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Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.


No. Petitions, &c. Page. 413 70 A. Aitken, James, and Others Auckland (North) Hospital and Charitable Aid Board 10 1 319 215 531 106 389 394 575 583 435 B. Baxter, W. J., and Others Bible in Schools Association (North Otago).. Bishop of Nelson Bishop of Waiapu Bragge, James, and Others Browne, G. P., and Another Brohan, M., and Others Brinsley, R., and Others Bull, J. H., and Others 7 5 12 2 9 9 13 13 10 159 379 388 18 321 261 6 152 429 Canterbury Philosophical Institute Carnell, S., and Others Chinn, J. Church of England Synod, Christchurch .. Coe, W., and Others County Council, Maniototo County Council, Thames County Council, Whangarei Cronin, B., and Others i 9 9 1 7 II 3 3 10 390 273 381 434 507 182, &c. 245, &c. 322, &c. 335, &c. D. Dawson, W., and Others Deane, T. J. De Maus, D. A. Dempsey, H., and Others De Westans, W. M., and Wife .. i Direct Veto Bill, Be 9 10 9 10 12 6 6 7 8 312 386 E. East, J., and Others Ellery, J. 7 9 F. 14 9 9 384 397 Final Report Fischer, A. Foy, J. M.

No. Petitions, &c. Page. 436 356 250 G. Gill, T. H., ana Others Gordon Special Settlers Green, H. T., and Others 10 9 6 395 248 70 H. Hanna, J. E., and Others Hockley, Pearson, and Others .. Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, North Auckland 9 7 1 323 307 396 L. Leach, J. C, and Others Logan, G., and Others Low, J. .. 7 T 9 15 195 261 122 392 383 458 '137 216 385 455 456 457 189 558 329 215 211 184 489 39 180 267 328 78 266 73 432 131 375 147 355 203 543 M. Mackay, A., and Others Mahoney, D. Maniototo County Council Manuel, M. E., and Others Martin, A., and Others Martin, C. Masefiold, John, and Othera Mayne, J. B., and Others McArthur, John, and Others McCaskey, J. J. McCluskey, A. J. McCluskey, A. J. McCluskey, A. J. McDonald, W. S., and Others .. McDougall, D., and Others McGregor, D., and Others McGregor, J., D.D. .. McGregor, J., and Others Mclnnes, T., and Others Mclvor, John McKegney, Peter McKeown, A., and Others McKinnon, J., and Others McKinnan, H. McLean, Allan McLeod, T>., and Others Mehaffy, H. Mehafiy, W. G. Miller, Richard Miller, Richard (No. 2) Milne, A. C, and Others Mitchell, C. F., and Others Moir, W., and Others Morehouse, J., and Others 7 12: 11 3 9 9 10> 10 & 9 11 11 11 & 13 9 5 6 5 11 2 4 7 10 2 7 6 10 5 10 4 9 6 13



No. Petitioners, &c. Page. 382 393 380 375 16 162 Morris, J. R., junior Muir, A. .. Muir, T. M. B., and Others Mules, Charles 0. .. Muir, Mrs. Mary A. .. Murphy, Martin 9 9 9 9 4 i 175 82 35 115 292 70 Neal and Close, and Others Noil, A., and Others Neilson, F. Nicholls, C. H., and Others Nightingale, F., and Others North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board 4 5 9 3 8 1 9 217 345 194 591 521 280 o. Oakes, John Peter O'Connor, M. Oldham, W. 0., and Others Olliver, William Osborne, W., and Others Owens, W. Oxford Boad Board 2 8 8 7 14 13 3 171 112 232 300 248 317 346 375 ■379, &c. 409 173 76 529 572 91 P. Parker and Maddoek Pattison, W. H. L., and J. L.' .. Peacock, G. L., and Others Pearce, James Pearson, Hockley, and Others Perrott, A. J., and Others Peyton, P. C. Philosophical Society, Nelson .. I Photographic Materials, Re Duty on Pigott, J. B. Piper, E. G. and Others Plumley, James Potter, H. W. Potter, H. W. Poynton, F., and Others 11 3 5 7 7 9 10 9 9 10 3 2 12 14 5 26 358 183 275 576 150 556 44 574 208 281 213 573 565 R. 2 9 6 11 13 4 9 2 13 6 6 5 14 13 Rackley, William Rattray, L. P., and Others Redward, F. W., and Others Revoll, W. H. Richards, P., and Others Roach, G. H., and Others Robertson, M., and Others Robertson, W., and Others Robins, Mary Jane Robbins, B. 0., and Others Roger, D. D., and Others Runciman, J., and Others Russell, C.J. Russell, C. J. 11 47 71 107 105 159 s. 2 2 1 3 i 4 235 309 246 311 94 310 139 176 530 59 85 85 342, Henry Sandlant, Joseph Sanvig, P. A., and Others Schnackenberg, A. J. Schonberg, F. H. von Secretary, Philosophical Institute of Canterbury Seon, E. W. P., and Others Shepherd, J., and Others Simpson, J. B., and Others Simpkins, G., and Others Skelton, B. E. Skinner, J., and Others Sligo, A., and Others Smart, George, and Others Smith, A. W. F. Smith, D. T. Smith, Mrs. Ellen Smith, Mrs. Ellen (second report) Smith, F. 6 8 6 7 3 7 4 3 12 4 4 5 9

