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Mr. O'Rorke, — It is true, as is generally believed, that we have reached that point in our scheme of Public Works and Immigration when the revenue is suffering to the greatest extent possible from the large unproductive expenditure upon railways in course of construction. It is also true that there is abroad a considerable feeling of uneasiness, amounting in some quarters to anxiety, arising from the belief that the services of the year cannot be satisfactorily provided for except by the imposition of increased taxation. I have therefore, knowing the strong desire for early information upon this important subject, taken the first opportunity afforded by the rules of the House to place before the Committee the financial policy of the Government. I trust the Committee will approve of the course I have taken in this matter, and that honorable members will believe that in submitting for their consideration the statement and proposals which I am about to make I am fully conscious of the magnitude and responsibilities of the trust which this House has seen fit to repose in me; and I hope that, looking at the very exceptional circumstances against which the Government have had to contend, the Committee will extend to me its consideration and indulgence. I shall, Sir, to-night, endeavour to direct the attention of the Committee to the broad features of our finance, avoiding as far as possible all mere details which honorable members will find very fully set out in the usual returns and tables which Avill be in their hands immediately. I propose, as on previous occasions, to consider, first, the Loans and Public Works Account, and then our Expenditure and Revenue. LOANS. PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT. The Public Works Account, as honorable members are aware, consists of the balance of the General Purposes Loan, the Immigration and Public Works Loans of 1870,1873, and 1871, certain contributions from the Canterbury Land Pund and the Confiscated Lands, £750,000 of the New Zealand Loan of 1876, and of one moiety of the Stamp Duties collected up to 31st December, 1876. But before considering this account, it is desirable that I should state shortly what action has been taken under " The New Zealand Loan Act, 1876." That Act gave authority to raise £1,000,000 for the following purposes:— £350,000 additional Ways and Means required for Public Works to the 30th of I—B. 2.

Why Statement delivered at earliest possible time^


Loan Act, 1376, for £1,000,000.



June last; £400,000 for such expenditure as the House might direct between the close of last year and the date at which further funds could be provided during this Session for the continuance of our Public Works; and £250,000 to provide for probable contracts, and other liabilities of the Provinces requiring to be met before the end of the financial year. When authority was asked to raise this £1,000,000, I stated that we had grounds for believing that we could get the money in the colonies, and that if this should prove to be the case we should gladly avoid going upon the London market for another year at least. Our expectations in this respect were realized, and we have succeeded in obtaining the required amount upon the following terms : —Erom the Bank of New South Wales, my colleague, Mr. G. McLean, obtained an advance of £500,000, secured upon short-dated debentures, bearing five per cent, interest, payable half-yearly in Wellington, and one-half per cent, commission. The principal is repayable in London in three equal instalments, at intervals of one month ; the first instalment falls due on Ist December, 1878. Erom the Bank of New Zealand we have also obtained £500,000, secured upon short-dated debentures, bearing five per cent, interest, payable half-yearly in Wellington. The principal is repayable in London upon the 15th Eebruary, 1879. We have also entered into a further arrangement with the Bank of New Zealand by which, under the Bank agreement, we can obtain an advance of £400,000 upon remittable securities, instead of £300,000, making the total advance we are entitled to under that arrangement £500,000, and fixing the 15th Eebruary, 1879, for the repayment of all such advances. I shall presently explain the object of this arrangement. Papers relating to these transactions will be laid upon the Table. The House during the last Session made very liberal provision for Immigration and Public Works, the total sum voted for these services being £2,032,286 6s. 3d. Of this large sum £1,480,617 19s. 2d. has been actually expended.

£500,000 advance from Bank of New South Wales.

Like advance from Bank of New Zealand;

And increase of advances under Banking Account Agreement.

Public Wobks Account; 1876-77.


Expenditure authorized, £2,032,286 6s. 3d.; But £551,663 7s. Id. unexpended.

The balance being £551,668 7s. Id., which represents a saving to that amount upon the year's expenditure. The Committee will remember that, in asking for these votes, I said I regretted having to ask for so large a sum, and that my honorable friend the Minister for Public Works would restrain the expenditure as far as was compatible with prudence. That is, we pledged ourselves to the House to reduce the expenditure under these votes, if in our opinion it could be done without injury to the Public Service. I wish to call the attention of the Committee to this fact, because the Government have been very unjustly blamed for not having expended the whole of each vote. If any particular district has been unfairly neglected the Government are clearly blamable. But, Sir, I have no doubt my honorable friend the Minister for Public Works will be able to give a

DlFFE] IENCES. Expenditure. Estimated expenditure. Net Expenditure to 30TH June, 1877. In Excess of Estimate. Less than Estimate. Class I.—Immigration II. —Departmental Public Works III.—Railways IV.—Roads V.—Land Purchases, North. Island VI.-Water Supply on Gold Fields VII.—Coal Mining VIII.—Telegraph Extension IX.—Public Buildings... X. —Lighthouses XI. —Charges raising Loan XII. —Advances to Otago £ a. d. 205,677 7 6 17,817 10 0 1,300,600 0 0 52,007 10 5 125^817 14 6 147,460 6 11 1,860 16 8 46,040 0 0 65,963 12 8 49,700 0 0 6,000 0 0 13,341 7 7 £ a. d. 183,495 4 3 17,049 13 6 967,133 14 10 16,003 9 10 85,644 4 9 85,671 10 7 1,336 14 3 33,224 15 0 43,309 4 2 26,379 18 5 7,736 3 8 13,341 7 7 £ a. d. £ a. d. 22,182 3 3 767 16 6 333,466 5 2 36,004 0 7 40,173 9 9 61,788 16 4 524 2 5 12,815 5 o 22,654 8 6 23,320 1 7 1,736" 3 8 Services not included in Immigration and Public Works Appropriation ActMiscellaneous 2,032,286 6 3 1,480,326 0 10 1,736 3 8 553,696 9 1 291 18 4 291 18 4 2,028* 2 0 2,032,286 6 3 1,480,617 19 2 551,668 7 1



good reason, to the satisfaction of the House, not only for what has been done, but also for what has been left undone. If I understood the feeling of the House upon this point, it was this : that the works were to be steadily pushed forward as rapidly as might be, but always bearing in mind that our expenditure must be largely reduced and brought within more manageable limits. I will now state the position of the Public Works Account, as a whole, on the 30th June last.

Public Works Account as a whole.


"Wats and Means. £ s. d. £ s, d. Immigration and Public "Works Loan, 1870 ... ... 4,000,000 0 0 Immigration and Public "Works Loan, 1873 ... ... 2,000,000 0 0 Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1874 ... ... 4,000,000 0 0 General Purposes Loan, 1873 ... ... ... 750,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan, 1876 ... ... ... ... 750,000 0 0 11,500,000 0 0 Receipts in Aid :— Contribution of Canterbury for Railways ... ... 56,000 0 0 Stamp Duties to 31st December, 1876 ... ... 204,657 16 4 Transfer from Confiscated Lands Liabilities Account ... 19,963 1 3 340,620 17 7 £11,840,620 17 7 » Expenditure. £ a. d. £ s. d. Class I. —Immigration, including location ... ... 1,517,809 8 10 II—Departmental, Public Works ... ... 99,101 18 4 III.—Railways ... ... ... ... 6,129,920 8 5 IV.—Roads ... ... ... ... 894,571 4 7 V.—Land Purchases, North Island ... ... 533,580 9 5 VI.—Water Supply on Gold Fields ... ... 405,003 8 10 VII—Coal Mining ... ... ... ... 10,260 8 8 VIII.—Telegraph Extension ... ... ... 266,469 17 8 IX.—Public Buildings ... ... ... 178,467 18 4 X.—Lighthouses ... ... ... ... 53,362 7 4 XL—Charges raising Loans ... ... ... 498,532 0 9 XII.—Advances to Otago ... ... ... 54,79113 4 Interest and Sinking Fund .'.. ... ... 218,500 0 0 10,800,431 4 6 Balance on 30th June, 1877 :— Cash in the Public Account —Public Works Account ... 519,548 0 5 Do., do., New Zealand Loan, 1876, Account ... ... 50,000 0 0 Advances in the hands of officers of the Government ... 133,441 12 8 Balance of amount of Debentures guaranteed by Imperial Government ... ... ... ... 275,000 0 0 Debentures of Loan of 1870 unsold ... ... 2,200 0 0 ■-> 980,189 13 li £11,840,620 17 7 '

Ways and Means, £11,810,620 17s. 7d.

Tin expended balance, £980,189 138. Id. j but of tb.ii,

Erom this it appears that the unexpended balance is £980,189 13s. Id., but of this sum £645,957 will be required for works already under contract < or authorized. My colleague, the Minister for Public Works, will submit esti- < mates in detail of the works which it is proposed to continue and to enter upon; and it will be for the House to consider how far it is desirable to sanction them. We propose to ask for appropriations to the extent of about £1,920,633. If the, Committee should see fit to grant this amount, additional Ways and Means will be \ required for the year of £940,443 6s. lid. The Imperial Guaranteed Debentures have been used during the year as < security for advances made from time to time by the Bank of England. I propose to continue to use them in this way, as we are thereby enabled to keep a working balance always in hand, regulating it according to our requirements, and thereby saving interest; and I shall presently submit to the Committee proposals which will enable us to adopt that course.

£645,957 required for' works under contract or authorized. \

Appropriations to be asked for, about £1,920,633.

Guaranteed Debentures.



PROVINCIAL LIABILITIES. It will be remembered that power was given in the Appropriation Act of last year to make advances, to the amount of £110,000, to the Provincial Districts of Auckland, Wellington, and Westland, and to obtain the required funds by the issue of Treasury Bills to that amount. These Bills have been issued and the proceeds applied as authorized. Of the New Zealand Loan, 1876, £250,000 was set apart to meet Provincial Liabilities coming in for payment between Ist January and 30th June, 1877. Tho sums transferred from the loan to the several Provincial Liabilities Accounts to provide for these charges amounted on the 30th June to £237,500, leaving an available balance of £12,500 (subject to the cost of raising the loan) to meet liabilities yet outstanding. The actual receipts and payments on account of Provincial Liabilities up to the 30th June were as follows : —

Provincial Liabilities how dealt with.

Particulars of the receipts and expenditure on each account, as classified by the Provincial Auditors, will be laid before you so soon as they shall have been received. The expenditure on these accounts will include certain disbursements which, except in so far as they may have been sanctioned by sections 10 and 35 of the Einancial Arrangements Act, must be held to be unauthorized, and it has been thought proper to include under that head the amount disbursed as compensation to Provincial officers whose services have been dispensed with, instead of charging it on the Consolidated Revenue. In many instances, payment of compensation on dismissal was a liability of the Provincial Government, fixed by agreement with the officer concerned, and in all cases it must be admitted that the compensation paid was a recognition of services rendered to the Provincial Governments, and was properly a Provincial liability. In that shape the expenditure will be submitted, and the House will be asked to cover it by a vote. I propose to lay before the Committee estimates of the Provincial liabilities yet to be provided for, and to include therein the amount of such appropriations for necessary works as yet remain unexercised, and which would otherwise lapse. The Government considers that it is due to the districts in which these works were proposed to be executed that the matter should be submitted to the House, and that it should be asked to determine to what extent, and in what instances, these, unexercised appropriations should be renewed. Among the liabilities yet outstanding will be found the bank overdrafts of the late Provincial Governments of Taranaki, Wellington, Nelson, and Otago. These overdrafts amount in the whole to £106,269 3s. 7d., and though they remain undischarged they have been subject to no charge for interest since the 15th Eebruary, the Government having arranged with the Bank on that date to forego interest on a corresponding portion of the balance at credit of the Public Account. DEFENCE LOAN. The balance to the credit of this Loan on the 30th June last was £35,416185. 9d., after providing for the service the House placed upon it last year. We propose to ask for an appropriation of £12,000 this year for Boads in Native districts.

