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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid on the Table by the Hon. Mr." J. McKenzie, by Leave of the House.

The Registbak, Canterbury College, to the Hon. the Ministek of Lands. Sib,— Christchurch, 18th August, 1891. I have the honour, by direction of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, to forward herewith the report of the Director of the School of Agriculture, Lincoln, for the twelve months ending the 30th June, 1891, together with Appendices Nos. 1 to 10, inclusive, attached thereto. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Lands, Wellington. A. Cbaceoft Wilson, Eegistrar.

The Dikectoh, Agricultural College, to the Chairman, Board of Governors, Canterbury College. Sib, — Canterbury College, School of Agriculture, Lincoln, 23rd July, 1891. I have the honour to submit my report for the twelve months ending the 30th June, 1891. College. —The year has been a fairly successful one. During the second term, 1890, the number of students was forty-one, whilst for the first term, 1891, the number was forty-five. Several applications for admission have had to be postponed, the accommodation for students having been fully occupied. The work done by students is about up to the usual standard. There is a fair proportion of good workers, but I should much like to be able to report an improvement on the part of the majority. I cannot say that reducing the fee to £40 per annum has given us a more industrious or intellectual class of students, though the reduction to that amount has resulted in filling the school. To have to deal with listless, dull, lazy, in fact, useless youths, is most disheartening to the teaching staff, and, as these always claim to have been here, their presence is a positive injury to the institution. At the last annual examination the final certificate was awarded to students A. E. Fuller, T. P. Clark, and Eobert Murray. I am very glad to know that the University Senate has before it the question of recognising agriculture by conferring a degree on similar lines to the B.Sc. in Agriculture of the University of Edinburgh. I have several times brought forward the question of making our final certificate of more importance, and I gladly welcome this proposal of the Senate, trusting, however, that the taking of this degree may not be practically plaoed out of the reach of our students by the insistance upon the observance of conditions difficult to be complied with. Such, for instance, would be residence in Christchurch, after passing a certain time here, for the purpose of completing the science course. We have, I think, sufficient convenience here for students attaining to the necessary standard, but if we cannot prepare students for an University examination in subjects pertaining to agriculture, means should be found for the schools so doing, for I feel assured that this suggested condition of compulsory r attendance at lectures in town will render almost nugatory the otherwise most valuable proposition of the University Senate, for very few agricultural students either could or would afford time and money to pass a considerable time in town. And the question of ways and means would especially be a most important one for scholarship students, amongst the ranks of whom I should expect to find the largest number of candidates for the honour. But until agriculture is introduced into the State schools as one of the subjects of tuition, there will always be a lack of interest in the subject on the part of the cleverer boys, to whom we should look for an annual draft—by means of scholarships granted to the most deserving—into this technical secondary school, where they should work up for University honours. This question of agriculture in State schools and scholarships is from time to time brought forward by one or another as something new, but I should like to state that in nearly all my reports for the last eleven years this subject has been more or less fully noticed. The increased number of students rendered necessary increased supervision and direction on the farm, and Mr. W. H. Alington was appointed farm overseer out of some thirty-five applicants. This appointment has answered expectations. To show how students have been employed I append copy of time-table in force (Appendix No. 10). I—E. 10.


The cost of students has been somewhat larger than last year, owing to the higher price of meat during the latter part of 1890, and in consequence of an increased outlay for fuel, owing to the labour troubles of the same period. For the six months, July to December, 1890, the cost for food, fuel, and light was £12 12s. 2d. for each person in the establishment, and for the last six months £11 7s. 7d., or a total of £23 19s. 9d. per annum. Adding to this servants' wages, the cost was for the year £38 Is. sd. for each student and member of the teaching staff; or, compared with the cost at Dookie College, adopting the same method of calculation, and including the same items, which resulted in the figures given by the late Eoyal Commission, the cost was: Dookie, 1889, £25 2s. 6d.; Lincoln, 1889-90, £27 3s. 5d., and 1890-91, £28 19s. Bd. The College buildings are all in good order. Some improvements, such as the provision of a room for the farm overseer, were found necessary, and there was some expenditure upon improving the drainage, by which the whole of the drains can now be thoroughly flushed ; but there will be little expenditure required next year beyond a little painting and casual repairs. It has been found necessary to furnish several bedrooms owing to the increased number of students, the cost of which was not included in the estimates. Farm. —The farm year has been a most unsatisfactory one in consequence of the drought. The rainfall for 1890 was only 14-836 inches, the average being 2(3-739 inches (see meteorological tables, Appendix 3). All crops looked very well until November, but then began to suffer. The yield was the smallest yet harvested (see Appendix No. 5). Not only did the grain suffer, but grass, clovers, and green crops likewise, and, added to this, our turnip-crop, which promised exceedingly well, has been all but destroyed by the caterpillar of the diamond-back cabbage-moth (Platella cruciferaruni), so that we have only about two-thirds the number of sheep we usually carry during the winter. The returns are therefore poor. But, beyond this, all experimental work initiated has been without reward. Nothing is much more disheartening than finding a season's time and trouble giving no results. Especially was this the case with the numerous manure experiments (see Appendix No. 8), but even the large number of wheats sown could notfbe judged as to value. The number of varieties of wheat has been increased to some eighty-five (see Appendix No. 7). lam indebted to Mr. Farrer, of Queanbeyan, New South Wales, for a great number of these wheats; others have come to me from England, America, Australia, and New .Zealand. Of the hundreds of varieties of wheat tried on the farm (see former reports), but few have shown more useful qualities than those ordinarily grown and acclimatised in the colony. In fact, it is seldom that an imported wheat can be properly judged the first or second year of growth here. However, all but one of the wheats grown on the farm in the ordinary course are the produce of samples imported quite lately either by myself or others. The new shearing-shed has been completed, and fitted with Wolseley shearing-machines. It has proved a great convenience to us. All the farm-buildings, machinery, and implements are in good condition, though more shed-room is required for the latter. We may be able to add to the available space during the year, under the supervision of the farm mechanic. The only addition of importance to the implements has been the strawsonizer. This invention answers its purpose admirably, both as a distributor of manure and as a sprayer. This adds another to the number of implements first introduced on this farm. Of those more or less in general use, and which were first used here, may be mentioned the digging-plough, the disc-harrow, the waterdrill, the cream-separator (in its early form), the hay-sweep, &c. The strawsonizer was specially imported with a view to trying to protect the turnip-crop from the cabbage-moth caterpillar already mentioned, but all applications have failed. These comprised kerosine emulsions and arsenical solutions of various strengths. The fact that the caterpillar works on the underside of the leaf presents a difficulty to treatment by spraying, but it was thought that by poisoning the leaves the caterpillar would be killed on reaching and feeding upon the poisoned spot. The increase of the insects was, however, so rapid that no practically good effect was noticeable. Birds, particularly the starling, collected in the infected crops in great flocks, but without perceptibly checking the ravages of this pest, which this year not only consumed all the leaves, but even penetrated the bulbs, often to the depth of a Jin. This attack is a most serious matter, as it materially affects the winter supply of mutton for freezing and export. Much work has been done in improving the lower part of the farm in draining springs, filling up dangerous swampy places, which there abounded, and in general levelling, &c. This work has been continued every autumn whenever horses were available, and, I am glad to say, with results which are now very visible in the improved appearance of this portion of the College estate. lam not sorry to be able to say that there is not much more similar work to be done, as there is little to show for the expenditure to any one not thoroughly acquainted with the former condition of this part of the farm. The supply of water in the water-races has not yet been sufficient to enable us to irrigate even experimentally, for which purpose, no doubt, the Selwyn County Council would have allowed us to use superfluous water. I understand that the supply will be next summer greatly increased, so that irrigation experiments projected some time since may then be put in hand. Last summer being an exceptionally dry one, the demand for water was greater than the races could always supply, so much so, that I had actually to cart water for some of the stock in November last. Under such circumstances it would be folly to attempt irrigation. The sheep-crossing experiments have been continued, and promise fairly well, especially where there-fourths Leicester blood has been used. The half Leicester and merino crosses have not kept their size, though the quality is excellent. For netting on turnips I much prefer the three-quarter Leicester type, where the coarser woollen sheep have been rigidly culled. The reports of the examiners in practical agriculture upon the farm, &c, have been before you. Besides the various experiments with manures on roots and grain—those on wheat being given in detail in Appendix No. 7 —many connected with the germination of grain under different condi-



tions have been carried out, more especially in connection with dressings for the prevention of smut. Bluestone is undoubtedly a preventive, but is often so injurious to the seed that some other remedy easily applied would be most valuable. Many a thin wheat crop is the—often unsuspected —result of bluestone pickling. Last year several specimens of injured seed wheat were received, with inquiry as to the cause, which was very evidently this practice. Following up the experiments of Jensen, of Copenhagen, many trials of the effects of hot water have been made. These are detailed in Appendix No. 9. The fieid experiments were conducted on specially obtained smutty wheat. It is too often the case that suggested remedies are tried on the ordinary seed wheat of the farm, and successful results published, i.e., as to absence of smut in the crop, but all farmers know that seed free from smut does not need pickling. No trial is therefore of any value unless made on wheat to which spores of the fungus are adhering. I find that the plan stated in evidence by a New South Wales farmer (see Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales) that dipping wheat for half a minute in water at a temperature of 160° to 170° Fahr. is a certain cure for smut and is in use in his neighbourhood is destructive of the seed. Of golden-drop wheat treated in this way only one-half grew, and much of that was weak, the radicle generally suffering. Of rough-chaff only one-third grew, whilst white tuscan was all destroyed. Some few new plants have been grown experimentally. For instance, all the more likely varieties of sorghum have been tried, with a view of increasing our summer feed. Our climate is, however, too cold. Several varieties of American grasses have also been cultivated to the same end. Some of these show more promise. Other plants, as the newly-revived serradella, a madia, several " bee " plants have been tried on a small scale. The most valuable importation is, I think, the zig-zag clover (Trifolium mediam) —the true English cow-clover. This will grow on lighter lands than the ordinary red-clover, and that sown promises well. The Jersey tree-cabbage and the purple-branching broccoli were also imported, and sown with our turnip-crop, but, unfortunately, these suffered the same fate as other members of the brassica tribe, being destroyed by the cabbagemoth caterpillar. Sugar-beet is again under trial, newly-imported seed having been kindly sent me by Mr. A. Werner, of Doyleston, who has also lately forwarded for.analysis samples of beet-roots grown by several farmers in his neighbourhood. These are under examination by Mr. Gray, but, from the coarse appearance of most of the roots, I have no great expectation of the yield of sugar being larger than in roots examined in several previous years. Our specimen grass-plats have been kept up, but much more ought to be done in the way of grazing trials, both with respect to yield, fattening qualities, and effects of grazing on various grasses. These I hope to be able to take in hand now that I have assistance on the farm. Mr. Gray has collected samples for analysis at least twice, but for want of time has been unable to proceed with the work. The report of Mr. Gray upon the work of the chemical department is appended (see Appendix No. 1). This will show how much valuable work has been done in our chemical laboratory, and I should like to point out that this work is done in addition to teaching students both in the lectureroom and the laboratory, and that the time at Mr. Gray's disposal is altogether too short, even for the completion of analysis of manures or for the public, so that original investigation or research is perforce neglected. So great is the pressure on the little time that can be given to this analytical work, that analyses for the farm have stood over, and only that which seems most valuable to the public has been completed, leaving undone altogether at times such less important work as soil analysis. Even as it is reports are often necessarily delayed through sheer inability to spare the time for examination of the samples received. As much misconception and ignorance exist as to the value of soil analysis, and as some people show annoyance at their requpst for analysis being at times declined, I have thought it desirable to write a short paper on this subject, which I append (Appendix No. 4). The most valuable results from our chemical work are the outcome of the examination of manures. There has been a great deal of low-class manure sold at a high price, and even now a sample at times turns up, though, owing to our reports, some districts of the colony have been almost cleared of these, a good class of manure taking their place, to the great benefit of farmers. Still, so long as the farmer will listen to the prating of the seller that " results " is the test of the value of a manure, so long will he be liable to be taken in. For it is very well known to what substances increased crops are due, and therefore, though it may be that a poor manure has in a certain season and on certain land given good results, which cannot be denied, there is no doubt that a smaller quantity of a good manure, containing a like quantity of these useful substances, would have given like results at a very much lower cost. And there has been very much money thrown away on almost worthless rubbish, which might have been saved had farmers a knowledge of this subject, and were they not so easily led away by a glib tongue. lam aware that we have got into very bad odour with some manufacturers, but the annual saving to farmers has been very large, and I am prepared to show that by causing the substitution of good manures for fraudulent or poor ones we have more than saved to the colony the total cost of this institution. A good Act of Parliament would assist in the work of sweeping away worthless or poor manures by giving legal protection to persons exposing those offering such articles for sale, and by giving the farmer a remedy against fraud. But an Act to be really useful must not unduly hamper manufacturers by imposing irritating conditions. In fact, if the farmer would buy his manure on analysis with a fixed allowance for deficiencies, he can protect himself without further legislation. Mr. Gray speaks for himself in his report, but, in connection with this subject of manures, I would direct particular attention to some instances where analysis alone has shown great discrepancy in the value of samples of manure very similiar in appearance, and offered in the market at about the same price. And of other instances of what must be characterized as fraudulent manures, and, lastly, of cases of gross adulteration. take, firstly, superphosphates, Nos. 578 and 747, both English. No. 578 contains 93 per cent. of soluble phosphate ; No. 747, 24-93 per cent., the values being £4 7s. and £8 per ton, though the



