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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 16th May, 1888. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return giving (1) the names of all persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who aro drawing pensions from the Government of the colony; (2) the amount of such pensions; (3) the date when such pensions were granted; and (i) for what services such pensions are being paid."—(Mr. Tayloii.)

Return showing (1) the Names of all Persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who are drawing Pensions from the Government of the Colony; (2) the Amount of such Pensions; (3) the Date when such Pensions were granted; (4) for what Services such Pensions are being paid; (5) Age at Time of Retirement; (6) Salary at Time of Retirement; and (7) Length of Service.

1888. NEW ZEALAND. PENSIONS PAID BY THE COLONY (LIST OF). Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 16th May, 1888. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return giving (1) the names of all persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who are drawing pensions from the Government of the colony; (2) the amount of such pensions; (3) the date when such pensions were granted; and (4) for what services such pensions are being paid."—(Mr. Taylob.) Ketuen showing (1) the Names of all Persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who are drawing Pensions from the Government of the Colony; (2) the Amount of such Pensions; (3) the Date when such Pensions were granted; (4) for what Services such Pensions are being paid; (5) Age at Time of Eetirement; (6) Salary at Time of Betirement; and (7) Length of Service. Name. 1 Amount j Date when p h t Sel . vioes guoh Pension Ag0 a* f Time °fl2nnZ Peri 'Iran™ is being paid. Betir °Lnt. 1 1 ' Salary Length at Time of ol Retirement. Service. 6 7 The Civil S: device Acts, 1858 to 1866. i & s. d. 26 0 0 1 Aug., 1881 Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court Customs and Justice Years. 61 £ 160 Years. 12 Arrow, H. Aubroy, H, E. 223 0 8 1 Nov., 1880 62 Justice,£125; fees, £200 550 450 32 Austin, A. D. Baddaley, H. C. S... 247 10 0 225 0 0 1 Oct., 1887 12 Jan., 1888 Engineer Resident Magistrate, Ashburton Resident Magistrate, Wairoa Customs Resident Magistrate, Auckland Chief Postmaster, Oamaru .. Clerk, Treasury .. Registrar of Deeds Customs 48 47 27 31 Baker, E. Barnard, W. H. Barstow, R. C. 214 17 1 101 18 1 201 13 4 1 Nov., 1880 1 Jane, 1880 1 Nov., 1881 50 58 COM 400 180 550 25 23 22| Bicknell, F. Bough ton, A. Bowron, G. Brewer, H. N. 90 13 4 98 4 3 89 18 3 124 7 6 1 Feb., 1882 j 1 July, 188G 1 Mar., 1868 1 Jan., 1876 i 63 64 61 60 290 250 400 £250; Shipping and Postal, £50 270 160 325 20 23 14 17 Bromley, W. Brown, S. P. Buchanan, J. 92 12 10 80 0 0 127 13 6 ] Jan., 1881 28 Mar., 1872 1 July, 1886 Customs Customs Draughtsman and Botanist, ] Geological Survey of New Zealand Customs Customs Customs Cashier, Treasury Customs Engineer.. Registrar, Supreme Court .. Customs Clerk, Native Office, Tauranga, &c. Under-Secretary, Native Department Postmaster, Auckland Resident Magistrate, Wellington Crier, Supreme Court 63 02 6C 18 17 23 Bull, E. .. Burn, J. .. Burgess, A. Best, W. .. Bailey, B. .. Carrington, 0. Clapham, It. Clark, J. .. Clarke, H. 105 14 3 51 0 0 116 13 4 187 10 0 198 13 9 300 0 0 255 19 0 90 3 G 98 13 0 1 July, 1877 1 July, 1887 1 June, 1886 1 April, 1887 16 May, 1887 1 Feb., 1878 1 Jan., 1868 1 Jan., 1883 1 Oct., 1879 02 61 52 68 62 61 * 185 170 280 450 300 450 500 250 281ft 23 19 25 26 30 37 18 19 17 58 47 Clarke, H. T. 400 0 0 1 Jan., 1879 j 53 700 2BA Corbott, W. Crawford, J. C. 273 4 0 146 13 4 2 Jan., 1870 1 Nov., 1878 60 61 400 550 26 10 Culpan, W. 62 10 0 1 Dec, 1868 51 £116!, average for 3 years 190 130 225 20 Cunningliam, P. Curry, H. .. Crowe, A. .. 65 11 11 05 0 0 68 12 3 1 Mar., 1880 1 Jan., 1878 31 Dec, 1885 Lightkeeper Messenger Assistant Storekeeper, Defence Store Commissioner of Crown Lands Clerk, Native Land Court .. Secretary, General Post Office 56 55 60& 18 13 20 Daniel, H. C. Dickey, A. J.§ Eliott, G. E. 266 13 i 122 0 5 400 0 0 1 Jan., 1878 1 Nov., 1875 30 Nov., 1872 GO 41 54 400 375 GOO 16} 19 30 * Age unknown. 1 Salary includ )eeember, 1882. Period not included in Lod fees. t Fifi i period for which :oon years' provincial services, the ponsion was granted. § Mr. Dickey continued to act to 31s


