, „ I I I . ■



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts and Deliveries on 1st April, 1895, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers, contracted for, and Class of j Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. Date - ,. , Date for Completion. Date o£ Com P leticm - NOETH ISLAND. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. 28 August, 1895 .. 6 December, 1895 N.Z. Railways C. Gardner Auckland Glorit 13,000 puriri I 165 totara s. d. | 4 0 j Auckland 2 7J ! Helensville From stock on hand I 13,000 165 28 Aug., 1895. . 6 Dec, 1895. I SOUTH ISLAND. Mackay and Creed Westport 15,000 silverpine WESTLAND DISTRICT. One-fifth first two months, one-fifth each succeeding month Ditto 11,114 26 March, 1895 .. s. d. I 2 2 Westport.. "" I 26 Sept., 1895. 28 March, 1895 .. 8 April, 1895 8 April, „ 6 April, 31 May, , 1 April, 1893, to 31 March, 1894 1 April, 1894, to 31 March, 1895 Ditto P. J. Ahem .. B. Hands and party W. Fitzgerald and party J. M. Dennehy W. Gibson Jl. C. Murtha and others Cape Foulwind Charleston Cape Foulwind Greymouth District .. 1,250 „ 1,250 „ 1,250 „ 1,250 „ 344 „ 5,750 silverpine 2 2 , ' ... 2 2 „ 2 2 „ 2 2 2 2 „ 2 6 Hokitika .. No fixed rate .. .. I 28 Sept., „ .. 8 Oct., „ .. 8 Oct., „ .. 6 Oct Various 1,250 1,084 1,250 1,250 344 5,237 | 27 Sept, 1895. 16 Oct., „ 27 Mar., 1896. 10 Mar., „ 11 May, 1895. E. McCormiek and others 2,600 „ 2 6 Kapitea Creek 2,600 11 June, „ ' 500 , 2,550 „ 300 „ 1,000 „ 1.500 „ 500 „ 2,000 „ 2 4 2 6 Arahura 2 4 Kumara 2 6 Flowerv Creek 2 4 2 6 Greymouth 2 6 Chesterfield „ 500 2,550 300 1,000 1,500 500 1,993 24 Sept., „ 11 April, „ 22 Dec, 8 Oct., 21 Aug., . 16 Dec, „ 6 Dec, 1 April, 1895 to 31 March, 1896 Ditto P. H. Dee and others .. ' " • • 2,000 „ 6,500 „ 2,500 „ 1,850 „ 500 „ 10,000 „ 2 6 Kumara 2 4 2 6 Arahura 2 4. 2 6 Greymouth 2 5 2,021 6.500 2,500 1,500 500 6,013 20 Dec, 3 Mar, 1896. 13 Nov., 1895. 1 June, „ lOSeptember, 1895 James Baxter „ , . . " Kokiri One-tenth first three months, one-tenth each succeeding month No fixed rate 10 Sept., 1896 ! '. 1 April, 1895, to 31 March, 1896 Ditto .. P. H. Dee and others .. Greymouth District .. 1,500 „ 2 4Various 839 • J .. ' 2,000 „ 2 4 I Ho-Ho 1,000



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts and Deliveries on 1st April, 1895, and Contacts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c. -continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers , contracted tor, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. Date ,T° Date for Completion. D ate ot Gom P lefcion - S OUTH ISLAN D— continued. WESTLAND DISTRICT— continued. 500 silverpine I -b. a. ■ • | i 2 4 j Hokitika .. . . .. j No fixed rate Various 500 8 Oct., 1895. 1 April, 1895, to 3i March, 1896 Ditto P. H. Dee and others .. Greymouth District .. 4 April, 1896 .. 1,600 181 11 Nov., „ 4 December, 1895 William Smith and Oo. Hokitika 1,600 , 300 „ 2,500 „ 2 4 Acre Creek 2 4 Stafford .. 3 2 Whangarei 3 0 3 1 3 2 One-fourth first two .months, three-eighths each succeeding month Ditto 9 April, „ 2,000 1,271 2,000 10 Mar., 1896. 10 Mar., , 26 Feb., 9 December, 1895 Kettle Brothers Charles Kettle W. R. Kettle Greymouth 2,000 „ 2,000 „ 2,000 „ 2,000 OTAGO DISTRICT. 24 January, 1895.. H. Tobin and G. Stewart Dunedin 2 9 South end of tunnel, Catlin's j River 2 9 Seaward Bush .. .. i 2 9 „ •. 2 9 , .. .. 2 9 2 9 Catlin's River 2 9 „ .. • • | 2 9 „ .. .. j 2 9 Seaward Bush .. .. j 2 9 2 9 „ . ■ • ■ ; i " 1,950 22 August, 1895 .. 5 November, 1895 J. McCullum .. W. F. Tubman J. Forsyth J. Warren W. F. Tubman J. Forsyth M. Coglan ■G. Stewart J. Warren J. McCullum .. 52 100 66 73 828 166 421 186 211 52 j 52 100 66 73 828 166 356 186 173 52



APPENDIX E. Statement showing the principal Works carried out by the Public Works Department under the Co-operative System, and the Earnings of the Men employed, during the Year ending 31st March, 1896.

Name of Railway, <fcc. Section Nature of Work. 43 CO ea 43 o 6 |No.ofMen I employed | thereon, j m S3 « co O Total Time worked. Total Earnings. Deduct N t T t j Expenses. " vv J - WWM - Net Earning" per Artisan per Day of Eight Hours. DO CD o © O Net Earnings per Labourer per Day of Eight Hours. S O 00 CO > Eighthour Days. Gross Total. 43 CO ex Railway Consteuction. Auckland District. £ s. a. Whangarei-Kamo Railway ! Whakapara .. .. Grading and earthwork .. .. .. 13 I .. I 78 7,302 I 2,810 0 0 Extension Timber bridges .. .. .. 2 6.. 253 160 0 0 Masonry culverts .. .. .. 14.. 365 168 0 0 Platelaying .. .. .. .. 2 I .. 16 455 158 0 0 Marton-Te Awamutu Rail- Mokau .. .. Grading and earthwork.. .. .. 4 .. 23 2,458 | 1,030 0 0 way, north end Platelaying and ballasting .. .. 4 ! .. 46 5,702 ' 2,184 0 0 Grahamstown -Te Aroha Paeroa-Te Aroha .. Grading and earthwork.. .. .. 2 :. 5 835 ! 322 0 0 Railway Timber bridges .. .. .. 3 12 .. 933 ! 452 0 0 Fencing .. .. .. .. 4 \ .. 9 436 : 147 0 0 Platelaying and ballasting .. 4 .. 46 3,422 1,351 0 0 Station-buildings— Carpenters .. .. 15 ; 42 .. 964 445 0 0 Painter .. .. 1 j 1 .. 42 16 0 0 Plumber .. .. 11..,' 7 300! £ s. d. 378 0 0 29 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 137 0 0 42 0 0 ii o o 30 0 £ s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 2,432 00 755 11 67 131 0 Oil 1 9 3 10 5 163 0 0 8 11 8 11 8 11 156 0 0 .. .. .. 6 11 6 6 6 9 i 893 00 786973 i 2,142 0 0 8 17 2 7 6 322 00 847078 i 441 0 010 1 8 1 i 9 5 147 00 956369 1,351 00 84717 11 i 442 0 010 5 8 1 i 9 2 16 0079 7979 30080 8080 Paimerston-New Plymouth District. Marton-Te Awamutu Rail- Makohine Section .. Concrete culverts .. .. .. 1 9 274 way, south end Earthwork .. .. .. .. 19 .. 121 112,137 Tunnels .. .. .. .. 9 .. 62 I 3,822 Fencing .. .. .. .. 11 1 26 j j ., 117 70 87(8787 5,054 16 975384 1,852 80 14 06198 301 3 3 1 9 l 9 1 9 1 9 3 |*2 3 7 7 Wairarapa-Haivhe' s Bay District. Wellington-Woodville .. Eketahuna-Woodville Earthwork .. .. .. .. 28 .. 170 15,906 7,395 17 1 Trimming line.. .. .. .. 2 .. 23 372 144 13 3 Culverts .. .. .. 5 5 19 965 485 18 2 Bridge-building .. .. ..163 256 87 18 6 Ballasting and platelaying .. .. 3 .. 31 2,880 1,276 10 6 Adzing and boring sleepers .. .. 2 .. 3 193 80 13 5 Fencing .. .. .. .. 18 .. 62 2,215 879 16 0 5 6 835 9 8 5 0 3 47 1 10 18' 16 2 87 4 i 6,560 75 11 24582 ■ 139 13 0 7 6 6 4 7 5 i 438 16 411 9 9 8 11 0 9 5 7 9 8 11 87 18 680 80 80 60 60 60 I 1,257 14 4 957989 80 13 5 867684 871 8 8 13 6 5 4 7 10 9**8 8 0 •• 11 "o 8 0 •• * Low earnings caused by inexperience of some of the men in fencing work. Of S(


r>, 1

Wellington-Nelson District.

Miaiand .. Belgrove .. .. Earthworks Platelaying and ballasting Filling ballast into wagons Making cattle-stops Supply of 300 birch sleepers 6 .. ..11 1 .. ..12 1 .. 21* 16 12 2 403 101 41J 76 £ ' s. d. 153. 6 11 38 7 5 15 3 4 7' 7 6 30 0 0 £ s. d. 8 12 6 3 17 9 £ s. d. 144 14 5 34 9 8 15 3 4 7 7 6: 30 0 0 s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 8 0 5 3 7 2 84 84J84J68 68 68 ' 7 4 7 4 7 4 10 2 10 2 110 2 I i 7 11 7 11 7 11 Otago Distru et. Otago Central .. Seaward Bush .. Catlin's River .. Forest Hill Tramway .. Hyde to Kyeburn .. Formation Tunnel —Masons Miners Masonry Mason's labourers Fencers .. Titiora .. .. Formation Fencing Flood-openings —Carpenters Labourers Clearing bush Draining line .. .. Hunt's Road .. Formation Ballasting Platelaying Culverts —Masons Labourers Erection of cattle-stops Bridge-erection —Carpenters Labourers Station-buildings Fencing .. Macdonald'g Road .. Formation .. I 41 .. ...2 7 ..2 .. .. 7 166 ..6 .. 1 .. .. 23 1 .. 2 10 2 .. 1 .. 1 .. .. 13 .. 5 .. 1 24 ..12 1 .. .. 3 10 .. 1 36 1 .. ..16 4 .. 4 .. 1911, 22 135 8 751 : 2 13 5 2 365 95 2 8 20 109 34,302 : 731 2,720 3,301 1,871 167 15,627 27 290 199 80 33 5,819 1,827 523 45 41 104 349 310 51 257 1,952 13,265 4 1 533 0 0 1,521 18 9 2,123 10 10 788 11 0 78 14 9 4,962 7 10 7 6 0 122 7 2 58 7 0 33 10 0 12 6 0 2,379 19 4 789 9 2 211 6 1 20 5 0 13 9 11 48 16 0 148 12 3 109 15 10 21 0 0 87 15 6 588 9 5 1,871 5 4: 54 19 0 164 17 6 391 0 0 133 0 0 20 7 0 206 5 7 3 18 8 1 19 4 0 17 6 288 0 9 57 10 5 4 4 3 0 16 0 5 9 6 12 0 10 6 4 11,393 18 9 478 1 0 1,357 1 3 1,732 10 10 655 11 0 58 7 0 4,756 2 3 7 6 0 118 8 6 56 7 8 32 12 6 12 6 0 2,091 18 7 731 18 9 207 1 10 20 5 0. 13 9 11 48 14 6: 148 6 6 109 15 10 21 0 0 87 3 6 578 2 10 8 3 3 8 6 8 14 2 9 1 13 1 11 11 6 8 9 10 13 4 6 3 10 6 11 64270 7 11 5975 9 6 4 9 7 0 5 10 5 10 5 10 9 7 7 3 8 2 5 10 5658 8 2 8 2 8 2 7 5 7 5 7 5 10 8 4 3 7 10 13 86882 10 77488 10 98790 7 5 6 5 6 7 10 0 6 11 8 9 9 9 7 5 8 6 795 11 71 9 0 7 9 8 0 10 5 5 11 7 7 8 5 5 16 6 Westland Dist \rict. Midland Greymouth-Hokitika .. Otira .. .. Railway formation Masonry culverts Station-buiiaings —Carpenters .. Greymouth to Hokitika Station-buiiaings— Carpenters .. Plumbers Painters Bricklayers .. .. 12 .. ..11 1 .. ..2 8 .. .. 20 .... 3 .. .. 11 .. .. 12 163 6 8,323 153 663 205 587 49 222 108 3,244 7 11 107 17 2 365 3 6 101 16 3 332 10 6 25 4 10 108 8 9 57 4 0 176 4 6 13 10 2 36 0 0 3,068 3 5 94 7 0 329 3 6 101 16 3 332 10 6 25 4 10 108 8 9: 57 4 o: 935 11 74 12 4 12 4 12 4 9 6 9 6 9 6 10 6 8 11 9 10 12 7 10 7 11 4 11 0 9 9 10 3 10 79299 11 11 8 2 10 7 7 4 9 6

j)_ [

Co-operative Works— continued.


Name of Road. Ac. Section. Nature of Work. ; -g iNo.ofMenl Total I ! employed Time ■g thereon, j worked. [ fi | QD ! o a s ; Eight's \ t g i - I •£ Xi | Days. \ £ \ h\ 03 j Gross Total. E^ s °* s . Net Total. Total Earnings. Net Earnings per Net 1 Artisan per Day of Labou Eight Hours. Ei{ 43 . qJ +i no i> © ao Earnings per rer per Day oi jht Hours. © o > EOADS, ETC. Auckland District. Road from Te Aroha to £ s. d. Katikati .. .. Thompson's Traok .. Earthwork and bushfelling .. .. 16 .. j 76 4,521 1,633 0 0 Howick Wharf .. .. .. i Timber-work .. .. .. .. 1 .. ; 8 793 254 0 Oi Te Aroha drainage .. Blocks IX. and XI. .. | Earthwork .. .. .. .. 9 .. ! 22 I 446 148 0 OJ £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 1,633 0 0, 9 0 6 8 7 2 254 0 0; 6 5 6 5 6 5 148 0 0 7 9 6 0 6 7 Wellington-Nelson District. Tinline Bridge, Marlboroug|h .. | Construction of bridge and approaches .. | 1 | 5 | .. | 172 | 57 18 11J I 57 18 11| 6 9 I 6 9 | 6 9 | .. | .. | .. Westland District. Great South Road .. Nos. 38 to 43 ..Widening .. .. .. .. 6 .. 47 | 3,152 I 1,362 10 3 .. Bridges between Waitahi Rivers .. Supply of timber .. .. .. 1 .. 6 184 80 19 8 Kanieri-Kokatfthi Road.. .. Erection of bridge .. .. .. 1 .. 6 252 ; 86 6 3 .. 1 2 .. ! 86 35 9 6 78 1 0 1,284 93 9116881 19 2 9 61 16 11 .. .. ».. 6 8 6 8 6 8 86 6 3 6 10 I 6 10 6 10 35 96838383 ..I.. Defence-wobks. Wellington District. Wellington .. .. I Point Halswell .. J Loading and spreading gravel on road .. 2 .. 2 128 52 4 1 , .. .. Gardens Battery .. | Earthwork and excavation .. .. 3 .. 15 176J 61 16 4 ! I 62 4 1 8 10 7 10 8 2 61 16 4 746670



Co-operative Works— continued.

Nuir of IV ber j '.en eyed. Total I Time j worked. Total Earnings. Net Earnings per Artisan per Day of Eight Hours. Net I Labou Eij laming rer per jht Hoi :s peiDay oi ITS. p Building. Material. Trades. en © 0 o Hi Eighthour Days. Exptrsl, »*■*•«■ CD 3 © o I— i CD a en Gross Total. © © < © 43 □a © O CD OC CC BUILDI] OS Auckland j Hst Wict. Paeroa Courthouse, Police-station, and Lock-up Kawakawa Courthouse, Police - station, and Lock-up Waihi Police-station and Lock-up Auckland Auxiliary Asylum Wood Wood Wood Brick Carpenters .. Painters and carpenters Carpenters Concreters Bricklayers Labourers Carpenters 4 5 4 io 1 I 385 505 155 10 238 .. 538 7 1 325 .. ! 182 £ s. d. 189 0 0 205 0 0 68 0 0 89 0 0 309 0 0 136 0 0 i 87 0 0 £ s. d. 6 0 0 18 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 £ s. d. 189 0 0 205 0 0 68 0 0 83 0 0 291 0 0 126 0 0 81 0 0 s. d. 11 3 9 8 8 10 s. d. 9 0 7 5 8 8 s. a. 9 10 8 1 S 9 s. d. s. d. | i 7.2 70 S. a 7 1 10 io ;io"9 10 9 7 io ! 7"7 l;V 9 ! 8 10 8 10 I I s'io Stratford Courthouse Wood Palmerston-New P\ Bricklayers Carpenters Plumbers Painters Bricklayers Carpenters Plumbers Painters Carpenters Plumber Painters Carpenters Plumber Painters Bricklayers Carpenters Bricklayers .. Carpenters .. Plumbers .. .. i Painters .. Bricklayers .. Carpenters .. Plumbers Painters Bricklayers Carpenters .. .. | Plumber .. .. ! lymt outh Distru t. 22 13 0 135 18 0 17 2 11 50 9 1 22 13 2 105 19 0 14 4 2 43 0 4 103 7 7 9 0 6 70 16 11 46 9 6 7 13 2 35 16 8 8 9 6 23 15 8 9 8 3 84 19 7 5 18 4 13 5 0 18 0 0 204 19 2 55 0 8 59 17 8 12 7 10 55 11 0 5 7 9 7 2 7 1 10 4 9 0 9 8 6 5 11 4 7 7 6 10 11 3 8 9 8 2 8 6 8 7 8 6 10 7 9 5 8 6 8 5 11 6 4 9 9 4 14 3 9 11 8 10 8 10 9 10 7 2 7 1 10 4 9 0 9 8 6 5 11 4 7 7 6 10 11 3 8 9 8 2 8 6 8 7 8 6 10 7 9 5 6 9 8 5 11 6 4 9 7 9 14 3 9 11 8 10 8 10 9 10 7 2 7 1 10 4 9 0 9 8 6 5 11 4 7 7 6 10 11 3 8 9 8 2 8 6 8 7 8 6 10 7 9 5 7 6 8 5 11 6 4 9 8 10 14 3 9 11 8 10 8 10 9 10 Stratford Post-office.. Hawera Post-office Hawera Courthouse —Additions Wood Wood Wood Brick Wood Wood 2 7 2 3 2 5 2 3 6 1 2 5 1 2 5 6 2 8 2 2 3 10 3 3 3 4 1 63 382 33 112 47 329 25 113 301 16 161 114 18 83 20 45 20 227 14 23 75 465 77 121 28 125 11 22 13 0 135 18 0 17 2 11 50 9 1 22 13 2 105 19 0 14 4 2 43 0 4 103 7 7 9 0 6 70 16 11 46 9 6 7 13 2 35 16 8 8 9 6 23 15 8 9 8 3 84 19 7 5 18 4 13 5 0 18 0 0 204 19 2 55 0 8 59 17 8 12 7 10 55 11 0 5 7 9 " " .. .. j ,;;■ ■• -• Hawera Post-office (new building) Hawera Courthouse Momobaki Experimental Farm Buildings " .. .. .. Wanganui Police Buildings Wood " " .. .. Wanganui Maori House .. Iron .. .. i



Co-operative Works— continued.