No. Petitioners, &c. Page. 513 170 262 181 159 276 274 294 502 247 163 29 18 Smith, Henry, and Others Smith, Margaret Smith, T. H. Sowry, J., and Others Speight, R. Stewart, W. S., and Others Stokes, P. H., and Others Strange, Mary, and Others Stringer, Jane Stroud, H. Sutherland, G-., and Others Sutherland, W. G. .. Synod, Church of England, Christchurch .. 12 4 6 6 4 6 C 10 12 7 3 2 1 735 318 6 222 285 269 322 259 T. Tamahere Road Board Tarrant, G. B., and Others Thames County Council Thomas, M. E., and Others Thomson and Orkney Thompson, J., and Others Townsend, Gh, and Others Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company of Victoria (Limited) Turnbull, E. Tylee, W., and Others 1 7 3 6 12 6 7 8 168 391 8 9 472 412 105 202 V. Vipond, James, and Others Vogel, Sir J. Von Schonberg, P. H. Vowell, W. M., and Others 11 11 4 6 740* 106 736 559 433 220 68 81 10 462 245 305 192 146 302 205 200 152 2G6 267 335 224 67 4 430 214 227 182 249 174 12 218 360 230 555 99 61 279 279, &c. 431 479 280 234 387 w. Waiapu County Council Waiapu, The Bishop of Waipukurau Road Board Wairarapa North County Council Wake, P. W., and Others Walker, E., and Others Wallis, T.J. Wallnutt, William, and Others.. Walls, Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh, Thomas Walton, J. L. Warner, P. W., and Others Webb, S. E., and Others Webber, A., and Others Weber, R. W., and Others Webster, R. P., and Others West, W., and Others Whangarei County Council ■ Whangarei-Kamo Railway Whellon, Jane A., and Others Whitefield, W., and Others Whiteside, G. S., and Others .. Whitford, Joseph Wilber, A. J., and Others Willets, John Willis, J., and Others Wills, T. J., and Others Wilson Brothers and Others Wilson, C. A. Wilson, Herbert, and Others Wilson, J. A., and Others Wilson, J. W., and Others Wilson, B., and Others Wilson, W. Williamson, D. Williamson, J. M. .. Win, Harriet, and Others [ Women's Franchise Wood, H. P., and Others Woon, J. G. Wright, A. .. ' .. Wright, John, and Others Wrigglesworth and Binns 1 2 1 14 10 C 13 2 7 12 6 8 8 4 7 6 6 3 7 8 6 13 5 10 6 6 G 6 4 1 6 9 5 14 3 4 7 7, 8, 9 10 13 8 6 9

* 1882.




Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.

- • • ORDERS OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, 28th June, 1893. Ordered, " That a Public Petitions M to Z Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions that may be referred to it by the Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House; also to have power to call for persons and papers : three to form a quorum. The Committee to consist of Mr. Buckland, Mr. Harkness, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Taylor, Mr. T. Thompson, Mr. Willis, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Reeves.) Fbiday, 21st July, 1893. Ordered, " That the name of Mr. Dawson be added to the Public Petitions M to Z Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Reeves.)

Nos. 12 and 71. —Petitions of Heebeet Wilson and Others, and P. A. Sanvig and Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that they may be protected against an influx of Austrians on the gum-fields. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House proposing to deal with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th July, 1893.

Nos. 735, 736, and 740, Sess. 1892. —Petitions of the Tamaheee Eoad Boaed, the Waipukueau Boad Boaed, and the Waiapu County Council. Petitionees object to withdrawal of subsidies to local bodies. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th July, 1893. .___

No. 70.—Petition of the Nobth Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. Petitionees pray that the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act may be amended in such a manner as will give County Councils power to administer charitable aid within their own boundaries. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th July, 1893.

No. 18.—Petition of the Standing Committee of the Synod of the Chuech of England in the Diocese of Christchurch. Petitionees pray for such an alteration of the law as would exempt from liability to taxation all property held for religious and educational purposes, or, failing that being granted, for such an alteration in the Land and Income Tax Assessment Act as would exempt from liability to the graduated tax the endowments held by them under the names of the "General Estate," the " Jackson Trust Estate," and the " Local Endowments." I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th July, 1893. I—l. 2.


No. 78.—Petition of Allan McLean and Others, of Hawke's Bay. Petitionees pray that the House will take steps to prevent the use of the totalisator. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th July, 1893.

No. 9.—Petition of John Petee Oakes, of Auckland. Petitionee claims a block of land, situated on the eastern side of the Hauraki Gulf, in the District of Auckland. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Waste Lauds Committee. 12th July, 1893. .

No. 11.—Petition of Heney Salt, of Sydenham. Petitionee, who was employed on the railway from March, 1876, to the Ist December, 1892, as crane-driver, and also on the Bangitata Bridge, where he alleges he had to work night and day, in all kinds of weather, without any shelter, be so injured his health that, in all probability, he will be an invalid for life. He prays for compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petitioner be paid the sum of £100 in full discharge of all claims. 12th July, 1893.

No. 26.—Petition of William Backeey. Petitionee prays that he be paid compensation, or retiring-allowance, in connection with services faithfully rendered whilst in the employ of the New Zealand Government Bailways Department. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend the petitioner to apply to the New Zealand Bailway Commissioners, who state in their report that' he is entitled to £184 as retiringallowance, and are prepared to recommend the payment of such sum to the petitioner. 12th July, 1893. _"

No. 29. —Petition of W. G. Sutheeeand and Others, of Waiongona, Taranaki. Petitionees pray that the Bailway-station at Waiongona may not be removed. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition. 12th July, 1893.

