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SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE THERETO.) [In continuation of Papers presented the 28th May, 1880.]

Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

PEOGEESS EEPOET OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONERS. Mat it please youe Excellency,— , Wellington, 11th June, 1880. I have the honor to report that the Sydney International Exhibition of 1879 was formally closed on the 20th April last, on which occasion a copy of the official awards was presented to me as representing the New Zealand Commissioners. Some of the judges' reports were not finally closed at that date, so that the report was then •incomplete. The original documents have since been received, showing the awards made to the various New Zealand exhibitors as finally adjusted, signed by the judges, and setting forth the grounds of the award in most cases. I have also to report that the exhibits have been dealt with in accordance with the instructions received with the original applications for space, and the articles directed to be returned to New Zealand have been forwarded to the various secretaries of the local committees for distribution to the exhibitors. The exhibits which were to be forwarded to the Melbourne Exhibition have been packed, and, by the kind permission of the International Commissioners, are* stored in the Exhibition building until the Exhibition building in Melbourne is ready for their reception. The documents relating to the final awards were laid before the Commissioners at a meeting held on the 9th instant, and it was resolved that they should be submitted for your Excellency's information, with a request that they should be officially published. I have, &c, i James llectoe, Executive Commissioner.

List ojf Awards. »• Cata" , Degree N f 1 lotrue Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks, of T ,,7|~L § No. Merit. 3ad^o. 581 925 Union Steam Shipping Models of s.s. Models to scale; very complete in detail Ist'] Company of New Zea- ••Rotomahana" of deck, fittings, &c.; not rigged; highly g . land, Dunedin and s.s." Waka- commended ° g tipil |r< "-I » „ 921 Green Henry Thomas, Sculling outrigger Commended. ... ... ... 2nd}- EH if Dunedin wager-skiff with *s £- g patent rowlocks §• g H „ 924 New Zealand Shipping Half-models of Creditable exhibit ... ... ~, 2nd £W M Co., Christchurch ships J 101 40 Bay of Islands Coal Com- Coal ... ... Ist o■ § panv, Bay of Islands m.' g. 42 Coal "Pit Heath Coal- „ ... ... Ist P^-S Mining Company -i -J « g |*g „ 48 Westport Colliery Com- „ ... ... Ist 3 S *? m pany, Westport .Sjj,..' S . „ ... KaitangataCoal Company, „ ... ... 3rd so & X P-t Otago LP HPQSsi


List of Awards — continued.


k O Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Degr of Meri '8e Names of it. j Jud Ses' .03 73 O'Neill, Charles, Wellington Jackson, II. I). 0., Nelson Bank of New Zealand ... D'Urville Island CopperMining Company Johnson Bros., Nelson ... Hackefc,' T. R. Hematite Paint Company, Nelson Hector, Dr. James Cement composition Silver Alluvial gold ... Copper ores Artificial flagging 1st (10 13 2 7 A new mineral called Bichmondite Capital collection of alluvial gold Very excellent 1st 1st 2nd » M )> 14 11 12 Zinc Chromium Paint Good exhibit of blende Large specimen (non-competitive) Fair exhibit 3rd 1st 3rd J) Geological collection Marbles and serpentines Marbles and serpentines Building stone... A remarkable palajontological collection ... 1st I O a § O •+*» 3II ■ .J S '-3 I^Wdi » 1st .02 57 Munro, G., Dunedin White and grey marble 5J 51 Canterbury Marble ComGood for ornamental building purposes ... 3rd >i iy t> 59 52 55 17 54 61 pany Oamaru Stone Company, Oamaru Daniel, W., Southland ... Haast, Prof. Julius von ... McCaffrey, F., Queenstown Enys, J. D., Canterbury... Port Chalmers BuildingStone Company Nelson Museum Otago Slate Co., Otago ... Gtinn and Spence, Otago Munro, G., Dunedin Stansell, John B., Christchurch Pawa Rika LithographicStone Company ,, ,, ... Light and easily worked Limestone suitable for heavy work Good collection of building stone Good hard stone, smooth surface Similar to Oamaru stone Very excellent stone for basement and kerbing purposes Paving stone Take polish well, but rough Appears excellent material Very good fine clay ... Is a very good glass-making sand 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st )» 04 52a 60 85 87 88 Slates Clays )) Glass sand .06 95 Lithographic stones Very suitable for transfer work 3rd 110 J. M. Vivian, Taranaki Iron Company, Taranaki Hematite Iron Company, Nelson Hokitika Local Committee, Boss, Westland Iron Very good description of pig-iron r 3rd | a"" - . - ' in --a h a a o «*3 ft ; •^ C S ft c a '3 55 (*"" < So 2 m O "~J Jl i Good general quality of exhibit 3rd ! 21 134 Model of mining claim, Morning Star Specimens illustrating a chlorine process for obtaining gold from tailings 4th"") 120 Clhno, William, Tararu, Thames Apparently thoroughly effective, but it is to be regretted, in the absence of anything to show the working of tbe process or cost of the same, no award can be given - j. "§,3 S k. fly H* 1/3 ID . a fca. c3 J McLeod Bros., Dunedin... Soaps and stearine candles Very good pale yellow soap and stearine candles Bright yellow common household 1st "| 9 < c3 | J 2 "C . c '3 g 3 .j -a si k» PI *c o "StS S.s tfH W §& dMpm-*;"** 101 156 1st 158 Parnell Soap Factory Company, Auckland Hatch, Joseph, Invercargill Kemplhorne, Prosser, aud Co., Dunedin Grayling, W. I., Taranaki Soap 154 ,, ... 3rd \ it 3rd :oo 144 Chemicals, &c... Fair oils (but we except the washing powder) 141 Tanning materials 1st J 181 573 Lyttelton Harbour Board Model of Lyttelton Harbour Neat and accurate model showing the breakwater, wharves, railway, &c. 1st ■ I I .8 •3 I fc>8 & .Mm Didsbury, George Bookbinders' work Bookbinding and account-books A fair specimen of strong and substantial workmanship A very creditable exhibit, showing considerable excellence in both printing and binding. As a whole the work displayed shows some slight inequalities, but is worthy of second degree of merit A very small exhibit of only one specimen, showing workmanship rather above the average A creditable exhibit, displaying good workmanship A fair average specimen of bookbinders' work, calling for no particular comment 3rd") S3 cS a '3 o & o g . £ | EH § « a-3 JSP 261 401 402 Fergusson and Mitchell... 2nd J' Lyon and Blair Bookbinding ... 3rd j* 403 404 Smith, J. T. and Co. ... ,, ... 3rd 31 >> 405 Tombs and Davis Bookbinding and account-books 4th :61a 1 401 Didsbury, George, Wellington Printing A display not very large, but worthy of eecond degree of merit r* 2nd -J I o a po m • Ijj-S 5H Wfi



