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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

In compliance with the provisions of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to-report as follows on the business of the Patent Office during the year ended 31st December, 1891 :— 2. The appendix to this report contains the following returns :— A. Statement of revenue and expenditure. B. List of the staff and salaries. 0. Eeturn of applications for patents in each year from 1861 to 1889. D. Eeturn of provisional and complete specifications received in 1890 and 1891. E. Classified return of applications to register trade-marks during 1890 and 1891. 1 , , Nature of inventions for which letters patent applied for during 1891. G. Total number of applications relative to patents, designs, and trade-marks during 1890 and 1891. H. List of applications for letters patent in 1891, not included in last report. 1. Eeturn showing from what countries and colonies applications for letters patent have been received during 1890 and 1891. J. Eeturn showing from what countries and colonies applications for registration of trademarks have been received during 1890 and 1891. K. List of publications in the Patent Office Library. 3. No appeals have been made during the year against my decisions. 4. During the year 2,274 letters and memoranda were despatched. I would again urge upon applicants the necessity of ascertaining the simple requirements of the Act and regulations before forwarding their applications. This would save them both time and disappointment, and much needless work to this office. Eecently a case occurred in which an applicant for a patent had his papers returned to him no less than four times before he could or would complete his application in compliance with the Act, &c, and protection of his invention was delayed nearly three months through his negligence. Probably many think these requirements are unnecessary and vexatious, but they are really for the benefit of the inventor, and in order to give him a valid patent. A faulty specification is worse than useless, it is mischievous—as many have found to their cost when they entered into litigation. This applies also to applications to register trade-marks. 5. It is impossible with the present staff to make a thorough search in order to ascertain whether the invention is a novelty. The records of this office are to a limited extent referred to, but the heavy task of searching the specifications received from other countries and colonies, and deposited in the Museum, cannot be undertaken by the Patent Office, and the responsibility is thrown upon the applicants to search for themselves, or to employ an agent to do so. 6. The Patent Office Library at the Museum is now in good order, and the number of visitors is increasing. 7. A collection of models for the Patent Office would be of great utility; but at present there is no accommodation for them. 8. Very few persons subscribe for the Patent Office supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, which gives particulars of applications relative to patents and trade-marks from all English-speak-ing countries, and occasionally from other places. Business men of all kinds would derive benefit from and be interested in the perusal of this useful publication. The newspapers having discontinued publishing applications for patents, it is the more important that the Gazette should be perused. 9. This colony has given its adhesion to the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Under this the subjects of each of the contracting States enjoy, as regards

I—H. 2.


patents, designs, and trade-marks, the advantages that their respective laws grant to their own subjects. Consequently they have the same protection as the latter, and the same legal recourse on any infringement of their rights, provided they observe the formalities and conditions imposed on subjects by the legislation of each State. To this Convention Great Britain, the United States, Belgium, Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Switzerland, Queensland, and other countries belong; and in these countries the people of this colony have the benefit of the advantages of the Convention, including protection for seven months of inventions, and four months of trade-marks and designs, protected in this colony. 10. Arrangements will shortly be completed with the Colony of Victoria for similar reciprocal protection. 11. It will be observed that the number of applications for registration of trade-marks has increased. As search has to be made in every case to ascertain whether a similar mark is already on the register, and questions have constantly to be decided as to the admissibility for registration of such marks, either on account of old marks being similar, or of doubts whether the new marks contain the essential particulars required by the Act, the work of the office in connection with them is very considerable. 12. My assistants perform their work with care and ability. The senior clerk, Mr. Lewis, has very responsible duties to perform, and takes great interest in them. He receives a very inadequate salary. 13. A comparison of the work and staff in this office with those in other colonies may be interesting. In 1889 the New South Wales Patent Office staff consisted of three officers and a messenger, with salaries amounting to £1,220, and the number of applications for patents was 796. Trade-marks are dealt with by another office. In Victoria the staff consisted of six officers, whose salaries amounted to £1,760 ; the number of applications in 1890 for patents was 1,017, and for registration of trade-marks 267. In Queensland, besides the Registrar, who is also Eegistrar-General, there are three clerks, with salaries amounting to £450 ; and the number of applications in 1890 was, for patents 395, and for registration of trade-marks 188. In this office there are two clerks with-salaries amounting to £250; the number of applications for patents last year was 589, and for registration of trade-marks 225. 14. In the last report of the Commissioner of Patents for the United States that officer remarks that the patent law " exists for the benefit of the public ; and to promote progress of science and useful arts. There is no class or condition of men in the whole country which has not felt the blessings of American inventive genius, fostered into its fullest flower by wise and kindly patent laws." And most undoubtedly we in New Zealand owe much to the patent laws of Great Britain, the United States, and other countries, as well as to our own Patents Acts. Inventions have furnished profitable employment for thousands of people, and have made the world richer as well as more comfortable. The profits of the Patent Office should be wisely and generously expended in fostering inventive talent. This could be done by publishing in a cheap and handy form, and by distributing to public reading-rooms, the specifications and drawings lodged in our Patent Office. Artisans and others might learn from them what has been done, and thus be urged to further inventions. Many, too, might be saved some disappointment and waste of precious time by knowing what has been already discovered and need not be repeated. It must be remembered that these specifications include not only New Zealand inventions, but those of the United Kingdom, America, Australia, and other countries. Up to the end of 1879 these specifications were published in yearly volumes, with photolithographs of the drawings : then a desire for economy caused the discontinuance of the publication. The system was defective and the sale was small, because publication was delayed till after, for some purposes, the time for its usefulness had passed. My proposal is now to print the specifications, with drawings, separately, and as soon as possible after they are lodged in the office, and to sell them at a moderate price. The several inventors would be only too glad to purchase copies of their own specifications, and there would be a gradually increasing sale to others; but there should be also a liberal distribution to public institutions. The present practice of specifications and drawings being copied by hand when required is necessarily costly, and prohibitive for the purpose of education. 15. There appears to be considerable ignorance of the fact that merchants, shopkeepers, and others are liable to a heavy penalty for representing articles as " patent '■' which have not been patented in this office, and trade-marks as registered which have not been registered, and this opportunity is taken of giving a word of caution on the subject. 16. Very few of our manufacturers seem to be aware of the advantage to be gained by them by registering designs, or more of them would probably take steps to protect their patterns from piracy. 17. As showing that some New Zealand inventions, at any rate, are considered of value, and that this colony is not backward as regards patents, I have extracted from the Patent Office report of England and statistics of New South Wales the following information : During 1890, 68 applications for patents were received in London from Victoria, 57 from New South Wales, 30 from India, 11 from South Australia, 7 from Queensland, 12 from Ceylon, 2 from Cape of Good Hope, 1 from Tasmania, and 48 from New Zealand; and during 1889 this colony showed a still better record. In New South Wales, out of 768 applications during 1890, 145 were from Great Britain, 43 from the United States, 150 from Victoria, 16 from Queensland, 27 from South Australia, and 43 from New Zealand. I regret that no information from Victoria has been received on this subject. C. J. A. Haselden, Patent Office, Wellington, 16th June, 1892. Registrar of Patents, &c.



APPENDIX. A._ Statement of all Fees, Salaeibs, Allowances, and other Moneys received and paid under the Act during the Year ending 31st December, 1891. Received — *> s - "■• Patent fees ... ... ••■ ••• ••• 1>489 2 ° Designs fees Trade-marks fees ... ... ■•• ■•• 267 11 6 Total ... ... ... ••■ £1,759 3 6 Pa Sakries ... ... ••• •■• ■•• 245 0 0 Other moneys ... ... •■■•■ • • • • 56113 Value of printing and stationery from Government Printing Office 90 0 0 Total ... ... ... •.• £391 11 3 Credit balance ... ... ... ••• £1,367 12 3

B. —Staff of Officees and Salabies. Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks ... ... Nil. Clerk 150 Clerk- ... ... ... •■■ ••• •■■ iOO Total ... ... ... ••• £250

C.—Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

Note.—By " N.Z. r, is meant those in which the applicants reside in the colony, and by " Foreign " those in umnsVrniTfliled up, as necessarily the returns would be incomplete and of no value, the respective periods not having yet expired.


Numl Apjilic rece: ber of tationg ived. Number of such Applications lapsed or refused. Number ( and Le Kegis sealed Applijf Patents itters of tration on such cation. Number Patents owin of such ilapsed ig to ■ment of il Fees. Number of such Patents and Letters of Registration in force to End of Term. Year and Act. Non-pay llenewa N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. '1861) 1864) 1865 1866 I 1867 1868 1869 "1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 l^1883 f 1884 J 1885 j 1866 ! 1887 1888 1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 o 4-3 H CO Ed P o !~i CO P 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 141 216 242 300 266 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 24 55 74 133 99 164 160 189 194 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 69 107 132 216 204 10 4 2 8 12 7 20 13 16 23 48 57 116 90 141 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 1 1 2 3 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74 41 29 45 2 49 40 62 8 1 7 17 17 9 23 o <i co CD r "' a P 8 14 16 11 40 32 * * * * *


D.—Number of Applications for Letters Patent under Act of 1889.

E.—The following Table shows the Number of Applications to Register Trade-marks, the Number Advertised, and the Number Registered in the Fifty different Classes in 1890 and 1891: —


8 Number of Appli- Number cations with which cations \\ Complete Specifi- Provisiona cations lodged. tions I of AddH Number of .,, *T-", Applications for which nth which *£ lete s ifi _ ,1 Specifics- subse^uen tly Number of Applications abandoned, lapsed, or refused. Number of Patents sealed and at present in Force. 1890 1891 N.Z. 244 187 Foreign. 205 207 N.Z. 108 126 Foreign. 59 69 N.Z. 27 18* Foreign. 17 17* N.Z. 185* 32* Foreign. 40* 14* N.Z. 144* 43* Foreign. 216* 187* * Chese figures are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet ■ ixpirei ..

1890. 1891. I 5 Classification of Goods. i<1 ■C.S I! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances not medicated for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &o.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton-yarn and thread .. .. .. .. ., Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 .. Silk, spun, thrown or sewing.. Silk piece-goods .. .. ., ' Other silk goods, not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 .. Carpets, floorcloth and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather, not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha, not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food.. Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 2 3 14 1 2 1 5 1 i i 2 1 3 2 2 3 14 1 2 1 5 1 'i i 2 i 3 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 5 1 "i 1 2 1 2 '2 1 4 32 1 3 2 1 1 i '2 1 'i 1 5 1 1 3 27 3 o 1 1 'i 2 1 i 1 5 1 2 3 20 '2 i 2 2 i '5 1 i i i '2 1 2 1 "i 1 1 1 2 i i i 1 '2 3 1 2 *3 's 3 i i 38 39 40 17 1 16 1 7 1 9 3 10 2 15 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 61 15 3 10 61 15 3 10 40 11 2 7 57 38 10 17 51 31 10 14 46 24 7 10 '7 '7 *2 13 18 12 48 4 4 2 9 7 2 49 50 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4


F.-Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1891.


