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Laid on the Table by the Hon. Mr. Mitchelson, with leave of the House, and ordered to be printed.

The General Manager, New Zealand Eailways, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Wokks. Sir,— I have the honour to report upon the opened railways for the financial year ending the 31st March, 1888. At the end of the year there were 1,758 miles of line open, against 1,727 miles in the previous year. Interest at the rate of £2 6s. per cent, has been earned on the cost of the opened lines, which is the same as for the previous year. The expenditure has been reduced to £687,328, being nearly £3,000 lower than it was four years ago, and nearly £12,000 lower than in the previous year. Very stringent economy has been exercised to effect this, as there are nearly 300 miles more railway than in 1885. The means which have operated to allow of this economy have been chiefly the work of previous years —improved appliances introduced, saving labour in the shops; better engines introduced to take heavier loads, effecting savings of labour thereby; improvements in the roads due to better rails, sleepers, drainage, and a more permanent condition of the bridges gradually effected under maintenance; improvements in the locomotives, leading to diminished consumption of fuel; and finally the close head-office scrutiny exercised, and the intelligent and close application of the local officers. On the average we are able to work with nearly 200 less hands than was the case in 1884-85. It is to be regretted that the traffic has remained practically stationary since last year: this is largely due to a late harvest, and to grain being held for more favourable sea-freights. While the tonnage is slightly lower the traffic work done is slightly greater than in the former year, the average distance traffic has been carried being greater. The wool traffic shows a moderate increase. The fact that the live-stock traffic has not much increased is probably due to the fact that the export of mutton has curtailed the increase of flocks. The nett revenue has slightly increased. The gross revenue is lower than in the previous year. It is £50,000 below that of four years ago : this is mainly due to the numerous and large reductions which have been made in rates and charges during the past five years, the effect of which in reducing the revenue has doubtless been generally anticipated. It is to be borne in mind that the changes have nearly all been in favour of local products, so that producers have been benefitted. Eeturn 31 shows the alterations in rates made during the year. Following are the comparisons of traffic revenue and expenses for the past nine years :—

and also of the traffic in local products during a similar period :— Wool. Timber. Grain. Minerals. J*S e> J*^ Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1879-80 ... 41,895 149,428 240,144 321,060 30,393 260,816 1880-81 ... 42,387 169,695 421,142 406,266 27,230 280,683 1881-82 ... 44,681 192,905 375,725 433,659 32,511 319,837 1882-83 ... 51,703 197,231 367,428 510,088 37,455 449,470 1883-84 ... 62,066 183,449 432,223 574,312 39,230 656,612 1884-85 ... 68,523 178,909 414,590 618,512 43,096 696,790 1885-86 ... 74,778 202,572 413,847 669,081 46,152 822,028 1886-87 ... 82,963 175,581 345,254 719,579 46,600 904,582 1887-88 ... 84,147 158,024 358,021 700,140 42,067 907,443 I—D. IA.

Year. Miles. lievcnuo. Expenditure. Tonnage. Parcels, &c. Cattle, Sheep, &c. Passengers. Season-tickets. 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 1,172 1,277 1,319 1,358 1,396 1,477 1,613 1,727 1,758 £ 762,573 836,454 892,020 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 & 580,030 521,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 1,108,108 1,377,783 1,437,714 1,504,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 1,735,762 No. 180,331 286,805 316,611 341,186 359,896 347,425 349,428 372,397 399,109 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,075 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,£44 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,451,850 No. 5,077 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,030 8,999 10,717 11,821 11,518



The Eailway Department now performs the duties of 135 public post and telegraph offices. It also deals with the goods traffic and collects the revenues of thirteen ports, in addition to the purely railway work. During the year eleven carriages and ninety-two trucks have been added to the rolling-stock. The practice of manufacturing all this work in the colony, except the channel-irons and steel tyres, has been followed during the past eight years, and in that time more than £100,000 worth of new work in trucks and carriages has been turned out of the Government shops of a kind which had previously been imported. The appliances and system as a whole have undergone a steady improvement, and are in efficient condition. The staff is in a satisfactory state of discipline and efficiency. Damage of some importance occurred to the Wellington line from the effect of a tidal wave and storm on the 28th day of March, which stopped the traffic for ten days between Pitone and Wellington : this will cost about £1,500 to repair. A casualty occurred through a train being blown over during a north-west gale near the foot of the Eimutaka. Fortunately no one was injured. I have taken special precautions, since my return to New Zealand, to adopt, on this section, carriages permanently counterweighted below to prevent the recurrence of such an accident. A protective wind-fence has also been erected at the most exposed portion of this line. To show the large changes which have been made in the railways during the past eight years, and the increased responsibility of maintenance and general administration entailed by the additional stations, rolling-stock, appliances, and public accommodation, as well as by the greater length of the railways, and the large growth of traffic which has taken place, the following table is attached :—

The number of the American type of carriages on the lines in 1880 was only 10. We have now 198 such carriages, which have been converted or built as new carriages in the colony during the interval. The comfort of the travelling public has been very materially improved thereby. The manufacture of ten locomotives in the colony by Messrs. Scott Brothers has been completed ; the engines have run their test mileage, and are now in use, and are showing fair results. After a careful trial, extending over a long period, of Winter's block-instruments, which had been supplied to us by the inventor, as adopted on the Madras railways, it was determined to substitute this system for the one previously in use here, as it gives a more complete safeguard against accident in working. During the past year the system has been introduced, and is working well. Accepting an opportunity afforded by the Government, I spent five months in examining some of the Continental, English, and American railway-systems, after first attending the Bailway Conference at Milan. Separate reports about this have been laid before you, which it is hoped will prove of value to the colony. I obtained from the managers and engineers of the chief railways in Belgium and England important information on the various branches of management, but I found the American practice more interesting and instructive from a colonial point of view than that of the older countries. The various branches of the work were satisfactorily attended to during my absence by the Assistant General Manager, the Locomotive Superintendent, and the Engineer for Working .Railways. The hydraulic cranes at Greymouth erected for the purpose of loading coal into steamers have been completed, and await the finishing of some filling and sidings to be started at work. This is the first introduction into this colony of the important system of hydraulic-crane-working on a large scale. The purpose of the cranes is to do the loading with the minimum of damage to the coal. Six-ton coal-boxes will be lifted from the trucks, lowered in the hold of the steamer, and emptied through a bottom door in the box, giving the coal a very small drop. It is possible that a system of hydraulic cranes would be of great advantage in the grain-sheds at Lyttelton and other places. Hydraulic-crane-working in England has been much extended of late years, and during my visit there, I was enabled to study its application. Our climate, being free from severe frost, is well adapted to the working of such plant. Consequent upon improvements generally and extensions in the North Island I have been able to amalgamate part of the managing staff, extending the system of control at a less cost, by which, under favourable circumstances, we may anticipate improved economical results during the coming year. I have, &c, J. P. Maxwell, M. Inst. C.E., Wellington, 9th May, 1888. General Manager, New Zealand Eailways.

to > O | o o o o5 CD CO 03 o SP to 1 03 &0 Pi .91 ■s a is o5 <u bo 'S 03 m | s H o c CD o I SO 03 i o .880-81 887-88 197 271 414 511 5,805 8,153 3,000 4,932 286 395 21 51 10 1(5 70 90 85 170 155 274 467 664 174 251




Nature. Return No. Description. CCOFNTS rBNEBAl ReTUKSS 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Revenue accoxints. Expenditure account. Detail of classified expenditure. Classified expenditure and revenue. Comparative statement of passenger and goods traffic. Cost of construction and rate of interest. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for nine financial years. Traffic ton mileage, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, and Humnui-Bluff. Classified maintenance expenditure. Revenue and expenditure of stations. Stores contracts. Carriage and wagon stock, and tarpaulins. Locomotive stock. ("Weighing machines. I Weighbridges. -{ Trarersers and turntables. | Cranes. i_Pumps. Renewals of rails. Renewals of sleepers. Number of stations and sidings. Particulars of private siding traffic. Mileage of lines. Sleepers laid and removed. Number of employes. Accidents. Locomotive returns. Repairs to rolling-stock, Hurunui-Bluff. Traffic from coal-mines, Hurunui-Bluff. Vessels loaded and discharged at different ports, Hurunui-Bluff. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of expenditure on maintenance for eight years, Hurunui-Bluff. Average rate of classified expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Statement of maintenance of different divisions of Hurunui-Bluff. Alterations in scale of charges. Special Retubns



2—D. 1a

RETURf I No. 1. Summaby of Ebvbnub Accounts for the ' "welve Months ending 31st March, 1888. Db. . £ s. a. £ s. A. To Cash in hand and outstanding, 1st April, 1887 ... ... ... ... 21,454 8 7 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... ... 994,843 8 10 Ob. £ s. d. £ a. d. By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1888 ... 1,056,879 3 3 Less Kefunds ... ... ... ... ... 71,934 16 2 £1,016,297 17 5 — *g84,944 7 1 Amount for Volunteer service, 1887-88, unrecovered, written off ... ... 7,841 16 10 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... ... 23,511 13 6 To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... 984,944 7 1 Less cash in hand and outstanding, 1st April, 1887 ... 21,454 8 7 Amount for Tolunteer service written off ... ... 7>84i 16 10 13,612 11 9 £1,016,297 17 5 By Expenditure to 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... ... ... 687,328 2 9 Balance available for interest ... ... ... ... ... ... 307,515 6 1 97i:33i 15 4 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... ... 23,511 13 6 £994.343 3 10 * Beceipts per Treasury ... ... ... £983,826 i 0 Balance refund account, March 31,1887 ... 8,153 3 1 989,979 7 1 Balance refund account, March 31,1888 ... 5,035 0 0 £984,044 7 1 . £994»843 8 10 Eetubn of Eevenub for Haeboub Boabds, &c, :or the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1888. De. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st March, 1887 ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,153 3 1 Wharfages, &c, 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... ... ... 71,93416 2 £80,087 19 3 Ob. £ s. d. By Treasury payments to 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... ... ... 75,052 19 3 Balance dvie to Harbour Boards, &c. ... ... ... ... ... SjO3S 0 o £80,087 19 3 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



RETURN No. 2. Dr. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1888. Cr.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Po Balance brought forward: — ■ Outstanding accounts, — Other Government departments for — Stores ... ... ... ... 93 6 5 Workshops ... ... ... 56 16 o Way and worts ... ... ... r,8oo 14 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 151 4 1 By Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1887, brought forward ... ... ... ... ... ... 76,974 8 7 „ Classified expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... 687,328 2 9 „ Recoveries per Treasury to credit of Vote 11,* — Other Grovernment departments for — Stores ... ... ... ... 1,24.2 16 6 Workshops ... ... ... ... 18,299 11 11 Way and works ... ... ... 21,500 8 6 Miscellaneous... ... ... ... 990 18 4 42=033 15 3 2,102 1 3 Personal accounts for — Stores ... ... ... ... 14 5 o Workshops ... ... ... 4,057 4 7 Way and works ... ... ... 90 14 5 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 40 10 o Personal accounts for — Stores ... ... ... ... 876 16 6 Workshops ... ... ... ... 6,196 3 1 Way and works ... ... ... 201 13 10 Miscellaneous... ... ... ... 185 3 4 7,459 16 9 Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... ... ... 16,372 11 8 *6s,866 3 8 4,202 14 o ■ 6,304 IS 3 Stock in hand — ' . Stores . ... Workshops 120,846 17 11 122,360 3 1 „ Payments per Treasury, Vote 11* ,, unauthorised 765,616 12 1 256 10 3 765,873 2 4 „ Balance carried forward :— Outstanding accounts, — Other Grovernment departments for — Stores ... ... ... ... 13 17 4 Workshops ... ... ... 147 16 o Way and works ... ... ... 713 6 '5 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 7 13 6 882 13 3 ,, Recovery from Manawatu County Council on account of amount due at 31st March, 1886 „ Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1888, carried forward 30 1 2 ... 51,293 '4 o * Payments per Treasurj^, Vote 11 ... 12 1 Recoveries to vote ... ... 6^,S6t) 3 8 , Net charge to vote ... £699,7^0 8 J Personal accounts for — Stores ... ... ... ... 3 16 6 Workshops ... ... ... 1,041 17 10 Way and works "... ... ... 105 5 3 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 42 2 6 1,193 2 1 - 2,075 15 4 Stock in hand, — Stores ... ... ... ... ... 112,773 l 7 Workshops ... ... ... ... 844 3 11 V *t — 113.617 S 0 . i £945,861 15 10 £ 945,861 15 10 A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.



RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1888.

2*—D la. A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

I Maintenance ol Way and Works. Locomotive Power. Sections. Structures. i Buildings. ] Miscellaneous. Total. Working L, , a Watnr Oil, Tallow, Locomotives. | * uel anct " attl •. &c. ' I ' Eenewals and Kepairs. I Total. Car; iagop. Wagons. Traffic. General Charges. Sundries. 1 Grand Total. Permanentway.. iCawakawa vVhangarei Auckland STapier Wellington Wanganui tlurunui-Bluft .. jrreymouth Westport STelson Picton £ s. d. 554 5 2 458 17 2 .. i 21,588 15 3 .. S 8,857 6 4 ■• 9,105 7 4 .. !■ 17,804 ig 11 •• j 79.495 11 o 1,846 17 11 1,961 17 7 1,568 2 10 ..I 1,362 o 2 wag: £ s. d. 26 17 2 8 2 5 4 T3 4 7 25 6 7 462 3 3 263 11 4 2,035 17 " 1300 IS. £ s. d. 280 8 o 33 4 9 4,128 19 7 2,166 1 5 2,473 8 o 4,723 19 10 19,553 i° 2 1,237 o 8 7 J4 14 7 139 19 2 528 10 10 £ s. d. 1 15 3 6 19 7 1,176 5 3 272 10 5 178 8 2 839 8 4 6,266 9 5 118 15 5 59 o 9 6 2 3 113 6 3 £ s. d. £ s. a. 836 8 5 499 1 6 27,461 17 11 ii,337 12 1 11,782 10 4 23,656 16 10 112,436 o 5 3,217 19 2 2,735 12 11 1,806 18 7 2,003 17 3 £ s. d. 37° I8 3 391 16 4 9,309 6 9 4.133 7 11 5.832 14 4 4,794 5 7 37,524 9 11 1,266 13 10 1,381 16 10 778 8 2 5°4 1 5 £ s. a. 2 S o £ s. d. 151 16 11 12 9 o 4.464 14 5 1,667 ° 2 4,100 13 10 3.502 14 3 16,974 6 o 503 9 1 477 8 4 59 o 3 392 14 8 £ s. d. 552 o 4 412 7 9 14.189 3 3 5,825 14 8 10,457 18 6 8,560 11 2 56,896 4 10 1,783 4 5 1,888 3 2 1,257 17 4 896 16 1 £ s. d. 14 7 8 9 3 10 10 8 17 6 14 2 6 3 I? 5 10 7 12 4 5 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 185 12 2 - 1,024 8 2 510 11 2 2,545 13 6 j 17,335 13 6 !>°33 i° 5 7,l64 4 4 1,817 3 Io i 8,127 Io 3 2,532 12 4 ' 10,012 3 2 X3.677 7 6 i 100,778 14 8 1,542 9 6 j 4,670 19 6 1,054 8 11 I 1,757 4 1 52 6 si 2,388 3 9 159 9 9 i,i55 10 5 £ s. d. 396 16 6 309 7 2 4,120 16 6 2,268 17 1 2,389 9 5 2,605 5 1 19,753 13 8 963 13 s 665 14 2 610 8 6 366 12 4 £ a. d. £ s. d. 3,127 o 2 1,737 J8 i° 6S,893 1 11 29,015 17 2 36,556 11 3 49,630 11 4 311,590 15 2 12,594 o ° 8,280 13 6 6,218 13 5 4,680 12 3 X3 626 567 17 10 41 13 11 25 6 10 288 8 9 7, 120 9 10 15 5 2 1 17 6 2,40' 1,10 1,42 1,75 6,931 22 11 6j 5 839 13 5 284 7 11 559 1 5 509 8 7 1,113 7 10 185 16 4 66 19 8 37 6 6 48 1 5 62 7 1 361 11 o 016 28 18 o 92 14 4 420 8 11 Total 144,604 o 8 9.O39 1 1 8,151 16 8 197.774 15 5 66,287 J9 4 3,668 12 2 457 3 1 32,306 6 11 102,720 1 6 14,201 t 1 24,600 14 4 154,925 3 o 34,450 14 1 3.65° 5 7 532,325 15 o 35,979 I? ° stoe: 89 17 7 77 19 6 2,611 17 2 2,189 6 5 3.197 18 9 2.837 7 3 21,532 II 1 217 2 11 372 9 11 346 6 6 230 2 9 S. 35 6 2 29 o 2 2 14 4 1 21 10 10 1,001 15 7 I 1,563 2 3 650 6 8 j 646 4 8 563 13 7 860 1 o 846 2 8 S52 if. o 6,553. 5 2 8,278 8 7 1.566 13 7 519 4 5 235 4 8 I 105 o 4 58 9 o : 160 5 11 36 8 4 1 77 7 o 418 o 3 12 5 115 10 7 65 5 2 70 2 4 83 1 7 744 19 6. 29 7 10 17 11 5 883 5 1 2 ) ) [ j ) > ! 20 17 9 o 15 7 27 18 7 6 3 9 31 4 7 070 469 10 8 317 15 3 15,687 11 2 7.57° 15 8 9.784 15 2 11,030 2 9 74,248 15 6 4,441 o 4 1,404 o o 1,419 3 9 1,396 1t 4 KaAvakawa Whangarei iucldand Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 7 11 4 144 J4 5 5,141 3 2 .. I 1.487 15 8 .. i 1,547 I 11 .. ) 2,648 13 1 10,576 3 4 1,231 2 11 36 4 6 665 5 4 . .. ! 466 15 11 82 17 1 1,656 18 8 992 3 1 1,190 9 5 1,812 10 9 7.547 5 9 456 16 3 271 18 1 89 4 1 3 1 3 610 1 7 61 9 10 266 4 11 489 5 9 3,569 5 10 62 17 11 42 o 5 403 4 11 140 12 3 1 96 10 9 3,849 13 6 28 5 7 20 6 2 179 12 6 147 15 8 7,811 8 4 2,542 12 7 3,015 19 4 5.O47 o 4 25,54 2 8 5 1,779 2 8 370 9 2 665 5 4 834 8 3 12 15 3 26 3 2 630 16 5 296 6 9 291 11 11 216 11 11 2,394 17 9 70 5 3 82 16 II 55 3 8 33 17 ° 87 13 6 37 19 4 1,256 6 11 580 1 2 1,274 19 1 650 7 1 6,738 14 11 229 17 3 145 12 2 123 7 4 H7 I2 3 190 6 4 142 2 o 4,499 o 6 3,065 14 4 4,764 9 9 3.7O4 6 3 30,666 3 9 517 5 5600 19 o 524 17 6 411 12 o 3I 67 60 48 49 2.43 2 7 P 7 6 |.. 5 16 2 5 16 8 2 10 7 0 12 2 2 5 6 8 19 5 4 15 5 [ 17 9 [ 14 7 319 6 1 48 6 3 3 Total 23,952 11 7 I4.33 O 5 - 47.936 2 7 4,111 6 o 49,086 16 10 4,85 I I ",549 19 9 I 13.113 1 2 5,241 17 10 4,411 S o 33,702 19 10 11,272 11 o 15 9 1,147 18 3 87 7 3 127,776 1 7 misgellan: iOUS. Kawakawa Wkangarei Auckland Napier Wellington .. . Wanganui Huramii-Blufi .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 035! 81 11 11 . 17 19 10 ! 3 19 11 !. 87 19 g ; 69 8 11 1 9 10 I 1 3 2 25 H 5 23 H 7 28 6 2 122 6 5 55 6 10 1 3 2 0 3 5 118 1 10 43 15 10 34 8 o 223 11 10 205 15 3 230 1 12 6 9 15 1 201 9 15 I 3 I2 7 882 3 5 269 9 9 691 15 7 564 9 3 5,466 11 1 16 3 1 13 13 7 7 5 9 8 10 6 . o 3 10 004 43 2 1 26 18 4 19 3 7 2,476 o o 1,186 10 7 2,382 17 o 2,420 l8 2 l8,I92 5 I 332 2 II 51 15 II 74 16 10 62 17 9 4 iS 9 204 2 1 ix 11 4 7 6 14 10 5 16 9 011 211 74 4 8 o 13 2 51 9 4 019 1 6 8 830 14 I 269 8 o 690 8 11 564 9 3 5,458 10 3 16 3 1 13 13 7 46| 23! 27 3i 2>!3 1 7 8 9 14 7 3 11 2 o 8 3 5 o 2 097 h 19 8 546 19 1 218 13 6 ! 333 14 5 461 11 2 4,552 5 7 236 9 7 ! 1 9 5 I 2 9 10 I 9 10 3 234 X7 8 385 7 o 573 14 o 478 4 7 4.176 3 9 46 2 o 16 13 3 5 1 3 27 11 10 104 2 6 257 16 o 908 o o 3126 5 17 ° 189 8 3 29 9 11 371 11 4 124 17 1 75O 9 3 27 3 2 8 o 10 32 8 1 32 8 1 65 in 4*13 § p 8 o Total 262 13 7 25G 11 7 27 o 5 82 16 9 629 2 4 62 11 1 7,887 10 5 7,95O 1 6 3.44 5 4 10 1 | C.,362 3 1 5-953 5 7 1,381 19 2 1,503 9 8 27,22J 6 2 _J I I i Grand total 168,819 5 10 150,566 13 9 i 246,340 o 4 I 66,287 19 4 I 4.568 9 1 -51,466 8 4 159,756 19 10 22,50 518! I 42,512 17 2 173.991 9 9 I4.3O/ 19 4 12,646 1 5 37.434 3 1 36,980 11 6 5,241 2 6 687,328 2 9


RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.


1 1 Mileage. Revenue. Classified Eipenditu: •e. Proportion of each. Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. rrwpuniuu ui tacii -oiaas ui j^ipeimicuje to Aiueage aou Hevenue, Section. 3 a TrainTotal. i Ft Mile of Railway per Annum (Average). 6 § Li Maintenance of Way. I Locomotive Power. I "" ' " Repairs Wagons. General Charges. Sundries. i Carriage m ev n i Total for Year. ! Maintenance.] Locomotive. I and Wagon E £ Ch&r es Sundries. I 1887-88. Kawakawa ... 8 Whangarei ... 7 Auckland ... 249 5fapier ... 97 Wellington .. 85 Wanganui ... | 196 Hurunui-Bluff 1,048 GreymoutU ... 8 West port ... : 19 Nelson ... ] 23 Picton ... I 18 10,6921 12,000 379,398 222,370; 236,868 279,873 1,679,872! 27,757 3o,399i 3S,738 26,819 £ s. a. 5,016 6 2 2,155 13 I0 111,007 4 4 65,424 16 1 68,159 17 3 72,846 9 2 608,223 9 7 28,817 o 5 18,180 15 10 9,142 o 11 5,869 15 3 £ s. a. 627 o 9 307 19 2 456 16 5 674 9 7 801 17 7 371 13 4 585 9 2 3,602 2 7 956 17 7 397 9 7 326 2 o s. a. 9 4i 3 7 I 5 10 5 Joi S 9 5 2i 7 2f 20 9 11 1 ii 4 8| 4 4i £ s. a. 1,017 4 I; 647 O 7 35,39* 8 1 13,924 o 6; 14,832 17 8 28,927 9 o 138,184 4 1 4,999 4 ioj 3,106 2 1 2,472 3 11 2,838 5 6 £ s. (1. 752 1 9 558 2 4 19,570 7 2 9,160 18 9 15,914 3 10 12,829 6 8 93,028 19 8 2,316 12 11 2,502 15 9 1,782 14 10 1,340 16 2 £ s. el. 398 16 8 3 3 1 7,631 15 10 3,849 12 6 4,893 11 1 6,395 o 9 36,283 10 2 3,604 19 1 1,498 8 8 178 5 6 280 15 6 £ s. a. 1,053 8 4! 54i 12 3 *9, T33 13 5 8,195 16 o 9.56i 5 3 •',343 3 9J "3,233 7 o 5=236 5 1' 1,878 17 8| 2,553 'o 11 1,260 9 3 £ s. d. 401 18 41 312 19 ill 4,279 9 2 2,334 2 3 2.563 14 3 2,946 2 8 21,406 13 2 996 14 o 683 5 7 683 18 8 37 1 ~3 6! £ 3. tl. 11 19 6| 1,049 19 5 3H 13 5 958 11 4 640 9 5 1,895 1 8 213 6 6 66 19 8 42 o 2 I 48 1 5 £ s. d. 3,623 9 2 I 2,074 17 8 I 87,056 13 I; i 37,779 3 5' i 48,724 3 5 63,081 12 3 404,031 15 9 17,367 3 3 9.736 9 5 7,712 14 o 6,140 1 4 £ 72-23 96-25 73-42 57-74 71-49 86-6o 66-43 60-27 53'55! 84-37 1O4'6> £ 45293 296-40 358-26 389-48 573*23 321-84 388-91 1 2,17090 I 512-45 33533 341-11 a. 81-33 41*50 55-07 40-77 49-37; 54-09 57-72 150-16 7687 47781 54-95 £ 127-15 92-43 145*65 143*55 174*51 147*59 T33'0ij 624-91; 163-48 1107-49 157-68 d. 22-83 12-94 | 22-39| 'S'Q3 '5-O3! 24-81 I9'74 J43-22 24-52] 15-32 25-40 £ d. 9401 1688 797311-16 80-54112-38 94-44! 9-80 187-23 16-12 65-45:11-00 89-55I * 3-29 289-58J2O-O3 I3i"73i97 6 77-51 11-04 74'49 I2'00 91-6713-02 £ 49-85 '45 3**4' 39' 69 57'57 32-63 34*93 450-62! 73-86; 775 15-60 a. 8'95 07: 4'83| 4-i5i 4-96 548 5*i8 31*17 "•83 I'lO 2-51 £ 131-68 S 77-37 ! 78-73 ! 84-49 112-48 57-87 1 10899 1654-54 I 98-89 HI'02 7O'O2 d. 23-65 IO-8 3 I2-IC 8-84 9-69 9'73 16-18 45-28 14-83 15-82 11-28 £ 50-24 44'7J 17-61 24-06 30-16 *5'O3 2O'6l! 124-59 3596 2974 20-65 d. Q'O2 6-26 2- 7 I 2-52 2 60 2-52 306 8-62J 5*40 4-24 3'33 £ 171 4*3 2 3*25 11-28 327 1-82 J26-66 3*53 1-82 2-67 d. •24 ■66 ■34 ■97 ■55 •27 1-84 "S3 •26 "43 Total. ... 1,758 Postal sen ices n;ot re 2,944,786 covered I 994,843 8 10 22,000 o 0 570 16 9 6 9 246,340 o 4 159,756 19 10 65,017 18 1 '73.99 1 9 9 36,980 11 6 5,241 2 6 687,328 2 9 69-09 394*39 5602 W3S\ bo-oS 37*3' 5-3O 99' 83 14-18 21'22 301 3-01 •43 67*59 1 1,016,843 8 10 687,328 2 9 I 1 " I I I II 9i*39l5*83 '34-52 13-24! ■53'83 19-36; i64-68!i6'is! 147-8912-28 1149-83:24-90! 146-5321-02 402-06129-35 185-5825-64 95*57 13*75 *57* T425*"5J 1498520-14 i "' 1 , I 1886-87. Kawakana ... 1 8 Wliangarei ... ; 7I Auckland ... 236 Napier ... 97 Wellington ... j 85 Wanganui I 196} Hnriinui-Bluff 1,030 GreymouUi .... 8J We«tpovt ... ' 191 ... ; 23! Pictou ... I 18J 11,082 17,058 420,562! 201,304 236,822 282.567 1,714,8821 26,3061 33.ooij 38,375! 26,990: 5,608 1 10; 4,129 17 10 108,732 19 6 66,300 15 4I 69,886 14 2 69.508 6 9! 616,571 o 7 22,898 9 6: 19,784 11 8 9,172 12 10 6,174 *3 9 701 o 2! 589 19 7 493 3 2| 805 14 2 853 1 7 I 355 3 9 ! 6OI II 2! !2,862 6 2 1,041 5 9 398 16 2 343 o 9 10 ii 4 10 5 2 6 7 I S ioi 4 11 I 7 2* 17 4i 11 11J 4 §1 4 6|: 73i 2 6] 94i 13 5! 33.917 8 oj i3,55o 18 gj 12,116 1 7; 29,319 18 6 150,183 7 4 3,216 10 5 3.525 '9 3 2,198 o 8 2,828 10 hi 648 9 1 910 6 3 20,622 14 10 9,*3S 18 6| 17,860 12 41 13,015 18 o 97.359 16 I 1,894 1 o 2,115 19 IX i,748 5 8 !.O95 3 5 816 14 5 71 10 I 1 8,172 16 5 ! 3,754 12 1 ! 4,905 10 1 i 4,938 7 2 133,285 4 oi 1,308 11 o 1,024 o 5 252 18 O: 526 12 41 1,049 JI 61 M35 3 6; 21,339 1 3 7,960 1 8 9,602 10 2 ".477 *9 9 114,940 8 11! 4,724 9 8 i>9 63 5 01 2464 15 11 1,168 2 3 399 16 8 33 1 15 10 4,455 12 6 2,241 8 6 2,681 6 7 I 2,826 12 8{ 20,620 o 11 1,127 6 7 700 10 5 702 13 8 392 8 6 11 10 11 22 15 o 996 19 7 316 12 5 I 684 6 9 I 624 3 11 11 2 190 11 1 70 6 9 4i 13 7 69 16 5 I 3.657 5 * 3.413 4 1 89,504 12 7 36,959 11 11 47,850 7 6 62,253 o o 420,083 7 7 12,461 9 9 9,400 1 9 7,408 8 3 6,080 13 10 65-21 82-65 82-32 55-75! 6847 89-56! 68-13 54*43] 47-51 80-77 98-48 69'99 457' T6j 487-60 4O5-95 J 449'i5! j 584-09! I 318-12 I 409-85 ii,557-69 494'74 322-IOj 337-82; 79-20 48-02 51-08 44-06: 48*49| 52-8 7| 58-79 113-69 68-36 46-33 5407 i I i 81'06 14*04 130-0412-81 I 93*54ii*77 III"02 IO89 : 2l8-O2ll8-IO| i 66-51 iii'o6 ! 94-99| 13-62 23676 17-28 111-37 iS"39J 76-01 10-93 I 60-84! 9-74 i ! 102-09. 10-22 37'O7 45-6 3 59-88 25-49 32-471 ■63-57 53-89 11-oo 29-261 17-69131-20 1-011162-17! 4-66! 96-78 4-48! 96-73 4-971117-22; 4-23! 58-65 4-661112-14! " '941590-56; 7*45103-33 i-58!io7-i6| 4-68! 64-90 4-72 105-52 i i 22-73! 49"98| 15*97 47-4O I2'l8| 20-21 9-491 27-24 973! 32-73 9-751 14*45 :l6'O9| 20'12 43-10140-92 114-28! 36-871 15*42 30-55! 10-391 2i'8o! 14-18 21-65! 8-66i 4-6 7 | 2-54J 2-67! 272 2-40, 2-88! 10-29! 5-O9 4'39 3'49j I ! 1-44 i 3-25 I 4-52 i 3-85 8-35 j 3-i9 ! 360 23-82 370 i-8i 3-88 ■25 ■32 ■57 •38 69 ■53 "52 173 ■51 ■26 •62 Total ... j 1,727! 1'ostal services n pt re! 13,008,949; covered ! I j 998,768 3 9 22,000 o oi 592 13 7 : 6 7* |2S2:S29 " 4 166,407 5 1 I59,106 16 9 177,825 9 7 36,479 12 o 6,723 7 7 699,072 2 4 414-84 55-76 9875;i3-27J ... j ... 35-o8 2-9 1 1 3'99 ■54 ... ... 1 1,020,768 3 9 699,072 2 4 68-48 ...... I ! ! ! i I I j I 1 A. C. Fife, Bail ■ay Accountant.



RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

2 —D. 1a-

Passengers. Parcels, &c. Live Stock, Goods, &c. 1 n Sections. j i First "lass. Second Class. Total. —- lotai Season Tickets. 1 j • Parcels, i Horses. Carriages. Dogs. Total. i Dfo.\ S ' Catlle- Calves. Sheep. i ■ Pigs. Equivalent Total. ; Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chair, &c. Wool. Firewood. I Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. 1887-88. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff Grey raoutli ... Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 249 97 85 196 1,048 8 Single. 1,050 2,629 26, 704 21,123 14, 183 27,483 I32,3 O9 I, 120 18 936 2,476 Return. i I,6l8 J S76 I 4I.79 2 ! 38,4IO 57. "6 ! 22,338 347,538 8,866 6 ■ 3,042 ! 5.O32 i Single. Return. No. No. 1,924 , 6,212 10,804 5 7,461 1 1,712 12,378 134.639 I 190,850 393.985 '1,589 65,419 I 102,044 226,996 I 504 61,596 : 2o5,I5(5 339,051 1,241 98,139 92,044 240,004 j 262 484,542 [i, 047, 2l8 2,OII,6O7 7,249 9,291 I 73,614 92,891 > 275 8,223 I 20,236 28,483 : 5 22,191 ! 35,200 I 61,369 i 181 4,932 ; 21,842 34,282 ; 204 No. 2,950 IS 44,989 26,864 34,618 31,049 218,405 1,962 2,618 3,890 1,320 No. 36 2 650 1,056 582 1,247 5,7O5 No. 3 29 55 33 72 402 No. 77 6 2,561 2, 260 1.505 2,392 11,892 144 74 96 121 No. 3.o5S 23 ■ 48,229 30,235 36,733 34,760 236,404 2,106 2,708 3,993 1,466 I No. No. No. 5 ! 3 ' .- 19 124 98 10,566 1,341 53 , 984 ■ 53 24 i 1,875 ! 155 37 ■ 4,866 : 229 342 12, 137 389 1 : ■■■ 15 ... : 1 i 14 8 2. 3 5 . 4 : 5 No. 976 106 48,332 19,566 167,305 122,868 497>895 No. 55 4,610 i,335 893 9,742 33,302 60 No. 1,039 249 64,947 I 2'.99: !'7O,252 137,742 1544,065 76 303 40 97 Tons c. q, , Tons c. q. Tons c. <\. 35 6 2 65 o o 33 8 o 37 12 1 ... 9 16 o 3.883 13 3 ! 2,645 00 491 4 o 879 2 o 640 o o ; 4,389 16 o 5,650 18 3 530 o o 10,514 8 o 5,147 4 1 590 o o 2,839 4 o 19,217 15 o 16,175 o o 64,682 8 o 30 o «■ ti ... ... 9 18 o 5 8 o 675 o o 204 o o 623 870 o o 982 16 o Tons c. q. 5,110 o o 13.r55 o o 1 6,110 O O : 8,495 o o 25,505 o o 105 0 o Tons c. q. 149 16 o 38 8 o 9,317 o o 24,062 4 o 25,279 12 0 18,031 9 o 71,605 3 o 3,074 o o 4,976 o o 1,176 12 o 313 12 o Tons c. (j, 187 18 o 12 2 0 7,928 16 o 4,293 O O 3.459 18 2 7,880 6 3 329>'37 9 1 Tons c. q. 1,726 4 o 3.024 4 3 28,863 5 3 ! 14,395 13 o j 14,096 14 1 '9-535 9 3 252,176 14 3 7-453 3 2 ! 2,708 16 1 2,028 18 3 1,37O 5 o I 1 Tons c. q. I Tons c. q Tons c. q. 32,675 14 o ; 34.838 o o 34.873 6 2 10,436 14 o j 13.521 4 3 I3.558 17 o 69,717 19 o 1 124,073 4 3 127,956 18 2 8,o58 o 2 ! 69,003 13 2 69,832 15 2 8,793 18 1 ■ 68,784 11 o 74.435 9 3 4,015 11 1 : 61,387 o 3 66,534 5 0 290,815 4 1 1,050,096 19 1 1,059,314 14 1 168,936 9 o 179,568 12 2 179,571 15 o 102,260 13 o 109,945 9 1 109,955 7 ' 2,396 16 3 11,469 14 o H.475 2 o 2,023 o o 13,073 6 o 13.079 8 3 19 23 18 4 19 16 3 6 285 27 37 3 1 2,645 ° ° 4.735 o o ! 2,343 6 2 2,778 13 o 46 Total i,758 1230,031 i 526,334 898,357 i.797. I28 13,451,850 11518 9.301 619 21,128 399,728 592 I 30,562 2,204 857,397 50,046 940,801 34,876 3 3 22,190 o o 84,147 o o 65,860 o o 158,023 16 o 158,021 10 o 347,379 9 3 700,140 o o 1,735,761 15 3 1,770,637 19 2 I I I I I I 1 I 1886-87. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui ETurunui-Bluff Gfreymouth .. • Westport Nelson Pieton 8 7 236 97 85 196 1,030 8 19 18 1,276 i,752 3!'585 28,143 15,921 30,706 i45.48i 792 4 978 3,235 1,868 2,758 45,194 31,600 S3,o82 15,630 330,652 5,942 no 2,952 • 6,324 I I 1,869 i 5.7 6o I 10,773 4,303 9,680 ; 18,493 144,390 ! 194,726 ! 415.895 70,945 86,346 : 217,034 67,099 ; 199.594 335.696 109,156 79,838 235,380 507,090 1,012,314 1,995,537 8.386 ' 52,176 67,296 7,283 19,172 I 26,569 25.517 j 34.900 t 64,347 5.894 '' 23,930 , 39,383 49 3 1.733 566 1,187 370 7,339 265 12 149 148 3,937 92 38,903 24,366 29,473 26,512 209,228 1,766 2,118 3 1 18 686 1,067 : 617 1.257 5.437 1 2 46 55 29 79 467 So 25 2,770 1,888 1,279 2,400 12,824 76 77 84 125 4.019 137 42,405 27.376 3i,393 30,248. 227,9156 1,842 2,206 4,017 1,482 I 12 76 37 32 5i 3S2 2 103 12.S83 523 1,604 S.46S 15.249 I 3 658 47 479 259 398 21 16 6 48 206 62,820 26,488 148,463 67,207 550.959 3 131 18 88 24 4 4,224 837 580 S.697 36,683 8 4 74 328 80,361 27,932 151.158 78,679 603,671 34 154 28 195 2 16 o 33 6 3 4,682 12 2 979 7 o 5,018 6 2 3.409 13 3 ;2i,624 10 o 2 7 3 S 12 1 2 5 1 9 2 1 55 o o 2,435 o o 495 o o 760 o o 755 o o 16,345 o o 33 12 o 23 4 o 519 8 o 4,932 12 o 8,126 16 o 2,547 o o 65,780 o o 105 o o 7,780 o o 12,420 o o 9,345 o o 9,210 o o 26, 220 O O 105 o o 226 3 o 72 13 o 9,982 5 o 32,320 19 o 27,060 2 o 17,688 18 o 78,467 o o 2,964 11 o 3,349 2 o 2,322 7 o 1,127 S ° 536 17 0 1,160 5 o 18 13 o j 2,837 J6 3 7,829 13 o I 29,741 12 o 3,492 11 2 | 14,807 3 1 2,239 4 1 13.632 18 o 6,997 16 2 18,136 o 3 319,107 10 3 1238,733 13 2 4,271 8 1 I 2,108 3 1 2.777 3 2 I 2,045 15 o 2,254 2 3 \ 1,752 5 o 32,188 1 o 34.304 18 o | 34.307 14 o 29,669 1 o 32,621 7 3 : 32,654 14 2 60,831 14 1 119,119 12 1 : 123,802 4 3 ! 8,169 18 2 I 76,638 4 1 i 77,617 11 1 14,614 19 2 : 75.778 19 3 80,797 6 1 j 4,074 2 1 ; 59,408 17 2 ; 62,818 11 1 1307,456 6 2 1,052,109 10 3 i 1,073,734 o 3 1136,226 o o 143.566 19 1 : 143.569 7 ° :i22,579 13 3 j 128,036 19 o 128,042 11 1 j 2,248 15 3 ', 12,611 17 1 12,614 2 2 1,520 2 o : 13.556 14 3 ■ 13.565 17 0 3,9i§ 1,320 6 j 11 35 : 5 3 2 2 2 3 2 12 525 o o 740 o o 187 16 0 813 o o j 2,505 o o 5.350 O O 3 90 Total ... 259,873 496,112 951,932 .1,718,486 ,3,426,403 II82I 341,634 9.165 689 21,598 373,086 1,891 856,431 48,151 942,614 182,963 8 o 175,581 5 o :719,57s 14 2 1,747,754 o 2 1,783,524 o 2 1,727 597 35.544 35.770 O O 22,110 O O 73,040 o o 1345,253 I2 1 o 3 I I

Revenue. Mile: s travelled by 'J Trains. Sections. Ordinary Passengers. i Season Tickets. I Parcels and Luggage. 1 Total Coaching. | Goods. Miscellaneous. I Rents and Commission. Total Goods. Grand Total Revenue, Passengers and Goods. Mixed. Total. Sla,r S : %an ; , Ballasting. lotal-1887-88. Kawakawa Wliangavei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wangatiui IIui'imai-Bluff Groymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 452 6 7 335 14 5 39,208 4 6 25,888 4 11 23,895 13 1 33,423 11 4 199,924 10 9 4,033 6 7 1,800 10 1 3,529 7 " 2,434 8 u £ s. d. 44 10 4 28 14 11 2,686 8 2 876 6 2 1,686 17 4 1,028 o 1 10,514 17 8 301 13 2 8j 7 6 334 1 4 217 13 2 £ s. d. 94 5 2 1 14 7 3,753 19 10 2,603 !8 5 2,857 i 1 3,420 4 2 21,572 19 5 104 7 4 106 3 1 143 17 7 68 6 o £ s. d. ' £ s. d. 591 21 4,370 2 o 366 3 11 1,689 l3 Io j 45,648 12 6 63,026 18 1 29,368 9 6 j 35,301 6 o 28,439 H 6 38,774 6 6 37,871 15 7 31,885 11 5 232,012 7 10 357,024 13 8 4,439 7 1 23,882 12 s 1,988 o 8 ' 15,896 4 8 I 4,007 6 10 4,713 13 1 ; 2,720 8 1 ! 2,794 6 o £ s. (1. 2 4 3 37 l6 9 343 9 11 237 10 1 173 4 9 2,329 2 6 10,483 3 2 355 3" 211 6 6 326 9 o in 48 £ s. d. 52 17 10 61 19 4 1,988 3 10 517 10 6 772 14 6 759 19 8 8,703 4 11 139 17 o 85 4 o 94 12 o 243 16 6 £ s. d. 4,425 4 1 1,789 9 11 65,358 11 10 36,056 6 7 39,720 5 9 34,974 13 7 376,211 1 9 24,377 13 4 16,192 15 2 5,134 14 1 3,H9 7 2 ' £ s. d. 5,016 6 2 2,155 13 10 111,007 4 4 65,424 16 1 68,159 17 3 72,846 9 2 608,223 9 7 28,817 o 5 18,180 15 10 9,142 o n 5,869 15 3 .. No. No. 10,098 594 9,524 2,476 370,052 9,346 183,802 38,568 168,487 68,381 267,763 12,110 1,519,481 160,391 24,957 : 2,800 30,399 ' ••■ 37,631 1,107 26,743 : 76 No. 10,692 12,000 379,398 222,370 236,868 279,873 1,679,872 27,757 3°,399 38,738 26,819 No. No. 8,720 19,412 8 12,008 121,131 500,529 60,009 ' 282,379 88,221 325,089 92,358 • 372,231 619,522 2,299,394 37,666 I 65,423 25,729 ' 56,128 6,157.1 44,895 5,407 32,226 Total ... 334,925 19 1 17,800 9 10 34,726 16 8 5 7 !579,359 7 8 14,610 15 6 13,420 o 1 607,390 3 3 994,843 8 10 2,648,937 295,849 2,944,786 1,064,928 4,009,714 i 1886-87. Kawakawa Wliangarei Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui IIurunui-Bluff Groymouth ... Westport Nelson Pieton 475 6 4 440 18 6 42,111 9 4 24,243 8 2 [ 25,140 4 o ! 32,906 5 6 ; 202, 764 3 2 2,961 4 10 1,706 11 3 3,682 19 9 2,823 o 1 40 6 2 26 o 7 2,722 8 8 779 17 2 1,628 8 3 901 3 9 10,059 4 11 269 o 1 94 o 7 320 14 7 156 9 10 90 on 13 1 2 3,615 14 o 2,321 17 2 2,682 10 2 3,120 15 2 21,516 12 4 85 o 3 91 17 9 137 9 1 74 3 9 60s 13 5 480 o 3 j 48,449 12 o 27,345 2 6 29.45I 2 5 36, 928 4 5 234,340 O 5 3,3!5 5 2 1,892 9 7 4,i4i 3 5 3,053 13 8 4,924 2 7 3,601 8 9 58,453 2 10 37,619 8 6 39,481 7 2 29,858 11 2 '362,794 9 S 19,161 16 7 17,789 5 7 4,882 18 1 2,783 16 9 19 3 6 3 19 7 215 5 2 1,061 16 4 248 19 1 2,161 11 8 10,732 n o 279 19 3 Cr. 29 17 6 55 4 4 144 5 4 59 2 4 44 9 3 1,614 19 6 274 8 o 705 5 6 559 19 6 8,703 19 9 141 8 6 132 H o 93 7 o 192 18 o 5,002 8 5 3,649 17 7 60,283 7 6 38,955 12 10 40,435 11 9 32,580 2 4 382,231 o 2 19,583 4 4 17,892 2 1 S,03i 9 5 3,121 o 1 5,608 1 10 4,129 17 10 108,732 19 6 66,300 15 4 69,886 14 2 69,508 6 9 616,571 o 7 22,898 9 6 19,784 11 8 9,172 12 10 6,174 J3 9 10,640 14,949 417,486 163,446 168,056 : 269, 843 !i, 543,286 23,906 33,001 36,851 26,868 442 2,109 3,076 37,858 68, 766 12,724 171,596 2,400 11,082 I 7,753 17,058 : 1,893 420,562 143,365 201,304 58,924 236,822 :■ 87,655 282,567 ' 85,263 1,714,882 678,827 26,306 32,284 33,001 20,580 38,375 5,799 26,990 4,286 18,835 18,951 S63,927 260,228 324,477 367,830 2,393,709 58,590 S3,S8i 44,174 31,276 1,524 122 Total ... 339,255 10 II 16,997 14 7 33.749 I 9 390,002 7 3 j58i,35o 7 5 14,892 17 9 12,522 II 4 608,765 16 6 998,768 3 9 2,708,332 300,617 i3,oo8,949 1,126,629 '4,135.578

RETURN No. 6. Statement showing Approximate Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Opened Lines or the Years ending 31st March, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888.


Note.— The amount stated as cost of construction includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways opened and unopened, and also the purchase-money for the District Bail-ways taken over by the Government. A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.


1883. 18-84. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Section. Line. Cron° f Net Bateof struction. Revenue Interest. °j? fc ° f Net Rate of struction. -Revenue Interest. Crmi° f Net Bate of struction. Bevenue Interest. CCon° f Net struction. Eeve ™ Rate of Interest. Cost of Con- : struction. Net Revenue Rate of 'Interest. Cost of Construction. Net Kevenuc Kate of Interest. Kawakawa Opened Unopened Opened £ i 26,603 36,949 54,153 1,112,720 64,592 £ 621 £ s. d. 2 6 8 £ 26,603 47,372 61,558 1,179,937 106,209 £ 621 £ s. d. 2 3 8 £ 86,283 £ 655 £ s. d. 0 15 2 £ 89,441 & 958 l£ s. d. ,115 £ 90,528 £ 1,951 a, s. d. 2 3 1 £ 90,069 £ 1,393 & s. a. 110 11 Whangarei-Kamo Auckland 420 27,295 0 15 6 2 9 1 •• - 20 28,079 •• 2 V 7 64,032 1,319,672 106,441 488 34,275 0 15 3 2 12 0 68,241 1,545,181 81,437 60,780 559,800 12,109 815,000 92,762 1,349,900 18,330 41,815 ' 617 37,929 JO 18 1 2 9 1 69,961 1,672,506 51,694 182,869 628,669 7,303 961,871 18,236 1,398,738 '717 19,228 1 6' 6 13 0 69,721 1,807,971 112,500 135,501 659,892 28,160 966,386 49,344 1,403,041 81 23,950 0 2 4 16 6 Main Trunk Line, N.I. .. Napier Unopened ! •• Wellington Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 419,299 32,003 764,860 3,017 1,097,046 72,714 40,237 14,553 12,990 3 9 5 1 14 0 469,584 22,200 781,417 7,963 1,221,567 10,876 41,192 18,572 11,126 3 19 1 18 6 I 551,218 799,714 50,000 1,334,573 22,165 16,798 4 0 5 2 2 0 27,647 20,850j 4 18 9 2 11 2 29,341 22,036 i 13 4 2 5 10 27,045 19,430! 4 3 9 2 0 3 Wanganui 15,499 1 8 3 7,691 0 12 7 12,362 0 18 6 8,650i 0 12 10 7^255i 0 10 4 9,765 0 1311 Wellington - Foxton (private line) Stock .. Surveys Miscellaneous .. Hurunui-Bluff ■• 41,404 41,816 41,798 i ■• •■ .. ■ • Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 103,730 3,891 2,507 6,299,303 326,035 163,097 43,895 80,802 273,656 4 6 11 163,362 7,535 5,168 6,615,631 325,004 166,269 88,095 78,665 43,000 206,945 8,467 156,683 5,700 192,307 14,567 139,742 27,343 5,169 222,100 •■; 3 V 2 16,612 5,168 6,908,840 311,389 176,975 46,200 127,018 251,782 3 12 10 17,129 5,168 7,288,049 355,199 180,300 15,959 127,230 37,777 214,402 14,111 166,700 8,214 195,800 23,805 300,241 36,117 5,169 239,001 3 5 9 17,334 5,169 7,428,562 419,786 189,393 15,959 127,234 54,549 214,804 14,111 163,965 12,500 198,570 28,130 162,595 37,095 5,169 196,4881 2 12*11 20,229 5,169 7,574,218 440,437 195,114 15,959 127,234 69,389 222,894 14,111 165,178 12,500 198,494 30,465 105,072 37,094 5,169 204,192 2 18*11 Greymouth 7,555 4 12 8 8,311 4 19 9 8,496 4 16 0 9,850 5 *9 3 10,437 5 10- 2 11,450 5 17' 5 „ Harbour Works Greymouth-Hokitika Westport „ Harbour Works Nelson •• •■ " i Opened 199,891 4,335 2 3 4 6,619 3 3' 11 210,886 13,593 164,490 7,500 193,511 16,000 263,823 36,117 5,168 6,128 2 18 1 8,492 3 19 2 10,385 4 16 8 8,444 3 15 9 Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 153,224 2,000 188,802 13,567 81,250 20,785 2,507 2,461 1 12 1 1,828 1 a 4 2,171 16 5 2,206 16 6 1,764 116 1,429 0 17 4 Picton 1,141 0 12 1 "387 0 4 01 366 0 3* 9 278 0 2 10 94 0 6*11 -270 Stock Surveys Miscellaneous I •• •• • • • • Total opened .. Total unopened 10,478,998 930,481 11,409,479 360,526 3 8 10 11,078,501 1,147,629 12,226,130 305,314 2 15 1 11,810,194 1,046,433 355,686 3 0 3 12,472,814 1,253,352 357,078 2 17 3 13,017,567 1,201,549 299,696 2 6 0 13,352,978 1,250,131 ;307,515 2 6 360,526 3 3 2! 305,314 • • •• 2 15 4 13,726,166 357,078 • • .. Gross total |2 9 11 12,856,627 355,686 2 12 0 14,219,116 299,696 2 2 2 14,603,109 307,5151 2 2



RETURN No. 7. [Comparison of Traffic, Revenue, and Expend iture for the last Nine Financial Years.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

RETURN No. 8. Traffic Ton-Mileage, and Rate of Working, for Five Chief Sections.

A C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

t Year. Miles. Revenue. Expenditure. Expenditure per cent, of Revenue. Tonnage. Parcels, Horses, and Dogs. Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs. Passengers. Season Tickets. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88. 1,172 1,277 !>3i9 I.3S8 1,396 M77 !.6i3 1,727 1,758 £ 762,573 836,454 892,026 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 £ 580,030 521,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 76-06 62 '40 58-64 62-18 68-24 65'99 65-91 69-99 69-09 1,108,108 i>377.783 i,437>7i4 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 i,735,7 62 No. 180,331 286,865 316,611 341,186 359,896 347,425 349,428 372,397 399, 109 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,075 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,45^850 No. S>°77 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 10,717 11,821 11,518

1884-85 IS8J-86. 1886-8' 1887-! i8. Section. Ten-Mileage. o B~ Ton-Mileage. 111 TonMileage. ji Si lei - c.° c.-H Ton-Mileage. |fs. .uckland fapier Wellington Vanganui luruirai-Bluff 7.°85.574 2,983,237 3,388,925 2,536>332 42,877,369 58,871,437 2'43 2T3 3-18 3-38 2-47 8,539,210 3,880,550 3,992,644 3,497,669 41,097,413 2*24 2-15 278 3-81 2-48 8,158,758 4,266,747 4,167,454 3,465,445 39,068,490 2'6o 2'o6 2-87 4'33 2'59 8,276,481 4,094.397 4,028,006 3,676,963 39,781,108 2'55 2'3O 2-81 4-15 2-47 Totals 2-S3 61,007,486 59,126,894 2 '68 59,856,955 2'6o 2-52



A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

RETURN No. 9. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.

3-D. 1a

Classification of Work. ll Id is a a in S I1 as is 1* ,4 ■§•2 Bo QUO goo s Sail a a' a a o o n, Q> 1 £ s. d. £ s. d.i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. I £ s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. Track surfacing 293 1 1 ; 390 8 8: 16,763 o 8' 7- I39 15 11 6,907 9 3. 13,496 6 6 26,769 10 2: ! 1 23,352 3 1° 11,818 18 3' 867 15 5 1,592 10 1 713 7 3 1,305 o 6 111,409 7 7 Track renewals 624 159 4 2 6,978 12 11: 2,012 19 5 1,467 14 1 4,138 15 8 6,527 11 10 ! 7,237 13 II 2,004 11 7 1,862 5 3 109 5 8 1,417 2 7 360 13 4 34,282 12 9 Ballasting .. 29 15 9 23 8 6| 1,487 10 9 548 o 6 1,100 11 8 891 12 1 1,246 13 2 2,268 2 3 394 17 9 211 16 o 260 16 7] 78 1 11 146 18 3 8,688 5 2 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels Bridges, culverts, drains 232 17 4 3° J3 8 1,582 6 o 662 6 o 1,177 19 ° 2,014 18 6 1,050 10 o 5,068 4 3] ! 2,402 6 3 : 137 h ° 35 9 9 24 16 5 16 4 o 14,436 5 2 29S 1 3 20 17 9j 3,201 4 4: 2,943 1 4 3,019 o 8 I 4.034 I 2 8,435 1 1° 4,092 10 9 1,881 5 4 299 9 ioj 908 11 8 22 10 4 800 18 10 29,956 15 1 Fences, gates, cattlestops, hedges Eoads, approaches, &c. 8 15 6 5 I2 °j I 1 ( 1,046 11 10 1 43 o 3 442 17 9 1,784 7 ij j 3.283 17 6 4,343 6 4 819 6 7! I 124 4 7 14 17 9 83 5 2 10 12 3 12,010 14 7 6 15 o 548 17 7i ! 0 2 3 106 18 1 363 9 8 909 2 o 456 3 « 177 17 4 17 3 9 37 12 o 22 8 5 400 2,650 10 o Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances Wharves 19 5 4 I 598 6 5 I 195 15 3 125 16 o 476 19 1 1,438 14 2 792 3 ° 398 17 10 366 8 5 25 11 3 11 15 3i 1 19 o 4,451 11 o 3 S 6 2 412 17 e; ■■ i 063! 18 14 1 91 14 1 17 8 o 889 I 4 30 6 10 i,498 14 3 Buildings go 19 4 . 10 O IOj I i i 1,730 ° 7 336 o J 446 15 o i,339 18 8 5,868 13 9 2,826 5 11 ! 1,147 10 5 179 2 4 101 1 2 6 2 3 161 12 6 14,244 3 4 Miscellaneous 1,041 19 61 i 42 19 o 37 9 "i 387 o 7 8,396 2 9 1 1,802 17 10, ■■• 845 7 5 44 3 11 20 6 2 92 14 4 12,711 1 5 Total expenditure.. 1,017 4 647 o 7 35,391 8 x 13,924 o 6 14,832 17 8; 28,927 9 o 63,944 H 3 52,331 6 1 121,908 6 9 4,999 4 10; 3,106 2 1 2,472 3 11 2,838 5 a 246,340 o Rate per mile of railway on average mileage open during the year 127 3 i 1 92 8 8 I 145 12 10, 143 10 11 174 10 o; 147 11 9 142 no 160 13 8: 83 11 ioj 624 l8 I 163 9 7 107 9 9 157 13 8 141 7 .



RETURN No. 10-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.