Compensation to Provincial Officers treated as Provincial Liability.

Liabilities to be provided for,

Include Bank overdrafts, amounting to £106,269 3s. 7d.

Defexce Lour,

Provincial District. Receipts to 30 June, 1877. Expenditure to 30 June, 1877. Balances on 3oth June, 1877. Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury ... Westland Otago £ a. A. 47,529 9 1 27,412 5 2 77,290 12 5 9,774 19 0 51,846 8 5 10,273 7 8 231,256 19 11 34,819 19 8 129,747 3 9 £ s. d. 46,863- 14 8 26,982 13 10 61,235 10 6 6,420 9 4 40,181 16 6 9,992 0 7 229,592 8 4 30,867 9 7 121,926 18 1 £ s. d. 665 14 5 429 11 4 16,055 1 11 3,354 9 8 11,664 11 11 281 7 1 1,661 11 7 3,952 10 1 7,820 5 8 Totals 619,951 5 1 574,063 1 5 45,888 3 8



TOTAL PUBLIC DEBT, INCLUDING TREASUEY BILLS. Before concluding this part of my subject, the Committee will perhaps allow me to say a few words about our Public Debt. The gross Public Debt of the Colony, General and Provincial, including Treasury Bills, when the balances of all loans now authorized are raised, will be £20,895,311. As against this debt, we had a balance of £980,189 13s. Id. at credit of the Public Works Account on 30th June, £35,416 18s. 9d. at credit of the Defence Loan Account, and accrued Sinking Funds amounting to £1,353,562 2s. lOd. Our total revenue last year was £3,061,594 14s. 6d., and—excluding land sales —£2,171,059 15s., that is, after setting apart that portion of our income derived from the sale of land, which in most colonies is called revenue, our net public debt is eight and a half times our revenue, or, if we include our income from land sales, our public debt is equal to six times our revenue, while the public debt of Great Britain is more than ten times the amount of her revenue. This seems to me a far fairer way of comparing our indebtedness than at so much per head of the population. It should, moreover, be remembered that the public debt of England has been incurred for war purposes, while that of New Zealand has mainly been incurred for reproductive works. It may, perhaps, be interesting to state the purposes for which the several loans, General and Provincial, which constitute our national debt, have been raised, and the amount applied to each. I have ascertained, by an examination of the several Loan Acts, that those purposes and amounts may be classified thus : — About £8,300,000 has been spent upon railways; £3,500,000 on immigration; £4,400,000 on harbours, lighthouses, public buildings, roads, bridges, and other public works for opening up the country; £1,300,000 in the purchase of Native lands, including the payment of the debt to the New Zealand Company; £2,000,000 in the suppression of the Native outbreak; and the remaining £500,000 on miscellaneous purposes. CONSOLIDATED FUND. I will now invite the attention of the Committee to the Expenditure and Revenue of the past year. Expenditure of the Tear 1876-77. The expenditure for the year, as finally authorized by Parliament, exclusive of that for Railways, to which I shall refer presently, amounted to £1,858,467 2s. The actual expenditure made was £1,681,682 17s. lid., as will be seen by the following Table:—

Total Public Debt (including Treasury Bills), £29,895,311.

But of this, lis. lOd. at credit; and accrued Sinking Funds amount to £1,353,562 2s. lOd. Revenue and Debt compared with those of Great Britain.

How amount of the Debt haa been applied.

Consolidated Fund.

Expenditure, 1976-77: £f" tod> £1>858>4C7 nf al' £i>m'm 173'

Railways Appropriations £263,386 19a. ; Expenditure, £220,722 153. 7d.

Diffe: tENCES. Heads of Expenditure. Appropriation. Net Expenditure. In Excess of Appropriation. Less than Appropriation. Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund ... Under Acts of the Legislature Appropriations, — Class I.—Public Departments ... II. —Law and justice III.—Postal and Telegraphic IV. —Customs V. —Miscellaneous VI.—Native VII.—Militia, Volunteers, and Armed Constabulary VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings ... X. —Grants to Municipalities, &c. ... £ s. d. 29,750 0 0 736,385 6 10 36,064 18 8 £ s. d. 27,573 7 9 663,062 0 2 34,858 16 9 £ a. d. £ s. d. 2,176 12 3 73,323 6 8 1,206 1 11 99,656 14 6 184,338 5 5 229,424 0 0 74,941 2 3 72,844 2 0 34,610 18 4 88,929 1 0 145,230 10 0 217,472 12 6 61,383 16 5 66,832 0 4 37,417 0 6 10,727 13 6 39,107 15 5 11,951 7 6 13,557 5 10 6,012 1 8 2,806* 2 2 78,340 10 0 28,361 4 0 75,000 0 0 66,315 2 7 24,727 3 6 53,157 13 0 12,025 7 5 3,634 0 6 21,842 7 0 Capitation and Special Allowances Moiety of Stamp Duties Services not provided for Refunds of Revenue 150,000 0 0 28,750 0 0 148,811 3 6 28,612 12 2 12,931 17 9 4,368 0 0 12,931*17 9 4,368 0 0 1,188 16 6 137 7 10 Totals 1,858,467 2 0 1,681,682 17 11 20,105 19 11 196,890 4 0 Appropriations— Class IX. —Railways ... ,,, 263,386 19 0 220,722 15 7



It will be seen that in one case only have the appropriations been exceeded, and I am confident the House will approve of that excess when I state that it has arisen on the item Native Schools. The net total savings on the votes 'of the year amount to £194,084 Is. lOd. Included in this total, and under the head of Interest and Sinking Eund, there is an unexpended balance of £73,323 ■ 6s. Bd., owing partly to an actual saving of interest in the case of the guaranteed debentures, and partly to my having estimated for a year's interest on the £1,250,000 negotiated at this time last year, whereas we have had to provide only for a half-yearly payment. There was some uncertainty as to the precise date from which interest would be payable, and I thought it best to provide for a whole year. Apart, however, from this item, in respect to which about one-half of the saving represents rather a necessarily excessive estimate than a diminished expenditure, the Committee will no doubt regard with satisfaction the large savings, amounting to £123,566 17s. 4d., which have been made in the other classes of expenditure. Particulars of the amount appropriated and of the expenditure made under each vote will be found in the Table D, and it will be seen that in almost every instance the Government has been able to effect a saving on the sum voted. The amalgamation of the Armed Constabulary with the Police Eorce of the Colony has enabled a considerable reduction to be made in the cost of those services, but owing to the necessity of paying a bonus to the men discharged, the saving for the six months amounts only to about £10,000. With reference to the Railways, I need scarcely say that our Estimates, both of expenditure and revenue, were necessarily contingent on the progress of construction, and for this reason I omit the item in my comparisons of the estimated with the actual expenditure and revenue. Owing to certain extensions of the lines not being opened for traffic so early as was anticipated, there has been a diminution, as compared with our estimates, both in the expenditure and in the revenue. I calculated on obtaining a profit of £84,000, estimating the receipts at £345,000, and the expenditure at £260,758 6s. Bd. The actual receipts were £316,220 7s. 3d., the expenditure £228,295 19s. 10d.; and the net profit, £87,924 7s. sd. The steady progress which this item of our income exhibits, is a circumstance on which the Colony may well congratulate itself. Revenue of the Year 1876-77. I now come to the Consolidated Revenue for the Year 1876-77. I estimated in my last year's Statement, that, after taking credit for realizable assets amounting to £19,228 15s. 2d., and deducting outstanding liabilities amounting to £90,410 12s. 2d., we should begin the financial year 1876-77 with a surplus of £50,052 16s. 2d. ; the assets have realized £27,083 ss. 5d., and the liabilities have turned out to be £87,290 15s. 2d., so that the real surplus with which we began the year was £61,027 3s. sd. The Table which I now submit sets forth, under classified heads, the Revenue of the year 1876-77, estimated and actual:—

Savings on Votes, 1876-77, £194,081 Is. lOd.

This partly owing to overestimate of Interest payable:

But, apart from it, £123,566 17s. 4d. unexpended on votes of the year.

Armed Constabulary and Police.

Net profit on Railways: Estimated, £81,000; Actual, £87,921 7s. sd. Revenue, 1878-77.5

Surplus at beginning of year: Estimated, £50,052 16s. 2d.; Actual, £61,027 3s. sd.

Consolidated Revenue : Estimated, £1,691,850; Actual, £1,614,582 10s. 3d.

Revenue as Estimated. DlFFEl tENCES. Heads of Receipt. Actual Revenue 1870-77. In Excess of Estimate. Less than Estimate. Customs —Duties, Rents, Seizures, &c. Bonded Stores Fees, Marine Act, and Light Dues ... Pilotage Rates, Harbour Dues, &e. (6 months)... Stamp Duties Postal ... Telegraphic Judicial ... Fees —Registration of Land... Registration of Deeds Registration of Births Crown Grants Fees and Fines, Inspection of Sheep (6 months) Fees —Miscellaneous Incidental Receipts Miscellaneous Revenue —Provincial, 6 months... £ s. d. 1,240,000 0 0 5,500 0 0 17,350 0 0 6,667 0 0 115,000 0 0 96,000 0 0 67,000 0 0 38,000 0 0 12,500 0 0 15,500 0 0 5,500 0 0 6,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0 46,000 0 0 13,333 0 0 £ s. d. 1,199,378 15 0 5,536 19 2 15,806 3 10 4,940 2 9 122,670 18 9 86,547 14 0 63,983 13 1 41,982 13 3 13,646 15 5 16,482 12 6 4,757 3 9 4,053 14 9 3,548 8 6 3,694 15 3 27,552 0 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 40,621 5 0 36 19 2 1,543 16 2 1,726 17 3 7,670 18 9 9,452 6 0 3,016 6 11 3,982 13 3 1,146 15 5 982 12 6 742 16 3 1,946 5 3 1,451 11 6 1,194 15 3 18,447 19 9 13,333 0 0 Profit on Railways 1,691,850 0 0 84,241 13 4 1,614,582 10 3 87,924 7 5 15,014 14 4 3,682 14 1 92,282 4 1



It will be necessary for me to trouble the Committee with a few remarks upon one or two items of revenue as shown in the Table. As compared with the sum estimated, the Customs Revenue shows a deficiency of £40,621; but looking to the disturbance of trade throughout the world, and to the uncertainty of the wool market during the past year, the Government, and probably the House also, were prepared to find the decrease larger. The decrease in the Postal Revenue is only apparent; postages to the amount of £15,923, yet to be received from the Imperial and the Australian Governments on account of the past year, will ultimately convert this deficiency into an excess of £6,471. The item Incidental Receipts also appears considerably short of the Estimate. The receipts under this head are of a somewhat uncertain character, and it is difficult to estimate them with more than an approach to accuracy. As regards the item Miscellaneous Provincial Revenue, estimated to yield £13,333 —but as to which the actual receipts are set doAvn as nil —l may state that, under the legislation of last Session, most of the sums which it was estimated to receive under that head were made over and have been paid to the various local bodies, while the remainder have been passed to credit of the several Provincial Liabilities Accounts. To the sum of £1,614,582 10s. 3d. above referred to, I add, first, the profits on the Railways, as already stated, £87,924 7s. 5d.; the £10,000 transferred from the State Eorests Account; the two per cent, recovered from the Land Eund under the Einancial Arrangements Act, amounting to £71,997 Bs. Bd.; the surplus with which we began the year, £61,027 3s. 5d.; and the assets yet to realize, £36,717 18s. 3d. This makes up a total of £1,882,249 Bs. The total Revenue for the year, as estimated, amounted to £2,146,902 16s. 2d., or, exclusive of Railways, to £1,801,902 16s. 2d., to which must be added the estimated profit on the Railways, £84,241 13s. 4d, making as estimated receipts for the year a sum of £1,886,144 9s. 6d., while the actual receipts were £1,882,249 Bs., being £3,895 Is. 6d. less than the amount estimated. The transactions of the past year may be shortly summarized thus : the actual expenditure, including liabilities, was £2,024,572 ss. Bd.; the actual revenue, including realizable assets, was £2,172,792 14s. Id. Subtracting the expenditure from the revenue, we have a balance of £148,220 Bs. 5d., which is the surplus with winch we begin the year 1877-78. I subjoin a statement of the Consolidated and Land Revenue (exclusive of Gold Eields Revenue) received during the eight years commencing 1869-70, and I have combined this information in one Table in order to remove the misconception which exists outside the Colony as to the amount of our income.




