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5015. 26th May. Giuseppe Garibaldi Tubri, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in bottling-machines. (The General Bottle Seal Syndicate, Limited ; W. Painter.) 5016. 26th May. Giuseppe Gabibaldi Tubbi, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in bottle-stoppers, and in machinery for inserting wire loops in the same. (The General Bottle Seal Syndicate, Limited; W. Painter.) 5017. 22nd May. Pebcy Adolphus Vaile, of Auckland, New Zealand, Solicitor. —An invention for " Vaile's Patent Simplex Acute-angled Wire-fastener or Nail for fastening and keeping in position Fencing and other Wire." 5018. 28th May. Alfred Aeden Lycett, of Sydney, New South Wales, Salt-manufacturer. —An invention for improved apparatus for the manufacture of salt. 5019. 28th May. Edwabd Martin Knight, of 1209, Market Street, San Francisco, California, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in and relating to filters. 5020. 27th May. James Walter Oliveb, of Greeustreet, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for a self-feeder for threshing-machines, to be called "The Oliver Self-feeder." 5021. Ist June. Abthue Noeman Lawrence Benporath, of Manaia, New Zealand, Accountant. —An invention for improvements in account-books whereby liability to error is minimised, and rapidity in reference and entry ensured, such invention to be called " The Lightning Reference and Entry-book." 5022. 3rd June. Thomas Franklin Boyd, Blacksmith, and John Thomas Cbaig, Farmer, both of Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for a new or improved potato-digger.* 5023. 3rd June. David Smith Laing, of Timaru, New Zealand, Manager of John Mill and Co. — An invention for "Laing's Number Register," to be fixed on a shoot for tallying.* 5024. 4th June. Thomas Brining and George Listee, of Leeds, England, Boot and Shoe Engineers.—An invention for improvements in or relating to machines for feeding and driving tacks, rivets, nails, and other similar fastenings.* 5025. 4th June. The Wolseley Sheep-sheaeing Machine Company (Limited), of Great Britain, whose registered office is at No. 4, Sun Court, Cornhill, London, England.—An invention for improvements in flexible couplings or joints for toothed-wheel gearing. (W. Barraclough.) 5026. 4th June. John Moffat, Tinsmelter, and William Wright Vietue, Engineer, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in machines for shearing or clipping wool and for cutting hair. 5027. 4th June. Manfield Newton, of Sydney, New South Wales, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved mode of manufacturing a new or improved safety explosive. (J. Spencer.) 5028. 4th June. William Wallace Norton, of Adelaide, Commercial Traveller, and Peteb Sinton Mitchell, of Mount Gambier, Farmer, both of South Australia.—An invention for improvements in sheaf-carriers of reaping-and-binding machines and in means of attaching and working the same. 5029. 4th June. Emma Baeeett, of Wellington, New Zealand, Dressmaker.—An invention for an improved bodice-pattern of all sizes, traced or stencilled on to glazed, starched, or other material linings used in connection with dressmaking. 5030. 4th June. Albert Williams Daw, and Zachaeias Williams Daw, both of Laurvig, Norway, Mining Engineers.—An invention for improvements in and connected with valves for percussive rock-drills, direct-acting pumps, and engines. 5031. Ist June. Thomas Weare, of Kumeu Junction, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a new self-ventilating and mildew-preventing glass roof for vinery or orchardhouse. 5032. Ist June. Matthew Gbiffith, of Howe Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a gold-saving appliance, to be called " Griffith's Gold-saving Eipple." 5033. 3rd June. Heney Cobbick, of 218, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for forming loops in leather and other materials, to be called " Patent Looping-machine." 5034. 6th June. Feedeeick W t illiam Buesill, of Eangiora, New Zealand, Sheep-station Manager. —An invention for an improved trap for catching rabbits, rats, mice, or other small quadrupeds. 5035. 6th June. William Reeves, Jim., of Rangiora, New Zealand, Coachbuilder —An invention for " Reeves's Patent Splashboard." 5036. Bth June. Samuel Joseph Mackie, of 27, Chancery Lane, Middlesex, England, Civil Engineer, and Heney Hughes, of Hendre House, Coronation Road, Bristol, England, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in coding and transmitting telegrams and secret messages. 5037. 4th June. Harey Ernest Page, of 7, Bury Street, King Street, Westminster, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in advertising.* 5038. 9th June. Thomas Shields, of Wellington, New Zealand, Tailor.; —An invention for an improved button, and fastener for the same.* 5039. 10th June. David Ranken Shieeeff Galbeaith, of Bell Road, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, Metallurgical Expert.—An invention for " The Galbraith-Bessemer Non-intermittent Water-gas Producer."* 5040. 11th June. Geobge Ashwin Cheeke, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman. — An inven--tion for a new or improved trap for the capture of rabbits in infested country.