selling prices were about alike. Look again at the Chesterfield Island guanos, and the Akaroa guanos ; the values of the former range from £112s. 3d. to £3 16s. 4., and the latter from £1 11s. 6d. to £9 lls. per ton. Yet in the market—at any rate, in Chesterfield guanos —little difference existed in the selling price of the various samples. Next look at Nos. 681, 762, 119, 125, and 118 ; these are poor samples, requiring the penal clauses of an Act of Parliament to deal with them. Whilst, as for adulteration, samples of bonedust, Nos. 387, 452, 762, 774, show it in various degrees; the value of these, when compared with that of good samples, such as No. 447 or No. 682, being the best test of the extent to which farmers are at times fleeced. I have said that good manures have, to a great extent, taken the place of the inferior ones in several districts of the colony, and this applies particularly to those manufactured in New Zealand. For instance, samples of superphosphate and of dried blood, obtained from the Belfast works, are now excellent of their kind, and, in the case of the first-named, were last year as cheap as the imported, whilst the latter is cheaper than any manure of its class that I know of. A report on the work done in the natural science department is also attached (see Appendix No. 2). This also speaks for itself with respect to the work done, and hardly needs reviewing by me. Mr. Wilkinson's examination of seeds shows the existence at times of adulteration, of substitution, and that old and weak seed is sometimes sold. This, though I know that but few of the really bad samples of seeds on the market reach us, for obvious reasons. I would, however, direct attention to Mr. Wilkinson's observations respecting the presence of seeds of the creeping (here called the California) thistle in samples Nos. 154 and 226, both alsike clover. In one case, one of the seeds found was sown in our garden, and produced a very fine specimen of this dreaded weed. This was carefully dug up and all discoverable roots destroyed, but during the autumn I myself dug up from time to time twenty-five shoots from small pieces of root left behind after the thorough digging-out the plant had been subjected to. Few have an idea how difficult it is to get rid of this weed, and how easily it may be introduced to the land. It is evident that growers of alsike should be particularly careful that the seed purchased by them is quite free from the seed of this thistle. The work done in the orchard in attacking the scale insect is of considerable interest, but much more requires to be done in this direction. It will be noticed that a small apiary has been started, which should afford much information to those who care to follow up the proper treatment of the honey bee. Certain meteorological tables that are of interest are attached to this report. Mr. Wilkinson has, at my desire, divided the observations for the last nine years into periods of four months, representing as nearly as may be—consistent with retaining the totals of each calendar year—the periods during which growth is almost stagnant; that during which it is most rapid; and, lastly, that including the months of ripening and harvest. It is in connection with this table—my table showing the yields of grain be referred to —it will be seen that there is a close connection between yields of grair and seasons, particularly with respect to rainfall—both quantity and regularity, and also time of fall—and to temperature. Undoubtedly season affects returns more than systems of cultivation or manuring, or aught else. The number of frosts occurring during the year will probably surprise many. The rainfall of 1890 — viz., 14'836in. was by far the lowest recorded here. The record of 1891, so far, is, however, anything but promising for a good season, for during the five months, March to July, there has been even less rain than during the same months of 1890 —viz., 6'69in. to 8-27 in. It is true that we had nearly 6in. in January and February of this year, but these summer rains hardly ever reach the subsoil, so that we have at present the prospect of having to meet even a drier time than the summer of 1890. For August is really now the only month daring which we may expect rains sufficient to wet our subsoils to such a depth as would furnish moisture from below to our crops during next summer. I have, &c, The Chairman, Board of Governors. W. E. Ivey, Director.

APPENDICES. APPENDIX No. 1. CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Deab Sic, — I beg to hand you herewith my report for the year ending the 30th June, 1891. In the place of the usual resume of the work done in the chemical laboratory, 1 have in the present instance, dealt with manures alone, since I venture to think that the information obtained when collated in this way will be of greater interest and value. Samples of manure have been received from all parts of the colony for analysis, and the results here given fairly represent, I think, the quality of the various manures obtainable in New Zealand generally. Other results, which have accumulated from the analysis of milk, soil, &c, are reserved for future reports. Yours, &c, W. E. Ivey, Esq., Director. Geobge Geay, Lecturer on Chemistry.

A Eeview of oue New Zealand Manube Supply. During the last few years a considerable number of manures have been received from farmers and others for analysis, and it, has-been thought desirable to review the results obtained, so as to give a general idea as to the quality of the various manures obtainable in New Zealand. In carrying out this work the present resources of the chemical laboratory have been fully utilised, and although the results in some cases have not been furnished as promptly as could be wished, there is reason to believe that the value of the work is fully appreciated; and several cases have occurred where the information given has been the means of checking the sale of manures of doubtful character,



Our requirements with regard to manures are year by year increasing, and it is important that consideration should be given to the quality and composition of the manures available, since on this depends, not only their power to produce the desired results, but also their money value to the farmer. . The system of special manuring demands that the manure added to the soil should contain the food constituents most needed by the crop under cultivation, and if these are absent or present in a condition not suited to the requirements of the crop, then the full effect will not be produced, and loss may result. It might be well here, perhaps, to mention that experience and experiment have shown that under existing conditions grain crops and grasses are assisted most in their growth by nitrogen manures; that root-crops require soluble phosphates; and that liguminous plants, such as beans, peas, &c, are improved by potash manures. These facts should be borne in mind in the selection of manures for special crops. The influence of general manures, such as farmyard manure, on any given crop is largely due to the action in this way of one or two of its constituents, and not on the whole of the food constituents contained in the manure. Bonedust. The samples of bone received have mostly been in the form of bonedust, but few coarse samples having been sent. Nearly all were well ground and in good mechanical condition. The manurial value of bones depends to a certain extent on the treatment they receive before reaching the farmer. In the natural condition bones contain about 33 per cent, of organic matter, and about 66 per cent, of mineral matter. With the exception of a little fat, the former consists of a nitrogenous substance, ossein, which contains about 18 per cent, of nitrogen. _ The mineral portion consists mainly of tribasic phosphate of lime, with small quantities of calcium carbonate and other salts. The fat present, by protecting the bone, retards its decomposition in the soil, and it is generally the custom of the manure manufactures to boil or lightly steam the bones in order to remove the fat. When, however, the operation is carried too far the ossein is also more or less removed. Glue is generally prepared from bones in this way by subjecting them to a temperature of about 150° with steam under pressure. This treatment of course decreases their value by owering the percentage of nitrogen. At the same jtime both boiling and steaming have a great Influence on the mechanical condition of the bone, allowing it to be ground finer, and this admits of its better distribution through the soil, and consequently quicker action. Exposure to weather has isomewhat the same effect as boiling and steaming, but requiring considerable time. A loss of nitrogen frequently results from the practice of heaping the bones together after boiling or steaming, by which fermentation is produced, and a considerable amount of.nitrogen, in the form of ammonia,' is disengaged. In all probability the bones are rendered still more friable by this treatment, but it is at the expense of the most valuable of its constituents, nitrogen. Table I. gives the composition of the New Zealand prepared samples of bonedust that have been examined, together with that of a few imported samples.

Table I. — Analysis of Bonedust.


I 1 I District received from. 2 I I I | I o 3 02 i, o a o o 7i o =S ■~ Pi s a £ Q .2 O o 6 a o 7-, gf •3 2? §>° III Cm .Si oO s-sj 111 Money value per Ton. P 2 Gl G2 G3 17 26 50 120 146 255 350 351 387 384 395 396 403 452 517 518 634 654 College farm Christohurch Leeston .. Auckland Belfast .. Springston Invercargill 7-62 8-17 9-60 4-95 4-00 5-65 6-75 5-25 6-44 8-00 6-75 9-15 8-25 915 8-62 8-05 7-90 8-97 5-GO 8-05 9-80 8-66 33-60 31-05 26-55 33-05 33-48 38-09 35-05 35-19 33-36 33-80 32-03 35-86 48-15 33-75 34-43 32-30 32-45 27-37 24-20 24-29 38-76 43-48 12-70 3-26 4-60 1-22 17-72 6-48 6-46 6-43 6-23 9-34 2-70 2-08 11-17 3-58 3-50 5-45 13-30 20-68 3-78 9-58 0-75 1-38 40-75 49-21 47-59 51-38 33-55 40-15 41-26 46-67 44-61 42-70 47-00 43-55 23-54 40-87 42-27 49-05 39-24 33-46 54-20 49-10 4607 42-70 5-45 7-71 9-54 5-11 5-40 8 55 8-56 3-30 307 4-00 7-80 5-72 8-81 5-98 8-88 386 5-44 2-65 9-64 8-30 2-80 2-80 0-60 0-60 2-12 4-29 0-85 1-08 1-32 3-10 1-29 2-16 3-12 4-14 0-08 0-67 2-30 1-29 1-67 0-87 2-58 068 1-82 093 3-61 2-87 3-74 3-57 2-23 2-07 2-57 2-57 2-52 4-27 3-38 3-92 1-75 2-17 3-08 3-36 2-59 3-08 1-82 2-80 3-92 4-83 10-7 9-2 14-0 10-8 0-8 5-4 7-2 7-3 6-5 12-6 10-3 11-0 30 6-4 8-9 10-4 7-9 11-2 7-5 11-5 10-1 11-1 10-8-2 10-6-3 10-5-5 10-6-4 10-8-6 10-9-4 10-8-6 10-7-5 10-8-5 10-7-9 10-6-9 10-8-1 10-20-4 10-7-2 10-8-1 10-6-5 10-8-2 10-8-1 10-4-4 10-4-9 10-8-4 10-10-1 £ s. a. 5 11 6 5 19 9 6 6 6 6 10 9 4 13 6 4 15 0 5 2 0 5 12 0 5 7 0 6 19 6 0 9 5 19 9 3 10 5 8 6 5 19 0 6 4 3 4 18 0 4 12 6 5 18 6 5 18 9 6 4 6 6 7 3 Fairlie Creek Auckland Walton .. Greendale Methven Piako .. Waikato Auckland Invercargill 682 683 685 755 756 762 764 Timaru .. Oamaru .. Christchurch Walton .. Terouka Christchurch • • « 39-22 39 96 52-04 32-66 45-88 30-46 45-30 1-38 0-20 5.28 4-58 4-90 21-42 - 7-10 52-32 50-57 2990 56-68 40-98 35-20 40-70 7v 12-6-i 8: 12-' 6-i 08 27 78 08 18 92 84 3-29 3-29 4-48 2-52 3-36 2-73 3-92 10-4 10-2 10-1' 10-0 87 11-9 10-4 10-6-0 10-6-3 10-14-0 10-4-4 10-9-3 10-6-4 19-9-2 6 9 8 6 6 6 5 0 0 6 10 0 5 9 6 4 12 6 5 14 6 827 829 832 885 Auckland Timaru .. Waikato.. Christchurch 37-84 52-88 4600 43-52 6-26 120 2-05 12-68 4500 36-40 45-20 35-30 a-40 7-84 4-90 6-00 0-90 1-68 1-85 2-50 2-87 4-48 3-43 4-06 9-5 9-9 8-9 11-3 10-6-7 10-12-4 10-8-4 10-10-1 5 12 0 5 12 0 5 18 0 5 6 0


Analysis of imported Bonedust.

Nos. 383 and 385 are Australian samples. Nos. 404 and 447 are from Calcutta. The money values of the manures, of which analysis are given in this report, have been kindly fixed by Mr. W. E. Ivey, Director of the school. Our New Zealand bonedust, as a whole, would bo much improved if it contained less sand or silica. Of the thirty-three samples of which analysis are given, twenty-two, or 66 per cent., contain above 4 per cent, of sand, which is a liberal allowance to the manufacturers. In the worst samples, Nos. P2, 17, 387, 403, 452, 762, and 885, its presence to the extent indicated must be attributed to something more than carelessness in preparation, and can only be considered as wilful adulteration. Pure bonedust contains no silica, or at most a very minute trace, and its presence in the bonedust is due to contamination by earthy matter. Bones are often allowed to lie about in pig-yards and become covered with mud and dirt, and then, without cleaning, are ground-up and sold to the farmer. It is possible with ordinary care to prepare bonedust so that it shall contain 1 per cent, of sand. The ratio of phosphates to organic matter in pure bone is about 10 to 5, but m the samples referred to the relative proportion of organic matter is in many cases above this. This is due to the presence of animal matters, such as dried flesh and blood, hoof, horn, hair, &c, and the nitrogen present in these bodies compensates to some extent for the loss of nitrogen that may have taken place from the causes previously mentioned, such as steaming, fermentation, &c. The ratio between the phosphates and the organic matter is shown in the table of analyses. The results may be considered in the following way : If the ratio is much wider than 10 to 5, then extraneous organic matter is present, if much below this, then the organic must have been reduced by steaming or fermentation. That the excess of organic matter present is less rich in nitrogen than that contained in pure bone, is also shown by an examination of the columns giving the percentage of nitrogen in the organic matter present. The dry organic matter, or ossein of pure bone, after the removal of the bone, contains about 18 per cent, of nitrogen, and, although it is not to be expected that, in an article like commercial bonedust, this degree of purity will be reached, yet the results generally might be higher. No. G2, if we accept the silica, which is above what it should be, is a good typical bonedust in this respect, while in No. 387 we have a bonedust containing nearly one half its weight of organic matter, and this giving only 1-75 per cent of nitrogen, while, in addition to this, it is adulterated with 11 per cent, of sand. The Eoyal Agricultural Society of England gives the following recommendations to the purchasers of manures: "(1.) Eaw or green bones or bonedust should be purchased as 'pure' raw bones, guaranteed to contain 45 to 48 per cent, of tnbasic phosphate of lime, and to yield not less than 4 per cent, of ammonia (= 33 per cent, of nitrogen). (2.) Boiled bones should be purchased as ' pure ' boiled bones, guaranteed to contain from 55 to 60 per cent, of tribasic phosphate of lime .and to yield not less than 1 per cent, of ammonia (= 0-82 of nitrogen)." The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland gives as the range of phosphates in bonemeal (raw) 44 to 45 per cent, and from 4 to 5 per cent, of ammonia, and in steamed bones 56 to 65 of phosphates and from 1 to 2 per cent, of ammonia. An American authority, Professor Johnston, considers that bones which contain less then 19 per cent, of phosphoric acid (= 41-47 per cent, of tribasic phosphate of lime) and more than 5 per cent, sand should be considered adulterated. PltospJiatic Guano. Shipments of phosphatic guano frequently reach New Zealand from the Chesterfield and other islands, and appear to be much appreciated in some districts for turnip-growing, especially in Southland. These phosphatic guanos are formed from the deposits of sea-birds, the soluble constituents having been removed by rain. That from the Chesterfield Islands (Long Island, &c.) seems to be most m request, the other kinds being imported more for the manufacture of superphosphate of lime.

Table II.— Analyses of Chesterfield Island Guano.