nf-oncTo Jirf* ; I Stations. a «S & || Traffic g go Expenditure. 1 4 Number of .11 If Coac! Outward. "■3 o 1 03 j O j 'h ling. Inward. 1 I k a o 1 g a . Eqniv. Ton111 % Chaff, & c. O a; &c. Wool. Outward. Firewood. Timber, i Grain. Merchandise. |_ Minerals. Live Stock, Goods, &c. T , , Grand Total >. 53 g Total. Tonnage. g % % R O O Live Stock, Goods, &c. in Equiv. TonWool. Inw Firewood. Inward. Faxd. Timber. Grain; j ; Merchandise. I Minerals. I j I Total. Revenue. I J tonnage" 1 Coaching. Goods. j Total Value et-i+iono forwarded. Stations. O Q o p Q 53 ■§ Q Cawakawa Section— Kawakawa Opua Accountant Miscellaneous 9 9 2 5 £ s. d. 279 15 3 773 13 1 3,435 3,454 i "l 1,605 1,345 10 26 1 2 41 36 1,345 1,605 26 10 2 1 36 41 2 3 3 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. ' 957 36 .. 65 0 0 19 19 957 19 36 19 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 65 0 0 Ts. c. q.| S3 8 0 T; Vs. c. S3 8 q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q 0 .. 14 148 12 • Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 14 0 148 12 0 10 0 Ts. c. c 187 18 Ts. c. q. 187 18 0 q. Ts. c. q. 430 10 3: 0 1,296 3 0 Ts. o. q. 430 1 0 1,296 3 0 Ts. c. 32,629 9 46 5 Ts. c. i. 52,629 9 0 3: 46 5 JO ■ : Ts. c. q. 33,159 2 0 1,678 18 0 53, 1, Ts. 0. q. Ts. c. q. ,159 2 0 .. 3 3 .. ,678 18 0 .. 2 .. Ts. 0. q. 3 3 l< 95 1 ; 19 957 .9 ■7 Ts. c. (j. Ts. c. q. 19 36 .. 65 0 0 19 36 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 65 0 0 Ts. c. q 33' 8 Ts. c. q. 33' 8 0 q. Ts. c. q. 0 .'. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q 148 12 ( 1 4 ( Ts. c. q. 148 12 0 14 0 10 0 Ts. c. ( 187 18 Ts. c. q. 187 18 0 q. Ts. c. q. 0 1,296 3 0 430 1 0 Ts. c. q. 1,296 3 0 430 1 0 Ts. c. q. 46 5 0 32,629 9 0 1 33 Ts. c. q. 1,678 18 0 33,159 2 0 Ts. 0 L,678 1 i,159 . q. Ts. c. q. £ s. d. £ s. 8 0 .. 283 16 3 3,573 11 2 0 .. 273 14 2 851 12 31 15 4 1 16 4 Ts. c. q. & s. d. 283 16 3 273 14 2 31 15 4 1 16 4 £ s. d.j 3,573 11 10 851 12 3 d. £ s. d. Kawakawa Section — 10| 3,857 8 1 Kawakawa. 3 1,125 6 5 Opua. 31 15 4! Accountant. 1 16 4 Miscellaneous. Totals 1,053 8 4 6,889 5 2,950 36 77 2,950 36 77 5 976 55 35 6 2 65 0 33 8 0 35 6 2 65 0 33 8 0 149 16 0 187 18 0 1,726 i 0 32,675 14 0 34 34,838 0 0 I:, 838 0 0 34,873 6 2 591 2 1 4,425 4 34,873 6 2 591 2 1 4,425 4 1 lj 5,016 6 2 Totals. 5,016 6 2 149 16 0 187 18 0 1,726 4 0 32,675 14 34,838 0 0 34,873 6 2 5 976 55 Vhangaeei Section — Wharf Whangarei Kamo General Accountant Miscellaneous 10 10 1 1 1 J 413 8 7 |9,519 (1,607 108 1 1 5 10 2 6 9 3 3 "2 6 19 119 5 106! 9 12 0 0 4 0 37 8 0 10 0 12 0 0 0 2 0 2,060 19 01 349 4 S 14 1 0 5,145 14 4,419 10 871 10 J 3 7,805 13 O! 4,770 0 3 885 11 0 li 5 99 25 9 10 0 26 8 0 12 0 0 12' 0 0 0 2 0 2,196 2 3 774 3 0 53 19 0 10,228 4 0 195 0 0 13 10 0 12 12,460 10 3 993 S 0 67 11 0 !,460 1 993 67 1 0 3 .. 276 6 6 1,187 11 3 0 .. 56 11 6 511 10 10 .. 5 0 3 90 8 '.'. 27 14 11 0 4 9 276 6 0 56 11 6 5 0 3 1,187 11 2 511 10 0 90 8 9 Whaxgaeei Section— 2 1,463 17 8 Wharf. 0| 568 1 6 Wliangarei. 9 95 15 0 Kamo. General. 27 14 11 Accountant. 0 4 9 Miscellaneous. 1,403 17 8 568 1 0 95 15 0 128' 3 8 1 27 14 11 0 4 9 27 14 11 0 4 9 •■ Totals 541 12 3 11,234 3 15 6 15 2 19 124 106 37 12 1 9 16 0 37 12 1 9 16 0 38 8 0 12 2 0 3,024 4 3 10,436 14 0 13 13,521 4 3 !,521 4 3 13,558 17 0 306 3 11 1,789 9 13,558 17 0 366 3 11 1,789 9 11 11 2,155 13 10 Totals. 2,155 13 10 38 8 0 12 2 0 3,024 4 3 10,436 14 13,521 4 3 13,558 17 0 19 124 JOG jjckland Section — Helensville Waitakarei Avondale Mount Eden Auckland (Coaching) \ „ (Goods) .. J Newmarket Remuera Bllerslie Penrose Junction Onehunga Wharf .. Otahuhu Papatoitoi Manurewa Papakura Drury Pukekohe Tuakau Pokeno Mercer Huntly Taupiri Ngaruawahia Fraukton Junction Hamilton West Morrinsville Te Aroha Cambridge Matamata Oxford Lichfield Ohaupo Ngaroto Te Awamutu Te Kuiti General Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous 14 # 13 12 18 18 13J 12* 16J 9 17 t 14 134 13J 13 14 134 8 91 9 12 9 9 9 11 + + 10 94 12 t 11 9 7 1 1 56 6 2 1 3 4 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1,122 2 8 68 15 11 147 7 5 158 19 10 8,439 9 11 797 12 6 343 5 6 174 8 7 391 9 0 1 1,559 12 4 141 5 0 72 17 8 54 1 1 187 6 1 226 14 8 277 13 1 139 4 3 128 10 11 321 18 3 471 14 6 126 10 10 310 4 7 323 2 10 322 2 0 173 7 1 362 11 1 464 5 1 50 1 10 128 2 6 134 17 1 52 10 10 89 12 10 416 11 4 61 5 2 893 19 2 13,432 379 2,954 7,884 (104,494 4,674 10,928 5,190 (30,680 12,288 1,254 922 7,072 3,846 5,503 2,087 1,467 6,436 2,597 1,077 2,938 4,014 4,205 2,421 2,949 3,417 83 1,158 1,124 1,266 184 6,048 1,004 I I I I ) j ! 298 12 11 354 217 43 95 28 155 73 9 2 31 37 48 69 5 3 683 114 535 920 18,238 1,312 102 348 656 1,838 59 3,266 232 263 899 203 6,131 407; 124! 490 528 154 1,249 423 2.032J 635 453 1,443 92 430 234 709 114 643 30 1 I I I ; I 1 1 1 I 1 52 1 22 3 73 45 54 40 23 2 '28 7 34 6 45 1 2 16 14 3 13 18 34 10 12 27 1 3 3 10 4 go 5 "l 14 "l "2 "l "l 1 121 11 15 126 640 309 136 96 63 84 4 98 57 33 99 58 39 7 19 46 16 14! 60 34 69 75 55 62 3; 26 11 34 4 46 1 5,313 725 192 212 12,332 3,347 125 374 92 535 1,455 603 96 71 868 845 1,262 610 527 894 1,393 341 1,019 216 2,220 1,002 1,210 1,908 206 1,105 1,205 566 176 1,650 294 88 1 "9 86 65 62 37 4 6 "l9 9 9 38 4 6 10 86 3 9 10 21 5 10 30 7 11 8 5 1 30 11 "l 1 4 2 "l "l 244 60 14 30 449 183 62 en 53 72 55 106 175 41 128 78 57 36 23 40 44 15 54 27 77 40 44 73 15 89 35 37 14 62 19 1 3 59 3 1 "3 "l 1 108 63 53 7 892 3 114 79 7 'l27 71 254 11 222 268 127 261 402 585 875 502 109 1,687 52 286 16 20 280 *22 245 23 80S 2 31 20 296 367 153 22 1 3,117 "201 2,480 1,091 1,533 154 395 2,289 12 23 1 9 30 111 "22| 19 21 34 - 231 5' 0 0 5 0 0 60 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 140 0 0 90 0 0 105 0 0 140 0 0 330 0 0 455 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 125 0 0 74 8 0 e' 4 0 2 0 0 0 16 0 24 4 0 42 10 0 2 0 0 6 4 0 8 4 0 7 12 0 1 16 0 2 0 0 15 12 0 0 8 0 20 16 8 2 16 0 12 0 0 19 12 0 107 0 0 1 16 0 07 8 0 330 0 0 405 0 0 705 0 0 95 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 445 0 0 10 0 0 45 0 0 65 0 0 35 0 0 1,360 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 5 0 01 3,190 7 0 324 4 0 1,026 12 0 84 14 0 2,225 16 0 53 4 0 4 8 0 4 16 0 11 8 0 316 10 0 9 0 0 277 0 0 383 16 0 11 16 0 156 8 0 20 4 2 6 3 0 14 0 0 4,261 12 1 69 0 0 0 12 0 110 17 2 924 14 1 357 15 0 19 10 0 17 3 0 89 3 0 200 4 3 66 0 0 11 18 0! 14 7 2| 12 18 0 45 2 0 269 2 0 8 13 1 136 2 0 51 3 0 2,432 16 1 135 9 0 536 8 2 318 19 1 16,709 16 0 565 0 lj 18 11 0 12 0 2 1,496 3 1 128 9 1 2,034 9 3 113 4 0 19 19 0 47 2 3 313 11 0 163 0 2 501 10 3 212 19 0 108 18 3 334 0 0 101 9 3 46 18 2 400 15 0i 30 19 0| 428 19 1 106 13 31 108 19 3 350 9 2 20 2 1 58 4 0 88 10 2 148 15 0 259 4 3 405 3 7 0 44 13 0 40 0 ,0 .. 5,5S5 10 2 2,211 19 1 5,859 8 1 160 7 2 752 4 1 2 0 j0 9,141 18 2 1,329 6 <5 ■■ 1 0 2 ! 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 5,621 18 1 38,212 9 2 9 4 0 433 15 0 8 0 0 145 5 0 26 0 0 17 14 1 17 10 1 1 ■2 0 I 0 6,087 15 3 870 16 0 7,878 15 0 2,620 12 2 29,213 12 2 862 11 3 28 11 0 12 0 2 2,253 19 2 277 14 3 12,896 16 2 2,002 1 3 129 9 0 199 2 3 818 18 0 1,009 5 2 2,544 3 2 400 15 0 142 16 3 6,357 11 3 38,332 5 1 210 0 2 1,266 12 0 292 0 1 901 18 1 427 8 31 160 16 0 1,414 17 0 55 0 1 829 17 0 378 6 2 914 17 0 742 3 0 1,448 0 1 91 13 0 24 "5 "l 2 5 2 1 548 4 2 48 10| 8,013 5 35 12 2 33 10 7 8 15 141 44 31 184 55 118 57 3 5 46 92 7 43 47 552 4 306 79 122 1 348 1 1 11 265 1,033 20 2 41,318 "68 321 398 854 219 642 434 56 87 544 186 2 317 45C 295 1 "S31 3,506 'iio 509 9 35 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 1,420 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 15 0 0 175 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 0 12 0 468 16 0 14* 8 0 7' 8 0 80 0 0 55 0 0 235 0 0 1,115 0 0 510 0 0 755 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 215 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 36' 0 0 75 0 0 210 2 0 113 12 0 61 16 0 960 12 0 2,933 6 0 230 11 0 2 8 0 10 0 20 16 0 38 8 0 1,058 0 0 334 0 0 12 12 0 33 4 0 77 8 0 177 4 0 158 4 0 124 18 0 79 12 0 86 0 0 404 18 0| 60 0 0| 104 0 0 0 4 0 173 14 0 118 8 0 84 16 0 217 16 0 01 10 0 103 0 0 427 8 0 81 8 0 82 4 0 489 1 0 159 0 0 914 8 1 17 6 3 6 0 0 1,477 13 2 734 9 3 10 0 0 5 0 0 2 8 0 183 2 0 156 17 0 178 2 3 39 11 2 240 11 2 123 3 2 423 16 3 59 15 3 133 16 0 123 0 0 164 1 2 56 14 2 457 13 1 10 17 0 293 19 0 166 16 0 172 1 2 344 4 2 40 2 2 242 13 1 486 17 1 126 3 1 105 15 2 240 3 2 191 10 2 3,130 10 0 249 17 0 62 14 0 92 6 2 8,361 12 2 359 14 3 7 17 0 21 3 0 19 8 3 300 10 1 2,898 0 0 1,560 1 0 50 0 2 64 12 0 489 18 2 653 13 3 871 18 0 308 0 1 232 9 li 222 6 3 703 9 2 113 2 Oj 479 9 2 40 4 3 051 15 3 184 9 3 221 7 0i 793 13 1 45 12 1 322 0 2 1,472 0 2 193 6 1 185 5 0 1,835 14 2 1,659 1 2 2,449 0 3 287 15 1 926 13 0 2,442 12 0 34,911 10 3 6,657 17 0 213 9 0 203 9 0 1,494 4 0 3,291 15 0 5,206 3 3 2,335 8 2 85 19 0 23 10 0 537 0 2 794 2 3 424 3 1 238 15 2 84 14 1 147 15 3 130 13 1 103 12 2 003 10 0 9 0 2 637 2 2 411 17 0 934 14 0 1,608 18 2 80 12 0 500 16 1 281 2 2 370 15 0 154 3 1 1,004 17 3 114 5 0 6 1 4 50 8 1 3 9 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 2 6,819 1 0 743 11 0 1,297 3 0 4,611 2 2 50,082 18 S 8,762 12 2 318 14 0 265 12 0 1,541 16 3 3,848 3 1 9,319 0 3 4,636 0 1 213 3 0 126 6 0 1,344 18 2 1,753 4 0 1,908 2 0 900 9 2 545 11 2 639 2 2 1,498 2 1 398 9 0 1,059 12 3 06 0 1 1,916 11 1 1,156 10 3 1,547 18 2 3,004 12 1 282 16 3 1,389 10 0 3,017 8 1 801 12 2 587 7 3 4,489 10 3 2,513 17 0 ;,819 743 1 1,297 1,611 ),082 1 5,762 1 318 1 265 1 L,541 1 5,848 ),319 1,636 213 126 L,344 1 1,753 L.908 900 545 1 639 1,41)8 398 L,C59 1 06 1,016 1 L,156 1 L,547 1 5,064 1 282 I 1,389 1 3,017 801 1 587 4,489 3 2,513 ] I 11 I li IS u 15 16 I C c t If 4 <; c 1] i c IS f lj 1( 16 1; U 1C i IS l< r, 1 0j .. 2,463 14 7 4,112 1 10' .. 43 10 9 310 0 3 0 .. 189 10 4 1,544 15 2 2 .. 937 2 11 578 4 10,808 16 8 206 12 8 8 .. .. 22,189 8 2 2 .. 2,904 2 1 893 4 4 0 .. 594 4 5 336 4 2 0 .. 839 10 9 19 8 6 3 .. 420 15 11 633 10 3 1 .. 2,247 10 1 77 16 0 3 .. 5 17 8 3,198 15 0 1 .. 1,273 12 1 1,101 8 3 0 .. 139 6 8 25 8 6 0 .. 114 11 1 45 2 8 2 .. 1,126 14 4 404 '6 4 0 .. 018 12 4 47S 9 2 0| .. 1,483 1 4 1,276 9 9 21 .. 351 1 11 236 1 12 .. 290 19 5 164 4 2 2 .. 1,119 17 8 2,669 7 2 1 .. 509 3 5 13,663 18 9 0 .. 202 12 8 220 6 2 3 ., 798 0 l] 811 4 6 1 .. 837 8 Hi 433 15 .11 .. 1,448 14 8 1,241 13 0 S .. 708 15 3 1,229 15 8 2 .. 970 16 8 174 1 2 1 .. 1,303 4 1 1,713 7 6 3 .. 32 1 6j 17S 14 .0 0 .. 803 15 10 608 13 8 3- .. 314 14 7 319 4 .2 2 .. iVd 11 2 !,??§ ? 7 3 .. 71 18 4 '552 7 ■6 3 .. 1,857 12 3 1,158 1 ■7.0 .. 263 14 7 Cr. 10 16 1.157 2 1,047 19 8 Cr. 0 2 i 20 15 10 2,463 14 7 43 10 9 189 10 4 937 2 11 10,808 16 8 2,904 2 1 594 4 5 839 10 9 420 15 11 2,247 10 1 5 17 8 1,273 12 1 139 6 8 114 11 1 1,126 14 4 018 12 4 1,483 1 4 351 1 11 290 19 5 1,119 17 8 569 3 5 202 12 8 798 0 l] 837 8 Hi 1,448 14 8 708 15 3 970 16 8 1,303 4 1 32 1 6' 803 15 10 314 14 7 il'd 11 2 7i 18 4 1,857 12 3 268 14 7 4,112 1 0 310 0 11 1,544 15 1 578 4 2 206 12 3 22,189 8 4 893 4 2 336 4 5 19 8 3 633 10 9 77 16 Hi 3,198 15 31 1,101 8 4; 25 8 9 45 2 2 404 '6 11 478 9 1! 1,276 9 10 236 1 0 104 4 10 2,669 7 4 13,663 18 2 220 6 11 811 4 Oj 433 15 4 1,241 13 3 1,229 15 1 174 1 8 1,713 7 10: 175 14 8 608 13 8 319 4 1 1 ?T§ ? V' '552 7 i>1 1,158 1 11 Cr. 10 16 3 Auckland Section — 0 0,580 15 7 Helensvillc. 11 353 11 8 Waitakerci. 1 1,734 5 5 Avondale. 2 1,515 7 l| Mount Eden. 3 17,015 8 11 Auckland (Coaching), 4 22,189 8 4 „ (Goods). 2 3,797 0 3 Newmarket. 5 930 8 10 Bemuera. 3 858 19 0 Elierslie. 9 1,054 0 8J Penrose Junction. 11 2,325 7 0 Onehunga. 3 3,204 12 11 „ Wharf. 4; 2,375 0 5 Otahuhu. 9 164 15 5 Papatoitoi. 2 159 13 3 Manurowa. 11 1,531 1 3 Papakura. 11 1,097 1 5 Drury. 10 2,759 11 2 Pukekohe. 0 617 2 11 Tuakau. 10 461 4 8 Pokeno. 4 8,789 5 0 Mercer. 2 14,233 1 7 • Huntly. 11 422 19 7 Taupiri. 0 1,609 4 1 Ngaruawahia. 4 1,271 4 3 Frank ton Junction. ; 3 2,690 7 11 Hamilton West. • 1 1,938 10 4 Morrinsville. 8! 1,144 18 4 To Aroha. • 10 3,016 11 11 Cambridge. - 8 210 16 2 Matamata. i 8 1,412 9 0 Oxford. : 1 633 18 8 Lichfield. 1 11. l,7o» IS 1 Ohaupo. ' ' 9 024 6 1 Ngaroto. .11 3,015 14 2 TeAwamutu. ; 3 252 18 4 Tβ Kuiti. General. ! 5 1,157 2 5 Head Office. ! -il 1,047 17 4 Accountant. 20 15 10 Miscellaneous, 0,580 15 7 353 11 S 1,734 5 5 1,515 7 lj 17,015 8 11! 22,189 8 4 3,797 0 3 930 8 10 858 19 0 1,054 0 8J 2,325 7 0; 3,204 12 11 2,375 0 5 164 15 5 159 13 3 1,531 1 3 1,097 1 5 2,759 11 2 617 2 11 461 4 3 8,789 5 0 14,233 1 7 422 19 7 1,609 4 1 1,271 4 3 2,690 7 11 1,938 10 4 1,144 18 4 3,016 11 11 210 16 2 1,412 9 0 633 18 8 ~, ,'oy IS 1 024 0 1 3,015 14 2 252 18 4 I 3 4 60 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 4 "l 6 14 1 14 58 454 615 2,580 2,715 13,077 276 4,453 2,110 394 552 6,064 699 2,238 134 419 639 511 423 80 0 0 55 0 0 10 0 0 155 0 0 SO 0 0 20 0 0! 180 0 0 15 0 0 45 0 0 10 0 0! 300 0 0 8 0 0 85 4 0 42 8 0 2 0 0 1 12 0 22 6 0 26 0 0 "3 "5 112 19 5' 0 0 2 3 3 4 1 2 50 120 0 0 225 0 0 05 0 0 85 0 0 105 0 0 130 0 0 15 0 0 80 0 0 1 2 5 1 2 6 21 7 25 "•16 14 40 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 15 0 0 "i 103 146 97 315 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 338 9 1 9 18 0 9 10 0 2 0 0 123 10 0 136 5 1 602 18 2 1 1 1 1 24 4 0 11 4 0 11 0 0 550 0 0 160 0 0! 5 0 OJ 25 0 0 30 0 Oj 45 0 0 140 14 0 116 12 OJ 399 8 0 281 13 0 110 8 Oj 0 16 0 22 5 0 17 4 0 90 16 3 -li 1 406 125 ' 105 703 85 0 0 335 0 0 "l '2 "l 3 2,170 506 725 145 334 343 1,046 5 210 0 0 40 0 0 130 0 0 13 2 34 "l8 60 0 0 120 0 0 90 0 0 3 1 2 5 *20 18 0 0 14 0 14 7 'l47 "23 800 0 0 300 0 0 "b 1,04719 8 20 15 10 1,157' 2 5! Cr. 0 2 -l\ 1,157 2 5 1,047 17 4 20 15 10 Totals 118 19,133 13 5 277,664 1,589 44,989 650 29 2,561 44,989 650 29 2,561 Us 10,506 1,341 48,332 4,610 3,883 13 3 2,645 0 0 491 4 0 5,110 0 0 9,317 0 0| 7,928 16 0 28,863 5 3 09,717 19 0 124,073 4 3 127,956 18 2 3,883 13 3 2,645 0 0 491 4 0i 5,110 0 0 9,317 0 0 7,928 16 0 28,803 5 3 69,717 19 0 ] 124 124,073 4 3 1,073 4 3] 127,056 18 2j 45,048 12 0 65,358 11 i 127,956 18 2 45,0-18 12 0 65,358 11 10 : . 10)111,007 4 4 Totals. 98 10,566 1,341 48,332 4,610 111,007 4 4! Japieb Section — Spit N apier Farndon Hastings Te Aute Kaikora .. Waipawa Waipukurau Takapau Ormondville Makotuku Danovirke Woodville Through traffic General Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous 9 1SJ 12f 12 11 10f Hi 12 9* 10J 11 12| 14J 5 14 2 7 1 3 2 5 2 2 3 2 5 770 0 3 2,213 16 11 312 10 3 885 8 2 132 0 3 292 1 10 299 16 3 709 7 5 203 4 11 209 12 9 312 8 6 251 5 7 720 8 6 622 47,059 12,486 36,263 2,134 4,685 10,372 13,469 3,764 4,413 4,329 3,799 12,892 482 101 78 207 21 23 18 17 3 33 1,924 11,652 810 2,313 441 751 2,134 1,412 1,059 1,169 446 1,023 1,730 10 194 5 36S 6 56 54 103 47 3 10 47 153 2 23 'il 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 5 59 551 125 543 76 85 171 166 94 38 ' 63 73 . 216! 569 3,696 829 4,391 1,138 1,929 3,105 2,793 2,018 1,220 1,387 2,188 1,601 23 209 8 319 20 74 62 117 53 111 23 133 2 8 16 5 2 5 7 2 1 58 371 184 541 104 104 182 195 124 40 38 110 209 1 8 16 1 5 1 16 1 22 20 93 3 123 22 81 2o[ 2 5 26 562 1 45 1 '*2 1,042 5 41 5,956 24 1,924 529 4,856 4,536 63 51 133 1 8 30 0 0 115 0 0 375 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 202 4 0 1R0 636 12 0 919 8 0 195 8 0 508 4 0 766 8 0 607 8 0 241 4 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 260 8 0 50 12 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 1,545 0 0 10 0 0 150 0 0 115 0 0 4,780 0 0 510 0 0 4,540 0 0 1,465 0 0 10 0 0 30 12 0 220 12 0 8 0 0 30 16 0 0 12 0 105 8 0 250 12 0 1,251 0 0 7,699 4 0 634 4 Oi 9,294 4 0 4,530 12 0 6 8 0 2,281 13 0 392 5 0 418 4 0 869 19 2 32 3 0 61 6 0 108 0 S 5 5 2 65 15 0 20 5 3 11 1 0 8 17 0 18 4 2 4,779 13 2! 2,146 13 0 5,865 9 Oj 676 16 1 69 14 0 137 0 2 327 19 lj 199 13 0 154 16 2 98 17 1 90 17 2 147 15 3 200 7 2 6,143 16 2 982 14 S 547 8 0 13 6 2 6 0 0 130 16 1 4 0 0 2 0 0 24 0 0 171 4 0 11 0 0 25 14 2 13,437 19 0 3,783 12 3 7,095 13 0 2,900 6 1 1,878 17 0 851 IS 2 1,749 16 1 2,212 6 2 12,952 19 2 1,292 11 0 14,112 14 2 6,423 12 3 311 6 2 2 6 3 5 5 8 2 2 3 4 9 2 5 30 85 655 6 24 49 14 21 2 1 1 5 1,637 140 j 3,114 3,118 59 2,087 65 669 687 1,008 130 121 3 23 "40 1 135 0 0 270 0 0 30 - 0 0 56' 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 4,140 16 0 6 8 0 212 16 0 24 4 0 5' 8 0 6' 4 0 1,115 0 0 2,950 0 0 4,380 0 0 2,965 0 0 25 0 0 205 0 0 715 0 0 C65 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 4,086 4 0 9,184 8 0 1,500 8 0 2,001 16 0 130 8 0 789 8 0 657 8 0 3,994 4 0 458 4 0 210 4 0 70 12 0 130 12 0 842 8 0 658 10 8 101 12 1 94 6 2 704 11 0 77 8 2 198 14 3 515 13 3 398 19 1 249. 14 3 226 1 3 123 1 3 354 18 2 529 6 2 5,502 14 1 305 13 0 072 1 0 4,050 8 1 464 14 3 335 6 1 2,241 12 1 2,683 14 3 286 12 2 28 5 1 564 12 1 55 13 0 1,116 0 2 164 7 0 610 6 3 144 2 1 489 7 2 72 11 0 432 15 2 20 0 0 275 13 2 83 18 0 095 19 0 60 14 3 980 0 1 51 7 0 16 17 6 10 1 3 5 1 1 2 16,003 18 0 17,295 0 2 6,993 11 2 10,053 18 0 547 14 1 1,863 8 0 3,173 17 1 5,827 12 1 1,310 1 1 950 1 1 588 5 1 1,323 4 1 2,473 1 3 3,003 1 ?, 295 3,993 1 3,653 I 547 1 L.863 3,173 1 3,827 1 1,310 950 588 1,323 2,473 if c i] it n t 11 1; ] 3 '. 3 8 0 .. 151 12 0 7,017 5 0 2 .. 9,212 19 10 3,119 13 ■12 .. 1,028 8 2 2,529 11 .8 0 .. 4,837 1 4 1,286 12 4 1 .. SCO 8 G 444 7 8 0 .. 847 15 6 734 5 7 1 .. 2,183 7 9 1,293 15 .2 1 .. 2,524 4 G 1,491 8 11 .. 756 7 2 4,955 10 11 .. 695 15 0 586 14 5 1 .. 076 0 2 7,625 7 4 1 .. 901 0 2 3,938 10 13 .. 4,408 19 4 602 16 359 18 6 272 6 417 10 2 157 16 7 10 131 12 5 9,212 19 10 1,028 S 2 4,837 1 i SCO 8 G 847 15 G 2,183 7 0 2,524 4 G 756 7 2 695 15 0 076 0 2 901 0 2 4,408 19 4 359 18 6 7,017 5 u 3,119 13 2 2,529 11 5; 1,286 12 5i 4-14 7 7 734 5 0 1,293 15 3 1,491 8 1; 4,955 10 8 5S6 14 g| 7,625 7 3 3,938 16 3 C02 16 4 Napiee Section— ' 5 7,168 17 10 Spit. ! 2! 12,332 13 0 Napier. . 5 3,557 19 7 Farndon. i 5 6,123 13 9 Hastings. ' 7 804 16 1 Tβ Aute. i 0 1,582 0 6 Kaikora. i 3 3,477 3 0 Waipawa. i 1 4,015 12 7 Waipukurau. 1 8 5,711 17 10 Takapau. : 9 1,282 9 9 Ormondville. ' 3 8,301 7 5 Makatoka. i 3 4,839 16 5 Danevirke. i 4 5,011 15 8 Woodville. 359 18 6 Through traffic General. '< 1 272 6 1 Head Office. » 11 575 7 1 Accountant. 7 10 Miscellaneous. 7,168 17 10 12,332 13 0 3,557 19 7 6,123 13 9 804 16 1 1,582 0 6 3,477 3 0 4,015 12 7 5,711 17 10 1,282 9 9 8,301 7 5 4,839 10 5 5,011 15 8 359 18 6 3 4 4 "3 1 "89 501 1 11 23 61 340 828 7,122 8 1 35 0 0 65 0 0 2 42 777 14 5 3 417 10 2 7 10 272 6 1 157 16 11 272 6 1 575 7 1 7 10 Totals 53 8,195 16 0 156,769 504 53! I 19,560 1,335 879 2 0 640 0 0 4,389 16 0 26,864 1 ,1,051 55 2,260 26,864 1,056 C5 2,200 S3 98,1 53 19,560 1,335 879 2 640 0 0 4,389 10 0 13,155 0 0 24,062 4 0 4,293 0 14,395 13 0 8,068 0 2 69,003 13 2 69,882 15 2 53 984 13,155 0 0 24,062 4 0 4,293 0 0 14,395 13 0 8,068 0 2 69 69,003 13 2 3,003 1 1! 3 2 69,882 15 2 29,368 9 6 36,056 6 69.8S2 15 2 29,368 9 6 36,050 6 7 i 7 65,424 16 1 Totals. 65,424 16 1 3-D. Iα. Cloi sea 11th Septem] >er. t Closea 9th Octi iber. ; Cli isea 24t! July.



RETURN No. 10—continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.

"oaeh ling. Live Stock, Goods, &e. Stations. I II E Traffic Expenditure, Numb 01 of Si Outwt ird. I ! i Inwi ird. Q Chaff, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Outward. Grain. Merchandise. : Minerals. Total. a 6 I m Grand Total g> £ £ e J « j § J Equiv. TonWool. Firewood. Timber. Inward. Grain. Total Value forwarded. Stations. §1 Iβ . I S [ I » I P ill j. 1 Polo te Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &e. terchancUse. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Coaching. Goods. £ s. d. 425 6 0 905 11 2 337 19 2 340 14 2 370 5 10 415 16 11 69 16 3 456 11 3 660' 6 10 510 12 1 158 19 11 Ts. c. q. , Ts. o. q. 10 0 0 365 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 1 Ts. e. q. I 105 8 O I 934 8 0 1 896 4 0 1 60 12 0 725 12 0 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 101 16 0 288 16 0 111,348 12 0 3,048 0 0 6,409 4 0 I Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 95 1 1 867 6 3 835 9 1 180 13 3 249 2 3 Ts. c. (j. 114 10 2 1,181 2 1 8 12 2 4 0 0 17 0 I Ts. o. 0. 427 1 8 4,006 18 2 : 18,174 6 ] 3,370 16 3 7,721 3 0 Ts. e. q. Ts. c. q.[ Ts. 0. q. 155 0 0 15 0 0i 15 0 0! 70 0 0' 45 0 0 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 25 0 0 115 0 0 Ts. 0. q. I 028 12 0 I 191 4 0 32 8 0 I 461 12 0 1 181 16 0 Ts. c. q. 464 11 3! 1,047 2 3 525 14 0! 391 12 2l 531 9 O! Ts. c. q. .,176 8 1! !,065 17 0 816 8 2 565 15 0 970 18 0 Ts. c. q. 1 083 6 2 471 7 'i 34 0 0: ■ 59 11 0 131 7 3 Ts. c. q. 3,132 13 2 3,907 7 1 1,427 2 2 1,553 10 2 2,356 2 3 Ts. e. q. S s. d. 969 18 5 3,876 8 i 1,420 3 1 1,153 5 11 1,984 17 10 * s. d. 553 2 5 5,017 10 8 8,514 15 11 2,179 11 1 6,911 15 8 S s. a. 1,523 0 10 9,493 19 0 9,934 19 0 3,332 17 0 8,896 13 1 Wellington Section— Mangamahoe. Masterton. Carterton. Greytown. Feathers ton. Cross Crock & Summit. Kaitoke. Upper Hutt. Lower Hutt. Petone. Ngahauranga. Wellington. ,, (Wharf). „ (General). , (Hoaa Offlos), Accountant. Miscellaneous. W'EIXIXGTOX SECTION— Mangwnahoe Masterton.. Carterton .. Greytown .. Feathcrston ■ • . Cross Creek ami Summit .. Kaitoko Upper Hutt Lower Hutt Petonc Ngahauranga • • ■ • WeUington - \ (General) " (Head Office) .. Accountant Miscellaneous 10,', J--i.i 11J 14 11 11 11 12 16J 13 J 12J 3 7 3 2 5 3 1 5 5 4 1 24 5,226 15,280 5,853 5,834 0,978 "941 6,485 29,620 81,880 10,879 J 88,441 11 22 39 63 374 161 190 337 l< 2< 308 2,737 1,106 784 1,413 545 1,497 13,617 432 104 12,075 11 136 1 1 129 10 105 22 13 154 1 4 74 230 50 38 191 IS 47 18G 103 44 529 l,G70j 4,133 2,434] 1,0211 2,819! 1,040 852 882 834 157 17,876: 30 92 19 19 128 6 143 1 ; 3: 8 1 7 1! 1 11 1 :l 141 ; 248 72 36 226 10 86 162 81 53 390 3 ll 2 lj 1 "1 2 12 260 445 1,049 1 10 83 13 11 s 1 14 ' ■• i 181 15 4,087. 85,100 1S,CS6 519 57,125! I 732! 46 174: 359 417! Si 71 5 S 13 720 ■ • 5' 0 0 55 0 0: 34 4 0 5 4 0 19 12 0 0 4 0 8,202 8 0 30 12 0 25 0 0 9S5 0 01 65 0 0 290 0 0 I 730 0 0i 3,160 0 0 855 0 0 j 63S 8 0 1,960 S 0 1,128 10 0 10 0 2 S 0 237 12 0 114 12 0 345 5 2 20 8 2 13 11 0 30 3 2 11 2 2 23 19 0 0 2 0 24 9 2 118 8 2 115 3 0 1,700 12 0 3,177 18 2 7,150 2 2 82 6 2 10 0 0 4 0 0 1,403 2 0 825 1 0 62 4 1 2,904 8 1 2,699 10 3 1,442 1 2 5,259 3 0 : 3,660 12 0i 2,020 19 0 3,242 10 3 21,499 17 1 2,947 1 1 io "ii 0 2 164! 231 1 14 1 3 201 1,378 93 161 2 78 70 102 101,288 56,658! 7,730i 35 162 4S5 442 2 271 19 4i IS 28 197! 83 44 500| 5 0 0i ] 1 16 0 3 12 0 0 12 0 13 16 0 14 4 0 2,282 4 0 8,198 4 0 5' 0 0 495 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 310 0 0 295 0 0 50 0 0 4,790 0 0 11 15 8 0 54 8 0 528 4 0 1,556 16 0 '! 156 10 0 21,340 0 0 126 8 0 4 2 0 163 4 0 274 12 3 28 3 3 120 16 3 393 10 0 191 11 1 441 1 3 435 10 2 :,903 8 3 ,015 13 2 10 0 0 71 2 1 145 5 1 1,983 14 2 183 7 1 4,907 16 li 118 0 0 160 6 3 702 4 1 1,449 13 1 4,318 12 0 839 17 3 39,483 15 0 9,453 5 2 156 15 11 857 18 10 3,432 7 1 2,172 8 4 524 9 7 11,490 10 5 561 4 0 1,352 5 8 711 4 3 448 11 10 726 2 2 11,616 5 3 150 8 0 717 19 11 2,210 4 6 4,143 11 4 2,620 15 2 1,250 11 9 23,106 15 8 156 8 0 23 2. .. .. .. 24 1! ;| 4 10 0 0 2,995' 0 2 20 0 0 -8 'l8 225' 0 0 29 6 0 i<;: 4,001 15 5 ' 142 907 9 9 321 3 2 50 6 1 321 3 2 444 9 2 G 9 8 5 U .. 394 3 1 6 9 8 ■■ 03 ■; 9,501 5 3 207,415 34,618 5S2 33 1,505 34,618 582 i •• 33 1,505 24 1,875 155 893 5,050 18 8J I 530 0 0 Totals 1,241 167,3051 10,614 8 0 6,110 0 25,279 12 0 3,459 18 2 14,096 14 8,793 18 1 08,784 11 0 74,435 9 3 24 1,875 155 1107,30! 893 5,050 18 530 0 0 10,514 8 0 6,110 0 0 25,279 12 0 3,459 18 i,096 14 1 8,793 18 1 68,784 11 0 74,435 9 8 28,439 11 39,720 5 9 Totals. 68,159 17 3 Wakgauui Section— Breakwater New Plymouth Waitara .. Inglcwood .. Norraanby Hawcra Patea Waverley .. Waitotara Aramoho _.. Wanganui Fordell .. Turakina .. Marton. G-reatford .. Halcombc.. Fcikling .. Palmcrston Longburn . - Poston .. ■ • *', ■\Vellmgicii-jIaiiavatu (Uiro traffic) General Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous 15 15 18 12 12 13 10J 9i Si 10 15J 13 Hi 104 11 12 13 14J 12' 10 8 4 2 2 2 6 ! 2 ! 1 1 2 15 1 1 2 2 3 2 8 3 4 1,245 15 4 4S2 13 1 238 11 7 220 9 1 183 8 3 799 10 10 338 4 11 210 3 7 108 16 2 213 4 1 2,939 1 3 95 7 4 05 3 0 298 1 9 178 8 11 324 1 8 311 7 3 1,122 1 4 209 8 1 587 15 2 20,742 0,032 6,248 2,773 3,833 20,716 4.86S 2,861 1,838 3,602 24,241 2,174 2,385 6,940 3,045 5,217 8,123 19,143 7,509 6,920 24,094 42 16 73 14 7 7 7 22 6 4 4 10 535! 1.205 784 356 370 420 9,702 245 816 1,111 380 348 1,050 2,309 281 700 6,913 66 1:: 1 1 10 120 24 41 19 21 265 4 22 49 4S 22 28 If::, 55] 32.1 1 24 1 4 4j 1 4 1 142 113 60 35 49 237 29 51 29 31 372 48 49 135 46 66 112 244 67 86 391 830 360 871 1,766 801] 2,042. 879! 1,200 1,205 200l 2,364 7.:.-: 1,100! 2,074. 860 929 1,911 1,768 034 1,107 6,913 62: 25t 18 95 23 88 17 30 i 39! 174 "2 1 2 3 10 3 5 1 3 1 2 5 10 93 57 78 03 104 198 78 66 98 64 316 64 65 105 50 56 123 191 62 83 891 "3 li "i 8 2 1 1 13! 831 13 1 1 1,002 252 78 82 57 70 106 1 29 85 61 13 37 4 28 32 2,133 4 1 1 'is 18 "81 17,784 13,490 2,015 2,529 378 123 1,605 187 121 252 388 157 702 1,331 324 304 81,090 21 14 .. I 319| 2,01S: C5l| 403; 401 7 06 88 19 135 284 32 i 67 65 5,050 ■ ■ L ." I. ■ ' 10 0 0 60 0 0 10 0 C 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 55 8 0 13 12 0 6 0 0 0 12 0 IS 4 0 259 4 0 80 16 0 179 12 0 94 16 0 142 16 0 2 4 0 209 0 0 150 4 0 200 8 0 41 10 0 40 12 0 5 12 0 86 8 0 386 0 0 50 0 1,000 0 0 145 0 0 580 0 0 45 0 0 200 0 0! 15 0 0 ! 630 0 0[ 855 0 0! 10 0 0j 50 0 0 5 0 0: 15 0 0: 240 0 Oj 8,635 0 0i 770 0 0 130 0 0 ISO 0 0 38 0 0 31 12 0 6 12 0 1,183 12 0 1,899 16 0 1,223 8 0 81 14 01 8 3 0: 2 16 0! 3 12 0 0 8 0 258 16 0 14 0: 4 4 0 8 0 01 34 4 01 3,421 8 0 8,079 8 0 560 12 0 451 16 0 826 11 3 662 7 3 135 1 3 218 5 2 224 18 1 422 0 1 437 13 2 001 5 3 458 1 2 238 14 2 417 8 2 1,199 7 2 202 7 2 33 1 3 334 2 3 105 17 2 77 19 0 137 6 0 63 16 0 93 11 1 388 2 2 542 6 0 3,460 9 1 2,447 0 3 819 18 0 483 6 3 319 7 3 254 2 2 752 19 0 972 7 3 140 11 0 93 6 2 145 8 1 3,756 11 0 54 2 1 76 5 1 240 4 2 47 9 0 88 16 0 196 5 2 487 17 1 126 18 1 1,295 18 1 3,260 10 0 1,095 12 0 53 14 1 422 18 0 61 14 2 5 0 0 12 0 0 108 0 0 251 3 0 23 10 0 361 17 2 1,046 17 3 89 12 0 11 0 0 5. ::!!) I.! I 3,205 2 3 1,458 1 3i 2,952 18 8 2,594 14 0 2,519 14 8! !,{;-:! ID 2 2,173 15 2J 796 0 2i 1,104 5 0 1,932 13 1 0,293 16 1 041 5 3 278 15 0 818 15 1 409 0 2 7,273 15 D 9,244 6 2 1,486 0 8 1,399 19 2 1,834 0 B 5,744 9 8' 'A 1 1 l! 648 333 863 1 25 12 38 i 18 72 226! IS 42 151 212 27 5 2,133! 1 1 '88 5,702 27,773 318 64 4 703 24 457 488 1,011 1,148 86 354 160 74 307 386 1,193! 29 1,4971 81,090: 128 333 211 22 10 162 147 19 126 8,412: 23 i 5 1 5 0 035 0 0: 25 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5' 0 0 60 0 0 i 5 0 oj 55 8 0 36 4 0 0 8 C 284 1G 0 3 8 0 04 0 1,104 8 0 4' 8 0 800 0 0 305 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0' 45 0 0' 545 0 0! 120 0 0 145 0 0 135 0 0 1,025 0 0 2,770 0 0 125 0 0 215 0 0 1,355 0 0] 110 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0' 570 0 0 10 0 0 115 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 2,487 0 0 881 16 0 133 8 0 128 4 0 122 12 0 9S7 17 0 553 14 0 339 6 0 265 0 0 187 16 0 5,421 8 0 488 8 0 253 16 0 1,939 0 0 145 0 0 19 16 0 193 0 0 1,558 0 O 85 4 0 1,114 0 0 726 4 0 1,779 4 3 132 10 21 3S4 11 2i 197 14 1 139 0 li 569 5 3 170 7 0 215 9 0 35 19 0 42 6 2 1,883 8 0 50 1 3 70 7 2 235 18 2 131 18 0 253 4 3 332 3 3 1,038 17 0 86 0 3 89 12 1 542 6 0 1 ,413 0 2 ,499 11 2| 301 1 3 600 4 1 647 4 2 888 15 0 ,253 13 2 500 18 2 360 4 2 815 7 2 50 17 0 656 14 2 198 3 1 263 19 3 ,052 12 0 937 11 2 314 11 0 697 19 2 22S 0 3 306 17 0 281 0 0 206 10 0 1,471 0 1 36 IS 1 70 14 1 82 10 2 43 18 0 334 19 0 119 13 2 234 11 2 110 0 1 39 8 0 290 9 0 83 3 0 56 12 0 224 18 81 105 3 0 24 16 0! 181 1 2 274 5 8 104 5 0 23 14 0 153 9 3 1,474 8 2 11,108 0 2 1,657 6 2 1,218 18 0 1,070 13 1 744 5 1 3,691 3 1 1,749 9 0 1,297 19 0 861 6 3 1,356 11 2 11.6S6 7 2 944 16 0 869 3 1 4,807 9 1 1,429 12 2 647 11 3 1,424 4 3 4,690 17 2 592 6 3 2,320 0 1 5,744 9 3 3,304 16 3 885 0 11 883 4 8 503 3 8 488 1 6 8,816 9 3 1,127 2 1 626 5 1 401 14 1 865 11 0 0,759 12 5 272 16 d 424 19 11 1,511 6 11 639 11 8 763 4 8 1,236 8 8 3,793 0 8 1,593 0 2 904 12 8 6,119 16 11 859 6 2 1,760 17 1 663 IS 2 754 1 9 1,103 2 7 1,565 17 9 1,015 14 4 1,403 5 11 477 14 10 350 16 1 512 12 6 6,183 14 10 ISO 2 9 162 2 5 482 14 2 221 18 8 2,616 15 8 4,409 14 11 732 4 8 326 2 10 1,621 13 8 5,627 10 0 859 6 2 6,065 IS 4 1,548 19 1 1,037 6 5 1,011 6 3 2,053 19 3 5,432 3 7 2,530 8 0 1,103 19 11 752 10 2 1,878 3 0 12,948 7 3 452 19 2 587 2 4 1,994 1 1 8G1 10 4 3,379 19 c| 5,646 8 7 4,525 5 4 1,919 3 0 2,520 0 4 11,747 6 11 Wahganui Suction — Breakwater. New Plymouth. Waitara. Irtglewooa Stratford. Normanby. Hawera. Patea. Waverley. Waitotara. Aramoho. Wanganui. Foraell. Turakina. Marton. Grcatfora. Halcombe. Feiiaing. Pahnerston. Longbum. Foxton. Wellington - Hanawatu (through traffic). General. Heacl Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. "e 5 1 1 29 1 10 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 205 0 0 5 0 0 155 0 0 45 15 0 121 7 2 6 14 0 145 0 0 153 9 3 I 1 1 29 6 25 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 0 4 0 "5 1 7 5 150 133 401 55 5,056 6 8 0 25 '47 824 "2 22 ■■ 1 150 225' 0 0 155 0 0 47l' 8 0 866 0 0 1 22 .. 866 0 0 35 0 0; 720 4 Cj 1,061 10 7 488' 8 6 849 3 9 483 8 6 1,733 0 1 18 0 li 12 ■■ 933 16 4 18 0 1 Totals 71 11,343 3 9 182,813 262 31,049 1,24' 72 2,39! 31,049. 1,247 72 2,302 37i 4,800 229 122,868 9,742 5,1!7 4 1 590 0 0 2,839 4 8,495 0 0: 18,031 9 0 7,880 6 19,535 9 3 4,015 11 1 01,387 0 3 66,534 5 0 37 4,806 229 122,868 9,74! 5,147 4 1 590 0 0 2,839 4 8,495 0 0 18,031 9 7,880 6 3 19, ,535 9 3 ; 4,015 11 1 01,387 0 3 06,534 5 37,871 15 7 34,974 13 7 72,840 9 2 Totals. Geeyhouth Section— Greymouth Bruimer General Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous 13 12 13 4,054 4 9 1,124 6 8 57 14 6 29,660 21,991 211 68: ll I l,86l| 101i i % 101 1,861 46 98: ll 1 4 11 5! i 105 0 0 782 12 0 2,291 8 0 7,282 15 0 170 8 2 345 17 0 108,590 12 01 8,411 A li 171,157 8 2! "l 11 4 8 52 105 0 0 2,291 8 782 12 170 8 2 282 15 0 1GS,59O 12 0 345 17 0 171,157 8 2 8,411 4 0 2,483 17 5 1,912 15 0| 12 8 9 30 4 11 0 10! G,48S 12 1 17,879 4 3 917 0 8,972 9 ( 19,791 19 5 22 5 < 30 4 l: 0 1 ( Greymouth Section. Greymoufch. Brunner. General. Heaa Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. 20 5,230 5 11 ■ ■ I 1,962 1 1 15 60 3 2 2J Totals 51,651 275! 144 1,902] 1441 15 60 3 2 2 105 0 0 3,074 0 0 7,453 3 2 168,936 9 0 179,5GS 12 2 179,571 15 0 105 0 0 3,074 0 ,453 3 MS, 936 9 0 179,568 12 2 179,571 15 0 Totals. 4,439 7 24,377 13 4 28,817 0 5 Westport Section — Westport Accountant • • Miscellaneous 8 8 1,878 17 8 17,762 4 1 1 I 2,618 16 74 2,618] i 16 74j 1 14 285 4,976 0 0 2,708 1G 1 102,200 13 0 109,945 9 1 1 14 285 3 4,976 0 0 708 16 1 102,200 13 0 109,945 9 1 1,911 10 0 76 8 0 0 2 2 16,192 18 2 18,104 5 8 76 8 0 0 2 2 Westpoet Section. Westport. Accountant. Miscellaneous. 2,611 16 74 U OQ5 9 IS 0 ! 4,976 0 0 2,708 16 1 102,200 13 0 109,945 9 1 109,955 7 1 285 9 18 4,976 0 0 708 16 1 102,260 13 109,945 9 1 Totals. Totals ■■ J \J_ 1,878 17 8 2,618 _L 6 74j I 109,955 7 1 1,988 0 8 16,192 15 18,180 15 10 I Nelson Section. Port ana Wharf. Nelson. Richmond. Eriglrtwater. Wakefiold. Belgrove. General. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. Kelson Section— Port and Wharf Nelson Richmond Brightwater Wakefield Bclgrove General Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous 9 9 9 12 6 1 841 2 2 944 3 3 100 1 9 159 12 1 138 14 9 840 12 7 23 4 4 18,803 7,607 3,051 4,396 8,331 71 56| 211 25 6 175 2,411 422 341 431 110 3 1 1 1 4 id. J 15j 42; 81 (, 6851 581! I 1,123 642 1 2 4o: 20! o! 12 18 "j 1 2 1 :• • • 140 0 0 270 0 0 2G0 0 0 0 4 3 4 27 0 26 16 40 12 100 4 30 0 0 240 0 0 1,905 0 0 470 0 0 1G 0 0 119 0 Oi 0 4 0 267 1 2 107 5 0 1,530 10 0 314 18 0 71 17 0 51 15 0 395 16 0 1,117 0 3 188 12 3 114 16 2 153 19 3 58 13 0 1,464 12 3 28 4 0 32 O 0 30 0 0 842 0 C 2,143 14 D 1,374 13 i 1,958 6 : 990 10 I 3,840 12 I 1,100 1C i 2 2 1 2 1 6 5; 14 000 0 60 0 93 12 0 108 16 0 0 16 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 2,350 0 0 245 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 84 0 0 842 0 0 111 8 0 41 12 0 46 12 0 51 0 0 1,048 12 0 4S1 10 0 48 18 0 54 4 0 32 10 0 77 0 2 309 9 3 266 3 0 231 3 2 155 15 2 399 15 3 666 11 1 821 10 0 1,031 6 1 303 11 1 13 0 0 216 8 1 11 1 0 3,562 3 8 5,140 1 1 940 16 3 285 7 2 715 12 0 825 12 3 9 17 2 1,768 0 8 518 9 0 286 3 3 516 4 7 800 9 11 2,724 19 0 701 13 9 404 15 1 202 4 7 763 16 1 311 3 7 2,734 16 2 2,489 14 5 923 4 1 488 7 10 1,280 0 8 1,111 13 6 i6 11 1 3 1 1 1 1 567 4 0 474 4 0: "4 1 1 1 Iβ' 0 "a 21 20 11 0 86 18 10 0 12 5 25 2 0 46 13 0 86 18 10 0 12 5 '• I .. I Totals 23 2,553 10 11 42,248 181 3,890 96 3,89( 96 27 5 S 0: 075 O 0! 204 0 2,045 0 0 1,176 12 0 2,343 6 2 2,028 18 3 2,39G 1G 3 11,409 14 < 11,475 2 27 5 8 0 675 0 204 0 2,645 0 0 1,176 12 2,343 6 2 2,028 18 3 2,396 10 3 11,469 14 0 11,475 2 0 4,007 6 l< 5,134 14 1 9,142 0 11 Totals.



