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Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Sib, — Marine Department, "Wellington, 20th June, 1882. I do myself the honor to submit the following report on the working of this department during the financial year ended on the 31st March last :— Lighthouses. —The lighthouses under the control of this department—now twenty-five in number —have been maintained in good order during the past year. Cape Fgmont. —As mentioned in last year's report, this light was exhibited on the Ist August last, and has, I understand, proved to be of great service to vessels trading on the west coast of the North Island. Tory Channel. —The leading lights at the entrance to Tory Channel were erected during the past year, and were first exhibited to mariners on the Ist January last. Arrangements were made before the lights were constructed whereby a settler living in the next bay to that in which they stand should attend to them. This he has done successfully up to the present time, but I cannot help feeling that it would be far more satisfactory to have a proper lightkeeper on the ground. Godley Head. —Extensive repairs have been made to the lantern at G-odley Head, and a top, of the pattern used in the Northern (Scotch) Board of Lighthouses, has been erected in lieu of the old revolving cowl. Napier Bluff Light. —This light has been altered so as to burn gas. This alteration has effected a saving at the rate of about £182 per annum; as, although the cost of gas is greater than that of oil, only the partial service of one man as lighthouse-keeper is now required, instead of the whole services of two men as formerly when oil was used. New Lights. —On receiving your instructions in November last to commence the lighthouse works at Moko Hinou, an overseer and workmen were despatched there, and they are now actively at work* The tower is to be built of concrete, with an ashlar masonry lightroom and an iron balcony. The light will be white, of the first order, flashing every ten seconds. The houses', as at most other stations, will be built of timber. The Marine Engineer and Captain Johnson were requested to report as to the proper position of the light it has been decided to erect, in the vicinity of Waipapapa Point, and, after visiting the locality in December last, they recommended that the light should be erected on Waipapapa Point as being preferable to Slope Point. The lantern, apparatus, &c, have been ordered from England, and it is proposed to start the necessary buildings early next spring. The light will be white, of the second order, flashing every ten minutes. Fog-Signals.— Inquiries have been made through the Agent-General in London relative to the description of fog-signals recommended to be adopted by the Trinity Board, and his reply has been recently received, from which it appears that trials of a " Siren " apparatus of a new and distinctive character for combining high and low notes have proved perfectly successful. The patentee of this apparatus is Professor F. H. Holmes, of 15, Waltham Grove, West Brompton, S.W. The appliances for a first-class station consist of two Buckett's patent horizontal caloric engines, each of 12 indicated horse-power, arranged so that either may be used for working the " Siren," and a wrought-iron receiver, to which the automatic " Siren " is attached, the latter provided with a large copper horn so arranged that the bell-mouth can be turned to windward to enable the sound to be equalized as to distance reached in all directions seaward. The cost of this apparatus, f.o.b. in London, would be £1,536. French Pass Beacon. —A concrete beacon has been erected on the extremity of the reef in the French Pass. It is a truncated cone 20 feet high, 10 feet 6 inches in diameter at the base, and 6 feet at the top. The beacon is surmounted by an iron finial 8 feet 4 inches, and is 9 feet, or 17 feet 4 inches, including the iron finial, out of water at high-water spring tides. The erection of this beacon cost £668 15s. Bd., seventeen weeks being taken to build it. A great deal of time was necessarily lost at first owing to the fact that operations could only be carried on during the very short interval that the rock on which it stands was uncovered at low-water spring tides. This beacon replaces one erected some time ago by the Provincial Government of Nelson; it consisted of an iron perch surmounted by a I—H. 12.



spherical cage, and, although very useful, was not large enough to be easily seen at night. The new beacon, shortly after it was erected, was run into by a steamer, and considerably damaged; but it has since been satisfactorily repaired at a cost of £43 19s. 2d. Although this substantial structure is a great improvement on the old iron-rod beacon, it cannot be regarded as a reliable guide for vessels entering the Pass at night; it is therefore proposed to erect a light on the mainland side of the Pass, so arranged as to produce an apparent light on the beacon opposite, by means of a reflector placed on it. The effect of this will be to show a light on each side of the channel, and thus enable mariners to approach it with confidence on the darkest night. At present, about ten steamers, some of large tonnage and frequently crowded with passengers, go to and return from Nelson by way of the Erench Pass every month, frequently reaching the Pass during the night; a light is therefore urgently needed at this point, and I strongly recommend that authority be given for its erection to be proceeded with as soon as possible. Harbours. —The various harbour establishments under the control of this department have been maintained in good order, and such local beacons and buoys as were absolutely necessary have been placed in position. Amongst these I may mention new iron buoys at Tauranga and Nelson. Orders have also been given to have the channel to Waiuku (Manukau Harbour) buoyed off. Advantage has been taken of the " Stella's" visits to the various ports to clean and overhaul the buoys. Port Chalmers Graving Dock. —The machinery, boilers, Ac, have had a thorough overhaul during the past year, and are now in good order. The boilers have been fitted with Galloway tubes and feedwater heaters, which have had the effect of considerably reducing the quantity of coal consumed. The receipts for docking vessels during the year amounted to £1,947 lis. 6d., and the expenditure for the same period was £1,613 12s. 2d. This is exclusive of the interest payable on loans raised for construction of the dock. Light Dues. —The amount collected for light dues during the past year amounted to £7,542 7s. Bd., being £808 7s. Id. in excess of the amount collected during the previous year. In addition to this sum actually paid by the owners and agents of vessels, a further sum of £1,788 was paid to the credit of the Light Dues Account by the General Post Office, being arrears of light dues on the San Francisco mail steamers, which vessels, in accordance with the terms of their contract, do not pay light dues. I may be permitted here to remark that it is gratifying to find that the propriety of the course I have steadily advocated ever since the first San Francisco mail contract was entered into, in respect of the light dues chargeable to mail steamers, has at length been recognized. There can be no doubt, I think, that it is not only correct in principle, but in every way desirable, that the entire cost of all services by or for any department of the public service should appear in the accounts of that department for the information of the public. Government Steamers. —The " Hinemoa" has been laid up for the greater portion of the year, and when she was employed it has always been on special service. The " Stella" has been continuously employed in attending to the lighthouses, &c, and, besides this, has done a considerable amount of work for other departments ; she has had her machinery overhauled, the high-pressure slide valve having been faced, a new high-pressure piston made, the rods turned up, &c. This is the first regular overhaul her machinery has had during more than five and a half years' constant running ; a very small sum had been previously spent in repairs to the engine and boiler, which shows that they must have been well designed and faithfully constructed by the builders, Messrs. Scott and Co., of Greenock. Her masts also, which were unnecessarily reduced on her passage out from Home, have been lengthened, gaffs fitted, and a new suit of sails made. The alterations to the masts have greatly improved her appearance and rendered her steadier at sea in rough weather. Examinations of Masters, Mates, and Engineers. —A despatch has been recently received from the Colonial Office, covering a communication from the Board of Trade announcing that the Board had decided that it was no longer necessary to insist upon the provisions of the domiciliary clause in the Queen's Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876, authorizing the issue in New Zealand of certificates of competency of equal value with those granted by the Board of Trade. This further modification of the clause referred to practically allows certificates to be now granted in New Zealand on precisely similar conditions to those which are in force in the United Kingdom, and thus enables any person to be examined here for a certificate who can produce a properly-verified statement of services. Certificates of competency have been issued during the past year to 123 candidates, 72 being for masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going vessels, and 51 for masters and engineers of river steamers. Surveys. —lt having been reported that considerable changes had taken place at the entrance to Nelson Harbour, a survey of that place was made by Captain Johnson, of this department, assisted by Mr. O'Connor, of the Public Works Department. The result of this survey showed that on the old course over the bar the water had shoaled considerably, there being, however, a channel nearer to the Boulder Bank with 7 feet at low water, the same depth as the channel off the Arrow Pock. Vessels of the usual draught can, therefore, by using this channel, enter Nelson as before. A corrected chart has been published, and copies have been sent to the Hydrographer to the Admiralty in order that the Admiralty charts may be corrected. Soundings in the vicinity of various reported dangers have also been taken by the captains of the Government steamers. A survey of Opunake Bay has also been begun under the superintendence of the Public Works staff; but, owing to bad weather, it has not yet been completed. Steam Navigation. —Passenger-certificates have been issued to 146 steamers of 14,650 aggregate tonnage and 6,009 horse-power, being 8 steamers more than were surveyed last year. Wrecks and Casualties. —The casualties reported during last year amounted to 66 ; of these, 59 were on or near, and 7 beyond, the coasts of the colony. Of those on or near our coasts, 19 vessels of 3,755 tons register were total losses, 40 of 8,128 tons were partial losses, and 5 were cases of loss of life from being washed or knocked overboard at sea. The total number of lives lost in these casualties was 160, including 130 lost in the " Tararua," and 7 in the " Pakeha," 5 each in the " Dido," " Eona," and " Owake ;" 3 in the " Bee" (these 5 vessels being lost with all hands) ; and 1 each from the " Clara," " Venus," "Fanny Thornton," " Torea," and " Orpheus." Of the casualties reported as having occurred beyond