Return showing Names of Persons drawing Pensions, &c. — continued.


Name. Amount Date when of Pension per Pension was Annum. granted. For what Services such Pension Age at Time is being paid. Eetirement. 4 G Salary at Time of Retirement. Length of Service. l 6 7 Ti :e Civil Sbevic :e Acts, 1858 to 1866 — contint ued. Farquhar, H. B. Fenton, F. D.* & s. a, 250 0 0 630 19 0 1 June, 1887 3 Nov., 1881 Customs District Judge, and Chief Judge, Native Land Court Letter-carrier Commissioner of Crown Lands Years. 54 57 375 1,000 Years. 33 28 Fletcher, W. Fitzherbert, Hon. Sir W, Gill, R. J. .. 55 7 0 325 0 0 1 June, 1884 15 July, 1870 49 60 150 650 21 10 228 11 5 1 Sept., 1886 Under-Secretary, Land Purchase Department, and Judge, Native Land Court Commissioner of Annuities.. Lightkeeper Customs Letter-carrier Deputy Registrar of Deeds.. Resident Magistrate and other offices Clerk, Audit Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court Chief Clerk, Audit Letter-carrier Customs Customs Office-cleaner Auditor-General Under-Secretary, Public Works Customs Resident Magistrate and Warden Land Claims Commissioner Letter-carrier Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court Officer in Charge, Auckland Government Gardener Compensation Agent and Native Interpreter Customs Lineman Customs Telegraphist Customs Customs Customs Customs Judge, Native Land Court.. Customs Customs Resident Magistrate Chief Inspector, Machinery, and Engineer and Surveyor Registrar, Supreme Court .. Resident Magistrate, Oamaru Civil Commissioner, .Resident Magistrate, and Commissioner, Native Reserves Clerk, Land Transfer Office Commissioner, Crown Lands Deputy Registrar, Deeds Customs Clerk, Audit Government Agent, Auckland Judge, Native Land Court, and other offices Customs Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court Resident Magistrate, and Commissioner, Crown Lands Resident Magistrate,Waikato Customs and Marine Accountant Chief Surveyor, &c. Deputy Land Registrar, &c, of Deeds Judge, Native Land Court .. Clerk, Audit Office Postmaster Resident Magistrate, Dunedin 60 COO 21 Gisborne, Hon. W. .. Gregory, J. Hack worth, J. Halliday.