RETURN No. 10-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.

>ac1 ling. . Stations. i g s s a g I 1 0 ° ; Number of S g 1 1 Traffic g § ! Expenditure, i = ■31 SJ* §! I II II B B S »H pi K Outi fd. I 1 8 I Inward. n 53 > O O f Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &e. Wool. Firewood. Outward. ] Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. I a i I ,3 Equiv. TonS) nage for S Live Stock, h <fcc. Chaff, &e. Wool. Firewood. Inward. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. . Coaching. Eevenue. Goods. Total Value forwarded. Stations. p I S Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Picton Section — Pieton Blenheim .. General Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous S. s. d. 772 3 11 446 19 9 41 5 7 201 508 812 10 9 52 69 81! 501 10 4 69 52 5 4 18 19 42 4 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 10 0 0 860 0 0 Ts. c. q. 9 1G 0 973 0 0 Ts. c. q. 4,520 0 .0 215 0 0 Ts. o. q. 225 0 0 S8 12 0 Ts. c. q. 258 ' 3 0 2,520 10 0 Ts. c. q. 809 19 2 560 5 2 Ts. c. q. 1,932 10 0 90 10 0 Ts. o. q. 7,765 8 2 5,307 17 2 Ts. c. q. I 4 1 1! II 4 42 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 860 0 0 10 0 0 Ts. c. q. 973 0 0 9 16 0 Ts. c. q. 215 0 0 4,520 0 0 Ts. e. q. 88 12 0 225 0 0 Ts. c. q. 2,520 10 0 258 3 0 Ts. c. q. 560 5 2 809 19 2 Ts. c. q. 90 10 0 1,932 10 0 Ts. c. q. 5,307 17 2 7,765 8 2 Ts. c. q. £ s. d. 1,616 8 10 999 10 6 £ s. d. 1,737 7 9 1,411 19 5 s s. a. 3,353 16 7 2,411 9 11 PicTos Section. Pioton. Blenheim. General. Head Offlce. Accountant. Miscellaneous. 10 9 6 3 13,588 7,257 4 4 34 5 11 08 0 9 2 2 1 34 5 11 68 0 9 2 2 1 37 6 2 3 S70 0 0 982 16 0 4,785 0 0 813 12 0 2,778 13 0 1,370 5 2,023 0 0 13,073 6 0 13,079 8 3 37 6 2 3 S70 0 0 982 16 0 4,735 0 0 313 12 0 2,778 18 0 1,370 5 0 2,023 0 0 Totals. Totals 20.S45 204 1,32( 19 121 1,320 19 121 13,073 6 0 13,079 8 3 2,720 8 1 3,149 7 l> 5,869 15 3 1,260 9 3 Hukdxui-Bluff Section— Lyttelton (Coaching) .. ' (Goods) .. (Wharves) Heathcoto Woolston .. Opawa Christehureh (Passengers) ) (Parcels) J (Goods) (Cashier) Addington Papanui Styx Belfast .. Kaiapoi Bangiora Cust Bennett's Oxford (East) .. (West) Scfton Amberley Waikari .. ' Culverden Hornby Prebbleton Lincoln Ellesmcre Doyleston.. Leeston Southbridge Little River. Templeton Rollcston .. Kirwee .. Darfield .. Sheffield .. Springfield Coalgate Burnham Selwyn Dunsandel Kakaia Methven Chertsey Ashburton Tinwald .. Westerfield Winslow Hinds Bangitata.. Orari Winchester Temuka Washdyke Pleasant Point Albury Fairlie Creek Timaru (Coaching) (Goods) (Wharf) St. Andrew's Otaio Makikihi .. Studholme Wairnate Waitaki North Pukemi .. Duntroon Kurow Oamaru (Coaching) 1 (Goods) f Breakwater IJ17 7 16 12J 13 17 i .. 1 14 13 12 11J 10 11 12J 14 13} II. 1 .11.: 13 14} 10 12J 10! Vi 1% 111 11 13 10 11J 12" 12 131 13 14J 13 12 11 11 114 15 "4 18 12 2 1 41 - 52 9 3 1 1 6 5 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 5 3 2 11 1 1,781 9 1 16,888 4 1 C01 13 1 277 10 9 137 3 5 ( Iβ, 262 3 9 9,705 7 S 1,160 13 5 361 9 7 141 4 0 130 6 9 899 18 3 G71 15 8 157 1 3 209 17 6 136 6 1 266 3 0 156 IS 1 300 6 3 3S5 12 2 175 0 2 321 15 3 169 5 7 235 3 2 144 13 9 131 4 11 307 0 2 380 6 0 424 10 7 132 5 6 387 7 5 147 12 5 459 3 6 150 4 10 414 6 7 158 9 C 149 3 1 179 13 1 251 6 3 765 4 6 318 15 11 241 2 8 1,673 18 6 141 5 10 89,329 10,122 9,654 8,730 210,4971 7,838 14,101 2,816 5,989 18,131 16,362 1,792 3,847 2,001 4,024 2.4S9 4,191 2*224 4,144 2,539 4,058 973 2,274 3,462 6,345 4,902 2,952 2,718 2,092 4,897 1,548 4,148 1,794 1,652 1,082 3,170 7,438 3,180 1,719 20.94C 1,663 179 332 681 59 1,128 128 41 47 34 115 4 4 9 37 12 21 g 10 8 162 Q 'l7 65 1 36 2,892 1,763 317 70 52*468 1,215 630 90 347 1,807 2,574 660 240 992 473 834 1,815 1,380 034 171 115 644 34S 1,238 907 1,117 453 109 174 340 623 447 409 396 137 193 462 1,231 469 359 4,531 290 259 1S6 233 353 703 391 1,436 149 767 341 45S 12,757 71 535 398 18 141 17 14 25 72 40 68 265 13 9 35 27 22 14 2 7 8 47 23 12 12 1*340 267 103 41 79 191 14 11 23 30 20 138 132 203 52 19 14 11 32 25 13 94 55 38 30 35 02 26 18 38 1C0 61 28 302 102 14 23 45 82 100 17 83 55 68 570 194 "25 10,187 108 169 273 isiii4 459 133 487 1,887 3,859 1,813 1,123 1,117 1,226 1,457 3,133 2,071 3,785 151 336 1,207 788 1,447 2,155 2,403 2,367 326 400 1,175 1,512 1,134 1,618 1,270 574 402 1,004 1*574 709 5,9S4 331 1,490 416 745 1,093 2,136 1,081 2,632 207 1,566 2,009 2,264 C, 749 424 284 18 14 115 10 g 10 15 61 84 .11 :, 204 10 12 39 25 3G 18 4( 3i 31 41 1 1 1 a, 19 481 979 *180 65 21 77 149 33 21 19 20 47 93 171 254 39 18 29 17 27 37 64 72 42 74 00 3G 81 53 33 178 68 41 296 76 C3 IS 52 102 84 90 515 31 463 216 "23 '441 12 14 37 6 "lO 1 5 27 73 162 S 1 7 13 66 34 119 31 28 S 24 4 23 22 1 15 149 104 4 14 11 95 20 33 29 1 '205 " 6 D 49 13,042 35 824 914 5,766 1,986 1,578 509 1,628 1.C20 8,1S1 12,108 7.87G 105 618 2,158 1,433 3,919 9,130 2,177 1,300 1.SC4 l.OlS 566 1,761 296 1 88 I "98 2,226 116 32 558 117 413 30 11 56 212 117 937 300 996 929 2,645 1,240 48 309 633 108 20 29 407 504 537 541 242 1,256 1,357 260 695 396 4G 722 375 1,122 950 126 95 118 05 0 0 145 0 0 280 0 0 35 0 0 GO 0 0 10 0 0 35 0 0 360 0 0 110 0 0 90 0 0 3S0 0 0 50 0 0 135 0 0 40 0 0 355 0 0 250 0 0 10 0 0 Iu5 0 0 155 0 0 255 0 0 70 0 0 225 0 0 525 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 235 0 0 235 0 0 140 0 0 595 0 0 30 0 0 11,256 16 0 : 4,620 12 0 38 4 0 751 16 0 3,460 4 0 248 16 0 16 8 0 2 12 0 1,068 4 0 593 16 0 345 16 0 44 8 0 133 0 0 23 8 0 103 4 0 43 16 0 332 12 0 709 4 0 1,270 4 0 130 16 0 2 12 0 188 12 0 74 16 0 19 4 0 41 12 0 137 8 0 92 4 0 14 8 0 59 12 0 42 8 0 237 4 0 74 8 0 287 0 0 537 4 0 74 8 0 31, 0 0 127 0 0 672 16 0 204 4 0 127 0 0 517 4 0 142 8 0 547 4 0 142 1C 0 274 4 0 334 8 0 460 4 0 214 4 0 52C 0 0 123 8 0 498 0 0 307 12 0 922 12 C 1,015 0 01' 15' 0 0 SO 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 160 0 0 2,490 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 36' 0 0 3,410 0 0 5 0 0 85 0 0 15 0 0 17,798 4 0 1,194 0 0 4 12 0 2,040* 8 0 344 8 0 4 4 0 64 10 0 I 123 12 0 I 88 12 0 12 S 0 25 8 0 ) 252 4 0 ) 911 4 0 ) ) 138 4 0 ) 3 0 0 ) 12 0 0 45 16 0 ) 216 0 6' 4 0 0 4 0 ) 2,509 16 0 3 i'lG 0 18 0 ) 48 8 0 26,268 1G 3 789 14 2 352 5 3 43 17 3 •5,S76 3 1 10,391 1G 1 1,652 5 1 2,865 18 3 2,109 19 1 11,772 18 0 4,158 5 1 786 5 0 1,378 1 2 88 4 3 432 14 2 1,835 9 3 705 2 2 777 6 1 549 8 0 2,187 19 2 2,175 6 3 3.253 S 2 1,947 10 0 801 0 1 1,413 0 0 2.S75 6 0 299 6 3 2.254 18 2 1,782 14 3 1,966 17 1 1,882 10 2 6S2 4 3 139 17 3 536 13 2 1,533 6 0 346 9 2 1,602 IS 1 6,954 3 0 1,047 5 3 2,715 4 2 12,049 7 2 2,503 8 8 594 0 3 2,144 6 3 517 5 2 939 11 3 850 11 3 1,973 18 1 4,243 18 0 1,107 14 1 3,355 18 3 945 6 1 789 15 0 59,005 1C 2 44,057 3 3 199 9 3 903 3 3 0 5 0 24,970 15 2 1,253 10 2 352 5 3 114 7 2 7,252 5 0 784 19 3 567 1 3 42 10 3 22 4 3 83 19 0 76 6 3 1S8 7 0 207 11 1 194 5 3 127 18 2 783 4 1 2S 12 2 116 17 2 56 5 2 246 3 0 173 3 1 195 10 2 79 13 0 20 10 2 463 15 0 46 17 2 73 14 1 79 18 3 78 19 0 01 9 3 25 11 3 22 IS 0 112 9 1 253 17 2 85 9 1 42 1 1 1,062 5 0 43 6 2 74 3 3 206 11 2 26 14 1 55 9 2 273 0 0 71 13 3 347 12 3 1,372 18 2 104 17 0 30 17 0 59 1 0 65,838 8 1 27.S28 1 0 850 6 0 669 12 2 2,521*18 1 220 7 0 17 S 2 404 0 0 1,119 8 3 196 9 1 10 0 C 11 6 0 23 10 0 17 6 0 8 0 0 12 0 2 9,504 7 1 20 16 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 1,705 0 0 8 0 0 4,420 18 3 876 9 0 747 6 3 316 19 1 181.24S 1 2 78,489 17 1 1,455 5 2 2,578 2 0 0 5 0 39,179 9 0 12,504 17 3 2,132 0 2 3,002 IS 1 10,954 4 1 14,764 14 2 5,481 4 1 985 11 3 1,938 14 1 607 15 3 4.159 15 1 2,156 2 3 1,765 15 8 1,946 16 0 1,986 11 0 12,767 3 0 2,201 11 1 3,707 6 0 2,337 11 2 1,136 11 1 1,852 15 1 3,744 8 2 8.160 19 3 2,857 17 0 2,547 17 3 2,281 2 3 6,755 15 2 2,441 S 2 1,298 3 2 1,454 10 2 1,712 9 3 649 7 2 2,430 19 3 8,242 5 0 1,453 3 2 2,985 17 0 14,135 8 0 3,015 18 3 3,609 7 3 2,500 11 3 857 15 3 1,090 17 1 1,623 15 3 2,350 13 1 5,199 2 3 3,020 5 0 4,225 7 S 1,353 8 1 1,837 13 0 20 26 10 G 2 3 1 1 ] 6 1 '■786 439 2 53 1,725 12 17 63 14 1 4 30 49 10 23 21 10 107 1 81 1 14 0,009 09 30 'l55 111,303 1,002 113,268 149 84C 207 103 128 168 49S 25'J 603 1,606 3,094 1,000 1,483 37 322 255 841 1,045 31S 114 SSO 205 277 416 1,472 1,825 1,516 133 905 171 ) 417 2,610 34 743 L 145 874 108 11,073 74 174 2,266 97 27S 40 19 3,437 'S52 152 6 I l,05o' 0 01 1 40' 0 0 1,715 0 0 90 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 805 0 0 2,395 0 0 - I 10 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 45 0 0 80 0 0 155 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 50 0 0 10' 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 65 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 15,379 16 0 10,772 8 0 289 16 0 2,799 4 0 51 16 0 181 4 0 61 8 0 14 0 0 O'J 0 0 25 12 0 40* 0 0 5 0 0 80 0 0 3,070 0 0 790 0 0 885 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 255 0 0 785 0 0 10 0 0 45 0 0 285 0 0 180 0 0 135 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 165 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 85 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 55 0 0 SO 0 0 1,614 8 0 19 12 0 24 12 0 10 16 0 15,828 0 0 1,820 4 0 91 4 0 49 4 0 055 1C 0 224 12 0 C17 0 0 21 4 0 45 16 0 25 1G 0 S 1C 0 195 4 0 399 0 0 154 12 0 532 4 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 417 16 0 145 0 0 204 4 0 251 0 0 255 8 0 77 16 0 246 16 0 24 16 0 58 8 0 90 0 0 G3 0 0 64 12 0 121 12 0 42 12 0 68 8 0 138 4 0 501 16 0 114 4 0 76 8 0 1,615 16 0 29 0 0 175 16 0 130 12 0 154 0 0 11 8 0 47 16 0 254 4 0 678 4 0 95 4 0 164 1G 0 70 16 0 194 0 0 ! 64,717 18 1 24,881 7 2 560 1 0 S9 9 0 9,143 7 0 9,571 9 0 3,093 13 3 1,780 2 1 34 G 0 1,706 3 3 327 16 0 62 7 1 589 5 1 76 16 2 59 0 1 119 IS 1 230 13 1 272 14 2 4S5 11 1 160 19 2 139 4 0 40 2 0 S4 4 1 46 3 0 17 4 2 42 14 0 295 10 0 76 12 0 86 17 1 191 18 2 106 9 1 125 13 3 161 6 3 215 9 3 54 17 3 81 2 3 73 18 1 648 8 0 221 3 3 116 15 3 1,446 5 2 101 1 3 274 11 3 128 19 0 141 11 0 65 16 0 85 8 0 614 7 0 401 11 3 14 8 0 355 10 1 100 13 1 242 17 3 71,532 0 2 6,187 6 1 212 10 3 2,279 3 1 17 1 49,685 13 2 762 11 S S9 4 2 40 18 3 505 0 0 793 19 2 1,096 19 3 277 6 8 444 12 3 187 4 1 211 1 8 3i5 3 2 569 11 1 502 12 3 1,110 17 1 62 5 2 GO 6 1 199 12 3 182 16 0 273 5 3 440 10 0 494 4 3 405 15 2 ISO 18 0 116 0 0 306 12 0 302 19 3 224 2 2 280 9 3 291 2 1 108 9 2 146 11 3 261 8 3 938 7 1 448 14 3 235 14 2 2,888 11 3 119 12 2 520 6 0 261 13 2 243 5 2 230 6 3 566 12 0 559 17 1 1,054 5 2 205 1 2 584 15 3 342 13 2 714 0 0 32,328 15 2 56 1 1 756 3 2 2,65G 7 3 40,912' 0 0 8,034 7 3 4,093 8 3 190 10 0 8,760 15 0 8,172 4 1 2,447 3 3 230 15 1 459 17 0 41 5 1 118 1 1 458 4 2 757 16 0 409 11 1 493 8 1 1,042 5 0 267 16 8 2,589 13 2 289 2 1 314 9 2 833 18 0 724 17 2 142 0 1 735 16 0 291 13 3 688 19 0 601 4 1 155 8 1 54 12 3 SO 3 1 199 11 0 283 13 3 414 17 0 1,708 4 3 S87 18 2 372 4 1 6,616 0 1 516 14 1 259 12 3 500 6 1 269 11 2 117 19 1 838 3 3 572 16 2 1,712 1 3 1,160 11 3 748 18 3 239 7 3 707 9 0 186,667 18 1 41,916 15 0 1.55S 7 1 5,445 12 0 17 1 128,753 4 2 21,120 8 2 7,762 6 0 2,095 15 0 5,247 1 0 6,518 7 2 7,682 19 2 607 13 1 1,638 11 0 341 2 0 411 19 1 1,356 13 1 2,233 12 2 1,564 10 2 2,837 0 S 1,468 10 0 524 7 0 3,423 4 1 716 2 2 843 2 l! 1,587 18 li : 1,537 4 1 971 1 3 1,275 2 Oj 554 7 0 1,205 17 2 1,155 13 1 60S 4 2 576 1 1 794 7 1 440 10 1 554 16 1 933 8 0 3,956 16 0 1,172 1 0 811 2 2 13,696 13 2 846 8 2 1,300 6 2 1,106 10 3 838 8 0 451 10 0 1,067 11 3 2,118 0 3 4,026 15 0 1,485 9 1 1,939 0 3 S98 10 2 2.16S 16 8 6,744 10 4 623 17 11 368 IS 8 299 11 8 33,790 1 2 4,659 0 5 1.559 3 1 1,716 19 8 106 11 8 353 7 S 1,933 16 3 2.560 8 7 339 17 2 393 9 8 527 13 4 619 15 C 396 10 2 990 10 10 1,863 15 1 1,165 16 6 745 14 1 206 3 8 471 2 0 178 14 3 474 1 S 722 0 0 1,175 1 10 1,247 S 2 318 19 3 846 C 11 4C5 C 7 1,037 1 4 277 14 6 1,206 3 11 516 2 2 280 13 4 29S 17 4 742 11 0 1,894 1C 7 751 8 1 375 8 10 C,5C0 14 3 241 16 4 27 13 1 216 0 3 218 10 10 433 16 9 1,347 0 4 567 10 9 1,941 11 1 276' 9 4 505 1-5 4 2S.5 6 6 S84 12 4 10,820 0 9 417 1 8 47,414 13 4 8,241 6 0 228 4 11 556 3 6 5C7 3 4 18,731 3 4 1,974 18 1 8,283 15 8 609 15 1 6S7 7 4 4,228 14 9 4.275 13 11 2,225 7 0 404 10 8 549 6 2 318 8 1 1,499 2 3 835 11 11 1,000 11 0 1,787 9 7 2,704 19.11 1,775 15 5 536 0 1 1,130 9 8 7S6 1 0 558 17 1 907 3 5 1,781 1 2 2,786 12 7 506 15 7 794 8 10 S14 11 0 2,456 1 1 873 13 2 782 11 7 1,088 17 10 524 11 10 257 4 6 1,046 13 6 5,329 14 10 1,263 7 1 1,088 8 11 8,677 16 3 1,816 13 C 2,002 11 10 2,639 1 7 935 7 3 1,046 16 9 1.276 4 5 897 3 5 2,000 10 2 2,878 8 10 1,208 8 5 615 6 9 1,320 1 8 3 4 9 12,128 13 0 1,752 19 0 1,775 4 9 296 S 10 825 9 1 1,722 10 9 2,327 3 0 965 4 1 1.755 17 8 1,271 13 2 2.756 12 6 5 8 10 8,833 6 10 I,558 14 9 7,191 12 0 47,414 13 4 3,241 6 0 852 2 10 925 2 2 299 11 3 34,357 4 6 4,659 0 5 : 18,731 3 4 1,974 13 1 I 4,792 18 9 2,326 14 9 793 18 7 I 4,582 2 0 6,209 10 2 1 4,785 15 7 I 744 7 10 : 942 15 10 846 1 5 '< 2,118 17 9 1,282 2 1 ! 2,051 1 10 ' 3.G51 4 8 3,870 16 5 1 2,521 9 6 742 3 9 I 1,601 11 8 I 964 15 3 . 1,032 18 4 i 1,629 3 5 ! 2,956 3 . 0 ' 4,034 0 9 885 14 10 1,440 15 9 1,219 17 7 8,493 2 5 1,151 7 8 1,988 15 6 1,605 0 C 805 5 2 556 1 10 1,789 4 6 7,224 11 5 2,014 15 2 2,063 17 9 15,238 10 6 2,058 9 4 2,030 4 11 2,855 1 10 1.153 18 1 1,480 13 6 2,623 i 9 1,404 14 2 3,942 1 3 3.154 18 2 1,774 3 9 900 13 3 2,304 14 0 10.S23 5 6 12,123 13 0 1,752 19 0 2,570 0 5 495 1 0 1,330 14 7 2,158 19 2 4,041 10 3 1,340 3 8 1,898 1 2 1,683 9 6 8,435 14 5 11,567 12 5 8,833 6 10 1,558 14 9 Sec. Lyttelton (Coaching). (Goods). (Wharves). Heathcote. Woolston. Opawa. Christehureh (Passcn.). (Parcels). (Goods). (Cashier). Addington. Papanui. Styx. Belfast. Kaiapoi, Rangiora. Cust. Bennett's. Oxford East. „ West. Sefton. Amberley. Waikari. Culverden. Hornby. Prebbleton. Lincoln. Ellesmcre. Doyleston. Lceston. Southbridge. Little River. Templeton. Jtolleston. Kirwec. Darfield. Sheffield. Springfield Coalgate. Burnham. Sehvyn. Dunsandel. Kakaia. Metbven. Chertsey. Ashburton. Tinwald. Westerfiold. Winslow. Hinds. Eangitatft. Orari. Winchester. Temuka. Washclyke. Pleasant Point. Albury. Fairlie Creek. Timaru (Coaching). „ (Goods). „ (Wharf). St. Andrew's. Otaio. Makikihi. Studholme. Waimate. Waitaki North. Pukouri. Duntroon. Kurow. Oamaru (Coaehin"). (Goods). Breakwater. 112 40 78 17 69 16 12 50 121 50 15 348 21 16 25 11 90 15 20 30 20 36 366 7,349 115 3,196 5,308 33,733 6,120 8,503 13,449 9,501 1,411 24,251 8,416 5,201 10,471 1,819 6,663 34,272 1,135 1,861 2,260 104 75 0 0 145 0 0 520 0 0 160 0 0 20 0 0 45 0 0 70 0 0 255 0 0 5 0 0 2 4 0 14 0 "1 "25! 83 15 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 130 0 0 18 25 91 15 181 13 1 6 0 8 0 3 32 8 0 4 0 0 8 4 1 164 0 2 16 4 2 C 11 1 267 11 2 9 15 2 1,769 15 1 6 17 2 "1 1 1 18 1 1 50 0 SO 0 0 96 22 11 37 10 1C 3 io 65 0 0 20 0 0 CIO 0 0 3 104 0 C 3 42 0 0 3 9 4 0 23 50 143 SO 26 18 19 217 20 95 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 55 0 0 140 0 0 10 0 0 895 0 0 55 0 9 20 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 12 10J 11 lii 12 12 13 12 12 13 14 9 2 S .1 1 \ S 1 2 1 2 1.24 i ! 1 1 k l 3 1 i 1 4 2 226 7 11 130 15 6 134 11 3 157 10 1 209 4 4 397 15 8 129 4 0 190 13 3 135 5 1 260 15 8 5,317 12 11 "S51 1,109 1,570 5,418 3,444 9,869 2,409 4,291 1,190 i 3,682 I 35,622 I 4,295 ! 1,367 > 2,466 , 2,630 6,095 ) 2,153 1,384 > 1,884 ! 2,647 ,|j 48,607 1 11 12 21 77 22 113 81 5 10S 24 21 40 17 10 18 81 63 64 100 62 312 356 1 g 1 17 1 690 IS 296 188 59 391 14 IS 21 134 35 444 11 CC 43 95 93 21,137 1,995 9,474 8,058 6,568 3,388 4,277 10,046 766 85 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 205 0 0 175 0 0 25 0 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 205 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 45 0 0 G5 0 0 5.1SS 0 0 2S5 12 0 94 12 0 79 0 0 208 16 0 305 16 0 293 8 0 314 4 0 257 16 0 1,808 12 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 1C 0 0 16 16 0 0 4 12 0 14 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 1,063 16 0 2,907 0 0 0 2 0 0 25,629 7 1 8 4-3 1,991 2 2 1,140 0 3 2,273 16 1 2,271 10 0 1,187 11 0 1,672 12 3 3,588 11 2 2,064 10 1 1,131 4 3 6,924 2 2 10,031 8 1 118 18 1 17 8 2 58 G 3 45 16 1 ISO 16 1 78 11 2 1,774 14 2 79 14 1 66 16 3 5 12 0 64 1 1 12 0 0 210 0 1 12 0 0 4 0 0 20 9 0 8,598 4 1 9,659 10 0 4 0 0 5 10 2 4 0 0 4 0 0 18G 11 0 5 10 0 30 12 2 4 0 0 16 1 3 47.SS8 10 0 22,006 3 0 2,411 12 3 1,357 11 3 2,740 3 0 2,550 2 1 5,437 2 1 2,095 10 1 5.7S9 14 2 2,411 0 2 3,034 3 1 "c 5 1 1 J 15 69 75 22 33 13 1 3 638 2,737 144 74 259 i 1,076 *182 29 25 293 "72 385 1 S 20 5 0 0 16' 0 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 130 0 0 580* 0 0 10 0 29 12 0 100 16 0 135 12 0 0 4 0 04 0 8,867 0 0 4,867 12 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 120 0 0 1,475 0 0 8,283 0 0 6 12 0 93 0 0 55 12 0 112 -! 0 25 16 0 239 4 C 166 8 0 18 16 0 139 16 0 329 4 0 20,188 0 3 22,333 7 3 135 14 3J 36 11 lj 115 17 2 135 3 2 5S9 0 1 407 11 3 03 3 0 255 10 2 439 10 2 12.G85 19 2 1,036 17 1 884 6 0 111 6 8 288 0 1 211 1 0 983 12 1 435 7 3 56 13 0 578 17 3 725 15 0 10,618 6 2 1,316 2 0 438 9 2 258 2 2 169 11 3 229 0 1 673 12 2 474 12 0 104 16 1 569 8 1 749 4 3 58,697 6 3 29,560 11 0 1,176 10 1 496 12 2 695 19 2 796 0 3 2,510 9 0 1,668 19 2 278 8 1 1.792 0 2 2,528 14 1 ■ I 10J ■ 12 ■ n ■ I 104 ■ I 12 . j 10 . , 10 . 12J . 134 ■ 14J '. 9 159 13 3 127 12 2 146 2 10 328 16 6 414 18 1 413 10 10 134 6 11 106 17 5 295 16 3 3 28 15 78 405 149 384 149 . 1,485 305 348 4S4 523 10,786 93 10 82 7 34 7 24 "so 45 51 31 147 52 31 33 119 536 1,219 731 1,010 544 ■ 2,169 ! 1,127 214 I 2,049 ) 2,548 i 0,11 12 40 21 54 19 10 17 64 283 **2 3 18 165 111 i 218 i 103 120 0 0 3,415 0 0 1 1 15 0 0 I 5 0 0 1 0 Gl 8 0 0 8 0 0 1 12 0 1 ( 4 3 1 1 608 1,041 2,822 1 2,028 427 34 5 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 125 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 ( 195 0 0 165 0 0 35 0 0 185 0 0 280 0 0 794 15 8 198 12 2 505 5 G ■ 436 8 5 1,714 7 3 '874 19 7 142 3 6 411 16 4 679 1 11 11,562 3 7 29 1 4 13 : .. 10 ; 34 16' 0 0 1' 8 0 •- 68 8 0 1 "254 5 0 0 33 2( 31i ; "22 208 45 0 0 2,500 8 0 20 16 0 1 485 0 0 1 25 0 0 0 915 4 0 0 987 4 0 26,497 19 2 712 19 2 6,306 18 3 6,979 4 2 ' 1,609 7 3 7,340 0 1 38,359 18 0 16,005 4 1 10 15,132 1,164 35 295 0 0 2,441 0 0 4,210 Iβ 0 1,945 0 0 2,722*12 0 41 16 0 18,960 17 3 26,831 1 0 9,642*17 1 3,480 4 2 9,888* 3 3 749 5 1 i 24 3,440 3 6 1,112 4 9 62,575 5 2 18 45,890 10 3 35,263 2 3 5 Carried forward 35 660,17! 3,370 119,31 3,561 241 b,818 119,544 ,843 250 6,41 185 5,150 265 382,118 2,";,03( 7,555 0 0 44,556 0 0 12,705 0 0 31,842 16 0 213,447 3 3 179,913 17 0 L47,414 10 637,434 7 2 191 4,102 247 2S5,584 «,.>H 7,560 0 0 45,760 16 0 13,220 0 0 S6,170 12 221,274 1 0 181,684 11 0 153,610 9 1 659,230 9 1 116,202 1 0 190,60S 4 0 Carried forward, 306,900 5 C



RETURN No. 10-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1888.