this colony, 3 vessels of 1540 were total losses, 3 of 1584 tons partial losses, and one loss of life only. The total loss of life reported in these casualties was 2, namely, one each from the " Wave Queen " and " Circe." The wreck of the "Tararua" was one of the most disastrous that has ever occurred on the coasts of this colony. The painful incidents connected with it were vividly described by the Press at the time, and excited a profound sensation thoughout New Zealand and in Australia. No good purpose can be served by now repeating the harrowing details, and I therefore only make this brief reference to this memorable wreck. Harbour Works. —-A considerable number of plans of wharves and other works on tidal lands are forwarded to this department for approval by the Governor in Council, in pursuance of the provisions of "The Harbours Act, 1878." The conduct of this business causes much correspondence and takes up a deal of time, mainly through the imperfect character of the plans submitted to the department, all of which have to be carefully scrutinized by the Marine Engineer, who, before any projected work is approved of, has to certify that such work, in his opinion, will not be or tend to the injury of navigation. The following Orders in Council under the provisions referred to were prepared by the department during the year ended 3lst March last: —May 10: Approving of plans of Heathcote Swing-bridge. May 10: Authorizing A. W. Croft to erect a wharf at Gisborne. May 17 : Approving of plans of works for the improvement of New River Harbour. June 27: Approving of Sir John Coode's plans of harbourworks at Waitara. June 27 : Vesting management of wharf at Motueka in Waimea County Council. August 22: Consenting to preliminary works for construction of Calliope Point Dock, Auckland Harbour. September 22 : Approving of plans of grain export-shed, Lyttelton Harbour. October 4<: Authorizing W. H. Colbeck to erect a wharf at Batley, at junction of Otamatea and Arapaoa Rivers, Kaipara Harbour. October 4: Vesting management of wharf at Queenstown in Queenstown Borough Council. October 4 : Approving of plan of proposed approach to wharf in Bluff Harbour. October 18 : Approving of plans of second proposed deviation in Timaru Breakwater. November 15 : Authorizing Auckland Timber Company (Limited) to erect a wharf at Mongonui. December 2: Approving of plans of deviation in County Council wharf at Herd's Point, Hokianga Harbour. January 4 : Approving of plan of proposed protective wail, Patea River. January 17 : Authorizing Messrs. Wigmore and Tolorton to erect a wharf in Whangaroa Harbour. January 24 : Approving of plans of first portion of proposed improvement of Wanganui bar. January 24 : Approving of plans of proposed fascine protection-works in Waitara River. January 31 : Authorizing St. Helier's Land, Building, and Investment Company (Limited) to erect a wharf in Auckland Harbour. February 14 : Authorizing F. Freeman to construct a slip in Nelson Harbour. March 13 : Approving of plans of two proposed training-walls at entrance to Waitara River. March 22 : Authorizing G. G. Russell to erect a wharf in Otago Harbour. Seal Fisheries. —About a year ago, the attention of the Government was called to the practice that was constantly being carried on of taking seals during the close season, which it was alleged, if not checked, would certainly result in the early extinction of the seal in New Zealand ; and an urgent request was made by persons interested in the seal-fishery trade that the catching of seals might be prohibited for three years. Satisfactory evidence was produced to show that the annual value of the sealskins exported was about £8,000. The Government therefore decided that it wonld be desirable to accede to the request for an extension of the close season, and thereby conserve a source of profit to the colony of considerable annual value. An Order in Council was accordingly made on the 18th October last, extending the time during which it is prohibited to hunt, catch, or kill seals, from the Ist November, 1881, to the Ist June, 1884. It was obvious that this prohibition alone would be as ineffectual for its object as the statutory close season had .hitherto been, unless steps were taken to secure its observance. The only way in which this could be done, it was considered, would be by having the sealing grounds visited by a Government vessel, with some officer on board who would have the requisite authority to take proceedings against any person found violating the Order referred to. The changing of the institution at Kohimarama from a Naval Training to an Industrial School, which had already been decided on, caused the schooner "Kohimarama" to be no longer required for that institution, and she was therefore handed over to the Marino Department, and at once fitted out for cruising on the sealing grounds. Captain Greig, a trustworthy and experienced officer, who had been acting as Resident-Magistrate and Customs Officer at Stewnrt Island for several years past, was placed in command. The name of the schooner was changed to " Kekeno " (Maori for seal), and she was well stored with provisions and every requisite for a lengthened cruise. She sailed at the end of March last, with instructions to proceed for the purpose above stated to the Auckland, Bounty, Campbell, and other islands, and places resorted to by sealers. Captain Greig was further instructed to inspect, and if necessary repair and replenish, the stores of provisions, &c, deposited at the Auckland Islands for the relief of shipwrecked mariners, also to search for wrecks, and to afford succour to castaways should he fall in with any at the various places he would reach in the course of his cruise. The mission of the " Kekeno," it will be seen, is in the interest of humanity as well as of commerce; and it will, therefore, no doubt, meet with general approval. Inspection of Machinery. —The report of the Chief Inspector of Machinery is attached hereto. Last session the Inspection of Machinery Act, as consolidated by the Statutes Revision Commission, was submitted to Parliament, but was not passed ; it has been again introduced this year. If passed, the amendments contained in it will cause the work to be more easily carried out. Provision having been made to enable the fees to be collected by others than Inspectors, much of their time, which has now to be devoted to collecting and accounting for fees, will be available for inspection duty. Returns, fyc. —-The report of the Marine Engineer on the works carried out under his direction is appended hereto, as also are the usual returns and wreck chart. I have, &c, William Seed, Secretary, Marine Department, The Hon. the Minister having Charge of the Marine Department.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Tear ended the 31st March, 1882. £ s. d. Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 1,266 8 2 Whangaroa ... ... ... ... ... 6 16 4 Thames ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 4 0 Russell ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 4 8 Tauranga ... ... ... ... ... 21 13 10 New Plymouth ... - ... ... ... ... 0 18 8 Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 1,323 17 8 Napier ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 9 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... ... 122 13 0 Westport ... ... ... ... ... 14 3 10 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... ... 1,913 16 10 Timaru ... ... ... ... ... ... 177 2 0 Oamaru ... ... ... ... ... ... 81 17 0 Dunedin... ... ... ... ... ... 1,643 9 8 Bluff ... ... ... ... ... ... 803 13 0 Total ... ... ... ... . £7,542 7 8

Return of Steamers to which Passenger Certificates were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1882.



Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Horsepower of Engines. Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Akaroa Albion Anne Milbank ... Antrim Arawata Argyle Beautiful Star... Bella Black Diamond Blanche ... Boojum Bowen Charles Edward City of Cork ... Clyde Colleen Coromandel Delta 43 591 44 35 623 126 126 12 9 8 14 844 89 29 30 33 68 60 23 38 54 28 180 24 30 300 40 30 12 20 9 12 250 60 40 20 18 25 30 12 40 30 3 5 12 32 3 4 15 5 13 3 7545 100 15 45 160 2 25 10 12 65 20 15 22 9 50 15 30 120 20 4 25 70 14 10 20 10 60 8 Compound Condensing Non-condensing 5J Compound j. Condensing Non-condensing jj Sere iv Paddle Screw .» )■ Paddle Screw Sea-going Extended river River Sea-going jj Extended river River jj Compound tt jj Extended river Sea-going Condensing Non-condensing Paddle 5, Twin-screw Paddle Screw Paddle Extended river jj Condensing Compound Non-condensing jj River Sea-going River Devonport Dispatch Durham Echo Eclipse Effort Enterprise, No. 2 Esk Fairy Fairy Fanny Fin gal Fly Grlenelg Gro -Ahead Braf ton Hannah Mokau Hauraki j. Condensing Compound Non-condensing )t jj Sea-going Extended river River Screw M Launch. 13 61 3 jj Padclle jj ft jj Extended river River jj jj Launch. "33 jj f> Screw Extended river River Extended river River Sea-going jj jj jj ,, New launch. 23 jj 5} jj !> New launch. 156 129 242 35 73 461 jj Compound jj Non-condensing Condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing If Twin-screw Screw Extended river Sea-going i> New launch. Hawea River Sea-going River Extended river Sea-going Hope Huia [da [no 107 12 24 159 75 33 57 15 138 39 133 5 28 4 30 287 23 10 21 20 26 6 !) ,1 jj Compound JJ Twin-screw Screw [ona Jane Douglas ... Jane Williams ... Kakanui Kati Kati Kennedy Kina Kiwi Koputai Kopuru La Buona Ventura Lady Barkly ... Ladybird Lallah Rookh ... Lilie Lillic Denham ... Lily Lioness Little Irishman jj Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Compound ,j Non-condensing 5, JJ JJ Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw River Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River jj Condensing Paddle Screw Extended river Sea-going Extended river River jj Compound Non-condensing Paddle Screw Twin-screw Paddle Screw jj Extended river Sea-going River jj Condensing Non-condensing Launch.



