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1886-87. NEW ZEALAND.


1 &5-J-18.



Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Page. 1886-87. PART I. Amount Amount Voted lor required to bo Expenditure Authorized, this Year. Chargeable to the unexpended balance on the 31st March, 1886. 3 4 5 6 11. L5 \r, L6 19 20 20 21 Class I.—Immigration Class II. —Public Works, Departmental Class III.—Railways Class, IV.—Roads Class V. —Waterworks on Gold fields Class VI.— Purchase of Native Land's, N.I. Class VII, —Telegraph Extension ClassVIIL—Public Buildings Class IX.—Lighthouses, Harbour Works an'd Defences Class X.—Contingent Defence Class XI.—Rates on Native Lands Clas3 XII. —-Thermal-springs £ 19,200 14,000 17,200 350,040 15,100 20,000 21,700 119,(500 129,300 12,500 35,400 10,000 £ 19,200 14,000 17,200 533,060 23,700 20,000 21,700 192,500 142,400 12,500 35,400 10,000 PART II. 770,040 1,041,060 Chargeable to the £1,000,000 authorized to be raised under "The North Island Main Trunk Loan Act, 1882." . 22 ' 23 23 Class I.— Public Works, Departmental Class II. —Railways Class III.—Purchase of Native Lands 3.000 304,800 80,000 3,000 430,800 80,000 PART III. 387,800 513,800 Chargeable to the £1,325,000 authorized to be raised under "The New Zealand Loan Act, 1886." 24 2tl Class I.—Railways Class II.—Charges and Expenses of raising Loan and Contingencies 732,000 59,000 1,124,000 59,000 Total—Public Works Fund 791,000 1,183,000 1,948,840 2,738,460




Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-87. 19,200 & 19,200 Vote No. 71.—Immigration 1886-8 Item. / • Amount Votca for Expenditure this Year. Amount reqnirod tp be Authorized. MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 71. Auckland — Immigration Officer Depot Master Napier — i Immigration Officer, Depot Master and Matron ... Kent of Quarantine Island Wellington — Immigration Officer and Depot Master (also £125 Crown Lands) . Matron Ghristchurcli — Immigration Officer (also Steward Village Settlements ,-K213j Depot Master and Matron Dunedin — Immigration Officer Cadet Depot Master and Matron Invercargill — Depot Master General — Introduction and Location, &c, of Immigrants (including Management of Country Depots) ... Eepairs to Immigration Depots Contingencies £ 200 75 85 60 100 50 212 200 £ £ 200 75 85 GO 100 50 212 200 8 9 10 11 326 50 55 326 50 55 12 25 25 13 17,000 500 262 U 16 17,000 500 262 Totai—Vote No. 71 ... 19,200 19,200 TOTAL CLASS I. ... ... £ £19,20' £19, 100



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

188 £ 14,000 1886-87. 56--87. £ 14,000 Vote No. 72. —Public Works, Departmental Item. 1886-87. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. CLASS II.—PUBLIC WORKS, DEPAETMENTAL. MINISTER FOB PUBLIC WOEKS. VOTE No. 72. Public Works, Depaetmental— Mead Office— 1 Under-Secretary 2 Assistant Under-Secretary 3 Accountant 4 14 Clerks, 3 at £300, 1 .it £240, 1 at £235, 1 at £230,1 at £225, 1 at £220, 1 at £180,3 at £175, 1 at £160,1 at £130 5 3 Cadets, 1 at £90, 1 at £70, 1 at £60 6 3 Land Purchase Officers 7 Engineer-in-Chief (Marine £800) 8 Assistant Engineer-in-Chief 9 Inspecting Engineer 10 Resident Engineer (unattached) 11 Chief Draftsman 12 Computer 13 Architect 14 4 Draftsmen, 1 at £320, 1 at £275, 1 at £200, 1 at | £195 15 2 Clerks to Engineer-in-Chief, 1 at £300,1 at £215 16 Record Clerk, for Maps and Drawings ... I 17 Junior Clerk, for Maps and Drawings ... j 18 Stores Auditor 19 Stores Clerk ... ... I 20 Preparing Parliamentary Returns, Travelling Expenses and Contingencies, Cost of defending Brogden's claims, Expenses of Railway and other Commissions, and Purchase of Instruments District Offices — 21 5 District Engineers, 2 at £600, 1 at £550, 2 at £500 22 3 Resident Engineers, 1 at £425, 2 at £325 23 Office Engineer 24 15 Assistant Engineers, 1 at £350, 5 at £325, 2 at £315, 3 at £300,1 at £275.1 at £260, 1 at £225, 1 at £200, and 1 at £156 25 6 Draftsmen, 2 at £260, 1 at £240, 1 at £200, 1 at £156,1 at £150 26 2 Clerks and Draftsmen, 1 at £2450, 1 at £250 ... 27 5 Clerks, 2 at £210,1 at £190,2 at £175 5 6 7 g 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1!) 20 1 2 A ■I 800 400 425 3,045 220 850 700 900 750 400 375 250 365 990 515 190 100 270 210 S00 400 425 3,045 220 850 700 900 750 400 375 250 3G5 990 515 190 100 270 210 3,850 3,850 21 22 23 24 2,750 1,075 400 2,750 1,075 400 4,621 4,621 25 1,266 510 960 1,266 510 960 20 27



