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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Loed, — Marine Department, Wellington, 31st August, 1895. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, J. G. Waed, His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Glasgow, &c, Minister of Marine. Governor of New Zealand.

The Seobetaey to the Ministbe of Maeinb. Sic, — Marine Department, Wellington, 30th June, 1895. I have the honour to make the following report on the administration of this department during the financial year ended the 31st March last: — The work of the department continues to be performed by the reduced staff to which I drew attention in my report for last year, and, although I have found the active oversight of the work, in addition to my duties as Secretary of Customs, a very severe tax on my time and energies, I do not anticipate that I shall be compelled to ask for relief, unless some unexpected development of work takes place. I regret to state that for over three months I was deprived of the very valuable assistance of Mr. George Allport, Chief Clerk, owing to a severe illness, from which, I am glad to say, he has completely recovered. During his absence his duties were efficiently performed by Mr. Julian J. D. Grix, the second Clerk; but owing to the work of the latter falling into arrear, in consequence of his having to take up Mr. Allport's duties, it has been necessary to employ some temporary clerical assistance. I regret to have to report the death of Captain Eobert Johnson, who held the position of Nautical Adviser and Examiner of Masters and Mates, which took place on the 19th August last. He had been in the service of the department since the 10th November, 1861, and was a most valuable officer. When the department was separated from the Customs, in April, 1878, he was appointed Secretary, which position he held until the two departments were again placed under one permanent head in October, 1880. Since his death, Captain George Allman has been appointed Nautical Adviser and Chief Examiner of Masters and Mates. Lighthouses. —Out of the sum of £810 voted for repairs to lighthouses and keepers' dwellings at several stations in the southern part of the South Island the sum of £215 14s. lid. has been expended, and, when the works which were in hand at the end of March are completed, the stations in that part of the colony, with the exception of the keepers' houses at Centre Island and Puysegur Point, will be in good working condition. At Nelson, the house-accommodation for the keepers is very poor, and it is proposed, as soon as the necessary funds are voted by Parliament, to erect a new house for the principal keeper, and to utilise the house he at present occupies to provide proper accommodation for the assistant-keeper. The lighthouse artificer has recently visited the North Island lighthouses, and reported on the repairs which are required at some of the stations. The most extensive work which will have to be done is the repair of the houses at Tiritiri. On the 19th September last a heavy sea wrecked the crane at Cuvier Island: a new one will be erected at an early date. Owing to the lighthouse artificer being so much occupied in carrying out the repairs above referred to, and visiting the various lighthouses for the purpose of reporting thereon, no further progress has been made in practically testing the suitability of mineral colza oil for use in our lighthouses. One of the burners which is used for this oil in Tasmania has been obtained from the Marine Board at Hobart, and it will shortly be used to further test the oil at Poncarrow Head Lighthouse. I feel satisfied that the only difficulty in the way of the use of the oil is the adaptation of the present burners. When this point is solved the oil will be available for many of the lighthouses, and a great saving in cost will result from its use. The " Hinemoa " having been sent to the Auckland and Campbell Islands on special service in connection with the prevention of sealing during the close season, it became necessary to make I—H. 29.



other arrangements for tendering the lighthouses while she was away. The p.s. " Terranora " was therefore obtained from the Postal and Telegraph Department, and despatched to the various stations in the North Island with oil and stores. The light on the beacon at the French Pass was not extinguished during the year, but on one occasion it smoked badly for a few hours, until the keeper was able to go off to it. The following incidents were reported : On the 10th April, 1894, the light at Pencarrow Head was extinguished for about seven minutes, owing to the carelessness of a temporary keeper, whose services were thereupon dispensed with. This was the only occasion on which a light went out. On the 16th June, 1894, a large bird struck one of the lantern panes at Puysegur Point and broke it. On the 21st July, lightning struck the top of Cuvier Island Lighthouse, but without any damage resulting. On the 17th August, the principal keeper at Cape Saunders injured a finger severely between the large cog-wheel and the drum of the machine, which incapacitated him from duty for about a month. During the year one keeper resigned, and the services of another were dispensed with. To fill these vacancies two appointments were made. The erection of a new lighthouse having been decided on, the opinion of experienced shipmasters was asked as to the site on which a light is most urgently required. This resulted in the choice of Cape Palliser, and a very suitable site has been selected by Mr. P. S. Hay, C.E., who acted on behalf of the Marine Engineer, and Captain Allman, Nautical Adviser. The selection of the site was somewhat difficult, owing to the coast not presenting any headland projecting with sufficient boldness to command a good "northing" and at the same time facilitate navigation from the south. It is believed, however, that the site chosen is the only available one, and it has been approved by master mariners of experience. Since the decision to erect this lighthouse was arrived ao, it has been determined to proceed with the erection of a lighthouse on Cape Kidnappers, on which a very suitable site has been selected by Mr. Hay and Captain Allman. The lanterns and apparatus for both places have been ordered, and the Public "Works Department has been requested to proceed with the erection of the towers and other buildings. Representations have been made to the department that the light on Somes Island is inadequate -for the requirements of the Port of Wellington, and it has been suggested that it should be removed to Ward Island, or a more powerful light placed on the latter site and the light on Somes Island removed. The Marine Engineer has been requested to report on the cost of a new tower at Ward Island. Steps will probably be taken to give effect to the suggestions which have been made as soon as the erection of the lighthouses at Cape Palliser and the Kidnappers approaches completion. The new landing on the south side of the Brothers is now nearly completed, and will in future obviate delay in landing stores, as well as lessen the risk to life hitherto attending the work at that station. The material for the new landing at Godley Head has been procured, and its construction will shortly be proceeded with. The arrangement mentioned in my last report, under which the " Hinemoa " is to make less frequent trips to the lighthouses which are readily accessible by land, has been brought into operation. The question of establishing fog signals at some of the lighthouses is under consideration. Light Dues. —The sum of £16,299 10s. Bd. was received for light dues during the year, as compared with £15,431 16s. Id. for the previous year, being an increase of £867 14s. 7d. Harbours. —At the suggestion of the Wellington Harbour Board, the General Harbour Eegulations have been amended so as to exclude safety cartridges for small arms from the definition of explosives, and to include mineral oil or products thereof which give off an inflammable vapour at a temperature of less than 110° Fahr. in such definition. This will enable such cartridges to be shipped and landed without being subject to the regulations respecting explosives, and will bring the mineral oil referred to under the operation of those regulations. The duties of the harbour staff at the ports under the control of this department have been satisfactorily performed, and the buoys and beacons maintained in good order. The buoys at Tauranga, Ngunguru, Russell, Whangaroa, Hokianga, Kaipara, and Manukau have been overhauled and cleaned by the "Hinemoa." Captain Fairchild also overhauled the buoys in Whangarei Harbour, as the local Harbour Board had not the appliances for doing the work; but the Board paid for the material used. At Nelson, a new leading beacon has been erected on the Waimea Sands, and a light placed in it to guide vessels in and out at night. Arrangements have been made with the person on whose property the beacon is erected for his son to attend to the light for a small payment. The bell-buoy at the entrance to this harbour has also been overhauled by the " Hinemoa." Beacons have been erected at Little Wanganui, and arrangements made with a local resident to attend to them and guide vessels in and out. The repairs to the Nelson breastwork have been completed, the sum of £168 19s. 3d. having been expended on this work during the year. A sum of £70 has been contributed towards the cost of repairing the Queenstown Wharf, and £116 10s. has been paid for the erection of a wharf at Toro Point, in Manukau Harbour. Wharves have been erected in Whangateau Harbour at a cost of £302 Is. 9d. A sum of £350 has been paid to the Stewart Island County Council for the cost of a wharf erected at Half-Moon Bay, Complaints continue to be made by the masters of vessels trading to Blenheim that the branches of the willows growing on the banks of the river are cut, and allowed to fall into the channel, where they impede navigation, while at the same time the stumps which are left are a serious danger to the vessels when they go close to the banks. Further representations on this subject will be made to the River Board. New leading beacons are required on the North Head, at the entrance to Manukau Harbour, and it is intended to proceed with their erection at an early date.