6 ! District received from. I o I O o "3 6 H O ,£3 O I III .Si 2° Jli ill Pn 'o Q 4 to Money value pel Ton. !5 383 Auckland 385 404 Waikato 447 Christohuroh 10-83 31-90 8-90 31-62 7-15 24-65 6-35 29-33 2-65 202 48-39 5-79 979 9 77 260 4-57 2-1G 3-27 3-22 10-2 10-1 10-G-5 10-6-5 £ s. d, G 3 0 6 19 7-00 4-40 48-83 53-19 315 3-43 12-7 11-6 10-5-0 10-5-5 G 1 9 G 12 9

g t3 District received from. 6 -3 o $3 (8 O u 23 Ah 6 II G I 3 I o u 2 Money-value, per Ton, 63 152 190 271 295 352 390 391 Timaru Inveroatgili Cliristuhurch Dunedin .. Auckland Invercargill Springston Thornbury 6-68 11-84 2-85 8 63 7-34 14-54 ' 12-38 500 7 31 8-7S 4-80 11-88 4-25 8-51 4-12 8-68 14^20 006 0-26 0-08 040 0-34 0-22 0-30 0-14 34-93 19-90 17-90 29-40 37-86, 27-50 15-58 28-56 4260 65 20 59-32 50-11 43-67 51-55 6856 56-80 3 95 316 0-82 2-71 207 4-55 2-74 1-70 0-9S 0-14 0-33 0-53 010 0-47 0-28 0-49 a s. a. 3 16 4 1 18 6 1 17 0 3 0 9 3 11 0 2 16 6 1 12 3 2 18 9 890 Christohurch 0-18 34-70 50-80 0-12 0-56 3 10 10


The above are low-class manures, with an excessive amount of calcic carbonate in the form of coral, shells, &c. If some means could be devised so that the guano could be screened before leaving the islands its value would be increased. The value of phosphatic guanos depends upon the percentage of tricalcic phosphate-present. Although no doubt on many of our New Zealand soils the cabonate of lime would be beneficial, yet, where it is desirable to apply lime, it could be done in a cheaper way. One important feature in the Chesterfield guano is the small amount of 'silica it contains. It is generally dry and in good mechanical condition. Other phosphatic guanos have been examined—namely, the Coral Queen, Howland Island, Abrolhos or Eat Island, Maiden Island, and Port Adelaide. The first four are of much better quality than the guano of the Chesterfield Islands, and if the supply holds out they will probably be the source of the phosphates for our superphosphate industry for some time to come. The Port Adelaide samples are inferior to the Chesterfield, and contain an unusually high percentage of sand. The following analyses will show the composition of these guanos, with that of two others, the sources of which are not known :—

Table III. — Analyses of Phosphate Guanos.

Akaroa Guano. During the years 1888 and 1889 a quantity of guano was brought from the caves at Akaroa. The samples varied considerably in quality. Some were nitrogenous, and equal to the best Peruvian guano, while others were worthless. The better class ones contained feathers, which furnished a portion of the nitrogen represented in the analyses. Most of the samples, however, contained rather a high percentage of silica and insoluble matter; and, as this contained iron, the guano would not be suitable for the preparation of superphosphate, even supposing it could be procured with a higher percentage of tricalcic phosphate. The varied composition and value of these guanos shows well the importance of purchasing manures only on the results of analysis.

Table IV. — Analyses of Akaroa Guano.


Name of Guano. S 1° d Hi District received from. s S3 'o a q in II 'H O o 0 a I 2 Moneyvalue, per Ton. 6-46 13-04 21-16 00 £ s. d. 5 17 6 3oral Queen .. 247 Christohuroh 0-26 56-40 24 l'O9 758 Walton .. 0-18 53-62 25•04 0-42 5 4 3 826 East Hamilton 17-22 0-16 57-60 I 22-60 > . I 2-42 0-56 5 13 3 lowland Island 267 519 633 580 581 392 Waikato Cliristchnrch Duneciin.. Christchureh I 8-66 ; 12-95 5-00 8-90 I 9-90 3-90 18-83 10-15 5-20 10-04 11-8'J 9-40 21-72 21-44 8-40 10-95 10-48 10-18 1-60 0-20 0-20 4-00 3-98 0-10 3108 36 00 46-82 5010 j 61-80 5662 51-52 54-13 61-91 1602 30-49 32-90 29-05 12-00 25-88 6-62 1-49 24-28 3-70 600 4-50 0-55 1-10 2-90 7.04* I 9-06f 1-41 19-42J 6-88§ 0-40 0-36 0-47 0-31 0-98 0-89 0-81 1-33 0-67 0-67 4 17 0 6 0 0 5 8 6 5 7 0 5 10 9 6 4 3 2 5 6 3 4 6 3 9 0 Hat Island ilalden Island.. ?ort Adelaide .. 380 260 Thombury Ghristchuroh InvercargiU Thornbury tfot known lr • • 276 Christchurch 1625 8-09 5-68 60-77 9-: !lt 0-56 5 19 3 * Containing iron am blumina, 2-25. § C 1 alumina, 3-45. t Cc iontaining iron and alumina. mtainin; 2-7G. g iron ai ad alu: Gontai mina, 3'( ining iro: 38. { C. n and alumina. mtaini: 7-00. iron and

I go District received from. 4) E3 '3 or I •ass I (3 i III ill f! ! ill d s i 5 3 Id t> O tkEH ® H 237 238 250 251 252 Christchureh 15-32 16-48 22-28 23-15 19-83 9-78 21-64 30-26 49-49 51-53 54-99 1002 20-80 5-13 8-33 13-39 13-68 9-25 6-28 6-52 29-25 29-88 20-21 13-73 14-23 15-86 16-20 10-96 7-45 4-59 9-89 2-75 6-45 8-50 9-20 1-66 3-92 5-11 11-83 11-62 £ s. a. 3 18 6 5 7 0 5 19 8 9 6 8 7 9 Kirwee 259 Christchurch 45' 74 34-73 7-47 16-30 5-76 5-30 4-97 4 12 6 284 286 293 Lincoln .. 14-40 13-37 16-85 50-46 24-53 20-67 3-32 17-84 27-88 15-07 19-78 12-90 32-93 43-17 28-16 11-00 16-11 12-32 5-75 8-37 9-38 10-43 3-71 2-94 9 11 0 6 10 9 4 12 0 347 348 349 Christchurch %. 45' 29 40 ■12 •46 03 16-32 31-10 27-05 11-20 9-80 9-20 24-44 20-39 20-08 8-40 9-85 9-18 18-96 19-79 14-54 3-85 1-68 1-75 4 15 0 3 10 3 10 388 389 15-50 13-27 10-32 12-67 51-64 47-92 5-27 6-35 11-50 13-86 6-21 8-02 11-06 11-77 0-70 063 1 11 6 1 15 4


In the above table of analyses the phosphoric anhydride is given separately, and the proportion of tricalcic phosphate to which it is equivalent is given in the next column. This has been done as in some cases a portion of the phosphoric anhydride in these guanos is in the form of soluble phosphates of the alkalies, which gives it an increased value. Superphosphate of Lime. The chief objection to raw phosphates, such as bones, phosphatic guanos, &c, is that they require considerable time to decompose in the soil before they become available for the purposes of plant growth. In superphosphates this objection does not exist, since the phosphates have been rendered soluble by the use of sulphuric acid. The chemistry of the process may be expressed as the conversion of the insoluble tricalcic phosphate by the action of sulphuric acid into the soluble monocalcic phosphate and sulphate of calcium or gypsum. Superphosphate of lime is therefore essentially a mixture of monocalcic phosphate and calcium sulphate, together with any tricalcic phosphate that has not been so acted on by the sulphuric acid, and any organic matter, silica, &c, that may have been present in the raw phosphate. The quality of the resulting superphosphate will therefore mainly depend on the nature of the raw material from which it is made. Mineral phosphates that are rich in phosphoric acid will, if properly manufactured, produce high-class superphosphates, while substances poor in this constituent will produce superphosphates with a low percentage of monocalcic phosphate and a relatively high percentage of other substances which were either present in the original substance or which have been formed by the action of the sulphuric acid. For this reason it is not possible to manufacture high-class superphosphates from bones in good mechanical condition. In the first place, the proportion of tricalcic phosphate is not sufficient; and, secondly, if the whole of the phosphate were converted, there is not sufficient calcic sulphate formed to thoroughly dry the mixture. Calcic sulphate has an important influence in this respect on the mechanical condition of the manure. When first made superphosphates are of a pasty consistency, but the calcic sulphate unites chemically with the water in the same way that plaster of Paris (which is the same substance) sets to form a dry mass that is easily broken down to a fine powder. Table V. gives the results obtained with imported superphosphates examined here, and Table VI. those of the New-Zealand-made article.

Table V. — Analyses of Imported Superphosphates.


I- % a 8 Districts received from. 9 B CO 'o cfl-£ n i S6 o M ill pH O en ■5.25 ill 02 d 5 O Moneyvalue per Ton. 9 13 49 56 122 123 144 151 154 243 258 399 405 453 578 514 College farm Invercargill College farm Christchurch Auckland Christchurch Lincoln Hororata St Andrews .. 12-40 17-20 6-GO 29-40 .. 14-20 ]0-13 1-60 30-02 .. 15-85 17-14 1-95 25-98 .. 12-55 7-69 1-07 I 29-66 .. 11-00 13-91 1-60 34-27 .. 11-75 6-76 1-15 32-38 .. 17-21 13-25 1-74 2684 .. 10-39 17 26 1-15 31-64 .. 14-18 7-24 6-62 18-11 .. 11-46 7-13 3-70 21-75 3-90 12-91 5-12 32-63 .. 15-67 6-21 2-30 24-73 .. 12-90 4-10 2-74 | 23-40 .. 12-30 4-82 3-02 23-07 .. 13-70 5-83 5-30 21-09 7-52 15-03 5-00 9-30 .. 13-37 18-96 8-32 12-19 12-40 14-20 15-85 12-55 11-00 11-75 17-21 10-39 14-18 11-46 3-90 15-67 12-90 12-30 13-70 7-52 13-37 17-20 30-13 17-14 7-69 13-91 6-76 13-25 17-26 7-24 7-13 12-91 6-21 4-10 4-82 5-83 15-03 18-90 39-83 1-26 .. 32-30 39-77 1-70 1-20 37-17 ! 34-55 2-24 4-70 28-85 > 39-26 2-18 2-05 40-71 ! 45-20 0-43 1-45 34-51 ! 42-90 3-63 2-75 41-39 I 35-55 G-84 6-84 26-72 I 41-76 0-43 3-50 33-72 23-97 6-00 2-30 44-81 28-79 1-00 3-70 51-88 43-20 0-43 1-70 38-42 32-76 Nil 5-40 45-59 30-88 1-31 G-30 4738 30-56 3-49 5-90 47-42 27-92 Nil 3-20 49-46 12-32 9-08 8-30 44-30 16-09 5-67 6-40 34-45 82-30 37-17 28-85 40-71 34-51 41-39 26-72 33-72 44-81 51-88 38-42 45-59 47-38 47-42 49-46 44-30 34-45 1-40 3-98 3-02 4-09 2-77 0-19 0-56 1-91 0-74 0-38 4-89 0-10 1-87 0-48 1-42 1-47 064 I £ b. d. 1-40 0-14 j 8 14 9 398 0-19 ! 9 1 0 3-02 007 7 17 0 4-09 039 9 3 6 2-77 0-06 10 1 6 0-19 0-42 10 0 0 0-56 0-61 8 10 9 1-91 335 9 11 6 0-74 0-19 6 10 0-38 0-05 7 10 4-89 0-08 9 14 3 0-10 042 7 19 0 1-87 0-05 7 10 0 0-48 0-05 7 8 3 1-42 0-19 6 16 6 1-47 1-02 4 7 0 0-64 0-70 4 13 0 747 748 749 759 765 767 768 • 769 Christchurch Rangitikei Geraldine Timaru Temuka 13-29 1-56 : 24-93 14-23 1-60 I 24-93 18-47 0-18 ; 25-25 27-92 6-60 i 18-36 8-84 6-28 ! 25-91 10-57 1-68 | 25-58 11-42 8-54 i 18-36 14-86 6-48 | 24-92 ! ■— r 33-03 j 1-74 5-20 53-: 33-03 0-87 6-60 51 J 33-45 1-30 2-10 52-' 24-32 4-36 4-00 36-' 34-33 7-41 4-98 46". 33-89 1-31 5-30 55-; 24-32 3-92 2-90 54-1 33-02 3-05 4-00 46-1 !8 0-11 8 0 0 ri 005 7 18 fO 0-02 7 18 • )6 0-81 6 7 6 >8 0-08 8 5 3 >6 005 8 3 3 J6 0-08 6 3 0 >9 0-08 7 17 0 !8 7 rO )6 18 i6 !6 >9 11 400 750 College farm Christchurch Bone Superphospkai .. 13-75 18-02 9-55 17-13 .. 12-35 23-75 8-50 16-15 3?75 5-74 15-41 !«s. 22-78 2-62 i 3-50 34-47 21-31 3-93 j 3-00 31-18 20-41 1-74 4-30 88-'( C-96 0-72 6 16 1-14 1-12 6 2 0 16 1-48 6 10


Table VI. — Analyses of New Zealand Superphosphates.

For the purpose of rendering the analytical results more intelligible a few remarks on the different constituents are here given. The term " organic matter " represents the loss on ignition, it is made up generally of animalmatter, which contains the nitrogen and combined water. Silica includes sand and insoluble matter of no value. Monocalcic Phosphate. —This is the most important constituent in a superphosphate, and on the amount present will depend the quality of the manure. Those containing over 20 per cent, may be considered high-class, those with from 10 to 20 per cent, medium-class, and those containing less than 10 "per cent, poor-class superphosphates. The term "soluble phosphate" is used in the manure trade. This does not express the actual soluble monocalcic phosphate, but the amount of the original tricalcic phosphate that has been converted. The value of monocalcic phosphate in terms of soluble phosphate in any manure can be found by multiplying the percentage present by 1-3. This has been done in the analyses given for the purpose of comparison. Tricalcic Phosphate. —This represents that portion of the original phosphate that has not been converted into monocalcic phosphate by the acid, and the percentage is always higher in cases where insufficient acid has been used ; if in the form of bone it has a higher value than when derived from mineral phosphates, since it is then rendered more quickly available in the soil. Calcic Sulphate.— -The proportion of this constituent gives an indication in some cases of the nature of the original phosphate. If the amount present is much in excess of the quantity of monocalcic phosphate, then the original raw phosphate probably contained an excess of calcic carbonate, this, on decomposing, forming calcic sulphate and involving the waste of a corresponding quantity of acid. . ' Ferric and Aluminic Phosphates.—These substances are sometimes known as reduced or retrograde phosphates. They are formed when the raw phosphate contains iron and alumina. These bodies unite with a portion of the soluble phosphate, gradually forming insoluble compounds and the proportion of monocalcic phosphate is thereby diminished. The term "reduced phosphate " is also often applied to a compound of lime and phosphoric acid, which is sometimes found in badly-made superphosphates, formed by the addition of more lime to the monocalcic phosphate. This dicalcic phosphate, as it is called, is less soluble than the monocalcic and more soluble than the tricalcic phosphate, and consequently may be considered intermediate in value between the two. It is formed when insufficient acid has been used in the manufacture of superphosphate, and also when undecomposed carbonate of lime is left in or added to the manure ' A comparison of the results given of the imported with those of our New-Zealand-made superphosphates will show that the latter are much lower in grade with regard to monocalcic phosphate but richer in organic matter and nitrogen. They are more of the character of bone superphosphates. In our superphosphates, as in our bonedust, nitrogen appears to be, comparatively the cheapest manure constituent that we have. This is largely the outcome of our meatfreezing industry. With the phosphatic material available here, it is not likely that we shall 2—E. 10.


