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Report of the Natural Science Department, First Term, 1891— continued.


No. Name. Source. I jl m P £ ■ d o ,. 3 a i I** Impurities per Cent., and Kemarks. % s 1-^ i 147 148 Rape Rye-grass Christchurch Rangitata 70 | Frequent Yorkshire fog and odd seeds of Brassica sp., goose-grass, and hair-grass, (Festuca bromoides), with traces of cocksfoot and ergot growths, Frequent Yorkshire fog, and odd seeds of cat's-ear (Hypo- '■■ chaeris), goose-grass, and dock. 1!J Cocksfoot .50 .51 .52 Alsike White-clover English red-clover .. Christchurch Oamaru 69 Sorrel, 1 ; odd plantain .. .. .. .. 1 Various, 1; consisting of an undetermined umbelliferous 1 plant, sorrel, dock, plantain, black-medick, fathen, timothy, &c. Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) .. .. .. 2 Occasional timothy and sorrel, and odd seeds of Californian thistle, and of an undetermined composite plant. Nearly pure. Yorkshire fog, 3; and odd seeds of goose-grass and ] timothy Rib-grass, 3; millet-grass {Miliicm effuswn), 6; and { 9 various White-clover, 5 ; Italian rye-grass, 2 ; sorrel and dock, 4 ; 13 goose-grass and Yorkshire fog, 2 ; with odd dissected geranfixm and many bits Sorrel, 2; hair-grass (Festuca), l.J ; cat's-ear, }; soft- 5 brome and fog, 1 Fog (Holcus lanatus) .. .. ,. 10 Is Poa breviglumis. Is Poa colensoi. Is common twitch (Poa pratensis). Very poor sample. 1 1 English cow-grass .. Alsike 2 .53 5-1. .56 56 Rye-grass Cocksfoot .57 Red-clover Rakaia 9 .58 Rye-grass llethven 75 13 91 5 .59 60 6J 62 .68 .64 Cocksfoot Grass Christchurch 47 10 Canterhury - saved green-top turnip Wheat 21 .65 .66 .67 .68 69 70 71 .72 .73 .74 75 76 77 78 Sutton's hybrid turnip Vine-leaves Plant Grass Bpringston .. Oamaru College farm.. Christchurch Springfield .. Pairlie Creek 93 Attacked by the grain-aphis. Two-year-old seed. To state if attacked by the Phylloxera. No. Is Cerastium arvense, a perennial English chickweed. Is small tussac poa (P. intermedia). Is small tussac poa (P. intermedia). Is Carex colensoi. Is crested hair-grass (Kolleria cristata). Is Poa intermedia var. Is black-medick (Medicago lupulina). Is reflex bristle-grass (Setaria verticillata). Pure. Fog, 10, with occasional goose-grass, meadow-fescue, 10 rye-grass, and hair-grass (Festuca), and much chaffy matter Occasional. Yorkshire fog ; also meadow-fescue and ryegrass, as in No. 178, with a few cat's-ear ; other impurities absent. Practically pure. Practically pure ; a few odd red-clover, fat-hen, Poa sp., &c. Odd seeds of small Poas, bent grass (Agrostis), &c. Frequent fog (Holcus), some agrostis, and odd plantain, ox-eye daisy, &c. Occasional undetermined and fog. Frequent rush (Juneus sp). Occasional various, white-clover, alsike, chickweed, sorrel, undetermined, composite plant, &o. Odd chickweed, white-clover, sorrel, &c. Sorrel, 2 ; occasional plantain, and various Frequent seeds of a species of umbelliferous plant, and occasional rye-grass and plantain. Occasional rye-grass, plantain, and various. Odd seeds of plantain and dock. Frequent seeds of a species of umbelliferous plant; also rye-grass and plantain. Occasional timothy, and three species of undetermined composite plants ; odd plantain, sorrel, and cleavers (Galium). Occasional timothy, and odd red-clover, and corn (Galium). Red-clover, 3; sheep's parsley, 2 .. .. .. 5 Odd Bromus sp., sorrel, red-clover, Lucerne, and corn (Galium). Is slender glumeless grass (Gymnostichum yracile). Is Agrostis youngii. Is snow-grass (Schoenus pauciflorus), Is Italian rye-grass. Is meadow-fescue. Is crested hair-grass {Koelaria. cristata). Is Carex forsteri. Sedge Grass Seed '.. Grass .. Fiorin Cocksfoot Masterton Christchurch 12 10 70 .80 .81 Meadow-fescue Timothy Masterton 53 91 .82 88 Crested dog's-tail 78 42 .84 .35 86 Fiorin Poa nemoralis 44 56 7 .87 88 89 Poa pratensis White-clover American cow-grass .. 10 55 70 2 .90 .91 ■92 English cow-grass .. American red-clover.. 79 84 84 .93 Alsike 69 84 M .95 .90 Espercet (Sainfoin) .. White-mustard 35 98 .97 .08 199 !00 iOl >m 203 Grass Timaru Sedge Grass Sedge .. .. I