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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Wm. F. Dbummond Jebvois, Governor. To all to whom these Presents shall come, and to Waltee Edwaed Gudgeon and , Alexandee Cbowe, Greeting: Whereas under divers Acts, ordinances, regulations, or other laws now or in times past in force in the Colony of New Zealand, or in some part thereof, divers persons, being either officers, non-commis-sioned officers, or private members of Her Majesty's naval and military forces, or in the Militia force or Volunteer force of the said colony, or in some other military body or force enrolled in the said colony, have had or alleged that they have claims upon the Government of the said colony or of some province thereof to grants of land in the said colony either for services rendered by them in such capacities in the said colony, or as having retired from such forces for the purpose of settling in New Zealand, or otherwise about or in connection with their being or having been such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members as aforesaid : And whereas such claims are not now capable of being enforced in law either owing to the same not having been presented within the time prescribed by law, or for other reasons of a technical character : And whereas from time to time petitions have been presented to the General Assembly of New Zealand, or to one House thereof, by certain of such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members, or by the representatives and assigns of such, praying for relief in the premises : And whereas in pursuance of clause 1 of the First Schedule to "The Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1886," the Governor is empowered "to appoint one or more persons Commissioners, in terms of ' The Commissioners' Powers Act, 1867,' to inquire into and report upon claims to Volunteer scrip in terms of the first column—namely, to give effect to the report of the Waste Lands Committee of the House of Eepresentatives, session 1886, on claims made by A^olunteers enrolled between the years 1873 and 1876, which are barred by section 3 of " The Waste Lands Administration Act, 1876: " And whereas in pursuance of the above, and of a recommendation of the Waste Lands Committee of the House of Eepresentatives dated the twenty-second day of June, 1886 ; adopted by the above House, it is thought desirable to appoint a Commission for the purpose of inquiring fully into and reporting upon all such claims, and any others of a similar character : Now, therefore, know ye that I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, having full trust and confidence in your impartiality, ability, and integrity, do hereby, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, appoint you the said Waltee Edwabd Gudgeon and Alexandeb Ceowe to be Commissioners for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, with the powers hereinafter set forth, and, subject thereto, to have and exercise the several duties and functions hereinafter mentioned, that is to say :—■ 1. To inquire into, examine, and report upon all claims to land which may be brought before you by persons who have been such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members as aforesaid, or by the representatives or assigns of such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members, all of whom are hereinafter referred to as claimants, which such claimants may claim to have had against the Government of the colony or of some province thereof of such a character as is hereinbefore recited. 2. You are authorized and empowered to make and to hold any inquiry under these presents at any place or places within the Colony of New Zealand as you may think most convenient and adapted to elicit full information respecting the matters which you may be called upon to inquire into under these presents. 3. Before you commence any inquiry under these presents you shall cause such notice or notices as you may deem necessary or expedient to be given, stating the day, time, and place or places on and at which you will be prepared to receive claims, and indicating in what form you

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wish such claims to be preferred, and also the day, time, and place when and where you will be prepared to receive and hear any evidence or information which any claimants may desire to offer or bring before you in support of their claims. 4. You shall cause every such notice to be given and published in such manner and form as you may from time to time prescribe, and at such place or places as you may deem best calculated to give effect to these presents. 5. For the purpose of this Commission you are hereby empowered to call before you and examine on oath or otherwise as may be allowed by law all such person or persons as you may think able to afford you any information in relation to the premises. 6. Each claimant shall be entitled to present his claim in such manner and form as you may from time to time prescribe. 7. You may also require any person or persons to bring before you and produce in evidence (saving all just exceptions) any books, papers, deeds, or documents of which any Court of law might compel the production. 8. You are hereby also empowered, in case no claim is made or evidence offered before you in respect of any matter which might have been made the subject of such a claim as aforesaid, of your own motion to examine into and report upon such matter which may be in any manner brought to your knowledge, and, although the same shall not be made or preferred by any claimant, and in any such case you shall have or may exercise all and every the powers and authorities conferred upon you by these presents. 9. In giving effect to this Commission you shall have full power and authority to employ such clerical assistance and other persons as you may deem necessary for your assistance in the premises. 10. In case any inquiry under these presents shall be made and concluded by you, and it shall afterwards appear desirable for any reason that the same shall be reopened, you are hereby empowered to reopen the same; and all proceedings shall be taken in respect of such reopened inquiry as if it were an original inquiry : Provided that no inquiry shall be entered upon after the date fixed for the making of your report under this Commission. 11. And it is hereby declared that this Commission shall continue in full force and virtue, and you, the said Commissioners, may from time to time, and at any place or places within the said colony, proceed in the execution hereof, although the inquiry be not regularly continued from time to time by adjournment. 12. And you are hereby required, with as little delay as possible, but not later than three calendar months from the date hereof, to report to me' under your hands and seals your opinion resulting from the said inquiry and the evidence taken thereon of the several matters and things inquired into by you under these presents : Provided always that you may report separately upon each claim, or from time to time upon any one or more of such claims, without waiting for the completion of your inquiries into all the claims which may be brought before you. 13. Lastly, it is hereby expressly declared that all the powers, authorities, and duties conferred or imposed upon you, the said Commissioners, may be exercised and performed by any one of you sitting under this Commission ; and that you, the said Walter Edward Gudgeon, shall act as chairman under this said Commission. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General in Her Majesty's Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony at the Government House, at Wellington, this fourteenth day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. (1.5.) W. J. M. Laenach. Approved in Council—Foestek Gobing, Clerk of the Executive Council.

To His Excellency Sir William Francis Drnmmond Jervois, K.0.M.G., Governor of New Zealand. May it please youb Excellency,— We, the undersigned, appointed by a Commission dated the fourteenth day of September, 1886, under the hand of the Governor, and sealed with the public seal of the colony, to examine and report upon all claims to land brought before us by officers or private members of Her Majesty's naval or military forces as having retired to settle in New Zealand, and by members of the local forces of the colony for services rendered by them in such capacities (which claims, owing to lapse of time or from technical reasons, cannot now be enforced by law), respectfully submit for your Excellency's consideration the following report of our proceedings : — In conformity with the 4th clause of the above-mentioned Commission, we have caused to be inserted in not less than two newspapers in each district, at least fourteen and in many cases twenty-eight days before the sitting of the Commission, notices calling upon all persons claiming to be entitled or to have been entitled to grants of land for military service under any Act now or formerly in force in the colony to send in claims in writing, and to appear and give evidence on the days named in such notice. In reply to these advertisements we have received applications from some sixteen hundred persons, and have taken evidence in nearly thirteen hundred cases. To facilitate inquiry we have held sittings at Palmerston North, Hawera, New Plymouth, Auckland, Wanganui, Hamilton, Thames, Tauranga, Dargaville, Whangarei, Gisborne, Napier,



Masterton, Wellington, Christchurch, Timarn, Oamaru, Dunedin, and Invercargill, and in the order named. In determining the various claims we have been guided chiefly by the following considerations : 1. That it was not our duty to recommend the applications of those who never had a claim either in law or equity, or those who, perhaps having a claim at one time, yet never attempted to enforce it. 2. That we were required to do justice to those who, from ignorance or other excusable reasons, failed to enforce their claims within the period prescribed by law, or were barred by the subsequent repeals of those Acts under which they claimed. In no single case have we recommended the claims of discharged soldiers for consideration of the Government where there has been a doubt as to their character or to qualification by residence within the province wherein the original claim was made. We beg to recommend for favourable consideration the claims of those discharged soldiers (Schedule II.) who—(1), being of good character, left Her Majesty's service expressly to settle in New Zealand, and, having applied to the Land Office of the province for scrip, were either put off from time to time by the officials of that department, or, having obtained scrip, failed to select their land within the time prescribed by law, but who in all other respects had fulfilled their part of the contract; (2) those men who did not apply for their land until the Act under which they claimed had been repealed, but who nevertheless had been entitled, and afterwards resided within the province, as provided by the Act. We have rejected the claims of all discharged soldiers who fall within the following classes : (1.) Those who were discharged from Her Majesty's service after the repeal of the Act within the province in which they afterwards resided. (2.) Discharged soldiers who had or had not served within the colony, but who in the former case had left it and returned as military settlers, and subsequently became entitled to land as such. These men clearly did not come to the colony to settle as discharged soldiers but as military settlers, and ought not to receive a double grant of land by assuming both characters at choice. (3.) Men who, although they had at one time an undoubted claim, have forfeited the same by leaving the province, and thus failing to carry out the residential clauses of the Act. (4.) Men of the 58th Eegiment who have already received scrip or land for service In the Bay of Islands in 1845. (5.) Men who, having received due notice of the sittings of the Commission, have failed to appear before it for examination, and whose written claims were of so meagre a character as to give no information whatever, and who have also failed to reply to the queries sent them by the Commission. In the case of Volunteers enrolled between the year 1873 and the 31st October, 1876, we have required that the service and efficiency should be continuous. In pursuance of " The Wellington Free Grants Ordinance, 1869," we have rejected the claims of all Volunteers for service within that province who did not enrol before the 2nd April, 1869, and in the case of Hawke's Bay have, under the provisions of a local ordinance which adopted " The Volunteers Land Act, 1865," for two years only, viz., from August, 1868, to August, 1870, declined to consider the claim of any Volunteer whose five years' service was not complete by the latter date. The Taranaki claims have been treated in a similar manner, for in that province also the Act was adopted for two years (from the 31st December, 1872, to the 31st December, 1874). The provinces of Nelson and Canterbury did not, as far as we can ascertain, adopt the Act in any form, and therefore within those provinces the Volunteers have no claim. We have rejected the very numerous applications made for actual service against the enemy dating from 1860 to 1868, for the following reasons : (1.) If these claims were ever good in law or equity they ought to have been satisfied twenty years since. (2.) There are now no records obtainable whereby these applications can bo verified, and we consider it very doubtful whether the claimants were ever employed on service of such a nature as to bring them within the terms of the Act of 1865, or, if so employed, whether they served the minimum period of six months required by that Act. Amongst the miscellaneous claims received by the Commission are those of the Hawke's Bay Volunteers. These men were enrolled by the late Major Biggs, and did good service on the East Coast during the years 1865 and 1866. From the evidence given by men belonging to this corps it is evident that no promise of land was made to them on enrolment, but it would appear that the late Sir Donald McLean did promise, in consideration of their good service, that he would endeavour to get them a grant of land, and did, some years after, try to give effect to his promise by introducing a Bill into Parliament, which was, however, withdrawn after its second reading. We consider that no promise was made to this corps which would warrant us in recommending it for the favourable consideration of the Government. A similar case is that of Major Jackson and those men of the Forest Eangers who were enrolled in August, 1863, and disbanded in the following November. These men received the very high rate of pay of Bs. per diem, and were to receive land, the only contention being as to whether the three months served by them would entitle them to the grant, it being admitted that those men who re-joined at a lower rate of pay (55.), and who served a term of three years, not only were entitled but did receive some of the best land in Waikato. Major Jackson and some of his men are now claiming a second grant. Major Jackson bases his claim—First :On Mr Eussell's minute of the 6th August, 1863, by which he is authorized to enrol the Forest Eangers, and the men are promised land, for distinguished service, "in addition to the ordinary grant." Secondly : On the verbal promises of Sir George Grey, the then Governor, and Mr. Eussell, the then Defence Minister. Thirdly : That the Government of New Zealand, by letter No. 2,541, of the 16th November, 1864, recognized his claim. The Commission is of opinion, with respect to the first point, that the " ordinary grant " of land mentioned in the memorandum of the 6th August, 1863, above quoted, involved three years' service. This view was taken by Mr. Holt, the then Under-Secretary, in his memorandum of the 17th of November, 1865; and Mr. T. Eussell, in his minute of the 18th October, 1864, distinctly repudiates the claims of the three months' men. As to the verbal promises of Sir George Grey and Mr. Eussell, the former gentleman, in reply to queries addressed him by