Nature of Invention. a ou Nature of Invention. m pi Q O S3 O O * a Nature of Invention, 8 I So" "I Account-book Advertising Amalgamating Ambulance appliances Amusements Anti-inflammable composition Augers Bait-can Barb-wire, manufacturing .. Barrow Basket Belt or girdle Beverage Billiard-chalk holder Bill-hooks Binding Blight-cure Blind Blinkers Blue, liquid Boilers, steam Boiling Bolts and nuts Books Boots and shoes Bottles and bottling Box Brakes Branding Breakwater Brewing Brooms and brushes Buildings, &c, protecting Burnishing leather Butter-beater Butter-making Butter-printers, &c. 1 Buttons Calculating Carbonic-acid gas, collection and utilisation of Castors Cement Chaff-blowers Chaff-cutting Chimney-damper Chimney-sweeper Chimney-top Churns Cigarette-making, &c. Clamping Closets Clothes, drying Clothing Coating for steam, &c, pipes.. Coin-freed machines Combustion, aiding Compasses Compressing Concentrating Conduits Cooking apparatus Copper tubes, &c, manufacturing Corks, drawing Counting sheep, &o. Couplings Cream, separating Cutting Cycle Dags, clearing Die Disinfecting Door-handles Doors Doors, closing and locking .. Draining Drawing-instructor Dredging Dressmaking Drill Drying Dynamometer ,, 1 G 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 5 2 8 12 1 6 4 1 22 2 2 1 a 5 2 1 1 Electrical insulating Electric machines Electro-medical apparatus .. Electrolysis, manufacture of articles by Elevators Enamel for wood, &c. Engines Envelopes Excavating Exercising-machine Explosive Eyelet Fang-plate Fascine-works Fencing Fermentations, collecting products of Fibre, dressing, &c. Filters Firebar Fire-extinguishing Fire-grating Fire-screens Fire telegraph instrument .. Firearm Flax-dust for sores, &c. Flax, utilising tow of Floors, washingFlooring, &c, substitute for.. Flour-manufacturing Fly-paper Food Freezing Fruit-dryer and range Fuel .. Fuel, combustion of Furnaces Furniture .. Gas Gate Gold, obtaining Grain, &c, drying Grain, pickling Grinding and sharpening Grooming horses Harness Harvesting Heating Hinges Horse-cover Horse-shoes Hose-reel Hydrant Hydraulic machinery Illuminating Indicating apparatus Ink-pad Insecticides Insulating Ironing Ironsand, treating Jack, lifting Kauri-gum, preparing Kettle Knives, cleaning Lacing Ladder Lamb-feeder Lamps Last Leather, colouring and enamelling Leaves, turning Lens • .. Lightning arrester Loading wagons, &c. Locks and latches Looping Lubricating Malt, preparing Manuring Match-box ,', 1 5 4 3 Meat-cover Mechanical movement Medicines Metals, separating, &c. Milking .. .. ■■ Moths, &c, exterminating .. Motors and motive-power Musical instruments Nail Nickel Nightsoil, &c, treating Ores, dressing, &c. Packing-case .. . •" Paint Painter's firebox Panelling Paper bags, making Pipes, coating Pipe-coupling Pipes, manufacturing Pipe (smoking) Plane Plate-powder Plate, stereo- and electro-type Plates, uniting metal Ploughs Poison-laying Polishing Postal wrappers Potato-digging, &c. Preserving Presses Printing Pulley-block Pulverising Pumps Babbits, destroying Racing-clock Railways Rails, stopping gaps between Rasp Reaping Recording Registering-machine Ridging Road-repairing Runaways, stopping Saddle-tree Salt, manufacturing Sash-balances Scarifiers Seed-cleaners Separating materials Sowers Sewing-machines Shaft-sinking Sharpening-stone Shearing and clipping Sheep-shears Signalling Sign-letter Skins, plucking Smoke-consumers Soap Sowing Spark extinguisher, or arrester Spinning and spooling Spraying plants .. .. Stand, tin .. Stirrup Stone-dressing Straw-shaker, &c. .. Tallying .. Tanning Tapping Target Telegraphy Telephones Telescope Thawing Theodolite.. Threshing Tickets, issuing, &a. ., 1 1 5 37 1 3 34 2 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 4 4 5 7 5 3 1 3 7 10 1 11 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 3 G 3 2 G 1 1 17 1G 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 4 1 5 2 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 o 4 3 7 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 4 1 7 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 5 1 6 4 4 1 29 1 1 2 1 3 6 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 7 3 1 2 1 1 7 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1


F.—Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1891 — continued.

Note. —As some applications are entered under more than one head, the figures will add up to more than the actual number of applications received,

G.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs, and Trademarks for the Years 1890 and 1891.

H.—List of Applications for Patents during the Year 1891. Note. —A list of applications (Nos. 4779 to 4891), with which complete specifications were lodged, will be found at the end of the report for the year 1890. An asterisk (*) denotes that a provisional specification has been filed with the application. 4790. 6th January. Andbew Honman, of Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria, Surgeon, and Victob Vulliez, of Osborne Street, Williamstown, aforesaid, White-lead Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved process of extracting silver from lead-ores.* (Abandoned.) 4791. 9th January. John Langmuib, of Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand, Surveyor.—An invention for an improved tripod hinge-joint, adaptable to theodolite or level tripod-heads, to be called " The Theodolite and Level Tripod Improved Clamping Hinge-joint." :j (Abandoned.) 4796. 6th January. William John Sydney Day, of Auckland, New Zealand, Printers' Manager.— An invention for an improved blocking-press.* (Abandoned.) 4798. 6th January. William Watson, of Adam Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer and Draughtsman. —An invention for obtaining gold from river-beds, called " A Movable Cofferdam." :;: (Abandoned.) 4808. 19th January. Geobge Allen, of Masterton, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an upsetting-machine for closing tires in an ordinary vice.* (Abandoned.) 4814. 20th January. Aethdb James Coyle, of Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Brushmanufacturer. —An invention entitled " Coyle's Eenewable Tuft to Bottle-washers."* (Abandoned.) 4819. 29th January. Eichabd Boyd Echlin, of 127, Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Sharebroker, and Hobace John Page, of Kelvin Grove Eoad, Brisbane aforesaid, Clerk.— An invention for an improved machine for issuing tickets, receipts, cheques, &c, and for recording the number issued.* 4820. 29th January. William Peiessnitz Bonwick, of 59, Blomfield Eoad, Paddington, Middlesex, England, Tutor. —An invention for improvements relating to bottles and in the means for closing and opening them.* 4821. 29th January. Fbank Aethub Haebis, of South Preston, near Melbourne, Victoria, Porter, William Machab, of Collingwood, near Melbourne aforesaid, Engineer, and William Geobge Sandys, of South Preston aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of earthenware drainpipes and linings for sewers.* (Abandoned.) 4834. sth February. Eichabd Gubney, of 94, Willis Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Basketmaker.—An invention entitled " Gurney's Iron Handle and Basket-bottom Protector,"* (Abandoned.)


Nature of Invention. a » .2 1*8.8 Nature of Invention. Nature of Invention. f oj Tills Timekeepers Tools Toy Tramways Traps for rabbits, &c. Tub Tubes, manufacturing Tunnelling Turbine Typewriter Tires, closing Unloading trucks, &c. Valves .. ... 2 Vehicles 3 ; Ventilating 4 ■ Vermin, destroying 1 " Vessels 3 > Vessels (for preserved meat, &c.) 5 Vinery 1 Wall-paper, &c, substitute for 1 Washing .. .. 1 i Watch-pendant .. 1 : Watercourses, forming and 1 deepening, &a. 2 i Watering 1 ' Water purifying and softening 5 ] Water-wheel 23 4 1 7 1 ii i Wave-power motor .. ■ Well-sinking Wheel, water Whitelead, manufacturing .. Winding Windmill Windows, cleaning, &c. Window-sash Wines, producing Wire i Wire, straining, &c. 1 1 Wood (joining pieces of) ! Wool, preparing, &c. Wreck-raising i i i i 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 6 2 2 I 1 I 1 ;

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 1891 616 589 5 4 160 225 781 818


4835. sth February. Solomon Cox, of Beudigo Street, Richmond, Victoria, Horse-dealer.—An invention for a new compound for blistering and curing sprains, swellings, mange, and other skin- and foot-diseases in horses, bullocks, dogs, sheep, and other animals.* (Abandoned.) 4836. sth February. Charles "Walter Price, of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention for a new or improved churn.* (Abandoned). 4837. sth February. William O'Brien, Jun., of Upper Waipori, Otago, New Zealand.—An invention for a new kind of dredge, to be called " O'Brien's Hydraulic Suction Dredge."* (Abandoned.) 4841. 3rd February. Edwin Fairburn, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Surveyor. —An invention for propelling vessels by wave-power, the title of which is "The Wave-power Perpendicular Motor."* (Abandoned.) 4845. 6th February. William Cuthbert, of Hull Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, Building Contractor. —An invention for cutting stone, to be called "A Reciprocating Toothed Saw-frame Stone-cutter."* 4850. 12th February. William Henry Boyens, of Kaikoura, Marlborough, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for a billiard chalk-holder and suspender.* (Abandoned.) 4855. 13th February. Hermann Gruson, of Magdeburg-Buckau, Germany, Engineer.—An invention for an improved amalgamator.* 4857. 10th February. Frederik Petersen, of Milton, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in hydro-metallurgical methods of extracting metals from their ores.* (Abandoned.) 4869. 24th February. Henry Hughes, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer and Patent Agent.— An invention for improved conduit for carrying wires, cables, pipes, and the like, below the surface of streets and roads.* (0. J. Levien.) (Abandoned.) 4876. 2nd March. George Val Billman, of Cuba Street, Wellington, Cab Proprietor.—An invention for a new or improved brake for carriages, traps, and vehicles of all kinds.* 4877. 3rd March. William Betty, of Masterton, New Zealand, Road Overseer.—An invention for . a.pendulum lever for lessening the power required to work a force or other pump.* 4878. Bth March. Arthur Wilbraha'm Dillon Bell, Civil Engineer, and John Welsby, Mechanical Engineer, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for actuating lifts, elevators, and similar machinery.* 4883. 11th March. Thomas Montresor Baldwin, of Milton, Otago, New Zealand, Accountant, and Frederik Petersen, of the same place, Engineer.—"lmprovements in separating and concentrating metallic materials from wash-dirt, and applicable for general ore-dressing purposes."* 4890. 14th March. Laurence Bernard McGrath, of Williamstown, Victoria, Manufacturing Engineer, Hiram Jones, of Footscray, Victoria, Mechanical Engineer, and William Thomas Caetee, of Williainstown aforesaid, Member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly. —An invention for " New or improved combined supply-, cut-off-, expansion-, and exhaustvalves, with corresponding automatic variable gear for land, marine, and locomotive steamengines, and other motors."* 4892. 12th March. William Rollitt, of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for an improved method of manufacturing wheaten meal flour.* 4893. 18th March. Nathaniel Dodgshun, of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant.—An improved tailor's duplex press-board. 4894. 13th March. Aaron Blacke, Tobacconist, and John Kennedy Jameson, Engineer, both of Invercargill, New Zealand.—An invention for " Blacke and Jameson's Patent Vertical Flaxstripper," for stripping New Zealand flax. 4895. 19th March. Richard Pennefather Rothwell, of 27, Park Place, New York, United States of America, Mining Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for sinking shafts. 4896. 19th March. Jonathan Teevethick, of Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Brushmaker.—An invention for a new or improved method of and apparatus for manufacturing brooms, brushes, and some other similar articles.* 4897. 20th March. Bert William Crissey, Commercial Agent, and Victor Charles Hottenstein, Commercial Agent, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved contrivance for washing dishes and other articles and substances.* 4898. 20th March. Thomas John Hood, of Newtown Road, Sydney, New South Wales, Doctor of Medicine.—An invention for improvements in boots and shoes for footwear. 4899. 16th March. Edward Grave, of Tyne Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, Sailmaker and Ship Chandler.—An invention for the economical and comfortable covering of horses, to be called " Grave's Patent Atlas Durable Waterproof Self-adjusting Horse-cover."* 4900. 20th March. John Evelyn Liardet, of 37, Russell Road, Kensington, London, England Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in water-motors. 4901. 20th March. Richard Hornsby and Sons (Limited), of Spittlegate Ironworks, Grantham, Lincoln, England, Engineers. —An invention for improvements in reaping- or harvestingmachines. (J. Hornsby, J. Innocent, and J. H. Smith.) 4902. 23rd March. Thomas Haycock, of Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand, Toilet-soap Maker.—■ An invention for extracting and utilising the pulp from New Zealand flax.* 4903. 25th March. Samuel Clovee, of Sandon, New Zealand, Flour-miller.—An invention for drying grain or other substances, to be known as " Clover's Simplex Vibrating Grain-drying Machine."* 4904. 24th March. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in appliances for sinking artesian wells.



4905. 26th March. Sir William George Montague Call, Baronet, of 10, Pall Mall, Middlesex, England.—An invention for improvements relating to the washing or scouring of cottonwaste and other dirty materials or fabrics. 4906. 26th March. Anne Claeke Holden, of Paterson River, New South Wales, Spinster. —An invention for an improved combined scrubbing and mopping appliance. 4907. 26th March. Thomas Oldham Bennett, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in machine sheep-shears and in the mode of driving the same. 4908. 26th March. William Clabk, of Sydney, New South Wales, Inspector of Sanitary Plumbing.—An invention for an improved automatically-flushing water-closet, and apparatus in connection therewith. 4909. 26th March. Augustus Gboss, of Sydney, New South Wales, Optician.—An invention for an improved mode of and appliance for locking nuts on bolts. 4910. 26th March. Henby Pakkinson, of Mailor's Flat, near Warrnambool, Victoria, Machinist, and William Heney Bateman, of Koroit Street, Warrnambool aforesaid, Stock Agent.— An invention for an improved coupling for connecting shafts or poles to vehicles.* 4911. 25th March. James Foesyth, of Lower Cargill Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Clerk in New Zealand Eailways.—An invention for a new and improved system for extracting fibre from our fibre-producing plants indigenous to New Zealand—viz., New Zealand flax; silver, red, and yellow tussock ; serge- and. snow-grass; and native cabbage-tree leaves. 4912. 31st March. Hbineich Julius Wilhelm, of Beaconsfield, Kiwitea, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for an improvement in wool-presses, to be called " H. J. Wilhehn's Patent Simplex Lever Wool-press." 4913. 31st March. Alexandee Feancis Gabden Beown, of Swindridge Muir, Dairy, Ayr, Scotland, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in rotary engines. 4914. 31st March. John Bowing, of Tilbury, in Essex, England, Consulting Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of fuel from coal-slack and similar substances, and in obtaining tar-products. 4915. 31st March. Chaeles Aethue Baeeett and Alfeed Baeeett, both of Beech Street, London, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in what are known as automatic or coin-freed dynamometers. 4916. 31st March. Adam Spies, of Mudgee, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in churns. 4917. 31st March. James Eeid, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Blacksmith, and John Golding Howaed, of the firm of J. and C. Howard, Engineers, Agricultural Implement and General Machinery Importers, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in ploughs.* 4918. Ist April. William Aethue Beowning and Thomas Toby, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Coachbuilders.—An invention for a spring shaft-attachment for two-wheeled vehicles, to be called " Browning and Tory's Eclipse Spring Shaft-attachment." 4919. 10th February. John Hislop, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for shearing sheep, clipping horses, and other similar work, to be called " Hislop's Hand-power Shearing-machine."* 4920. Ist April. Eenst Faheig, of 24, Listria Park, Stamford Hill, Middlesex, England, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for an improved composition applicable for electrical insulating and other purposes ; and the process for manufacturing the said composition. 4921. 3rd April. Joseph Eichaeds, of Danevirke, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Gardener.—An invention for " Eichards's Blight- and Insect-cure for Fruit-trees." 4922. 3rd April. Otto Flohe, of 557, Masten Street, Buffalo, in the County of Erie and State of New York, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in automatic couplings for railway coaches, trucks, wagons, and like vehicles. 4923. 2nd April. William Baenett, Chemist, and James Tbent, Gentleman, both of Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for an apparatus for extracting and saving the fat or grease from wool, and for cleaning the said wool by the use of benzine or other suitable volatile solvent. 4924. 3rd April. James Woodfoed, of 31, Nursery Eoad, Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand, Watchmaker. —An invention for " Woodford's Electro-magnetic Iron, Gold, and Sand Separator." 4925. 3rd April. Geoege Saegent Jakins, of Blyth's Eoad, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for patent pigeon-cage for marine telegraphy, to be used at night.* 4926. 4th April. Reuben Withell, of Brookside, Canterbury, New Zealand, Dairy-farmer.— An invention for an improved butter-print. 4927. 7th April. William Heney Boyens, Engineer, and Robebt Eussell Lochhead, Blacksmith, both of Kaikoura, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved potato-digger and gatherer.* 4928. 4th April. Moses Bate, of Brighton Eoad, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Millwright.— An invention for improvement for the separating of iron or any magnetic materials from any other materials by magnetic attraction. 4929. 6th April. Heebeet Henby Smith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Wrought-iron Range Manufacturer.—An invention for a combination range or oven and fruit-drier. 4930. Bth April. Alexandee McVicab, Engineer, and Ebnest Keause, Fireman, both of Napier, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for drying or preparing wool.*