Building. Material. Trades. Number of Men employed. cc £ CD O o fi ca Total Time worked. Gross Total. B -*£S*L Net Total. Total Earnings. Net Earnings per Artisan per Day of Eight Hours. 00 CO K cB CO o Net Earning Labourer per Eight Hor r s peiDay of irs. + Eighthour Days. CO Q 00 CD S O0 CO o 00 on CQ CO > Palmerston-New PlymoutJ /; District —con tirmed. Hunterville Courthouse .. .. .. Wood Palmerston North Police Buildings .. .. j Wood .. Carpenters Plumbers Painters .. Bricklayers Carpenters Plumber Painters 5 ! .. 234 2 ! .. 29 2 i .. 85 5 J .. 52 6 .. 272 1 .. 40 3 .. 126 £ a. d. 79 5 7 11 13 4 28 19 9 23 10 2 95 19 0 24 13 11 51 14 7 £ s. a. £ a. d. 79 5 7 11 13 4 28 19 9 23 10 2 95 19 0 24 13 11 51 14 7 s. d. 6 9 8 0 6 10 10 2 8 9 12 6 9 0 s. d. 6 9 8 0 6 10 8 6 6 8 11 9 7 11 s. d. 6 9 8 0 6 10 9 0 7 0 12 4 8 2 s. d. I s. d. s. d. We I ling ton—Ne li 'sow District. 25 1 8 30 7 2 15 14 4 25 1 8 30 7 2 15 14 4 Porirua Asylum — New wing .. .. .. .. Brick Boot-shed and lavatory .. .. .. Brick Mount View Asylum, Wellington — Additional strong-room .. .. .. Wood Featherston Courthouse .. .. .. Wood Otaki Courthouse .. .. .. .. Wood Government Printing Office extension .. Brick Mount Cook Prison —Boad approach Census Department —Additional accommodation Brick Departmental Buildings — Additions to annexe .. .. .. Wood Painting roof .. Excavators .. Concreters .. .. .. Bricklayers .. .. .. Carpenters .. Plumbers .. . . Painters .. .. .. Carpenters .. Plumber .. Bricklayers Painters .. Bricklayers Carpenters Concreters Navvies Navvies Labourers loading gravel .. Bricklayers .. Carpenters Bricklayer Plumbers Painters .. .. j Painters .. .. | ..7 70 ..8 69 11 25 6 ., 140 ; 2 .. 34 | 4 .. 57 i 4 .. 278 1 .. 16 2 2 38 2 .. 76 6 6 243 4 .. 166 ..4 99 9 148 .. 12 50 ..2 48 3 2 73 "S .. 8 1 X \ 6 .. 2 .. 4 .. 4 .. 1 .. 2 2 2 .. 6 6 4 .. "2 6 7 8 1 61 1 5 17 15 7 20 15 7 110 2 9 8 13 2 11 8 0 27 4 0 116 9 2 96 6 0 35 7 0 51 4 3 12 3 4 16 0 0 42 10 0 16 2 6 61 1 5 17 15 7 20 15 7 110 2 9 8 13 2 11 8 0 27 4 0 116 9 2 80 3 6 35 7 0 51 4 3 12 3 4 16 0 0 42 10 0 15"o 8 9 10 4 7 3 9 4 11 2 7 2 10 8 13 8 12 1 15 0 8 9 10 4 7 3 4 3 9 6 7 2 5 5 7 3 6 2 '• 15 0 8 9 10 4 7 3 7 11 10 6 7 2 7 1 11 3 9 8 7 1 8 10 9 8 4'io 9 '2 7 1 8 8 9 8 4 - io 410 7 1 8 9 9 8 *4'io 7"6 ..4 ..9 - "I 4 9 12 2 2 I '• I ■- I " 8 6 8 10 8 6 7 8 9 8 6 1 7 5 4 9 4 3 8 4 7 1 6 11 6 9 6 8 8 9 2 3 2 14"5 12*'7 13*0 3 .. 55 1 .. 5 2 .. 11 | 2 .. 12 4 .. 61 3 .. 1 .. 2 .. 2 .. 4 .. 20 15 6 2 9 0 5 9 7 6 3 7 35 15 8 20 15 6 2 9 0 5 9 7 6 3 7 35 15 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 1 14 4 6 4 9 9 9 9 10 1 9 8 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 1 11 8 * Bricklay yer was a good workman, but very slow. r. This also lowered This alsc the earnings assistant.

XJ • -L


Napier — New police-station .. .. .. Wood Courthouse —Painting and repairs .. .. Wood Survey Office —Repairs .. .. .. Wood Old Provincial Building .. Wood Hastings — Post- and Telegraph-office .. Wood New boundary-wall .. .. Brick Napier-Spit —New Customhouse .. ., Wood Martinborough Post- and Telegraph-office .. Wood Greytown Post-office —Additions .. Wood Masterton Stock Office .. ,. .. Wood Woodville —Stock Inspector's Office and dwelling Wood Wairarapa-Haivke' s Bay 1 ■. Carpenters .. .. 6 Bricklayers .. .. ! 3 1 Painters .. .. 3 .. Plumber .. .. 1 .. .. Carpenters .. .. 2 .. Painters .. .. 3 .. Plasterer .. .. 1 .. Plumber .. .. 1 .. Painters .. .. 2 .. Bricklayers .. .. 1 1 .. Carpenters -- .. 2 .. Painters .. .. 3 .. Plumber .. .. 1 .. .. Bricklayers .. .. 2 2 Carpenters .. .. 6 .. Painters .. .. 3 .. Plumber .. .. 1 .. .. Bricklayers .. .. 2 2 .. Bricklayers .. .. 1 1 Carpenters .. .. 4 .. Painters .. .. 2 Plumber .. .. 1 .. .. Carpenters .. .. 3 .. Painters .. .. 3 .. Plumber .. .. 1 .. .. Carpenters .. .. 6 1 Painters and plumbers 4 .. Carpenters .. ..12 Painter .. .. 1 Plumber .. .. j 1 Bricklayers .. .. 1 1 .. Carpenters .. .. 6 .. Painters .. .. 2 .. Bricklayer .. .. 1 ,. Plumber .. .. 1 .. i's 'ay District ill 51 66 55 67 61 23 28 82 16 149 137 17 53 433 104 39 57 28 178 88 30 184 47 30 66 44 59 16 4 12 258 84 24 16 t. 199. 4 1 29 13 2 94 6 4 30 13 3 32 4 3 22 3 11 13 17 6 14 7 5 26 6 3 9 3 3 59 0 4 55 4 3 11 2 1 28 1 4 137 8 0 36 12 2 16 17 4 36 4 9 16 11 4 67 11 6 33 0 7 10 16 0 91 1 8 25 15 11 10 10 2 41 8 3 18 19 8 27 4 7 6 18 6 1 10 10 7 3 6 106 15 10 33 13 0 20 14 1 6 15 8 1 12 6 311 9 1 "8 9 0 10 0 7 0 0 197 11 7 8 3 8 3 8 3 29 13 2 11 7 11 7 11 7 8 0 8 0 8 0 94 64979797 30 13 3 11 2 11 2 11 2 32 43979797 22 3 11 717171 13 17 6 12 2 12 2 12 2 14 7 5 10 2 10 2 10 2 26 63656565 933 11 6 11 6 11 6 78 78 78 59 0 4 7 11 7 11 7 11 55 43808080 11 2 1 12 10 12 10 12 10 28 14 12 2 12 2 12 2 82 82 82 137 80727272 36 12 2717171 16 17 4878787 32 13 0 12 10 12 10 12 10 8 9 8 9 8 9 16 11 4 12 8 12 8 12 8 8 6 8 6 8 6 67 11 6767676 33 078080 i 80 10 16 0727272 91 1 8 9 10 9 10 9 10 25 15 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2707070 39 19 6 11 2 11 2 11 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 98858585 27 47939393 6 18 6 8 10 8 10 8 10 1 10 10 ; 7 11 7 11 7 11 7 3 6 11 10 11 10 11 10 8 0 8.0 8 0 106 15 10 8 3 8 3 8 3 33 13 0808080 13 14 1 111 5 11 5 11 5 6 15 8:868686 i i Westland District. Seddonville Police-station .. .. .. Wood .. Bushmen .. .... 2 Bricklayers .. .. 2 .. Carpenters .. .. 4 Painters .. ,. 2 .. 12 14 113 31 6 0 0 6 0 0 64 17 10 16 18 2 6 0 0 .. .. ! .. 10 0 10 0 10 ( 6008787i87 64 17 10 16 6 8 9 111 6 16 18 2 10 11 10 11 40 11 Otago-Ganterbury Dist irict. Dunedin Gaol .. .. .. .. Brick Milton Courthouse .. .. .. .. Brick .. Concreters .. .... 6 Stonemasons .. ..28 Bricklayers .. .. 175 125 Labourers .. .... 3 .. Bricklayers .. .. 4 3 Carpenters .. .. 3 .. Plasterers .. .. 2 1 Painters .. .. 3 .. 130 1,025 2,041 18 96 181 39 48 42 7 0 686 8 4 683 12 0 5 14 6 52 3 9 72 6 0 12 4 0 23 14 0 102 2 6 42 70 ..... .. 757575 584 5 10 13 11 10 0 13 4 683 12 0 10 11 9 0 10 0 7 5 6 0 6 8 5 14 6 797979 52 39848484565656 72 60808080 12 40777777515151 23 14 0 10 6 10 6 10 6


Co-operative Works— continued.


Number of Men employed. Total Time worked. Total Earnings. Net Earnings per Artisan per Day of Eight Hours. Net Earnings per Labourer per Day of Eight Hours. Building. Material. Trades. ■m CC IS" Gross Total. E^se S . Net TotaL OQ © fi 3 © O | © © DO B o © © Otago-Canterbury . list', ictcontii Lued. Sunnyside Asylum Burnham Industrial School .. .. Brick and Stone ! .. Brick Carpenters Bricklayers Masons Plasterers Slaters Plumbers Painter Concreters Labourer Carpenters .. Bricklayers Plasterers Labourers Carpenters Bricklayer Painters Carpenters Bricklayers Painters Carpenter Plasterers Painters 6 8 8 4 2 2 1 8 2 2 3 7 115 150 186 62 24 18 17 13 91 121 37 24 21 286 11 45 52 15 45 11 30 126 £ s. d. 49 15 9 69 10 9 88 11 2 27 2 4 11 11 0 8 11 11 6 8 3 5 17 3 30 10 9 64 13 10 20 13 10 14 16 4 7 10 6 121 18 1 6 5 6 15 12 4 23 12 0 6 2 6 15 12 4 4 4 0 12 17 0 56 16 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 49 15 9 69 10 9 88 11 2 27 2 4 11 11 0 8 11 11 6 8 3 5 17 3 30 10 9 64 13 10 20 13 10 14 16 4 7 10 6 121 18 1 6 5 6 15 12 4 23 12 0 6 2 6 15 12 4 4 4 0 12 17 0 56 16 9 s. d. 8 11 9 10 10 6 9 4 9 10 11 0 7 6 •• 12 0 11 2 12 4 s. d. 8 5 8 10 7 1 8 4 9 8 9 0 7 6 811 11 2 12 4 s. d. s. d. s. d. 8 8,.. 9 3.. 9 6,.. 8 9.. 9 7.. 9 7 j .. ' .. 7 6 1.. .. 9 0 9 0 .. | 6 2 6 10 10 8 11 2 .. 12 4 .. .. 7 2 7 2 8 6.. 11 5 7 0 .. 9 0.. 8 2:.. 7 0 ' .. 7 8:..8 7:.. 9 0!.. s. d. 9 0 6 8 Darfield Courthouse .. Wood i 9 4 11 5 7 0 9 0 8 2 7 0 7 8 8 7 9 0 6 0 11 5 7 0 9 0 8 2 7 0 7 8 8 7 9 0 7 2 St. Alban's Police-station .. Wood 6 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 4 Lyttelton Post-office .. Wood and Brick





The Engineee-in-Chief to the Hon. the Ministbe for Public Wobks. Sib,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1896. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the colony during the past year. RAILWAYS. Absteact. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1896 :—

* The funds for this extension —namely, £3s, sol 2s. lid., were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. + The funds for purchase of this line, .£15,745, were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. During the year a total length of 20 miles 15 chains of railway was opened for traffic. The following table contains particulars of the sections : —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the length of railway opened each year since the commencement of the public works.

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1896. Liabilities on 31st March, 189(3. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo and Extension Helensville Northwards Kaipara-Waikato, with Branches Waikato-Thames Thames Valley—Rotorua and Lichfield Branch Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown Branch) Wellington-Foxton Foxtdn-New Plymouth, with Branches North Island Main Trunk Nelson-Roundell .. .. .. .. :. Midland Railway Greymouth-Nelson Creek Greymouth-Hokitika .. .. .. Wostport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinui* Mokihinui Colliery Linef Picton-Hurunui— Picton-Awatere Section.. Hurunui-Red Post Section Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Western Railways Preliminary surveys Miscellaneous Stock of permanent-way and rolling-stock on hand Value of permanent-way in hands of Railway Department M. ch. 19 40 7 41 23 77 110 0 151 1 62 58 73 36 16 46 7 41 14 52 7 42 151 1 43 38 73 36 £ s. a. 51,981 12 4 90,638 8 1 130,813 11 1 64,239 9 5 1,390,451 5 11 255,318 5 8 359,768 4 1 £ b. a. 565 14 0 3,928 19 5 6,809 0 9 5,321 18 2 63 12 0 233 12 208 42 2,039,572 0 0 42,116 3 4 1,441,568 15 11 516,854 11 5 179,099 8 7 10,808 15 6 216,246 11 11 191,409 5 4 227,493 15 7 18,465 18 4 197 60 216 0 52 0 195 49 56 77 22 73 16,175 8 10 7 51 24 37 19 56 7 12 3 69 7 51 24 37 19 56 7 12 3 69 7,142 2 0 582 16 7 34 40 9 50 474 41 83 0 628 23 182 56 117 4 57 56 20 42 9 50 433 38 11 44 458 27 56 20 97 44 57 56 263,872 1 6 39,093 6 1 2,533,068 7 5 59,343 9 2 3,632,786 18 4 682,203 19 2 320,902 18 4 225,225 9 9 65,391 9 6 10,336 19 11 28,540 8 2 14 0 6 11,843 12 1 14,751 0 7 660 13 10 9,i(30 10 3 25,000 0 0 Total 2,797 20 2,006 3 15,094,145 11 6 95,485 7 4 Peovincial Goveknment Lines, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Forest Hill Tramway .. 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 556 5 2 Grand total 2,797 20 2,006 3 16,203,958 0 8 95,485 7 4

Railway. Section. Length. Date openea for Traffic. Waikato-Thames Wellin gton- Woodville... Waitaki-Bluff Catlin's Eiver Te Aroha-Paeroa... Eketahuna-Newman Fernhill Colliery Line Hunt's Eoad Section (part) M. ch. 12 63 2 4 1 60 3 48 20th December, 1895. 16th March, 1896. 19th December, 1895. 16th Total ... 20 15



Whangabei-Kamo Bailway Extension. Whakapara Section (8 miles to 11 miles 25 chains ;■ length, 3 miles 25 chains).—This section is an extension of the line from Hikurangi to the Whakapara Eiver. The formation was commenced in May, 1894, and the platelaying and ballasting are now in hand and will be completed in about six weeks. Preparations are also being made for putting the erection of the station buildings in hand. Thirty-eight men are now at work, and an average of fully thirty men were employed during the year. All the works are being done on the co-operative principle. Whakapara-Hukerenui Section (11 miles 25 chains to 14 miles 57 chains; length, 3 miles 32 chains). —The location-survey of this section has been completed, and preparations are being made to put the work of formation in hand. A contract has been let for the totara timber required for the bridges, and the ironwork for same has been ordered. The survey for the land-plans of this section is in hand and well advanced. Helbnsville Noethwabds Eailway. Makarau Contract (43 miles 30 chains to 46 miles 36 chains; 3 miles 6 chains in length). — Formation and permanent-way : This contract has been much delayed by exceptional difficulties met with in driving the tunnel and heavy slips. It is now, however, well advanced towards completion. The tunnel has been completed, and the rails laid up to 46 miles 2 chains, and about two-thirds ballasted. The principal work remaining to be done consists of two bridges, at 46 miles 3 chains and 46 miles 26 chains. The piles of these have been put in and the superstructure, which was waiting the laying of the permanent-way, will be commenced immediately. Preparations are being made for putting in hand a further section of this line on the co-opera-tive principle as soon as the plant and material for the work can be conveyed over the Makarau Section. Surveys. —As previously reported, the survey of a continuation of this line from the end of the Makarau Section, at 46 miles 36 chains to 49 miles 54 chains (Tahekeroa Section), is ready for contract ; and from 49 miles 54 chains to 56 miles (Komokoriki Section) the line is located, and the plans so far advanced that they could be got ready for contract at short notice. A trial survey was also made between 56 miles and 67 miles 60 chains, which shows a good easy line, except for a ength of about two miles of very rough and broken ground through the Hoteo Gorge. Kaihu Valley Eailway. An extension of this line 55 chains in length, which had been formed before the line was taken over by the Government, is being trimmed and laid with permanent-way for the accommodation of the timber-traffic. The work was put in hand early in May last, and is being carried out on the co-operative principle. Eighteen men are employed. Waikato-Thambs Eailway. Paeroa-Te Aroha Section (13 miles 63 chains). —This section, including the bridge over the Ohinemuri Eiver, station-buildings, &c, was completed about the end of February last; but, with the view of accommodating the public as early as possible, it was opened for traffic on the 20th December, 1895, the permanent-way having then been passed as safe for the purpose. The whole of this section was constructed on the co-operative principle. An average of about twenty-three men were employed during the year. The land-plans of this section were completed, and the Proclamation was issued in May last. Thames-Paeroa Section. —The permanent - way was laid on about 4-J- miles of this section (Thames end), and the earthworks of the remainder were carried out some years ago ; and preparations are now in hand for completing the line. The timber for the Hikutaia and other bridges on the section is being obtained, a tender having been accepted for a portion of it last month; and the ironwork for them has been ordered. These bridges will be erected on the co-operative principle. Noeth Island Main Tbunk Eailway. North End. MoJcau and Porootaroa Sections (34 miles 3 chains to 47 miles 7 chains; 13 miles 4 chains in length). —Platelaying on this length was begun in August last, and the line was linked in and bottom ballast laid up to the north end of the Porootaroa Tunnel (at 46 miles 3 chains) by the end of March. Since then the work was considerably delayed by wet weather and slips, but the permanent-way is now laid and partially ballasted for the whole length to 47 miles 7 chains, or about 9 chains south of the tunnel on the Wanganui side of the dividing range. The number of men employed during the year averaged about forty, and there are forty-one men now on the ground. The work is being done on the co-operative principle. Land-plans, Mokau Section. —These plans have been completed and forwarded to the Chief Surveyor for certificate. South End. Makohine Section. —The works on this section, which extends from the termination of the Mangaonoho Section, 22 miles 40 chains to 33 miles 40 chains (length 11 miles), consist of earthworks, culverts, fencing, platelaying, three tunnels —at 24 miles 27 chains (198 yards long), 30 miles 65 chains (26£ chains long), and 32 miles 74 chains (5 J chains long), respectively—and the Makohine Viaduct. The formation - works are practically completed up to 31 miles and well advanced for the remainder of the length to 33 miles 40 chains. The tunnel at 24 miles 27 chains has been finished. The work of driving the Powhakaroa Tunnel (at 30 miles 64 chains) was completed on Ist February last, and the making of blocks for lining it was commenced in the same month, and has proceeded vigorously since. There are now