New limits for Waimakariri Harbour have been defined. A return showing the licenses issued for the occupation of foreshore, and the authorities given for the erection of wharves, &c, is attached. Oyster-fisheries. —The Act passed last session has been found defective in two respects. In the first place, while it makes provision for a close season for oysters, it is not made an offence to have oysters in possession, or sell them, during the close season, provided they were taken during the open season. Advantage was taken of this to store a large quantity in Evans Bay, Wellington, before the commencement of the close season; and the department was advised that their sale could not be interfered with unless it could be proved that they were taken during the close season. There is obviously here an opening by which the Act can be evaded. The other defect is the limitation of the area for oyster-bed leases to 5 acres, with 5 chains foreshore frontage. Applications for such small areas could not be obtained. It is proposed to promote legislation to remedy these defects. Owing to the Crown grant originally issued for the Island of Kawau having given the right of ownership down to low-water mark, the present owner claimed the right to prevent any one taking oysters from the foreshore of the island without his permission. As licenses issued for the Auckland oyster-fishery entitled the holders to take oysters anywhere within the open part of the fishery, this right came into conflict with the owner. The department was advised that the owner could prevent the holder of a license from using it at Kawau ; and consequently an Order in Council was issued, excluding the island from the limits of the fishery. In May, 1894, the northern subdivision of the northern oyster-fishery, extending from Cape Wiwiki to the North Cape, which had been closed since September, 1892, was declared open, as the beds were found to be in such a state as to warrant this being done; and in March last the middle subdivision of this fishery, extending from Cape Wiwiki to the river Waitangi, in the Bay of Islands, which had also been closed since September, 1892, was declared open. At the same time the southern subdivision, extending from the Waitangi Eiver to the south head of Whangaruru Harbour was .closed, as it was found that the beds had been so much worked that they were, becoming depleted. As the beds in the Auckland district were becoming worked out, they have, with the exception of those on Great Barrier Island, been closed. The same course has been adopted in respect of the beds in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel. A license to form artificial beds in a part of Porirua Harbour has been granted to Mr. E. H. Beere ; and licenses for the formation of such beds in Arrowsmith Bay, Tory Channel, have been issued to Messrs. H. Baxter and W. Davenport. An exclusive license for two years to use a natural oyster-bed, which they discovered between Cape Campbell and the mouth of the Wairau Eiver, has been granted to Messrs. Parmar, Cullen, and Eckford. The oyster-beds in Manukau Harbour have been surveyed and divided into areas not exceeding 5 acres each, with 5 chains frontage, the maximum limit for lease to one person as prescribed by " The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894." The areas have not, however, been submitted to lease as they are found to be too small. As before stated, it is intended to ask Parliament to authorise an increase in the area. In the meantime the beds have been declared open. On the 14th August last, J. E. Yorke was convicted and fined at Eussell for taking oysters in a closed district, his license being cancelled ; and on the 7th January, H. Q. Newman was convicted and fined at the Bluff for having oysters in possession in the close season. Twenty bags of oysters illegally taken at Kawhia were seized at Wanganui; but there was no prosecution in this case, as it was believed that the offender, the master of the ss. " Glenelg," was not aware of the fact that Kawhia had not been declared an open oyster-fishery. Sea-fisheries. —In consequence of the decision of the Supreme Court in the case against the master of the p.s. " Eesult," mentioned in my last report, an alteration has been made in the law making it an offence to have undersized fish in possession, although such fish may have been caught outside the limits of the colony. A complaint was made by fishermen at the Thames with reference to the system of " blocking," by which one person's nets were interfered with by other parsons setting nets outside or round them ; and, on inquiry, it was found that there were good grounds for this complaint. A regulation prohibiting the practice was therefore made. Eepresentations having been made to the department that rock-cod sold in Wellington, which, although over the minimum weight of 4oz. prescribed by the regulations, appeared to be so small as to make it doubtful whether the minimum weight should not be raised, inquiry was made into the matter, and, acting on the advice of Sir James Hector, the minimum weight was raised to Boz. The thanks of the department are due to Sir James for the valuable assistance he has rendered in this and other matters in connection with the administration of the law relating to fisheries. Subsequently the Inspector of Fisheries at Wellington reported that rock-cod of less than Boz. were being sold in Wellington. The offender was prosecuted and fined £2 and costs. Eepresentations having been made to the department that it would be desirable to prescribe a close season for mullet in all the waters between Cape Wiwiki and the North Cape, and also to prohibit the Maoris from using certain methods of fishing which had the effects of depleting the fishery, in consequence of their taking small mullet in large quantities, inquiries were made into the matters with the result that a close season was prescribed, and Maoris were made amenable to the fishery regulations, from the operation of which they had hitherto been exempted when taking fish for their own consumption. The question of prescribing a close season for mullet in the whole of Kaipara Harbour is now under consideration. Eegulations have been made prohibiting the use of scrim or whitebait nets as set nets, and providing that scrim hand-nets used for catching whitebait must not have an opening of more than five square feet. Seal-fisheries. —The months of September and October last were declared an open season for taking seals, since which time the season has been closed. By "The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,"



power is given to make regulations for granting licenses to take seals, and it is provided that any person taking seals without a license shall be liable to a penalty of not exceeding £100 for every seal so taken. No regulations have yet been made, and it has not yet been decided when an open season shall be prescribed. Reference was made in last year's report to a request made to the Admiral of the station to despatch H.M.S. "Rapid" to the Auckland and Campbell Islands, with the view of preventing the Norwegian vessel " Antarctic " from taking seals at those islands. The " Rapid " reached Campbell Islands on the 20th June, 1894, and found the " Antarctic " and ketch " Gratitude " there. The Commander reported that no seals were found when he boarded the "Antarctic," which was apparently engaged in whaling. Five men from the " Gratitude " were living on shore, ostensibly prospecting for gold. It was stated that they belonged to a firm who are searching for gold at Macquarie Island. Copies of the Proclamation extending the close season for seals were placed on board both vessels, and also in conspicuous places on shore. The "Rapid" returned to New Zealand via the Chatham Islands, for the purpose of inquiring as to the possible loss there of the missing vessel " Crest of the Wave," but no tidings of that vessel could be obtained. The department is under obligations to the Admiral, and the Commander of the " Rapid," for these valuable services. Weather Beporting. —The duties in connection with weather forecasts have been efficiently carried out by Captain Edwin, who has also continued to perform the duties of Examiner of Masters and Mates. Government Steamers. —The " Hinemoa " has been fully employed during the year. She has performed the usual work of periodically visiting the lighthouses with oil and stores, and of overhauling and cleaning the buoys on the coast and in the principal harbours under the control of the department; also erecting and repairing beacons, &c. In addition to this work she has paid one visit to the Kermadec Islands, to search for castaways, and inspect the depots of provisions and clothing which are maintained there. She has also made her two ordinary trips to the Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, and Bounty Islands on similar service, and has made a special trip to the Southern Islands, and to the Chatham Islands, with His Excellency the Governor. During the year she steamed 33,839 miles, was 4,071 hours under steam, consumed 1,871 tons of coal, landed 142 tons of coal at lighthouses, &c, carried 2,169 tons of cargo, and cleaned, painted, and re-laid 116 buoys. In connection with the work of the vessel I may remark that she does a large amount of work for Government departments, but that the Railway Department is the only one which pays for it. On the advice of the Principal Engineer Surveyor, a set of Stone's patent bronze propeller blades has been procured from the builders of the vessel, and it is anticipated that a material increase in speed will be obtained when they are fitted on. At the same time as this is done the vessel will receive a general overhaul, and some necessary repairs will be carried out. The " Stella " has been laid up during the year. The "Pilot" has been brought from Kaipara to Wellington. She was built for harbour work at Kaipara, but in consequence of arrangements having been made for this work to be done by one of the Northern Union Steamboat Company's steamers she is no longer required there. She was offered for sale before leaving Kaipara but no satisfactory offers were received. She was towed down by the "Hinemoa,'' and has been used in the survey of the Inner Passage at Jackson's Head, and the outlying dangers off the Beef-barrel Rocks at the French Pass. After the completion of the surveys she was laid up in Wellington Harbour, and was offered for sale by public tender, but none of the tenders received reached the reserve which had been put upon her. During the heavy gale at Easter she broke adrifc from her moorings alongside the " Stella," and went ashore near Kaiwarra. She has since been launched and repaired, and will shortly be offered for sale by public auction. Coastal Surveys. —A survey of the Inner Passage at Jackson's Head, at the entrance to Queen Charlotte Sound, has been made by Mr. Thomas Perham, Assoc. M.I.C.E. This was a difficult work to carry out, owing to the prevalence of high winds and the strong current which sets through the passage. Even in calm weather it was impossible to work, except for a short time at high and low water, owing to the strength of the current. The s.s. " Pilot " was used in the survey, and Mr. Perham succeeded in finding and locating on the chart the rocks on which the s.s. " Hawea " and " Hinemoa " struck, besides other rocks, the most dangerous of which was one near the centre of the passage, with only 3J fathoms of water on it at low-water spring-tides. A plan of the survey has been sent to the Hydrographer to the Admiralty, in order that the necessary corrections may be made in the Admiralty chart; and a notice to mariners, giving the result of the survey, has been published. Mr. Perham also made a survey of the reefs which were discovered by Captain Fairchild running out from the Beef-barrels at the French Pass, and a plan of this survey has been forwarded to the Admiralty. Captain Fairchild has since placed the buoy in such a position as to mark the ends of both reefs. Wrecks and Casualties. —A table showing an analysis of the casualties reported is attached. Those on the coast of the colony number forty-one, representing 9,850 tons, as against thirty-five casualties affecting 9,599 tons in the previous year. The number of total wrecks within the colony was thirteen, of 2,049 aggregate tonnage, as against eleven vessels of 2,405 aggregate tonnage in the previous year. The number of lives lost during the year was 151, as against twenty-five in the previous year: of these, 150 were on or near the coasts of the colony—namely, four from the " Crest of the Wave" (all hands), three from the "Paku," three from the " Alexander Newton," four from the " Dunedin " (all hands), five from the "Christine" (all hands), four from the " Catlin " (all hands), 126 from the s.s. " Wairarapa," and one from the " Comet." The life lost beyond the colony was from the " Auckland." The saddest feature in connection with the wrecks during the year was the loss of the s.s. " Wairarapa," which, according to the decision of the Court of Inquiry, was caused through the