No. 39.—Petition of Petee McKegney, of Huxley Street, Sydenham. Petitionee prays for compensation on account of injuries sustained while in the employ of the Bailway Commissioners, or for suitable employment. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 12th July, 1893.

No. 44. —Petition of William Bobeetson and Others, of Sandymount, Otago. Be a Crown grant. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 12th July, 1893.

No. 47. —Petition of Joseph Sandlant, of Gisborne. Petitionee states he is the founder of the perpetual-lease system ; he prays for compensation. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim whatever on the colony. 12th July, 1893.

No. 76. —Petition of James Plumley, of Otahuhu, Auckland. Petitionee prays for compensation for serious injuries he sustained while in the employ of the Bailway Commissioners. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petitioner be paid the sum of £100 in full discharge of all claims. 12th July, 1893.

No. 81.—Petition of William Wallnutt and Others, of Mangawai, Auckland. Petitionees pray for protection against proposed influx of Austrians on the gum-fields. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is before the House proposing to deal with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 12th July, 1893.

—— -— ~ ~~~j } — — No. 106. —Petition of the Bishop of Waiapu. Petitionee prays that resolution of Diocesan Synod of Waiapu in favour of direct veto may be given effect to by legislation. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th July, 1893.




No. 107. —Petition of A. I. Schnackenbeeg and Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that the age of consent may be raised to eighteen years. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th July, 1893.

No. 122.—Petition of M. E. Manuel and Others, of Coal Creek Elat, Otago. Petitionees, who are fruit-growers in the Otago Provincial District, pray that the importation of fruit, fruit-trees, &c, from the Australian Colonies may be prohibited, as such importation of fruit, &c, tends to the introduction of insect pests. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th July, 1893.

No. 115.—Petition of C. H. Nicholls and Others, of Dunedin. Petitionees pray that tobacconists' shops may be exempted from compulsory closing. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Labour Bills Committee. 12th July, 1893.

No. 6. —Thames County Council, per T. A. Dunlop (Chairman), and 6 Councillors. Petitionees pray that the Municipal Corporations Act may be amended in the direction of exempting county water-mains from borough taxation, or make borough waterworks liable to county assessments. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. '14th July, 1898.

J...*..... "«*jj —^^^.. No. 99. —Petition of D. Williamson of Auckland. Petitionee prays that some light employment may be given him in the Government service, or failing that, that he may receive some compensation for injuries received while in the Government service. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th July 1893.

No. 112.—Petition of W. H. L. and J. L. Pattisson, by their Attorney, J. B. Fisher, of Christchurch. The petitioners, who are executors of the will of the late H. J. Pattisson, pray that the stamp duty should not be assessed on a sum of £2,895 which they allege had been misappropriated by their attorneys (at the time), Messrs. Harper and Co., and in reality the said sum did not exist at the time the will was proved. I am directed to report that, having considered this petition, and the correspondence in connection therewith, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioners should be allowed to amend the statement as prayed, and that duty should not be assessed on the sum named, £2,895. 14th July, 1893.

No. 152. —Petition of Whangaeei County Council. Petitionees pray for amendment of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th July, 1893.

Nos. 173 and 176. —Petition of E. G. Pipes and Others, and Geoege Smaet and Others. Petitionees pray that the Direct Veto Bill may be passed into law. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th July, 1893.

No. 94.—Petition of B. E. Skelton, of Napier. Petitionee prays for compensation for wrongful imprisonment, and injury to his business. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 19th July, 1893.

No. 163. —Petition of G. Sutheeland and Others. Petitionees pray that " The Selectors' Lands Be-valuation Act, 1892," be extended to take in small grazing-run leases. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 19th July, 1893.



No. 159.—Petition of B. Speight, Hon. Secretary, Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. Petitionee prays for the publication of a Student Handbook of New Zealand Flora, the authorship to be undertaken by Mr. Thomas Kirk, F.L.S. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th July, 1893.

No. 147.—Petition of A. C. Milne and Others. Petitionees pray that the Waimate Biding of the County of Hawera may not be included in the proposed new County of Egmont. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th July, 1893. '

No. 180. —Petition of A. McKeown and Others. Petitioners pray that the Waimate Biding of the Hawera County may be included in the proposed new County of Egmont. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th July, 1893.

Nos. 146, 150, 174, 175.—Petitions of A. Webber and Others, G. H. Boach and Others, C. A. Wilson and Others, Neae and Close and Others. Petitioners pray that Saturday afternoon may be the fixed half-holiday. No. 139.—Petition of A. Sligo and Others. Petitioners pray that it should not be made compulsory to close on Saturday afternoon. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Labour Bills Committee. 19th July, 1893.

No. 59.—Petition of D. T. Smith, late Assistant-Librarian, Parliamentary Library. Petitionee prays that he may be allowed some additional retiring-allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 19th July.

No. 85.—Petition of Mrs. Ellen Smith (First Beport). Petitionee prays that " The Public Trust Office Acts Amendment Act, 1891," may be so amended so as to empower and direct the Public Trustee to pay to the petitioner the residue of the estate of her late husband. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th July, 1893.

No. 105. —Petition of E. H. yon Schonbeeg, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that a Commission may be set up to inquire into certain matters in connection with the Besident Magistrate's Court at Timaru; he also prays that the House will grant him some relief. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted as regards a Commission of inquiry; and further, is of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 19th July, 1893.