Miscellaneous Provincial Revenue.

Total Revenue of year, exclusive of Land Revenue, £1,882,219 Bs.;

Or £3,895 Is. Od. less than the estimate.

Surplus at end of 1876-77, £148,220 Bs. 6d.

Consolidated and Land Revenue, 1869-70 to 1876-77.

In concluding my remarks upon the Revenue, I lay before the Committee a Table showing the Consolidated Revenue of the year 1876-77 (excluding Land Revenue) as compared with that of 1875-76 : —

Financial Year. Consolidated Revenue. Land Revenue. Total. 1869-70 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 £ s. d. 1,048,175 0 7 936,188 5 10 1,031,082 18 7 1,119,904 3 4 1,420,216 17 3 1,605,002 16 5 1,703,190 3 11 1,951,726 11 7 £ s. d. 209,623 3 6 208,091 5 0 336,311 0 6 889,642 14 1 1,066,744 7 3 773,265 17 9 857,990 18 1 1,039,242 4 8 £ a. d. 1,257,798 4 1 1,144,279 10 10 1,367,393 19 1 2,009,546 17 5 2,486,961 4 6 2,378,268 14 2 2,561,181 2 0 2,990,968 16 3



Consolidated Revenue, 1875-76, and 1876-77; shows

Increase of £238,276 6s. 2d.

It will be perceived that, as compared with the previous year, the falling off in the Customs Revenue was but small; that, with three exceptions, there was an increase in every item; and that, notwithstanding the decrease on the items referred to, the revenue of the Consolidated Eund, including the Revenue assets of the year outstanding, shows an increase of £238,276 6s. 2d., as compared with the year preceding. LAND FUND. The receipts of Land Eund for last year (exclusive of Gold Duty) were £1,039,242 4s. Bd., or £419,003 15s. 3d. more than the average for the preceding seven years. Since the Ist January, when the Einancial Arrangements Act came into force, the receipts have been £544,454 6s. 9d., the estimate was £322,610, so that the estimate was exceeded by £221,884; but I regret to say, that although there is a very large increase on the whole, the deficiency is larger than was provided for by the Einancial Arrangements Act. The sales in Canterbury show an enormous excess, while those sales in Auckland, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Westland, and Otago, have proved to be less by £83,000 than the sum estimated. In consequence of this deficiency, the whole of the Treasury Bills authorized under the Einancial Arrangements Act, amounting to £150,000, have been issued, and an additional sum of £53,005 19s. 9d. has had to be advanced from the Consolidated Eund in aid of the Land Eund. THE PUBLIC TRUST EUND. The business done by the Post Office Savings Bank has been satisfactory; the number of depositors increasing yearly. The operations of the calendar year are fully set forth in the annual return already in the hands of the Committee. On the 30th June last the total deposits amounted to £720,102 9s. 4d., as against £715,693 10s. 3d. on 30th June, 1876. With regard to the Government Insurance Account, as I propose to bring in a Bill to establish a Board of Management instead of leaving the direction in the hands of a Commissioner, I need not now trouble the Committee with any remarks except to say that the year's transactions have been most satisfactory, and reflect great credit upon all connected with the Department. The rest of the Trust Eunds do not require to be specially brought under the notice of the Committee. EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 1877-78. I now come to the consideration of the Expenditure for the present financial year. We have, through amalgamation and simplification, reduced the cost of most of the departments, although in many cases the work has nearly

Land Fund receipts, 1875-8 (excluding Gold Duty), £1,039,242 4s. Bd.

Treasury Bills and other aids.

Post Office Savings Banks.

Annuities and Insurance Department.

Expenditure, 1877-8.

Heads of Receipt. Revenue of the Year 1875-76. Revenue of the Year 1876-77. Increase. Decrease. Customs—Duties, Rents, Seizures, &c. Bonded Stores Fees, Marine Act, Light Dues, &c. ... Pilotage Rates, Harbour Dues, &c. (6 months)... Stamp Duties Postal Telegraphic Judicial ... Fees —Registration of Land... „ „ Deeds „ „ Births „ Crown Grants Fees and Fines, Sheep Inspection (6 months) ... Fees, Miscellaneous Incidental Receipts £ s. d. 1,225,766 5 5 5,343 3 9 16,591 2 2 £ s. d. 1,199,378 15 0 5,536 19 2 15,806 3 10 4,940 2 9 122,670 18 9 86,547 14 0 63,983 13 1 41,982 13 3 13,646 15 5 16,482 12 6 4,757 3 9 4,053 14 9 3,548 8 6 3,694 15 3 27,552 0 3 £ s. d. £ s. a. 26,387 10 5 193*15 5 4,940 2 9 8,241 9 8 5,891 13 3 13 2 10 3,256 4 9 1,167 19 2 750 5 6 88 1 9 784 18 4 114,429 9 1 80,656 0 9 63,970 10 3 38,726 8 6 12,478 16 3 15,732 7 0 4,669 2 0 4,447 16 7 394* 1 10 3,415 15 4 51,677 10 10 3,548* 8 6 278 19 11 24,125 10 7 Railways (Provincial Lines —6 months only) ... 1,637,904 7 11 63,939 6 2 1,614,582 10 3 285,220 3 10 28,370 3 6 221,280 17 8 51,692 1 2 Revenue Assets 1,701,843 14 1 11,606 11 4 1,899,802 14 1 51,923 17 6 40,317* 6 2 Total Consolidated Revenue 1,713,450 5 5 1,951,726 11 7 289,968 7 4 51,692 1 2 Net Increase ... 238,276 6 2



doubled. I regret to say it has been found impossible to do more in this direction than has been done, owing to want of time in consequence of the enormous amount of work which has fallen upon the Government through the constitutional changes which it has been our business to inaugurate during the recess. The proposed expenditure is as follows : —


Expenditure, 1877-78: Estimated, £3,109,764 12s. 9d.

Consolidated Fund— £ s. d. £ s. d. Civil List ... ... ... ... 29,750 0 0 Permanent Charges ... £1,151,137 10 7 Less Interest chargeable on Land Fund ... 363,380 4 8 787,757 5 11 Class I.—Public Departments ... ... 165,144 2 0 „ II.—Law and Justice ... ... 137,535 13 1 „ HI.—Postal and Telegraphic ... ... 230,910 0 0 „ IV.—Customs ... ... ... 76,711 1 6 V—Education ... ... ... 135,000 0 0 „ VI.—Native ... ... 32,463 19 7 „ VII.—Militia and Volunteers ... ... 34,522 12 10 „ VIIL—Constabulary and Contingent Defence 138,625 10 0 „ IX.—Public Domains and Buildings ... 28,131 4 0 „ X.—Railways ... ... ... 434,143 0 0 „ XL—Miscellaneous ... ... 33,852 3 10 „ XII.—Counties, Boroughs, and Road Boards 130,000 0 0 Total Expenditure, Consolidated Fund ... ... 2,394,546 12 9 Gold Revenue — Amount payable to Natives ... ... 4,500 0 0 Amount payable to Counties and Boroughs ... 67,500 0 0 Total Expenditure, Gold Fields ... ... 72,000 0 0 Land Fund— Crown Lands Department ... ... 22,348 12 0 Surveys ... ... ... ... 160,069 3 4 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 16,150 0 0 Grants to Counties, Road and River Boards ... 80,000 0 0 Interest and Sinking Fund on Provincial Permanent Debts £193,220 4 8 Interest at 2 per cent, on amount expended on Railways 171,420 0 0 364,640 4 8 Total Expenditure, Land Fund ... ... 643,208 0 0 Total Expenditure, 1877-78 ... ... £3,109,754 12 9

The increase in the Permanent Charges arises from our having borrowed more money during the year, and from the transference of the cost of the Canterbury and Otago Provincial Railways, which have been taken over by the Colony, from the Land Eund of those districts to the Consolidated Eund. Under the head of " Class I. —Public Departments," a sum of £30,000 has been provided for Hospitals and Charitable Aid. This is to provide the subsidies which will probably be payable under the Charitable Institutions Act. I may also say that I shall ask for authority to deduct from the subsidies granted to Counties, Boroughs, and Road Boards, a sufficient sum to maintain Hospitals and Charitable Aid in districts where the Charitable Institutions Act is not adopted, or proves insufficient. The House has already been informed by my honorable colleague the Minister for Justice, that it is our purpose to provide out of the Consolidated Eund for the service of Education a sum of £135,000, which amount, together with the capitation rate, the rents of reserves, and other endowments of the Education Boards, estimated to yield £45,000 in all, will, it is believed, be a sufficient provision for the year's outlay. 2—B 2.

Permanent Charges.

Hospitals and Charitable Aid.




By the amalgamation of the Police and Armed Constabulary a saving of £33,000 a year has been effected; but I regret to say that a large increase, amounting to £10,989 os. -Id., has been found necessary in the vote for Militia and Volunteers. This, however, is chiefly on account of stores and ammunition, which have become very low, and must be replenished, and for capitation provided for a larger number of Volunteers. The charge for Surveys is very large, but, as honorable members know, the surveys are in a backward condition in most of the late provincial districts. The control is now in the hands of a thoroughly competent and economical officer, and I am sure the Committee will ungrudgingly sanction whatever expenditure may be required for so important an object as placing our surveys upon a proper footing for the future, and keeping them even with the requirements of settlement. It will be observed that, so far, I have relieved the Land Eund from all the direct charges to which for years past it has been subject, except interest on Provincial Debts, the cost of Land Administration and Surveys, and the Subsidies to Road Boards. WAYS AND MEANS, 1877-78. As I have just shown, we have to provide for an aggregate expenditure of £3,109,754 12s. 9d. for the year. Of this £2,394,546125. 9d. is chargeable upon the Consolidated Eund ; on the Gold Revenue, £72,000; and £643,208 upon the Land Eund, being such charges only as each fund should support. Now, if all the charges placed upon the Land Eund of each district could be recovered, the Consolidated Eund would be in a position to bear its legitimate burdens without difficulty. As a matter of fact, however, I do not think that more than £560,000 of that sum will be practically recoverable, the Land Eund in certain districts being insufficient to meet its liabilities. It will therefore be necessary either to supplement the Consolidated Revenue, or to relieve it of some of the charges I have proposed it shall bear. I dismiss, Sir, as altogether undesirable, the plan of charging such services as Police and Education upon the Land Eund of those districts which are able to bear them. They are charges which, in the opinion of the Government, should be borne upon the Consolidated Eund, aided, if necessary, by local rates. If the Committee agree with me that it would be unwise to charge against the Land Eund any of the services I have proposed to place upon the Consolidated Eund, it follows that the only course open to us is to increase that Eund up to our requirements. I say that it follows that for the present year this is the only course open to us, because I have satisfied myself that it is impossible so to reduce departmental expenditure as to bring our expenditure within our income unless we are prepared to relinquish some of the luxuries we enjoy in the way of Telegraphs, Postal Services, and Resident Magistracies, which are spread broadcast over the land, and which, as far as my experience goes, it is hopeless to attempt to reduce. I take it for granted, then, that we must, at any rate, temporarily aid the Consolidated Eund; and the question is, How is this to be done ? I know, Sir, that many persons whose opinions are entitled to great weight, from their position and their knowledge of the Colony and its requirements, think that the time has arrived for levying a Property and Income Tax; and, if we were now in a position to deal with the question of the re-adjustment of taxation, much might be said in support of such a tax. Eor my own part, I am very loth to open the question of taxation at present. Our liabilities being what they are, the subject of taxation is not lightly to be touched. It is one which requires the most careful thought—it must be considered as a whole, and it would be quite impossible to deal with it satisfactorily during the present Session. When our Trunk Railways are approaching completion, when we have had time to consolidate and settle down, and are able to determine our real requirements, then the whole incidence of taxation must be considered; but to deal with it now, in a fragmentary way, would, I think, be a serious mistake.