Coaching. Live Stock, Goods, &c. Stations. I s I Traffic Expenditure. Number of Outward. lutward. Inward. u % „• ■ 6 9 a, . Equiv.Tonf S S S S 53 \ t £ S> nagefor S 'fi ° £ ( H I "3 js £ Live stuck, Chaff, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. |_ Outward. Grain. Merchandise. : Minerals. Inward. Revenue. Stations. I! Total. <«- f I lit 1 SSE; ~. 0 « j a> * &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. I Total Value j forwarded. Coaching. (ioo<R I Huktjnui-Bluff Section— ctd. Brought forward Waiarcka Ngapara Maheno Herbert Hampden .. Palmersfcoir Dunbaek .. Waikouaiti Seaclifl .. Waitati .. Purakanui Port Chalmers Upper Sawyer's Bay Port Chalmers (Coaching) ) (Goods) \ Burke's Ravensbourne Pelichet Bay Duncdin (Passengers) ) (Parcels) (Goods) .. Caversham Burnside Abbotsford Mosgiel Outram Greyfcown Henley .. Waihola .. Milburn Milton Waitahuna Lawrence Stirling .. Balclutha Clinton Waipahi .. Tapanui Kelso Pukerau Gore Riversdale Mataura .. Edendalo Wyndham Woodlands Longbush Invercargill (Coaching) ) (Goods) t Bluff .. .. I „ (Wharf) .. ) Makarewa Thornbury Riverton Orepuki Otautau Winton .. Dipton Lumsden Kingston General Accountant Miscellaneous Hi 11 11 12 12 141 11J 12' 13 121 14 14 17 5W 2 1 1 2 1 7 4 2 2 1 1 2 S s. d. 02,575 5 2 273 8 9 147 6 11 351 6 9 149 12 2 68 6 1 1,040 10 0 497 14 4 356 9 5 119 14 6 263 4 1 163 4 1 120 16 1 335 19 6 2,S01 12 2 301 0 2 291 15 10 412 13 2 660,172 973 2,731 4,311 2,285 2,762 17,445 1,749 3,518 3,318 3,808 2,211 13,233 7,001 ( 45,200 2^208 21,832 15,832 ( 161,518 1 •• S.370 55 2 5 '51 119,315 349 297 390 286 621 1,528 417 1,237 1,173 606 666 312 372 757 S.56I 1' 1' 3; 14 172 7 242 5 0,313 18 S3 56 40 64 155 41 62 30 65 16 70 18 124 119,544 214 2,522 1,635 787 1,616 3,459 1,634 1,571 1,445 625 283 152 509 3.14S "26 725 713 3,813 1 29 25 5 16 113 10 ■21 7 8 2 15 8 1 6,410 9 y 56 69 37 88 158 48 79 94 41 28 29 IS 109 185 "2 5 5,150 188 94 163 56 83 377 3 354 4 312 26! 28 4 332.11S 9,076 1,086 4,815 2,60S 3,336 8,198 16 2,259 45 130 25,0*') , 78 508 27 34 Ts. c. Ts. c. q. 7,555 0 0 25 0 0 70 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 Ts. c. q. 44,556 0 0 540 4 0 27 4 0 1,068 8 0 19 0 0 150 4 0 230 12 0 1,751 4 0 119 12 0 165 0 0 Ts. c. q. 12,705 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 1,255 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 0 35 0 0 860 0 0 510 0 0 215 0 0 595 0 0 35 0 0 Ts. c. q. 81,842 16 0' 2 4 Oj 0 12 0! 11 0 0 1 6 0 0 21 16 0 Ts. c. q. '213,447 3 3 8,428 12 2 1,697 5 0 I 5,492 11 0 974 4 3 919 IS 3 1,193 15 2 311 17 2 848 1 3 310 15 3 34 1 0 Ts. c. q.j 179,913 17 0 237 19 0 74 7 2 2,044 10 1 46 18 0 158 0 3 329 5 2 221 7 2 236 14 1 91 13 1 84 9 0 65 19 1 69 13 3 495 5 1 j Ts. c. q. 147,414 10 3 1,614 2 2 199 16 0 1,943 14 2 19 0 0 4,947 18 2 2,958 8 3 4 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 67 4 2 Ts. c. q. 637,434 7 2 10,928 2 0 2,074 4 2 10,570 3 8 1,094 2 3 7,437 2 0 4,803 17 3 2,293 9 0 1,577 12 0 1,536 9 0 961 14 2| 280 19 li 1,190 12 2i 548 1 1, Ts. c. q. 191 1 4,162 27 27 103 82 18 27 12 6 300 247 28 285,584 594 331 22,232 110 163 758 313 418 328 896 87 97? 20,533 27 1 507 66 Ts. c. q. Ts. 0. q. 7,560 0 0 26' 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 Ts. c. q. 45,760 16 0 391 4 0 10 16 0 0 4 0 2 16 0 1 10 0 Ts. c. q. 13,220 0 0 75 0 0 395 0 0 435 0 0 25 0 0 80 0 0 270 0 0 350 0 0 340 0 0 Ts. c. q. 36,170 12 0 35 12 0 320 16 0 446 12 0 73 16 0 129 1G 0 385 4 0 685 1G 0 70 0 0 143 8 0 48 0 0 89 12 0 Ts. c. q. 221,274 1 0 123 0 2 527 1 1 564 18 3 68 17 2 624 15 1 211 16 2 349 5 1 111 3 2 158 7 3 175 1 3 2 0 0 Ts. 181,034 S6j 684 7671 160 385 591 2,270 313 384 86 S7 21 1,248 o. q. 11 0 s: in 2 17 2 5 1 i 0 3 3 3 13 0 5 1 11 1 11 3 0 2 15 0 Ts. c. q. 153,610 9 1 289 17 2 873 12 1 1.493 8 1 253 3 1 289 13 2 1,100 15 1 840 1 3 605 2 1 1,470 2 2 182 1 2 19 0 0 30 0 01 784 17 3 Ts. c. q. 659,230 9 1 609 13 2 2,820 13 1 4,113 14 2 581 14 2 1,514 10 0 2,584 12 2 4,521 10 3 1,442 14 3 2,247 19 2 476 14 2 19S 3 3 56 0 2 2,410 4 3 Ts. o. q. e s. d. 110.202 1 0 109 12 5 390 17 3 644 3 10 376 14 6 609 14 1 3,863 3 3 329 12 5 829 18 2 548 12 5 480 1 7 193 3 5 1,459 14 3 451 9 7 3,500 4 11 B s. d. 190,608 4 0 3,236 19 4 C4S 3 5 5,403 0 5 433 18 9 2,450 13 1 2,133 12 2 2,231 18 1 841 9 0 449 9 6 279 9 4 98 17 0 257 5 0 164 6 11 £ s. d. :;!(;.neo 5 0 3,346 11 9 1,039 0 8 6,047 4 3 810 13 3 3,000 7 2 5,496 15 5 2,561 10 6 1,671 7 2 998 1 11 759 10 11 292 0 5 1,716 19 3 615 16 G 3,500 4 11 3,878 17 8 163 2 8 944 17 3 1,442 18 9 35,672 0 7 4,932 11 7 33,944 7 -11 1,149 14 0 4,653 1 0 4,085 16 4 3,782 4 1 1,865 7 1 888 0 2 816 15 6 966 15 6 2,417 13 11 7,178 13 3 1,602 0 7 5,960 14 5 14,215 10 0 7,420 12 10 4,222 1 6 2,830 5 1 1,708 17 9 4,781 8 8 1,986 1 9 10,310 17 3 7,839 7 9 2,789 15 1 4,233 10 1 1,278 6 6 o,951 9 61 5,694 11 0 13,793 14 11 17,022 9 9 8,771 11 7 185 15 6 3,779 15 2 2,325 8 6 2,936 18 3 1,555 15 9 5,125 11 1 3,892 7 1 1,256 4 0 5,981 10 7 3,237 0 11 Hubuhut-Bluff— contd,. Brought forward. Waiareka. Ngapara. Maheno. Herbert. Hampden. Palmers ton. Dunback. Waikouaiti. Seacliff. Waitati. Purakanui. Port Chalmers Upper. Sawyer's Bay. P.Chalmers (Coaching). (Goods). Burke's. Ravensbourae. Pelichct Bay. Dimcdin (Passengers) (Parcels). (Goods). Cavcrshan?. Burnside. Abbotsfonl Mosgiel. Outram. Grey town. Henley. Waihola. Milburn. Milton. Waitahuna-. Lawrence. Stirling. 1 Balclutha. Clinton. Waipahi. Tapanui. Kelso. Pukerau. Gore. Puiversdale. Mataura. Eden dale. Wyndham. Woodlands. Longbush. Invercargill (Coaching). Goods). Bluff. „ (Wharf). Makarcwa. Thornbury. Riverton. Orepuki. Otaufcau. Winton. Dipton. Lumsden. Kingston. General. Accountant. Miscellaneous. 21 3S 7 3 7 41 201 7 33 1 1 "39 330 0 0 100 0 0 265 0 0 0 4 0 5 0 0| 10 0! 1 2 90' 0 0 1 1 17 35 0 0 "33 212 5 0 0 2 0 0 38*13 Oj 0 16 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 484 6 3 12 0 0 9 28 121 5' 0 0 75 0 0 102 4 0 199' 8 0 25 "2 17 17 18 20 12 2 3 118 529 0S9 6 156 985 4 43 51 6 28 12 "ll 4 'l28 12 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 32 12 0 36' 0 0 ie' 4 0 0 15 0 200: 177' 9 1 16,404 IS 3 1 4 O; 13 11 1 71 17 1 I 2,977 18 1 " 19,614 2 1 31 4 0; 19 6 1! 1,737 4 0 209 '273 5 240 I 32 21 140 0 0 8,400 0 0 136' 0 0 225' 8 0 1,816 G 0 15,1611 2 12 104 I 6 1 0 3 3 0 3 3 3,S24 19 3 17 10 0 309 4 1 10,527 6 1 29,698 0 0 19 10 3 563 4 3 15,161 7 2 159 9 6 926 9 0 1,184 3 6 34,650 7 11 4,932 11 7 3,878 17 3 3 13 2 18 8 3 258 15 3 1,021 12 S 4G G 3 1,612 0 0 1 90 0 0 700 0 0 0 8 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 8 4 0 10l'l7 2 3,746 5 2 19 49 7,907 14 2 7,495 19 2 325 6 7 460 19 8 342 11 6 662 0 1 331 18 0 124 14 6 136 3 0 207 1 1 152 14 8 595 11 2 121 14 1 735 12 6 381 16 8 701 16 10 1,155 14 8 230 5 10 142 7 10 290 7 9 122 14 5 685 9 1 165 7 2 242 19 5 231 4 7 170 16 8 118 10 8 163 6 7 2,995 19 4 1,977 9 11 1,406 12 7 41,699 40-4 ■ 19S 760 2,000 508 150 254 212 127 1,821 518 1,304 752 1,803 931 371 505 399 272 3.2S5 1.38S 652 638 185 622 161 18,710 '531 607 109 1,598 174 15 ! 177 : 41 66 34 32 ! 15 ! 136 41 69 63 : 129 i 111 51 53 25 54! 234! 73 103 12 10 440 14^038 '506 423 384 1,514 2,233 394 640 487 329 2,346 1,346 3,671 1,935 2,340 3,218 687 1,564 1,129 I 3,964 3,081 1,511 1,712 1,383 1,044 312 4,781 784 ■32 1,018 57 "97 237 199 110 0 0 3,368 0 0 5' 0 0 2,062 0 0 0 10 0 11 8 0 9 12 0 0 12 0 9 12 0 23 12 0 10S 16 0 12 0 0 1,962 1 2 2 12 2 347 15 2 39 14 2 2,516 17 0 1,672 10 1 1,686 12 2 351 16 0 201 8 3 408 17 0 6,052 8 2 1,511 14 2 1,690 3 3 2,169 9 3 5,940 11 0 1,655 10 1 2,124 S 0 415 13 2 4,184 0 0 1,532 10 3 8,834 16 0 9,509 18 2 1,778 13 2 884 3 1 1,234 14 3 304 S 3 19 5 1 23,408 10 0 69 7 2 3,723 11 0 380 1G 3 341 0 1 172 17 3 41 7 0! 137 10 0 54 5 3 126 IS 0 703 13 3 75 1 0 470 6 3 356 14 3 420 9 0 215 9 1 61 15 2 141 13 1 89 5 0 66 6 3 747 12 0 186 17 3 463 0 3 423 13 3 322 3 1 279 2 0 115 17 2 15,114 11 0 273 7 0 13,215 S 0 27,845 14 0 580 18 0 15 0 0 46,030 2 2 346 3 0 17,465 14 2 28,831 1 1 5,495 3 1 2,784 8 0 2,454 3 2 1,335 6 0 979 2 1 4,005 19 0 8,705 14 2 2,443 3 2 3,780 10 2 41,558 15 3 7,523 4 0 2,386 16 2 2,929 7 2 1,759 14 3 4,632 13 0 2,990 15 2 10,672 4 2 10,638 8 1 2,891 13 1 2,b42 17 0 1,943 2 0 7,939 12 3 S,275 11 1 9 17J 19 17 17 12 11} 12 18 13 13J 11 15 13 14 16 15 9 3 if 11 11 9 12 121 51 i 2 4 3 1 1 2 1 * 3 4 7 2 1 2 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 ! » 13^292 16,549 15,987 23,647 7,201 2,939 2,124 2,109 1,619 11,424 3,651 9,875 4,759 11,825 14,449 3,130 3,103 3,957 1,912 13,248 2,707 4,020 6,768 196 4,001 4,008 82,884 / I •■ 1,815 4,780 13,004 13,757 3,433 4,697 1,640 17,911 1,922 245 147 61 66 67 1 51 9 207 14 8 10 17 96 7 99 82 157 56 27 9 i 1 76 48 51 261 103 155 94 44 39 117 55 82 167 127 231 34 43 s 176 114 73; 98 345 666 63 252 15 2 17 64 23 300 82 6 108 332 52 84 8 91 88 : 400i 24] 62! 815 1 6,223 46 19G 2,112; 2] 152! 50 110 0 0 60 0 0 1,930 0 0 270 0 0 680 0 0 390 0 0 100 0 0 165 0 0 785 "0 0 60 0 0 355 0 0 60 0 0 305 0 0 105 0 0 75 0 0 5 0 0: 10 0 0 95 0 0 145 0 0; 110 0 0! 355 0 0 10 0 0 55 0 0] 135 0 0 100 0 0! 57 12 0 495 4 0 110 16 0 619 8 0 17 12 0 78 4 0 56 0 0 31 4 0 328 8 0 77 8 0 1,244 8 0 60 0 0 483 8 0 145 8 0 lj 267 12 0 1] 101 16 0 >i 389 4 0 ' 91 0 0 li 362 4 0 1] 573 12 0 1 1 151 4 0 I 95 16 0 1 321 16 0 lj 79 4 0 ij 3 8 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 265 0 0 40 0 0 "8 1 708 1 4,040 6 123 35 17 2S9 3 1 50 53 65 84 97 67 "s 9 4 7 884 149,418 491 168 1,367 1,827 732 121 315 589 3,860 329 328 461 1,719 66 177 284 76 595 235 2,063 494 87 96 288 102 7^411 "58 200 5,160 0 0 220 0 0 75 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 2,825 8 0 0 4 0 74 4 0 50 8 0 275 12 0 910 0 0 140 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 6,935 0 0 379 0 0 512 16 0 022 0 0 676 8 0 179 8 0 92 8 0 29 4 0 33 4 0 582 0 0 266 0 0 658 19 0 682 8 0 573 0 0 254 4 0 74 12 0 271 8 0 269 4 0 365 4 0 1,756 8 0 866 0 0 675 12 0 462 0 0 677 0 0 50 12 0 3 4 0 30,35S IS 0 300 12 0 1,841 14 0 68 11 3 325 7 0 208 7 1 53 4 1 110 8 3 33 19 2 30 16 1 2,311 2 1 167 10 2 521 8 2 268 6 0 346 14 0 225 6 2 30 11 1 116 1 3 94 4 0 58 11 0 3,342 6 2 103 18 2 138 4 0 136 8 3 238 19 3 157 3 3 42 8 1 12,513j 52 615 673 1,851 1,739 150 260 160 179 838 470 2,461 624 732 1,006 165 5S0 429 275 1,396 1,003 837 312 612 297 166 : , 2 1 4 1 12 ( ,18 1 |ll 1 12 1 5 2 14 3 8 0 5 2 0 0 18 0 4 1 10 1 5 0 2 2 6 1 I 3 3 ! 5 2 1G 3 hi 110 2 3 6 1 11 2 52,429 5 2 3,770 5 0 9,405 10 1 347 15 1 2,622 19 1 1,790 13 1 212 3 3 411 17 2 C61 12 2 2,156 4 8 3,145 18 1 1,368 13 2 3,201 7 2 334 2 0 1,332 2 1 3,161 13 3 481 0 3 247 1 3 737 11 3 157 6 2 1,283 0 0 592 13 3 343 17 0 489 6 1 416 2 3 416 2 2 697 9 0 117,131 13 3 4,483 5 1 12,366 16 1 1,762 5 1 5,517 5 2 4,710 12 3 595 1 2 880 3 0 880 10 3 2,404 13 0 0,938 14 0 2,362 4 0 6,86S 13 0 1,959 0 1 3,207 2 2 4,704 9 1 831 6 2 1,219 17 3 1,775 3 2 981 11 0 8,065 15 1 3,037 16 0 2,099 17 0 1,670 6 0 2,139 5 1 1,054 4 2 954 Iβ 3 1,055 6 1 805 2 4 982 12 2 2,499 18 6 897 14 9 389 11 11 378 2 6 385 6 3 249 5 4 2,835 15 8 648 17 6 2,713 11 1 1,184 17 1 2,568 8 4 2,527 16 3 590 5 6 913 9 1 583 7 11 314 2 2 3,631 7 6 G18 19 10 867 3 8 1,600 3 7 33 5 2 472 16 3 329 10 10 13,793 14 11 33,944 7 11 94 7 11 3,847 18 8 3,103 4 2 1,282 5 7 907 12 4 49S 14 3 438 13 0 581 9 3 2,168 8 7 4,342 17 7 953 3 1 3,247 3 4 13,030 12 11 4,852 4 6 1,694 5 3 2,239 19 7 795 8 8 4,198 0 9 1,671 19 7 6,688 9 9 7,220 7 11 1,922 11 5 2,633 6 6 1,245 1 4 6,478 13 3 5,865 0 2 "2 2 "77 14 "l 6 1 1 7 11 17 142 15 7 80 54 1 1 2 2 1 7 6' 1( 5! 1! 5i 4! 2 1 6 2 22 1 2 (, "2 28 292 819 2,206 4,216 5,327 3,912 975 5,763 7,693 6,451 3,739 145 9 68 286 25 20 0 0 24 0 0 4 12 0 4 0 0 515 7 3 3,274 0 0 792 4 1 719 0 0 16 0 0 38,903 11 1 241 0 0 9 5 0 346 0 0 496 0 0 1 6 1 1 3 1 6 21 35 'l52 427 90 386 423 39 1 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 li' 8 0 5 0 0 35 0 0 85 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 205 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 240 0 0 125 0 0 160 0 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 230 0 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 40 0 0 4 2 1 6 8 3 1 3 1 6 3 1 2 1 "2 2 70 0 0 185 0 0 25 0 0 440 0 0 10 0 0 62 16 0 71 4 0 29 12 0 159 12 0 0 4 0 5 8 0 296 0 0 1 2 16 0 2 0 0 "l 66 "3 31 13 31 II "3 5 3 1 6 11,637 5,514 10,529 11,627 3,245 13,149 26 1,436 9 a 225 21 1,026: .. 37 200 0 0 250 0 0 2 0 0 949 4 0 0 S 0 6,722 4 0 7,230 8 0 1,200 10 0 86 12 2 8 0 0 141 15 0 "2 1 2 3 7 6 4 21 10 15 89 20 46 159 15 "39 "l0 41 5' 0 0 55 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 40 0 0 0 4 0 72 4 0 6 4 0 68 2 1 280 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 495 0 0 37 3S a 15 85 5 "19 4 0 0 170 0 0 311 12 2 20 0 0 5 0 0 is' 0 0 0 4 0 439 ■40! 1 5 7 1 "l 1 6 63 14 36 TO "3 "27 2,597 '273 1,431 1,931 1,827 ! 2,498 2,009 1,744 2.375 3,253 "53 42 574 7 7 I 4,407' ; 131 450' 0 o| 35 0 0: 986 16 0 2.97S 16 0 62 4 0 i| 169 16 0 92 12 0 10 8 0! 2 4 Oj 1! 632 12 0; 1! 339 4 0 ij 92 16 0 039 12 0| 394 12 0! 645 0 0 1,710 0 0 11,179 12 0 3,871 8 0 3 0 0 3,332 16 0 332 4 0 4S0 16 0 452 0 0 0 4 0 1,798 12 0 397 16 0 9 0 0 2 16 0 5,737 14 2 14,765 9 3 353 7 3 3,168 8 3 2,499 2 1 304 15 2 56 14 0 4,589 11 1 2,543 8 0 578 2 2 1,467 11 0 201 11 1 8,132 15 2 7,436 5 3 396 16 2 427 15 0 181 1 3 608 8 3 41 0 3 160 7 3 221 2 0 52 17 3 213 17 0 147 2 3 3,175 11 2 8,952 17 2 2,586 18 3 1,839 0 2 357 6 0 113 10 0 316 0 2 3,177 9 2 1,689 19 1 19 0 0 8 0 0 28 14 0 30,307 9 2 39,749 17 0 8,402 7 0 9,822 16 1 3,702 6 0 2,387 18 1 1,688 5 1 8,615 4 2 7,187 5 1 2,110 12 1 2,748 0 0 794 16 0 20 1 '26: 47! 7 2 547 201 357 635 0 0 085 0 0 746 16 0 8,015 0 0 2,972 8 0 IS 4 0 2,410' 0 0 440 0 0 5,623 4 0 0,254 12 0 0 12 0 52 16 0 77 12 0 509 4 0 202 4 0 598 16 0 213 0 0 192 4 0 226 4 0 781 12 0 7,542 5 1 26,927 9 3 14,305 16 1 25 6 2 238 3 2 374 3 2 122 15 0 264 2 1 269 2 0 170 2 1 292 14 1 919 18 3 7,535 : 3,719 1,205 i S7 : 434 : 316 : 477 762 ■ 648 381 46S : 1,670 \Li 1 8 0 12 2 18 3 17 2 13 0 I 7 1 13 0 2 0 7 3 14 3 8 1 12,022 0 0 3,976 18 2 54 5 0 7S9 12 3 62S 11 1 591- 5 1 167 15 1 513 17 2 418 1 1 288 16 0 404 8 2 1,668 11 2 37,114 19 2 45,018 8 1 18,538 13 3 1,028 18 0 1,984 4 1 2,686 5 3 1,245 1 2 2,4 I 8 3 1,666 13 1 1,505 6 0 2,509 1 2 5,470 10 2 17,622 9 9 7,559 10 0 185 15 6 3,607 11 0 1,595 13 9 1,000 18 1 296 11 11 4,306 9 10 3,132 9 2 852 8 2 3,153 17 2 1,416 0 11 11 6 1,212 1 7 13 12} 12] 13 13 12] 121 13! 13 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 4 2 141 6 0 311 0 9 465 9 4 250 13 4 316 9 1 265 8 1 135 7 4 606 3 11 254 7 4 9,373 2 61 I .. 33 52 131 1 3 105 11 52 ■ ■ ! 446 570| 2,081; 270 813 766, 522 1,769! 535 2 33 20 1 1 43 127 24 89l 47 47 170 95 1 55 39 61 34 139 88 5(3 150! 168 "l "29 107 7 142 150 14 421 2] "6 1 1,557 ■ 2,649 90 1 4,025 3,535 1,234 11,081 253 290 161 15 225 273 3S 1,150 l! 245 0 oj 105 0 0 60 0 0! 10 0 0 1 55 0 0; 70 0 0 ! 130 0 0i 20 0 0: 10 0 0 640 0 0 135 0 0 810 0 0 810 0 0 3 3 10i 4! 1! 10f 4( 3s 3i 2( 3,140 493 76 553 1,151 56 528 73 3,883 561 26 40 587 10 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 85 0 0 5 0 0 36 0 0 10 0 0 45 0 0 200 0 0 45 0 0 585 0 0 870 0 0 240 0 0 265 0 0 70 0 0 455 0 0 1,070 0 0 230 0 0 172 4 2 729 14 9 1,936 0 2 1,259 3 10 819 1 3 759 17 11 403 15 10 2,827 13 5 1,821 0 0 1 1 1 "l 6 3 4 8 10 ■! 16 34 1 17 21 2 19 29 J525 0 0 840 0 0 390 0 0 10 0 0 269 5 1 37S 13 8 0 7 16 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 "« ■49 4,70S' 6 8 60 11 6 218,405 12,137 389 497,895 :■!•■!, 302 1,496' G 8 6,20413 4 60 11 6 (529 113,233 7 Of •1,314,229" V,249 5,70! 402 11,89a ;218,405 5,705 -10-' 11,893 Totals 34: 19,217 15 10,175 0 0 64,682 8 025,505 0 71,005 3 )829,187 9 1 252,17G 14 3 290,815 4 1 1,050,096 19 1 1,069,314 14 1 342 12,13' 389 497,895 S3,30: 19,217 15 16,175 0 64,682 8 0 25,505 0 0 71,605 3 0 329,137 9 1 252,176 14 290,815 4 1,050,096 19 2 1,069,314 14 1 232,012 7 II 376,211 1 608,223 9 Totals. A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



RETURN No. 11. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1888.

6—D. la.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Jniforms ... ... Hurunui-Bluff „ Northern lines Jniform caps ... Hurunui-Bluff 3 years ending 31/12/88 Delivery by 30/7/87 ... Boss and Glendining J. Ballantyne and Co. As per schedule. 5/3 and 5/6 per cap. timber supply— Ironbai-k, hewn ... Lyttelton „ piles ... „ ,, hewn ... Dunedin ... BlufE „ piles ... „ Puriri junk ...Auckland Totara junk ... „ Kauri j unk ... „ Delivery by 7/4/8? ... ,, ,, ... James Fox ,, ... ... 22/6 per 1 ooft. 2/6 per lin. ft. 22/6 per 100ft. 25/ 2/7 per lin. ft. 10/ per 100ft. sup. 14/ 6/11 „ 7/5 Delivery by 30/4/87 ... Delivery by 31/5/87 ... Delivery by 30/4/87 ... Delivery by 31/8/87 ... T. and J. Beasley ... J. McLellan Cairns, Bradley, and Mander „ •■• ji a fencing material, as under —• 2,000 puriri posts Onehunga ioo ,, strainers „ 1,000 Ti-tree rails ,, 3,000 totara posts Lichfield ioo „ strainers „ 2,000 rimu rails Pukekohe Delivery during 1887... A. Laybourne and Co. S. Bradley ,, ... ... Thomas Freeman ... £4 19/ P er ioo. £18 £2 15 „ £4 Si £20 £2 W. H. Madill ?reight —■ S,ooo sleepers, Pelorus to Timaru 5,000 „ „ Oamaru 5,000 „ Port Chalmers 6,ooo ■ f , Auckland to Napier 3,000 „ „ N.Plymouth 3,000 ,, „ „ 6,ooo „ Pelorus to Timaru 6,ooo „ „ to Dunedin or Port Chalmers 3,000 „ Auckland to N.Plymouth Delivery by 30/6/87 ... ,, ... Delivery by 30/7/87 ... Delivery by 25/8/87 ... Delivery by 30/: 1/87... Delivery by 31/3/88 ... Cuff and Q-raham ... ,, Union Steam Shipping Co. ... J. J. Craig /8£ per sleeper. /84 „ Igi hi hi li /9 1. ,'io ,, ... ... Cuff and Graham ... ,, ... ,, ... ... Jubilee Steam Shipping Co. ... 16 ETorse forage ... Christohurch Delivery by 30/6/87 ... &. Treleaven and Co. As pei* schedule. iron castings ... Auckland ,, ... Wellington ... Christchurch ... Dunedin ,, G-. Eraser and Co. ... Smith Brothers John Anderson A. and T. Burt 15/ and 16/percwt. 11/6 11/6&12/ j, 11/ and 12/ „ ,, Printed stationery ... Christchurch ... Wellington 2 years ending 30/6/88 Whitcombe and Tombs As per schedule. leneral stores, &c. — Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery, and leather Auckland Drain-pipes ... „ Ironmongery, ship chandlery, leather Wellington Oils and colours ... „ Drain-pipes, &c. ... „ Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery Christchurch Leather ... ,, Drain-pipes ,, j, ■» 2 years ending 31/12/88 E. Porter and Co. ... J. J. Craig )» ,, ... it B. W. Mills and Co. J. Duthie and Co. ... George Norbury j) 3) H ,, S. Nashelski C. D. Lightband ... B. and J. Ford ,, ... j> ill stores ... Dunedin Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. )3 timber supplies, as under — Native timber ... Christchurch Kauri and foreign ... „ ... Dunedin Native timber ... Southland For 1887 )) J. T. Brown R.W.England Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. John Murdoch )J Ji ••• )> ,5 fl iailway supplies, as under — 41 tons cotton waste 5,000 yards 24m. light canvas 40,000 yards 36m. light canvas 2,000 yards 24m. Addington heavy canvas 6,000 yards 24m. Other stores heavy canvas 11,000 gallons colza oil 24 tons white lead, genuine, in oil 1,300 gallons peanut Dunedin _ ;i » j, ... ,, A. Briscoe and Co ... T. and S. Morrin and Co. )! William Stevens and Co. A. Briscoe and Co.... £28 SIS P er ton/4f per yard. /6w per yard. I Si Per Jard. /6i per yard. jj ... S. Nashelski a/Stt Per gallon. >> ••• T. and S. Morrin and Co. 16/9 per tou. Delivery by May, 1887 Kwong Sing Wing ... 3/2 per gallon.