4931. 10th April. Andrew Honman, of Blectra Street, Williamstown, Victoria, Surgeon, and Victoe Vulliez, of Osborne Street, Williamstown aforesaid, White-lead Manufacturer.— An invention for improvements in the process of and apparatus for the manufacture of whitelead.* 4932. 10th April. Walter Moebison, of Sydney Eoad, Brunswick, Victoria, Bootmaker.—An invention for an improved heel-plate for boots and shoes. 4933. 11th April. Edwabd Field, of Chandos Chambers, 22 Buckingham Street, Adelphi, London, England, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for method of and apparatus for producing mixture of steam and air under pressure for use in motive-power engines. 4934. 4th April. Alexander Thompson, of Kelso, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An. invention for " Thompson's Improved Machine for Manuring, Drilling, and Sowing." 4935. 6th April. Feedeeick WaltebPage, of Chertsey, Canterbury, New Zealand, Labourer, and William Chaeles Page, of Ashburton, Canterbury aforesaid, Carpenter.—An. invention for a screw lock-staple for holding wire in fences, to be called "Page's Patent Screw Lock-staple for Fencing." 4936. 13th April. William Weatten, of Birch Hill, Martinborough, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer. —An invention for improvements in latches or hasps for fastening doors or gates. 4937. 11th April. Chaeles Lendeick Maclean, of Kaikoura, New Zealand, Barrister.—An invention for an improved safety postal wrapper/ , ' 4938. 16th April. Edwabd Watebs, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for an improvement in the driving mechanism for harvester binders. (J. C. McLachlan.) 4939. 16th April. Edwaed Watebs, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for an improved sign-letter or symbol. (G. J. B. Eodwell.) 49-10. 16th April. Gilbebt Tomkins, of San Leandro, California, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in foot-rasps for horses. 4941. 9th April. Eobebt Sackville Matheson, of the Glen, Morningtou, Dunedin, New Zealand, -Insurance Clerk.—An invention for " The Simplex Combination Envelope and Letter Notice or Circular Paper." 4942. 10th April. Geoege Eussell Fellows, of Princes Street, Onehunga, New Zealand, Furnace-builder.—An invention for ironsand deoxidizer and general purifier. 4943. 14th April. William John Blakey, of Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Blockmaker. —An invention for a new and useful improvement in clothes-pins. 4944. loth April. Geoege Eussell Fellows, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Furnace-builder.—An invention for ejecta fettling for use in puddling and mill furnaces working iron and steel. 4945. 17th April. Edwaed Jones, of Sydenham, New Zealand, General Smith.—An invention for improvements in the construction of gigs or other similar vehicles. (Withdrawn.) 4946. 20th April. Eelph Cunliffe Dixon, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved lamp to be used for burning the vapour from suitable volatile oils. 4947. 20th April. Cheistian Koeestz, of Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer, and Louisa Mason, of Sydney, in the said colony.—An invention for an improved double-acting pump." 4948. 20th April. Geoege Syme, Timber Merchant, and John Eauch, Engineer, both of Hawera, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved washing-board. 4949. 10th April. Matthew Highet Lauchlan, of 369, George Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Manufacturers' Agent.—An invention for improvements in tapping cocks and valves. (B. J. Bacon.) 4950. 21st April. Edwabd Watebs, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.— An invention for improvements in or connected with the positive elements (negative electrodes in charging) of secondary batteries, which elements are applicable also as cathodes in electrolysis. (The Mining and General Electric Lamp Company, Limited; D. G. Fitzgerald.) 4951. 21st April. John Stewaet Wallace, of Belfast, Antrim, Ireland, Timber Merchant.—An invention for improvements relating to guns or rifles and other apparatus operated by compressed or liquefied gases. 4952. 16th April. William Eoss, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Twine-manufacturer.—An invention for " Boss's Patent Flax Steaming and Dressing Process." 4953. 22nd April. James Edwaed Fulton, of Wellington, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.— An invention for an improved method of protecting bolts and nuts from the action of the weather.* 4954. 24th April. Abeaham David Laskeb, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for a new or improved anti-inflammable composition. 4955. 24th April. Edwabd Lewis, o£ Salisbury Buildings, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent.—An invention for an improved hydrant and valves. (W. Errington.)* 4956. 24th April. Donald Geant Beown, of Bath Street, Abbotsford, Victoria, Furniture Salesman.—An invention for an improved nut-lock for screw-bolts.* 4957. 24th April. John Pool, of Milparinka, New South Wales, Surveyor.—An invention for an improved exterminator and process for applying noxious gases to burrows.* 4958. 24th April. Edwabd Seitz, of Market Buildings, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for an improved centrifugal pump. 4959. 24th April. William Meikle, of Goulburn, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improved exhaust-blast contrivance for locomotive and suchlike steam-boilers.* 4960. 24th April. Eobbet McKenzie, of Sydney, New South Wales, Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Board of Water-supply and Sewerage.—An invention for improved appliances to be used in connection with sewers, whereby the same are more effectively ventilated, and the noxious gases and disease-germs contained therein destroyed.

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4961. 24th April. Marcus Stow Hill, of Sydney, New South Wales, Exporter.—An invention for improvements in pneumatic desiccating-closets." 4962. 24th April. John Try, of Sydney, New South Wales, Contractor.—An invention for an improved mode of manufacturing Portland cement. 4963. 24th April. Waltee William Smith, of Priory Works, High Eoad, Lower Clapton, London, England, Eailway-rug and Lubricator Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in journal-bearing lubricators/ 4964. 24th April. Everard Hesketh and Alexander Maroet, both of 23, St. Swithin's Lane, London, England, Engineers. —An invention for improved means to be employed in connection with the freezing or chilling of meat or other articles.* 4965. 24th April. Thomas Pink, of Bermondsey, London, England, Manufacturer and Merchant. —An invention for apparatus for acknowledging and recording payments. 4966. 20th April. John Watson, of Tay Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for " Watson's Patent Magic Flyer." 4967. 18th April. James Kelly, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for "The Wizard Power-jack." 4968. 20th April. "Waltee Cousens Alexander, of Grenville House, Boutport Street, Barnstaple, North Devon, England, at present lodging at the house of Mrs. Wrigg, Dalston Villa, Grafton Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for separating the magnetic ironsand from titanium and siliceous matter, for the purpose of obtaining the ironsand and titanium for certain uses.* 4969. 23rd April. Joseph Scott, of Kuaotuna, Coromandel, Auckland, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for " Scott's Concentrator and Amalgamator combined."* 4970. 30th April. Thomas White, of Eangiora, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for " Simplex Springs for Two-wheeled Vehicles." 4971. 27th April. Samuel Barber, of the Adelphi, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the method of, and machinery or apparatus for, continuous cleaning and mechanically distilling with other materials of coal, coke, metal ores, pulps, and suchlike materials.* 4972. 27th April. Jobiah Clifton Fieth, of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for a new process or method for cleaning kauri-gum. 4973. 30th April. William Aitken, of Totara Valley, Pleasant Point, Timaru, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improvement in the tines, points, or shares of grubbers, horsehoes, or scarifiers, whereby the weeds, roots, or rubbish can be raised and left on the surface of the ground, and to be called " Aitken's Patent Grubber-foot."* 4974. 4th May. Bichard Todd, of 13, Mason Street, Manchester, Lancaster, England, Embroiderer. —An invention for improvements in sewing-machine attachments for facilitating the stitching of button-holes, and for other purposes. 4975. 4th May. Edward Willis Van Senden, of Adelaide, South Australia, Wool-broker. -An invention for improved method or process for treating metal-bearing bodies, and the recovery of metals therefrom. (W. C. Loe.)* 4976. 4th May. Eobbet William Eutherford, of Caversham, Otago, Now Zealand, Photographer. —An invention for " New Zealand Tanning Extract." 4977. Bth May. George Taylor, of Seel Street, Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Glass-manu-facturer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for automatically supplying disinfectant liquids to water-closets, urinals, and the like. 4978. Bth May. John Henderson Galbraith, of Oxford Street, Thompson Estate, South Brisbane, Queensland, Carpenter.—An invention for an improved hinge for automatically closing gates and the like. 4979. 9th May. Eobbet Eeid, of Union Lane, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer, Eobert Hanna, of 18, Market Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Importer, Thomas Holsoyd, of Barkly Street, Brunswick, near Melbourne aforesaid, Draughtsman, and Henry Arthur. Wheat, of Union Lane, Little Collins Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for an improved lamp for burning gasoline and other light liquid hydrocarbons. 4980. sth May. John Smaill, of Fernhill, Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for "The Safety Swingle-tree and Mountings for uncoupling Traces of Buggies and other Vehicles from Eunaway Horses instantaneously." 4981. 6th May. Thomas Peacock, of Auckland, New Zealand, Optician.—An invention for an improved case for winding narrow steel bands, and means of rendering them available for link-measurements. 4982. sth May. Peecy Adolphus Vaile, Solicitor, and William Vaile, Draper, both of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for Vaile's patent roller-eyelet for the more speedy lacing of boots, shoes, corsets, surgical appliances, &c. 4983. Bth May. Eobert Moorhead, of Southbridge, New Zealand, and John Mooehead, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Threshing-mill Owners. —An invention for improvements in chaffblowers for automatically removing chaff from combine threshing-machines.* 4984. sth May. Herbert Charles Hanchard, of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for a gold-saving appliance, to be called " Simplex Gold-saver."* 4985. 12th May. William Isaac Spencer, of Napier, New Zealand, Surgeon.—An invention for improvements in and apparatus for manufacturing iron from ironsand.* 4986. 11th May. James Waltee Olivbe, of Greenstreet, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for a relieved rotary slide-valve for a cut-off valve for steam-engine governors or other purposes, to be called " The Oliver Governor Valve." 4987. 18th May. William White Mansfield, of Martin Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention for improvements in hose-reels, to be called "Mansfield's Patent Ever-ready Hose-reel."