Return of Steamers to which Passenger Certificates were issued, &c. — continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Horsepower of Engines. Mature of Engines. .Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Lyttelton Lyttelton Macgregor Mahinapua Manaia Manawatu ... Manukau Maori Maori Mary Allen Memsahib Minnie Casey ... Moa Mohaka Moki Mullough Mountaineer Murray .., Napier Noko Oregon Oreti Paiaka Patea Patiki Pearl Penguin Peninsula Pioneer Planet Plucky Porto pello Rangiriri Result ... Result ... Ringarooma Riro Riro Rose Casey Rosina Rotoiti Rotomahana Rotomahana Rotorua ... Rowena St. Kilda Sappho ... Scotchman Shag Sir Donald Southern Cross Stafia ... Star Star of the South Storm Bird Taimii Taiaroa Takapuna Tarn O'Shanter Tangihua Te Anau Te Aro Te Aroha Terrier Titan Tongariro Tongariro Torea Tui Tui Vesta Victoria Vivid Waihou Waikato Waipara Waitaki Waitara Waiwera W~akatu Wakatipu Wallabi Waiau Wallace Wanaka Wellington Westport 86 6 163 62 103 45 118 17 6 43 49 20 10 47 66 78 48 15 20 117 10 51 37 14 442 31 5 13 29 11 30 18 13 623 4 99 19 17 864 138 576 74 174 9 20 31 29 139 40 4 175 67 41 228 58 10 20 1,028 5 50 25 14 60 10 30 45 15 CO 8 10 4 25 25 12 4 15 25 18 24 9 16 43 10 22 22 5 180 18 5 8 40 10 30 23 10 300 4 40 14 15 450 45 172 30 45 6 10 27 12 50 25 5 45 30 22 110 20 7 15 250 4" 14 Condensing Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing jj Condensing jj jj Non-condensing jj Compound Condensing Non-condensing ,j jj Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing jj Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Condensing Non-condensing jj Compound Non-condensing jj jj Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing jj Compound Condensing Compound Paddle Twin-screw Screw Stern-wheel Paddle Screw .* jj jj >> jj Paddle Screw Paddle Screw j. Twin-screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw jj Paddle Stern-wheel Screw Paddle Screw jj jj ■> Twin-screw Screw jj >t Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River Extended river Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river River jj Extended river j, jj River Extended river River Sea-going jj Extended river River Sea-going River Sea-going River jj Sea-going River jj Extended river Sea-going River jj Extended river Sea-going River Extended river jj Sea-going jj Launch. New vessel. jj New vessel. Launch. New vessel. New vessel. Launch. Condensing Non-condensing jj jj jj Compound .j a jj j. River ,j Sea-going Extended river Sea-going Extended river River Sea-going Launch. Non-condensing Compound Condensing Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing jj jj jj Paddle Screw Paddle Screw jj Extended River Sea-going River jj Compound Non-condensing jj jj Sea-going River Launch. jj 21 39 62 9 64 55 10 25 10 20 3 5 40 13 12 14 30 90 15 10 30 256 25 3 50 120 80 65 jj Condensing Non-condensing Paddle Screw Paddle New launch. jj Extended river JJ jj Compound JJ Screw jj jj Sea-going River New launch. Launch. New vessel. 3 93 13 23 61 70 228 11 6 75 1,158 101 3 64 277 261 263 jj Non-condensing jj jj Paddle Screw Stern-wheel Paddle Twin-screw Screw jj » jj New vessel. Compound Non-condensing Compound jj jj Sea-going jj Extended river River Sea-going Launch. jj jj Condensing Non-condensing Condensing Compound Condensing Compound J! Launch. JJ jj River Sea-going Paddle Screw jj New vessel. jj tt jj



Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Masters and Engineers during the Year ended the 31st March, 1882.

Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued between the 1st April, 1881, and the 31st March, 1882.

* Issued under the provisions of Her Majesty's Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876; and have the same force as similar certificates issued by the Board of Trade.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Bate of Issue. No. iobert Pearce Gibbons lichard Openshaw rames Lindsay Villiam Homes ... .harles Quintin Pope rohn Symons hhn Symons fohn Austin High McLellan ... xregory Seymour Norris "ohan Schmidt iVilliam Do Laey Cameron -lfred Boonstra ... "ohn McLaren Master Engineer ... Master River steamer... 2nd class Harbour and river trade Home trade 2 May, 30 „ 30 „ 4 Aug., 17 Oct., 17 „ 17 „ 23 Nov., 7 Dee., 10 „ 25 Jan., 14 Eeb., 27 „ 28 March, 1881 ... j , )) ■*• )] ... jj ... jj j) ... JJ 1882 '.'.'. )) J) J JJ 2494 1037 2495 2496 2497 2498 1038 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 jj '•• jj ••• ,, ... ... jj t Engineer ... Master ,, ... ... 2nd class Home trade ... jj jj Foreign trade (renewal) Home trade (renewal) ... jj ••• jj •*■ jj „ ... jj ••• jj jj •■• ,, ...

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Wilbert Dimmock Nicoll James Edie Lars Petersen ... George Lambert Harry Coe Henrick Leonard Andersson Robert Carnie Henry Grubb Watson ... Edmund Watts Haughton Henry James ... ... Alfred Bowling Frederick William Whitton George Herbert Kei worth Niel McDonald Charles William Todd... William James Featherstone Duncan Buchanan Henry Hudson George IT rquhart Thomson Hugh Pater son John Paterson James Johnson George Romeril Peter Moar Richard Knight Watson Caroline Frederick Scott Maundrell John Andersen August John Paesch ... Evan Davies John Graham Samuel Joseph Roe Frederick Winter Le B run Alfred George Noble Campbell ... August Ludwig Jarl Peter Douglas Valentino John Robert Christian Simon McKenzie Peter Anton Peterson ... James Meades Alfred Henry Compton William Robertson Felix Black Peter Pallison Peter Andreas Petersen Archibald Walter Titley Carl Emit Pasohe Alfred Bruce Robert Brebner Lauchlin Alexander McLean John McDonald John West Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate jj Second Mate Only Mate First Mate Only Mate Master Ordinary ... First Mate Second Mate „ ... Only Mate First Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate Second Mate Only Mate Foreign trade jj jj jj ii jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj :j jj jj jj jj jj jj jj 26 April, 1881 ... *26 „ „ ... *26 „ „ ... *23June, „ ... *11 May, „ ... 30 „ „ ... *30 „ „ ... * 7 June, ,, ... * h i jj jj •" 13 „ 20 „ „ ... *23 July, „ ... 4 Aug., „ ... *17 „ „ ... 27 „ „ ... *29 „ „ ... 13 Sept., *21 „ „ ... * 3 Oct., „ ... * 3 „ „ ... * 3 „ „ ... *27 „ „ ... *12Nov., „ ... 7 „ „ ... 7 „ „ ... *10 „ „ ... *28 „ „ ... 3 Dec, „ ... *13 _o ,, „ *13 „ „ ... *23 „ „ ... *31 *11 Jan., 1882 ..'. 31 „ „ ... * 9 Feb., „ ... *17 March, *17 Feb., „ ... 20 „ „ ... *20 „ „ ... * 1 March, „ 7 June, 1881 ... 7 „ „ ... 4 Aug., „ ... 4 „ ,, ... 8 j, „ ... 8 „ „ ... 8 „ „ ... 17 „ 27 „ „ ... 29 „ „ ... 13 Sept., „ ... 257 258 259 260 261 262 198 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 226 273 274 275 148 276 277 278 279 280 281 190 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 5172 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 6223 5224 jj jj Master Ordinary ... )J jj jj *»• Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Second Mate Master Ordinary ... JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ jj *•• Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate Master JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ Home trade jj •■• jj jj ••• u „ » J, «■! jj JJ JJ „ ... JJ Mate Master Mate J> JJ JJ JJ


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued, &c. — continued.

* Issued under the provisions of Her Majesty's Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876; and have the same force as similar certificates issued by the Board of Trade.


[.—12. id Engineers to whom Certificates issued, &c. — continued. if Competency 'ere Betuen of Masters, Mates, a: Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Henry Bradney ... ... Joseph McLean ... John Hays ... ... Isaac Merchant Souter... Alfred Tointon Frank Augustin Andin Charles McCarthy Johan Christian Eugen John Cox ... ... Robert Rutherford Douglas John Lindsay Galbraith Duncan McMurrich "William Isaac Masters... Stephen James Weston Finlay McRae John William Edward Lamburn James Carmichael William Grundy Croll... James Edward Robinson Benjamin Walter Glaas James Meikle Thomas Voyce Edward Obery William Mulholland Angus Boss Joseph George Morris ... John Robertson Edward Moloney John Christopher Lander William George Tye ... James Willison Gall ... John Maedonald Syms... James Ramsay ... Thomas ToriJohn William Fowler ... Woolsey Allen John Taylor Alfred Bach George Gyde James Duigan William Smith John Hornby Charles Edgar Neville Woodman Thomas Powick John Murray Penny Henry Lane John Maedonald Rudolph James Smyth Charles Henry Turner... ... William Mather Jonathan Elliott John William Edward Lamburn Charles Young Robert Andrew Page ... Amos McKegg ... John Hunt Norman McKenzie Andrew Blair James Lee Simpson Thomas Bartholomew ... Thomas Adams Henry William Louis Fiiller Francis Henderson Peter Clark James Brookes James Leask ... Charles Murdoch ... Harry Montague Langridge Alfred Trotman Alfred Martin James Johnson ... Anthony Ashton ... .., Mate Master Home trade 13 Sept., 1881 ... 12 Not., „ ... 15 „ „ ... 12 Dee., „ ... 17 „ „ ... 3 Jan., 1882 ... 9 „ „ ... 31 t f „ *10May, 1881 ... *14 June, ,, * 2 July, „ ... *12Sept., „ ... *21 Oct., „ ... *23 Nov., „ ... *9Dec., „ ... 17 „ „ ... 25 Jan., 1882 ... *30 „ „ ... *24 March, „ *28 „ „ ... 26 April, 1881 ,.. 26 „ „ ... 21 June, ,, 21 „ „ ... 23 July, „ ... 17 Aug., „ ... 17 „ „ ... 13 Sept., „ 13 „ „ ... 23 „ ,, 31 Dec, 20 Feb., 1882 ... 7 March, „ 30 May, 1881 ... 26 April, ,, ... 2 May, „ ... y jj jj .>. 9 „ „ ... 10 „ „ ... 9 June, „ 4 Aug., „ ... 4 jj jj ... A, 4 „ „ ... a „ „ 17 „ „ ... 23 „ „ ... 23 „ „ ... 13 Sept., „ ... 13 „ „ ... 12 „ „ ... 21 „ „ ... 21 „ 3 Oct., „ 21 ,, „ 7 Not., „ ... 15 Dec, „ 15 „ „ ... 17 „ „ ... 23 ,, ,, 9 Jan., 1882 ... 16 „ „ 17 „ „ ... 21 „ „ ... 6 Feb., „ ... 23 „ „ ... 23 „ „ ... 1 March, ,, 24 „ „ ... 24 „ „ ... 28 „ „ 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5155 68 75 76 64 77 78 79 80 81 82 69 83 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 S3 "* ,, 33 •" » ... 33 *" j) ■■ • 33 •" i) ... Mate Master 33 "*• S3 >" 33 •" 2nd Class Engineer S3 " ■ Foreign trade ,, ... 1st Class Engineer ... 33 '" 33 '" 3) ■•• 2nd Class Engineer 33 *•• S3 ■*' 33 '" 3S f" S3 "' 33 ••• 1st Class Engineer... 2nd Class Engineer Master ,.. 33 •*■ S3 "* „ (renewal) RiTCr trade 33 ... S3 '" 33 *" 33 •" 33 '*• , 3 ... 33 "* }] ... 33 •'• ,, ... S3 •" 33 •** 33 "' ,, ... S3 "* ,, ... 33 •" Engineer 33 *" S3 '" 3) ... 33 " * 33 " " 33 ". 33 •" S3 •'* 33 *" 33 •" 33 33 ••' S3 *■' 33 •" 33 '" 33 '" 33 •" 33 "' 33 '•* 33 •" 33 ." 33 '*• 33 ••■ 33 **' S3 33 "• 33 '" S3 '•' 33 •" 33 "' 33 '" 33 ' " 33 •" 33 '•* 33 **' 33 '*' 33 ■" S3 "* 33 *•' S3 "' 33 S3 '" )> *" 33 "' 33 '" S3 "* 33 ' " 33 "* 33 •" 33 "• 33 •*' 33 •*' 33 " " 33 •" S3 '" 33 *" S3 33 •" SS ' " 33 "* 33 '" S3 "' S3 • " 33 •" 33 33 '*' 33 "' 3) '" S3 *■' 33 S3 "' 33 '" * Issued under the proTisions of Her IV force as similar certificates issued by the Boi iajesty's Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876; and haTe the same ird of Trade.


Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers Examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1882, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1882.

Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1882.


H.—12, Rettten showing the J the 31st March, 188: urn' !, di ber of "N. stinguis! Masters, 1 ling the lates, Numb' md Inginei Succei !rs Exam :sful and ined d Unsu luring i ccessfu' the Te; !and: iv ended dates. ir o rCKLA] rD. WejLING^ PON. jned: UT. L DTEL:ON. 'ape IB. 'ham: :s. lOTAL, Class ot Certificate. to i •i o en 3 o •a "3 I I 13 o i A I ■3 I T5 I -a 3 "o EH (2 I ft 1 Foreign-going Masters and Mates Home - trade Masters and Mates Eiver-steamer Masters Sea-going Engineers Eiver-steamer Engineers ... 12 7 19 13 5 18 18 2 20 43 14 57 6 5 11 8 4 12 5 5 j 1 1 20 9 29 4 2 12 4 2 12 1 6 10 1 2 1 7 12 4 4 9 4 4 9 1 1 2 2 12 12 38 "i 3 12 13 41 5 T 6 i i' 1 i Totals 36 12 48 38 12 50 40 2 42 6 1 6 3 3 3 3 125 27 152 Retttbit showing the Cost of Main' of Oil consumed at eacl ;enance of fcl l, during the le New Zealand Ligh Tear ended the 31st ;houses, and the Quantity March, 1882. Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Gallons Consumed. Value. Cape Maria Van Diemen TiriTiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Portland Island Napier Bluff Penearrow Head Somea Island Cape Egmont Manukau Heads Brothers Tory Channel Leading Lights ... Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Head Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Foul wind Farewell Spit Nelson ... £ s. d. 366 16 10 242 16 0 146 5 0 154 10 0 347 18 4 240 9 4 231 19 10 277 17 6 194 16 9 281 18 6 431 15 8 29 10 4 237 5 6 263 13 4 261 O 0 263 5 0 263 5 0 210 0 0 273 3 8 362 11 8 365 9 5 326 15 6 267 8 4 336 14 11 278 9 6 909 474 64 76 680 220 788 183 275 553 704 35 533 476 486 492 431 479 755 798 875 922 563 492 244 £ s. d. 83 6 6 43 9 0 7 9 4 6 19 4 62 6 8 20 3 4 72 4 8 16 15 6 25 4 2 50 13 10 64 10 8 3 4 2 48 17 2 43 12 8 44 11 0 45 2 0 39 10 2 43 18 2 69 4 2 73 3 0 80 4 2 84 10 4 61 12 2 45 2 0 22 7 4 £ s. d. 88 3 10 69-15 8 27 4 2 60 6 11 106 3 6 55 3 1 62 4 2 47 11 11 21 4 9 43 6 5 105 0 1 16 1 77 0 10 188 5 7 28 0 2 46 3 2 54 18 1 92 15 7 36 8 1 98 6 6 79 10 8 98 1 3 114 19 2 163 11 8 9 10 10 £ s. d. 538 7 2 356 0 8 180 18 6 221 16 3 516 8 6 315 15 9 366 8 8 342 4 11 241 5 8 375 18 9 601 6 5 34 0 7 363 3 6 495 11 7 333 11 2 354 10 2 357 13 3 346 13 9 378 15 11 534 1 2 525 4 3 509 7 1 433 19 8 545 8 7 310 7 8 Totals 6,655 15 11 12,507 1,148 1 6 1,775 2 2 9,578 19 7 Retuen showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine DeYear ended the 31st March, 1882. lartment durini the Financial Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total. Head Office:— Chief Clerk ... Clerk Clerk Marine Engineer Draughtsman Nautical Adviser ,,, £ s. d. 341 5 0 195 0 0 142 7 4 292 10 0 195 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. 1,466 2 4 1,466 2 4 Habboues :— Manukau, — Salaries Chief Boatman's house Contingencies 690 6 0 83 14 2 58 8 11 832 9 1

H.—12, Rettten showing the J the 31st March, 188: urn' !, di ber of "N. stinguis! Masters, 1 ling the lates, Numb' md Inginei Succei !rs Exam :sful and ined d Unsu luring i ccessfu' the Te; !and: iv ended dates. ir o rCKLA] rD. WejLING^ PON. jned: UT. L DTEL:ON. 'ape IB. 'ham: :s. lOTAL, Class ot Certificate. to i •i o en 3 o •a "3 I I 13 o i A I ■3 I T5 I -a 3 "o EH (2 I ft 1 Foreign-going Masters and Mates Home - trade Masters and Mates Eiver-steamer Masters Sea-going Engineers Eiver-steamer Engineers ... 12 7 19 13 5 18 18 2 20 43 14 57 6 5 11 8 4 12 5 5 j 1 1 20 9 29 4 2 12 4 2 12 1 6 10 1 2 1 7 12 4 4 9 4 4 9 1 1 2 2 12 12 38 "i 3 12 13 41 5 T 6 i i' 1 i Totals 36 12 48 38 12 50 40 2 42 6 1 6 3 3 3 3 125 27 152 Retttbit showing the Cost of Main' of Oil consumed at eacl ;enance of fcl l, during the le New Zealand Ligh Tear ended the 31st ;houses, and the Quantity March, 1882. Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Gallons Consumed. Value. Cape Maria Van Diemen TiriTiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Portland Island Napier Bluff Penearrow Head Somea Island Cape Egmont Manukau Heads Brothers Tory Channel Leading Lights ... Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Head Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Foul wind Farewell Spit Nelson ... £ s. d. 366 16 10 242 16 0 146 5 0 154 10 0 347 18 4 240 9 4 231 19 10 277 17 6 194 16 9 281 18 6 431 15 8 29 10 4 237 5 6 263 13 4 261 O 0 263 5 0 263 5 0 210 0 0 273 3 8 362 11 8 365 9 5 326 15 6 267 8 4 336 14 11 278 9 6 909 474 64 76 680 220 788 183 275 553 704 35 533 476 486 492 431 479 755 798 875 922 563 492 244 £ s. d. 83 6 6 43 9 0 7 9 4 6 19 4 62 6 8 20 3 4 72 4 8 16 15 6 25 4 2 50 13 10 64 10 8 3 4 2 48 17 2 43 12 8 44 11 0 45 2 0 39 10 2 43 18 2 69 4 2 73 3 0 80 4 2 84 10 4 61 12 2 45 2 0 22 7 4 £ s. d. 88 3 10 69-15 8 27 4 2 60 6 11 106 3 6 55 3 1 62 4 2 47 11 11 21 4 9 43 6 5 105 0 1 16 1 77 0 10 188 5 7 28 0 2 46 3 2 54 18 1 92 15 7 36 8 1 98 6 6 79 10 8 98 1 3 114 19 2 163 11 8 9 10 10 £ s. d. 538 7 2 356 0 8 180 18 6 221 16 3 516 8 6 315 15 9 366 8 8 342 4 11 241 5 8 375 18 9 601 6 5 34 0 7 363 3 6 495 11 7 333 11 2 354 10 2 357 13 3 346 13 9 378 15 11 534 1 2 525 4 3 509 7 1 433 19 8 545 8 7 310 7 8 Totals 6,655 15 11 12,507 1,148 1 6 1,775 2 2 9,578 19 7 Retuen showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine DeYear ended the 31st March, 1882. lartment durini the Financial Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total. Head Office:— Chief Clerk ... Clerk Clerk Marine Engineer Draughtsman Nautical Adviser ,,, £ s. d. 341 5 0 195 0 0 142 7 4 292 10 0 195 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. 1,466 2 4 1,466 2 4 Habboues :— Manukau, — Salaries Chief Boatman's house Contingencies 690 6 0 83 14 2 58 8 11 832 9 1