24,100 blocks ready, and the work of lining the tunnel will be commenced immediately from the southern end. The rails have been laid but not ballasted from 22 miles 40 chains to 23 miles 48 chains, and preparations are being made to continue the platelaying and have the line ballasted up about 24 miles 37 chains for the conveyance of materials for the Makohine Viaduct. The line has been fenced on both sides from 22 miles 40 chains to 24 miles, 24 miles 67 chains to 25 miles 65 chains, and 26 miles 20 chains to 30 miles 70 chains, and partly on both sides from 31 miles 15 chains to 32 miles—a total length on both sides of about 7 miles 70 chains. Mangaweka Section (being a continuation of the Makohine Section from 33 miles 40 chains). —The work of bushfelling and clearing on this section was begun in May last, and is in progress and well advanced from the commencement of the section at 33 miles 40 chains to 40 miles 40 chains—a length of 7 miles. Makohine Viaduct. —Tenders were invited and received for this work, but they were considered too high and all declined by your direction. Preparations are now being made to have the viaduct erected on the co-operative principle. A survey of a deviation of the line near Mangaweka was made during the year with the object of improving the permanent location of the railway at this place. A contract has been entered into for completing the land-plans survey of the Makohine Section, and the work will probably be done by the end of August next. An average number of ninety-six men were employed on the railway-works during the year, and 140 men are now at work. All the works except the surveys are being carried out on the co-operative principle. Wbllington-Woodville Eailway. Eketahuna-Woodville Section (26 miles 55 chains in length). —The whole of the formationworks have been completed, except some bridging and about 10| chains of bridge-approaches ; and the line has been fenced on both sides for a length of 16£ miles. The line was opened for traffic to Newman Station (about two miles from Bketahuna) on 16th March last, and the platelaying and ballasting were completed for a further distance of about 2f miles to the Mangatainoka River. ' The contract for the erection of the Mangatainoka Bridge was completed in May last, and the laying of the permanent-way beyond it is now in progress. The bridging of five minor streams is in hand, one of the bridges being completed, and the materials for the others are being obtained. These bridges comprise in the aggregate ten lift., eighteen 13ft., and four 40ft. spans. The station-buildings at Newman are in course of erection, and preparations are being made for putting in hand the buildings at the other stations on the line. An average of 113 men were employed during the year, and forty-six men are now at work. The whole of the works on this section except the ironwork for the Makakahi Bridge, and the construction and erection of the Mangatainoka Bridge, have been carried out on the co-operative principle. Mangahao Reserve Timber-cutting Contract. —This is a contract for the supply and delivery at Scarborough Station of 20,000 sleepers and 288,000 superficial feet of bridge and. other timber from the totara timber reserve at Mangahao. About 12,000 sleepers and 184,000 ft. of timber have been delivered, and the delivery of the remainder is in progress. Mangaoni Beserve Timber-cutting Contract. —This is a contract for the supply and delivery at the railway-line of 40,000 sleepers and 70,000 ft. of other timber from the totara timber reserve at Mangaone. About 24,000 sleepers and most of the other timber have been delivered, and the supply of the balance is progressing. Geeymouth-Hokitika Eailway. As previously reported, the permanent-way of this railway was opened for public traffic in December, 1893, some of the station and other works being still incomplete. The following works have been in hand and completed during the year, viz.: At Hokitika Station, the asphalting of passenger-platform, erection of verandah over street frontage of station building, erection of stationmaster's house, and relaying the curve near Gibson's Quay. At Kumara, stationmaster's house erected and metalling of approach road to station completed. At Cameron's and Waimea Stations, four linemen's cottages erected; and flag-stations at Elmer's Lane, Karoro, Nelson Greek, Cameron's, Teremakau, Chesterfield, Stafford, Maori Pa, Arahura, and Ho Ho completed. A water-tank and stand for water-supply for locomotives were also erected at Waimea. All the works on this line are now completed. Midland Eailway. Otira Section. —After the Midland Eailway was taken possession of in May, 1895, a portion of the line between Jackson's and Kelly's Creek was examined, the survey lines cleared, and plans and specifications prepared with the view of carrying on the construction of the railway. Accordingly, a commencement was made with the work of construction on 16th September last, and further work was put in hand in January and June, 1896, the total length now under construction being 5 miles 38 chains, and the works are making good progress on the whole. Fourteen parties have been at work, four of which have finished their contracts. An average number of ninety-nine men were employed since the commencement of the work, and there are 103 men now employed. Some small buildings have also been erected on this section for use of officers, stores, smithy, &c. The whole of the works are being carried out on the co-operative principle. Belgrove Section. —Preparatory works were put in hand in November last, clearing out watertables, widening cuttings and banks, forming a road into the ballast pit at Wai-iti Eiver, and getting the formation ready for platelaying; and the work of platelaying and ballasting was commenced on 18th March. The platelaying has been finished to Spooner's Eange Station, at 26 miles 65 chains



(a length of about 5J miles), and the ballasting finished for a length of 2 miles, the remainder of the distance being partially ballasted. The earthworks on the Motupiko Section, which carries the line to the Motueka River, are being put in hand. All the works are being carried out on the co-operative principle, and forty men are employed. Otago Centkal Railway. Hyde-Kyebum Section (56 miles 20 chains to 73 miles 20 chains; 17 miles in length). —The forma-tion-works throughout are well advanced and should be practically completed in a few months hence. The excavation and lining of the tunnel (165 yards long) were finished in November last, and the tunnel fronts by the end of February. The timber and ironwork for the Goal Creek (56 miles 35 chains), Hyde Creek (57 miles 10 chains), Price's Creek (59 miles 63 chains), and Capburn (61 miles 10 chains) Bridges are on the ground, and the work of erecting the bridges is proceeding. A contract for the erection of the Taieri Bridge was let in January last, but work on the ground has not commenced yet; amount of contract, £7,716. On the average 200 men were employed during the year, and there are 180 men now at work. All the works are being carried out on the co-opera-tive principle, except the Taieri Bridge and the manufacture of iron girders for some of the smaller bridges, which was done by ordinary contract. Catlin's Rivee Railway. Section from 13 miles 43 chains to 18 miles 22 chains ; 4 miles 59 chains in length. —The portion of this section from the commencement (at 13 miles 43 chains) to the Owaka River (at 17 miles 11 chains), a length of 3 miles 48 chains, was completed and opened for public traffic on 16th December, 1895; and the remaining portion to the terminus at Owaka Station (18 miles 22 chains), a length of 1 mile 11 chains, was opened for traffic on the 22nd ultimo. The latter portion was opened for the convenience of the public, the station buildings at Owaka being still incomplete. The timber for these buildings was obtained by tender, and their erection is now in progress under the co-opera-tive system. All the other works on this line were also carried out on that principle. The average number of men employed during the year was forty-seven, and twenty men are now at work. Seawaed Bush Railway. Titiroa Section (18 miles to 23 miles 26 chains). —The works on this section consist of earthwork, bridging, flood-openings, bridge over the Mataura River, and fencing. The earthwork is nearly completed from 18 miles to 22 miles 6 chains. There are five flood-openings in hand up to the.Mataura Bridge, consisting altogether of fifty-two 20ft. spans. Two of these bridges are completed, a third is in progress, and the piles and other timber for the remainder are on Ijie ground. The line has been fenced on both sides from 20 miles 22 chains to 21 miles, and from 21 miles 23 chains to 22 miles 36 chains. A contract for the manufacture and erection of the bridge over the Mataura River was let to Messrs. J. and A. Anderson on the 16th March, 1895. A large portion of the ironwork has been manufactured, and the contractors are now preparing to get the material on to the site, and commence the erection of the bridge. All the works on the line, with the exception of this bridge, are being carried out on the co-operative system. An average of sixty-two men were employed during the year, and sixty men are now at work. Foeest Hill Teamway. The extension of this tramway has been surveyed from the terminus of the working portion, at 9 miles 76 chains, to 12 miles 70 chains, on the east side of the Makarewa River; and the forma-tion-works have been completed up to 11 miles 19 chains, "with the exception of a flood-opening of four 20ft. spans at 10 miles 45 chains, which is not commenced yet. The combined road- and tram-way-bridge over the Makarewa River was completed in March last. Fourteen men are employed, and all the works except the bridge, which was let by contract, are being carried out on the co-operative principle. Surveys op New Lines. Bail/way Deviation, Otahuhu. —A trial survey of a proposed deviation of the Auckland-Waikato line through the Otahuhu Township, was made in August last. North Island Main Trunk Railway, Central Boute. —All trial-surveys have been executed between Turangarere (at 61 miles 40 chains) and Makatote River (about 99 miles 10 chains), and the plan, longitudinal section and cross-sections of same have been plotted and the position of the permanent line determined up to 81 miles. The line has also been explored up to 101 miles 55 chains. Blenheim-Awatere Baihvay. —A reconnaissance survey of the Lower Awatere River was made in April last, with the view of ascertaining the best site or sites for erecting a combined road and railway-bridge or two separate bridges, and separate sites were located. Waipahi-Heriot Burn Baihvay extension to Boxburgh. —This survey commences at the end of the constructed line about 3iy miles beyond Heriot. The work was put in hand in January last, and the line has been permanently located for a length of about 11 miles. The survey will probably be completed in about three months hence. Inch Valley to Lime Quarry Baihvay. —This survey was put in hand with the view of ascertaining the cost of constructing a railway for the conveyance of lime from a Government property, a short distance to the eastward from the Palmerston-Waihemo line. The line commences near Inch Valley Station on the latter railway, and is about 2 miles 27 chains long. The survey has been completed, and the plans and estimates are nearly ready. Sleepees. Auckland. —13,000 puriri sleepers were taken over from the Railway Department for the Mokau Section of the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and about 1,800 totara sleepers were



obtained locally from settlers, and 1,000 totara sleepers were similarly obtained for the WhangareiHikurangi Eailway extension, and 500 for the Kaihu Valley Eailway extension. Eketahuna. —Contracts are in progress for the supply of 60,000 totara sleepers, being cut from the Mangahao and Mangaone Eeserves, as above mentioned, and about 36,000 have been delivered. Tenders were invited in May last for a further supply of 16,000 sawn or hewn totara sleepers for the Eketahuna-Woodville Eailway, and seven tenders were accepted for 15,500 in the aggregate, to be delivered on the line, the price ranging from 2s. 3d. to 3s. per sleeper. Two small contracts were als<3 let to settlers during the year for the supply of 2,600 and 1,000 hewn totara sleepers respectively. The former was completed in June, 1895, and the other contract is in progress. Belgrove (Midland Railway). —Tenders were invited for 12,000 birch (Fagus fusca) sleepers for this railway, and six tenders were accepted for 8,200 in all, at 2s. each. These contracts were entered into in November, 1895, and completed in April last. Four petty or co-operative contracts were also let to men in need of work for the supply of 1,500 sleepers at the same price, and 1,200 of these have been delivered. These ten contracts employed about twenty-nine men during their progress. Westport. —As reported last year, four tenders were accepted for a total of 20,000 silver-pine sleepers, and about 18,000 of these have now been delivered. A petty contract for 344 silver-pine sleepers was also completed during the year. About 15,800 sleepers were shipped from Westport by the s.s. "Hinemoa" during the year, and 1,200 were issued to the Eailway Department. Oreymouth. —Forty-six contracts for the supply of silver-pine sleepers were in progress during the year ended the 31st March, 1896, of which thirty-eight were entered into during the year. These forty-six contracts amounted in the aggregate to 47,550 sleepers, of which 37,418 have been delivered. One of the contracts was for 10,000 sleepers, and the others range from 300 to 2,000 each, most of them being for 500, let to working-men. Otago. —A contract was let in October last to Mr. T. Eolf, Invercargill, for the supply of 3,000 totara sleepers for the Seaward Bush Eailway, and the contract was completed at the end of same month. Offers were also received from the settlers in the Catlin's and Seaward Bush districts and accepted for small lots, varying from 66 to 387, totara sleepers at 2s. 6d. each. Under this arrangement 5,329 sleepers were delivered during the year by the Catlin's Eiver settlers, and 297 by the Seaward Bush settlers; delivery being near the railway-line in each case. EOADS AND BEIDGES, ETC. Auckland Distbict. Te Aroha to Katikati Road (Thompson s Track). —The formation and widening of this track over the range from the Gordon Settlement was begun in March, 1895, and has been in progress since then until the end of May last, when the work was stopped for the winter months. The track has been formed from Bft. to 12ft. wide from the Te Aroha side to the Saddle at 5 miles 60 chains, and down the other (Katikati) side to about 9 miles 70 chains. A portion only (about 1-4- miles) of the remainder of the road to the end at 14 miles requires widening. Serious slips have occurred this month which have blocked the road. Miscellaneous. —The Katikati-Karangahape track was examined and reported on for the Mines Department. Drainage works in Te Aroha Block IX. and Block XI. were carried out for the Survey Department. A marble obelisk was erected on the Native burial-ground at Ngaruawahia, and enclosed within a picket-fence ; and a similar monument erected over the grave of Major Te Wheoro at Eangiriri, and enclosed with a cast-iron fence. The drainage of the Eemuera Sheepdip was set and carried out under the supervision of this department on behalf of the Stock Department. Westland. Karamea Bridge Contract. —A contract for the erection of this bridge was let in May, 1895, and completed last month. Great South Road. —The survey of the deviation at Eotokino Swamp at Mount Hercules was completed in May, 1895. A route presenting no serious difficulty was found, and plans for the formation of this portion of the road were prepared. The work of widening the road for a length of about 2 miles 52 chains from 23 miles 50 chains was in progress and completed on the co-operative principle during the year. It was done in six sections, employing altogether forty-six men. Two small bridges between the Waitaha rivers were also erected by co-operative contract, the timber for which was obtained by tender; and the erection , of a wire foot-bridge at Duffer's Creek is in progress. This track has now been widened from the Waitaha Eiver to Mount Hercules, a length of 27 miles 10 chains, and from Lake Wahapo to Okarito, 7 miles in length, giving a total length between the Waitaha and Okarito of 34 miles 10 chains open for dray traffic, or between Eoss and Okarito of 44 miles 10 chains open for traffic. The intervening portion between Mount Hercules and Lake Wahapo is 18J miles long, and of this 5 miles 45 chains, being the deviation at Eotokino Swamp, has to be formed, and the remainder, 12 miles 10 chains, widened. The total length of the road from Boss to Okarito is 62 miles 50 chains—viz., from Eoss to the Waitaha, 10 miles 15 chains (open) ; Waitaha to Mount Hercules, 27 miles 10 chains (open) ; thence to Lake Wahapo, 18 miles 25 chains (not completed);. and thence to Okarito, 7 miles (open). Kanieri-Kokatahi Bridge. —The erection of this bridge and the metalling of the approaches to same were let in two separate co-operative contracts in April last, and the works were completed early in August. Twelve men were employed. Miscellaneous Works for Local Bodies, &c. —The following works were inspected, and reported on during the year, viz : Ahaura-Kopara, Mackleys-Waipuna, and Blackball extension through township to mine, roads. Also suspension foot-bridge at Blackball Creek; road and bridge, Grey 9— D. 1.



Valley to Moonlight; track from Hatters Terrace to Haupiri; road approaches to Teremakau Rail-way-bridge ; Brown's Terrace Track ; damage to county roads by floods; track and bridge near Nine-mile Bluff, and Cobden Seven-mile road; also Grey Valley main road to the Junction, and the Nelson Creek, Notown, Orwell Creek, and Waipuna Creek, roads; the Ahaura Eoad Bridge; Oparara-Karamea and Lyell Creek extended roads; and Waimangaroa Denniston Track. Miscellaneous. —Vauious Distbicts. The following works were also reported on during the year for local bodies or other departments : Eangitikei Eoad Bridge, at Bull Town ; Eangitikei Eoad Bridge, at Vinegar Hill; Kiwitea Bridge, near Feilding; Makino Stream, Borough of Feilding; Jordan's Ford bridge-site and design, Marlborough District; and Capburn Suspension-bridge and Miller's Flat Bridge, Otago (plans and specifications prepared) ; and various other works. PDBLIC BUILDINGS. Auckland Disteict. Government House. —The house and outbuildings were painted by a co-operative party, the work being finished in November last, and a small additional coach-house was built. Various repairs were also effected during the year. Admiralty House. —This house was put into a good state of repair, and leased for a term of five years, from the Ist July, 1895. Departmental Buildings, Auckland. —As the caretaker's quarters in the basement were found to be unhealthy, quarters were provided for him on the first floor, involving the addition of two rooms to the building, at a cost of £150. The work was completed in April last. The ordinary maintenance repairs have also been attended to, and the caretaker has kept the building in very good order. Auckland Gaol, Mount Eden. —Two warders' cottages, with outbuildings, were erected with timber from the female wing of the old gaol, and the ground around them put in order. The work of excavating the foundations of the centre block of the new gaol was commenced in January last; it is in solid rock in many places and will take a comparatively long time to complete, but some of the stone taken out will make building stone. All the prisoners not otherwise employed are occupied in dressing stone for the building, and there is a good stock of dressed stone on hand now. Avondale Asylum. —The concrete tank for manure from the farm buildings was completed in April, 1895, and piggeries were erected. The electric fire-alarms were overhauled and put in order, and an extra telephone-wire laid direct to the turncock's house at Kyber Pass reservoir. Also all the doors of the building were altered so as to open outwards. Some additional irrigation drains on the farm were laid in November and December last. A blacksmith's shop was built adjoining the boilerhouse ; the dining-room for males was painted, and various minor works of repairs and maintenance were attended to. Plans were prepared for a large addition to the male wing of the main building to be erected in brick. A tender has been accepted, for the supply of bricks required, and the work of erection will be commenced this month. It will be carried out under the co-operative system. The Auxiliary Asylum was destroyed by fire on the 20th December, 1894, and is now being replaced by a new brick building. Tenders were accepted for the supply of bricks, and the carpentry and joinery materials, and the work of erection is in progress. The whole of the brickwork has been completed and the other works are well advanced. About two months more should see the building completed. All the works of erection are being done on the co-operative principle. An average of fully twelve artisans and seven labourers have been employed, and thirteen artisans and eight labourers are at present at work. Supreme Court, Auckland. —The back basement stairs gave way, and have been renewed. Some of the rooms and corridors were cleaned and distempered, and dado painted, and the library is being enlarged by adding the Council's room to it by a door of communication. District Court, Auckland. —The erection of a caretaker's cottage, which was put in hand in February, 1895, was finished in May, the work having been done on the co-operative principle. The mantelpieces of the Courthouse building were falling out, and were reset, and other repairs attended to. The fire-prevention service was also improved. Magazines, Mount Eden. —Some alterations were made to the magazine-keeper's house and two rooms added, the work, which was done on the co-operative principle, being completed in April, 1895. The city water was laid on to the magazines in July last, and some small repairs were done to the small magazines. Post- and Telegraph-office, Auckland. —The telegraph cellar was concreted. A porch was erected inside the public room to stop the draught. The roofing-slates, which were dropping off and dangerous to life, were all taken off and securely reiixed. The main soil-pipes having been undermined by rats, had to be taken up right through the whole length of the building and foundations and relaid. They are now laid with a good bed of concrete under them. L'onsonby Hall, Auckland. —The large double-chimney was blown down in July last, and was rebuilt. The ceiling of the hall has been painted and various small repairs effected. Native Hostelry, Mechanics' Bay, Auckland. —These buildings have been painted and renovated, at a cost of £121. The work was completed in December last. Departmental Buildings, Coromandel. —The blocks and bottom-plates, being rotten and infested with the white ant, were removed, and renewed with heart of totara. The Post-office accommodation has been enlarged, and the outside of the buildings painted, the whole being finished about the end of November last.



