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Laid on the Table by Son. Mr. Richardson, with Leave of the Souse.

[EXTKACT FBOM GENBKAL MaXAGEB'S Rf.PORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS.] Total length of line open at end of year .... .... .... 1,727 miles. There have been opened during year .... .... .... 114 ~ The net revenue on opened lines for year .... £2 6s. per cent, on their total cost.

I am not going to follow the report all through, but owing to statements which have been made both in and out of the House that little, if any, savings have been effected on the management of the railways, it is only fair to the Government and the department to point out that the report shows that during the past three years a saving has been effected—taking as a basis a mileage-rate on length of railways open —at the rate of fully £100,000 per annum, without reducing wages or salaries. I quote a portion of the tables : —

This shows that the adverse criticisms which have been made in this House to the effect that the statements made that the savings referred to by the Hon. Colonial Treasurer in his Financial Statement are owing to lessening of traffic, are incorrect, for it will be seen that— Total receipts for 1884-85 amount to .... £1,045,712 Total expenditure .... .... £690,026 Total tonnage carried .... .... .... 1,749,856 tons; While total receipts for year 1886-87 amount to £998,768 Total expenditure .... .... .... £699,072 T)tal tonnage carried .... .... .... 1,747,754 tons. The tonnage carried and the expenditure for the two periods being practically the same, and the difference in receipts, say £50,000, being mainly owing to reductions made in rates for local production. The report further shows that during this same period, while the expenditure has only increased by £9,046 on the past year over that for 1884-85, we have opened, maintained, and worked the traffic on an additional 250 miles of railway, with fifty-three new stations. As regards the estimates for the current year, it has been stated that the -expectation of the Government cannot be realized.

Year. Miles, 83-84 1,396 961,304 84-85 1,477 1,045,712 85-86 1,613 1,047,419 86-87 1,727 998,768 Eevenue. Expenditure. Tonnage. Parcels, <So. Cattle, Sheep, &c. Passengers. Season Tickets. 655,990 1,700,040 359,890 686,287 3,272,644 i 9,036 690,026 1,749,856 347,425 729,528 3,232,886 : 8,999 690,340 1,823,767 349,428 858,662 3,362,266 i 10,717 699,072 1,747,754 372,397 942,017 3,426,403 j 11,821



I am glad to be able to state that, so far as we have gone, we have good reason to be satisfied. For the first four weeks the gross earnings were £7,133 more than for a period of one day less than that of last year, which would, for purposes of comparison, be equal to an improvement of nearly £10,000; while, at the same time, the expenses were only increased by £86, again showing that the expenditure does not, as has been stated by some, increase with the increase of traffic, the fact being that our present train services will permit of a still larger increase of traffic without much increase of expenditure.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,325 copies), £1 os. MJ

Authority: George Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB7.




Laid on the Table by the Hon. Mr. Bichardson, with leave of the House, and ordered to be printed.



The General Managee, New Zealand Railways, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— I have the honour to report upon the opened railways for the financial year ending the 31st March, 1887. The length of line opened at the end of the year was 1,727 miles. The Waimea Plains Railway was taken over to be worked by the Government on the 14th November, 1886. According to the terms of purchase the line was deemed to have become the property of the colony from the Ist April, 1886, and the revenue and expenditure of the company from that date to the 13th November, 1886, have been incorporated in the annual accounts. The total length of railway opened during the year, including the Waimea line, was 114 miles. Thirty-six new stations have been added. The net revenue earned represents £2 6s. per cent, on the estimated cost of the opened lines. The highest rate is paid by the Greymouth line, £5 10s. 2d. per cent.; and the next highest by the Westport line, £4 16s. Bd. per cent. The traffic under the heads of passengers, parcels, live stock, wool, and minerals has increased, while that of timber, grain, and merchandise has decreased. It is to be regretted that the extensive reductions in the rates which have been carried out should have been followed by a falling-off in the imports of merchandise, diminishing the most profitable railway traffic, and that the much smaller production of grain, due to the low market prices, and the lessened demand for timber, due to the cessation of building and settlement, should have occurred at the same time. The grain-traffic loss has been superseded by an increased traffic in live stock; but, the low rates at which the latter traffic and that of minerals is necessarily carried, do not return a revenue at all equal to that lost oil the classes of traffic which have fallen off. The traffic was greatly affected during the early part of the year by the heavy and continuous floods in the South. A fire in Dunedin caused the loss of a goods-shed, and heavy losses in claims and expenses. Following are the comparative tables of traffic and expenses :—

Comparison of Traffic and Revenue for Eight Years.

The traffic in local productions of the colony during the past eight years is as follows : — ~r , m . , ~ ■ ,r- i Horses Sheep Wool. Timber. Grain. Minerals. and Cattle . and p^. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1879-80 ... 41,895 149,428 240,144 321,060 30,393 260,816 1880-81 ... 42,387 169,695 421,142 406,266 27,230 280,683 1881-82 ~. 44,681 192,905 375,725 433,659 32,511 319,837 1882-83 ... 5.1,703 197,231 367,428 510,088 37,455 449,470 1883-84 ... 62,066 183,449 432,223 574,312 39,230 656,612 1884-85 ... 68,523 178,909 414,590 618,512 43,096 696,790 1885-86 ... 74,778 202,572 413,847 669,081 46,152 822,028 1886-87 ... 82,963 175,581 345,254 719,579 46,600 904,582 Details of the traffic are shown on Eeturn No. 5. The number of passengers has slightly fallen on the Auckland Section, but the revenue from them has increased; the numbers have increased chiefly on the Napier, Wellington, and Wanganui Sections. The live-stock traffic has increased on the Wanganui, Napier, and Hurunui—Bluff Sections. Live stock, chaff, firewood, timber, mineral, and merchandise traffic has fallen off on the Auckland Section, owing to the commercial inactivity prevailing in the district. The agricultural produce alone shows an increase : this traffic is chiefly carried from Auckland inland by rail. The rates also being lower the loss of goods revenue is large, amounting to £12,344. The cessation of the large outlay on works between Morrinsville, Lichfield, and Te Aroha towards the close of the previous year tends to make the comparison unfavourable. The traffic on the Napier and Wellington Sections has been stimulated by the outlay on ■extensions; on the Hurunui-Bluff Section the diminishing expenditure upon extensions has tended to lessen the general traffic. The wool traffic has increased very largely on the Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, and Huru-nui-Bluff Sections. During the year exceptionally heavy floods did much damage north of Christchurch, at Addington, between Oamaru and the Bluff, and on the Little River and Otautau branches: such heavy floods have not occurred since 1879. Great damage occurred at the Taieri, causing a suspension of the traffic, loss of revenue, and a heavy outlay on repairs.


Tear. Miles. Revenue. Expenditure. Tonnage. Parcels, &c. .Cattle, Sheep, &c. Passengers. Season Tickets. 79-80 80-81 ■81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 1,172 1,277 1,319 1,358 1,396 1,477 1,613 1,727 £ 762,573 836,454 892,026 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 £ 580,030 521,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 1,108,108 1,377,783 1,437,714 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,707 1,747,754 No. 180,331 286,865 316,611 341,186 359,896 347,425 349,428 372,397 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,075 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426.403 No. 5,077 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 10,717 11,821


The railway at the Taieri is still liable to serious damage and suspension of traffic from floods r which it is desirable to take steps to avert. Careful attention has been given by the local officers to economy in every department, and the gradual improvement of the works and appliances in former years has admitted of saving. An increased expense must be expected in permanent-way repairs and on structures, and in general repairs for locomotives and rolling-stock in the future. An agreement has been entered into with the Wellington and Manawatu Eailway Company for' interchange of traffic with the Government lines. The opening of this line, while it has in some respects diminished the traffic on the Wanganui Section, has on the whole given it a stimulus; and it has also benefited the Napier passenger traffic probably to a greater degree than it has injured the Wellington traffic. Apart from the great public convenience to the districts concerned, thisrailway therefore brings direct advantages in the shape of revenue to the Government lines. There seems every prospect that the coming year will show a greater traffic than any preceding year, while there is no reason to expect any large or sudden increase in expenses, provided no serious casualties occur. With the largely-reduced rates and fares now in operation, and the extension of the lines in many parts into unsettled districts, it must be anticipated that the proportion of the expenses to the revenue will not bo so low on the average as it has been in former years,. but an improvement on the results of the past year may be expected. The alterations in rates made timing the year are shown in Beturn No. 31. They are almost entirely in the direction of facilitating traffic in local products, and have been made to meet demands from various quarters. The work of adding to the stations and appliances lias been carried on to meet local needs as rapidly as the funds at disposal have permitted. Many improvements have been made for facilitating traffic and for public convenience. Extensive grade improvements have been made on the Kaipara line and between Mercer and Huntly. The station-yard improvement scheme has been continued in Auckland, and concluded for the present. Frankton Junction has been adapted to the altered train arrangements consequent on opening the lines to Te Aroha and Liclifield. The shops arrangements have been improved at Newmarket, Napier, Wanganui, Wellington, Addington, and Hillside. Station, siding, and signal improvements have been made at Farndon, Whakatu, Pukehou, Ngahauranga, Kaitoke,Cross Creek, Summit, Wellington, Normanby, Addington, Timaru, Dunback, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, Mosgiel, and numerous other smaller improvements, such as cattle- and sheep-yards, waterservices, loading-banks, &c, have been carried out in various parts of the colony. During the year 14 carriages and 356 trucks have been added to the stock ; these have been manufactured almost exclusively in the colony. Fourteen, locomotives have also been added. The locomotive-building contract under execution in Christchurch is not yet completed; it is expected to be during the current year. The Eailway Department is now performing postal and telegraph duties at 136 stations, under the supervision of the Post and Telegraph Department, the latter contributing to the expense. It is as well to note the strain put on the department to restrict expenses in many ways, while at the same time it is required to give reasonable accommodation and convenience to the public. The expenditure exceeds that of three years since by only £9,046, while in the meantime noless than fifty-three new stations and 250 miles of railway have been added to the system. The public criticism on the railway-working is sometimes very severe, but allowance is seldom made for the difficulty of satisfying all demands without exceeding the means available. There are two forces always at work : the one, operating directly on the department, through public demands upon it which tend almost exclusively either to increase expenses or to curtail revenue ; the other, operating through other channels, requiring that the strictest economy should be exercised, and that the largest possible revenue should be realized. During the past two yearsit has been necessary to curtail expenses by reducing train-mileage relatively, and to carry on an increased traffic upon a largely-extended mileage of railway without practically increasing the cost,. in order to keep the expenditure down to some extent in the proportion to the diminished revenue. While the public has acquiesced in these economies, they have necessarily been attended with a certain amount of dissatisfaction, which seems to some extent inevitable. Letters sometimes appear in the Press in strong terms complaining of traffic or accounting errors. In such a large business as the railways do, entailing from four- to five-million transactions with the public yearly, many personal errors must occur, though they are few relatively to the work. Business men, as a whole, are most tolerant of such errors. A certain proportion of persons are found in every community who prefer to write to the public Press about thteir private business,, instead of to the local district officers, whose business it is to deal with them. Similar complaints of private companies would not be written to the Press as a rule. Such complaints give erroneousimpressions to the general public. Another class of complaint arises from people wanting personal rates or other private favour at the public expense, which cannot equitably be granted, and which no private railway company,. working under the usual legal restrictions imposed on companies in most countries, would allow. Such complaints are often very misleading to the public, and there are always sure to be plenty of this nature; but it should not therefore be inferred that the Eailway Department is to blame. As increased outlay in renewals of the lines and stock, due to increased age, must certainly be expected, stringent economy is obviously necessary wherever possible ; and, as increased facilities have been afforded by reduced rates and fares, a reasonable allowance should be made for the absence of luxuries, which are or. y obtainable by increased expense. I have, &c, ,T. P. Maxwell, M. Inst. C.E., 14th May, 1887. General Manager, New Zealand Railways.





ii—D. la.

Nature. Return No. Description. .oootjnts -ENEBAL REOTENS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 W 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 Revenue account*. Expenditure account. Detail of classified expenditure. Classified expenditure and revenue. Comparative statement of passenger and goods traffic;. Cost of construction and rate of interest. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for six fiimncial years. Traffic ton mileage, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, and Hurunui-Bluff. Classified maintenance expenditure. Revenue and expenditure of stations. Stores contracts. Carriage and wagon stook, and tarpaulins. Locomotive stock. ["Weighing machines. j Weighbridges. •{ Traversers and turntables. I Cranes. l^Pumps. Renewals of rails. Renewals of sleepers. Number of stations and sidings. Particulars of private siding traffic. Mileage of lines. Sleepers laid and removed. Number of employes. Accidents. Locomotive returns. Repairs to rolling-stock, Huruuui-Bluff. Traffic from coal-mines, Hurunui-Blnff. Vessels loaded and discharged at different ports, Hurunui-Bluff. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of expenditure on maintenance for eight years, Hurunui-Bluff. Average rate of classified expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Statement of maintenance of different divisions of Hurunui-Bluff. Alterations in scale of charges. Special Retfbks


RETURN No. 1. Summary of Revenue Accounts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1887.


Db- £ b. A. £ s. d. Ce. £ s d £ s d To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1886 ... ... ... ... 21,52211 4 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1887 .. 1053 no 14 4 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1887 ... ... £994,630 o o Less Refunds ... ... ... £64,15013 7 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, Waimea Plains Line, up to 13th Waimea Plains through traffic now November, 1886 ... ... ... ... ,., 4,138 3 9 transferred to revenue ... 622 9 2 — 998>768 3 9 ■ 63,528 4 5 ■ *989,582 9 11 Amount for Volunteer service, 1886-87, unrecovered, written off ... ... 5>738 2 o Waimea Plains local revenue applied by Company towards working expenses ... 3^15 14 7 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1887 ... ... ... ... 21,454 8 7 £1,020,290 15 1 £1,020,290 15 1 To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1887 ... ... ... 989,582 911 By Expenditure to 31st March, 1887, including local revenue expended by Waimea Less cash in hand and outstanding, 1st April, 1886 ... 21,522 11 4 Plains Company ... ... ... ... ... ... 600072 2 4 Amount for Volunteer service written Balance available" for interest ... ... ... ... ... "[ 200606 1 off ... ... ... £s.7i8 2 o 5 Waimea Plains Company's local traffic "3,5.514 7 * corrected this *™ W ' ■ 9,253 16 7 year 8 17 0 ' I2'268 !4 9 992,195 14 4 ' Balance refund account, March 31,1883 ... 5,539 18 8 977,313 15 2 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1887 ... ... ... . 21,4^4 87 ,, , , , , „ , 997,735 13 0 B ° ' ' ~ 1j4-;>4 o / Balance refund account, March 31,1887 ... 8,153 3 1 £989,582 9 11 £998,768 3 9 £998,768 3 9 Eetuen of Eevenub for Haeboub Boaeds, &c, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1887. Db- £ s. d. Cb. £ j To Balance, 31st March 1886 5,539 18 8 By Treasury payments to 31st March, 1887 6091s o o Wharfages, &c, 31st March, !88 7 ... 63,528 4 5 Balance due to Harbour Boards, &c. ... g,'?^ ° ° £69,068 3 1 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.


RETURN No. 2. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1887.


Dβ. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for Cβ. £ s. d. £ s. el. £ s. el. lo Balance brought forward :— Outstanding accounts, — Other Government departments for— Stores ... ... ... .., 176 1 j Workshops ... ... ... 1,390 o 3 Way and works ... ... ... 4,513 8 o Miscellaneous ... ... ... 71611 Personal accounts for — Stores ... ... ... ... 35 3 7 Workshops ... ... ... 452 5 n Way and works ... ... ... 508 15 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 45 2 9 1,041 8 1 Stock in hand — Stores ... ■■• ... ... 118,341 o 10 Workshops ... .., ... ... ... Ij 88o 9 6 £ 9 a. £ s. d. £ a. d. By Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1886, brought forward ... ... ... ... ,,. ... 77,836 S 8 „ Classified expenditure ... ... .., ... ... ... 699,072 2 4 ,, Recoveries per Treasury to credit of Vote 54,* — Other Government departments for — Stores ... ... ... ... 13,268 7 2 Workshops ... ... ... ... 44,906 12 7 Way and works ... ... ... 43,716 3 8 Miscellaneous... ... ... ... 769 11 2 102,660 14 7 Personal accounts for — ■ Stores ... ... ... ... 1,285 8 o Workshops ... ... ... ... 16,334 16 8 Way and works ... ... ... 1,611 14 2 Miscellaneous... ... ... ,,, 76 10 9 ... „ ■ — ■ I9,3o8 9 7 Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... ... ... 20,435 3 4 ■ 120,221 10 4 „ Payments per Treasury, Vote 54* ... 838,175 13 2 j, unauthorized ... ... ... i>515 4 1 „ Local revenue of Waimea Plains Railway, 1st April to 13th November, 1886, used by company to pay working expenses'... ... 3,515 14 7 ,, Recovery from Manawatu County Council on account of amount due at 31st March, 1886 ... ... ... ... 20 q ,3 Io „ Recovery for lathe sold to Scott Brothers, Christehurch io O o 0 „ Touchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1887, carried forward ... 76,974 8 7 ■ 142,404 7 6 ,, Refund to Waimate Gorge Railway Company of overpayment to department in year 1885-86 ... ... ... 16 17 7 „ Balance carried forward :— Outstanding accounts, — Other Government departments for — Stores ... ... ... ,.. 93 6 5 Workshops ... ... ... 56 16 o Way and works ... ... ... 1,800 14 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 15141 2,102 1 3 Personal accounts for — Stores ... ... ... ... 14 5 o Workshops ... ... ... 4,057 4 7 Way and works ... ... ... 90 14 5 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 40 10 o * Payments as per Treasury, Vote 54 £838,17513 2 Recoveries to rote * ... ... 142.404 7 6 Net charge to Tote ... £695,771 5 8 4,202 14 o 6,304 15 3 Stock in hand, — Stores ... ... ... ... ... 120,846 17 11 Workshops ... ... ... ... 1,513 5 2 122,360 3 1 £1,047,994 14 5 £1,047,994 14 g A. C. Fife, Eaihvay Accountant,


djfkl;dsajfkldsajfkl;dsafsa sajhfkldsajf;dsaf sahfgkldsajfl;dsafsa dsajgf;dsagdsasfgf

RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1887.


asfdjsajkdl;'jksafdsaf sajfodsag;'dsagf fdsagfdgfdgfdg

lskdjfkljhdsaf dsanhgfkldsjfl;'dsk,f'saf dfnbhklsm/gfdsg46543654fdsgf dsfg24dsf3g5fdsg gfdsh fdshg4fdsg2fdsg ds2hg4fds3g fds4h653gfdsh534gfds3h1gfdhfdshgfdh3n52 dsfh/ gfdshgfhfhshfghf .fdghgfdshgfdh1



RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1887.

I 1 ____L™___ —- A. C. Fife, Bail way Accountant.

jklsajhfpsal'djhf'sadf sajufiposaujfkldsajf;sagfdsaf sajufl;sagf dsafdh gklo;uheipoatuporejkt'fdsgfdsjg fds;kg;fdsg56ds743g54654dsg35464 1422435146543 dshgffdshfdshgfdsgfdsgfds 132432dsgds mklgfjds;mgdsgfd3gdg5 3623dshf dsfgdfs4g35 ds dsgfds gdh2 6314354dsg655312.ds13g2ds dl;go;fdsjgdsafgdsa



RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1887.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

iv—D. la.

c £..«' Passengers. Parcels, &i Live Stock, Goods, &c. Sections. 'lass. Second Class. Total. Total Season Tickets. D kT Ca -->-- Equivalent Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Timber. Grain. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. First Parcels. Horses. ; Carriages. Dogs. Total. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Wool. Firewood. Merchandise. Minerals. 1886-87. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-BlufE G-reyniouth. ... Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 236 97 85 196 1,030 8 19 23 18 Single. I, 276 1.752 31.585 28, 143 15.921 30.706 145,481 792 Return. 1,868 2,758 45,194 i 31,600 ! 53,082 15,630 330,652 5,942 no 2,952 6,324 Single. 1,869 4,303 144,390 70,945 67,099 109,156 507, 090 8,386 7,283 25,57 5-894 Return. No. 5,760 10, 773 9,680 18,493 194,726 415,895 86,346 217,034 199,594 ! 335,696 79,888 ! 235,380 1,012,314 1,995,537 52,176 j 67,296 19,172 ; 26,569 34,900 ; 64,347 23,930 , 39,383 No. 49 3 i,733 566 1,187 370 7.339 265 12 149 148 No. 3.937 92 38, 903 24,366 29.473 26,512 209,228 1,766 2,Il8 3,919 1,320 No. 31 18 686 1,067 617 1,257 5,437 No. I 2 46 55 29 79 467 No. 50 25 2,770 1,888 1,279 2,400 12,824 76 77 84 125 No. 4.0I9 1.37 42,405 27.376 31.398 30,248 227,956 1,842 2,206 4,017 1,482 No. 1 12 76 37 32 5i 382 No. 103 12,583 523 1,604 5,465 15,249 No. I 3 658 47 479 259 398 21 16 6 3 No. 48 206 62,820 26,488 148,463 67,207 550,959 3 131 18 88 No. 24 4 4,224 837 580 5.697 36-683 8 No. 74 328 80,361 27,932 151,158 73,679 603,671 34 154 28 195 I Tons c. q. ; Tons c. q. 2 16 O 55 O O 33 6 3 j ... 4,682 12 2 I 2,435 o o 979 7 o j 495 0 o 5,018 6 2 I 760 o 0 3,409 13 3 i 755 o o 21,624 10 o ji6,345 o o 2 7 3! 5 12 1 251 525 o o 9 2 1 740 o o Tons c. q. j 33 12 o 23 4 o 519 8 o j 4,932 12 o 1 8,126 16 o 2,547 o o 65,780 o o Tons c. q. 105 0 O 7,780 O O 12,420 O O 9-345 O O 9,210 o o 26], 220 o o 105 00 2,505 o o I 5|,35o o o Tons c. q. 226 3 O 72 13 O 9,982 5 O 32,320 19 O 27,060 2 O 17,688 18 O 78,467 o o 2,964 II o 3.349 2 o 2,322 7 o 1,127 5 o Tons c. q. 536 17 O 18 13 O 7,829 13 o 3,492 II 2 2,239 4 I 6,997 l6 2 319,107 IO 3 Tons c. q. 1,160 5 O j 2,837 16 3 1 29,741 12 o 14,807 3 1 13,632 18 o j 18,136 o 3 |238,733 13 2 I 4,271 8 1 j 2,108 3 1 2,045 15 o 1.752 5 o Tons c. q. 32,188 I O 29,669 I O 60,831 14 I 8,169 18 2 14,614 19 2 4.074 2 I 307,456 6 2 136,226 o o 122,579 13 3 2,248 15 3 1,520 2 o Tons c. q 34.304 18 O 32,621 7 3 119,II9 12 I 76,638 4 I 7S.778 19 3 59,408 17 2 1,052,109 10 3 143,566 19 1 128,036 19 o 12,611 17 I 13.556 14 3 Tons c. q. 34,307 '4 O 32,654 14 2 123,802 4 3 77,617 11 i 80,797 6 I 62,818 II 1 1,073.734 O 3 143.569 7 o 128,042 11 1 12,614 2 2 13.565 7 o 6 11 35 5 3 2 2 4 978 3.235 2 2 3 2 12 4 90 187 16 0 813 o o 2,777 3 2 2,-254 2 3 Total ... 1,727 259,873 496,112 951.932 1,718,486 3,426,403 11821 341,634 9.165 689 21,598 373,o86 S97 35.544 1,891 1856,431 48,151 942,614 '35,770 o o 22,110 o o I 182,963 8 o 73,040 o o ,i75,58i 5 o 345.253 12 1 329,227 o 3 719,578 14 2 1.747.754 o 2 1,783,524 o 2 1885-86. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 211 82 69 191 978 8 18 23 18 2,242 2,032 35.727 34.603 16,402 28,064 177,602 1,798 1,696 4.554 44,886 18,812 43- 000 14.410 312,662 4,870 2 S.760 6,032 2,734 47" 151,717 73,987 71,561 107,582 617,050 12,155 8,780 29,426 6,100 2,516 9,188 10,973 22,275 204,160 j 436,490 70,874 203,276 150,322 281,285 ■77,204 : 227,260 877.644 ,1,984.958 43,470 ; 62,293 17,850 26,632 36,422 73,062 19,486 ! 35,547 41 j 3,700 7 i 183 1,668 I 29,400 384 j 22,650 1,098 , 24,940 337 [ 26,770 6,692 200,372 218 I I,970 14 j 2,034 140 j 3,869 118 j 1,354 j 32! 57 754 861 558 1,180 5,975 5 2 46 49 40 6l 436 50 46 2,674 1.796 1.527 2,518 13,509 77 144 137 190 3,787 288 32,874 25,356 27,065 30,529 220,292 2,047 2,201 [ 4,018 1,624 7 90 43 37 48 43i 9 83 17,302 45i 274 2,085 13,862 '-,153 35 470 408 422 12 16 52 45 63.093 14,328 149.749 49.034 504.751 7 70 56 285 30 4,816 695 757 5,8n 28,376 17 2 26 28 91 137 86,454 15.552 151.287 57.386 547.842 36 90 88 359 482' 500 21120; 25 00 5,685 4 o 2,695 o o 582 18 1 545 o o 4,800 2 o 820 o o 2,75 6 1 575 o o 19,669 41 9,855 o o 170 3 9o, 3 3 1 I 225 o o 19 8 2 240 o 0 28 16 o 23 16 o 560 12 o 4,314 o o 7,416 o o 2,030 12 0 160,192 4 O 65 O O 20 O O 6,815 o o 12,420 o o 11,125 o o [10,530 o o 130,250 o o 275 o o 226 10 o 75 16 o 21,760 10 o 33,658 4 o 25.333 10 o 23,207 12 0 85,196 4 O 3,238 10 o 5,338 9 o 2,881 6 o 1,655 o o 566 o o 138 2 2 6,874 I 3 2,719 9 0 2,969 19 o 5,126 7 2 389,976 1 1 1,124 o 1 3,228 13 2 37,105 18 3 15,081 10 2 12,602 15 3 15.437 o o 27S.007 1 3 2,982 18 1 1,897 6 o 2.247 7 3 1,510 5 o 29,494 12 o 29,883 18 o 67,922 I I 10,077 I ° 3.907 19 I 3.501 5 1 295,746 19 2 129,247 10 o 95,986 II o 2,062 15 o 1.250 5 o 31,509 18 1 33.395 6 o 143.733 3 3 78,815 4 2 64.75 4 o 60,407 16 3 1,146,223 10 2 135.743 18 1 103,222 6 o 12,927 3 o 13.613 3 1 3I.5H 6 3 33,416 18 o 149,418 7 3 79.398 2 3 68,975 6 o 62,583 3 o 1,165,892 14 3 135.745 5 1 103,225 15 o 12,930 6 1 13.632 11 3 1.454 3.929 17 7 77 6 5 3 2 2 4 5 ... 186 4 o 25 12 O : 2,785 o o I 5,995 o o 2,539 9 2 2,937 1 1 4 37 Total ... 1,613 1303,853 456,684 1,090,803 1,510,926 3,362,266 10,717 317,242 9,518 653 22,668 I350,o8l 660 34.107 2,527 781,470 40,558 |859.322 32,966 3 o 14,985 o o 174,777 16 o ,280 o o 202,571 II o 413,846 II 3 368,224 17 2 (669,080 18 o 1,823,766 14 I 1,856,732 17 I Sections. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching. Goods. Revenue. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Miles travelled by Trains. Total Coods. Grand Total Revenue. Passengers and Mixed. Goods. Total. Shunting and Ballasting. Grand Total. 1886-87. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 475 6 4 440 18 6 42,111 9 4 I 24,243 8 2 25,140 4 o ! 32,906 5 6 |202, 764 3 2 I 2,961 4 10 1,706 I I 3 3,682 19 9 i 2,823 O I £ s. d. 40 6 2 26 o 7 2,722 8 8 779 7 2 1,628 8 3 901 3 9 10,059 4 11 269 o 1 94 o 7 320 14 7 156 9 10 £ s. d. 90 on 13 1 2 3.6i5 14 0 2,321 17 2 2,682 10 2 3,120 15 2 21,516 12 4 85 o 3 91 7 9 137 9 1 74 3 9 £ s. d. 605 13 S 480 o 3 48,449 12 o 27,345 2 6 29.451 2 5 ; 36,92s 4 5 ;234>34o 0 5 3,3iS S 2 1,892 9 7 4,i4i 3 5 ! 3,053 13 8 £ s. d. 4,924 2 7 3,601 8 9 58,453 2 10 37,619 8 6 39,48i 7 2 29,858 11 2 362,794 9 5 19,161 16 7 17.789 5 7 4,882 18 1 2,783 16 9 £ s. d. 19 3 6 3 19 7 215 5 2 1,061 10" 4 248 19 1 2,161 11 8 10,732 11 o 279 19 3 Cr. 29 17 6 55 4 4 144 5 4 £ s. d. 59 2 4 44 9 3 1,614 19 6 274 8 o 705 5 6 559 19 6 8,703 19 9 141 8 6 132 14 0 93 7 o 192 18 o £ s. d. ! 5>o°2 8 5 j 3.649 17 7 ! 60,283 7 6 ! 38,95s 12 10 j 40,43s 11 9 : 32,580 2 4 382,231 O 2 , 19,583 4 4 17,892 2 1 I 5,031 9 5 3,121 o 1 £ s. d. 5,608 1 10 4, 129 17 10 108,732 19 6 66,300 15 4 69,886 14 2 69,508 6 9 616,571 o 7 22,898 9 6 19, 784 11 8 9,172 12 10 6,174 13 9 No. 10,640 14.949 417,486 163,446 168,056 269, 843 1,543.286 23,906 33.O0I 36,851 26,868 No. 442 2,109 3.076 37.8S8 68, 766 12,724 71.596 2,400 No. 11,082 17.058 420,562 201,304 236,822 282,567 1,714,882 26,306 33>ooi 38,375 26,990 No. 7.753 1.893 143.365 58,924 87,655 85,263 678,827 32,284 20, 580 5,799 4,286 No. 18,835 18,951 563,927 260,228 324,477 367,830 2.393. 709 58,590 53,58i 44,174 31,276 1.524 122 Total ... i6,997 14 7 2,708,332 [4,135.578 339.255 10 n 33.749 1 9 390, 002 7 3 581,350 7 5 14,892 17 9 12,522 n 4 608,765 16 6 998,768 3 9 |300,6i7 3,008,949 1,126,629 188S-S6. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff Grreymouth ,.. Westport Nelson Picton 5" 13 8 538 19 o 4i,790 3 4 22,991 16 1 25,496 8 3 30,957 19 2 212,709 13 o 2,974 16 2 1,811 15 9 4.153 13 o 2,958 12 2 48 7 11 28 1 10 2.519 5 3 810 8 3 1,506 2 1 865 2 11 9.963 3 5 226 5 9 79 6 o 298 10 8 136 17 1 80 14 2 32 16 5 3,385 11 o 2,024 3 7 2,496 14 TO 3,093 IS 2 21,723 12 I 97 9 6 94 15 10 139 2 6 102 8 4 640 15 9 599 7 3 47,694 19 7 25,826 7 11 29,499 5 2 34,916 17 3 ,244,396 8 6 3,298 11 5 1,985 17 7 j 4,591 6 2 I 3.197 7 7 4,573 10 6" 3.756 7 6 70,907 12 6 37,096 19 3 37.737 13 1 3L443 13 2 396,156 13 3 17,685 4 7 I 14,957 1 10 [ 5,34i 5 10 ! 3.IS3 19 3 17 8 6 25 4 9 261 12 9 100 17 7 89 16 11 1.439 14 7 14,037 3 8 561 7 7 42 8 o 24 13 8 131 8 7 71 o 7 45 1 4 1,468 16 n 167 16 6 603 3 4 440 19 11 8,044 8 3 115 o o 76 5 o 77 2 o 118 19 o 4,661 19 7 3,826 13 7 72,638 2 2 37.36s 13 4 38,430 13 4 33,324 7 8 418,238 5 2 18,361 12 2 15,075 14 10 5,443 1 6 3,404 6 10 5.302 15 4 4,426 io io 120,333 i 9 63, 192 1 3 67,929 18 6 68,241 4 11 662,634 13 8 21,660 3 7 17,061 12 5 10,034 7 8 6,602 4 5 ".352 14.307 398.915 144.541 156.973 269,350 1,562,341 21,688 28,121 38,209 25,078 552 3.131 10,212 44,386 61,211 i.945 228,030 11,904 17.438 409,127 188,927 218,184 271,295 1,790,371 21,688 28,121 38,209 25,286 4,110 16,014 2,344 19,782 132,862 541,989 56,159 245,086 70,272 288,456 78,642 ; 349.937 691,273 2,481,644 28,756 50,444 16,847 44,968 7,075 45.284 5,687 30,973 j 208 Total ... I346,895 9 7 16,481 11 2 1396,648 4 2 2,670,875 1,094.027 4,114.577 33,271 3 5 622,810 o 9 16,731 16 7 11,228 12 IO 1650,770 IO 2 1,047,418 14 4 349,675 3,020,550


RETURN No. 6. Statement showing Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Opened Lines for the Years ending 31st March, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, and 1887.

v—D. la.