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS II.—PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENTAL— continued.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item. 1S86-87. CLASS II.—PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENTAL ■— continued. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WOBKS— continued. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. 28 29 VOTE No. 72— continued. Public "Works, Depaetmental— continued. District Offices —continued. 2 Clerks and Storekeepers, 1 at £195, 1 at £190... 3 Storekeepers, 2 at £170, 1 at £88 (also Railways £100) £ 385 £ 385 428 428 28,000 Less amount charged to the Ways and Means provided by— "The North Island Main Trunk Loan Act, 1882" " The New Zealand Loan Act, 1886 " 28,000 8,000 n.oooj 14,000 ! | 14,000 Total —Vote No. 72 ... 14,000 14,000 TOTAL CLASS II. TOTAL CLASS II. ... ... £ 4,00 £14, )00

1886-87. Votes Nos. 73 to 76.—Kail ways ... Vote No. 77. —Additions to open lines £ 16,400 800 £ 16,400 800 17,200 17,200 1886-87. • Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. NEW WORKS—CONSTRUCTION AND LAND. £ £ Vote No. 73. —New Plymouth-Foxton 5,500 5,500 „ 74.—Wellington-Foxton 500 500 „ 75. —Hurunui, Northwards 1,600 1,000 „ 76. —Lincoln-Little Eiver* 8,800 8,800 „ 77.—Additions to open lines— Legal and other expenditure in connection with purchase of District Railways 800 800 TOTAL CLASS III. £17,20' £17, !00 * Tho amount provided for this item includes £5,200 cost of survey Lit! endowment, to be recouped to Consolidated Fund survey vote for expenses im time to time since 1878. ;le River R Durrod in s' lilway land Lrveys from



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886.


Appropriations for Public JForJcs Services.

188 1-87. Vote No. 78.—Roads, Bridges, and "Wharves, North of Auckland „ 79. —Main Roads ,„ 80. —Miscellaneous ltoads and Bridges ■,. 81.— Grants-in-Aid ,, 82.—Roads to open up Lands before Sale „ 83.—Village Special Settlements „ 84.—Roads on Goldfields £ 34,600 25.750 57,450 109,740 66,500 5,000 57,000 £ 34,600 32,950 76,850 134,740 160,720 5,000 88,200 356,040 533,060 Item. 188' 1-87. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. *™Sfg* Amount Votod for -runnWoA Bxpendl- re? o Ub e tU|°ea? S Authorized. £ £ £ VOTE No. 78. Roads, Bridges, and Wharves, North of Auckland 34,600 TotaIi —Vote No. 78 ... 31,600 34,600 VOTE No. 79. Main Roads— 1 Paeroa to Owharoa 2 Bridge over Wnihi on contribution of £1 for £1... 3 Cambridge-Taupo 4 Oxford-Rotorua 5 Tauranga, East Cape, Whakatane, Te Teko, and sundry Roads, Bay of Plenty 6 Tauranga to Napier, via Taupo 7 Seventy-Mile Bush 8 Manawatu Gorge Road 9 Nelson, Tophouse, and Tarndale 10 Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika 11 Inangahua Bridge Maintenance 12 Main Road through Pelorus District and Rai Valley 13 Haast Pass Track 14 Hokitika to Christchurch 15 Roads and Bridges in Native Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 LI 12 L8 14 15 500 250 ■ 300 1,000 2,000 3,000 800 350 750 500 250 500 1,500 3,000 3,500 1,000 350 750 | 5,700 I 8,500 500 1,000 9,000 600 500 1,000 11,000 GOO Total —Vote No. 79 ... 25,750 32,950 25,750 VOTE No. SO. Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges— Auckland — 1 Road, Raglan-Waipa 2 Road, Cambridge-Tauranga ... ... 3 Road, Katikati—Te Aroha (horse-track) 4 Road, Katikati-Te Aroha (Thompson's track) 5 Road, Thanies-Tauranga 6 Road, Opotiki-Whakatanc 7 Sundry Roads and Bridges, Auckland, including Road Surveys and Inspections Smoke's Bay —■ 8 Sundry Roads and Bridges, Hawke's Bay, including Road Survevs and Insnections 1 2 3 '1 5 t; 7 300 250 250 1,000 500 500 500 250 250 2,000 500 1,000 2,000 2,000 100 50