Departmental Buildings, Tauranga. —Here also the foundations were infested with the white ant, which was found to be well established in all the blocks and outside plates. All affected timber was taken out and replaced with totara. General repairs to the building have also been effected : all the walls and ceilings of all the passages and post- and telegraph-rooms were lined with dressed timber and painted. In most of the other rooms the ceilings were renewed in timber and the walls scrimmed and papered. Most of the work was carried out by co-operative contract. New Courthouse and Police-station, Kawahawa. —A tender for the timber required for these buildings was accepted, and the work of erection commenced in September last. The work comprised the erection of Courthouse and Police-station, lockup, stables, water-closets, and fencing, and the whole were completed in February last. All the works were done by a party of local men, on the co-operative principle. New Courthouse and Police-station, Paema. —These buildings, which comprised a Courthouse, Police-station, lockup, fencing, and outhouses, were completed in February last; all the works being carried out on the co-operative principle. Sundry Courthouses. —Various repairs were effected in the Courthouses at Mongonui, Whangarei, Pukekohe, Waiuku, and Botorua. New Police-station, Mongonui. —A contract for the erection of this building was let for £249 in February last, and it was completed on the 30th April; and the building occupied at once. Neiv Police-station, Pukekohe. —These buildings, which comprise Police-station, stables, fencing, &c, were erected on the co-operative principle, and completed in May, 1895. New Police-station, Aratapu. —The erection of this building was let by contract, and completed in April, 1895. New Police-station, Waihi. —The timber for this building was obtained by tender, and the work of erection carried out on the co-operative principle. The building was completed and occupied in April last, and since then a lockup and fencing have been erected. Police-station, Pahi. —A building and large allotment in a very good position were purchased for a Police-station at Pahi, and were occupied in October last. Since then a lockup has been added, and some repairs to the house effected. Police-station, Auckland. —The soil-drains of the Police-station and barracks, Auckland, have been repaired, and other repairs, &c, effected, including a room for the use of the female-searcher. Post- and Telegraph-office Additions, Paeroa. —Extensive alterations and additions to the Paeroa Post-office are in hand. A tender was accepted for the timber-supply, and the work of erection was begun in May last. It is being done under the co-operative system, and is now well advanced towards completion. Post-office, Waihi. —Plans are being prepared for this building, and will be ready shortly. Native School Buildings, liuatoki. —A contract was let in October, 1895, for the erection of a schoolhouse and residence here, for the sum of £688, and the "work was completed in May last. Native School Buildings, Te Whaiti. —A contract for erecting school-buildings was let in May last, for £515. Native School Buildings, Taita. —The building at this place was removed by contract to Opanaki, and erected there at a cost of £179. Native School Buildings, Kokako, Wairoa County. — A contract for school-buildings was advertised, and tenders were received on the 21st May last; but they were considered too high and were declined. Fresh tenders were invited, tenders being due on the 7th instant. Wairabapa-Hawke's Bay District. Martinborough Post- and Telegraph-office. —A tender was accepted for the supply of timber, and the building is being erected by co-operative labour, and is nearing completion. Greymouth North Post- and Telegraph-office. —A new staircase, bath-room, and bay-window have been added to the Postmaster's residence, and the Post-office and residence have been painted and papered ; also, sundry repairs executed. The works were done on the co-operative principle. Office for Agricultural Department, Masterton. —This building, with stable and outbuildings, have been completed, the work being done on the co-operative principle. Te Nui Police-station and Outbuildings. —The erection of these buildings, comprising residence, office, stable, and fencing, was let by contract for £347, and completed in December last. Pahiatua Post- and Telegragh-office. —A glass screen to verandah and porch were erected to protect the entrance from the prevailing winds. Stock Inspector's House, &c, Woodville. —The erection of these buildings, comprising house, office, and outbuildings, was carried out on the co-operative principle, and completed in September last. Poravgahau Post- and Telegrah-office. —This building was damaged by fire early this year, and the roof and other damaged portions of same were renewed. The outside of the building has also been painted. Hastings new Post- and Telegraph-office. —The erection of this building was put in hand during the year, and it has been completed. A high brick wall has also been erected to protect the building from the spread of fire from adjacent property, and an ornamental brick wall has been erected along the street-frontage. The erection of the building and walls was done on the cooperative principle. Customhouse, Spit. —The erection of this building was put in hand during the year, and has been completed. The work was done on the co-operative principle. Hemoval of old Police-office, Napier. —This building was removed to Byron Street, and converted into a constable's house. The work was done by petty contract, and included new fencing and outbuildings. New Police-station, Byron Street, Napier, including Lockup, Outbuilding, and Fencing. —The erection of these buildings was put in hand during the year, and was completed in October last. The work was done on the co-operative principle.



Supreme Court, Napier. —The exterior of building, including roof, outbuildings, and fencing, has been painted, the plastering of walls and ceilings repaired, the ventilation of Courtroom improved, and a number of other repairs effected. The works were done by co-operative labour. Survey-office, Napier. —Additions have been made to the drafting-room, and a new office erected for the Eeceiver of Land Bevenue. The exterior of the building has also been painted, and various repairs effected. The works were done by co-operative labour. Old Provincial Buildings, Napier. —This building has been renovated throughout. An addition has been made to the clerk's office for deeds, and offices have been fitted up in the building for the Customs, Labour, and Agricultural Departments. A stable has also been erected for the Agricultural Department, and the fencing repaired and painted. The work has been done by co-operative labour. Te Aide College. —These buildings were examined, and a report on their sanitary condition, with plan, furnished to the Education Department. Repairs to Sundry Buildings. —Considerable additions and repairs have been carried out in the following buildings, viz.: Courthouse, Public Works Office, and Police-station, Pahiatua; Carterton Post-office; Woodville Drill-hall; Hastings Courthouse and Police-station; and Post-office, Napier. Palmbeston-Nbw Plymouth District. Additions and Alterations, Government Buildings, Neiv Plymouth. —This work, which was let in three contracts, was completed in September last. Laundry and Store-room, Government Buildings, New Plymouth. —A contract for erection of a laundry for caretaker and store-room for the Survey Department was let for £50, and the work is nearly finished. Courthouse, Stratford. —The timber materials for this building were obtained by tender. The work of erection was begun in August, 1895, and the building was completed and handed over to the Justice Department in April last. The whole work was done on the co-operative principle. Post-office., Stratford. —The timber having been obtained by tender, the erection was begun in August, 1895, and the building was completed and handed over to the Postal Department on sth January last. The work was carried out on the co-operative principle. Police-station, Eltham. —Plans are being prepared for a new Police-station, including lockup and stable, and the work will be put in hand shortly. Post-office, Hawera. —This building, which had just been completed on the co-operative principle, was destroyed by fire on 30th August, 1895, and is being re-erected in brick. A tender for the supply of bricks was accepted, and the work of erection was commenced in March last. The work is being done on the co-operative principle, and is making fair progress. Courthouse, Hawera. —This building, which was only finished and occupied in July, 1895, was also destroyed by fire at the same time as the Post-office, and is being re-erected in wood. A tender for the timber material was accepted in January last, and the building will probably be completed and ready for occupation in August next. The work is being done on the co-operative principle. Outbuildings, Momohahi State Farm. —These buildings consist of a five-roomed men's cottage and bath-room and three-stall stable, with feed-room, loose-box, shed, and loft. The timber was obtained by tender, and the buildings were erected on the co-operative principle, and handed over to the Agricultural Department in December last. Post-office, Wanganui. —A verandah was erected in front of the building by contract for £102, and completed in November last. Post-office, Marton. —Plans are being prepared for the erection of a new Post-office at Marton, and are nearly ready. • Neiv Police-station, Wanganui. —This work comprised the erection of a Police-station, Sergeant's house, and lockup, repairs to old stable and fencing. Tenders were accepted for the timber, and the buildings were erected on the co-operative principle, being completed and occupied in December last. Maori Accommodation-house, Wanganui. —The timber materials for this building were obtained by tender, and the erection, which was completed in March last, was done by co-operative labour. Native School, Pipiriki. —Tenders for the timber for these buildings have been accepted, and the erection will probably be finished by the end of August next. The work is being done on the co-operative principle. Courthouse, Hunterville. —This building was also erected on the co-operative principle. The timber was obtained by tender, and the work of erection was completed in February last. Police-station, Palmerston North. —The Sergeant's quarters have been removed to a new site on the Police Eeserve, and put in thorough repair throughout; the old Courthouse has also been removed to the Police Beserve and altered and renovated, to be used as a police-station. Miscellaneous Repairs. —Considerable repairs and alterations have been effected in the following buildings, namely: Courthouse and old Police-station, Wanganui; Courthouse, Marton; and Telephone Exchange, Palmerston North. Wellington-Mablbobough-Nelson Disteiot. Government House, Wellington. —The hall-porter's quarters improved, and the general maintenance attended to. Parliament Buildings. —A contract was entered into with the New Zealand Electrical Syndicate to supply and erect an electric motor to drive the ventilating-fans in the basement, the power to be supplied from the syndicate's lighting-stations. The plant did not arrive in time for erection before the commencement of the present session of Parliament, but the syndicate fitted up a temporary plant that will do until this session is over. Some repairs and painting have been done to the interior of the buildings.



Enginehouse, Sydney Street. —Owing to the altered arrangements for generating the motivepower in Parliament Buildings as above referred to, the engine was removed from this house, and the building was lengthened 38ft. and fitted up as an office for the Beg-istrar-General's census staff and records. The addition, which is in brick, was erected on the co-operative principle. Departmental Buildings, Wellington. —A considerable amount of work in fittings, consequent upon the rearrangement of the rooms referred to in last year's report, was done early in the year. A contract was let in June, 1895, for the installation of the electric light in these buildings, and was completed in August. As yet, however, it has only been applied to those rooms that are in frequent use during the night—sixty-one rooms in all. The result, as regards cost, for about twelve months has been a saving of 20 per cent, in the cost of lighting. The roof of the buildings was painted throughout in August and September last, and the annexe at the back was added to, these works having been carried out by co-operative labour. The lifts have also been improved and various maintenance-works attended to. Government Printing Office, Wellington. —An intermediate floor was put into the paper-room to facilitate the stacking of paper, and a dark-room was added to the temporary lithographic gallery. The new luncheon-room on the second floor has been finished, and the drainage and alterations to the latrines have been completed. The roof was painted by a co-operative party in April last. The additions to the printing office, bringing the building up to the street-line, with an extended frontage, and including a new photo-lithographic gallery, are in progress. The work of excavating the foundations was commenced in June, 1895, and finished early in August. The walls and roof of the photo-lithographic gallery are finished, and the brickwork of the main portions of the additions is partly up to the ground-floor, and partly to the first-floor level. Contracts were let for the supply of piles, timber for joinery, cast-iron columns, and Oamaru stone for facing. Twenty-five men are employed on the building at present. Mount Cook Prison. —The work of preparing this building for habitation was put in hand vigorously in September last. The female side has been finished, except the kitchen, the excavation and fencing of the exercising-ground, and the erection of matron's quarters. On the male side the drainage has been brought up from Bank's Terrace, the basement ground-floors have been asphalted, and the fencing of the exercise-ground nearly completed. The prison should be ready for occupation about November next. Prom September to January last an average of seventeen prisoners were employed on the works, and since then an average of forty-nine have been at work, two artisans (free labour) being also employed to lead them. Twelve free labourers were also employed, from the 2nd March to the 6th May last, in excavating for the retaining-wall at Bank's Terrace and forming the approach road to the prison. They worked in two parties on the co-opera-tive principle. Mount Vieiv Asylum, Wellington. —An addition of ten single rooms to this builiding was completed in May, 1895. The work of erection was done by co-operative labour, and the excavation and painting by the asylum inmates. Plans for a new reservoir for fire-prevention purposes were prepared by this department, and the work, which is well advanced, is being done by the asylum patients under the supervision of this department. The hot-water supply to the baths has been improved, and other repairs effected. Porirua Asylum. —The farm-buildings were completed early in the year, and a bootshed has been erected. The fencing of the reservoir was put in hand on the 15th January last and completed on the 21st February; these works being done on the co-operative principle. Various repairs to the buildings, water-supply, &c. were also effected during the year. The erection of an additional wing to the asylum was commenced in February last. The concrete foundations have been put in and the brickwork is now advanced to about two feet above the damp-course level. Arrangements are being made for the all-night lighting of the building as soon as the new wing is finished. Quarantine-station, Somes Island. —The second-class passengers quarters have been re-roofed by co-operative contract, and various urgent repairs to the station have been carried out. Police-station, Wellington —Accommodation for a matron was provided at this building in December last. Police-station, Nelson. —A contract for the erection of a Police-sergeant's house was let in August, 1895, and completed in November last. Alterations to the police-buildings, and painting same, have also been carried out, the work being done by co-operative labour. Courthouse, Featherston. —The erection of this building was completed on the 22nd May, 1895. The work was done on the co-operative principle. Courthouse, Otahi. —The timber for this building was obtained by tender, and the work of erection, which was done on the co-operative principle, was completed in September last. Cable-station, White's Bay. —A contract for repairs to this building, and erection of new fencing, was completed in May, 1895. Miscellaneous Repairs and Maintenance. —Various repairs and improvements have been carried out during the year at the following buildings, viz. : Departmental Buildings, Courthouse, and Postoffice, Nelson; Departmental Buildings, Blenheim; General Post-office, Colonial Museum, and Terrace Gaol, Supreme Court, Ministerial residences, Government Insurance Buildings, and Government Domains, Wellington; Police-station, Foxton; Post-office, Lower Hutt, and Lunatic Asylum, Nelson. Westland Disteict. Buildings, Westport. —The following works have been completed : Eepairs and painting to Police-station, Denniston, and Police-station and constable's quarters and gaol, Charleston, and to Warden's residence, Westport; also additions and repairs to District Surveyor's residence, Westport; and repairs to the roof of the Post- and Telegraph-office, Westport, and papering two rooms in the building are in progress.



Government Buildings, Beefton. —The Post-office and Postmaster's residence, post-office store, lineman's cottage and stable, School of Mines, Courthouse, police-quarters, survey-office and Surveyor's residence, have all been thoroughh' repaired and renovated, the work being done as far as possible on the co-operative principle; and repairs to the Clerk of Court's house are about to be commenced. Police-camp, Hokitika. —The whole of the buildings and fences have been renovated and put into substantial repair. The lockup was removed to a more convenient position near the constable's quarters, and the latter building had a new wing added to it and was thoroughly repaired. Old Men's Home, Hokitika. —This building was erected by contract at a cost of £413, and was completed in February last. The furnishings and fittings are now being supplied. Miscellaneous Repairs to Buildings at Hokitika. —The exterior of the Courthouse buildings was thoroughly repaired and renovated, and various repairs w T ere effected in the following buildings : Post- and Telegraph-office, lunatic asylum, gaol, customhouse, and law library. Drillshed, Greymouth. —A new drillshed has been erected to replace the one destroyed by fire. It was put in hand in July, 1895, and finished in August; the work being done on the co-operative principle. The maintenance of other buildings in Greymouth has been attended to, and the Post-office was examined and reported on with the view of having repairs effected. Post- and Telegraph-office, Kumara. —The whole of this building got into a bad state of repair, and general repairs and painting were carried out and finished in March last. Stipendiary Magistrate's Courthouse, Kumara. —The interior of this building was renovated, and painted, and repairs and painting to the outside are in progress. Police-buildings, Kumara. —Eepairs and painting to the constable's house and police-quarters are in progress. Courthouse, Brunnerton. —The building formerly known as Seaton's Hotel was acquired by Government and altered and fitted up as a Courthouse. It was occupied by the Justice Department in February last. Lockup, Murchison. —A lockup has been erected at this place. It was finished in May last. Courthouse, Arahura. —The fencing, which was destroyed by fire, was renewed, and repairs, and painting to the building were put in hand last month. Okarito. —The Courthouse, survey-office, and constable's residence have been painted, and repaired, and the fencing has been also put in good repair. Canteebuky Distbict. Sunnyside Asylum. —The new laundry, with necessary drainage system, has been completed, also a covered way from the laundry to the main building. Washing-troughs and a large hydroextractor were imported and fitted up, and hot- and cold-water and steam service connected ; also gas ironing-stoves, tables, &c, have been provided, and washing-machines have been ordered and are expected to arrive shortly. A drying-closet has also been completed, and a well-laid fenced drying-green. The steam and fire-prevention service has been completed, the latter being extended to the Medical Superintendent's residence ; and, with the view of preventing the spread of fire, the walls of the building have been -carried up through the roof at several places in the east wing, a similar work having formerly been carried out in the female side of the building. New boilers have been built in the boilerhouse attached to the laundry, and additional provision has been made for steam-heating and hot-water service in connection with the kitchen and bath-rooms, the greater portion of the work being done on the co-operative principle. The fence around the female airing-court has been renewed, the work being done by the patients with a little outside labour, and the formation and fencing of the new male airing-court is in progress in a similar manner. Supreme Court, Christchurch. —A new building was erected by contract for a law library, adjacent to the Supreme Court, the old library being thoroughly renovated and converted into a room for the transaction of Banco and Chamber business. Courthouse, Bakaia. —The old hall has been converted into a Courthouse, and an additional room and Outbuildings erected. Courthouse, Darfield. —This building has been completed and handed over to the Justice Department. It was erected on the co-operative principle. Courthouse, Timaru. —The whole of the ceiling (plaster) was removed, and a pannelled woodceiling substituted. Some alterations were also made to provide room for the Judge, and new linoleum laid down. Sundry Bepairs, Benovations, and Alterations have also been carried out at the Stipendiary Magistrate's Courthouses at Christchurch, Lyttelton, Oxford, Southbridge, Little Eiver, Temuka, and Ashburton; also at the Police-stations at Christchurch, St. Albans, Oxford Bishopstown, Bealey, Timaru, Leeston, Akaroa, Eangiora, Sheffield, Little Eiver, Coalgate, Amberley, and Fairlie Creek. Police-station, Pleasant Point. —A piece of land, with building thereon, has been acquired for the station, and tenders are now invited for the erection of a lockup and stable. Post- and Telegraph-office, Cheviot. —A new Post-office and Postmaster's residence were erected by contract at McKenzie's Township, Cheviot. The old buildings were removed and repaired and utilised for the lineman's quarters. Post-office, Lyttelton. —This building has been thoroughly renovated inside and outside, and the work was done by co-operative contract. Post-office, Bangiora. —Eenovations to this building are now in progress. Post-office, Bealey. —Tenders are now invited for extensive repairs and additions to this building.