Nos. 16 and 162. —Petition of Mrs. Maey A. Muie, of Hawera, and Maetin Muephy, of Auckland. Petitionees pray for a grant of land for military services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 21st July, 1893.

No. 170. —Petition of Mabgaeet Smith, of Wanganui. Petitionee prays that an inquiry may be held into certain charges that have been made against her. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st July, 1893.

No. 61.—Petition of J. M. Williamson, of Parnell. Petitionee prays for compensation for wrongful dismissal from the Bailway Service, or to be reinstated in that service. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 21§t July, 1893.



No. 131.—Petition of Bichard Miller, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received while working on Government relief-works at Kaikoura. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 21st July, 1893.

No. 85.—Petition of Mrs. Ellen Smith (Second Beport). Petitioner prays that " The Public Trust Office Acts Amendment Act, 1891," may be so amended so as to empower and direct the Pubhc Trustee to pay to the petitioner the residue of the estate of her late husband. This petition having been referred back to the Committee for reconsideration, I am now directed to report that, as it appears that effect can only be given to the prayer of the petition by legislation, your Committee is of opinion that such legislation, if initiated, should have a general effect, and they refer the petition to the Government- for consideration. 21st July, 1893.

No. 4.—Petition of Joseph Whitfoed, of Sydenham. Petitioner, whose son was under the control of the Burnham Industrial School authorities when he died, had to his credit in the Post-Office Savings Bank the sum of £12 19s. 5d., out of which the Government paid the funeral expenses of £7 10s., leaving a balance of £5 9s. 5d., which the petitioner prays may be paid to him, as he is in poor circumstances and unable to do any hard work. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 25th July, 1893.

No.' 215!— Petition of J. McGregor, D.D., President of the North Otago Bible-in-Schools Association, Oamaru. Petitionee prays for an amendment of the Education Act, so that the Bible may be read in schools. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 232. —Petition of G. L. Peacock and Others, of Devonport, Auckland. Petitioners pray that the franchise may be extended to women. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, this petition should be referred to Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 82. —Petition of A. Neil and Others, of Huntly. Petitioners pray that a sum of money may be put on the estimates to establish a crossing over the Waikato Biver, at Huntley. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 184.—Petition of T. Mclnness and Others, of Howick. Petitionees pray for assistance to build a wharf at Howick. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 230.—Petition of B. Wilson and Others, of Invercargill. Petitionees pray that the exportation of sheepskins in the raw state may be stopped. I am directed to report that, in. the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Manufactures and Industries Committee. 26th July, 1893.

No. 91.—Petition of F. Poynton and Others, Batepayers of the Parish, of Pukeatua, Auckland. Petitionees pray for a sum of money to repair the road from Wade to Dairy Flat, in the County of Waitemata. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 213. —Petition of J. Bunciman and Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that when the Government Bailways Act Amendment Bill is under discussion, that Mr. Samuel Vaile, the originator of a stage system of railway administration, may be heard at the bar of the House, so as to secure the best system of administering the railways of the colony. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 26th July, 1893.



Nos. IS2, 189, 200, 181, 211, 183, 218, 208, 220, 202, 224, 227, 203, 222, 205.—Petitions of T. J. Wills and Others, of Hawke's Bay, W. S. McDonald and Others, W. West and Others, J. Sowry and Others, J. McGregor and Others, F. W. Bedward and Others, J. A. Wilson and Others, B. C. Bobbins and Others, E. Walker and Others, W. M. Vowell and Others, W. Whitepield and Others, J. Willis and Others, W. Moir and Others, M. E. Thomas and Others, B. F. Webster and Others. Petitioners pray that the Direct Veto Bill may be passed into law. I am directed to report that, as the Direct Veto Bill is now before the House, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 235.—Petition of E. W. P. Scon and Others, of Hokianga. Petitioners state that the subsidy of £50 per annum, offered by the Government to a medical man to become resident in the district and attend on the Natives, is altogether too small; they pray for a larger subsidy. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the Government for its favourable consideration by granting the prayer of petitioners, by payment of an annual subsidy not exceeding £100, so as to insure the residence in the district of a duly-qualified medical practitioner. 28th July, 1893.

No. 73. —Petition of H. Mehappy, of Stratford, Taranaki. Petitioner states he presented an indictment for perjury against one J. Sharrock, at the last sitting of the Supreme Court at New Plymouth, which the Grand Jury threw out; he prays that the Crown Prosecutor at Taranaki may be directed to re-present a bill of indictment against the said J. Sharrock. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has shown no reason for reopening the case, and cannot therefore recommend the Government to take any action in the matter. 28th July, 1893.

No. 214.—Petition of John Wileetts and Others, of Herbert. Petitioners pray that relief may be granted to Mrs. Irvine, whose husband was killed in the coalmine, at Kurow. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that Mrs. Irvine should apply to the Board constituted by the provisions of " The Kaitangata Belief Fund Transfer Act, 1892," for relief; failing obtaining it from that Board, the Committee would recommend that the Government should take this case into consideration and deal with it as if the application had been made within the ten days prescribed by the Coal-mines Act. 28th July, 1893.

No. 234. —Petition of John Wright and Others, of Outram. Petitioners pray that a Bill may be passed fixing the scale of fees, as to attendance, mileage, &c, of medical men. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th July, 1893.