Armed Constabulary and Police.

Militia and Volunteers.


Ways and Means, 1877-78.

Consolidated Fund amply sufficient if not burdened with Land Fund charges.

Telegraph and Postal SerTices, &c, are costly, but cannot be reduced.

Consolidated Fund must be aided, if required to bear Land Fund charges.

Property and Income | Tax not desirable, and need not be discussed at present.



Eor the reasons just stated, and because wc think our requirements for the year can be met in a way which will be far more satisfactory to the country, and which is fair and reasonable, I shall not propose additional taxation this year. And I venture to hope that additional taxation may be altogether avoided ii we obtain from our railways that income which seems now assured, and if we are successful in the inscription of our Stock. But here, Sir, it is necessary that I should recall the attention of honorable members to two principles which have been clearly recognized as underlying all our legislation relating to Waste Lands, and to Immigration and Public Works. Those two principles are —First, That the Land Eund shall be localized; second, that the cost of Immigration, Roads, and Railways is a proper charge against the Land Eund. These principles have been constantly recognized; and though it is true that they have not been continuously acted upon, yet the recognition of them crops up in our legislation at almost every turn. By the Provincial Governments and Legislatures, which have hitherto had the practical control of the Land Revenue, the second of these principles has always been acted upon; but in this House expenditure upon Immigration, Roads, and Railways has been, from time to time, charged against the Consolidated Eund, as that fund has been found able to bear it; but these two important principles have never been abandoned or lost sight of by Parliament or the country. With reference to the localization of the Land Eund, it is necessary that we should distinctly define in our own minds the meaning of the term. The meaning, Sir, which I attach to the term " localization of the Land Eund " is, that the money received for the sale of the Crown lands within a defined district should be spent in opening up and peopling that district. I am not, Sir, now going into the question of what is a district: that would open up far too wide a field altogether.* Eor the purposes of my argument, I shall accept the districts as they are; although it should be noted that Parliament has always claimed and exercised the right of altering the boundaries of these districts from time to time. Most honorable members will go with me so far, —at any rate those will who, like myself, think that the proceeds of the land should be applied to the land, —that those who pay the most should receive the greatest facilities for occupation, and that to treat Land Eund as ordinary revenue is thoroughly bad in principle. Some few will probably desire to go even further; but, Sir, further than this in localization I am not prepared to go, for when the money has been spent in opening and peopling the district the object of localization is accomplished, our duty to the land is fulfilled, and there, in my opinion, localization ends. Holding, then, as I do, the opinion that with the proceeds of the land it is the duty of the State to open and settle the land, it seems to me not only no violation of the principle of localization, but merely an extension of it, to say that, if the State finds the money beforehand for these purposes, such an expenditure should be made a charge against the Land Fund, and that it is in accordance with the principle of localization to charge against the Land Eund of each district any sum not exceeding the amount expended within that district in any way which Parliament may determine is the most convenient. Now, there has been raised for Railways and Immigration a sum, in round numbers, of £9,500,000, the whole of which is fairly a liability of the Land! Eund. The annual charge on this sum for Interest and Sinking Eund is about! £485,000. Out of this sum there had been expended, up to the 31st December,' 1876, the day on .which the accounts of the late provinces were closed, a net sum of £7,188,245; and the Colony had paid interest thereon to the amount of £825,482, but has only recovered from the provinces £160,343; so that, in aid of Land Eund, the Consolidated Eund has actually paid £665,139. The district Land Funds have benefited as follows :—

3 1 '. Additional taxation not n proposed.

3 Localization of the Land Fund.

I ( What the phrase means.

Government hold that "localization" ends with opening and settlement of the district whence Land Revenue is derived.

If the State advances funds for opening up and peopling a district, Land Revenue of that district , should be liable for repayment.

Railways and Immigration: Interest on expenditure up to end 1876, £825,482, of which only £160,343 recovered from districts.



Statements showing the net sums expended on Railways and Immigration to the 31st December, 1876 ; the Interest paid thereon by the Colony; and the proportion of that Interest recovered from the Provincial Districts. On Kailways—lncluding Eoads, "Westland and Nelson South-West Gold Fields.

Details as to funds proTided for Eailways, &c.





Provincial \ Districts. H " 'S. £">3 X O s w h g H id 2 D s 3 < (1. J fl, K « Id Total. pas 2t3 i > Deduc tons. 3.2 c 5^ Balance. Charges AND Expenses Raising Loans. Total. <g. = D « Cm Interest. Total. Balance. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ! £ Auckland ... 765,425 6,638 772,063 45,184 45,184 726,879 39,356 766,235 94,300 34,608, 59,692 Taranaki ... 88,338 766 89,104 2,145 2,145 86,959 4,732 91,691 11,285 2,633 8,652 Wellington 812,812 7,047 819,859 37,555 37,555 782,304 42,357 824,661 101,500 5,528 95,972 nawke's Bay 302,929 2,627 305,556 11,960 11,960 293,596 15,896 309,491 38,092 4,495 33,597 Nelson 315,438 2,735 318,173 13,033 64,430 77,463 240,710 13,033 253j743 31,230 5,332 25,898 Marlborough 153,897j 1,334 155,231 2,011 14,285 16,296 138,935 7,720 146,655 18,042 4,007 14,035 Canterbury 1,188,268 10,305 1,198,573 59,362 113,260 56,000 228,622 969,951 52,517 1,022,468 125,835 53,779 72,056 Westland ... 223,751 1,938 225,689 8,332 41,370 49,702 175,987 9,352 185,339 22,805 7,036 15,769 Otago 1,914,698 16,605 1,931,303 85,074 200,984 286,058 1,645,245 89,080 1,734,325 213,453 42,925 170,528 Totals ... 5,765,556 49,995 5,815,551, 264,656 434,329 56,000 754,985 5,060,5661 274,043 5,334,608 656,542 l 160,343 496,199 Note. —It Fund : will be observed and for the Stan that und( ip Duties 'r the hei directed id of " D, by law tc ■ductioi be crei is," allowed to ranee has been made for th( ;he Provincial Districts in t] Middle le Intcrei Island R it Accoui ulway it.

Provincial Districts. Number of Immigrants. Net Expenditure to 31st December, 1876, including Expenses of raising Loan. Interest actually paid, computed to 31st December, 1876. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborougli Canterbury Westland Otago 10,929 1,826 12,444 0,011 1,612 1,123 20,739 1,355 22,436 £ 191,172 31,940 217,672 105,144 28,197 19,644 362,770 23,701 392,454 £ 23,532 3,930 26,793 12,942 3,470 2,417 44,643 2,917 48,290 Totals 78,475 1,372,694 168,940

Provincial Districts. Expenditure on Railways and Immigration. Ixtebest. Paid. Recovered. Balance. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Kelson Marlborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago £ 957,407 123,631 1,042,333 414,635 281,940 166,299 1,385,238 209,040 2,126,779 £ 117,832 15,215 128,293 51,034 34,700 20,459 170,478 25,722 261,749 £ 34,608 2,633 5,528 4,495 5,332 4,007 53,779 7,036 42,925 £ 83,224 12,582 122,765 46,539 29,368 16,452 116,699 18,680 218,824 Totals ... 6,707,302 825,482 160,343 605,139



It will be seen that the advantages which the Land Eund has enjoyed have been great though not proportionate, but into that question I do not now propose to go. I have shown the extent to which the Consolidated Eund has been burdened by the payment of Interest and Sinking Eund on moneys expended in performing the work for which the Land Eund was localized, viz., the opening up and settlement of the country, and, applying the arguments I have just used, I shall ask the House to re-affirm the principle that moneys expended on these purposes are properly chargeable upon the Land Fund. We recognize that at the present moment the refund of these charges is beyond the immediate power of the less wealthy Districts; but, as respects the Provincial Districts of Canterbury and Otago, no such argument can be urged, and we propose to charge the Land Fund of Canterbury with a sum of £58,000, and that of Otago with a sum of £109,000, being in each case one moiety of the amount by which the Land Eund of those Districts has been aided. With the exception of a small permanent debt, the charge of two per cent, for Railways, the subsidies payable to Counties and Road Boards, and the cost of Survey and Administration, the Land Revenue of Canterbury is absolutely free. And, in view of the fact that a sum of £250,000 of surplus Land Eund has been distributed within the District during the past six months, and that a further sum of £100,000 is now ready for distribution, we propose to deduct her contribution from the sum in hand. The case of Otago is somewhat different. The District has a very large estate, though it is burdened now with leases just expiring, and which it would be a waste of public money to cancel. We propose, therefore, to raise the amount required to meet its contribution, together with the sum of £36,000 advanced last year in aid of the District Land Fund, treating the debt as a provincial liability, and making the Interest and Sinking Fund a permanent charge upon its future Land Eund. The whole Land Eund of the Otago District for the year will then be free, excepting only the two per cent, under the Einancial Arrangements Act, the interest on its Provincial Debentures, the cost of Surveys, and Land Administration, and the subsidies to Counties and Road Boards. The relief to the Land Fund under the proposals of the Government is very considerable. In the Southern Provinces, Education was almost entirely borne upon the Land Eund under the Provincial system; and, considering that the whole cost and maintenance of schools, of police, of gaols, of lunatic asylums are now borne upon the Consolidated Eund, I do not think that the inhabitants of Canterbury and Otago will consider the proposition I have made unreasonable. And it must further be borne in' mind that when the Colony has incurred a large expenditure for public works and immigration, which is yearly improving the public estate, at a time when the burden of the expenditure on uncompleted works is most severely felt, the only possible means of maintaining the broad principle of localizing the Land Eund is by taking care that all rightful charges upon it are fairly and justly met. ESTIMATED EEVENUE, 1877-78. I will now state the estimated Consolidated Revenue for the year, and, in doing so, I will merely remark that I have set down the Customs Revenue at the amount which it produced last year ; in other items of revenue I have estimated for a slight increase. The receipts from Railways, I have estimated, after careful consideration, at £604,143, against an estimated expenditure of £434,143. In other words, I estimate that our Railways will next year produce a profit on the work done of £170,000.

Principle should be reaffirmed, that expenditure for Railways, Immigration, &c, is chargeable upon Land Fund.

Canterbury and Otago to bo charged with moiety of unrecovered interest.

How this proposed to be done in case of Canterbury:

And of Otago.

Relief to Land Fund under present proposals with respect to Departmental Services.

Revenue, 1577-78.

Railways: Estimated profit, £170,000.

