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Laid on the Table by the Hon. Mr. Mitchelson, with leave of the House, and ordered to be printed.

The General Manager, New Zealand Eailways, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Wokks. Sir,— I have the honour to report upon the opened railways for the financial year ending the 31st March, 1888. At the end of the year there were 1,758 miles of line open, against 1,727 miles in the previous year. Interest at the rate of £2 6s. per cent, has been earned on the cost of the opened lines, which is the same as for the previous year. The expenditure has been reduced to £687,328, being nearly £3,000 lower than it was four years ago, and nearly £12,000 lower than in the previous year. Very stringent economy has been exercised to effect this, as there are nearly 300 miles more railway than in 1885. The means which have operated to allow of this economy have been chiefly the work of previous years —improved appliances introduced, saving labour in the shops; better engines introduced to take heavier loads, effecting savings of labour thereby; improvements in the roads due to better rails, sleepers, drainage, and a more permanent condition of the bridges gradually effected under maintenance; improvements in the locomotives, leading to diminished consumption of fuel; and finally the close head-office scrutiny exercised, and the intelligent and close application of the local officers. On the average we are able to work with nearly 200 less hands than was the case in 1884-85. It is to be regretted that the traffic has remained practically stationary since last year: this is largely due to a late harvest, and to grain being held for more favourable sea-freights. While the tonnage is slightly lower the traffic work done is slightly greater than in the former year, the average distance traffic has been carried being greater. The wool traffic shows a moderate increase. The fact that the live-stock traffic has not much increased is probably due to the fact that the export of mutton has curtailed the increase of flocks. The nett revenue has slightly increased. The gross revenue is lower than in the previous year. It is £50,000 below that of four years ago : this is mainly due to the numerous and large reductions which have been made in rates and charges during the past five years, the effect of which in reducing the revenue has doubtless been generally anticipated. It is to be borne in mind that the changes have nearly all been in favour of local products, so that producers have been benefitted. Eeturn 31 shows the alterations in rates made during the year. Following are the comparisons of traffic revenue and expenses for the past nine years :—

and also of the traffic in local products during a similar period :— Wool. Timber. Grain. Minerals. J*S e> J*^ Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1879-80 ... 41,895 149,428 240,144 321,060 30,393 260,816 1880-81 ... 42,387 169,695 421,142 406,266 27,230 280,683 1881-82 ... 44,681 192,905 375,725 433,659 32,511 319,837 1882-83 ... 51,703 197,231 367,428 510,088 37,455 449,470 1883-84 ... 62,066 183,449 432,223 574,312 39,230 656,612 1884-85 ... 68,523 178,909 414,590 618,512 43,096 696,790 1885-86 ... 74,778 202,572 413,847 669,081 46,152 822,028 1886-87 ... 82,963 175,581 345,254 719,579 46,600 904,582 1887-88 ... 84,147 158,024 358,021 700,140 42,067 907,443 I—D. IA.

Year. Miles. lievcnuo. Expenditure. Tonnage. Parcels, &c. Cattle, Sheep, &c. Passengers. Season-tickets. 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 1,172 1,277 1,319 1,358 1,396 1,477 1,613 1,727 1,758 £ 762,573 836,454 892,020 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 & 580,030 521,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 1,108,108 1,377,783 1,437,714 1,504,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 1,735,762 No. 180,331 286,805 316,611 341,186 359,896 347,425 349,428 372,397 399,109 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,075 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,£44 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,451,850 No. 5,077 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,030 8,999 10,717 11,821 11,518