No. 216.—Petition of John McArthur and Others, of Hanmer Plains. Petitioners pray for telephonic communication between Hanmer Plains and Culverden. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th July, 1893.

No. 262.—Petition of T. H. Smith, of Maketu, Bay of Plenty. Petitioner prays that a title may be granted him to certain Native lands in the Maketu District. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Native Affairs Committee. 2nd August, 1893. _• ;

Nos. 246, 249, 250.—Petition of J. B. Simpson and Others, Wilson Beothees and Others, H. T. Geeen and Others. Petitionees pray that Saturday may be declared the statutory half-holiday. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Labour Bills Committee. 2nd August, 1893.

Nos. 245, 274, 281, 269, 276.—Petition of J. L. Walton and Others, of Thames; S. H. Stokes and Others, of Ashburton; D. D. Sogers and Others, of Cust; J. Thompson and Others, of Greendale; W. S. Stewart and Others, of Foxton. Petitioners pray that the Direct Veto Bill may pass into law. I am directed to report that, as the Direct Veto Bill is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd August, 1893.



No. 279.—Petition of Harriet Win and Others. Petitioners pray that the franchise may be extended to women. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd August, 1893. , .

No. 15.—Petition of A. Mackay and Others, of the County of Southland. Petitionees pray that the railway known as the Forest Hill Bailway may be extended to a point near the Borough of Gore. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd August, 1893.

Nos. 266 and 267. —Petitions of D. McLeod and Others and J. McKinnon and Others, Besidents of Hikurangi and Whangarei Districts. Petitionees pray for the extension of the Whangarei-Kamo Bailway* to a point near the Whakapara Biver, a distance of about three miles. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd August, 1893. ■

No. 248.—Petition of Peaeson, Hockley and Others, Sandon Small-Farm Block, Bangitikei. Petitionees pray for a subsidy to assist them to build a bridge across the Bangitikei Biver at Vinegar Hill. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd August, 1893.

No 10.—Petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Walls, of Sydenham. Petitionee, as administratrix of the estate of the late Thomas Kelly, of Wairoa, Auckland, claims to be the owner of a piece of land in the Parish of Okahu, which the Hobson County Council caused to be sold for arrears of rates due on the same, without previously having given the notice required under the provisions of " The Bating Act, 1882." She prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd August, 1893.

No. 194. —Petition of William Olivee, of Lyttelton. Petitionee was engine-driver on the New Zealand Bailways from November, 1873, to October, 1889, when he was discharged on the alleged grounds of " old age." He prays for some light employment or compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd August, 1893.

No. 247. —Petition of H. Steoud, of New Plymouth. Petitionee, who was bailiff and crier of the Besident Magistrate's and Supreme Court at New Plymouth, was discharged at a minute's notice, and was paid compensation equal to two months' pay; he pays for further compensation. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 9th August, 1893.

No. 300. —Petition of James Pearce. Petitionee claims land for military services rendered to the colony. I, am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 9th August, 1893.

Nos. 322, 307, 302, 321, 323, 310, 318, 319, and 312.—Petitions of G. Townsend and Others, G. Logan and Others, B. W. Weber and Others, W. Coe and Others, J. C. Leach and Others, J. Skinnee and Others, G. E. Tarrant and Others, W. J. Baxter and Others, J. East and Others. Petitionees pray that the Direct Veto Bill may be passed into law. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee is of opinion these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1893. __

No. 311.—Petition of G. Simpkins and Others, of Whakatatie. Petitioners pray that a sufficient sum of money may be put on the estimates to erect a bridge across the Whakatane Biver, on the main road to Oxford, Cambridge, and the Thames. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th August, 1893.



No. 192.—Petition of S. B. Webb and Others, of Lyttelton. Petitioners pray that a compassionate allowance may be given to one Peter Brown, late a shunter on the New Zealand Bailways, but at present m very bad health and unable to work. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1893. • -

No. 292.—Petition of F. Nightingale and Others, of Nelson. Petitioners pray that the franchise may be extended to women. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1893.

No. 305. —Petition of F. W. Warner and Others, of Canterbury. Petitioners pray that the Direct Veto Bill may not be allowed to pass into law. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1893.

No. 280.—Petition of A. Weight, Chairman, Oxford Boad Board. Petitionee prays that a portion of the royalty derived from the timber now being cut in the Oxford Bush may be paid to the Oxford Boad Board, on the ground that the Board is responsible for keeping the roads in repair over which the heavy cartage of the said timber is now taking place. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1893.

No. 217.—Petition of M. O'Connor, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he may be awarded the Victoria Cross, for bravery displayed in the defence of the Turu Turu Mokai Bedoubt, in the year 1868, as recommended by his commanding officer, Lieut.-Colonel McDonnell. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition. 11th August, 1893.

No. 168.-—Petition of B. Turnbuel, of Greymouth. Petitioner, who was Inspector of Public Works for a period of about thirteen years, was dispensed with in September, 1891, without compensation. He claims to be treated as a Civil servant, as he had to contribute towards the payment of defalcations made by Civil servants. He prays for compensation. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no claim for compensation, but recommend that he should furnish a statement as asked for by the Public Works Department in their letter of 7th December last, relative to the contributions he was called upon to pay towards making good defalcations under the Civil Service Guarantee Act, which the Public Works Department state they will take steps to have refunded to the petitioner. 11th August, 1893.