U o I6 i Districts received from. u a 'c 3 o 02 .So I % n 32 111 o & Tj O fn E m III 9 a -.r. O 'A Moneyvalue per Ton. 10 19 39 40 52 124 145 191 248 College farm Springston Belfast College farm 14-72 18-10 5-90 11-65 10-90 9-95 1109 9-05 14-40 18-66 31-58 28-17 37-22 3028 34-06 30-79 1595 16-15 20-08 16-45 3-25 2-60 4-28 1-84 2-58 1-78 9-64 9-34 1-02 11-26 8-33 16-16 14-18 9-55 13-03 8-89 13-84 12-46 21-09 9-56 10-99 21-49 18-85 12-65 18-25 11-73 18-24 16-44 27-92 12-65 23-18 391 5-32 8-73 4-36 10-46 6-65 17-66 5-24 5-67 0-50 1-65 1-40 1-75 0-93 5-47 560 2-60 2-30 15-39 28-98 28-22 31-22 26-40 33-25 35-91 28-79 33-69 34-69 2-90 1-58 3-23 5-33 5-22 3-95 1-45 0-95 1-88 1-41 205 1-22 0-84 1-73 2-85 1-95 0-35 1-03 0-63 1-65 £ s. a. 6 2 0 6 13 5 4 9 5 19 6 3 0 5 10 5 7 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 4 13 3 Auckland 249 18-16 11-48 15-60 5-60 7-41 9-60 6-80 32 ■88 0-78 3 12 3 257 263 265 272 274 275 509 511 577 Christchurch Otaio Green Park Waikato Springston 15-35 16-16 913 1559 9-28 906 7-43 6-87 7-61 45-65 21-42 39-35 14-87 26-90 23-78 53-93 39-62 39 80 3-90 1-88 2-72 11-74 1-80 2-24 4-32 3-56 4-34 9-88 4-61 14-50 10-22 9-56 15-82 12-69 15-82 16-48 13-09 608 19-14 13-50 12-65 20-94 16-80 21-94 21-83 4-58 1506 9-38 0-87 16-59 7-64 2-83 5-24 3-48 1-45 2-15 1-70 6-76 1-60 2-75 2-36 5-80 7-20 17-22 33-84 17-05 34-89 29-61 31-12 12-30 15-21 17-95 1-97 4-88 6-17 5-07 4-60 7-59 4-14 7-88 3-14 3-85 2-18 886 0-89 2-04 2-15 5'46 3-01 2-68 5 8 6 4 9 6 6 19 0 4 2 0 5 16 9 6 15 6 6 7 6 6 15 6 6 14 0 Otaio Makihiki Hororata 766 828 Greenpark East Hamilton .. 18■68 ■81 3-32 2-30 20-33 20-99 26-93 27-70 Nil 5-23 4-20 1-60 21 51■57 07 1-82 2-63 7 0 0 8 10 0 886 887 888 Christchurch 3744' 39•62 :82 •72 2-78 2-94 4-52 22-30 21-32 21-32 29-52 28-22 28-22 2-83 0-43 0-87 3-80 3-90 4-10 27-40 ! 32-97 29-03 ! 28-3-27 3-62 0-44 38 83 1-12 1-68 1-26 7 10 6 7 8 0 7 3 6 761 757 Walton 35 •03 •51 4-56 7-34 20-00 17-38 26-50 23-01 0-43 6-54 5-60 4-90 2-03 1-48 7 3 9 6 15 6


produce high-class superphosphates; but this is not important so long as good, genuine, rriediumclass superphosphates are supplied at their true value. A few examples will now be given of badly-made and adulterated phosphates.

Table VII.-Analyses of Inferior Superphosphates.

The first three of the above manures have been manufactured from material containing calciccarbonate, and, insufficient sulphuric acid having been used, the carbonate of lime remaining has converted much of the monocalcic phosphate into dicalcic and tricalcic phosphates. Nos. 681 and 682 are largely adulterated with sand, and contain no raonocalcic phosphate whatever. No. 262 is a manure that was fairly made in the first place, but calcic carbonate has been added, probably to dry the superphosphate. This manure was probably newly made, as none of the soluble phosphate had been reduced, but under the conditions it would no doubt, if kept, retrograde considerably. No. 119. This manure was intended to be a superphosphate, but the manufacturer, probably to dry the mixture, added caustic lime, which had the effect of completely neutralising the effect of the acid added, and also driving off most of the nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Nitrgoenous and Special Manures. The use of nitrogenous manures is not so general in New Zealand as that of phosphatic ones; the principal manures of this kind imported are nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia, together .with a little dissolved guano and a few special manures. Dissolved guano is generally Peruvian guano that has been treated with sulphuric acid, for the purpose of rendering the phosphates contained in it soluble and fixing the ammonia; it is consequently a nitrophosphatic manure. It also contains more or less potash. Special manures are generally formed with a basis of superphosphate of lime, to which is added the food. constituent specially required by the crop it is intended for. Thus grain and grass manures contain nitrogen, while for beans and other liguminous crops and potatoes potash is added. Turnip manures are generally simple superphosphates. The composition of those received for analysis is shown in Table VIII.

Table VIII. — Analyses of Dissolved Guano and Special Manures.

In addition to these manures, all of which are imported, there is now in our local market several excellent manures which originate from our meat-freezing industry, and of which dried blood forms the basis. These are probably the cheapest forms of nitrogenous manure that we have in New Zealand. As to the efficacy of dried blood, the researches of Petermann, extending over eight years, go to show that, compared with other nitrogenous manures, dried blood is only inferior to nitrate of soda. Two samples of this manure were found to have the following composition.


6 'A >, Q g ■3 District received from. I 6 3 .2 o 3 j I <D CS ■fl S g O i 8 a & * I. U I o ft -"•a .si fe s o c5 60 O ilO >12 il3 181 Otaio Makikihi St. Andrews Timaru 6-11 14-82 5-31 13-95 6-72 35-05 2?48 1-54 2-50 3-42 34-26 I 1-31 6-68. 1-64 6-89 6-59 12-45 Nil Nil 11-20 | .. Nil .. 16-50 6-98 2-83 4-14 1-10 3-20 1-40 2-71 41-21 36-78 23-84 4-02 9-77 22-35 3-17 29-39 0-90 5-80 4-53 0-81 0-36 2-17 0-28 £ s. a. 4 2 9 3 10 5 9 6 0 13 9 '62 Temuka 11-42 10-66 3101 4-30 49-96 7300 3-50 3-53 4-90 • 1-0-44 0 13 9 !62 .19 Ruapuna Ngahauranga .. 4-32 2-60 Nil 16-65 Trace 25-81 10-89 16-15 12-98 0-85 2-62 2-43 0-52 1 14 6 2 2 3

6 | 5 "I j i g District received 5 from. .23 o a I o - 1 35 .23 ii 1 o 13 & o O 'o I 6 if 2 o d 5 i i^h | as & 1 o o a o Name of Manure. dissolved guano .. 242 398 406 Chrisfcchurch i 6-15 39-241 j 8-30 31-07 7-70 30-40 43-10 10-7214-22 6-20 30-76 13-75 22-11 12-05 13-88 15-9811-63 51-23 113-20 9-08 8-24 17-14 13-18 12-52 Nil 2-62 2-62 2-90J 4-70 4'38 [14-28 28-07 29-54 7-091 2-98J 4-38! 6-23 5-67 5-53 £ s. d. 9 15 0 8 15 6 8 10 6 751 5-84 10-82 9-15 4-60 26-49 * ' I 5-60 8 18 0 immonic phosphate "mperial manure .. Universal „ 3otato „ Curnip 155 244 245 402 401 College farm Christohurch 1-52 8-70 5-24 4-56 5-74 23-07 6-26 8-24 15-82 12-19 1-31 4-36 0-87 3-49 2-18 4-60: 2-30 230 3-30 10-40 I J43-45 34-34 38-76 41-44 37-91 1-11 7-08 8-73 4-16 2-54 0-81 2-49 1-30 1-46 2-17 2-24 1-45 '2-17 0-53 7 19 3 4 12 0 i 10 6 7 6 0 5 16 special „ 752 8-48 10-49 0-43 3-80 24-36 1-20 1-21 3-89 6 10 6


Analyses of Dried Blood.

These are excellent manures, and should prove especially valuable for topdressing grain- and grass-crops. Several manures were on the market a few years ago under the name of " animal guanos;" these were prepared from the offal of the freezing-works, by working it up with bonedust or phosphatic guano, and sulphuric acid. As will be seen by the analyses, they belong to the class of nitro-phosphatic manures.

Table IX. — Analyses of Animal Guanos.

Potash Manure. The only potash manure that has come under our notice is a sample of kainit imported by an association in Christchurch. Analysis L.N. 446. Potassic sulphate ... ... ... ... ... 21-16 Calcic sulphate ... ... ... ... ... 794 Magnesic sulphate ... ... ... .. ... 6-85 Magnesic chloride ... ... ... ... ... 1189 Sodic chloride ... ... ... ... ... 3557 Silica and insoluble matter. ... ... ... ... I*lB Moisture and combined water ... ... ... ... 1528 99-87 This sample of kainit contains rather less potash and more sodic chloride than average samples of this manure. Agricultural Lime. The use of lime has become rather frequent of late years, especially in Canterbury; and beneficial results have in many cases been recorded. Three samples were submitted for analysis, and the results obtained show that each sample has been well prepared, and that the amount of silica and insoluble matter is not excessive. The percentage of magnesia is low in each case. This substance is generally considered to be detrimental when present in the lime to any great extent. The sample from Timaru (No. 680) is the best, and in all respects an excellent sample of lime for either agricultural or building purposes.

Analyses of Lime.


District received from. £ 'o .2 &i 5S I A II a "0 o u g o '8 .2 3 6 i m d o | Money-value per Ton. 636 881 Auckland Christchuroh 10-15 82-95 9lits~~ I 3-26 1-92 l_ 0-35 1-92 0-31 1-40 1-35 1-02 1-53 1-88 | 12-11 12-55 £ s. a. 6 16 0 7 2 6

s ¥ District received from. 1 i g>ta 62 e3 in .2=5 •31 P o5 II, B o 111 6 1! to 3 a S 2 Monoyvalue per Ton. 12 40 51 121 264 Befast 17.25 18-69 11-05 9-80 18-50 6-56 47-88 44-55 36-70 68-37 65-90 62-38 1-80 5-52 2-54 7-67 6-84 098 16-48 15-82 7-91 4-61 1-97 0-24 1-63 14-41 Nii Nil 25-95 1-39 2-40 3-25 Nil 13-57 11-85 23-63 5-97 6-36 2-78 0-55 1-36 0-33 0-43 4-10 3-50 3-37 2-18 4-27 4-69 5-79 £ s. d. 6 7 3 6 5 3 5 1 3 3 7 6 2 15 3 5 4 0 Greenpark 760 Rangitikei ; 20 4-62 5-24 12-20 Trace 4-97 4 19 6 71 ■71

Laboratory No. 297. From Mount Somers.* Laboratory No. 304. Prom Fairlie Creek. Laboratory No. 680. From Timaru. Caloric oxide Calcic hydrate .. .. Dalcic carbonate Calcic sulphate .. tfagnesic oxide .. ?otassic oxide .. 'ron and aluminic oxides Phosphoric anhj'dride Silica and insoluble matter Jndetermined .. ■ • % 16-21 45-42 9 08 899 0-68 0-34 7-95 Trace 11-02 0-31 13-90 57-14 8-17 53-93 81-98 4-44 3-60 1-08 4-40 16-10 0-29 2-80 Trace 205 0-12 10000 100-00 100-00 * Lime screenini ;s.


Miscellaneous Manures. L.N. 825, Fish Manure. (Sold by Auction in Christchurch.) Analyses. Organic matter and moisture ... ... 2388, containing nitrogen, 1-65. Silica and insoluble matter ... ... 29-60 Tricalcic phosphate ... ... ... 21-83 Ferric and aluminic oxides ... ... 599 Calcic carbonate ... ... ... 12-42 Alkalies, &c. ... ... ... 6-28 10000 Fish manures generally are valuable fertilisers, containing a fair amount of phosphates and a high percentage of nitrogen (from 6to 9 per cent.). The above, however, is a poor sample, having been adulterated with about one-third its weight of sand and earthy matter. Value, about £3 per ton. Poudrette, L.N. 520. (Manufactured in Dunedin). Poudrettes are preparations of nightsoil, in which earth, ashes, lime, &c, are used in order to dry the material. They are generally poor manures, and this one is no exception to the rule. Analysis. Moisture... ... ... ... 6-93 Organic matter ... ... .'.. 22-11, containing nitrogen, 0-98. Silica and insoluble matter ... ... 47-07 Ferric and aluminic oxides ... ... 9-65 Tricalcic phosphate ... ... ... 4-47 Calcic carbonate ... ... ... 3-20 Magnesia, alkalies, &c. ... ... 6-57 100-00 Value, about £1 2s. 6d. per ton. Patent Fertiliser, L.N. 125. A dark-coloured moist substance, apparently vegetable mould. Of no value as a manure. Analysis. Moisture... ... ... ... 48-10 Organic matter ... ... ... 43-00, containing nitrogen, 1-4. Silica and insoluble matter ... ... 5-48 Ferric and aluminic oxides ... ... 1-68 Calcic oxide ... ... ... 055 Magnesic oxide ... ... ... 0-44 Potassic oxide ... ... ... Trace Phosphoric anhydride ... ... 0-22 Sulphuric anhydride... ... ... Trace Chlorine ... ... ... ... Trace Undetermined ... . . ... 0-53 10000 Nitrogenous Manure, L.N. 118. A dark-coloured mixture, manufactured at Upper Hutt, Wellington; apparently made up of dung and sand, with a little hair, &c. A very poor nitrogenous manure. Analysis. Moisture ... ... ... ... 10-05 Organic matter ... ... ... 35-40, containing nitrogen, 0-91. Silica and insoluble matter ... ... 40-30 Ferric and aluminic oxides ... ... 6-35 Calcic oxide ... ... ... 1-88 Phosphoric anhydride ... ... 2-03 Alkalies, loss, &c. ?.. ... ... 3-99 100-00 Worth 10s. 6d. per ton on the land, but not worth cost of carriage any distance.—W. E. I.