master and first and second officers not taking a correct point of departure at the Three Kings, and. not allowing for a current which, by the first and second officers' evidence, they should have been aware was running to the east and south-east. The vessel was also driven at full speed through a dense fog. The Court stated that had the master not been drowned, there is no doubt that his certificate would have been cancelled. Survey of Steamers. —The survey of steamers, which was placed under the Public Works Department when the inspection of land machinery was transferred to that department at the end of 1892, has been transferred back to this department, as it was found to be much more convenient that the department charged with the administration of the shipping laws should have the control of this work. The report of the Principal Engineer Surveyor is appended hereto. It having been deemed advisable that a uniform system should be adopted in regard to the limits within which small restricted-limit steamers should be allowed to ply, Captain Allman, the Nautical Adviser to the department, and Mr. Mowatt, the Principal Engineer Surveyor, proceeded to the principal places to which these steamers belong, and after making themselves fully acquainted with the limits, and conferring with the owners of the vessels, they made.certain recommendations which are now under consideration. It is believed that if these recommendations are given effect to, uniformity will be secured, and at the same time no hardship will be imposed upon the owners or upon the present masters and engineers of the vessels. Proceedings were taken against the masters of the "Eose Casey" and "Bella," for carrying more passengers than allowed by their certificates, and against the master of the " Elsie," for running without a certificated engineer. In both cases fines were imposed. Examination of Masters and Mates. —Seventy-two candidates passed their examinations for certificates of competency, and fifty failed. Of those who passed forty-two were masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going vessels, and thirty were masters and engineers of steamers plying within restricted limits. No candidate failed to pass the colour test. Ninety-three certificates of service as master (home-trade) were issued during the year, ninety of them being under "The Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment Act, 1894," which provides that persons who have served as masters of coasting vessels of 15 tons and over for three years since January, 1884, shall be entitled to such certificate. New regulations for the examination of masters and mates, similar to the latest regulations issued by the Imperial Board of Trade, have been made. Under these regulations a new method has been adopted for testing candidates' form- and colour-vision. The form-vision test is carried out by means of Snellen's letter-test, and in the colour-vision test Holmgren's wools are used. In the case of home-trade certificates, service as second mate in that trade is now allowed to qualify a person for examination for a masters' certificate. Formerly, service lower than that of first mate was not recognised for this purpose. Belief of Distressed Seamen. —The sum of £28 4s. Bd. has been expended during the year on account of the relief of distressed seamen belonging to New Zealand vessels. Of this amount, £7 was paid for maintenance, &c, of the crew of the " Indiana " at Barren Island, Tasmania ; £6 for passages of the crew of the " Kenilworth " from Brisbane to Auckland; and £15 4s. Bd. for maintenance, &c, of the crew of the " Jessie " at Noumea. Besides the above amounts, a sum of £223 4s. sd. was expended in establishing further depots for castaways on the Snares, Auckland, and Campbell Islands, and replenishing stores at the depots previously established in the islands. When the " Hinemoa " made her last visit to Campbell Island it was found that some of the clothing and provisions had been stolen from the depot there. A further sum of £28 7s. was expended on the relief of the crew, of the " Spirit of the Dawn," and £2 on the relief of the crew of the " Alexander Newton." The Imperial Board of Trade has refunded the sum of £152 19s. 9d. which was last year expended in connection with the relief of the crew of the "Spirit of the Dawn." Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —The estates of fifty-eight deceased seamen, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of £612 4s. Bd., have been dealt with during the year, and of these thirty-nine were new estates. £466 16s. sd. has been paid to relatives and other claimants. Alterations in the Law. —The passing of " The Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment Act, 1894," has made some important changes in the law. The number of seamen, firemen, and trimmers which vessels engaged in the coastal and intercolonial trade are to carry has been fixed, and provision has been made as to the service necessary to qualify for the rating of A.B. or fireman. It has been provided that the load-lines of vessels are to be fixed in accordance with the tables framed by the Load-line Committee of the Board of Trade, and marked in such manner as the Board of Trade may determine. Provision was made empowering the Minister of Marine to modify the tables of the Load-line Committee; but, as the Imperial Government has objected to this power of modification, it is proposed to ask Parliament to amend the Act so as to meet this objection. The duty of granting permits for the carriage of deck cargo has been placed upon the Collectors of Customs, and it is proposed to issue, at an early date, regulations as to the quantity of cargo or live stock that may be carried on deck. These regulations are now being prepared by the Nautical Adviser. Provision has been made requiring colonial pilots—that is, persons who pilot vessels from one port to another —to be licensed, and regulations respecting the issue of the licenses, and fixing the annual fee to be charged therefor, have been made. Eeturns relating to the expenditure of the department, lighthouses, list of certificates issued, wrecks, &c, are also attached. I have, &c, W. T. Glasgow, Secretary.



The Principal Engineer-Surveyor of Steamers to the Secretary of the Marine Department. Sir, — Office of Chief lospector of Machinery, Wellington, 25th June, 1895. I have the honour to submit the following report of steamers surveyed, and for which certificates were issued under " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the financial year ended 31st March, 1895. The following table shows the number of steamers engaged in the respective trades, their tonnage, horse-power, and fees payable : —

For the 212 steamers shown above, 288 survey certificates were issued, that number of surveys having been made. The work in this branch of the department under the Shipping and Seamen's Act is now well in hand, with the exception of a few small steamers in outlying districts, which will be attended to on the first opportunity. The question of granting yearly certificates to steamers fitted with non-condensing machinery is one, I submit, worthy of consideration, seeing that nearly all the steamers in question are plying on lakes or rivers where fresh water is available, or they have conveniences on board for carrying fresh water. I therefore see no good reason for having steamers fitted with non-condensing machinery surveyed twice every year, as now required. ■Appended is a table giving names of steamers surveyed, tons register, horse-power, nature of machinery and propeller, also trade in which employed. I have, &c, W. M. Mowatt, The Secretary, Marine Department. Principal Engineer Surveyor.

Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Number. Trade in which engaged, Fees Payable. Kegistered Nominal Horse-power, 22 62 128 Foreign Home Trade River and Extended Kiver .. £ s. d, 305 0 0 474 10 0 416 0 0 37,128 9,630 212 1,195 10 0 37,128 9,630

Name of Vessel. i eg o be H , "o to '3 g S3 -gj. Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Bemarks. Ahuriri Akaroa *Albany Alert 'Alexandra Alice Aorere Argyle Australia * Awarua Beatrice •Bella Ben Lomond .. *Birkenhead •Blanche *Britannia Brunner Canterbury Charles Edward Chelmsford Clansman "Clematis Corinna Coromandel Cygnet Daphne Dispatch (Bluff) 'Despatch (Auckland) Dingadee 'Douglas Duoo Durham Eagle •Echo Edina Effort •Elsie •Enterprise Erskine •Ethel J. •Fairy Fanny Fingal 31 43 8 17 28 8 5 30 4 16 45 77 80 10 12 15 16 9 40 95 24 60 24 99 4 141 25 3 2 20 6 80 20 60 30 70 3 6 12 8 30 35 16 15 30 11 Compound Screw Extended river. Non- condensing .. River Launch. 73 3 49 126 260 100 8 12 38 55 18 108 333 Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Paddle '.'. Screw Twin-screw .. Paddle Screw Home trade. Extended river. Launch. Tug. Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. River. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Extended river. Home trade. 123 70 336 5 820 67 3 1 24 Non-condensing .. Compound Screw Sternwheel .. Screw River. Foreign trade .. Extended river. River 1st N.Z. survey. Non-condensing .. Launch. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Triple expansion .. Compound Home-trade. River Home trade. 393 55 26 53 138 Twin-screw.. Screw Extended river.. Tug. Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Launch. 4 13 15 61 98 20 32 67 22 River Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Extended river. Compound River. Dredge. Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Extended river. Home trade. Extended rivet , . * Surve , 'ed twice, and in some cases three times,


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name. i as EH g *u-gk Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Kemarks. Flora Flower of Kent •Freetrader Gairlooh Glenelg Grafton Hauroto Heathcote Help *Heraia Hesketh Hinemoa Huia (Wellington) Huia (Auckland) •Ida Invercargill •Invincible Iona Irene .. *Ivy .-. Jane Douglas .. Janet Nicoll J. D. 0. John Anderson Kahu Kanieri •Kate :. ' Katikati Katipo Kawatiri *Kawau Kennedy •Kina Kiripaka •Kopuru *Koputai •Kotuku Lady Barkly .. Lily .. •Little George .. Mahinapua Mana (Timaru) Mana (Wellington) Manaia Manapouri Manawatu Manukau Manuwai •Maori Mararoa Matau •Matuku Mawhera May .. *Mere Mere •Minnie Casey .. •Miranda Moa Mohaka Monowai Moss Rose Mountaineer .. Moutoa Murray Napier •Nautilus Neptune *Ngunguru •Nile .. •Noko •No. 222 Ohau Ohinerauri Olga .. Omapere Onslow •Orowaiti Oreti .. "Osprey .. Ovalau •Paeroa .. •Patiki •Pearl •Pelorus Penguin ., •Phcenix 888 95 211 156 322 1,276 94 370 393 90 12 123 50 61 75 496 87 36 99 115 27 285 37 125 52 72 28 5 41 39 20 4 205 51 51 55 1,020 111 45 75 17 1,380 50 3 340 180 30 85 75 123 250 35 85 80 2i 25 8 10 50 25 45 2i 8 22 90 28 25 40 20 5 8 14 70 10 43 15 20 20 120 40 20 12 4 80 90 25 15 300 38 15 25 8 530 40 3 75 3 3 25 4 33 17 290 8 60 5 25 30 18 18 12 20 9 120 92 26 5 80 14 70 50 70 75 16 22 7 12 180 6 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Comp'd. condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Screw Sternwheel .. Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Sternwheel .. Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Paddle Three-screws Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Twin-screw .. Paddle Screw Foreign trade. River Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river.. River Home trade. Foreign trade .. River Home trade. River Home trade. Extended river. Biver. Home trade. Extended river.. Foreign trade. Home trade. River Extended river. River Home trade. Extended river. Home trade. River. Home trade River. Home trade River. Extended river. River .. Home trade. Extended river.. Home trade. Foreign trade. Home trade. Extended river. River. Extended river. Foreign trade. River. River Home trade. River New Launch. Hopper barge. Launch. 1st N.Z. survey. Launch. New launch. Launch. Tug. Launch. Launch. New. Tug. Launch. Tug. Non-condensing .. Sternwheel .. Screw Launch. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Sternwheel .. Screw Compound Non-condensing .. Launch. 48 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Launoh. 109 20 2137 Home trade. Extended river. Foreign trade .. River 1st N.Z. survey, Launch. 66 Paddle !' Screw it 90 48 32 44 54 21 15 502 411 73 4 352 16 283 138 138 767 45 37 9 18 517 6 Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Paddle Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Home trade. Extended river.. Home trade. Extended river. Home trade Foreign trade. Home trade. River .. .. Home trade. River. Home tradeYaeht. Dredge. Launch. Twin-serew.. Screw // • • Compound Quadruple expans'n. Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw River. Foreign trade. Extended river. River. Launch. Paddle !! Screw Compound .. Non-condensing .. Home trade. Extended rivef., Launch. • Surve; r ed twice, anci in some cases three times.