Consolidated Revenue — £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 1,226,000 0 0 Stamp Duties ... ... ... 124,000 0 0 Postal ... ... ... 107,000 0 0 Telegraphic ... ... ... 70,000 0 0 Judicial ... ... ... 43,000 0 0 Native Lands Courts—Fees, &c. ... ... 10,000 0 0 Fees—Registration of Land ... ... 13,250 0 0 ,, Registration of Deeds ... ... 16,250 0 0 „ Registration of Births, &c. ... ... 5,200 0 0 „ Crown Grants ... ... 6,060 0 0 ,, and Fines, Sheep Inspection ... ... 11,000 0 0 '„ Miscellaneous ... ... 3,950 0 0



Total Estimated Keveuue, £3,392,695.

£ s. d. £ s. d. Railways ... ... ... 600,450 0 0 Incidental Receipts ... ... ... 27,000 0 0 Total Consolidated Revenue ... 2,263,160 0 0 Refunds on account of moneys raised for Railways and Immigration,— From Land Fund of Canterbury ... 58,000 0 0 From Land Fund of Otago ... ' ... 109,000 0 0 2,430,160 0 0 Gold Retenue— Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 38,000 0 0 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 34,000 0 0 72,000 0 0 Total Gold Revenue Land Revenue — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 743,000 0 0 Licenses, Rents, &c. ... ... ... 147,525 0 0 Total Land Revenue ... ... ... 890,525 0 0 Total Revenue, 1877-78 ... ... £3,392,085 0 0



I next lay before the Committee a statement of the estimated Receipts and Charges upon the Land Fund : —

ESTIMATED RECEIPTS and PROPOSED CHARGES on the LAND FUND for the Financial Year 1877-78.

Estimated Receipts and Charges, Land Fund, 1877-78.

Auckland. Tabanaxi. Wellington. Hawjke's Bat. Nelson. Mablboeough. Cantebbuet. Westland. Otago. Total. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Land Sales 120,000 0 0 23,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 743,000 0 0 Licenses, Rents, &c. 500 0 0 25 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 6,850 0 0 4,950 0 0 38,800 0 0 750 0 0 95,100 0 0 147,525 0 0 Receipts deficient 120,500 0 0 23,025 0 0 6,109 16 1 60,150 0 0 28,486 0 3 15,400 0 0 8,151 9 6 16,850 0 0 11,380 17 3 9,950 0 0 6,680 6 7 338,800 0 0 10,750 0 0 21,244 0 2 295,100 0 0 890,525 0 0 82,052 9 10 Total Receipts 120,500 0 0 23,551 9 6 29,134 16 1 88,636 0 3 28,230 17 3 16,630 6 7 338,800 0 0 31,994 0 2 295,100 0 0 972,577 9 10 • EXPENDITURE. Crown Lands Department 1,615 0 0 1,287 10 0 2,430 0 0 900 0 0 1,150 0 0 670 0 0 2,950 0 0 1,090 0 0 10,256 2 0 22,348 12 0 Surveys 25,755 0 0 13,237 10 0 18,900 0 0 4,835 0 0 4,285 13 4 7,045 0 0 50,235 0 0 6,915 0 0 28,861 0 0 160,069 3 4 Miscellaneous 2,975 0 0 5,950 0 0 2,820 0 0 700 0 0 1,205 0 0 700 0 0 1,800 0 0 16,150 0 0 Grants to Counties, Road and River Boards 15,000 0 0 1,700 0 0 14,000 0 0 2,500 0 0 3,600 0 0 3,500 0 0 18,700 0 0 1,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 Interest and Sinking Fund on Provincial Permanent Debts 53,054 15 4 3,599 16 1 24,606 0 3 7,216 9 6 11,335 3 11 1,375 6 7 9,803 6 10 17,469 0 2 64,760 6 0 193,220 4 8 Interest at 2 per cent, on amount expended on Railways 20,480 0 0 3,360 0 0 25,880 0 0 8,100 0 0 7,160 0 0 4,040 0 0 40,280 0 0 4,820 0 0 57,300 0 0 171,420 0 0 Surplus distributable amongst the several Counties ... 1,620 4 8 215,626 13 2 112,122 12 0 329,369 9 10 Total Expenditure 972,577 9 10 120,500 0 0 29,134 16 1 88,636 0 3 23,551 9 6 28,230 17 3 16,630 6 7 338,800 0 0 31,994 0 2 295,100 0 0



The total revenue from all sources for the year will amount to £3,392,685, to which I add the surplus of £148,220 Bs. 5d., with which we began the year. I deduct from the total of £3,540,905 Bs. 5d., the estimated expenditure amounting to £3,109,754 12s. 9d., leaving a surplus of £431,150 15s. Bd. of which £329,369 9s. lOd. is distributable among the counties as surplus Land Eund, and we have a balance of £101,781 ss. lOd. available to meet possible deficiencies of the Land Fund in certain districts. IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS. In making my financial proposals last year, I said " I shall, next Session, submit for the consideration of the House a scheme based upon carefullyprepared professional estimates, showing definitely and in detail what works are required to complete our railway system, and the cost of such completion; and shall then ask the House to consider the arrangements necessary for completing the scheme. I shall propose to spread over a series of years the raising and expenditure of the moneys required, and thus to keep the annual charge for interest on the debt within the compass of our growing income." I regret to say that we have found it impossible to give effect to this intention. The preparation of such a scheme could not, we believe, have been satisfactorily accomplished during the past recess, because of the smallness of the staff as compared with the large extent of works in hand, and because of the time necessarily occupied in taking over the Southern Railways; and we felt that, as a hurriedly devised plan would probably be imperfect, it would be better under the circumstances to submit to some delay. We shall, therefore, ask, this Session, only for a sum sufficient to unite the already completed sections of the trunk line of 500 miles from Amberley to Kingston, and for extensions of the main lines in other parts of the Colony, particulars of which will be stated to the House by the Minister for Public Works. I have stated that, should the House direct that the works which my honorable friend the Minister for Public Works will recommend be executed during the current year, additional Ways and Means to the amount of £940,443 6s. lid. will be required. The total proposed expenditure for the year on Public Works will amount to £1,796,451. We have also to make provision for the Immigration Services of the year, estimated at £124,182; and to provide for paying off the Provincial liabilities amounting to £259,556. These several sums make up a total of £2,180,189; which after allowing for the balance now at credit of the Public Works Account, will leave a sum of £1,200,000, for which Ways and Means will have to be provided. As honorable members are aware, the £800,000 of Imperial guaranteed debentures have, in estimating our Ways and Means, been treated as cash applicable to public works. We propose to ask for authority to raise a sufficient sum to free those debentures, so as to keep them as an available security, against which we can obtain advances from time to time, at a low rate of interest. Should these several proposals meet the approval of the House, I shall have to ask for authority to raise a loan of £2,000,000. This sum could, of course, be reduced to £1,200,000, if the House should think it desirable to sell the guaranteed debentures: but the Government are of opinion that until the completion of our railway system, those debentures should not be sold, but should be used as they have constantly been since their creation. It is also possible to further reduce the amount of the proposed loan, should the House determine that some of the works which will be recommended by my honorable colleague the Minister for Public Works shall not be executed within the current year; but considering that most of those works are connecting links on main lines which are already returning a very fair percentage on their cost, I think the House will hardly consider it desirable to postpone their execution. If, however, the House should determine to reduce the expenditure upon public works by, say one-half, then the arrangement recently made with the Bank of New Zealand—which modifies the agreement subsisting with that Bank, so as to provide for increased advances upon certain conditions, and which fixes the time

Total amount available for service of 1877-78, £3,510,905 Bs. sd.

Expenditure. Distributable amongst Counties.

Immigration and Public Works.

Detailed estimates for completion of Railways could not bo prepared during recess.

Works to be proposed,

Necessitate additional Ways and Means, £910,413 6s. lid.

Including Immigration,

£1,200,000 needed.

£800,000 guaranteed debentures should be released,

And held as an available security.

If this done, a loan of £2,000,000 necessary.

Expenditure on works might be reduced, so that resort to London market not necessary for eighteen months :



within which repayment of such advances shall not be required—would probably enable the Government to do without going upon the London market for another eighteen months ; and next session a complete scheme of works could, no doubt, be submitted to the House. But this, as I have sufficiently explained, is a course which the Government cannot recommend the House to adopt. These, then, are the proposals of the Government. We shall ask authority to raise a loan of £2,000,000, of which £940,444 will be required for completing the trunk line of railway in the Middle Island from Amberley to Kingston, for making some extensions of the main line in the North Island, and for other necessary public works ; and £800,000 for releasing the guaranteed debentures ; the balance to defray Provincial liabilities. With regard to the Consolidated Revenue, I have shown to the Committee that it can bear all legitimate charges without having recourse to fresh taxation, if the Land Eund of those Provincial Districts which are able to bear it is charged with a small refund in aid of the interest on the cost of public works which has been paid out of the ordinary revenue; and I think the Committee will agree with me that this is a satisfactory result. Before concluding, I desire, Sir, to direct attention to some matters which I regard as having an important bearing upon our financial position, and consideration of which is essential in dealing with the proposals I have had the honor to make. For some years past it has been evident to all of us that radical change in the Constitution was necessary. We have differed fundamentally as to what the nature of that change should be, but we have agreed that important modifications of some kind must be made. Consequently men's minds have been unsettled; the political horizon has been overcast and threatening. Before 1870 there had been several years of depression throughout the Colony. A restoration of confidence and of activity was essential; and, to secure it, bold steps were taken to open up and people the country. Since that time we have had for several years political anxiety and unrest: commercially and socially, we have had a condition of unexampled prosperity. Our great prosperity has been undoubtedly due, in part, to the success of the Immigration and Public Works Policy, to carry out which our loans were raised; but it was also due in part, to the high prices almost uninterruptedly obtained for our chief article of export, wool. During this period of prosperity, the House and the country have become accustomed to the belief that the desire of the people of a district to have a railway or other important work constructed, afforded sufficient reason for demanding that such work should be immediately undertaken. The idea has been prevalent that our powers of borrowing were unlimited; and, though we were not ignorant of the experience of other countries, many of us have seemed to think it was impossible we could go too far or too fast in raising money for works of a reproductive character. During the last year, the political crisis culminated in the Abolition of the Provinces. As a consequence, the County system was inaugurated; and I am sure it is scarcely necessary to suggest to honorable members that the labour and the anxiety involved in that inauguration are not measurable by the apparent ease with which the transition to the new state of things has been effected. During the last year, also, the financial position of the Colony had to be considered in its broadest sense. As Colonial Treasurer, I have had a promise to redeem, as well as proposals to develop. Two years ago, when first I had the honor of addressing the House as Treasurer, I said that it was the intention of the Government to spread over two years the expenditure of loans then authorized; and that has been more than accomplished, because, up to the 30th of June last, the expenditure out of loans has been £200,000 less than the amount of loans authorized at the time I spoke. I trust, Sir, to have the concurrence of the Committee in my suggestion, that the result just stated, and the statistics as to the financial results of the past year which I have submitted, justify the conclusion that the Government have fairly realized the difficulties of the position and have successfully grappled with them. Eor the immediate future, the Government believe that the need of the country is political rest. Time is needed for the completion and development of 3—B. 2.

But this course not recommended.

Recapitulation of proposals.


For years, modification of Constitution has been seen to be required.

Public Works Policy and its results.

Abolition of Provinces.

For the present, further changes not desirable.



our public works : quiet is needed for the consolidation of the social results without which a scheme of immigration and railways in any new country would be a failure : time and rest will co-operate in enabling us to satisfy those outside the Colony who are concerned as to its fate, that our confidence in the wisdom of the work we commenced in 1870 was justified, and that though its cost has been very great, its benefits have been commensurate. The Government, Sir, taking this view of the position, believe that the present is a time when the country should not be troubled with questions as to the incidence or the specific character of our taxation. Further taxation will not be necessary this year, if our proposals are accepted. Before long, when our new institutions are consolidated, and our railway system has been developed, we shall be able to face the question of new taxes, if any are needed, or to discuss calmly the principles on which taxation should be raised, and the manner in which such principles should be practically carried out. I thank the Committee for the attention with which they have listened to me; and I trust that the questions with which I have dealt may receive that early and careful consideration to which their importance entitles them.