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item. 1886-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Am bunt required to 1 be Authorized. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WOBES— -continued. i £ k VOTE No. 80— continued. Misceli.a.neotjs Eoads AND Bridges— continued. Wellington— Sundry Roads and Bridges, Wellington, including Road Surveys and Inspections Taranalci- — Completion of Great South Road between Opunake and Manaia Sundry Roads and Bridges, Tarauaki, including Road Surveys and Inspections 50 ! 100 I 10 100 100 11 50 1100 12 18 14 ir> i<> 17 18 1!) 20 21 22 20 24 Nelson — Roads, Lower Moutere, flood damages Lyell to Westport Road Upper Buller Road Bridge over Inangahua at Buller Junction Bridges on road Nelson to Reef'ton ... Bridge over Waiau at Hanmer Plain ... Sundry Roads and Bridges, Nelson, including Road Surveys and Inspections Marlborougli — Bridge over Wairau, near Blenheim (painting) ... Bridge over Clarence River Road, Kaikoura to Clarence Road, Kaikoura to Waiau (completion) Sundry Roads and Bridges, Maryborough,including Road Surveys and Inspections Westland — Sundry Roads and Bridges, Westland, including Road Surveys and Inspections Canterbury — Sundry Roads and Bridges, Canterbury, including Road Surveys and Inspections Olago — Completion of Road from Maori Kaika to Taiaroa Head Lighthouse Bridge over Taiori, Main South Road (completion) Bridges over Clutha at Beaumont and Roxburgh (completion) Kaitangata to Wangaloa, promised under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act Bridge over Clutha at Cromwell, subsidy of £1 for£l Road, Martin's Bay Settlement Sundry Roads and Bridges, Otago, including Road Surveys and Inspections 100 3,000 250 2D0 0,000 n,ooo 300 250 7,000 500 I 8,000 250 100 100 5,000 250 200 16,000 12,000 400 250 7,000 1,000 9,500 300 150 25 50 100 26 27 28 150 5,000 200 5,000 20 7,600 7,800 80 81 82 500 3,500 100 500 3,500 200 550 500 Total—Vote No. 80 ... 57,450 70,850 1 2 3 VOTE No. 81. Gtcants-jn-Atd— Under Roads and Bridges Construction Act — Liabilities on current grants Grants to complete works already commenced Under Local Bodies Finance and Powers Act — Portion of subsidies to Local Bodies Contingencies — Subsidies to Local Bodies for providing work for unemployed and contingencies Work for unemployed 28,111 18,629 2(5,111 13,029 5 0,000j 75,000 4 15,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 5 Total —Vote No. 81 ... 109,710 134,740



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-8 Item. Amount Voted lor Expenditure thia Year. Amount required to be Authorized. £ MINISTEB FOE PUBLIC WORKS- continued. MINISTEE OF LANDS. VOTE No. 82. Roads to open up Lands befoee Sale— Auckland — Homestead Blocks Okaihu to Victoria Valley Tolago Bay to Arakihi Kohukohu to llahutapu Wacrenga Road Waimamaku Bridge Lower Waihou Road Paparoa to Waikiekie Otamarakau Bridge Gisbornt—Waimata Hamilton-Whatawhata Drain Churchill Punt Otouga Bridge Opotiki to Ormond Gisborne to Wairoa Awaroa Swamp, drains and roads Otama to Deeds, „ Ormond-Waiapu Wairua to Helena Bay Whungarei through Taheke Te Aroha Block Waihou Ferry through Komata Taupo, via Rotoaira and Murimotu, to West Coast Whangaroa to Kahuru Aotea—Kawhia Kawhia-Waipa Rotorua-Galateti Galatea-Te Kapu via Waikaremoana Alexandra-Hikurangi Wangaro-Akatea Akaaka Swamp Miscellaneous Whiriwhiri Awaroa Swamp Draining Tatarariki Drain, Te Aroha Cabbage Bay to Cape Colville Mangapai-Mareretu Hunua District, roads Puriri to Tairoa Wairoa Ferry, Dargaville Tairua to Whenuakiti (subsidy) Whangaroa to Waitetuna Matawhero to Whangape Alexandra to Kawhia Mauku Bridgy (subsidy) Huka Falls 1,085 3,347 1,950 245 557 120 300 840 5 10 500 120 24 1,500 2,674 100 600 1,500 900 505 159 100 3,000 1,093 300 715 2,000 1,500 628 500 650 329 300 300 100 150 350 500 500 500 300 250 1,500 500 500 50 500 i 34,156



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS—continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item. 1886-87. Kxpencti- re1»ired tUYear WS j Authorized. MINISTER OP LANDS— continued. VOTE No. 82— continued. Eoads to opex tip Lands before Sale— continued. SaiuJce's Bay — Maharabara Block Victoria and Bush Mills Settlements ... Tautane Reserve Wairoa to Eotokakaranga TJmutaoroa Block Makaretu Miscellaneous Te Ohu £ £ 363 164 6,300 1,147 600 1,280 1,000 750 11,601 3 Taranahi — Eoads East of Stratford Miscellaneous Tariki Road Eltham and Branch Eoada Native Trust Blocks Ironsand Blocks Road through Bush, Waimate Plains ... Bush Land inland of Waverley Pukearuhe to Mokau Bridge on Stratford-Opunake Road ... Inglewood to Waitara Eoads East of Waitara (Ngaturnaru) Eoads East of Midhurst Bush Land Inland of Patea Egmont Read 500 300 650 2,000 700244 1,150 500 600 400 3,000 500 250 1,000 300 12,094 Wellington — Otamakapua and Waitapu East Side of Pohangina River Momahnki Block Kaiwbata and Pahaoa Miscellaneous Pahiatua, Mangaone, and adjacent Blocks Tokomaru Block Marton to Murimotu Karewarewa Block Paratieke Rangitumau Wanganui to Murimotu Otairi Block Mikimiki Makakahi Road Roads, Wairoa Survey District Kiinbolton Road Extension Kimbolton Road to Orua Waitapu Block Mangatainoko Eoads North Tiraumea Tiraumea Bridge Pahiatua Township Tutaekara Road South Pahiatua Eoad Mangaone Eoad 2—B. 1b. 1,500 1,090 350 1,500 200 1,326 787 400 299 233 1,940 783 900 600 990 250 2,800 500 600 2,000 650 900 110 600 1,000 1,000