List of Awards— continued.

a Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits, Remarks. Degree of Merit. Karnes of Judges. 186 470 Auckland Steam Rope Factory, Ponsonby, Auckland Ropes and cordago A collection of ropes of very good quality and workmanship. Tho prices are fair, and the goods are to be considered as belonging to the 1st order of merit Has an exhibit of good quality and make, and to be classed in the 2nd order of merit Of fair quality and make, and to be classed in the 3rd order of merit The rubber stamps are pretty well made, of fair value, and (it for the purpose intended ; they are to range in the 3rd order of merit 1st " 2nd a ci a '3 . aX*\ T3 « a rd O « O 3£ n 472 Bevan Bopes and cordage !85 460 Harbut t, Thomas F., Auckland Ffrost, John W., Wellington Brushes 3rd !84 450 India-rubber stamps 3rd J 101 501 500 Burton, J. R., Wellington Buchanan, John, Wellington Taxidermy Illustrations of grasses drawn on Btono Geology and natural history of New Zealand Ethnology of New Zealand Stuffed birds, &c. Stuffed birds ... New Zealand Graphic Books, &c. 2nd~* 1st 1st 1st ■ 2nd 4th 3rd 4th i> a 502 505 Colonial Museum and Geological Department, Wellington Haast, Prof. J. von., Canterbury Jennings, E., Dunedin ... Zouch, W. H., Canterbury Barraud, C. D., Wellington Colcnso, W., Napier An unequalled exhibit A fine collection S -2 Si .•ijS.s .H ST S* *?3 M M -w ell Cd * r3 CC _ pq a 106 506 507 525 )j 526 Early printed books and Gazettes from New Zealand 571 Brown, S., Wellington ... Model of Cape Farewell Lighthouse Well designed, and suitable for purpose under circumstances where economy is so important a consideration, as is the case in the colonies 2nd"l :U 572 Deverell, Walter, Invercargill George, Thomas, Dunedin Specimens of survey drafting Plan and sounding of Otago Harbour Plan of Wellington Harbour Plan of suspen-sion-bridge over Clutha River Plans and photographs of Nelson Creek Water-race Model of Mount Ruapehu Model of Mount Tongariro Maps of N.Z. including a relief map coloured Map of Otago ... 3rd tl 573 4th 574 576 Holliday, Captain J., Wellington Macgt'orge, L. D., Clyde... 3rd 3rd it » 577 O'Connor, E., C.E., Hokitika Seems a costly undertaking 2nd 21 22 130 133 138 Beetham, George, Wellington Hector, James, C.M.G., Wellington Hector, James, C.M.G., Wellington j As these two exhibits are included in the > one model, an award can only be given \ for the whole Excellent collection; admirably executed 2nd 1st Pj S o k,ta . w fa Tl 9 O -3 k. O 19 585 Spreat, W. W. J., Wellington Blackett, John, Wellington Burnside, IL, Dunedin ... Good lithographic production, carefully drawn on stone 2nd 122 U9 114 ,06 586 590 722 579 639 Surveyor-General of New Zealand Alves His Honor Mr. Justice Richmond, Wellington N.Z. lighthouse chart Model of the residence of Hon. R. Campbell, Otekaika Specimens of lithographs by the Survey Department Silt elevator Oil painting " Lake Rotorua " " Winter Sunset," "Lake Wakatipu " " Teremakau Valley," " Lake Pearson," "Entrance to Otira Gorge," " Valleyof the Cass," " Valley of tbe Wairarapa " Commended No award if loan picture 4th 4th 2nd 1st g a '« J o _.t3 o OT oi t>* k~ 107 667 John Gully, Nelson 1st extra >! 1st w