Productive Manure. (Manufactured in Dunedin). Analysis.

• Containing nitrogen, 0-42 ; value per ton, £2 Is. 6(3. t Containing nitrogen, 1-09 ; value per ton, £2 4s. 6d. This manure is advertised with the following analysis:— Free moisture ... ... ... ... ... 14 per cent. Combined water and organic matter (containing nitrogen equal to 16 „ 3-87 per cent, of ammonia) Dry sulphate of lime ... ... ... ... 30 „ Soluble phosphate of lime (equal to 10-7 of insoluble phosphate) B'l „ Insoluble phosphate of lime ... ... ... ... 6 Carbonate of lime... ... ... ... ... 8 „ Sulphide of lime ... ... ... ... ... 2 „ Slaked lime ... ... ... ... ... 1-9 „ Potash salts ... ... ... ... ... 2 „ Earthy matter (clay, sand, &c.) ... ... ... 13 „ 101 The manure may have been prepared with the best intention of producing an article similar to that of which the analysis is published, but the effect of caustic lime (probably gas-lime) used in its preparation has been to reduce the phosphates and liberate the nitrogen. It may be again mentioned that the presence of caustic lime is incompatible with the existence of either monocalcic phosphate or nitrogen. Soot, L.N. 253. Analysis. A fair sample of soot. Moisture... ... ... ... 7-55 Organic matter ... ... ... 39-15, containing nitrogen, 2-10. Silica ... ... ... ... 39-14 Ferric and aluminic oxides ... ... 5-73 Calcic oxide ... ... ... 3-16 Phosphoric anhydride ... ... 042 Sulphuric „ ... ... 2-50 Alkalies, &c. ... ... ... 2-35 100-00 Value, £1 15s. per ton. Mixed Manure, L.N. 254. A combination of soot, vegetable-matter, sand, and bonedust. Analysis. Moisture ... ... ... ... 10-5 Organic matter ... ... ... 31-6, containing nitrogen, 2-30. Silica ... ... ... 31-1 Tricalcie phosphate ... ... ... 18-4 Calcic carbonate ... ... ... 7'l Alkalies, &c. ... ... ... 1-3 100-00 Value, £2 17s. per ton. Bonedust, L.N. 973. This manure was sold as a bonedust, but from its analysis it is shown to be adulterated with about one-fifth its weight of carbonate of lime. Probably Chesterfield guano has been added.


ioratory 830.* o. ioratory 831-t )rganic matter and moisture ... Silica and insoluble matter /[onocalcic phosphate )icalcie phosphate ... ?ricalcic phosphate ... !alcic sulphate and aluminic phosphates !alcic carbonate 'otash joss and undetermined 32-88 7-86 Nil Nil 13-53 22-77 3-20 15-66 0-25) 3-85 j 26-90 14-46 Nil Nil 14-17 14-75 28-83 0-89 10000 100-00


Analysis. Organic matter and moisture ... ... 40-70, containing nitrogeu, 3'ol. Silica and insoluble matter ... ... 4-30 Tricalcic phosphate ... ... ... 20-05 - Iron and alumina oxides ... ... 4-15 Calcic carbonate ... ... ... 26-92 Alkalies, Ac. ... ... ... 3-88 100-00 Value, about £3 7s. 6d. per ton.

APPENDIX No. 2. Report of the Natural Science Department, First Term, 1891. The examination and identification of seeds, plants, &c, received from the public has been carried on, and the results, since the last report, may be tabulated as follows: —


No. Name. Source. so 111 8 a Impurities per Cent., and Remarks. Efl 113 ■19 50 Grass-seed Meadow-fescue North Island.. College farm.. 5 Is doub-grass (Cynoden dactylon). Weevil-eaten fescue-seeds, 12 ; rye-grass, 11J; dog'stail, 2 ; Bromus sp., 1J ; small fescue and Poa, 1 Sorrel, 3 ; and occasional timothy and plantain or ribgrass A few odd seeds of white-clover, sorrel, plantain, timothy, &c. Is a tussac-grass (Poa anceps, var B. foliosa). Occasional undetermined. Occasional plantain. Pure. 16 51 White-clover Gore 3 52 Alsike 53 54 55 66 57 58 59 Grass-seed Red-clover Lucerne Poa trivialis Crested dog's-tail Italian rye-grass Cow-grass Masterton College farm.. Christchuroh 84 Occasional seeds of sorrel, plantain, timothy, whiteclover, and undetermined. Contains about equal proportions of two sorts. Is meadow-fescue. Is Italian rye-grass. Sorrel, 3 ; alsike, 1; and occasional undetermined Similar to above, with occasional chickweed Pure. Occasional white-clover. Hedge-mustard, 1; undetermined, 1 ; and occasional black-medick Occasional plantain. Pure. Occasional timothy, hedge-mustard, and sorrel. Apparently same as No. 70. A grass (Trisetum sp.) and undetermined A caryophyllaceous seed Red-clover, 1 ; plantain, 1 .. Misnamed for hard fescue; occasional Anemagrostis spica-venti. Pure. Yorkshire fog 110 61 62 68 64 65 66 67 Mixed turnip Grass Greymouth .. White-clover Masterton 59 58 90 71 67 4 4 American red-clover.. Alsike 2 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 English cow-grass .. 78 83 91 89 52 90 86 48 American cow-grass .. Japan clover Trefoil Lucerne Sheep's fescue 5 2 2 7(1 77 78 79 SO Hard fescue Crested dog's-tail Timothy 47 6 10 95 81 8 7 81 82 83 84 85 80 Meadow foxtail Poa trivialis P. nemoralis Poa pratensis Piorin Lawn-grass mixture .. White stubble turnip Plantain Meadow-fescue 12 7 3 5 36 98 56 80 10 47 Pure. Undetermined, 8; white-clover, 1; various, 3 (chiefly sorrel, plantain, chickweed, and sp. of composite plant) Occasional wavy mountain hair-grass. A small percentage of P. pratensis. Indistinguishable from P. pratensis. Pure. Pure, but nearly all chaff. Sheep's fescue, var. 57; rye-grass, 24; meadow-fescue, 11; dog's-tail, 6; foxtail, 1; small Poa, 1 ; and occasional sorrel and plantain Pure, but variety not vouched for. Red-clover, 13; alsike, 4; sorrel, 2 .. Rye-grass Pure. Dock, 2 ; occasional rye-grass (with ergot), Scotch thistle, plantain, and sorrel Rye-grass, 49; cocksfoot, 49 ; Yorkshire fog, 2 ; and -occasional sorrel, florin, goose-grass, dock, plantain, thistle, and lesser clover Is black-medick (Modicago lupulina). Is buttercup (Ranunculus rivularis var.). 12 7 87 88 89 90 91 Christchurch 19 20 Colonial red-clover .. Waimate 2 92 Devonshire evergreen Christchurch 51 93 94 Seed Plant Masterton Ohaiawai


Report of the Natural Science Department, First Term, 1891— continued.


No. j Name. Source. H 3 3 3 Pi Impurities per Cent., and Remarks. ail 96 Mixed grass .. Obristohuroh Contains rye-grass, 61; tall fescue, 14 ; meadow-fescue. 4; Italian rye-guass, 8 ; lesser clover, 11; whiteclover, 1 ; sorrel, 1 ; dock, sow-thistle, and hard fescue, 1; and frequent soft broome or goose-grass Consists of meadow-grasses (Poa sp.), 44; rye-grass, 21; white-clover, 11; crested dog's-tail, 10; sheep's fescue, 9 ; hard fescue, 6. Lesser clover, 5 ; sorrel, 1; with occasional plantain, ehickweeds, shepherd's purse, cleavers, timothy, ragged robin, and quartz particles Trifolium sp. 2; sorrel, 1J ; red-clover, £ Sorrel, 2 ; plantain, J; and occasional trifolium sp., as in No. 98 Occasional alsike, white-clover, rye-grass, and plantain. Goose-grass, 2 ; Yorkshire fog, 1 ; and occasional mouseear chickweed, sterile broomegrass, ox-eye daisy, and shepherd's purse Yorkshire fog, 1; and occasional goose-grass, cat's-ear and ox-eye daisy Some alsike, white-clover, and rye-grass. Consists of Trifolium minus, 88; white-clover, 7 ; sorrel, 2 ; mouse-ear chickweed, 2; Yorkshire fog, 1; and occasional twitch (Poa pratensis), chickweed (Stellaria), and red-clover Consists of cocksfoot (Dactylis), 84 ; oat-grass (Trisetum), 8 ; meadow-fescue, 6 ; small Poa, 1 ; undetermined, 1; and occasional cleavers, Bromus, &c. Pure. Occasional plantain, red-clover, dock, and black-medick. Occasional timothy. Occasional sorrel, plantain, timothy, &c. Similar to No. 109, with addition of odd ox-eye daisy and chickweed (Stellaria). Pure. Occasional undetermined composite plant. Sorrel, 2 ; and occasional plantain and chickweed Plaintain, 2; and occasional sorrel, chickweed, and hedge-mustard Occasional impurities. Pure. Occasional hard fescue and chickweed. A few odd seeds of Bromus secalinus, dock, and redclover. Misnamed for hard fescue ; contains a few odd sorrelseeds. Pure. A few odd seeds of timothy and white-clover. Pure. Rather frequent dock, hair-grass (Aira), florin, sweet vernal, &c. Too frequent ox-eye daisy, and Yorkshire fog, and occasional rye-grass, fiorin, timothy, and undetermined (dusty). Frequent ox-eye daisy and Yorkshire fog, and cat's-ear (Hypocharis), with odd black-madick, sweet vernal, and rye-grass. Pure. Odd red-clover and plantain. Pure. 96 Lawn-grass .. .. „ 97 White-clover .. ■ Oamaru 6 98 99 79 79 4 2J " :oo .01 Colonial red-clover .. i College farm.. Bye-grass .. .. : 90 . 3 .02 i Cocksfoot .. .. I Akaroa 74 1 .03 .04 Colonial red-clover .. J Doylesfcon Colonial clover .. | Chertsey 5 .05 De graine de dactyle Ghristchurch 16 .06 .07 .08 .09 10 Japan clover .. Masterton Bokhara clover American cow-grass Alsike 73 68 90 62 56 .11 .12 13 .14 Timothy Rib-grass .. .. „ White-clover .. „ 99 81 92 76 ■2 2 .15 10 17 .18 Poa trlvialis Poa pratensis Poa nemoralis .. „ Meadow-fescue .. „ 20 2 4 90 .19 Sheep's fescue .. „ 57 .20 .21 ,22 .23 Hard fescue Fiorin .. .. „ Hungarian forage-grass „ Meadow-foxtail .. „ 56 53 85 10 24 Crested dog's-tail .. „ 64 25 66 .26 .27 .28 .29 .80 31 32 White mustard .. „ Lucerne .. .. „ • .. White-stone turnip .. „ Late red Trifolium Sheep's parsley .. „ Grass .. .. Wairnate Local-grown meadow- Masterton fescue 98 91 91 99 29 .83 .3:1 L35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 PJant .. .. Lincoln Thistle .. .. Little Eiver .. Grass .. .. McKenzie Cnty. Is reed canary-grass {Phalaris arundinacea). Consists of sorrel, SO ; Trifolium minus, 20 ; meadowfescue, 16 ; mouse-ear chickweed, 5 ; cocksfoot, 2 ; goose-grass, 2 ; white-clover, 2 ; hair-grass, 1 ; buttercup, 1; dock, 1; and occasional rye-grass and Yorkshire fog, sedge, geranium, thistle, (Sonohus), Poa pratensis, sweet vernal, &o. Is garden orache (Atriplex hortensis). Is star-thistle (Centaurea calcitrapa). Is Poa colensoi. Is Danthonia pauciflora. Is Poa foliosa. Is Carex colensoi. Is tall fescue (IP. elatior). 8S Sedge '.'. '.'. "„ Grass .. .. Le Bon's Bay j Devonshire grey-stone College farm .. turnip Purple-top .. .. „ * .. Green-globe Grass .. .. Timaru 95 .41 42 .43 .44 .45 .46 91 93 Is erect bristle-grass (Setaria viridis). Is naked oat-grass (Danthonia nuda). Bed-clover .. .. College farm .. 6 39


Report of the Natural Science Department, First Term, 1891— continued.