Questions as to taxation can be better discussed, when Public Works system developed, and new institutions fairly tried.



CONTENTS: Page A.—The Public Debt of New Zealand ... ... ... ... • ... ... i B. —General Balance Sheet and Summary of Transactions of the Public Account ... ... 3 C. —Eeceipts and Expenditure o£ the Public Account ... ... ... ... ... 4-19 D. —Appropriation Account of the Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... ... 20-24 E. — Unauthorised Expenditure of the Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... 25-26 F. —Accounts with Provincial Districts, under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872" ... 27 G. —Appropriation Account of the Special Funds ... ... ... ... ... 28-30 H. —Statement of Eeceipts and Payments of Goldfields Eevenue and Gold Duty, under " The Financial Arrangements Act, 1576," for the six months ended 30th June, 1877 ... 31 1. —Balance Sheet of Accounts in the Land Fund (Old Account) ... ... ... 31 X. —Balance Sheet of Accounts in the Land Fund (New Account) ... ... ... 31 L, —Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Land Fund (Old Account) of the Provincial Districts... 32 M. —Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Land Fund (New Account) of the Provincial Districts 33 N. —Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Public Trust Fund ... ... ... ... 34 O. —Comparative Eeturn of the Duties of Customs collected at the several Ports for 1875-76 and 1876-77 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 P. —Eeturn of Gross Duties of Customs for each Quarter from September Quarter, 1865, to June Quarter, 1877, inclusive ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 Q,. —Eeturn of Value of Imports and Exports at each Port ... ... ... ... 36 8,. —Eeturn of Value of Imports and Exports for each Provincial District ... ... 37 S. —Eeturn of the Quantity of Flour and Grain Imported and Exported for the Tear ended 31st December, 1876 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 *£. —Comparative Eeturn of the Quantity and Value of Gold Exported during the four Quarters of the Tears 1875-76 and 1876-77... ... ... ... 38 TJ. —Eeturn of the Quantity and Value of Gold Exported in 1876-77 ... ... ... 39 V. —Eeturn of the Quantity and Value of Wool Exported in 1876 ... ... ... 39 "\^ r,—Eeturn of tho Value of New Zealand Phormium Exported in 1876 ... ... ... 39 X. —Eeturn of the Value of Imports and Exports of Victoria, New South Wales, and New Zealand, for the Ten Tears ended 31st December, 1875 ... ... ... ... 40 Y. —Eeturn of the Value of Gold, Wool, Grain, &c, Exported from Victoria, New South Wales, and New Zealand, for the Nine Tears ended 31st December, 1875 ... 41




H Loans. Debentures and Treasury Bills in Circulation. Sinking Funds accrued. Net Interest. Annual Charge. Sinking Fund. Amount. When Redeemable. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Total. 1^ Under Acts of the Colonial Government, — Ordinance of Legislative Council... New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 ... 1 £ 375,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 £ 311 [ 500,000 On presentation January, 1888 October, 1888 1889 June, 1894 £ s. d. [- 293,627 2 0 £ a. d. 311 0 O 206,372 18 0 p. cent. 4 £ a. d. 20,000 0 0 p. cent. 2 £ s. d. 10,000 0 0 £ a. d. 30,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 .., -j 488,000 500,000 201,500 236,000 93,900 93,100 - 1,519,400 J 1 July, 1891 15 July, 1914 1 November, 1915 15 Marcb, 1891 15 June, 1891 15 December, 1891 46,768 5 3 1 Y 302,556 4 6 46,331 14 9 1,216,843 15 6 6 f5 [I 5,586 0 0 24,400 0 0 20,000 O 0 12,090 0 0 14,160 0 0 5,634 0 0 2 1 1 2 2 2 [1,862 0 0 4,880 O 0 5,000 0 0 4,030 0 0 4,720 0 O 1,878 0 0 7,448 0 0 29,280 0 0 25,000 0 0 16,120 0 0 18,880 0 O 7,512 0 0 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 ... X r 4,583,100 64,000 13,000 I 4,660,100 36 years from issue 1 January, 1893 15 April, 1913 f 5 4 1 229,155 0 0 3,200 O 0 520 0 0 1 45,831 0 0 274,986 0 0 3,200 0 O 520 0 0 I Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 < 600,000 50,000 20,000 75,000 5,000 250,000 - 1,000,000 36 years from issue 31 December, 1878 1 July, 1880 15 April, 1913 25 June, 1881 15 July, 1906 5 51 4£5 30,000 0 0 2,750 0 0 900 0 0 3,000 0 0 225 0 0 12,500 0 0 1 6,000 0 0 36,000 0 0 2,750 0 0 900 0 O 3,000 0 0 225 O 0 12,500 0 O 645,700 0 0 8,212,200 0 0 r Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 2,100,000 372,100 25,700 200,000 500,000 36 years from issue 15 April, 1913 15 April, 1882 1 June, 1907 1 February, 1904 5 4 4 105,000 0 0 14,884 0 0 1,156 10 0 8,000 O 0 22,500 0 0 1 21,000 0 0 126,000 O 0 14,884 0 O 1,156 10 0 8,000 0 0 22,500 0 0 J- 3,197,800 J North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 43,900 Not later than 1 November, 1902 5 2,195 0 0 10* 7,000 0 0 9,195 0 0 43,900 0 0 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, ( 1873 i 1,500,000 500,000 ] 2,000,000; 1 February, 1904 15 July, 1906 2,000,000 0 0 I 5 67.500 0 0 25,000 0 0 67,500 0 O 25,000 0 0 r General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 «{ 12,300 49,500 20,900 18,500 6,200 142,600 500,000 L 750,000 J 15 May, 1914 15 December, 1881 15 October, 1883 15 October, 1913 15 October, 1885 Various 15 July, 1906 750,000 0 0 1 4 5 4 - 4 5 J 5 492 0 0 2,475 0 0 836 0 0 740 0 O 279 0 O 7,130 0 0 25,000 0 0 492 0 0 2,475 0 0 836 0 0 740 0 0 279 0 0 7,130 0 0 25,000 0 0 ... ... * This rate is payable on the amount of the orij issue. viz,. £70,000.



Tclble A. — continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 30th JUNE, 1877— continued. Loans. Debentures and Treasury Bills in Circulation. Amount. When Redeemable. Sinking Funds accrued. Nel Interest. Annual Charge. Sinking Fund. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Total. Under Acts of tiie Colonial Government — continued. Westland Loan Act, 1873 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1874 Wellington Debts Act, 1876 ... j £ 16,500 25,000 16,500 £ 50,000 4,000,000 15 April, 1894 1 February, 1905 30 June, 1878 30 June, 1879 30 June, 1882 £ s. d. 425 3 3 £ s. d. 49,574 16 9 4,000,000 0 0 p. cent. 5 4\ £ s. d. 2,500 0 0 180,000 0 0 p. cent. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,500 0 0 180,000 0 0 I 58,000 } 2,059 9 11 55,940 10 1 5 2,900 0 0 2,900 0 0 Treasury Bills, — Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, ( 1873 ... ... I Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874 Provincial Appropriations Extension Act, 1875 Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 300,000 100,000 20,000 662,000 1 November, 1877 1 November, 1878 1 November, 1877 1 i 662,000 0 0 3fd. per diem 33,979 4 3 33,979 4 3 92,000 126,100 23,900 1 November, 1877 1 November, 1880 1 November, 1881 Under Acts or Ordinances of the late Provincial Governments, — ■ Auckland Loan Act, 1863 Wellington Loan Act, 1862 Wellington Loan Act, 1866 Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864 Nelson Loan Act, 1874 Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Ordinance, 1860 Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862 33 vears from issue "l July, 1877 1 July, 1886 1 January, 1881 6,255 11 7 *2,000 0 0 4,643 16 5 4,719 3 11 25,344 8 5 2,528 0 0 31,600 2,000 13,500 6,200 18,000 8,856 3 7 1,480 16 1 18,000 0 0 6 8 8 7 1,896 0 0 1,080 0 0 496 0 0 1,260 0 0 2 2 2 632 0 0 270 0 0 124 0 0 1,350 0 0 620 0 0 1,260 0 0 288,500 77,700 22,800 116,700 30 years from issue 50 years from issue 1 July, 1898 21,321 17 6 1,021 5 7 22,464 2 11 56,378 2 6 21,778 14 5 94,235 17 1 6 6 6 4,662 0 0 1,368 0 0 7,002 0 0 2 1 1 1,554 0 0 228 0 0 1,167 0 0 6,216 0 0 1,596 0 0 8,169 0 0 : I 116,176 0 0 1,020,626 14 3 Advances on security of Debentures and Treasury Bills, — Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 New Zealand Loan Act, 1876 Lyttelton Harbour Works Loan Act, 1872 ... Treasury Bills, — Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874 Appropriation Act, 1876 18,823,111 1,353,562 2 10 17,469,548 17 2 901,150 14 3 525,000 1,000,000 100,000 525,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 + 5 6 50,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 60,000 110,000 £20,618,111 60,000 0 0 110,000 0 0 6 t!,600 0 ' 0 6,600 0 0 ... Totals ... £1,353,562 2 10 £19,264,548 17 2 * The Sinking Funds actually accrued amount to £2,471 4s. 2d., being £471 4s. 2d. in excess of the amount of the outstanding Debentures, t At various rates from 1 to 2 per cent. J N/o interest payable.




Transactions. Dr. Balances on 30tii June, 1877. Balances on 30th June, 1876. Dr. Cr. Receipts and Transfers. Cr. Balancks on 30th June, 1877. Disbursements and Transfers. Cash in TnE Bank op New Zealand. Special Funds Imprests unaccounted fob. Totals. Colonial. Foreign. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Consolidated Fund 121,234 13 2 3,382,821 9 4 3,341,644 9 0 80,057 12 10 33,159 11 7 28,233 4 1 18,664 17 2 80,057 12 10 Special Funds :— Consolidated Loan Act, 18G7 13,946 10 3 26,270 2 1 49,955 12 6 37,632 0 8 33,530 17 8 2,101 3 0 2,000 0 0 37,632 0 S Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 ZM25.918 10 2 90,664 3 2 251,999 12 1 35,416 18 9 35,273 11 8 143 7 1 35,416 18 9 Public Works Account ... 136,605 5 9 2,854,312 15 11 3,370,697 3 3 652,989 13 1 519,548 0 5 21,306 9 3 112,135 3 5 652,989 13 1 Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871 8,606 1 11 32,420 16 8 23,814 11 9 Wellington Debts Act, 1871 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 Wellington Debts Act, 1872, Redemption Account ... 16,719 9 2 17,000 0 0 2,340 0 9 2,059 9 11 803 12 6 1,255 17 5 2,059 9 11 North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 ... 201 14 7 11,799 5 7 12,137 14 4 540 3 4 540 3 4 540 3 4 Westland Loan Act 1873 Redemption Account 294 5 0 130 18 3 425 3 3 41 7 10 383 15 5 425 3 3 State Forests Account 14,800 0 0 12,573 6 9 2,226 13 3 2,226 13 3 2,226 13 3 Wellington Debts Act Amendment Act, 1876 58,000 0 0 58,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1876 940,008 8 1 1,000,000 0 0 59,901 11 11 59,901 11 11 59,901 11 11 Provincial Liabilities Account 574, 063 1 5 619,951 5 1 45,888 3 8 33,449 16 7 9,438 7 1 3,000 0 0 45,888 3 8 Counties' Separate Account 224,293 3 10 236,935 2 7 12,641 18 9 12,641 18 9 12,641 18 9 Gold Fields Revenue Account 7,239 10 0 10,105 2 9 2,865 12 9 2,865 12 9 2,865 12 9 Gold Duty Account ... , 13,911 6 8 17,643 17 1 3,732 10 5 3,732 10 5 3,732 10 5 Waitara Bridge Endowment Account 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 Land Fund (Old Account) 25,049 18 6 575,171 15 0 550,121.16 6 Land Fund (New Account) 978,914 12 6 1,094,561 0 3 115,640 7 9 108, 65S 17 5 5,810 6 4. 1,177 4 0 115,646 7 9 Trust Fund 165,136 10 0 444,638 1 3 346,617 6 2 67,115 14 11 59,650 0 2 1,011 9 9 6,453 19 0 67,115 14 11 Bills Receivable ... 800,000 0 0 800, 000 0 0 Bills Payable 175,000 0 0 426,537 13 5 251,537 13 5 Receipts in Suspense 818 5 11 263,708 12 6 263,267 12 10 377 6 3 377 6 3 377 6 3 Totals 68,044 6 7 143,431 3 7 552, 494 4 1 11,739,438 4 2 12,306,470 1 7 1,119,526 1 6 906,410 18 6 1,639 12 10 1,119,526 1 6