List of Awards— continued.

m - Catart logU3 6 -Wo. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. I D egret of Merit, Names of Judges. :15 746 759a Clifford and Morris, Dunedin Bloch, Nelson ... Photographs ... Show a collection of photographs of excellent taste and finish Shows a good collection of photographs of very fair execution and finish Show a collection of photographic views of good taste and careful finish Show a collection of photographic views through the carbon and silver process, very skilfully rendered, and deserving great credit Shows a collection of photographic views of New Zealand, very well taken, with a creditable regard to tints and effects, lights and shades Shows a collection of photographic views of New Zealand scenery, of very fair execution Photographs in ceramic art. This is an art evidently in its infancy in New Zealand, and deserving credit Show specimens of commercial engraving of good workmanship and utility - Show specimens of engraving on cheques, &c, of very careful workmanship The picture of the "Wayside Reverie" shows originality, high artistic skill, and taste and progress Shows a collection of photographic portraits and views, the poses very good, wanting in softness, but, as a whole, deserving-encouragement Show several portraits very carefully printed ; good poses and shades ; creditable in finish The reflective light s and shades have been studied with effect, and show great skill Shows a collection of photographic views skilfully taken for an amateur Shows a collection of photographic views through the wet-collodion process very skilfully taken, aud carefully printed ; very creditable Shows a collection of photographic views of Now Zealand taken by an amateur ; worthy of encouragement Glass-embossing, fair execution ; tbe figure is not ungraceful. In the signboard the work is good, though, in the arrangement of the design, lightness is wanted Illumination of the Lord's Prayer in Maori • tracery representing Maori carvings, curious Illuminated musical calendar. The portraits in pen and ink are tolerably well sketched Figures of racehorses etched on glass with a diamond ; exceedingly well done 3rd 4th ,, ... » L16 752 780 Hart, Campbell, and Co., Queenstown, Wakalipu Burton Bros., Dunedin ... ,, Photographs in carbon and silver 3rd 2nd 15 742 Bragge, J., Wellington ... Photographs ... 2nd 759b Perkins, W. H., Greymouth 4th » 744 Cherrill, N. K., Christchurch 3rd » 411 718 Proprietors of the Lyttelton Times, Christchurch Edwards and Green, Wellington Holmes, B. T., Wellington Engravings 4th a d s t-l t !S d .3 ,0.k.l^1 e "-< o k. Qi g Mm m w Skid frf ■4dd^d i> 710 4th it 711 1st 415 740 Bartlett, R. H., Auckland Photographs ... 3rd 753 Hemus and Hanna, Auckland ,, 2nd » 759 Wriggleswoi'th and Binns, Wellington Bothamlcy, A. T., Wellington Collin, W., Napier ,, ... 1st u M 741 4th » 747 3rd ,, ... 758 Travers, W. T. L., F.L.S., Wellington ,, ... 1st i) ,24 815 Leves and Scott, Dunedin Stained glass ... 3rd G.F.Want, Chairman. 427 822 Gordon, W., Wanganui... Carvings 4th 825 McCardell, J. F., Christchurcli 3rd Milne, A., Wanganui Etching 2nd I I !94 488 C. Coombes and Son, Dunedin Saddles' * ... J 4th 895 Burt, A. and T. Collection of lead pipes, hydrants, and stopcocks Bottling andcork-ing-maehine 1st"] 558 557 885 12nd I J 1031 New Zealand CommissionSpecimen of timber Board of kahikatca Tho finest single specimen of timber in the Exhibition 1st ~1 118 1021 ers Bagnnll Bros., Thames ... 1st T3 O <0 P-t S 53 S r-i j* U It 1027 Potts, T. H., Christchurch Cones of forest trees Specimens of timber Specimens of tim- | ber Timbers ... j 1st II 1020 Auckland Harbour Board 2nd 2nd " II 1032 Campbell, Dr. L., Kaipara » 1023 Haast, Professor J. von Ph.D., F.R.S., Director, Canterbury Museum Hokitika Committee Holdship, G., Auckland... Isaacs, Edward, Auckland Robertson, J. W, and Co., Queenstown 3rd It II 1024 1025 1026 1028 Kauri timber ... 4th 4th 4th 4th it II Samples of birch and totara Commended



List of Awards — continued.