No. 309.—Petition of J. Shepherd and Others, of Southland. Petitioners pray that a sentence of twelve years, passed on one Daniel Boper at the Supreme Court, Invercargill, in February last, may be reduced, as they consider the sentence excessive. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition, but would point out that the proper course is for the prisoner to petition His Excellency the Governor in accordance with the prison regulations. 11th August, 1893.

No. 259.—Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company (Limited), of Victoria (per F. Wilding, Solicitor, Christchurch). Petitioner, who is executor of the will of the late W. B. Scott, who died in Fiji on the 27th May, 1891, prays that the stamp duty on a sum of £6,962 17s. lOd. may be refunded, as at the time when Messrs. Harper and Co., of Christchurch (the then attorneys), prepared and passed the necessary accounts under " The Deceased Persons' Estates Duties Act, 1881," the said firm were hopelessly insolvent, and had misappropriated the said sum of £6,962 17s. lOd. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 11th August, 1893.

Nos. 335 and 345.—-Petitions of Jane A. Whellon and Others, of Newtown, and W. C. Oldham and Others, of Tuakau. Petitionees pray that the Direct Veto Bill may be passed. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th August, 1893.



No. 35. —Petition of F. Neilson, of Maitland Street, Dunedin. Petitioner, who is the owner of a section of land in Maitland Street, Dunedin, had a lawsuit with the owner of the adjoining section respecting the frontage, which lawsuit he lost, with costs amounting to about £150 ; he prays that the House will take his case into consideration and grant him relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th August, 1893.

No. 355.—Petition of C. F. Mitchell and Others, of Paeroa. Petitioners pray that the Government will see their way to erect a Courthouse and Police-station in the township of Paeroa. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1893.

No 342.—Petition of F. Smith, of Waimate, South Canterbury. Petitioner prays that the duty on certain important photographic materials, which cannot be manufactured in the colony, may be abolished, and that the duty upon imported photographic pictures of New Zealand scenery may be increased. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1893.

No. 329. —Petition of D. McGregor and others, of Hampden Biding, Central Buller. Petitioners pray that a cart bridge may be erected across the Buller Biver, on the Main Trunk Line from Murchison to Longford. ' I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1893.

No. 356.—Petition of M. Bobertson and others, of the Gordon Special Settlement, Auckland. Petitioners pray for a bi-weekly mail service from Te Aroha. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1893.

Nos. 358 and 360. —Petitions of L. F. Battray and Others, of Auckland; and 3. W. Wilson and Others, of Whangarei. Petitioners pray that the franchise may be extended to women. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd August, 1893.

No. 317. —Petition of A. J. Perrott and others, of Waimate Biding. County of Hawera. Petitioners pray that the Waimate Biding of the County of Hawera may not be included in the proposed new County of Egmont. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd August, 1893.

Nos. 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, and 397. —Petitions of S. Carnell and Others, of Napier; T. M. B. Muir and Others, of Invercargill; D. A. De Maus, of Port Chalmers; J. B. Morris, Junr., of Dunedin; C. Martin, of Oamaru; A. Fischer; J. J. McCaskey, of Geraldine; J. Ellery, of Kumara; Wrigglesworth and Binns and Others, of Christchurch ; J. Chirm, of Blenheim ; James Bragge and Others; W. Dawson and Others, of Hellyer's Creek; W. Tylee and Others, of Nelson;.. A. Martin and Others, of Wanganui; A. Muie ; C. P. Beowne and Another, of Gisborne ; J. B. Hanna and Others, of Auckland ; J. Low, of Kawakawa; and J. M. Foy. Petitioners pray that the duty on certain important photographic materials which cannot be manufactured in the colony may be abolished, and that the duty upon imported photographic pictures of New Zealand scenery may be increased. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should bereferred to the Government for consideration. 23rd August, 1893.

No. 375. —Petition of Charles O. Mules, President of the Philosophical Society, Nelson. Petitioner prays for the publication by the Government of a Student Handbook of New Zealand Flora, the authorship to be undertaken by Mr. Thomas Kirk, F.L.S. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 23rd August, 1893. 2—l. 2.



No. 346. —Petition of F. C. Peyton, of Carterton, Wairarapa. Petitioner prays that the Public Trustee may be instructed to pay over to him and his co-legatee, Miss Deane, the money in the estate of the late James Graham, of Castlepoint, which he states was verbally bequeathed to them in the presence of certain persons named in the petition. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition. 25th August, 1893.

No. 273. —Petition of T. J. Deane, of Tenui, Wairarapa. Petitionee prays that one-half of the money in the estate of the late James Graham, of Castlepoint, now in the hands of the Public Trustee, may be paid over to his daughter, Mary Eleanor Deane, to whom the deceased, shortly before his death, verbally bequeathed it in the presence of several witnesses. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition. 30th August, 1893.

No. 375.—Petition of B. Miller (No. 2), of Christchurch. Petitioner, who met with an accident when working on Government relief-works, prays for compassionate allowance. 1 am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 30th "August, 1893.

No. 328.—Petition of H. McKinnan, of Wanganui. Petitioner, who was injured when working with a co-operative party on the Government railway near Ohingaiti, states he is likely to be a cripple for life; he prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 30th August, 1893.

No. 430.—Petition of A. J. Wilbee and Others, of Otamatea. Petitioners, who are gumdiggers in the north Auckland District, pray for legislation to prevent the influx of Austrians and other aliens on the gum-fields. I am directed to report that, as there is a Bill before the House dealing with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1893.