-O. Hamilton, M. Harsant, W. 466 13 4 53 6 8 385 14 3 90 13 4 200 0 0 151 13 4 1 Oct., 1876 16 Feb., 1881 1 Sept., 1887 31 Aug., 1886 11 July, 1880 11 June, 1878 50 61ft 59 62 50 66 800 200 600 350 260 29 10 30 33 23 24 Hartwriglit, H. Hevvlings, G. F. 152 7 8 81 3 0 1 Jan., 1886 1 Feb., 1886 63 60 400 150 ai| 24 Hill, E. .. HolcTon, T. Johnston, D. Judd, A. .. Kectley, E, Knight, C. Knowles, J. 100 0 0 31 5 0 3G0 13 4 173 C 8 18 12 10 600 0 0 368 C 8 13 Sept., 1871 13 Oct., 1878 15 Dec, 1880 1 April, 1887 1 July, 1884 14 Oct., 1878 1 April, 1883 46 02 65 64 71 59 400 125 550 280 62 900 650 15 12 31 28 18} 33" 34 Laing, E. B. Lawlor, H. C. 112 10 0 130 18 0 1 April, 1887 1 June, 1868 48 270 400 25 12 Lewis, D. .. Lockwood, W. H, .. Lodge, W. F. 26G 13 4 22 18 4 185 0 0 1 April, 1880 1 Jan., 1880 1 Oct., 1881 78 00 67 400 140 370 40 11 20 Lusher, E. A, Lynch, J. .. Marshall, C. 70 10 8 71 8 4 125 0 0 31 Aug., 1880 1 July, 1868 1 April, 1880 44 58 71 300 182f 250 14 20 16| Mathews, J. Mattison, J. W. McArthur, J. McCarthy, S. Mcech, W. Meikle, A. M. Mills, W. .. Mitford.G, M. Monro, H. A. H. .. Monson, J. R. Muir, A. .. Miiller, S. L. Nancarrow, J. SI 13 4 23 0 8 05 0 0 55 10 8 04 10 7 145 14 3 385 14 4 190 15 0 342 17 2 271 10 O 111 0 2 175 0 0 250 0 0 1 July, 1866 21 Sept., 1881 1 Jan., 1876 1 Mar., 1878 1 Jan., 1882 1 May, 1887 23 Sept., 1875 1 Feb., 1869 1 Nov., 1880 1 Oct., 1882 1 Sept., 1887 1 Jan., 1879 1 Jan., 1887 56 51 42 55 00 00 05 54 55 53 55 64 70i 140 140 260 190 190 340 600 340 600 400 275 300 500 24 10 13 15 19 25 29 18 23 27 23 21J 24 O'Brien, L. Parker, T. W. Parris, B. 273 4 3 242 3 9 314 5 8 1 Jan., 1876 1 June, 1881 1 Jan., 1877 55 66 60 450 475 600 21 20 19 Pauling, G. W. Pearson, W. H. Pickett, R. Pitt, H. .. Plimpton, R. E. E. Pollen, Hon. D. .. Rogan, J. 91 1 5 340 9 6 209 10 6 100 0 0 110 14 3 418 15 0 466 13 4 1 Feb., 1887 30 Sept., 1884 i 1 Aug., 1886 1 May, 1881 4 Dec, 1883 30 Oct., 187C 1 Jan., 1878 68 51 59J 45 53 64 55 225 550 320 150 300 825 700§ 24 27 31J 35 20 10 31 Rough, D. Banders, T. 277 1 8 50 0 0 1 May, 1868 29 Dec, 1860 54 + + 500 225 19 12 Sealy, H. B. 285 14 8 1 Nov., 1870 51 450 20 Searancke, W. N. .. Seed, W. .. Sheath, A. B. Sinclair, A. Smith, J. E. 240 0 0 666 13 4 129 9 0 195 0 0 484 11 0 1 Feb., 1879 1 July, 1887 31 Mar., 1880 1 June, 1878 1 July, 1877 50 00 02 45 51| 420 800 and 200 375 450 700 22 34 28 20 34 Smith, T. H. Snow, 0. H. Stratton, F. Y. Strode, A. R. C. 371 8 7 157 10 0 00 9 0 538 0 0 1 July, 1876 1 Dec, 1887 1 June, 1881 23 Feb., 1874 51 03 41 ■ 52 COO 350 100 750 33ft 27 17 31 * Appointed Chiel Jinformation available. idge, Native La j Age unkni md Court, 10th Nc own. § Final' tveniber, 1881; and finally left tho service on 15th November, 18S2. ly retired 30th November, 1879. t»


Return showing Names of Persons drawing Pensions, &c. — continued.