the Commission, states that he cannot remember having made any such promise, and Mr. Bussell, in his letter of the 17th September, 1874, denies that any such promise was made. With reference to the third contention, the Commission consider that the letter quoted does not bear the construction sought to be placed upon it, but refers to the general claim of the Forest Bangers, viz., those men who enrolled on the lower rate of pay, and whose claims were afterwards satisfied by grants of land at Eangiaohia. We have also had to deal with claims made by members of the Wellington and Auckland Colonial Defence Forces. In the case of the Wellington troop, we find there is no evidence whatever to show that any promise of land was ever made —in fact, the evidence taken by us is distinctly against any such promise; and, further, the terms of service signed by Major Edwards, the then commandant, and the declaration to be signed by each trooper attached thereto, although most explicit on every other point, contains no mention of land. The claims of the Auckland Defence Force present elements of greater difficulty. The evidence of Major Walmsley and other members of the corps leave no room to doubt that the late Colonel Nixon did promise his men land, presumably under the authority of Mr. T. Bussell, the then Defence Minister; but that gentleman stated, before a Select Committee of the Legislature, in 1864, that no engagement was made with the corps that they should get land. There is, moreover, no documentary evidence whatever on the subject, whether in the original memorandum of condition of service, No. 63, 1862, or in subsequent letters from Colonel Nixon ; and Captain Pye, in his application of the 11th August, 1886, states that Colonel Nixon was promised land, by Sir George Grey and Mr. Bussell, for the men who first enlisted. Sir George Grey, in his letter of the 9th July, 1865, states that he cannot remember having made any promise, and that he had nothing to do with the granting of land. Under these circumstances we do not feel justified in recommending that the claims of the Auckland Colonial Defence Force should be considered by the Government. Should the grants we have recommended be confirmed by the Legislature, we would suggest that due notice should bo given to each applicant that his claim has been allowed ; but we do not consider that it will be necessary to inform the rejected applicants of the decision arrived at in their cases. We beg to attach to this report three schedules, containing —First, the names of those applicants whose claims we are unable to recommend for consideration ; second, claims of applicants recommended ; and, third, claims otherwise dealt with : all of which we respectfully beg to submit for your Excellency's consideration. Given under our hands and seals at Wellington, this twenty-seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. (1.5.) W. B. Gudgeon, Chairman. (1.5.) A. Growe, Major (Member).

SCHEDULE I. List of Bejected Claims, showing Becord No., Name, Bank, Eegiment or Corps, and Nature of Claim. 1486. Adams, F. E. ; claim, indefinite. 1005. Adams, W., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 178. Adamson, S., trooper, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 177. Adamson, W., trooper, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 291. Agger, Jas., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1470. Ahearn, J., private, 12th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1169. Aisher, Win., sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 727. Aldred, F., gunner, Eoyal Horse Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 642. Aldhin, T., private, Forest Bangers; claim, 51 acres. 451. Alexander, Mary (for deceased husband), Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1128. Alexander, E., private, 65th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 292. Allen, G., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1010. Allsop, C, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 192. Amois, W., A.8., Boyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1537. Anderson, W., private, 7th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 520. Andrews, E., constable, Armed. Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 491. Andrews, W., private, 12th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1609. Anihana, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1399. Anthony, J., private, 69th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 456. Archard, F., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1541. Ardern, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 221. Armitage, private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 213. Arnold, A. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 641. Ashley, T., trooper, 10th Hussars; claim, 60 acres. 1259. Ashton, John, private, Coldstream Guards ; claim, 60 acres. 35. Askey, Win., sergeant, 65th Eegiment ; claim, 80 acres. 293. Aspen, John, private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 147. Atkins, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 120. Atkinson, Jas., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 1335. Atkinson, J. J., major, Militia Staff; claim, £30 scrip. 149. Bailey, Win., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 811. Bailey, Wm., private, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 1232. Baillie, D. W., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1233. Baillie, William, trooper, 6th D. Guards ; claim, 60 acres.



List of Eejected Claims— continued. 989. Baker, S., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 852. Baldwin, James, private, Volunteers; claim, £5 scrip. 1223. Ball, Henry, private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1522. Balls, E., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 534. Ballinger, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 810. Banks, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 830. Banks, G., private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers ; claim, indefinite, 201. Barriball, C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 202. Barriball, S. PL, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 753. Barlow, H. J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 782. Barnes, P. B. (for father, deceased), 40th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 472. Barron, J., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 240. Barron, T., private, Volunteers ; claim 60 acres. 870. Barry, T., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 186. Barstow, E., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, CO acres. 479. Barstow, Henry, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 140. Basan, E., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 174. Bashford, T. H., private, 3rd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 416. Bassett, William, captain, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 216. Batson, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1534. Bayliss, 8., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 475. Beagle, W., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres ; 161. Beamish, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1013. Beamish, J. G., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1171. Beamish, G. J. N., captain, 14th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 980. Beare, T. W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 299. Bedford, P., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1135. Bell, D., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 584. Bell, E., private, Forest Eangers ; claim, 51 acres. 662. Bell, S., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 287. Beloe, W. T., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 389. Benjamin, C, private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 400. Bennett, 11.,I 1., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1452. Bennett, E., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 988. Bent-ley, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 301. Bentley, J. D., private, 24th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 800. Bernard, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1224. Berry, H., private, Commissariat Staff Corps ; claim, 60 acres. 875. Berry, S., gunner, Boyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 228. Bertrand, G., private, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 732. Bestie, E., private, Bengal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1004. Bezar, E., sergeant, 57th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1096. Biddle, E., A.13., Koyal Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 832. Bidgood, 1., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1170. Bidmead, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 842. Bigelow, J., immigrant; claim, 40 acres. 1015. Billings, W., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 91. Billners, C, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 239. Birmingham, E. W., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 412. Bishop, C, private, Pitt's Militia ; claim, 51 acres. 208. Bishop, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 209. Bishop, John (deceased), private, Volunteers; claim, £15 scrip. 205. Bishop, E., private, 21st Hussars ; claim, 60 acres. 1012. Black, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 92. Black, Joshua, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1191. Black, S., constable, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, indefinite. 1118. Blackey, J., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1397. Blackmore, J., sergeant, Volunteers and Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, £30 scrip. 839. Blackstock, G., private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers ; claim, indefinite. 542. Blackwell, E., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1228. Blake, H. (by widow), sergeant, 17th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1284. Blake, P., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 834. Boland, M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 823. Bolton, E. C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 110. Bond, James (by widow), private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 243. Bond, J. H., private, Volunteers ; claim £30 scrip. 661. Bond, S. (for deceased father), private, 58th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 873. Bond, William, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 657. Bone, Ellen (widow of Thomas Mayler), 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1213. Booth, James, private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 877. Booth, William, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 872. Bourke, P., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 638. Bowdell, J., sergeant, 59th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 241. Bowden, A., private, Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres.



List of Bejected Claims— continued. 874. Bower, M. N., captain, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 300 acres. 878. Bowling, J., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 968. Boyd, T., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 300. Boyle, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 194. Boythan, 8., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1163 a. Bradford, E. H., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1111. Bradley, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 295. Bramble, James, private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 649. Brennan, John, private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1523. Brennan, Joshua, sergeant, 18th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 294. Brennan, Patrick, private, 15th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 731. Brien, John, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 735. Brien, Luke, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 967. Broadfield, T. W., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1441. Broadley, C, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 296. Broderick, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 659. Brodie, A., corporal, Royal Engineers ; claim, 80 acres. 821. Brodie, John, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 461. Brogan, F., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 297. Brome, T., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 39. Brooks, W. W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 438. Brophy, E., captain, Militia; claim, indefinite. 676. Brown, Charles, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1078. Brown, Charles, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1016. Brown, 0. F. H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 180. Brown, G., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1464. Brown, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. (350. Brown, James, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 812. Brown, John, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 774. Brown, John, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1480. Brown, J. H., sergeant, Hawke's Bay Volunteers ; claim, 51 acres. 1168. Brown, P., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 466. Brown, T., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 483. Brown, Thomas, private, 65th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 206. Brown, William, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 298. Brown, William, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1275. Browne, James, private, 55th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 663. Bruce, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1211. Bruce, R., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 658. Bryan, C, private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 20. Bryan, John, private, 43rd Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 505. Buckley, D. P., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 754. Buckley, T., sergeant, 61st Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 142. Buckthought, P., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 408. Burgess, W. S., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 577. Burke, R., trooper, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 398. Burnett, G. R., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1530. Burley, J. (by widow), private, 88th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1011. Burr, J., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 541. Bushnell, D., gunner, Royal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 767. Bust, F. R., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 492. Butt, C, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 155. Butler, E., private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 195. Butler, E., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1308. Butler, J., private, Military Settlers ; claim, 51 acres. 43. Byrne, Edward, private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 145. Byrne, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 803. Byrne, R., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 829. Byrne, T., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 660. Byrnes, M., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1514. Caffery, M., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 962. Callaghan, D., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 880. Calton, C, private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1231. Calvert, C. A., veterinary surgeon, Colonial Forces ; claim, indefinite. 1553. Cameron, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 571. Camp, J., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 884. Campbell, A. 8., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1007. Campbell, A., sergeant, 49th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 247. Campbell, Joshua, sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment; claim, 81 acres. 514. Campbell, James, corporal, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1403. Capstick, J. A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1100. Carey, J., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 865. Carey, M., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip.