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Hem. 1886-87. Amount Amount Voted for recluir ed Expendi- A b tUYear hiS Authorized. MINISTER OF LANDS— continued. VOTE No. 82— continued. Roads to open vs Lands befobe Sale — continued. Wellington —continued. East Tiraumea Road South Mangaone Soad Puketoi Maungakarstu Small Buna, Upper "Wanganui Tiraumea Sridgo £ 2,000 1,200 2,000 1,000 J 1,000 600 31,108 Nelson — Ahaufp, to Kopara and Amuri Takaka to Karamea Brooklands Valley Soad Karamea to Mokihinui Miscellansous Takaka to Anatoki and Collingwood ... Tadmor Soad Turakica end adjacent valleys Maruia to Amuri Wangape&a to Mokihinui Ahaura (Matjon's) to Haupiri Heaphy V ralley Road Takaka to Stockyard, Collingwood Eoad Pigeon Vdley to Motuoka Dovedale Pretty Bridge Valley G-rey Valley via Clarke to Maruia 100 200 175 1,250 378 1,420 1,687 300 2,000 1,000 2,000 600 250 500 200 200 200 Marlborough — Rai Ronga and Wliangamoa Roads ... 12,460 6 300 Westland — Moeraki Crossing to Otumotu Kumara to Beach Miscellaneous Teremakau to Bell Hill Road Wiiikukupa to Cook's River Flat Gillespie's to Cook's River Flat Cascade Valley Road Crooked River Road Pounamu to Teremakau Maintain to Paringa 300 2,000 1,000 1,920 3,040 1,000 500 1,400 11,160 Canterbury — To Upper Ashley over Kuku Pass Burke's Pass through Mackenzie Country to Ahuriri Miscellaneous Irrigation Works, Eyre and Wainrakariri Oxford Bush to Upper Ashley 800 350 133 150 500



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

tem. 1886-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTER OF LARDS—continued. £ £ VOTE No. 82— continued. Eoa])s to open up Lands befobe Sale — continued. Canterbury —continued. To Village and Deferred-payment Blocks Blackballs Boad along Hurunui Road to Mount Cook Waihao to Hakataramea Blackford Road Teviotdale Eoad Mount Grey Downs Orientui Eoad Kowai to Lob urn Oxford-Wharfdale 274 750 440 2,300 300 300 500 500 250 500 8,047 Otago and Southland — Lauder Block Upper Clutha Blocks Pembroke to Matukituki Pyramid Bridge to Waikaia Waikaia Bush to Clutha Valley Beaumont to Miller's Flat Waikawa to Catlin's Miscellaneous Through Euns 177 and 257 Glenorchy up Eees and Dart Wyndliam, via Mimihau to Otaraia ... Block II., Blackstone Taieri Lake, Block XV., Maniototo ... Taieri Bridge to Nenthorn Bridge Through Euns 171 and 17 La Waikawa Blocks Waikaia Bush Ida Valley Kurow Eun Jetty, Waikawa Harbour Taieri Rivor Road Hummockside Wyndham to Otaraia Mimihau Valley Eoad Extension Eun 106 Athol to Nokomai Saddle Waikaka Siding to Waikaka Town ... Kelso to Waikaka Block XIII., Moeraki Blocks XVI, XIV., IX., Maniototo ... Block VI., Grimmcrburn Blocks II. and VI., Taieri Swinburn and Eock and Pillar Eun 210 Silverpeak, &c. Nenthorn Hindon Grreenvale District Switzer's Track to Spylaw and Clutha Benger District and Tallaburn Bridge Tokomairiro Eiver, North. Branch Glenomaru and Owake 960 1,380 1,720 300 500 851 1,278 80 2,559 300 600 750 200 125 320 4,000 500 1,150 1,000 250 200 260 600 250 100 200 1,800 900 200 540 200 300 200 600 700 200 1,000 850 750 1,000 250 500



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item. 1886-87. Amount Alnouut Voted tor re(lllired Expondl- A k tivro this Authorize a. xetti. MINISTER OF LANDS— continued. VOTE No. 82— continued. Roads to open rp Lands before Sale— continued. Otago and Southland —continued. Wairnatuku Bush Blackmount to Deferred-payment Land Bush Land, Makarewa "Waikiwi Surburban Wallacetown to Tomoporakau Winton Tramway to Winton Forest ... Seaward Forest to D. P. Block Otatara Bush West's to Mokohua Seaward Moss to Awarua Bay Blocks II. and III., Campbelltown Hedgehops Boad Half-Moon Bay, Stewart Island Seaward Forest and to Coast Forest Hill Tramway Waikaka to Wcndon and Green vale ... Wendon District £ £ 500 350 150 150 150 200 300 500 100 500 100 200 250 3,460 1,300 500 500 Sundry Roads 39,033 10 158 Total—Vote No. 82 ... 66,500 160,720 Village Settlements. VOTE No. 83. Improvement of Village Settlements ... 5,000 I 5,000 Total—Vote No. 83 ... 5,000 5,000 MINISTER OF MINES. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 11 12 VOTE No. 84. Roads on Goldfields— Subsidies towards the Construction of .Roads and Tracks in Mining Districts, and Minor Works for the development of Minerals, upon a subscription of one-half being contributed' Opening Mokau River for development of Coal Mine Nelson — Lyell to Mokiliinui via Eight-Mile Mokihinui Quartz Reef to Specimen Creek Mokihinui to Karamea rid Rough-and-Tumble Brighton to Seventeen-Mile Beach via Terraces ... Cobden to Seventeen-Mile Beach Wangapeka to Karamea Aorere Valley to Karamea Owen Valley Road Hatter's Terrace to Bell Hill Larry's Creek to Lyell Road, near Dee River, subsidy of £1 for £1 Bridle-track to Upper Anatoki Tracks for opening up and prospecting Collingwood and Takaka Districts Hatter's Terrace Road (£1 for £l-eubsidy) Road, Deep Creek to Bell Hill (£1 for £1 subsidy) 17.000 150 1,500 700 6,000 1,500 1,600 2,000 1,500 1,500 500 28,500 150 5,500 1,500 8,000 3,000 1,600 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,100 13 14 500 300 1,500 600 15 16 1,000 400 400 2,000 750 750