Name, l Amount Date when of Tension per Pension was Annum.. granted. 2 3 For "what Services such Pension is being paid. Ago at Time of Retirement. Salary at Time of Retirement, Length of Service. 4 o v The Civil Sebvicb Acts, 1858 to 1866 — continued. Teague, W. E. Thomas, G. W. Thomas, W. Fj. Tidmarsh, W. Tucker, W. C. Veale, J. .. Veale, J. S. Wayland, J. M. Ward, J. N. White, W. White, W. B.1 & s. a. Years. 1(30 0 0 1 Nov., 1880 Chief Clerk, Registrar-General 68 38 15 0 1 Nov., 1875 Customs .. .. .. 34 145 16 8 1 July, 1887 Customs .. .. .. 61 69' 7 3 1 Aug., 1867 Customs .. .. .. 61 104 13 4 31 Deo., 1880 Officer in Charge, Nelson .. 44 49 15 3 1 Sept., 1885 Customs .. .. .. 61 56 2 10 1 Sept., 1887 Customs .. .. .. 60 205 1 2 1 Nov., 1883 Registrar of Births, &c. .. 00 100 0 0 9 Mar., 1873 Chief Clerk, Treasury 36 5 0 1 July, 1881 Lineman .. .. .. 47 375 4 9 1 July, 1873 Resident Magistrate and 52 Crown Agent, &c. 250 0 0 1 Nov., 1880 Registrar, Supreme Court .. 65 135 0 0 1 April, 1880 Resident Magistrate .. (il 122 17 2 1 April, 1887 Customs .. .. .. 04 127 19 4 1 Feb., 1874 Postmaster .. .. 60 100 14 3 1 Fob., 1881 Customs .. .. .. 55 183 0 8 11 Sept., 1878 Resident Magistrate, Timaru 02 216 13 4 1 Jan., 1881 Resident Magistrate, Upper 46jij Whanganui 350 0 0 1 Jan., 1860 Customs .. .. .. 52 & 320 180 350 140 300 131 131 325 300 145 575 Years. 16J 10 24 23 17 21 25 23 15 13 2SJ; Willcocks, E. S. .. Williams, E. M. .. Williams, S. J. Wilkin, J. J. Wilson, W. W. Woolcombe, B. Woon, R. W. 500 450 300 250 180 350 350 19i 18? 25 20 23 21 27 Young, W. 600 24 " The Greenwood Pension Act, 1877." I Greenwood, J. D. .. 120 0 0 | 25 July, 1877 I Sergeant- at-Arms .. .. | Collins, M. " The Meredith and Othebs Pensions Act, 1870." Hamlin, R. B. 65 0 0 13 Nov., 1869 Husband died on active service in the field. 50 0 0 .. Husband murdered at Wairoa Valley. 45 o o Husband murdered at Shep- . .. herd's Bush. Meredith, E. u The Military Pensions Act, 1866." 1 Pensions to Widows. Brown, M. R. 75 0 0 \ / Husband killed at Te Ngutu-o-te-Mana 70 0 0 Husband killed at To Ngutu- .9 "§ _o> o-te-MaHa 05 0 0 I |ii J Husband killed 40 0 0 I >2 \ Husband's services .. J^ 3(5 0 0 -B > Husband killed .. .. „ 30 0 0 Husband's services 120 0 0 " Husband killed at Te Ngutu- \ o-te-Mana g3 20 0 0 | 1 July, 1870 Widow of Pauekaru, killed in I -g action rpj 12 0 0 8 Nov., 18G8 Husband killed at Okotuku g 20 0 0 1 July, 1870 Widow of Moheta, killed in g action £ 86 0 0 3 Dec, 18G0 Widow of Wi Ngahereni .. fzj 36 0 0 1 Oct., 1874 On account of her husband's loyalty. The [Native .pre- g viously received a pension from Civil List (Native "g pensions) a ■ >-t Bucks, C. M., Mrs. .. Hastings, L. McDonald, E. Morrison, A. Russell, C. VonTempsky, A., Mrs. .9 O © g <D bo C3 t-i O H3 s-i O o CD H O 3 Arapera, Te Eeo .. Iritona, Hanita Mata, Kiriwai Marara, Ngakoa .. Mere, Karaka Kopu Geary, C. H. Hart, A. (children of) Hunter, E. M. E. .. McDonald, E. (child of) McKenzie, J. H. SP O o "ii o CD ft _| tn > •D W >~> ■I-H fH Pi c3 DO I 1 'So o s .2 'a a w o *3 o 1 'g3 O o a M O |3 O Compassionate Allowances. 12 0 0 !\ /' Father killed 6 0 0 L. . , Father killed .. .. S 10 0 0 Nomforma- Father killed .. .. •" C 0 0 f tlon a7all"1 Father's services .. .. 8 able .S G 0 0 j V Father's services .. .. jg Pensions for Wounds, &c. & 1 Adamson, T. Beamish, J. G. Corbett, G. Crawford, C. F. Crosby, H. Dore, G. H. 39 10 0 ~) <a f Severely wounded .. .. 2 27 7 6 3 Wounded at Turuturu Mokai 36 10 0 r^ Services during war 36 10 0 Military services .. .. & 36 10 0 Military services .. .. 30 10 0 | Severely wounded at Te Ngu-tu-o-te-Mana 39 10 0 Military services .. .. &o 39 10 0 Wounded at Te Ngutu-o-to-Mana .2 18 5 0 Military services 27 7 6 j H i. Wounded at Te Ngutu-o-te- J p^ Man a Gibbons, M. C. Hamblyn, J. Honshaw, T. J. Hope, E. L. * No information avf included in service for i tinned to serve until 1st lilable. t M vrrich pension ■ April, 1887. Pe: >. White continued to act as Native Agent till the 3 was granted. t Appointed Judge, Native Land C asion during this period in abeyance. st Decenlb Jourt, at £65 31-, 1878. This I »0, 29th April, II lerioS is not 181, and con-