H.—12, Rettten showing the J the 31st March, 188: urn' !, di ber of "N. stinguis! Masters, 1 ling the lates, Numb' md Inginei Succei !rs Exam :sful and ined d Unsu luring i ccessfu' the Te; !and: iv ended dates. ir o rCKLA] rD. WejLING^ PON. jned: UT. L DTEL:ON. 'ape IB. 'ham: :s. lOTAL, Class ot Certificate. to i •i o en 3 o •a "3 I I 13 o i A I ■3 I T5 I -a 3 "o EH (2 I ft 1 Foreign-going Masters and Mates Home - trade Masters and Mates Eiver-steamer Masters Sea-going Engineers Eiver-steamer Engineers ... 12 7 19 13 5 18 18 2 20 43 14 57 6 5 11 8 4 12 5 5 j 1 1 20 9 29 4 2 12 4 2 12 1 6 10 1 2 1 7 12 4 4 9 4 4 9 1 1 2 2 12 12 38 "i 3 12 13 41 5 T 6 i i' 1 i Totals 36 12 48 38 12 50 40 2 42 6 1 6 3 3 3 3 125 27 152 Retttbit showing the Cost of Main' of Oil consumed at eacl ;enance of fcl l, during the le New Zealand Ligh Tear ended the 31st ;houses, and the Quantity March, 1882. Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Gallons Consumed. Value. Cape Maria Van Diemen TiriTiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Portland Island Napier Bluff Penearrow Head Somea Island Cape Egmont Manukau Heads Brothers Tory Channel Leading Lights ... Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Head Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Foul wind Farewell Spit Nelson ... £ s. d. 366 16 10 242 16 0 146 5 0 154 10 0 347 18 4 240 9 4 231 19 10 277 17 6 194 16 9 281 18 6 431 15 8 29 10 4 237 5 6 263 13 4 261 O 0 263 5 0 263 5 0 210 0 0 273 3 8 362 11 8 365 9 5 326 15 6 267 8 4 336 14 11 278 9 6 909 474 64 76 680 220 788 183 275 553 704 35 533 476 486 492 431 479 755 798 875 922 563 492 244 £ s. d. 83 6 6 43 9 0 7 9 4 6 19 4 62 6 8 20 3 4 72 4 8 16 15 6 25 4 2 50 13 10 64 10 8 3 4 2 48 17 2 43 12 8 44 11 0 45 2 0 39 10 2 43 18 2 69 4 2 73 3 0 80 4 2 84 10 4 61 12 2 45 2 0 22 7 4 £ s. d. 88 3 10 69-15 8 27 4 2 60 6 11 106 3 6 55 3 1 62 4 2 47 11 11 21 4 9 43 6 5 105 0 1 16 1 77 0 10 188 5 7 28 0 2 46 3 2 54 18 1 92 15 7 36 8 1 98 6 6 79 10 8 98 1 3 114 19 2 163 11 8 9 10 10 £ s. d. 538 7 2 356 0 8 180 18 6 221 16 3 516 8 6 315 15 9 366 8 8 342 4 11 241 5 8 375 18 9 601 6 5 34 0 7 363 3 6 495 11 7 333 11 2 354 10 2 357 13 3 346 13 9 378 15 11 534 1 2 525 4 3 509 7 1 433 19 8 545 8 7 310 7 8 Totals 6,655 15 11 12,507 1,148 1 6 1,775 2 2 9,578 19 7 Retuen showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine DeYear ended the 31st March, 1882. lartment durini the Financial Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total. Head Office:— Chief Clerk ... Clerk Clerk Marine Engineer Draughtsman Nautical Adviser ,,, £ s. d. 341 5 0 195 0 0 142 7 4 292 10 0 195 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. 1,466 2 4 1,466 2 4 Habboues :— Manukau, — Salaries Chief Boatman's house Contingencies 690 6 0 83 14 2 58 8 11 832 9 1



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department, &c.— continued.

2—H. 12.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total; "aebotjrs— continued. Waikato, — Contingencies ... ... Russell, — Salaries Contingencies Whangaroa,— Salaries Whangarei,— Subsidy to ferryman Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Kaipara,— Salaries Repairs to steam launch Contingencies Waitara, — Salaries New flagstaff Contingencies ... ... ... Opunake,— Survey and contingencies Foxton, — Salaries Contingencies Rangitikei,—■ Salaries Purchase of pilot-station site ... Contingencies Wairoa, — Salaries Contingencies Wangawehi Light,— Salaries and contingencies Tauranga,— Salaries Contingencies Tairua, — Survey of bar Gisborne, — Salaries Contingencies Wairau, — Salaries Contingencies Picton, —■ Salaries ... ... Contingencies ... ' Havelock, — Salaries Contingencies Nelson, — Salaries Contingencies Survey of bar ... ... ... Motueka, — Repairs to wharf ... Contingencies Waitapu,— Salaries ,,. Riwaka, — Contingencies Collingwood,— Salaries ... ... ... Contingencies Karamea, — Contingencies Westport,— Salaries Buoys, floating boom, and contingencies ... Nile River, — Salary and contingencies ... Greymouth,— Salaries Removing and re-erecting Signalman's house Contingencies and extra boatmen Hokitika, — Salaries ,., ... ... Contingencies ... ... Okarito, — Salaries Contingencies, repairs to wharf, &o 50 0 0 57 6 5 417 0 0 10 6 2 319 11 4 48 10 3 125 17 9 250 0 0 51 1 9 290 5 0 0 9 0 749 7 11 96 13 0 114 11 9 109 13 9 58 2 10 10 8 6 310 1 0 51 19 1 346 2 6 46 6 2 97 10 0 18 6 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 11 2.0 14 0 97 10 0 107 6 5 427 6 2 960 12 8 178 5 1 66 14 7 368 1 7 426 19 6 115 16 6 40 0 0 362 0 1 5 15 0 £ t. d. 392 8 8 128 14 0 24 11 4 153 5 4 125 15 6 28 4 5 153 19 11 11 12 0 2 9 7 14 1 7 1,195 15 1 106 11 2 88 15 0 1,391 1 3 227 2 6 1 11 0 228 13 6 18 2 6 1 13 4 18 2 6 23 12 1 41 14 7 16 0 2 465 15 0 229 12 5 695 7 5 21 9 9 424 2 6 146 4 0 146 14 7 717 1 1 703 19 0 74 8 5 778 7 5 48 15 0 101 11 5



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department, &c. — continued.

• Paid out of Defence Vote.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total. Haeboues— continued. Catlin's River, — Salaries Contingencies Waikawa, — Salary Fortrose, — Salary Erection of signal station Otago Graving Dock, — Wages and repairs ... Coal ... Stores and contingencies Riverton, — Salary ,., Kakanui, — Salary Kaiapoi,— Salaries Contingencies Sumner, — Salary Contingencies ... ... ... ,., Akaroa, — Salary Contingencies Kaikoura, — Salary Contingencies Stewart Island (Half-Moon Bay),— Salary Sir John Coode's fees for harbour reports General harbour contingencies £ s. d. 121 17 6 39 10 1 27 12 9 300 10 0 1,172 17 0 297 7 3 143 7 11 £ s. d. 161 7 7 36 5 0 328 2 9 1,613 12 2 120 0 0 146 5 0 £ s. d. 117 0 0 1 14 6 118 14 6 117 0 0 13 15 9 130 15 9 24 7 6 5 17 8 30 5 2 73 2 6 7 16 10 80 19 4 14 5 0 1,186 10 0 54 13 4 Lighthouses :— Salaries Lightkeepers'travelling expenses ... Oil Stores and contingencies ,,. Lighthouse artificer Pension of widow of Lightkeeper Deck "■Stella," s.s. 13,078 0 3 6,655 15 11 14 10 0 1,148 1 6 1,775 2 2 48 13 2 23 19 10 5,128 10 4 14,794 12 11 32 0 0 Relief of crew of " Active " ... ... ... Departmental travelling expenses Charts ... ... ... ... ... Coastal buoys and beacons ... Sundries Inspection of Machinery,— Salaries —Engineer, Surveyor, and Chief Inspector of Machinery Inspectors of Machinery at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin Travelling expenses ... ... ... Sundries Examiners of Masters and Mates, — Auckland ... Wellington ... ... ,,, Dunedin 487 10 0 1,170 0 0 360 3 5 34 0 2 24 11 10 82 7 7 501 3 0 670 16 2 21 7 3 2,249 13 5 170 12 6 97 10 0 48 15 0 316 17 6 Inquiries into wrecks and casualties ... ... Survey of unseaworthy ships Seals Fisheries Protection, — Schooner " Kekeno," wages, stores, &c. " Hinemoa," s.s.* 356 18 3 8 10 6 365 8 9 126 7 6 4,001 11 2 £36,931 16 10



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Act, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Fish Protection Act, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, for Pilotage and Port Charges, for the Use of the Otago Graving Dock, and from Sale of Charts, &c.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1882.

- : • Harbour Board revenue.

Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. Description. Period of Revolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower, Built of Dwellings, Built of Date first Lighted. .ape Maria Van \ Diemen ) 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed 1' White Red, to show over Columbia Reef White ... White and red White ... Red, to show over Bull Rock White ... Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Piri Tiri ?onui Passage Portland Island < 2nd order dioptric 5th 2nd >j Revolving Fixed 30" Iron Timber jj jj 1 Jan., 1865 29 July, 1871 10 Feb., 1878 jj jj Pencarrow Head ... .ape Egmont tfanukau Heads ... lirothers < 2nd order dioptric 2nd 3rd 2nd „ jj ■• ■ "« Iron Timber JJ JJ 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 24 „ 1877 jj Flashing Fixed 10" jj JJ ,, ... ... Red, to show over Cook Rock White ... }ape Campbell Jodley Head _karoa iloeraki Head *ape Saunders fugget Point )og Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd ,, 3rd 3rd „ 2nd 1st 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing^ Fixed 1' io" JJ ' • ' ••* Timber Stone Timber Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 „ 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Aug., 1865 JJ •*• jj Revolving Fixed Revolving '_' Red White ... Stone Timber Stone jj Stone Timber Stone 30" ,, ... ... jj "entre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White ... Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 'uysegur Point Jape Foal wind farewell Spit 1st „ 2nd 2nd „ Flashing Revolving 10" 30" 1' jj jj 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 j. White, with red are over Spit end White, with red are to mark limit of anchorage White ... jj jj j. jj felson 4th Fixed Iron jj 4 Aug., 1863 ioko Hinou 1st „ Flashing 10' Stone jj Building

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877 (including light dues) ... Merchant Shipping Act ... ?ish Protection Act inspection of Machinery Acts flotage and port charges . tago graving-dock dues Sale of charts and " New Zealand Pilot" ... lation - money and services rendered by "Hinemoa"... ... ... ... Ditto by " Stella " Sale of port lights to Harbour Boards Sundries £ s. d. 9,373 19 5 122 16 9 87 0 0 2,545 0 0 2,002 19 3 1,947 11 6 68 4 6 110 19 3 283 6 10 65 0 0 8 10 3 Total 16,615 7 9 ■ettjrn showing the Expenditure on houses, &c, out of Immigration Works Loan, during the Tear end' March, 1882. new Lightmd Public :d the 31st Nature of Expenditure. Amount. toko Hinou Lighthouse Jape Egmont Lighthouse "rerieh Pass Beacon 'ory Channel lights Vaipapapa Point Lighthouse £ s. d. 431 17 5 935 5 4 668 15 8 303 7 7 56 1 6 Total 2,395 7 6

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &e. Total. Auckland* Onelnmga Kaipara Thames* Russell Mongouui Hokianga Tauranga Gisborne New Plymouth* Wanganui* Rangitikei Foxton Patea* Wairoa Wellington* ... Napier* Nelson Hokitika Lyttelton* Timaru* Riverton* Oamaru* Dunedin* Moeraki Invercargill* ... Bluff * Waitara Port Molyneux £ s. d. 1,328 9 10 £ s. d, 992 10 11 138 18 3 331 18 0 38 6 8 4 5 9 15 2 3 £ s. d. 2,321 0 9 138 18 3 714 13 3 42 12 0 16 19 7 15 2 3 64 16 10 52 14 7 40 15 4 82 0 11 410 12 6 1 17 6 72 12 6 58 0 1 74 0 8 2.360 16 0 1,278 11 1 670 7 11 15 2 10 6,422 1 1 89 12 2 8 15 O 974 14 5 3,786 0 6 4 10 8 60 10 4 993 18 6 119 8 1 0 19 0 382 15 3 4 5 4 12 13 10 64 16 10 37 3 7 40 15 4 54 4 6 410 12 6 1 17 6 72 12 6 34 17 4 74 0 8 920 3 0 830 7 0 670 7 11 15 2 10 4,196 18 1 15 11 0 27 16 5 23 *2 9 1,4-0*13 0 448 4 1 4 7 0 458 16 9 2,427 4 9 2,225 3 0 89 12 2 4 8 0 515 17 8 1,358 15 9 4 10 8 60 10 4 395 9 0 48 19 9 0 19 0 ,598*"9 6 70 8 4 Totals ... 12,711 10 2 8,180 14 5 20,892 4 7



RETURN of Wrecks and Catualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, from the 1st April, 1881, to the 31st March, 1882.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Rig. "Si a <_) o f_, to Nui iber of Nature of Number Place where Casualty occurred. 'ind. Decision of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Crew Passengers. Cargo. Casualty .~ Lives Lost. Direction. Force. 1880. Dec. — 1881. Mar. 22 Hettie, 17 years Fore-&-aft schooner Barque... 16 2 Ballast... Stranded; total loss Stranded; total loss Loss of life only Stranded; partial loss Schooner Bay, Great Barrier Island Off Awanui Heads, North Island Off Petane, Napier Vessel driven on to rocks while getting under April 2 „ 11 Janus Clara Anne Milbank, p.s., oi years Cutter ... Schooner 276 10 44 32 6 2 Wale oil General 1 Harnett's Landing, near Morey's Bay, Whangarei Harbour On the bar of the Grey River North Spit, Kaipara Heads N.E. E. Gentle breeze Light ... way The wreck occurred through the master mistaking Awanui Port for Mongonui Man knocked overboard by windlass when getting up anchorMaster did not use the lead or a pole when steaming in a narrow channel and approaching shallow water Tow-rope slipped and vessel went ashore William D. Gifford. Daniel Ferney. William Aubrey. ., 12 Advance, 6 years j. 59 4 Coal ... Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Light ... John William Nicholson. Michael V. Hurley. „ 14 Wild Wave, 27 years Brig ... 173 8 Timber, saw Tn and dressed General... Calm Wind fell, and strong ebb-tide set vessel into broken water „ 29 Tararua, s.s., 17 years Schooner 563 110 about Stranded; total loss About 130 On the reef off Waipapapa Point, Foveaux Strait W. Light ... The wreck was caused, primarily, through the captain neglecting to ascertain his position when he changed his course from W.S.W. to W., and, immediately, through neglect on the part of the look-out; and the loss of life was caused by the improper use of the boats Vessel touched on her anchor, which knocked a hole in her bottom. She sank, but w ras subsequently raised and repaired Vessel fouled schooner " Circe," and then went ashore Master of " Boojum " ought to have informed himself that fairway was clear before starting, and also to have used a check-rope when leaving the cattle wharf, in accordance with the Harbour Regulations ; if he had done this, he might, when he saw the "Sir Donald," have held on in the eddy until she had passed. If the master of the "Boojum" had starboarded his helm and gone up the stream, he might have avoided the collision altogether. Seaman C. Miller is to blame for not reporting to the master that the " Sir Donald" was coming in. Man washed overboard Francis George Garrard. JJ Piako, s.s., 8i years Foundered; partial loss At Tauranga Lug-sail 8 May 1 Amaranth, 9 years Sir Donald, s.s., 6 years Schooner 51 3 Coal ... Stranded; total loss Collision ; partial loss About five miles north of Timaru flagstaff S.S.E. Strong gale r Colin Campbell. » 7 Ketch ... 29 5 General... John Quinlan. Between the eastern and western boulder banks, Napier Inner Harbour w. I J) JJ 7 U Boojum, s.s., 1 year Venus, 4 years... Cutter ... Ketch ... 19 38 j. Timber ,.. Collision ; partial loss Loss of life only Stranded; partial loss Loss of life only Off Portland Island ... Alfred Dowell. John King. 1 Gale ... 33 18 Spray, 17 years Schooner 50 5 Railway iron Potatoes On bank by Patea Breakwater Off East Cape Island, North Island of New Zealand Moderate breeze Moderate breeze Vessel was being towed in by the s.s. " Patea," when tow-rope parted and she went ashore Sudden jerk of boom knocked a man overboard James Ruxton. « 21 Fanny Thornton, 4 years Ketch ... 80 7 1 W. Peter Webb Pullman.



May 24 Policeman, 27 years Threemasted schooner Barque ... Ballast... Foundered; total loss Off Ahipara, North Island of New Zealand Calm Vessel lost through springing a leak, and, box of one of the pumps having given way, it became impossible to keep the water down Vessel struck on rock while getting under weigh In crossing the Waitara Bar vessel was caught by a heavy sea and carried on to sandspit Collision caused by wrongful act of master of " Tainui " in deviating from his proper course and attempting to cross the " Christina's" bow. His certificate was suspended for one month, and he was ordered to pay the costs of inquiry Stranding caused through thick weather obscuring leading marks Casualty caused by thick weather ... William Champion. ,, 25 Arabella, 4 years 665 17 General... Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Collision; partial loss On rock in Fitzroy Bay, Wellington Heads South Bank, Waitara River N.N.W. Fresh ... Thomas Pearson. „ 28 Rowena, s.s., 9 years Tainui, p.s., 5 years Fore-&-aft schooner 74 11 2 jj Fresh breeze Edward John Scott. Neil Smith. June 1 47 3 40 r ... r ,. 1 Fore-&-a_t schooner Schooner Ballast... Auckland Harbour E. Mode- -{ rate breeze Christina, 7 years 59 4 Collision ; partial loss Stranded; no damage Stranded; no damage Loss of life only Stranded; total loss John Evanson. „ 5 Hawea, s.s., 6 years Hinemoa, s.s., 4 years Torea, 6 years ... 462 31 30 General Fanny Channel, Mairakau Harbour On Manukau Bar N.E. Archibald Kennedy. Robert Johnson. Gale ... ' „ 5 jj 286 20 Ballast... N.E.toE. jj „ 11 jj 28 6 Produce 1 Palliser Bay, Wellington At entrance to Lake Ellesmere, Ninety - Mile Beach, Canterbury S.S.W. Strong ... Man washed overboard by a heavy sea striking vessel During gale, in running vessel before wind to get under shelter of Banks Peninsula, allowance was not made for direction and force of sea, so that when master discovered his position it was too late to haul off shore Supposed to have been lost in heavy gale. Life-buoy, with "Dido" on it, found in Palliser Bay Masts carried away, when crew abandoned the vessel. She afterwards parted from her anchor, and was carried safely into port Strong tide caused cables to part, and ebb tide set her on shore Vessel lost through wind falling when she was in a strong current John Grundy. „ 11 Pakeha, 18 years Brig ... 173 8 Timber... 7 Strong gale Daniel Brewer. Dido, 9 years ... Schooner Ballast... Foundered; total loss Supposed 5; all hands Not known ... Heavy gale W. T. Johnston. J) 58 M sup S.E. July 2 Fore-&-aft schooner 28 posed Firewood N.E. Henry Charles Bullard. L Tno, 5 years ... 2 Dismasted; partial loss West, of Arrow Rock, Nelson Harbour Strong gale » 8 „ 13 Eliza McPhee, 10 years Ovalau, 2 T % years Schooner 40 116 4 9 2 General Cotton, copra, shell, &c. Coal ... Stranded'; total loss Stranded; total loss Waikawa Beach, Middle Island North - west Passage, Huahine, Society Islands (coral reef) North Channel, Otago Harbour No wind John Campbell. j. Calm Henry Douglas Bezer. „ 15 Iris, 12 years ... Barque ... 340 Stranded; partial loss N. A northerly wind suddenly sprung up and drove rollers over the bar as the vessel was entering the North Channel Vessel supposed to have foundered off Kaikoura during heavy gale Alexander Duff. „ 18 supposed Bee, 19 years ... Schooner 31 Ballast... Supposed foundered; total loss Stranded; total loss Stranded; partial loss Collision; partial loss Supposed 3; all hands Last seen July 18,1881, at dusk off Kaikoura Heavy gale John Green. „ 19 » 19 Maggie Paterson, 6 years Wakatu, s.s., 2 years Padishah, 5 years, Al 20 years JS Fore-&-aft schooner Ship ... 81 75 6 14 6 Coal and hides General Under lighthouse, Pencarrow Head Inside bar, Patea Harbour Lat. 10° N., long. 24° 56'W. S. S.S.E. Gale Strong wind Stranding caused by thick weather ... Heavy sea caused the stranding Hugh Paterson. Charles Evans. » 21 1241 33 20 j> w.s.w. Casualty appears to have been caused by mismanagement on board the " Duillo," an Italian vessel Vessel had come in under similar circumstances several times during previous six months. Practice of coming in at night, with " Wait till daylight" signal up, should be discontinued James Minns. „ 23 Samson, p.s. Fore-&-aft schooner 124 13 3 JJ Stranded ; total loss South beach, entrance to Waitara River S.E. Light ... Edward John Harvey.


