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No. 131.—Petition of Bichard Miller, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received while working on Government relief-works at Kaikoura. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 21st July, 1893.

No. 85.—Petition of Mrs. Ellen Smith (Second Beport). Petitioner prays that " The Public Trust Office Acts Amendment Act, 1891," may be so amended so as to empower and direct the Pubhc Trustee to pay to the petitioner the residue of the estate of her late husband. This petition having been referred back to the Committee for reconsideration, I am now directed to report that, as it appears that effect can only be given to the prayer of the petition by legislation, your Committee is of opinion that such legislation, if initiated, should have a general effect, and they refer the petition to the Government- for consideration. 21st July, 1893.

No. 4.—Petition of Joseph Whitfoed, of Sydenham. Petitioner, whose son was under the control of the Burnham Industrial School authorities when he died, had to his credit in the Post-Office Savings Bank the sum of £12 19s. 5d., out of which the Government paid the funeral expenses of £7 10s., leaving a balance of £5 9s. 5d., which the petitioner prays may be paid to him, as he is in poor circumstances and unable to do any hard work. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 25th July, 1893.

No.' 215!— Petition of J. McGregor, D.D., President of the North Otago Bible-in-Schools Association, Oamaru. Petitionee prays for an amendment of the Education Act, so that the Bible may be read in schools. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 232. —Petition of G. L. Peacock and Others, of Devonport, Auckland. Petitioners pray that the franchise may be extended to women. I am directed to report that, as a Bill is now before the House dealing with this question, this petition should be referred to Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 82. —Petition of A. Neil and Others, of Huntly. Petitioners pray that a sum of money may be put on the estimates to establish a crossing over the Waikato Biver, at Huntley. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 184.—Petition of T. Mclnness and Others, of Howick. Petitionees pray for assistance to build a wharf at Howick. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 230.—Petition of B. Wilson and Others, of Invercargill. Petitionees pray that the exportation of sheepskins in the raw state may be stopped. I am directed to report that, in. the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Manufactures and Industries Committee. 26th July, 1893.

No. 91.—Petition of F. Poynton and Others, Batepayers of the Parish, of Pukeatua, Auckland. Petitionees pray for a sum of money to repair the road from Wade to Dairy Flat, in the County of Waitemata. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th July, 1893.

No. 213. —Petition of J. Bunciman and Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that when the Government Bailways Act Amendment Bill is under discussion, that Mr. Samuel Vaile, the originator of a stage system of railway administration, may be heard at the bar of the House, so as to secure the best system of administering the railways of the colony. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 26th July, 1893.