Return showing Names of Persons drawing Pensions, &c.— continued.

Name. l Amount of Pension per Annum. Tifltpwhpn -,1^ . t -n • Age at Time Salary LcnstU Pension was For what Services auoh Pension •> j at Time of ol granted. 1S bolllg ptu Eetirement. Eetirement. Service. 3 4 5 0 7 "T 'he Military Pensions Act, 1866 "— continu id. £ s. a. 39 10 10 27 7 0 39 10 0 45 12 0 30 10 0 150 0 0 18 5 0 Pensions for Wounds, £c. —continued. Years. Years. Kelly, T. .. Kershaw, P. Lacey, G. .. Lake, T. ., Lloyd, T. .. McDonnell, W. MoEvoy, J. McKay, G. McMahon, T. Monck, J. B. Percy, J. A. Roche, H... Ross, E. 0. Shanaghan, J. Shepherd, R. Timms, W. Tuffin, G. Vance, R. Walsh, W. Wasley, E. A. Williamson, F. Anarn, Patapu Anaru, Taruke Apera, Te Keunga .. Hemii Tonganui Hono, Paraki Karena, Euataniwha 18 5 0 36 10 0 18 5 0 150 0 0 39 10 0 75 0 0 27 7 0 48 12 0 27 7 6 39 10 0 39 10 0 27 7 0 39 10 0 30 10 0 13 13 9 9 2 0 45 12 6 18 5 0 9 2 6 18 5 0 "| ( Wounded at Otatu fl Wounded at Turuturu Mokai .3 Severely wounded .. "g _» Wounded in head and neck 3 -9 I Severely wounded .. g 9 j Severe wounds S > Wounded at Karaka, 18th February, 1809 « Severe wounds, Ruahi Tare [ Military services April, 1872 Serious wounds, Moturoa .. 1 " 8 f Severely wounded .. 3 Military services .. Military services Wounds and services S Valuable services, Otautau.. § J Severe wounds, Karaka '■S | Severe wounds, Turuturu g Mokai Severe wounds, Moturoa V. Military services Severe wounds, Ruataniwha 'A L Wounded in action 14 May, 1865 Wounded at Moutoa 1 Jan., 1867 Wounded in action 14 May, 1864 Wounded at Moutoa 9 Nov., 1868 Wounded at Okotuku 1 Jan., 1867 Wounded in action 1 July, 1870 Wounds received in action, November, 1868 1 July, 1867 Wound received in military service 2 Aug., 1865 Wound received in action .. 1 April, 1885 Wounded in action 12 Oct., 1869 Wounded in action 10 April, 1869 Wounded in action 1 Oct., 1884 Wounded in action 13 Oct., 1866 Wounded in action Probably about Wounded in action, 10th 1879; cannot April, 1869 trace exact date "3 ■§ o I D O u o o 0) O Mauparoa 18 5 0 Mehaka, Kepa Matiu, Whitiki Pera, Taitimu Ruihana Raniera, Ngoto Tamati, Te Hapu .. Tamihana, Kopeko 13 13 9 9 2 0 18 5 0 9 2 6 9 2 6 13 13 9 9 2 6 d to ■4-1 o o E> o Ph en CD H !_l CO a> o t> o S I o a S CD to fi O '55 a a) Ph © '3 o pj o g o H o 3 a ■| O O g O "T: he Militia A< ct Amendment Act, 1862." Pensi :i( ions to Widows. Hereford, A., Mrs. .. King, E. M., Mrs. .. Passmore, S., Mrs. .. Sarten, L., Mrs. I 130 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 36 0 0 )„ . . I Military services .. [Nomforma- Mllitary services .. \ ti<mavail-4 Militar £ servioo8 .. ) ab ° ( Military services .. Bilton, F. H. Bending, W. Callaghan, D. Cody, W. .. Dunn, J. .. Johnston, J. Leaf, R. .. Messenger, W. Oxenham, W. Pension, 36 10 0 30 10 0 39 10 0 18 5 0 30 10 0 39 10 0 9 2 6 36 10 0 27 7 6 s for Wounds, &c. { Military services .. r2 Military services Military services .. Military services .. § Military services Military services .. U .2 -j Military services .. Is Military services Wounded at Wareu, 20th °, October, 1805 .9 Military pensions .. h 9 Military pensions .. |_ Military pensions .. Skinner, W. H. Vickory, W. Woolfe, T. 45 12 6 36 10 0 36 10 0 Sisters of late Colonel Nixon " The Nixoi S Pension Act, 1865." 150 0 0 No information Brother died of wounds available " The Schai 'BB, McGuiEE i, and Othebs Pensions Act, 1872." McGuire, E. Russell, W. 18 6 0 ! 18 6 0 Husband drowned in service 29 Sept., 1871 Wounded by sentry at Wostenra Injuries to husband Sehafer, Mrs. C. 30 0 0 Gresson, H, B. [ 750 0 0 | " The Supreme Couet Judges Act, 1874." | 1 April, 1875 [ Supreme Court Judge 'nknown 1,500 17 Hewitt, E. A. "Ti 50 0 0 he Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869.' I Husband wounded at PakaI rere



Return showing Names of Persons drawing Pensions, &c.— continued.