4988. 14th May. James Hills Hartridge, of Byland Road, Middlesex, England, Manufacturing Chemist and Soapmaker.—An invention for improvements in boxes. 4989. 11th May. Eobeet Cockeeell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for " E. Cockerell's Patent Drag Anchor Picks, for Dredging and other Purposes." 4990. 13th May. William Chakles Page, of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention for a wire-strainer, to strain wire without boring holes in the straining-post, to be called "Page's Patent Speedy Wire-strainer." 4991. 15th May. John Francies Kitto, Jim., of Ettrick, Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for improvements in gold-saving apparatus. 4992. 12th May. Chapman Ewen, of Tamahere, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a combined potato-raiser and scarifier, for the purpose of raising from the soil potatoes, and tillage for carrots, turnips, beans, mangolds, and all crops where scarifiers are used between the ridges in which the plants grow, to be called "Ewen's Combined Potato-raiser and Scarifier." 4993. 16th May. David Colin Coombes, of Lewisham, near Sydney, New South Wales, Bailway Signalman, and William Eowe, of Marrickville, near Sydney aforesaid, Eailway Interlock - ing-gear Mechanician.—An invention for improvements in telegraph block-systems of railway traffic control. 4994. 18th May. Frederick Henry Symons, of Boylan Eoad, Normanby, Taranaki, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a machine for cleaning cocksfoot or any other seed or grain, to be called "The Egmont Seed-cleaner." 4995. 18th May. Frederick York Wolseley, of the Union Club, Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved comb for sheep-shearing machines. 4996. 18th May. William Merton, Watchmaker, and Daniel Hyde Kingston McGuiness, Storekeeper, both of Daysdale, New South Wales. —An invention for an improved auto-matically-closing rising-pivot or centre hinge, principally applicable to gates and doors.* 4997. 18th May. John Golding Howard and Charles Eyland Howard, both of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers and Agricultural Implement Importers. —An invention for improvements in ploughshares.* 4998. 19th May. William Toogood, of Featherston, New Zealand, Storekeeper. —An invention for scutching and hackling New Zealand hemp or other fibres, to be called " Toogood's Patent Scutcher and Hackler."* 4999. 19th May. Albert Parsons Massey, of Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in automatic brakes for railway-trains. 5000. 19th May. Eobeet Edwaed Evenden, of Sydney, New South Wales, —An invention for an improved butter-churn. 5001. 19th May. James Yoek, Maltster, and John Fletcher, Bag-merchant, both of Sydney, New South W T ales.—An invention for an improved firebar. 5002. 19th May. Eeginald Bayley, of Wellington, New Zealand, Draughtsman. —An invention for an improved method of protecting the walls of buildings and other similar structures from the action of the weather, and of disinfecting the same. 5003. 20th May. Humphrey Geoege Pitchee, of Hawera, New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for an improved watch-pendant and bow. 5004. 19th May. George Henry Lethaby, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Umbrella-manufacturer.— An invention for " The Electric Sharpening-stone." 5005. 18th May. Frederick Nokes, Bootmaker, and James Pauling, Blacksmith, both, of Ashburton, New Zealand.—An invention for a portable folding-ladder for the use of fire-brigades and other purposes, to be called " Nokes and Pauling's Folding-ladder." 5006. 20th May. Brisbane Doyle, of 4, Thurlow Street, Eedfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman, Henry Cooke, of Spring Street, Waverley, Sydney aforesaid, Gentleman, and Charles Launcelot Garland, of North Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.— An invention for improvements in apparatus for generating, storing, and sustaining motive force by compressed air or gases, and in the method of applying the same to motive-power engines. 5007. 20th May. Herbert Leslie Manton, of 7, Queen's Walk, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an electric device for indicating tabulated public information.* 5008. 20th May. William Brown, Hatter, and John Henry Brown, Hatter's Apprentice, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved method of making violins and other similar musical instruments.* 5009. 20th May. Duncan McKay and Daniel McKay, trading under the style of McKay Brothers, of Hunterville, New Zealand, Blacksmiths. —An invention for an improved brake for carts and carriages. 5010. 21st May. Charles Burgon and Harry Burgon, both of Malm Bridge, near Sheffield, York, England, Sheepshear-manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for shearing or clipping sheep or other animals. 5011. 22nd May. Benjamin Williams, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for .improvements in compound reciprocating engines.* 5012. 19th May. George Cozens, Customs Agent, and Herbert Chakles Hanchaed, Agent, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for "The Climax Gold-saver."* 5013. 26th May. Henry Dalton, of Alfred Street, Prahran, Victoria, Plumber.—An invention for improvements in ridge-capping and moulding-dies. 5014. 26th May. George Myees, of 2, Church Court, Clement's Lane, Agent, and Christen Eees Bonne, of 57 and 58, Chancery Lane, Patent Agent, both of London, England.—An inyention for improvements in the manufacture of slag cement.




5015. 26th May. Giuseppe Garibaldi Tubri, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in bottling-machines. (The General Bottle Seal Syndicate, Limited ; W. Painter.) 5016. 26th May. Giuseppe Gabibaldi Tubbi, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in bottle-stoppers, and in machinery for inserting wire loops in the same. (The General Bottle Seal Syndicate, Limited; W. Painter.) 5017. 22nd May. Pebcy Adolphus Vaile, of Auckland, New Zealand, Solicitor. —An invention for " Vaile's Patent Simplex Acute-angled Wire-fastener or Nail for fastening and keeping in position Fencing and other Wire." 5018. 28th May. Alfred Aeden Lycett, of Sydney, New South Wales, Salt-manufacturer. —An invention for improved apparatus for the manufacture of salt. 5019. 28th May. Edwabd Martin Knight, of 1209, Market Street, San Francisco, California, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in and relating to filters. 5020. 27th May. James Walter Oliveb, of Greeustreet, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for a self-feeder for threshing-machines, to be called "The Oliver Self-feeder." 5021. Ist June. Abthue Noeman Lawrence Benporath, of Manaia, New Zealand, Accountant. —An invention for improvements in account-books whereby liability to error is minimised, and rapidity in reference and entry ensured, such invention to be called " The Lightning Reference and Entry-book." 5022. 3rd June. Thomas Franklin Boyd, Blacksmith, and John Thomas Cbaig, Farmer, both of Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for a new or improved potato-digger.* 5023. 3rd June. David Smith Laing, of Timaru, New Zealand, Manager of John Mill and Co. — An invention for "Laing's Number Register," to be fixed on a shoot for tallying.* 5024. 4th June. Thomas Brining and George Listee, of Leeds, England, Boot and Shoe Engineers.—An invention for improvements in or relating to machines for feeding and driving tacks, rivets, nails, and other similar fastenings.* 5025. 4th June. The Wolseley Sheep-sheaeing Machine Company (Limited), of Great Britain, whose registered office is at No. 4, Sun Court, Cornhill, London, England.—An invention for improvements in flexible couplings or joints for toothed-wheel gearing. (W. Barraclough.) 5026. 4th June. John Moffat, Tinsmelter, and William Wright Vietue, Engineer, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in machines for shearing or clipping wool and for cutting hair. 5027. 4th June. Manfield Newton, of Sydney, New South Wales, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved mode of manufacturing a new or improved safety explosive. (J. Spencer.) 5028. 4th June. William Wallace Norton, of Adelaide, Commercial Traveller, and Peteb Sinton Mitchell, of Mount Gambier, Farmer, both of South Australia.—An invention for improvements in sheaf-carriers of reaping-and-binding machines and in means of attaching and working the same. 5029. 4th June. Emma Baeeett, of Wellington, New Zealand, Dressmaker.—An invention for an improved bodice-pattern of all sizes, traced or stencilled on to glazed, starched, or other material linings used in connection with dressmaking. 5030. 4th June. Albert Williams Daw, and Zachaeias Williams Daw, both of Laurvig, Norway, Mining Engineers.—An invention for improvements in and connected with valves for percussive rock-drills, direct-acting pumps, and engines. 5031. Ist June. Thomas Weare, of Kumeu Junction, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a new self-ventilating and mildew-preventing glass roof for vinery or orchardhouse. 5032. Ist June. Matthew Gbiffith, of Howe Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a gold-saving appliance, to be called " Griffith's Gold-saving Eipple." 5033. 3rd June. Heney Cobbick, of 218, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for forming loops in leather and other materials, to be called " Patent Looping-machine." 5034. 6th June. Feedeeick W t illiam Buesill, of Eangiora, New Zealand, Sheep-station Manager. —An invention for an improved trap for catching rabbits, rats, mice, or other small quadrupeds. 5035. 6th June. William Reeves, Jim., of Rangiora, New Zealand, Coachbuilder —An invention for " Reeves's Patent Splashboard." 5036. Bth June. Samuel Joseph Mackie, of 27, Chancery Lane, Middlesex, England, Civil Engineer, and Heney Hughes, of Hendre House, Coronation Road, Bristol, England, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in coding and transmitting telegrams and secret messages. 5037. 4th June. Harey Ernest Page, of 7, Bury Street, King Street, Westminster, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in advertising.* 5038. 9th June. Thomas Shields, of Wellington, New Zealand, Tailor.; —An invention for an improved button, and fastener for the same.* 5039. 10th June. David Ranken Shieeeff Galbeaith, of Bell Road, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, Metallurgical Expert.—An invention for " The Galbraith-Bessemer Non-intermittent Water-gas Producer."* 5040. 11th June. Geobge Ashwin Cheeke, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman. — An inven--tion for a new or improved trap for the capture of rabbits in infested country.



5041. 11th June. William Cubphey Coelettb, of Burwood, near Sydney, Financial Agent.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of coke, and the collection of the byproducts thereof, and in apparatus therefor.* 5042. 11th June. Eobeet Geobge Gibbons, of Melbourne, Victoria, Importer.—An invention for an improved device for indicating, separating, and quickly obtaining change from a till or money-drawer. 5043. I.lth June. Paenell Eabbidge, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in telephones. 5044. 9th June. John Anderson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer and Brassfounder.—An invention for an improvement in giving motion to Anderson's patent hydraulic sluice-valve, and entitled " Anderson's Improved Patent Hydraulic Sluice-valve." 5045. 10th June. Thomas Jones, of Tainui Street, Greymouth, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper.—An invention for the " Novelty Gold-saving Tables." 5046. sth June. Thomas William Queloh Honeywill, Inventor, and William Cheistian Julius Koetegast, Brewer, both of Hokitika, Now Zealand.— An invention for improvements in brewers' cleansers." 5047. 16th June. Emma Bakbett, of Wellington, New Zealand, Dressmaker.—An invention for ladies' and children's material traced underclothing. 5048. 16th June. Peteb Robebtson, of Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in lamps.* 5049. 16th June. Robeet Peace and Colin Aeohibald Peace, trading as Robert Peace and Son, of Auckland, New Zealand, Plumbers.—An invention for an improved gas cooking apparatus. 5050. 17th June. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for " Donald's Patent Stumping-jack," 5051. 18th June. John Adam Beeg, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Coaehsmith.—An invention for an improved road-cart. 5052. 13th June. Kabl Geaf, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for plucking skins in such a manner as to separate the hair from the fur.* 5053. 18th June. Robeet Maetin, of Wellington, New Zealand, Painter. —An invention for an improved charcoal fire-box for the use of painters in removing old paint from woodwork. 5054. 18th June. William Edwaed Harding, of Bannockburn, Otago, New Zealand, Goldminer.—An invention for an improvement in rabbit-traps, to be called " Harding's Patent Under-spring Rabbit-trap." 5055. 18th June. Thomas Kennedy Pack, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved paint.* 5056. 15th June. John Smaill, of Fernhill, Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for extension of mountings for uncoupling runaway horses from vehicles, to be used in connection with " Safety swingle-tree." 5057. 20th June. James Geesham, of the firm of Gresham and Craven (Limited), of Craven Ironworks, Salford, Manchester, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or applicable to automatic vacuum-brake apparatus, having reference more especially to the ejector and brake-controlling mechanism. 5058. 20th June. The Wolseley Sheep-sheaeing Machine Company (Limited), of Great Britain, whose registered office is at No. 4, Sun Court, Cornhill, London, England.—An invention for an improvement in the flexible shafts of sheep-shearing and such like machines. 5059. 20th June. Thomas Whetteb, Carpenter, and Michael Scale, Company Secretary, both of Petersham, near Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for improved apparatus for controlling and adjusting sliding sashes in window-screens, and suchlike. 5060. 20th June. James Simcoe Eitzmaueice, of Sydney, New South Wales, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for an improved brand or hot stamp for live and inanimate subjects. 5061. 20th June. Andeew Williams, of Wellington, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for an improved method of setting and strengthening the axles of road-vehicles.* 5062. 18th June. Wallace Cask, of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for " The Carbine Rabbit-trap." 5063. 19th June. Samuel John Loeing, of Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Goods Agent.—An invention for combined ambulance appliances.* 5064. 24th June. Chaeles Saywell, of Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.— An invention for convex butter-beaters, to be called " Saywell's Convex Butter-beaters."* 5065. 26th June. Edwaed Batteesby Toomath, of Moutoa, Manawatu, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for branding and counting sheep or other animals by mechanical means. 5066. 25th June. Heney Coeeick, of 218, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for a machine for burnishing or polishing leather for the soles cf boots and shoes. 5067. 27th June. David Samuel Chambees, of Francis Street, Sandringham, near Melbourne, Victoria, Mechanical Engineer, and John Monash, of Tarra Street, St. James's Park, Hawthorn, near Melbourne aforesaid, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved machine for shearing or clipping sheep and other animals.* 5068. 24th June. Geobge Neilson Goldie, of Cheltenham Road, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Naval Architect and Designer of Ships, Yachts, and Boats propelled by sails or machinery. —An invention for the construction of the hull of vessels, which invention is named " Evolution."* 5069. 29th June. Alfbed Amblee, Samuel Amblee, and Feank Amblee, all of Prospect and Well House Mills, Wilsden, near Bingley, in the County of York, England, Spinners.—An invention for improvements in the cleansing, treating, or washing of wool and like animal fibres and in apparatus employed therein.