Nos. 413, 429, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, and 437.—Petitions of James Aitken and Others of Wanganui; B. Ceonin and Others, H. P. Wood and Others, W. G. Mehaffy and Others, F. W. Wake and Others, H. Dempsey and Others, J. H. Bull and Others, T. H. Gill and Others, J. B. Mayne and Others. Petitionees, who are teachers of the primary schools of New Zealand, pray that a more uniform scale of salaries throughout the colony should be adopted, and that such scale be brought up .and put into force by the Education Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1893.

No. 409. —Petition of J. Pigott, of Timaru. Petitioner prays that the duty on certain important photographic materials which cannot be manufactured in the colony may be abolished. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th August, 1893.

No. 458. —Petition of John Masefield and Others, of Bay of Islands. Petitioners, who are fishermen residing in the Bay of Islands, pray that a close season may be observed for the catching and taking of mullet. They suggest that the close season should be from the 20th of December to the 20th of March, and that the district closed should be from Wide Berth Islands on the south to Cape Wiwiki on the north. I am directed to report that, as the matter appears to be one of very great importance to the petitioners, the Committee recommend that the petition should be referred to the Government for immediate consideration. 30th August, 1893.

No. 294.—Petition of Mary Strange and Others, of Stafford, Westland. Petitioners pray that a compassionate allowance may be paid to Mary Strange, the wife of Escott Strange, late manager of the Waimea portion of the Waimea-Kumara Water-race, who met with an accident which has physically and mentally incapacitated him from work of any kind. I am directed to report that the petitioner has no claim on the colony. sth September, 1893.



No. 412. —Petition of Sir Julius Vogel, by his agent, H. B. Vogel, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that an Act may be passed so as to enable him to present his claim for commission on a £5,000,000 loan in the Supreme Court. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. sth September, 1893.

No 275.—Petition of W. H. Bevell, of Timaru. Petitioner prays for compensation or retiring-allowance, he having served the colony in various capacities for nearly thirty-nine years. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. sth September, 1893.

No. 171. —Petition of Parker and Maddock, of Blenheim. Petitioners, who were the contractors for certain railway-works, known as the Dashwood Bailway Contract, state that £1,741 16s. lOd. was deducted by the Public Works Department on completion of the contract from their contract price. They pray that such balance as may be found to be fairly and equitably due to them may be paid to them. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to Government for favourable consideration ; and the Committee suggest that the sum of £350 would be a fair compromise. sth September, 1893.

No 261. —Petition of the Maniototo County Council, by the Chairman, W. Guffie, and two Councillors. Petitionees state that the cost of resuming Sections 14 and 15, Kyeburn District, for mining purposes, was fully £150 in excess of what it ought to have been, owing to the mistakes and errors in judgment of Government officials. They pray for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Goldfields and Mines Committee. sth September, 1893. .

No. 455. —Petition of A. J. McCluskey, of Auckland (No. 1). Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received while in the employ of the Prisons Department, at Wanganui. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner is not entitled to compensation. 18th September, 1893.

No. 456.—Petition of A. J. McCluskey, of Auckland (No. 2). Petitioner prays that a Committee may be appointed to inquire into certain grave charges that have been made against him, and to examine books, papers, and correspondence relating thereto, with a view of removing the stigma now cast upon him, so that he may obtain the compensation he would be entitled to when he was retired from the Inspectorship of Police. I am directed to report that the charges made against the petitioner have been carefully inquired into, and as no new evidence has been adduced by the petitioner, the Committee is of opinion that there is no need for further inquiry. 18th September, 1893.

No. 457.—-Petition of A. J. McCluskey, of Auckland (No. 3). Petitionek prays for compensation for loss of office as police constable. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the petitioner as being entitled to compensation. 18th September, 1893. •

No. 489. —Petition of John Mclvoe, of Palmerston North. Petitioner states he was appointed magazine-keeper at Normanby in September, 1881 (which office he held for eight years), at a salary of £10 per annum in addition to his pay as constable, but has received no salary. He prays that the sum of £80 may be paid to him. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 18th September, 1893.

No. 472. —Petition of James Vipond and Others, of Matakana. Petitionees, who are perpetual leaseholders, pray for a revaluation of their holdings. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee,, this petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 18th September, 1893.



No. 513.—Petition of Henry Smith and Others, of Devonport. Petitioners pray that Constable Bowles may not be removed from Devonport. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred, to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 502.—Petition of Jane Stringer, of Nelson. Petitioner's husband, who had been in the employ of the Government for eighteen years, had a. long and serious illness, which terminated in his death. She prays for a compassionate allowance,, as she is left in reduced circumstances. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 531. —Petition of the Bishop of Nelson. Petitioner prays for such alteration in the Land- and Income-tax Assessment Act as would exempt from liability to the graduated tax the endowments held in the Diocese of Christchurch,, under the name of General Estate, the Jackson Trust Estate, and special endowments. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 285, —Petition of Thomson and Orkney, of Dunedin. Petitioners, who were Examiners of Masters and Mates for the mercantile marine service atDunedin for about twenty years, had their services dispensed with on the 31st January, 1893, without compensation. They pray for a retiring allowance. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 507.—Petition of W. M. de Westans and Wife, of 80, Tuam Street, Christchurch. Petitioners pray for an inquiry into the circumstances connected with the committal of a child who had been left in their care to the Burnharn Industrial School. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 530.—Petition of A. W. F. Smith, of Marton. Petitioner prays that the Commissioner of Stamps may be empowered to remit certain finesimposed upon the petitioner for non-payment of stamp-duty within the time prescribed by the Act. I am directed to report that, as it appears the loss to the petitioner was caused through the neglect of his own agent, the Committee cannot recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. 20th September, 1893.