Kote.— The amount stated as cost of construction includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways opened and unopened, and alfo the purchase-money for the District Kailwas-s taken over by the Grovcrmrient, A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.


1883. 1884. 1885. 1880. 1887. Section. Not Eevenue. *«£* Net K QT enu 3 . BjfcMrf ■Rfltnnf Cost of Net Bevenue. rarest ! Oonmteiest.: Etruetion> Line. Cost of Construction. Cost of Construction. Cost of .Construction. Net Revenue. Bate of Interest. Cost of Construction. Net Revenue. Rate of Interest. £ 26,603 36,949 54,153 1,112,720 64,592 £ s. a. 621 2 4 £ s. d. |2 6 8 £ 26,603 47,372 61,558 1,179,937 106,209 £ s. d.. 621 2 4 |.-e s. a. 2 6 8 86,283 £ s. d. 055 4 9 £ s. d. 0 15 2 89,441 £ s. d. £ s. d. 958 7 51 1 S 90,528 £ s. a. 1,950 16 9 £ s. d. 2 3 1 Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo Auckland Opened Unopened Opened 420 4 9 27,295 2 3 0 15 6 2 9 1 -20 4 0 28,079 0 11 64,032 1,319,672 106,441 488 6 10 34,274 10 1 '0 15 3 2 12 0 68,241 1,545,181 81,437 60,780 559,800 12.109 815,000 92,762{ 1,349,900; 18,330 41,815 616 18 110 18 1 37,928 19 62 9 1 69,961 1,672,506 51,694 182,869 628,669 7,303 961,871 18,236 1,398,738 716 13 9 19,228 6 11 106 13 0 2 V 7 Main Trunk Line, N.I. .. Napier Unopened •• Wellington Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 419,299 32,003 764,860 3,017 1,097,046 72,714 40,237 14,553 9 10 12,989 14 10| 3 9 5 1 14 0 469,584 22,200 781,417 7,963! 1,221,567 10,876j 41,1921 18,572 5 4 11,126 7 5 3 19 1 18 6 551,218 799,714 50,000 1,334,573 22,165 7 7 10,798 4 4 4 0 5 2 2 0 27,646 18 2 4 18 9 | 20,850 9 6 2 11 2 29,341 3 5 22,036' 6 8 4 13 4 2 5* 10 Wanganui 15,499 0 61 18 3 | 7,691 7 10 0 12 7 12,362 7 11 |0 18 6 8,650 1 10 12 10: ! 7,255 6 9 0 io" 4 Wellington-Foxton (private line) Stock Surveys Miscellaneous .. Hurunui-Bluff " 41,404 .. . 41,816 Greymouth Harbour Works Greymouth-Hokitika Westport „ Harbour Works Nelson Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened 103,730 3,891 2,507 6,299,303 326,035 163,097 43,895 80,802 199,891 273,656 1 5 7,554 12 1 4,334 18 1 4 6 11 4 12 8 ... •■ 2 3 4 163,362 7,535 5,168 6,615,631 325,034 166, 269 88,095 78,665 43,000 20o,945 8,467 156,683 5,700 192,3071 14,567 139,742| 27,343 5,169 •• 1222,099 11 9 I 8,311 4 0 .. 6,618 14 9 3 V 2 4 19 9 •• ■ 3 3 11 16,612 5,168 6,908,840 311,389 176,975! 46,200 127,018 210, 8S6 13,593 164,490 7,500 193,511 16,000 263,823 36,117 5,168 251,78116 7 | 8,495 16 9 " 6,127 15 9 3 12 10 J4 16 Oj 2 18 1 I 17,129 5.168 7,288^049 355,199 180,300 15,959 127,230 37,777 214,402 14,111 166,700 8,214 195,800 23.805 300,241 36,117 5,169 239,600 10 0 3 5 9 9,850 7 75 9 3j .. 8,491 18 8 3 19 2 17,334 5,169 7,428,562 419,786 189,393 15,959 127,234 54,549 214,804 14,111 163,965 12,500 198,570 28,130 162,595 37,095 5,169 196,487 13 0 10,436 19 9 " j 10,384' 9 11 2 12 11 5 l6' 2 4 16' 8 Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 153,224 2,000 188,802 13,567 81,250 20,785 2,507 2,460 13 6 1 12 ] 1,827 11 1 13 4 2,170 14 0 1 6 5 2,205 14 101 6 6 1,764 4 7 1 1 : Pietcn | 1,140 16 5 !0 12 1 I 386 18 7 0 4 o! 365 14 3 0 3 9 278 4 OJO 2 10 93 19 11 0 6 11 Stock Surveys Miscellaneous .. .. ■■ • • : " .. "■ •■ •■ • • • • Total opened Total unopened 10,478,998 930,481 360,525 1G 0 8 8 10 11,078,501 1,147,629 305,314 0 0 2 15 1 11,810,194 1,046,488 355,685 18 10 3 0 3 12,472,814 1,253, 352 I 357,078 9 8 2 17 3 13,017,567 1,201,5491 1299,696 1 5 2 6 ■• ■• • • •• ■• • • Gross total 11,409,479 ! 300,525 1G 0 i !3 3 2 12,226,130 I J299,696 1 5 2 2 1305,314 0 0 2 9 11 12,856,627j 355,685 18 10 12 15 4 13,726,166 357.078 9 8 2 12 0: 14,219,116


RETURN No. 7. Comparison of Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure for the last Eight Financial Years.

A. C. Fife, Hnilwuy Accountant.

RETURN No. 8. Traffic Ton-Mileage, and Rate of Working, for Five Chief Sections.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.


Year. Miles. Revenue. Expenditure j Parcels, Expenditure, per cent, of i Tonnage. . Horses, and Revenu e. Dogs. Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs. Passengers. Season Tickets. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1,172 1,277 I>3'9 1,358 1.477 T-,6i3 1,727 £ 762,573 836,454 892,026 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 £ 580,030 52i,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 76'o6 62-40 58-64 62-18 68-24 65'99 65-91 69-99 1,108,108 1.377.783 1,437,714 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 Iv To. 180,331 286,865 316,611 341,186 359-896 347.425 349.428 372,397 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,07s 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 iS'o. 5,077 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 10,717 11,821

1881-8; i. 1S82-83. 1SS3-84.* 1884-85.* 1885-86. 1886-87. " jjP-S j I -SH.S u. a o Ton-Mileage. c c I Hi Ton-MilcageJ >~ a g i £ M;05= 5=5 Ton- ££1 ?.So Mileage. 'S.S^ Section. Ton-Mileage. Ton-Mileage.! Ton-Mileage. Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui ... Huruimi-Bluff 4,467,896 1,984,211 2,182,966 2,859,978 37,305,649 2'65 i 5,239,016 2'2o I 2,144,707 3-44 ; 2,623,227 2-40 i 2,322,819 2'34 i 39.697.746 2-47 2-47 3-25 3"5i 2-47 6,372,609 2,370,420 3,100,324 44,627,125 59,061,779 2-25 2'IO 3"°4 3'47 2-36 7=085,574 2/43 2,983,237 2-13 3,388,925 3-18 2,536,332 3'3§ 42,877,369 | 2-47 j 58,871,437! 2-53 8,539,210 3,880,550 3,992,644 3,497,669 41,097,413 2-24 8,158,758 2-15 ! 4,266,747 278 4,167,454 3'8i 3,465,44S 2-48 39,068,490 ; 2-6o 2'06 . 2 -8 7 4'33 2-59 2-68 Totals ... 48,800,700 2-42 ! 52,027,515 2'5S 2-42 2-52 59,126,894 61,007,486 * These statements are for twelve months ending the 5th January; that for 1SS3-84 overlaps the previous year.



RETURN No. 9. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 1st March, 1887.

a <s 3 o o o < H g 5 -5 d

si it Is I 1 a a SO .3 6 o So CD q II §1 si O.O 1 3 Classification of "Work. Track surfacing.. .. Track renewals Ballasting Banks, cuttings, aitches, tunnels Bridges, culverts, drains £ s. a. 377 5 5; ig o ii 57 4 5 163 on & s. a. 567 g 2 160 15 II 3120 44 2 4 1 & ». a. 16,311 12 jt 5,864 3 o; 810 3 6 944 1 5 £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. 6,188 13 1 6,182 12 912,023 14 1 3,26l 2 8 1,438 O 2 5,192 2 O 343 o 1 644 15 10 2,627 1 " 252 15 5 416 11 6 1,435 12 11 2,162 19 8 1,247 11 7 4,610 4 2 151 7 3' 614 6 o 1,229 7 2 90 8 11 go 11 7 304 11 2 i I ! £ s. a. 27,367 9 3; 11,866 12 1': 1,324 2 9 333 9 °j £ s. a. 13,966 17 31 0,660 16 4 1,626 14 o 8,447 19 4 £ s. a. 12,663 8 n 3,330 1 1 1,322 8 9 1,500 4 9 £ s. a. £ s. . 741 18 7! 948 16 o 13 11 o 317 17 o £ s. a. 1,714 12 o 358 9 8 51 2 2 14 17 o £ s. a. 617 3 Si 1,043 19 ° 56 0 8 57 14 6 £ s. a. ,874 5 8 96 3 6 15 o 3 59 16 7 £ s. d. 110,597 2 2 44,240 2 4 8,922 7 4 14,488 2 8 18 15 6 44 I2 1 I 4,519 15 8 6,g86 9 2 4,218 1 8 2,797 13 7; 77 17 5 990 19 7 135 3 i| 448 13 o 28,259 16 2 Fences, gates, cattle- '■ stops, hedges Roads, approaches, &c. 5 9 2 47 " ° 1,078 18 o 3,317 6 5 4,914 2 9 729 7 9 14 17 1] ! 114 13 6 123 5 1 26 7 5 12,366 18 7 ig 14 6 3 11 6 1 ii 4Q2 IS 2( 769 17 7 432 2 7 234 7 1 345 10 9 1 66 6 0 23 4 o 10 19 g t 580 2,543 17 10 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances Wharves .. .. .. j Buildings ig 12 g 7 I Oj 43 17 11 323 33 o 8 ; 301 17 9 227 16 o I 1 1,752 18 II i 297 12 2 26g 8 2 302 16 2 J ' 54 !3 *> 003 2 o 11 6ig 10 2 863 11 o g35 9 8 i' 128 15 8 348 6 g 656 18 4 I 1,560 15 o ; 4,535 12 10 590 8 11 14 11 1 3,367 8 1 o 12 3 1,361 10 8 117 1 2 585 5 4 279 15 5 28 15 o ! , 49 10 o i 179 16 4! 83 12 1 11 1 7 41 o 10 3,848 1 8 960 o 8 13,925 17 5 Miscellaneous .. 6 6 6 > 1,613 6 o - 5,129 5 4 1,487 6 3 i 546 2 11 53 5 5 69 3 1 250 14 I 10,469 6 8 Waimea Plains D. B. (April 1 to Nov. 13) • ■ I i,go7 17 ioi 1,907 17 10 Total expenditure.. 12,116 1 7J2g,3ig 18 6 ,63,717 12 9 2,198 o 8! '2,828 10 11 731 2 6 '4 1 13 5, 33,917 8 o. 13,550 18 9 59,726 8 3I (24,831 8 6 1,907 17 I0 3,216 10 5 ■3,525 19 3; 252,529 II Bate per mile of railway on average mileage open during the year 91 7 10 134 10 5 153 16 7 164 13 7 147 17 9 149 16 7 141 12 2 187 16 4 113 4 2 51 11 3 402 1 3 185 II 7 95 11 4 157 2 10 149 17



RETURN No. 10 STATEMENT of Be venue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1887.

Coachi Live Stock, Goods, &e. Stations. ft o s I It as 1 Total Expenditure. Nurabei of Outwi ml. Inwj rd. Outward, Inward. Bevf jnue. Total Value forwarded. -S-r || .2 P4 I I P ll O H Q O CO s Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, Chaff, &o. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. j J Merchandise. | Minerals. I Total. Grand Total Tonnage. 111 Q O O s~, . Equiv. Ton- ® S> nage for *-«,«* 5 § Live Stock, Chaff ' &c - 03 &C. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonuage. Coaching. Goods. Stations. Kawakawa Section — Opua Kawakawa General Accountant £ s. d 757 13 8 289 19 4 1 18 6 Tβ. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. 0. q. Ts. e. q. 15 0 0 90 0 0 Ts. c. q. 211 7 0 14 16 0 Ts. c. t 536 17 Ts. c. q. 793 16 0 366 9 0 Ts. 0. q. 35 10 0 32,152 11 0 Ts. c. q. 1,592 10 0 82,712 8 0 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 55 0 0 Ts. c. q. 33 12 0 Ts. c. q.| 90 0 0 15 0 0 Ts. c. q. 14 16 u 211 7 0 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 366 9 0 793 16 0 Ts. c. 32,152 11 35 10 .q. 0 0 Ts. c. q. 32,712 8 0 1,592 10 0 Ts. 0. q. £ s. d. 285 6 8i 292 8 li £ s. d. 843 10 2 4,158 18 3 £ s. d. 1,128 6 10 4,451 16 4 Kawakawa Section— Opua. Kawakawa. General. Accountant. 9 9 5 2 3,438 3,521 31 18 2,185 1,752 26 5 1 29 21 1,752 2,185 5 26 21 29 1 4! 23 1 55' 0 0 33 12 0 1 1 23 536 17 0 1 1 48 j 27 18 si I 27 18 8 ■■ Totals 1,049 11 6 6,959 49 3,937 31 3,93' 31 50 48 2 16 0 55 0 0 33 12 0 105 0 226 3 0 530 17 1,160 5 0 32,188 1 0 34,304 18 34,307 14 0 ■IS 24 2 16 55 0 33 12 0 105 0 0 226 3 0 536 17 0 1,160 5 0 32,188 1 34,304 18 0 34,807 14 0| 605 13 5 Totals. 5,002 8 5 5,608 1 10 Whahgarei Section — Wharf Whangarei Kamo General Accountant 10 11 9 3 3 1 956 18 8 4,017 6,410 1,847 1 12 58 22 15 Q 12 8 17 66 3 11 4 12 4 9 11 1 80 23 1 73 54 79 4 9 16 0 13 8 0 66 13 0 6 0 0 18 5 0 8 1,953 13 2 671 19 1 212 4 0 5 0 0 9,043 0 0 20,621 1 0 2,043 11 2 9,731 3 li 20,846 13 0i 1 "I 23 75 5 1 2 133 73 3 1 23 4 0 0 8 0 23 2 0 49 3 0 14 IS 4 0 860 10 2 1,329 11 0 647 9 1 28,892 10 501 1 275 10 ° 0 0 29,776 18 2 1,868 7 0 976 2 1 149 9 6 223 11 11 84 5 1 482 6 1 1,050 17 6 2,116 14 0 631 15 7 1,274 9 5 2,200 19 1 Whangabei Section— Wharf. Whangarei. Kamo. General. Accountant. 178' 4 10 - 22 13 9i 22'13 9 Totals 1,135 3 6 12,274 92 18 25| 92 18 12 103 201 33 6 3 23 4 0 72 13 0 18 13 2,837 16 3 29,669 1 32,621 7 32,654 14 2 12 103 206 33 6 3 Totals. 23 4 0 72 13 0 18 13 0 2,837 16 3 29,669 1 32,621 7 8 32,654 14 2 480 0 Si 3,649 17 7 4,129 17 10 AocKtAHD Section — Helensville Waitakarei Avondale Mount Eden Auckland (Coaching) (Goods) .. (Head Office) Newmarket Remuera .. Kllerslie Penrose Junction .. Onehunga Wharf .. Otahuhu Papatoitoi Manurewa Papakura Drury Pukekohe Tuakau Pokeno Mercer Huntly Taupiri Ngaruawahia Frankton Junction.. Hamilton West Morrinsville Te Aroha Cambridge Matamata Oxford Lichfield Ohaupo Kgaroto Te Awamutu General Accountant "l 14 13 13 12 18 18 m 12* 17 Hi 14 13$ 13i 13 14 IM 14 13J 8 12 10J 13 m 9 12$ 9 9 10 12 10 10 8 1 1 1 56 6 3 1 3 9 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1,282 3 10 146 8 2 155 6 8 285 3 5 8,780 6 2 828 19 9 382 5 7 189 5 6 397 7 5 1,594 10 0 160 7 3 175 11 5 134 7 11 205 14 9 236 1 0 801 3 10 123 11 5 153 0 4 479 17 1 429 8 3 141 16 3 329 8 1 514 0 5 278 14 6 269 4 11 393 2 7 543 7 0 155 9 8 223 16 8 189 3 2 98 8 2 140 4 7 276 16 3 1,394 9 3 13,657 3,744 3,726 9,677 107,588 24.72S 5,119 12,605 5,5o3 27,882 12,284 2,671 2,369 7,215 5,387 6,081 2,456 1,687 4,675 2,547 880 3,093 4,648 5,246 3,688 3,511 4,655 461 1,595 956 1,318 286 3,942 234 20 ft 8 296 334 48 103 47 268 81 18 14 13 11 48 76 1 576 233 256 774 16,940 1,487 83 114 607 1,682 78 2,145 200 544 549 245 3,091 353 178 546 527 176 837 328 2,087 540 469 1,504 143 428 157 218 124 684 35 21 17 107 41 43 31 15 8 34 52 42 8 6 42 8 Q 7 41 8 10 49 6 28 'l 1 "2 1 1 1 1 1 88 13 16 100 766 305 140 80 40 127 51 69 98 75 55 24 24 40 26 21 38 47 86 55 41 96 9 27 17 "I 77 3,901 1,167 80 201 6,594 4,119 290 325 99 466 1,237 611 139 240 769 903 1,529 687 487 95S 1,246 357 1,136 151 2,114 1,187 1,337 2,030 654 751 723 595 268 1,552 56 27 2 9 100 47 60 29 13 8 1 30 14 46 9 6 15 30 6 8 g 22 4 16 53 16 32 8 1 170 84 18 20 491 176 101 98 41 63 72 119 221 64 117 77 59 45 31 43 49 21 60 42 144 47 41 74 23 23 14 36 9. 52 4 1 2 1 "2 1 299 112 8 1 1,777 2 529 8 24 13 703 47 321 28 128 224 186 170 553 327 1,342 396 166 1,525 476 194 "io I 17 39 '38 133 27 57 31 14 28 8 1 28 67 20 408 1,625 3 5,815 ' 146 "59 "62 3,784 1,202 2,567 263 70 2,095 103 3,733 265 3,579 3,343 15,206 276 5,065 3,576 763 526 4,459 1,533 2,344 82 40 n 12 1 16 1 8 53 160 245 5 0 0 5' 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0: 50 0 0 .. 5 0 0 115 0 0 250 0 0 110 0 0 375 0 0 395 0 0 5 0 0 74 16 0 5 4 0 0 12 0 42 4 0 34 16 01 6 8 0 13 12 0 47 8 0 4 12 0 4 16 0 10 0 0 9 8 0 14 0 2 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 19 16 0| 7 16 0 10 16 0 20 8 0 50 12 0j 14 0 64 4 0 33 0 0 8 0 0 1 12 0| 6 8 0 8 4 01 17 16 0: 320 0 0 1,535 0 0 475 0 0 20 0 0 85 0 0 15 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 535 0 0 230 0 0 145 0 0 85 0 0 2,425 0 0 205 0 0 2,632 11 0 1,579 14 0 219 0 0 141 4 0 2,086 4 0 55 0 0 0 8 0 72 16 0 288 13 0| .. 208 12 0 361 16 0 15 12 0i 0 8 0! 2 0 16 0 3,979'l5 50 18 0 13 304 3 847 11 158 17 601 7 28 14 21 7 37 8 92 3 124, 4 9 0 27 10 8 14 120 14 508 8 2 0 70 4 ' 51 1 6 14 187 4 4 17 4 3 2 6 54 16 131 0 375 16 1,833 14 1 261 2 3 830 13 3 419 13 1 18,289 10 1 603 2 0 11 7 1 7 10 0 1,199 7 0 40 6 1 2,443 6 0 64 8 2 16 18 1 56 0 1 303 6 1 238 9 0 414 15 0 145 0 1 115 0 3 319 13 0 74 19 0 55 6 3 531 16 3 48 19 3 443 9 2 85 13 0 68 16 1 532 18 3 48 5 2 79 6 3 17 18 0 87 16 3 49 0 2 513 14 3 18 5 0 23 0 0 6,320 16 0 1,090 7 0 4,845 12 0 76' 1 0 1,756 16 0 55 3 0 8,776 9 0 749 6 1 4 0 0j 4'1 4 0 0 169'l3 0 4,886 6 1 3,410 0 3 7,351 1 3 1,671 4 1 28,858 11 3 800 1 0! 22 0 3 7 10 0 3,091 7 0 548 16 2 12,904 11 2 1,024 19 3 737 5 1 569 6 3 857 3 1 1,111 13 3 3,351 18 0 656 9 2 126 0 3 2,712 16 0 34,778 13 0 340 4 3 1,756 5 0 95 19 3 990 17 2 294 2 0 411 10 3 1,915 19 1 105 14 2 548 19 3 328 12 0 785 7 2 636 5 0 1,431 17 0 14 •• "l 3 2 2 5 9 1 S 2 1 2 2 1 702 8 1 "86 27 7,980 42 94 3 27 4 10 225 46 15] 40 185 105 203 49 4 "3 314 1 1 1,899 34 40 113 60 43,3511 70 7,534 40 '787 1 1,003 2,342 139 258 374 528 1,024 535 142 20 109 876 630 20 264 513 100 7 1 3 •• 158 13 3.S72 31 "ll "78 80 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 1,576' 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 0 8 0 463 8 0 .. o'l2 0 48 16 0 40 0 0 175 0 0 185 0 0 1,730 0 0 070 0 0 1,240 0 0 145 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 8S0 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 29 10 0 260 5 0 131 8 0 992 16 0 2,213 15 0 271 16 0 8 12 0 47 18 0 52'l9 0 1,271 6 0 228 12 0 57 4 0 155 6 6 97 5 0 96 16 0 357 8 0 69 8 0 96 10 0 236 6 0 352 0 0 14 12 0 153 0 Ol 191 4 0| 360 6 Ol 402 4 0 29 16 0 333 8 0 317 0 0 137 5 0 7 0 0 42 4 0 148 10 0 818 16 0 774 1 2 24 18 2 2 13 0 6 0 0 2,276'l3 2 542 1 0 12 5 0 10 0 0 19 12 0 54 0 0! 120 2 2! 171 3 2 79 13 1 36 5 3 211 4 1 103 16 0 309 18 0 60 7 3 100 15 0 259 17 2 91 6 3 14 3 0 510 3 3 0 0 0 266 17 2 111 7 l! 209 6 2 477 14 0 91 14 0 114 0 0 229 16 3 90 8 0 30 16 0 404 11 2 2,856 7 2 605 2 2 73 4 3 98 3 1 8,250 2 1 288 7 0 18 11 1 41 8 0 20 13 3 449 18 3 3,308 9 ll 1,612 18 2| 170 13 1 284 4 3 428 9 0 882 0 1 1,093 14 1 404 3 lj 301 18 2 348 16 8l 502 6 2 139 10 1 535 17 1 74 18 0 985 8 2 465 2 2 286 0 2 1,173 1 2 292 11 2 234 8 3] 314 9 1 412 18 3 438 4 0 2,399 13 0 603 3 I 1,613 10 896 0 2,561 3 32,02o'l2 5,973 2 288 0 218 12 609 7 2,561 19 4,836 10 1,968 10 106 5 220 12 548 4 382 0 350 5 92 6 01 0 149 16 48 4 64 6 280 14 35 12 602 17 423 19 364 5 1,342 15 185 16 185 9 77 2 182 7 171 Io 745 10 0 1 2 2 1 2 1 0 3 I 4,383 2 0 2,693 16 1 1,288 6 1 5,393 10 8 47,464 11 1 8,345 6 0 482 8 1 352 13 0 649 12 3 3,170 9 0 9,557 S 1 4,410 0 1 443 15 2 701 8 2i 1,325 3 0 1,424 12 3 2,121 5 1 641 8 0 560 3 2l 1,029 16 1 1,413 17 I 1 232 11 3 1,504 15 S! 307 14 0 2,525 9 0: 1,662 13 0 1,019 12 0 3,461 18 3 1,132 1 2 : 806 2 3 763 8 3! 782 18 II 1,109 5 ll 0,938 10 2! 2,270 (j 7 509 7 2 226 5 7 1,046 8 11 17,506 13 4 3,308 16 0 666 5 4 939 8 9 438 4 4 2,369 2 3 0 6 9 ! 1,272 4 2 283 14 9 292 6 1 1,145 11 10 869 16 2 1,449 13 11 401 9 2 326 3 9 975 10 7 562 11 10 201 2 4 813 0 1 899 19 6 1,673 5 3 826 12 1 1,131 15 5 1,738 13 9 176 16 4 896 6 7 309 3 4| 326 12 11 106 2 1 1,576 10 6^ 3,591 11 9 1,194 9 9! 1,085 19 4 466 15 0 96 6 3 19,721 13 7 1,015 6 0! S41 0 2 : 496 9 6! 11 17 5 : 905 18 11 173 9 3 3,097 9 4 581 8 10 226 8 5J 107 13 0 456 10 4 472 10 3 1,446 10 9 363 12 0 166 9 lj 1,281 15 2 12,397 3 2 369 7 0[ 1,060 0 1 511 19 l! 1,316 2 ll 993 4 1 311 2 7 1,832 5 11 466 13 10 440 6 1 250 17 2| 903 10 6 733 17 3 1,096 8 7 5,801 18 4 1,703 16 11 1,812 4 11 1,512 18 11 17,602 19 7 19,721 13 7 1,015 6 0 4,149 16 2 1,162 14 1C 951 6 2 1,344 3 3 2,542 11 6 3,103 1C 1 1,853 13 0 509 18 2 399 19 1 1,602 2 2 1,342 6 51 2,896 4 8J 765 1 2 492 12 10 2,257 5 9 12,959 IS 0 570 9 4 1,873 0 2 1,211 is i, 2,989 7 4 1,819 16 2 1,442 18 0 3,570 19 8 643 10 2 1,336 12 8 560 0 6 1,230 3 5 839 19 4 2,672 19 1 Auckland Section— Helens ville. Waitakerei. Avondale. Mount Eden. Auckland (Coaching). (Goods). (Head Offlc. Newmarket. Kemuera. Ellerslie. Penrose Junction. Onchunga, Wharf. Otahuhu. Papatoitoi. Manurewa. Papakura, Drury. Pukekohe. Tuakau. Pokeno. Mercer. Huntly. Taupiri. Ngaruawabia. [ jranKton Junction. Hamilton West. Morrineville, TeAroha. Cambridge. Matamata. Oxford. Lichfield. Ohaupo. Ngaroto. Te Awanrutu. General. Accountant. 1 1 - 455 414 540 127 633 153 30 0 0 50 0 0! 135 4 0 36 16 0 0 S 0 450 16 0 14 4 0! 22 8 0j 13 16 0 160 3 0 87 8 0 2,138 9 0 34,657 12 0 4 0 0 192 7 2 1 39 35 25 1 Sβ' 0 0 395 0 0 125 0 0 40 0 0 15 0 0 185 0 0 60 0 0 15 0 0; 25 0 0 5 0 0i 15 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 710 0 0! 25 0 0 2 2 '32 "l8 20 Iβ' 0 0 10 0 0 "63 "3 1 1 4 1 234 8 0 8 0 0 144 13 2 19 4 2 4 12 0 65 0 0 • 35 0 0 80 0 0) 15 0 0 185 0 0 225 0 0 50 0 0 120 0 0 245 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 1 ". 13 1 1 "3 6 "2 15 171 315 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 115 0 0 50 0 0 95 0 0 230 0 0 190 0 0 05 0 0 217 10 0 111 16 0 453 4 0 398 0 0 152 14 0 •• i 's 133 72 545 166 27 21 1,707 17 44 1 10 115 0 0 155 0 0 5 0 0 45 0 0 125 0 0 0 4 0 '22 g 3 2 20 1,459 986 579 70 27 28 S6 155| 856 3 2 0 189 "l2 50 0 0 275 0 0 1,445 0 0 2 84 1 245 0 0 31 16 0 5 6 '21 " * ■ 1 •■ I 907 9 7l Cr. 0 9 0 907 0 7 Totals 126 21,339 1 3 295,935 1,733 38,903 686 46 2,770 38,903 681 46 2,770 76 12,583 658 62,821 4,224! 4,682 12 21 2,435 0 519 8 0 7,780 0 9,982 5 0 7,829 13 29,741 12 60,831 14 1 119,119 12 1 123,802 4 3 76 12,5S3 658 62,821 4,224 4,682 12 2 2,435 0 Ol 519 8 0 7,780 0 0 9,982 5 0 7,829 13 0 29,741 12 0 00,831 14 119,119 12 1 123,802 4 3! 48,449 12 0! 60,283 7 6 >10S,732 19 6 Totals. Napieb Section — Spit Napier Farndon .. Hastings .. Te Auto .. Kaikora .. Waipawa .. Waipukurau Takapau .. Orrnondville Makatoka Tahoraite .. Woodville.. General .. Head Office Accountant i] ni 12 12$ 18 9i 10| 11 12J 14J 6 15 2 7 1 3 2 6 1 2 8 1 5 804 19 11 2,466 16 1 290 2 3 988 8 7 125 16 5 303 1 9 309 10 6 515 17 11 183 15 7 201 15 4 332 17 8 701 19 8 63 5 2 671 14 10 1,548 50.4S0 12,873 36,162 1,957 5,165 11,815 14,543 3,569 4,361 4,304 10,519 765 132 29 173 141 14 21 6 2 29 11 1,724 12,032 626 1,914 488 771 1,884 1,373 1,090 1,108 580 744 32 21 189 5 381 8 93 42 115 88 3 16 146 10 1 5 6 2 1 3 24 10 58 469 96 523 76 108 102 125 72 33 57 150 19 535 3,182 696 4,319 969 1,792 2,978 2,902 1,893 1,309 1,039 2,704 48 62 157 8 331 20 94 40 108 42 9 18 162 16 1 9 2 12 4 4 6 3 2 61 832 106 493 74 159 152 168 69 24 34 200 16 6 1 5 1 1 3 1 4 2 6 195 10 29 10 31 68 6 36 4 "i 1,332 623 3,378 138 5,582 312 8,570 3,912 134 123 633 63 8 1 1 15 0 0 75 0 0 315 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 212 8 0 0 8 0' 597 4 0 1,308 16 0 165 0 0 d33 8 0 798 4 0 688 0 0 289 4 0 0 12 0 10 0 238 4 0 0 4 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 65 0 0 1,165 0 0 130 0 0 110 0 0 845 0 0 3,465 0 0 700 0 0 5,245 0 0 635 0 0 103 8 0 253 12 0 25 8 0 47 8 0 12 4 0 339 S 0 661 12 0 3,085 4 0 9,423 4 0 379 16 0 12,764 6 0 5,225 9 0 1,829 13 0 241 11 ? 370 16 S 760 1 0 50 8 0 79 15 :i 112 16 e 8 18 8 20 10 S 9 0 2 4,683 15 3 2,222 8 1 5,928 17 0 723 5 0 64 5 1 133 0 2 360 7 2 185 4 0 96 0 0 96 8 3 123 16 3 179 9 2 10 5 0 5,648 1 1 1,583 8 3 767 3 3 127 IS 0 8 19 3 7 0 0 17 0 0 12,502 0 0 4,331 8 3 7,784 9 2 3,219 10 0 1,491 17 1 1,330 12 0 2,175 17 2 4,836 6 1 13,305 18 2 1,207 17 1 18,134 2 3 6,307 9 2 10 9 0 "I 5 1 I 1 2 2 16 2 7 26 192 17 5 12 67 9 2 1,952 353 14,734 3,052 138 808 1,325 8491 2,008J 473 1,336 180 490! 142 28 102 13 7 10 0 0 170 0 0 10 0 0! 30 0 0 ! 20 0 0t 45 0 0' 5 0 0 ! 15 0 0 75 0 0; 115 0 0: 4,639 0 0 32 16 0 211 16 0 43 16 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 2 4 0 14 0 14 0 1,395 0 0 3,010 0 0 2,480 0 0 3,335 0 0 50 0 0 310 0 0 1,170 0 0 615 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 8,690 1 0 8,200 8 0 1,051 0 0 2,423 0 0 78 8 0 1,070 10 0j 763 16 0i 9,300 4 0 360 8 0 152 16 0 51 16 0 184 4 0 4 8 0 529 1 3 234 12 1 132 13 0 795 3 1 115 7 3 117 18 8 446 6 1 249 11 2i 126 17 3 194 2 2| 7S 8 ?\ 461 2 0 11 0 Oj 6,097 11 2 64S 13 3, 391 15 3 2,463 9 3 298 2 0 519 0 0 1,209 19 2i 710 16 2j 392 16 0 ! 392 12 1 271 12 2 1,355 19 2 54 14 1 80S 6 2,113 11 378 3 4,685 2 15 12 62 2 133 19 202 13 68 6 13 8 56 6 57 7 15 0 21,729 0 8 14,410 1 1 4,645 8 1 13,755 11 3 557 14 0J 2,109 18 3 3,746 5 2 : 11,124 9 0 959 11 8 787 19 1 538 3 II 2,183 12 2 95 8 1 270 10 6 9,416 3 s\ 959 8 6! 4,881 16 8 328 16 9l 927 10 Si 2,281 18 8 2,770 2 10 705 15 4 706 17 2 704 12 2 2,856 15 8 228 0 7 6,442 0 0! 3,234 19 10 2,757 0 5 1,292 10 9 364 8 10 1,023 10 11 1,515 2 0 2,493 1 6 4,407 12 10 550 12 1 10,043 7 11 3,658 15 0 12 1 5 6,712 16 0 12,651 3 6 3,716 8 11 6,174 12 0 693 5 7 1,951 1 2 3,797 0 8 5,263 4 4 5,113 8 2 1,257 9 3 10,748 0 1 6,515 10 8 240 2 0 Napier Section— ■ Spit. Napier. Farndon. Hastings. Te Aute. Kaikora. Waipawa. , Waipukurau. Takapau. Ormondville. Makatoka. Tahoraite. Woodville. General. Head Office. Accountant. 1 31 57 93 14 2 1 1 51 2 io '168 2,499 8 2 5 10 0 0 90 0 10 7 0 '36 10 0 0 10 0 0 •" 8 2is' 8 0 941 15 4 218 8 0 1,248 4 0 •• • ■ •■ 306" 9 2: Totals 54 7.9C0 1 8 j 158,061 566 24,366 1,067 55 1,888 24,366 1,067 55 1,888 37 523 47 26,48S 837 979 7 495 0 0 4,932 12 0 12,420 0 0 32,320 19 0 3,492 11 t 14,807 3 1 8,169 18 2 76,638 4 1 77,617 11 1 37 52i 47 26,488 83V 97fl 7 0 495 0 0 4,932 12 0 12,420 0 0 19 0 3,492 11 2 14,807 3 1 8,169 18 a 76,638 4 I , Totals. 77,617 11 li 27,345 2 6^ 88,955 12 10 66,300 15 4 vi—D. 1.