RETURN No. 11— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Coal supply ... ... Whangarei „ ... ... Auckland For 1887 Whangarei Coal-mining Co. ... Kamo Colliery Company Tmipiri Coal-mining Company B runner Coal Company Westport Coal Company Union Steam Shipping Co. ... 5/6 per ton. 12/ 9/6 „ 23/9 » 17/6 „ 20/ „ 26/6 „ 3 , ,, ... ... ,, ,, ... ... Napier „ ... ... Wellington „ ... ... Wanganui „ ... ... New Plymouth and Waitara „ .. ... Picton Nelson j, ... *> ,, ,, j, ... jj ,, .. ■ ,, ... Anchor Steam Shipping Co. ... 20/ „ 19/8 „ j) ... Hurunui- Bluff. Coal supply ... ... Lyttelton „ ... ... Springfield Whitecliffs ,, ... Westport Coal Company Springfield Coal Company W. Leeming W. Smart... Westport Coal Company 18/10 „ 12/ „ 12/ „ 12/ „ 20/6 „ 20/6 „ 12/6 „ 9/ 9/ 22/6 „ 17/6 „ 17/6 „ j, j> „ ... ... Timaru „ ... ... Oamaru ... Shag Point „ ... ... Stirling ), ... ... Nightcaps ... Newmarket shops „ ... ... Addington „ „ Hillside „ 5) ,, 3> • ■ ' jj ... Shag Point Coal Company ... Kaitangata Coal Company ... Nightcaps Coal Company Brunner Coal Company Westport Coal Company jj ... ,, ,, )> ■•• jj ... Sleepers, as under — 2,500 birch. ... West Oxford 2,500. „ . ... „ 2,500 „ ... „ 2,000 ,, ... „ 2,000 „ ... „ 1,500 „ 1,500 „ ... East Oxford 2,500 „ ... Bennett's 1,500 „ ... Sheffield 2,500 „ ... „ 2,500 ,, ... View Hill 1,500 „ ... „ 2,000 ,, ... ,, 5,000 black pine ... Little River 2,000 5,000 kamai ... Oraki 2,000 „ ... Whakapatu 1,000 „ ... Invercargill 5,000 ,, ... Waimatui Siding 1,744 totara ... Makatuku 2,000 silver-pine ... Brunnerton 2,500 birch ... Belgrove 2,500 „ ... ,, 500 totara ... Feilding 500 ,, ... Bunnythorpe 18,000 birch ... Pelorus 8,000 „ „ Delivery by 31/12/87... tTohn Ingram ... ... Grustav Holm Eossiter Brothers ... E. B. Toungman ... Walter Hyde John M. Booth K. B. Youngman ... Thomas Vincent James P. Polo John Lace A.. Perham Feary Brothers John Sharplin Johnston, Wood, and Co. William Coojj Francis Henry Charles Campbell ... J. H. Dawson and Sons Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. P. Kiley ... James Taylor Joseph Price Higgins Brothers John Johnston A. H. Ihle Sundry small contractors 3/ each. 3/ ,. ■ 3/ ;; 3 „ 3/ „ 3/ 3/ ;; 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3/ 3/ „ 3 „ 3/ 1/6 » I/";; 1/9 » i/iol,, 2/2 „ 2/5i >, 1/11 „ 1/11 „ 1/11 „ i/u „ 2/4 to 2/6 hewn. ,, sawn. Delivery by 1/9/87 ... Delivery by 31/12/87.., Delivery by 28/1/88 ... Delivery by 20/2/88 ... Year ended 31/3/88 ... j, jj Fencing postB, as under — 1,000 kamai ...Oraki 1,000 „ ... „ 1,000 ,, ... ,, 1,000 „ ... Waimatua Delivery by 27/8/87 ... „ D. Smith ... E. Dugan J.Elliott... C. Bell, jun. 25/10 per 100 posts 25/6 24/11 „ 29/ jj jj ... Horse forage ... ... Christclmrch Delivery by 31/6/88 ... Q-. Treleaven and Co. As per schedule. iron castings ... Wellington ... Christchurcli ... Auckland ... Dunedin Delivery by 30/6/88 ... Smith Brothers John Anderson Charles Hawkeswood A. and T. Burt 10/6 per cwb. 11/6 & 12/ per cwt, H/3 11/ & 12/ ,, Uniform caps ... Huruni-BIuff Delivery by 31/12/88... C. P. Hulbert 4/9 per cap. Timber supplies, as under— Kauri timber ...Auckland Native timber ...Wellington ,, ... Wanganui Ironbark, hewn ... ,, Delivery by 12/11/87... Delivery by 31/12/88... Delivery by 31/8/88 ... Delivery by 25/4/88 ... James McLellan Thomas Price P. and J. Bartholomew A. Tapper As per schedule. „ sawn ... „ ,, hewn ... Wellington ,, „ ... Napier „ piles ... „ Native timber ... ,, „ ... Christchurch Kauri and foreign ... ,, „ ... Dunedin Native timber ... Southland jj 22/6 per looffc. 22/6 „ 22/ „ 22/6 2/6 per lin. ft. As per schedule. jj Delivery by 31/12/88 ... Matthews, Webber, and Co. ... John T. Brown >> Findlay and Co. Walter Guthrie and Co. )J f)



RETURN No. 11—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

R. Caeeow, Railway Stores Manager.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor Rate. Joal supply ... Auckland For 1888 Taupiri Extended ; Coal-mining Company Brunner Coal Company Westport Coal Company Union Steam Shipping Co. .. . 5/ per ton. „ ... Napier ,, ... Wellington ... Wanganui „ ... Picton „ ... Nelson » a >» 23/9 » !£>/ .. 21/ 19/10 „ 18/ j> ,, ... Anchor Steam Shipping Co. ... >> Hurunui-Bluff. Joal supply ... Ly ttelton ,, ... Springfield „ ... Whitecliffs ,, ... Timaru „ ... Oamaru ,, ... Shag Point ... Stirling ... Winton ... Bluff ... Newmarket shops „ ... Addington shops „ ... Hillside shops It )> )> 3J J) Brunner Coal Company Springfield Coal Company ... W. Leeming and Co. Westport Coal Company j, ... Shag Point Coal Company ... Kaitangata Coal Company ... Hokonui Coal Company Union Steam Shipping Co. ... Brunner Coal Company 20/9 ,. 11/6 „ 10/ 22/ 22/ „ "/ 8/6 „ 8/5 19/6 „ 22/6 „ 18/3 „ 20/ „ S/10 »» ,j ... )> a ... Fernhill Coal Company Railway supplies, as under — 40,000 yards 36m. light canvas 8,000. yards , 24m. light canvas 3,000 yards 24m. heavy canvas 37 tons cotton waste 11,000 gallons colza oil 23 tons white-lead, genuine, in oil Jt it it W. Dawson and Co. A. Briscoe and Co. S. Nashelski /7A per yard. /5 .. Ui » l> N.Z. Hardware Company £28 12/6 per ton. )t »> j, ... 2/8J per gallon. £21 16/8 per ton.


RETURN No- 12. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.

RETURN No. 13. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.


Description. 3 ? a < 'S. z I I I 5 c g B s o a o s I 2 t3 c O Z CABEIAaES. ;st class, 6-wheel 4 „ ,, Bogie, 30-feet „ 40-feet ,, ,, 44-feet Composite, 6-wheel 4 >> „ Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet „ 44-feet !nd class, 6-wheel 1 1 4 7 2 10 8 1 S 4 3 2 5 11 15 8 5 9 34 29 18 74 I 1 1 3 2 1 2 11 61 61 2 2: 2 2 7 9 3 15 20 J3 1! 12: 2 17 9 12 3 1 3 S 11 10 45 17 4 9 1 3 2 4 1 1 1; T. 4 >> „ Bogie, 30-feet „ ,, 40-feet » » 44-feet 2 9 78 2 Total 2 6 61 31 38 267 12 Si Wagons, etc. 'assenger brakes P xoods „ P Ml „ P trucks, &c, — Platform coal P Timber N Cattle II „ bogie T Sheep, double floor J bogie S Horse-boxes GCovered goods K ,, (Refrigerating) K2 bogie V High-side L „ Bogie H Low-side M Iron hopper, mineral O Platform, Bogie U Unclassified 2 68 6 1 1 70 6 2 J30 1 81 78 37 1-7 45 3 44 21 15 12 12 I 2 (13 2 75 S 8 35 9 6 45 1 21 92 59 2 45 10 16 35 ] 88 300 169 "165 1 S1 306 40 4 2,861 I", 4 3 4 8 2 1 2 2 "i i 3 } 183 2 139 618 343 10 297 20 1 2 9 10 1 105 449 53 A 3 8 261 54 173 80 '53 22 77 102 180 19 1 31 32 4 3.651 106 i,545 553 33 42 4 "8 89 280 3° 871 14 257 216 12 17 14 8 19 34 Total 86 98 860 397 410 741 4,886 297 25S 60 63 8,15: Tabpattlins 6 500 12 117 250 3,877 IS 20 3 1 4,93 100

Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheels. TruckWheels. CD S X! 5 < g I I s- 1 J z s 5 1 3 I o o a. QJ q o H m D e t.|st rok .|No.| m^ No Dia" "'• meter 1 13 C c )ouble Fairlie 3) E 1 In. 9 10 In. 16 18 18 16 16 20 20 18 18 18 8 8 8 6 6 4 6 8 Ft. in. 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 o 3 ° 4 ° 4 o 3 o 4 o 3 o 3 S 4 o In. I I 6 2 6 Single Fairlie American English K S K N 0 Q T P V 10 I2i 13 12 IS IS II 3 3 7 1 S 6 I I 18 4 8 8 6 4 4 2 2 2 3° 28J 28i 30 2S 2&i 26i 8 6 6 2 6 7 8 7 8 6 6 2 6 10 8 Jell H A C D Gt J L M IS is { 8 I 12 8 9* 9i ioi io| 14 ioi 13 20 20 16] 14) IS 18 18 18 18 4 4 4 4 6 2 8 2 6 2 6 3 ° 3 ° 3 o 3 6 3 ° 3 6 4 2 2 18 18 I 3 1 1 17 i 2 II 6 2 1 4 1 3 3 8 7 2 18 32 4 23 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 6 12 10 32 81 4 32 10 4 2 3 3 4 20 18 20 4 6 4 6 4 2 2 20 24 24 6 4 3 4 1 Total 3 3 36 17 27 29 140 4 S 4 3! 271


RETURN No. 14. Statement of Weighing Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.


Description. rt to C a C < p o 1 q SO I 9 c o 6 o c O 2 E O z: Weig-hinq- Machines : — i cwt. 2 1 2 „ 3 » 4 „ 5 », 51 „ 6 „ 1 7 17 8 i I 3 9 2 2 3 2 '4 5 1 8 17 29 3 27 2 6 4 I 2 ... 2' s" 5 i i 4 4 4 11 I 3 I I 6 7 » 8 „ 3 I 1 ... g „ 10 „ 11 „ 12 „ iai » 13 „ 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 17 „ 20 „ 21 ,, 22 „ 26 „ i 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 s 4 26 36 7 1 6 1 8 22 1 2 3 4' 4! ... ] I 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 8 | IS 33 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 2 i I i I 1 1 1 2 ... | ... I 27 „ 50 „ 60 . „ . .., 1 3 61 ... ... i , Total 2 3 27 19 55 1 207 4 I 9 L 39. Weighbeidges : — 3 tons (cart) 6 „ „ 7 » 8 „ „ 10 „ (wagon) 12 „ „ 14 „ „ 20 „ „ 1 1 ! ... ■ . . 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 13 I 5 2 1 I i i i I i 1 1 2 i ! Total 2 i 7 3 2 3 27 i i i i Teaveesebs 1 1 11 i I i Turntables : — 40 feet (engine) 50 .. 11 „ (wagon) 3 ... 1 20 1 27 4 I 12 „ „ 13 .. » 14 „ „ 16 „ „ 3 3 4 3 I 3 i 7 2 i i i 39 18 1 Total 7 10 3 6 59 2 i i i Cbanes : — i ton, stationary, hand 1 n .. » 1a 5? :> '5 2 „ 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 5 8 4 1 28 2 2 H 2 ... ' II 30 II 3 » .» 4 » » » 5 .» Q 0 » )> !> 10 „ „ „ 1 „ travelling ,, I 1 I 29 I 1 1 4 2 1 2 „ » „ 3 I 3 I I 'i I I 3 >' » " 5 )5 '5 " 7 » 10 „ „ „ 1 „ ,, steam ii „ >. » 2 „ „ „ 3 2 3 1 3 1 6 1 I i i i 19 I I 1 i 6 6 5 1 i ... 3 3 1 2 i I I I 3 ?» V 5 » 12 „ „ „ 3 I I Total 3 3 19 9 —L 21 85 7 6 .7 | 3 170 Wateb Seevioes : — Steam Hand Windmill ... Hot-air Hydraulic ... Gravitation I 2 4 H 1 I 16 7 7 1 34 13 12 I [ i 1, 7 2 4 2 4 i I i i 3 3 12: 3! I i 4 5 5 1 1 2 I 12 5 ... ... '" ... 3' 4= 10 19 i Total 16 i I 3 i 33 17 37 156 2 3 4 27.


RETURN No. 15. Statement of Rails relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.

RETURN No. 16. Statement of Sleepers relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.

Statement of Sleepers removed for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.

RETURN No. 17. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.


Weight. i ■s rt rt d C T3 C "Eh rt c to c 3 c rt to C a o Z o o I I n c (3 lAILS BELAID : — 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 52-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 52-lb. iron '" '60 ... 2,006 7 1,in "s's 119 369 7,219 S8 475 80 18 22 87 1,328 369 10,213 16 10 302 56 16 ... ... Total 60 2, 006 1,128 8S 421 7.588 533 is^ 18 22 12,013

Description. 5 ni to C (4 c iS OS c o to c 3 fefc: s '3 a X o s o o c o ■3 o ILBEPEES ItELAID : — Black-pine ■ Totara Black-birch ... Kauri Blue-gum JarraU Eed-pine Puriri Silver-pine Eata Kamai White-pine 147 88 173 1,735 1,199 1,141 4,846 2,121 i,44i "78 2,839 7.937 22,732 3,494 36,265 57 16 3.712 36 2,466 3,271 137 481 100 589 5,339 2,261 22,732 8,043 50,914 1,792 94 3>7 12 2,875 26,328 5,429 137 481 100 57 14,058 1,663 2,158 Total 16,054 2,862 5,987 14,416 72,767 2,158 589 2,261 122,637 147

Sleepers removed : — Black-pine Totara Black-birch Kauri Blue-gum Jarrah Red-pine Puriri Silver-pine Oregon Manuka Red-wood Iron-bark 'S7 1 147 ... 11 105 16 13,549 187 54i 719 90 670 698 1,647 3,133 1,063 30 11 98 4,408 2,782 194 307 3.752 2,949 32,465 15,663 15,172 2,566 4,398 801 39 2 116 2,238 219 i,474 3 75,156 2,158 231 4,743 596 555 51 1,178 44,37' 22,45: 20,69; 17,321 8,8 5 < 89c 2,98! i8< HI 2,3 6: 281 1.47' 1 ... I25 ... 1 70 i Total 57 147 13,938 2,843 5,982 I4,39 2 2,158 231 5,339 1,784 122,02

Number of Private Sidings. Sections. Miles. Number of Stations and Stop-ping-places on the Time-tables. At Stations. Out of Stations. Total. Cawakawa Vhangarei Luckland if apier Wellington Vanganui lurunui-B luff... Jreymouth Vestport f elson 'icton 8 3 4 90 35 3° 88 382 5 6 12 7 249 97 8S 196 1,048 8 *9 23 18 I 9 11 6 I 14 17 9 17 184 6 2 12 142 3 7 S 42 3 1 2 i 9 2 Total r 1.758 664 183 68 «i



RETURN No. 18. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1888.

o 6 Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Biding during the Year ending 31st March, 1888. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. WHANGAR ,BI SECTH ON. £ s. d. I 10 years*.. ■ Premium.. £ s. d. & s. d. £ s. d. 88 14 0 M. eh. 341 R. 84/3701 .. ! Aug. 2,1886 Karno Colliery Company.. .. 3 55 Kamo .. .. j { Grantee £ s. d. 88 U 0 7 P.W. 77/730 March 6,1877 J. Bycroft and Co. .. .. 7 43 79 P.W. 77/4093 Oct. 18, 1877 Robert Lamb .. .. .. 73 23 267 E. 82/2043 .. Mar. 25, 1882 Helensville Timber Co. (Limited).. 35 41 279 E. 83/917 .. Oct. 27, 1882 J. Byeroft and Co. .. 6 26 303 E. 83/3494 .. Jan. 10, 1884 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Com- 7 34 pany (Limited) 317 E. 83/2680 .. Jan. 1, 1883 Hammond and Byron (Lease) .. 0 0 318 „ .. Jan. 1, 1S83 „ (Lease) .. 0 0 331 E. 84/2620 .. March 1,1884 Onehunga Ironsand Company .. 8 0 333 E. 84/3379 .. July 20, 1885 N.Z. Frozen Meat Co. (Limited) .. 0 0 339 E. 86/846 .. Mar. 22, 1886 Waikato Coal and Shipping Company 64 59 346 E. 86/2335 .. Aug. 25, 1886 Miranda Coal and Iron Company 44 40 353 E. 87/1007 .. Mar. 31, 1887 W. Philcox and Son .. .. 0 0 358 E. 87/1613 .. Jan. 10, 1884 N.Z. Frozen Meat and Storage Co. 7 48 ATJCKLAN ro sectic )N. Onehunga Ngaruawahia Helensville South New Lynn Westfield Govt. .. Grantees 10 years*..' 300 0 0 „ * .. 200 0 0 „ * .. Premium.. # 105 0 0 50 0 0 164 7 6 473 10 0 86 0 0 153 14 0 13 16 4 94 0 0 333 9 10 85 19 2 530 12 8 333 0 0 257 9 11 239 13 2 544 9 0 427 0 0 590 19 9 Auckland 7 years .. „ Undefined 10 years* .. Premium.. 10 years 10 years* 6 months.. „ 10 years* 40 0 01 40 0 0 J 420 0 0 140 0 0 892 17 0 40 0 0 2,430 4 1 73 9 2 596 14 8 245 15 6 572 12 2 22 1 10 19 15 9 2,877 9 3 603 11 2 944 0 1 2,430 4 1 Onehunga Auckland Huntly Mereer Auckland Westfield Govt. .. Grantees 95 11 0 G16 10 5 2,877 9 3 003 11 2 245 15 6 1,516 12 3 Govt". .. 24 C.E. 75/845.. 1875 Napier Gas Company .. .. 2 30 76 E. 81/2318 .. Oct. 9, 1877 Murray, Roberts, and Co. ..04 222 E. 84/3632 .. 1880 W. B. Harding .. .. .. 40 59 NAPI [EE SECT] Govt. .. i [ON. Undefined 10 years* .. 300 0 0 Undefined ; on sufferance 10 years *.. Premium.. Undefined 10 years* .. Premium.. 6 years* 10 years* .. „ 7 years* .. „ 10 years* .. „ * 125 "o 0 240 0 0 206 0 0 133 0 0 60 0 0 192 0 0 95 0 0 84 10 0 172 0 0 72 0 0 75 0 0 300 0 0 117 4 1 157 0 0 143 18 1 609 13 2 7 3 5 727 17 6 1,740 1 5 304 5 10 99 16 5 11 0 8 19 9 4 2,218' 2 4 1,021 12 11 63 7 6 33 17 0 0 18 1 181 10 2 63 7 8 497 'lO 11 1,929 14 10 0 16 8 615 9 2 1,253 15 5 545 5 2 493 9 1 1,225 1 6 8 9 7 2 2 11 996 18 6 276 13 11 325 8 3 073 0 10 Napier Spit Waipawa 229 R. 81/1071 .. Feb. 16, 1881 M. S. Bell .. .. .. 2 0 252 E. 85/813 .. 1881 Wilding and Co. .. .. 45 29 301 E. 83/3089 .. Oct. 26, 1883 Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. 12 8J 322 E. 84/3540 .. Dec. 8, 1884 W. F. Burnett .. .. .. 14 1 328 E. 85/794 .. April 4, 1885 Tamaki Timber Company .. 81 15 329 E. 86/1028 .. April 11, 1885 H. Smith .. .. .. 70 78 332 E. 85/171 .. June 1, 1885 Wilding and Co. .. .. 63 0 334 E. 85/1508 .. July 24, 1885 | Tanner and Mortensen .. .. 73 56 335 E. 85/2840 .. Dec. 1, 1884 Matthews and Guy .. .. 69 21 336 E. 85/2434 .. Nov. 19, 18S5 Robert Holt .. .. . 1 72 340 E. 85/2362 .. April 4, 1886 Knight Brothers .. .. 13 74 345 R. 86/1516 .. Sept. 2, 1886 Napier Gas Company .. .. 14 1 356 E. 87/1399 .. j Dec. 15, 1884 Henderson and Wratt .. .. 80 12 361 E. 87/2721 .. i Aug. 27, 1887 Nelson Brothers .. .. 60 4 Napier Waipukurau Tomoana Hastings Tahoraite Makotuku Kopua .. Matamau Makotuku Napier I Hastings Grantee Govt. .. Grantees Grantee Grantees Grantee Grantees 7 3 5 1,225 8 5 3,675 16 3 365 2 0 615 9 2 1,353 11 10 556 5 10 512 18 5 1.225 1 6 2.226 11 11 1,023 15 10 63 7 6 1,030 15 6 227 12 0 " Grantee Grantees Danovirke Takapau I WELLING' TON SECT j Govt. .. 'ION. 10 years* .. 300 0 0 ,, * .. 300 0 0 „ * .. Premium .. 70 0 0 90 0 0 117 19 11 1 17 0 52 13 0 241 11 7 73 13 5 3,675 12 5 418 0 5 188 C.E. 79/155 .. Feb. 20, 1879 Charles Lett .. .. . 28 44 216 P.W. 81/2948 July 7, 1880 William Booth and Co. .. .. 57 34 221 E. 80/1588 .. Dec. 13, 1880 Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing j 6 37 Company (Limited) 227 E. 82/2020 .. Feb. 8, 1881 Robert Donald .. .. .. 62 8 237 E. 81/1723 .. July 28, 1881 John Chew .. .. .. 54 55 242 E. 82/1335 .. Oct. 6, 1881 W. Booth and Co. (Lease) .. 0 0 253 B, 83/598 .. Jan. 1, 1882 Wellington Harbour Board (Lease) j 0 0 272 E. 84/133 .. July 26, 1882 Williams and Beetham .. .. 62 15 896 E. 83/2850 Sept. 21, 1883 A. S. Duncan(Woodside Saw-mill Co.) 51 0 313 R. 84/1443 .. May 9, 1884 Wellington Meat-preserving and 3 21 Eefrigerating Company (Limited) 325 E. 84/3359 .. Oct. 6, 1884 William Chalmers (Lease) .. 0 0 326 R. 84/3359 .. Oct. 6, 18S4 T. C. Williams, W. H. Beetham, 0 0 ___ and H. H. Beetham (Lease) Kaitoke Carterton Petone Middleton Dalefield Wellington Grantees Grantee Grantees * 21 years 42 years 10 years *.. Premium.. * 82 1 8 G3 5 0 220 12 9 150 1 4 425 19 7 6 11 0 3,248 14 6 595 10 8 57 16 5 10 13 4 18 18 6 1,430 12 5 16 14 3 142 10 0 654 6 8 582 9 8 75 10 5 3,728 5 5 659 12 0 1,437 3 5 3,248 14 6 612 4 11 200 G 5 C65 0 0 001 8 2 Middleton Matarawa Ngahauranga Wellington Govt. .. 18 years .. I i . ■• ••



RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1888.

2 o gs Papers, Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Amount Term of Traffic of Grant. ■ guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value ol the Traffic through the Hiding during the Year ending 31st March, 18B8. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. WANGANUI SECTION. 19 P.W. 78/678 52 P.W. 77/4300 57 P.W. 78/678 93 P.W. 77/5168 137 P.W. 80/4929 138 P.W. 78/1923 147 P.W. 78/3795 153 P.W. 78/3808 223 R. 81/116 244 R. 82/2306 264 R. 82/946 287 R. 83/338 310 R. 84/1399 315 R. 84/1846 349 R. 86/2995 354 R. 87/881 3G0 R. 87/2630 19 52 57 93 137 138 147 153 223 244 264 287 M. eh. £ s. a. Jan. 14,1878 Richter, Nannestad, and Co. .. 6141 Hokowhitu .. Govt. .. 10 years*.. 300 0 0 Nov. 6, 1877 J. and C. Bull .. .. 52 20 Aorangi .. .. „ .. „ * .. 300 0 0 April 3, 1877 Richter, Nannestacl, ana Co. .. 54 28 Tronajeim .. „ .. , • .. 300 0 0 Dec. 20, 1877 Henry Brown .. .. .. 15 31 Inglewood .. „ .. „ * .. 100 0 0 May 9,1878 Wanganui Sash & Door Factory Co. 0 0 Wanganui .. „ .. 0 months.. June 10, 1878 Bailey Brothers,; _W. H. Lash, and 42 34 Halcombe .. „ .. lOyears*.. 300 0 0 others Sept. 6, 1878 Bailey Brothers .. .. 53 50 Taonui .. .. „ .. „ • .. 300 0 0 Oct. 26, 1878 Wanganui Meat Company .. 3 36 Aramoho .. .. „ .. „ * .. 300 0 0 Jan. 13,1881 Moore and Cnrrie .. .. 13 46 Kai Iwi .. .. Grantees „* .. Premium.. Oct. 20, 1881 Wanganui Harbour Board (Lease) .. W Tanganui .. „ 14 years *.. „ Mar. 2,1882 Newberry and Millard .. .. 7 46 Okoia .. .. „ 10years*.. Jan. 27, 1883 Wellington and Manawatu Railway 66 28 Longburn June- „ „ * Company (Limited) tion April 5, 1884 James Robson .. .. .. 33 20 Ngaire .. .. Govt. and , • grantee Sept. 4, 1884 Manawatu County Council .. 79 61 Carnarvon .. Grantees .. „ Oct. 23, 1886 A. Brown and Co. .. .. 33 17 Ngaire .. .. „ 6 years Aug. 7, 1887 N. King .. .. .. 0 9 New Plymouth .. Grantee 10 years* Aug. 16, 1887 P. and J. Bartholomew .. .. 151 44 Feilding .. Govt. .. „ * .. t £ s. a. 15G 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 35 0 0 175"0 0 150 0 0 127 0 0 86 0 0 162' 0 0 381 19 6 200 0 0 273 12 0 150 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 £ s. d. 113 17 7 7 14 11 4 15 10 11 12 0 1,289 6 0 0 15 6 39 17 2 4 14 9 685 9 6 12 13 1 199 16 5 39 6 11 323 14 5 11 2 11 35 0 6 74 17 2 279 14 4 1 17 10 218 2 8 1,135 6 3 19 1 8 85 19 10 70 18 9 504 10 G 254 15 1 317 13 8 1G5 16 0 1,507 14 2 & s. a. 148 18 1 7 14 11 79 13 0 291 G 4 1,291 3 10 218 18 2 1,175 3 5 23'lG 5 771 9 4 70 18 9 517 3 7 454 11 G 357 0 7 489 10 5 1,518 17 1 310 315 349 354 3G0 PICTON SECTION. 260 R. 81/2812 299 R. 83/2271 Jan. 19,1882 Pell Brothers and Co. .. ..17 73 Blenheim.. .. Grantees 10 years*.. Premium.. Oct. 2, 1883 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 „ .. .. „ .. „ * .. Company (Limited) 163 10 0 275 1 7 144 7 2 38 12 7 124 1 6 133 14 11 268 8 8 172 7 G NELSON SECTION. 238 I R. 81/1947 I Aug. 31, 1881 I Neale and Haddow .. .. | 1 0 | Nelson .. .. | Grantees | 10 years* .. | Premium.. | 150 0 0 I 341 3 11 I 36 0 5 I 377 4 4 GREYMOUTH SECTION. 5a R. 84/2978 22 P.W. 76/603 105a P.W. 76/3446 112a P.W. 77/5000 319 R. 84/2977 344 R. 86/2585 . Aug. 1,1873 Westport Coal Co. (Limited) (Lease) 6 70 Wallsena .. Grantees 21 years .. Dec. 31, 1875 T. W. Wilson .. .. .. 2 53 { Kaiata .. .. Govt. .. Undefined Feb. 15,1877 Coalpit Heath Coal-mining Com- 7 10 Brunner .. Grantees „ .. Premium.. pany (Limited) (Lease) Feb. 16,1877 Brunner Coal-mining Company 7 10 Brunner .. „ „ „ (Limited), M. Kennedy (Lease) Oct. 28, 1884 A. McKenzie and Co. .. .. 5 70 | Wallsena .. „ 10 years* Aug. 20, 1886 Westport Colliery Company .. 8 0 Brunnor .. Greym'th I Har.Bd. 143 'l9 0 624 19 2 55 0 0 1 66 19 1 0 2 0 7 14 10 96 15 9 4 10 5 5 7 5 5,856 12 5 277 4 11 2,973 8 7 8,148 19 8 245 14 0 310 5 10 5,923 11 G 277 6 11 2,981 3 5 8,245 15 5 250 4 5 315 13 3



7—D. la.

JTION. 1 3 5 6 8a E. 81/102G April 28, 1866 Dec. 28, 1870 Feb. 25, 1873 July 19, 1873 Oct. 2, 1874 J. T. Brown Wood, Sinclair, and Co. .. Moir and Go. N.Z. Provision and Produce Go. .. Tirnaru Harbour Board .. 7 39 1 17 16 77 7 1 105 59 Addington Riccarton . .. Southbrook Belfast Timaru Grantee Grantees Govt. .. Grantees Govt. .. For ever .. P.W. 73/573 R. 84/2927 Undefined 30 17 7 375 12 11 101 7 5 443 16 1 13 5 6 709 14 6 374 17 8 998 10 2 91 7 6 30 17 7 1,085 7 5 476 5 1 1,442 6 3 104 13 0 9 12 13 20 29 31 32 33 34 R. 80/318 R. 82/2186 P.W. 76/3501 P.W. 76/2946 P.W. 76/686 R. 84/2770 R. 82/432 P.W. 76/823 April 19, 1877 Aug. 14, 1874 Dec. 18, 1874 Dec. 11, 1875 Feb. 29, 1876 Mar. 29, 1876 April 7, 1876 April 22, 1876 May 18, 1876 J. and T. Meek .. White and Go. .. Oamaru Harbour Board Kaiapoi Produce and Milling Co. .. John Tosswill J. Ingram Miles, Archer, and Co. James A. Mcllraith National Mortgage and Agency Company of N.Z. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) A. Tapper Studholme Brothers 158 18 21 29 157 77 1 52 2 78 20 60 105 54 8 75 374 60 Oamaru Leeston Oamaru Wilson's Siding .. Prebbleton East Oxford Timaru Glentunnel Invercargill Undefined ; on sufferance 10 years*.. For ever .. Undefined 300 0 0 280 0 0 1,384 3 9 333 1 1 882 3 1 2,266 0 10 333 1 1 (See No. 123.) 760 16 10 78 17 9 82 17 7 990 3 6 C19 12 4 478 14 5 Grantees Grantee Govt. .. -. •■ + 224 17 5 72 18 4 535 19 5 5 19 5 82 17 7 570 13 5 581 16 1 125 13 10 ..-. • •• 419 10 1 37 16 3 353 0 7 36 P.W. 76/3056 June 19, 1876 25 23 Southbridge 10 years*.. 61 1 0 415 7 10 476 8 10 37 P.W. 76/3721 July 18, 1876 |166 27 Maheno Undefined 79 3 3 39 41 451 3 11 530 7 2 R. 81/341 P.W. 77/5044 Sept. 2, 1876 Nov. 27, 1877 366 27 128 43 N. pts. 374 9 121 71 Longbush Studholme Junction Invercargill Between Otaio and Makikihi Woodlands One-Tree Point .. Ashburton Hornby Junction Kensington Oamaru Lyttelton Christchurch 10 years* .. 300"o 0 93' 0 0 29 3 9 20 11 10 3,391 2 8 11 19 5 3,420 6 5 32 11 3 44 46 E. 83/2227 P.W. 76/5252 Oct. 4, 1876 Dec. 24, 1876 Fleming and Gilkison Quinn Brothers Undefined 10 years* .. 300 0 0 62 0 0 888 2 5 38 13 7 300 1 0 81 2 8 1,188 3 5 119 16 3 48 49 53 59 66 68 69 71 R. 82/606 R. 81/1905 P.W. 77/2004 R. 84/3062 R. 81/2299 R. 82/239 1876 1876 Jail. 13, 1877 April 21, 1877 July 20, 1877 Aug. 27, 1877 Sept. 1, 1877 Sept. 7, 1877 Woodlands Meat-preserving Co. .. Brown and J. H. Dawson and Sons C. W. Turner .. S. Smart w. m. white .. .. ;; Ireland and Co. .. Talbot and McGlatchie (Lease) Miles and Co., William Booth and Co. C. W. Turner J. A. Bedpath, Miles and Co., and N. Tapling Wigram Brothers N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) W. H. Hargreaves Browne Brothers Reid and Gray Richard Allen W. White, jun. .. " J. Craig 363 52 368 2 57 77 12 7 236 79 158 26 0 0 6 1 Grantee Govt. .. Undefined 10 years* .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 40 0 0 32 5 10 45 0 0 21 4 9 630 17 10 14 9 10 187 2 1 872 14 8 2,848 4 9 821 6 6 30 11 7 291 4 2 561 6 10 476 1 10 893 19 5 3,479 2 7 835 16 4 217 13 8 291 4 2 5,342 17 9 1,315 18 11 * 21 years .. 10 years *.. 300 0 0 233 0 0 4,781 10 11 839 17 1 73 74 P.W. 77/3965 R. 85/287 Sept. 26, 1877 Sept. 26, 1877 6 19 6 48 # 300 0 0 300 0 0 35 0 0 100 0 0 604 9 2 58"0 7 662 9 9 75 78 # R. 78/176 R. 84/867 Oct. 6, 1877 Oct. 9, 1877 1 77 25 39 Heathcote Southbridge ■: -j 300 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 25 0 0 358 14 10 180 4 0 538 18 10 (See No. 36.) 80 82 83 84 85 86 P.W. 77/4596 P.W. 77/3862 P.W. 77/4422 R. 85/505 P.W. 77/4862 R. 78/113 Oct. 22, 1877 Oct. 24, 1877 Nov. 1, 1877 Nov. 5, 1877 Nov. 20, 1877 Nov. 20, 1877 .. I 6 46 21 76 236 45 106 8 25 32 157 42 Christchurch Lawrence Dunedin Timaru Southbridge Oamaru * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 40 0 0 20 3 4 27 13 0 35 0 0 33 0 0 152 0 0 841 7 5 426 9 0 137 13 10 698 3 0 339 19 5 833 6 9 26 7 0 59 9 9 1,900 11 1 867 14 5 426 9 0 197 3 7 2,598 14 1 339 19 5 1,040 4 8 :* -! * 206 17 11 * Three mouths' notice. i Originally laid under old agreement. f Six months' notice. Termi