5070. 29th June. Henry Thomas Dawson, of Salcombe, Dovon, England, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in gas-engines. 5071. 30th June. Harry Edward Good, Auctioneer, and Arthur Norman Laubbnce Benporath, Accountant, both of Manaia, Taranaki, New Zealand. —An invention for improvements in sheep-brands and other similar appliances for marking, whereby much time is saved. 5072. 30th June. William Arthur Hills, of Neutral Bay, near Sydney, New South Wales, Metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of sodium chloride. 5073. 29th June. James Kelly, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a pulleyblock, to be called "The Climax Pulley-block."* 5074. 25th June. James Wells, of Shortland, Thames, Auckland, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for " Wells's Pneumatic Power-transmitter." 5075. 2nd July. Elihu Thomson, of Swampscott, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for improvements in lightning-arresters. 5076. 2nd July. John Tonner Kelly, of No. 4, Queen's Parade, North Ktzroy, Victoria, Blacksmith, and Archibald Mclntyre, of No. 52, Cecil Street, Victoria, Builder. —An invention for improved means for raising sunken vessels.* 5077. 2nd July. Julius Moeller, of 14, Palmer Street, Westminster, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improved method and apparatus for producing and applying combustible fluid for illumination or heating. 5078. 6th July. Beginald Stanley, of Nuneaton, Warwick, England, Manufacturer. — An invention for improvements in and relating to tunnelling and mining machines. 5079. 6th July. Henry Valentine Edmonds, of New Westminster, British Columbia, Sawmill Proprietor. —An invention for improvements in and relating to panel and other doors, and apparatus applicable for use in the manufacture thereof.* 5080. 7th July. John Howard Maynard, of South Brisbane, Queensland, Timber Merchant.— An invention for improvements in joining pieces of wood and pieces of other substances and materials. 5081. 7th July. Samuel Lowe, of Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant, and Eichard Pickup Park, of Forest Hill, Nunawading, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus to be used for fumigating trees or plants, also for destroying vermin or insect pests, or for disinfecting buildings and other such places. 5082. 7th July. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in or connected with printing-machines. (F. F. W. Oldfield, W. W. Head, and H. E. Mark.)* 5083. 4th July. Heney Samways, of Bichmond Eoad, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Storeman. —An invention for cleaning kauri-gum, to be called" Samway's Kauri-gum Cleaner." 5084. 6th July. Matthew John Mullon, of York Street, Opawa, near Christchurch, New Zealand, Boiler-composition Manufacturer.—An invention for " Mullon's Eclipse Non-conductor of Heat." 5085. 7th July. Thomas William Mayson, Draughtsman, and John Pedder Fell, Mechanic, both of Hobson Street, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for "Patent Liquid Lenses." 5086. 9th July. William Soltau Pillans, of Manuka Island Station, Balclutha, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer. —An invention for laying poison for rabbits, to be called " The Eabbit-poison Layer. "* 5087. 11th July. Henry Edward Arthur Minchin, of Waddingtpn, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a momentum brake for traincars and other heavy vehicles which are drawn by horses, and which have, to stop frequently.* 5088. 10th July. David William Owen Fag-an, of Mangapai, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler, and William Methven Crowe, of the same place, Settler.—An invention for a method of advertising with transparent letters, to be called " Fagan and Crowe's Transparent Advertiser."* 5089. 14th July. Edward James Campion, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Surveyor.—An invention for filling 'ruts, &c, to be called " E. J. Campion's Patent Eoad-repairer."* 5090. 15th July. William Ward Allen, of Hamilton East, Auckland, New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An invention for "Allen's Volcanic Scouring-soap." 5091. 16th July. Frank James Ludington, Master Mechanic, of Waterbury, Connecticut, and Edward Thomas Pollard, Master Mechanic, of Eichmond, Virginia, both in the United States of America. —An invention for an improvement in machines for making cigarettes. 5092. 16th July. William Hutchins, of 257, Eathdowne Street, Carlton, near Melbourne, Victoria, Storeman.—An. invention for improved means for enabling window-sashes to be temporarily removed from their frames and reversed. 5093. 16th July. David Eeid, of Caxton Buildings, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Publisher. —An invention for improved devices for mounting and locking interchangeable stereotype and electrotype plates on or to their bases. 5094. 16th July. Frederick York Wolseley, of the Union Club, Sydney, New South W r ales, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in the cutters of sheep-shearing machines. 5095. 16th July.—Francis Edward Elmore and Alexander Stanley Elmore, both of Spring Grove, Hunslet, Leeds, York, England, Electro-metallurgists. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for manufacturing tubes by electrolysis. 5096. 16th July. Joseph North Cocker, of West Devonport, Tasmania, Farmer.—An invention for an improved potato-harvester.



5097. 16th July. William Blanch Bbain, of 24, Villiers Street, Elsternwick, near Melbourne, Victoria, Mining Engineer, and Aethub James Aenot, of the Town Hall, Melbourne aforesaid, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for " An improved alternating electric-current motor. 5098. 16th July. E'dwaed Kohleb, of 81, Guilford Street, Eussell Square, London, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in sewing-machines. 5099. 17th July. Neilson Burgess, of Highlands, New Jersey, United States of America, Actor. —An invention for improved apparatus for producing illusory dramatic effects. 5100. 18th July. William Leslie Moeison, of Morison's School of Art, Exchange Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand, Artist. —An invention for " Morison's Drawing Instructor." 5101. 14th July. James Dilliston Clarke, of Wellesley Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Gasfitter.—An invention for an improved appliance for withdrawing clothes from boilers and other similar receptacles. :,; 5102. 17th July. Mads Petek Jonassen, Mechanic, and Howell Young Widdowson, Solicitor, both of Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved reversible rotary steam--5103. 14th July. John Anderson and Archibald Moeeison, of Duuedin, New Zealand, Plumbers, & c . An invention for quickly and easily producing and making curved circular flanges on bends cast in one piece for furnaces, together with a special set of core-irons used in the said making and producing, and entitled " Anderson and Morrison's Patent Furnace-bend." 5104. 21st July. James Geovb, of Blackbridge, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler.— An invention for curing smoky chimneys, entitled " Grove's Hurricane Chimney-top." ;;; 5105. 24th July. James Liddell, of Stuart Town, New South Wales, Miner.—An invention for improved concentrating-machine. 5106. 24th July. David Anderson, of Fair View, Stawell, Victoria, Gentleman, and John Nayloh, of Dudley, Stawell aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for an improved sparkextinguisher and smoke-consumer. 5107. 24th July. William Murray, of 2, Stanley Street, Eichmond, near Melbourne, Victoria, Commercial Traveller, and Eobert Harrison, of Spring Street, Fitzroy, near Melbourne aforesaid, Aerated-water Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved stopper for bottles containing aerated or gaseous liquids. 5108. 24th July. Giuseppe Garibaldi Turri, E.5.C.1., of Sun Buildings, comer of Queen and Bourke Streets, Melbourne, Victoria, Certificated Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in electrical appliances for body-wear, applicable chiefly in the treatment of disease. (W. Eussell.) 5109. 25th July. Arthur Lucas Harrold, a member of the firm of Harrold Brothers, of Adelaide, South Australia, Machinery Merchants.—An invention for improved apparatus for purifying and softening water for boilers and other purposes. 5110. 21st July. Hugh Walker Greig Milner, of Lake Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved mode of and apparatus for refining and preparing kauri-gum_and manufacturing kauri-gum ornaments.* 5111. 24th July. Karl Graf, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved auger for boring coal-blocks." 5112. 24th July. William Henby Gruit, of Eavensbourne, near Dunedin, New Zealand, Platel.—An er y a invention for an improved fang-plate for railway-sleepers. 5113. 23rd July. John Stewart Eeid, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Solicitor. —An invention for improvements in spinning and spooling mechanism.* 5114. 23rd July. John Stewabt Eeid, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Solicitor. —An invention for improvements in machinery for the manufacture of barb fence-wire. * 5115. 27th July. William Pbiessnitz Bonwick, of 59, Blomfield Eoad, Paddington, London, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in stoppers for bottles, jars, and the 5116. 28th July. William McLean, of 409, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Mechanical Engineer. An invention for a combined nightsoil-pan emptier, cleanser, and hot-air excrement evaporator. 5117. 30th July. Christopher Wyndham Wilson, of Eigmaden Park, Kirkby, Lonsdale, Westmoreland, England, Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace. —An invention for improvements in typewriters. (J. N. Maskelyne and J. N. Maskelyne, jun.) 5118. 29th July. George Alfred Montgomery, of Springfield, Canterbury, New Zealand, Saddler. An invention for improved blinkers for horses, to be called " The IXL Blinkers." 5119. 29th July. James Stone, of Auckland, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for decreasing the friction of vessels going through the water.* 5120. 29th July. Francis Luck, of Kihikihi, Auckland, New Zealand, Clergyman.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for loading wagons, drays, and similar vehicles.* 5121. 23rd July. Joseph Beenan, of Paeroa, Auckland, New Zealand, Coach and General Smith. An invention for " Brenan's Steel-spiked Horse-shoes." 5122. sth August. ' Henry Eobebtson, Engineer, Eochlitz John Maclean, Engineer, John Friele, Accountant, and William Foulds, Engineer, all of Sydney, New South Wales.— An invention for an improved mode of and apparatus for operating machine sheep-shears. 5123. sth August. Augustus Harpee Eaiguel Guiley, of South Easton, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Physician and Surgeon. — An invention for improvements in electrical block systems for railways. 5124. sth August. George Weigley, of Jacobstowe, Devon, England, Gentleman, Arthur Harold Wrigley, Cotton Broker, and John Hope, Engineer, both of Liverpool, England. An invention for improvements in, or connected with, mariners' compasses or apparatus for recording the course of ships.



5125. sth August. Edwaed Watees, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in storage-batteries. (W. Eoberts.) 5126. Ist August. Paul Eoach, of Timaru, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for the "Farmers' Friend combined Farm Dray and Farmyard Manure- and Lime-distributor."* 5127. 30th July. Feank Cubtis, of 6, Gladstone Terrace, Melville Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Seaman. —An invention for " Curtis' Non-mercurial Plate-powder." 5128. 11th August. Edmund Tayloe, of Victoria Parade, Geelong, Victoria, Contractor.—An invention for an improved refrigerating-machine for ice-making and cooling purposes. 5129. 11th August. Edwaed Watbes, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in clocks. (S. Davison ; S. Willcock.) 5130. 11th August. Duncan Cambeon, Patternmaker, and Bobebt Camebon, Cabinetmaker, both of Granville, near Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improved contrivances for protecting standing receptacles, such as provision-safes, drawers, cabinets, wardrobes, &c, from the intrusion of insects and vermin.* 5131. 12th August. Thomas White, of Lydiard Street, North Ballarat, Victoria, Mining Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the Watson and Denny patent pan, to be known as " White's Patent Adjustable Overflow and Central Amalgamating System."* 5132. 12th August. Andeew Sinclaie, of Otautau, Otago, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for " Sinclair's Patent Victory Trousers." 5133. 12th August. Stephen Mannington Cafpyn, of Toorak Eoad, South Tarra, Victoria, Surgeon.—An invention for a new and improved apparatus for stamping postal letters and packets, and recording the same, including, when required, an advertising medium.* 5134. 13th August. Thomas Haycock, of Bichrnond, Nelson, New Zealand, Soapmaker.—An invention for a new or improved envelope. 5135. 11th August. Edwaed Don, of Leith Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for " Don's Invisible-lace Boot." 5136. 11th August. Chaeles Edwin Haywaed, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a ventilated and fly-proof cover for meat and other perishable articles. 5137. 18th August. Thomas John Beery, of Mastertou, Wellington, New Zealand, Government Eabbiter. —An invention for " Berry's Speedy Fencing Standard."* 5138. 18th August. Geoege Selwyn Suisted, of Campbelltown, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer, and Chables Edwaed Dahl, of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand, Tent-maker. —An invention for a butter-mould, to be known as " Suisted and Dahl's Champion Buttermould." 5139. 18th August. Akthue Mabshall Chambebs and Thomas Smith, both of Chapeltown, York, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in the arrangement and construction of machinery or apparatus for loading coke from coke-ovens into wagons. 5140. 18th August. Eoland d'Anvebs, of Pemberton, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for a new or improved horse-shoe, and method of shoeing horses.* 5141. 18th August. Bohuslav Fiedlee, of Konigliche, Weinberge, near Prague, Austrian Empire. Engineer.—An invention for an improved match-box. 5142. 10th August. John Wilcox, of Thames, Auckland, New Zealand, Mine-manager.—An invention for " Wilcox's Amalgamating-machine." 5143. 14th August. William Agg-ebs, of Auckland, New Zealand, Upholsterer.—An invention for quickly boiling water, the same to be called " The Tarawera Water-boiling Apparatus."* 5144. 20th August. John Eolfe, of Camberwell Street, Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand, Labourer.—An invention for an earthing and weed-cutting plough, to be called " Eolfe's Earthing Plough." 5145. 18th August. William Frederick Chables Fail, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Brass-finisher. —An invention for improvements in the details of construction of the sight-feed lubricator, as in present use, and entitled "Fail's Patent Disc Sight-feed Lubricator."* 5146. 17th August. John White, of Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for an improved rule or guide for cutting ladies' and gentlemen's clothing.* 5147. 19th August. James Joseph Dignan, of Morrinsville, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for staple-closer combined with staple-opener, extractor, and straining-irons, to be used in fencing with wire. 5148. 20th August. Abraham Eenest Nathan, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engraver. —An invention for a friction igniting and fusing attachment to the end of cigarettes. 5149. 24th August. Aethue Edwin Teevillion Lees, of 44, Sugden Eoad, Surrey, England, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in direct-acting steam pumpingengines. 5150. 24th August. Giuseppe Gabibaldi Tueei, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in bottle-stoppers. (The General Bottle Seal Syndicate, Limited ; W. Painter.) 5151. 24th August. Giuseppe Gabibaldi Tuebi, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for turning over the leaves of music or books. (E. Chilosi.)* 5152. 24th August. Joseph Bbown, of 9, Arcade Street, Prahran, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improved method of, and apparatus for, accelerating the combustion of fuel, specially applicable to steam-boilers and smelting-furnaces.* 5153. 24th August. Alexander Stanley Elmobe, of Spring Grove, liunslet, Leeds, York, England, Electro-metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of metallic articles by electrolysis, and apparatus for that purpose. 5154. 25th August. James Babclay Jackson, of Waipare, Gisborne, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved method of fastening billhooks to their handles, and which is applicable to some other tools.