List of Eejected Claims — continued. 724. Carnachan, D., private, sth Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 664. Carpenter, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1106. Carr, T., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 573. Carroll, A. E., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 224. Carroll, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1234. Carroll, James, private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 303. Carroll, John, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 883. Carnell, S., sergeant-major, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 181. Carson, E., private, Colonial Forces; claim, indefinite. 1172. Carter, Jane (for deceased husband, J. Trueman), 69th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 882. Carter, 0., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 974. Carter, E., A.8., Eoyal Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 594. Carthy, C, private, 99th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1339. Carty, C, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1299. Casey, M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 726. Cassey, J. T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 866. Coulton, S. C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 11. Cavanagh, P., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 950. Cavanagh, T. (by widow), private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1331. Cellar, J., private, 43rd Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1017. Chadwick, J., lieutenant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 616. Chadwick, J. A. (by widow), captain, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 8. Chamberlain, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1215. Chammen, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1206. Chapman, F. M., lieutenant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 885. Chicken, J., lieutenant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 21. Childs, J., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 116t)A. Christie, W., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1119. Churchhill, W., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 951. Clampitt, G., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 966. Clareburt, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1174. Claridge, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 755. Clark, J. T., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 470. Clarke, 8., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 305. Clarke, W., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 248. Clarkson, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30scrip. 1450. Cleary, John, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 972. Clibborn, J. 8., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 219. Clifford, C, private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 987. Clifton, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 223. Climo, J., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 244. Clode, G., sergeant, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 81 acres. 1167. Cloney, T., corporal, 57th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 28. Clooney, M., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 725. Clune, C, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 222. Goad, J. (by son), private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 143. Coffee, M., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 245. Coldecutt, W., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 784. Coldham, G., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 453. Coleman, P., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 666. Coles, T., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 188. Collins, C, sapper, Eoyal Engineers; claim, 60 acres. 18. Collins, John, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 150. Collins, John, private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 434. Collins, J., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 515. Collins, M., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 236. Collis, M., constable, Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 532. Commons, 0., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1196. Conally, J., private, 50th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 463. Condron, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 138. Connell, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 952. Connell, M., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 65. Connell, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 506. Connell, W., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 304. Connolly, F., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 715. Connolly, P., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 57. Connor, James, private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 469. Connor, John, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 815. Connor, T., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 881. Connor, W., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1173. Conroy, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 89. Conroy, M., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1494. Cook, J. (by widow), private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres.



List of Eejected Claims— continued. 64a. Cook, E., private, 68th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 580. Cookson, 8., private, Ist Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 1212. Coombes, W., private, 30th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 413. Coomer, W. H., private, Volunteer; claim, £30 scrip. 768. Cooper, George, private, Volunteers) claim, £30 scrip. 498. Cooper, J., private, Boyal Engineers; claim, 60 acres. 203. Corkin, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 403. Comes, C. A., private, Forest Eangers ; claim, 51 acres. 1019. Conies, A. E., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 722. Cornish, G., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1424. Cornwall, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 10. Corr, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1482. Cosgrave, D., captain, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 111. Cotter, P., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 595. Coughlin, D., private, 50th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1235. Coughlin, H., sergeant, 57th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1511. Coulalian, J., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1018. Couper, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1551. Coutts, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1316. Coventry, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 55. Cox, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1216. Cox, W., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 643. Coyle, P. (by son), private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 879. Cranny, P., private, 2-18 th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1414 a. Graigie, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1328. Crawford, A., private, 12th Eegiment: claim, 60 acres. 1496. Crawford, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1421. Creech, D. J. F., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 871. Cronin, D., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 103. Cronin, John, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 246. Cronin, John, private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 667. Croucher, C, trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 651. Crowlmrst, 8., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 665. Crowley, E., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 489. Crozier, C, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 868. Cuff, A. F., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 814. Gumming, G-. S.; claim, indefinite. 405. Cummins, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 521. Curlett, J., trooper, Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 824. Currie, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1448. Curry, A. J., sergeant, 65th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 306. Curtis, H. T., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 710. Curtis, W. A., A.8., Eoyal Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 669. Dalton, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1324. Daly, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 805. Daly, W., corporal, 27th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 307. Dalziel, J., private, Eoyal Engineers ; claim, 60 acres. 1282. Davidson, A., gunner, fioyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1499. Davidson, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 886. Davidson, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1024. Davidson, W., private, 12th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1327. Davey, T., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1022. Davies, T., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1459. Davis, 8., private, 43rd Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 167. Davis, H. J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 102. Davis, Jeremiah, private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 116. Davis, Joseph, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 888. Davis, John, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1145. Davis, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 133. Dawson, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1236. Davy, H., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 1276. Deane, PL, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1095. Deane, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 109. Deane, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1021. Deighton, F. M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 380. Delahy, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 252 a. Delaney, F., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 668. Delaney, J., private, 81st Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1161 a. De Launey, C., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1303. De Lautour, H., honorary surgeon, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 718. Dempsey, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1400. Deverell, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 833. Devery, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip.



List of Rejected Claims— continued. 183. Devine, J., private, Colonial Forces ; claim, indefinite. 1325. Dick, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1354. Dick, J. G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1326. Dick, William, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 508. Dilley, C, private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 75. Dillon, H., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 499. Dillon, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 454. Dillon, R., private, 3rd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 1158 a. Dix, H. R., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 411. Dixon, M., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 14. Dixon, T., gunner, Royal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 528. Doble, Maria (for husband, R. Doble), Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 63. Donaghy, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 822. Donald, M., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 535. Donarty, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1146. Doney, M., private, 40th Regiment; claim, 10 acres. 1311. Donnelly, F., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1157 a. Donnelly, James, trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 617. Donnelly, John, private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 644. Donnelly, Terence, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 729. Donnelly, T., corporal, 58th Regiment ; claim, 80 acres. 114. Donnon, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 38. Donovan, J., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1538. Doole, J., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 488. Dormer, J., sergeant, 14th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 1468. Dougherty, F., private, sth Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 308. Dougherty, R., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 99. Doughty, G., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 837. Douglas, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 636. Douglas, E., private, 3rd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 887. Down, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 990. Downey, S., corporal, 18th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 1323. Downie, 11., private, 99th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1524. Drew, J., private, 7th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 850. Drummond, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 783. Drummond, R., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 193. Duddy, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 53. Duffy, P., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 98. Duffy, S., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1023. Duffy, W., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 459. Dunioy, C, private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 309. Dunklin, G., private, Commissiariat Corps; claim, 60 acres. 1237. Dunlop, A., private, 12th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1381. Dunlop, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1380. Dunlop, R., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 991. Dunn, C., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1444. Dunn, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 570. Dunn, P., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1526. Dunn, T., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 462. Dunwoody, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 509. Duross, J. J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 540. Dye, F., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1285. Dynes, R., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 618. Earl, S. (for James Whitney), private, 12th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 619. Earl, W., A.8., Royal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1313. East, R., private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 484. Eastment, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1320. Edgeworth, R. W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1414. Edwards, J., sergeant, 65th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 1152. Edwards, J. T., major, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 400 acres. 163. Edwards, T., alias Lawton, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1286. Ellis, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 538. Ellis, William, private, 96th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1027. Ellis, William, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 889. Elmes, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 338. English, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1201. Enuis, W., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 464. Ernshaw, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 175. Espagne, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1025. Estall, R., private, 72nd Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 539. Eustace, A., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1026. Evans, A., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1382. Evans, F. C. R., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 2—H. 6.


List of Eejected Claims— continued. 1069. Evans, H., private, Colonial Forces; claim, indefinite. 1117. Evans, E., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 1003. Evans, T., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 510. Ewers, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 620. Eyre, C. W., private, 31st Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 818. Fagan, J., private, 11th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1110. Fairbrother, E. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1112. Fairbrother, E. W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 313. Fallowes, E., private, 14th Regiment; claim, CO acres. 511. Faloon, S., private, 53rd Eegiment; claim, cottage and 1 acre of land. 854. Farmer, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 756. Farmer, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 93. Farr, F., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 112. Farrell, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1489. Farrell, E. (by widow), private, 31st Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 402. Fathers, J. W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1209. Faulknor, T., private, 43rd Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 864. Ferguson, D., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 776. Ferguson, P. (by wife), private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 778. Ferguson, \V., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1229. Fiddes, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1238. Field, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1277. Fielder, 8., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1536. Fieldgate, W. S., A.8., Victorian Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 596. Finch, T., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 272. Findlay, W., sergeant, Militia; claim, indefinite. 853,. Findlayson, E. P., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 844. Finnucane, T., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 673. Fitton, M., private, 99th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 487. Fitzgerald, E., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 61. Fitzgerald, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1033. Fitzmaurice, G., sergeant, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 81 acres. 311. Fitzpatrick, James, sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 890. Fitzpatrick, J., private, 99th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1560. Fitzpatrick, James, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 891. Flanagan, 1)., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 314. Flanagan, E., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 671. Flanagan, T., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 312. Flannery, C, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 670. Flatt, J. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1540. Flavin, T., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 953. Flint, G. 8., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 893. Flint, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1559. Floyd, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1418. Flyger, Alice ; claim, £80 scrip. 965. Flynn, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 82. Flynn, M., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 3. Flynn, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1471. Foley, A. P., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 129. Foley, M., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 315. Foley, T., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 716. Ford, A., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 543. Ford, A. S., corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment; claim, 10 acres. 721. Ford, T., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 569. Fordyce, T., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 141. Forsyth, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1336. Forsyth, W., sergeant, 18th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 30. Foster, G., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 310. Fourdam, G., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 537. ' Fowler, J., private, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 583. Fox, J., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 1527. Fraser, D., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 757. Frearson, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1355. Frederick, P., private, Volunteers; claim, £15 scrip. 32. Friend, G., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 992. Gallagher, 8., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 679. Gallagher, E., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 496. Gallagher, J., corporal, 18th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 597. Galleven, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1034. Garnish, T., A.8., Eoyal Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 1098. Garbes, P., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1037. Gardener, 11. H., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1502. Gardiner, A., captain, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip.




List of Eejected Claims— continued. 855. Gardiner, C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 900. Gardiner, E., captain, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 894. Garner, F. W., major, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 320. Garragan, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 251. Garrard, W. G., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 267. Garrick, W., sergeant, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 856. Gately, 8., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 24. Gayne, W. P., private, Army Service Corps; claim, 60 acres. 1485. Gee, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 598. Gelling, J. M., captain, Militia; claim, indefinite. 898. Gethin, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 502. Gibbons, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 737. Gibbons, John, private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1531. Gibbs, J., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 85. Gibson, EL, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1428. Gibson, J., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 128. Gibson, W. PL, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1036. Gifford, C, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 979. Gilberd, J. G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 895. Gill, M., private, 57th Begimont; claim, 60 acres. 899. Gill, W., private, 18th Eegimeut; claim, 60 acres. 318. Gillespie, S., gunner, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 771. Gillhan, H., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 954. Gilligan, W. J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 319. Gilpin, W., private, 24th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 480. Gleeson, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 481. Gleeson, T., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 317. Glenn, E., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1269. Glynn, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1374. Goldie, W., captain, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 2. Good, J. corporal, 43rd Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 675. Good, W., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1135. Goodwin, P., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 599. Goodwin, W. PL, private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 568. Goose, E., private, 3rd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 83. Gordon, M., private, 6th Dragoons; claim, 60 acres. 843. Gordon, W., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 963. Gorman, P., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 544. Gorman, J., private, sth Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 80. Gorman, W., private, Volunteers; claim, 30 scrip. 430. Gough, E,, private, Volunteer; claim, £30 scrip. 316. Grace, D., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 51. Grace, G., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 159. Grace, P., private, 14th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 896. Graham, C, private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1280. Graham, G., not stated. 1208. Graham, E., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1222. Grainger, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 633. Grant, P., sergeant, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 851. Gray, C., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1092. Green, A., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 486. Green, E. L., major, 26th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 1281. Green, J., private, 14th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1329. Green, M., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 838. Greene, W. S., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1278. Gregory, P., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1406. Greig, J. 8., Volunteer; claim, £30 scrip. 86. Griffiths, W. J., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 1239. Griffin, C, private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1035. Grimes, N., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 40. Grogan, J., private, Eoyal Marines ; claim, 60 acres. 1287. Grooves, G., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 676. Guthrie, E., private ; claim, £30 scrip. 321. Haggen, James, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1039. Haggerty, P., private, 57th Kegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1497. Haig, A., corporal, 68th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 758. Hair, T. G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1240. Hall, Joseph, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1458. Hall, J. W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1241. Halloran, J., private, 58th Esgiment; claim, 60 acres. 603. Halpin, A., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1288. Llamersley, A. St. G., major, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 271. Hamilton, S. H., private, Militia; claim, indefinite.