RETURN No. 10- continues. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1887.

teaching. Live Stock, Goods, &c. Stations. I O X = S Total Expenditure. Nurnbe: of OutW! ird. Inwi trd. 1 s Outward. Inward. Bev< mue. of I I O I I s o W I CO c? P I $ I I Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &o. Woi >1. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. j Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. S 1 i a 1 I I Equiv. Tonl£SI&. Chaff, *, &0. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. landise. Minerals. I Tntnl Grand Total Total. . Tonnage. forwarded. Stations. Mercl Coaching. Goods. I Wellington Section — Mauricevillo Masterton.. Carterton .. Greytown .. Featherston Cross Creek Summit Kaitoke Upper Hutt Lower Hutt Petone Ngahauranga Wellington .. ) (Wharf) j , (General) (Head Office) .. Accountant 12 13* 111 14 11 11 11 II 12 16J 15J 12J 16jl 8 7 3 2 S 2 1 1 4 5 4 1 ) J £ s. d. 394 19 11 914 19 llj 380 14 8 358 1 0 425 15 8 424 0 4 78 13 2 529 15 1 625 17 5 541 4 6 186 2 8 6,436 17,493 6,186 6,354 7,351 3 13 14 311 2,632 1,476 909 1,246 14 99 32 25 133 5 2 I 68 245 50 37 164 1,384 4,035 2,474 2,228 2,906 39 94 28 30 101 1 5 8 127 236 65 80| 246 2 1 436 206 53 72 59^590 28,852 365 55,395 114 9 16 136 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 5 0 0 400 0 0! 215 0 0J 40 0 0i 10 0 0 Ts. 123 963 441 80 678 c. q. 12 0 12 0 4 0 8 0 8 0 Ts. c. q. 55 0 0 990 0 0 80 0 0 400 0 0 Ts. c. q. 43 12 0 448 16 0 12,493 0 0 ! 2,943 i 0 6,721 8 0 Ts. c. q. 9 12 315 11 1 12 10 2 18 12 0 20 0 0 Ts. c. q. 112 0 3 712 5 3 207 8 3 191 14 3 285 4 3 Ts. c. q. 1.620 10 0 7,169 6 1 122 9 2 4 0 0 14 0 Ts. c. q. 1,913 16 i 10,064 11 1 14,481 12 3 3,363 18 3 8,116 4 3 Ts. 0. q 5 4 2 g 94 34 35 6 12 31 30 5 56 267; 601 1 423 2 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 55 0 0 5 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 Ts. c. q. 0 4 0 5 0 0 Ts. c. q. 45 0 0 90 0 0 Ts. o. q. 492 8 0 018 0 0 42 2 0 1,679 9 0 242 0 0 Ts. c. q. 204 4 3 504 2 1 367 7 3 270 15 1 295 18 2 Tl 1,43 2,9q 96 61 82 s. c. q. 34 10 3 50 19 2 )1 10 1 15 9 0 J9 7 3 Ts. c. q. 7,099 1 0 1,702 14 0 65 7 3 63 9 2 177 8 3 Ts. 0. q. 9,330 4 2 5,870 19 3 1,451 13 3 2,679 2 3 2,054 19 0 Ts. c. q. £ s. d. 1,223 13 4 4,289 10 6 1,506 12 2 1,281 17 0 1,978 19 2 £ s. a. 654 2 8 4,731 2 7 8,823 12 8 2,122 12 2 7,038 5 3 s s. a. 1,877 16 0 9,020 19 1 10,330 4 10 3,404 9 2 9,017 4 5 Wellington Section— Mauriceville. Masterton. Carterton. G-reytown. Featherston. Cross Creek. Summit, Kaitoke. Upper Hutt. Lower Hutt. Petone. Ngahauranga. Wellington. „ (Wharf.) „ (General.) „ (Head Office.) Accountant. "8 279 204 1 04 0 396' 0 0 1 1,001 7,318 27,776 29,567 8,525 ( 91,351 ( ■■ 65 44 375 147 138 368 192 1,208 8,489 496 118 12,396 6 127 1 22 57 139 79 30 388J 919 951 951 918 164 12,543 ■ 6 U 134 1 2 1 22 64 107 78 19 285 1 4 138 6 533 47 1 32 41 196 29 201 346 3,410 38 16 5 ■• 80' 0 0 35 11 22 0 0 16 0 0 0 1,180 0 0 4,960 0 0 1,680 0 0 1,003 8 0 i 2,046 13 0 949 0 0 20 8 0 0 4 0 305 9 0i 85 0 0 3" 3 0 33 17 0 Iβ' 1 1 119 10 0 63 18 0 1,543 14 2 1,509 15 0 8,737 4 2 133 11 0 30 0 0 8 0 0 570 13 1 130 9 2 122 19 0 2,560 3 2 2,275 4 2 2,264 9 1 7,149 11 0 3,399 8 1 1,694 12 0 1,632 18 0 19,187 6 0 2,510 11 2 o 3 836 9 98 477 1 173 179 57 7 7 101,050 41,444 4,407 200 2 113 4 292 49 117 20 0 0 20 0 0 5' 0 0 0 4 0 12 0 0 12 8 0 2,348 16 0 5,748 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 415 0 0 440 0 0 25 0 0 7,915 0 0 29 8 0 268 12 0 546 4 0 2,489 11 0 216 0 0 20,359 8 0 77 0 0 5 18 0 191 2 2 268 4 1 102 11 2 11 2a 22 1,04 25 4,0(1 98 12 2 1 56 14 1 J7 2 3 11 11 3 51 1 3 )8 4 0 18 18 0 24 0 0 51 4 0 169 12 2 1,733 18 3 177 18 1 3,850 5 0 201 8 1 802 12 3 1,626 7 2 5,824 13 0 682 8 0 38,4<J0 12 2 6,763 18 0 147 14 1 915 18 2 3,018 17 11 1,940 18 7 428 18 7 12,349 1 2 844 1 5 1,751 1 0 651 0 3 486 6 9 390 12 6 12,495 11 0 136 14 8 991 15 6 2,666 19 2 3,669 18 2 12,433 5 4 819 11 1 24,844 12 2 136 14 8 5 176 '18 " 6 2 22 7 2 101 181 10 0 oj 5,748". 16 : 1,826 9 0 23 3,721 17 11 1,014 7 11 182 0 0 16 0 6 485 0 0 28'l9 2 ■• I I - •■ 12 302 15 9 212 1 1 98 7 9 212 1 1 461 3 6 Totals 80,797 6 1 61 9,602 10 2 209,358 1,187 29,478 61' 29 1,27! 29,47! 617 29 1,27! 32 1,604 479 148,461 58( 5,018 6 2 760 0 8,126 L6 0 9,345 0 27,000 2 0 2,239 4 1 13,632 18 0 14,614 19 2 75,778 19 1,604 Totals. 32 47! 148,463 580 5,018 6 2 760 0 0 8,126 16 0 9,345 0 0 27,060 2 0 2,239 4 1 13,6: 12 18 0 14,614 19 2 75,778 19 3! 80,797 0 1 29,451 2 5 40,435 11 9 69,886 14 2 Wangantji Section — New Plymouth „ Breakwater j Waitara Inglewood Stratford .. Normanby Hawera Patea Waverley Waitotara Aramoho Wanganui Fordcll .. Turakina .. Morton Greatford Halcombc.. Feilding .. Palmerston Longburn Foxton Wellingtcn-Manawatu (thro' traffic) General Head Office Accountant 15 15 13 11| 12| 18 11 10 11 16J 10 13* 12" 11 11* 12" 124 141 12l 10 6 4 2 2 2 6 2 1 1 2 13 1 1 2 2 3 2 7 3 i 1,120 1 0 540 7 8 222 6 1 206 14 l! 206 12 S 800 13 0 458 17 0 162 15 2 175 16 5 233 5 1 2,860 18 7 88 5 0 125 14 6 242 3 0 188 14 11 369 17 9 327 0 2 916 7 5 74 5 6 1,020 13 0 f 19,337 6J189 6,963 2,819 3,877 21,189 7,776 2,569 2,915 3,002 28,717 2,131 2,354 8,072 2,749 5,527 8,758 22,335 2,686 14,807 9,234 26 "4 92 38 55 15 81 25 35 2,141 508 603 486 511 1,611 763 377 324 350 10,081 266 312 1,146 437| 483 1,089 2,218 102 1,150 1,554! 3 110 45 53 28 26 895 4 26 65 84 13 38 104 3 56 105 74 '22 1 2 4 i 3 33 172 163 52 30 70 263 52 41 43 44 477 50 45 143 57 37 286 19 174 107 849 410 972 1,809 680 1,917 1,053 1,252 1,309 238 2,577 755 1,100 2,194 1,084 885 2,022 2,326 212 1,314 1,554 66 17 1 10 114 53 89 20 30 262 7 25 79 80 21 45 146 19 1 1 "9 96 57 63 94 120 189 96 50 91 eel 390 92 59 129 55 44 1611 249j 16 IO7! 3 10 3 4 1 2 336 4 4 21 836 639 393 857 224 7 381 6 6 21 3 5 1 38 3 30 1 1 129 8 5 12 1 "22 16 17,241 10,726 2,700 2,992 3,201 441 1,682 67 86 2,023 234 724 1,881 1,293 9 2,110 20,190 1 1 29 221 1.253 831 627 405 112 425 17 19 166 182 25 202 239 11 58 873 25 0 60' 0 40 0 15 0 5 0 90 0 30 0 15 0 39 25 7 19 I 181 10 169. 85! 154 1 259 168 278 84 46 j 33 257 , 264 4 0 0 0 0 0 L6 0 8 0 L6 0 8 0 12 0 16 0 0 0 L2 0 L2 0 8 0 L6 0 8 0 L6 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 975 0 0 190 0 0 700 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 25 0 0i 440 0 Oj 620 0 01 45 0 0 90 0 0i 10 0 0 140 0 0 435 0 0 3,910 0 0 735 0 0 455 0 0 150 0 0 109 8 0 11 8 0 5 10 0 1,616 16 0 2,608 16 0 1,161 16 0 95 4 0 7 18 0 SI 0 0 540! 227 12 Oi 8 12 0 3 8 0i 114 4 0i 16 8 0 3,499 0 01 6,857 0 0 1,099 16 0 53 4 0i 4 4 0i 90 4 0 606 18 1 460 6 0 271 8 3 270 5 1 58 0 1 367 5 1 366 9 3 322 0 3 229 3 0 204 6 0 565 13 0 595 12 2 58 4 2 04 9 0 738 8 2 124 6 8 39 6 0 279 12 3 681 6 3 16 0 0 625 8 2 53 10 0 1,899 14 1 3,623 12 1 809 0 0 530 14 0 219 5 2 279 3 0 618 4 1 1,147 14 1 152 19 1 118 2 1 153 6 8 3,266 14 0 73 11 0 77 1 2 273 9 1 67 4 3 89 6 1 270 13 0 803 10 1 55 18 2 2,532 6 2 1,074 10 0 34 0 0 632 14 0 544 14 1 25 5 0 8 0 0 92 0 0 146 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 468 0 0 1,293 8 2 118 0 0 2,744 4 2 4,728 0 1 1,715 14 0 3,425 0 1 3,076 1 3 2,536 0 1 1,563 6 0 1,719 9 0 601 10 1 960 0 1 2,056 19 3 5,459 7 0 622 19 2 323 10 2 1,619 9 3 762 15 2 7,594 0 1 8,212 17 1 3,840 13 0 569 2 2 3,510 4 0 1,767 12 0 11 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 6 310 330 724 15 20 17 134 12 22 44 10 7801 14 1 49 1 11 2 129 "3 1 1 4,547 23,932 018 4 7 1,107 318 266 245 388 3,939 129 347 49 238 11 25] 2,478 19 8,124 20,190 42 '243 1 4 104 72 36 52 3,157 57 5G 11 80 25 9 72 9 807 873 70 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 116' 0 0 33 16 0 39 4 01 14 0 349 0 0 18 0 6 8 0 2 4 0 1,018 8 0 910 0 0 226' 0 0 5 0 0 85 0 0 710 0 0 250 0 0 115 0 Oi 95 0 0 980 0 Oi 2,990 0 0 165 0 0 400 0 0 1,165 0 0 125 0 0 15 0 0 65 0 0 370 0 0 105 0 0 435 0 0 5 0 0 2,247 12 0 14 0 1,163 16 0 262 8 C 219 16 C 265 4 0 1,233 8 0 401 4 C 384 10 0 246 8 0 383 4 0 5,533 16 0 403 8 0 218 0 0 1,206 12 0 191 0 0 60 16 0 110 8 0 944 0 0 88 12 0 2,027 8 0 96 4 0 1,310 10 2 224 13 1 464 13 1 169 4 1 179 18 3 557 8 2 117 4 2 238 10 2 48 7 0 15 8 3 1,200 19 8 113 16 0 38 14 2 96 6 3 85 2 0 282 7 1 271 5 1 957 19 3 27 16 3 543 19 1 53 10 0 4,5! 8! 3( 5( 7( 4! 1,2' 4i 8! 3: 7! li 2( l,i; 6! 3( 9: 2,2< l< 6: 1,0' )6 4 1 >7 8 2 14 15 1 17 1 3 12 9 2 10 15 3 (7 16 1 Sβ 18 2 28 5 2 19 11 2 15 0 2 )7 19 2 59 17 0 50 7 0 52 8 3 52 2 0 16 16 1 14 11 1 19 11 1 10 8 1 16 2 1 14 10 O 1 1,155 10 3 18 0 0 101 1 2 91 10 0 27 5 0 421 8 0 63 11 2 174 6 2 84 0 0 70 0 0 335 0 0 95 7 0 52 16 0 241 3 0 42 15 0 48 10 2 92 12 0 511 11 2 78 10 0 355 12 0 13 0 0 10,263 13 2 897 16 2 1,931 4 2 1,430 4 2 1,188 5 3 993 3 2 4,201 4 3 1,619 18 2 1,242 0 2 799 14 2 1,548 17 1 11,986 3 1 937 8 0 979 13 2 3,867 2 2 996 7 0 825 0 0 1,516 4 2 6,113 14 2 440 7 0 4,803 1 2 1,707 12 0 3,271 11 7 1,314 1 9 1,040 18 5 490 17 0 492 1 4 4,056 14 4 1,437 19 9 575 9 9 597 8 3 570 11 8 8,527 5 11 259 1 1 436 3 1 1,944 7 6 610 14 7 889 8 9 1,291 11 7 3,816 4 7 287 2 9 1,777 2 0 2,388 18 9 1,561 16 8 767 12 5 788 17 10 850 4 6 1,198 8 4 1,541 16 4 1,490 15 3 1,308 0 6 481 6 4 478 13 6 489 8 9 5,580 6 10 188 19 8 181 15 8 847 15 2 258 16 6 2,903 4 4 3,884 12 10J 1,412 2 9 134 4 3 3,550 10 4 1,598 4 10 4,S33 8 3 767 12 5 2,102 19 7 1,891 2 11 1,089 5 4 2,033 17 8 5,547 9 7 2,746 0 3 1,056 16 1 1,076 1 9 1,060 0 5 14,107 12 9 448 0 9 617 18 9 2,792 2 8 869 11 1 3,792 13 1 5,176 4 5 5,228 7 4 421 7 0 5,327 12 4 3,987 3 7 Wanganxji Section— New Plymouth. „ Breakwater. Waitara. Inglewood Stratford. Normauby. Hawera. Patea. Waverley. Waitotara. Aramoho. Wanganui. Fordoll. Turalrina. Mar ton. Greatford. Halconibe. Feilding. Palmers ton. Longburn. Foxton. Wellington - Manavvatu (through traffic). General. Head Office. Accountant. L 1 11 1 3 1 ■lOj 4 65 0 85 0 10 0 20 0 245 0 SO 0 5 0 15 0 10 0 0 7 50 0 6 0 0 4 16 0 0 12 0 0 8 0 14 0 2 8 0 5 12 0 1 2 12 "l 14 1 5 2! 41 4! 1015 2 299 0 0 3 1 6 1 1 2 16 18 132 220 44! 1,304 1,297 4 6 50 0 0 60 0 0 75 0 0| 14 "J 6 87 105 7 5 8 56 1,297 22 343 5 0 13 0 0 24 22 315 0 0 15 0 0; 576' 0 0 510 8 0 510-1 8 0 i 5 0 0 1,146 11 S ••I 15 12 10 5 0 842 5 0 65711 6 424 17 3 667 16 6 1,267 2 3 Totals 66 11,477 19 9 187,021 371 26,51! 1,257 2,400 26,512 1,257 79 2,400 51 5,465 259 67,207 5,697 3,409 13 3 755 0 0 2,547 9,210 0 0 17,088 18 OJ Totals. 6,997 16 18,136 0 4,074 2 1 59,408 17 2 62,818 11 1 51 5,4651 25! 67,207 5,697 3,409 13 3 755 0 2,547 0 0 9,210 0 0 17,688 18 0 6,997 16 2 18, li 16 0 3 4,074 2 1 59,408 17 62,818 11 1 36,928 4 5 32,580 2 4 69,508 6 9 Gbeymocth Section — Greymoutli Brunner General Head Office Accountant 13 7 14 3,438 2 1 1,222 5 7 64 2 0 23,372 14,765 205 59 1,425 341 43 33 341 1,425 33 43 2 3 18 3 8 105 0 0 718 7 0 2,246 4 0 4,153 9 2 117 18 3 235 17 0 135,990 3 0 5,107 13 2 138,459 5 3 2 8 105 0 0 2,246 4 0 718 7 0 1 4,1! 17 18 3 i3 9 2 135,990 3 0 235 17 0 138,459 5 3 5,107 13 2 1,974 3 4 1,306 11 3 4,880 4 8 14,691 14 8 6,854 8 0 15,998 5 11 GitEYMouTii Section. Greyrnouth. Brunner. General. Head Office. Accountant. 1 8 12 1 25 18 6 11 5 0 19 17 1 25 18 6 ..I Totals 21 4,724 9 8 38,137 265 1,761 76 1,766 76 21 2 7 105 0 0 2,964 11 4,271 8 1 136,220 0 0 143,566 19 1 143,569 7 0 21 2 7 3 105 0 2,964 11 0 4,2' '18 1 136,226 0 143,566 19 lj 143,509 7 3,315 5 19,583 4 4 22,898 0 Totals. Westpoet Section — Westport Accountant 8. 8 1,963 5 0 26,569 12 2,118 6 6 77 2,118 6 5 77 3 16 131 4 3,349 2 2,108 3 1 122,579 13 3 128,036 19 0 3 16 131 4 Westport Section. Westport. Accountant. 3,349 2 0 2,11 18 3 1 122,579 13 3 128,036 19 0 1,830 18 0 61 11 7 17,892 2 1 19,723 0 1 61 11 7 • ■ Totals 1,963 5 0 20,569 12 2,111 77 2,118 77 16 131 5 12 1 3,349 2 2,108 3 1 122,579 13 3 128,036 19 0 128,042 11 1 16 131 5 12 1 Totals. 3,349 2 0 2,11 )8 3 1 122,579 13 8 128,036 19 0 128,042 11 1 1,892 9 7 17,892 2 1 19,784 11 8 Sectiok — Port and Wharf Nelson .. Richmond Brightwater Wakefieia Belgrove General Head Office Accountant .. 9 9 9 10 10 11 13 6 1 1 1 3 983 11 11 737 3 6 98 7 2 125 13 0 136 6 10 323 10 8 60 2 10 20,483 7,993 4,409 4,191 8,345 69 33 20 25 1 148 2,506 343 383 419 120 "4, 6 "\ 2 26 17 11 16 12 47 789 745 781 910 647 5 2 3 1 7 35 11 7 7 17 1 ll 1 3 2 4 6 5 0 0 120 0 0 260 0 0 140 0 0| 0 4 0 4 4 0 15 4 0 38 ■ 8 0 46 1 0 0 83 16 0 10 0 0 215 0 0 1,730 0 0 550 0 0 173 0 86 13 2 0 15 0 1,280 9 765 5 570 8 0 212 0 0 1,330 6 0 533 8 0 119 16 2 11 5 0 245 10 3 1,093 8 2 162 17 0 253 3 0 203 14 1 87 1 2 I 1,408 4 0 5 0 0 52 3 01 159 0 0 616 8 3 8 0 0 2,402 6 3 1,401 5 2 1,692 10 0 1,473 19 0 4,136 8 2 1,505 7 2 1 "i 4 14 465 0 0 50 0 C 10 0 0 110 0 0 75 12 C 24 0 2,160 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 204 5 0 1,669 13 0 142 15 0 86 10 0 14 12 0 204 12 0 1,264 14 0 1,230 10 0 47 4 0 151 14 0 41 0 0 42 1 2 8C 4£ 2£ 22 2S 53 )7 7 0 » 6 2 il 10 2 >5 11 1 !7 17 8 53 2 0 678 11 3 1,080 1 2 295 9 0 25 14 0 159 12 2 9 7 0 3,029 17 3 6,696 3 0 1,016 18 2 521 13 1 543 2 1 804 2 2 4 11 8 1,852 7 7 543 17 4 399 16 10 4S8 15 6 755 11 11 2,368 14 1 067 19 11 347 8 11 322 6 1 874 2 3 415 0 3 2,373 5 9 2,520 7 6 891 6 3 722 2 11 1,362 17 9 1,170 12 2 Nelson Section. Port and Wharf. Nelson. Eichmond. Brightwater. Wakefield. Belgrove. General. Head Office. Accountant. 1 1 2 4 8 2 I i 1 1 21 11 10 74 10 9 So 17 11 57 9 9 74 10 9 187 16 0 Totals 25 2,464 15 11 45,421 149 3,919 11 84 3,919 11 84 18 2 5 1 525 0 0 2,505 0 0 2,322 7 2,777 3 2 2,045 15 0 2,248 15 3 12,611 17 1 12,614 2 2 Totals. 18 2 5 1 525 0 0 187 16 0 2,505 0 2,322 7 0 2,777 3 2 2,Of 15 2,218 15 8 12,611 17 1 12,614 2 2 4,141 3 5 5,031 9 5 9,172 12 10 PlCTON SECTIOX — Picton. Blenheim .. General .. Head Office Accountant 11 10 6 2 664 5 5 387 17 10 115 19 C 15,528 8,728 146 2 491 829 16 19 1 1 62 63 829 491 19 16 1 1 03 62 4 8 3 9 79 82 8 740 0 0 34 4 778 16 4,945 0 0 405 0 0 856 2 271 3 206 3 1 2,047 19 2 1,198 3 0 556 2 0 1,460 12 0 59 10 0 8,698 4 1 4,858 10 2 8 4 3 79 8 8 82 740 0 0 778 16 0 34 4 0 405 0 0 4,945 0 0 271 3 0 856 2 0 2,047 19 2 206 3 1 5; 1,1! i6 2 0 16 3 0 69 10 0 1,460 12 C 4,858 10 2 8,698 4 1 1,810 1 7 1,165 2 3 1,760 11 11 1,360 8 2 3,570 13 0 2,525 10 5 Picton Section. Picton. Blenheim. General. Head Office. Accountant. 26' 3 1 58 6 9 26' 3 1 58 6 9 Totals 1,168 2 8 24,256 1-1S 1,32( 35 125 1,320 ■.)." 125 1:-. 88 90 9 2 740 0 0 813 0 ( 5,350 0 0 1,127 5 0 2,254 2 3 Totals. 1,752 8 0 1,520 2 0 13,556 14 3 13,565 17 88 90 9 2 1 740 0 0 813 0 0 5,350 0 0 1,127 5 0 2,254 2 1,752 5 0 1,520 2 ( 13,556 14 3 13,565 17 0 3,053 13 8 3,121 0 1 6,174 13 9



RETURN No. 10-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 3lst March, 1887.

