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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 46 of " The Public Bevenues Act, 1878."

Consolidated Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Ordinary Revenue Account :— Minister's Salary and Allowance: — Amount paid to the Hon. E. Mitchelson, Minister of Native Affairs, by way of salary and house-allowance, from 4th October, 1890, to 24th January, 1891 — Salary House-allowance £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 245 3 2 61 5 9 House of Representatives : — Gratuity to messengers for the session of 1890-91 Dynamo for electric - light apparatus at Parliamentary Buildings, and armature for same Services of electrician during session Freight on electric apparatus 306 8 11 60 0 0 271 18 11 83 15 0 13 17 7 429 11 6 Colonial Secretary's Department: — Expenses in connection with the appointment of F. J. Moss, Esq., as Permanent Resident at Rarotonga Grass-seed supplied to sufferers by the Taranaki bush-fires Expenses in connection with Labour Conference held at Wellington Pension to J. Outram, from 1st April to 30th September, 1890 Expenses under " The Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880 " Payment to Rev. H. C. M. Watson, as a contribution towards expenses incurred in lecturing on New Zealand in England .. Salary of V. L. Willeston, Clerk, Audit Department, on leave of absence, from 1st to 30th April, 1891 Expenses in connection with the Akaroa Election Petition Payment to Messrs. Brown, Skerrett, and Dean for legal services in the case Wellington Benevolent Contributors v. Local Bodies 264 7 11 207 1 7 129 3 6 94 0 0 409 17 9 150 0 0 6 13 4 20 2 11 242 4 3 1,523 11 3 Treasury Department :— Refunds to Public Trustee of balances in under-mentioned intestate estates, under section 11 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1878,"— Patrick Kirk .. .. .. £17 11 6 John Stark .. .. .. 29 7 11 JohnFroggart .. .. .. 25 7 5 Amount advanced by the Government to County of Westland in respect of the claim for compensation re proclamation of Arahura and Teremakau Rivers as tailingschannels now required to be written off 72 6 10 482 0 6 Justice Department: — Allowance toJ.S.Hickson, Esq., late Resident Magistrate, Clyde, from 1st September, 1890, to 31st March, 1891.. Part salary of Mr. Commissioner Edwards from 1st November, 1890, to 31st March, 1891 554 7 4 87 10 0 139 11 8 52 1 8 Customs Department: — Refund of duty charged on machinery for drying-room at Convent, Christchurch Gratuity to Mr. J. G. Milsom, Writer, Customs, Christchurch, on his retirement in consequence of ill-health Refund of primage-duty charged on goods passed on 30th September, 1890, but not landed until after that date.. 70 2 10 187 16 0 301 6 0 43 7 2 Carried forward 3,254 16 8


Unauthorised Expenditure Account— continued.