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. E t£ .__ G Ntu iber of Nature of Number ind. I. Force. Date of Casualty. Rig. Place where Casualty occurred. Decision of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. _ o Crew Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Lives Lost. Direction. 1881. July 28 Australind, 19 years Neptune, 13 years Barque... 429 13 Coal and maize Coal ... Coal and Collision; maize partial loss Coal ... Collision; partial loss Burnt; total loss Henry Edward Hill. William Dow Wood. None. ,, 28 Brig ... 279 10 In Wellington Harbour N.W. Squally < "Neptune" overtook "Australind" while entering the harbour, and, while tacking, collided with her Aug. 12 XXX, 10 years Ketch ... 21 Non ,e ... Corsair Bay, Lyttelton Harbour Vessel was hauled up on shore when she was burnt, but by whom, or by what cause, no evidence obtainable Vessel drifted ashore bottom up, and was burnt by Natives J. D. Green, an A.B., washed overboard by sea breaking on board "Albion" was aground in channel, and officers of "Waitaki" did not see her until it was too late to avoid the collision. Blame may attach to "Waitaki" for proceeding down the harbour at night at more than half-speed Wind and heavy sea drove vessel ashore „ 12 about „ 15 Rona, 2i years Schooner 92 5 Ballast ... Ballast... Stranded; total loss General Loss of life only „ Collision; partial loss Supposed 5; all hands 1 20 miles south of South Head, Kaipara Lat. 46° 14' 8", long. 88° 22' E. Unknoi iwn Kenneth McKenzie. William Henry Kelly. Francis Holmes. Wave Queen ... General W. Strong ... ,, 17 Waitaki, s.s., 5 years Schooner 228 22 1 jj 1 ... J S.W. r Light -j „ 17 „ 26 Albion, s.s., 18 years Orwell, 10 years » 591 168 42 12 20 2 „ Collision; partial loss Balance of Stranded; general total loss cargo and SOTT1A Balance of general cargo and some One mile below Pulling Point, north side of Otago Harbour Lat. 1° 20', long. 176° 11' E., Kingsmill Group, South Pacific s. William Webster. James Robinson. » - Arawata, s.s., 5 j, some copra General Stranded; no damage Coal ... Supposed foundered; total loss Timber and Stranded; general partial loss Nil ... Collision; no damage copra General Poverty Bay w. Vessel touched lightly on rock in Poverty Bay William Christie Sinclair. Alexander Purdy, „ 27 623 ■13 25 years Owake, 9 years... „ Aug. — Topsail schooner 63 o Coal ... Supposed 5; all hands Unknown. On voyage from Greymouth to Dunedin North Spit, entrance to Waitara River Vessel sailed from Greymouth for Dunedin on or about the 22nd August, 1881; not since . been heard of. Reported missing Vessel touched on bar when crossing, and drifted on to beach The " Tainui," being a two-ended boat, was coming in stern first, when the master gave the order to go ahead. This order the engineer mistook to mean that he was to continue going up towards the wharf in the same direction as he was steaming at the time it was given, and, before his error could be rectified, the collision occurred Vessel sprung a leak, and subsequently sprung main boom Sept. 11 Tui, s.s., 6 years Schooner 55 13 3 Timber and general Nil w. Strong breeze James Wills. ,. 18 Tainui, p.s., 5 year3 47 3 15 . Calm -{ John Godfrey Carlquist. Enterprise, p.s., 15 years Croydon Lass, 4 years Ballast ... Collision ; partial loss N.Z. pro- Sprung a duce leak; partial loss Timber ... Stranded; partial loss General... Stranded; total loss Ferry tee, Auckland Wharf „ 18 Schooner Henry Miller. 61 4 S.E. „ 25 Topsail schooner 51 2 Waipapa Point, between Cape Campbell and Kaikoura Motenau Island Blowing hard James Braxford. Nov. 3 Hannah Barrett, 9 years England's Glory, 12 years, AA* : Lloyd's Schooner 57 4 Easterly Casualty caused by keeping too close in shore F. Renner. ,„" 7 Barque ... 751 19 About one mile to the west of entrance to Bluff Harbour id in shore. When she fi W.N.W. Moderate : breeze Casualty caused by error in judgment on part of pilot in altering ship's course so as to pick up pilot-boat, and thus bringing her too close ist resource, her anchors should have been let go William Knight. in si ithin th< influence of the eddies with, her he. iled to pa ty off, as a la tore, ai



Kb v. 17 Penguin, s.s., 17 years Schooner 23 37 General... Stranded; partial loss ['French Pass Light air When the ship was in the fairway the master took charge from the chief officer, and, some six or seven minutes afterwards, ordered the helm to be starboarded, and thus brought her into danger, from which she could not be extricated. He should, on a dark night, have approached such dangerous navigation at halfspeed, and given orders to have been called earlier than was his practice. He is considered worthy of the gravest censure short of suspension, and ordered to pay costs of inquiry. The mate, Thomas Popham, took serious responsibility on himself in porting the helm when ordered to starboard, but Court cannot say that he was not justified in doing so Vessel lost steerage way, and went ashore James Malcolm., Fleetwing, 2 years Clematis, 9 years Schooner 55 4 ... Timber... Stranded; partial loss Ketch ... 67 5 ... „ ... Stranded; partial loss P. W. Pullman. „ 24 Schooner 55 4 Timber ... North Spit, entrance to S.E. Patea River, Cook St. South Spit, entrance to E.N.E. Waimakariri River, Kaiapoi Indian Ocean, lat. 36° N.W. 39' S., long. 81° 45' E. Mouth of Hokitika N.N.W. River S.E. Strong breeze „ 27 Ketch ... 67 5 „ E.N.E. Strong breeze Master took the bar before signalled to do so ... Peter Johnson. „ 28 Alblasserwaard, 6 years (Dutch) Murray, s.s., 22 years Ship ... 1,256 23 ... Coal ... Burnt; total loss Schooner 78 17 6 General... Stranded; partial loss Ship ... 1,256 23 Coal ... N.W. Moderate gale Gale Fire broke out in the coal... George Schultz. Dec. 15 Schooner 78 17 6 General... N.N.W. A sea struck vessel on port quarter, causing her to broach to and ground on western spit. She was blown off; and before she could gather way, grounded on the lee spit, and drifted from thence on to the south beach. On wind falling, tide carried vessel towards the bank, and, when the anchors were let go, the chains parted, and she drifted ashore Dismasted, deck swept, boats carried away, and vessel hove on her beam-ends by a gale. Loose shingle-ballast having shifted, and the vessel continuing to heel over, the topmasts were cut away A tidal current carried vessel on to reef during thick and calm weather William Conway. „ 16 May Queen, 12 years Barque-... 733 28 97 „ Stranded; no damage Barque-... 733 97 Blind Channel, Taura- W. nga Harbour W. Moderate George Gordon Colville. » „ 23 Ganymede, 14 years „ ... 569 16 ... Ballast .... Dismasted; partial loss jj 569 Thirty miles south-west S.W. of Stewart Island S.W. Whole gale John Morgan. 16 Ballast .... „ 27 Elizabeth Conway, 7 years i Schooner 45 4 ... Oats ... Stranded; total loss Schooner Oats About two miles south of S.E. Cape Campbell, south edge of outer reef 1 Lat. 44° 30' S., long. S.S.W. 155° E., between Tasmanian Coast and New Zealand Tom's Rock, near Cape N.W., Terawhiti, Cook Strait variable William Ware. 45 S.E. 1882. Jan. 4 Circe, 13 years... Brigantine 145 8 ... Tea ... Deckhouse swept away; partial loss Brigantine 145 Tea 1 S.S.W. Strong gale A sea broke over the vessel and washed the deckhouse away and killed one of the crew Richard Alexander. „ 6 Wakatu, s.s., 2 years Schooner Wool ... N.W., variable Casualty caused by wrongful default of second mate, George Saunders, in allowing vessel to go at least four points off her course. His New Zealand certificate of competency, No. 5194, suspended for six months, and he ordered to pay costs of inquiry Loss of vessel caused by cable parting through bolt having worked out of the shackle. She was afterwards brought up so close to the shore by a second anchor that the Harbour- ', and consequently had to let her go, when she deck when cable parted, very negligent in not io far and into such a dangerous position Christen Eriksen Greager. Schooner 75 12 3 Wool ... Stranded; partial loss 75 12 j, 14 City of Cashmere, 18 years, Al Lloyd's Ship ... 980 19 2 Wool and Stranded; grain total loss 980 19 On Ninety-Mile Beach, Variable about 4 miles north of Timaru Lighthouse. Light breeze Daniel Ross. maste I I I I I I I ir considered it prudent to remove her. This was at. drifted on to the beach. The Nautical Assessor consi discovering she was adrift before he did, and that he empted by a small steamer, which was unable :dered Mr. Green, the second mate, who was ii should have let the port anchor go before she 1 to tow hei i charge of tad drifted s



RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, &c. — continued.

Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. _S So -_ - ■r. a Number of Nature of Number 'ind. Date of Casualty. Rig. Place where Casualty occurred. Decision of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. _>§ Crew Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Lives Lost. Direction. Force. 1882. Jan. 17 East Lothian, 29 years Maria Virginia, 16 years Barque... 348 10 Ballast ... Stranded; partial loss Spars, rigging, and rudder damaged Fire in forehold Stranded; partial loss Outside edge, Tory Shoal, Kaipara Bar On voyage from Salaverry to Lyttelton put into Chatham Islands Port Chalmers Harbour Calm ... Wind falling light, tide carried vessel on to the bank Serious damage to spars, rigging, and rudder, caused by bad weather and vessel being indifferently fitted out Charles Brophy. Between Nov. and Jan. Topsail schooner 198 13 Sugar and tobacco I lowing the hard all voyage Alexandra Sauri. Feb. 6 Manx Q.ueen, 3 years, 100 Al Wakatu, s.s., 2 years Barque... Flour and wheat General... Fire broke out in forehold, and damaged part of the cargo The propeller was stripped on the apron of the groin, which caused the vessel to refuse to answer her helm and go ashore Vessel struck on snag alongside the coal-staith Robert Gick Kar303 10 „ 11 Schooner 75 13 2 About 100 feet inside end of groin, Patea River Buller River, Westport W. Strong breeze ran. Christen Eriksen Greager. „ 17 Westport, s.s., 6 months Griffin, 3 years j» 263 21 Coal ... Stranded ; partial loss Stranded; partial loss John Gibb. „ 21 Fore-&-aft schooner 48 4 jj Rangitoto Reef, Auckland Harbour Vessel stranded at 9 p.m. on the 21st February, but floated off on next tide, with loss of part of false keel. Considering the position of schooner, master ought not to have left the deck in charge of one man only, as by so doing he not only endangered the safety of his own vessel, but put lives and property in other vessels in risk of loss Vessel missed stays when entering Tory Channel, and struck on a reef of rocks at the West Head, and afterwards, from damage received, foundered about a mile from the entrance Captain was taking in jib when he fell overboard Collision caused through negligence of second engineer of " Waitaki," Matthew Craig Moffatt (uncertificated). Instructions were telegraphed to him by the master to go astern, when, instead of doing so, he went ahead. He was ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry Casualty caused by tide setting vessel on to North Spit through her being too close to Tory Shoal when the wind failed William Bishop. West Head, entrance to Tory Channel John Hadfleld Smith. „ 23 Star of the Sea, 9 years ,j 38 General Stranded and foundered; total loss N.N.E. to W. Variable Mar. 13 Orpheus, 6 years Schooner Timber... Loss of life only Collision; partial loss 1 Off Banks Peninsula ... N.E. Strong breeze WilliamDoughty. 53 5 ,. 16 Waitaki, s.s., 5 j> 228 20 General - - At Port Chalmers, between the George Street and Bowen Piers North Spit, Kaipara Heads Fresh -j Joseph Hansly. years „ 16 Koputai, p.s., 5 years Vindex, 20 years j» None Collision ; partial loss Stranded; total loss N.N.E. Donald Sinclair. 5 6 S. Barque... 290 9 2 Timber ... u Joseph Stolling. „ 29 Very light



APPENDIX. ANNUAL REPORT ON INSPECTION OF MACHINERY. Sir, — Chief Inspection of Machinery Office, Wellington, 23rd June, 1882. I have the honor to submit the eighth annual report of the Inspection of Machiuery for the year ended 31st March, 1882, and have again much pleasure in being able to state that the Act continues to work most satisfactorily. The number of boilers inspected during the year has been 1,352, being an increase over the previous year of 102. The accidents to men employed about machinery that have occurred during the year were not preventable by fencing or by inspection. The Inspectors continue to be of great service to boiler owners, especially when visiting isolated districts, from their superior knowledge and experience enabling them to advise as to the laying-down of new boilers, and the best anil safest method of working them. The condition and the fencing-in of machinery continue to receive the special attention of the Inspectors, with beneficial effect. The tables annexed will show the number of boilers inspected in the various districts, the amount of fees collected, and the expenditure during the past year. I have, &c, J. Nancarrow, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Chief Inspector.

Statement showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1882.

Return showing the Amount of Fees collected under the Inspection of Machinery Acts during the Tear ended 31st March, 1882. Name of District. Amount Collected. £ Otago ... ... ... » ... ... ... 668 Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... ... 547 Auckland ... ... ... ... ... ... 540 Wellington ... ... ... ... ... ... 334 Marlborough ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... ... 77 Nelson North ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 Nelson South ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 Westland ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 Total ... ... ... ... ... £2,545

3—H. 12.

Number of Portable Boilers. Number >f Stationa: •y Boilers. Name of District. Total. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. )tago Canterbury mckland ... Wellington larlborough 'aranaki ... Jelson, North felson, South Westland ... lawke's Bay 32 13 13 8 2 1 2 86 148 33 32 14 9 22 1 1 22 17 7 26 12 1 8 7 3 1 (i 89 70 68 30 3 4 9 2 9 11 49 20 89 25 9 6 15 77 34 106 57 14 8 2 9 4 6 350 298 285 164 43 36 57 15 19 59 4 14 Totals 71 368 88 301 181 317 1,326



ANNUAL REPORT ON LIGHTHOUSE WORKS, ETC., BT THE MARINE ENGINEER. The Marine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir,— Marine Office, Wellington, 31st March, 1882. I have the honor to forward, for the information of the Hon. the Minister having Charge of the Marine Department, the annual report on works executed for new lighthouses, &c, during the year, viz.: — Cape Fgmont. —In last annual report it was stated that the light would probably be ready for lighting by the Ist August. The works were completed, as expected, in a satisfactory manner, and the light exhibited on that date. The light will add much to the safety of the navigation of the Strait, and its establishment is highly prized by navigators. Bemoval of Bocks, Catlin's Biver. —The progress made with this work has not been so satisfactory as expected, and some work still remains to be done. Bemoval of Buoy-Bock, Nelson Harbour. —This contract has at last been satisfactorily completed, and there is now a minimum depth of 7 feet of water over the rock at low-water spring tides. Tory Channel Leading Lights. —The work executed here consists of the erection of two wooden buildings of a pyramidal shape, in each of which is placed a light, so that the lights, when seen in line, mark the proper entrance into the channel from Cook Strait. Land has been acquired as a reserve for the purpose, and this has been securely fenced round. The lights were first exhibited on the Ist January, 1882, and are placed in care of a settler w;ho lives near. French Pass Beacon. —This was built in anticipation of a plan designed for lighting the Pass, and as part of it; which was to place a fixed light on the main land on the east side, and a reflecting light on the west side, that is, on the beacon now erected. It is still a question whether any light at all is needed in the Pass, as even in very dark nights the main land is visible on one side and. the beacon on the other, the passage lying between. It is true that since the beacon was erected it has been damaged by a vessel running against it, but this accident was entirely due to a want of ordinary precaution as to the proper time to go through the Pass. The proper time is for vessels to go through with the tide, whereas the vessel in question, on her way to Nelson, attempted to pass through against the ebb-tide, and this resulted in the accident, which might have been attended with the most disastrous results to the vessel. The beacon is a structure of concrete, 10 feet in diameter at the base, 6 feet in diameter at the top, and about 21 feet high, surmounted by an iron rod and large iron framing; it was finished in September, 1881; damaged in February, 1882; and is now being repaired in a substantial manner. Collingwood Training-wall. —This work has been let by contract. Its purpose is to restore a portion of the Aorere River to its proper channel, and to avert the destruction of the " Point" at the entrance to Collingwood Harbour. The work is of a tentative character, as it is to be feared that a much larger expenditure than is involved in the above will be necessary to produce satisfactory and permanent results. Waipapapa Point. —A site for the proposed lighthouse was selected at this place in December, 1881, and an order has been sent home for the light-apparatus and lantern, which will be of the same character as the Brothers light, in Cook Strait. Moko Hinou, Hauraki Gulf. —The necessary works for establishing a light at this place were commenced in February, 1882, under an experienced overseer and a party of workmen. Nelson Harbour. —Considerable changes having taken place in the Waimea River, and, consequent on them, such changes in the bar and channels through it as rendered the old charts not trustworthy, a new survey has been made by Captain R. Johnson of the bar and entrance to the harbour. This has been plotted, and is now being prepared in the form of a chart, which will contain all the amended soundings and proper sailing directions for Nelson Harbour. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Marine Engineer.

Authority : Geobge Didsbuest, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.

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MARINE DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-12

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MARINE DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-12

MARINE DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-12

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