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SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE THERETO.) [In continuation of Papers presented the 28th May, 1880.]

Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

PEOGEESS EEPOET OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONERS. Mat it please youe Excellency,— , Wellington, 11th June, 1880. I have the honor to report that the Sydney International Exhibition of 1879 was formally closed on the 20th April last, on which occasion a copy of the official awards was presented to me as representing the New Zealand Commissioners. Some of the judges' reports were not finally closed at that date, so that the report was then •incomplete. The original documents have since been received, showing the awards made to the various New Zealand exhibitors as finally adjusted, signed by the judges, and setting forth the grounds of the award in most cases. I have also to report that the exhibits have been dealt with in accordance with the instructions received with the original applications for space, and the articles directed to be returned to New Zealand have been forwarded to the various secretaries of the local committees for distribution to the exhibitors. The exhibits which were to be forwarded to the Melbourne Exhibition have been packed, and, by the kind permission of the International Commissioners, are* stored in the Exhibition building until the Exhibition building in Melbourne is ready for their reception. The documents relating to the final awards were laid before the Commissioners at a meeting held on the 9th instant, and it was resolved that they should be submitted for your Excellency's information, with a request that they should be officially published. I have, &c, i James llectoe, Executive Commissioner.

List ojf Awards. »• Cata" , Degree N f 1 lotrue Exhibitors. Exhibits. Remarks, of T ,,7|~L § No. Merit. 3ad^o. 581 925 Union Steam Shipping Models of s.s. Models to scale; very complete in detail Ist'] Company of New Zea- ••Rotomahana" of deck, fittings, &c.; not rigged; highly g . land, Dunedin and s.s." Waka- commended ° g tipil |r< "-I » „ 921 Green Henry Thomas, Sculling outrigger Commended. ... ... ... 2nd}- EH if Dunedin wager-skiff with *s £- g patent rowlocks §• g H „ 924 New Zealand Shipping Half-models of Creditable exhibit ... ... ~, 2nd £W M Co., Christchurch ships J 101 40 Bay of Islands Coal Com- Coal ... ... Ist o■ § panv, Bay of Islands m.' g. 42 Coal "Pit Heath Coal- „ ... ... Ist P^-S Mining Company -i -J « g |*g „ 48 Westport Colliery Com- „ ... ... Ist 3 S *? m pany, Westport .Sjj,..' S . „ ... KaitangataCoal Company, „ ... ... 3rd so & X P-t Otago LP HPQSsi