Brought forward Consolidated Fund— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,254 16 8 £ s. d. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Ordinary Revenue Account— continued. Education Department: — Half salary of Mr. F. A. and Mrs. Green, Native-school teachers, Waikouaiti, while on leave of absence, from 1st February to 31st July, 1891 Allowance to Mr. W. Creek, Native-school teacher, in lieu of pension from 1st February to 31st March, 1891 30 16 8 8 3 7 Lunacy and Charitable Department: — Compensation to Mr. J. Buchanan, attendant at Seacliff Asylum, for loss of office 39 0 3 93 16 7 Native Department: — Payments made to Natives on account of Mangere rents Passage of Mr. T. Mackay, attending Native Land Commission Advance payment on account of security for costs, &c, in appeal to Privy Council in case of Poaka and others v. Ward and others 406 3 5 3 0 0 300 0 0 Working Railways Department: — Amount to make good imprest moneys stolen from Dunedin Railway-station 709 3 5 641 3 9 Public Buildings Department: — Amount expended in connection with the fire at the Old Printing-office, Wellington Expenses of road-formation at Milford Sound by prison labour .. .. .. 581 5 1 555 5 10 1,136 10 11 Defence Department: — Compassionate allowance to widow of late Sergeant-Major Bell, Wellington .. Purchase of land for rifle-range, Polhill Gully, Wellington Passage of W. A. Bailey, Esq., to London, on his appointment to H.M. Middlesex Regiment Compensation to Sergeant-Major W. White for loss of office 127 15 0 840 0 0 63 0 0 155 2 6 Police Department: — Cost of defending charge of perjury brought against Constable G. Gillespie Compassionate allowance to widow of late Constable Barry Compassionate allowance granted to children of late Sergeant P. Finnegan, Dunedin Compensation and salary from 1st April to 30th June paid to officers of Police Force on their services being dispensed with, — 1,185 17 6 208 11 11 136 17 6 191 12 6 Salary. Compensation. Inspector Moore .. £87 10 0 £700 0 0 Goodall .. 75 0 0 600 0 0 Kiely .. 75 0 0 600 0 0 Thompson.. 75 0 0 600 0 0 - £312 10 0 £2,500 0 0 Advances outstanding .. 2,812 10 0 3,349 11 11 200 0 0 10,610 1 0 jAnd Fund Account :— Amount paid to Mr. A. Marshall in lieu of land claimed under " The Immigrants Land Act, 1873 " Salary and travelling-allowance of Dairy Inspector,— Salary from 18th October, 1890, to 3rd April, 1891 Travelling-allowance 50 0 0 144 0 0 17 5 8 161 5 8 Payment to widow of G. Withers, being the amount in excess of £2 per acre realised by sale of land Contribution towards sending expert to England in charge of dairy produce Refund to Tawhiao, on behalf of owners, of amount realised by sale of land at Mangere .. 30 5 0 125 0 0 819 16 8 453 6 0 .ccounts op Local Bodies :— Advance Account: — Mount Ida Water-race Trust Advances outstanding: — Westport Harbour Board 200 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 Total for services not provided for .. 11,779 17 8 Carried forward 11,779 17 8


t> 4 i * % '"X.

Unauthorised Expenditure Account — continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11,779 17 8 Brought forward Consolidated Fund— continued. FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Advances. Totals. 0 )edinaey Revenue Account :— Final Charges. Class I. Legislative Department,— ■ Vote 2—House of Representatives .. 368 14 5 3—General Expenses .. 396 11 5 Class II. Colonial Secretary's Department,— Vote 4—Colonial Secretary's Office.. 158 10 0 5—Ministers' Secretaries .. 51 3 9 8—Audit Office .. .. 209 14 3 „ 10—Agent-General .. .. 22 0 11 „ 11—Printing and Stationery .. 3,977 16 10 „ 12 —Colonial Secretary, Miscellaneous .. .. .. 236 17 6 Class III. Colonial Treasurer's Department, — Vote 15—Property-tax .. .. 151 8 3 „ 16—Treasury, Miscellaneous .. 11,264 17 8 Class IV. Justice Department,— Vote 17—Department of Justice .. 14 3 4 „ 18—Crown Land Office .. 15 6 6 „ 19—Supreme Court .. .. 442 7 9 „ 20—Bankruptcy .. .. 123 4 0 „ 21 —District and Resident Magistrates' Courts .. .. 497 0 5 „ 22—Criminal Prosecutions „ 23—Coroners.. .. .. 119 16 3 Class V. Postal and Telegraph Department,— Vote 29—Telegraph Cable Repairs .. „ 31—Mails by Sea „ 32—Inland Mails .. .. 1,416 4 5 „ 34—Post and Telegraph, Miscellaneous .. .. 4,602 0 8 Class VI. Customs and Marine Department, — Vote 35—Customs Offices and Services 586 1 8 Class VII. Stamps and Deeds Department,— Vote 39—Stamp Department .. 299 6 7 „ 40 —Land and Deeds Registry .. 134 1 5 „ 41—Stamps, Miscellaneous .. 0 6 3 Class VIII. Education Department,— Vote 44—Native Schools .. .. 31 2 8 „ 49—Rotorua Sanatorium .. 104 18 4 ' Class IX. Native Affairs Department,— Vote 51—Native Land Court .. 610 17 8 Class X. Mines and Lands Department,— Vote 54 —Geological and Meteorological .. .. .. 108 17 2 „ 55—Stock Branch .. .. 843 14 1 „ 56—Minos, Miscellaneous .. 1,622 3 2 Class XI. Working Railways Department, — Vote 57—Working Railways .. 30,892 1 1 Class XII. Public Buildings and Domains Department, — Vote 61—Government Domains .. 90 16 4 Class XIII. Minister of Defence,— Vote 62—Defence Department .. 106 5 0 „ 63—Permanent Militia .. 6,703 2 2 „ 64—Volunteers .. .. 3,884 1111 „ 65—Stores and Magazines .. 291 16 2 „ 66—Police .. .. .. 1,083 16 1 „ 67—Defence, Miscellaneous .. 2,642 4 0 152 2 3 10 16 0 186 12 4 50 16 6 10 19 7 0 16 1 92 11 7 368 14 5 396 11 5 158 10 0 51 3 9 361 16 6 22 0 11 3,977 16 10 236 17 6 151 8 3 11,264 17 8 14 3 4 15 6 6 453 3 9 309 16 4 547 16 11 10 19 7 119 10 3 0 16 1 92 11 7 1,416 4 5 4,602 0 8 39 11 11 025 13 7 90 8 0 299 6 7 224 9 5 0 6 3 40 0 0 71 2 8 104 18 4 417 3 10 1,028 1 6 108 17 2 843 14 1 1,622 3 2 167 10 9 31,059 17 10 90 16 4 632 16 4 74 8 5 106 5 0 7,335 18 6 3,959 0 4 291 16 2 1,791 2 4 2,642 4 0 707 6 3 £74,104 0 1 2,674 5 10 76,778 5 11 jAnd Fund Account : — Class IV. Crown Lands and Survey Department, — Vote 71 —Survey Department .. 759 5 0 „ 72—Miscellaneous .. .. 189 4 2 948 9 2 1,354 2 5 2,113 7 5 189 4 2 948 9 2 1,354 2 5 2,302 11 7 aaa a 2 £75,052 9 3 4,028 8 3 79,080 17 6 Total Consolidated Fund £90,860 15 2