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS IV.—ROADS—continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item. 1886-1 17. i Amount Voted for Expondituro this Year. Amount required to bo Authorized. MINISTER OP MINES— continued. VOTE No. 8i—continued. Roads on Goldfields— continued. Nelson —eon tin ued. Road, Irishman's to Lake Brunner (£1 for £1 subsidy) Improving Roads and Tracks, Collingwood to Takaka, Motueka, and Karamea Canterbury — Road to open up Wilberforce Quartz Reef Westland — Cedar Creek Road Browning's Pass to Reefs, subsidy of £2 for £1 ... Jackson Bay to Cascade and Gorge Rivers Districts Bowen to Okarito Road (£1. for £1 subsidy) Sea-beach track up Gorge River to junction of Terry River (£1 for £1 subsidy) ... Milltown to Christchurch Road at Wainihinihi Creek (£1 for £1 subsidy) Track, Mapourika to McDonald's Creek (£1 for £1 subsidy) £ £ 17 600 is 300 5,000 7,000 1!) 300 300 20 21 22 28 21 3,000 2,5001 1,500 1,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 2,500 25 100 800 26 500 1,000 300 300 27 28 29 30 Otago — Arthur's Point to Skippers Road to Criffel Diggings Waikaia Bush Road Waitahuna Bridge, on account of reconstruction ... Southland — Tracks, Merrivale District 3,000 500 1,000 750 3,000 1,000 1,000 750 31 400 500 Total—Vote No. 84 ... 57,000 88,200 TOTAL CLASS IV. £35 1,04-0 £533,< '60



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-87. Vote No. 85.—Waterworks on Goldfields ""l £ 15,100 £ 23,700 Item. 1886-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized, MINISTER FOR MINES. VOTE No. 85. Watee-baces, Middle Island — Construction and Supervision— Argyle Race, Charleston Nelson Creek Race Waimea Race Mikonui Race Subsidy to Kumara Sludge-channel, No. 2 Subsidy of £1 for £1, Tail-race, Ophir Subsidy of £2 to £1 for Water-supply, Criffel Diggings Sludge- and Stormwater-channel, Borough of Ross Maerewhenua Water-supply, tailings outlet Lawrence Drainage Channel £1 for £1 SubsidiesMuddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Channel Subsidy of £2 for £1, Round Hill Water-supply... Increased Water-supply, and Waterworks on Goldfields for Mining Purposes Contingencies £ £ £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 500 1,000 500 1,500 1,400 500 500 1,000 1,000 5,000 1,400 500 8 <) 10 1,000 1,500 1,500 900 2,000 1,500 1,500 900 11 12 18 14 500 700 1,600 500 800 1,000 15 1,500 500 5,000 500 Total —Vote No. 85 ... 15,100 23,700 TOTAL CLASS V. ... ... £ £15,10' £23,700



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS VI.—PURCHASE OF NATIVE LANDS, N.I.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

£ 20,000 £ 20,000 ote No. 86.—Purchase of Native Lands 1888-87. Item. Amountl Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTER FOR NATIVE AFFAIRS. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 8 4 VOTE No. 88. Under-Seeretary (also Native Department £600)... Accountant Officer, Bay of Plenty District (also Educational £25, Judicial £300, and Native £150) ... Officer, Bay of Plenty District, »t £450 during Parliamentary recess, oay, 8 months (also Interpreter to House of Representatives £225) Officer, Taupo District Officer, East Coast District, at £250, from 1st July Officer, Wanganui District Officer, Wairarapa and Manawatu Districts Cadet and Messenger, Wanganui Purchase of Land Fencing of Native Reserves, second instalment of £4,000, as recommended by West Coast Commissioner (A.-5a, 1884) £ 100 325 100 337 450 188 475 450 40 96,5135 1,000 I Less charged to the Ways and Means provided by " North Island Main Trunk Loan Act, 1882 " 100000 80,000 Total—Vote No. 86 ... 20,000 20,000 TOTAL CLASS VI. £ 10,000 £20; •00

1886-87. No. 87. —Telegraph Extension 21,700 £ 21,700 nt' 1886-8 tern. POSTMASTER-GENERAL AND COMMISSIONER OF TELEGRAPHS. Amount Votod for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized 1 -> 8 VOTE No. 87. Instruments and Material Poles and Arms Telegraph Extension £ 8,500 2,400 10,800 £ 8,500 2,400 10,800 Total —Vote No. 87 21,700 21,700 00 £21 00