Departmental Buildings, Ghristohurch. —As the water-supply for the buildings in Cathedral Square showed signs of failing, a new 3in. artesian well was sunk to a depth of 232 feet, with the result that a good supply of water has been obtained. Provincial Council Buildings. —The roof of the Provincial Council Chamber has been thoroughly repaired, and other portions of the roof of the buildings attended to. Industrial School, Burnham. —A new water-supply tank has been provided, windmill repaired, and extensive repairs and alterations are in hand; the work, which is done by co-operative labour, being nearly completed. Stock inspector's House, Fairlie Greek. —A contract for the erection of this house, fencing, &c, was let and is now in progress. Addington Gaol. —Alterations to the old gaol building, including an improvement in the watersupply, with a view to its use for refuge purposes, are now being carried out by co-operative labour, and are expected to be finished early this month. Otago and Southland. Seacliff Asylum. —-As the result of the joint report submitted by Mr. Napier Bell and myself, and referred to in last year's annual report, it was decided to disconnect the block forming the north wing which stands on the creeping-ground from the rest of the building which is on firm ground, and this work has been carried out at a cost of about £260. Police-stations. —The contract for the erection of the new police-station buildings at Waitahuna was completed in May, 1895 ; and considerable renovations, additions, and alterations have been carried out in the stations at Invercargill, Waikaia, Tapanui, and Milton. Post-office, Queenstown. —A contract was let for the erection of a new Post-office at Queenstown, and it was completed in August last. Post-office Bepairs, &c. —Various additions, alterations, and repairs were carried out at the Postoffices at Oamaru, Clinton, Milton, Mosgiel, andMataura; also at the Telephone Bureau, Dunedin, and Postmaster's residence, Queenstown ; and plans are in hand and are nearly ready for additions and alterations to the Post-office, Eiverton. A new fence was erected (and painted) round the reserve at the Post-office buildings, Invercargill ; the work which was let in two separate contracts, being completed in February last. New Courthouse, Arrowtown. —A contract for the erection of this building was let in May, 1895, and completed in September last. Neio Courthouse, Milton. —This is a brick building, and was erected on the co-operative principle. Work was begun in October last, and the building was finished in January, 1896. New Courthouse, St. Bathans. —The erection of this building was let by contract in November last, and completed in April last. Sundry Repairs to Courthouses. —Repairs and alterations were carried out in the following buildings —namely, Courthouse and police-buildings, Winton; Supreme Court, Invercargill; and Courthouses at Gore and Hamilton. Neiu Gaol, Dunedin. —This building is being erected on the co-operative principle. The brickwork of the centre block is completed up to roof-plate level, and the work on north and south sides of the building is built 3ft. above second-floor level. The concrete floors on first and second flats are completed, and, generally, the work is very well advanced. Departmental Buildings, Dunedin. —The offices of the Lands Department were renovated. MAEINE. Manukau Heads Wharf. —Some fender-piles were bolted to this wharf, and the wharf-decking and tram-line repaired. Whangateau Harbour Jetties. —Approach-roads were made to the jetties erected at Ti Point and Parapara Wharves by the local bodies, subsidised by Government grants. Bemoval of Bocks, Whakatane Harbour. —A contract for the removal of ten rocks in this harbour was let in March, 1896, and the work is in progress. Howick Wharf. —The erection of this wharf and approaches was put in hand in August, 1895, and completed in February last. The timber was obtained by tender and the work of erection was done by co-operative labour. The wharf is 800 ft. long and 7ft. wide. Some further work to improve the approaches to the wharf and adjoining beach is about to be put in hand. Waiulta Channel and Panmure Bridge. —At the request of the local bodies the Waiuka Channel was examined with a view to the improvement and deepening of the channel near the Mauku Wharf, and the Panmure Bridge was thoroughly examined with a view to repairs ; and reports thereon were furnished to the Boards concerned. Dredging, Nelson Harbour. —This work was completed in May, 1895, and the plant returned to the Westport Harbonr Board, from which it had been hired. The depth of water at the breastwork was finished to an average depth of 15-J-ft., equal to an average increase of sft., while in the fair-way it was increased from 7ft. to 10ft., and at the Albion Wharf was finished off to 7ft.,' or an increase of 2ft. : all from below low-water mark. The approaches to the Eailway Wharf were also lined up with timber for 90ft. to half-tide level. Lighthotise-keeper's Cottage, Nelson. —A contract for the erection of this building was let in February, 1896, and completed last month. Cape Fareivell Spit Lighthouse. —The contract for the manufacture of the wrought-iron tower for the lighthouse was finished by Messrs. A. and J. Anderson, Christchurch, last month, and arrangements for the erection of the lighthouse are now being made. The timber required for the work has been obtained by tender. Gape Palliser Lighthouse. —A contract for the manufacture of the cast-iron tower for this lighthouse was let to Messrs. Luke and Sons, Wellington, in February, 1896, and will be completed this month; and preparations are in hand for the erection of the tower, keeper's dwellings, stores, &c.



The Brothers. —A new landing-place and crane at the south-east end of the island, have been provided, and a place has been prepared for the erection of a small building to hold an auxiliary light. Somes Island Light. —A survey has been made with a view to carry out a proposal to remove the light on Somes Island to a more effective position and the matter is under consideration. Gape Kidnappers Lighthouse. —Plans and specifications have been prepared for the construction of a cylindrical cast-iron tower for this lighthouse. It will be erected on a concrete base, and the total height from the ground will be 56ft. Snares Lighthouse. —The Snares Islands were visited by the Nautical Adviser (Captain Allman) and myself, with the object of selecting a site for the proposed lighthouse there; and our report thereon has been submitted to the Government. Sticking Point lieclamation, Lyttelton. —Work at this reclamation was commenced in May, 1895, and about 3 chains of substantial stone breastwork has been put in. Good stone is being obtained from the hill under Sumner Boad adjoining the reclamation. Excepting the crane-driver, who is a paid employe, the work is being done by prison-labour. Miscellaneous. —A large number of plans and specifications relating to proposals submitted by Harbour Boards and other governing bodies, m connection with wharves, training-walls, bridges, breakwaters, and other harbour ani riverworks, have been examined and reported on during the year. HABBOUB DEFENCES. Auckland. —The city water has been laid on to the forts at Takapuna and North Head, and a considerable amount of work has been done at the various forts; a force of twenty-eight prisoners, with two instructing and three discipline warders, being employed on the works during the greater part of the year. Wellington. —The metalling of the road from Kilbirnie to the forts was completed by co-opera-tive labour in July, 1895, and a road between Port Ballance and Fort Gordon has been made by the prisoners. The construction of the Gardens Battery was put in hand in January, 1896, and the works which are being carried out by co-operative labour are well advanced. An average of eighteen men has been employed. A motor-house has been constructed at Fort Ballance chiefly by prison-labour, and various repairs and alterations have been carried out at the forts generally during the year. Lyttelton. —The buildings at Bipa Island and Erskine Point are undergoing repairs, and some additional accommodation is being provided for the members of the Permanent Force, prison-labour being utilised as far as possible in carrying out these and maintenance-works. Otago. —The jetty at Deborah Bay has been lengthened and strengthened. The work was done by contract and completed in September last. A jetty has also been built at Taiaroa Heads, 300 ft. in length, of rock-filling with pitched face. A blacksmith's shop has also been erected here for sharpening tools, and the parade ground has been levelled and the reserve fenced in; these works and some repairs and painting being carried out by prison-labour. The jetty at Harrington Point has been strengthened, and a 7in. gun has been mounted on the reclaimed ground, Dunedin. STOBES AND SEEVICES. Stores Supply Contract, 1896. —Tenders were invited for the supply and delivery of general ironmongery, builders' and furnishing ironmongery, and other stores for the Public Works and other Government Departments for the year, and tenders were accepted as follows : —

Cdntracts were also entered into for the supply of coal and firewood in the various districts for Government Buildings, and in Wellington the usual contracts were let for furniture and fittings, chimney-sweeping, removal of rubbish, and window-cleaning. ENLOSTJBES. This report is accompanied by the following enclosures, viz. : — 1. Statement showing lengths of railways authorised, constructed, surveyed, &c. 2. Diagram showing mileage of railway opened each year. 3. Maps of the North and Middle Islands, showing railways opened and in progress. I have, &c, William H. Hales, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.

Class of Supplies. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. Dunedin. Invercargill. General ironmongery 3uilders' and furnishing ironmongery •hip chandlery .. T. and S. Morrin Briscoe, Macneil, and Co. and Co. Ditto .. .. Cameron and Christie Ashby, Bergh, and Co. Ditto A. Briscoe and Co. Walter Guthrie and Co. Ditto. E. Porter and Co. Briscoe, Macneil, and Co. Ditto .. John Edmond .. ron and steel Paints, oils, &c. .. T. and S. Morrin and Co. Nil. i P. Hutson and Co. J. J. Craig .. j Briscoe, Macneil, and Go. B. Porter and Co. Ditto Ashby, Borgli, and Co. Edward Keeceand Sons Nil. A. Briscoe and Co. jement and lime Nil. Nil. drainpipes Ashby, Bergh, and Co. John Edmond .. A. Briscoe and Co. Walter Guthrie and Co. John Edmond. Cents John Edmond ..

TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1896 — continued. MIDDLE ISLAND.


State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. Mileage. Subdivision. Main Line. Sidings. Total. Under Formation. Under Opened. Surveyed. Date. T 1872 ie ' l872 - 73 - 1 8- 7 3-"4. 1874-75. 1875-76. 1876-77.11877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80.-1880-81. 1881-82. 1882-83. 1883-84. 1884-85. 1885-86. 1886-87. 1987-88. 1888-89. 18*9-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-9: . 1893-94. 1894-95.1895-96. laying. Total. 1 2 3 M. oh. 22 73 3 4 5 I. ch. M. ch. 22 73 Port Extension .. 10) Nelson-Foxhill .. 18 73 I FoxhilbBelgrove .. 3 0 ) 7 51 Greymoutb-Brvainer- 7 32 \ I ton Extension .. 0 5 JStillwater (portion).. 0 4 ,, •• 0 10 J 19 56 Station .. 0 29 ' Westport-Waimanga- 10 0 roa Waimangaroa-Ngaka- 8 70 wau Extension to Coal 0 37 Company's Line 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- 7 12 nui 6 M. oh. 7 M. ch. 8 M. ch. 9 M. oh. 10 M. ch. 11 1 M 12 M. ch 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. oh. 17 M. ch 18 M. ch. 19 M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. oh. 1 0 22 M. ch 23 M. eh. 24 M. oh 1 25 M. ch. 26 H. oh. M 27 M. eh. 28 M. ch. 29 M. ch. 30 M. ch. 31 i M. ch: 32 M. ch. 33 34 M. ch. 35 M. oh. 36 M, ch. 37 M. oh. I N el son - Roundell Nelson-Belgrove.. 2 52 25 45 •• M 17 May, 1880 . 31 Jan., 1876 . 25 July, 1881 . 7 April, 1876 . 18'73 \ 22 73 ) Greymouth - Nelson Creek 7 51 732 3' C - GreymouthN e1 son Creek 1 Feb., 1881 . 14 Mar., 1881 . 1 Sept., 1885 . 17 Dec, 1878 . 5 Aug., 1876 . 0 5 0 4 - 7 51 6 18 13 69 WestportNgakawau Westport - Ngakawau 6'lO 6 29 • 19 19 19 51 10 Oi 4 34 23 53 26 Sept.,1877 . 8 70 Ngakawaa-Moki-liinui 0 37 31 Mar., 1890 . " 0 37 0 37 WesfcportNgakawau Extension 7 12 1 21 8 33 8 Aug., 1893 . 7 12 7 12 Mokihinui Colliery Line Greymouth - Hokitika Kumara Branch Picton-Awatere .. 3 69 3 69 Mokihinui to coal- 3 69| mine 24 37 Greymouth-Hokitika 24 37 0 21 4 10 25 Feb., 1895 * . 3 69 3 69 GreymouthHokitika New Survey PietonHurunui 24 37 2 10 26 47 20 Dec, 1893 . 24 24 37 24 37 i 4 10 34 40 4 10 Kumara Branch .. 4 10 34 40 Picton-Blenheim .. 16 57 I Blenheim .. 1 22 j Omaka Contract .. 2 43 Vernon Contract .. 1 75 Dashwood Contract 3 38 TJtawai Contract .. 2 50 Surveyed (trial) .. 5 75 26 15 Kahautera-Waiau .. 26 15 23 0 Reconnaissance .. 13 30 Culverden-Hurunui 9 50 43 0 Waipara-Hurunui .. 21 0 Hurunui-Parnassus 22 0 L96 37 Hurunui-Medbury .. 1 14 " Medbury-Waikari .. 8 40 Waikari-Waipara .. 9 10 Waipara-Amoerley .. 6 77 Amberley-Asliley(part) 3 63 „ ,. 7 64 Ashley-Rangiora .. 1 71 Rangiora-Southbrook 1 63 Southbrook-Kaiapoi 5 1 Kaiapoi-Addington .. 11 68 Christchurch-Selwyn 22 43 Selwyn-Dunsandel .. j 1 77 Dunsandel-Rakaia .. 10 66 . Rakaia-Ashburton .. 17 7 Ashburton-Ealing .. 19 29 Ealing-Woodbridge.. 2 59 Woodbridge-Temuka 13 65 Temuka-Timaru .. 11 15 Timaru-St. Andrews 10 28 St. Andrews-Otaio .. 3 66 Otaio-Makikihi .. 3 61 Makikihi-Hook .. 3 36 Hook-North Waitaki 16 14 North "Waitaki-South 1 40 . Waitaki 21 76 Rangiora-Cust .. 11 77 ] Cust-Carlton .. 5 53 \ Carlton-Oxford West 4 26 ) 20 7 Main Line - West 14 251 Eyreton - Eyreton-Bennett's .. 5 62 ) 6 26 Lyttelton - Christ- 6 26 church. 25 31 Hornby-Ellesmere .. 14 62 ) Ellesmere - South- 10 49 J bridge 42 10 Lincoln-Birdling's 17 8 "1 Flat Birdling's Flat-Little 5 38 J River Reconnaissance .. 19 44 30 60 Rolleston-Shoffield .. 24 4 ) Sheffield-Springfield 5 59 Springfield-Coalmine 0 77 J 11 57 Darfiold-Whitocliffs 11 33 ) Whitecliffs to Bridge 0 5 ( Extension Section .. 0 19 22 20 Rakaia-Methven .. 22 20 4 10 4 10 18 Nov., 1875 . 24 Mav, 1880 1.8 Aoril, 1893 16 57 t J 3 6 21 5 -{ i'22 \ 17 79 I 2 63 1 75 3 38 2 50 5 75 26 15 13 30 10 12 21 0 22 0 2*43 2 43 Kahautera-Waiau Waiau-Hurunui 0 20 5 75 26 15 13 30 1 75 3 38 2 50 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. 26 15 23 0 6 42 9 Feb., 1886 9 - 50 '9 50 Cheviot Section .. 43 0 21 0 22 0 HurunuiW aitaki, w i t h Branches Main Line 196 37 9 Feb., 1886 28 Oct., 1884 17 April, 1882 6 Oct., 1880 9 Feb., 1876 3 Nov., 1875 17 April, 1875 5 Nov., 1872| 2 Sept., 1872! 1 April, 1872 1 2 Oct., 1867 2 15 Feb., 1873 29 May, 1873 4 Aug., 1874 31 May, 1875 24 Aug., 1875 4 Feb., 1876 22 Oct., 1875 1 July, 1876 1 Sept., 1876 30 Oct., 1876 1 Feb., 1877 1 Feb., 1877 17 April, 1876 - > !1 .. ! 11 68 r 22 43 ! .. 1 63 5 1 i'77 10 66 i 71 3 63 7 64 " I 1 •■ 677 "' .. 910 •- ■■ i 8 40 i 14 •■ -196 37 ■64 26 260 63 I .. 17* 7 19 29 2 59 13 65 .11 15 3 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 - 21 76 3 .. 7 .. 7 .. 6 .. i'40 - Branches, — Rangiora-Oxford 21 76 2 36 24 32 J' I ( 1 Dec, 1874 \ 6 April, 1875 ( 21 June, 1875 I 27 Dec, 1875 4 .. 5 11 77 5 53 4 26 Eyreton (from Main Line) 20 7 1 61 21 68 5 .. 5 .. .. I 14'25 ■ 20 7 6 26 I 1 Feb., 1878 9 Dec, 1867 8 .. 7 6 26 5 62 6 26 Lyttelton 6 26 " Southbridge .. 25 31 3 17 28 48 (: ••1: ( 26 April, 1875 1 30 July, 1875 14 62 10 49 [- 25 31 Little RiverAkaroa 42 10 2 5 r ••-i 1 f 7 June, 1882 17 8 1 .. - L 22 46 24 51 t 16 Mar., 1886 5 38 •• I Springfield 19 44 19 44 Prelim. I 1 Dec, 1874 \ 3 Jan., 1880 ( 10 Fob., 1880 I 3 Nov., 1875 1 27 June, 1386 1 April,' ISSsi* 24 4 Whitecliffs 30 60 11 57 I 3 7 ]- 1 53 33 67 1 li 33 :: 5 5! 0 T I I 30 60 1 11 38 13 11 6' 5 Rakaia-Ash-burton Forks Ashburton 22 20 2'65 0 19 25 5 0 19 22'20 1 .. 22 20 ■'• 29 46 Tinwald-Westerfield 10 47 \ Westerfield-Anama .. 8 39 Anama-Cavendish .. 2 47 Cavendish-Mt.Somers 1 48 Mt.Somers-Springburn 4 8 j Extension .. 2 17 55 8 Washdyke - Pleasant 8 67 ' Point Pleasant Point-Albury 16 61 Albury-VVinscombe .. 7 7\ Winscombe-Eversley 3 30j Preliminary survey .. 19 3j 4 42 Studliolmo-Waimate 4 42 8 21 Waimate-Waihao 8 21 Downs 246 69 South Waitaki - 13 8 Oamaru Oamaru-Hillgrove .. 24 52 Hillgrove-Palmerston 12 68 Palmerston - Waikou- 9 3 aiti Waikouaiti-Waitati 14 33 Waitati-Glendermid 9 77 Glendermid-Dunedin 7 6 Dunedin-Abbotsford 5 7 Abbotsford - Clutha 46 36 River Clutha River - Bal- 0 60 clutha Balclutha-Clinton .. 20 76 Clinton-Waipahi .. 9 62 Waipahi-Gore .. 16 11; Gore-Mataura .. 7 40 Mataura-Woodlands 20 68 Woodlands-Invercar- 11 21 gill Invercargill-Bluff .. 17 1 29 46 L 1 52 :! I 8 April, 1880 7 Oct., 1882 1 1 Mar., 1884 4 Oct., 1886 { 9 Sept., 1889 ' 24 Dec, 1875 10 47 I 27 29 8 39 3 .. 2 47 29 1 i'48 3 i 8 a 3 .. Opawa and Albury to Fairlie Creek and Burke's Pass 55 8 ■ 2 45 2 17 2 17 8 67 16 61 3 .. I 36 5 38 50 - 1 Jan., 1877 22 Aug., 1883 30 Jan., 1884 7 7 3 30 Waimate Waimate Gorge 4 42 8 21 246 69 i*3 0 54 19 3 5 45 8 75 19 3 Prelim. 19 Mar., 1877 1 April, 1885* ' 25 Sept., 1875 13 8 4*42 8 21 . .. "i 42 8 21 WaitakiBluff and Branches Main Line 4 Nov., 1876 22 May, 1878 6 Sept., 1878 24 52 12 68 9' 3 ■59 13 306 2 7 May, 1878 20 Dec, 1877 9 April, 1873 1 July, 1874 1 Sept., 1875 7* 6 5' 7 7 1 .. 46 36 14 33 9 77 -246 69 22 Jan., 1878 0 60 22 Jan., 1879 1 Nov., 1877 21 June, 1877 30 Aug., 1875 j 7 June, 1875 11 Feb., 1874 962 20 76 16 11 7 40 " 20'68 .. I I .. j- 21 75 11*21 1 .. 5 Feb., 1807 17 1 Branches, — Duntroon 21 75 Pukouri-Marawhenua 21 29 Marawhenua - Dun- 0 46 troon 15 38 Duntroon - Hakatera- 15 38 moa 14 76 Waiareka-Ngapara .. 14 76 16 40 Windsor-Livingstone 12 0 Survey (trial) .. 4 40 9 40 Palmerston-Dunback 1 58 (part) Palmerston-Dunback 6 77 (part) Surveyed .. 0 65 1 9 Glendermid - Port 1 9 Chalmers 2 44 Burnside-WaltonPark 1 74 Walton Park - Saddle 0 50 Hill 4 65 Surveyed .. .. 4 65 21 75 1 35 23 30 j 1 Dec, 1875 ( 11 July, 1881 21 29 6'40 I •• •■ I I Duntroon-Haka-terarnea Ngapara Livingstone 15 38 1 5 16 43 1 April, 1885* 15 38 s .. 15 38 14 76 16 40 1 31 0 50. 16 27 12 50 4 40 0*5 Prelim. 2 April, 1877 12 Aug., 1887 f 30 July, 1882 14 76 li'75 14 76 11 75 4*40 i'ss Palmerston-Wai-hemo 9 40 I 0 54 9 29 r "I i 1 Oct., 1885 6 77 1 .. " [ 8 55 Port Chalmers.. s'40| 0 65 \ 4 49 0 65 9 April, 1873 i' 9 I - I i 9 1 9 Green Island .. 2 44 j- 0 52 3 16 ••{ ( 1 July, 1874 t 4 Sept., 1879 1 74 4 .. 0 , |- 2 44 Green Island to Brighton Fernhill Colliery Line Kaikorai Valley Railway Outram Lawrence 1 60 Abbotsford to Fern- 1 60 hill Colliery 2 60 Surveyed .. .. 2 60 4 65 1 60 2 60 0 24 4 65 2 4 2 60 4 G5 2 60 19 Dec, 1895 * +1 60 1 60 8 78 Mosgiel-Outram .. 8 78 21 76 Clarksvillc-Waitahuna 15 4 Waitahuna-Lawrence 6 72 38 25 Preliminary survey.. 38 25 f 8 78 21. 70 0 08 I 2 2 I 9 66 I 23 78 -I 1 Oct., 1877 j 22 Jan., 1877 1 2 April, 1877 15* 4 6 72 8 78 ! .. 8 78 I 21 76 I Lawr e n c e-Rox-burgb. Catlin's River .. 38 25 '• 38 25 38 25 Prelim. 22 20 Balclutha-Romahapa 7 62 Romahapa-Glenomaru 6 18 Catlin's Tunnel Sec- 0 46 tion Hunt's Road Sec(part) 3 48 Hunt's Road Sec.(part) 1 06 Surveyed .. 3 0 20 3 Waipahi-Kclso .. 15 27 Kelso-Heriot .. 4 56 34 30 Anguilla Section .. 6 19 Surveyed 28 11 22 20 0 50 0 38 I 8 32 : 6 56 0 46 15 Dec, 1885 9 July, 1891 4 Mar., 1895 7 62 2 .. 6* 18 7 62 6 18 0 46 0 46 Waipahi - Heriot Burn Extension to Roxburgh, via Rae's Junction and Ettrick Vid Spylaw 0 12 0 43 3 60 1 49 3 0 1 06 16 Dec, 1895 3 48 3 48 8 0 f 1 Dec, 1880 1 1 April, 1884 15*27 20 3 [23 22 6 -{ 1 4 56 ' 20 3 34 30 6 19 28 11 4 66 24 14 37 p 9 b8 14 22 7 0 6 70 6 19 28 11 i Prelim. 28 70 Anguilla Section .. 4 56 Surveyed 24 14 36 39 Gore-Lumsden .. 36 39 28 70 4 56 24 14 Prelim. 134 •■ Waimea Plains District Ry. Kelso-Gore 36 39 1 April,' 1886* 36 39 36 39 24 0 Surveyed .. 9 58 Preliminary survey .. 14 22 13 70 Riversdale Section .. 7 0 Surveyed .. 6 70 19 30 Edendale-Wyndham 4 0 Wyndham-Glenham 5 36 Surveyed .. 9 74 23 17 Appleby-Waimatua 5 40 Waimatua-Mokotua 5 58 Waicura Sec. (portion) 6 62 Waituna Sec (portion) 1 40 Titiroa Section .. 3 57 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield .. 11 44 Surveyed .. 21 7 Reconnaissance .. 50 29 182 56 Wingatui Jct.-Hindon 16 67 Hindon Section (part) 2 48 Deep Stream Section 4 22 Nenthom Section .. 9 0 Middlemarch Section 7 31 Hyde Section .. 16 12 Kyeburn Section .. 15 60 Surveyed .. 110 56 87 4 Invercargill-Winton 18 5S Winton-Caroline .. 22 10 Caroline-Elbow .. 8 27 I Elbow-Lowther .. 5 76 1 Lowther-Athol .. 13 18 I Athol-Fairlight .. 10 10 I Fairlight-Kingston .. 8 35 Kingston Wharf .. 0 10 30 0 Lumsden-Castle Rock 2 21 Castle Rock-Murray 4 9 Creek Murray Crk.-Mossburn 4 10 Surveyed .. .. 8 20 Reconnaissance .. 11 20 14 0 W1 n t o n - Makarewa 9 76 River Makarewa River- 2 48 McDonald's Corner McDonald's Corner- 1 30 Hedgehope 17 53 Makarewa Junction- 17 53 Riverton 11 40 Thornbury (Aparima I 11 40 June) to Otautau 10 55 Otautau-Wairio .. 10 55 17 68 Riverton-Oraki ..J 6 3 Oraki-Colac .. | 1 30 Colac-Orcpuki .. 10 35 1775 34 .. 775 34 24 0 9 58 14 22 Prelim. 5 0 Riversdale- Switzers Edendale-Toitois 13 70 2**0 r. G 70 0 I 9 Oct.', 1882 I 1 May, 1890 19 30 t 0 72 10 28 9 74 -{ 4 536 I 9 36 Seaward Bush.. 23 17 9 74 I 9 July, 1886 1 16 Jan., 1888 6 Mar., 1895 5 40^ I 0 36 11 54 5*58 I 18 0 0 43 7 25 1 40 3 57 11 71 21 7 50 29 18 1 1 40 3 57 .. 1 6 62 Oxford-Temuka .. 0 27 7 Aug., 1884 1144 ii 44 Canterbury Interior Main Line Otago Central 83 0 21 7 50 29 Prelim. Waitaki BlufE Main Line to Lake Hawea 182 56 i 14 24 Oct., 1889 16 67 !- 0 75 J 24 16 9 April, 1891 - lii !! 23 21 (:: i I 56 20 16 77 15 60 110 56 15 60 12 July, 1894 ('.: 16 12 gill-King-ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa Invcrcargill-King-ston 0 65 '• I lio'56 .. 1 ' 22 Feb., 1871 20 Oct., 1875 7 Feb., 1876 15 Jan., 1877 28 Jan., 1878 29 April, 1878 10 July, 1878 14 Dec, 1878 ( 1 April, 1881 j 13 Mar., 1886 18*58 '.'. - 1 Lumsden-Mararoa 87 4 - 5 15 92 19 22 10 8 27 0 76 13 18 10 10 - 1 - I 87 4 8 35 0 10 .. I I - ■I: 2 21 I I L 10 40 30 0 4 9 i .. Forest Hill Tramway 11 40 .. i i Winton to Hedgehope >i i 8 20 11 20 9 76 8 20 11 20 [ 22 Jan., 1887 4 10 i Prelim. i 16 Dec, 1885 •' " - 976 9 76 I 11 ' i 2 48 2 4S | i ) .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 Western Railways Wallace town Branch Otautau Branch j 1 36 1 3G Prelim. si 5 f 6 37 i ) 5 / J , 9 June, 1879 115 Dec, 1879 T7 53 11 40 10 55 6 8i •• ! I 17 53 11 40 Otautau-Nightcaps Orepuki Branch 64 13 ' j 3 Mar., 1882 >S July, 1881 24 Sept., 1883 V 5 Mav, 1885 L .. 1 .. 76 36 27 62 " ,, , i'30 •• I 10 55 !| 17 68 3 1,210 55 10 35; Totals •• 1 202 66 197S 20 1 ! 494 6ll I 36 72 3 6 6 126 78 247 72 56 46 18 66 35 aal 22 45j ! 14 34 24 60j IJ101 50' I '§47 62 17 53 21 32 5 36 29 39, j 1 I 34 12 j!'27 29 |5 28| I 11 21 152 39 94 58 40 35: * In these cases the dates given are the dates on wbi f This comprises 3m. 48ch. of railways constructed 1 I This comprises 45m. 55ch. of railways constructed § This comprises 11m. 23ch. of railways constructed 1| This comprises 23m 40ch. of railways constiuctec lich the by the C 1 by the 1 by the d by the railways 3overnm« Governrx G overran ! , became the property of the ent, and lm. 60ch. of lines c nent, and 45m. 79ch. of linei Dent, and 36m. 3'Jch. of linei orient, and 3m. 6Sch. of lines ; Government, constructed bv private s constructed by privt s constructed by priv; l constructed by priva i com pi ite con ite con ,te com any and afterwards pi npanies under the Dit apanies under the Dis lpany and afterwards urchased by tl strict Railway: jtrict Railways purchased by he Gove s Act ar s Act ar the Go' srnment. ad afterwards purchased by tl id afterwards purchased by tl vernment. he Govi lie Gov. 31-nment. irnment.