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. A . MS o do as Iμ Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate, Beinarks. *Picton Pioneer Piraki *Planet Plucky Poherua Prince of Wales 7 5 10 13 29 749 487 8 5 9 8 40 128 21 Non-condensing .. Compound Triple expansion .. Condensing Screw Extended river. River Extended river. Home trade Foreign trade. Home trade Launch. Tug. Queen of the South Result (Tauranga) 'Result (Napier) Richmond Ripple Rosamond *Rose Casey Rotomaliana (Dunedin) Rotomahana (Auckland) Rotorua 'Scotchman •Sea Gull *Snark Southern Cross •Staffa (Auckland) Stafia (Dunedin) Stormbird Sumner Sylph ■ Taieri •Tainui Takapuna (Dunedin) .. *Takapuna (Auckland) .. Talune •Tarn O'Shanter *Tangihua Taniwha "Tarawera "Tarewai Taviuni Tawhara *Tay .. Te Anau *Te Aroha Tekapo Tekapu Te Wae Theodore Thomas King 121 13 18 475 40 10 23 105 7 90 109 450 45 172 10 6 10 50 20 3J 40 35 4 155 20 165 20 255 12 15 16 250 14 135 10 5 250 14 270 25 16 25 16 Compound Non-condensing .. Extended river. Meat-freezing vessel. 462 100 901 139 576 30 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound // - * Foreign trade. River Home trade. Extended river. Foreign trade. Home trade. i Launch. Non- condensing .. Extended river. Launch. 12 158 40 Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Extended river. River Home trade. Extended river.. River Foreign trade. River. Home trade. River. Foreign Trade. River. 137 94 5 1,071 47 370 58 1,303 22 20 Launch. Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Paddle .' '. Screw Paddle Screw Hopper barge. Launch. Extended river.. Foreign trade. River. Foreign trade. River Dredge. 1,269 7 910 Compound Quadruple expans'n Non-condensing .. Launch. 1,028 50 1,544 50 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Paddle Screw Foreign trade. River. Foreign trade. Extended river. River Non-condensing .. Twin-screw.. Paddle Screw Dredge. 35 70 Extended river.. Dredge, 1st N.Z. survey. Tug. Launch. Timaru Titiroa •Tongariro •Torea Tuakau Tuna Tyne .. •Victoria •Victory •Vivid Waihi Waihora * Waikato Wainui Waiotahi *Waipara Wairarapa •Wairere Wairoa (Auckland) Wairoa (Napier) •Wairoro Waitangi .. .. Waitapu •Waitara *Waitoa Waiwera (Auckland) ., Waiwera (Lyttelton) Wakatipu .. .. Wakatu .. ■. Wareatea .. Waverley Weka (Napier) Weka (Auckland) 211 'o2 9 4 92 6 63 1,269 56 391 168 61 1,023 27 63 48 78 3 25 18 2 14 50 4 14 20 250 20 95 56 30 292 80 24 20 10 5 16 12 16 8 15 256 30 70 25 20 27 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Paddle ! '. Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Paddle Screw Home trade River Extended river. River Extended river. River Extended river. River Extended river. Home trade. Foreign trade, River. Home trade. Foreign trade .. River. Home trade Extended river. River Launch. New launch. Launch. Wrecked. 1st N.Z. survey. it • • Launch. 40 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Extended river. 27 Twin-screw .. Screw Launch. 6 1,258 95 288 77 53 86 Quadruple expan'n Compound Twin-screw .. Screw .. Twin-screw .. River Extended river. Foreign trade. Home trade. River New, 1st N.Z. survey. Wellington •Westland *Whangape ;. *Zephyr 279 35 90 64 6 12 Condensing Non-condensing .. Screw Paddle Screw Home trade. River .. Tug. Launch. a * Surveyed twice, and in some oases tbree times,



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grana Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Head Office :— Secretary, also Secretary and Inspector of Customs Chief Clerk Clerk Cadet Nautical Adviser, &c. .. 300 0 0 220 0 0 43 17 9 238 19 7 802 17 4 EUbboubs :— Manukau, — Salaries Contingencies Erecting rooms at Heads Toro Point Wharf Russell, — Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Kaipara,— Salaries Subsidy to steamer for harbour work Contingencies Opunake,— Salary Foxton, — Salary ■ Contingencies Eangitikei,— Salary Contingencies Tauranga,— Contingencies Wairau, — Salary Repairs to training-wall Contingencies Picton, — Contingencies Nelson, — Salaries Repairs to breastwork Contingencies Riwaka, — Salary Waitapu,— Salary Maintenance of lights Contingencies ■ .. Collingwood, — Salary Contingencies Mokihinui, — Signalling vessels Contingencies Karamea, — Signalling vessels Contingencies Okarito, — Salary Contingencies Okuru, — Signalling vessels Grant for erection receiving-shed .. Waikawa, — Salary Wairoa (Auckland), — Cost of removing willows Whangateau,— Erection of wharf Half-moon Bay,— Erection of wharf 426 0 0 118 13 9 20 5 1 116 10 0 53 2 7 5 3 7 829 4 11 168 19 3 126 14 2 274 0 0 3 6 5 405 0 0 238 16 9 17 17 0 190 0 0 86 18 10 145 0 0 68 14 0 85 0 6 25 0 0 36 0 0 17 13 6 8 10 0 681 8 10 53 2 7 277 6 5 661 13 9 25 0 0 276 18 10 53 13 6 8 10 0 298 14 6 5 3 7 1,124 18 4 6 0 0 6 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 8 8 6 83 8 6 25 0 0 15 7 3 40 7 3 2 0 0 110 3 10 32 0 0 11 10 6 43 10 6 50 0 0 41 7 0 91 7 0 4 0 0 25 0 0 29 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 21 11 6 21 11 6 302 1 9 302 1 9 350 0 0 350 0 0 Pension of J. Heberley 50 0 0 50 0 0 Buoy chain General harbour contingencies 244 8 11 139 19 11 384 8 10 4,876 6 8 Lighthouses :— Salaries of keepers Travelling-expenses of keepers .. .. Oil .. Stores and contingencies .. .4 Pension of Mrs. Deck Lighthouse artificer .. 8,810 2. 4 66 7 0 858 8 10 2,273 8 0 24 0 0 200 0 0 12,232 6 2 Carried forward 17,911 10 2 2-H. 29.



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 17,911 10 2 Brought forward Lighthouses— continued. Departmental travelling-expenses 48 15 1 Sundries .. charts Enquiries into wrecks and casualties Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen Relief of distressed seamen (other than New Zealand) 264 5 8 68 19 1 223 9 11 251 9 1 30 7 0 48 15 1 Administration of Fisheries Acts, —■ Protection of fish Protection of oysters 887 5 10 887 5 10 50 6 6 138 15 11 189 2 5 Examination of Masters and Mates, — Salaries Contingencies 177 10 0 154 7 3 189 2 5 331 17 3 331 17 3 Weather Reporting 315 0 0 " Stella," s.s.,— Expenses while laid up 315 0 0 143 15 0 143 15 0 !< Hinemoa," s.s., — Wages, stores, provisions, &c. .. .. ... Less amount earned by vessel 7,980 16 1 104 7 3 7,876 8 10 Guaranteed interest to Wellington Patent Slip Company 1,994 19 9 1,994 19 9 Queenstown Wharf, — Grant for wharf repairs 70 0 0 Repairs to roads, Port Moeraki 116 5 10 Total £29,836 5 1

L. ■ Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons consumed. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen.. Moko Hinou .. .. Tiri-Tiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Cuvier Island Portland Island Napier Bluff Penoarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont .. Manukau Head Hanukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point .. Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Hokitika Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit Nelson .. Stephens Island French Pass £ s. a. 3C8 0 7 369 18 3 300 16 8 160 0 0 154 3 4 376 13 4 367 0 10 20 0 0 290 0 0 148 10 0 280 0 0 250 0 0 893 852 512 83 76 1,179 690 Gas 892 217 563 699 166 188 554 684 169 579 515 641 520 548 565 928 526 784 917 885 Gas 557 565 250 1,708 123 £ s. d. 63 5 1 60 7 0 36 5 4 5 17 7 5 7 8 83 10 3 48 17 6 13 16 0 63 3 8 15 7 5 39 17 7 49 10 3 11 15 2 13 6 4 39 4 10 48 9 0 11 19 5 41 0 3 36 9 7 45 8 1 36 16 8 38 16 4 40 0 5 65 14 8 37 5 2 55 10 8 64 19 1 62 13 9 11 16 3 39 9 1 40 0 5 17 14 2 120 19 8 8 14 3 £ s. d. 98 2 7 87 18 10 59 14 6 2 4 6 11 19 4 71 14 4 62 3 6 22 0 2 130 7 10 18 7 10 54 4 0 61 6 8 £ s. d. 529 8 3 518 4 1 396 16 6 168 2 1 171 10 4 531 17 11 478 1 10 55 16 2 483 11 6 182 5 3 374 1 7 360 16 11 120 0 0 290 0 0 487 13 9 90 0 0 290 0 0 270 0 0 279 3 4 238 4 5 262 10 0 260 0 0 256 7 5 270 0 0 378 5 0 322 0 1 367 11 2 12 0 0 282 12 5 386 2 10 250 0 0 402 8 11 210 0 0 I 28 8 2 173 9 8 57 19 0 123 0 7* 3 17 10 89 0 6 84 2 8 62 10 8 38 1 4 37 7 11 45 1 10 127 17 5 27 9 5 138 19 3 200 5 6 177 8 10 7 18 2 82 10 7 81 5 7t 31 9 4 120 5 4 28 4 5 387 3 10 659 3 4 105 17 3 420 0 9 390 11 10 387 2 1 313 2 5 338 14 3 345 2 3 449 19 6 334 14 7 572 14 11 587 4 8 607 13 9 31 14 5 404 12 1 507 8 10 299 3 6 643 13 11 246 18 8 Totals 8,810 2 4 19,028 1,373 3 7 2,273 8 0 12,456 18 U * Construction of south landing, £33 13s. 11<3, t Expense incurred, new iron tower, £18 14s. 9&,


Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Masters, Mates, and Engineers during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.


Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Joseph Gilbertson* Henry Williams William Cameron Andrew Bloom Charles Green John Frederick Johnson Percy Bathurst Paul Arnaud Robert Lamb George Rofi Joseph Goomes Edward Donovan John Murchison Francis Fletcher Frederick Rudolph Jensen Christie Muller.. Nathaniel Morgan William Jones, jun. Charles Anderson Henry Hardwick John Sylva Richard Lang Andrew Nelson Peter Peterson Edward Piercy Alfred Jonas Bernard McDermott George Page William Bourke George Dobson'.. Adolphus Martin Edward Sellars Thomas Dowd Samuel Charles Lakey .. Joseph Bell Andrew Joseph.. Joseph Higginson Ragg .. William Robert Collings Frederick Morgan Karl Oscar Nieuman John King Herbert Subritzky Thomas Christian Christensen Henry Petersen James Biddiok James Eggenton Innes Soares John Edward Elwarth .. John Whittingham Francis Thomas Lloyd .. Edward Wilson Thomas McLean George Darrooh John Dowd Charles Kasper.. David John Shaw William Thomas Taylor George Jamieson Herman Copeland John Parker Kasper Daniel Keyes Hans Kruhl Charles Johnson Francis Perry Ricketts .. Charles Alfred Ricketts .. Henry Young Samuel Westrupp Daniel Davidson John Davies George Broadfoot Ambrose Edward Ricketts William James Southgate Alexander McKenzie John McKinven Hugh Shaw Clark William Tenetahi James Manuel King Peter Johnson Alexander Turner William George Mathews Edward Collingwocd Frank Harnden John Keegan David Connor John Urquhart George Frederick Day .. Leslie Moir Joseph Rodgers John Spencer Carl Johnson Archibald Clark Peter Lang John Henry Subritzky .. i Master Home trade 19 April, 3 Jan., 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 , 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 7 ; 7 „ 7 „ 7 „ 7 7 "„ 7 10 „ 10 , 10 „ 10 „ 10 , 16 „ 17 „ 17 . 17 „ 17 „ 17 , 17 „ 17 , 17 „ 17 „ 17 „ 17 „ 23 „ 23 „ 23 , 23 „ 23 „ 23 „ 30 „ 30 „ 5 Feb., 5 „ 7 „ 8 „ 13 „ 13 „ 13 „ 13 „ 15 „ 15 „ 28 „ 5 March 14 „ 19 „ 19 „ 26 „ 26 „ 1894 1895 It 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 rt a * Renewals.

H.— 29


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Peter Sutherland.. George Sellars Henry Cashman Alexander Blue John Gustaf Rosten John McLennan McKenzie Frederick John Duncan Ludwig Peter Friedrich Fretwurst.. Coll McDonald William Thomas Mincham Robert Alexander Campbell Albert Ernest Young George Wilson Frederic William Cox* Arthur Dawson Chrisp John Mill Coll McDonald William Herbert Johnson Henry James Blanchard John Silvester Liddell Francis Aubert Maxwell Walter Andrew Tulloch John Proudfoot Carl Gustaf Moberg Alfred Johansson Hillel Fredrik Liljebladf John Benton William Charles Edward Morgan .. Frederick Arnott Hutchinson Alexander Campbell Second Mate Only Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary .. Only Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate Master Ordinary .. Master Extra Master Ordinary .. Foreign trade „ (renewal) „ (renewal) 3 April, 1894 .. 16 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 4 May, „ .. 8 June, „ .. 8 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 29 „ „ ... 9 July, „ .. 13 Aug., „ .. 18 Sept., „ .. 18 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 24 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 16 Oct., „ .. 23 Nov., „ .. 12 Dec, „ .. 21 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 5 Jan., 1895 .. 23 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 5 Feb., „ .. 20 , „ .. 23 „ „ .. 5 March, „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 April, 1894 .. 742 744 745 746 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 209 640 654 756 752 760 761 477 667 762 763 718 764 {765 766 767 726 743 First Mate Master Ordinary .; „ (renewal) First Mate Second Mate „ (renewal) First Mate Only Mate First Mate Only Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate Foreign-going steamship only Ditto Percy Charles Hurrell David Lindsay Maxwell John Hales Oscar Wilson James Theodore Wilson Charles Field William John Bayliss Robert Huia Gibbons William Tirmey Oscar Wilson John William Nicholson Bertrand Napoleon Jacob Edwin Stevens Frithiof Wilhelm Hultgren John Proudfoot Christian Theodor Julius Andersen.. Charles Sutton William Frederick Bell Gabriel Roslin Ross James George Farrant William James Southgate Arthur Edward Moss Andrew Briggs Henry Gardiner Menzies George Thomas Shoebridge John Godfrey Simmond Ragg Abraham Smith Aylmer B. C. Kenny John Greig Howarth Percy Reynolds Henry Salter James White Dunlop David Bell John Dunlop Alexander Robertson Thomas Brown James Sheppard James Morris John Tough Harry Hunter Brown John Haigh Joseph Henry Fish Harry Howard Gould James Weir James Leslie Chalmers Charles James Aickin Samuel Buckler William Thomas Barnes .. Arthur Nathaniel Elliott .. William James Butler Joseph Butler Ernest Biggin Harry Brown Henry Rishton Walker Edward Shortt Only Mate Mate Master Mate Master Mate Master Home trade (renewal) River trade 9 May, „ .. 22 Oct., „ .. 22 „ „ .. 3 Nov., „ .. 26 April, „ .. 9 May, „ .. 9 „ „ .. 26 June, „ .. 31 July, „ .. 7Aug 18 Sept., „ .. 21 „ „ .. 29 Oct., „ .. 2 Feb., 1895 .. 5 „ „ .. 19 Mar., „ .. 8 June, 1894 .. 26 „ „ .. 10 July, „ .. 10 „ „ .. 31 „ „ .. 31 „ „ .. 26 Sept., „ .. 16 Oct., „ .. 29 „ „ .. 12 Deo., „ .. 10 Jan., 1895 .. 23 „ „ .. 29 Aug., 1894 .. 19 Oct., „ .. 29 „ „ .. 21 Nov., „ .. 14 Dec, „ .. 5 Feb., 1895 .. 23 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 16 April, 1894 .. 16 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 9 May „ .. 31 July, „ .. 31 „ „ .. 7 Aug., „ .. 9 Oct., „ .. 29 „ „ .. 1 Nov., „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 17 Jan., 1895 .. 13 Feb., „ .. 13 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 20 Mar., „ .. 747 757 758 759 5367 5368 5369 5370 5352 5371 5372 5373 5341 5354 5374 5331 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 202 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer Foreign trade 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer „ (renewal) Engineer .. River trade „ (renewal) * • ■ • • ♦ Passed examination in steam. t Issued durinj SUS] >ension of Master's Certificate No, 240 (local). { Local.



Returns of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate >n 31st March, 1894. rtS." Amount paid. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March , 1895. M. Moe .. M. B. Markusson Moses Case R. W. Green Donald Henaerson Charles Rogers .. .. John Anderson .. .. John Olsen .. Gus Peterson .. .. N. P. Svenasen .. John Wilson .. James Miller H. J. Clark Richard Ryan C. W. Pidgeon ' .. G. McNab W. Anderson C. Stewart John Graham .. Aaron Clark George Railey Christian Hansen James McKay Robert McKay John Haverty Manuel Pont Patrick Burke George McDonald J. McDonald Annie McQuaid Elias Jones Henry Whatling .. w. h. Juaa Arthur Holmes J. McGee Charlotte McDonald E. Pratt Miss L. Grindrod.. Samuel Stewart Prank Anderson John Anaerson Robert Chesterman James Gunning Henry Lightfoot A. Grumby John Petersen A. Christensen .. .. C. Larsen A. Ginberg Peter Swanson Pred Ross Hans Rasmussen Charles Brown Henrich Hansen C. McCarthy D. Bruce Robert Messiah John McDonald £ s. d. 82 13 2 21 17 2 70 11 2 £ s. a. 10 9 2 7 4 0 26 6 10 12 13 0 12 13 0 11 17 0 9 15 7 8 15 0 6 4 4 18 11 0 11 4 4 8 11 9 3 4 0 2 13 4 2 10 8 6 ■ b. a. 82 13 2 21 17 2 70 11 2 10 9 2 7 4 0 26 6 10 £ s. d. 12 13 0 12 13 0 11 17 0 915 7 8 15 0 6 4 4 18 11 0 11 4 4 811 9 2 10 13 0 2 13 4 2 10 8 2 2 4 104 10 0 8 0 6 1 18 0 7 16 0 5 4 0 5 4 0 6 15 8 3 16 0 15 4 0 19 0 1 18 0 5 14 2 14 2 7 12 0 2 10 8 3 16 0 3 3 4 3 16 0 2 10 8 3 11 13 0 10 0 6 6 2 15 0 2 2 4 104 10 0 1 16 0 6 4 6 1 18 0 7 16 0 5 4 0 5 "i 0 3 16 0 15 4 0 19 0 1 18 0 5 14 6 15 8 2 14 2 7 12 0 2 10 8 3 16 0 3 - 3 4 3 16 0 2 10 8 3 11 13 0 10 o"6 6 19 12 3 11 15 6 7 8 0 6 16 7 5 6 0 5 6 0 10 0 10 0 0 17 0 5 12 0 6 3 0 0 15 4 6 11 0 0 15 3 2 18 10 2*15 0 19 12 3 11 15 6 7 8 0 6 16 7 5 6 0 5 6 0 10 0 10 0 0 17 0 5 12 0 6 3 0 0 15 4 6 11 0 0 15 3 2 18 10 2 17 0 217 0 Totals .. 259 0 7 353 4 1 466 16 5 145 8 3



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Amount of Light-dues collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Act, the Merchant Shipping Act, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c., during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Penoarrow Head Nelson Tiri-Tiri .. Mana Island* Taiaroa Head ... r. Godley Head Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Foulwind Brothers .. Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Cape Saunders '. Cape Egmontt Moko Hinou Waipapapa Point Ponui PassageJ Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephens Island ... Cost of telegraph cable to Tiri-Tiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £167,651 18 6 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmont. + Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparatus, which were renoved from Mana Island, is not included in this. t Built by Provincial Government of Auckland; cost not mown in Marine Department.