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

188' 1-87. Vote No. 88. —Parliamentary Buildings „ 89. —General Departmental Offices ... n 90. —Judicial ,, 91.—Post and Telegraph „ 92.—Customs „ 93. —Lunatic Asylums „ 94.—Hospitals and Charitable Institutions „ 95.—Quarantine Stations ,, 96.—School Buildings £ 2,000 9,200 21,200 4,550 500 18,400 8,350 400 55,000 £ 5,000 29,100 33,300 5,650 500 47,600 10,350 500 60,500 119,600 .92,500 Item. ■■ '■ 188' Amoi Voted Expei ture t Yea imt I for ndi;kis ir. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTEE FOE PUBLIC WORKS. VOTE No. 88. Fabltamentabt Buildings— 1 New Library building in brick <£ £ 2,000 5,000 Total—Vote No. 88 ... 2,000 5,000 VOTE No. 89. General Depaetmental Offices — 1 Departmental Buildings, Auckland 2 Printing Office, Wellington 3 Public Buildings, Hamilton, grant-in-aid 4 Departmental Buildings, Wellington, additional water-supply, &c, for fire-prevention purposes... 5 Geological Room for Museum 1 2 3 4 2,000 5,000 1,000 I 12,000 13,000 2,000 5 700 500 1,300 800 Total—Vote No. 89 ... 9,200 29,100 VOTE No. 90. Judicial — Courthouses — 1 Kawakawa 2 Mercury Bay 3 Wairoa 4 Geraldine 5 Port Chalmers 6 Wyndham 7 Buildings not specified Gaols — 8 Auckland (New Prison) 9 New Plymouth Gaol 10 Wellington (New Prison, Mount Cook) 11 Wanganui (New Prison) 1 2 a 4 5 0 7 100 250 300 150 300 150 400 100 250 300 150 700 250 500 8 9 10 11 2,100 500 4,000 2,000 4,500 750 5,500 2,600



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS VIII.—PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-87. Item. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized, MINISTER TOE PUBLIC WORKS—continued. £ 12 18 14 16 ie 17 18 10 20 21 22 2:3 21 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 82 VOTE No. 90— continued. Judicial — continued. Gaols— continued. Greymouth (New Prison) Lyttelton — Implements, &c, for "Work by Prisoners at Sticking Point Alterations to Police-gaols Increase of accommodation in larger gaols Buildings not specified Police Stations — Auckland District Thames Waikato „ Napier „ Wellington „ Wangauui ,, Taranaki ,, Nelson ,, Christchurch ,, Timaru „ Westland „ Dunedin ,, Oamaru „ Lake „ Lawrence „ Southland „ 1,300 900 250 1,000 250 600 400 300 100 600 100 500 100 100 500 1,000 100 40 600 300 1,910 1,300 1,000 500 1,000 500 2,040 500 1,180 570 910 190 770 100 200 1,180 1,420 200 40 880 310 2,960 Total —Vote No. 90 ... 21,200 33,300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 VOTE No. 91. Postal and Telegrami— Mercury Bay Te Awamutu (new office) Cambridge (alterations and fittings) ... Kibikihi (additions) Opotiki Clyde Herbertvillo "Wanganui (alterations and fittings) ... Kangiora Bangiora (site) Greymouth Lawrence (additions) Palmerston South (additions) Bluff (new office) Ophir Dunedin (additions) Buildings not specified 200 147 85 30 42 200 300 172 450 500 55 250 63 45 250 450 1,311 250 147 85 30 42 300 450 172 450 500 55 400 63 45 350 450 1,861 Total —Voti: No. 91 ... 4,550 5,650 VOTE No. 92. Customs— "Whangarei Buildings not specified 200 300 200 300 1 2 Total—Vote No. 93-... 500 500 3—B. 1b.



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886. CLASS VIII.—PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item 1886-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to bo Authorized MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS— continued. £ 1. •> 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 98. Lunatic Asylums— Auckland Wellington Porirua Sunnyside Seacliff Additions, &c. (5,000 400: 1,000 7,000! 3,000 1,000 18,000 GOO 2,000 18,000 7.500 1,500 Total—Vote No. 93 ... —^——.._. I 1S.400 47,600 VOTE No. 91. Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions — In aid of Construction and Repairs ... .., New Plymouth Hospital "Waipawa District Hospital —Grunt in aid 7,100 3,000 250 1 2 3 I 7,100 1,000 250 Total —Vote No. 94... 8,350 10,350 4 VOTE No. 95. Quara n tin e Stations— Additions, &c. 500 400 Total—Vote No. 95 ... 400 500 MINISTER OF EDUCATION. 1 2 S 4 VOTE No. 98. SCHOOL-BUILDINGS — Public 8chools ... ~| Native Schools ... ( New Plymouth High School ... [ Waitala Girls School ... J 50,050 10,000 200 250 55,000 Total —Vote No. 96 ... 55,000 60,500 TOTAL CLASS VIII. £11 i,600 £192,500