Stations. I o S •6 I I Total 3 5 Expenditure. K Numbe] of ] Outwi ioaol ird. ling. Inwai rd. Outward. Live Stock, Goods, &c. Inward. Eev< jnue. >> . II III g-2 1 s 1 a P4 o I I I P 3 s Bquiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Wool. I Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. I ■ 1 "§ "3 is O O to s Equiv. Ton&c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. "I Total. Coaching. Total Value forwarded. Stations. Grand Total Tonnage. Goods. I. Hukuntji-Bluff Section — Lyttelton (Coaching) „ (Goods) (Wharves) Heathcote Woolston Opawa Christchurch (Passengers) 1 (Parcels) J (Goods) (Head Office) .. „ (Cashier) Addington Papanui Styx Belfast Kaiapoi Rangiora Oust Bennett's Oxford (East) „ (West) Sefton Amberley Waikari .. Culverdcn Hornby Prebbleton Lincoln ENesmere Doyleston.. Lecston Southbridge Little River Templeton Rolleston Kirwee Darfield Sheffield .. Springfield Coalgate .. Burnham Selwyn Dunsandel Rakaia Methven Chertsey Ashburton Tinwald .. Westerfieia Winslow Hinds Rangitata Orari Winchester Temnka Washdyke Pleasant Point Albury Fairlie Creek Timaru (Coaching) 1 (Goods) \ (Wharf) J St. Andrew Otaio Makikihi Studholme Waimatc Waitaki .. Pukeuri Duntroon Kurow Oamaru (Coaching) 1 (Goods) j Breakwater Waiareka Ngapara Maheno Herbert .. Hampden .. Palmerston Dunback Waikouaiti Seacliff Waitati .. £ s. d. 2,035 7 3 17,042 13 6 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q.l Ts. o. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. o. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. 0. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 161 9 [ 16 15J 11 "I 4 2 1 81,985 211 3,073 99 204 10,120 12! 34 456 30 0 0 12,764 8 0 4,853 8 0 2 16 0 908 8 0 i 1,715 0 0 i |22,9G9 8 0 I 1,252 12 0 27,586 1 1 665 15 0 235 13 2 31 4 1 52,332 8 3 33,105 1 2 139 2 0 806 14 0 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. £ s. d. 6,540 15 0 £ s. a. 16 9 16 13 Hi 11.) 11 11 11 14 18J 14JI 12jl 12 14f 10 13 11 9* 12 j iii V2\ 13 13J| 12-ii m 12 12J 13} 14.J! 10 12 I 11 12 in 12 124 13 12 39 50 10 3 1 1 6 5 1 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 6 3 2 13 1 596 1 0 829 6 8 150 7 4 6,427 2 6 9,141 18 0 1,339 11 1 363 17 10 142 6 10 128 9 1 831 6 9 694 2 0 159 0 8 212 10 10 141 2 0 311 6 5 180 2 3 345 15 0 410 15 '0 187 15 10 375 5 7 158 13 10 242 6 0 "142 3 8 153 16 9 314 1 9 406 14 5 403 2 6 135 9 0 390 15 4 148 1 0 415 4 6 142 12 1 421 13 9 158 16 10 151 18 4 232 0 1 240 7 1 804 0 10 370 3 11 245 7 3 1,789 0 4 141 10 5 10,800 10,848 8,385 (212,756 1 •• 7,770 14,833 2,197 6,100 17,652 15,826 1,748 2,730 2,134 5,676 2,496 4,112 7,212 2,145 3,551 2,501 4,537 864 2,255 3,548 5,402 4,906 2,620 2,750 1,958 5,263 1,864 3,298 1,962 1,669 1,561 3,104 7,451 3,244 1,723 20,393 1,500 "S31 1,027 1,759 5,664 3,343 9,612 2,161 4,390 1,206 3,821 f 37,837 4,011 1,517 2,756 1,824 6,150 1,884 1,616 2,190| 2,930 f 62,321 1 •• 309 98 77 1,465 157 25 6 30 20 31 4 1 5 15 14 15 79 27 20 21 1 38 156 58 75 8 5 1,481 562 53 48^221 1,041 481 78 332 2,114 2,334 594 263 840 420 866 1,680 1,471 560 221 117 638 301 954 790 1,028 438 133 214 348 595 624 863 526 109 184 439 1,409 487 454 4,134 324 209 145 233 328 749 525 1,746 98 930 290 513 13,171 1 571 254 12 '28 114 2 2 12 12 11 67 39 62 311 9. 2 11 7 47 18 27 8 6 8 84 10 48 21 2 16 60 78 12 10 197 13 4 6 5 4 71 21 23 28 17 29 34 367 146 4 2 2 9 8 4 2 2 1 6 3 "31 9 5 1,491 268 122 5 20 110 278 30 15 26 77 176 129 115 171 7 35 10 14 48 54 23 53 63 39 27 39 73 49 32 28 53 228 74 40 291 77 19 22 4S 20 87 35 90 GO 45 40 96 587 210 191 405 14^405 770 368 111 414 1,757 3,214 1,349 1,022 1,205 1,135 1,398 3,040 2,160 3,200 203 279 1,203 814 1,126 1,914 2,330 2,280 208 319 1,144 1,515 1,274 1,532 1,281 485 449 941 2,808 1,599 698 5,322 222 1,105 341 871 930 2,314 1,070 2,498 214 1,717 1,865 2,140 6,925 562 193 1 1 16 96 g 17 18 6 37 43 109 238 4 10 6 9 77 23 44 8 12 51 40 10 60 29 1 10 63 72 22 13 161 20 16 14 10 17 75 5 20 30 17 26 60 331 8 2 1 il ] a i 18 1 3 1 3 8 5 1 10 10 53 1 ] "l6 Q 6 '998 258 70 4 20 89 198 62 19 32 25 43 258 151 200 83 11 31 18 44 89 53 112 50 61 59 93 42 87 57 20 40 52 165 123 42 265 33 63 25 62 87 73 IS SO 60 62 55 139 509 2 1 '47 8 '83 "l 162 "61 627 44 "l3 6 u 3 27 74 101 18 4 39 14 40 27 48 1 34 6 30 45 1 12 21 18 13 10 174 131 9 540 2 132 175 69 1,333 423 "9 1 2 'is 93 14 2 3 "7 "io 1 1 1 2,222 1,500 39 'l82 201502 17 1,009 579 3,565 3,321 41 1,656 717 4,855 11,866 11,865 350 26 598 3,746 1,326 3,495 11,552 650 77 3,325 4,332 1,446 12,103 34 3,026 7,221 50,020 3,200 8,307 17,928 10,582 2,722 27,916 7,353 4,339 7,424 2,029 8,433 35,651 1,452 4,730 6,563 82 48 11,073 142 8,536 14,645 11,227 2,605 5,293 11,003 9,013 132 12 5 "s2 3,025 365 90 1,333 8 '104 226 175 70 857 236 1,297 1,513 3,643 1,353 31 345 144 67 76 343 170 424 635 537 226 237 524 707 200 484 311 44 388 622 2,340 1,640 263 76 166 16' 0 0 355 0 0 45 0 0 180 0 0 30 0 0 95 0 0 135 0 0 35 0 0 330 0 0 380 0 0 125 0 9 65 0 0 230 0 0 120 0 0 15 0 0 70 0 0 90 0 0 30 0 0 275 0 0 300 0 0 235 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 0 45 0 0 20 0 0 110 0 0 120 0 0 505 0 0 70 0 0 25 0 0 80 0 0 25 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 10 0 0 4,257 10 0 94 12 0 12 10 0 4 0 0 650 4 0 415 16 0 353 12 0 58 4 0 158 12 0 24 16 0 122 4 0 68 16 0 578 8 0 754 0 0 1,101 4 0 4 12 0 14 8 0 190 8 0 ■ 78 16 0 26 4 0 57 4 0 147 8 0 99 8 0 43 0 0 70 8 0 60 4 0 255 8 0 95 12 0 292 12 0 647 0 0 94 16 0 35 4 0 140 16 0 760 0 0 220 12 0 145 12 0 047 4 0 119 12 0 572 0 0 214 12 0 244 4 0 333 12 0 524 4 0 231 0 0 454 12 0 73 0 0 592 4 0 297 16 0 1,016 16 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 5' 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 175 0 0 3,030 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 305 0 0 2,445 0 0 10 0 0 70 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 105 0 0 7 4 0 2,432 8 0 526 8 0 0 10 0 8 0 0 84 12 0 84 4 0 17 12 0 5 6 0 102 0 0 1,101 12 0 213 4 0 21 8 0 7 4 0 44 12 0 14 18 0 22 4 0 14 12 0 0 4 0 2,080 10 0 2 8 0 48 1G 0 .. 0 12 0 41 12 0 0 12 0 0 4 0 132 16 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 6,159 5 8 11,995 6 2 1,851 8 2 2,466 0 0 1,285 7 0 11,437 11 2 3,621 8 2 986 17 3 1,590 10 0 151 9 2 513 17 3 1,566 0 3 1,015 7 0 652 3 3 445 8 1 1,818 12 1 1,615 13 1 3.204 3 3 3,084 10 1 1,437 4 1 2,024 14 0 2,524 10 3 221 7 1 2,358 14 1 1,059 5 3 1,355 3 0 2,707 11 1 541 18 2 179 14 2 415 5 3 2.205 18 0 602 7 0 2,324 8 1 10,934 10 3 2,385 6 0 8,857 12 2 12,370 1 1 2,392 16 0 1,187 6 0 2,204 9 0 779 5 2 1,514 5 0 1,453 12 1 3,481 11 1 3,683 18 2 841 8 3 3,361 8 0 848 0 1 639 0 2 23,99O' 8 0 1,583 17 3 321 4 0 90 10 2 5,714 8 3 749 18 0 588 10 2 44 9 2 35 6 3 38 19 3 71 12 1 167 13 0 203 7 0 214 1 3 80 7 1 513 19 0 20 11 2 158 12 2 66 12 2 244 16 2 149 11 2 251 0 3 75 15 0 27 15 3 1,520 16 0 68 16 1 87 10 2 SO 5 1 45 16 2 58 4 2 36 4 3 30 9 0 133 16 2 392 17 2 94 13 0 150 16 0 1,129 4 0 71 9 2 288 0 3 130 13 0 52 0 3 69 17 2 104 14 0 74 18 1 387 0 1 1,345 0 1 266 0 0 29 10 1 76 14 3 68,486 8 3 27,906 14 2 1,129 0 3 1,503 3 0 2,519 7 1 534 3 1 34 6 0 447 11 0 3,669 0 0 370 14 3 4 0 0 5 7 3 23 2 1 18 10 0 17 3 0 5 9 3 10 0 8,654 0 0 4 0 0 92 18 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 34 2 2 950 0 0 15'l3 3 5,831 8 3 1,045 0 0 733 0 3 417 4 0 4 0 0 m'12 3 185,S83 14 3 07,783 11 0 1,526 12 1 3,256 13 1 89,744 5 0 14,784 7 2 2,400 10 2 2,596 10 2 8,226 10 3 16,501 17 2 5,068 9 3 1,451 3 1 2,585 2 2 552 5 1 4,987 8 1 1,900 19 3 2,262 9 0 1,767 3 1 1,641 3 2 10,935 15 1 1,684 10 3 4,103 6 1 3,318 18 8 1,742 4 3 2,525 1 2 3,317 6 0 5,872 6 1 2,429 10 0 3,511 3 2 1,544 3 1 8,889 6 2 1,926 11 3 1,296 3 3 1,537 14 1 2,446 18 3 072 12 0 2,719 0 3 12,772 13 0 2,882 3 0 4,179 4 2 14,680 7 0 2,638 12 1 3,107 19 0 2,627 18 0 1,090 16 1 2,258 18 2 2,854 14 1 3,836 12 0 4,650 9 1 2,485 17 0 4,470 16 0 1,254 2 2 1,759 9 1 '40 45 "7 1 5 3 8 2 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 5 7 3 1 1 1 4 2 1 632 506 8 "50 1,857 15 7 31 2 11 9 19 26 78 17 4 1 4 4 1 90 1 9 27 11 50 2 12 26 10 91 3 1 34 2 1 1 5 *14 4 111796 246 228 440 131,981 290 22S 90 207 433 266 256 532 1,583 2,297 1,826 106 97 540 1,139 1,099 15 988 151 448 132 709 372 164 2,086 1,727 368 28 943 229 612 1,414 382 176 315 10 694 5,559 65 84 915 4 63 85 9.S16 15 124 1,343 92 253 28 4. 5,109 37 88 282 81 50 541 9 1 84 22 72 44 27 15 1 1 19 985 0 0 16' 0 0 1,505 0 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 45 0 0 1,120 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 55 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 130 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 16,809 12 0 12,351 16 0 374 8 0 3,252 8 0 118 16 0 119 16 0 188 8 0 48 12 0 97 16 0 ■• 22l'16 0 53 12 0! 0 12 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 115 0 0 3,756 0 0 700 0 0 470 0 0 30 0 0 60 0 0 235 0 0 1,120 0 0 35 0 0 85 0 0 300 0 0 165 0 0 70 0 0 65 0 0 15 0 0 115 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 100 0 0 65 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 45 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 35 0 0 55 0 0 5 0 0 75 0 0 155 0 0 1,733 12 0 22 16 0 46 8 0 29 0 0 19,702 8 0 2,865 18 0 16 12 0 17 16 0 255 4 0 370 14 0 856 8 0 52 14 0 26 19 0 42 16 0 18 12 0 328 12 0 417 17 0 206 5 0 391 0 0 56 12 0 33 14 0 404 8 0 142 8 0 89 8 0 431 3 0 281 10 0 50 8 0 208 0 0 31 12 0 56 0 0 125 12 0 24 4 0 53 4 0 189 8 0 24 0 0 76 4 0 206 16 0 554 S 0 164 12 0 82 8 0 1,55S 12 0 41 16 0 349 16 0 123 4 0 46 4 0 148 16 0 31 16 0 185 0 0 443 16 0 47 12 0 425 4 0 14S 16 0 308 16 0! 76,263 2 1 26,183 7 0 198 14 0 06 2 2 9.E61 9 3 8,881 15 2 3,850 11 0 1,685 14 3 21 13 2 2,165 2 2 744 16 0 63 3 3 505 15 3 82 8 2 134 0 0 191 13 0 306 5 2 315 2 3 375 7 1 69 3 2 140 9 1 93 10 2 78 15 0 76 17 2 19 16 3 39 7 1 201 1 2 49 18 1 70 0 2 150 12 3 137 14 2 147 18 2 159 16 1 1S8 8 1 134 2 0 48 S 0 110 13 3 580 5 3 140 5 2l 69 14 3 2,688 0 2 118 19 2 238 19 1 86 1 3 177 2 3 75 17 1 80 11 3 869 10 3 465 6 0 39 9 0 221 8 2 237 7 3 329 2 2 57,072 3 1 4,557 17 3 118 10 1 1,796 17 3 17 2 45,510 11 1 1,070 9 2 131 12 3 38 11 1 432 0 3 775 4 1 1,027 8 0 300 2 3 449 7 2 220 7 0 271 3 0 3S4 18 1 558 5 3 419 0 2 1,078 9 2 09 2 1 58 7 1 239 18 2 193 9 1 244 19 1 479 0 3 528 15 3 486 4 0 127 2 0 137 12 3 237 12 2 370 4 2 215 11 2 288 9 1 338 9 3j 123 7 3 137 2 1 268 4 1 949 19 1 539 14- 3 238 14 2 2,966 4 1 138 16 1 570 15 0 202 19 2 239 10 3 202 18 0 561 1 0 580 10 2 1,149 10 1 70 4 1 009 3 1 421 13 3 605 19 2 33,368 0 1 227 16 0 711 16 0 2,181 11 3 48,736 7 0 7,7S7 3 2 3,388 7 3 102 10 1 3,492 5 3 3,735 3 0 2,620 8 2 198 6 2 433 12 3 67 15 2 97 6 0 368 4 0 788 12 3 432 18 3 389 19 0 1,575 5 0 264 0 1 1,789 17 1 292 3 1 267 18 1 945 6 0 S59 15 1 282 12 0 585 2 3 235 11 3 011 18 2 743 12 0 111 16 3 86 6 3 102 10 1 208 10 0 . 273 19 2 392 12 2 1,S46 17 1 324 3 2 390 4 2 5,334 13 1 571 1 2 280 2 0 599 14 1 178 4 0 98 5 3 278 12 3 440 4 2 1,793 13 3 1,104 16 0 050 12 2 200 2 2 669 16 3 186,846 9 3 43,843 12 3 1,100 7 1 4,573 0 0 17 2 132,423 4 0 21,475 2 2 7,867 3 2 1,889 12 1 4,381 0 0 7,514 11 3 ! 7,537 12 2 654 7 0 I 1,528 11 0 423 7 0 641 1 0 1,690 3 1 2,444 13 0 1,548 13 0 I 2,424 15 3 ! 1,880 2 3 511 10 8 2,647 14 1 741 15 2 094 3 0 1,975 5 2 1,804 14 1 1,221 5 2 1,040 3 0 525 17 0 1,087 3 3 1,447 3 0 514 13 3 592 16 1 868 10 1 549 19 3 545 10 3 1,073 6 2 4,108 2 1 1,168 15 3 791 1 8 13,468 10 0 915 13 1 1,469 12 1 1,087 7 2 702 17 2 591 17 0 985 9 2 2,218 7 3 4,100 6 0 1,312 1 1 2,006 8 1 1,128 0 0 2,234 b 3 590 2 10 429 3 0 308 6 3 34,107 19 3 4.533 13 5 1,615 0 10 1,838 ]5 11 90 1 2 295 5 3 1,919 3 3 2,459 0 3 327 16 6 323 11 4 527 9 2 760 10 0 405 11 9 934 19 11 1,710 10 4 1,100 1 0! 826 11 4 213 3 8 527 7 1 165 11 7 471 14 7 730 17 2 1,195 5 2 1,161 14 4 286 9 0 086 8 4 377 19 4 1,199 14 9 344 8 31 1,023 3 4 1 571 5 3 278 8 2 277 IS 11 750 1 4 1,922 7 0 760 17 10 881 16 1 6,709 12 10! 242 4 11 20 12 0 183 8 0 217 17 9 410 5 10 1,344 15 4 561 15 10 1,862 8 2 217 4 5 591 5 21 2S0 3 i>! 1,006 4 0 11,018 3 7| 47,514 10 7 3,229 19 8 224 19 91 582 9 7J 505' 7 5| 19,075 3 11 54 8 9 1,913 9 8 4,106 7 5 074 10 8 021 8 6 3.225 4 8 4,336 7 2 2,096 11 5 538 1 2 755 19 10j 273 0 8 1,701 12 11 739 9 4 1,398 5 2 1,680 19 9 2.507 17 7 1,499 11 9 417 14 6 1,250 10 5 1,119 14 3 804 7 7 1,163 9 10: 1,771 0 li 2,126 7 0: 577 7 6! 1,285 17 6! 629 3 8 3,141 15 2 769 5 6 824 10 8 1.300 13 2: 760 8 2; 337 11 0J 1.226 13 l| 8,747 12 5' 2.232 10 2: 2.233 3 7 9,221 13 6i 1,717 6 9: 1,932 2 li 2,707 7 5 976 11 5 1.140 15 7 1,289 12 3 1,299 13 0 2,442 2 2 2,9G7 7 4 1,297 6 2; 71211 e' 1.508 .18 8 0 15 4 12,828 16 11 2,138 10 10 1,545 1 2 295 10 10! 1,372 1 9i 1,947 7 3! 2,438 9 1 758 7 0' 1,079 4 5 1,740 15 l! 2,939 18 i: 3 5 1] 8,025 10 6 1,787 0 4! 2,511 4 7 989 2 9! 4,190 16 4 500 18 7 2,168 10 3 2,130 19 11 2,179 10 9 933 15 4 466 10 3 272 18 9 £ s. d. I 6,540 15 0 47,514 10 7 3,229 19 3 821 2 7 1.011 13 1 308 6 3 34,673 0 8 4,533 13 5 19,075 3 11 64 8 9 1,913 9 8 5,720 14 3 2,513 12 7 717 9 8 3,520 9 11 6,255 10 6 4,555 11 8 865 17 8 i 1,079 11 2 800 9 10 2,402 2 11 1,145 1 1 2,333 5 1 3,391 10 1 3,607 18 7 2,320 3 1 030 18 1 1,778 3 6 1,286 5 10 1.276 2 2 1,894 7 0 2,960 5 3 3.2S8 1 862 10 6 1,972 5 10 1,007 3 0 4,341 9 11 1,113 13 9 1,848 0 0 1,871 18 5 1,038 16 4 615 9 11 1.9S2 14 5 10.669 19 11 2,989 8 0 2,614 18 8 15,931 0 4 1,959 11 8 1,952 14 1 2,890 15 5 1,194 9 2 1,503 1 5 2,034 7 7 1,861 8 10 4,804 5 4 3,184 11 9 1,888 11 4 000 2 2,515 2 8 11,618 18 11 12,828 10 11 2,138 10 10 2,112 11 7 532 3 8 1,S94 12 9 2,269 9 7 4,224 S 0 1,064 1 2 1,817 8 3 2,237 12 10 3,043 1 11 11,318 19 4 8,025 10 5 1,787 0 4 2,041 4 11 1,454 3 2 4,827 6 6 960 2 5 2,787 16 11 5,555 14 7 2,470 14 7 1,807 6 3 933 18 0 771 17 0 Hurunui-Bloff Sec. Lyttelton (Coaching). (Goods). (Wharves). Heathcote. Woolston. Opawa. Christchurch (Passenl). (Parcels). Goods). (H. O.). (Cashier). Addingtorx. Papanui. Styx. Belfast. Kaiapoi. Rangiora. Oust. Bennett's. Oxford East. „ West. Sefton. Amberley. Waikari. Gulverden. Hornby. Probbleton. Lincoln. Ellesmerc. Doyleston. Lceston. Southbridge. Little River. Templeton. Rolleston. Kirwee. Darfield. Sheffield. Springfield. Coalgate. Burnham. Sclwyn. Dunsandel. Rakaia. Methven. Chertsey. Ashburton. Tinwald. Westerfield. Winslow. Hinds. Rangitata. Orari. Winchester. Temuka. Washdykc. Pleasant Point. Albury. Fairlie Creek. Timaru (Coaching). (Goods). „ (Wharf). St. Andrew. Otaio. Makikihi. Studholme. Waimato. Waitaki. Pukeuri. Duntroon. Kurow. Oamaru (Coaching). (Goods). Breakwater. Waiareka. Ngapara. Malieno. Herbert. Hampden. Palrnerston. Dunhack. Waikouaiti. Seaoliff. Waitati. 1--, 18 14 1 17 1 10 "l 40 0 0 281 1 3 25 14 3 744 12 1 8 0 0 9 2 35 14 1 10 0 0 080 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 11 1 "l 236' 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 81 0 0 12 11 12 12 12 12 13 10 12 13 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 201 13 8 130 2 10 165 S 0 214 16 1 270 0 2 434 0 8 155 16 11 184 8 3 117 9 9 176 5 6 . 9 12 5 6 13 18 121 1 36 11 1 1 3 10 0 0 30 0 0 75 0 0 125 0 0 175 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 320 0 0 195 0 0 17 4 0 7 4 0 0 16 0 24 16 0 i" 0 0 "l 2 1 2 4 21 9 9 12 2 8 57 4 1 30 0 0 5 8 0 1 16 0 6 0 0 33 8 0 136 16 0 129 0 0 4 1 5 0 0 66 0 0 20 0 0 5 4 0 0 10 0 6 12 0 18 6 2 20 2 2 101 8 0 1G 0 0 S 0 0 2 37 1 469 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 75 0 Ol 115 0 0! 115 0 0 40 0 0 95 0 0 45 0 0 205 0 0 1 23 "3 IS 36 4 1 Q 8 29 0 12 0 .. I 13J 25 0,132 5 8 433 188 404 169 1,497 222 317 637 438 9,724 10 11 26 4 74 9 14 21 24 222 100 51 47 2G 158 58 20 56 9S 491 1,300 744 1,056 489 1,896 1,006 217 1,981 2,171 4,870 10 9 23 12 81 13 32 22 40 297 101 35 40 50 138 S3 40 33 177 883 21 55 18 21 391 37 184 285 580 20 40 25' 0 0 25 0 0 260 0 0 430 0 0 230 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 125 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 4,903 12 0 108 12 0 299 8 0 54 16 0 198 4 0 240 4 0 318 0 0 293 12 0 315 4 0 211 4 0 1,066 16 0 40 0 0 1,250 12 0 2,96S 0 0 10 0 29,236 7 1 27 0 0 2,333 4 1 1,003 161 3 3,245 13; 0 2,464 16 1 093 10 1 1,898 14 1 3,022 14 2 1,960 1 2 1,269 5 2 7,456 11 3 12,225 7 0 83 0 1 41 4 1 73 6 1 54 7 3 198 7 0 09 5 3 1,280 2 2 90 0 1 62 6 3 9,010 9 0 12,200 10 1 51,982 12 0 27,529 9 1 2,741 12 2 1,359 17 0 4,171 7 1 3,040 12 0 4,823 3 0 2,373 12 0 5,379 14 2 2,287 5 3 3,148 10 1 2 1 1 103 32 14 4 15 15 23 6 138 20 22 6^333 169 18 730 0 0 4,047 16 0 4,712 0 0 1,455 0 0 3,723 12 0 4 8 0 162 4 0 76 8 0 78 0 0 117 0 0 285 4 0 257 8 0 312 0 347 0 0 280 0 0 25,100 2 3 26,008 19 0 227 5 0 85 18 3 75 6 2 102 19 1 524 4 0 301 9 2 67 1 3 320 15 0 240 17 2 14,908 18 0 1,557 12 1 342 11 1 118 12 0 276 6 3 211 11 0 1,005 17 2 388 11 3 40 14 1 577 9 2 058 15 1 12.9S3 12 3 1,883 15 1 478 3 0 183 19 1 240 13 2 277 11 3 798 7 2 418 1 1 39 14 2 560 17 3 630 13 1 62,949 1 2 34,106 14 2 1,415 3 1 524 18 0 780 0 3 984 2 0 2,048 13 0 1,480 10 2 181 2 2 1,992 14 1 2,001 0 C 12J 12 12 12 12 I 10 13 13 14 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 152 16 9 130 15 1 147 0 2 238 18 11 392 4 5 408 12 1 142 19 0 102 8 8 281 15 7 8 30 12 66 3 20 "2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 110 40S 116 70 54 164 12 4 215 0 0 30 0 0 3,450 0 0 9 4 0 3 4 0 25 12 0 3 0 0 11 8 0 2 0 0 2 12 0 12 0 0 62 13 3 4 0 0 15 5 2 4 0 0 122 10 0 1 1 3 1 4 463 19 26 348 1,628 201 5,304 111 728 1 16' 0 0 20 0 0j 30 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 ■• 195 0 C 60 0 0! 40 0 0 275 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 130 0 0 230 0 0 ■■ i 667 10 5 236 6 101 522 11 0 322 2 4 1,785 18 11 305 13 8 138 3 10 496 17 9 708 3 10 11,315 13 5 2 1 6 9 26 o. 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 "2 "2 1 3 5612 0 5 1 16 125 15 0 0 24 3,451 12 0 11 7 11 "8 166 'too 169 231 159 25 267 11 47 82 7 65 4S 130 0 0 1,108 12 0 28 8 0 488 16 0 172 4 0 1,012 12 0 31 16 0 129 8 0 414 16 0 1,615 0 0 76 12 0 108 4 0 2 12 0 335 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 0 1,425 12 0 1,776 0 0 3 12 0 1*J 9 14 12 12 12 12 14i 12}[ 12 13 12j 2 6 10 27 3 11 73 11 30 8 4 22,357 2 3 222 3 2 3,167 2 0 1,851 0 2 5,617 5 0 1,189 1 3 753 17 1 947 6 0 487 19 3 871 5 2 820 13 0 25 18 0 5,441 12 3 6,311 2 0 798 1 3 150 19 2 879 11 1 43 8 3 126 1 2 516 1 1 146 4 1 270 13 0 66 10 0 78 13 1 1,608 16 3 7,837 15 3 2,615 10 3 78 0 0 721 11 1 6 0 0 4,353 19 0 2,204 4 0 32,406 16 1 16,235 9 1 7,158 2 2 2,377 10 0 8,376 3 2 1,286 6 2 6,748 5 3 4,315 5 1 2,279 10 0 1,559 18 2 1,013 7 0 1,010 15 1 3 178 11 150 11 14 29 12 140 1 8 48 3 8,193 977 3,150 608 25,003 "29 2 49 24 685 715 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 938 10 0 4,134 12 0 1,790 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 460 0 0! 340 0 0 45 0 9 60 0 0 360 0 0 255 0 0 320 0 0 5 0 0 <J5 0 0 3,317 16 0 50 0 0 5 8 0 1.07S 16 0 340 12 0 79 12 0 59 12 0 358 8 0 715 18 0 117 0 0 119 R 0 64 0 0 16,875 17 2 21,135 7 2 49 0 2 487 19 1 578 3 2 88 9 1 549 10 2 280 13 1 196 3 0 200 10 1 145 4 1 172 15 0 8,488 .1 2 2,336 10 1 56 5 2 806 2 3 656 19 1 182 6 3 371 13 3 1,040 11 2 1,799 2 0 369 2 2 424 17 0 139 8 2 10,499 16 3 1,381 14 0 201 17 0 704 10 0 1,224 3 3 264 10 2 241 14 1 1,165 7 1 774 12 2 634 14 1 1,168 6 3 124 18 3 141,625 7 3 29,113 9 3 377 11 0 3,547 8 0 3,662 10 2 074 18 2 1,322 10 2 3,245 0 0 [8,740 15 2 1,719 1 0 2,133 4 0 011 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 1 S 4 1 1 2 1,039 10 0 272 0 1 142 7 8 329 4 3 134 17 6 80 7 11 1,138 18 8 497 19 5 200 1 7 136 15 6 270 15 10 1,090 3,36bi 4,165 2,495 2,912 18,407 1,686 4,006 2,999 3,815 '29 4 43 3 20 46 8 280 292 431 276 540 1,585 305 955 1,024 472 12 12 40 5 5 148 2 30 8 12 1 1 5 1 05 35 79 19 62 130 48 74 17 61 1 72 2,377 1,384 751 1,581 3,432 1.366 1,499 1,335 391 "l 1 1 18 6 17 71 90 40 82 126 51 84 84 58 3 2 2 151 6 361 34 138 228 1 3 16,483 7,032 9,138 3,426 1,431 10,222 4,946 80 0 0 125 0 0 120 0 0 15 0 0 ISO 0 0 30 0 0 250 0 0 30 0 0 140 0 0 15 0 0 1,370 0 0 30 0 0 25 4 0 2 0 0 22 18 0 0 6 0 4 8 0 "2 "l 154 885 71 950 idi 521 26 170 52 1 512 12 0 130 0 4 465 0 5 030 10 2 399 3 10 629 0 8 3,424 14 8 291 3 10 873 10 11 467 7 9 498 18 3 2S9 8 209 14 1 1 60 0 0 1,020 0 0 760 0 0 27 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 1 1 55 0 0 270 0 0 15 0 0 22 8 0 O 8 0 1 1 1 1 302 3 12 0 1 8 Carried forward 383 67,712 18 8 698,179 3,5G3 120,320 3,520 30:; 7,418 128,576 3.56S 361 7.58G 210 8,201 190 444,68! 28,101 7,340 0 0 49,927 0 0 10,295 0 0 3S,911 4 0 242,489 0 2 165,070 0 3 166,016 14 1 080,055 8 2 220 4,739 177 343,680 21,106 0,755 0 0 47,460 16 0 15,035 0 0 40,254 10 233,229 17 1 168,296 15 2 170,400 2 1 !8,028 1 0 Carried forwarl. 124,520 6 0 217,096 6 6 :341,610 12 6[



RETURN No. 10-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1887.