List of Eejected Claims — continued. 97. Hamilton, W., private, 65th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 204. Hamlin, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 169. Hammington, J., private, 70th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 58. Hampson, P., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1164. Hanlan, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1242. Hanley, T., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 217. Hanlon, J., private, 65th Eegimont; claim, 60 acres. 48. Hanlon, M., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 330. Hannah, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1094. Hannah, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 904. Hannon, D., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 104. Hannon, F., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 739. Hansen, 0. C, constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 1307. Harding, E., private, 58th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1190. Harding, J., private, 65th Eegiment;, 60 acres. 396. Hardington, H., captain, Volunteers ; claim, 400 acres. 730. Hardman, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 331. Harford, M., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, GO acres. 975. Harkness, E., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 251 a. Harkness, T., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 23. Harknett, sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 329. Harknett, M., sergeant, 58th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 76. Haiiow, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 903. Harper, E., sergeant, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 80 acres. 118. Harris, D. M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 905. Harris, H., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1306. Harris, S., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1455 a. Harris, W., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 74. Harrison, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1202. Harrison, G. W., private, Colonial Forces; claim, indefinite. 255. Harrison, P. J., private, Volunteers; £30 scrip and 51 acres. 254. Hart, G., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 680 a. Hart, J. S., private, 31st Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 982. Hartley, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1405. Harvey, J., captain, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 324. Haslem, P., sergeant, 58th Eegiment; claim, indefinite. 769. Hattaway, E., corporal, 58th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1564. Hawk, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1539. Hawkes, E. W. W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1385. Hawkins, J. E., lieutenant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1383. Hawkins, J. 0., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 857. Hawkins, T., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 184. Hay, J., able seaman, Victorian Navy; claim, 60 acres. 813. Hay, J. J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 600. Hay, W. McG., ensign, Forest Eangers; claim, 200 acres. 1347. Hayes, M., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 332. Head, W., private, Eoyal Engineers; claim, 60 acres. 819. Healey, Delia (for W. Ellis), private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 460. Heaney, D., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 529. Heatou, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 442. Heffernan, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 623. Hegarty, 1., private, 61st Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 22. Hegarty, P., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1279. Henderson, L. W., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1386. Henderson, F., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 578. Hendry, C. F. H., private, Forest Eangers ; claim, 51 acres. 156. Henn, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 902. Henn, J., sergeant, Army Hospital Corps ; claim, 80 acres. 1529. Henry, James, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1535. Henry, Joseph, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1040. Henry, P., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 113. Henry, V., sergeant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1420. Hensen, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 153. Hepburn, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 622. Herbert, P., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1041. Hernan, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 773. Herrick, M., private, Militia : claim, indefinite. 585. Hertman, D., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1243. Hewer, H., lieutenant, Honourable East India Company ; claim, 400 acres. 1218. Hewitt, P., A.8., Eoyal Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 441. Hewlett, T., private, Militia; claim, 60 acres. 435. Hewlett, W. H., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1384. Heywood, W. E., captain, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip.




List of Rejected Claims— continued. 152. Hickey, P., private, 57th Begiment ; claim, GO acres. 621. Hickey, T., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1001. Hickson, P. H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 44. Higgie, j., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 290. Hiklitch, 8., constable, Armed Constabulary 3?oroe; claim, indefinite. 1177. Hinnegan, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 197. Hoby, G., private, Volunteers; claim, 51 acres.' 1304. Hodge, A., private, Eoyal Engineers; claim, 60 acres. 422. Hodge, E. P., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 1483. Hodgson, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 50. Hogan, D., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 60. Holbrook, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 326. Holliday, W., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1465. Holloway, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1097. Holmes, J. C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 986. Hooper, S., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1263. Homer, J. H., sergeant, 99th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 545. Hornsby, W., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1175. Hoskins, J., private, Volunteei's ; claim, £30 scrip. 322. Houlahan, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 443. Hovell, C. H., assistant surgeon, Militia ; claim, 400 acres. 517. Howard, F. W., captain, Militia; claim, indefinite. 978. Howard, J., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 826. Howard, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 1147. Howarth, J., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 323. Howe, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1038. Howe, T., privats, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 211. Howes, W., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1289. Howley, T., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence For^o ; claim, 51 acres. 741. Hoy, P., private, 65th Regimeht; claim, 60 acres. 409. Hudson, T., nil. 567. Huff, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1410. Huffadine, E., juii., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 652. Hume, William, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 846. Humphreys, L., A.8., Royal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1490. Humphries, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 327. Hunt, J. N., private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 105. Hurley, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 47. Hurst, C. E., lieutenant, 12th Regiment; claim, 400 acres. 740. Hussey, J. E. (by widow), 30th Regiment; claim, 400 acres. 1162 a. Hutchins, A., trooper, "Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 148. Hutchinson, D., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 61 acres. 325. Hutchinson, D., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 901. Hutton, D., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 455. Hutton, H., captain, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 1176. Hyde, E., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1513. Hynd, J,, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 36. Ibbott, W., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, GO acres. 1042. Ibbotson, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 566. Ingham, W., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 681. Inglis, J., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1244. Ingram, C, gunner, Eoyal Horse Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 906. Ireland, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 742. Irwin, D., corporal, 59th Eegiment ; claim, 80 acres. 19. Isherwood, J., captain, 45th Regiment; claim, 400 acres. 1290. Jackson, A. L., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 121. Jackson, J., constable, Police ; claim, indefinite. 1291. Jackson, J. E. S., lieutenant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 645. Jackson, W., major, Forest Bangers; claim, 400 acres. 1469. Jacobs, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1178. Jenkins, E., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 131. Jenkinson, S., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1260. Jennings, J., private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers ; claim, 51 acres. 391. Jeune, F., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1565. Johns, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 334. Johnson, E., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 333. Johnson, H., captain, 80th Regiment; claim, 400 acres. 1192. Johnson, James, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 232. Johnson, Isaac, private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 233. Johnson, John, sergeant, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1076. Johnson, W., sergeant, 65th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 17. Johnson, C, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 386. Jones, E., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres.


List of Eejeeted Claims— continued. 1440. Jones, J., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1427. Jones, M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 256. Jones. T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1460. Jones, W., A.8., Victorian Navy; claim, indefinite. 1503. Jopson, E., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 144. Jordon, 1., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 858. Joseph, E., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 1610. Karana, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 339. Kavanagh, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 132. Kearney, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 94. Kearney, M., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 802. Keating, F., private, Marine Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 220. Keefe, C, private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 640. Keefe, J., private, Volunteers ; claim., £30 scrip. 336. Keeley, E., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 25. Keenan, P., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 908. Keily, J., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1043. Keir, F., private, 99th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 507. Kells, G., sergeant, 65th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 72. Kells, J. F., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 130. Kelly (by widow), gunner, Royal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1348. Kelly, D., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 907. Kelly, E., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 418. Kelly, P. J., sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment; claim, indefinite. 522. Kemp, J., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 720. Kenahan, J. 8., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 523. Kenealy, D., private, Forest Rangers ; claim, 51 acres. 587. Kennedy, James, private, 12th Eegiment; claim, 60facres. 909. Kennedy, Joseph, private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1451. Kennedy, J. M., sergeant, 65th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 1137. Kennedy, M., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1136. Kenorly, W., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 190. Kcogh, P., private, Ist D. Guards ; claim, 60 acres. 1572. Kerr, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 338. Kerrigan, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1375. Keys, G., gunner, Royal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 1571. Kidd, C., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 840. Kilgour, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1153. Kilgour, J., assistant surgeon, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 5. Kilkolly, J., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 34. Kincaid, A., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 961. Kincella, M., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 288. King, C, constable, Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 485. King, E., private, Land Transport Corps ; claim, 50 acres. 1089. King, G., private, 14th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 624. King, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1292. King, J. J. J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1152 a. Kingdon, P., captain, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 300 acres. 1044. Kitchen, John, private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1230. Kitchen, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 340. Knight, J., private, Royal Engineers ; claim, 60 acres. 797. Knipe, T., corporal, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 335. Knowles, A., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1122. Knowles, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1150. Kutchen, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 337. Kyle, R. (by widow), private, 2nd Regiment; claim, 100 acres. 342. Ladd, A., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 683. Ladnsr, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 637. Lake, F., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 258. Lambert, B. E., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1265. Lambert, T. S., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1271. Lamont, G., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 777. Land, J., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 1067. Landres, M., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 589. Laney, J., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 712. Langton, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 859. Large, J. T., ensign, Militia; claim, indefinite. 345. Larthrope, L., private, 24th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1387. Lawler, D., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 341. Lawrence, H., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 743. Lawlor, W., private, 106 th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 343. Layther, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 381. Leaning, G. H.., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip.




