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The Principal Engineer-Surveyor of Steamers to the Secretary of the Marine Department. Sir, — Office of Chief lospector of Machinery, Wellington, 25th June, 1895. I have the honour to submit the following report of steamers surveyed, and for which certificates were issued under " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the financial year ended 31st March, 1895. The following table shows the number of steamers engaged in the respective trades, their tonnage, horse-power, and fees payable : —

For the 212 steamers shown above, 288 survey certificates were issued, that number of surveys having been made. The work in this branch of the department under the Shipping and Seamen's Act is now well in hand, with the exception of a few small steamers in outlying districts, which will be attended to on the first opportunity. The question of granting yearly certificates to steamers fitted with non-condensing machinery is one, I submit, worthy of consideration, seeing that nearly all the steamers in question are plying on lakes or rivers where fresh water is available, or they have conveniences on board for carrying fresh water. I therefore see no good reason for having steamers fitted with non-condensing machinery surveyed twice every year, as now required. ■Appended is a table giving names of steamers surveyed, tons register, horse-power, nature of machinery and propeller, also trade in which employed. I have, &c, W. M. Mowatt, The Secretary, Marine Department. Principal Engineer Surveyor.

Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1895.

Number. Trade in which engaged, Fees Payable. Kegistered Nominal Horse-power, 22 62 128 Foreign Home Trade River and Extended Kiver .. £ s. d, 305 0 0 474 10 0 416 0 0 37,128 9,630 212 1,195 10 0 37,128 9,630

Name of Vessel. i eg o be H , "o to '3 g S3 -gj. Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Bemarks. Ahuriri Akaroa *Albany Alert 'Alexandra Alice Aorere Argyle Australia * Awarua Beatrice •Bella Ben Lomond .. *Birkenhead •Blanche *Britannia Brunner Canterbury Charles Edward Chelmsford Clansman "Clematis Corinna Coromandel Cygnet Daphne Dispatch (Bluff) 'Despatch (Auckland) Dingadee 'Douglas Duoo Durham Eagle •Echo Edina Effort •Elsie •Enterprise Erskine •Ethel J. •Fairy Fanny Fingal 31 43 8 17 28 8 5 30 4 16 45 77 80 10 12 15 16 9 40 95 24 60 24 99 4 141 25 3 2 20 6 80 20 60 30 70 3 6 12 8 30 35 16 15 30 11 Compound Screw Extended river. Non- condensing .. River Launch. 73 3 49 126 260 100 8 12 38 55 18 108 333 Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Paddle '.'. Screw Twin-screw .. Paddle Screw Home trade. Extended river. Launch. Tug. Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. River. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Extended river. Home trade. 123 70 336 5 820 67 3 1 24 Non-condensing .. Compound Screw Sternwheel .. Screw River. Foreign trade .. Extended river. River 1st N.Z. survey. Non-condensing .. Launch. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Triple expansion .. Compound Home-trade. River Home trade. 393 55 26 53 138 Twin-screw.. Screw Extended river.. Tug. Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Launch. 4 13 15 61 98 20 32 67 22 River Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Extended river. Compound River. Dredge. Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Extended river. Home trade. Extended rivet , . * Surve , 'ed twice, and in some cases three times,