loacking. Live Stock, Goods, &c. Stations. d o I t Total Expenditure. Number of Outwt 11 if I I i j ■H m 1 i j ard. Inward. itward. tward. Beyenae. Total Value Stations. I 3 * I ° 5 I 3 I Ph Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, See. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. i % o © CO Equiv. TonWool. Firewood. I Timber. Grain; Merchandise. Minerals. Total. "SKJS? 1 Coachlng - Goods. i forwarded. Hubuxui-Blcff Sectios — ctd. Brought forward Purakanui Port Chalmers Upper Sawyer's Bay Port Chalmers (Coaching) ) (Goods) j Burke's Kavensbourne Peliohefc Bay Dunedin (Passengers) |_ (Parcels) j (Goods) .. Cavershara Burnsido Abbofcsford Mosgiel Outram Greytown Henley Waihola, Milbum Milton Glarkesville Waitalmna Lawrence Stirling Balclutha Clinton Waipahi Tapanui Kolso Pukerau Gore Riversdale Mataura .. Edendale .. Wyndham Woodlands Xjongbush Invercargill (Coaching) ) „ (Goods) I Bluff .. .. 1 „ (Wharf) .. j Makarewa Thornbury Riverton Orepuki Otautau Winton Dipton Lumsden Kingston Waimea Plains Railway General Accountant ii 14 18 383 1 2 £ s. d. 67,712 18 8 171 17 9 161 14 9 343 19 2 60S, 179; 1,940 11,616 7,145 51,5101 i |3,563 5 2 61 j 218 120,320 717 255 607 855 3,526! ••l! 309 7,418 14 04 20 155 128,576 275 159 236 3,527 S,5fiS 2! li 178 361 7,5S6i 34 38 13 134 210 8,201 "77 11 190 2 1 444,689 135 100 23,166 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 7,340 0 0 5 0 0 Ts. c. q. 49,927 0 0 20 0 Ts. c. q. .6,295 0 0 I 70 0 0 795 0 0 15 0 0 Ts. c. q. 38,911 4 0 175' 6 0 2 0 0| Ts. c. q. 242,489 0 2 Ts. c. q. 165,076 9 3' 68 7 2 82 6 0! 510 15 3 ! Ts. c. q. '166,610 14 1 i 1,63015 2 38 0 0 Ts. c. q. 686,655 8 2 138 7 2 2,685 7 2 570 15 8 Ts. c. q. 220 4,739 1 6 241 177 343,680 240 416 21,106 2 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 6,755 0 0! 10 0 0 Ts. c. q. ;47,456 16 0 Ts. c. q. 15,635 0 0 Ts. c. q. 46,254 10 0 47 10 0 Ts. c. q. 233,229 17 1 10 4 1 4 0 0 100 6 2 Ts. c. q. 168,296 15 2 69 18 1 26 14 2 1,916 0 1 Ts. c. q. 170,400 2 1 17 0 0 75 0 0 708 8 3 Ts. c. q. 688,028 1 0 154 18 2 105 14 2 3,044 7 2 Ts. c. q. S s. d. 124,520 6 0 171 11 3 1,402 IS 5 476 4 1 3,967 0 7 £ s. d. 217,096 6 6 93 18 3 572 14 10 183 10 1 £ s. d. 341,616 12 6 265 9 6 1,975 S 3 659 14 2 3,967 0 7 5,660 4 7 172 3 7 1,008 16 2 1,554 7 5 37,019 15 3 5,124 8 4 35,040 14 11 1,250 3 11 4,177 10 2 4,154 13 5 3,388 2 9 1,864 19 1 967 17 8 779 7 1 805 1 0 2,948 3 3 6,073 1 9 Huhusui-Bluff— conid. Brought forward. Purakanui. Port Chalmers Upper. Sawyer's Bay. P.Chalmers (Coaching). (Goods). Burke's. Kavensbourne. Pelichet , Bay. Dunedin (Passengers). (Parcels). (Goods). Caversharo. Burnside. Abbotsford Mosgiel. Outram. Greytown. Henley. Waihola. Milbum. Milton. Glarkesville. Waitahuna. Lawrence. Stirling. Balclutha. Clinton. Waipahi. Tapanui. Kelso. Pukerau. Gore. Riversdale. Mataura. Edendale. Wyndhanl. Woodlands. Longbush. Invercargill (Coaching). Goods). Blufi. „ (Wharf). Makarewa. Thornbury. Riverton. Orepuki. Otautau. Winton. Dipton. Lumsden. Kingston. Waimea Plains Raihvyv General. Accountant. 184 25' 0 0! - 174 12 0 20 2 1 3 .. 17 13 f 1 3,080 9 1 291 13 5 268 11 9 426 4 7 ■■ i 2 05j 6 "31 10 0 0 25 8 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 162 12 0 33 0 0 22,595 14 3 10 7 0 14 1 2 84 10 3 j 3,644 18 2 26,476 13 1 40 7 0 14 1 2 1,357 12 3 "l 496 1 29 "3 506 11 166 "78 185 0 0 5 0 0 60 0 0 995 0 0 8,348' 4 0 60' 0 0 503 2 0 17 0 0 12 16 0 0 12 0 l,S42'l3 2 16,058 16 2 12 9 2 11 19 2 71 14 2 3,706 9 2 24 17 0 526 1 0 9,438 15 2 30,704 5 2 59 6 2 713 3 3 15,534 10' 3 5,660 4 7 6 3 2 36 0 4 270 0 7 1,440 15 4 17 18 J 19 I 2 i 3 21,629! 18,086! f160,389 "I •■ ] I 155 554 94 778 18 122 789 ■■ I ■■ I 4 53 68 21 694 754 26; 1 50 0 50 0 6 14 0 20113 3 j I,oc6'l4 1 52 I .. 36' 0 0: 280 0 0 72' 7 1 4,748 8 3 1G6 0 5 972 15 10 1,284 6 10 35,578 19 11 5,124 8 4 19 ; 51 7,957 7 3 39,205 712; I 114 1,666 12J76 754 '23 1 i 223| '660 1 '512 41 16s' 0 0 3,559' 8 0 15' 0 0 2,436 0 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 2,335 1 1 7 18 3 623 10 1 50 8 2 2,297 19 1 1,322 3 2 1,434 16 3 372 16 3 142 13 2 251 9 1 4,046 13 2 25,284 8 2! 86 0 2| 2,447 8 2; 165 7 3! 362 10 0! 160 6 3! 40 13 0 50 1 l! 101 8 3 135 3 2 581 7 2 I 18,304 IS 0 246 18 0 * 15,624 7 3 27,954 7 2 805 19 0 32 14 2 52,099 15 3 341 3 1 IS,911 10 2 28,673 11 3 4,743 16 1 2,395 8 3 2,362 1 3 1,140 10 0 425 IS 1 4,434 19 2 7,042 1 2 ii 617 9 j 17-J 19 17 18 13 12 11 13 14 13J s* 15 13 15 16 15 9 10 13 j 12J 11 11 12 9 12 12 i 49 ! 3 3 3 5 3 ! 1 2 1 4 I 5 3 4 1.0 2 1 2 h 2 1 2 1 1 1 7,941 11 10 333 10 9 419 9 3 402 17 5 602 16 9 397 0 11 121 3 5 144 18 9 211 5 11 165 7 1 553 19 0 111 7 6 134 14 2 686 3 4 409 12 2 759 6 7 1,191 7 11 228 9 4 148 18 9 299 18 7 131 9 6 7S0 19 1 119 9 4 233 18 9 240 7 11 138 18 8 138 8 6 168 1 0 I 3,071 1 0 ( 1,766 4 0 2 1 3 37! 20 18 10 42 24 62 43 10 977 "cs 5,410 0 0 185 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 45 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0| 10 0 0! 3,132'l2 0 1,025 0 0 230 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 6,586' 8 0 10 0 337 8 0 811 16 0 621 12 0 722 14 0 82 4 0 272 12 0 103 8 0 23 8 0 844 12 0 30,397 13 3 178 19 0 2,069 9 2 50 11 3 265 8 2 361 14 1 40 0 0 123 11 2| 94 9 0 46 14 1] 846 16 8 16,959 17 2 57 17 2 522 18 0 247 12 0 1,455 10 3 1,660 14 3 126 4 2 344 0 3 312 1 0 173 1 1 970 12 0 53,498 3 1 0,297 2 2 4,308 2 0 626 8 0 2,633 1 3 2,-241 14 0 216 18 0 422 5 3 873 3 3 2.511 17 1 3,$02 9 1 1,41g' 5 3 3.225 9 2 765 9 2 1,610 15 3 3,013 0 1 481 0 2 214 15 1 740 1 3 110 4 0 1,780 8 3 145 13 0 366 17 0 396 14 0 400 3 1 470 9 1 485 17 1 122,009 14 2 6.949 19 0 7,363 9 2 1,956 19 3 5,026 19 0 5,304 1 0 480 0 2 1,167 10 0 S98 1 3 2,755 0 3 5.950 0 0 35,046 14 11 130 11 8 3,453 12 6 3,213 18 8 1,058 7 2 887 3 0 549 13 7 858 0 6 279 3 7 2,685 12 11 3,238 0 7 12,785 16,107 15,599 23,018 7,940 2,950 2,321 2,695 1,525 12,131 329 133 46 83 74 5 1 13 30 I 147 429 275 257 1,138 496 215 169 297 100 2,125 .. I .. I 1! 1811 17 11 12 43 34 123 "2 3 144 28 60 145 51 79 44 64 24 185 336 408 365 1,461 2,147 421 615 566 315 2,346 3 3 40 32 34 214 169 135 117 69 27 175 1 4 1 2 2 l^116 56 lOSj 69 13 121 102 192 2 4 9^030 80 43 2,132 899 3,710 4,385 3,650 1,582 'SO9 125 111 286 210 106 451 125 0 0 30 0 0 1,215 0 0 200 0 0 855 0 0 310 0 0 95 0 0 35 0 0 700 0 0 90 16 0 468 8 0 49 0 0 050 16 0 26 0 0 75 8 0 50 12 0 44 8 0 302 12 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 195 0 0 30 0 0 8 8 0 4 8 0 0 12 0 126 4 0 0 4 0 4 16 0 12 0 0 "3 5 1 1 5,383 33 183 53 36 23S 30 8 143 27 4 19 134,310 2,750 1,491 01 1,201 452 442 224 953 10,133 50 54 240 10 12 0 145 12 0 26 0 0 257 4 0 1,119 12 3 723 17 8 940 14 9 2,329 15 7 977 16 1 418 4 1 421 6 7 525 17 5 262 10 4 2,834 16 2 1 "l 21 11 2 li' 0 0 2 1 1 3 176 1 50 210 I I 5 0 0 1 3 3,964 2 3 1,339 8 2 .. 2 4 2 60 0 0 4 1C. 0 15 0 0 4,315 10,118 5,499 11,119 16,374 3,298 3,102| 4,156! 2,173; 12,224 1,110 4,280 6.45S 129 4,112 4,284 87,615 20 3 90 58 •• 579 1,452 547 1,855 881 367 547 410 312 2,533 556 610 648 153 786 161 19,080 4 59 45 97 69 10 23 19 3 64. 10 17 50 6 5 1 2 7 ! "2 49 95 55 188 133 52 70 30 55 228 19 60 124 8 44 16 544 1,353 3,631 2,122 2,286 2,974 878 1,441 1,045 743 -1,396 1,033 1,399 1,760 1,201 1,179 343 5,308 7 68 25 60 36 12 28 20 11 58 6 6 38 8 8 2 176 2 15 3 6 S 1 3 3 2 6 1 62 105 169 144 191 48 50 48 48 256 29 60 153 4 2 5 "i 1 4 25 18 372 319 91 57 28 77 156 484 "2 3 3 2 1 1 1 S82 239 6,184 7,818 9,243 4,014 9 4,280 2,607 14,311 632 2,326 10,498 2 854 628 20 28 164 331 2 2 203 45 109 46 16 1,308 230 0 0 20 0 0 360 0 0 560 0 0 95 0 0 130 0 0 20 0 0 175 0 0 200 0 0 430 0 0 55 0 0 300 0 0 255 0 0 260 0 0 170 0 0 75 0 0 173 4 0 1,247 8 0 75 16 0 465 4 0 138 16 0 264 4 0 118 4 0 364 8 0 104 8 0 615 8 0 395 8 0 162 4 0 108 12 0 295 0 0 92 16 0 3 4 0 60 0 0 I 160 0 0 45 0 0 I 630 0 0 10 0 0 19 12 0 12 16 0 4 16 0 48 16 0 58 0 0 3 16 0 111 4 0 2 16 0 4 12 0 144 0 0 3 4 0 565 6 1 711 3 1 2,165 8 1 4,965 9 2 1,116 17 0 2,409 13 3 887 0 1 3,320 6 2 1,404 19 3 9,779 8 3 994 7 2 1,524 15 2: 1,210 3 0! 1,013 4 2 226 14 0 49 9 0i 73 2 3 508 5 2 188 14 0 438 1 2 228 5 1 63 12 1 120 9 3 114 2 2 69 17 3 628 2 1 54 4 1 401 5 Si 229 14 0 258 18 2 131 3 3 88 7 3 719 3 0 34 7 3 30,819 10 1 22 10 0 0 10 0 228 0 0 376 0 0 1,090 15 0 106 0 0; 34 0 0 70 16 0! 1,780 8 0 2,534 0 2 39,614 4 2 6,560 1 0 1,803 8 1 3,144 6 0 2,263 4 0 3,986 13 0 2,874 12 2 11,787 19 0 1,586 3 3 2,459 1 1 4,601 9 0 1,849 13 1 8,631 11 3 S.675 13 3 1 4 7 3 4 1 1 2 3 15 4 3 3 9 3 35 100 293 28 34 r. 5 44 29 16 223 33 70 466 10 1 ] 00 1 4,141 968 742 512 2,110 386 723 2,576 6,069 16,395 70 4,017 2,108 90 973 29 551 298 2 1 2 15 0 0 15 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 04 0 1312 0 65 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 ISO 0 0 145 0 0 90 0 0 370 0 0 160 0 0 190 0 0 90 0 0 160 0 0 255 0 0 245 0 0 65 0 0 50 0 0 371 16 0 1,063 10 0 518 4 0 780 12 0 289 8 0 121 4 0 48 8 0 287 8 0 316 16 0 2,208 0 0 226 8 0 556 16 0 385 4 0 781 16 0 145 8 0 28 4 0 209 13 3 436 15 0 247 2 2 384 3 1 316 7 2 61 5 1 64 13 2 128 18 2 102 19 0 639 5 3| 37 10 0 112 1 0 115 2 3 211 11 0 175 7 0 40 17 1 633 2 1 2,606 14 1 720 4 2 775 13 3 985 17 2 198 11 3 571 17 0 498 19 1 315 3 2 2,001 8 1 392 7 0 806 1 2 326 17 3 571 15 3 279 17 0 226 4 1 2,595 17 3 7,392 14 3 2,301 0 2 3,781 8 3 4,784 19 1 970 13 2 924 13 3 2,040 7 2 1,010 18 2 7,091 14 3 892 14 0 2,001 15 2 1,508 18 2 2,215 0 0 1,208 9 1 8B1 14 3 687 9 0 2,646 2 7 1,186 0 11 2,272 4 7 2.S02 19 2 642 11 6 807 16 3 576 1 1 329 0 6 3,772 8 9 191 16 4 904 1 11 1,553 6 8 29 0 3 482 3 3 342 0 0 14,965 16 0 817 15 7 2,804 6 6 12,352 13 1 4,232 1 8 1,605 5 .4 2,412 12 0 1,052 8 0 3,340 17 5 1,547 16 2 7,919 10 8 922 8 9 1.693 12 6 3.694 13 7 1,220 4 11 7,123 15 5 4,635 13 6 1,505 4 7 5,450 9 1 13,538 14 0 6,504 6 3 4,408 4 6 3,055 3 6 1,860 4 3 3,916 18 6 1,876 16 8 11,691 19 5 1,114 5 1 2,597 14 5 5.248 0 3 1.249 5 2l 7,605 18 8 4,977 13 6 14,965 16 0 15,998 13 9 8,417 17 2 207 13 9 4,045 8 2 2,176 8 8 3,249 16 4 1,853 9 5 4,980 16 8 3,589 19 3 1,397 0 3 6,009 10 9 2,892 1 6 4,138 3 9 I 3 85 0 0 50 0 0 "i 45 0 16 0 246 12 0 0 16 0 "3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 "24 766 46 390 0 0 5 0 0 333 0 0 I 645 0 0 2,408 0 0 1 16 0 7,447 12 0 7,261 8 0 7 30 0 0 5 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 55 15 14 1 228 6 0 550 5 0 "74 # 21 1 312 4 34 16 405 73 i "30 1 1 32 75 22' 8 0 0 12 0 81 4 "s 7 15 37 f 7,541 2,300 4,981 14,358 13,600 3,945 4,907 1,809 17,182 3,440 65 '445 3 34 2,719 11 •• ' 86 -62 1 577 9 "is l^614! 12 253 365 0 0 10 0 0 876 8 0 2,479 0 0 103 0 0 170 12 0 126 16 0 10 0 0 2 16 0 558 4 0 301 4 0 82 16 0 787 12 0 385 12 0 475 0 0 1,395 0 0 10 0 0 '1,045 0 9 j 110 0 0 i 605 0 0 920 0 0 20 0 0 j 495 0 0 j 770 0 0 1 450 0 0 15 0 0 9,115 18 0 2,684 4 0 10 0 2,621 16 0 427 16 0 977 16 0 1,078 5 0 4 4 0 1,548 8 0 558 4 0 59 19 0 3 0 0 4,730 18 3 10,505 7 3| 329 12 0 3,115 0 2; 2,169 14 1 270 2 3: 52 10 li 3,907 11 l| 2,645 0 2| 760 3 21 2,155 7 0 S00 4 0 7,338 14 3 7,501 13 1 556 18 1 177 12 1 198 18 0 543 0 0 56 2 2 169 18 1 293 15 2 89 1 3 209 10 1 144 12 1 I 2,807 12 2 11,183 1 0 1,374 2 1 5,107 12 0 655 9 1 137 5 0 632 3 0 3,499 5 2 388 0 0 21 0 0 24 0 0 50 0 1 25,709 12 Oj 35,75S 6 01 2,874 12 2| 12,692 12 3 3,898 13 2! 2,648 3 3 2,966 16 3 8,189 3 0 5,861 8 0 2,417 5 1 3,816 8 1 1,114 8 2 "io 2 408 567 5 42 .. i 4,372 493 '420 540 835' 0 0 675 0 0 7S2 0 0 2,733 8 0 2,474 4 o> 22 8 0! 2,650 0 0 360 0 0 4,625 12 0 3,594 2 0 10 0 209 0 0 180 8 0 1,158 2 0 265 0 0 734 0 0 44 4 0 199 0 0 991 12 0 858 2 0 6,501 0 3 21,554 10 1 10,309 18 0 54 14 3 201 6 1 S10 5 1 109 17 0 336 7 2 270 12 3 242 10 3 324 3 0 865 5 3 7,584 4 2 2,753 2 3 931 8 3 128 10 2 552 7 3 421 6 0 416 18 3 969 3 1 701 5 1 402 12 0 930 6 1 1,830 8 0 17,219 19 3 2,932 14 3 146 0 0 536 9 1 653 2 1 256 7 2 IS 0 584 19 1 633 13 3 250 16 2 633 6 0 1,606 12 1 17, 2 40,197 17 0 34,002 17 3 13,862 10 3 1,106 2 2 2,017 4 1 3,496 4 3 1,166 10 3 2,954 14 0 1,715 7 3 1,743 7 1 3,925 11 1 5,531 0 0 I,215"l3 6 15,998 13 9 7,202 3 8 207 13 9 3,813 11 7 1,419 5 4 1,132 0 8 541 16 3 4,035 19 10 2,832 12 7 971 7 0 3,233 17 8 1,590 9 11 4,138 3 9 11 7 1,299 2 4 ! 13 13 I 124 10! l>! 13 13 13| 14 1 12 ! 2 2 2 1 'i 2 163 9 7 321 5 9 462 16 0 259 1 1 333 8 11 210 1 6 134 2 0 536 19 1 343 2 1 921 1 0 7,488 5 6 24 31 118 1,121 753 2,240 332 898 900 640 1,433 500 12 30 31 7 34 27 8 81 11 1 64 78 93 12 88 63 50 209 71 545 2,118 2,153 1,761 2,421 2,053 1,480 2,094 2.794 5 6 20 8 17 19 4 39 22 1 1 49 80 53 35 92 87 68 145 173 -l' 3i a 6 4 28 200 184 28 77 283 40 543 1 5! 2, 437 ! 1,745 641 i 387 502 134 455 0 0 210 0 0 105 0 0 225 0 0 30 0 0 190 0 0 130 0 0 130 0 0 10 0 0 10 5 3 16 4 8 4 13 32 177 65 146 80 24 22 37 54 1 19 4,899 4,443 49 579 913 72 443 573 4,357 672 78 11 526 3 153 2 60 0 0 20 0 0 225 0 0 75 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 160 0 0 0 4 0 35 0 0 410 0 0 925 0 0 115 0 0 305 0 0 25 0 0 590 0 0 1,015 0 0 200 0 0 231 16 7 757 3 4 2,117 15 8 1,311 13 2 944 16 10 757 6 8 425 13 3 2,775 13 1 1,301 11 7 I ■49 58 65 1 1 1 "1 1 2 1 1 2,296 2,142 306 5,283 J 674 320 24 694 0 4 0 10 12 0 3 8 0 76 4 0 10 12 0 "3 4 "8 1 759 1,' 66 4,091.' 0 5 1,476'u 7 5,56712 0 Totals (WO 114,940 8 11 1,324,05' 7,339 209,22! 5,437 407 12,824 209,228 5,437 4G7 12,824 382 15,249 3(18 550,959 36,08! 21,624 10 0 16,345 0 0 65,780 0 0 !6,220 0 78,467 0 319,107 10 3 238,733 13 307,456 6 2 1,052,109 10 1,073,734 0 3 382 15,249 398 550,95! 36,683 21,624 10 0 16,345 0 0 65,780 0 0 26,220 0 0 78,467 0 0 319,107 10 3 238,733 13 2 307,456 6 d 1,052,109 10 3 1,073,734 0 3 234,340 0 5 382,231 0 616,571 0 7 Totals. A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.


RETURN No. 11. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

viii —D. la.


Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. florse forage ... ... Christchurch Lron castings Auckland ,, ... Wellington „ ,., Christchurch Delivery by 30/6/86 ... j, E. II. Banks A. Beancy 8. Luke and Sons ... John Anderson Greorge Fraser ... < As per schedule. 18/ per cwfc. 12/ & 12/3 per cwt. 11/ & 12/ ,, 1/2 per lb. brass. I/3 >j gun-metal 1/6 „ phosphorbronze. As per schedule. Brass castings Auckland jj Printed stationery ... Christchurch „ ... Wellington 2 years ending 30/6/86 Whitcombe and Tombs Fergusson and Mitchell )» Sreneral stores, viz.— Ironmongery and drain -pipes Auckland Oils, ship chandlery, leather ,, Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery, leather Wellington Drain-pipes, &c. •■• „ Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery, leather Christchnrch Drain-pipes, &c. ... „ Ironmongery ... Dunedin Oils, colours ... ,, Ship chandlery .. ,, Leather, and drainpipes „ 2 years ending 31/12/86 ,5 ,, ,, B. Porter and Oo. T. and S. Morrin and Co. E. W. Mills and Co. P. Hutson and Co. ... S. Nashelsii As per schedule. n 9) V » ,, )) Ford and Ogdon N.Z. Hardware Company A. Briscoe and Co. Esther and Low Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. » )» ... a JJ »» ,, j) ,) it Railway supplies, as under — 35 tons barbed fencing wire, two strand, galvanized 5 tons, single wire, black 15 tons cotton waste Dunedin 30 „ ,, Other stores 4,000 yards heavy canTass, 2ft. wide 16,000 yards light ditto 36,000 yards heavy canvas, 3ft. wide 12,000 gallons colza oil 7,500 gallons boiled linseed oil 2,000 gallons raw linseed oil 16 tons white-lead, genuine, in oil Doal supply Whangarei ,, ... ... Auckland For 1886 Acme Company, Timaru £26 per ton. ,, ,, Ml £21 10/ per ton. j> T. and S. Morrin and Co. ,, £36 19/9 „ £37 4/2 „ 16 per yard. )> ... ,, ... Dunedin Iron & "Woodware Co. Ish „ ,, Eoss and Glcndining hi ,, ,, S. Nashelski 2/9 pel- gallon. N.Z. Hardware Company 2/4J ,. ,, ... ?; ... 2/2J „ £21 17/6 per ton. ,, ... ... Wanganui „ Waitara ; , ... >> ■•• )) j, 5 , Kamo Colliery Company J". J. Craig and Co. Kamo Colliery Company Brunner Coal Company j 5 Moltau Coal Company Union Steam Shipping Co. ... John Oit and Co. ■■■ Union Steam Shipping Co. ... Anchor Steam Shipping Co. ... 7/ per ton. 9/8 12/ 20/6 „ 28/6 „ 21/ 22/11 „ 2S/6 „ 21/S 20/ „ Wellington „ Napier „ ... ... Picton ,, ... ... Nelson 3J ,, Kurunui-Bluff. Doal supply LytteHon ,, ... ... Springfield „ Whitecliffs ,, ... ... Timaru ,, ... ... Shag Point ,, ... ... Stirling ,, ... ... Nightcaps ,, ... ... Newmarket shops ,, ... ... Hillside shops Addington shops Timber supplies, as under — Native timber ... Cliristchurch Kauri and foreign ... ,, ,, ... Dunedin Native timber ... Southland Uniforms ... ... Humnui-Blufi" ,, ... ... Northern lines j } )3 )] )J It Westport Coal Company Springfield Coal Company ... Smart and Gundry ... Brunner Coal Company Shag Point Coal Company ... Kaitangata ,, Nightcaps ,, Westport ,, 22/9 12/ n/6 „ z4/9 12/6 „ 9/3 9/ 18/9 „ !9/7 20/ & 22/ per ton. ,, J) )5 Brunner Coal Company )J 1) Johnston, "Wood, and Co. As per schedule. JJ j, Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. John Murdoch Eoss and Grlendining ji 3 years ending 31/12/88 y> ,, )>



RETURN No. 11— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. 3,5DO gallons lubricating oil, N.Z. manufacture 5,000 ditto ... ... ... , ... 1,500 gallons peanut oil 1,000 gallons Engelbert's lubricator Delivery by 31/5/86 ... Delivery by 11/12/86... Delivery by July, 1886 Delivery by Feb., 1887 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Auckland Ditto Sew Hoy ... John Harborow 2/5 per gallon. k 2/9 » 3l3 Sleepers, as under — 5,000 silver-pine ... Lyttelton 4,000 „ . ... ., 5,000 ,, ... Port Chalmers 3,000 „ ... ,, 5,000 birch ... Bennett's 2,000 ,, ... East Oxford 1,000 „ ... West Oxford 2,000 ,, ... „ 4,000 ,, ... „ 3,000 „ ... Sheffield 2,500 „ 5,000 ,, ... West Oxford i,ooo totara ...Lyttelton 5,000 „ 1,000 ,, . ..Rangitata I,ooo rata ... Timaru 5,000 black pine ... Little River 1,000 ,, ... Rangitata 2,000 ,, ... Little River 5,000 totara ... One-Tree Point 5,000 „ ... Riverton 500 „ ... Whakapatu 3,000 rata ... Oraki 3,000 kamai ...Riverton 5,000 ,, ... Pallia 5,000 ,, ... Woodend 4,000 „ 7ft. x loin, x 5m. Whaknpatu 3,500 birch, ditto ... Oxford 4,000 „ 7ft. x 8in. x 5in. Wakeiield 2,000 silver-pine ... Brunnerton 36,00c puriri, 1st class Auckland 3S.CO3 „ 7,coo ,, 2nd class ,, 6,000 „ „ „ 13,000 birch ... Pelorus 21,000 „ ... „ Delivery by 31/12/86... ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, -., E.Stratford J. Johnson H. and J. Adamson J. Landers and Co Yinccnt, Lee, and Co. E. B. Youngman ... J. M. Booth Walter Ryde C. H. Petric Feary B rothers J. Sharplin J. Ingram J. Smith ... T.A. Cook R. T. Button John Jackson Johnston, Wood, and Co. Taylor and Flatman W. Coop ... W. G-uthrie and Co. Small and Co. C. Campbell Frew and Co. James More Watson Brothers ... J. Murdoch C. Campbell 3/9 each. 4/ 3/9 » 3/9 » 3/ „ 3/ „ 3/ ;; 3/ » 3/ 3/ :; li " 3/3 » 3/6 „ 3/6 „ 4/ 3/3 » 3/ 3/2 „ 3/3 n 3/4 „ 4/ „ 2/ ;; 2 „ 2/ „ I/"» ,, Delivery by 28/2/87 •■■ ,, 1, Delivery by 19/11/86... J. Ingram Edwin White 4/ „ 1/8 „ Delivery by 31/12/86... Tear ended 31/3/87 ... James Taylor Sundry small contractors a/si .. 4/ „ 3/9 >, 3/6 „ 3/3 ,. 2/6 ,, hewn. 2/8 „ sawn. ,, ,, ,, ... ,, ,, Timber supply— Ironbark, sawn ... Lyttelton „ hewn ... ,, „ piles ... ,, ,, hewn ... Duneclin „ „ ... Bluff „ piles ... „ Kauri junk ...Auckland Delivery by 5/8/86 ... Delivery by 7/4/87 ... ,, James Fox 29/ per 100ft. 22/6 2/6 per lin. ft. 22/6 per 100ft. 25/ 2/7 per lin. ft. 5/6 per 100ft. sup. 5/6 6/3 10/ 4/ per lin. ft. 14/ per 1 ooft. sup. ,, ... ... ,, For 1886" J. Craig ... J. MoLellan 5) » ,, >) ""3, Puriri junk ... „ Totara piles ... ,, Totara junk ... ,, Freight — 10,000 sleepers, Pelorus to Oamaru 10,000 ,, ,, Port ( halmers 5,000 ,, ,, Timaru 5,000 ,, ,, Oamaru 5,000 „ ,, Port Chalmers 5,000 „ Manukau to Waitara Fencing posts, as under— 1,000 kamai ... Seaward B ush 606 ,, ... ,, 1,000 ,, ... Waimatua 500 ,, ... Seaward Bush Horse forage ... G'hristchurch Iron castings ... Auckland „ ... Wellington ... Christehurch ... Dunedin Uniform cap3 ... Hurunui-Bluff Printed stationery ... Christchurch „ ... Wellington General stores, &c. — Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery, and leather Auckland Drain-pipes ... „ Delivery by 30/4/87 ... Delivery by 31/3/87 ... Delivery by 31/5/87 ... T. and J. Beasley ... Luke and Cowan J. MeLellan Delivery by 31/12/86... Cook Brothers Igi per sleeper. hi /8i /8| „ M /<5 Delivery by 30/6/87 ... Cuff and Graham ... ,, Delivery by 2/8/86 ... James Waller Delivery by 15/3/87 ... Delivery by 30/6/87 ... J. H. Butler J. Millard A. G. Bell Johnston and Woodson Q-. Treleaven and Co. G-. Fraser and Co. ... Smith Brothers John Anderson A. and T. Burt J. Ballantyne and Co. Whitcombe and Tombs 29/9 per ioo posts. 29/ » 30/ „ 30/ As per schedule. 15/ and 16/ perewt. 11/6 per cwt. 11/6 & 12/ per cwt, 11/ and 12/ perewt. 5/3 and 5/6 perewt, As per schedule. ,, Delivery by 30/7/87 ... 2 years ending 30/6/88 ,, ,, » 2 years ending3i/i2/88 E. Porter and Co. ... >) J.J.Craig )>


RETURN No. 11- continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

E. Caekow, Railway Stores Manager.


Service. Period, Name of Contractor Rate. feneral stores, &c.— continued. Ironmongery, ship chandlery, leather Wellington Oils and colours ... „ Drain-pipes, &c. ... ,, Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery Christchurch Leather ... ,, Drain-pipes ,, ill stores ... Dunedin 2 years ending 31/12/88 n E. W. Mills and Co. J. Duthie and Co. ... George Norbury S. Nashelski As per schedule. ), C. D. Lighthand ... E. and J. Ford Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. ;> j) » timber supplies, as under — Native timber ... Ciiristehurch. Kauri and foreign ... „ „ ... Dunedin Native timber ...Southland For 1887 3J J. T. Brown E.W.England Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. John Murdoch jj >> 53 lailway supplies, as under — 41 tons cotton waste 5,000 yards 24m. light canvas 40,000 yards 36m. light canvas 2,000 yards 24m. Addington heavy canvas 6,000 yards 24111. Other stores heavy canvas 11,000 gallons colza oil 24 tons white lead, genuine, in oil !oal supply ... ... Whangarei ,, ... ... Auckland SJ *•* „ jj ... )) ... jj ... A. Briscoe and Co,... T. and S. Morrin and Co. „ W. Stevens and Co. A. Briscoe and Co.... £28 5/5 per toil. /4f per yard. /6§| per yard. ISi P er yardJ6\ per yard. S. Nashelski 2/Siff per gallon. j, ... T. and S. Morrin and Co. 16/9 per ton. „ ... ... Napier „ ... ... Wellington ... Wanganui ... New Plymouth and Waitara „ Picton „ ... ... Nelson For 188 Wbangarei Coal Mining Co. ... Kamo Colliery Company Taupiri Coal Mining Company B runner Coal Company Westport Coal Company Union Steam Shipping Co. ... 5/6 per ton. 12/ 9/6 „ 23/9 » 17/6 » 20/ „ 26/6 „ , 3 ,, } , ... ,, ,, ... j, ... Anchor Steam Shipping Co. ... 20/ „ 19/8 „ Surunui- Bluff. /Oal supply ... ... Lyttelton „ ... ... Springfield „ Whitecliffs Westport Coal Company Springfield Coal Company ... W. Jjeeming W. Smart... Westport Coal Company 18/10 „ 12/ „ 12 n 12/ 20/6 „ 20/6 „ 12/6 „ 9/ 9/ 22/6 „ 17/6 » 17/6 „ )} jj j, •*• ... » „ ... ... Timaru „ ... ... Oamaru ,, ... ... Shag Point Stirling „ ... ... Nightcaps ,, ... ... Newmarket shops „ ... ... Addington ,, Hillside „ ,, ,j Shag Point Coal Company ... Kaitangata Coal Company Nightcaps Coal Company Brunner Coal Company Westport Coal Company ,, ...


