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Unauthorised Expenditure Account — continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11,779 17 8 Brought forward Consolidated Fund— continued. FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Advances. Totals. 0 )edinaey Revenue Account :— Final Charges. Class I. Legislative Department,— ■ Vote 2—House of Representatives .. 368 14 5 3—General Expenses .. 396 11 5 Class II. Colonial Secretary's Department,— Vote 4—Colonial Secretary's Office.. 158 10 0 5—Ministers' Secretaries .. 51 3 9 8—Audit Office .. .. 209 14 3 „ 10—Agent-General .. .. 22 0 11 „ 11—Printing and Stationery .. 3,977 16 10 „ 12 —Colonial Secretary, Miscellaneous .. .. .. 236 17 6 Class III. Colonial Treasurer's Department, — Vote 15—Property-tax .. .. 151 8 3 „ 16—Treasury, Miscellaneous .. 11,264 17 8 Class IV. Justice Department,— Vote 17—Department of Justice .. 14 3 4 „ 18—Crown Land Office .. 15 6 6 „ 19—Supreme Court .. .. 442 7 9 „ 20—Bankruptcy .. .. 123 4 0 „ 21 —District and Resident Magistrates' Courts .. .. 497 0 5 „ 22—Criminal Prosecutions „ 23—Coroners.. .. .. 119 16 3 Class V. Postal and Telegraph Department,— Vote 29—Telegraph Cable Repairs .. „ 31—Mails by Sea „ 32—Inland Mails .. .. 1,416 4 5 „ 34—Post and Telegraph, Miscellaneous .. .. 4,602 0 8 Class VI. Customs and Marine Department, — Vote 35—Customs Offices and Services 586 1 8 Class VII. Stamps and Deeds Department,— Vote 39—Stamp Department .. 299 6 7 „ 40 —Land and Deeds Registry .. 134 1 5 „ 41—Stamps, Miscellaneous .. 0 6 3 Class VIII. Education Department,— Vote 44—Native Schools .. .. 31 2 8 „ 49—Rotorua Sanatorium .. 104 18 4 ' Class IX. Native Affairs Department,— Vote 51—Native Land Court .. 610 17 8 Class X. Mines and Lands Department,— Vote 54 —Geological and Meteorological .. .. .. 108 17 2 „ 55—Stock Branch .. .. 843 14 1 „ 56—Minos, Miscellaneous .. 1,622 3 2 Class XI. Working Railways Department, — Vote 57—Working Railways .. 30,892 1 1 Class XII. Public Buildings and Domains Department, — Vote 61—Government Domains .. 90 16 4 Class XIII. Minister of Defence,— Vote 62—Defence Department .. 106 5 0 „ 63—Permanent Militia .. 6,703 2 2 „ 64—Volunteers .. .. 3,884 1111 „ 65—Stores and Magazines .. 291 16 2 „ 66—Police .. .. .. 1,083 16 1 „ 67—Defence, Miscellaneous .. 2,642 4 0 152 2 3 10 16 0 186 12 4 50 16 6 10 19 7 0 16 1 92 11 7 368 14 5 396 11 5 158 10 0 51 3 9 361 16 6 22 0 11 3,977 16 10 236 17 6 151 8 3 11,264 17 8 14 3 4 15 6 6 453 3 9 309 16 4 547 16 11 10 19 7 119 10 3 0 16 1 92 11 7 1,416 4 5 4,602 0 8 39 11 11 025 13 7 90 8 0 299 6 7 224 9 5 0 6 3 40 0 0 71 2 8 104 18 4 417 3 10 1,028 1 6 108 17 2 843 14 1 1,622 3 2 167 10 9 31,059 17 10 90 16 4 632 16 4 74 8 5 106 5 0 7,335 18 6 3,959 0 4 291 16 2 1,791 2 4 2,642 4 0 707 6 3 £74,104 0 1 2,674 5 10 76,778 5 11 jAnd Fund Account : — Class IV. Crown Lands and Survey Department, — Vote 71 —Survey Department .. 759 5 0 „ 72—Miscellaneous .. .. 189 4 2 948 9 2 1,354 2 5 2,113 7 5 189 4 2 948 9 2 1,354 2 5 2,302 11 7 aaa a 2 £75,052 9 3 4,028 8 3 79,080 17 6 Total Consolidated Fund £90,860 15 2