CS 6 Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. I Remark*. Degrt of Meril Names of Judges. 113 114 1030 1043 Colonial Museum Halcombc, A. P., Manawatu Otago Museum, Dunedin Woods, &c Native ornamental woods Native timber of Otago Two planks of rimu Ornamental timbers Samples of limbers Commended 4th 1st 1047 1st » 1044 Hornby, John, Picton ... 2nd ii 1046 Norrie, W., Auckland ... 2nd » » » 1042 1045 Guthrie, Robert, Dunedin James, William, Wellington. Colonial Museum Blair, W. N, Dunedin ... George, J. C, Taranaki ... Labonde, L. Baker, James E., Wellington Thames Produce Company (Limited), Thames Hull, John, and Co., Auckland Ornamental timber Timbers classified Samples of woods N.Z. woods Gums Kauri gum 4th 4th -*3 *** V *- -*s OJ &"*H hj g **4iS » 116 1048 1040 1041 1053 1050 Commended 1st 4th 4th 1st 2nd 1052 3rd 11 1051 ,, 4th 104 982 983 1001 John Dowling, Hokitika Alfred Tyer, Wellington... Joseph Hatch, Invercargill Leather Brown harness and bridle, good ; black harness, medium; calf, fair; tweed, good; kip, fair Kip and black harness, good Good sound oil 2nd \ 4th 2nd g , o » O g & V H*3.Sf H _! I* P ri I £ a - 107 Seal oil 18] 435 Kemptliorne, Prosser, and Co., New Zealand DruK Company (Limited) Birley, P., Auckland Knife-polish Colonial manufacture 3rd 1 133 446 Wrought ironwork A specimen of wrought ironwork, showing a fuchsia and foliage, natural size, entwined on twisted vine, executed by hand For exhibit spe- y cial 1st 133 )l » 11 II n ii it 129 1239 1235 1238 1240 1211 1242 1239 1244 1165 1215 1218 Griffiths, S. S., Wellington Binnie, J., Dunedin Grant, O. D,, Thames ... Lamb, John, Auckland ... Newbury, P. J., Dunedin Ronton, J. C, Dunedin ... Griffiths, S. S., Wellington Waters, Edward, Auckland Trent Brothers, Christchurch Roj-se, Stead, and Co., Dunedin Wood, W. D., Christchurch McGill, Peter, Otago ... King and Co., Gisborne ... Bute!, Peter, and Co., Southland Moir and Co., Christchurch Gilmour, Robert, Lake Hayes McGill, Peter, Otago ... Gray, Fleming, and Co., Invercargill Hudson and Irvine, Dunedin Biscuits ,, ... Confectionery ... ,, Chicory Flour Well manufactured flour; looks well, but mixes short aud dark in the dough Ditto 2nd""| 3rd 2nd 3rd 4th 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 1st ! 4th d I s JT .' jr! W -§ 8 8-a ° dFMta eta. . I •** a ,, u n 1209 1205 1201 ,, j, 1st f 2nd 3rd a a 1211 1202 Oatmeal Fine, medium, and coarse j very good ... Medium and coarse ; very good 1st 1st a » 1209 1203 ,, Fine and patent; very well made Pine ground ; good. ... 2nd 3rd a 1204 Fair medium ground ... 3rd it 1215 Royse, Stead, and Co., Dunedin McGill, Peter, Otago ... Reid and Gray, Dunedin ,, 4th » » !53 1209 1361 Groats Ploughs Very good coarse groats One double-furrow and subsoil plough, fair work, design, and finish. Set draught pulley-blocks and 4-horse yokes; set 4-horso swingletrees, well made, but no particular design One broadcast seed-sower, well made, good design, work, and finish Butter churn of kauri wood, very well made and design A very finely-shown collection of 97 varieties of New Zealand ferns, botanieally arranged and named. We class them in the first order of merit A good working collection of specimens of New Zealand ferns. These, in many ca es, were full-sized, and of a most instructive nature. We class this in the second order of merit 1st J 2nd ~1 iil )> .; Drills, ko. %m '3 Q 5 1 • eg a s& i-a pi II 1st 158 1390 Ellis, Thomas, Wanganui Churns 2nd '09 1444 Jeffs, C. K, Wellington... Collection of dried New Zealand ferns 1st 1415 Logan, H. F., Wellington 2nd 1 Is-J I O U H "H J$ \%


List of Awards— continued.


Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Degi of Meri ;*"" Names of ., of Judgeg. '09 1446 John Regan, Thames Ferns artistically arranged This is a good exhibit of 12 sheets of artistically - arranged ferns, unnamed, which we commend A beautiful exhibit of very finely skeletonized leaves of New Zealand ferns and other plants. These are very complete specimens, shown artistically in a flowerstand and glass-case. As an exhibit of skeleton leaves we class it in the first order of merit A very good botanical collection of 113 specimens of New Zealand ferns and lycopediums, correctly named and well mounted. We class this in the first order of merit This is a large-sized Wardian-case, containing a good collection of 40 varieties of New Zealand ferns. With this is shown a beautifully-bound book, containing all the names of the ferns exhibited, with impressions of full-grown specimens of these and others, also a good collection of dried mosses. We class this in the second order of merit An artistically-arranged collection of 7g specimens of New Zealand ferns. We class this in the third order of merit This we place in the third order of merit 4th 11 1447 Mrs. Charlotte Spence, Dunedin Skeletonized leaves of N.Z. ferns and other plants 1st 1448 Stewart, Peter, Wellington N.Z. ferns and lycopediums 1st » )7 1430 Tait, John, Hokitika Case of ferns and 2nd I mosses Armstrong, C. C, Dunedin Collection of N.Z. ferns 09 1440 3rd >> 1411 Craig, Erie, Auckland ... Two beautifullybound volumes containing artistically - arranged collections of 78 specimens of N.Z. ferns Dried specimens of ferns 3rd Hardy, C. A. C, South Rakaia A good botanical collection of 55 varieties of New Zealand ferns. These are correctly named, and we class them in the third order of merit A splendid preserved collection of 147 specimens, which are botanically arranged and named. The collection shows a great amount of care and industry in its preparation. We class this iu the first order of merit. P.S.— We would recommend exhibitors showing collections in this manner to fix tbe tissue-paper on the top of each sheet. This is the finest botanical collection of New Zealand ferns exhibited. A good exhibit of four glass frames containing artistically-arranged specimens of ferns named. This wc class in the fourth order of merit A very finely-painted collection of 28 illustrations of New Zealand flowers. These are extremely good representations, great care having been taken to show all the characteristics of the different specimens. Each has the local name attached, but we think it would have been a great improvement if the botanical names had also been given. We class this exhibit in the first order of merit A good collection of 16 water colours illustrative of New Zealand plants, beautifully painted, and very fine representations of the different specimens copied. The interest in this collection is increased by the botanical and local names being given. Also four artistic designs in flowers representing the four seasons. This collection we class in the first order of merit Twenty-four good water-colours, representative of New Zealand ferns, carefully drawn and named. This we class in the second order of merit Two oval frames of seaweed and ferns artistically arranged. The frames are artistically made from cones, &c. This we place in the second order of merit Beautiful cone-framed picture of seaweed artistically arranged in basket with neat borders. This we place in tho second order of merit 1442 3rd II it 1443 Helms, Richard, Greymouth Preserved collection of ferns 1st .& A -° £ s a O 5 -a T3 . •*-■» ■-3 2 « t-bHl> Mrs. Edward lizard, Thames ti 1449 Specimens of ferns 4th » 1451 Miss E. Harris, Nelson ... Painted collection of N.Z. flowers 1st f 1452 Mrs. Tizard Collection of water - colours illustrative of N.Z. plants 1st 11 Miss Nutt, Dunedin Water • colours representative of N.Z. ferns 1453 2nd It 1454 Mrs. Kate Salmon, Patea Seaweed and ferns artistically arranged 2nd t! Mrs. Thompson, Napier... Picture of seaweed artistically arranged 2nd 1456 ,)