RETURN No. 12. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

RETURN No. 13. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.


Description. i i 13 C o e/3 c I I a M c X s': o 6 o 'E, TO o 3 o Cakeiagkbs. st class, 6-wheel ,. 4 „ ,, Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feot >, 44-(eet Composite, 6-wheel 1 ' 5 9 2 3 2 S 15 8 5 7 1 1 1 1 22 30 5 9 3 64 6S 18 106 15 83 61 4 9 7 1 1 2 8 8 S 4 1 11 9 35 29 18 67 1 2 2 >, 4 ,. „ Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-foot „ „ 44-fect jnd class, 6-whool » 4 .» „ Bogie, 30-feet j, 1, 40-feet „ „ 44-feet 2 7 3 11 18 10 1 2 15 :2 iS 5 1 3 S 11 48 :7 4 5 1 3 1 10 4 1 3 1 7 Total 6 81 3i 38 58 258 10 500 Wagons, etc. 'assenger brakes F 3-oods „ ]? reii „ p trucks, &c, — Platform coal P Timber N Cattle II Sheep, double floor J i) » bogie S Horse-boxes QCovered goods K ,, (Eefrigerating) K2 » bogie V High-aide L „ Bogie E Low-side M Iron hopper, mineral O Platform, bogie U Unclassified 2 68 2 6 1 1 70 6 2 J 3 . I 8l 78 37 17 45 3 13 44 24 15 12 ( 2 in 2 74 12 35 5 6 3° 1 21 92 61 45 16 }8 4 301 171 165 1 5i 305 40 4 2,813 10 893 f ... I 3 4 3 3 8 2 2 6 1 2 }m 2 139 6l8 357 297 6 1 os 440 S3 4 3,583 112 1. S67 SS3 14 34 1 2 9 10 34 1 1 2 3 3 8 261 80 173 80 133 22 77 102 180 19 1 3 1 "X2. 4 8 89 280 14 257 216 12 17 14 34 Total 86 98 886 376 4,838 63 8,o6i 6 373 73° 297 355 S9 Tarpaulins 12 500 4 31 4.96S 153 100 250 3.877 12 20

Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheels. TrackWheels. to X! G o ■- 3 1 a o s .A o .60 S 'S o c S ! S to c j g o. x; !* ? 3: I o & C 'tie c o H mifeV. (stroke. No. No. Diametci n c o )ouble Fairlie )> Jingle Fairlie Lmerican 3) I) )» English n B E E 8 K IT O Q T P V I In. 9 10 10 I2i 13 12 IS IS II iS iS <l (. 12 8 9i 9* ioJ ioi 14 iol 13 In. 16 18 18 16 16 20 20 18 l8 18 8 8 8 6 6 4 6 8 4 8 8 6 Ft. in. 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 o 3 ° 4 o 4 o 3 o 4 o 3 o 3 S 4 o In. 1 3 3 7 I 6 1 5 6 8 6 6 i 2 6 1 18 7 8 6 6 2 6 6 8 4 4 2 2 3° 28J 281 30 25 26! 26i 20 20 16) 14 3 iS 18 18 18 18 2 4 3 2 6 3 8 fall H 4 2 8 6 6 A 0 D V a ,T L M 4 4 4 6 4 6 2 6 2 6 3 ° 3 ° 3 o 3 6 3 o 3 6 2 4 2 18 18 20 1 2 3 1 1 17 i 2 II 1 4 2 3 3 8 7 3 7 32 4 26 1 4 3 2 3 3 i 2 I 13 12 21 80 4 32 10 4 258 20 18 20 24 24 6 4 4 4 6 2 1 Total 36 3 3 14 27 30 129 4 5 4 3



RETURN No. 14. Statement of Weighing Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

Description. cti cd 1 C T3 M < a o Si c to G c X p o I u 5 o l4 2 C o 73 Weighting- Machines : — 100 lb. 1 owt. 3 3 1 4 33 48 63 3 43 7 10 48 42 10 S 1 2 1 2 „ 3 » 4 „ 5 ., Si » 6 i, 1 1 5 18 11 "s 3 4 5 11 4 1 8 j IS i 31 3 I 27 8 26 i 33 7 s I 4 1 2 ... 1 4 4 4 11 3 3 2 8 " '.'.'. ::: 10 „ 1 1 3 6 I 1 2 5 s 2 3 11 „ 3 2 12 „ 13 » 14 „ 15 » 16 „ 20 „ 1 22 „ 26 „ 27 „ 50 „ 60 „ 2 1 3 I I I 1 6 2 10 19 3 1 1 *7 28 7 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 Total 2 3 63 23 19 46 203 4 I 9 7 380 Weighbkidges : — 3 tons (cart) 6 „ „ 7 .. » 8 „ 10 „ (wagon) 12 ,, ,, 14 .. » 20 j, ,, 3 I 1 1 2 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 S 2 I 1 3 3 13 1 1 1 3 iS 3 20 1 1 1 2 1 Total 2 1 9 3 2 3 27 1 1 1 1 51 16 Teateesebs 1 I 11 1 1 1 TUENTAIiLES : — 40 feet (engine) So » 11 „ (wagon) 2 16 2 20 1 4 1 12 „ „ 13 » 14 ,. 16 „ S 3 4 1 3 22 6 2 1 1 3 35 l7 1 3 3 1 1 I Total Q 7 3 6 49 2 1 • 1 79 Cbanes : —■ i ton, stationary, hand I )) 3> )> *£ » => » 2 „ „ ,1 4- j> )> >) 5 " '» '> 8 „ I I 3 1 2 14 2 3 S 7 4 1 27 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 6 29 11 4 1 28 1 10 » >. 1 „ travelling „ 2 „ „ „ 1 1 4 2 1 6 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 13 1 18 1 3 »» i) ,. 5 » 7 .. 10 „ 1 ,, ,, steam ii », » » 2 „ 3 ») >» )> 5 » 12 „ „ „ 3 2 1 3 1 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 ... 3 1 6 6 4 1 2 1 12 12 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 Total i L I i L 17 5 6 20 81 7 6 7 3 153 PtJMPS : — Steam Hand Windmill Hot-air Hydraulic ... Gravitation 2i ... 1 5 12 1 7 2 2 S 1 5 I 16 i 67 34 13 11 1 1 1 1 , 3 3 IS 117 39 22 35 46 11 1 3 6 5 1 1 10 12 6 23 ... ... 1 Total 3 1 32 17 38 17 155 2 2 3 4 274


RETURN No. 15. Statement of Rails relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

RETURN No. 16. Statement of Sleepers relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

Statement of Sleepers removed for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

RETURN No. 17. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.


Weight. i? I fcfl c rt ;> C is -if! U - '5Z O CO 5* '5 I o O o I o 2 o s 7d ,AILS BELAID : — 40-lb. ii'on 40-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 52-lb. iron 56-lb. iron 70-lb. steel , 1,044 52 74 96 23 967 I ... I,2I 7 ... [ 260 I 131 3,230 I 32 70 342 26 220 29 20 57 1,093 2.33 1 4,237 136 96 1 I ... ; Total 1,266 992 262 I 1,380 3,230 412 275 20 57 7,894

Description. g 1 5 I T3 C C o W) c is 3 s X 1 I 5 5 o I o 73 IlEEPEKS KEIjAID : — Blaek-pine Totara Black-birch ... Kauri Blue-gum Jarrah Red-pine Puriri >Silver-pine Rata Iiamai 25 205 2,919 5,i42 1,123 7,004 10 6,231 974 41,479 5,826 32,680 50 12 10,186 "3 651 1,623 33° 1,683 742 181 3,615 2,0s 1 41,670 i8,347 47,271 2,969 12 10,186 "3 12,753 2,711 2,917 1,683 164 136 9,7 23 2,079 i,o88 2,587 Total 164 136 12,872 S,i42 8,127 11,881 94,633 1,088 742 3,796 2,051 140,632

DEEPEES BEMOVEU D t — Black-pine Totara Black-birch Kauri Blue-gum Jairah Red-pine Puriri Silver-pine Oregon Manuka Redwood 164 136 65 73 10,028 2,0^6 625 425 818 1,199 1,927 3.252 2,379 114 227 237 4,104 2,580 512 . 5 l5 1,680 2,019 43.714 17.72.5 17.775 3,949 6,437 1,271 208 178 910. 4ii 3>!59 637: 281 8 1,763 55,434 24,263 24,811 15,725 9,543 1,693 2,227 422 36 3,801 341 694 422 "36 3,782 341 694 19 Total 164 i^6 10,588 5.142 8,136 ",596 95,932 1,088 4ii 3,79 6 2,051 139,040

Sections. Miles. Number of Private Siding i Number of Stations and Stop-ping-places on the Time-tabks. At Stations. Out of Stations. Number of Private Sidings. Total. Cawaliawa Vhangarei Luekland fapier Wellington Vanganui Iurimui-BlufE... 3-reymoutk Vestport f elson 'icton 8 7 236 97 85 196 1,030 8 l9 23 18 3 4 87 34 30 89 37 1 S 6 12 I 8 ii 2 12 152 3 1 S s 7 S 37 3 2 13 16 9 17 189 6 I 1 2 9 2 Total 63 255 1.727 650 192



RETURN No. 18. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1887.

Papers. Date ol Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid lor. Term of Grant. AmoimD of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1887. In. Out. Total. WHANGAP, ,EI SECTION. Grantee 10 years* .. M. oh. 341 E. 84/3701.. .. Kamo Colliery Company.. .. 3 55 Kamo .. £ s. d. Premium.. £ s. d. & s. d. 2 16 6 £ s. d. I 1,977 18 D | £ s. d. 1,980 15 0 AUCKLAN 7 P.W. 77/730 I March 6,1877 I J. Bycroft and Co. .. .. ; 7 43 Onehunga .. i 8 E. 85/3040 .. i Aug. 25, 1874 N.Z. Frozen Meat and Storage Co. 7 48 Otahurra .. .. 79 I P.W. 77/4093 i Oct. 18, 1877 Kobert Lamb .. :. .. 73 23 Ngaruawahia .. I 267 | R. 82/2043 .. j Mar. 25, 1882 | Helensville Timber Co. (Limited) .. 35 41 Helensville South 279 ! R. 83/917 .. j Oct. 27, 1882 ; William Hunt .. .. 6 26 New Lynn 300 : E. 83/1564 .. I Sept. 18, 1883 j Thames Valley and Eotorua Eail- | 74 55 j Ngaruawahia .. way Company (Limited) 303 i E. 83/3494 .. | Jan. 10, 1884 : Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Com- ] 7 34 Otahuhu pany (Limited) 317 ! E. 83/2680 .. j Jan. 1, 1883 I Hammond and Byron (Lease) .. 0 0 Auckland 318 „ .. I Jan. 1, 1888 ! „ (Lease) ..00 331 i E. 84/2620 .. ' March 1,1884 Onehunga Ironsand Company .. ! 8 0 Onehunga 333 i E. 84/3379 .. j July 20, 1885 { N.Z. Frozen Meat Co. (Limited) .. 0 0 Auckland 389 E, 86/846 .. Mar. 22, 1886 Waikato Coal and Shipping Company 64 59 Huntly 346 ! E. 86/2335 .. Aug. 25, 1886 J Miranda Coal and Iron Company " 44 40 Mercer 353 j It. 87/1007 .. Mar. 31, 1887 j W. Phileox and Son .. * .. 0 0] Auckland .. ! FD SECTION. i Govt. .. 10 years*.. „ .. Undefined „ .. 10 years* .. Grantees „ * Grantee „• Grantees „ * 300 0 0 | 200 0 0 Premium.. 105 0 0 50 0 0 164 7 6 473 10 0 60 0 0 16 0 540 4 10 14 14 6 73 0 8 117 615 18 2 421 0 8 448 10 0 2 7 7 1,156 3 0 436 1 2 521 10 8 I ] " 86 0 0 I 377 5 8 180 12 8 563 18 i „ 7 years 40 0 0 ] 40 0 0 j 420 0 0 140 0 0 892 17 0 40 0 0 3,058 17 10 6 5 10 458 0 1 23 17 11 46 10 4 24 13 5 3,058 17 10 Govt. .. Undefined Grantees 10 years* .. „ j 10 years .. „ 10 years*.. „ 6 months.. Premium.. 15 9 38 19 8 1,934 9 2 7 11 7 494 19 9 1,958 7 1 46 10 4 24 13 5 NAPI [EB SECTION. j Govt. .. Undefined 125 0 0 131 13 8 9 15 4 559 12 3 16 12 5 81 4 4 145 12 6 158 3 10 1 11 4 212 18 0 155 7 10 717 16 1 18 3 9 24 ! C.E. 75/845.. j 1875 : Napier Gas Company .. .. | 2 30 Napier 56 ! P.W. 77/1129 Mar. 19, 1877 i T. P. Russell .. ' ... .. j 50 40 Waipukurau 76 i E. 81/2318 .. Oct. 9, 1877 '■ Murray, Eoberts, and Co. ,.04 Spit .. .. 222 , E. 84/3632 .. ] 1880 I W. B. Harding .. .. .. 40 59 Waipawa 229 I B. 81/1671 .. ! Feb. 16, 1881 j M. S. Bell .. .. ..2 0 Napier 252 i E. 85/813 .. 1881 ! Wilding and Co. .. .. 45 29 Waipukurau .. 301 E. 83/3089 .. Oct. 26,1883 Nelson Brothers (Limited) ..12 SJ Tcmoana .. 322 j E. 84/3540 .. Dec. 8, 1884 ! N.Z.LoanandMercantileAgencyCo.j 14 1 Hastings.. ..I 328 E. 85/794 .. April 4, 1885 j Tamaki Timber Company .. I 81 15 Tahoraite 329 E. 86/1028 .. ! April 11, 1885 I H. Smith .. .. .. 70 78 Makotuku 332 E. 85/171 .. ' June 1, 1885 Wilding and Co. .. .. 63 0 Kopua 334 E. 85/1508 .. j July 24, 1885 j Tanner and Mortensen .. .. 73 56 Matamau 335 ! E. 85/2840 .. j Dec. 1, 1884 ' Matthews and Guy .. .. 69 21 Makotuku 336 E. 85/2434 .. ; Nov. 19, 1885 j Robert Holt .. .. .. 1 72 Napier 340 E. 85/2302 .. i April 4, 1886 | Knight Brothers .. .. 13 74 Hastings 345 I B, 86/1516 .. ! Sept. 2, 1886 ! Napier Gas Company .. .. 14 1 „ .. \ I „ .. 10 years* .. „ .. Undefined ; on sufferance Grantee 10 years *.. Govt. .. Undefined Grantees 10 years* .. 300 0 0 Premium.. 240 0 0 206 0 0 133 0 0 60 0 0 192 0 0 95 0 0 84 10 0 172 0 0 72 0 0 75 0 0 300 0 0 13 7 4 2,016 18 8 1,674 1 2 308 19 0 20 14 8 137 14 10 25 16 4 1,120 14 4 1,263 1 7 73 6 10 1,411 1 11 2,136 19 1 13 7 4 3,428 0 7 3,811 0 3 308 19 0 1,212 0 5 2,345 2 4 1,002 0 4 380 11 7 1,037 10 1 1,126 0 2 1,268 13 7 73 6 10 Premium.. Grantee „ * Grantees 6 years* .. „ 10 years*.. * 1,191 5 9 2,207 7 6 976 4 0 380 11 7 1,037 10 1 5 5 10 5 12 0 j Grantee „ Grantees 7 years'* .. „ 10 years .. „ .. 1 WELLING TON SECTION. Govt. .. 10 years* .. Grantees „ • 300 0 0 300 0 0 Premium.. 70 0 0 90 0 0 117 19 11 0 10 80 5 5 410 12 9 138 0 4 4,358 0 2 384 7 9 138 1 4 4,438 5 7 795 0 6 188 C.E. 79/155 .. Feb. 26, 1879 Charles Lett .. .. .. 28 44 Kaitoke 216 P.W. 81/2948 July 7, 1880 William Booth and Co. .. .. 57 34 Carterton 221 E. 80/1588 .. Dec. 13, 1880 Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing 6 37 Petone Company (Limited) 227 E. 82/2026 .. Feb. 8, 1881 Eobert Donald .. .. .. 62 8 Midaieton 237 E. 81/1723 .. July 28, 1881 John Chew .. .. .. I 54 55 Dalefield 242 ! E. 82/1335 .. Oct. 6, 1881 W. Booth and Co. (Lease) .. ! 0 0 Wellington 253 E. 83/598 .. Jan. 1,1882 Wellington Harbour Board (Lease) 0 0 272 B. 84/133 .. July 26, 1882 Williams and Beetham .. .. 62 15 Middleton 296 E. 83/2850 Sept. 21, 1883 A. S.DuncanfWoodside Saw-mill Co.)! 51 0 Matarawa 313 E. 84/1443 .. May 9, 1884 I Wellington Meat-preserving and 3 21 Ngahauranga .. Befrigerating Company (Limited) 325 B. 84/3359 .. Oct. 6, 1884 William Chalmers (Lease) .. 0 0 Wellington 326 B. 84/3359 .. Oct. 6, 1884 T. C. Williams, W. H. Beetham, 0 0 and H. IT. Beetham (Lease) Grantee „ * Grantees 21 years .. „ 42 years .. 10 years *.. * Premium.. 82 1 8 63 5 0 220 12 9 150 1 4 425 19 7 37 13 6 3,514 18 6 70 11 0 15 17 7 1,195 17 7 215 17 8 883 7 0 296 19 5 1,233 11 1 3,514 18 6 286 8 8 899 4 7 296 19 5 * Govt. .. 18 years .. I . •• .



RETURN No. 18— continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1887.

O O Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Tear ending 31st March, 1887. n. Out. Total. WANGANUI SECTION. 19 P.W. 78/678 52 P.W. 77/4300 55 P.W. 78/619 57 P.W. 78/678 93 P.W. 77/5168 137 P.W. 80/4929 138 P.W. 78/1923 147 P.W. 78/3795 153 P.W. 78/3808 154 P.W. 78/4565 223 R. 81/116 244 R. 82/2306 264 R. 82/946 287 R. 83/338 310 R. 84/1399 315 R. 84/1846 349 R. 86/2995 M. ch. £ s. a. Jan. 14,1878 Richter, Nannestad, and Co. .. 6141 Hokowhitu .. Govt. .. 10 years*.. 300 0 0 Nov. 6, 1877 J. ana G. Bull .. .. 52 20 Aorangi .. .. „ .. „ * .. 300 0 0 Mar. 6, 1877 P. ana J. Bartholomew .. .. 50 72 Peiklmg .. .. „ .. , • .. 300 0 0 April 3, 1877 Richter, Nannestad, and Go. .. 54 28 Trondjeim .. „ .. „ * .. 300 0 0 Dec. 20, 1877 Henry Brown .. .. .. 15 31 Inglewood .. „ .. „ * .. 100 0 0 May 9,1878 Wang anui Sash & Door Factory Go. 0 0 Wanganui .. „ .. 6 months.. June 10, 1878 Bailey Brothers, W. H. Lash, ana 42 34 ' Haloombc .. „ .. 10 years *.. 300 0 0 others Sept. 6,1878 Bailey Brothers .. ..53 50 Taonui .. .. „ .. 10 years*.. 300 0 0 Oct. 26, 1878 Wanganui Meat Company .. 3 36 Aramoho .. .. „ .. „ * .. 300 0 0 Oct. 26, 1878 Gorpe and Co. ana others .. 48 68 | Makino Road .. „ .. „ * .. 300 0 0 Jan. 13,1881 Moore and Currie .. .. 13 46 Kai Iwi .. .. Grantees lOyears*.. Premium.. Oct. 20, 1881 Wanganui Harbour Board (Lease) .. Wanganui .. „ 14 years * .. „ Mar. 2,1882 Newberry and Millard .. .. 7 46 Okoia .. .. „ 10years*.. Jan. 27, 1883 Wellington and Manawatu Railway 66 28 Longburn June- „ „ * .. Company (Limited) tion April 5, 1884 James Robson .. .. .. 33 20 Ngaire .. .. Govt. and „ * grantee Sept. 4, 1884 Manawatu County Council .. 79 61 Carnarvon .. Grantees „ * .. „ Oct. 23, 1886 A. Brown and Go. .. .. 33 17 Ngaire .. .. „ ! 6 years £ s. a. 156 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 35 0 175 0 0 150 0 0 127 0 0 445 0 0 86 0 0 162 0 0 381 19 6 200 0 0 273 12 0 £ s. d. 122 5 11 6 12 9 1 7 11 15 18 8 30 12 10 1,012 15 11 9 19 5 28 9 0 0 9 6 114 16 8 6 617 11 2 984 2 2 33 15 4 209 4 4 21 10 1 £ s. a. 79 17 3 5 10 6 1,415 7 10 41 9 4 353 6 7 43 1 6 322 14 11 1,105 12 2 261 16 7 35 5 5 8 8 11 33 11 0 301 17 0 473 7 6 231 5 11 429 19 5 S s. a. 202 3 2 12 3 3 1,416 15 9 57 8 0 383 19 5 1,055 17 5 332 14 4 1,134 1 2 0 9 6 262 17 11 51 13 11 626 0 1 33 11 0 1,285 19 2 507 2 10 440 10 3 451 9 0 PICTON SECTION. 27 G.R. 76/679 260 R. 81/2812 299 R. 83/2271 1875 A.T.Thompson.. .. .. 7 30 Para .. .. Govt. .. Undefined Jan. 19,1882 Pell Brothers and Co. .. 17 73 Blenheim.. .. Grantees 10 years* .. Premium.. Oct. 2, 1883 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 „ .. .. „ .. „ * .. Company (Limited) 163 10 0 275 1 7 18 7 10 115 12 2 12 14 11 139 14 3 i 116 17 11 \ 90 0 11 158 2 1 232 10 1 102 15 10 NELSON SECTION. 238 | R. 81/1947 | Aug. 31, 1881 | Neale and Haddow .. .. | 1 0 | Nelson .. .. | Grantees | 10 years* .. | Premium.. | 150 0 0 | 289 14 7 | 75 13 0 | 365 7 7 GREYMOUTH SECTION. 5a R. 84/2978 22 P.W. 76/603 105a P.W. 76/3446 112a P.W. 77/5000 319 R. 84/2977 344 R. 86/2585 Aug. 1,1873 Westport Coal Co. (Limited) {Lease) 6 70 Wallsend .. Grantees , 21 years .. Doc. 31, 1875 T. W. Wilson .. .. .. 2 53 Kaiata .. .. Govt. .. Undefined Feb. 15,1877 Coalpit Heath Coal-mining Com- 7 10 Brunner .. Grantees „ .. Premium.. pany (Limited) (Lease) Feb. 16,1877 Brunner Goal-mining Company 7 10 Brunner .. „ „ .. „ (Limited), M. Kennedy (Lease) Oct. 28, 1884 A. McKenzie and Co. .. .. 5 70 Wallsend .. „ 10 years* Aug. 20, 1886 Westport Colliery Company .. 8 0 Brunner .. Greyin'th Har.Ba. 143 19 0 624 19 2 55 0 0 45 16 4 918 10 48 10 3 24 18 8 7 19 2 1,317 5 11 185 13 7 3,919 0 11 8,400 17 6 226 2 0 485 13 5 1,363 2 3 185 13 7 3,928 19 9 8,449 7 9 251 0 8 493 12 7

D.— la



3 Dec. 28, 1870 Feb. 25, 1873 July 19, 1873 Oct. 2, 1874 Wood, Sinclair, and Co. Moir and Co. N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. Timaru Harbour Board 1 17 16 77 7 1 105 59 Riccarton Southbrook Belfast Timaru Grantees Govt. .. Grantees Govt. .. For ever .. "Undefined 951 15 10 294 13 5 332 0 0 217 19 S 699 1 0 424 10 1 712 7 3 1,650 16 10 719 3 6 1,044 7 3 217 19 S P.W. 73/573 E. 84/2927 Undefined ; on sufferance : 10 years*.. For ever .. Undefined 300 0 0 I-* 13 29 31 32 33 34 R. 80/318 R. 82/2186 P.W. 76/3501 P.W. 76/2946 P.W. 76/686 R. 84/2770 R. 82/432 P.W. 76/823 April 19, 1877 Aug. 14, 1874 Deo. 18, 1874 Dec. 11, 1875 Feb. 29, 1876 Mar. 29, 1876 April 7, 1876 April 22, 1876 May 18, 1876 J. and T. Meek White and Co. Oamaru Harbour Board Kaiapoi Produce and Milling Co. .. John Tosswill J. Ingram Miles, Archer, and Co. James A. Mellraith National Mortgage and Agency Company of N.Z. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) Timaru Milling Co. A. Tapper Studholme Brothers 158 18 21 29 157 77 1 52 2 78 20 60 105 54 8 75 374 60 Oamaru Leeston Oamaru Wilson's Siding .. Prebbleton Bast Oxford Timaru .. Glentunnel Invercargill Grantees Grantee Govt. .. "„ t '. '■ 280 0 0 744 14 10 688 5 8 22l"o 10 1 7 10 972 16 1 16 3 1 190 2 11 451 0 10 673 18 3 8 17 3 46 6 5 486 10 2 508 8 9 122 2 2 1,195 15 8 688 5 8 (See No. 123.) 894 19 1 10 5 1 46 6 5 1,459 6 3 524 11 10 312 5 1 . . ■• •• 36 P.W. 76/3056 June 19, 1876 25 23 Southbridge 10 years*.. (See No. 78.) 37 P.W. 76/3721 July 18, 1876 1166 27 Malieno Undefined 112 10 7 G83 13 9 796 4 4 38 39 41 P.W. 77/1189 R. 81/341 P.W. 77/5044 April 13, 1877 Sept. 2, 1876 Nov. 27, 1877 106 20 366 27 128 43 N. pts. 374 9 121 71 Timaru .. Longbusli Studholme Junction Invercargill Between Otaio and Makikihi Woodlands One-Tree Point .. Ashburton Milton Hornby Junction Kirwee Kensington Oamaru Lyttelton Christchurch 10 years*.. Undefined 10 years* .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 73 0 0 93 0 0 2,178 8 0 62 14 10 25 10 4 2,360 10 8 3,541 1 8 4,538 19 2 3,603 16 6 25 10 4 44 46 R. 83/2227 P.W. 76/5252 Oct. 4, 1876 Dec. 24, 1876 Fleming and Gilkison Quinn Brothers Undefined 10 years* .. 300 0 0 62 0 0 955 4 2 83 0 9 321 14 6 179 1 3 1,276 18 8 262 2 O 48 49 53 58 59 64 66 68 69 71 R. 82/606 R. 83/44 R. 81/1905 P.W. 77/2857 P.W. 77/2004 R. 84/3062 R. 81/2299 R. 82/239 1876 1876 Jan. 13, 1877 April 18, 1877 April 21, 1877 June 27, 1877 July 20, 1877 Aug. 27, 1877 Sept. 1, 1877 Sept. 7, 1877 Woodlands Meat-preserving Co. .. Brown and J. H. Dawson and Sons C. W. Turner Peter McGill S. Smart R. G. D. Tosswill W. M. White Ireland and Co. Talbot and McClatchie (Lease) Miles and Co., William Booth and Co. C. W. Turner J. A. Redpath, Miles and Co., and N. Tapling Wigram Brothers N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) W. H. Hargreaves Browne Brothers Reid and Gray Richard Allen .. W. White, jun. J. Craig |363 52 1368 2 57 77 271 42 12 7 10 23 236 79 158 26 0 0 6 1 Grantee Govt. .. Undefined 10 years* .. * 21 years .. 10 years *.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 32 12 10 40 0 0 120 0 0 32 5 10 45 0 0 233 0 0 25 19 7 562 11 6 554 18 2 9 12 2 2 15 1 261 11 6 165 14 2 4,o78 15 10 478 12 11 752 0 9 2,379 7 8 426 15 0 720 18 9 778 0 4 2,941 19 2 981 13 2 730 10 11 2 15 1 281 6 0 303 12 11 5,288 5 1 490 8 4 19 14 6 137 18 9 609 9 3 11 15 5 73 74 P.W. 77/3965 R. 85/287 Sept. 26, 1877 Sept. 26, 1877 ! 6 19 6 48 * 300 0 0 300 0 0 35 0 0 100 0 0 i 1,963*6 0 337 12 11 (See No. 152.) 2,300 18 11 75 78 R. 78/176 R. 84/867 Oct. 6, 1877 Oct. 9, 1877 1 77 25 39 Heathcote Southbridge ft • • * I 300 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 25 0 0 39 15 0 448 0 0 (See No. 130.) 487 15 0 80 82 83 84 85 86 P.W. 77/4596 P.W. 77/38621 P.W. 77/4422 R. 85/505 P.W. 77/4862 R. 78/113 Oct. 22, 1877 Oct. 24, 1877 Nov. 1, 1877 Nov. 5, 1877 Nov. 20, 1877 Nov. 20, 1877 6 46 21 76 236 45 106 8 25 32 157 42 Christehurch Lawrence Dunedin Timaru Southbridge Oamaru * * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 O 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 40 0 0 20 3 4 27 13 0 35 0 0 33 0 0 152 0 0 993 13 7 432 14 2 176 9 9 926 13 6 296 6 7 845 13 3 25 15 2 16 5 10 883 5 0 2 6 6 352 4 2 1,019 8 9 432 14 2 192 15 7 1,809 18 6 298 13 1 1,197 17 5 * Three months' notice. !ixm< mths' notii ; t< irminal lie ii j]


RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1887.


Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Amount Term of Traffic of Grant. guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1887. In. Out. j Total. lu. Out. Total. URUNUJ-BLUFF SECTIO1 — continued. 91 94 95 P.W. 77/4421 P.W. 77/5196 Deo. 4, 1877 Dec. 22, 1877 1877 James Goss W. Montgomery and Co. Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke Company (Limited) William Vaughan N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. E. Menlove Logan's Point Quarry Company .. Henry and Co. Wilson, Harrawaj-, and Co. Green Island Coal Compairy Invercargill Corporation .. M. oh. ! 6 61 6 50 6 1 Christchurch Govt. .. 10 years *.. * £ S. d. 300 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. 95 0 0 240 0 0 £ s. d. 914 17 0 £ s. d. 36 16 11 £ s. a. 951 13 11 Undefined 821 11 9 3117 1 853"8 10 96 97 100 101 102 103 105 107 108 109 110 112 113 115 E. 84/2368 R. 82/2356 R. 81/2017 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 - 1877 1877 1877 24 49 13 7 14 37 234 53 236 45 i 236 45 I 241 70 374 60 2 39 6 43 6 42 377 14 378 20 389 1 Sefton Factory Ngapara Pelichet Bay .. Dunedin Abbotsford Invercargill Waikiwi Buxton's 30o"o 0 120 19 8 191 16 7 16*6 6 250 12 6 1 12 3 369 10 0 297 9 10 199 4 3 7 18 3 112 3 7 5 19 10 547 6 5 4 12 2 418 9 6 391 0 10 7 18 3 128 10 1 256 12 4 548 18 8 374 2 2 R. 85/647 .. T. Buxton" Hodgkinson Brothers Dunedin Iron and Woodware Co... J. H. Gillies W, Parsons 22 14 3 32 16 11 265 4 2 103 7 10 154 16 6 346 13 6 0 13 6 287 18 5 136 4 9 154 16 6 346 13 6 17 0 116 117 120 R. 84/1373 R. 79/722 P.W. 77/5147 P.W. 77/4412 Nov. 6, 1878 Jan. 14, 1878 Jan. 23,1878 J. A. Duthie W. Langdown Oamaru Harbour Board .. ] 271 24 6 9 157 64 157 65 157 77 58 72 60 65 157 41 1 77 5 76 Kew" .. '.'. Clifton Between Greenhilk and Ocean Beacli Milton Christchurch Oamaru (1st sidg.) „ (2nd sidg.) Oamaru Ashburton Tinwald Oamaru Heathcote Christchurch * . 10 years *.. » * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 112 15 0 56 0 0 50 0 0 0 13 6 79 15 11 1,214 4 6 387 18 3 39 3 11 467 14 2 1,253 8 5 (See No. 123.) 123 125 128 129 130 131 P.W. 77/4413 R. 78/63 R. 78/65 P.W. 77/4833 R. 78/176 R. 78/61 Jan. 23, 1878 Jan. 26, 1878 Feb. 4, 1878 Feb. 18, 1878 Mar. 2, 1878 Mar. 7,1878 A. Roberts Joseph Clark Oamaru Corporation Wigram Brothers Permanent Investment and Loan Association Priedlander Brothers Springfield Coal Company McClatchie and Mclntos'h Anderson and Co. Oamaru Stone Company (Limited) N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) N.Z. Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) (Lease) Ditto (Lease) .. ..' C. W. Turner .. P. L. Robson and J. T. Brown J. and J. Shand.. Talbot and McClatchie (Lease) Grantees Govt. .. r, * " * Undefined 10 years *.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 90 0 0 95 0 0 60 0 0 4,801 1 7 99 12 5 385 15 7 39 15 2 159 0 10 43 9 4 3,068 4 10 217 5 6 356 19 0 4 3 11 186 3 2 7 2 3 7,869 6 5 316 17 11 742 14 7 43 19 1 345 4 0 50 11 7 70"0 0 132 133 134 135 140 142 R. 78/199 R. 78/162 R. 81/120 P.W.'78/1573 R. 78/360 R. 78/649 Mar. 14, 1878 Mar. 14, 1878 May 1, 1878 May 8, 1878 June 28, 1878 Aug. 3, 1878 58 73 6 51 6 15-> 204 10 1 67i 351 60" Ashburton Christchurch Waikouaiti Weston Edendale * " # 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 55 0 0 73 0 0 260 0 0 251 19 5 195 17 7 2,188 2 5 79 7 5 1,585 6 3 5 0 2 121 17 11 56 9 10 1,837 5 8 200 17 9 2,310 0 4 135 17 3 » * 74' 0 0 48 0 0 178 0 4 405 3 1 583 3 5 149 R. 81/467 Sept. 21, 1878 0 0 ! Lyttelton 21 years .. 150 152 155 156 158 R. 78/506 R. 78/539 R. 78/544 R. 81/467 Sept. 21, 1878 Oct. 22, 1878 Nov. 5, 1878 Nov. 6, 1878 Nov. 19, 1878 0 0 6 64 6 61 26 26 0 0 Christchurch 10 years* .. * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 55 0 0 52 0 0 64 0 0 3,012 2 3 335 13 10 2 5 5 375 0 11 18 13 6 36 4 11 3,387 3 2 354 7 4 38 10 4 (See No. 69.) Centre Bush Lyttelton 21 years .. 21



159 R. 81/467 Nov. 19, 1878 N.Z. Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) (Lease) Fleming, Gilkison, and Co. Lyttelton Borough Council 0 0 Lyttelton.. Govt. .. 21 years .. 160 161 R. 78/540 R. 84/409 Dec. 2, 1878 1878 335 2 2 71 Gore Heathcote 10 „ * .. J Undefined ; ;on sufferance Undefined 300 0 0 64 0 0 106 5 0 19 7 2 203 15 1 310 0 1 19 7 2 162 163 165 R. 84/2333 187S 1878 1878 J. Grigg Clarke and Wright N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) McLean Brothers T. Tomlinson and Co. British and N.Z. Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) Dunedin City Corporation Smith and Fotheringham Wilson, Harraway, and Co. J. Runciman Walton Park Coal Company B. C. Calverley .. J. Freeman Walton Park Brick and Tile Co. .. Dunedin Corporation Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company J. McDonald W. M. White .. J. Nelson H. A. Knight .. Friedlander Brothers (Lease) W. White N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Francis Jack W. Conyers Charles Tullock James A. Mcllraith M. Instone James McDonald Anderson and Co. Dunedin Iron and Woodware Co... T. P. Baber Dunedin Saleyards Company N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) Matson, Cox, and Co. Springfield Coal Company (Limited) James Shand Wood, Sinclair, and Co. McCallum and Co. Miles, Archer, and Co. N.Z. Shipping Co. (Limited) (Lease) Hon. Mathew Holmes George Jameson 64 51 235 59 236 0 ! Winslow Dunedin 491 0 8 199 19 5 2,606 9 7 844 17 4 5 3 6 165 17 7 1,335 18 0 205 2 11 2,772 7 2 166 167 168 R. 81/2017 1878 1878 1878 236 37 236 37 236 37 i 85 14 0 174 12 10 609 19 1 85 14 0 174 12 10 643 6 0 ] 33 6 11 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 180 181 183 185 186 189 197 R. 84/3315 R. 83/2302 R. 83/2302 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Jan. 15, 1879 Feb. 19, 1879 Mar. 20, 1879 Aug. 21, 1879 236 53 237 11 0 21 0 26 2 7 241 70 241 71 2 7 243 42 0 73 267 51 278 51 283 45 19 46 60 67 7 46 391 61 Kensington Burnside Walton Park Abbotsford Walton Park Wingatui Mosgiel LovelFs Flat Stirling Racecourse Hill.. Tinwald Addington i 15 15 8 451 6 8 432 15 11 264 3 4 15 15 5 193 7 0 339 3 0 232 15 1 292 6 2 345 16 0 36 8 8 108 9 11 41 6 10 1,663 3 8 60 12 11 1,122 14 7 55 13 0 29 4 8 64 1 8 2,083 17 1 92 1 8 1,064 15 2 370 16 10 345 16 0 52 4 4 559 16 7 474 2 9 1,927 7 0 60 12 11 1,138 10 0 249 0 0 368 7 S 296 16 9 2,376 3 3 92 1 8 1,084 15 7 394 9 8 R. 78/592 R. 83/2304 R. 79/110 R. 79/591 10 years* .. | 21 years* .. 10 years*.. 300 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 104 0 0 22 0 0 27 0 0 20 0 5 23 12 10 2,123 19 10 2,327 11 10 331 0 7 392 7 10 2,455 0 5 2,719 19 S 198 199 200 201 204 205 209 210 211 214 215 R. 79/609 R. 79/607 R. 79/627 R. 79/684 R. 79/1087 R. 79/799 R. 81/2017 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug. 26, 1879 Oct. 21, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 1879 1879 Jan. 20, 1880 Jan. 28, 1880 Mar. 23, 1880 6 32 386 23 5 22 6 15J 12 5 22 79 236 35 236 35 7 59 239 22 116 9 Wright's Bush .. Greenhills Wallacetown Christchurch Thornbury June. Lady Barkly Dunedin „* „ * Undefined 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 54 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 100 0 0 81 0 0 80 0 0 0 9 0 2 14 0 195 15 0 529*17 11 6 9 10 530 6 11 9 3 10 195 15 0 29 8 9 88 3 9 953 3 3 1,024 16 8 505 19 2 8,038 5 7 672 13 5 R. 80/44 R. 83/204 R. 80/1 Addington ' Burnside St. Andrew's Grantee Govt. .. Grantees 10 years*.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 60"o 0 8 10 9 916 7 6 897 4 6 249 6 8 7,435 5 9 23 14 7 29 8 9 79 13 0 36 15 9 127 12 2 256 12 6 602 19 10 648 18 10 • 217 219 224 225 228 230 231 232 235 ■»■ R. 80/987 R. 81/201 R. 81/63 R. 85/861 R. 81/835 R. 85/523 R. 81/1343 R. 82/2538 R. 81/1479 Sept. 22, 1880 Nov. 25, 1880 Jan. 14, 1881 Jan. 20, 1881 Feb. 8, 1881 Mar. 1, 1881 Mar. 21, 1881 April 1, 1881 June 6, 1881 58 76 29 63 257 58 7 60 365 32 105 57 0 0 2 0 59 4 Ashburton Springfield Henley Addington Longbush Timaru Lyttelton Castlerock Ashburton Grantee Grantees • ": ■■ * Premium.. 250 0 0 35 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 325 0 0 73 3 2 0 9 8 882 1 11 96 11 1 805 7 7 300 17 8 800"4 1 5,580 8 6 878 10 9 300 17 8 0 9 8 1,682 6 0 5,676 19 7 (See No. 32.) 743 15 1 :• Govt. .. Grantee Undefined 18J years .. 10 j'ears *.. Premium.. 102 0 0 180 0 0 565 2 2 178 12 11 215"3 1 711 11 5 926 14 0 * Three months' notice.


RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1887.


O O Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed I per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1SS7. In. Out. Total. :URUNUI-BLUFF SECTION '— continued. 236 R. 81/1405 June 27, 1881 Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (N.Z. Drug Company) (Limited) National Mortgage and Agencv Co. of N.Z. (Limited) W. D. Wood .. ' .. J. Studholme N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. S. White F. J. Hopkin .. W. Nicholls Frew and Co. N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) (Lease) J. Meehan Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) E. and J. Ford .. Smith and Fotheringham M. oh. 239 24 Burnside .. .. Grantees 10 years*.. £ s. d. Premium.. £ s. d. 93 0 0 £ s. d. 175 14 7 £ s. d. 190 18 0 £ s. d. 366 12 7 238a R. 83/2228 Sept. 1, 1881 7 57 Addington .. „ * 677 12 4 516 17 5 1,194 9 9 239 240 245 R. 81/1982 R. 83/502 R. 81/2332 Sept. 9, 1881 Sept. 19, 1881 Nov. 1, 1881 7 60 7 0 58 70 „ .. Grantee Belfast Ashburton .. Grantees * * Premium.. 84 0 0 80 0 0 200 0 0 268"s 7 59 8 5 240 10 0 179 16 3 (See No. 225.) 508 18 7 239 4 8 * 246 247 248 249 250 254 R. 81/2501 R. 81/1747 R. 83/3241 R. 83/1171 R. 83/1556 R. 82/1738 Nov. 24, 1881 Deo. 14, 1881 Dec. 16, 1881 April 18,1883 Dec, 22, 1881 Jan. 1, 1882 2 51 287 79 0 26 22 72 239 23 47 12 Jackson's Road .. Grantee Balclutha .. „ Rangiora.. .. „ Oraki .. .. Grantees Burnside .. „ Chertsey .. .. Govt. .. * Hi * 145 0 0 261 0 0 TO 0 0 3 11 1 4 7 0 1,140 17 5 42 4 8 9 13 4 283 15 2 618 17 7 C12 0 11 3 11 1 9 13 4 288 2 2 1,759 15 0 654 5 7 .. * * Premium.. 492 0 0 " ■■ 255 256 R. 82/717 R. 81/2820 Jan. 1, 1882 Jan. 3, 1882 123 66 106 10 Makikihi .. .. Grantee Timaru .. .. Grantees 21 years .. 10 years* .. Premium.. 300 0 0 484 0 0 908 19 2 64 13 5 480 16 1 64 13 5 1,389 15 3 257 R. 81/2672 Jan. 5, 1882 0 3 Studholme Juno- „ tion South Malvern .. Govt. .. Port Chalmers Grantees Upper Christehurch .. Govt. .. „ .. Grantees * 310 0 0 110 16 9 110 16 9 258 259 R. 82/379 R. 83/1043 Jan. 10, 1882 Jan. 10,1882 10 71 227 78 For ever .. 10 years*.. .. 54 14 8 11 8 9 208 15 7 309 2 3 263 10 3 320 11 0 .. 261 262 R. 82/2303 R. 82/49 Feb. 8, 1882 Feb. 20, 1882 J. Rantin N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. and T. Meek .. S. Bailey P. Cunningham .. W. A. Moss (Lease) John Waller (Lease) N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Ld.) (Lease) Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Co. (Limited) D. Reid and Co. National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z. (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited! Invercargill Corporation .. 6 53 6 50-j, Premium.. 510 0 0 Extension, £174 222 0 0 153 0 0 374 0 0 140 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 253 4 11 1,261 9 0 44 6 0 582 1 3 297 10 11 1,843 10 3 263 206 268 269 270 271 R. 82/378 R. 82/554 R. 82/692 R. 82/2320 Feb. 28, 1S82 Mar. 24, 1882 April 14, 1882 Slay 1, 1882 May 1, 1882 May 1, 1882 158 7 15 0 105 75 7 0 7 0 7 0 Oamaru .. .. „ Templeton .. Grantee Timaru .. .. „ Christehurch .. „ „'* 21 years .. 98 18 5 73 7 9 684 10 0 798 17 5 m 17 io 86 3 3 (See No. 9.) 57 17 10 185 1 8 73 7 9 694 9 4 1,181 15 3 „ .. Grantees 919 4 382 17 10 274 R. 83/334 Sept. 15, 1882 7 8 Belfast .. 10 years* .. 321 0 0 4,020 6 6 2,181 5 9 6,201 12 3 275 276 R. 82/2105 R. 82/2334 Sept. 26, 1882 Oct. 23, 1882 236 12 105 75 Dunedin .. .. „ Timaru .. .. „ * 310 0 0 514 0 0 5,268 4 4 802 10 1 481 2 4 501 8 9 5,749 6 8 1,303 18 10 277 R. 82/2354 Oct. 23, 1882 105 75 * 292 16 0 ! 965 9 0 637 13 10 1,603 2 10 278 R. 82/1997 Oct. 23, 1882 0 7 Makarewa June. Govt. and Grantees Jackson's Road .. Grantee Timaru .. .. Grantees * 5 0 0 262 13 6 262 13 6 280 281 R. 82/2706 R. 82/2605 Dec. 2, 1882 Dec. 2, 1882 P. C. Threlkeld Moody and Ziesler 2 51 105 57 300 0 0 40 0 0 136 6 1 424 8 2 328 11 1 167 15 1 464 17 2 592 3 3 *



zea Jan. 1, 1883 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) (Lease) Rountree and Co. R. M. Morten .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) W. A. Benn (Lease) William Vaughan (Lease) Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Kaye and Carter Pemliill Railway and Coal Company (Limited) > Nichol Brothers David Stuart H. Driver James Gore Benjamin Perry John Jackson J. G. Ward W. H. Symes,M.D., H. Barry & Co. John Murdoch, jun. (Lease) 41 53 Eakaia .. .. I Govt. .. 10 years .. 423 4 10 423 4 10 284 285 286 E. 83/50 E. 82/2955 R. 83/165 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 26, 1883 3 31 11 76 336 14 Papanui Hornby Junction Gore Grantees Grantee Grantees * * Premium.. 220 0 0 132 0 0 275 0 0 8 15 2 9 17 2 141 3 0 142 8 1 3 13 9 956 IS 5 151 3 3 13 10 11 1,098 1 5 * 288 289 290 E. 83/996 R. 83/998 R. 83/069 Feb. 1, 1883 Feb. 1, 1883 April 3, 1883 48 21 48 22 0 0 Waikari Lyttelton Govt. .. Grantees * Premium.. 139 13 0 88 14 7 93 5 3 57 13 6 232 18 3 146 8 1 I 312 0 0 3,426 4 10 1,047 11 7 4,473 16 5 291 E. 83/1503 April 9, 1883 241 15 Abbotsford Undefined 8 3 11 1,049 8 3 1,057 12 2 292 294 295 297 298 302 304 305 306 R. 83/1007 E. 83/2987 R. 83/1690 R. 83/2672 R. 83/2904 R. 83/3196 E. 84/71 R. 84/694 R. 84/813 April 18, 1883 May 21, 1883 June 28, 1883 Sept. 18, 1883 Oct. 1, 1883 Nov. 22, 1883 Jan. 25, 1884 Mar. 12, 1884 Mar. 1, 1884 391 63 105 57 240 33 244 SS 163 6" 106 11 391 44 7 29 335 7 Bluff Timaru Burnside Wingatui Totara Timaru Bluff Addington Gore Grantee 10 years*.. * 4 years* .. 3 years certainf 7 years J .. Premium.. 145 0 0 130 0 0 140 0 0 422 0 0 826 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 2,112 1 0 196 14 6 35 5 3 114 16 4 18 7 675 4 10 1,320 16 9 116 15 0 491 13 0 694 14 0 290 4 7 141 16 2 145 7 7 274 10 6 137 7 7 407 3 11 10 19 0 39 3 0 2,800 15 0 486 19 1 177 1 5 260 3 11 275 19 1 812 12 5 1,728 0 8 127 14 0 530 16 0 Grantees Govt. 307 R. 84/1104 Feb. 1, 1884 British and N.Z. Mortgage and Agency Co. (Limited) (Lease) A. Tapper N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. John Murdoch Otago Meat-freezing and Produce Company (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Morton Mains Freehold Estates Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) |374 60 Invercargill 153 9 3 278 0 8 431 15 11 308 309 311 312 E. 84/996 E. 84/1239 R. 84/1324 R. 84/1490 April 21, 1884 May 10, 1884 May 23, 1884 June 5, 1884 335 6 155 16 6 39 228 67 Gore Oamaru Town Belt Wright's Bush .. Sawyer's Bay Grantee Grantees Grantee Grantees 10 years* .. * Premium.. 105 0 0 175 0 0 192 0 0 96 0 0 295 4 0 590 14 4 625 17 10 885 19 1 625 17 10 316 R. 84/2669 Sept. 9, 1884 235 79 Dunedin 190 0 0 (See No. 165.) 320 E. 84/3312 Nov. 1, 1884 355 23 Oteramika * 160 0 0 78 IS 7 243 11 10 322 10 5 321 E. 84/3313 Nov. 7, 1834 374 55 Invercargill 10 years; 1 month's notice 10 years * 75 0 0 424 4 5 222 4 9 040 9 2 323 324 E. 84/3646 R. 84/1670 Dec. 8, 1884 Dec. 31, 1884 James Waddel and Co. South Canterbury Refrigerating Company (Limited) Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Co. (Limited) (Lease) A. Tapper Instone and Cleaves Martin and Watson Findlay and Co. Smellie Brothers W. Evans D. Inwood Bruce and Drysdale (Lease) 391 65 103 64 Bluff Washdyke June. 145 0 0 500 0 0 1,101 12 11 293 6 11 92 19 4 1,652 11 0 1,194 12 3 1,945 17 11 327 R. 85/778 Mar. 27, 1885 391 65 Bluff 21 years .. 120 0 0 252 5 2 194 16 9 447 1 11 337 338 342 347 348 350 351 355 R. 85/37S0 R. 85/3974 R. 86/1880 R. 86/3194 R. 86/3012 R. 86/4095 R. 87/327 E. 87/219 Dec. 9, 1885 Dec. 24, 1885 June 17, 1886 Sept. 21, 1886 Sept. 25, 1886 Dec. 10, 1886 Feb. 9, 1887 Dec. 31, 1886 374 46 374 49 285 44 235 52 240 15 105 72 90 75 105 75 Invercargill Dunedin Burnside Timaru Winchester Timaru Govt. .. Grantees 10 years* * Premium.. 435 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 102 0 0 406 0 0 168 0 0 51 0 2 52 3 11 840 7 2 759 10 9 12 17 6 557 6 8 39 8 0 2 17 7 62 18 11 57 13 2 102 4 9 2 0 4 581 14 6 13 17 7 53 17 9 115 2 10 898 0 4 861 15 6 14 17 10 1,139 1 2 53 5 7 Grantee 6 years* .. 10 years* .. 21 years .. Govt. .. * Three months' notice. i After that, from year to year, sub; oct to one month's notice. I Terminable at end of three or five 'ears of this »eriod, btwent; ■-one da; 'S' irevious notice.


RETURN No. 19. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1887.


Section. Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1886. Additional Length Opened for Traffic during Year. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for whole Period. Length Closed during Year. Year. Length. Net Addition to Mileage Open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1SS7. Line Opened. Date of Opening. Length Opened. Line. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. Kawakawa 7 4i 7 4i Whangarei 6 45 6 45 Auckland ... 210 57 Oxford-Lichfield 21st June, 1886 ... 10 72 j 10 72 ... 25 7 10 72 ?35 76* Napier Te Awamutu-Otorobanga ... 9th March, 1887... 14 15 81 14 Tahoraite-Woodrille 22nd March, 1887 15 30 ° 3 15 3° ° 3 96 44 Wellington 68 40 Masterton-Mauriceville 14th June, 1886 ... 12 9 ] IO 38 16 1 10 38 84 41 Wimganui... Mauriceville-Mangamahoe 10th January, 1887 3 72 192 47 New Plymouth-Breakwater 1 oth May, 1886 ... 2 S 6 I 63 2 56 1 63 l95 23 Hurunui-Bluff 976 71 Whitecliffs Extension Mount Somers Extension ... 27th June, 1886 ... 4th October, 1886 ° 5 1 48 1- 42 24 48 o 42 24 1,024 71 Invercargill-Waknatua 9th July, 1886 ... 5 55 Ditto, Private Lines — Murray Creek-Mossburn ... tGrore-Lumsden 22ud January, 1887 14th Nov., 1886 ... 4 11 36 41 J Nightcaps line 2 24 2 24 Shag Point Line ... ... 2 10 2 10 Grey mouth. 7 3O 7 30 Westport ... 18 61 18 61 Kelson 22 73 22 73 Picton ... ... ... 17 70 17 70 Total ... —__^^_ ! 1.615 23 65 40 ... 107 14 65 40 1,722 49 107 14 * Difference owing to re-ehainage of line. i "Waimea Plains District Railway taken over by Government, previous!; worked b; the com] iau;


RETURN No. 20. Statement showing Approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1887.

RETURN No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employés for March, 1886, and March, 1887.

RETURN No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.


Approximate Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. North Island, Middle Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Removed during Maintenance. \ M. oh. M. eh. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 71 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 11 39 M. oh. 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 l873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 58 72 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 317 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 80 o 90 78 7° 3i 96,338 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455,254 417,217 176,006 94,998 212,888 100,354 88,751 76,991 168,000 137,887 140,632 74,261 73,947 106,763 125,632 137.993 139,040 Totals 3,395,601 805,961 * Nine months onl; + Com; tlete information not recordet until 11

Department. rt I $ nl < z c c to S K o o o V I 2 O o H 1885-86. 4i 1.333 1,909 1.450 General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 11 9 9 12 163 379 215 53 126 "64 83 124 "«3 204 130 876 1,029 832 27 12 ig 13 17 20 28 10 9 21 5 77 9 Totals 28 26 757 i ! 256 271 417 2,737 1 58 50 53 39 4.733 1886-87. i General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 8 8 ■■'8 5 ... 149 1 333: 205 I05 76 "78 126 120 "82 212 j 139 ! 1 "825 1.059 874 2.-75S 28 14 66 i 13 26 30 i8 9 21 11 43 1,289 1.93 1 1,491 '7 I? 12 Totals 24 . 22 687 j 240 324 _433_! 16 6o 4i 4.754 Increase Decrease "16 53 21 8 6 7 "3 94 4 4 70

Passengers Killed or Injured. Servants of t! Killed 01 ie Department ■ Injured. Persons Killed whiLtlling T -P— at Level Crossings. Workshops! Miscellaneous. Section. From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. •0 t3 73 o H Killed. Injured. Killed, Injured. Killed. Injured. 1 Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured I Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... "Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth ... Westport. Is elson Pieton I I I "3 1 3 I 10 I I 4 45 5 2 8 IS 2 2 2 1 1 3 I ::: - 4 2 ::: | ;« ... ! 16 - ! ... j I 2 1 7 1 21 7 12 18 83 1 1 1 1 I 6 6 • >. I Totals ... I I I I 4 4 1 64 30 5 •■• ! 32 I • •• i 2 11 144





RETURN No. 23. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1887. KAWAKAWA SECTION.


A 1 15 2 ; 16 11 ! 16 14 ... 5,362 j 9,068 16,320 ; 8,445 179,622 I 25,854 14,430 1,308 355 24,765 1 2,509 1 732 15.557: 221,033 j 28,124 i 6,169 131 243 319 352 2,799 2.324 3,249 2,919 87 387 1,911 20 37 I 87 J 345 539 166 ! 516 ! 1,106 1,825 i 3.315 ! 7.352 I-4S 3'75 2-07 •33 I-45 574 j 8-97 •36 i"6i 500 1 1C72 ■33 I 1'9 8 ! 3'°° 7'98 ■33 I 1'92 3:85 8-30 •12* 246 380 2,093 Total 201,304 j 43,367 15.557 I 260,228 31,941 7,256 2,385 358 2,078 ; 4,176 1 8,997 i I 139*' 2"20 2,719 * Miscellaneous charges.

i Type. I a c 6 2 — I -3 to™ > a. i < EngineDetail. Train. Shunting. Detail. Engine-Mileage. s-ttileage. Ballast. Coal. Oil. Quantity of Stores. Rum ling. Repairs. Running. Cost. Fuel. Wages. Repairs. Cosl I Stores." Fuel. per Engine-Mile in Penc< Running. ca Total. Wages and Materials. Total. Total. Tallow. I Waste. Stores. Wages and Materials. Wages. E i 2 6 206 IO 10,876 j 2,8ll 2,784 2,146 ! 12 2,158 : 13,672 ; 18,835 Cwt. qt 11>. 528 59 Il6i 2,530 191 345 3,058 250 46 11 I 1 lb. £ I2Ij 309 no 430 J no £ 5 15 13 72 63 351 76 423 I £ 90 539 •23 '6o ■26 no 3'34 4'l8 126 6'i6 9'46 308 5-39 8-oi 434 ! -24* I'93 Total 3 ... I II,o82 I 5>595 20 629 IQ* 1'40 ■25 ' '97 -

B C J P I I I 17 6 4 3 3 36 4,009 35 348 170,248 141,950 54,920 1,720 47,332 981 40,282 8,690 236 5,9 29 30 5,020 16,006 1-237 4,77O 39,760 250,290 155,406 13,546 I 77,156 1,956 62 I 53,3 23 1,502 2,232 778 49,093 44,044 14,019 517 15,038 232 357 133 6,937 3,100 2,509 101 128 153 125 343 28 121 i,353 4,048 2,160 3,086 366 I 1,141 35 i 55 479 l >l6 4 4,674 10,111 27 j 36 15 3,4oo 1,201 1,025 302 609 6,615 16 6 I 247 177 88 ! 77 i 45 67 23 1,310 342 45 1 3,585 124 405 136 4,602 2,148 1,401 33 945 210 524 180 9,58i 4,836 2,856 354 2,082 I'3O '65 2' 13 "55 '24 i 1-ob ■75 "29 j ri'7 3-26 -24 ; 1-27 1-85 -28 : 2-02 3'i9 "27 ro6 37-00 -48 1-89 2'74 '35 ! 2-03 5-96 i io'o4 6-07 I 7-86 6'86 ! 9-07 4-41 I 9-18 3'32 ! 7"47 4-36 ; 8-88 4-01 143-38 4'25 . 9'37 4-17 ' 877 77 253 85 2,921 878 21 588 i,933 Total 88,730 54,635 563,927 627 9,796 I 20,623 2-80 6,164 ... 420,562 127,223 I5,3O 2 •27 I i-53 1

sjfkl;sajfkl;sadjfdsa;f sjdhfikpjusaiporuewipotjhetg dfjgkl;fdjugpjtyretg fdjkg;';fdsgds1564684d gf5fdsgl,fdsg2435653fdsg,mfdgfds442 354354534fdsgnmjl;fdmgdfg






x—D. la.


A C E L 2. 11 1 19 3 j !2 7 I 18 8 i 7 1 14 5 20 8,435 7,229 735 19,056 4S.969 91,069 8,014 102,042 8,435 7,229 735 19,056 91,069 8,014 102,042 3,249 1,258 4,453 6,691 15,382 17,219 1,058 15,557 10,767 3 922 6,578 i8,774 11,702 8,487 15,955 29,669 67,929 127,062 9,072 117,607 963 i,495 2,308 3,534 15,066 i6,57S 1,031 18,587 215 253 349* 624 2,292^ 170 2,494i 22 7 39 36 132 18 198 129 67 *95 254 688 968 64 1,028 73 304 105 96 1,095 1,817 22 998 9 7 14 22 74 84 6 85 57 75 140 187 742 937 53 148 86 33i 430 856 1,655 95 1,297 287 472 590 735 2,767 4,493 176 3.331 1-50 8-6o i- S 8 ■78 3-87 3'43 •58 2'04 ■18 •20 ■21 ■18 •26 •16 ■16 ■17 ri6 2'12 2'II 2'62 3'O4 2-43 4-98 3'O3 3"i3 2-51 2'65 5-88 i3'35 8-88 5'95 978 8-49 4'6s 6-8o 239 66 333 355 647 1,213 62 936 3,851 177 1'40 1-94 8 Total H Less reco' 30 I ... I rerable mil 282,567 leage & ex 64,867 lenditure 40,049 j 20,396 387,483 I9>653 59,559 8,592 6: 3 3,333 4,S°9 301 3,140 4,898 12,851 1,170 11,681 902 12,583 433t 279 •19 J-95 I 3'03 7-96 General c ;harges ... 367,830 ... 7'62 •56 8-18 •28f ... 1 282,507 64,867 8,592 I 613 I 1 I 3,383 4,509 301 3=Ho 4,898 I 279 •19 i'95 3'03 3>8si Total 30 20,396 367,830 59,559 Note.— Three Class B and one Class F engines transferred Irom Hnrunui-Bluff Section during year. One Class F engine working 236 days, and one Class D engine 17 days for contractor.

E. 3 1 12 12 13,568 26,802 12,733 5,482 26,306 32,284 26,802 5,482 40,370 18,220 5,842 2,448 1,121 459 S87 239 389 141 49 19 104 43 804 328 531 2-31 i"75 •29 ■25 ■28 •62 '57 478 4'3i 4-64 8-oo 6-98 47: 1 a Total 4 i,S8o 826 530 68 '47 M3 2 1,877 I7t 2-17 •60 7-69 •o6f 58,590 8,290 661

C 2 ... 7,476 11,246 l r ! 3 15 25,525 9,175 Total 5 ... 33,001 • 20,421 6 !S3 18,728 34,853 53.S8i 3,710 I.4H ng j 426 122 40 99 476 738 1-55 -51 7,280 2,884 24 2 ' 882 97 75 I 203 923 1,299 '66 '51 10,990 4,298 361 j 1,308 i 219 ; 115 302 1,399 2,037 '98 "5i ' 79+ 1-26 6-15 9-45 1'39 6-35 8-94 i'35 6'26 9" 10 34: 57' 92: 159 53.58i * Coke. t Miscellaneous char( 169.

A C D 2 4 I3i 15 15 i3>iS7 4.738 3,543 2,629 34,676 I9.742 620 4,77i 1.347 18,515 10,943 55,765 2,410 2,102 7,860 {•1,833* 115,607 8,844 24,590 332 218 41 13 114 208 159 776 154 85 880 12 ; 44 134 117 43° 373 195 1,072 673 406 2,426 2-00 i-86 379 •15 ■20 •19 i-74 2-56 185 4-83 4-28 4'6i 8-72 341 8'go 221 10-44 85! 346 220 858 1,200 H 6 6 12,650 I 3,593 16,243 J 1,424 159 1.235 1,227 77 1,029 975 3.308 18-13 I'M 15-20 14-41 48-88 72 721 S 4 3 7 15 15 15 28,267 14,011 51,149 8,111 93,38o 13,572 236,822 66,396 11,821 ■2,003 697 54,099 61,263 107,649 J.394 1,378 2,753 J- 8,699 82 74 248 695 796 1,633 J.353 788 2,013 53 5° no 474 78: 910 990 1,783 2,790 2,609 5,238 1 6-oo 3"°9 4'49 •24 •19 •24 2'I0 3-06 2'97 4-04 3-88 3-98 12-38 74; I0'22 72< n-68 1,35! 745 720 i,358 Total 27 1*1,833 J- 1 175,323 73i S.502 6,500 355 4,297 6,298 i7,45o 410+ 4-81 yi8 4-66 12-91 4,97: •3Qt 21,259 324.477 : I



RETURN No. 23-continued. NELSON SECTION.