10—D. 1.

Enclosure to Appendix F. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1896. NORTH ISLAND.



State of Line. so s Main Line. so c Opened. Appropriation. Name of Line. Subdivisions. Total. n3 CD > CO Under Forma-! tion. Under Platelaying. 1874-5 I L875--6 1876-7 ! 1877-8 1878-9 1879-80 1880-1 1881-2 j 1882-3 1883-4 1884-5 1885-6 1886-7 1887-8 1888-9 1889-90 1890-1 1891-2 1892-3 ,1893-4 1894-5 1895-6 Total. Date. 1873-4 10 M.chs. 11 1 12 M. chs. 12 M. chs. I 13 M. chs. 14 M. chs. 15 M. chs. 2 30 16 M. chs. 17 M. chs. 18 M. chs. 19 M. chs. 20 M. chs. 21 M. chs. 22 M. chs. 23 M. chs. 24 M. chs. 25 M. chs. 26 M. chs. 27 M. chs. 28 M. chs. 29 M. chs. 30 M. chs. 31 M. chs. 32 M. chs. 33 M. chs. 34 M. chs. 35 M. chs. [ 7 41 1 2 3 M. chs.| 7 41 4 5 M.chs. 1 5 M. chs. 2 30 ' 6 M. chs. | 0 57 7 M. chs. 8 M. chs. 9 M. chs. 22 Feb., 1877 M.chs. I Kawakawa ! WhangareiKamo WhangareiKamo Extension Kaihu Valley! Helensville n o r t h - wards Kawakawa Kamo-Whangarei .. Kamo-Hukerenui .. Kaihu Valley I I Helensville northwards 14 57 19 40 110 0 9 20 ±\i. ens. j Kawakawa - Tauma- 2 30 j rere [ Taumarere - Opua 5 11 J Wharf Deep water Opau 2 48 Wharf Opau Wharf - Wha- 2 2 ] ngarei Whang are i-Kamo . . 4 50 j Kamo-Hikurangi .. 8 0 Hikurangi-Wbakapara 3 25 Whakapaia-Hukerenui 3 32 Dargaville - Opanake 16 46 Opanake-Waima .. 2 74 Extension .. .. 77 73 - Welsford Road to 11 75 Komokoriki Komokoriki-Tahakeroa 6 26 Tabakeroa-Makarau 3 18 Makarau Contract .. 3 6 Kanohi - Helensville 7 42 Terminus Helensville Terminus, 0 43 \ —Helensville Helensville-Rumeu 12 79 I Kumeu-Henderson., 11 0 i Henderson-Waikomiti 1 50 Waikomiti-Newmarket 9 61 ) Penrose-Onehunga .. 2 53 1 Onehunga Wharf .. 0 20 j Auckland Wharf .. ... Auckland Station .. 0 15 Auckland-Mercer .. 42 72 , Mercer-Newcastle .. 31 2 Newcastle-Hamilton 10 33 Hamilton-Ohaupo .. 9 27 Ohaupo-Te Awamutu G 24 J 5 11 2 48 2 2 ' 4 50 8 0 3 25 3 32 16 46 2 74 77 73 11 75 6 26 3 18 3 6 7 42 2 27 1 20 0*50 estim. 0*40 1 10 8 18 2 48 8 79 9 20 3 25 3 32 17 16 2 74 77 73 11 75 6 26 3 18 3 46 8 52 2 48 332 77*73 11 75 6 26 3 18 3 25 2 74 estim. Prelim. -{ 3*6 7 April, 1884 30 Nov., 1882 28 Oct., 1880 2 July, 1894 27 July, 1891 * 4 50 2 2 5 11 ! .. i - .. 742 16 46 8 "o I 6 52 i 8 0 16 46 7 42 K ai p araWaikato Kaipara-Auckland .. 3 May, 1889 [-35 73 0 43 ' I 18 Sept., 1880 0 43 35 73 12 79 11 0 1 50 9 61 2 53 0 20 29 Oct., 1875 18 July, 1881 21 Dec, 1880 29 Mar., 1880 24 Dec, 1873 28 Nov., 1878 2 53 12 79 11 0 6 66 42 59 1*50 Onehunga Branch .. 2 53 9 61 I 2 73 2 73 0*20 1 70 4 63 Auckland-Waikato .. 100 13 0 15 42 72 31 2 10 33 9 27 6 24 0 55 0 55 30 Nov., 1885 20 May, 1875 13 Aug., 1877 19 Dec, 1877 4 June, 1878 1 July, 1880 015 ) 100 13 I 42 72 31 2 10 33 9 27 1611 116 24 Auckland-Penrose — Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 6 50 2 60 Deviation via Beach 6 §0 Auckland City Branch 2 60 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 Prelim, i I I 6*24 •• ■ " ■• Paerata-Waiuku .. 12 5 Surveys, new lines W aik atoThames Waikato-Thames .. 12 5 62 58 Frank ton Junction, 1 1 —Hamilton Hamilton-Morrinsville 16 79 Morrinsville-Te Aroha 12 55 . Te Aroha- Ohineumri 12 63 Ohinemuri Contract 6 35 Hikutaia Contract .. 8 25 Kauaeranga Contract 4 40 Ruakura Junction, 12 2 —Camhridge Morrinsville-Oxford.. 30 60 Oxford-Putaruru . . 6 77 Ngatira Contract .. 8 0 Kaponga Contract .. 10 23 Tarukenga Contract 4 62 „ 0 8 Rotoi'ua Contract .. 8 43 Putaruru-Lichfield .. 4 3 h 12 5 36 56 12 5 ( "1 20 Oct., 1879 i 1 1 16 79 - I [ 43 38 J 1 Oct., 1884 1 Mar., 1886 20 Dec, 1895 12*55 12*68 J Hami Iton-C ambridgc 1 10 13 73 6 35 8 25 5 75 15 16 6*35 8 25 H am M tonCambridge Thames Valley - Rotorua Thames Valley-Roto-rua 12 2 69 33 135 3 14 ' 2 40 40 17 4 40 ( ;:} 8 Oct., 1884 8 Mar., 1886 21 June, 1886 12 2 30 60 '* 6*77 I 8 0 10 23 4 62 12 2 I 37 57 | 23 5 0 50 0 54 8 50 10 77 I 5 15 {::: 24 Nov., 1893 f0**8 [8 43 8*51 4 3 Putaruru - Lichfield Branch Napier-.Woodville .. 0 25 1 18 8 Dec, 1894 N a p i e r - Woodville and Paim erston North 9 61 4 3 .. i 21 June, 1886 4 3 4 3 .. 96 65 Spit-Napier .. 2 16 Napier-Hastings .. 11 64 Hastings-Pakipaki .. 4 27 Pakipaki-Te Aute .. 10 17 Te Aute-Waipawa .. 12 53 Waipawa-Waipukurau 4 49 Waipukurau-Takapau 12 79 Takapau-Kopua .. 5 63 Kopua-Makotuku .. 5 22 4 22 Matamau-Tahoraite 7 43 Tahoraitc-Woodville 15 10 Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 North Woodville-Newman 24 50 Newman- Eketahuna 2 4 Eketahuna - Manga- 6 15 mahoe Mangamahoe- 4 7 Mauriceville Mauricevillo - Master- 12 8 ton Masterton-Woodside 16 22 Woodside-Featherston 4 19 Featherston-Kaitoko 17 48 Kaitoke-Upper Hutt 7 47 Upper Hutt - Silver- 3 35 stream Silverstream - Lower 8 0 Hutt Lower Hutt-Pipitea 8 2 Pipitea-Wellington.. 0 47 To Aio Extension .. 1 15 Woodside-Groytown 3 7 Foxton-Palmerston.. 23 39 Palmorston-Fcilding 11 28 Feilding-Halcombe.. j 7 76 Halcombe-Marton .. ! 10 49 Marton-Turakina .. j 9 10 Turakina-Aramoho .. 20 25 Ararnoho-Kai Iwi .. 9 31 Kai lwi-Waitotara .. I 13 2 Waitotara-Waverley j 6 73 Waverley-Patea .. j 8 31 Turakina-Matarawa | 11 67 Aramoho-Goat Valley 7 40 Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu .. 3 60 Nukumaru-Waitotara 3 0 j Patea-Manutahi .. 8 57 ! Manutahi-Hawera .. 9 24 Hawera-Normanby.. 3 35 Normanhy-Eltham.. 8 32 Eltham-Ngaire .. 2 60 Ngaire-Stratford .. 3 20 Stratford-Inglewood 13 40 Inglewood-Sentry Hill 8 60 Waitara-N. Plymouth 11 13 N. Plymouth-Moturoa 2 35 Moturoa-Breakwater Bull's Branch .. 3 79 Aramoho Loop .. 0 10 Aramoho-Wanganui 3 19 Marton Junction, — 18 53 Rangatira Mangaonoho Contract 3 70 Makohine Section .. 4 59 Powhakaroa Section 13 40 Paengaroa Section .. 10 22 Turangarere Section 10 66 Waiouru Section .. 7 40 25 Nov., 1874 12 Oct., 1874 1 Jan., 1875 17 Feb., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 1 Sept.,1876 12 Mar., 1877 25 Jan., 1878 9 Aug., 1880 23 June,1884 1 Dec, 1884 22 Mar., 1887 9 Mar., 1891 2 16 11 64 4 27 10 17 12 53 4 49 12 79 96 65 15 05 111 70 5*63 5*22 4 22 7 43 .. 15 10 17*21 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston North Woodville-Wellington 17 21 0 51 17 72 2"4 115 79 24 50 21 78 2 52 16 Mar'., 1896 ' 8 April, 1889 615 WellingtonWoodvillo 10 Jan., 1887 4 7 14 June, 1886 12 8 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 12 Oct., 1878 1 Jan., 1878 1 Feb., 1876 16 22 4 19 17*48 ■91 29 18 51 110 0 7*47 3*35 15 Dec, 1875 8 0 14 April, 1874 1 Nov., 1880 29 Mar., 1893 ' 14 May, 1880 ,27 April, 1876 '20 Oct., 1876 22 April, 1878 | 20 May, 1878 I 4 Feb., 1878 17 May, 1877 28 Juno, 1879 20 Sept., 1880 23 Mar., 1881 28 Aug., 1883 8 2 0*47 • • i • • 115 3 *7 3 7 Greytown Branch .. Foxton-Patea 3 7 120 44 0 04 1 3 71 23 39 11 28 Foxton-New Plymouth 11 75 135 39 J 20*25 7 76 10 49 9 10 9*31 l .. I .. " •• I ■ • l ■120 44 Route Improvement Surveys 13 2 6 73 8 31 • ■ I 1 26 07 11 67 7 40 11 67 7 40 3 60 3 0 3 60 3 0 Prelim. Patea-Waitara , 28 Aug., 1883 23 Mar., 1885 20 Oct., 1881 18 June, 1881 J 7 Feb., 1881 27 Sept., 1880 17 Dec, 1879 30 Nov., 1877 14 Oct., 1875 28 April, 1880 ■■ I 8 57 9*24 71 56 I I ..-I ■• ! .. i 3 35 8 32 111 52 83 28 2*60 3 20 71 56 83 28 13*40 i 1 i 860 .. 1 .. Bull's Branch Wanganui Branch .. I 0 53 0 53 3 79 ilia 2*35 •• I 3 79 3 29 3*79 Prelim. j 21 Jan., 1878 ( 21 Jan., 1878 2 Juno, 1888 o'io 3 19 I 2 13 5 42 2 78 21 51 ■:{ | 3 29 Marton-Tc Awamutu 216 0 18 53 18 53 North Island Main Trunk Railway 0 43 4 33 4 59 13 40 10 22 10 06 7 40 ( 7 0 • • ( 7 49 ( 2 0 • • \ 0 0 61 4 16 0 4*59 6 21 IMay, 1893 3 70 3 70 MurimiHu Section .. 14 49 Raotihi Section .. 8 0 7 19 10 22 10 66 7 40 7 0 7 49 2 0 0 0 61 4 16 0 l: Trial Trial Prelim. " I Central Route —Deviation Surveys 30 0 34 0 Trial Survey .. 61 4 Taumaranui Soction 16 0 Poro-o-tarao Tunnel 1 34 Contract Mokau Section .. 11 9 Mokau-To Kuiti .. 8 53 Te Kuiti-Otorohanga 11 41 Otorohanga-To Awa- 14 20 mutu Ohakune to Mokau- 30 0 Retaruke Divide Makatote Gorge-Ma- 34 0 rae Kowhai Marae-Kowhai-Ohura 20 0 Valley Ngaire Section .. 38 73 Tangarakau Section 26 0 Heao Section .. 10 70 Ohura Section .. 27 75 Waitara Section .. 46 75 Urenui to Tangitu 12 0 River Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 ; I 0 56 13 19 1 2 74 37 28 30 0 34 0 30 0 34 0 134 11 9 Prelim. Prelim. ■■I ( 8 Mav, 1889 \, 2 Dec, 18871 | 9 Mar., 1887 i 14*20 11 41 8 53 ■• ! " i .. i I I •• | i " r .. I 34 34 Ngaire-Ongaruho .. 20 0 20 0 20 0 Explor. I I 103 58 .. I 38 73 .. I 26 0 .. 10 70 .. 27 75 .. 46 75 12 0 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 " Waitara-Tangarakau Urenui Route 46 75 12 0 Prelim. " Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 .. 170 0 170 0 Prelim. I 1561 8 15G1 8 120 081681 76 709 6 10 18 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 70 24 22 I I 68 39 22 07 17 8 H 11 41 18 53 22 30 17 21 16 46 I 1 15 26 75 16 51 14 67 775 24 Total .. 66-40 27 19 2 2 55 21 50 f59 0 * In this case the date given is the date on which the t This comprises 48m. of railway constructed by Govt I This comprises 12m. 70ch. of railway constructed h} railway was taken over by the Govern irnment, and 11m. of lino constructed r Government, and 30m. 60ch. of line ( raonui Branch not mentioned above, a .ment. by privi construe ate company un< >ted by private ci dls have been ta] ler the 1 nnpany ten up. 'istrict Railways mder the Distri See " The Taor s Act anc ict Railw d afterwards pui rays Act and afti ch Railway Act, •chased 3rwards jy the G autchas. iovernment. ed by the Gove] .ment. Note.— r the ra aui Bran. 1894."