List of Awards— continued.


Catas 1 logue E j Mo. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Degre of Meril Names of Judges. 135 )) It Smith, James, Nelson J) 3) )) J> ■•* Charrade ii ii ... A, 1876 (as a manufactured wine) B,1877 C,1878 X,1877 Full and sweet, 1877... 1874 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 1st J 1 " a -""* B *s . a, II J> II O'Meara, M., Queenstown Taylor, Mrs. J. M. „ Feraud, J. D., Clyde ... Wakatipu Fruit wine Burgundy Constantia Peppermint jj )> )> tl II 176 900 Moffctt, W. ..." Eeraud, J. D. Moffctt, W. Burt, A. and T. Ginger wine Ginger brandy... Stills, &c. Befrigerator of copper with oval tubes, giving a much larger cooling surface in same space ; good design and workmanship ; well spoken of on trial A, 1874 C,!878 B, 1878 D,1877 (Of these wines, C, 1878 stands out best as exhibited. A, 1874, and B, 1878, had they had a more thorough process of manufacture, would have made very fair champagne) Commended as a manufactured wine Commended as a tonic ■3 9 "^ O g a 11 % a 4 >& Smith, James, Nelson ... Hock 135 » n ii tl ii It ii ii 1! Wendcl, J., Auckland ... Grape wine Quinine grape wine Cloves 4th 4th I ■ 5 j mil a ii ii G-omez, J. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. 3rd - 4th Feraud, J. D. ... Lemon syrup ... Lime-juice Lemon syrup ... Cherry brandy... Well prepared 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 4th 1st Moffet't, W. '.'.'. Eeraud, -J. D. ... a )) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. Feraud, J. D. ... Dixon, George Moffett, W ii ... Aniseed liqueur Pale orange bitter Stomach bitters 4th 3rd 2nd J JJ )» 3rd -j 265 Thomson, Thomas, Bluff Harbour Washing machine a . .» i S3 £ !s a -^ jS*g-£.M 11« s § § § £.a 125 17 215, 240, 260, 273 Guthrie and Larnach, Dunedin Cabinet drawingroom and bedroom suites 2nd"! Ditto Tubs and buckets, hall door Inlaid tables and boxes of New Zealand woods Work-table of New Zealand woods Octagon table of New Zealand woods Sideboard of New Zealand woods Chess-table, and a cabinet exhibited by Mr. Webster Cabinet washstand Silver epergne ... The hall door specially commended for originality in design 1st 214 Fleming, George, Nelson 1st IS 216 Large and Townley, Napier 1st It 218 Peters, Carl, Wellington... 1st B d a '8 Q 1 a • R *-g <s a" a »* 217 Nicholson, W., Wellington 2nd 220, 221 Seuffert, Anton, Auckland Specially commended for taste and workship 1st II 210 Burt, A. T., Dunedin ... 3rd 3J 2nd 118 232 Sandstcin, M., Christchurch Petersen, B., and Co., Christchurch Myers, Thomas, Wellington White, Mrs. S., Wanganui » 231 Silver jug and cups Picture frame ... Of high artistic merit ... (special) lBt 120 246 1st 248 Cone picture frame Ditto 3rd li 3rd ii 245 Child, Samuel, Christchurch Scott, Bros., Christchurch Burt, A. and T., Dunedin 122 !23 251 255 Stoves Gisaliers Tasteful design, combined with a solid construction 3rd 1st



List of Awards— continued:

***• Cata- ! logue j No. Exhibitors. I i Exhibits. I I Remarks. Degn of Mori Names of L Judges. 127 270 Greenfield and Stewart, Wellington Mantelshelf of New Zealand woods Door of New Zealand wood Ditto 2nd 271 Halley and Ewing, Wellington Stewart and Co., Wellington Mein, W. H., Christchurch 2nd 272 2nd ;oo 937 Gear, J., Wellington Preserved meats Boiled and corned beef, spiced mutton, corned and boiled mutton, spiced beef, shceps' tongues, rissoles, brown potted tongue, ham and chicken. The whole of the above opened up in first-class condition, equal to the best exhibited, being well cooked, tender, and full flavoured. Would specially mention rissoles, corned mutton, sheeps' tongues, and ham and chicken as superior to anything shown in tbe Exhibition. Can be supplied equally low in price as any meats iu the Sydney market Good assortment of soups, all of excellent quality, well flavoured, and of good strength 1st 5 a .'a S3 o QJ "-* Oj ,3 >■• IS- B a CL* bO " j**"- -^ uw . 11 941 Soups 1st 954 952 953 Kirkland, W., East Taieri Candy, C. B., Christchurch Graham, J. A., Christchurch Warburton, P. E., Palmerston Cheese 1st 2nd 3rd 101 11 ii •*■ 11 ii ... 100 939 Mutton hams ... Sound, but very old ; should havo been judged before with other perishable goods 1st „■ Cata. I logue S No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Degree of Merit. 600936 McDonald and Miller, Dunedin Sheody, Edward, Dunedin Bacon Bacon, fair quality, and best exhibit in its class 1st 603 938 Hams, &e. Hams very good, and superior to the rest of tho exhibit Picton bloaters, very superior, and highly desirable on account of quality, condition, and freshness Pearl barley, sound, good colour ... Tartarian oats, good Oats (Canadian), good ... Barley (flathead), good grain, but not good colour ... Oats (Tartarian), very good—seed Wheat (Tuscan), clean, good serviceable wheat, 62| lb. Oats (Tartarian), fair —seed Barley (malting), full grain, but not good colour Barley (malting), excellent, deserving special notice... Wheat, large grain, well matured, fair milling quality 2nd ii 934 Blake, Charles, and Son, Picton Banks, E. IL, Christchurch Fish 1st 623 1074 Grain 4th 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st 3rd 4th 2nd 1st 4th ii 1078 Cunningham, P., and Co., Christchurch Fell Brothers, Blenheim Harley and Sons, Nelson Holdaway Brothers, Nelson McGill, Peter, Otago ... Barley • M II 1082 1086 1088 Wheat II tl 11 1096 1099 1103 Meek, J. and T., Oamaru New Zealand Loan- and Mercantile Agency Company, Oamaru Oats Grain %.. Wheat (Tuscan), pure uniform sample, excellent quality Oats (short), prime feed Oats (Danish), good seed Oats (black Tartarian), very good—seed ... Wheat (white Tuscan), fine milling, 601b.... Barley (chevalier), fair ... Oats (barley), fair feed ... Oats (potato), fair Oats (long Tartarian), good 1st 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 4th 3rd 4th 2nd 11 Royse, Stead, and Co., Dunedin Vile, Job, Masterton Banks, E. II., Christchurch Oats ii 1112 127 1118 1180 Peas, rye, rape, beans Oats (black Tartarian), fair A good exhibit of a fair quality throughout, and comprises eight samples, and, with the exception of No. 6, Prussian-blue peas, we would class them as inferior to other similar exhibits in the same court. The No. 6 was tho best of the kind in the court,; rank it as 1. Tho exhibit, as a whole, I should rank as 4 This comprises four samples, and, as a whole, I consider it the best exhibit in the court in its classs. The peas and beans are first-class, full, round, heavy, and fresh-looking. The rye-grass seed is better than 1180, but not so good as that of Duncan and Son, 1183, or Drausfield, 1182. Of a samplo of rye-grass seed experimented on, 12 per cent, failed to germinate A very fine collection of grasses, eminently deserving of high commendation ; most suitable for a farming and pastoral country. As grasses, we think them the best seed in the court; the rye-grass seed is as good as, but no better than, 1183. On experimenting with this rye-grass seed, 26 per Cent, failed 3rd 4th Cunningham, P., and Co., Christchurch j Bye grass, peas, beans 3rd 1181 a Dransfield, Joe, Wellington Grass seed 1st 1182 ii



List of Awards — continued.

Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Degree of Merit. 127 1183 Duncan and Son, Christchurch Eyles, Mrs., Richmond, Nelson Haynes, Charles, Palmerston South Russell, Captain W. R., Hawke's Bay Seeds Grass seed A very fine exhibit,; tbe rye grass especially good in bulk and appearance ; all the seeds of a very high quality. We would class this the best general exhibit iu the court for general farming purposes in New Zealand. On experimenting, 18 per cent, failed to germinate A very good sample of grass, worthy of praise, but not equal to 1183. Commended For rye-grasB seed only, I would class this 1st 11 1184 4th 1185 Bye grass 2nd 11 11 1186 Crease, E. H., Wellington For rye grass only, we would class this as ... Note.—The best and most comprehensive exhibit, having due regard to quality, variety, utility, and adaptation to public wants, is No. 1182, 16 samples of seeds, although worst in germination ; No. 1183, 8 samples, comes next, second in germination ; No. 1181, although very fine seed, docs not compare in variety with these. We would place it 3rd, although bearing best results in the germinating test. Sample of a well prepared and ground pure ginger and mixed spices of good quality Two samples of white and black ground pepper, both well prepared, with good flavour Two samples of black and white ground pepper, well prepared, and with good flavour A sample of well-manufactured ground coffee, of fair quality Three samples of mixed coffee, wanting in flavour ... 3rd >26 1152 Spices 4th 11 1165 Trent Brothers, Cbristchurch Strang, David, Invercargill Pepper 2nd 1164 Pepper, coffee ... 3rd 3rd Gregg, William, and Co., Dunedin Andrew, R., Waimea West Coffee 4th 1155 1150 Hops A very fine sample of well-grown hops, with fine aromatic flavour, good colour and condition Sample of well-grown prepared hops, of good colour, rich flavour, and fine condition Two samples of unprepared hops, grown from Tasinanian seed, of good aroma, fine colour and condition Sample of a well-prepared heated malt, of good quality and colour, and fair fermenting power Mild ale, very pale amber, fine hop-flavour, sound good body, excellent quality Mild ale, light-amber colour, full hop-flavour, very slightly hard, but of excellent quality Pale ale, very pale, mild hop-bitter, light body, clear and bright, very good quality, thoroughly sound Pale ale, bright sparkling ale, mild hop-flavour, fair body and good quality ; highly commended Pale ale, bright amber, very light hop-aroma, full body ; highly commended Strong ale, bright-amber colour, fine flavour, well hopped, and good body Strong ale, light amber, rather cloudy, mild hopflavour, fair body Bottled stout, brown colour, good stout, pleasant flavour Bottled stout, soft, mild brown stout, fine condition, good body Well finished, good patterns 2nd ii 1157 Harley, Thomas, Nelson 3rd 1167 Witty, T. and W., Waimea ii ... 4th 1115 Surman and Co., Invercargill Joel, M., Dunedin Malt 3rd iis (; 1279 Ale 1st 1276 Brown, Campbell, and Co., Thames Martin, J. T., Invercargill ii 2nd 1284 ii ... 1st 1285 Pascoe and Co., Wellington Wilson, J., and Co., Dunedin Vincent and Co., Christchurch Speight and Co., Dunedin ,, 2nd 1294 2nd 1290 ii 1st 1288 ii ... 2nd 1270 Crawford, W. T., Gisborne Stout 1st 11 1274 Phcenix Brewery, Ehrenfield Bros., Thames Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, Dunedin Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company, Canterbury Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, Dunedin Bovan, Thos., jun., Foxton ,, ... 2nd !3S 291 Tweeds lBt !36 290 Flannels ...' Stout make, good body ... 1st !31 Good weight and make, rough finish 3rd ii ... 120 280 281 Ellis and Nicholson, Dunedin Cordage Flock A collection of lines, twines, &c, which, on account of the quality of the material employed and the good workmanship, is worthy of Samples of flock for upholstering; for quality of material and skill with which it is prepared worthy of These are serviceable goods, but not in any way remarkable ; worthy of 3rd 4 th 136 296 Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company, Canterbury Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, Dunedin Braithwaite, A., Wellington Henry, Miss Mary, Nelson Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company, Canterbury Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, Dunedin Blankets of New Zealand manufacture Shawls, blankets 3rd 137 297 This exhibit is of very serviceable goods, all of good material; deserves Being very useful 2nd !38 300 Tarn, homespun 4 th )> 301 302 Woollen scarf ... Yarn, plaiding... Of good material, nicely made Good quality and useful 4th 3rd 303 Woollen fabrics ofNewZealand manufacture 2nd These are woollen goods of a useful kind, well made from good materials -H. 5a.


List of Awards — continued.

Supplemental List of Awards from the Official Book of Awards.

New Zealand List of Prizes awarded at Wool Show, opened 23rd December, 1879. [Total number of exhibits of wool from New Zealand, 32.] Division G. —Wool in grease from any variety of sheep other than merino. First prized bronze medal; second prize, certificate. Sub-class 26.—Six ram-hoggets' fleeces, unekirted. Catalogue No. 214. D. McNicol, Auckland. Fourth award. Sub-class 27. —Six ewes' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue Ko. 219. James Wallace, Auckland. First award. Sub-class 28. —Six ewe-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 222. Charles Reed, Ashburton. First award.