RETURN No. 18—continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1888.


u Papers. Date Grant. Present Holder. Position. jn earest station. paid for Ajnount Term of Traffic of Grant. guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value ol the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1883. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. :UEUNUI-BLUFF SECTION — continued. 91 94 95 P.W. 77/4421 P.W. 77/5196 Deo. 4, 1877 Dec. 22, 1877 1877 James Goss W. Montgomery and Co... Christchurch Gas, Goal, and Coke Company (Limited) William Vauglian N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. E. Menlove Logan's Point Quarry Comp an Mutual Agency Company Mutual Agency Company Green Island Coal Company Invercargill Corporation M. oh. 6 61 6 50 6 1 Christchurch Govt. .. 10 years *.. £ S. d. 300 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. a. 95 0 0 240 0 0 £ s. d. 1,251 11 11 £ s. d. 50 9 4 £ s. a. 1,302 1 3 Undefined 1,121 0 9 25 12 7 1,146 13 4 96 97 100 101 102 103 105 107 108 109 110 U5 E. 84/2368 B. 82/2356 B. 81/2017 1877 1877 1877 1877 ■ 1877 1877 1877 1877 . 1877 1877 1877 1877 24 49 13 7 14 37 234 53 236 45 236 45 241 70 374 60 2 39 6 43 6 42 389 1 Sefton Factory Ngapara Pelichet Bay .. Dunedin Abbotsford Invercargill Waikiwi Buxton's 300"0 0 132 14 1 182 5 8 12 10 0 5 15 0 14 0 250 7 10 374 2 8 372 17 9 18 4 1 140 13 6 0 13 6 522 12 11 7 3 4 506 16 9 555 3 5 18 4 1 153 3 6 (See No. 103.) 6 8 6 523 16 11 257 11 2 E. 85/647 .. T. Buxton" Hodgkinson Brothers W, Parsons Between Greenhills and Ocean Beach Milton Christchurch Oamaru (1st sidg.) „ (2nd sidg.) Oamaru Ashburton Tinwald Oamaru Heatheote Christchurch 8 12 8 15 9 6 5 14 0 14l'*8 8 72 16 6 150 1 4 88 0 0 5 14 0 It • • 116 117 E. 79/722 P.W. 77/5147 P.W. 77/4412 P.W. 77/4413 E. 78/63 E. 78/65 P.W. 77/4833 E. 78/176 E. 78/61 Nov. 6, 1878 Jan. 14, 1878 J. A. Dutbie W. Langdown .. .. 4 Oamaru Harbour Board .. 271 24 J 6 9 1 157 64 I ,157 65 157 77 58 72 60 65 157 41 1 77 5 76 I 10 years *.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 112 15 0 56 0 0 127 11 10 979 8 0 481 5 2 48 5 10 608 17 0 1,027 13 10 120 Jan. 23, 1878 * . # 300 0 0 50 0 0 (See No. 123.) 123 125 128 129 130 131 Jan. 23, 1878 Jan. 26, 1878 Feb. 4, 1878 Feb. 18, 1878 Mar. 2, 1878 Mar. 7, 1878 A. Eoberts Joseph Clark Oamaru Corporation Wigram Brothers Permanent Investment and Loan Association Friedlander Brothers Springfield Coal Company McClatchie and Mclntosh Anderson and Co. Oamaru Stone Company (Limited) N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) N.Z. Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) (Lease) Ditto (Lease) C. W. Turner .. F. L. Eobson and J. T. Brown J. and J. Shand.. Talbot and McClatchie (Lease) Grantees Govt. .. # Undefined 10 years *.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 90 0 0 95 0 0 60 0 0 6,625 16 10 143 3 9 565 18 7 57 12 3 3,337 16 9 240 5 1 638 8 0 17 18 8 9,963 13 7 383 8 10 1,204 6 7 75 10 11 (See No. 75.) 981 2 5 70 0 0 746 2 0 235 0 5 132 133 134 135 140 142 E. 78/199 E. 78/162 E. 81/120 P.W.'78/1573 E. 78/360 E. 78/649 Mar. 14, 1878 Mar. 14, 1878 May 1, 1878 May 8, 1878 June 28, 1878 Aug. 3, 1878 58 73 6 51 204 10" 1 67J 351 60 Ashburton Christchurch u • • # * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 55 0 0 73 0 0 260 0 0 351 6 8 213 14 7 1,185 17 11 73 3 6 1,780*19 4 45 15 8 20 10 10 2,132 6 0 213 14 7 1,231 13 7 93 14 4 Waikouaiti Weston Edendale 74**0 0 48 0 0 125 19 9 317 "i 10 443**7 7 # .. 149 E. 81/467 Sept. 21, 1878 0 0 Lyttelton 21 years .. 150 152 155 156 158 E. 78/506 E. 78/539 E. 78/544 E. 81/467 Sept. 21, 1878 Oct. 22, 1878 Nov. 5, 1878 Nov. 6, 1878 Nov. 19, 1878 0 0 6 64 6 61 26 26 0 0 Christchurch 10 years* .. 21 years .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 55 0 0 52 0 0 64 0 0 2,523*14 2 1,037 5 1 274 6 7 27 14 2 19 13 10 2,798 0 9 1,064 19 3 19 13 10 (See No. 69.) Centre Bush Lyttelton..



159 160 161 R. 81/467 R. 78/540 R. 84/409 Nov. 19, 1878 Dec. 2, 1878 1878 N.Z. Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) (Lease) Fleming, Gilkison, and Co. Lyttelton Borough Council 0 0 335 2 2 71 Lyttelton Gore Heathcote Govt. .. m • • 21 years .. 1 10 years*.. Undefined ; on sufferance j Undefined! 300 0 0 64 0 0 153 6 3 24 17 5 175 19 9 329 6 0 24 17 5 m • ■ 162 165 R. 84/2333 1878 1878 J. Grigg N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Reid, McLean, and Co. Dunedin City Corporation Wilson, Harraway, and Co. J. Runciman Walton Park Coal Company B. C. Calveiiey .. J. Freeman .. .. Walton Park Brick and Tile Co. .. Dunedin Corporation Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company J. McDonald J. Nelson H. A. Knight .. .. W. White N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Francis Jack W. Conyers H. A. Massey James A. Mcllraith M. Instone James McDonald Anderson and Co. Dunedin Iron and Woodware Co... T. P. Baber Dunedin Saleyards Company N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) Matson, Cox, and Co. Springfield Coal Company (Limited) James Shand R. D. Thomas McCallum and Co. Miles, Archer, and Co. N.Z. Shipping Co. (Limited) (Lease) Hon. Mathew Holmes George Jameson Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (N.Z. Drug Company (Limited) National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z. (Limited) W. D. Wood J. Studholme N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 64 51 236 0 Winslow Dunedin .. * " * 473 11 2 2,048 10 9 182 15 5 176 8 2 656 6 7 2,224 18 11 tr • • 168 169 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 180 183 185 189 197 R. 81/2017 R. 84/3315 R. 83/2302 E. 83/2302 1878 1878 1878 1878 1S78 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Jan. 15, 1879 Mar. 20, 1879 Aug. 21, 1879 236 37 236 53 0 21 0 26 2 7 241 70 241 71 2 7 243 42 0 73 267 51 283 45 19 46 7 46 391 61 Burnside Walton Park Abbotsford Walton Park Wingatui Mosgiel Millburn Stirling Racecourse Hill.. Addington Blufi n • • w • • It • • a • . 477 8 8 459 0 11 366 5 6 16 12 6 4 16 5 400 0 1 357 4 6 139 4 11 294 13 6 5 0 4 71 11 8 1,637 14 5 3,011 2 8 36 3 8 345 0 0 68 19 7 13 19 0 114 9 7 56 12 1 1,057 13 0 321 8 0 27 6 6 71 12 0 1,838 4 11 448 11 4 159 5 5 210 14 3 435 2 4 513 12 4 345 0 0 528 0 6 380 4 6 1.131 2 1 56 12 1 1,062 9 5 721 8 1 384 11 0 210 16 11 2.132 18 5 453 11 8 230 17 1 1,848 8 8 3,446 5 0 R. 78/592 R. 79/110 R. 79/591 rr • • 10 years*.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 22 0 0 27 0 0 ■e • • :• :: 198 199 200 201 204 205 209 210 211 214 215 R. 79/609 R. 79/607 R. 79/627 R. 79/684 R. 79/1087 R. 79/799 R. 81/2017 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug. 26, 1879 Oct. 21, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 1879 1879 Jan. 20, 1880 Jan. 28, 1880 Mar. 23, 1880 6 32 386 23 5 22 6 15j 12 5" 22 79 236 35 236 35 7 59 239 22 116 9 Wright's Bush .. Greenhills Wallacetown Christchurch Thombury June. Lady Barkly Dunedin w * • H # n * * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 54 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 100 0 0 81 0 0 80 0 0 11 6 8 245 13 10 52 4 11 7 13 920 5 8 782 5 7 36 1 10 6,916 8 3 413*13 10 291 13 7 26 8 6 96 18 3 30 7 0 79 11 1 413 13 10 303 0 3 245 13 10 78 13 5 103 19 6 950 12 8 801 16 8 36 1 10 7,485 17 9 394 2 3 # • • * Undefined R. 80/44 R. 83/204 R. 80/1 Addington Burnside St. Andrew's Grantee Govt. .. Grantees 10 years*.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 6O*'o 0 569"9 6 394 2 3 -: • • • 217 219 224 225 228 230 231 232 235 236 R. 80/987 R. 81/201 R. 81/63 B. 85/861 R. 81/835 R. 85/523 R. 81/1343 R. 82/2538 R. 81/1479 R. 81/1405 Sept. 22, 1880 Nov. 25, 1880 Jan. 14, 1881 Jan. 20, 1881 Feb. 8, 1881 Mar. 1, 1881 Mar. 21, 1881 April 1, 1881 June 6, 1881 June 27, 1881 58 76 29 63 257 58 7 60 365 32 105 57 0 0 2 0 59 4 239 24 Ashburton Springfield Henley Addington Longbush Timaru Lyttelton Castlerock Ashburton Burnside Grantee Grantees * -: • • -: •■• -: •• * «: •• * Undefined 18J years.. 10 years *.. 10 years* .. Premium.. . ■ 250 0 0 35 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 325 0 0 2 16 2 6 10 17 7 11 50 19 11 411 3 9 129 14 7 0 11 6 5,180"8 3 413 5 3 129 14 7 2 18 4 17 7 11 5,231 8 2 (See No. 32.) 387 10 0 Govt. .. Grantee Premium.. 102 0 0 180 0 0 93 0 0 323' 13 10 63 16 2 Grantees 174 'l9 8 403 19 7 242" 7 3 593 1 11 417 6 11 997 1 6 238a R.^83/2228 Sept. 1, 1881 7 57 Addington * 750 4 5 416 15 6 1,106 19 11 239 240 245 R. 81/1982 R. 83/502 R. 81/2332 Sept. 9, 1881 Sept. 19, 1881 Nov. 1, 1881 7 00 7 0 58 70 Belfast Ashburton Grantee * Premium.. 84 0 0 80 0 0 200 0 1,284 5 7 165 12 6 24 9 3 898 8 4 242 16 7 160 1 8 2,182 13 11 408 9 1 184 10 11 Grantees * * * Three months' notice.



RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1888.

v o Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount . of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1888. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. HUEUNUI-BLUFI SECTION "— continued. i £ s. a. Premium.. J. S. White .. .. .. 2 F. J. Hopkin .. .. .. 287 W. Nicholls .. .. .. 0 Frew and Co. .. .. 22 N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. 239 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 47 Company (Limited) {Lease) J. Meehan .. .. .. 123 Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative 106 Association (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 0 Company (Limited) and executors of late M. Studholme .. E. and J. Ford .. .. .. 10 Smith and Fotheringham .. 227 J. Rantin .. .. .. 6 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 6 Company (Limited) J. and T. Meek .. .. .. 158 S. Bailey .. .. .. 15 P. Cunningham .. .. .. 105 W. A. Moss {Lease) .. .. 7 John Waller {Lease) .. .. 7 N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Asso- 7 ciationof Canterbury (Ld.) {Lease) Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy 7 Produce Export Co. (Limited) D. Reid and Co. .. .. 236 National Mortgage and Agency Co. 105 of N.Z. (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 105 Company (Limited) Invercargill Corporation .. .. 0 M. ch. 2 51 287 79 0 26 22 72 239 23 47 12 oh. 51 Jackson's Road .. 79 Balolutha 26 Rangiora .. 72 Oraki .. 23 Burnside 12 Chertsey 66 Makikihi 10 Timaru .. 3 Studholme Junction 71 South Malvern .. 78 Port Chalmers Upper 53 Christchureh 7 Oamaru 0 Templeton 75 Timaru 0 Christchureh 0 0 8 Belfast .. 12 Dunedin 75 Timaru .. 75 7 Makarewa June. Grantee 10 years' .. £ s. d. 145 0 0 261 0 0 70 0 0 £ s. d. 85 5 10 £ s. d. 265 10 0 £ s. d. 350 15 10 246 247 248 249 250 254 R. 81/2501 R. 81/1747 R. 83/3241 R. 83/1171 R. 83/1556 R. 82/1738 Nov. 24, 1881 Doc. 14, 1881 Dec. 16, 1881 April 18,1883 Dec, 22, 1881 Jan. 1, 1882 Grantees » •• :• 492 0 0 2,01315 2 76 8 2 86 14 4 940 9 10 306 12 1 86 14 4 2,954 5 0 383 0 3 Govt. .. Premium.. " I 255 256 R. 82/717 R. 81/2820 Jan. 1, 1882 Jan. 3, 1882 123 66 106 10 Grantee Grantees 21 years .. 10 years* .. Premium.. 300 0 0 484 0 0 736 4 3 102 19 6 966 1 9 102[19 6 1,702 6 0 257 R. 81/2672 Jan. 5, 1882 0 3 * 310 0 0 4 13 4 622 6 4 026 19 8 258 259 R. 82/379 R. 83/1043 Jan. 10, 1882 Jan. 10, 1882 10 71 227 78 Govt. .. Grantees For ever .. 10 years*.. 37 7 8 4 5 0 176 14 9 67 14 3 214 2 5 71 19 3 261 262 R. 82/2303 R. 82/49 Feb. 8, 1882 Feb. 20, 1882 6 53 6 50! Govt. .. Grantees * Premium.. 5io"o 0 Extension,£174 222 0 0 153 0 0 374 0 0 140 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 489 13 5 1,111 7 3 40 11 1 391 6 6 530 4 6 1,502 13 9 263 2C6 268 269 270 271 R. 82/378 R. 82/554 R. 82/692 R. 82/2320 Feb. 28, 1882 Mar. 24, 1882 April 14, 1882 May 1, 1882 May 1, 1882 May 1, 1882 158 7 15 0 105 75 7 0 7 0 7 0 Grantee 21 years .. 36'l9 4 (See No. 9.) 36 19 4 I Grantees 13 2 6 403 17 5 1,401 15 10 2*'6 9 365 4 7 13 2 6 406 4 2 1,767 0 5 274 R. 83/334 Sept. 15, 1882 7 8 10 years* .. 321 0 0 4,328 0 7 3,145 15 4 7,473 15 11 275 276 E. 82/2105 R. 82/2334 Sept. 26, 1882 Oct. 23, 1882 236 12 105 75 * 310 0 0 514 0 0 4,968 14 9 524 2 9 427 14 11 821 5 10 5,396 9 8 1,345 8 7 * 277 R. 82/2354 Oct. 23, 1882 105 75 * 292 16 0 812 17 0 1,058 12 8 1,871 9 8 278 R. 82/1997 Oct. 23, 1882 0 7 Govt. and Grantees Grantee Grantees Govt. .. * 5 0 0 31 10 0 31 10 0 280 281 282 R. 82/2706 R. 82/2605 R. 83/332 Dec. 2, 1882 Deo. 2, 1882 Jan. 1, 1883 P. C. Threlkeld .. ..2 Moody and Ziesler .. .. 105 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 41 Company (Limited) {Lease) Kruse and Borgfeldt .. .. 3 R. M. Morten .. .. .. 11 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 336 Company (Limited) W. A. Benn {Lease) .. .. 48 William Vaughan {Lease) .. 48 2 51 105 57 41 53 51 Jackson's Road .. 57 Timaru 53 Rakaia 31 Papanui 76 Hornby Junction 14 Gore 21 Waikari 22 * 300 0 0 40 0 0 23 9 2 182 6 9 73 14 2 75 14 5 410 0 10 602 13 0 99 3 7 592 7 7 676 7 2 * 284 285 286 R. 83/50 R. 82/2955 R. 83/165 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 26, 1883 3 31 11 76 336 14 Grantees Grantee Grantees * Premium.. 220 0 0 132 0 0 275 0 0 5 10 31 9 9 426 9 2 100 5 1 21 0 6 1,078 7 7 105 6 1 52 10 3 1,504 16 9 288 289 R. 83/996 E. 83'998 Feb. 1, 1883 Feb. 1 1883 48 21 48 22 Govt. .. 152 12 8 82 17 8 124 12 8 59 1 6 277 5 4 141 19 2 „ ..I I



290 E. 83/669 April 3, 1883 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company Edwards, Bennett, and Co. Kayo and Garter Fernhill Eailway and Coal Company (Limited) Nichol Brothers David Stuart H. Driver James Gore Benjamin Perry John Jackson J. G. Ward W. H. Symes, M.D., H. Barry & Co. John Murdoch, jun. (Lease) 0 0 Lyttelton Grantees 10 years*.. Premium.. [ 312 0 0 3,108 10 1 940 16 0 4,049 0 1 291 E. 83/1503 April 9, 1883 241 15 Abbotsford Undefined 18 8 4 1,007 19 6 1,026 7 10 292 294 295 297 298 302 304 305 306 E. 83/1007 R. 83/2987 E. 83/1690 E. 83/2672 R. 83/2904 E. 83/3196 R. 84/71 E. 84/694 R. 84/813 April 18, 1883 May 31, 1883 June 28, 1883 Sept. 18, 1883 Oct. 1, 18S3 Nov. 22, 1883 Jan. 25, 1884 Mar. 12, 1884 Mar. 1, 1884 391 63 105 57 240 33 244 8^ 163 6" 106 11 391 44 7 29 335 7 Bluff Timaru Burnside Wingatui . < Totara Timaru Bluff Addington Gore Grantee 10 years*.. # 4 years* .. 3 years certain! 10 years* .. * Premium.. 145 0 0 130 0 0 140 0 0 422 0 0 326 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 3,167 7 9 106 2 4 29 18 11 11 13 4 3 8 10 162 18 1 1,807 18 1 33 18 4 417 6 8 1,150 3 10 113 19 0 144 18 4 115 5 7 193 13 8 741 13 3 452 12 10 17 4 2 75 1 5 4,317 11 7 220 1 4 174 17 3 126 18 11 197 2 6 904 11 4 2,260 10 11 51 2 6 492 8 1 Grantees Govt. .. 308 309 311 312 R. 84/996 E. 84/1239 E. 84/1324 E. 84/1490 April 21, 1884 May 10, 1884 May 23, 1884 June 5, 1884 A. Tapper N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. John Murdoch Otago Meat-freezing and Produce Company (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Morton Mains Freehold Estates Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 335 6 155 16 6 39 228 67 Gore Oamaru Town Belt Wright's Bush .. Sawyer's Bay Grantee Grantees Grantee Grantees Premium.. 105 0 0 175 0 0 192 0 0 96 0 0 172 7 0 472 8 3 6 15 6 6 8 3 621 2 5 625 8 1 178 15 3 1,093 10 8 . 632 3 7 316 E. 84/2669 Sept. 9.1S84 235 79 Dunedin * 190 0 0 (See No. 165.) 320 E. 84/3312 Nov. 1, 1884 355 23 Oteramika * 160 0 0 17 9 1 72G 4 10 743 13 11 321 E. 84/3313 Nov. 7, 1884 374 55 Invercargill 10 years; 1 month's notice 10 years * 75 0 0 859 4 9 3P4 15 11 1,254 0 5 323 324 R. 84/3646 E. 84/1670 Dee. 8, 1884 Deo. 31, 1884 James Waddel and Co. South Canterbury Refrigerating Company (Limited) Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Co. (Limited) (Lease) A. Tapper Instone and Cleaves Martin and Watson Findlay and Co. Smellie Brothers W. Evans D. Inwood Whittingham Brothers and Instone (Lease) Bruce and Drysdale (Lease) Smith and Fotheringham Friedlander Brothers (Lease) Mutual Agency Company J391 65 103 64 Bluff Washdyke Juno. 145 0 0 500 0 0 1,3:13 4 3 1,548 6 9 156 1 4 395 1 8 1,504 5 7 1,943 8 5 327 R. 85/778 Mar. 27, 1885 391 65 Blufi 21 years .. 120 0 0 644 11 2 457 8 11 1,102 0 1 337 338 342 347 348 350 351 352 R. 85/3780 E. 85/3974 E. 86/1880 E. 86/3194 E. 86/3012 R. 86/4095 E. 87/327 R. 87/189 Dec. 9, 1885 Dec. 24, 1885 June 17, 1886 Sept. 21, 1886 Sept. 25, 1886 Dec. 10, 1886 Feb. 9, 1887 Feb. 1, 1887 374 46 374 49 235 44 235 52 240 15 105 72 90 75 374 60 Invercargill Dunedin Burnside Timaru Winchester Invercargill Govt. .. Grantees 10 years* * * 6 years* .. 10 years*.. 7yearscertainf 21 years .. 5 years* .. 1 year* 10 years* Premium.. 435 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 102 0 0 406 0 0 168 0 0 55 9 3 1,192 3 7 1,203 11 7 183 15 5 669 3 6 81 17 5 498 16 5 25 1 1 124 1 9 184 4 6 4 0 10 569 17 7 67 12 0 397 13 6 80 10 4 1,316 5 4 1,387 16 1 187 16 3 1,239 1 1 149 9 5 896 9 11 Grantee Govt. .. 355 357 359 362 E. 87/219 R. 87/331 R. 87/578 E. 87/2S35 Dec. 31, 1886 July 22, 1886 April 1, 1887 Sept. 30, 1887 105 75 237 2 60 65 236 10 Timaru Kensington Tinwald .. Dunedin Rental Premium.. 25 0 0 90 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 204"9 9 21 4 11 398 3 0 225 14 8 398 3 0 (See No. 103.) Grantees 363 364 R. 87/3016 E. 87/3093 Sept. 30, 1887 Oct. 4,1887P. McGill R, G. D. Tosswill .. ) F. G. Simpson .. .. I Kemp, Anson, and Brett.. Timaru Milling Company Bruce and Co. (Limited) 271 40 Milton Govt. .. «# § | Rental, £25 Rental, £50 185 0 0 Rental, £50 883 2 7 1,040 6 6 1,923 9 1 10 36 Kirwee § 20 1 6 84 0 11 104 2 5 365 366 E. 87/3312 E. 87/3446 Oct. 25, 1887 Nov. 10, 1887 106 18 106 30 Timaru .. Grantees * Premium.. 1,757 7 5 16 5 9 2,328 11 11 58 4 2 4,085 19 4 74 9 11 367 E. 87/2S68 Jan. 1, 1881 N.Z. Agricultural Company 21 0 Waimea (District line) 123 17 10 29 3 7 153 1 5 * Three months' notice. ■\ After that, from year to year, subject to one month's notice. § Originally laid under old agreement.


RETURN No. 19. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1888.


Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1887. Additional Length Opened for Traffic during Year. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for whole Period. Length Closed durin; Year. Net Addition to Mileage Open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1888. Section. Line Opened. Date of Opening. Length Opened. Line. Length. M. oh. M. eh. M. cb. M. oh. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. Kawakawa 7 4i 7 41 Whangarei 6 45 ... 6 45 Auckland ... 235 76 Otorohanga-Te Kuiti 2nd Dec, 1887 ... II 47 17 79* II 47 25 62 247 43 Napier 96 44 i 96 44 Wellington 84 41 84 41 Wanganui... Hurunui-Bluff 195 "3 195 23 1,024 71 Livingston Branch. 12th August, 1887 11 66 } 3 75 17 32 8 75 1,042 23 Ditto, Private Lines — Seaward Bush Extension ... 16th January, 1888 5 46 Nightcaps Line Shag Point Line 2 24 2 24 2 10 2 10 Greymoutli 7 3° 7 3° Westport ... 18 61 18 61 Nelson 22 73 22 73 Picton 17 70 17 70 Total ... 1,722 49 26 74 28 79 34 57 i,75i 48 28 79 ... * Note. —Te Awamutu to Otorohanga open for traffic Oth March, 1867 but not under maintenance till end of April, 1887.


RETURN No. 2 Statement showing Approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1888.

RETURN No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employés for March, 1887, and March, 1888.

RETURN No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.


Approximate Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. North Island. Middle Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Eemoyed during Maintenance M. oh, M. Oh. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 71 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 11 39 17 32 M. oh. 45 70 18 58 11 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 3*7 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 80 o 90 78 7° 3 1 28 79 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 l873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 58 72 11 47 96,338 39.323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455.254 417,217 176,006 94.998 212,888 100,354 88,751 76,991 168,000 137,887 140,632 122,637 74.26i 73,947 106,763 125,632 148.325 137.993 139.°4° 122,027 Totals 3.518,238 927,988 * Nine months only. t Complete information not recorded until 1880-81.

I cd '5 a n j3 •d c « 3 u < Id CQ j 1 M a s I I 5 a Department. a o s e O I d o d o 1886-87. General ... Traffic ... Maintenance Locomotive 8 8 8 "8 149 333 205 59 105 76 "78 126 120 82 212 825 1.059 874 28 14 24 13 26 30 18 12 9 21 11 4; 1,281 i.93 i,49 9 5 139 17 Totals 24 22 : 687 240 3 24 433 ■2.-758 66 56 60 4i 4,75' 1887-88. General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 7 6 3: 5 2 140 272 170 582 57 98 62 82 103 125 "37 207 134 816 28 15 27 11 30 17 9 10 21 8 4: 1,27: i.77< 1,29! 1,009 731 22 24 Totals 21 10 217 310 428 2,S56 7° 57 S6 39 4,38: Increase Decrease 23 14 ... 4 1 5 370 3 12 j i 1 os 5 202 2

Passengers Killed or Injured. Servants of the Department Killed or Injured. Persons Killed or Injured while Crossing at Level Crossings. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. Trespassers. Workshops. Miscellaneous. Section. From Causes beyond their own Control. From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. 1 "o H Killed. Injured Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Eawakawa vVhangarei ... Luokland Napier Wellington ... tVanganui lurunui-Bluff xreymouth ... (Vestport kelson 'icton I 2 S i s 15 i I 26 ... i I I 10 2 3 8 ... ! "■ i I i I i 4 3 12 I ••• I I 2 I ... 2 I 6 3 3 1 8 52 2 2 2 I ... ... i i ... ... I i Totals ... I 2 II S7 4 23 3 3 I 21 3 I 12 nS






RETURN NO. 23. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1888. KAWAKAWA SECTION.

B C J L P 1 17 6 4 3 3 ... i,o66 72 6 166,136 96,262 28,641 49.730 37.485 141 15,224 2,659 37.095 9,119 4,864 4.396 4,342 34,176 1,207 15,296 2,665 237,407 105,381 42,620 54,126 41,827 S9 1 2,456 457 55,434 37,639 8,607 23,364 14,148 69 359 64 6,296 2,269 1,056 1,191 12,689 32 173 12 1,185 1,651 247 [ 732 i 403 50 306 60 3.435 1,893 587 1,269 858 8,458 58 39 11 2,340 1,470 732 432 6,277 4 14 205 "5 39 67 53 13 4i 995 6'34 182 381 235 2,488 44 ! 402 7i 4,35i 875 1,063 743 8,921 119 496 91 7,891 3.591 1,828 i,943 2,226 ii"6i I ■60 ■94 2*36 3'35 4-12 1-91 6-86 78 •23 ■22 •21 •26 •22 •30 I 2-56 •64 •68 I'OI 1-44 ro2 1-69 i'35 871 6-31 6'34 4-40 4'93 I 472 4-26 23'66 778 8-18 7-98 8-18 26 241 42 2,614 825 528 639 447 9,ii5 io'2g 8-62 1277 ... ... 1 Total 36 379,398 77,840 43.291 500,529 142,696 4,435 499 18,185 3-01 •24 1-19 4-28 872 •66* 5,3 6 2

A j 1 15 D 2 1 16 K 11 16 j ! 3 ! 16 26,193 167,401 24,476 9,569 11,746 25.677 1.93 1 190 10,896 13,869 38,129 203,974 26,407 3,997 25,427 5.093 i4iil 6 S 2i 3. 679i 527i S.oooij 46 753* 22 362I i,68 7 i 170 58 210 1,649 246 II 35 179 21 69 239 302 2,128 255 522 2,520 279 3,576 393 1,006 5,866 848 I'00 1-32 1'94 2 23 •19 [ "22 j •21 ■!9 1*20 1-50 179 274 i-8i 4-41 3'29 2'96 2'54 6-8o 6'33 6'9O 770 242 435 1,877 143 I 1 1 1 Total, 14 , . 222,370 48,933 11,086 282,379 35.673 927I 2,377i 2,163 246 8,113 1,048* 1-84 •21 I 3'°4 6-90 •89' 2,697 * Miscellaneous charges.

j J EngineDetail. Type- ! § !IJ I u. al : Train. Shunting. 1 2 j < Detail. Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Rum dng. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Penc< i Stores.] Fuel. Running. a Total. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Materials. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Materials. Total. Ballast. Coal. Oil. Stores. Wages. 1 I A ! i IP \^_ 6 ! 138 j 10 10,554 I 3>382 2.975 12 13.541 Cvvt. 337 2,666 51 214 lb. 97 333 lb. 98 357 £ 157 £ I 4 15 £ . I 8 67 £ £ 59 I 86 346 I 585 o'6i 278 O'l6 C32 o'26 ri8 0-23 I 0-92 "■41 3'SF 6-13 10-36 5'oo I 8-29 97 312 Total i 3 2.363 j 19,412 265 430 455 172 19 75 405 671 8t* 2-12 ... I 10,692 i 10,692 6,357 6,357 3.°°3 409

saIKLHGFDSAJHFKLDSAFSAF SADHFKL;DSAJFL;DSAF kl;'sajufdkl;dsafdsafsadjfkl;jdsa;fldsafldafg35fds4g654dsfgkm, fdsngmklfdsjmg;fdsgfds4g69746541 36fds1gfdsg ds35g746fds4gfdsjgfdshgds



* Miscellaneous charges. ana'oue'ciass 1!' erf inif Isfdavs S°totl° 7 Eailway Com Pan y daring year. Working for contractor— One Class C engine, 110 days; one Class D engine, 17! flays; two Class E engines, 4 days ;



B—D. la.

A C D E S 2 1 4 3 7 i3i IS IS iS 12,731 7.673 27.337 93.183 3,084 5,512 22,071 16,937 9,49 1 15,962 24 829 2,508 :,543 15,859 14,014 51,916 64,866 55,003 110,688 1,707 1,974 6,633 9,266 10,464 26,961 1 S3 170 69S 924 733 1,830 42 23 121 115 97 313 j 138 134 98 137 447 630 516 818 475 921 1,403 1,575 3,077 4,215 723 1,250 3,800 5,465 6 6 33 29 TO j 76 88 ' 293 407 466 i,i93 326 203 783 879 705 1,652 4,548 840 542 434 i,73i 2,137 2,121 4,490 2-03 2'34 2-91 3'°3 4'02 3'42 3' 24 19-67 •09 1-15 •10 j 1-51 •12 | 1-35 ■12 I 1-51 ■13 I 2-03 •iS ! 2-59 "13 ! i"94 •57 j io-68 4'93 3-48 3-62 3-08 3-58 8-20 7'43 8-oo 7-91 9-26 973 334 215 778 795 617 1.399 Total H 2! 6 6 225,870 10,998 73,O57 4,233 13,419 21 312,346 15,252 57=oo5 1S.320 4.5'° 634 711 IS3 864 169 I 2,523 679 ",455 2,805 14,260 160 3'49 13-22 8-8o 44-14 4.138 681 Total Less recov 27 verab I ... I >le mi i 236,868 ileage & e: I 77,290 :penditure I3,44o 2,509 327.598 I 2,509 1 325.089 I 72,325 5.144 205! 3,202 5,388 4'oo ■15 2-35 3'95 •04 4,819 40 General cl Grand total .ar< is .. 10,931 ... 378 IOI 90 1,016 14,100 i,585 ":28 •07 -07 '74 10-41 ri6 4,779 I I 10,931 325,089 229* ... "'57 ■16* N0T3.— Working tor contractor— L 3,1,538 miles, 21 days; Dl,:971 miles, 19 days.