No. Name. Source. I jl m P £ ■ d o ,. 3 a i I** Impurities per Cent., and Kemarks. % s 1-^ i 147 148 Rape Rye-grass Christchurch Rangitata 70 | Frequent Yorkshire fog and odd seeds of Brassica sp., goose-grass, and hair-grass, (Festuca bromoides), with traces of cocksfoot and ergot growths, Frequent Yorkshire fog, and odd seeds of cat's-ear (Hypo- '■■ chaeris), goose-grass, and dock. 1!J Cocksfoot .50 .51 .52 Alsike White-clover English red-clover .. Christchurch Oamaru 69 Sorrel, 1 ; odd plantain .. .. .. .. 1 Various, 1; consisting of an undetermined umbelliferous 1 plant, sorrel, dock, plantain, black-medick, fathen, timothy, &c. Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) .. .. .. 2 Occasional timothy and sorrel, and odd seeds of Californian thistle, and of an undetermined composite plant. Nearly pure. Yorkshire fog, 3; and odd seeds of goose-grass and ] timothy Rib-grass, 3; millet-grass {Miliicm effuswn), 6; and { 9 various White-clover, 5 ; Italian rye-grass, 2 ; sorrel and dock, 4 ; 13 goose-grass and Yorkshire fog, 2 ; with odd dissected geranfixm and many bits Sorrel, 2; hair-grass (Festuca), l.J ; cat's-ear, }; soft- 5 brome and fog, 1 Fog (Holcus lanatus) .. .. ,. 10 Is Poa breviglumis. Is Poa colensoi. Is common twitch (Poa pratensis). Very poor sample. 1 1 English cow-grass .. Alsike 2 .53 5-1. .56 56 Rye-grass Cocksfoot .57 Red-clover Rakaia 9 .58 Rye-grass llethven 75 13 91 5 .59 60 6J 62 .68 .64 Cocksfoot Grass Christchurch 47 10 Canterhury - saved green-top turnip Wheat 21 .65 .66 .67 .68 69 70 71 .72 .73 .74 75 76 77 78 Sutton's hybrid turnip Vine-leaves Plant Grass Bpringston .. Oamaru College farm.. Christchurch Springfield .. Pairlie Creek 93 Attacked by the grain-aphis. Two-year-old seed. To state if attacked by the Phylloxera. No. Is Cerastium arvense, a perennial English chickweed. Is small tussac poa (P. intermedia). Is small tussac poa (P. intermedia). Is Carex colensoi. Is crested hair-grass (Kolleria cristata). Is Poa intermedia var. Is black-medick (Medicago lupulina). Is reflex bristle-grass (Setaria verticillata). Pure. Fog, 10, with occasional goose-grass, meadow-fescue, 10 rye-grass, and hair-grass (Festuca), and much chaffy matter Occasional. Yorkshire fog ; also meadow-fescue and ryegrass, as in No. 178, with a few cat's-ear ; other impurities absent. Practically pure. Practically pure ; a few odd red-clover, fat-hen, Poa sp., &c. Odd seeds of small Poas, bent grass (Agrostis), &c. Frequent fog (Holcus), some agrostis, and odd plantain, ox-eye daisy, &c. Occasional undetermined and fog. Frequent rush (Juneus sp). Occasional various, white-clover, alsike, chickweed, sorrel, undetermined, composite plant, &o. Odd chickweed, white-clover, sorrel, &c. Sorrel, 2 ; occasional plantain, and various Frequent seeds of a species of umbelliferous plant, and occasional rye-grass and plantain. Occasional rye-grass, plantain, and various. Odd seeds of plantain and dock. Frequent seeds of a species of umbelliferous plant; also rye-grass and plantain. Occasional timothy, and three species of undetermined composite plants ; odd plantain, sorrel, and cleavers (Galium). Occasional timothy, and odd red-clover, and corn (Galium). Red-clover, 3; sheep's parsley, 2 .. .. .. 5 Odd Bromus sp., sorrel, red-clover, Lucerne, and corn (Galium). Is slender glumeless grass (Gymnostichum yracile). Is Agrostis youngii. Is snow-grass (Schoenus pauciflorus), Is Italian rye-grass. Is meadow-fescue. Is crested hair-grass {Koelaria. cristata). Is Carex forsteri. Sedge Grass Seed '.. Grass .. Fiorin Cocksfoot Masterton Christchurch 12 10 70 .80 .81 Meadow-fescue Timothy Masterton 53 91 .82 88 Crested dog's-tail 78 42 .84 .35 86 Fiorin Poa nemoralis 44 56 7 .87 88 89 Poa pratensis White-clover American cow-grass .. 10 55 70 2 .90 .91 ■92 English cow-grass .. American red-clover.. 79 84 84 .93 Alsike 69 84 M .95 .90 Espercet (Sainfoin) .. White-mustard 35 98 .97 .08 199 !00 iOl >m 203 Grass Timaru Sedge Grass Sedge .. .. I


Report of the Natural Science Department, First Term, 1891— continued.

No. 94.—A sample of this plant, called wauraki by the Maoris, was sent from the North Island. The plant was supposed to have been the cause of the death of certain cattle which had been feeding on recently-burnt fern-lands, where the ranunculus was growing. The symptoms were inflammation of the membrane of the stomach, with appearance of intense pain. The plants of this genus are all acrid in different degrees, and another species common about here (11. scebratus, the most acrid of any) has been stated to have caused the death of a number of sheep in this district some years since. No. 134. —This plant was thought by the sender to be the Californian thistle. The star thistle is only an annual (closely allied to the English cornflower), and may be easily distinguished by the stiff spines—from Jin. to lin. long —projecting from underneath the flower-heads. These spiny heads are very injurious in sheep's wool. Nos. 145 and 146. —In connection with these two samples an experiment was made to test the statement that camphor assisted germination. The experiments showed an appreciable difference between the seeds moistened with solution of camphor and those with plain water. Nos. 154 and 226.—The samples are noticeable, owing to the presence of seeds of the Californian thistle. The samples seem to be quite distinct from one another, and show how easily this and other weeds may be introduced and spread through the country. I'armers cannot be too careful as to purity of their seeds. Nos. 169 and 214a.—This weed mats the ground completely together by means of its very fine underground stems, and it promises to give much trouble in eradicating it. It is one of the English perennial chickweeds, and differs from the common, hairy, annual duckweed (Cerastium viugatum) in having its petals about twice as long as the sepals. No. 176.—This grass was stated to come from very dry soil, and to have kept green all through the dry weather. It is an annual grass, which Parnell says is "of no agricultural value." Nos. 178 and 179. —These samples show the value of a special fog-cleaning apparatus. No. 178 is before cleaning, and No. 179 after. In connection with the seed-examination department a McLaren's Patent Seed-germiuator has lately been obtained from Edinburgh. It has not yet been fully tested, but the patentee claims that it prevents the growth of fungus, and gives rapid results. The principle seems good, there being adequate provision for heating and ventilation. 3—E. 10.


No. Name. Source. "I 9 S ids iinx>urities per Cent., and Keniarks, 0 -fci nS a 204 205 206 207 208 209 Sedge Grass Tirnaru Is nigger-head (Carex virgata). Is Poa breviglumis. Is smooth-stalked meadow-grass (Poa pratensis). Is Poa breviglumis var. Is Poa colcnsoi. Flowering head of one grass— Poa intermedia —and leafy shoots of another, Danthornia sp. Is Anthericum hookeri. Poa colensoi var. Is Echinopogon ovatus. Consists of Trefolium minus, 89 ; white-clover, 7 ; ryegrass, 4; with odd hair-grass and mouse-ear chickweed. Is brown bent grass (Agrostis canina). Is Cerastium arvense, a perennial chickweed. Odd seeds of timothy, English millet (Milium effusum), &c. Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) Occasional sorrel, and various. Occasional timothy, and odd chamomile, &c. Occasional cleavers (Galium aparine). Pure. Occasional sorrel and cat's-ear. Pure. Odd seeds of fog, goose-grass, and cat's-oar. 210 211 212 213 Plant Grass Christchurcli Trefoil and whiteclover Rangitafca 214 214a 215 Grass Plant English red-clover .. Ohristehurch Chertsey Oamaru 93 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 English cow-grass English white-clover English alsike English trefoil English timothy Rye-grass 92 77 50 88 96 35 46 61 70 Cocksfoot Radish Cow-grass Waipawa Rakaia 226 227 Alsike Timothy Grass Plant Gore Methven Christchurch Occasional timothy and English millet, with odd Scotch thistle, sorrel, dock, alsike, and undetermined. Timothy, 4 ; and occasional red-clover, with odd seeds of small poas, Plantago sp., dock, rib-grass, oxeye daisy, arid Californian thistle Frequent white-clover and alsike, occasional cat's-ear, chickweed (Cerastium arvense), and fog, with odd rib-grass and sow-thistle. Is annual meadow-grass. Is bladder catchfly (Silene inflata). Is penny cress (Thlaspi arvense). Is narrow-leaved cress (Lepidium rudervale). Is knee-joint foxtail. Is field-spurrey (Spcrgula arvensis). Is a species of Galium. Is thorn apple (Datura stramonium). 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Grass Plant College farm.. Rakaia College farm..


Entomological. A few experiments have been made to try and find a satisfactory remedy for the apple-scale insect. This pest can be attacked at two seasons of the year —either in winter, when the eggs are lying dormant under the scale, or else towards the end of spring, when the eggs hatch out. In the first case the dressings must be strong enough to penetrate or destroy the leathery scale, and so reach the eggs. In the second case, the larvae, being naked, are killed by a weaker dressing, but the difficulty is that the eggs will continue hatching out for from a month to six weeks, and, as the larvae are only naked for about three days, the trees would have to be dressed some ten times over, unless some adhesive dressing can be found which will remain on the tree and kill the insects as they hatch out. Perhaps some resin soap mixture may effect this. It is. obvious that if a dressing can be found which will destroy all the eggs in winter time, without hurting the tree, it will be most satisfactory, on account of the of application at this time. Such a dressing must be cheap and sufficiently liquid to use with a spray. The following experiments have been tried :— A. — Winter Season. Castor-oil. —This thinly brushed on is very successful, but the cost of application is too great. Care should be taken to apply this dressing only in midwinter as, if the sap is moving at all, it is likely to kill the part dressed. One-fifth part of kerosene makes it easier to apply, and perhaps more effective. Greenbank Caustic Soda, 98 -per Cent. —One pound to the gallon, sprayed on at a temperature of 130° Fahr. This promises fairly well; it turns the scales quite white, and loosens their hold on the tree. Some of those, however, that seem to have been quite destroyed were found to have some sound eggs beneath them; perhaps a slightly stronger solution might be used in midwinter. The soda cost about Bid. per pound, and perhaps half a gallon of solution would dress a mediumsized tree. Sheep-dips — Little's. Carbol Crystal, and perhaps Others. —Strong dressings of these (I in 10?) may be effective, and further experiments will be made. Kerosene Emulsion (1 in about 5) has been used with good results elsewhere. B. — Summer Season. Sheep-dtps (1 in 100) and Kerosene Emulsion (1 in 20 ?). —These would probably be effective if persevered with. Sulphur-and-lime wash, formed by boiling lib. of sulphur and 21b. of lime in from four to six gallons of water for half an hour. This would have to be persevered with also. In the experiments here the proportion of lime was increased, as much of the residue, after boiling, was pure sulphur and sand. Soap. —This was used 4oz. to the gallon, warm. The solution was found to choke up the nozzle (cyclone) of the spray if it cooled too much. Common hard soap was used; probably the soft soap would be better. It is believed, as stated above, that some form of soap-dressing would be satisfactory, and further experiments will be made. Greenbank Caustic Soda, 98 per Cent. —This was tried 2oz. to the gallon, but was thought to have more effect on the tree than on the larvas. Even if successful, it would have to be repeated at short intervals. Carbolic Acid (No. 5). —1 in 240 and 1 in 120 were tried on a pear-tree, but seemed to have no effect on either larva? or tree. It has been suggested to give time for all the eggs to hatch out, and then to dress the freshlyformed scales with kerosene emulsion or sheep-dip, using stronger washes than for the naked larvae. This was tried with emulsion 1 in 14, and dip 1 in 80; but, though some good seemed to have been done, the result was not at all satisfactory. Further experiments might be made in this direction. American Blight. —lt was thought that this would be killed by the castor-oil used for the applescale, but it came again next spring very strong; possibly the oil had not been brushed sufficiently well into the crevices. It is believed that the greenbank soda sprayed on in winter, as for applescale will be effective. Bed Spider. —It does not seem to have been yet recorded that the red spider, common in Canterbury, is not the Tetranychus telarius, as is usually supposed. Our species differs considerably in its much greater size, its more angular shape, the absence of so much web, the red colour of the egg, and other points, and does not seem to agree with any described by Mr. Andrew Murray in his " Economic Entomology/ Dressings that will be successful for the apple-scale, will probably be so also for the red spider, only that as some hibernate under logs, &c, w Tinter dressings to destroy the eggs may not be wholly effective in clearing the orchard. The sulphur-and-lime wash, before mentioned, was tried specially for it, but some days afterwards the tree was found to have some spiders moving about on the leaves, notwithstanding that these were more or less covered by a thin deposit of free sulphur. The Currant-borer. —This has done much harm at the school and elsewhere—seemingly general —through its habits of boring out the pith of the stems. Specimens of the mature insect have not yet been seen, but, from the size and general appearance of the caterpillar, it is thought that it must be the curarant clearwing (Algeria tipuliformis). A magnified photograph of two larvae and chrysalis cases is attached. The usual remedy recommended is to thoroughly prime out and burn the infected branches ; but the attack might be prevented by spraying the plants with some obnoxious or poisonous dressing at the time of egg-laying—about the New Year, or after the fruit is gathered—though after a tree has once been badly attacked the old branches are so weakened as to break off freely in the fruiting season, and it would be better to start with new wood.