Cata- § logue B No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Degree of Merit. S39 310 311 316 Cook, W., Wellington ... Lawless, Thomas, Thames Mats made of New Zealand flax and wool Woolwork in frame Counterpane or tablecover Raspberry vinegar For their good make and usefulness For the skill with which this is done, and the excellence of material used Excellently got up and of good material ... 3rd 3rd Ml Jordan, Joseph, Dunedin 2nd 137 1311 1312 1315 Dixon, George, Wellington Feraud, J. D., Clyde ... Moffett, W. J., Invercargill Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., New Zealand Drug Company, Dunedin Austin and Kirk, Christchurch Ditto ,i 11 A very fine, excellently prepared, rich, strong raspberry vinegar, of good colour and fine flavour A sample of well-prepared raspberry vinegar, of good quality, but slightly fermented A sample of fairly-well prepared raspberry vinegar, of good flavour A sample of good-flavoured raspberry vinegar, but rather strongly fortified with alcohol 1st 3rd 4th 144 ii 3rd !06 190 Stoneware, &c.... Closet cistern and paviors 3rd 11 Pottery ware Samples of pottery ware, enriched by hand-modelled foliage and fruit, showing great ingenuity and artistic taste Good collection of retorts, crucibles, and firebricks ... Good insulators. Commended ... For jade or greenstone, mounted and unmounted 1st ii 253 191 192 592 Boyd, George, Auckland Plant, W., Thames Proctor, T. R., Christchurch Coombs and Son, Dunedin Gas tiles, &c. ... Insulators Greenstone, &o. 2nd 4th 4th 251 3-18 Boots and shoes Skilful workmanship in men's strong and light boots ; good material; well adapted to the colonies Skilful workmanship in ladies', gents', and children's boots and shoes; of good quality of material Boots and shoes, good quality of material, well made 2nd ii 352 356 Lightband, Allan, and Co., Christchurch Sargood, Son, and Bwen, Dunedin 3rd 4th

b Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Degree of Merit. .01 104 151 150 129 !01 194 125 !38 S60 152 -27 142 100 41 51 984 346 341 2,80 500 487 303 340 360 823 1341 390 391 393 1342 1010 330 354 363 Brunncr Coal Company, Greymouth ... Hooper and Dodson, Nelson H. Walton, Wellington V. Almas, Dunedin Mrs. M. A. Black, Wellington Thomas Bevan, jun., Foxton... Colonial Museum, Wellington J. Cook, Auckland ... R. Dignan, Auckland George Fleming, Nelson Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, Dunedin ... L. J. Godfrey, Dunedin Mrs. Beeby, Queenstown Mrs. George Binns, Wellington Miss Bridget Henry, Dunedin C. Fulton, Blenheim ... ..M Invercargill Paper-bag Factory ..,* Mataura Paper-mill Company Otago Paper Company, Dunedin A. Robertson, Nelson Mrs. Mary Beal, Dunedin ... Mrs. Lucien Henry, Dunedin Mrs. Thomas Marriott, Wellington Mrs. J. O'Conncll, Auckland Miss Pike, Dunedin Miss Anna Wilson, Dunedin... McLean and Co., Auckland ... Coke Basils Hats Knitted goods and hosiery ... Flax Historical costumes Harness furniture ... Silk Collection of timbers Hosiery, &c. Crab-shells and ornamental designs for panels ... Knitted counterpane Lace-work Picture in silk and worsted ... Flax Paper-bags Brown and grey wrapping paper Brown wrapping paper Hemp Ornamental work in seaweed and shells Silk cushion and cover Bonnet made from lace bark Limerick lace Lace curtain Specimen of point lace Horned cattle 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 4th 3rd 3rd 1st 1st 4th 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th 1st 1st 1st 1st 3rd 4th 4th 3rd 1st 4th It 142 509 M7 !51 !52



Supplementary Competitive Exhibits. Division G. —Wool in grease, other breeds. Sub-class 25. —Six rams fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 405. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Catalogue No. 406. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Sub-class 26.—Six ram-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 407. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Catalogue No. 408. Owen&Lethbridge. Wanganui. Third award. Sub-class 27. —Six ewes' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 410. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Sub-class 28. —Six ewe-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 411. C. W. Tancred, Canterbury. Fourth award. Catalogue No. 412. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Fourth award. Division if. —-Wool washed ; other breedß. Sub-class 29. —Six rams' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 413. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Sub-class 30.—Six ram-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 414. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Sub-class 31.—Six ewes' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 415. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award. Sub-class 32. —Six ewe-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 416. W. H. Watt, Wanganui. Third award.

Supplementary Report in all Classes, as reported by Committee of Awards on 23rd April, 1880.

By Authority : George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBo. Price 9d.]

cS 5 Catalogue No. Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks. Recommendations. 01 a 156 .07 386 101 Liardet, H. E., Wellington Kelly and Eraser, Thames New Zealand Government Colonial Museum Furs, muffs, &c. Mineral waters... Maori house Ethnological collection of New Zealand Pen-and-ink drawings A variety of forgings from the works at Port Chalmers Paintings on fans These articles are made with well-selected and valuable feathers, are of varied design, and exhibit excellent taste in manufacture An excellent example of Maori architecture, showing great ingenuity in grotesque carvings in pilasters and panels, and in all other details novel and interesting Raised to 2nd merit 1st merit 1st special Special 1st merit a tn *a 8 .a to 3 So s -4 'P =3 R a & 1 H*> 101 502 .10 704 Wrigg, H. C. W., Wellington New Zealand Government 1st merit 3 1st merit Miss Brandon ... Honourable mention ...

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SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE THERETO.) [In continuation of Papers presented the 28th May, 1880.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1880 Session I, H-05a

Word Count

SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE THERETO.) [In continuation of Papers presented the 28th May, 1880.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1880 Session I, H-05a

SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE THERETO.) [In continuation of Papers presented the 28th May, 1880.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1880 Session I, H-05a

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