Unauthorised Expenditure Account — continued.

James B. He"ywood, Secretary to the Treasury. Treasury, Wellington, 22nd April, 1891. Eobebt J. Collins, Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. James C. Gavin, Assistant Controller and Auditor.

JOSBPHUS H. EICHABDSON, Wellington, 11th May, 1891. Commissioner, Examined and found correct. James C. Gavin, Assistant Controller and Auditor.

E. C. Hameeton, Wellington, 16th April, 1891. Public Trustee. Examined and found correct. James C. Gavin, Assistant Controller and Auditor. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Cost of preparation, nil; printing (1,300 copies), £i 10s.

By Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9l.

£ s. d. s. s. Public Works Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. 'art I.: — Payment to Taranaki County on account of rates on Native lands for years 1888-89 and 1889-90 Permanent-way material supplied to Forest Hill Tramway 650 0 0 556 5 2 1,206 5 2 'aet III. :— Return of forfeited deposit of Veitch and Ritchie re culverts contract, Middlemarch Section, Otago Cost of fencing Thames Valley Land Company's property near Lichfield 10 0 0 443 0 0 Advances outstanding 453 0 0 64 10 11 517 10 11 FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. 1,723 16 1 'art I.:— Final Charges. Class V. Waterworks on Goldfields, — Vote 86—Water-races, Middle Island.. £175 11 5 Class X. Rates on Native lands, — Vote 97—Rates on Native lands .. 2,599 17 8 Class XI. Thermal Springs,— Vote 98—Thermal Springs .. .. 236 19 11 Advances. Totals. 175 11 5 2,599 17 8 236 19 11 £3,012 9 0 3,012 9 0 'art III.:— Class I. Public Works Departmental, — Vote 105—Public Works Departmental 1,264 9 6 Class II. Railways,— Vote 108—Putaruru-Rotorua .. 1,081 5 0 16 0 2 1,280 9 8 1,081 5 0 £2,345 14 6 16 0 2 2,361 14 8 Total Public Works Fund £7,097 19 9

Government Life Insurance Department. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. 582 5 10 igents' Salaries !ompensation for loss of office, — E. S. Ward Buller George Naylor 106 10 7 175 5 8 281 16 3 £864 2 1

Public Trust Office. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. 942 1 7 181 7 0 "udgment and costs, Hatfield v. Public Trusteo deficiency on sale of realty mortgaged £1,123 8 7

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Bibliographic details

UNAUTHORISED EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1891., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, B-04

Word Count

UNAUTHORISED EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1891. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, B-04

UNAUTHORISED EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1891. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, B-04

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