Injurious Farm Insect*. The Grass-grub (Odontaria). — This has been very severe in its attack this season, not only on perennial pastures, but also on the young grass, and in some cases fear has been entertained for the early-sown wheat. The general policy seems to be to let this insect alone fofthe starlings, gulls, and sea-swallows (or terns), which certainly do an inestimable amount of good. The little whiteeye (Zosterops) even has been seen swallowing the grubs whole. I believe, however, that experiment might show the practicability of dealing with the attack, to a certain extent, at any rate, by either broadcasting some cheap noxious dressing at the egg-laying season, to render the ground distasteful to the beetles, or by heavily rolling the pastures when the grub is in them feeding close to the surface. The latter treatment would not only kill many of the grubs, but also give the attacked plants a better chance to root again. The Diamond-back Turnip-moth (Plutella conciferarum). —The attack by the caterpillar of this insect was also very severe this season. A noticeable feature was that the caterpillars, after (with the assistance of the turnip aphis) destroying the leafage, descended to the exposed part of the root, and in some cases completely honeycombed them. Of late years they have attacked the spring cabbage in the same way, sometimes completely mining through the hearts and rendering them nearly unfit for use. At the present time (22nd July) they may be found in the larval stage on winter cabbage, probably owing to the comparatively mild winter, and it seems reasonable to expect that, should the weather continue dry, the attack will be worse next turnip season than the last. Though the attack seems to have been very general this year, I was informed by a resident of the Rakaia district that, of two fields divided by a road, one had been attacked and the other not. This seems unaccountable. A study of this insect, with a view to finding means of dealing successfully with it, is much needed. Considering the way in which turnips are usually fed off, it seems impossible that any of the chrysalids should be left alive. Perhaps there may not be, and the attack may extend to the next season's turnips from off the summer cabbages. It is noticeable that a crop of white mustard was destroyed-by them here in the summer of 1890. The starlings may be seen in countless flights in the attacked turnip-fields, but the caterpillars are too numerous for any impression to be made. The Turnip-fly. —Although this insect is often spoken of, I believe few are aware that it has no connection with the English turnip-fly or flea-beetle (Haltica ncmorum). Our "fly" is a minute globular-bodied Collembolan insect, and belongs to the genus Smynthurus. The terms " ground-flea " and " springtail " are applied to all the insects of the order Collembola, from the fact of their possessing a special hopping-organ attached to the lower side of the abdomen. On this account the term "turnip ground-flea" seems more suitable to designate the ones referred to here. Sir John Lubbock has written very fully on them in his " Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura," issued by the Eay Society in 1873 ; but the species here seem, to be quite distinct to any described by him. The photo-micrograph attached will give a slight idea as to their general appearance. They are of a fairly uniform colour all over —some being orange and others purple. They are always wingless, have no metamorphosis, and have a chewing mouth. They may usually be found in countless numbers, from about the middle of September to the end of February, oil paddocks of grass, grain, seedling turnips, &c. They have been found congregating on the young turnips in their seed-leaf stage, the leaves being much mutilated and eaten, and in some cases merely the stump of the plant being left. The danger seems to be over as soon as the rough leaves come out; and, consequently, any means to hasten this—such as good cultivation and the waterdrill with manures—will be desirable as a prevention. No experiments have been made to find a remedy, but means somewhat similar to those used against the English Haltica would probably be useful. Mealy Bug (Dactylopius poce, Maskell) is quite common, and apparently increasing on various grasses here, and seems to do an appreciable amount of damage. It is a small oval pink-coloured insect, more or less imbedded in a white mealy matter, and lives by sucking the juices from the underground parts of the stems and from the roots. A small plot of cocksfoot just dug up showed them sprinkled all through it to the full depth of a spade. Cultivation would seem to be the only practical remedy. New Forms of Insect Attach. The Bean Aphis (Aphis rumicis). —This aphis, popularly known as the "collier" or "black dolphin," was reported from Ohoka last season. It may readily be known by its black colour. Cutting off and destroying the top shoots, with the aphis on them, seems the best remedy. Horse Bot Fly (CEstrus sp.). —One of these appeared in great numbers last season, and caused much trouble among the horses. The eggs were deposited upon the tips of the hairs under the jaws, and about the throat, chest, and forelegs. It seems a feature of these flies to frighten the animals they attack ; and there seems no reason to suppose that the horses were in any way punctured, as many think. Washing the horses coat daily with some noxious dressing (sheep-dip, &c.) would probably prevent attack. There is no remedy. The larval stage of these flies is passed, in the stomach and intestines; when full grown it is passed out, and the pupa stage is taken in the ground, the perfect fly appearing again next summer. Apiculture. Scientific bee-keeping was recommenced at the school in connection with this department last season. It was decided to use the Langstroth hive, and a start was made by transferring and uniting two weak colonies from old Cox hives. Another colony was obtained and transferred, later on, and six swarms were obtained from various sources. Full sheets of foundation were used in all cases. The season was a very poor one for bees, swarming not beginning till the second week in November ; but, still, 1001b. of surplus was taken from four hives, and most of them seem wintering well. The ordinary black bee was obtained to start with ; but it is proposed to Italianise these later on, as the Italian (or Ligurian) bees are considered more tractable, and better honey-gatherers.


APPENDIX No. 3.—Meteorological. The following tables should be of interest as showing the meteorological conditions prevailing in this district. The observations are recorded at 9.30 a.m. daily, and the altitude of the school is 65ft. above sea-level:— Table I.—Monthly Abstract for the Year ending 30th June, 1891.


Table II.—Mean Monthly Abstract, compiled from the Nine Years' Readings ending 30th June, 1891.


Self-registe] ring Thermometers. Barometer, reduced to 32' F. and Sea-level. Degree of Moisture of Atmosphere. Wind. Cloud. Shi .de. ixposed. Kainfall. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Solar. Terrestrial. Daily Means. Maximum. Minimum. Daily Means. Extreme jS I-**— Daily Means. Max. Daily Means. Min. No. of Frosts. Daily Means. Mill. Totai- |dSH. Fall. Daily Means. Max. Daily Means. 1890. Inches. 30008 30-042 29-968 29-578 29-823 29-751 Inches. 30-529 30-545 30-381 30100 30-337 30-145 Inches. 29-580 29-537 29-213 28-947 29-068 29-146 47-5 56-3 58-5 66-4 ! 66-2 73-2 56-2 69-6 69-6 76-0 80-2 87-2 36-3 37-1 42-3 43-8 463 50-4 O 27-8 27-0 28-2 34-0 35-8 40-2 85-3 104-5 114-5 129-6 134-2 142-2 102-2 123-7 130-2 148-8 151-6 159-4 31-8 31-5 37-8 37-5 41-1 45-4 20-2 20-4 23-4 27-7 30-4 32-8 Days. 17 19 8 9 3 0 Per cent. 81-5 72-0 750 62-5 67-3 59-0 Per cent.! 51 60 44 52 40 Inches. 3-377 •508 1-219 1-440 1-667 •528 Inches. •802 •364 •485 •404 •597 ■211 Miles. 207 198 243 322 314 296 Miles. 501 495 578 518 639 596 Per cent. 70 50 63 54 55 55 July August . j* September .. October November .. December .. 1891. 22 4 8 9 7 6 January February March April May .. June 29-860 29-889 29-951 29-896 30174 30-085 30-493 30-278 30-497 30-495 30-673 30-446 28-976 29-167 29071 29-012 29-636 29-043 72-8 68-0 70-9 64-9 ' 57-1 i 48-9 94-2 82-4 87-4 79-8 70-6 58-2 52-1 52-8 50-1 44-5 39-1 31-3 43-2 43-8 39 0 34-8 28-6 22-8 140-1 128-7 131-0 116-9 102-9 91-2 157-4 147-4 153-2 136-8 124-8 104-4 46-8 506 455 404 362 27-9 36-8 39-4 33-8 290 24-2 19-2 0 0 0 5 7 26 60-6 72-9 630 65-5 73-6 82-0 35 52 48 44 58 67 j 2-099 3-845 •594 1-738 1-679 1-299 9 12 4 7 6 8 •472 1-403 •504 •659 1-250 ■289 302 288 290 262 213 163 480 475 649 532 416 508 66 61 45 57 45 51 Total j 94, | I I ! • ■ 19-993 102 Mean 43-8 i i 69-6 I 1 1 i 258 i ! 56 29-919 62-6 118-4 39-4 .. I ! .. . .. I .. ..

Month. Self-res storing Thermometers. Eainfall Totals. Degree of Moisture of Atmosphere. Month. reduced to 32° P. ana Sh: le. Exposed. \Yind. Cloud. January .. February .. March April May June July August September October November December Inches. 30009 30073 30083 30-207 30-168 30-134 30-039 30043 30-005 29-906 30-024 29-929 iea-1 level Maximum. o 71-5 71-3 68-7 63-1 56-1 51-9 50-8 530 57-7 62-2 62-7 69-0 Minimum. 51-4 51-8 490 43-7 39-3 35-0 34-5 36-4 39-3 42-5 44-7 490 O 133-7 132-9 125-6 111-3 98-8 89-5 86-9 98-9 112-4 126-5 127-7 135-9 Solar. Terrestrial. 47-1 47-6 45-0 40-0 34-5 30-4 29-6 31-5 34-2 36-5 40-1 44-3 Days of Frosts: Totals. Days. 0-4 0-6 1-0 6-1 12-1 20-0 20-4 16-4 11-1 8-6 3-0 1-0 Average Monthly Fall. Inches. 1-662 1-470 2-462 2-097 2-384 2-368 2-839 3-206 2-187 1-636 2-731 1-697 Average No. Wet Days. Davs. 9 7 10 9 11 10 15 13 10 11 11 9 Per cent. 67-9 68-0 69-8 72-1 77-2 79-0 80-7 76-0 72-7 69-3 72-6 666 Miles. 269 257 238 214 197 167 180 212 233 277 290 279 Per cent. 60 57 60 62 59 57 59 58 57 59 58 56 125 I Total 100-7 26-739 .. Annual mean .. I 30-052 61-5 43-0 115-0 38-4 72-7 235 58


Table III.—Tri-yearly and Yearly Abstract, from September, 1882, to April, 1891, inclusive.


Self-registering Thermometers. Baroi reduced and Se meter, . to 32° F. !a-level. Shade. Exposed. No. of Frosts: Totals. Degree of Moisture of the Atmosphere. liaiufall: Totals. Wet Days: Totals. Wind. Oloud. Years and Periods. Mas± imn. Minimum. Solar. Terrestrial. Periods. Years. Periods. Years. Periods. Years. Periods. Years. iPeriods. Years. Periods. Years. Periods.! Years. Periods. Years. Periods. Years. Periods. Years. Periods. Years. 1882. September to December .. 1883. January to April May to August September to December .. 1884. January to April May to August September to December .. 1885. January to April May to August September to December .. 1886. January to April May to August September to December.. 1887. January to April May to August September to December .. 1888. January to April May to August September to December .. 1889. January to April May to August September to December .. 1890. January to April May to August September to December .. 1891. January to April Inches. 29-879 30023 29-931 29-946 30-050 30-095 29-838 30-083 30-145 30-075 30-094 30054 30023 Inches. [ 29-967 1 29-994 I 30-101 [ 30-057 64-2 67-5 53-8 60-0 64-9 53-6 61-4 66-6 54-0 64-2 690 50-3 62-5 [ 60-4 [ 60-0 - 61-6 [ 60-6 44-1 50-6 37-1 43-4 46-4 35-3 431 47-8 36-8 42-9 49-6 35-6 44-9 j- 43-7 (,s I 42-5 }i\ O 122-0 114-0 90-6 121-5 119-6 87-8 117-8 120-3 96-5 129-5 127-6 92-2 127-0 0 I 108-9 - 108-4 i 115-4 1 115-6 o 366 44-9 30-6 36-9 43-1 28-4 40-6 V. J 1 i 37-4 Days. 23 12 74 41 10 78 13 Days. } J" - 127 ]l01 r P. cent. 70-7 73-7 78-8 69-6 75-2 75-5 84-0 76-8 78-5 69-2 70-8 79-2 70-8 P. cent. [ 74-0 I 78-2 H I 73-6 Inches. 10290 8-696 9-470 12-170 9-410 8-565 10-476 8-598 8-877 4-655 8-777 19-685 6-825 Inches. I 30-336 | 28-451 |- 22-130 J I 35-287 Days. 37 48 48 43 39 37 50 39 45 34 38 55 45 Days. I 139 | 126 I 118 |:» Miles. 233 227 172 242 202 179 280 207 174 243 194 164 298 Miles. 1 214 I 220 I 208 | 219 P. cent. 47 63 47 52 52 51 64 62 52 45 65 70 65 P. ceiri }" - 56 I 53 ¥ 30-172 30-115 29-981 I 30-089 71-8 52-1 61-6 - 61-8 51-2 37-1 43-8 H 129-7 93-2 127-1 | 116-7 48-1 34-2 39-5 - 40-6 4 58 18 r 80 66-7 83-0 70-2 [ 73-3 5-976 16-215 10-699 [ 32-890 31 69 49 [ 149 247 235 281 [ 254 60 ■67 60 [ 62 30-029 30-180 30-050 [ 30-086 68-7 53-4 62-6 - 61-6 46-7 37-3 41-6 1 41-9 132-7 97-0 128-7 - 119-5 42-4 34-2 38'1 j- 38-2 9 52 27 j 88 65-5 78-5 64-8 j- 69-6 9-631 12-508 7-016 I 29-155 35 51 42 | 128 301 203 297 ;- 267 54 63 62 I 60 30-204 30-222 30-125 [ 30-184 70-5 52-0 63-5 I 62-0 49-7 35-6 45-6 !- 43-6 129-7 95-7 126-7 !■ 117-4 45-3 30-9 39-4 [ 38-5 J 8 78 24 j- 110 62-7 78-3 67-5 I 69-5 6-256 6-844 7-284 | 20-384 28 45 36 [ 109 269 182 202 i 238 63 64 |« 30-283 30-164 29-780 [ 30-076 69-5 53-7 66-1 | 63-1 48-8 36-1 45-7 - 43-5 129-6 95-4 130-1 \ 118-4 44-7 31-6 40-4 I 38-9 9 69 20 I 98 67-7 75-9 65-9 - 69-8 3-600 6-382 4-854 !- 14-836 26 45 30 [ 101 271 192 294 [ 252 60 61 57 }" 29-899 69-1 49-9 129-2 45-8 5 65-9 8-276 32 286 57


APPENDIX No. 4. Yield of Grain for Years 1883 to 1891.

APPENDIX No. 5. Showing the Cropping of the Farm, 1891.