A 2 B 1 0 3 F 8 I L 1 R 5 11 12 16 18 3,568 3,824 20,950 98,776 72,901 6,661 743 4,285 6,743 20,739 19,527 93 r3,3i7 10 11,174 14,427 88 8,457 10,239 4,567 16,963 42,120 119,603 100,885 93 92,195 898 878 1,838 3,872 27,248 12,144 7 i5<59 6ii 132 105 287 609 2,273 1,684 4 6,424 18 5 23 40 149 87 84 40 166 366 1,012 824 1 176 48 307 142 1,840 881 263 726 5 4 11 21 76 55 48 45 97 197 636 121 3°7 1,308 1,442 350 153 722 1,01 1 4,596 263 2,480 4"i3 2-51 4'35 ■81 3'6g 2'I0 678-80 ■I. •19 •12 ■15 •13 •27 •12 I'I2 2-39 r37 ri2 2'75 •91 2'O4 2 84 2 493 4'35 37i 2-63 3'43 1-17 2'4I 8-20 8-02 IO'22 576 9'22 7-17 6l8-I5 6-46 221 46 298 S4S 817 1,088 631 l7 14 20 78>35o "528 "87 44 785 925 4,811 639 1 Total 30 Less recoTerab ... I le mi] 279,873 I .eage & ex] 72,108 34,684 14.434 386,665 14,434 62,48 1 i 409 3,132 4,383 216 3,i8i 12,591 853 994 272 •13 1-97 2-99 7 -8i "S3 7-28 •62 3, 647 " General charge 20,250 372,231 !S ... ... ... ... I i tal 20,250 372,231 -. ... - ■■• 12,732 97* ... - ... ... 7-90 •06*







j C 2 15 16,129 J,954 D 1 15 10,690 1,262 Total 3 ... 26,819 3>2I 6 2,191 2,191 18,083 14,143 2,481 683 74 1 215 433 20 124 279 856 574 -27 1-65 370 ; 1,912 519 72 i 208 57 16 95 226 394 -97 -27 i'6i 3'°4 4,393 1,202 146 j 423 490 36 219 505 1,250 3-65 -27 ; 1-63 376 9£* 11-36 6 6g 166 361 32,226 9'3i ■68* * Miscellaneous charges.

3 i IS iS 13,240 38,738 2,337 3,i97 623 16,200 28,695 44.895 Cwt. 2,470 4,325 6,795 qt. 660 847 lb. 172 247 lb. 255 512 £ 335 175 £ 21 30 £ 120 210 £ 317 466 £ 793 881 4'958 1-462 •316 •248 1778 1'756 4702 3'897 "■754 7'363 271 32: Total — 4 5-534 623 1,507 419 767 510 51 330 783 1 1,674 2723 •272 1764 4-188 8-947 ■58* 59:

Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. ■ Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. "So o o ■si 03 u Detail. | Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Wages and Stores. Fuel. Wages. Materials. a Trai n. Shunting. Ballast. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages ! Stores. I Fuel. Wages. rials. I Total. Total. E 3 I 12 12 19,108 8,649 33.627 4,039 52.735 12,688 8,268 1,286 791 689 510 57 207 1,012 2,050 29O 197 186 221 II SO 254 10,318 1,576 988 875 731 68 257 1,266 1,781 536 2*32 4-12 2'67 •26 '22 •94 ■94 4'6i 474 8-II I0'02 8-49 673 131 804 Total 4 2.317 •25 •94 4'63 ... 27»757 37,666 65,423

C ¥ 6 15 15 15 15 15 1,721 4,945 14,094 5,785 3,854 5.571 1,171 4,029 1,899 7.546 4,799 601 12,091 6,717 i8,i2 3 7,702 11=495 56,128 I 3^33 2,035 1,021 439 1,080 608 966 85 329 18 143 97 345 77 210 88 300 365 i,3 27 33 209 26 1 21 12 86 42 102 56 82 194 : 333 183 ! 443 436 ! 585 254 I 333 315 I 452 - ■65 7'47 ■34 ■35 •72 •38 ■32 •28 •36 ■47 i 171 i'5 i'34 3-84 6'53 577 7-92 6-56 6-6i 15-82 774 10-39 9-41 28, IK 28; i7< 2518 11 35 95 20 Total 82 368 1,382 i 2,146 357*i i-34 •34 i'57 5'9 9-17 1-52* 30 ... 30,399 20,216 5.513 13.344 4,114 314 1,10




A C a K L M O Q T 6 575 18 6,137 18 92,121 70,946 34,"3 40,861 201,714 18,484 14,976 2,847 24,499 14,325 I3>999 12,036 4,042 3 I>974 5.527 15,553 3 I 6,650 4,4O5 20,477 105,307 5,059 178,730 36,940 3,900 14,288 32,490 65,669 34,109 5,493 47,945 23.138 64,984 795 539 2,002 7,393 616 201 69 297 146 i,344 321 80 123 4i5 387 320 58 459 154 490 6,395 553 377 983 4,607 323 5,448 1,698 196 600 i,376 i,355 964 261 476 1,661 1,271 175 1,441 4,840 900 5,837 i,477 247 690 962 513 176 1,792 I.53 1 1.999 24,985 37 24 92 33 1 28 393 121 l3 60 96 97 73 20 104 40 145 • 334 195 821 3,407 245 5,44i i,597 86 682 1,500 1,063 181 1,065 563 i,994 i,423 676 1,986 8,742 666 3,065 1,070 4,340 17,320 1,839 18,763 5,232 598 2,515 4,369 4,52i 2,8lO 721 5,149 2,748 6,388 81,448 1,407 4-27 1-05 2'55 2-17 6'i7 2-63 2'19 3'73 2-39 1-63 2'34 1'54 177 3-22 9-11 2-51 2-58 ■12 •16 ■15 •18 I'I2 ri6 1'45 i'53 r68 2-45 2'37 1-30 2-36 2-67 310 3': 9 r8 2 477 4'03 3'52 3-92 4'57 3'2O 3'03 3-80 376 2^96 37o 3-48 3'46 3'93 3-66 2-83 IO'28 63S 7-68 777 I2'6l 8-46 777 9'O2 872 7-42 9'34 842 7'25 9"25 16-36 8-02 911 538 1,583 6,460 59 6 4,7 27 1,505 230 623 1,009 1,216 884 252 1,468 442 i,442 7 2 18 32 4 23 8 1 4 6 6 20 314,370 20 15,698 25 430,398 35 145,143 20 11,441 20 44,485 35 126,745 18 98,474 18 67,811 35 I9,5o6 20 101,038 18 31,060 25 174,870 575 92,121 314,370 15,698 43O>398 145,143 11,44: 44,485 126,745 98,474 67,811 19,506 101,038 31,060 174,870 ... 2,616 18,480 796 42,369 : 1,362 1,611 224 ; 63 3,624 238 296 527 3,719 625 40,250 I35.598 534>564 34,978 532,138 161,481 15,899 69,208 141,133 116,097 80,085 23,844 133,539 40,306 191,048 8,793 286 i,432 2,037 i,545 444 2,205 946 3.139 1 2,037 252 1,083 i,744 1,790 1,161 344 2,188 614 2,250 34,048 •19 '21 •16 •20 j '21 ! •20 7 2 6 6 8 •19 •24 •18 1-91 I 3'35 2'5° -—! 8-41 ■06 Total Cr. by ret 140 < ... 1,679,872' le mileage & exj 565,267 enditure 76,553 22,298 .2,321,692 22,298 1 649,584 36,955 22,295 1,674 20,741 -I 7 2-14 3'52 2 3 ,88( General c es ... 54,255 I 2,299,394 80,041 12,988 8-35 1'35 :hargi ... 1 ! 1 Total 54.255 2,299,394 93,029 970 Fifteen engines added to stock, three Class J and one Class C removed.


RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Repairs executed to Rolling-stock and Tarpaulins for Year ending 31st March, 1888.

RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1888.


Description. Number. Description. Number. Engines : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Heavy „ (running shed) Undergoing repairs, &c. Erected (new) }* 9 21 4 HOESE-BOXES AND WaGONS : — Erected (new or manufactured) Kebuilt ... Thoroughly overhauled ... ... "^ General repairs ... ... ... ) Converted 109 22 2,449 6 Total 112 Total 2,586 Oaeeiases :— Thoroughly overhauled General repairs ... ... Light repairs Converted Erected (new) (418 Paint-wokic :— Engines, painted or Tarnished Carriages „ „ Brake-vans „ „ Horse-boxes, &e. „ Engines, paint renewed Carriages Brake-vans Horse-boxes, &c. ... 56 74 8 323 13 67 69 1.38S 4 9 Total 431 BEAKE-VANS : — Converted Manufactured . Rebuilt.... General repairs Thoroughly overhauled Total 1.995 6 hi 181 Taepaulins : — New (manufactured) Thoroughly repaired New (manufactured to replace condemned ones) 123 4.OS4 231 4,408 Total Total

Mine. 188J-88. l886-8{. Increase. Decrease. Austin, J., Sheffield Springfield Coal Company, Springfield Hartley Coal Company, Whiteeliffs Fergusson, Whitecliffa Abrahams, F. L., Whiteeliffs Burkett, Whitecliffs Smart and G-undry, Whitccliffs Bayliss and Co., Whitecliffs Leeming, Whitecliffs Mollraith, J., G-lentumiel Studholme, W., Waimate Wright, E. B 1., Mount Somera Herbert Shag Point Kurow Papakaio Ngapara Walton Park ... Fernhill Green Island Freeman's Bushey Castle Hill Company Milton Mackie and Cormaek's Lovell's Flat ... Kaitangata Kelson's, Benhar Conical Hills ... F. M. Dawson, Pukerau ... Mapp and McKenzie, Pukerau G ore ... Waimea Dodd and Graham, Fairfax MoDonall, Fairfax Kightcaps Orepuki Hokonui Coal Company, Winton ... Tons. 86 S 1,029 82 6 26 11 Tons. 919 2,243 2,080 Tons. Tons. 54 1,214 1,998 6 26 11 1,226 1,672 1,303 iS 7,254 16 18 5° ",S95 7,944 5,5S5 10,721 112 2,113 303 898 1,699 40 438 5 9,475 123 9 26 14,461 5,459 5,554 11,222 954 328 "865 10 2,113 27 40 2,221 107 9 24 2,866 2,485 31 Soi 143 37 7i 5 51,381 1.777 830 765 8 112 M3 28 9 49,248 2,474 S85 868 71 5 2,133 697 245 103 8 8 18 16 8,706 406 1,649 4 12 67 4 4 49 10,458 868 16 i,752 462 1,649 Totals 116,607 121,660 9, 159 14,212



RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1888.

RETURN No. 27. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1888, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

Port. 1886-8J. 1887-88. Increase. Decrease. •iSCHAK&ED : — Ly ttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff No. 35! 33 2 3 29 69 270 No. 1,485 321 302 357 33 270 No. Ho. 34 30 30 28 3i Totals 2,870 2,773 28 125 ;OADED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff 1,388 347 312 327 4 262 1,432 320 296 359 6 265 44 27 i6 32 2 3 Totals 2,640 2,678 81 43

Line of Railway. Mai: Single. Main Line. I in Line. Sidings. Branches. Total j Railway. Double. Main Line. Branches. I Sidings. Total. Total Equivalent of Single Track. Christchueoh Division : — Main Line ... Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's Southbridge and Little River Branches Springfield and Whitecliffa Branches Mount Somers Branch .Albury Branch Waimate Branch Raltaia and Ashburton-Forka Branch Waimate Gorge Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. ch. 6 28 M. ch. M. ch. 218 5 M. ch. 60 78 M. ch. M. ch. 60 78 M. ch. 279 3 58 12 53 57 4 35 48 7 S 21 S3 28 42 26 4 73 47 19 23 28 36 13 4 46 22 20 1 8 2 43 1 4 2 43 24 36 38 56 5 So 24 63 8 21 238 58 o 54 22 41 8 75 Totals, Christehurch Division 211 57 6 28 238 58 456 63 60 78 22 41 83 39 540 22 Dunedin Division : — Main Line .. . Pulseuri-Duntroon Branch Duntroon-Hakatoramea Branch Oamaru-Breakwater Branch ... Ngapara and Livingston Branches Shag Point Branch ... Wailiemo Branch Port Chalmers Bi'anch Walton Park Brunch... Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapaimi Branch 190 65 22 3 IS 38 0 63 26 72 2 11 8 SS 1 27 2 49 9 ° 22 o 7 76 20 4 190 65 44 66 1 35 1 15 0 23 1 7 6 o 10 o S7 3 40 o 52 0 65 1 79 o 50 2 8 44 66 235 S 1 23 38 16 53 1 6 28 68 2 21 9 32 4 67 3 21 9 65 23 79 8 46 22 12 i 3 8'" 7 8 IS 3° Totals, Dunedin Division ... 44 66 60 16 389 79 190 65 138 78 329 63 15 30 INVEKCAB&ILL DIVISION : — Main Line ... Waimea Plains Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Kingston Branch Makarewa-Orepuki Branch Thornbury-Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branch Lumsden-Mararoa Branch S7 9 36 40 3 73 11 25 87 o 35 52 24 Si S7 9 14 36 1 37 o 43 o 56 5 17 4 S 2 34 14 6 7i 45 37 77 4 36 12 1 92 17 39 57 27 S 10 41 209 42 1 o iS 32 11 41 Totals, Invercargill Division 57 9 209 42 266 51 H 36 15 32 29 68 296 39 1226 60 Grand Totals—Whole Line 6 28 587 18 1053 17 120 20 S3 23 173 43 459 5i



RETURN No. 28. COMPARING the Classified Expenditure for Maintenance on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway for Ten Years, 1878 to 1888, showing Rates per Mile per Annum for each Classification in each Division.

Years. A 1.—Track A 2. —Track Surfacing. Renewals. A 3.—Bal- A 4.—Banks, lasting. Cuttings, &c. A. 5—Bridges, Culverts, &c. A 6.—Fences, Gates, &c. A 7.—Road Approaches, &c. A 8.—Water Services, &c. A 9.Wharves. A 10.— Buildings. Total Main- A 11.— Mistenance. cellaneous. Total Expenditure. Mileage maintained. Christchurch Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 Duncdin Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 Invercargill Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 Whole Line, Hiirunui-Bluff — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 £ 73-06 72'O2 59'93 5876 6o'o6 6i-88 62-01 60-97 59'54 30-55 3575 29-77 40-82 40-56 42'12 44-O7 26-39 I4-56 £ 5-07 6'24 8-32 4-03 3-12 4-03 1-82 8-97 16-25 6-76 3'9° 2-34 2-86 2"34 1-69 1-82 2'34 £ 33-28 23-01 10-40 Jo-53 I4-43 22'I0 I5-6O I3-52 I56O 18-72 £ g-io 3-64 5-46 6-24 10-27 ii-i8 •8-71 8-97 7-41 7-28 £ 1-30 4-55 i-56 1-69 2-08 1-82 r95 2-08 1-69 2-08 £ 4-29 273 3'64 5'59 4-81 4-68 4-42 3-Si 3^5 £ •00 '00 •00 '00 ■00 •00 ■00 •00 •13 ■00 £ 13-00 8-32 9-23 9-62 "■57 12-48 I2'6l 10-14 13-00 £ 180-70 174-07 134-16 132-34 148-72 163-41 168-87 150-80 130-65 123-50 £ 21-97 26-65 9-23 4'94 6-89 10-40 9-23 6-89 11-31 18-59 £ 202-67 200-72 I43-39 137-28 !55-6i 173-81 178-10 157-69 141-96 142-09 Miles. 310 312 33O 334 352 373 383 404 449 450 1-43 2-99 273 93-08 110-89 79'95 69'SS 72-71 8o-6o 76-44 76-18 71-76 79'43 49-66 62-53 46-41 52-52 69-81 70-46 40-82 33-54 22-23 10-53 23-40 1690 IC27 I3-52 14-30 8-97 1092 5'07 6-89 9"io 22-36 21-84 16-77 16-38 13-52 26-52 15-60 20'02 I9'5O 16-77 I5-73 I4-95 16-25 I 5 -86 13-26 I2'6l 4-94 5-98 io'66 10-53 24-83 22-49 I9-37 I9-37 I5-47 13-26 i'95 2-34 2-60 2'73 5'59 2'73 1-69 2-86 1-69 1-82 3' 64 4'SS 5'59 3'9° 3-38 3-38 1-82 2-47 ■91 ■13 2-73 78 ■39 •78 •39 1'43 ■00 •26 6-24 5-85 5-98 "■57 21-15 11-05 10-27 14-43 1066 8-71 227-89 241-93 223-60 185-25 228'02 235-95 226-33 198-77 183-17 I55'22 7-02 !5'47 17-81 871 6-50 6-63 16-25 4-16 468 5-46 234-9 1 257-40 241-41 193-96 234-52 242-58 242-58 202-93 187-85 16068 252 265 265 290 282 282 286 293 318 326 i'43 i-43 55-5I 58-63 47-58 42-77 47-45 57-59 52-00 53-56 49-27 13-26 I5-73 9-49 22-62 26'oo 28-21 11-96 14-30 6-50 8-58 8-58 4-81 15-08 8-97 5-07 1-56 2I'O6 I2'3S 7-54 9-75 5-98 377 5-98 871 585 9-10 10-53 6-24 6-89 11-96 8-97 11-44 10-40 8-71 1092 7-i5 ' -9 1 2-08 1-82 273 4-68 6-76 6'24 6-76 2-86 3-12 78 1-30 1-04 2'2I I- 5 6 2'2I 2-47 •91 ■65 78 1-56 377 4'5S 2-08 2-47 2-47 1 -30 1-56 •00 •00 •13 ■13 "00 '!3 ■00 •26 •00 •00 i'43 1-69 4-16 780 1079 7"93 5-20 5'33 4-42 116-61 H3'io 8671 II2- 32 118-56 129-09 I4I-7O iii-8o 94-38 80-34 9'10 7-67 2-60 2-60 3-38 3-77 3-64 4-42 2-08 325 125-71 12077 89-31 114-92 121-94 132-86 I45-34 Il6'22 IO3-74 83-59 144 173 173 176 191 198 200 208 257 262 39'39 14-69 1287 7-6 7 76-57 82-68 64-09 56-16 61-36 66-30 64-3S 64-74 6253 59-67 44-46 36-01 36-53 38-87 48-10 58-50 36-27 25-22 1521 8-45 14-17 10-92 7-28 7'93 7'54 775 6-24 4-16 3'77 11-70 !7'5S I2'22 8-45 8-19 7-54 8-71 7-i5 10-53 8 19 23-92 17-94 11-83 12-74 I3-39 16-90 14-56 I3'65 I39 1 5-85 4-16 6'37 7-02 14-04 11-70 11-83 871 8-19 1'43 2'99 1-82 2*21 3'25 1 "95 2-34 1 "43 i-43 3'64 2'6o 273 5'33 3-90 377 3'64 2-47 2-47 •26 ■00 1-14 •39 ■13 '39 •13 ■52 ■00 ■13 8-19 5-98 6-89 9-88 14-30 13-00 io'66 11-44 9.10 9-49 184-47 184-08 I54H4 147-03 169-26 179-53 181-48 I57-3O 137-80 122-46 14-04 18-33 io-66 5-85 5-98 9-67 10-14 5H6 7'02 io'66 198-51 202-41 l65'IO 152-88 I75-24 187-20 191-62 162-76 14664 i33' 12 706 750 768 800 825 853 869 9O5 1,024 1,038


RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. SHOWING Comparative Average Rates per Mile per Four Weeks of Classified Expenditure of Maintenance Department on each Division and Whole Line, Hurunui -Bluff and Branches, for Financial Year ending 31st March, 1888.


Classification. Divisions. Mileage. A 4 . Banks, Cuttings, As. Bridges, Culverts, &c. A,. Roads, Approaches, A8. Water Services, &c. 1 Ar. Surfacing. As. Renewals. A3Ballasting. A6. Fences, Gates, &c. Ao. Wharves. A Total An. Miscellaneous. Total Expenditure. }hristchurch Division —Main Line Bangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's ... Southbridge and Little Biver B ranches ... Springfield and Whiteeliffs Branches Mount Somers Branch Albury B ranch Bakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch 216 48 22 8 57 2 37i 3-61 277 3-68 2'93 2-88 i-6i •91 ■99 •62 '10 '49 •56 •oi •28 •02 ■01 •20 ■00 •00 74 '22 •14 ■34 •07 '01 'II ■44 "59 •25 ■36 •00 •47 ■93 "49 ■04 ■00 •26 ■10 •09 ■03 "01 "44 •04 •16 •04 •02 •09 •04 ■00 ■01 •00 ■00 •00 •00 •00 ■00 •00 172 ■12 •42 "II •95 •07 "375 5'97 6-86 3'27 SSi 4'5° 473 279 •09 '20 •03 ■37 •16 ■62 '00 6-o6 7-06 570 3'64 5-12 473 ■OO •42 •10 ■02 •04 ■03 •00 "IO Total, Christchurch Division 45° 4-S3 I'I2 '21 •l8 1 -44 •56 ■16 •25 9'5O 1'43 10-93 ■00 I'OO iunedin Division —Main Line Pukeuri-Duntroon B ranch Duntroon-Hakateramea Branch Ngapara and Livingstone Branches Waihemo Branch Walton Park Branch ... Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch I9S 22 1 Si 23 2a 9 22 8 6-30 3'3t 2'9S 5-26 4-90 3'46 3'94 2'Ip •23 •43 '21 27S 2-51 ■36 •70 72 ■00 1-05 •09 •08 ■02 •07 •01 176 •00 74 '45 ■is •40 73 ■44 ■21 •26 I-33 •10 ''3 •06 i'37 •25 •56 •67 ■19 1-25 •28 ■41 •18 ■23 i'45 •91 2'34 •06 ■36 ■16 •02 •01 ■00 •02 'IS ■03 •04 ■00 •07 •28 •04 "12 •09 •03 "oo •03 •03 •00 '01 ■04 •00 •00 •00 ■00 ■00 •00 "oo ■00 •00 '93 ■01 ■14 75 ■10 ■00 ■31 •18 "02 HI 14-96 4'99 854 7-48 383 11'40 896 II'OI 479 6-6 S •69 •00 'OS ■05 ■01 ■00 -I 7 '00 •00 •04 4'99 8-59 7'53 3'84 1 1'40 II'OI 479 6-69 ■01 20 Total, Dunedin Division ... 326 5'52 171 'S3 I'2O ■97 ro2 ■11 •19 ■02 ■67 11-94 •42 12-36 ivercargill Division —Main Line Waimea Plains Branch Seaward Bush Branch Makarewa-Orepuki arid Thornbury-Wairio and Nightcaps Branches IS8 37 60 3"S3 2-57 2'04 4-O2 •64 •07 •19 ■16 •09 ■02 ■04 ■71 •46 "47 •86 •58 '12 ■17 78 •24 •13 •04 ■33 ■07 •02 ■13 •02 'IS ■02 •00 ■01 •00 '35 ■32 '02 •36 6-44 4-86 2^96 6-69 ■25 ■03 •IS "39 6-69 4-89 3-11 7-08 •00 •00 •09 Total, Invercargill Division 262 3'47 ■59 ■12 70 •55 ■24 •OS •12 ■00 ■34 6-18 ■25 6'43 Whole Line ... 1,038 •63 4'59 1-17 •29 1-07 •63 '1 1 ■19 •01 73 9-42 •82 I0'24



RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Cost of Maintenance of Various Sections of Main Line and Branches.

Mileage. Average for Fourweekly Period on Reduced Mileage. Rate per Mile per Annum. Line of Railway. Actual Mileage. I Reduced Mileage. Expenditure for Year ending 31st March, 1888. Expenditure. Rate per Mile. Dhmstchubch Division : — Main Line Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's Soulhbridge and Little River Brandies Springfield and Whitecliffs ,, Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch ... Kakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch ... M. ch. Ik. 216 23 29 53 56 49 48 6 84 42 26 36 23 27 40 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 M. oil. Ik. 216 23 29 53 56 49 48 6 84 42 26 36 23 27 40 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 £ s. d. 46,436 2 1 4,254 11 10 4,379 9 2 3,150 o 4 1,in 5 9 2,654 14 10 1,466 3 4 492 3 11 £ 3,572 327 337 242 85 204 "3 38 £ 16-54 6-o6 7'o6 5'7O 3'64 5-6 7 5-12 473 £ 215-02 78-78 9178 74-10 47'32 737i 66-56 61-49 Total Christchureh Division 450 34 48 450 34 48 63.944 11 3 4,918 10-93 142-09 Duitedin Division -. — Main Line Pakoari-Duntroon Branch I)untroon-Hakateramea Branch iSTgapara and Livingston Branches ... Waihemo Branch Walton Park Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch 195 5 7 6 22 2 86 15 37 64 26 72 13 8 55 o 2 49 20 9 o 24 22 o 34 7 7<5 1 20 3 77 195 5 7 6 22 2 86 15 37 64 22 58 34 8 55 o 2 49 20 9 o 24 22 o 34 7 76 1 20 3 77 39,685 2 1 1,427 1 1 1,730 16 7 2,213 I2 6 449 ° 4 370 12 6 1,068 7 11 3.H7 19 4 498 on 1,740 12 10 3,052 no 133 170 35 29 82 242 38 134 15-65 4'99 8-59 7'53 3-84 11-40 9'i3 II'OI 4'79 6-69 203-45 64-87 111-67 97-89 49-92 148-20 118-69 143' 13 62-27 86-97 Total Dunedin Division ... 329 62 95 3 25 49 16 52,331 6 1 4,025 12-36 i6o-68 Invercakohi/i Division : — Main Line Wairaea Plains Line Seaward Bush Branch Makarewa, Orepuki, Thornbury-Wairio, and Nightcaps Branches 158 42 45 36 40 71 11 24 76 60 23 9 i5 8 42 45 36 40 71 6 68 37 60 23 9 I3>748 17 S 2,35i 2 5 288 19 1 5,5i9 7 I0 1,058 181 6-69 4-89 3-11 7-08 86-97 <53'57 40'43 92-04 22 424 Total Invercargill Division 266 51 1 262 14 62 21,908 6 9 1,685 6-43 83'S9 Grand Total 1,046 68 44 1,038 18 26 138,184 4 I 10,628 10-23 132-99



RETURN No. 31. Statement of Alterations effected in and Additions made to the Scale of Charges during the Year ending 31st March, 1888. PART I.—PASSENGERS. Eailway employes' tickets : Regulations amended. Season-ticket rates : Adjusted for four-mile distances. Teachers' Saturday ticket regulation extended. New regulation regarding athletic teams. Local Fares and Regulations. Whangarei Section. Uniform fares adopted between all stations. Auckland Section. Removal of through fares to Kaipara ports. Revision of suburban fares. PART lI.—LUGGAGE, PARCELS, HORSES, ETC. Left luggage : New storage regulations. Milk rates reduced for long distances. Cheese and butter factories' rates made applicable to creameries. PART lII.—GOODS. Classified Bates. Class D : Rates reduced after 150 miles. Class E : Rates lowered after 250 miles. REGULATIONS. Class F Goods : Reduction in rates for small quantities. Class H : Rates lowered for scoured wool in bales not exceeding 2fcwt. Class K : Method of dealing with odd feet over a hundred altered. Class L : New regulation about firewood in double-bogie trucks. Wanganui and West Coast Jubilee Exhibition, Manawatu and West Coast Industrial Exhibition, Patea Industrial Exhibition, and Centennial International Exhibition (Melbourne): Regulations provided for free conveyance of exhibits. Class M : Amended regulation about drovers in charge of stock. Ores consigned for testing purposes at Glasgow Exhibition : Free carriage gazetted. PART IV.—LOCAL RATES. Kawahawa Section. Coal rate reduced from Kawakawa mine to port for shipment. Whangarei Section. Adoption of uniform rate for all goods of Classes A, B, C, D, E. Auckland Section. A, B, C, and D goods ex ship at Onehunga to ship at Auckland: Local rate gazetted. Native brown coals, &e.: Meremere rates removed; rates established from Kimihia and Miranda Sidings. Reduction of minimum charge for copra, &c, Auckland to Westfield, and for oil-soap, &c, Westfield to Auckland. Skidding kauri logs at Auckland: Charge lowered. Kauri logs at Helensville : Labour rate reduced. Local rate established for milk between Auckland and suburban stations. Wool, Te Aroha Branch stations to Auckland : New rate. Fresh fruit, Helensville to Auckland : Special rate adopted. Preserved fish ex ship at Helensville to ship at Auckland : New rate. Alteration in rates on sawn and log timber from Kaipara line to Auckland, Onehunga Wharf, and Mount Eden. Native coal, Huntly to Te Aroha : Local rate. Local rate put in force for imported coal, Auckland to Onehunga. Kimihia Siding: Additional charge to ordinary rates for minerals consigned from the siding. Bar-iron, &c, Onehunga to Auckland: Local rate. Dead meat and tallow, Westfield to private sidings at Auckland : Local rate inserted. Timber, Putaruru and Lichfield to Auckland : Special rate provided. Grain, Onehunga to Auckland: Local rate fixed, to include all charges except loading. 9—D. la.



Napier Section. Bed-pine for foreign export : Reduced rates of carriage for long distances. Local firewood rates to Napier and Spit extended. Class M : Through rates for sheep to Petone. Cement, Napier and Spit to "Woodville: Chargeable Class D rates. Soap, Awatoto to Napier and Spit: New rate. Cheese from cheese factories : New regulation. Butter for export in lOcwt. lots to be charged Class D rates. Wellington Section. Coal, Wellington to Petone : Local rate. Red-pine for foreign export: Rates reduced for long distances. Class L to Wellington : Local rate gazetted. Butter for export in lOcwt. lots to be charged Class D rates. Wanganui Section. Wool, Carnarvon to Foxton: Local rate. Butter for export in lOcwt. lots to be charged Class D rates. Bridge-ironwork and cement, Foxton to Palmerston and Terrace End : New rate. Reduction of through sheep and cattle rates to Wellington, &c. Picton Section. Native coal ex ship, Picton to Blenheim : Local rate put in force. Wool rate, Blenheim to Picton: Minimum load per truck fixed. Local rate for tallow for shipment. Special storage rates for grain at Blenheim. Greymouth Section. Native coal rate from mines to port inserted. Removal of special shunting-charge between Greymouth station-yard and foundry. Receiving and delivering ships' ballast: Minimum lowered. Clay and bricks, Brunnerton sidings to Greymouth: Local rate inserted. Alteration in rate for exported coke. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Cartage charge introduced at Kaiapoi and Rangiora. New ships'-goods rate for Classes A, B, C, and D between Timaru and Oamaru. Local rates for colonially-made cement, Walton Park to Dunedin, Pelichet Bay, and Oamaru Breakwater. Clay, Buxton's to Invercargill: Included at brick rate. Coal, Mount Somers to Tinwald: Local rate established. A, B, C, and D goods: Extra Id. per ton imposed on Lumsden-Mararoa, Livingston, and Catlin's River Branches. Empty iron tanks on port lines : Regulation aboui charging at half-measurement rates cancelled. Reductions in wool rates to Dunedin, Port Chalmers, Timaru, Oamaru, and Breakwater. Waimate District Railway : Undumped w tool rate reduced. A, B, C, and D goods between Christchurch and Southbrook: New rate. Lyttelton Station : Grain storage regulation altered. Fat to Dunedin : West Plains rate cancelled, and made applicable to Wallacetown. Dunedin to Invercargill A, B, C, and D goods rates to apply Invercargill to Dunedin. Oil, soap, &c, Burnside to Dunedin : New rate. Classes K, N, and P : Extra charge levied on Livingston Branch. Timber from Southland mills : Local rate extended to Temuka. Empty casks, Woodefid to Dunedin : Special rate. Waimea Plaias District Railway : Rate inserted for double-dumped wool. Reduction in undumped wool rates to Invercargill and Bluff. Revision of coal rates from Springfield and Malvern mines. Coal to Caversham: Dunedin rates from southern mines made applicable to Cavershain. Native coal from mines in Walton Park District to Abbotsford, &c.: Local rate. New shunting charge for coal, Jetty Street Wharf, Dunedin, to Pelichet Bay. PAET V.—CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. Hemoved. —American, woodenware, buckets, tubs, &c. ... ... ... ... ... A Biscuits, in tins and cases, beyond 140 miles (minimum rate as Class A, for 140 miles). —Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... B Blasting-gelatine. Double rate. —Owners' risk. Dangerous ... ... A Bleach soda-ash, packed, consigned to paper-mills.—Owners' risk ... D Buckets, w00d... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Butter, packed, consigned to ship for export, in consignments of not less than lOcwt. ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ... D Cement-casks, empty, not "returned empties." Half rate ... ... A Charcoal, crushed.—Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... N Chocolate, packed, beyond 140 miles ... ... ... ~, B



Clay scouring-bricks, Native produce.—Owners'risk... ... ... ... P Coal-cinders. —Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... P Cocoa, packed, beyond 140 miles ... ... ... ... ... ... B Cocoanuts, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... C Confectionery, packed, beyond 140 miles ... ... ... ... ... B Earthenware, native, packed, consigned direct from local factories, in quantities under 30cwt. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Flour-bags, in bags or bales ... ... ... ... ... ... D Fruit, New Zealand grown, fresh, packed. Eate and a half ... ... ... B Grain, poisoned... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Grass, brushmakers'.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... D Honey, extracted, packed, locally produced.—Owners' risk ... ... ... C Honey, extracted, for export, in consignments of not less than lOcwt.—Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Honey tins, kegs, cases, and casks, empty, not "returned empties." Half rate... A Iron strainers, for fencing ... ... ... ... ... ... D Milk, preserved, packed, consigned direct from local factories, in consignments of not less than lOcwt ... ... ... ... ... ... B Onions (not to exceed Class D rate). Eate and a half ... ... ... B Oysters and other shell-fish, 2-ton lots and over. Half rates. Owners'risk ... C Pipeclay, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Removed.—Ro^e, old, for paper-making. ... ... ... ... ... ... D Scheelite.—Owners'risk... ... ... ... ... ... ... N Soda, caustic, packed, consigned to paper-mills.—Owners' risk ... ... D Tanks, iron, empty, up to 400 gallons. Minimum charge, 2s. 6d. each.—Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Tanks, iron, empty, over 400 gallons. Minimum charge, 2s. 6d. each. Eate and a half ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Tea, packed, beyond 140 miles ... ... ... ... ... ... B Tobacco-leaf, in bags.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... E Tubs, wooden ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Venetian red, packed, consigned to paper-mills.—Owners' risk ... ... D Woodenware, buckets, tubs, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... A PABT VI.—WHAEVBS. Auckland Section. Helensville Wharf: Eeduction of minimum wharfage charge. Wanganui Section. Foxton Wharf: Eate on four-wheeled vehicles altered. Greymouth Section. Greymouth Wharf: Eevision of wharfage rates. Westport Section. Westport Wharf: Alteration of tonnage dues. Wharfage rates on sheep lowered. Picton Section. Picton Wharf: Tonnage dues gazetted. New rate for empties. Minimum wharfage charge fixed. lAjjproximute Cost of Paper, —Preparation, nil; printing (1,075 copies), £79 15s.]

Autliorit}': Gboege Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB.


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ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, D-01a

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ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, D-01a

ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, D-01a

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