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

18S6-87. Vote No. 97.—Lighthouses „ 98.—Harbour "Works ... „ 99. —Harbour Defences ... £ 7,700 1,600 120,000 £ 10,800 1,(500 130,000 129,300 142,400 Item. Item. 1881 3-87. Am oi Voted Expe] ture t Yea unt Hor ridithis Amount required to be Authorized MINISTER OF MARINE. £ VOTE No. 97. LlGHTKOTJBES 1 Manukau Heads Leading Lights 2 TJeacon, Jackson's Reef 3 Survey, Kaikoura Lighthouse 4 Ouvier Island Lighthouse 5 Sundries and Contingencies 1 2 3 4 r, 640 1,800 100 4,900 260 610 1,800 100 7,900 360 Total —Vote No. 97 ... 7,700 10,800 MINISTER POR PUBLIC WORKS. VOTE No. 98. Haeboub Works — 1 Westport 2 Greymouth 3 Hokitika I 2 a 80 20 1,500 80 20 1,500 Total—Vote No. 98 ... l,G00 1,600 VOTE No. 99. 1 Hakbotje Defences 130,000 120000 Total—VoTis No. 99 ... 130,000 120,000 TOTAL CLASS IX. £1 :9,300 £142, .00



Chargeable to the Unexpended Balance on the 31st March, 1886.



Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-87. ote No, 100.—Armed Constabulary Field Force ... | £ £ 12,500 12,500 tern. 1886-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. £ £ £ MINISTER OF DEFENCE. VOTE No. 100. AEMED CoNSTABULAEY FlEH) FoECK. To supplement amount charged on the Consolidated Fund 1 12,500 12,500 Total —Vote No. 100 12,500 12,500 — i M ■■ . v - A ■■ ~^~ . s-y* f-^j m^ y TOTAL CLASS X. ... ... £ TOTAL CLASS X. £12,50 £12, 00

185 £ 35,400 1880-87. 30-! I ■87. £ 35,400 7oi No. 10]. —Bates on Native Lands 1886-8 tern. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to bo Authorized. COLONIAL TREASURER. VOTE No. 101. Rates on Native Lands— For repayment to Land Fund Account of Rates on Native Lands under "The Crown and Native Lands Rating Act, 1882," advanced during the two years ending 31st March, 18S6 Estimated amount of similar rates for year ending 31st March, 1887 22,500 22,500 12,900 12,900 Total—Vote No. 101 35,400 35,4.00 TOTAL CLASS XL • • • £: 5,40' £35, ; 00



Chargeable to the Unexpcuded Balance on the 3Lst March, 1886.


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-87. Vote No. 102. —Thermal Springs ... £ 10,000 £ 0,000 !tem. 18S6-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTER OF LANDS. £ £ VOTE No. 102. Thermal Spkengs— Completion of contracts entered into for various works at Eotorua and Hanmer Plains— 1 Kotorua 2 Hanmer Plains 3 Water-supply, Botorua 4 Erecting new ward to hospital, Eotorua 5 Planting, improvements of baths and grounds, aDd contingencies 1 '> :s ■L 5 750 250 0,000 1,000 750 250 6,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 Total.—Vote No. 102 ... 10,000 10,000 TOTAL CLASS XII. £ .0,00 £10, '00



Services chargeable to the £] 00,000 authorized to be raised under " The North Island Main Trunk Loan Act, 1882."


Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-87. £ 3,000 I £ 3,000 Vot No. 103. —Public Works Departmental Item. 1886-8 Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTER FOE PUBLIC WORKS. £ £ VOTE No. 103. Publtc Works, Depabtmental— Head Office, Salaries and Oontingenoiet— To supplement Vote No. 72 chargeable to the unexpended balance on the 31st March, 1886 3,000 3,000 Total—Vote No. 103 3,000 3,000 TOTAL CLASS I. £3,0' '0 £3, >00



Services chargeable to the £1,000,000 authorized to be raised under "The North Island Main Trunk Loan Act, 1882."



Appropriations for Public Works Services.

188 1-87. i £ Pote No. 104.—Main Trunk Line, Marton-Te Awamutu ... 130,000 „ 105.—Transfer of Expenditure ... ... j 60,800 „ 106.—Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Boiling Stock i 114,000 304,800 £ 230,000 GO.SOO 140,000 ,80,800 Item. tem. 188 188 1-8 AlTIC Vote MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. *™| Amount Voted for Expenditure this Yoar. Amount required to bo Authorized. VOTE No. 104. „ - Main Trunk Line, Marton-Te Awamutu — 1 New Works ... ... 130000; £ £ £ 130000; 230,000 Total—Vote No. 101 ... 130 130,000 230,000 VOTE No. 105. Teansfejs op Expenditure— 1 Transfer of expenditure on construction of North Island Main Trunk Bail way up to 31st March, 1886, hitherto charged on loans raised prior to 31st March, 1886 ... ... 60,800 60,800 60,800 Total Vote No. 105 ... 60, 60,800 60,800 VOTE No. 106. Permanent Wat, Sleepees, and Homing Stock — 1 Transfer of expenditure on permanent-way, &c, up to 31st March, 1886, hitherto charged on loans raised prior to 31st March, 1886 ... ... 77,000 2 Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Kolling-stock ... 37,000 77,000 03,000 77,000 37,000 Total Vote No. 106 ... 114 114,000 140,000 TOTAL CLASS II. £30 !s 800 £430, 100

1886-87. £ 80,000 £ 80,000 ote No. 107. —Purchase oF Native Lands .tern. 188(5-87. Amount Voted ior Expenditure this Yoar. Amount required to bo Authorized. MINISTER FOR NATIVE AFFAIRS. VOTE No. 107. op Native Lands, — To supplement Vote No. 86 chargeable to the unexpended balance on the 31st March, 1886 ... £ 80,000 80,000 Total—Vote No. 107... 80,000 80,000 TOTAL CLASS III. £! '0,00' £80, i00



Services chargeable to the £1,325,000 authorized to be raised under "The New Zealand Loan Act, 1886."