5155. 25th August. Alexander Walkbb Ebid, of Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in turbines. 5156. 20th August. Thomas Goodall, of Maria Street, South Dunedin, New Zealand, Builder.— An invention for perforated block fuel for burning purposes. 5157. 27th August.. James Higginbottom, of 32, Seel Street, Liverpool, England, Milling Engineer,—An invention for improvements in or appertaining to centrifugal separating or dressing machines, especially applicable to the separating or dressing of flour, middlings, grain, seeds, or the like. 5158. 28th August. Gundee Tellefsen, of Danevirke, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Machinist. —An invention for a new or improved chimney damper. :,; 5159. 25th August. Thomas Hawks, of Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved ploughing and subsoiling machine." 5160. 26th August. Alexander Mackie, of Vincent Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachsmith and Springmaker.—An invention for " Mackie's Improved Tuyere."* 5161. 26th August. Henry Bichabd Juey, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Millwright.— An invention for " Jury's Patent—the Manipes Boat Power."* 5162. 27th August. John Sen Thomson, of Phoenix Chambers, Market Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Commission Agent.—An invention for an improved churn, useful also for heating and cooling liquids.* 5163. Ist September. James Muib, of Queen Street, Masterton, New Zealand, Coachbuilder. — An invention for improvements in the " Zealandia Wool-press" (application for Patent No. 4475, dated 14th day of July, 1890). 5164. 28th August. Thomas Montbesob Baldwin, of Milton, Otago, New Zealand, Bank-manager. —An invention for saving gold, called " The Bruce Gold-saver."* 5165. 2nd September. Thomas Henby Bond, of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention for improvements in wash-tubs.* 5166. 31st August. Chables McGill, of Fortrose, Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for removing the debris from mouth of suction-pipes. 5167. 3rd September. Maximilian Hectoe, of 72, Falconer Street, North Fitzroy, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved contrivance to be used for preventing horses running away, or.for stopping runaways, called "The Horsetamer."* 5168. 3rd September. Francis William Lee, of Woodend, Victoria, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved machine for digging and screening potatoes. ;,: 5169. 3rd September. Chakles Cummings, of 453, East Eleventh Street, Oakland, California, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to apparatus for transmitting power by means of compressed air and utilising said power in operating rock-drills and other machines. 5170. 3rd September. Edward Watebs, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, _ Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvement in organs. (A. Dixon and W. Magill.) 5171. 4th September. James Tboup, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Ironfounder.—An invention for " Troup's Swing Oil-tin Stand." 5172. 4th September. Edwaed Wade Pethebick, of "Willis Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for a fire-grating for fixing in open fireplaces, to be called " Petherick's Patent Fire-grating." 5173. 4th September. David Edwabds, of Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria,_ Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the mouldboard and share of ploughs and cultivators. 5174. 4th September. Eobeet Melville Scott, of Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Contractor.—An invention for improvements in methods of and apparatus for removing harbour- and river-bars and shoals, and subaqueous sandbanks and other deposits of a like nature, and preventing the formation of the same; for deepening and widening rivers, and cutting and clearing canals and like watercourses through sand, clay, earth, and similar formations; and for maintaining a channel in rivers, canals, races, and other watercourses. 5175. 4th September. Edwaed Watees, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for an improved detachable shoe for railway-carriage brakes. (T. Milburn ; J. J. Lappin). 5176. 4th September. Edwaed Watebs, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. An invention for an improved article of manufacture to be used as a substitute for wall-paper, flooring, and other ornamental coverings. (H. Silver.) 5177. sth September. Henby Coebick, of 218, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for burnishing, polishing, blacking, or finishing leather for the soles of boots and shoes. 5178. 7th September. Edwabd Seag-ae, of Victoria Foundry, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for " Seagar's Briquette Machine." :,: 5179. 10th September. John Lawson, of Berwick, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for " Lawson's Patent for Grain-crushing and Chaff-cutting in connection with Threshing." 6180. 14th September. Thomas Dunnill Clapham, of Ashurst, Wellington, New Zealand, Tailor.— An invention for improvements in apparatus for propelling boats, and for storage of air in the same.* 5181. 9th September. Thomas William Quelch Honeywill, Brewer, and William Christian Julius Koetegast, Brewer, both of Hokitika, New Zealand.—An invention for a new and improved method of utilising the ordinary cleansing-casks used in the process of brewing ale or D g Gi" ' ,: 5182. 16th September. Thomas Haycock, of Bichmond, Nelson, New Zealand, Soapmaker.—An invention for a new or improved method of preparing the refuse tow of New Zealand flax.*

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5183. 16th September. Geoege Bomebil, of Wellington, New Zealand, Master Mariner.—An invention for an improved method of protecting the seams and rivets of iron ships from the action of the water.* 5181. 16th September. Geoege Scabfe, Eiohakd Smith, and Thomas Bogeb Scabfe, trading together under the style of George P. Harris Scarfe and Co. as Merchants at Adelaide, South Australia, and Askin Mobeison Nicholas, of Melbourne, Victoria, Metallurgist.—An invention for improved method of transmitting power by means of water or other suitable liquid, and appliances therefor. :,c 5185. 14th September. Chew Chong, of Courtenay Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Butter Merchant. —An invention for cooling air to be used in connection with the manufacture of butter or other purposes, the apparatus to be called " Chew Chong's Air-cooler." 5186. 14th September. Chew Chong, of Courtenay Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Butter Merchant. — An invention for moulding butter into packages of equal size, to be called " Chew Chong's Butter-moulding Machine." 5187. 14th September. James Troup, of Crown Ironworks, Armagh Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Ironfounder. —An invention for " Troup's Corrugated Ridge-cap."* 5188. 14th September. Eobebt Samuel Elston, Jun., Traveller, and John Liddington Higgs, Painter, both of Ashburton, New Zealand. — An invention for "Elston's Patent Safety Envelope."* 5189. 16th September. Geoege Scaefe, Eichaed Smith, and Thomas Eogek Scaefe, trading together under the style of George P. Harris Scarfe and Co. as Merchants at Adelaide, South Australia, and Askin' Moeeison Nicholas, of Melbourne, Victoria, Metallurgist. —An invention for improved flexible gear and appliances for transmitting motion by means of water or any suitable liquid to sheep-shearing machines. 5190. 16th September. William Angus, of Taylor Street, Sydenham, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for an improved swivel skeith or circular coulter, to be known as " The Angus Swivel Skeith." 5191. 16th' September. William Harbison, of Eakaia, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a steamer for improving the condition of stacks about to be cut into chaff. 5192. 18th September. Thomas Lawson'Thompson, of Te Ore Ore, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer. —An invention for new or improved safety fire-screen grate." 5193. 18th September. Elihu Thomson, of Swampscott, Massachusetts, United States of America, and Edwin Wilbub Eice, Jun., and Noeman Chauncey Bassett, both of Lynn, Massachusetts aforesaid, all Electricians. —An invention for improvements in electric railway motors. 5194. 18th September. Thomas Claekson, of Elm-tree Villa, Battersea, Surrey, England, Engineer. —An invention for an improved machine for classifying or sizing materials. _ 5195. 14th September. John Mitchell, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect. — An invention for an improvement in carpenters' planes. 5196. 19th September. William Speies Simpson, of 49, Battersea Park Eoad, London, England, Civil Engineer. —An invention for apparatus to facilitate obtaining books after insertion of coin. 5197. 19th September. James Thomson Glover, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in jet water-motors. 5198. 19th September. Francois Gustave Dosmond, Chemist, and Jean Ferdinand Bozes, Engineer, both of Agen, France. —An invention for improvements in processes for preserving alimentary substances. 5199. 17th September. John Anderson and Aechibald Moeeison, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumbers, Brass-founders, and Engineers.—An invention for an improvement in the construction, design, and manufacture of door-handles, and entitled " The Everlasting Door-handles." 5200. 23rd September. Charles Black, of Sea Point, Napier, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for drawing corks. 5201. 24th September. David Estler Blacke, of 92, Powlett Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, Manager of the Austral Nail Company (Limited), of Ferrars Street, South Melbourne, Victoria aforesaid. — An invention for an improved wire-nail-making machine.* 5202. 24th September. James Seymour Philip Stutley, of the Grand Coffee Palace, Hindley Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Proprietor.—An invention for an improved self-generating gas lamp. (W. Hooker.)" 5203. 21th September. William Eeeington, of Salisbury Buildings, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for automatic stone-cutting and stone-dressing machinery. 6204. 26th September. Feedeick Peterson, of Te Kopuru, Kaipara, Auckland, New Zealand.— An invention for the cure of toothache, to be known by the name of " Abdol." 5205. 19th September. Geoege Bond, of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An invention for the combination boot- and knife-cleaner, grinder and polisher for scissors, &c.* 5206. 28th September. Thomas Lawson Thompson, of Te Ore Ore, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer. —An invention for separate outside adjustment for " The new or improved safety fire-screen grate." (No. 5,192.)* 5207. 24th September. Eobebt Millis, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Printers' Machinist. —An invention for making block-bottom paper-bags, and entitled "The Simplex Bag-making Machine." 5208. 25th September. William Coupe and Jonathan Coupe, trading under the name of " Coupe Brothers," of Wanganui, New Zealand, Contractors. —An invention for boring into soft rocks, to be called " Coupe's Patent Bock-auger." 5209. 25th September. Eobert Lochhead, of 6, Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Importer.—An invention for " Lochhead's Combined Clothes-wringer and Mangle Clamps."



5210. 25th September. Chew Chong, of Courtenay Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Butter Merchant.—An invention for moulding butter by hand into packages of equal size, the apparatus to be called " Chew Cbong's Hand Butter-moulder." 5211. 28th September. Peal Germ, of Ghristchurch, New Zealand, Machinist.—An invention for a spring-frame water-barrow, to be called " The Handy Spring-frame Water-barrow." 5212. 25th September. August Scheidel, Ph.D., of Thames, New Zealand, Technical and Metallurgical Chemist.—An invention for vacuum filter appliance for separating gold and silver solutions from ore, tailings, or other materials. 5213. 25th September. Ellen Endean, of Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper, and Heney Eichaed Juey, of Parnell, Auckland aforesaid, Millwright.—An invention for a better and quicker method of cleaning knives, to be called " Mrs. Endean's Knife-cleaner." (Eefused.) 5214. 28th September. Eeginald Somebville Feancis Aickin, of Eichmond Eoad, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for a patent safety bi-lateral-action stirrup.* 5215. 30th September. Heebeet John Isitt, of Brancepeth, Masterton, New Zealand, Clerk and Accountant. —An invention for " Isitt's Patent Non-corroding, Air-tight, Heat-resisting Bisulphide-of-carbon Carrier," being a pot for carrying bisulphide of carbon for the destruction of rabbits/" 5216. Ist October. Eeedeick P. Eosback, of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, Machinist. —An invention for improvements in metal fence-posts. 5217. Ist October. Geoege Fbedeeick Dawson and Heemann Neumann, both of Bradford, York, England, Stuff Merchants.—An invention for an improved compound for use in extinguishing fires. (M. Eberhardt.) 5218. Ist October. William John Wallis, of Ni Ni, Victoria, Blacksmith, and Thomas Albeet Tayloe, of Kiata East, Victoria, Farmer. —An invention for a new and improved combined weed-cutter and scarifier.* 5219. Ist'October. William McLean, of Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved nightsoil and offal desiccating apparatus. 5220. 2nd October. William Cheistophee White, of Sneyd Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Contractor. —An invention for improvements in packing-cases and crates and in means for stowing goods carried in same. 5221. 2nd October. Joseph Caetee Oakman, of O'Connell Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for an improved exercising-machine. 5222. sth October. David Landsboeough Cocheane, of Eeefton, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for a new excavator.* 5223. 3rd October. Joseph Huokee, of St. Andrew Street, Dunediu, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker. —An invention for comfortably and safely accommodating children at dinner or at play by a combination folding-chair and table, called "Our Pet." 5224. Bth October. John James Billet Liddington, of White Horse Eoad, Blackburn, near Melbourne, Victoria, Builder.—An invention for an improved combination tool for clamping timber.* 5225. Bth October. Fbedeeick Giles, of Fawkner Street, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an improved apparatus for retaining a lift-car or cage at any point of its travel. 5226. Bth October. Annie Summees, of Yarra Glen, Victoria, Agriculturist.—An invention for an improved combined current-wheel and conduit. 5227. Bth October. Edwaed Watees, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in a process and apparatus for dressing of crushed ores. (O. Bilharz.) 5228. 9th October. Eyebson Dudley Gates, of Chicago, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for stone-crusher and pulveriser, 5229. 12th October. Thomas Eoheet Whitmoee Weight, of Blairich, Awatere, Marlborough, New Zealand, Shepherd. —An invention for a new or improved method of destroying rabbits.* 5230. 14th October. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parko and Lacy Company, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies.—An invention for improvements in hydraulic elevators. 5231. 14th October. Alfbed Melchioe, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer.— An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines. 5232. 14th October. Alfeed Heney Collier, of Sydney, New South Wales, Accountant.—An invention for improvements in telephone receivers, usable also as transmitters.* 5233. 10th October. Geoeoe Mathison, Jun., of Mount Allen, Silver Peak District, Otago, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer. —An invention for an improved wire-fastener for sheep- and cattlefences. 5234. 14th October. John Edwaed Touch, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in gearing for driving pumps by windmill or other power. 5235. 14th October. Alexandeb McCall, of North Melbourne, Victoria, Grocer.—An invention for an improved contrivance for preventing horses running away with vehicles.* 5236. 14th October. Heebeet Leslie Manton, of 454, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant. —An invention for an electric device for indicating tabulated public information. 5237. 9th October. Chaeles Waltee Hill, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Pharmaceutical Chemist. —An invention for a wrapper for invoices, circulars, or other similar documents for transmission by post,