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. CONSOLIDATED FUND. lSSets of 1875-761 — Revenue, — Postages recovered from colonies non-contributing to San Francisco Service... Postages recovered from London Post Office 1,483 12 7 10,122 18 9 11,606 11 4 Recoveries, — Interest on purchase money of Stewart's Island ... Stamp Duties refunded, recovered from Public Works Account Expenditure on account of State Forests Advances to Province of Wellington in aid of Revenue, &c. Advances to Province of Taranaki to redeem Volunteer Land Scrip ... Pay of the Auckland Police Miscellaneous 256 0 0 163 17 3 504.11 8 3,988 6 7 7,030 0 0 2,541 13 5 992 5 2 Receipts in reduction of Expenditure, —■ Civil List Appropriations 15,476 14 1 99 17 11 2,102 2 8 2,202 0 7 'inancial Tear, 1876-77 i— Ordinary Revenue, — Customs Stamp Duties Postal Telegraphic Judicial Fees and Fines Registration and other Fees Railways Incidental 1,225,662 0 9 122,670 18 9 86,547 14 0 63,983 13 1 41,982 13 3 46,183 10 2 285,220 3 10 27,552 0 3 29,285 6 0 Receipts in Aid, — Contribution from Defence Loan towards expenses of Armed Constabulary and Contingent Defence... Transfer from State Forests Account 1,899,802 14 1 30,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 Receipts in reduction of Expenditure,— Civil List ... ... ... ... £9 0 0 Charges of the Public Debt ... ... 2,909 15 8 Charges under Permanent Acts... ... 37 10 0 Appropriations ... ... ... 29,933 4 8 Refunds of Revenue ... ... ... 126 Unauthorized ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 Railway Stores and Workshops Account... 35,872 2 5 Capitation and Special Allowances Interest and Sinking Fund on the Permanent Debt of the Provinces, charged on, — Capitation Allowance... ... £101,046 8 1 Land Fund ... ... ... 90,798 5 9 73,762 15 3 15,615 17 5 191,844 13 10 182,886 11 9 Interest on Railway Expenditure, recovered from Provinces' 464,109 18 3 Recoveries on account of, — Payments under section 35, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" ... Payments under section 53, " Counties Act, 1876 " 2,403,912 12 4 978 0 9 3,669 0 1 4,617 12 10 Temporary,— Advances under section 17, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," recovered ... Advances to Land Fund recovered, — Under section 3, " Appropriation Act, 1876" ... ... ... £15,295 2 3 Under section 14, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " ... ... 74,239 16 8 Under section 15, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " ... ... 8,294 0 3 50,867 11 7 97,828 19 2 450,000 0 0 Advances from Public Works Account ... 598,696 10 9 Treasury Bills, — Under " Appropriation Act, 1876 " Under "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " 110,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 260,000 0 0 Curried forward 3,267,256 15 11 3,296.542 1 11



J. CCOUNT for the Financial Yeab ended 30th June, 1877. z EXPENDITUBE. £ s. d. £ s. d. CONSOLIDATED FUND. Liabilities op 1875-76,— Civil List Charges of the Public Debt Charges under Permanent Acts Appropriations ... In excess of Appropriations 1,112 10 2 2,832 14 6 2,012 17 1 78,497 2 8 1,074 11 1 79,571 13 9 Payments to Provinces under " The Payments to Paovincea Act, 1872" 3,963 0 3 Financial Yeae, 1876-77,— Civil List Charges of the Public Debt Charges under Permanent Acts Appropriation?, — Class I.—Public Departments ... ... £90,767 5 6 II.—Law and Justice ... ... 148,259 7 9 III.—Postal and Telegraphic ... 219,619 6 11 IV.—Customs ... ... ... 62,006 3 2 V.—Miscellaneous ... ... 71,541 16 10 YI.—Native 37,792 1 10 VII.—Militia and Volunteers ... 107,89110 6 Till.—Public Domains and Buildings ... 24,801 6 0 IX.—Railways ... ... ... 225,592 6 0 X. —Municipalities and Road Boards ... 53,846 15 1 27,582 7 9 968,705 12 9 34,896 6 9 89,492 15 9 £1,042,121 0 1 Less in excess of Votes ... 6,953 17 5 Railway Stores and Workshops Account Refunds of Revenue Unauthorized Expenditure, — In excess of Votes ... ... £6,953 17 5 Services not provided for ... ... 17,931 17 9 1,035,167 2 8 42,712 0 0 4,369 2 6 24,885 15 2 Moiety of Stamp Duties to 31st December, 1876, transferred to Public Works Account Capitation and Special Allowances to Provinces £148,811 3 6 Payments in excess of Allowances ... ... 15,615 17 5 28,612 12 2 164,427 0 11 Redemption of Debenture issued under " The Debentures Act, 1864" 50 0 0 Payments under section 35 of " The Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" Payments under section 53 of " The Counties Act, 1876 " 2,331,498 0 8 2,028 14 10 4,112 2 0 6,110 16 10 Payments to Provincial Accounts, — Under " Provincial Appropriations Extension Act, 1873" ... Under " Appropriation Act, 1876 " Under " Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874," 9,000 0 0 110,000 0 0 500 0 0 119,500 0 0 Temporary,— Advances under section 17, "Financial Arrangements Act, 187f5," for Provincial Liabilities Advances to Land Fund, — Under section 3, " Appropriation Act, 1876" £15,295 2 3 Under section 14, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " ... ... 125,939 16 8 Under Section 15, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" ... .., 9,600 0 0 50,867 11 7 150,834 18 11 450,000 0 0 Advances from Public Works Account repaid Treasury Bills, — Amount raised under section 10, "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," transferred to Land Fund 651,702 10 6 150,000 0 0 3,258,751 8 0 Curried forward 3,348,244 3 9



Table STATEMENT of EECE: PTS and EXP: INDITUEE of the PUBLIC £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. RECEIPTS. CONSOLIDATED FUND— continued. 3,296,542 1 11 Brought forward Revenues collected fob Local Bodies 45,102 7 1 Total Receipts 3,341,641 9 0 Balance on 30th June, 1876, — Cush in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign... 19,820 7 6 31,735 12 5 69,078 13 3 51,555 19 11 121,231, 13 2 Total £3,462,879 2 2 SPECIAL FUNDS. CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867,— Sales of Debentures in England Premium thereon 18,000 0 0 955 12 6 18,955 12 6 In liquidation of debt of Into Province of Wellington, in respect of Reclaimed Land 31,000 0 0 Total Receipts Balance on 30th June, 1876, — Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 49,955 12 6 2,101 3 0 24,250 0 0 Lesa Debit Balance Public Account 26,351 3 0 12,404 12 9 13,946 10 3 Total £63,902 2 9 DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870,— Sales of Debentures in England Premium thereon 250,000 0 0 103 G 7 Recoveries, — On account of Expenditure of previous years For credit of Vote for maintenance of Roads in Native Districts, North Island 250,103 6 7 225 15 6 1,670 10 0 1,896 5 6 Total Receipts 251,999 12 1 Total £251,999 12 1



j — continued. CCOUNT for the JViancial Year 187G-77. £ s. d. £ •. d. £ s. d. EXPENDITURE. CONSOLIDATED FUND-fo»(ia«ei, Brought forward 3,348,244 3 9 Revenues paid over to Local Bodies 34,577 5 7 Total Expenditure 3,382,821 9 4 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 28,233 4 1 18,664 17 2 33,159 11 7 80,057 12 10 46,898 1 3 Total £\ 3,462,879 2 2 SPECIAL FUNDS. CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867,— Redemption of Debentures, issued under "The Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance, 1862 " Payments to Provincial Liabilities Accounts, — Balances of moneys raised for redemption of Provincial Debentures, — Nelson Otago 24,250 0 0 376 14 4 1,393 7 9 1,770 2 1 250 0 0 Charges and Expenses of raising Loan Total Expenditure 26,270 2 1 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 2,101 3 0 2,000 0 0 33,530 17 8 37,632 0 8 4,101 3 0 Total £63,902 2 9 DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870 — Contribution to Consolidated Fund towards Expenditure for Armed Constabulary and Defence Maintenance of Roads in Native Districts, North Island 30,000 0 0 8,693 14 3 « Charges and Expenses of raising Loan Repayment of Advance made on security of Debentures 38,693 14 3 1,970 8 11 50,000 0 0 Total Expenditure 90,664 3 2 Balance on 30th June, 1876, — Debit Balanco, Public Account... Less Advances to be accounted for 126,699 4 3 780 14 1 125,918 10 2 Balance on 30th June, 1877,— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial... 35,273 11 8 35,416 18 9 143 7 1 Total £251,999 12 1



Table STATEMENT of EECE PTS and EX 'ENDITUEE o the PUBLIC £ e. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. RECEIPTS. SPECIAL FUWDS—continued. PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT,— Sales of Debentures, — Immigration and Public Works Loans, — Sales in England ... ... £500,000 0 0 Sales in the Colony ... ... 2,400 0 0 General Purposes Loan, — Sales in England Transfers from New Zealand Loan of 1876, on account of the sum of £750,000 authorized for Public Works and Immigration 502,400 0 0 500,000 0 0 700,000 0 0 Receipts in Aid, — Transfer from Confiscated Lands Liabilities Account Contributions from Canterbury for Railways Moiety of Stamp Duties to 31st December, 1876 ... 1,702,400 0 0 19,0G3 1 3 13,477 18 8 28,612 12 2 62,053 12 1 367 14 4 Sales of Land Recoveries for credit of Votes, — Class I.—Immigration „ II.—Departmental „ III. —Railways „ . IV.—Roads ... „ V.—Land Purchases ... „ VI.—Waterworks on Gold Fields „ VII.—Coal Mines ,, VIII. —Telegraph Extension „ IX.—Public Buildings ... „ X.—Lighthouses ,, XI. —Charges and expenses of raising Loans 17,755 17 9 781 13 3 41,092 1 9 967 14 7 2,670 7 10 460 5 6 2 3 6 2,840 14 1 16 15 0 2,625 0 0 413 6 5 Railways General Account, — Transfers to Votes for Railways Native Lands Act Account, — Transfers to Votes for Land Purchases ... Recoveries, —■ From Otago on account of Advances for Immigration Balance of Loan to Grey mouth Corporation 69,125 19 8 75,484 8 5 14,514 17 2 6,000 0 0 1,750 11 7 7,750 11 7 Advances on security of Debentures, — On guaranteed Debentures of Loan of 1870 Temporary Advances to Consolidated Fund repaid ... ... 989,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 Balance on 30th June, 1876,— Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial... Foreign 18,743 1 9 298,232 5 2 3,370,697 3 3 Less Debit Balance, Public Account 316,975 6 11 180,370 1 2 136,605 5 9 Total £3,507,302 9 0 WELLINGTON RECLAIMED LAND ACT, 1871,— Rents received from the Corporation of the City of Wellington ... Balance of amount advanced on Mortgage on Reclaimed Land, Wellington Interest on Investments, &c. 2,074 10 11 21,099 16 2 640 7 8 Total Receipts 23,814 14 9 Balance on 30th June, 1876,— Cash in the Public Account In Special Funds Investment Account ... 7,487 5 6 1,118 16 5 8,606 1 11 Total £32,420 16 8 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT, 1871 — Debentures renewed £5,000 0 0