Appropriations for Public Works Services,

188' i-87. SUMMAEY. Votes No. 108 to 123. —New Works —Construction and Land Vote No. 124.—Additions to Open Lines Vote No. 125.—Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock £ 313,000 93,000 326,000 £ 648,000 150,000 326,000 732,000 1,124,000 188< 1-87. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. NEW WORKS—CONSTRUCTION AND LAND. Vote'108. —Extension North of Auckland £ 4,000 £ 50,000 „ 109. —Auckland —Doubling Line 5,000 23,000 „ 110.—Hamilton—Grahatnstown 20,000 35,000 „ 111.—Auckland-llotorua 15,000 75,000 „ 112.—Napier-Palmerston 40,000 92,000 „ 113.—Wellington-Woodville 40,000 60,000 „ 114. —Greymouth-Hokitika 30,000 55,000 „ 115.—Picton, Southwards 15,000 30,000 ,, 11G.—Upper Ashburton Branch 8,000 8,000 „ 117. —Livingstone Branch 15,000 15,000 „ 118. —Catlin's River Branch 13,000 20,000 „ 119. —Edendale-Toitois 5,000 17,000 „ 120. —Otago Central 87,000 140,000 „ 121. —Lumsden-Mararoa 5,000 5,000 „ 122. —Seaward Bush 6,000 8,000 „ 123. —Riversdale-Switzers (including Assessors' fees, 5,000 15,000 £13 12s.)



Services chargeable to the £1,325,000 authorised to be raised under "The New Zealand Loan Act, 1886." CLASS I.—RAILWAYS—continued.

4—B. Ib,

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

1886-8 Item Amount Votod for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorized. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS— continued. ADDITIONS TO OPEN LINES. (Exclusive of Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rollingstock.) 1 2 3 5 G 7 8 9 10 II. 12 13 14 15 VOTE No. 121-. Additions to Open Links — Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo Kaipara-Waikato ... \ Hamilton-Te Aroha ... I Morrinsville-Lichfield ... t Hamilton-Cambridge ... ) Napier-Woodville WelHngton-Woodville Foxton-New Plymouth !Nelson-13elgrove Pieton-Blenheim G rey mouth—Brurmerton Hurtmui-Waitaki and Branches ... Waitaki-Blufi'and Brandies ... ( Invereargill-Kingston with Branches, including f Western Railways ... ) 1,000 500 20,000 7,000 7,000 5,000 70U 1,500 20 1,500 1,000 40,000 13,000 13,000 6,000 1,000 2,000 20 50,280 72,480 Total—Vote No. 124 93,000 150,000 PERMANENT-WAT, SLEEPERS, ROLLINGSTOCK. 45,700--67,300' ] 2 VOTE No. 125. PlUiMANENT-"WAT, SljTlEPEKS, AKD RotLING-STOCK Permanent-way and Sleepers Rolling-stock Transfer of expenditure on permanent-way, &c, up to 31st March, 1886, hitherto charged on loans raised prior lo 31st March, 18S6 ... 45,700 67,300 213.000 213,000 Total—Vote No. 125 320,000 320,000 TOTAL CLASS I. £732, '00 £1,124, '00



Services Chargeable to the £1,325,000 authorised to be raised under " "The ]S Te\v Zealand Loan Act, 1880."


By Authority : Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBSG.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

188' .-87. £ £ Vote No. 120. —Costs and charges of the Loan ,, 127. — Public Works, Departmental ... „ 128. —Surveys of New Lines „ 120. —Additions to Open Lines 30,000 11,01)0 3,000 15,000 30,000 11,000 3,000 15,000 59,000 59,000 Item. 188: i-8 1 Araoi Voted Expe] turo t Yea unt llor ndithis Amount required to bs Authorized. COLONIAL TREASURER. £ VOTE No. 120. Costs and Chahoes op the Loan — Charges and Expenses of raising Loans authorized by the New Zealand Loan Acts 3O,00C 30,000 Total—Vote No. 126 .30,000 30,000 MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. VOTE No. 127. Public Works Departmental— Bead Office, Salaries and Contingencies — To supplement Vote No. 72 chargeable to the unexpended balance on the 31st March, 1880 ... 11,000 11,000 Total—Vote No. 127 11,000 11,000 VOTE No. 123. Surveys of New Lines— Miscellaneous Expenses 3,000 3,000 Total—Vote No. 128 3,000 3,000 VOTE No. 129. Additions to Open Lines — Contingencies 15,000 15,000 Total—Vote No. 129 15,000 15,000 TOTAL CLASS II. £59,00 £59, '00

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st March, 1887., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, B-01b

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st March, 1887. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, B-01b

APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st March, 1887. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, B-01b

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