List of Eejected Claims— continued. 16. Lee, D., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres, 401. Lee, William, private. Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1046. Lees, William, private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1573.. Le Manquais, F. G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 154. Lewis, R., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1498. Lewis, Robert, private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1245. Lewis, W., sergeant-major, Military Train ; claim, 80 acres. 1415. Lillicrap, H. V., captain, King's Regiment; claim, 400 acres. 158. Linn, J., gunner, Royal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1047. Littlewood, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 172. Livingstone, E., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 993. Livingstone, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 744. Lockett, E. C, trooper, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 531. Londergan, T., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 579. Long, H., private, Forest Rangers ; claim, 51 acres. 646. Long, J., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1103. Longhurst, C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1140. Love, H., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 77. Love, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 137. Love, W., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1479. Lowden, T., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 176. Ludlam, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 9. Ludlow T, W., private, 14th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 588. Lumber, W., private, 12th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 385. Lusk, D. H., major, Volunteers ; claim, 300 acres. 910. Lydon, J., private, Colonial Forces; claim, indefinite. 512 ; Lynch, D., private, 57th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1048 a. Lynch, J., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 1270. Lyons, J., private, East York Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 88. McAnulty, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 964. Mcßride, J., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 1227. McCabe, W., gunner, Royal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 1008. McCaun, G., gunner, Royal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 37. McCann, J., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 772. McCandless, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1104. McCarthy, F. OS., private, Volunteer ; claim, £30 scrip. 265. McCarthy, John, trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 348. McCarthy, John, private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 781. McCarthy, J. private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 918. McCarthy, T., sergeant, 14th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 42. McCartney, D., private, 57th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 269. McCashen, J., sergeant, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 647. McGleymont, A., private, Forest Rangers; claim, 51 acres. 684. McCormack, W. 8., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1583. McCormick, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1163. McCormick, T. J., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 160. McCoy, J., private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 604. McCutcheon, J., private, 11th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 973. McDonagh, J., private, 70th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1161. McDonnell, T., colonel, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 200 acres. 46. McEvoy, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 551. McEwan, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 399. McGill, C., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1200. McGinn, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1143. McGinnity, W., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 207. McGonagle, R., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1488. McGovern, L. (by widow), private, 38th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 605. McGrane, R., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 61a. McGrath, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1473. McGregor, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1247. McGregor, J., sergeant, 85th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 87. McGregor, James, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 688. McGregor, R., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1302. McGuire, H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1506. Mclnerny, P., private, 38th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1333. McKay, A., sergeant, Royal Artillery; claim, 80 acres. 919. McKearney, H. P., private, 87th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 686. McKee, W. J., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 210. McKeever, W., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 15. McKenna, E., ensign, 65th Regiment; claim, 400 acres. 1454. McKenna, P., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1330. McKelvey, J., private, 40th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1528. McKenstray, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres.


List of Eejected Claims— continued, 33. McKinn, J., private, 57th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 437. McLaughlan, J. M., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 759. McLaughlan, A., captain, Fire Brigade ; claim, £30 scrip. 1508. McLaughlan, J., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 1518. McLean, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1184. McLeod, J. (by widow), private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 606. McMahon, P., gunner, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 482. McMahon, F. (by widow), private, 58th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1116. McMahon, M., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, land. 467. McMahon, P., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1162. McMahon, P., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 557. McMillan, A., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 862. McMillan, Duncan, nil. 1139. McMillan, T., colour sergeant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 860. McNally, C, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1388. McNalty, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 559. McNeill, A., private, Eoyal Marino; claim, 60 acres. 920. McEoberts, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 182. McShane, P., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, pension. 1053. McShane, T., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 921. MeThane, F., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 689. Me Williams, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 654. Macdonald, 8., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1246. Macdonald, J., sergeant, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 80 acres. 1197. Macdonald, John, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 602. Macdonald, J. X., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 747. Macdonald, M., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1199. Macdonald, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1051. Macdonell, C. K. S., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 607. Macfarlane, J., sergeant, 3rd Waikato Begiment; claim, 81 acres. 841. Mackay, I. D., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 1049. Mackintosh, C. D., sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 861. Mackintosh, L., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 625. Madden, J., sergeant, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 383. Madden, E., sergeant, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 457. Maginn, 0., sergeant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 817. Maher, P. (by widow), sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 601. Mahon, J., sergeant, 26th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 260. Mahon, M., sergeant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 166. Mahoney, J., sergeant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 90. Mahoney, P. (by widow), sergeant, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 556. Malioney, T., sergeant, 70th Eegiment; claim, nil. 1389. Mailman, G. F., sergeant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 289. Mair, W. G., major, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 200 acres. 214. Majorum, ■ (by widow), sergeant, Eoyal Engineers; claim, 80 acres. 1118. Malone, W., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 911. Maloney, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 79. Maney, L., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 69. Manley, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1107. Mannering, C, lieutenant, Honourable East India Company ; claim, 400 acres. 477. Markham, E., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 994. Marsh, H. T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1138. Marshall, E. A., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1293. Marshall, E. W., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 64. Marshall, W. S., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 746. Martin, S. (by widow), private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 995. Matthews, A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1517. Malthieson, W. EL, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip, 916. Mawe, W. F., private, 3rd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres, 626. Maxwell, W., private, Colonial Forces; claim, indefinite. 912. Mayo, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 215. Meara, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 164. Meara, M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 562. Measures, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 13. Meighau, P., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 981. Mellon, E., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1485 a. Membray, J., private, 4th Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 1437. Menchen, P., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1248. Merchant, A. C, private, Eoyal Marines; claim, 60 acres. 1093. Merrick, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 913. Merson, E., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1221. Merson, G. H., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 785. Middleton, W., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres.




List of Eejected Claims — continued. 561. Miles, E., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 346. Miller, A., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 799. Miller, D., trooper, Hawke's Bay Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 564. Miller, W., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 835. Millooly, M., private, Volunteers; claim, 51 acres. 436. Mills, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 914. Mills, T., private, 70th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1367. Mills, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1250. Milnes, G. F., private, 84th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 999. Minifie, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1160. Minnitt, C. G., major, 18th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 717. Mitchell, W., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 565. Mobberley, S. (by widow), private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 609. Mohr, J., private, Forest Eangers ; claim, 51 acres. 609 a. Mohr, J., private, Forest Eangers; claims deceased comrade's land. 1195. Moir, D., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 563. Molloy, P., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 971. Monagahan, J., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 1. Moody, T., sergeant, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 81 acres. 1249. Moody, W. EL., A.8., Eoyal Navy ; claim, 60 acres. 779. Mooney, S., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 685. Moore, A. S., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1491. Moore, J., nil; claim, indefinite. 1268. Moore, John, private, 2nd Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 734. Moore, W., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1262. Moraghan, T., sergeant, 37th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 495< Moran, M., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1048. Morgan, E. E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1198. Morgan, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 141 a. Morgan, T. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1294. Morley, J., gunner, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 1461. Morris, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 653. Morrison, J., cadet, Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1042. Morrison, T., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1071. Morritz, W., constable, Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 1180. Mowatt, E., sergeant-major, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 80 acres. 1300. Moxham, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 119. Muliin, W. J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 62. Mulrey, J., private, 43rd Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1434. Murdock, H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 917. Murphy, D., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 552. Murphy, 8., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 627. Murphy, John, private, Honourable Bast India Company ; claim, 60 acres. 554. Murphy, John, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 474. Murphy, James, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 458. Murphy, Jeremiah, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 261. Murphy, M., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1207. Murphy, P., private, 40th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 347. Murphy, Patrick, private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 115. Murphy, T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 915. Murphy, T. M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 816. Murray, P., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 608. Murray, W., private, Transport Corps ; claim, 30 acres. 553. Murthey, C. G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1228 a. Muschamp, E., private, 10thHussars; claim, 60 acres. 1251. Mussoon, C., private, 22nd Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1525. Mutton, D. J., private, Forest Eangers ; claim, 51 acres. 614. Nabbs, W., private, 60th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1115. Nash, G., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 49. Neary, S., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 353. Neeve, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 225. Neilson, C. (by widow), private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 354. Neilson, J., private, 12th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 218. Nelson, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 468. Nelson, E., gunner, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 349. Nevill, P., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 796. Nevin, P., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1584. Newdick, P., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1252. Newman, J., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 352. Neylon, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1390. Nichol, T. S., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 692. Nicholl, E., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 591. Nicholls, W. H. S.,private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip, 3-H. 6.



List of Esjected Claims— continued. 922. Nicholson, J. C, trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 351. Nixon, A., private, 47th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 379. Noble, E., sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 733. Noble, T. 8., sergeant, Commissariat Staff Corps ; claim, 80 acres. 501. Noble, W. G., sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 760. Nodder, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 955. Nolan, John, private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres, 1253. Nolan, James, private, 97th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 122. Nowell, F. 0., corporal, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 350. Nowlan, M., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 198. Oakey, B. N., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1149. Oakley, J. (by widow), private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 355. O'Brien, J., sergeant, 65th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1158. O'Brien, W.~, trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 234. O'Connell, G., officer (corps not stated) ; claim, 400 acres. 648. O'Connell, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1475. O'Conner, A., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1129. O'Connor, M., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 615. Odium, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 693. Odium, W., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 226. O'Donnell, J., private, 55th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1392. O'Donnel, J., private ; claim, 60 acres. 1182. O'Donoghue, D. P., private, Volunteers ; claim, 51 acres. 892. O'Flaherty, T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 136. O'Hara, P., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 356. O'Hare, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. . 266. O'Neill, 8., sergeant, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 970. O'Neill, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 923. Onion, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1435. Ormond, L., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1154 a. Ormsbee, G. W., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 504. Osborne, 0., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 357. O'Shea, 8., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 107. O'Shea, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1376. Osmond, J., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 694. Ower, T., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1463. Oxenham, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 845. Parau, P., chief, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 927. Parker, F. W., private and constable, Volunteers and Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, £30 scrip. 925. Parker, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 983. Parker, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 928. Parker, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1474. Parkhill, J., private, 3rd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 1377. Pattison, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1493. Pay, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1588. Payne, H., honorary surgeon, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 151. Pearson, J., private, ,57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 423. Penk, E. T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1589. Penk, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 761. Pennell, J., private, Volunteers; claim, 51 acres. 1443. Perfect, F. G., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 696. Perkins, J., private, Ist Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 1105. Perrett, E., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1157. Perry, 8., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1054. Perry, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 697. Perry, W., private, 68th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1391. Petrie, J. G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 610. Petty, D. (by widow), private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1254. Peyton, J., private, 61st Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 926. Phillips, D., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1181. Phillips, G. S., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1416. Phillips, J., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1453. Philp, E., corporal, 72nd Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 227. Pigott, J., sergeant, 15th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1084. Pilmer, A. G., captain, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 550. Pope, C. A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1350. Popplewell, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1255. Porter, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 869. Porter, T. W., major, Colonial Forces; claim, 40 acres. 494. Porter, W., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1055. Potto, G. S., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1006. Powell, J. H., private, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres.