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga .. Whangarei Whangaroa Russell Mongonui .. Hokianga Kaipara Thames Coromandel Tauranga Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Pioton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Inveroargill £ s. d. 5,028 10 0 80 4 1 53 2 7 7 14 3 26 19 7 0 12 9 9 10 10 134 16 8 54 3 0 12 13 2 29 7 8 236 4 6 559 17 2 96 2 7 5 9 0 100 16 2 9 3 0 3,816 1 11 14 16 11 188 16 4 330 0 8 211 15 11 163 15 10 12 1 9 1,464 9 3 398 17 7 140 15 11 1,714 8 9 1,398 2 10 Total £16,299 10 8

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. Aucklana* Oneliunga Hokianga Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* Patea* Foxton Wellington* Wairau Nelson Hokitika Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Bluff* Eiverton* £ s. a. 477 17 11 5 14 18 2 9 80 9 5 125 8 8 53 15 2 111 2 0 724 10 11 37 5 7 23 11 6 348 4 1 36 8 2 125 5 4 309 1 4 147 1 2 1,650 6 1 £ s. a. 2,897 14 8 85 15 0 658' 4 6 679 4 0 3 14 0 2,199 15 3 76 8 4 16 12 3 £ a. a. 3,375 12 7 90 16 4 18 2 9 738 13 11 125 8 8 732 19 2 114 16 0 3,224 6 2 113 13 11 40 3 9 343 4 1 47 12 11 125 5 4 6,583 7 9 147 1 2 1,650 6 1 li' 4 9 6,274 6 5 3,951 1 6 462 14 6 588 1 10 5,470 4 5 4 2 0 2,571 19 9 3,081 6 0 1,700 1 4 670 12 9 4,338 8 9 9 9 8 1,231 5 11 7,032 7 6 2,162 15 10 1,258 14 7 9,808 13 2 13 11 8 3,803 5 8 Totals 17,316 15 5 24,234 3 7 41,550 19 0 * Harbour Board revenue.

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Act:— Pees for shipping and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Survey of steamers Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light-dues Merchant Shipping Act Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts under Harbours Acts Oyster Fisheries Act Sundries £ s. d. 998 7 3 1,191 10 0 19 10 0 99 10 0 16,299 10 8 101 6 6 2,770 5 7 299 10 0 271 17 6 93 7 6 Total .. .. & 22,144 15 0


Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. Description, Period 'of Revolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower built of Dwellings built of Date first lighted. Cape Maria van I Diemen 1 1st order dioptric Kevolving Fixed 1' White Red, to show over Columbia Reef White White, with red arc over Flat Rock White and red White Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri.. 1st order dioptric 2nd Plashing Fixed 10" Stone Iron Timber 18 June, 18,83 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage Cuvier Island Portland Island I 5th 1st 2nd Bevolving 30" 30" Timber Iron Timber 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 10 Feb., 1878 Fixed Red, to show over Bull Rock White Pencarrow Head Gape Egmont Manukau Head Kaipara Head Brothers 2nd order dioptric 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Iron Timber 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 io" 10" Timber Flashing Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock White Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Taiaroa Head ' .. Capo Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point .. Dog Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed Revolving Fixed Flashing Revolving l . io" i ; Red '.'. '.'. White Timber Stone Timber Stone >f Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 - 1 Jan-.,- 1884 1 Aug., 1865 io" 30" Centre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving 10" 30" l> 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 Nelson French Pass 4th 6th Fixed White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White .. :k succession every hal Iron 4 Aug., 1862 1 Oct., 1884 Stephens Island 1st Group flashing 2 flashes in quic if minute 29 Jan., 1894

Auckland. >lling1 ;on. 'ttelton. Dunedin. Othi >rPli ies. 'otali Class of Certificate. fM fe B C3 id H I ■3 ! p5 I I S B I Ph •a B |1 oreign - going masters and mates lome-trade masters and mates liver-steamer masters lea-going engineers liver-steamer engineers 7 10 13 7 20 3 6 9 24 16 40 3 5 2 6 3 1 8 8 8 3 14 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 8 3 3 8 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 3 4 i 4 "i 8 2 2 10 12 8 18 3 5 4 22 50 13 17 12 40 *3 8 ii Totals 23 15 25 12 11 10 8 5 5 13 72 38 37 21 13 122



Return showing the Number of Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Colony issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Poit or Place Subject of Notice. Hawke's Bay Westport Westport Westporfc Weatport Westport Westport Puhoi River Gisborne Position of wreckage off shore between Mohaka and Waihua Rivers. Black perch-buoy placed to mark turning point in Buller River. Removal of flagstaff and signal-station to new site, and notifies harbour-lights and nightsignals. Notifies change in colour of leading-lights. Alteration in colour of signal-balls, and exhibition of lights on training-walls. Alteration in position of beacon during construction of inner training-wall. Alteration in colour of leading-lights. Beacon erected on reef off mouth of river. Exhibition of light on western groin, and discontinuance of same on completion of work (two notices). Alteration in position of beacons at entrance to harbour. Exhibition of leading-lights on bell-buoy and Waimea Sands. Reefs reported off Blackwood Bay. Harbour-lightship dragged out of position. Alteration of Eastern and Western Pier lights. Dredging operations. Extension of Queen's Wharf and Jervois Quay. Sunken rooks found during survey of passage between Jackson's Head and beacon. Foul ground discovered during survey of Beef Barrels (Piege) Reef, Current Basin. Raglan (Whaingaroa) Nelson Queen Charlotte Sound .. Bluff .. Napier Lyttelton Wellington Cook Strait French Pass

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1894, April 9 16 „ June 4 „ 4 4 „ ,/ 4 i 4 ,, 4 "„ „ 18 19 » 19 19 26 26 „ July 17 24 „ » 24 24 24 „ „ 24 „ „ 31 31 „ Aug. 7 28 28 „ Sept. 4 „ » 4. „ „ 4Approves plans of alteration to New Brighton Tramway Company's bridge over River Avon. Approves plan of signal-station on West Breakwater, Westport. Extends close season for seals to 30th September. Approves plans of face-wall of Te Aro Endowment, Wellington Harbour. Approves plans of Jervois Quay and Queen's Wharf extension, Wellington. Approves plans of 0. Spooner's Wharf, Waiwera River. Licenses C. Spooner to occupy foreshore at Waiwera, for wharf site. Approves plans of Manukau Timber Company's Booms, Huia Creek, Manukau. Licenses Manukau Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Manukau, as site for booms. Licenses J. Strachan to occupy foreshore at New Brighton, as site for bathing-machines. Makes additional regulations under Fisheries Conservation Act. Approves plan of wharf at Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island. Appoints Felix Campbell member of Greymouth Harbour Board, vice C. E. Holmes. Approves plans of R. J. Adamson's storehouse, Taipa River. Licenses R. J. Adamson to occupy foreshore, Taipa River, as site for storehouse. Vests management of wharves at Whangarei, Parua Bay, Mangapai, and Maungakaramea in Whangarei Harbour Board. Approves plans of Otamatea County Council's wharf, Pahi River, Kaipara. Licenses Otamatea County Council to occupy foreshore, Pahi River, as site for wharf. Approves plans of Northern Union Steamboat Company's wharf and slip, Helensville. Licenses Northern Union Steamboat Company to occupy foreshore at Helensville as wharf- and slip-sites. Makes regulations under Fisheries Conservation Act to prevent fishing-boats blocking another boat engaged in fishing. Approves of construction of half-tide training-wall, and dredging of shingle-bank, Westport. Makes regulations to prevent overcrowding of sailing-vessels with passengers. Approves construction of additional railway-siding accommodation on wharf at Greymouth. Makes regulations as to whitebait-nets. Revokes close season for seals and prescribes fresh close season. Approves plan of Greymouth Wharf extension. Approves plans of dam across Ararata Creek, Manukau Harbour. Licenses J. E. Taylor to use foreshore, Ararata Creek, Manukau, for dam to utilise tide in pumping water up to Domain. Revokes Order in Council licensing R. Turner to occupy foreshore, Wairoa River, for wharf-site, Approves alteration in railway-siding arrangements, Westport. Approves Westport Harbour Board protecting railway embankment near Fairdown Station. Approves plans of wharf off Lake Beach, Takapuna, Auckland. Grants gratuity of £525 to widow of late Captain Johnson, Nautical Adviser. Fixes dues and rates for landing-slip at Port Robinson, and for storage of goods. Prescribes close season for seals between Hokitika River and West Wanganui Inlet. Prescribes minimum weight at which rock-cod may be taken. Approves plan of Hapeta Renata's bridge, Mongonui, and licenses use of foreshore for erection of same. Approves plans of Wellington Naval Artillery's boat-skids, Wellington. Approves of Westport Harbour Board procuring fourteen wagons for Westport-Ngakawau Railway. Approves contract between Greymouth Harbour Board and Grey Valley Coal Company to contribute towards prospecting for coal within Brunner Mine lease. Approves plans of proposed extension of Quay Street Jetty (No. 2), Auckland. Approves plans of Messrs. Simich and Scoponich's wharf, Otamatea River, Kaipara. 11 „ H ; , „ 11 „ i 18 •; • ,, 25 „ Oct. 2 ,, "■>■' 23 , ,, „ 29 » Nov. 2 * » .8 . » 3 26 „ Dec. 8



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued, &c.— continued.