Name. Amount of Pension x^or Annum. Date when Pension was granted. For what Services such Pension | Ag0 at Tlme is being paid. Retirement. i 5 Salary at Time of Retirement. Length of Service. l 2 3 6 7 Civil I iist. Native Purposes. Tungia, Piriliana Ngahuka Tuhaere, Paora Rangaunu, Waka .. Ara, Heremaia te .. Tawatawa, Hoterini Naru, Tamati Kawiti, Mailii P. .. Kira, Kinga Hori .. Teete, Wiremu te .. £ s. a. 25 0 0 1 Sept., 1886 50 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 14 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 1 Feb., 1880 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1868 1 April, 1880 1 July, 1886 Probably about July, ■ 1868 ; exact date cannot be traced. 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 31 Jan., 1880 1 July, 1878 Whakau, Horomona Raumati, Eihaia .. 12 0 0 12 0 0 Tawhai, Harata Paraihe, Hono Taipari, Wiropi H. .. Whauaunga, Hori N. Hcrewini, Peti Ngamara .. Naterita Potipoti, Hera Maniapoto, Rewi .. Paerata, Hitiri te .. Raihi, Te .. I-Iakiriwhi Rongamau; Moiii te Haere, Te.. Whaaro Whakaiti, Ratima te Kotuku, Hakopa te Mateni, Hemi Maliikai, Metini te.. Turingenge, Hapita One, Hone te Pakaru, Haupokia .. Parete, Hone Wliaruro, Wirenui te Hikutaia, Hohepa .. Parera, Wirenui Hiahia, Eaniera Karaka, Arama Kaliukoti, Panapia.. Patu, Te .. Korouateka, Hohoia Aotutahanga, Retimana Tuaia, Penetaka Amohau, Paatako .. Bangipuawhe, Wi Kepa 30 0 0 12 0 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 210 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 50 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 I Probably I" about 1863 13 Feb., 1880 1 July, 1879 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 21 Mar., 1883 1 June, 1886 1 July, 1881 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1871 23 Sept., 1873 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1871 I Probably about July, I 1868; exact date cannot I be traced. 1 Oct., 1869 1 Oct., 1876 20 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 1 Oct., 1880 1 July, 1878 Probably about July, 1868; exact date cannot be traced 1 July, 1871 1 July, 1874 \ P r o b a b 1 y about July, V 1868; exact date cannot j be traced 1 July, 1878 Traced to 1st July, 1868; cannot state exact date 1 Sept., 1876 Traced to 1st July, 1868; cannot state exact date 1 May, 1886 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 Manariki, Reweri .. Ngawhau, Wi Kepa Raimapaha, Parakaia 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 Ngahuruhuru, Pererika Rupa, Wi .. Rangihoro, Rota Mapu, Te 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 Taranui, Te Polriha Wiuiata, Ngatai 20 0 0 26 0 0 Manuera, Mato Tatana, Te Tutahuarangi, Wi Kingi Hata, Te ,. 10 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 1 July, 1878 Notk A. —Pensions tc not computed upon age, 1 withdrawal or reduction i £7,000. Note B. —Loyalty du: and, in some cases, indigc ) Natives are ik length of servic similar to the s ot pensions in the le, or by any othe] salaries of Assossc ! ordinary sense granted under t : fixed rule applicable to other ] >rs paid out of the same vote—i.e., ;he Civil Sen pensions. Th the vote for ( vice Acts, and a iey are, moreo"\ Oivil List, Natitherefore rer, liable to ve Purposes, ring the war, se 3nt clroumstam ervices to the Gov ces, are the reaso: 'ernment as an Assessor, good il as for which the foregoing pensioi lfluence exeri is have been ; cised amongst i granted. their people,



Return showing Names of Persons drawing Pensions, &c.— continued.