A 9 6 C 3 18 D 7 18 E 3 20 +F 32 20 Gr 4 20 J 26 ■ 25 K 8 35 L 1 20 M 4 20 W 6 35 O 6 18 P 3 18 Q 2 35 R 6 20 T 6 18 V 8 25 4,002 8,952 99,079 19,691 327,772 27.3" 437.340 138.295 11,981 44,001 133.762 116,685 22,928 26,148 100,208 37.665 159,062 88,858 34,348 38,085 5,"8 200,481 26,317 54,148 13,953 5.8i9 27,982 16,814 17,988 5.399 4.768 33.8oi 8,483 16386 691 93,551 18 43,3i8 9i 137,255 868 ; 25,677 39,388 1 567,641 692 ; 54,320 30,499 521,987 235 152,483 321 18,121 520 72,503 150,576 6,663 Hi, 336 28,327 609 3 I,5 25 11,038 j 145,047 8,686 ; 54,834 556 i 176,004 11,482 6,301 25,431 ",598 128,197 11,246 184,494 37,947 4,373 18,122 42,349 77,652 13,743 9,129 54.554 30,536 68,150 1,123 518 1,615 543 7.772 9*5 8,989 2,272 288 532 165 737 247 3,505 393 3,774 1,091 152 501 720 943 162 249 982 453 919 8.5 406 1,027 288 5.093 625 5,549 1,819 262 661 i.575 344 362 723 1,696 339 992 999 620 657 622 52 M57 1,267 898 1,009 343 1,553 1,678 1,891 26,028 62 26 84 28! 403 45 443 128 !7 62 138 123 33 31 I3 1 59 'SO 512 I 258 934 269 4,137 449 5.747 1.727 I in j 830 2,168 1,908 375 247 1,274 928 2,032 1.833 747 1,928 437 9.404 978 7,017 1.945 318 1,803 2,098 j 405 486 2,484 127 2,146 2,746 j 2,023 I 3.945 1.354 19,354 2,129 19,748 4,422 49S 3,180 5.376 5,027 ,822 1,107 5.442 3,492 6,219 ■87 5'5o i'74 579 2-29 2-90 3-01 •98 •69 3-83 2'O2 I-52 8'55 2'6l 2'57 7'34 2-58 •16! ■15 •27 •17 '20 '2O •2O •22 1-31 470 I i"43 4'I3 1'63 3'37 2-51 4-08 i'75 3'97 1-98 4-32 2-64 3-23 272 3-06 1-47 4-21 274 I 375 3'45 2-87 3-24 3-56 3'I7 3'43 1-89 370 2' 11 4' 11 4-o6 3'62 277 I 2-93 2'37 3'58 7'°4 j I I'20 I 6-89 12-65 8-i8 9-40 9-08 6-96 I 6'59 I IO-52 i 8-56 j 8 53 i5'43 ! 8-43 9'oo 15-28 8-48 I>3° 2 556 i.559 233 6,738 888 4,688 1,429 303 669 1,075 i.475 321 3" 650 1,34° 1,210 2,747 2,602 627 627 2,327 1,108 2.958 "20 I •22 21 I •28 •23 •i?6 •20 : I Total 1134 ... I Cr. by reeoy'ble mill 1,714.882! eage & exp 598,748 tcnditure 100,87s 20,796 ' 20,796" 735.304 38,241 15>S 25 24.357 1.963 23,9O6 35,987 87,884 2'59 •19 873 25.093 General charges ... 80,079 ! !2,393,7°9 ... I - 86,577 10,783 97,360 8-681 roSJ 976 1 I2'II§: ... 113-62 i 3-58 80,079 2,393,709 I 735,304 15.525 1 24-357 26,028 i I,963 I 23,906 i 35.987 •, 9 I S-73 Total 134 1,714,882! 508,748 25-09.': * Miscellaneous char! ;es. i Two Class F engines commenced service on the 14th November, 1833, taken over from Waimea Plains Company. } Per enginelmile. £n.t §|Per train jiiile. jgj,

Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. I o 0" to u Detail. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Type. Train. Shunting. Ballast. Total. Coal. Oil. ; Tallow. ! Waste. i Wages Mate- ; Stores- Fuelrials, i Wages. Total. Wages ! Totaland Stores. Fuel. Wages, i Materials. D 3 i IS 16,623 21,752 2,328 2.728 S.OS6 743 19,694 24,480 Cwt. 2,849 6,347 qt. 769 lh. 213 216 lb. 313 45i 764 £ 382 217 £ 24 23 £ 'Si 185 £ 368 371 £ 925 801 4'657 2T33 •297 ■273 •284 1-839 r8i6 4-490 3-634 4-016 11*283 7-856 9-385 23 26( Total 4 38,375 743 44.174 1,621 429 599 52 335 739 ! 1,726 22*! 1-827 So;

skdjhfklsadfjl;sa'djfposa;gffdg5132465768jfdsg;klj;fds fdsajgkl;djfgkl;dfgfdg djkgofdsjg;fdsg;'fdslgdsg52 65 6456g53df4g 35314 3654 2 143546f50.132463 453fds14g32d41f65343fdshg13fds4h3fdsg 456s h


RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Repairs executed to Rolling-stock and Tarpaulins for Year ending 31st March, 1887.

RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1887.


Number. Description. Number. Description. jN&ISES : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Heavy „ (running shed) Undergoing repairs, &c. Erected (new) },. 13 21 HOKSE-BOXES AUD "WAGONS : — Erected (new or manufactured) Rebuilt ... Thoroughly overhauled ... ... ) General repairs ... ... • ■ • i Converted "5 '9 3.123 3 Total 128 Total 3.264 !abeiages : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Light repairs Converted Erected (new) I 489 Paint-woek : — Engines, painted or varnished Carriages „ „ Brake-vans ,, Horse-boxes, &c. „ Engines, paint renewed Carriages ,, Brake-vans „ Horse-boxes, &e. „ So 99 9 177 11 100 82 I.33S 6 14 Total 509 Shake-vans : Converted Manufactured Rebuilt ... General repairs ... Thoroughly overhauled Total 1,863 5 2 TaKPATTLINS : — STew (manufactured) Thoroughly repaired (New) manufactured to replace condemned ones 222 3,997 4f>S 4.684 ] 203 Total 210 Total

1S86-S7. 1885-86. Increase. Decrease. Mine. Tons. Tons. 883 2,650 4,624 104 61 Tons. 36 Tons. Austin, J., Sheffield Springfield Coal Company, Springfield Hartley Coal Company, Whitecliffs Wilson, W., Whiteeliffs ... Smart and Lock, "Whitecliffs Smart, W., Whitecliffs ... B uekmgham, Whitecliffs... Smart and Gundry, Whitccliffs Bayliss and Co., Whitecliffs Leeming, Whitecliffs Mellraith, J., Glentunnel Stndholme, M., Waimate Wright, E. F., Mount Somers Herbert Shag Point Kurow Papakaio I> Tgapara Walton Park ... Femhill Green Island Freeman's Saddle Hill Milton ... ■ Lovell's Flat ... Kaitangata Benhar Conical Hills Pukerau Waikaka 919 2,243 2,080 407 2,544 104 61 139 117 720 139 117 2,113 303 898 1,699 40 438 5 9,475 123 9 26 14,461' 5,459 5,554 11,222 3,79° 89 4 6,448 18 3 1 29 16,514 7,5oo 7>I9 I 11,600 83 39 14 42,920 4,392 i,393 303 898 "438 1 3,027 105 2,091 49 22 3 2,053 2,041 1,637 378 83 3° 14 9 49,248 2,474 585 868 6,328 1,918 "S85 "662 28 i>53° 28 Gore ... Waimea Fairfax Nightcaps Orepuki 4 12 67 10,458 868 4 12 3° 7,852 1,764 37 2,606 896 Totals ... 121,660 121,164 15,773 15,277



RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1887.

RETURN No. 27. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1887, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

Port. I88J-86. 1886-87. Increase. Decrease. • ISCHARGED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamtiru Port Chalmers X)urjeclin Bluff No. No. 35i 332 329 69 270 No. No. 1,726 356 363 34i 69 25.1 207 5 3? 12 l9 Totals 3,106 2,870 '9 2S5 lOADED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Blufe 1,410 357 363 316 23 251 1,388 347 312 327 4. 262 22 10 Si II 19 II Totals 102 2,720 2,640 22

Main Line. Sidings. Total Equivalent Line of Railway. Branches. Total Single. Double. Railway. Main Line. Branches. Total. of Single Track. Jheistchubch Division :— Main Line ... Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's Southbridge and Little Kiver Branches Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch Rakaia and Ashburton-Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. ch. 6 28 M. ch. 53 56 48 7 42 26 M. eh. 218 s M. oh. 61 39 M. oh. 4 9 5 " S 1 M. ch. 61 39 M. ch. 279 44 57 65 53 18 47 27 23 27 3 6 13 4 46 22 20 1 20 2 43 1 4 2 38 24 47 38 56 5 50 24 58 8 21 238 56 o 54 22 20 8 75 Totals, Christehurch Division 211 57 6 28 238 56 456 61 61 39 22 20 83 59 540 40 Junedin Division : — Main Line Duntroon Branch Oamaru-Breakwater Branch ... Ngapara Branch Shag Point Brandl Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch... Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Tapanui Branch Waillemo Branch Catlin's Biver Branch Duntroon-Hakateramea Branch 190 65 22 3 0 63 14 77 2 10 1 27 2 49 9 ° 22 o 1 go 65 44 35 1 35 0 23 1 30 o 10 3 40 o 52 o 68 2 2 44 35 235 20 23 38 1 6 16. 27 2 20 4 67 3 21 9 68 24 2 22 6 20 4 8 55 7 76 15 33 2 2 ° 54 0 50 1 5 9 29 8 46 16 43 127 2 14 5i Totals, Dunedin Division ... 190 65 127 2 317 67 44 35 H 5i 59 6 376 73 Invkecakguli Division : — Main Line ... Waimea Plains B ranch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Kingston B ranch Makarewa-Orepuki Branch Thornbury-Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branch Lumsden-Mararoa Branch 57 9 36 41 3 73 5 ss 87 o 35 .52 24 5i 57 9 14 58 1 34 ° 43 o 36 5 IS 4 3 2 34 14 58 71 67 37 75 4 3 6 6 11 92 15 39 55 27 5 :o 41 203 73 1 o 15 5 11 41 Totals, Invercargill Division 57 9 203 73 261 2 14 58 15 S 29 63 290 65 Grand Totals—Whole Line 6 28 5^9 51 51 76 172 48 1208 18 459 5i 1035 50 120 52


RETURN No. 28. COMPARING the Classified Expenditure for Maintenance on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway for Nine Years, 1878 to 1887, showing Rates per Mile per Annum for each Classification in each Division.


Years. A 1.—Track Surfacing. A 2.—Track Renewals. A 3.—Ballasting. A 4.—Banks, Cuttings, &c. A.g —Bridges, Culverts, &c. A 6.—Fences, Gates, &c. A ).—Road Approaches, &c. A 8.—Water Services, &c. A 9.— Wharves. A 10.— Buildings. Total Main- A 11. —Mistenance. ceUaneous. Total Expenditure. Mileage maintained. Christchurcli Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 18S4-S5 1885-86 1886-87 Dunedin Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1S80-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-S7 Invercargill Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 Whole Line, Hnrunui-Bluff — 1878-79 1379-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 73-06 72-02 59'93 58-76 6o'o6 6i-88 62-01 60-97 93-oS 110-89 79'95 69'55 72-71 8o-6o 76-44 76-18 75'4° £ 30-55 35-75 29-77 40-82 40-56 42"I2 59'4I 44-07 26-39 79'43 49'66 62-53 46-41 69-81 70-46 40-82 £ 5-07 6'24 8-32 4-03 3-12 4-03 1-82 i-43 2-99 23-40 1690 10-27 13-52 14-30 8-97 10-92 5-07 £ 8-97 16-25 676 3-90 2-86 2*34 1 '69 1-82 9-10 22-36 21-84 16-77 16-38 19-11 26-52 £ 33-28 23-01 10-40 io-53 14-43 22-10 15-60 15-60 20'02 I9-5O 16-77 I5-73 I4-95 I6-25 I 5 -86 13-26 £ Q'lO 3-64 5-46 6-24 10-27 iri8 871 8-97 7-4i 4'94 io'66 24-83 22-49 !9'37 1.937 >5"47 £ 1-30 4'55 1-56 1-69 2-08 1-82 1-95 2-08 1-69 1-95 2*34 2'6o 273 5-59 2-73 i'6g 286 i-43 £ 6-37 4-29 2-73 3-64 5'59 4-8 1 4-68 4-42 3-5i 1-69 1-82 3-64 4-55 5'59 3-90 3-38 3-38 1-82 £ ■00 ■00 ■00 ■00 '00 ■00 '00 '00 •13 •91 ■13 2-73 •78 •39 78 •39 •00 13-00 8-32 9-23 9-62 "■57 H'43 12-48 I2'6l 10-14 6-24 5-85 ""57 21-15 11-05 10*27 1066 £ 180-70 174-07 134-16 132-34 148-72 163-41 168-87 150-80 130-65 227-89 241-93 223-60 228'02 235-95 226'33 I9877 183-17 £ 21-97 26-65 9-23 4'94 6-89 10-40 9' 23 6-89 11*31 7'02 15-47 17-81 871 6-50 6-63 16-25 4- 16 4-68 £ 202*67 200-72 I43-39 137-28 i55-6i 173-81 178-10 157-69 141-96 234-91 257-40 241-41 193-96 234-52 242-58 242-58 202-93 187-85 Miles. 310 312 330 334 352 373 383 404 449 252 265 265 290 282 282 286 293 318 55'5i 58-63 47-58 42-77 47-45 57'59 52-00 49-27 13-26 '573 9'49 22-62 26'OO 28-21 11-96 14-30 6-50 8-58 8-58 4-81 15-08 8-97 2i'o6 12-35 7'54 975 5'98 377 5-98 871 S85 i°"53 6-24 6-89 11-96 8-97 11-44 10-40 8-71 10-92 •91 2-08 1-82 2-73 4-68 6-76 6-24 6-76 2-86 ■78 1-30 1-04 2-21 I- 5 6 1-17 2'2I 2-47 •91 1-17 •78 1-56 3'77 4-55 2-08 2-47 2-47 1-30 •00 •00 ■13 ■'3 •00 ■13 '00 •26 i-43 1-69 4-16 7-80 10-79 7'93 5-20 S'33 ii6-6i 113-10 86-71 112-32 118-56 129-09 141*70 iii*8o 94-3S 9-10 7-67 2'6o 2-60 3-38 377 3-64 4-42 2-08 125-71 12077 89-31 114-92 121-94 132-86 145-34 Il6*22 103*74 144 173 173 176 191 198 200 208 257 39'39 14-69 1287 ■00 76-57 82-68 64-09 56-16 61-36 66-30 64-35 64-74 62-53 44-46 36-01 36-53 38-87 48-10 58-50 36-27 25-22 8-45 10*92 7-28 7'93 7'54 6-24 4-16 11-70 !7'55 I2'22 8-45 3-19 r 54 8-71 10*53 23-92 17-94 11-83 12-74 I3-39 16-90 !3'65 5-85 4-16 6'37 7'02 14-04 11-70 11-83 871 i'43 2'99 1-82 2'2I 3^5 I-95 i'95 2'34 1'43 3-64 2'6o 2-73 4-03 5-33 3'9O 3'77 3'64 2-47 ■26 ■00 1-14 ■39 ■13 ■39 ■13 ■52 '00 8-19 6-89 9-88 14-30 13-00 io'66 "■44 9.10 184-47 184-08 I54H4 147-03 169-26 I79-53 181-48 157-30 137-80 14-04 18-33 io'66 5-85 5-98 9-67 10*14 5'46 7*02 198*51 202-41 165-10 152-88 i75- 24 187-20 191-62 162-76 146-53 706 750 768 800 825 853 869 905 1,024


RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. SHOWING Comparative Average Rates per Mile per Four Weeks of Classified Expenditure of Maintenance Department on each Division and Whole Line, Hurunui-Bluff and Branches, for Financial Year ending 31st March, 1887.


Classification. Divisions. Mileage. Ai. Surfacing. As. Renewals. A 4 . A<. ., Aj. A8. A3. Banks, Bridges, p Roads, Ap- Water A9. Aio. Ballasting. Cuttings, Culverts, " c f' ! proaches, Services, Wharves. Buildings. &c. &c. " Gates, &c. v &c _ &<; Total An. Mainten- Misccllaance. neons. Total Expenditure. Christchurch Division —Main Line Kangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's ... Soutlibridge and Little River Branches ... Springfield and Wliitecliffs Branches Mount Sorners Branch Albury Branch Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Waimate G-orge Branch 2l6 48 42 22 8 S'9 1 4-08 3-62 3-12 4-69 2*07 2'o6 4'o6 r66 77 1-27 T22 •O2 "43 •02 •00 ■is ■00 •01 '00 •19 ■14 ■II ■24 ■01 "OO •27 .00 ■69 *"93 "93 •66 •57 •04 ■34 "oo •16 I'OI "10 ■56 •04 •04 •03 •02 ■05 •24 "OS ■04 •02 "00 "02 ■°3 •13 ■50 ■04 •06 ■06 ■06 ■05 •03 •04 '01 •00 '00 •00 •00 •00 I-2 9 •10 •86 •37 ■is ■06 ■18 I3'53 7-10 10-56 6-50 3-62 5-68 4-60 4'32 i-66 •16 •29 ■09 •06 ■11 ■02 •00 7-26 10-85 6-59 3-68 579 4-62 4"32 '00 •00 "ii Total, Christchurch Division 449 2-O3 ■27 •01 78 10-05 ■87 ■23 ■14 I'2O "57 ■13 IC92 Dunedin Division —Main Line Pukeuri-Dimtroon Branch Duniroon-Hakateramea Branch Branch Waihemo Branch Walton Park Branch ... Outran! Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanvii Branch I9S 22 1 Si 9 9 22 8 20 6'54 4-86 3'54 6-35 288 7-21 6'io 470 372 3'97 3"36 •06 ■66 ■16 ■63 •00 ■03 "01 •00 "OO ■01 ■04 "00 "00 3'°5 •15 •32 75 •46 1-97 ■23 ■58 ■14 •48 114 178 '20 ■03 33 5'02 ■20 ■37 ■12 1-63 ■26 ■16 ■37 '34 2-67 ■52 1'33 •01 •16 ■15 ■01 'oo ■05 ■04 ■25 •04 •10 •00 ■01 "20 "01 "°S •01 ■00 ■01 '00 •00 •00 •00 i'i5 •03 ■19 ■03 ■47 •00 •88 ■43 •01 •46 17-86 7'i6 6-52 8-47 4"39 1682 I5'4O 10-44 4-83 6-17 •39 '00 ■35 •00 2-38 •00 ■46 •34 ■00 '00 18-25 7 -16 6-87 8-47 6-77 16-82 15-86 10-78 4-8 3 6-17 4"39 2-57 •58 •96 •03 •12 •00 •01 "00 •00 •00 •00 •00 Total, Dunedin Division ... 318 5-80 2-58 ■39 2"04 I'02 rig •11 ■14 •01 •82 14-09 ■36 I4"45 Invercargill Division —Main Line Waimea Plains Branch Seaward Bush Branch Makarewa-Orepuli and Thornbury-Wairio and Nightcaps Branches 156 37 4 60 4'io 3-48 ■83 470 ■93 1-46 ■00 •40 •00 ■30 ■17 ■00 i"ii •64 ■14 '01 I'90 ■26 •02 •02 ■25 •10 ■05 ■00 •02 ■14 •01 ■00 "00 •00 •00 •56 ■37 ■01 ■19 7"43 57° •87 IC42 "22 '00 '00 ■13 7-65 570 •87 I0-S5 •00 •65 ■00 •09 Total, Invercargill Division 257 379 '99 ■39 "45 •81 •84 •22 ■07 ■IO ■00 ■41 7-26 ■16 7-42 Whole Line 1,024 1-05 •67 4-8i i'94 '3-2 ■11 ■19 "00 •70 io'6o "54 11-14 Note. —The expenditure on Waimea Plains line from 1st April to 13th November, 1886, not being classified, is omitted from above statement.



RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Cost of Maintenance of Various Sections of Main Line and Branches.

Mileage. Average for Fourweekly Period on Reduced Mileage. Rate per Mile per Annum. Line of Railway. Actual Mileage. Reduced Mileage. Expenditure for Year ending 31st March, 18S7. Expendi- Rate per ture. Mile. 3hbistchtjech Division : — Main Line Rangiora to Sheffield, and Byrcton Junction to Bennett's Soufchbridge and Little River Branches Springfield and Whitecliffs ,, Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch ... Kakaia and Asliburton Forks Branch Waimato Gorge Branch ... M. ch. Ik. 216 23 29 53 56 49 M. ch. Ik. 216 23 29 53 56 49 £ s. a. 42,674 10 11 5,101 3 9 £ 3,283 392 £ I5'i9 7-26 £ I97'4 94'3; 48 6 84 42 26 36 23 27 40 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 4S 6 84 42 25 16 22 44 84 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 6,769 7 2 3,597 8 o 1,090 4 7 2,712 11 9 1,322 16 11 449 9 8 521 277 84 209 102 34 10-85 6-59 3-68 579 4-62 4'3 2 141-0. 85-6; 47'& 75'2; 6o'oi 56-11 Total Christchurch Division 450 34 48 449 50 72 63,717 12 9 4,902 10-89 141-61 3unedin Division : — Main Line Pukeuri-Duntroon Branch Duntroon-Hakateramea Branch Ngapara Branch Waihemo Brancli Walton Park Branch Outram Branch Lawrence B ranch CatUn's River Branch Tapanui Branch 195 5 76 22 2 86 15 37 64 H 77 13 8 55 o 2 49 20 9 o 24 22 o 34 7 76 1 20 3 77 J9S 5 76 22 2 86 15 37 64 14 77 13 8 55 o 2 49 20 9 o 24 22 o 34 7 76 1 20 3 77 46,258 14 5 2,047 18 9 1,384 9 10 1,650 17 10 791 17 10 546 15 o i,85S 5 1 3,083 17 10 501 18 6 1,604 13 2 3,558 158 106 127 61 18-25 7-16 6-87 8-47 6-77 16-82 15-86 10-78 4-83 6-17 237'2S 93-08 89-31 IIO'II 88-oi 218-66 206-18 140-14 62-79 80-21 42 143 237 39 123 Total Dunedin Division ... 317 67 95 317 67 95 59,726 8 3 4,594 i4'45 187-8: js-VEROAE&iLt; Division : — Main Line Waimea Plains Line Seaward Bush Branch Makarewa, OrepuH, Thornbury-Wairio, and Nightcaps Branches 158 42 45 36 40 71 5 54 97 60 23 8 155 H 33 36 40 71 4 11 56 60 23 8 15493 :4 8 2,962 o 2 52 6 11 8,231 4 7 1,192 228 4 633 7-65 6-16 ■87 io-55 99'45 80-08 11-31 i37'iS Total Invercargill Division 261 1 21 256 9 68 26,739 6 4 2,057 8-02 104-31 Grand Total 1,029 23 64 1,023 48 35 ISO.183 7 4 I46-5: 1 i,5S3 11-27



RETURN No. 31. Statement of Alterations effected in and Additions made to the Scale of Charges during the Year ending 31st March, 1887. PART I.—PASSENGERS. Apprentices' and pupil-teachers' season tickets, and school season tickets : Form of certificate added. Local Fabes and Regulations. Whangarei Section. Fares to and from Mair inserted. Auckland Section. New regulation between Auckland and Newmarket and Auckland and Bemuera. Napier Section. Saturday return tickets issuable daily between Spit, Napier, or Hastings and intermediate stations. PART lI.—LUGGAGE, PARCELS, HORSES, ETC. Reduction of cartage charge on parcels at Auckland. Adoption of parcel rates for 841b., and alteration in 31b. and 71b. parcel rates for 125 and 150 miles. Small animals and poultry : Regulation amended. Perambulators conveyed as passengers' luggage : New regulation. Adoption of regulation regarding packed parcels for distribution at destination. Reduction of parcels rates for long distances. Additional charge levied on parcels consigned to Invercargill, and reduced charge on parcels consigned to Auckland and Dunedin. PART lII.—GOODS. Classified Bates. Reduction of Class B rates after 252 miles. Class P : Rates lowered from 9 to 14 miles inclusive. REGULATIONS. Classes F, H, K : Amendment of regulation regarding loading and unloading. Class K : Method of charging odd lengths in inches explained. Class M : New regulation about small animals in crates, &c. Class N : Sand removed from regulation under Class N. Class P : 2s. rate on bricks, &c, for 9 mile distances and under cancelled. Class 0 : New regulation. Demurrage regulation about trucks at coal-pits extended to sand- and ballast-pits and limekilns. Weighing : Truck-load regulation amended. Parcels for distribution at destination : Adoption of new regulation. PART IV.— LOCAL RATES. Whangarei Section. Ironstone from coal mines to railway wharf: Special rate adopted. Reduced rate on coal from mines to ship in lots of 2,000 tons per month or 24,000 tons per annum. Auckland Section. Gas-pipes and plant for local bodies : Excepted from regulation about charging Class D goods as C. Afterwards struck out, as local regulation removed. Regulation about charging Class D goods as Class C cancelled. A, B, C, and D goods consigned to Auckland : Alteration of cartage terminal. Through rates to Kaipara ports reinstated. Removal of special rates between Auckland, Onehunga, and Waikato stations on A, B, C, D, and E goods. Special rates gazetted between Auckland, Onehunga, and Te Aroha for A, B, C, and D goods. Local demurrage charge on coal-trucks cancelled. Charging goods of Class E rate and a quarter abolished. Special rate made for bricks from Hunt's siding to Onehunga. Afterwards cancelled. Brick rate from Hunt's siding to Auckland cancelled. Cancellation of rough-stone rate from Tuakau to Auckland. Sleepers from Auckland Railway Wharf: Special charge struck out. Timber from Lichfield to Auckland to be charged classified rates on continuous mileage. Napier Section. Gas-pipes and plant, cast-iron water-pipes, and permanent way (railway) material excepted from regulation about charging Class D goods as Class C.



Rate for ships' goods between Spit and Napier reduced to 2s. per ton. Coal between Spit and Napier to be charged as Class O. Class L goods: Special rates to Napier and Spit gazetted. Wellington Section. Gas-pipes and plant, cast-iron water-pipes, and permanent way (railway) material to be charged at classified rates for Class D. Wanganui Section. Gas-pipes a,nd plant and permanent way (railway) material excepted from regulation about charging Class D goods as Class C. New Plymouth. Breakwater Line : Bates revised. Local regulations under Classes E and K made applicable to New Plymouth Breakwater. Classes A, B, C, D, E —Goods and wool between Palmerston and Longburn booked between Pahnerston and stations on the Wellington-Manawatu Railway. Adoption of local rates. Pic ton Section. Through rates established between stations on Picton line and ports of Wellington and Nelson. Rates revised generally. Greymouih Section. Grey Gorge Bridge : Goods' toll cancelled. Rate of 3s. 6d. per ton gazetted for railway plant and material in full truck-loads, Greymouth to Brunnerton. ■ Hurunuifßluff Section. A, B, C, D Ships' goods: Rate between Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Oamaru increased to 15s. Local rate between Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff inserted; minimum quantity subsequently increased from 5 to 10 cwt. Revision of rates between Oamaru and Breakwater. New rate for fat, West Plains to Dunedin. Coal refuse, Stirling to Millburn : Local regulation removed. Special rates for bricks and tiles, Longbush and McCalhim's to Invercargill, cancelled. Duntroon and Hakateramea and Rakaia and Ashburton Forks District Railways: Class E reduced to 2d. per ton per mile. Dross, kerosene shale, fireclay, and bricks : Rate from Fernhill, Walton Park, Abbotsford, and Green Island to Dunedin and Pelichet Bay cancelled. Lime from local kilns : Local rate extended ; regulation afterwards rescinded ; brought under Class 0. A, B, C, D Goods on branch lines : Additional charge of Id. per ton leviable on line, Invercargill to Waimatua. Colonial and Indian Exhibition : Regulation regarding free carriage of exhibits removed. Native Coal, &c, Milton, to Dunedin and Pelichet Bay : New rate. Sulphuric acid in 5-ton lots : Local regulation cancelled. Alteration of cartage charges at Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill, and local rates to those places from port stations. Goods for transhipment at Lyttelton : New regulation. Special rate adopted for bark, Port Chalmers to Sawyer's Bay. Waimea Plains District Railway : Local and through rates put into operation. Local rates gazetted for native brown coal from Mount Somers Colliery. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. Acid, sulphuric, packed, consigned direct from local factories, in consignments of not less than 5 tons. —Owners'risk. Dangerous ... ... ... A Ber.wvcd. Antimony ore.—Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... N Apple blight mixture, packed ... ... . . ... ... ... B Butter tins, casks, cases and tubs, empty not " returned empties." Half rate ... A Butter boxes in pieces, packed in crates, not "returned empties." Half rate ... B Bricks, native produce.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... O Cement, manufactured from colonial products and consigned from local manufactories. —Owners'risk. Rate and a half ... ... ... ... N Chimneypots. Owners' risk ... .. ... ... ... ... C Charcoal. —Rate and a half. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... N Clay, Native produce.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... O Coal dross. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... - ... ... O Coal refuse. —Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... O Copper ore.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... O Bemoved. Drainpipes.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... N Earthenware, native packed, consigned direct from local factories, in lots of not less than 30cwt. —Half rate ... ... ... ... ... ... B Explosive materials.—See exceptions which will not be carried. Flower-pots, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... C Fruit, fresh, packed. —Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... D Iron, scrap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... P xi— D. la.



Lime from local kilns, consigned to country stations for agricultural purposes, or to ship for export ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 0 Lime from local kilns, for cement making ... ... ... ... ... O Ore, copper, iron, and other.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... 0 Pelts, limed, in 2-ton lots.—Owners to load and unload ... ... ... D Pipes, drain, earthenware.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... N Removed. Pipes, stoneware, drain. —Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... N Honored. Pottery, not otherwise specified. —Owners' risk ... ... ... B Poultry, living, in crates or cases. —Owners'risk ... ... ... ... A R,emove<]. Rock salt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Sand. —Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... O Sheep dip, colonial manufacture, consigned from the factory ... ... ... D Sheep racks. —Owners'risk. Special goods ... ... ... ... C Stone, pumice.—Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... D Removed. Stoneware, packed.—Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... B Tiles, earthenware, native. —Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... O Trees in packages.—Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... C Trees and shrubs consigned to public Domain Boards for planting in public domains.—Free of charge. PAET VI.—WHARVES. Kawakawa Section. Opua Wharf: Eevision of wharfage rates, and transhipment regulation inserted. Wanganui Section. Foxton Wharf: Labour charge of Is. per ton cancelled. Picton Section. Picton Wharf : Wharfage rates on timber altered. New rate on Class E goods for shipment from Picton previously carried over Picton-Blenheim Eailway. Special storage and labour rates on wool, flax, tow, and tallow cancelled. Transhipment goods to be charged half rates. l Azwoxi'male Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,675 copies), £79128. 6d.]

Authority: Geoiige Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB7.


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WORKING RAILWAYS STATEMENT, BY THE HON. THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 8th JUNE, 1887., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, D-01a

Word Count

WORKING RAILWAYS STATEMENT, BY THE HON. THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 8th JUNE, 1887. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, D-01a

WORKING RAILWAYS STATEMENT, BY THE HON. THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 8th JUNE, 1887. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, D-01a

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