The Chief Inspectob of Machineby to the Undee-Seceetaby for Public Woeks. Sir, — Office of Chief Inspector of Machinery, Ist May, 1896. I have the honour to submit my annual report on the working of "The Inspection of Machinery Act, 1882," during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1896. The number of boilers inspected, and for which certificates were issued, during the year was 2,749. Several inspections of boilers at present idle were made during the year, over and above this number, certificates for which will be issued as the owners require them. All the machinery connected with these boilers was inspected at the annual inspections, and some have been visited more than once during the year. When possible, after being notified by the owner where new machinery has been erected, or alterations to existing plants have been made, a visit is paid to see that all pulleys, &c, are properly protected. 174 digesters and 33 hydraulic lifts were examined during the year. At the end of the year 150 boilers and 100 hydraulic lifts were overdue for inspection. No explosion nor accident to life and limb has taken place in connection with boilers during the year, which is very satisfactory, and not only suggests the careful way in which inspections of boilers are made, but also reflects great credit on the owners and attendants of boilers throughout the whole country. In a recent parliamentary return issued by the Board of Trade in Great Britain, for the year ended the 30th June, 1895, it was stated that 114 explosions, causing the death of 43 persons and serious injury to 85 others, had occurred. It is with regret I have to report nineteen accidents to persons in connection with machinery during the year, seven of which terminated fatally, and twelve not fatal. The tables explain fully the nature and cause of accident in each case, and I will only refer to one, viz., that at Belfast Freezing-works, in Canterbury. The machinery where the man was found was used at the manureworks, and was being duplicated, but not quite finished at the time of the accident. A hand-rail had been around the older half of the engine, but had been removed to allow the laying-down of the new half. The removal of this rail was not the fault of the Inspector, or of any one, as the work had to be done. The deceased had no right to be on that side of the engine where his body was found. Unless due care is exercised by employes themselves no amount of fencing or boxing-in will prevent accidents, as the machines must do their work, and are protected as far as possible without spoiling their efficiency. Gold-mining has called into use much machinery that has been idle for a long time, which accounts for the large increase in winding plants. It is to be hoped that this state of things will long continue, not only to keep the present but many additional plants in full operation. It is with much regret that I have to chronicle the death of Mr. Mowatt, Chief Inspector of Machinery, which occurred with painful suddenness, at his residence in Wellington, on the 31st of January last, at the early age of forty-five. He joined the service of the Government on the 17th of January, 1887, as Inspector of Machinery in the Wellington District, and was promoted to be Chief Inspector for the colony on the Ist of July, 1892. He was a very capable officer, very firm without being harsh, and was generally respected by all with whom he came in contact. Mr. H. Wetherilt, who held a temporary appointment as an Inspector from the Ist September to the 4th November, 1895, was permanently appointed on the 27th February last, and was located in the Otago District, to fill the vacancy caused by my own removal to Wellington. Mr. Morrison, who had been the junior Inspector in Otago since the beginning of 1893, became senior Inspector in that district. Mr. H. A. McGregor, one of the Wellington Inspectors, visited Great Britain during the year, after an absence from Home of close on thirty years. While there he personally visited the great coal, iron, and shipbuilding centres, noting improvements by the way. He had a personal interview -with the principal engineer-surveyor in London, the engineer-surveyors at Liverpool, Glasgow, and Belfast, as well as with several of the boiler-insurance surveyors in England and Scotland. Mr. McGregor gleaned much valuable information and carried away many a wrinkle which will be not only of use to our own department, but to the iron industry of the colony. Apart from the healthbenefit and the pleasure of such a trip, I would suggest that it would be to the benefit of our department and the colony at large were the same privilege granted to other Inspectors of Machinery in the future. During the year 487 engine-driver certificates have been issued. Ten candidates failed to pass the examination. Every facility has been given to those who had the necessary qualfications to obtain service certificates. No better method for testing knowledge has yet been devised than the sytem of examination questions; and, on the whole, the candidates who came up for examination acquitted themselves very well. Some found it quite stiff enough, others could have passed a much higher examination ; and I trust that those who have now obtained their certificates will still continue their self-improve-ment. Opportunities will frequently offer for the application of this self-improvement, and by properly dealing with these opportunities they will often be found stepping-stones in the ladder of promotion. The applications for service and competency certificates have entailed no end of

11—1). 1.



correspondence and other clerical work on the different inspectors, and if applicants would only read over the form furnished them it would simplify matters very much. The thanks of the department are due to the Postmasters and the officers of the Police Department, not only for providing rooms for examination in their buildings, but for many other helps to the examiners in country districts; especially also to the Press throughout the colony for the locals inserted re the dates and places of examination. Appended are tables numbered from 1 to 8 : (1) Number and class of boilers inspected, fees payable on these boilers, class and number of engine-drivers, and fees payable; (2) different classes of machinery inspected and motive-power used ; (3) nature and extent of defects found on inspection of boilers; (4) notices given to repair defects in boilers; (5) notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery ; (6) accidents which proved fatal; (7) accidents which were not fatal; (8) names of all candidates to whom certificates of competency and of service as engine-drivers have been granted during the year. I have, &c, Eobbbt Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Wellington.

No. 1. —Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected and for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Return showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Twenty-one Government boilers inspected (not charged for) = £40 10s.

Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding-, Traction-, and Locomotive-engine Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Return showing Fees payable for Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding-, Traction-, and Locomotive-engine Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Portable. Stationary. Under Under 5 h.p. 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Under Under 5 h.p. 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Total. 169 660 117 743 | 402 I 658 ... 2,749

Fees payable on Boilers. Fees payable on Machinery. Total Fees payable. £ 3,838 s. d. 0 0 £ 17 s. d. 5 0 £ 3,855 s. d. 5 0

Winding. Traction and Locomotive. Service. Competency. Service. Competency. 417 55 487

Winding. Traction and Locomotive. Total. Service. Competency. Service. Competency. 1 s. d. 2 6 fi 3 s. 0 d. 0 £ 52 s. 2 d. 6 £ s. 27 10 d. 0 £ s. d. 83 15 0


No. 2.—Return of Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1896.


Drive in by Driven by Description of Machinery. T3 a £ CO Description of Machinery. CT3 a . <£ g<U So -W 00 CD fc- ct3 a 3 o m u lit 03 o S 3 ao CQ OQ cS O Agricultural-implement works Air-compressing ... Ammunition factory Bacon-curing Bakeries Barrel-stave making Bark-mill Baths ... Bicycle-works Biscuit factories ... Blacking-works ... Blacksmiths' tools Block- and pump-works ... Boiler-making Boiling-down Boot factories Brass- and copper-works ... Breweries Brick- and tile-works Brush factory Cable tramways ... Cabinetmaking and turneries Candle-works Cement-mixing ... Cement- and lime-works ... Chaff-cutting Chemical-works ... Cider factory Coach factories ... Cocoa factory Coffee- and spice-works Cooking and warming Cooperages Confectioneries ... Cordial manufactories Creameries Dairy factories Diamond-drill Dock and slip Dredging (gold) ... Dredging (harbour) Dye-works Electric lighting ... Engine-works Fan-driving Fellmongeries ... ... Fire-engines Firewood-cutting Fish-preserving ... Flax-mills Flour-mills Foundries Fruit-preserving ... Galvanised-iron works Gas-works Grinderies Glue-works Gold-mining Hat-making Hauling Hoisting (including winches and pile-driving) Hopper barge Hydraulic plant for cranes Iron-works Knitting factory ... 17 3 1 4 8 2 1 3 5 6 1 7 1 2 48 3 8 61 32 1 2 39 4 2 6 203 6 1 11 1 8 16 10 13 40 70 178 1 10 35 11 4 9 48 4 18 13 65 5 28 52 64 3 2 13 2 2 14 1 38 58 Brought forward Landing - service (Government) Lapidary Laundries Lead- and pipe-works Lifts (passenger) Lifts (goods only) Locomotives Machine-shops ... Match factories ... Mat-making Meat-preserving Mortar-mills Oatmeal-mills Oil-, soap-, and candle-works Packing-case manufactories Paint manufacture Pickle factory Plumbing Paper-mills Potteries Printing Pumice-works Pumping Quartz-crushing... Eefrigerating-works Eoad-hauling ... ... Eoad-rollers Boiling-mills Eope- and twine-works Eoundabouts Sash-and-door factories ... Sausage-chopping Saw-mills Seed-dressing Sheep-dip Sheep-shearing ... Ship-building yards Soap-works Soap- and candle-works ... Soda-crystals Starch-works Steam-cranes Stone-crushing ... Stone-cutting Straw-pressing Sugar refinery ... Sulphur-works ... Tanneries Threshing by portable Threshing by traction Tinplate-works ... Tramway-engines Varnish-works ... Venetian-blind works Vinegar brewery... Waterproof factory Water-works Well-sinking Winding (including collieries) Wine-making Wire-working Woollen-mills Wool-pressing ... Wool-scouring ... 1330 2 9 13 9 1 10 2 3 30 "i 6 5 2 1 2 "2 2 41 20 2 2 16 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 12 38 1 57 22 24 3 4 2 4 5 36 73 309 7 1 13 2 16 2 2 4 51 20 3 2 1 1 20 133 125 1 6 1 2 1 1 5 12 62 1 1 9 20 17 2 1 3 8 "8 i "7 2 1 1 1 3 1 Carried forward 1330 9 13 9 Total 2574 15 63 14


No. 3.—Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1896.


Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Brick seating ... Corrosion, external Corrosion, internal Cracks in fire-box Cracks in furnace-flue Cracks in shell... Cracks in shell over furnace Cracks in tube-plates Cracks in uptakes Defective construction ... Depressions over furnaces in externally-fired boilers... Depressions on crown of fire-box ... Fire-box girders broken ... Fire-box girders wasted ... Fire-box thin ... Fire-box renewed Flues out of shape Flues weak Flues laminated General dilapidation from neglect or age Grooving in furnace Grooving in shell Grooving and wasting in uptakes ... Handhole-openings weak Handhole-openings, omission to cut for sighting Leakage from joints and mountings Leakage from seams in shell Manhole-openings weak... Manhole-openings, omission to cut Patches in fire-box Pitted plates, internal Eivets broken in furnace... Eivets broken in shell Eivets wasted and had to be renewed Saddle-plates wasted Stays, longitudinal, broken Stays, longitudinal, wasted Stays screwed into fire-box broken Stays screwed into fire-box wasted Tube-plate wasted Tubes wasted ... Tubes leaking ... 1 7 3 2 1 2 34 14 16 2 1 6 3 2 1 5 10 3 ■11 17 18 2 1 7 3 2 1 5 10 1 7 13 2 4 2 5 19 2 3 4 15 6 2 19 13 6 30 3 9 2 3 1 5 4 6 20 2 42 5 1 2 3 2 2 2 "5 10 2 1 5 18 2 3 4 15 6 2 19 8 6 29 2 9 2 2 5 1 1 i 1 "2 2 5 4 4 18 2 26 5 16 Totals ... 56 309 365 Digesters foimd to be Defective on L ■spection. Internal corrosion Landings wasted internally Longitudinal stays wasted Eivets wasted ... Condemned altogether ... 3 1 4 2 3 12 5 6 4 15 6 10 6 3 Totals 13 27 40 Defective Fittings found on Inspection of B, tilers for whic, Notice w< ;s given to ■enew. 8 blow-off cocks. 2 blow-off pipes. 7 check-valves. 2 feed-pipes. 8 feed-pump valves. 26 fusible plugs. 1 manhole 16 pressure-: 4 safety-va 18 sludge-hc 9 spring-be 4 steam-pi; 18 water-ga door. ■gauges. lives. ole doors. alances. tpes (including throttle-valves). tuge cocks (including test-cocks).


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1896.


No. Type, Description of Repairs. 2 2 3 2 1 2 4 3 1 5 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 ' 2 ' 7 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 5 6 Cornish .,. New end-plate and angle-iron. Sighting-doors to be cut. Eenew rivets around mouth of furnace. Eenew plates in furnace. Eenew brickwork setting. Cracked plates in furnace to be cut out and renewed. Strengthening hoops around furnace-flue. Blisters cut out of furnace-plates. Dome stayed. Shell patched at blow-off. Water-gauge mountings renewed. Shell-plates renewed. Landings in shell-plating caulked and rerivetad. Galloway-tubes repaired. Shell, patched bottom. Tubes partially renewed. Fire-box, rivets in, partially renewed. Fire-box, stays in, partially renewed. Fire-box, skirt repaired. Fire-box, blisters cut out and patched. Fire-box, crown-plate renewed. Plugs, holes fitted with sockets and new plugs. Furnace hooped. Furnace patched. Furnace renewed. Combustion-chamber repaired. Combustion-chamber renewed. Combustion, crown-stays fitted. Combustion, screwed stays partially renewed. Steam-space stays renewed. Shell-plating at the top renewed. Shell-plating over fire renewed. Shell-plating, old patches renewed in plates over fire, and seams caulked. Tubes expanded. Tube-plate repaired. Tubes renewed. Tubes renewed partially. Compensating-ring around mud-hole. Stays, extra, and old ones renewed. Brickwork setting renewed. Mud-drain renewed. Fire-box renewed. Fire-box, crown renewed. Fire-box, crown repaired. Fire-box, crown-stays renewed. Fire-box, sides patched. Fire-box, tube-plates repaired. Fire-box, screwed stays renewed. Tubes renewed. Tubes renewed partially. Stays, longitudinal, renewed. Stripped for examination. Mud-doors patched. Fire-box repaired. Stays, longitudinal, renewed. Stays, extra fitted in tube-space. Tubes renewed. Crank-saddle rejointed. Crown-stays renewed. Shell repaired. Gusset-stays renewed. Longitudinal stay fitted. Fire-box renewed. Fire-box tube-plate renewed. Fire-box patched. Fire-box crown renewed. Fire-box stays renewed. Tubes renewed. Tubes partially -^renewed. n ' •' ft • • • tt it • • • it it tt tt • • • Lancashire Locomotive // // tt tt tt Marine a a a * • * n a • • • Multitubular it It 2 2 8 1 3 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 18 2 19 5 4 3 2 20 2 5 2 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 ft It tt It If it It Portable ... a a Semiportable a a a a Seinitubular a Traction ... a



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1896— continued.

No. 5.—Return of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c., during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1896.

Io. ypeDescription of Repairs. 1 4 4 1 .0 2 4 3 3 2 6 3 1 4 3 1 Traction ... Tram-engine Vertical flue a a a Steam-space stay renewed. Fire-box patched. Fire-box stays renewed. Furnace renewed. Furnace repaired, including landings, rivets, and blisters Shell repaired. Crown-plate renewed. Vertical stays renewed. Uptakes renewed. Uptakes repaired. Compensating-rings round man-hole. Tubes renewed. Tube-plates renewed. Vertical stays renewed. Furnace repaired, including landings, rivets, and blisters Tubes partially renewed. Vertical tubular n a Water-tube

[o. : ac : dnery. 'ao ;icu. lars. 2 Agricultural - implement works Brickmaking Coffee-mill Chaff-cutting Cooperage Cutting firewood Dairy factory Emery-wheel protected. 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 13 27 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 it Flax-mill a ••• Flour-mills a • • • Foundry Freezing- works Laundry Pottery Printing ... Pumice-works Quartz-crushing Fly-wheels and gearing of machinery. Main driving-belts and gearing. Driving-pulleys and -belts. Main driving-belts and gearing. Fly-wheels, gas-engine, and belts. Fly-wheels, main driving-belts. Shafting and belts. Scutcher-mouth openings to be reduced. Counter-shafts and pulleys. Shafting, pulleys, and belts. Counter-shaft and pulleys. Engine fly-wheel and fan connections. Fly-wheel and cranks of freezing-machine Engine and connections. Belts of brick-machine. Fly-wheel, shafting of gas-engine. Belts and shafting. Engine fly-wheel and main belts. Main pulleys and safety-catch on lift. Main driving-belts. Fly-wheels and belts. Circular-saws. Counter-shafts. Break-down saws. Planing-machine belts, spindles. Emery-wheels. Planing-m achmes. Main driving-belt. Spindle ends and gearing. Saw-mills Sash-and-door factory Sausage-machine ... Winding



No. 6. —Return of Accidents which proved Fatal in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1896.

iame and Ac of Owner. tress Description of Machinery. Name of Person injured. Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. W. Pollard, Dungree Station, Awatere, Marlborough Corn-crusher| George Radd, (water-wheel) age not known Found dead .. | George Radd's duty was to look after an oat-crusher, and by some means or other he was caught by the driving-belt, ana when founa was quite aead amongst the machinery. The machinery was driven by a water-wheel, and had never iving notified the department. The owner was prosecuted for is inspection. If it had been so inspected this belt would have Dudson Brothers, Foxton been inspected, the owner not ha working this machinery before iti been protected. Flax-mill .. James Moran, aged 21 Hand and arm James Moran, while working at a scutcher crushed, and in a flax-mill, had his arm drawn in shock to the and mangled, and afterwards died from system shock to the system in the hospital at Palmerston North. Machine had a strong mouthpiece, and the opening was ad the ordinary amount of care been exercised, accident would Canterbury Frozen Meat Company, Christchurch acoording to regulated size. Hi not have happened. Manure-works John Ballam, aged 32 Found dead. Left John Ballam's body was found doubled hand crushed, over crank-shaft of engine, with left and shock to hand crushed between crank-disc and system sole-plate; engine still running. No light could be thrown on the cause of accident, as the body was found in a svheel and sole-plate, but untouched by fly-wheel. His duties e, and nothing could be found to indicate his purpose. At the death" was returned. Skull fractured .. A, W. Griffiths was working in his own flax-mill, when one of the wooden pullies on the main shaft went to pieces, one part striking him on the forehead, causing instant death. At the inquest a verdict of " Accidental death " was returned. Skull fractured .. Edward Williamson during the dinner-hour was, along with two other apprentices, playing with the hand-crane in the yard, which they had no right to handle. One of the boys, to play the others, who were lounging on the end of chain-hook, a anding-gear and clutch out of the jib-lowering gear, when the tiling Williamson on the spot. Finding at the inquest, " AcciA. W. Griffiths, Romohapa space of only 20in. between fly-v did not require his presence there inquest a verdict of " Accidental Flax-mill .. A. W. Griffiths, aged 30 A. and T. Burt, Dunedin Hand-crane .. Ed. Williamson, aged 16 New Zealand Pine Company.Invercargill (Colac Bay Mill) trick, took the pawl out of the w jib came aown with the run, ki dental death." Saw-mill .. i James Deer, aged 16J I Skull fractured .. James Deer was working in the saw-mill when one of the built wooden pullies on the main shafting went to pieces, one piece striking the deceased, causing instant death. At the inquest a verdict of "Accidental death " was returned, without comment. Legs mangled, and Henry Palmer was aloft examining part of shock to the ; the dredge, and in coming down put his system foot on the brake-wheel; at the same time a fall came on the buckets, threw him off the wheel, and in falling his foot caught in one of the spokes of the fearfully mangled. He died shortly afterwards through shock t to come down the way he did, as there was a proper ladder was entirely to blame in taking this short cut across the Findlay's Currentwheel Dredge, Alexandra Gold-dredge .. Henry Palmer, aged 24 wheel; he was dragged in and i to the system. He had no right fitted for the purpose, and he machinery.