APPENDIX No. 6. On the Value to the Farmer of Soil Analysis, by W. E. Ivey, M.8.A.C., F.C.S., F.1.C., &c. That the chemical analysis of soils is of considerable scientific value all experts will allow, but that the analysis of the soils of his farm will afford the ordinary farmer much assistance in profitable cropping or in manuring will not be so readily granted. It is a more or less general impression with many who have but a superficial knowledge of agricultural chemistry that, by determining in a soil the quantities of those substances it contains which are required by plants as food, it would be possible for the chemist, having an exact knowledge of the composition and requirements of plants, to advise the farmer as to the kinds of crops he should grow; or, as the farmer would say, what crops his soil is fitted for, and as to the kinds of manure he should apply in order to make up apparent deficiencies in his soil, and thus restore the fertility thereof. The notion that it is possible, from the mere inspection of the statement of the percentage


Bushels per Acre. Harvest of Wheat. Oats. Total Grain Grown (Bushels). Barley. Average. .883 ... .884 ... .885 ... .886 ... .887 ... .888 ... 889 ... 890 ... .891 ... 40 81| 441 30i 25f 40' 33 42i 27 441 57 54f 41* 30 40 62 63i 29i 52 17 47i 19i 371 371 20i 35" 13* 42i 35i 471 31i 29 39 35 45i 27" 8,582 7,513 11,400 6,892 5,848 7,952 7,009 9,200 4,915 Average of nine years 35 47 31} 37 7,701

No. of Field. Kind. Acreage. Totals;. Vheat rt ' • • • • * // • • • ' •' 1 15 26 28 33 White Tuscan Essex rough chaff Golden drop ... Velvet Minnesota, hard A. E. P. 22 0 0 24 3 0 26 0 0 9 2 0 16 0 0 A. E. P. „ ... ... )ats 14 16 24 Canadian ... ... :.. Sparrow-bill ... Long Tartarian 24 3 0 24 3 0 21 1 0 98 1 K ... ... 70 3 Sarley 6 23 Golden melon ... Winter 16 1 0 3 0 0 3eans 30 30 23 3 25 Tick ... Dun ... Golden Winter barley Vetches and oats 19 1 13 0 7 1 3 0 Jeas fetches Spring feed 19 1 0 15 3 0 fallow For roots Eotation grasses Permanent pasture I 35 0 86 1 156 2 126 1 )ccupied by building! mental plots, roads, Total available area 3, plantations, orchard and garden, experiilaces, &c. 615 2 3, yard! waste i 46 1 Gran* 1 total 661 3


composition of a soil, one might prescribe the treatment of such soil, both as to cropping and manuring, is certainly very attractive; so much so, that farmers holding this opinion are often disappointed when the inability to advise on these matters from soil-analysis alone is confessed, and they are told that the expensive work of analysis is not warranted by the amount of information afforded them, even if they understood the figures at all. Of course if, as I saw in an auctioneer's advertisement in a Sydney paper some years ago, the quantity of a constituent is used to give sale value to land it may be said to be of use. In this case the percentage of nitrogen the soil contained was calculated into pounds per acre, and shown to be equal to the quantity in so many tons of Peruvian guano, and therefore, as this chemist—or charlatan—said in his report, this land was of very great value, but in ordinary cases— i.e., where no abnormal conditions exist, it is as easy for the farmer to judge what crops to grow, and, from a general knowledge of the wants of the various crops, what manure to use for each kind of crop, as it would be if he had the most elaborate analysis in his hand, and it would be much safer. In case of infertility, and in many other instances of abnormality in soils, chemical analysis is often of great value. I have myself analysed many samples of soil which were absolutely barren, and yet had the appearance of being good soil, and had been taken up as such. The analysis showed in some cases that infertility was caused by such poisonous substances as ferrous salts, or humus acids, or excess of alkali. And it is often of use to know whether your soil contains much or little lime, &c, but to deal with soil-analysis as a sort of medical diagnosis, with the view of prescribing a pill of phosphates or nitrates, or what not, is absurd. 1 repeat, in the hands of an expert, having also a knowledge of the soil in situ — i.e., of its peculiarities, of its surroundings, aspect, climate, &c, soil-analysis might be of use, and often is; but from analysis alone no one should venture to say that this soil will grow, for instance, white grapes and that red grapes, because the one contains more or less lime, or potash, &c, than the other. Let me explain why this is so: Firstly, chemical analysis alone is absolutely valueless as indicating agricultural value, as there may be laid befpre a professing adviser two statements of the results of analysis which may be exactly the same, and yet one may be the outcome of an examination of a mixture of pulverised rock and humus of no agricultural value, and the other that of a very fertile soil. Or we might have an indurated almost useless clay of similar composition with a really rich soil, or even showing a larger percentage of the acknowledged valuable constituents. But it is in connection with manuring, i.e., in reply to the question " What does analysis say that any soil wants in the shape of manure?" That advice, based upon the percentage of the various constituents a soil is shown to contain, and upon that alone, must especially be fallacious. Why ? It will be admitted that an application of 2cwt. of superphosphate of lime to an acre of land may make the difference between a bad and a good crop of turnips. Would a chemical analysis of two samples of soil from the same field, the one having received such a dressing, the other not, show necessarilly which was the one manured? And if not, how can any one, from a statement of the results of analysis alone, say whether or not a soil requires an addition of phosphates? An acre of soil to the depth of about Bin. weighs about 2,500,0001b. The amount of anhydrous phosphoric acid in an ordinary 26 per cent, superphosphate is, say, 31-J-lb. If it were possible to mix intimately 2cwt. of such a superphosphate with the soil of an acre of land and obtain a fair sample for analysis, the result of the analysis would be theoretically an increased percentage of this item of '0012. That is to say, it would require the addition of 2cwt. —a very good dressing— of superphospate to supply phosphoric acid enough to affect the third place of decimals in a percentage statement. And no chemist, in determining phosphoric acid in soils, can be sure of working so accurately as to be certain that he is correct to the third place of decimals. In fact, -001 per cent, is within the possible —nay probable —error of analysis. Again, for the purpose of determining the amount of phosphoric acid in a soil, he generally takes about 60 grains— i.e., one-eighth of an ounce, or one three hundred and twenty millionth of the soil of an acre of laud; and to determine whether he was dealing with soil to which had or had not been added 2cwt. of superphosphate, he has to deal with one three hundred and twenty millionth of 31ilb. of phosphoric acid, or about -00075 of a grain. Leaving out of the question possible errors of manipulation during analysis, there is the question of sampling to be considered; and I may say that it is practically impossible to select two one-eighths of samples from a bulk which would agree in results to -001 per cent, or to -00075 of a grain of phosphoric acid. And, lastly, published results of analyses of soils seldom tell us the condition of the phosphoric acid therein; and this is all important, for it is upon the solubility of this substance that its value to a great extent depends. So that it may be the case that the soil containing the lower percentage, and yet the larger quantity of available phosphoric acid, that is the more fruitful one. Take a case in point: Were I to attempt to value the soils of the College Farm for their percentage composition alone I should be wofully out, for in several instances the poorer—and in some cases much the poorer—-soil contains the larger percentage of phosphoric acid. In one case it would require 95cwt. and in another 60cwt. of superphosphate per acre to equalise the phosphates in two soils. Of course it may be said that fertility is not due to phosphates alone. True, but like results obtain when dealing with nitrogen, and were it worth while to enter into the necessary calculations this could be easily shown. To attempt to advise upon- the inspection of a statement of results of analysis of a soil as to whether that soil requires nitrogen, or phosphates, or potash, is to undertake to do what one is not warranted in doing in cases of ordinary soils, though of course it may be stated that the quantity is above or below the average. And to the ordinary farmer, what does a statement of result of analysis mean to him ? Does it necessarily convey any meaning at all to him ? Ido not think it does in any but exceptional cases.




The analysis of soils of a country should be systematically carried out for the information of scientists, but not for the farmer with a view of ascertaining what is the most suitable crop or what manure he should apply. As I have said, mechanical condition, locality, subsoil, climate, &c, affect the productiveness of soils more than their chemical composition, and in cases of useful soils which may have been worked out, it is better to rely upon the application of phosphates for turnips, nitrogen for cereals, grasses, &c, than to worry over analysis. If soils are not useful the farmer does not want analysis, for he does not take up such soils, knowing intuitively that not all the phosphates or nitrogen he could apply would render them so fertile that he could produce from them payable crops of wheat, or grass, or other crop.

APPENDIX No. 7. List of Wheats growing experimentally on the Farm.

1. Bkrant's Trap. 36. Minnesota Fife. 2. Pringle's No. 6. 37. Oregon Fife. 3. Egyptian. 38. Indian. 4. Blount's Basalt. 39. Eldorado. 5. Hedgerow. 40. White Mexican. 6. Dominion. 41. Durmtir. 7. Lost Nation. 42. Polish. 8. Golden Globe. 43. Odessa. 9. China Tea. 44. Eussian. 10. Meekins. 45. Sherman. 11. Rustproof. 46. Defiance. 12. Australian Club. _ 47. Suvator. 13. Saxon Fife. 48. Vermont. 14. Cretan. 49. Prussian. 15. Centennial. 50. White Fife. 16. Square-head. 51. White Eussian. 17. Australian Winter. 52. Early Baart. 18. Chili. 53. Gallant's Hybrid. 19. Blount's. 54. Indian. 20. Touzelle. 55. Indian Beardless. 21. Samara. 56. Cliamplain. 22. Mediterranean. 57. Ward's Prolific. 23. Blount's Hybrid. 58. Sonora. 24. Walker. 59. Improved Fife. 25. Australian Hard. 60. China Spring. 26. Canadian Club. 61. Zealand. 27. Brooks's. 62. Stehrwedel. 28. The Blount. 63. Dv Toits. 29. Dallas. 64. Farmer's Friend. 30. Lambrigg. 65. Rattling Tom. 31. Purple Chaff. 66 to 76. Carter's Cross-bred A to K. 32. Australian Loft. 77. Poulard. 33 Pringle's No. 4. 78. Eieti. 34. Rio Grande. 79. Souvenir de Mars. 35. Roseworthy. 80. Sample No. 5.

APPENDIX No. 8. Particulars of Manurial Experiments on Wheat.

No. 10, J-acre Hots. Kind of Manure. Quantity per Acre. Cost per Acre. No. 1 2 3 Sulphate of ammonia, one dressing (in winter) ... Sulphate of ammonia, two dressings (winter and spring) ... Sulphate of ammonia (in winter) Superphosphate of lime (in winter) Sulphate of ammonia (in winter) Superphosphate of lime (in winter) No manure. Lime (in winter) Sulphate of ammonia, two dressings (winter and spring) ... Sulphate of ammonia (in spring) Superphosphate of lime (in winter) Sulphate of ammonia (in spring) „. Superphosphate of lime (in winter) Superphosphate of lime (in winter) ... Patent silicate manure Cwt. li ii 4 U li 3 £ s. d. 12 6 12 6 4 j- 1 4 0 |l 2 6 6 5 6 7 8 3 0 6 6 2 5 0 9 I "1* 1* 3 3 G |j 1 -i 0 | 2 6 6 10 11 1 i 0


Particulars of Manurial Experiments on Wheat— continued.

Note. —Manure on plots Nos. Ito 4 and 6to 8 drilled with the seed. Manure on plots Nos. 10 and 11 sown with Btrawsonizer.

APPENDIX No. 9. Effects of Hot Water and other Dressings on the Germination of Wheat.


No. 15, 2-acre Plots. Kind of Manure. Quantity per Acre. Cost per Acre. No. 1 2 3 Sulphate of ammonia Dried blood (Belfast) Sulphate of ammonia Superphosphate of lime Dried blood Superphosphate of lime No manure. Sulphate of ammonia Dried blood Superphosphate of lime No manure. Sulphate of ammonia Superphosphate of lime Cwt. H 3 1 1 2 1 £ s. a i 2 e 0 18 C 4 | 1 2 6 | o 17 e 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3. 2 o n s 0 9 £ 0 16 C 4 3 1 2 6 1 4 C

Tuscan Wheat (sown under glass). 2 . 3 S 53 "o EH °.S o 3 'S F1 <D S P4 a 'er Cem ;. germinated on 10th 12th ! 15th day. day. day. I Remarks. 5th day. 7th day. 1. Water only 2. „ 3. „ 4. „ 5. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. water 6. Water only 7. „ 8. „ 9. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. water .0. Water only .1. .2. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. water .3. Water only .4. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. water Deg.F. 150 145 145 140 140 Mm. 1 1 i 1 1 35 92 100 96 3 70 89 Best dead. Strong growth. 6 18 36 51 Rest dead. 140 135 135 135 i 2 1 1 96 82 100 0 96 Stronger than 3. Not as strong. Strongest. Best dead. "3 21 32 36 130 130 130 2 1 1 91 96 0 "6 *9 24 27 Equal to 3. Equal to 6. Best dead. 125 125 1 1 100 0 "6 6 21 27 Equal to 6. Best dead. Smutted Hunter's (in sand), No. 23. 10th day. 12 th day. 16th day. 20th day. 23rd day. 1. Water only 2. „ 3. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. water 4. Water only 5. „ 6. „ 7. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. water 127 127 127 135 135 135 135 5 ■2, 2 5 2 1 1 "2 0 0 3 0 42 60 15 50 57 53 5 90 98 52 98 93 98 25 100 80 88 Best dead. 67 77 Best dead. 8. Bluestone only, 2oz. to lqt. ■water 9. Water only .0. And in bluestone, loz. to lqt. ■water 11. Cold water, 6 hours, and bluestone as 10 .2. Carbolic acid and Calvert's No. 5, loz. to lqt. water .3. No dressing 0 2 10 22 38 tr 142 142 2 1 2 0 36 5 82 40 85 87 0 5 20 40 50 And 63 in 30 days rest dead. Best dead. 0 10 50 74 75 8 75 ,98 4—E. 10.


On Sunday : First year, students to milk ; second year, to clean harness. Weekly examinations : Friday, 7 to 9 p.m., as per list. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not known; printing (1,250 copies), £22.

By Authority: Geobge Didsboet, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1891. Price 9d.j

APPENDIX No. 10. Time-table, First Term, 1891.


Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Sati irday. I Hours. First Year. Second Year. First Year. Second Year. First Year. Second Year. First Year. Second Year. First Yea, *gFirst ! Year. | Second Year. A.M. 8.30 to 9.30 .. 9.30 to 11 -3 O OS Chemistry Chemical laboratory Chemistry .. Chemical laboratory CD c3 -3 o 03 O I Chemistry .. Chemical laboratory c^j w -"d •■ O k~ - 3 rt 'I 60 m & ° in >T u o *> 3 £? g co g . |-rp .|-:o 8.30 to 10 a.m. Physics 10 to 11 a.m. Entomology Chemistry .. Chemical laboratory CD .9 el CO . - to 11 to 12 Agriculture Agriculture .. Physiological chemistry Agriculture Agriculture.. P.M. 1.30 to 2.30 .. O 6 a Pit to p, 1" "; Groups Groups A and B. G and D. 1.30 to 3 p.m. Biological la- Land surveyboratory ing Botany So CD -^ hi o bo -5" 1.30 to 3 p.m. Botany. <D CD c3 Groups A and B. Veterinary Groups C and D. Book-keeping Entomology to i 2 O >, 2.30 to 3.30 .. r»i r_i_. S a 8 o o © as Veterinary (' ecture) Mensuration 3.30 to 4.30 .. 3 to 4.30 p.m. Land survey- Biological laing boratory chemistry 3 to 4.30 p.m. Mathematics. Physiography Mechanics .. Mechanics

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SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, LINCOLN (REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF), FOR YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1891., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, E-10

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SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, LINCOLN (REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF), FOR YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1891. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, E-10

SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, LINCOLN (REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF), FOR YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1891. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, E-10

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