No. 462. —Petition of Thomas Walsh, of Bealey. Petitioner states he was dismissed from the public service through a misunderstanding. Heprays for an inquiry. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 20th September, 1893.

No. 529. —Petition of H. W. Potter, of Wellington. Petitionee prays for further remuneration in connection with work performed by him under the* Land- and Income-tax Assessment Act. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 20th September, 1893.

No. 195. —Petition of D. Mahoney, of Wellington. Petitioner, who is an architect, states that in the year 1888 he was asked by the then Minister of Justice to prepare plans and specifications for a Prison and Police Courthouse at Dunedin, for which he was to receive the usual commission paid to architects, which, however, the Minister denied. The petitioner took the case into the Supreme Court, and obtained a verdict of £495, out of which he has been paid £325. He prays that the balance of £170 may be paid to him. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner is entitled to the. sum of £170, that being the balance as between the £325 already paid to him and the award of the jury, viz., £495. 26th September, 1893.



No. 479.—Petition of J. G. Woon, of Wanganui. Petitionee, who was retired from the Civil Service on the 31st March, 1892, on a pension of £209 10s. 6d., claims to be entitled to an additional sum of £57 2s. lOd. He prays that this additional sum may be granted him. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 26th September, 1893.

Nos. 575 and 576. —Petitions of M. Brohan and Others, of Waimate ; and P. Bichards and Others, of Waimate, South Canterbury. Petitioners are dissatisfied with the administration of justice in the Waimate district. They quote two cases in which the decisions arrived at by the Resident Magistrate are unreasonable, unfair, against the weight of evidence, and contrary to law. They pray that a full inquiry may be held. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th September, 1893.

No. 574. —Petition of Mary Jane Bobins, of Ellesmere. Petitioner, who is the widow of the late S. Bobins, of Ellesmere, railway ganger, prays that some compassionate allowance may be paid to her on account of her late husband's twenty-two years' service on the New Zealand Railways. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that a compassionate allowance equal to three months' pay be paid to the petitioner. 28th September, 1893.

No. 565.—Petition of C. J. Bussele, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays that his name may be restored to the Medical Begister of New Zealand. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. 29th September, 1893.

No. 558.—Petition of D. McDougall and Others, of the Bluff. Petitioners pray that an inquiry may be held respecting the dismissal of the perjury case, Jansberg v. Cross, by the Besident Magistrate at the Bluff in August, 1893. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted, and that an inquiry should be held. 29th September, 1893.

No. 543. —Petition of J. Morehouse and Others, of Whangarei. Petitioners pray for legislation to prevent the influx of aliens on the gumfields. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1893.

No. 521. —Petition of W. Owens, of Linwood, Christchurch. Petitioner, who had been on the railways of the colony for many years and in various capacities, alleges that, owing to the constant ill-health of his family, he got into financial difficulties, and in consequence had to resign. He prays for compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1893.

Nos. 67 and 68.—Petitions of G. S. Whiteside and Others, of Baglan, and T. J. Wallis and Others, of Pukekohe. Petitioners pray that a bridge may be built across the Waikato Biver at Tuakau. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1893.

No. 583. —Petition of B. Brinsley and Others, of Dunedin. Petitioners pray that a Boyal Commission may be appointed to inquire into the management, supervision, and inspection of the Seacliff Asylum. I am directed to report that, at this late stage of the session, time will not permit the Committee to take any evidence, and, in the absence of a departmental report, they refer the petition to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1893. 3—l. 2.



No. 555. —Petition of W. Wilson, of Greymouth. Petitioner prays that the construction of the harbour works at Greymouth may be inquired into, and that competent authorities, independent of local influence, may be appointed to report on the effect of departing from Sir John Coode's plans. I am directed to report that the evidence, so far as the Committee was able to obtain it at this stage of the session, bears out the allegations made in the petition, but time will not permit the Committee to go into the case sufficiently to warrant it in arriving at any more definite opinion ; the petition is therefore referred to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1893.

No. 573. —Petition of C. J, Russell, by B. D. Pullar and Others, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray that the name of C. J. Bussell may be restored to the Medical Begister of New Zealand. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. 29th September, 1893.

No. 572. —Petition of H. W. Potter, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for further remuneration in connection with work performed by him for the Landand Income-tax Department. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner wishes the consideration of his petition to stand over until next session, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th October, 1893.

No. 559.—Petition of the Wairarapa North County Council. Petitioners state that the Alfredton-Eketahuna Road has just been metalled by means of special loans ; that the metalling has been cut up and injured by cartage of heavy goods, timber, &c, during the winter months to Government settlements beyond Alfredton. They pray for a grant of £500 to repair the damage done to the above-mentioned road. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th October, 1893.

No. 591.—Petition of W. Osborne and Others, of Matatau. Petitioners pray that a road may be made to their holdings. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th October, 1893.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions (M to Z) Committee held their final meeting, this day, it being the twenty-sixth. During the session 192 petitions on various subjects were referred to the Committee for consideration, all of which have been dealt with. 4th October, 1893.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), £1018s. Cd.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB93. Price 6d.)

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. T. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, I-02

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. T. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, I-02

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. T. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, I-02

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