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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Wm. F. Dbummond Jebvois, Governor. To all to whom these Presents shall come, and to Waltee Edwaed Gudgeon and , Alexandee Cbowe, Greeting: Whereas under divers Acts, ordinances, regulations, or other laws now or in times past in force in the Colony of New Zealand, or in some part thereof, divers persons, being either officers, non-commis-sioned officers, or private members of Her Majesty's naval and military forces, or in the Militia force or Volunteer force of the said colony, or in some other military body or force enrolled in the said colony, have had or alleged that they have claims upon the Government of the said colony or of some province thereof to grants of land in the said colony either for services rendered by them in such capacities in the said colony, or as having retired from such forces for the purpose of settling in New Zealand, or otherwise about or in connection with their being or having been such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members as aforesaid : And whereas such claims are not now capable of being enforced in law either owing to the same not having been presented within the time prescribed by law, or for other reasons of a technical character : And whereas from time to time petitions have been presented to the General Assembly of New Zealand, or to one House thereof, by certain of such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members, or by the representatives and assigns of such, praying for relief in the premises : And whereas in pursuance of clause 1 of the First Schedule to "The Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1886," the Governor is empowered "to appoint one or more persons Commissioners, in terms of ' The Commissioners' Powers Act, 1867,' to inquire into and report upon claims to Volunteer scrip in terms of the first column—namely, to give effect to the report of the Waste Lands Committee of the House of Eepresentatives, session 1886, on claims made by A^olunteers enrolled between the years 1873 and 1876, which are barred by section 3 of " The Waste Lands Administration Act, 1876: " And whereas in pursuance of the above, and of a recommendation of the Waste Lands Committee of the House of Eepresentatives dated the twenty-second day of June, 1886 ; adopted by the above House, it is thought desirable to appoint a Commission for the purpose of inquiring fully into and reporting upon all such claims, and any others of a similar character : Now, therefore, know ye that I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, having full trust and confidence in your impartiality, ability, and integrity, do hereby, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, appoint you the said Waltee Edwabd Gudgeon and Alexandeb Ceowe to be Commissioners for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, with the powers hereinafter set forth, and, subject thereto, to have and exercise the several duties and functions hereinafter mentioned, that is to say :—■ 1. To inquire into, examine, and report upon all claims to land which may be brought before you by persons who have been such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members as aforesaid, or by the representatives or assigns of such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members, all of whom are hereinafter referred to as claimants, which such claimants may claim to have had against the Government of the colony or of some province thereof of such a character as is hereinbefore recited. 2. You are authorized and empowered to make and to hold any inquiry under these presents at any place or places within the Colony of New Zealand as you may think most convenient and adapted to elicit full information respecting the matters which you may be called upon to inquire into under these presents. 3. Before you commence any inquiry under these presents you shall cause such notice or notices as you may deem necessary or expedient to be given, stating the day, time, and place or places on and at which you will be prepared to receive claims, and indicating in what form you

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