5238. 13th October. Feedebik Lawrence Hans Joegensen, of 24, Adelaide Crescent, Brighton, England, at present temporarily residing at Dunedin, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for counteracting the movement of any article on board a vessel that is required to be kept steady, and entitled " The Motionless." 5239. 16th October. Thomas Headen, of High Street, Prahran, Victoria, Builder.—An invention for improvements in earth-closets.* 5240. 16th October. Leicester Bbadney Stevens, of Darlington Works, Southwark Bridge Eoad, Surrey, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in semaphore signalling apparatus for use on board ship, at coast-guard stations, and the like.* 5241. 16th October. James Kemp Welsh, of Parkstone, Weybridge, Surrey, England, Gentleman, and Geobgb Bbownen, Fellow of the Chemical Society, of Althorp Eoad, Upper Tooting, Surrey, England.—An invention for an improvement in syphon bottles. 5242. 16th October. Coleman Phillips, of Featherston, Wairarapa, Wellington, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for an apparatus for exterminating moths.* 5243. 16th October. Edwaed Battebsby Toomath, of Aurora Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in machinery for marking and counting sheep.* 5244. 17th October. William Toogood, of Featherston, Wairarapa, New Zealand, Storekeeper.—■ An invention for " Toogood's Patent Fibre-cleansing, .Drying, and Scutching Machine."* 5245. 15th October. Hakold James Augustus Pyke, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for kauri-gum cleaning process.* 5246. 22nd October. James Jamieson, of Sydney, New South Wales, Farmer. —An invention for an improved combination multiple-furrow plough and planter. 5247. 22nd October. Gundee Tellefsen, of Danevirke, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Machinist, and Heney Hughes, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Foreign Member of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents.—An invention for an improved apparatus for washing floors.* 5248. 23rd October. Henei Galopin, of Temple Court Place, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Scientific Engineer. —An invention for improvements in and connected with apparatus 'for regulating the supply of liquid hydrocarbon to lamp and other burners in houses, rail-way-carriages, and other structures. 5249. 19th October. Haeold James Augustus Pyke, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An iuvention for handle-brace for scrub-hooks. 5250. 26th October. Maueice James Keating, of Sydney, New South Wales, Lieutenant in the Naval Artillery.—An invention for improvements in targets, and in apparatus for marking connected therewith. 5251. '23rd October. James Keie, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Machinist.—An invention for an improved hinge for folding straw-elevators, to be called " Keir's Elevator Hinge."* 5252. 29th October. Maegaeet Janet Keegan, of Cororooke, Victoria, Dressmaker. —An invention for improved charts to be used as guides for cutting out dresses and other garments. 5253. 27th October. Alfeed Baetlett, of Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Watchmaker. —An invention for " Bartlett's Eacing-clock, for Starting, Handicapping, and Timing Eaces."* 5254. 31st October. John Adam Beeg, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Coachsmith.—An invention for " Berg's Improved Exfcelsior Eoad Cart." 5255. 31st October. James John Shedlock and Thomas Denny, of 105, Gresham House, London, England, Civil and Mining Engineers.—An invention for a process and apparatus for extraction of metals from ores. 5256. 31st October. Louis Caenegy Auldjo, of 255, George Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in air or gas compressors. 5257. 31st October. Angleson Edwaed Adams, of Invermark House, Dixon Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Chairmaker. —An invention for a device for indicating the time at which a lodger desires to be awakened, and the name of refreshment he requires, to be called " The Bedroom Watch."* 5258. 3rd November. Thomas Clement Hodgkinson, of Eamsden's Buildings, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, and Heney Thomas Tompsitt, of Flinders Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Wholesale Druggist.—An invention for a new or improved combined electro-medical apparatus coil and battery. 5259. 3rd November. William Beazenall, Engineer, and Matthew Byenes, Steamboat Proprietor, both of Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for improvements in the method of effecting the smokeless combustion of fuel in boiler-furnaces, and in apparatus for aiding combustion in and preventing the emission of smoke from such furnaces.* 5260. 3rd November. John Thoenton, of Oxford Chambers, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Contractor. —An invention for an improved spark-arrester. 5261. 3rd November. John Moffat, Tin-smelter, of Irvinebank, Queensland, and Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, and AVilliam Wright Virtue, of Bridge Street aforesaid, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in machines for shearing or clipping wool and for cutting hair. 5262. 3rd November. John Moffat, Tin-smelter, and William Weight Vietue, Engineer, both of Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for improvements in flexible shafting for transmitting rotary motion, and in coupling-attachments therefor. 5263. 3rd November. John Moffat, of Irvinebank, Queensland, and Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Tin-smelter, and William Weight Vietue, of Bridge Street aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machines for grinding and sharpening shearing combs and cutters and certain other tools and instruments,



5264. 3rd November. John Moffat, of Irvinebank, Queensland, and Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Tin-smelter, and William Weight Vietue, of Bridge Street aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in overhead driving gear, or mechanism for communicating rotary motion to flexible and other intermediate shafting in connection with sheepshearing and like apparatus. 5265. 3rd November. Thomas Smith, of Hanover Street, Windsor, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gas Engineer. An invention for an improved method of and apparatus to be used in the manufacture and storage of inflammable gas for general purposes.* 5266. 3rd November. Edwaed Watees, of 131, William. Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for apparatus for securing buttons to garments or other articles. (E. Noelle.) 5267. 4th November. Anton Hendeek Hansen, of Wellington, New Zealand, Meat-extract Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved process for manufacturing a nutritive jelly. 5268. 30th October. Eobeet Fellowes Webstee, of Pnkekohe, Auckland, New Zealand, Saddler. —An invention for an improved saddle-tree. 5269. 4th November. Dan Eylands, of Stairfoot, England, Glass-bottle Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in receptacles for preserved meat and other substances. 5270. 30th October. John Scott, of Tay Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Carpet and Bedding Maker, Flax-dresser, and Rope-spinner. —An invention for " Scott's Patent Flax-dust," for relieving pain and healing sores arising from burns, scalds, &o. 5271. 31st October. Heebert Henry Smith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Wrought-iron Eange Manufacturer. —An invention for a cooking-range, to be called " Smith's Patent Climax Eange." 5272. 29th October.—Charles Mytton Brooke, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Chemist.—An invention for a simple lamb-feeder, to be called " Brooke's Simple Lamb-feeder."* 5273. 30th October. William McLaughlin, of Papatoitoi, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.— An invention for a kauri-gum cleaner or scraper.* 5274. -3rd November. Frederick William Cone, of Kaiapoi, New Zealand, Saddler.—An invention for an adjustable horse-collar and hames combined. 5275. 4th November. Albert Henry Parsmore Noble, Mechanician, and Michael Scott Campbell, Gentleman, both of Christchurch, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved method of hanging, fastening, and lifting gates for sheep-yards, wool-sheds, and similar purposes. 5276. 29th October. Solomon Cox, of Kensington, Victoria, Horse-dealer.—An invention for a new compound for blistering and curing sprains, swellings, mange, and other skin-and footdiseases in horses, bullocks, dogs, sheep, and other animals; and also for the curative treatment of chilblains, blistered and chapped hands and feet, colds and rheumatics, and similar affections in human beings. 5277. 7th November. Enoch Hallett, of Meeanee, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Surveyor.—An invention for an improved method of clearing " dags " or locks of wool from sheep-dung.* 5278. 4th November. Thomas Moore Bryant, of Auckland, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for a can for cold, hot, or steam preserving meats, fish, fruits, jams, jellies, honey, molasses, butter, &c, to be called " The Colonial Preserve-can." 5279. sth November. William Vaile, of Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention for "William Vaile's Patent Self-acting Gum-cleaner."* 5280. sth November. William Ernest Hughes, of Auckland, New Zealand, Registered Patent Agent. An invention for improved apparatus for heating milk and some other liquids. (M. Pedersen and E. A. Lister.)" 5281. 7th November. Thomas Ceompton, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Ironfounder.— An invention for a new cooking-stove, to be called " The Settlers' Universal Cooking-stove." 5282. 10th November. William Teoutbeck, of Patrick Street, Stawell, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved sheep-shearing machine.* 5283. 12th November. Alexandee Bruns, Chemist, and Franz Neubeet, Merchant, both of Halle a Salle, German Empire.—An invention for process for producing sparkling wines and apparatus therefor. 5284. 13th November. Elias Dimant, of 204, Little Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Warehouseman. —An invention for an improved spring-bottom foundation or " backing " for bedsteads, mattresses, couches, chairs, seats, and the like.* 5285. 13th November. Eobeet Staeke, of West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, Solicitor, and William Pateeson, of Phoenix Chemical Works, Maryhill, near Glasgow aforesaid, Chemist. —An invention for improvements in the extraction of metals from ore.* 5286. 12th November. William Andeews and Aethur Ward Beaven, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers. —An invention for an improved combined clover threshing, shelling, and cleaning machine. 5287. 12th November. William Andrews and Aethur Waed Beaven, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers. —An invention for an improved exhaust fan and cleaning-machine for use in connection with clover or grain or grass seed cleaning machinery. 5288. 12th November. William Andeews and Aethue Ward Beaven, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers. —An invention for an improved sheller for clover. 5289. 6th November. Aethue Wemyss Horsbrugh, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a standard compass for the use of ships, surveyors, &c* 5290. 6th November. Arthur Wemyss Hoesbrugh, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a compensating compass for the use of ships, surveyors, &c* 5291. 10th November. Alexander Harvey, of Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Tin-, Zinc-, and Copper-worker. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for milking cows, (W. Murchland.)