3—H. 29.

Date ol Order. Purpose of Order. !894, Deo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Licenses Messrs. Simich and Scoponich to occupy foreshore, Otamatea Biver, as wharf-site. Approves plans of F. Killick's swing boats, New Brighton. Licenses F. Killick to ocoupy foreshore, New Brighton, as a site for swing boats. Approves plan of Alexander Mackay's wharf, Waipu Eiver. Licenses A. Mackay to occupy foreshore, Waipu Eiver, as wharf-site. Deolares that Chairman of Olifton County Council shall be member of Waitara Harbour Board in place of Chairman of Taranaki County Council. Makes regulations prescribing close season for mullet. Approves plan of Garton Brothers' warehouse, Mongonui. Licenses Garton Brothers to occupy foreshore, Mongonui, as site for warehouse. Approves plan of F. J. Pinny's boatshed and skids, Oriental Bay, Wellington. Eevokes Order in Council approving plan of J. H. Williams's wharf extension, Lowry Bay, Wellington. Amends dues and regulations for use of Kaikoura Wharf. Prescribes close season for seals. Prescribes close season for oysters in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel. Declares that ratepayers of Levels County shall elect two members of Timaru Harbour Board. Makes regulations for licensing colonial pilots. Prescribes dues and rates for Bodney County wharves. Approves plans of R. Thompson's shelter-shed for land yachts. Licenses E. Thompson to occupy foreshore, New Brighton, as site for land yachts. Makes additional general harbour regulations. Approves of Otago Harbour Board licensing foreshore endowment to William Smith. 11 11 11 11 11 21 21 21 .895, Jan. 24 „ Feb. 2 21 21 21 26 „ March 7

H.—29. f. ■ •

RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1894, to the 31st March, 1895.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Rig. J5 §, Number of to c3 Jfg I PassenW H g gers. Nature of Number Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. Lives lost. Direction. Cargo. Casualty. Force. 1894. April 2 Vessel was at anchor inside Mahia Peninsula for shelter from a N.E. gale, when wind suddenly shifted to S.E., thus bringing vessel on a lee shore. As one chain had parted, and vessel was dragging towards a rocky bluff, master slipped his cable and beached her Casualty caused through heavy fresh in Turanganui River George Henry Twiss. Agnes Martin, 12 years Ketch .. 41 Timber & sundries Stranded; partial loss Tehoe, Mahia Peninsula S. E. Gale tt 2 Moa, S.S., 30 years Schooner 110 17 General Stranded; partial loss Between boat-landing and crane on breakwater, Gisborne, Poverty Bay Rock off boat-landing for Glenburn Station, East Coast, North Island On voyage from Timaru to Bluff E. Moderate gale Thomas Braidwood . •• Kiwi, s.s., 19 years Ketch .. General station stores Stranded; total loss W.N.W. Light .. Vessel struck on an unknown submerged rock, and foundered shortly afterwards. No blame attached to master or crew James Campbell. , 11 133 14 25 (supposed.) Crest of the Wave, 32 years Schooner 58 Potatoes and ballast Supposed foundered ; total loss Supposed 4; all hands W.S.W. Heavy gale Vessel last seen about five or six miles to eastward of Ruapuke Island, on evening of 25th April, under close-reefed canvas, during heavy gale, and has not since been heard of Vessel touched the bar in crossing, and, the channel being very narrow, the next sea which struck her put her up on beach Vessel touched slightly on leaving harbour .. C. W. Pidgeon. May 2 Kanieri, s.s., 7 years Schooner 115 12 General Stranded; no damage North bank, mouth of Waitara Eiver Calm Frederick Johnson. 12 „ 12 Matatua, s.s., 4 years Schooner Schooner 2190 70 42 Frozen meat & produce General Stranded; no damage ] Outside entrance to Oamaru Harbour N.E. N. Strong breeze Vessel dragged her anchor and drifted on to rocks. Master committed grave error of judgment in not keeping an anchor watch, and in trusting to his own watchfulness. He was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Stranding caused through vessel going out at dusk and master not being able to see distinctly break at end of North Spit Vessel was blown out of her course, and being in vicinity of rocks, on lee shore, master beached vessel to save life and property Casualty caused through Grasmere, while in tow of s.s. Tangihua, attempting to cross bow of Aratapu, at anchor, while tide was running so strong Vessel having met very bad weather, and labouring in heavy sea, sprung a leak. Master put into Napier in distress. Alexander McDougall. Chesterfield, s.s. 8 years Stranded; partial loss Tutukaka Harbour Charles Hopkins. „ 17 Waipara, s.s., 31 years Schooner General Stranded; no damage North Spit, Hokitika River Edward Stafford Williams. 62 E. „ " . 29 Alert, 20 years Schooner 45 Produce Stranded; partial loss Lyell's Bay, near Wellington Heads S.W. Whole gale Daniel Keyes. June 9 9 Grasmere, 29 years Aratapu, 16 years Sarah and Mary, 30 years Barque.. Brigantine 423 122 11 Timber.. Nil Collision; slight damage Collision; slight damage Sprung a leak. Off Tawhara Point, Kaipara Harbour N.W. Light J ' Samuel Morrison. " Joseph Murray. James Smith. . 16 Brigantine 145 7 Sawn timber Between Cuvier Island and Napier E. Strong gale



une 17 Sovereign, 14 years Schooner 85 Sawn timber Stranded; total loss Mataikoua River, near Casfclepoint, East Coast, North Island E.S.E. Whole gale Vessel became unmanageable, having sprung a leak, and, owing to gale, was beached to save life and the vessel, if possible; but she became a total wreck Vessel missed stays, and master let go both anchors; but she dragged them and went ashore Vessel became unmanageable through loss of sails, and drove ashore, the master and two of the crew being lost Casualty caused by master inadvertently giving order "port" instead of "starboard." He corrected himself immediately, but too late to prevent vessel coming in slight contact with wall Vessel left New Plymouth at 5.30 p.m. on 30th June for Onehunga, and is supposed to have foundered during heavy gale off Manukau Bar on 1st or 2nd July. Parts of wreckage belonging to her have been picked up on beach south of Manukau Harbour Wreckage from the vessel was cast ashore on beach near New Plymouth. She is supposed to have foundered during the heavy weather prevailing about the time she should have passed through Cook Strait Vessel had reached about 270 miles south-east from Sydney on 17th July, when she encountered a succession of heavy gales, and had to run before the wind. She was strained badly, and sprang a leak. S.S. " Rotomahana " took her in tow 50 miles to Russell Vessel parted her starboard cable in a furious gale, and drove ashore on the rocks at Phillips Island Vessel became unmanageable just before taking bar going out, and ran on beach inside bar. Supposed to have bumped going down river, and to have unshipped rudder Vessel was running tack for shelter to Mercury Bay, and, in trying to weather point of land to north of Hotwater Bay by club-haul-ing, the anchor chain fouled on the windlass, preventing her from going ahead, as the anchor could not be got up, and she drove ashore Vessel shipped heavy seas when crossing bar, which caused her to sag to leeward and put her on beach Vessel's heel is supposed to have touched ground when approaching wharf, causing her to cant the wrong way and bring the starboard bow on to the pile-head of the wharf Robert Hunter Caitcheon. 17 Watchman, 10 years Cutter .. 14 1 Sundries & dynamite Timber piles Stranded; partial loss North-west side of Crusoe Island, Hauraki Gulf Portland Island (northeast end) S.E. Gale John Heenan. 18 Alexander Newton, 18 years Barque.. 309 9 Stranded; total loss 3 E.S.E. Heavy gale John Harwood. 20 Wareatea, s.s., 10 years Schooner 288 Ballast.. Stranded; slight damage Western wall, breakwater, Westport Ca Duncan Downie. 18 lm July lor 2 (supposed,) Paku, 16 years Cutter .. 33 Ballast.. Supposed foundered ; total loss 3" Ofi west coast of North Island John Caven. S.E. Gale July 6 (about.) Dunedin, 35 years Schooner 66 i Timber.. Supposed foundered ; total loss Supposed 4; all hands On voyage from Lyttelton to Greymouth Svend Bergesen. July 17 to 24 • Heavy gale Examiner, 24 years Barque.. 266 Timber.. Sprung a leak and strained; partial loss On voyage from Kaipara to Melbourne W.N.W. Angus Campbell. - - John William Nicholson. July 27 Elsie, 9 years .. Ketch .. 42 3 Coal Stranded; total loss Phillips Island, Tutukaka Harbour E.S.E. Whole gale 27: Croydon Lass, 17 years Schooner' 50 4 Ballast.. Stranded; partial loss Entrance of Waitara Eiver S.E. Fresh breeze John Hay. Aug. 4 Nellie, 10 years Ketch .. Timber & general Stranded; total loss Hotwater Bay, 6 miles from Mercury Bay E.S.E. Strong breeze Edward Hungerford Castle. 41 I I George A. Simpson. ? 19. Manaia, s.s., 20 years 55 8 General Stranded; partial loss- • • Inside breakwater, north side Patea River S.E. Strong breeze 20 Mawhera, s.s., 10 years Schooner - 340 48 Coal .. Stranded ; partial loss Picton Wharf <3a lm 22 Hugh McLean. . - - -i I I



RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. +3 <a Nui iber of iture of Number of Lives lost. Wind. Date of Casualty. Big. Place where Casualty occurred. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. s> g 2 Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Force. I 1894. Aug. 20 Whangaroa, 1 year Scow 131 General Stranded; partial loss North Spit, Hokitika River S.W. Light breeze Vessel was entering river in tow of s.s. " Waipara " when steamer for some minutes was UDable to make headway against a strong cross-current setting to the north, and vessel overrunning tow-rope, and being caught by same current, was swept down and took ground on the North Shore Vessel driven on to reef during N.W. squall, and became a total wreck Steamer when coming into river met a very strong ebb-tide and took a sheer, which caused her to touch a bank on west side Vessel came ashore with no hands on board and waterlogged ; supposed rudder - bands broke away rendering her unseaworthy, unmanageable, and also that crew washed overboard, as boat was found two miles from wreck with oars lashed to the thwarts Vessel caught on lee-shore by severe gale with squalls of hurricane force, and driven on rocks An A.B., Arthur Bailey, while engaged aloft, fell from the topgallant yardarm and was lost In making for Vavau Harbour at night, master mistook headlands at entrance, took the wrong channel, and ran on a reef Vessel stranded when crossing the bar Raymond Burns. Wear, 9 years.. Stranded; total loss Stranded; no damage Rangitoto Reef, entrance to Auckland Haibour Entrance to inner harbour, Napier Oscar Anderson. 29 Cutter .. 18 2 Firewood N.E. to N.W. S.W. Strong breeze Light .. 30 Australia, s.s., 10 years Schooner 283 25 12 General John Gibb. Sept. 2 Christine, 15 years Schooner 97 102 telegraph poles Stranded; total loss Supposed 5; all hands Mouth of Waitotara River S.W. Gale .. Charles Richards. . 39 Awanui, 3 years Schooner 85 Hides, skins, & sundries General Stranded; partial loss Paingaroa, Oreti Point, 7 miles south-west of Cape Runaway Lat. 25° S.; Long. 29° W. On voyage from Glasgow to Dunedin Between Fofana and Pocato Islands; Vavau Group Mohaka River, Hawke's Bay Between Otago Heads and Blufi Harbour N.W. Heavy gale John Henry Skinner. 20 Auckland, 20 years Ship .. 1245 Loss o£ life only 1 Steady breeze Charles James. 23 Taviuni, s.s., 4 years Schooner 910 34 46 Sugar .. Stranded; partial loss E. Light .. Richard Edward Smith. 26 Paris, 2 years .. Schooner 77 6 Sawn timber New Zealand produce Stranded; partial loss Supposed foundered ; total loss E.N.E. Moderate breeze Gale .. Paul Arnaua. 30 (supposed) Catlin, 19 years Ketch .. 46 4 Supposed 4; all hands S.W. Vessel left Dunedin on 24th September and has not since been heard of. She is supposed to have foundered during a strong south-west gale which prevailed on the 30th September Vessel was found to be on fire, which originated in crew's quarters, but how there is no evidence to show. Vessel was laid up for repairs, and no one was on board of her at the time Vessel was found at 4.45 a.m. to be on fire in the hold, but the origin of the fire cannot be ascertained William Hanning. Oct. 17 Mararoa, s.s., 9 years Schooner 1381 Fire on board; partial loss Alongside George Street Pier, Port Chalmers Sarah S. Ridgeway Barque.. General, and kerosine Fire on board; partial loss Alongside Napier Wharf. Nils Peter Sjogren. 23 831 13



Oct. 29 Wairarapa, s.s., 12 years, 100 Al Schooner 1023 65 187 General Stranded; total loss 126 1 mile east of Miner's Head, Great Barrier Island Moderate breeze Vessel ran on to the rook at full-speed at midnight during a dense fog, and was lost through the master and his first and second officers not taking a correct point of departure at the Three Kings, and not allowing for a current which they should have been aware was running to the east and south-east. The master, who was in charge the whole time, was alone responsible for the loss of the vessel, and had he not been drowned his certificate would have been cancelled. Combustion of nitric acid shipped as cargo ; acid not being sufficiently marked. John Melntosh. lov. 4 13 Waverley, s.s., 11 years Heroine, 7 months Schooner Schooner 77 121 11 General Ballast.. Fire on board; slight damage Off Boulder Bank, Nelson, about 5 miles from lighthouse 1 mile north of Arahura Eiver, West Coast, South Island About 25 miles off Eocks Point Ca W. lm Gale .. I William John Gibbons. Stranded ; no damage Owing to heavy gale vessel could not beat off shore. George Francis Mason, 20 Comet Ketch .. 58 Produce Loss of life only 1 s.w. Gale] .. An A.B. named Henry Whatling was knocked overboard while engaged in letting go mainboom guy-tackle, and lost in the dark night and heavy sea running. Vessel was anchored in 17 fathoms with two anchors down. On heaving the anchors it was discovered that they were foul, and could not be cleared before they caught in a ledge or rock, and vessel swung against reef, where she remained about 5 minutes. Anchors were then slipped, and vessel proceeded to sea undamaged. Casualty caused by ship steering badly. The channel being crooked, when getting the white lights in one, the ship did not answer her helm quick enough when put hard starboard. Casualty caused by there not being sufficient water on bar. Vessel did not answer helm, and being caught by the current grazed a sunken rock in the passage. Master attempted to enter Wanganui Eiver against signals, when vessel drawing 8ft. 6in. and only 7ft. water on the bar. Master's certificate suspended for 12 months, and he was ordered to pay costs of inquiry; but Court recommended the issue to him of a first mate's certificate during suspension of his certificate. Fire was discovered at 1.55 p.m. in No. 4 hold, and extinguished after some trouble and a good deal of damage to cargo. It appears to have been caused through spontaneous combustion in some cases of oilskin goods made of calico and coated with linseed oil. Christian Theodor Julius Andersen. 1895. an. 15 Jasper, 28 years Barquentine Guano .. Stranded ; no damage; loss of anchors Eeef at Surprise Island, North of New Caledonia N.E. Squally 252 William Burton. iVsb. i Manawatu, s.s,, 22 years Stranded ; no damage Wanganui Bar Henry Arthur Eutter. Schooner 112 14 Coal .. E. Light .. Oreti, s.s., 18 years Hesketh, s.s., 15 years Schooner Coal Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Oscar Jarman. 6 138 14 Wanganui Bar S.S.E. Fresh .. 9 Schooner 393 18 Coal .. Between Jackson's Head and Beacon Bock, Cook Srait Entrance to Wanganui Eiver Ca lm John Christian. a 23 Grace Dent, 17 years Schooner 98 Iron-bark timber Stranded; total loss s.s.w. Fresh .. John Pughe. Matatua, s.s., 6 years, Al Fire in hold; partial loss Lat. 19° 58' N., long. 17° 43' W., on voyage from London to Port Chalmers William Burvill Holrces. // 24 Schooner 2190 42 General

&.— 29.

RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. ■ m 5 Number of tture of Number Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. 1 Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. i 8 Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Lives lost. Direction. i ., ■ ■' :l 1895. Feb. 25 to Annasona, 3 years, 100 Al JBarque.. 1372 19 Sugar .. Loss of sails; damage to hull and cargo On voyage from Pascaroan, Java, to Penco, Chili S.W. Storm .. Vessel met with continuous bad weather, losing sails and gear at intervals, until seas broke on board, filled the decks, and smashed a hole through it, letting water into the cargo of sugar. Vessel put into Auckland in distress, having met with very heavy weather, during which she strained badly, and made much water. The pumps became choked with shale scraps, and leak too serious to proceed on voyage round Cape Horn. Vessel broke her shaft at the boss of propeller through striking a snag in river. Alexander Ross. Mar. 10 Gale .. 8 Wolverine, 32 years "':: ' Ship .. 1226 23 6 Shale, s tallow, & bonedust Vessel strained, and sprung a leak Lat. 45° 33' S., long. 163° 35' K, 120 miles from New Zealand, on voyage from Sydney to Liverpool S.W. Henry Steinman. ■' ■ - - 15 Neptune, s.s., 12 years Schooner ■2 Wool, potatoes, chaff Breaking shaft Opawa River, 9 miles from mouth lm S. Clarke. a 7 Ca


SUMMARY of Casualties to Shipping and Seamen reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1895.


Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. of Casualties reported. Nature of Casualties. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total within Colony. Stealners. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. o m 6 I 1 d 3 3 <H CO o a I ■S3 13 6 co o En «1 Q tD a a I I - Cβ O CD 3 °1 a o •Si Hi a c ■3.2 3 Standings, — ■ Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 2 1 5 1,156 1,106 288 2,762 5,312 126 7 7 690 443 8 9 13 1 6 1,846 1,549 288 2,883 134 "l 9io •• •• •• •• "l 910 •• 9 14 1 7 1,846 2,459 288 3,135 134 1 121 - "l 252 "l *252 Total standings 126 15 1,254 8 29 134 I 1 — 910 1 252 2 I 1,162 •• 31 7,728 134 14 6,566 Founderings, — Total loss 4 15 203 15 203 15 203 - Collisions, — Slight damage Fires,— Partial loss Slight damage 1 1 1,381 77 2 1 545 831 2 2 1 545 2,212 77 1 2,190 2,190 2 3 1 545 4,402 77 1 •• •• - •• •• Total fires 1,458 1 831 3 1 2,190 1 2,190 4 4,479 2,289 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, leaks, loss of sails, &c, and breakdown of machinery 1 145 3 2,864 3 2,864 6,216 1,245 5 3,053 44 189 ■■ •• •■ Total casualties to shipping .. Less of life only17 6,814 126 23 1 2,978 58 23 1 40 1 9,792 58 149 1 2 3,100 4 1 3,116 1,245 "l ,1 6 1 "l 46 2 16,008 1,303 149 2 Total number of casualties reported I i I i 17 126 24 3,036 24 41 150 2 3,100 5 4,361 1 7 7,461 1 48 17,311 151 6,814 9,850 Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (exclusive of plan) 1,550 copies, £25 13s. 9d. Price 9d.\ By Authority : Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington. —1895.

NEW ZEALAND WRECK CHART 1st APRIL 1894 TO 31st MARCH 1895 Compiled from official Records in the MARINE DEPARTMENT.

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1894-95.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, H-29

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1894-95.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, H-29

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1894-95.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, H-29

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