Name, l Amount of Pension per Annum. 2 I I Date when Pension was granted. For what Services such Tension Age at Time, is being paid. Retirement. I 4 5 Salary at Time of Retirement. Length of Service. 2 6 7 Civil List, Native Purposes— continued. Hobbs, Bitihia Bopiha s s. a. 52 0 0 Traced to 1st July, 18G8; exact date cannot be stated 18Y3 Traced to 1st July, 1868; exact date cannot be stated 1 Oct., 1884 Tinai, Piahana Karaka, Arama 15 0 0 20 0 0 Wahawaha, Meihakopata Kohere, Mokena Matahe, Wikiriwhi.. Paia, Eipeka Pongahuru, Aramata Materoa, Maori Kotea, Mere Kani, Hirini te Hamiona, Katia Berepu, Paora Karaitiana, Eiria .. Taumamutu, Hohepa Te Heuheu, Tukino Porikapa Pikikotuku Turoa, Topia Korako, Iiakaraia .. Tipae, Aperahama .. Poutini, Paora Paiaka, Hoani Paratone, Weta Ao-te-rangi, Haimona Iringa, lhaka te Rangihuatu Haeretuterangi, Aropota Hape, Mcrekihereka Patuki, John Topi .. 200 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1879 1 April, 1883 1 April, 1883 1 April, 1883 1 July, 1876 1 Oct., 1886 1 July, 1878 1 April, 1883 1 July, 1878 lFeb., 1887 1 July, 1878 1 Oct., 1887 1 July, 1870 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1877 1 Jan., 1871 1 July, 1878 1 April, 1885 1 April, 188G 1 Feb., 1887 10 0 0 GO 0 0 1 Mar., 1886 1 July, 1879 George, T. Green, D. .. Robinson, M. Cass, T. .. Outrain, J. Pensio: 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 188 0 0 ?S GBANTED BY THE LATE PbOVI>TCIAL GoVEj I I ■ No informati on as to date, &c, obtainable. INME^TS. I Ford, Mrs. E. Rawson, Mrs. E. Dick, Mrs. A. Packer, A. H. Leigh ton, M. 4G 0 0 45 0 0 24 0 0 39 10 0 30 0 0 Miscellaneous Pensions. Husband murdered Husband severely wounded.. 1 July, 1878 Widow of late Lightkeeper* Permanent injuries Hopeless cripple through injuries received ) ns. No inavailable. i Miscella f format ) neous ponsio ion as to age Adamson, T. 10 0 0 New Zealand Ceoss Pensions. 7 May, 1869 Gallantry at Ohikere, 7th May, 1869 7 Jan., 1866 Heroic conduct at Putahi Pa 1 June, 18C9 Conspicuous bravery at Ngatipa 1 June, 1869 Bravery at Ngatipa 7 Feb., 1870 Bravery at Oliinemutu 10 April, 1869 Intrepid conduct at Mohaka 7 Nov., 1868 Gallantry at Motnroa and Otauto 28 Dec, 18G8 Personal bravery at Taurangangika 4 June, 1883 Conspicuous bravery at Kaitake, &c. 26 Feb., 1869 Daring services during campaign (Titokomaru) 1 Oct., 18C8 Devoted gallantry at Fort Galatea 1 Oct., 1863 Frequent acts of bravery during the war Personal bravery at Ngatapa 7 Nov., 1868 Gallant example at Moturoa 2 Oct., 1863 Noble and daring conduct at Poutoko, &c. Personal gallantry and devotion at Ngatapa 13 Mar., 1869 Distinguished bravery at Otauto 7 June, 1869 Bravery at Opepe, &c. Austin, S. .. Black, S. .