List of Eejected Claims— continued. 719. Powell, 8., private, 4th Waikato Begiment; claim, indefinite, 187. Powell, W., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 929. Power, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 478. Pratt, J., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1219. Pratt, T., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60-acres. 924. Preece, G. A., captain, Colonial Forces; claim, indefinite. 1185. Prendeville, J. S., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1587. Price, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 400. Price, H., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 847. Priestly, C, private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 7. Pringle, F., lieutenant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 1363 a. Proudfoot, G. C, captain, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1476. Provo, 8., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 359. Quigley, John, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 360. Quigley, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 270. Quigley, P., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 268. Quigley, W., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 930. Quigley, W., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 362. Quinn, G., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 358. Quinn, J., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 361. Quinn, M., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 108. Quinn, P., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 476. Quinn, T., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 592. Quinlarj, P., private, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 593. Quinlan, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 680. Eae, L. H., private, Ist Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 1056. Eahill, J., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 44*8. Eamsey, F., private, Ist Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 135. Eankin, J. (by widow), private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 284. Bastrick, J. L., engineer, Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1611. Eatapu, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1141. Eaven, W. J., private, Forest Eangers; claim, 51 acres. 1009. Bea, D., private, Army Servioo Corps ; claim, 60 acres. 1099. Eead, F., private, Fire Brigade; claim, indefinite. 364. Beading, J., private, 65th Begimont; claim, 60 acres. 162. Beading, John, private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1108. Eeal, T., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1203. Eeardon, M., sergeant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 931. Eeady, P., constable, Armed Constabulary Force; claim, indefinite. 4. Eedmond, M., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1183. Eedmond, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 863. Eec, H. J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 81. Beed, J. (by widow), private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 275. Beed, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 958. Bees, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1130. Beeves, W., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1131. Eeid, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 157. Eeid, Margaret (for brother, John Jones), Volunteers ; claim, 51 acres. 547. Eeilly, Joshua, private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1295. Eeilly, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1057. Eevell, F. H., sergeant, 14thDragoons, audWellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 81 acres. 146. Bhodes, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1310. Eice, J. H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 934. Bice, T., corporal, 18th Eogiment; claim, 80 acres. 231. Eichards, H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 229. Bichards, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 959. Eichardson, G. 8., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force, and Volunteers ■; claim, 51 acres. 698. Eiley, T. (by widow), gunner, Boyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 366. Eobb, W., private, 66th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 363. Boberts, A., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 699. Boberts, H., private, 58th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 775. Boberts, J. M., colonel, Forest Eangers ; claim, 200 acres. 1058. Boberts, W. (by widow), private, Volunteers; claim, 60 acres. 101. Eoberts, W. T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 572. Eobertson, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1321. Eobins, J., private, 45th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 100. Eobinson, 8., private, 86th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1267. Eobinson, C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 996. Eobinson, J., private, 77th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1425. Bobinson, 8., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 749. Bobinson, T. J., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip.


List of Bejected Claims— continued. 932. Eobson, G., sergeant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1393. Bodger, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1407. Boe, F., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 73. Eosomon, G., private, 57th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 933. Boss, A. M. (by widow), gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 701. Eoss, John, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 935. Eoss, James, lieutenant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 365. Bouse, T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1059. Eowband, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 230. Bowe, C. N., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1594. Bowe, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1031. Bowe, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 700. Boycroft, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 611. Bunciman, J., lieutenant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1433. Eussell, A. H., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 274. Butherford, W., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 52. Eyan, E., private, 14th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 549. Byan, John, private, 65th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1411. Eyan, John, private, 55th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1456. Eyan, M., private, Colonial Forces; claim, 51 acres. 548. Eyan, M., private, 18th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 96. Byan, M. (by widow), private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 199. Byan, P., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 27. Byan, S., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 848. Sadlier, L., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 612. Sage, J., sergeant, 58th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 629. Salt, J., private, 6th Dragoons; claim, 60 acres. ' 35a. Sands, E., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 427. Savage, J., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1403 a. Sayers, J. A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1394. Scandrett, W. 8., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1455. Scannell, D., sergeant, 57th Begiment; claim, 80 acres. 1080. Scarff, J., private, 18th Begi'merit; claim, 60 acres. 425. Schapper, C, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 780. Scott, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1344. Scott, M., private, 72nd Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 278. Scott, N., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 942. Soager, F. C, private, Hawke's Bay Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1296. Seelar, J., private, 43rd Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1298. Seelar, S., private, 43rd Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1217. Sellars, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 976. Sellars, W. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1068. Sergeant, H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1064. Sergeant, W., ensign, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1309. Seymour, E. 8., private, Colonial Forces; claim, 51 acres. 533. Shanaghan, J., private, 58th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1436. Shanks, 8., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1205. Shannon, J., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 126. Shannon, 8., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 940. Sharp, M., private, 65th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 639. Shaughnessey, P., private, 94th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1085. Shean, E. (for father, deceased), private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1159 a. Shean, E., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1126. Sheehan, C, private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1312. Sheehan, E., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1472. Sheehan, M., private, 40th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 1088. Sheehy, M., private, Military Train ; claim, 60 acres. 189. Sheppee, J., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1417. Sherrock, E. (by widow), private, Cape Mounted Eifles; claim, 60 acres. 828. Shirley, T. E., private, Volunteers; claim, 51 acres. 1345. Short, A., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 368. Short, T., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 95. Simmons, D., gunner, Boyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 285. Simmons, F., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1600. Simpson, J. F., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1398. Sinclair, A., private, 46th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 736. Sisam, A. G., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1256. Skeet, G., private, Boyal Marines; claim, 60 acres. 787. Skerry, M., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 369. Skinner, 8., private, 58th Begiment; claim, 40 acres. 1065. Skinner, W. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 937. Slater, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1114. Sloane, J. A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip.



List of Rejected Claims— continued. 1500. Smaill, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 410. Small, J. S., private, Ist Waikato Eegiment; claim, 50 acres. 370. Smith, C, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 820. Smith, E., private, Forest Bangers; claim, 51 acres. 1601. Smith, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1079. Smith, H., private, Land Transport Corps; claim, 60 acres. 1462. Smith J., corporal, 60th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1156. Smith, James, trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1144. Smith, James, private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1142. Smith, J., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 788. Smith, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1125. Smith, J. A., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1439. Smith, E., lieutenant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1120. Smith, E., private, 65th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1266. Smith, W., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 372. Snelgar, H., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1062. Snelson, G. N., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1061. Snook, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 45. Somerville, C. (by son), private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1501. Sonntagg, —~ sergeant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1457. Spalding, T., private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 703. Spencer, G., trooper, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 809. Spencer, J., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 939. Spencer, W. J., surgeon, 18th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 1127. Spiers, J. F., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1297. Spillane, S., private, 106 th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1430. Splaine, W., nil; claim, indefinite. 526. Spragg, J., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1264. Sporr, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 279. Squibb, G., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 945. Stacey, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 387. Stafford, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 798. Stagpoole, M, D., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 56. Stamp, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1066. Stanford, T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 936. Stapleton, H., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 212, Stapp, C, lieut.-colonel, 58th Eegiment; claim, 40 acres. 1086. Stark, J., private, Fire Brigade ; claim, £30 scrip. 1364. Stavely, W., lieut.-colonel, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 867. Steele, W. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 371. Steen, W., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 165. Steer, John, private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 944. Steer, James, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1082. Steer, S., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 997. St. George, L., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 497. Stephenson, J., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1332. Stevens, M., sergeant, 70th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1314. Stewart, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1123. Stewart, James, gunner, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 1519. Stewart, John, sergeant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1063. Stiddolph, S., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1603. Stone, P., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 941. Sturm, E. C, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1598. Sullivan, James, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1340. Sullivan, John, private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1214. Sullivan, M., private, 88th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 273. Sullivan, M., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 943. Sullivan, T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1481. Summers, A., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1484. Sumpter, G., lieut.-colonel, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1467. Sunerway, E., private, 2nd Waikato Eegiment; claim, 51 acres. 977. Swan, G. H., lieutenant, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 139. Swan, J. (by widow), private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 367. Swindley, A. E., lieutenant, 18th Eegiment; claim, 400 acres. 704. Symes J., private, 12th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 702. Symonds, T., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 998. Tait, G., trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 51 acres. 124. Talty, P., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 984. Tankard, F., sergeant, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1226. Taylor, G., sergeant, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 80 acres. 655. Taylor, George, sergeant, 58th Eegiment; claim, 40 acres. 373. Taylor, S., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1101. Terry, W., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres.



List of Eejected Claims— continued. 849. Thelwall, 8., private, Volunteers ; claim, £80 scrip. 536. Thoburn, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 12. Thomas, T., private, 65th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 503. Thomas, T., private, Eoyal Engineers ; claim, 60 acres. 947. Thompson, J., private, 57th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 751. Thompson, J., sergeant, 69th Regiment and Volunteers; claim, 60 acres and £30 scrip. 946. Thompson, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1257. Thome, S., private, sth Lancers ; claim, 60 acres. 446. Thwaites, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 807. Tibballs, A. C, private, Volunteers ; claim, 50 acres. 286. Tilly, G. T., lieutenant, Eoyal Marines ; claim, 400 acres. 68. Timms, W., private, Eoyal Marines; claim, 60 acres. 106. Timmins, M., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1087. Tolly, E., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1132. Tolly, T. J., nil; claim, indefinite. 948. Torr, J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 127. Tracey, J., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 26. Tracey, M., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 789. Treanor, H., corporal, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 60 acres. 429. Trayes, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 428. Trayes, W. S., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 395. Tremaine, E. J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 590. Tringham, P. E., A.8., Eoyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 956. Troy, N., corporal, 65th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1612. Tuhoro, T., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 196. Tunbridge, C, private, 43rd Begimeut; claim, 60 acres. 630. Turnbull, J., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1445. Turnbull, John, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 790. Twanley, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1447. Twohig, D., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1261. Tyler, J., private, 4th Dragoons; claim, 60 acres. 576. Uloth, A. E., private, Hawke's Bay Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1151. Underwood, H. J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 825. Uren, H. J., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1091. Urwin, T., private, Eoyal Marines; claim, 60 acres. 1193. Vercoe, E. J., corporal, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 613. Vincent, A., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 134. Vincent, S., private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1070. Vivian, J. A., private, Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1322. Voss, E., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1477. Waddell, J. S., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 631. Wadsworth, J., private, 99th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 960. Wairoa (Hawke's Bay) Volunteers (general claim); claim, £30 scrip. 1604 a. Waite, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1109. Wakeford, H. J., private, Forest Bangers ; claim, 51 acres. 54. Walker, E., corporal, 65th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 524. Walker, H., private, Aucklaud Troop, Colonial Defence Corps ; claim, 51 acres. 6. Walker, J., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1155. Walker, J. H., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip, 1188. Wallace, W., private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 384. Walmsley, J., major, Auckland Troop, Colonial Defence Force ; claim, 400 acres. 581. Walsh, James, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 836. Walsh, John, private, Volunteers ; claim, 51 acres. 1404. Walsh, M., sergeant, 43rd Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1426. Walsh, M., private, 18th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 546. Walsh, Martin, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1077. Walsh, P. W., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 185. Walsh, T., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1396. Walters, E., constable, Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 1228. Ward, S., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 374. Warm, G., gunner, Eoyal Artillery ; claim, 60 acres. 574. Warner, H. M., special constable; claim, 60 acres. 78. Warren, C, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1083. Warren, W., sergeant, 65th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 1121. Warwick, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 808. Washington, W., private, 57th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 450. Watson, D., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 465. Watson, G., private, 58th Eogiment ; claim, 60 acres. 713. Watson, James, private, 14th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1187. Watson, John, private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1372. Watson, E., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1495. Watson, W. F., private, Colonial Forces ; claim, indefinite. 1220. Watts, C, private, 50th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres.