No. 7. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1896.

Name and Ad of Owners. -ess Description of Machinery. Name of Person injured. Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Wellington Biscuit and Confectionery Company, Wellington Bowron Brothers, Wools ton J. C. Andrews, Waikuku Sugar - crushing plant Tannery Flax-mill Printing J. McMillan, aged 18 George Fraser, agea 16 W. Biel, aged 25 Hand crushed, and wrist dislocated Arm broken Arm crushed, afterwards amputated I George Fraser was employed at a sugarcrushing machine when he attempted to clean rolls while in motion, with the consequence that his nana was drawn in as far as wrist, crushing it and dislocating the wrist. He had no business doing this work with machine in motion. W. Biel, while engaged working a new setting-up machine, put his arm between a stay and the top of frame, and it being in motion at the time, snapped the arm. Mr. Croll remarks that the machine is a very safe one, and Biel in a thoughtless moment must have misjudged the clearance of that part of the machine in motion. J. McMillan was working at a scutcher in a flax-mill, when his arm was drawn into the opening and severely mangled. The machine had a safety mouthpiece fitted, but as his hand was too high it proved of little service just at that moment. He had hold of the hank by the middle instead of near the end. John Sherwood, while engaged feeding a printing machine, had one of his fingers slightly crushed. Pure accident. John Curtis was attending to seed-cleaning machine, when one of the elevatortrunks got choked. In order to clear away the obstruction he, while machine was in motion, foolishly put his hand in, when one of his fingers was crushed. Henry and Charles Marden (two brothers) were working in a flax-mill at the same scutcher when the runner went to pieces, parts of it striking both of them on the head and face. They had allowed the machine to run empty when the engine m at the same time the sudden change of nore care been exercised in the working of Lyttelton Times Company, Christchurch G.G. Stead, Christchurch John Sherwood, aged 14 One finger crushed One finger crushed Seed-cleaning.. John Curtis, aged 37 William Marden, Tinwald Fax-mill Henry and Charles Marden, aged 29 and 27 respectively Cuts on head and face got extra way or motion was too n machine, acciden Chaff-cutter .. l, and in putting luch for the mach it would not have G. P. Hoaten, aged about 45 two hanks of flax i dne. Had a little n happened. Hand cut off T. G. Hight, Ashburton G. P. Hoaten was engaged feeding a chaffcutter when his hand was caught by feed-rollers. Before the machine could be stopped his hand was chopped off by revolving-knife. Machine could not be further protected. ' James Moir was running a gig-shaft over a planer single-handed. When near the end the shaft turned over and pressed his hand upon the revolving-knife, taking off one of his fingers. Pure accident. Leslie Delageon was amusing himself during the dinner-hour, along with two other apprentices, by hanging on to the chain of a hand-crane, when one of them, to play the others a trick, let go the clutch of jib-lowering gear and the fining young Delageon. His right leg was ig the crane. Francis Greatrix was one of the hands on board the dredge, and, while watching some of the other employes repairing a winch on board, inadvertently placed his hand on the gearing, which at that time was not in motion. The winchman, not i the winch, when all the fingers and thumb James Moir, Christchurch Surface woodplaner James Moir, aged 30 One finger cut off A. and T. Burt, Dunedin Hand-crane .. Leslie Delageon, aged 17 Right leg broken Electric Golddredging Company, Bannockburn pawl out of wine broken close to tl Gold-dredge .. ling gear, and the le thigh. He had Francis Greatrix, aged 28 i jib came down, pir 1 no business handlit Fingers and thumb of left hand cut off. Onehunga Woollen Factory, Onehunga knowing of Grc of left hand wi Woollen-mill .. natrix's hand beinj ore cut off. Richard Fisher, aged 16 g on gearing, startec One finger of left hand crushed j Richard Fisher was employed at a card-ing-machine, when the third finger of left hand got crushed between two feedrolls. The nature of his employment did not require him to interfere with these rolls. He returned to his work within a week. Henry A. Jenkinson was on a lift in motion when he attempted to jump off. His back was caught between the cage and a floor-beam, and was badly bruised. He had no right to travel on goods-lift. G. J. Graham, Auckland Hyaraulic lift.. Henry A. Jenkinson, aged 40 Back severely crushed



No. 8.—Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom. Certificates of Competency have been granted, from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896.

12—D. 1.

ame ol 'erson. Lass ol lerl oai ;e. le o: .ssue. o. Francis Eobertson Francis William Hill ... John Henry Cook Carl Minge ... William Osborn Eichard Allinson William James Wills Arthur Norrisson Marr William Henry Shute ... James McClymont Frederic Clode, jun. Peter Gardiner Campbell Patton John Jenkins... David Cairncross Edward Ernest Bax ... George Seatter Stevenson John' Caird William Ogilvy Thomas Marwick Yorston George Petrie Eobert L. Morton James Fulcher Harvey John Teer Patterson ... James Newbigging Thomas Arthur Graham John Brand ... William Milverton William James Mclntyre Alexander Porter Jeremiah 0' Donoghue... David Kay ... William Thomas Cowperthwaite William John Huggins James Joseph Coulter ... David Jones ... Alexander Finlay Campbell Hamilton Hay James Nolan... William Morrison William Yeates Grant... Thomas William Lee ... John Sampson Eoberts Frederick John Foote ... Eobert Chambers James Brownlie William Moody William John Maddren John Daniel Cade Henry Carpenter William Hastings Jones Douglas Strachan William Dewar Thomas Inglis William Miller Orr ... Alexander McCormick Traction and Locomotive 6th September, 1895 20th September, 1895 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ' 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 '/ it 12th October, 1895 It It ii 7th December, 1895 '/ it a a a a a a a a a 21st December, 189,5 17th February, 1896 " a a a n a a a


No. 8. —Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William David Cry sell Traction- and locomotiveengine driver Ditto 11th July, 1895 Jonathan Hodson John Patchett Charles Patchett George Connett John Fisher ... D. P. Mumm Peter Edward Firth ... Edward Murphy Willie Davies Pike James Fulton John Kirk William Frederick McLeod George Cole ... William Whiterod James Taylor Charles Thomas Gibson James Eitchie Alfred Alsop ... James Foster Frederick Mair James Fryer John William Kelly ... John Stewart John Eyan Eichard Jones Williams William John Keys William George Norman Andrew Simpson James Mathew Stanton David Young... Herbert Thomas Balfour James Phillips Herbert Spence Jones ... FredLill John Woodley William Eobert Abbott Henry Jones... Francis Henderson Thomas Pepper Benj amin Thyer George Askew Frederick John Maindonald Arthur Edward Spooner Alfred Louis Collins ... John Wills ... Eobert Charles Andrew Jonas Willan Stephen John Price William Malcolm Newrick Thomas Capill Henry Fox Chaffey Eobert Gibb ... John Charles Turner ... Thomas Hodgen Charles Kemp James Gane ... Eichard Bowman James Eae Henry Hall ... Mathew Brown Charles Gadd John Brown ... Eichard Andrewartha ... Henry Humm William Fowler William Eobert Twigg 3rd August, 1895 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 24th August, 1895



No. 8. —Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896 — continued.

ame o: 'erson. lass o: 'en .oa 1 ;e. ;e o: .ssue. iO. George Crosbie, jun. ... Traction- and locomotiveengine driver Ditto 24th August, 1895 68 Stewart Miller Thomas Eamsay Walter William Prebble Eobert Mahony George Atwood William Cate Joseph Wooding Joseph Mahony Charles John Joseph Fairhall ... John Healy ... Eobert Drysdale William Grant Campbell . . Cornelius Todd Bisset Joseph Westbrook James Pennicuiek Charles Alexander Martin Eichard Frank Batchelor Henry Chapman Frederick Eedwood George Francis Simpson James Henry Collett ... William Johnston Hardie Thomas Percival Wooding, jun. Thomas Everest Carrington Gapper Fred Coleman Philip George Marshall, jun. George Bean Edward Tunmer George Pateman John Eobertson Frederick Tuckett Dodson Benjamin Schofield Martin Satherley Alexander McLeod Thomas Bean Caleb Bateman Charles Chamberlain ... James Cumming Fraser William Francis Williams Joseph Frederick Lloyd Thomas Eeid Dodson ... Thomas Fulton Charles Johnstone John Peter Neilson William Alexander McLaren Eobert Eiordan George Preddy William Thomas Eose John Sharp ... George McGuiness Charles Theide John Alexander Comrie Eobert Moffet John Morrison John Evans ... Jesse Hall William Bowden James McVeigh William Hamilton Frederick Peter Pelvin John Trotter Joseph Edmund Jackson Henry Storer Frederick Pilcher William Henry Moyle 6th September, 1895 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 20th September, 1895



No. 8.—Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896.

Name o: Service. lass O! lerl ica: >e. ;e o: .ssue. o. Edwin Bxell Traction- and locomotiveengine driver Ditto 20th September, 1895 135 Henry Holland William Gilpin Hugh Eoss ... William King Walter Hawkins Edward Granger Thomas Christie Francis Eoskinge Alfred Ernest Albert Johnston ... Arthur Capon Henry Schaffer John Joseph Curtis Capon James William Sutherland Adam Wilson Lindsay Caldwell Lindsay John Ernest Watkins ... Thomas George Hight George Everest Henry Edward Snellgrove John Mill ... William Andrew Haxton Thomas Wilson William Harrington ... Albert Hight Eobert Meaclem ... ... William Meaclem Thomas John Meaclem Edwin Albert Watkins James Wallace Thomas Sampson John Cairns ... John Henderson William Eobert Anderson Arthur Edward Dixon George Chambers William Hockings Henry Martin Joseph Pawsey ... ... Alexander Knox Callaghan John Bartos Eobert John McConnell William George Agnew Thomas Steele James Bristol Howard Thomas Hanna James Clark ... George Tweedie Queale Charles Walter Garland Joseph Barnard Mclntyre George Cridge William Eobert Smith Thomas Doig John Eich Goldsmith ... James Ferguson Douglas William Chapman William Eoss Charles Jackson Eichard Bradshaw McKeagg Charles Henry Trapski Thomas Eawlinson Joseph Hamilton Matthew Langlands Murray James Lindsay Wilson John Lewis ... Eobert Baikie Clark ... James Patterson 12th October, 1895 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201



No. 8. —Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896 — continued.

Name of Person. lass o: lerl ioal ;e. >a! ;e ol :ssue. :o. James Boag ... Traction- and locomotiveengine driver Ditto 12th October, 1895 202 John Clark ... John Jackson John Moorhead Samuel Hume George Saunders Francis John Slee William Hardwick John William Maidens, jun. John Snowdon William Lidstone George Johnson Charles Edward Stickings David Lemon Peter Chalmers Frederick Betts William Harvey Bell ... Eobert Holland Cornelius Bishop James Jaine John Stalker William Eoss William James Anderson Thomas Edward Bishop Albert Mulford Edward Hassett William McDonald Nelson, Eden George Thomas South John Moffatt Hampton Jesse Preddy James Eehu ... Walter Hayman Henry Thollar William Lyon Daniel Ferguson Hopkinson Charles Sloper William Henry Buick ... Henry Molyneux Michael O'Brien John Graham Clark ... Edward McGettigan ... Mark Beal ... William Morris Cook ... Simon Peter Tozer Thomas Washington ... Samuel James Douglas Walter Scott Harkness Harry Brogden George Walter Cox William George Sherratt John Carter ... James Eichmond Noah Sherratt Eobert Adams Ferrier William Sadlier Walter Pulford James Levett JohnFlett ... Eobert James Moore ... John Oliver Howson ... William Pepper Edward Brock Michael Cavanagh Michael Crowley Eobert Henderson Armit Simpson • 29th October, 1895 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268



No. 8. —Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896 — continued.

Name of 'erson. lass oi !erl ca: ;e. late o: Issue. o. William Doubleday ... „... Traction- and locomotiveengine driver Ditto 29th October, 1895 269 James Farquharson John McGettigan William Geddes John McLachlan Henry Pyke ... John Pearce ... John Adam ... William Hawkins John Sadlier ... William Anderson John James Merry John William Mathers James Gilmour Martin Henry Hawkins Harry Campbell Eobson John Henry Taylor James Paul ... James Milman Henry Gibbs James Young McLaehlane Comrie John Brown ... William Milne George Howard John Smith Davies Henry Edward Davies William Ward Morgan John Davies ... Eobert Burton William Harrison Alexander Lindsay Joseph Anderson George McDonald John Brown ... Charles Walker Alexander McDonald ... David Chalmers James Walker Eobert Milne Walter Atkinson Wilson Thomas Dowling Alexander Miller Hay Smith William George Eapley Quintin Campbell Manson Walter Mann David Clark ... John Dobbin Edward Giles Charles Milne Peter Stewart Conrad Gefken David Henderson James Streeter David Lundy William Charles Benbow Edgar Snowden Denis Snowden Duncan Cattanach Simon Faraday George Thompson Eobert Coupland John Percy Godrick ... Moses Smith John Christopher Chapman Martin Hill Maindonald Edward Eichard Eoskruge 7th December, 1895 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 21st December, 1895


T>.— l

No. 8.—Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896— continued.

Name of Person. lass of Certi: icai ;e. ;e o: .ssue. o. John Hammond Traction- and locomotiveengine driver Ditto 21st December, 1895 336 Obed Charles Holland... Samuel Kingsbury John Durward Hugh Paterson James Hatcher Alexander Vallance Thomas William Henderson John Andrew Macpherson Carl Petterson Donald Kay ... John Duff ... James Hay ... James McGill Alexander McMaster ... Eobert Moorhead James Alexander Judson Thomas McCarten William Trueman Joseph Alexander Cooke John Curragh James' Curragh John McDonald Charles Plant William Burgess Charles Flutey George Sewell Adam Whyte Charles William Galpin Alexander Brookie William Charles Angus Oscar Edward Owles ... Matthew Osborne Arthur Burgin Henry James Jones George Lawrie George Hall ... William Henry George Daikee ... John Briggs ... James Topping George Henry Eoberts William Johnston Edward Harrison George Bonstead Snowdon Gavin Dalziel Charles Parker Milne ... William James Batchelor Eichard Bowen James Eowland Hill ... James Ernest Hill James Jermyn William Patterson Sloan James Walter Oliver ... Jared Alrwell... Thomas Preece Edward Worne Colin Campbell John Burnett Eichard Henry Mathers Thomas Pike George Henry Martin ... Albert John Gibbs Joseph John Wright ... William Everest Henry James Clark Eoderick McEae James Skedden Young Morrison William Smith 17th February, 1896 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 ,, 26th March, 1896


l>.— l

No. 8.—Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896 — continued.

No. 8.—Return of Winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896.

No. 8. —Return of Winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1895, to 31st March, 1896.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Edward Sands... Traction- and Locomotiveengine driver Ditto 26th March, 1896 404 John William Bowman Edward Hepworth McCandlish John Henry Mitchell ... Charles Jarrett John McLachlan King James A worth ... John Campbell Thomas Watts William Morrison Eichard Newell Edward Shortt Matthew Mitchell Thomas Johns ft rt it 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 tt if it it it

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. Date of Issue. No. Andrew Provan rVilliam Henry Hughes Jharles Alfred Bydder ?homas Johnson ohn Mcintosh Alfred Edward Eayner Steam winding-engine driver Ditto ... t/ ... „ ... „ 11th July, 1895 7 th November, 1895 7th December, 1895 17th February, 1896 26th March, 1896. 2 3 4 5 6

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William Henry Elmore Steam winding-engine driver Ditto 11th July, 1895 1 ames Boswell William McMillan Frederic William Soppet ?homas Burk ames Cassidy iichard Crawford Mc^uade 'atrick Walsh ohn McCormick a n a 3rd August, 1895 21st December, 1895 17th February, 1896 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tt 26th March, 1896 a ft a '/ By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—1896.

Number of Miles open of Gov ernment Lines.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines. North and Islands combined.

NORTH ISLAND MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY. MAKOHINE VIADUCT General Elevation, Plan, and Elevation of Piers



Lyell Road Bridge—Nelson. 1 span each of 20ft., 40ft., 108ft., and 168ft. Height from bed of river to road level, 100ft,

Pelorus Road Bridge—Marlborough. 2 spans of 80ft. and one span of 20ft. Height from bed of creek to road level, 60ft.

Henley Road Bridge—Otago. 6 spans of 80ft. Height from bed of river to road level, 84ft.

Otago Central Railway.—Bridge over the Taieri River at 16 miles 20 chains.

Waihola Bridge—Waitaki-Bluff Railway. 5 spans of 80ft. Height 35ft.

Balclutha Railway Bridge—Otago. 1 span of 25ft., and 7 spans of 120 ft. Depth from rail level to bed of creek, 60ft.

Waitohi Viaduct—Picton-Blenheim Railway. About 600ft. long. Height, 46ft.

Ngaruawhia Road and Railway Bridge—Auckland. 3 spans of 120ft., and one span of 20ft. Height from river bed to formation level, 47ft.

Cobden Bridge—over Grey River. 6 spans of 109ft. Height from bed of river to road level, 43ft.

Avondale Asylum, Auckland. Erected 1878.

Sunnyside Asylum, Canterbury. Completed 1892.

Oamaru Courthouse, erected 1882.

Dunedin Goal-In course of Construction.

Government Printing Office, Wellington-Party crected in 1887. Now in course of Completion.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. W. HALL-JONES. 2nd October, 1896., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. W. HALL-JONES. 2nd October, 1896. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. W. HALL-JONES. 2nd October, 1896. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, D-01

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