5292. 16th November. Henry Vincent Smith, of 33, Cunningham Street, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for improved contrivances for closing and locking the doors of railway-carriages.* 5293. 16th November. Henry Vincent Smith, of 33, Cunningham Street, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for improved means for operating semaphore arms.* 5294. 16th November. Henky Vincent Smith, of 33, Cunningham Street, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for a magnetic lock principally applicable to doors, gates, boxes, and drawers.* 5295. 16th November. Sigismund Bacon Wobtmann, of 126, East Seventy-ninth Street, New York, United States of America, Gentleman. —An invention for mechanical movement. 5296. 16th November. The Paeke and Lacy Company, an incorporated company according to the laws of California, one of the United States of America, carrying on business at San Francisco, California aforesaid, and Sydney, New South Wales, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies.— An invention for improvements in water-tube steam-boilers. (J. A. Caldwell.) 5297. 14th November. Charles Loomes, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Salesman.—An invention for an improved trap for codlin and other moths. 5298. 16th November. Eichaed Keakns, of Upper Nelson Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Telegraph Instructor. —An invention for " Kearns's Combination Telegraph Sounder Instrument."* 5299. 20th November. William Nelson, of Tomoaua, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer, and James Just Niven, of Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improved means or apparatus for actuating the cutters of sheep-shearing machines.* 5300. 20th November. Waltee Cole, of 39, Coleman Street, London, England, Architect.—An invention for improvements in centrifugal machinery or apparatus for separating cream from milk.* 5301. 20th November. Alueed Edwaed Gibson, M.A., of 4, St. Clare Terrace, Dartmouth, England, Instructor in Physics.—An invention for an improved cigarette or cigar.* 53D2. 23rd November. Joseph Samuel Beeman, of St. Kilda, near Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved process for treating refractory gold- and silver-bearing materials.* 5303. 23rd November. John Ceastee Mowbeay, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Land Agent.—An invention for an improved apparatus for tethering and leading cattle and some other animals.* 5304. 25th November. Howaed Osborne, of Wellington, New Zealand, Trunkmaker.—An invention for an improved girdle or belt. 5305. 26th November. John Heney Hill Duncan, of 39, Coleman Street, London, England, . Chartered Accountant. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture or production of butter.* 5306. 26th November. Eobeet John Walkee Pound and Waltbe Peossee Heskett, both of Market Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, Metallurgists.—An invention for improvements in cupola smelting-furnaces and the manner of repairing the same.* 5307. 26th November. John Tayloe Pope and James Eaphael Buick, both of Tangorin, Queensland, Telegraph Operator and Engineer respectively.—An invention for improvements in water-motors. 5308. 24th November. William Heney Eule, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a new simple water-filter, to be called " Eule's Acme W T ater-filter." 5309. 26th November. KdwaedWateks, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in and connected with engines in which gas generated from petroleum or other liquid hydrocarbon is employed. (C. W. Pinkney.) 5310. 25th November. Goenelius Lot Wheeleb, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Mill-machinist.— An invention for an improved seed and grain disintegrator, to be called " Wheeler's Seed and Grain Disintegrator." 5311. 27th November. William An dee w Young, of Wellington, New Zealand, Coach Proprietor. —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for brushing and grooming horses and some other animals.* 5312. 24th November. Edward Hughes Elliott, of Cross Street, Timaru, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for an improved electro-magnetic belt.* 5313. Ist December. Carl Thomas Blanch Beam, of Devonport Cottage, Helsby, Chester, England, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in power-conduits for tramways or railways, and in electrical connections therefor. 5314. Ist December. James Hoensby, John Innocent, and Isaac Trolley, all of Spittlegate Ironworks, Grantham, Lincoln, England, Engineers. —An invention for improvements in harvest-ing-machines.* 5315. Ist December. Geoege Andeews, of Jessamine Villa, Willesborough, Kent, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in means or apparatus for trapping animals and birds.* 5316. Ist December. Andrew Feench, of Willowbank, Larbert, Stirling, Scotland, Metallurgist.— An invention for improvements in obtaining gold, silver, and copper from ores. 5317. Ist December. Pierre Eauee (commonly known as " Pierre Paulin Faure "), of 5, Place dv Champ de Foire, Limoges, France, Engineer.—An invention for an improved machine for decorticating ramie and other textile plants. 5318. Ist December. Peter Henderson, of Waihao, South Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for a double- or single-seated rnonocycle.*



5319. 23rd November. EIOHABD Jambs Owen, temporarily residing at Burleigh Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Teacher of Shorthand. —An invention for a cooling envelope for milk, meat, Ac* 5320. 27th November. John Smaill, of Leith Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improved coupler to be used in connection with. " Safety Swingletree."* 5321. 2nd December. Ernest John Graham and John Taskeb, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Portrait Artists.—An invention for an improved fly-paper and advertising medium.* 5322. 26ch November. William Meikle, of Mercury Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for saving gold on the tables of quartz-crushing batteries, to be called " Meikle's Patent Battery Table." 5323. 4th December. Joseph Geoege Nash, of Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide, South Australia, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the construction of sheep-shearing machines, and in the method of actuating the same. 5324. 4th December. Henry George Bedell, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved machine for applying water-power.* 5325. 2nd December. David Eanken Shibbeff Galbbaith, of Bell Eoad, Eemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, Metallurgist.— An invention for " Galbraitli's Molecular Ferro-ferric Carbon Equivalent Eeductiou Process."* 5326. 7th December. Walter Cousens Alexandeb, of Grenville House, Boutport Street, Barnstaple, North Devon, England.—An invention for a machine for separating magnetic ironsand from gold, titanium, and other foreign matters, for the purpose of obtaining these for use.* 5327. 3rd December. John Fenwick Elliott, of Sullivan's Eestauraut, Stuart Street, Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for "The Magnetic Babbit-trap." 5328. 9th December. Donald Stuabt, of Foxton, Wellington, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for an improved method, of colouring and enamelling leather.* 5329. 9th December. James Fkeybeeg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor and General Business Agent. —An invention for a new rotary ball castor.* 5330. 9th December. James Freyberg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor and General Business Agent.—An invention for a new solid horn castor.* 5331. 9th December. James Feeyberg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor and General Business Agent. —An invention for " The Arctic Freezer."* 5332. 10th December. Feedebiok Langwoethy, of Unwin's Bridge Eoad, St. Peter's, Sydney, New South Wales, Builder. —An invention for coal-dust briquettes. 5333. 11th December. John Biechall, of 51 and 53, Little Latrobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for an improved automatic fire telegraph instrument.* 5334. 11th December. —John Duff, of Eathmines Eoad, Hawthorn, Victoria, Contractor, and Eenest Maegetts, of Malmsbury Street, Hawthorn aforesaid, Storekeeper.—An invention for an improved shirt-ironing board. 5335. 11th December. Heemann Pape and William Hennebeeg, both of Hamburg, German Empire, Engineer. —An invention for improved means for dry separation of materials of different specific weight and of different size. 5336. 12th December. Thomas Feeeman Beenchley, of Mauriceville, Wellington, New Zealand, Limeburner. —An invention for destroying various kinds of blight on fruit-trees and ornamental shrubs, and exterminating field and garden insect pests, called " Brenchley's Fertiliser and Farm and Garden Insecticide."* 5337. 12th December. Alfbed Melchioe, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer.— An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines. 5338. 12th December. Thomas Feeguson, of 8, Oban Street, Hawksburn, Victoria, Engineer.— An invention for an improved machine for injecting syrup into, and filling with aerated waters, internal-stoppered bottles. 5339. 12th December. Sampson Williams, of Knigge's Avenue, Wellington, New Zealand, Builder.— An invention for improvements in the arrangement and working of the sliding-doors of landings of lift-shafts or tramcars. (W. P. Martin.)* 5340. 12th December. Sampson Williams, of Knigge's Avenue, Wellington, New Zealand, Builder. —An invention for a new or improved contrivance whereby lift-cages may be fixed at landings to avoid accidents. (W. P. Martin).* 5341. 7th December. Alexander Stoeeie, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Implement-maker.—An invention for " Storrie's Patent Folding Drill." 5342. 11th December. Enos Bond, of Wade, Auckland, New Zealand, Storekeeper, and James Goodfellow, of Dairy Flat, Auckland aforesaid, Farmer. —An invention for an improved stirrup.* 5343. 15th December. Heney Ashwoeth, of Wadestown, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—■ An invention for "The Patent Stop-gap or Anti-vibrator," for placing between the ends of rails in the spaces or joints of tram- or rail-ways.* 5344. 16th December. Viotob James Williams, of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Brushmanufacturer. —An invention for the syringe-brush for washing bottles.* 5345. 15th December. Patrick John Henley, ,of Leeston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for a new grain-pickling machine, to be called " Henley's Grain-pickling Machine." 5346. 18th December. Mephan Ferguson, of Carlton Foundry, Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for improvement in the art of uniting metal plates or sheets. (J. C. Bayles.)



5347. 18th December. Mbphan Ferguson, of Carlton Foundry, Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for improvement in the manufacture of metallic pipes or tuhes. (J. C. Bayles.) 5348. 18th December. William Hawkins and Thomas Hawkins, both of 41, Hale Street, Landport, Portsmouth, England, Mechanician.—An invention for improvements in and relating to generating fluid-pressure for motive-power and other purposes. 5349. 14th December. Eobeet McEacheean Peace, of Auckland, New Zealand, Kauri-gum Merchant. —An invention for an improved mode of, and apparatus for, cleaning and preparing kauri-gum. 5350. 14th December. Eichaed Haeris Hopkins, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for an improvement in metal cans for preserving meat, fruit, syrup, and some other commodities. 5351. 16th December. John Johnston, of Wood's Hotel, Eattray Street, Dunedhi, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for the separation and amalgamation of gold, to be called " The Johnston Separator and Amalgamator."* 5352. 21st December. John Deake Hueley, of Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An invention for an improvement in last-making, to be called " Hurley's Patent Trinomial Last." 5353. 19th December. Valentine Samuell Aston, of Gisborne North, New Zealand, Tinsmith.— An invention for a triplex axle-pulley for balancing window-sashes, or where a similar balance may be required. 5354. 24th December. Eeginald Baylet, Draughtsman, and Follett Carrington, Computer, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a revolving automatic reading-desk, to be called "The Planet Eeading-desk." 5355. 24th December. Thomas Falvey, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved registering-machine, to be called " Falvey's Compound Begisteringmachine." 5356. 29th- December. Donald McLean, of Waitaki North, New Zealand, Ploughman.—An invention for the conservation of apples and pears, to be called " The Apple-conserver." 5357. 29th December, Alexandee Shiels, of 190, Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, M.8., CM., B.Sc. —An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, automatically regulating temperatures in ships, buildings, rooms, and other interiors or places. 5358. 29th December. Eenest Walkee, of 89, Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in check cash-tills. 5359. 29th December. Andrew Thomas, F.C.S., of Gresham Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Analyst.—An invention for an improved process for the recovery of metals from their solutions.* 5360. 29th December. The Electeolibeation Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alabama, one of the United States of America, and doing business at Birmingham, Alabama aforesaid, and elsewhere. —An invention for improvements in the methods of curing nervous and other diseases of the human system, and apparatus therefor. 5361. 29th December. Alexander Abeedeen Blackman, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mining Agent. —An invention for an improvement in the extraction of free gold from metalliferous material. 5362. 29th December. John Eead Peacock, of 8, Taylor's Cottages, London Eoad, Nottingham, England, Patternmaker, Henry Walker Hill, of 47, Hampden Street, Nottingham aforesaid, Consulting Engineer, and John Paekee, of 42, Dryden Street, Nottingham aforesaid, Civil Engineer. —An invention for improvements in or relating to nuts for screwed bolts and the like. 5363. 30th December. James Eeeve Wilkinson, of Addington, Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved spout for kettles and other vessels intended, for boiling water or other liquid, in cases where a spout is required, and is attached with solder or made with soldered seam. 5364. 23rd December. David William Owen Fagan, of Mangapai, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a household flue-brush and chimney-sweeper.* 5365. 30fch December. William Aeetas Parry Sutton, of Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand, Stock Inspector. —An invention for "Sutton's Parasitic Drench for Sheep and Cattle."* 6366. 23rd December. William McCoequodale and Alexander McCoequodale, Jun., both of Auckland, New Zealand, Flour-millers.—An invention for cleaning kauri-gum, to be called " McCorquodale's Automatic Kauri-gum-cleaning Process." 6367. 31st December. Chaeles Loomes, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Salesman. —An invention for an apparatus for catching the grubs of the codlin and other moths and insects which ascend or descend the trunks and limbs of trees.



I. —Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1890 and 1891.

Note.—As some applications have been received from joint applicants resident in different countries, these figures will total more than the actual number of applications received.

J .— Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1890 and 1891.

Note. —As a few applications have been received from persons giving an address in more than one country, the columns will Add to slightly more than the actual number of applications received.

X.—List of Publications in the Patent Office Library at the Museum. British.— Specifications, 1617-1700, 1751-1800, 1800-1860, 1860-1870, 1870-1880, 1880-1889, 1890 (half-year). Plans to English specifications. Abridgments of specifications. Eeference indexes of patentees and inventions. Chronological indexes of patents. Subject-matter indexes of patents. Descriptive indexes of patents. Patent Office Report, 1849-1871. Commissioner of Patents Journal, 1854-1883. Official Journal of the Patent Office. The Illustrated Official Journal of Patents. Reports of patent, design, and trade-mark cases decided by Courts of law in the United Kingdom. American. —Official Gazette, United States Patent Office, 1872-1879. General index of Official Gazette and monthly volume of patents, 1872-1878. Canadian Patent Office Record. Eivropean.—P&tent Blatt (Berlin), 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. South Australia. —Specifications of patents, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. New South Wales.— Specifications of patents, 1866, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1879, 1883, 1884. Index to New South Wales letters of registration of inventions from 1854 to 1887. Supplements to the New South Wales Gazette. Victoria.— Specifications of patents, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1880, 1882, 1887, 1890. Supplements to the Victorian Gazette. Queensland. — Specifications of patents, 1889. Supplements to the Queensland Government Gazette. New Zealand. —Specifications of inventions, &c, letters patent, from 1861 to 1879. " The Patents Act, 1889," with the regulations thereunder, and hints to inventors. Approximate Cost of Paper.- —Preparation, not given ; printingil,4oo copies), £1 ( 3 Bs.

By Authority : George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92. Price, 9cl]


1890. 1891. 1890. 1891. New Zealand Argentine Republic Austria Belgium British Columbia Canada France .. ('■ermany New South Wales Norway Portugal 352 313 1 ;;. "; •■ i 7 6; 2 6 i 5 57 ! CO .. I 1 •i I 1 Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 6 3 18 8 8 "9 8 90 21 52 1 1 1 88 as 69

New Zealand Austria .. Ceylon .. Cuba France .. 1890. 89 3 1891. 87 1 New South Wales Queensland Russia South Australia Switzerland United Kingdom United States Victoria 1800. .. 7 .. j .. .. i 40 ..18 1891. 11 1 1 2 1 73 13 17 4 2 17 1 2 Germany Holland India Natal .. 3 1 1 I

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-02

Word Count

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-02

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-02

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