H.~ 6

List of Eejected Claims— continued. 84. Webb, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 513. Webber, J., private, 7th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1466. Webster, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 765. Webster, R., corporal, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1210. Weir, T., private, 100 th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1449. Weir, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1075. Weldon, M., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 500. Wells, J3., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 957. Wells, J., private, 14th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1346. Wellstead, G., constable, Armed Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 969. Whalan, J., private, 43rd Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1274. Wheeler, J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1272. Wheeler, T., private, 4.3rd Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 29. Wheeler, W., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1102. Whelan, X., sergeant, 14th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 801. Whelan, P., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 791. Whelan, P., sergeant, 50th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 375. Whelan, P., sergeant, 50th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 632. Whelan, T. private, 12th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 31. Whelan, W., private, 57th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 530. Whisker, A., private, 58th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1225. White, S. A. (for brother, deceased), private, 12th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 806. Whiting, J., private, Military Train ; claim, 60 acres. 793. Whitmarsh, W., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1154. Wilkes, J., private, Ist Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 985. Wilkie, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 282 a. Wilkinson, J. 8., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1189. Wilkinson, M., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. • 792. Wilkinson, W., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 283. Willetts, W., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 1606. Williams, C, private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1072. Williams, E. G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1431. Williams, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1090. Williams, John, private, Ist Waikato Regiment; claim, 51 acres. 706. W Tilliams, J. C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 235. Williams, W., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 41. Williams, William, private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 831. Williamson, G., private, Militia; claim, indefinite. 1113. Wilson, J., corporal, 14th Regiment; claim, 80 acres. 752. Wilson, J., private, 57th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 179. Wilson, John, private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1446. Wilson, J. W., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 171. Wilson, Maria (for deceased husband), Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 518. Wilson, R., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1081. Wilson, T., private, Fire Brigade ; claim, £30 scrip. 1186. Wilson, W. C, trooper, Wellington Troop, Colonial Defence Force; claim, 51 acres. 1000. W Tilton, C. F., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1073. Winehcomb, W. A., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 1370. Winders, M., private, 18th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 377. Wintringham, J., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 575. Witherford, C, private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 827. Witty, W., lieutenant, Militia; claim, indefinite. 378. Wood, J., surgeon-major, Indian Army ; claim, 400 acres. 1373. Woods, G., gunner, Royal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 59. Woods, J., private, 57th Regiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1605. Woodward, F. R., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 376. Worman, G., private, 68th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 949. Worthington, R. J., private, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 707. Wren, T., private, 58th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 728. Wright, A., private, 2nd Waikato Regiment ; claim, 51 acres. 1318. Wright, W. J., private, 65th Regiment; claim, 60 acres. 1283. Young, 8., private, 13th Hussars ; claim, 60 acres.



SCHEDULE II. Claims recommended for the Consideration of the Government.

Record No. Name, Rank, and Bogiment or Corps. Place of 1-tesidence. Nature of Claim. Amount recommended. 656 237 1351 795 711 1618 1409 242 117 241a 238 243a 804 1352 1319 490 1544 1542 1305 449 414 417 302 1369 1422 1368 1545 1543 447 1521 1353 1315 1546 1548 1547 1552 1550 1549 738 1379 1478 71 1554 1020 200 1492a 1555 249 250 1134 1002 168 452 407 1558 1556 1557 672 1408 582 674 678 677 1343 1349 252 1124 1563 1423 714 770 1619 419 392 1562 1438 420 328 586 1620 1520 253 1561 Agnew, J., private, Hauraki Rifles Allan, D., private, Auckland Engineers Allen, J., sergeant, North Dunedin Rifles Allen, W. G., private, Victoria Rifles .. 'Andrews, C, private, 2nd Waikato Regiment.. Anihana, W., private, Thames Native Vols. .. Anthony, T., bandsman, Garrison Band Baker, P. J., private, Victoria Rifles Baldwin, P., private, 65th Regiment Barrett, J., private, Auckland Engineers Barry, D., private, Hobson Rifles Beake, T., private, Naval Brigade Biddle, T., private, C5th Regiment Black, A., private, Dunedin Navals Black, T., private, Dunedm City Guards Borthwick, C. M., gunner, A Battery Artillery Bowden, R., private, Thames Navals .. Borrie, R., private, Hauraki Rifles Brett, W., private, Hampden Rifles Brewin, P., private, Naval Brigade Brinsden, W., private, Auckland Engineers .. Brock, A., private, Auckland Rifles Brown, E., private, 65th Regiment Brown, J., private, Dunedin City Guards Brown, J. A., petty officer, Thames Navals .. Brown, W., private, Dunedin City Guards Brownlee, j., private, Thames Navals .. Brpwnlow, E., lieutenant, Thames Navals Burke, J., private, Hobson Rifles Cameron, D., private, East Taieri Rifles Campbell, J., private, Dunedin Navals.. Canter, G. W., privato Dunedin City Guards .. Carter, J., private, Thames Navals Cartwright, E., private, Thames Navals Olarkc, Or. W., private, Hauraki Rifles Clout, G., sergeant, Thames Rifle Rangers Cobb, W., private, Thames Navals Conner, W., private, Thames Navals .. Connolley, C., trooper, Bay of Plenty Cavalry .. Cook, W., private, Invorcargill Rifles .. Couper, P., privato, East Taieri Rifles Orozier, W., private, 57th Regiment Dabb, R., privato, Thames Navals Davey, P., private, 65th Regiment Davey, R., A.B., Royal Navy Dickson, G., private, Clutha Rifles Doidge, J., privato, Thames Rifle Rangers Donaldson, J., private, Auckland Engineers .. Donaldson, W., private, Auckland Engineers .. Dowling, T., private, 65th Regiment .. Doyle, P., private, 65tli Regiment Dunn, J., private, 65th Regiment Eades, L. R., private, Victoria Rifles .. Edgar, A., private, Auckland Scottish Vols. .. Edmunds, P., private, Hauraki Rifles Ellis R., private, Thames Scottish Ellis, W., private, Thames Scottish Parreli, J., private, Thames Rifle Rangers Ferguson, A., bandsman, Garrison Band Pinnerty, J., private, Howick Cavalry Flynn, E. J., A.B., Royal Navy Glasgow, T. M., private, Thames Rifle Rangers Goodwin, H., private, 65th Regiment Grant, J., private, Bruce Rifles Gray, W., private, Bruce Rifles Grove, G., private, Auckland Engineers Guirk, P., private, 65th Regiment Hamilton, H. J., private, Thames Scottish Hamlin, J., private, Otahuhu Cavalry Harkins, H., private, Auckland Navals Hattaway, R., jun., private, Howick Cavalry .. Hautapu, M., private, Thames Native Vols. .. Heaps, T., private, A Battery Heighway, E., sergeant, A Battery Henderson, T., private, Thames Navals Hendry, J., private, East Taieri Rifles Hendiy, J., private, A Battery .. Hcrlihy, D., privato, 65th Regiment Holloway, E., private, 40tli Regiment Huia, W., privato, Thames Native Volunteers Hunter, A. P., private, North Dunedin Rifles .. Hunter, J., private, Patea Rifles Hymen, H., private, Thames Scottish Karaka Road, Thames Wakefield St., Auckland .. Albany Street, Dunedm .. Victoria Arcade, Auckland Aratapu Thames Invercargill Newton, Auckland Turakina Auckland Wellesley St., Auckland .. Lome Street, Auckland .. Gisborno Dunodin Kartigi Newton, Auckland Thames Richmond Street, Thames Hampden Auckland Hobson Street, Auckland Queen Street, Auckland .. Onehunga .. Duncdiu Gray Street, Thames Dunedm Wia-o-Karaka, Thames .. Queen Street, Thames Auckland Mosgiel Melville Street, Dunedin Grange Street, Dunedin .. Hape Creek.. Karaka Creek Sandes Street, Thames .. Walter Street, Thames .. Sandes Street, Thames .. Keddell Street, Thames .. Opotiki Invercargill Mosgiel Wanganui Tararu, Thames Wanganui New Plymouth Gore, Southland .. Hapo Creek.. Mount Eden, Auckland .. Mount Eden, Auckland .. Wellington Masterton .. Hawera Auckland Oxford Street, Auckland .. Rolleston Street, Thames Tararu, Thames Paeroa To Aroha Invercargill Cambridge Thames Thames Thames Milton Milton Ponsonby Wellington Hobson Street, Auckland Davgaville Dargaville Pakuranga Thames Freeman's Bay Mount Eden, Auckland .. Thames Mosgiel Mount Eden, Auckland .. Queen Street, Auckland .. Ohaupo Thames King Street, Dunedin Kumeu Kawakawa .. £30 scrip 51 acres £30 scrip 60 acres £30 scrip CO acres £30 scrip £5 scrip 60 acres £30 scrip 60 acres £30 scrip 60 acres 60 acres £30 scrip £30, scrip or money. 51 acres £30, scrip or money. 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. £5, scrip or money. 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. 60a., or£30in money. £30, scrip or money. 60 acres 60a., or £30 in money. £30 scrip £30, scrip or money. 60 acres £30 scrip 60 acres £30 scrip 60a.,or£30inmoney. £30, scrip or money. 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. 60 acres £30 scrip £40 scrip £30 scrip 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. £40, scrip or money. £30, scrip or money. 60 acres 60 acres £30 scrip 60a., or £30 in money. £30, scrip or money. £10 scrip £30 scrip £10, scrip or money. £30, scrip or money. Jommii Whilst ill with rheumatic fever in Auckland Hospital Andrews was reported absent, and ln's name struck off laud list. The ision recommends this case very strongly.



Claims recommended for the Consideration of the Government.

SCHEDULE III. Claims settled on Reference to Crown Lands Commissioners.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— preparation, nil; printing (1,600 copies), ilO 12s. Gd.]

By Authority: George Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB7.

