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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 16th May, 1888. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return giving (1) the names of all persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who aro drawing pensions from the Government of the colony; (2) the amount of such pensions; (3) the date when such pensions were granted; and (i) for what services such pensions are being paid."—(Mr. Tayloii.)

Return showing (1) the Names of all Persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who are drawing Pensions from the Government of the Colony; (2) the Amount of such Pensions; (3) the Date when such Pensions were granted; (4) for what Services such Pensions are being paid; (5) Age at Time of Retirement; (6) Salary at Time of Retirement; and (7) Length of Service.

1888. NEW ZEALAND. PENSIONS PAID BY THE COLONY (LIST OF). Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 16th May, 1888. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return giving (1) the names of all persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who are drawing pensions from the Government of the colony; (2) the amount of such pensions; (3) the date when such pensions were granted; and (4) for what services such pensions are being paid."—(Mr. Taylob.) Ketuen showing (1) the Names of all Persons, whether Europeans or Maoris, who are drawing Pensions from the Government of the Colony; (2) the Amount of such Pensions; (3) the Date when such Pensions were granted; (4) for what Services such Pensions are being paid; (5) Age at Time of Eetirement; (6) Salary at Time of Betirement; and (7) Length of Service. Name. 1 Amount j Date when p h t Sel . vioes guoh Pension Ag0 a* f Time °fl2nnZ Peri 'Iran™ is being paid. Betir °Lnt. 1 1 ' Salary Length at Time of ol Retirement. Service. 6 7 The Civil S: device Acts, 1858 to 1866. i & s. d. 26 0 0 1 Aug., 1881 Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court Customs and Justice Years. 61 £ 160 Years. 12 Arrow, H. Aubroy, H, E. 223 0 8 1 Nov., 1880 62 Justice,£125; fees, £200 550 450 32 Austin, A. D. Baddaley, H. C. S... 247 10 0 225 0 0 1 Oct., 1887 12 Jan., 1888 Engineer Resident Magistrate, Ashburton Resident Magistrate, Wairoa Customs Resident Magistrate, Auckland Chief Postmaster, Oamaru .. Clerk, Treasury .. Registrar of Deeds Customs 48 47 27 31 Baker, E. Barnard, W. H. Barstow, R. C. 214 17 1 101 18 1 201 13 4 1 Nov., 1880 1 Jane, 1880 1 Nov., 1881 50 58 COM 400 180 550 25 23 22| Bicknell, F. Bough ton, A. Bowron, G. Brewer, H. N. 90 13 4 98 4 3 89 18 3 124 7 6 1 Feb., 1882 j 1 July, 188G 1 Mar., 1868 1 Jan., 1876 i 63 64 61 60 290 250 400 £250; Shipping and Postal, £50 270 160 325 20 23 14 17 Bromley, W. Brown, S. P. Buchanan, J. 92 12 10 80 0 0 127 13 6 ] Jan., 1881 28 Mar., 1872 1 July, 1886 Customs Customs Draughtsman and Botanist, ] Geological Survey of New Zealand Customs Customs Customs Cashier, Treasury Customs Engineer.. Registrar, Supreme Court .. Customs Clerk, Native Office, Tauranga, &c. Under-Secretary, Native Department Postmaster, Auckland Resident Magistrate, Wellington Crier, Supreme Court 63 02 6C 18 17 23 Bull, E. .. Burn, J. .. Burgess, A. Best, W. .. Bailey, B. .. Carrington, 0. Clapham, It. Clark, J. .. Clarke, H. 105 14 3 51 0 0 116 13 4 187 10 0 198 13 9 300 0 0 255 19 0 90 3 G 98 13 0 1 July, 1877 1 July, 1887 1 June, 1886 1 April, 1887 16 May, 1887 1 Feb., 1878 1 Jan., 1868 1 Jan., 1883 1 Oct., 1879 02 61 52 68 62 61 * 185 170 280 450 300 450 500 250 281ft 23 19 25 26 30 37 18 19 17 58 47 Clarke, H. T. 400 0 0 1 Jan., 1879 j 53 700 2BA Corbott, W. Crawford, J. C. 273 4 0 146 13 4 2 Jan., 1870 1 Nov., 1878 60 61 400 550 26 10 Culpan, W. 62 10 0 1 Dec, 1868 51 £116!, average for 3 years 190 130 225 20 Cunningliam, P. Curry, H. .. Crowe, A. .. 65 11 11 05 0 0 68 12 3 1 Mar., 1880 1 Jan., 1878 31 Dec, 1885 Lightkeeper Messenger Assistant Storekeeper, Defence Store Commissioner of Crown Lands Clerk, Native Land Court .. Secretary, General Post Office 56 55 60& 18 13 20 Daniel, H. C. Dickey, A. J.§ Eliott, G. E. 266 13 i 122 0 5 400 0 0 1 Jan., 1878 1 Nov., 1875 30 Nov., 1872 GO 41 54 400 375 GOO 16} 19 30 * Age unknown. 1 Salary includ )eeember, 1882. Period not included in Lod fees. t Fifi i period for which :oon years' provincial services, the ponsion was granted. § Mr. Dickey continued to act to 31s