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 Biddle, B... Carkeek, A. Hill, G. .. Keepa, Te Eangi .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 , . Lingartf, W. 10 0 0 Mace, F. J. 10 0 0 Maling, C. 10 0 0 Mair, G. .. 10 0 0 McDonnell, T, 10 0 0 Preece, G. A. Roberts, J. M. Rodriguez, A. 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Eopata, Wahawaha 10 0 0 Shepherd, B. 10 0 0 Smith, A. .. 10 0 0 Note A.—Pensions t< not computed upon age, withdrawal or reduction £7,000. Notf. B. —Loyalty dll and, in some cases, indigi o Natives are nc length ol servi similar to the s * Half pension granted to late husband. 3t pensions in the ordinary senso granted under t\ ice, or by any other fixed rule applicable to other ] salaries of Assessors paid out of the same vote — i.e., he Civil Sen pensions. T] the vote for ( vice Acts, and a hey are, morco\ Civil List, Nath ire therefore ver, liable to ve Purposes, iring the war, se ent oircumstan* arvioes to the Government as an Assessor, good inf] ces, are the reasons for which the foregoing pension luenco exerci is have been j ised amongst tl granted. heir people


SUMMARY. Showing Total Amount paid in respect of Pensions annually under the different Acts.

[Approximate Coat of Paper. —Preparation, nil; printing (1,373 copies), i; 3 l'2s. 6d.].

Authority: Geoboe Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB.


Name of Act, &c. Amount. £ s. d. Civil Service Act, 13CG 21,971 2 3 Greenwood Pensions Act, 1877 120 0 0 Meredith and Others Pensions Act, 1870 161 0 0 Military Pensions Act, 1806 2,140 19 7 Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 690 7 6 Nixon Pensions Act, 1865 150 0 0 Schafer, McGuire, and Others Pensions Act, 1872 66 12 0 Supreme Court Judges Act, 1874 750 0 0 Walsh and others Pensions Act, 1869 50 0 0 Civil List, Native 2,485 0 0 Pensions granted by the late Provincial Governments 788 0 0 Miscellaneous Pensions 184 10 0 New Zealand Cross Pensions 180 0 0 Total £29,737 11 4

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PENSIONS PAID BY THE COLONY (LIST OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, B-18

Word Count

PENSIONS PAID BY THE COLONY (LIST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, B-18

PENSIONS PAID BY THE COLONY (LIST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, B-18

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