Accord No. Name, Rank, Regiment or Corps. Place of Residence. Nature of Claim. Amount recommended. 410 433 432 1338 1317 13G5 1597 1599 277 1378 1533 1492 1506 1395 1602 1613 1604 1634 1631 1680 1412 705 1366 1632 1194 1341 393 394 1633 281 1637 1607 1635 1636 1371 1608 1014 1G38 1639 1640 1032 282 1532 280 Eoss, M., private, Auckland Navals Sheehan, I)., bandsman, Hobson Rifles Slade, D...private, Auckland Navals Slowley, J., private, North Dunedin Rifles Smith, Fi. R., captain, Dunedin City Guards .. Smith, G. L., captain, Dunedin Navals Smith, J., private, Thames Navals Smith, 0. 15., private, Thames Navals .. Spain, T., private, Auckland Engineers Stephonson, T., private, East Taieri Rifles Stevens, B., private, Riverton Rifles Stevens, R., private, Alfred Cavalry Sturt, W., private, Thames Navals Sutherland, A., corporal, G Battery Symington, G., private, Thames Scottish Taipari, T. V. H., captain, Thames Native Vols. Taylor, G., private, Thames Navals Te Kohu, I., private, Thames Native Vols. Toretin, E., private, Thames Native Vols. Teretiu, M., private, Thames Native Vols. Thompson, 0. K., private, G Battery .. Thompson, J., private, Thames Rangers Thompson, T. J., captain, P. Chalmers Navals Toa, M., private, Thames Native Volunteers .. Tom?, J., sergeant, Otahuhu Rifles Tough, J., private, Clutha Rifles Ti-emaine, E. H., bandsman, Auckd. Engineers Tremaine, W., bandsman, Auckland Engineers Tahoro, P., private, Thames Native Volunteers Waddingham, C. S., private, Auckd. Engineers Waikorire, R., private, Thames Native Vols. .. Wallace, G., private, Thames Navals Watene, H., private, Thames Native Vols. Watene, R., private, Thames Native Vols. Webster, W., private, Dunedin City Guards .. Weir, P., private, Thames Scottish Whakarongati, R., private, Thames Native Vols. Whare, U., private, Thames Native Vols. Wharepuhi, P., private, Thames Native Vols. Whirarai, N., private, Thames Native Vols. .. Williams, J., private, Thames Navals Wilson, F. J., private, Wairoa Rifles .. Winton, ,!., private, Riverton Rifles Woods, J., private, Auckland Engineers Surrey Hill, Auckland Prospect Street, Ponsonby Auckland .. Duks Hill, Dunedin Dunedin Dunedin Waiokaraka Cockran Street, Thames .. Union Street, Auckland .. Kaikorai Riverton Bulls Parawai Invercargill .. Brown Street, Thames Thames Walter Street, Thames .. Thames Thames Thames Invercavgill.. Sandes Street, Thames .. Port Chalmers Thames Otahuhu Milton Albert Street, Auckland .. Milford Street, Ponsonby Thames Karangahape Road Thames Hepburn Street, Thames Thames Thames Dunedin Brown Street, Thames Thames Thames Thames Thames Taiaroa, Thames Ponsonby Riverton Alexandra Street, Auckland £30 scrip £30 scrip or money. d—

Bee. No. Hank, Name, Regiment or Corps. Nature oi Claim. Mow nettled. Remarks. t 723 Cummins, James, private, 65th Regiment 60 acres Crown Lands Commissioner, Auckland, reports that Crown grant has never been applied for, and should be at once Crown Lands Commissioner, Auckland, reports that applicant is entitled to Crown grant for 80 acres The issue of Crown grant awaits the completion of a resurvoy of the land Applicant is entitled to Lot 88, Parish of Pupuko; Crown grant will issue when land is surveyed Applicant is entitled to 60 acres at Pukeatua. Should apply at once for Crown grant, furnishing proof of residence Crown Lands Commissioner, Auckland, reports that Crown grant has never been applied for, and should be at once Crown Lands Commissioner, Auckland, reports that applicant is entitled to Lot 27, Parish of Whakapirau. Should apply at once to Land Board Crown Lands Commissioner, Auckland, reports that Crown grant is about to be issued Applicant informed accordingly. 134 Hamilton, Jame'3, corporal, Military Train 80 acres '60 acres Applicant informed accordingly. 555 691 Martin, Edward, private, 65th Regiment Newan, W., sergeant, Commissariat Corps Palmer, Richard, private, 65th Regiment Sau-ncters, William, private, 57th ,'' Regiment 80 acres Applicant informed accordingly. Applicant informed accordingly. C28 60 acres Applicant informed accordingly. 750 60 acres Applicant informed accordingly. 138 Skolton, 15., private, 65th Regiment GO acres Applicant informed accordingly. Walters, Thomas, private, 70th Regiment 60 acres Applicant informed accordingly. 473



Claims recommended for the Consideration of the Government.

4—H. 6.

;ocord No. Name, Bank, and Eegiment or Corps. Place of Residence. Nature of Claim. Amount recommended. 1357 1028 1356 1566 1358 445 1621 1622 682 1568 1569 1623 1624 1570 1617 1025 1574 424 1578 1029 1575 1431 1576 1577, 684 439 1361 1641 1301 1337 1580 1582 687 1515 1516 1300 67 690 635 766 1626 V',27 1623 1581 1504 1579 745 426 1030 202 263 1342 1629 1359 786 1432 48a 415 191 259 708 1429 142 1362 431 1585 1590 390 404 762 1615 695 1586 1363 66 560 276 1402 1595 763 397 1567 1591 1593 1592 Jack, J., private, Dunedin Navals Jackson, B., private, Thames Scottish Johnson, R. A., lieut., North Dunedin Rifles .. James, A., private, Thames Navals Jamieson, J. M., major, Dunedin Scottish Jones, T., private, Auckland Navals Karana, T., private, Thames Native Volunteers Karewha, H., private, Thames Native Vols. .. Kelsall, W., private, Hauraki Rifles Kendall, H., corporal, Thames Scottish Kendall, T., private, Thames Scottish Kikiwa, T., private, Thames Native Volunteers Kipa, R., private, Thames Native Volunteers.. Barker, T., private, Thames Scottish Konui, M., private, Thames Native Volunteers Kopa, U., private, Thames Native Volunteers Lanning, J.. private, Hauraki Rifles Le Griffon, J. E., private, Auckland Navals .. Leith, G., private, Thames Scottish Leslie, R., private, Hauraki Rifles Lewis, P., private, Thames Navals Liddle, J., bandsman, Garrison Band Loughlin, D., private, Thames Navals Loughlin, S., private, Thames Navals Lucas, W. H., private, Thames Scottish McCarthy, D. E., private, Hobson Rifles McDonald, W., lieut., Port Chalmers Navals McDonald, James, sergeant, 58th Regiment .. McFadden, T., corporal, Hampden Rifles McGruer, M., private, North Dunedin Rifles .. Mcllhany, J.. private, Thames Navals Mclnnis, J., private, Thames Scottish Mclntyre, A., private, Hauraki Rifles McKenzie, J,, private, Dunedin Scottish McKenzie, T., private, Riverton Rifles McLaren, D., private, Dunedin City Guards .. McLaughlin, W., private, 65th Regiment McNeico, J., private, Hauraki Rifles MeRoberts, J., private, Thames Rifle Rangers Me Williams, J., private, Thames Navals Mangakahia, H., private, Thames Native Vols. Matahau, A., private, Thames Native Vols. .. Matahau, T., private, Thames Native Vols. -i^avo, A., private, Thames Scottish Melrose, J., sergeant, East Taieri Rifles Meivmaim,, T., private, Thames Navals Miles, R. A., private, Auckland Navals Miller, W. C, p*i™te, A Battery Mitchell, W., petty-officer, Thames Navals .. Moore, E., private, Auuldand Navals Moore, G., private, Auckland Navals Moore, W., private, Bruce Rifles More, H., private, Thames Native Volunteers.. Morrison, P. J., private, Port Chalmers Navals Morrison, J., private, Auckland Engineers Morrison, R., private, Dunedin Navals.. Moxham, J., private, 65th Regiment Munro, W., private, Auckland Engineers Murphy, J,, private, 57th Regiment Murphy, W., petty officer, Auckland Navals .. Nahe, H., lieutenant, Thames Native Vols. .. Naughtio, J., private, East Taieri Rifles Noake, M., captain, 15th Hussars Notman, 0., private, Port Chalmers Navals .. O'Brien, J., private, Hobson Rifles Otter, W., private, Thames Navals Parslow, H., sergeant, Thames Navals.. Payne, W. T., sergeant, A Battery Peace, A. G., private, A Battery.. Peploe, G., private, Thames Rifle Rangers Poono, M., sergeant, Thames Native Vols. Potts, W. H., lieutenant, Thames Navals Price, E., private, Hauraki Rifles Price, R. W., private, Thames Scottish Pullinger, J., private, 65th Regiment .. Purcell, J. H., sergeant, Auckland Scottish .. Randerson, W. H., private, Cambridge Cavalry Raynes, G., private, Clutha Rifles Redfern, A., private, Thames Navals Redwood, J., private, Thames Rangers.. Renshaw, W., private, Auckland Navals Reven, T., private, Thames Navals Reynolds, P., private, Thames Navals Rice, J., private, Thames Navals Richardson, W., private, Thames Navals Musselborough Not stated Crown Lands Office, Dun'n Karaka Greek Gargill Street, Dunedin .. Karangahapo Road Thames Thames Davy Street, Thames Tararu Road Waiotahi Thames Thames WaioroDgomai Thames Thames Tararu Road Auckland Waiokaraka Walter Street, Thames .. Albert Street, Thames Invercargill Ohinemuri Ohinemuri Beach Road, Thames Wellington Street, Auckl'd Port Chalmers Karaka Creek, Thames .. Hampdcn Duke Street, Dunedin Queen Street, Thames Abraham Street, Thames Fenton Street, Thames .. Dunedin Riverton Caversham Wanganui Post Office, Thames Tauranga Thames Thames Thames Thames Parawai Mosgiel Parawai Eandolf Street, Newton .. Auckland North Road, Auckland Albert Street, Auckland .. Albert Street, Auckland .. Milton Thames Dunedin Ponsonby, Auckland Dunedin Taonui, Auckland .. Au-okland New~Bi,ymouth Alexandra Street, Auckl'd Thames Mosgiel .. *\ Wanganui Mornington.. Ponsonby, Auckland Franklin Street, Thames Wolf Street, Auckland Ponsonby, Auckland Mount Eden, Auckland .. Thames Thames Thames Karaka Creek Hobson Street, Auckland Maxwelltown Nixon Street, Auckland .. Auckland Woodlands, Invercargill .. Queen Street, Thames Shortland, Thames Queen Street, Auckland .. Brown Street, Thames Thames ' .. ftandes Street, Thames Kawakawa £30 scrip £30 scrip or money. 80 acres £30 scrip £40 scrip or money.* £30 scrip or money. 60 acres £30 scrip 60a. or £30 in money. £30 scrip or money. " # 60 acres £30 scrip 60 acres £30 scrip 60a. or £30 in money. £30 scrip or money. 60a. or £30 in money. £30 scrip or money. 400 acres £30 scrip 400a. or £200 in mn'y £30 scrip or money " \ \ " \ \^ 60 acres £30 acrip 60a. or £30 in money. £80 scrip or money. * On furnishing declaration of residence and non-reoeipt of li tnd.

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NAVAL AND MILITARY AND LOCAL FORCES' LAND CLAIMS COMMISSION (REPORT OF THE), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-06

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NAVAL AND MILITARY AND LOCAL FORCES' LAND CLAIMS COMMISSION (REPORT OF THE) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-06

NAVAL AND MILITARY AND LOCAL FORCES' LAND CLAIMS COMMISSION (REPORT OF THE) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-06

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