v^— continued. ACCOUNT for the Financial Yeae 187G-77. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. SPECIAL FUNDS—continued. 201,251 2 0 17,831 6 9 1,008,225 16 7 16,971 4 5 88,314 12 7 86,131 16 1 1,338 17 9 35,565 9 1 43,325 19 2 29,004 18 5 8,149 10 1 13,341 7 7 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT — Class I.—Immigration „ II.—Departmental „ III. —Railways „ IV—Roads „ V. —Land Purchases, North Island ... „ VI. —Waterworks on G old Fields „ VII.—Coal Mines ... „ VIII. —Telegraph Extension ... ,, IX.—Public Buildings „ X.—Lighthouses ... „ XL—Charges and Expenses of raising Loans „ XII. —Otago Provincial Public Works Advances Less iu excess of Votes 1,549,452 0 6 1,905 6 1 Unauthorized, — In excess of Votes Services not provided for 1,547,546 14 5 1,905 6 1 291 18 4 2,197 4 5 466 4 2 Refunds of Stamp Duties ... Railways General Account, — Payments made under section 5 " Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1876" 45,602 12 11 Native Lands Act Account, — Advances under section 4 "Appropriation Act, 1876 " 4,500 0 0 Advances on security of Debentures repaid, — On guaranteed Debentures of Loan of 1870 On Debentures of General Purposes Loan 604,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 804,000 0 0 Temporary advances to Consolidated Fund, — Under section 14 " Public Revenues Act, 1875" ... Under section 4 " Public Revenues Act, 1876" 150,000 0 0 300,000 O 0 450,000 0 0 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial... Foreign... 519,548 0 5 2,854,312 15 11 21,306 9 3 112,135 3 5 652,989 13 1 133,441 12 8 Total £3,507,302 9 0 WELLINGTON RECLAIMED LAND ACT, 1871 — Transfer to Consolidated Loan Account in liquidation of a debt of the late Province of Wellington Interest on £31,000 at 5 per cent., — Half-year to 31st December, 1876 1st January to 31st May, 1877 31,000 0 0 775 0 0 645 16 8 1,420 16 8 Total Expenditure 32,420 16 8 * Total £32,420 16 8 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT, 1871 — Debentures redeemed £5,000 0 0 *2—B. 2.



Tabl< STATEMENT of EECE: PTS and EXF iNDITUKE >f the PTJBLI £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. RECEIPTS. SPECIAL FUNDS-continued. WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT 1872 REDEMPTION ACCOUNT,— Land Sales Investment Account, — Interest on Investments Profit on sale of £14,900 4£ per cent. Debentures... 803 12 6 1,461 18 3 74 10 0 1,536 8 3 Total Receipts 2,340 0 9 Balance on 30th June, 1876, — Cash in the Public Account In Special Funds Investment Account ... 962 16 3 35,756 12 11 16,719 9 2 Total £19,059 9 11 NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872,— Sales of Debentures Land Sales, &c. ... 2,000 0 0 10,137 14 4 Total Receipts 12,137 14 4 Balance on 30th June, 1876,— Cash in the Public Account 201 14 7 Total £12,339 8 11 WESTLAND LOAN ACT 1873 REDEMPTION ACCOUNT,— Rents ... Interest on Investments 116 2 4 14 15 11 Total Receipts 130 18 3 Balance on 30th June, 1876, — Cash in the Public Account In Special Funds Investment Account ?.. 25 0 0 269 5 0 294 5 0 Total £425 3 3 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT,— Keceipts, nil. Balance on 30th June, 1876, — CaBk in the Public Account 14,800 0 0 Total £14,800 0 0 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 1876,— Debentures issued £58,000 0 0



j — continued. CCOUNT for the Financial Yeae 1876-77— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. EXPENDITURE. SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT 1872 REDEMPTION ACCOUNT,— Redemption of Debentures... 17,000 0 0 Total Expenditure 17,000 0 0 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account In Special Funds Investment Account 803 12 6 1,255 17 5 2,059 9 11 Total £19,059 9 11 i NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872 — Payment to Provincial Account, Otago Refund of Deposit (Land Sales) Interest and Sinking Fund 2,160 0 0 2 0 0 9,637 5 7 Total Expenditure 11,799 5 7 Balance on 30th June, 1877,— Cash in the Public Account 540 3 4 Total £12,339 8 11 WESTLAND LOAN ACT 1873 REDEMPTION ACCOUNT — Expenditure, nil. Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account In Special Funds Investment Account ... 41 7 10 383 15 5 425 3 3 Total £425 3 3 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT — Salary of Conservator of State Forests Travelling Expenses and Contingencies Repayment to the Consolidated Fund of amount contributed therefrom for 1875-76, under "The New Zealand Forests Act, 1874" Repayment to the Consolidated Fund of amount charged thereto in 1875-76 ... 10,000 0 0 800 0 0 1,268 15 1 504 11 8 10,504 11 8 Total Expenditure 12,573 6 9 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account 2,226 13 3 Total £14,800 0 0 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 1876 — Debentures issued under " The Wellington Debts Act, 1871," redeemed £58,000 0 0



Tabl< STATEMENT of EECEIPTS and EX: 'ENDITTTKE if the PUBLI BECEIPTS. SPECIAL FUNDS-coiifaei £ B. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. " NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1876,"— Advances on eecurity of Debentures £1,000,000 0 0 Total Receipts 1,000,000 0 0 £1,000,000 0 0 PROVINCIAL LIABILITIES ACCOUNT,— Auckland Tnranuki Wellington Hanke's Bay Nilfion Marlbovougli Canterbury Westland Otago Total Receipts 47,529 9 1 27,412 5 2 77,290 12 5 9,774 19 0 51,840 8 5 10,273 7 8 231,256 19 11 34.819 10 8 129,747 3 9 619,951 5 1 Total £619,951 5 1 COUNTIES SEPARATE ACCOUNT,— Akaroa ... Amuri ... Ashburtou Ashley ... Clutha ... Collingwood Coromandel Eden ... Geraliline Manukau Marlborougb. Mongonui Piako ... Raglan ... Selwyn ... Tauranga Waimea Waipa ... Wairarapa East ... Wairarapa West... Wlmkatane Total Receipts 10,201 2 11 204 14 6 30,867 13 G 45,293 9 3 693 11 8 228 9 4 588 12 0 1,795 11. 0 63,383 3 3 801 18 5 889 9 4 88 2 1 194 17 11 85 2 7 77,922 17 0 142 17 4 793 4 2 598 13 11 838 17 0 1.265 0 2 54 14 9 230,935 2 7 Total £230,935 2 7 WAITARA BRIDGE ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT,— Rents ... 9 0 0 Total £9 0 0



~) — continued. CCOTTNT for the Financial Yeae 1816-77—continued. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. "NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1876,"— Transfers, — To Provincial Liabilities Accounts, — Auckland ... ... ... ; Taranaki Wellington Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westlaud Otago £10,000 0 0 23,500 O O 40,000 0 O 35,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 11,000 0 0 14,500 0 0 97,500 0 0 237,500 0 0 To Public Works Account, — In respect of £750,000 authorized ... 700,000 0 0 Charges and Expenses, — Commission ... Telegrams 937,500 0 0 2,500 0 0 98 8 1 2,598 8 1 Total Expenditure Balance on 30th June, 1877 — Cash in the Public Account 910,098 8 1 59,901 11 11 Total £1,000,000 0 0 PROVINCIAL LIABILITIES ACCOUNT — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westlaud Otago Total Expenditure Balance on 30th June, 1877,— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be nccounted for, — Colonial ... ... .., Foreign 46,863 14 8 26,982 13 10 61,235 10 6 6,420 9 4 40,181 16 6 9,992 0 7 229,592 8 4 30,867 9 7 121,926 18 1 574,063 1 5 33,449 16 7 9,438 7 1 3,000 0 0 45,888 3 8 £619,951 5 1 12,438 7 1 Total I COUNTIES SEPARATE ACCOUNT,— Akaroa ... Amuri ... Ashburton Ashley ... Clutha ... Collingwood Coromandel Eden ... Geraldine Manukau Marlborough Mongonui Piako ... Raglan ... Selwyn ... Wnimea Waipa ... Wairarapa East ... Whakatanc Total Expenditure Balance on 30lh June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account 9 16 204 14 6 30,093 15 8 45,293 9 3 579 8 8 228 9 4 587 12 0 1,808 1 0 63,383 3 3 817 8 5 869 15 4 72 18 7 194 17 11 85 2 7 77,922 17 0 708 5 11 598 13 11 788 17 6 48 11 6 224,293 3 10 12,641 18 9 Total £236,935 2 7 WAITARA BRIDGE ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT,— Expenditure, nil Balance on 30th June, 1S77,— Cash in the Public Account 9 0 0 Total £9 0 0



TabL STATEMENT of EEC: 1IPTS and EX 'ENDITURE •f the PUBLL RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. GOLD FIELDS REVENUE ACCOUNT,— Counties Native Account ... 7,798 0 4 2,307 2 5 Total Receipts 10,105 2 9 Total £10,105 2 9 GOLD DUTY ACCOUNT,— Counties 17,643 17 1 Total £17,643 17 1 LAND FUND. OLD ACCOUNT. Phovincial Accounts, — Land sales, &c. Gold Fields Kevenuo ... Gold Duty 483,100 10 5 27,039 18 1 15,911 14 10 Recoveries, — Surveys Fees paid Members Waste Land Board, Westland 526,052 3 4 324 7 4 10 6 0 334 13 4 Transfers frdm Consolidated Fund, — Under section 3, "Appropriation Act, 1876" Transfers from Provincial Liabilities Account, — Balances at debit of accounts 13,295 2 3 954 18 4 General Account, — Surveyor-General's Department,— Transfers from Consolidated Fund under section 3, " Appropriation Act, 1876 " Recovered by transfers to Provincial District Accounts... 540,636 17 3 Native Lands Act Account, — Fees and Duties Credits to Votes Transfers from Public Works Account under section 4, "Appropriation Act, 1876" 2,000 0 0 1,263 16 7 3.2G3 1G 7 1,718 19 8 2 3 0 4,500 0 0 6,221 2 8 Total Receipts 550,121 16 6 Balance on 30th June, 1876,— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for ... 24,242 11 9 807 G 9 25,049 18 6 Total £575,171 15 0



j — continued. .CCOTJNT for the Financial Yeae 187G-77. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. GOLD FIELDS REVENUE ACCOUNT,— Payments,— County Fund Accounts Native Account 5,601 15 0 1,637 15 0 Total Expenditure 7,239 10 0 Balance on 30th June, 1877,— Cash in the Public Account 2,865 12 9 Total £10,105 2 9 GOLD DUTY ACCOUNT,— Payments to County Fund Accounts 13,911 6 8 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account 3,732 10 5 Total £17,643 17 1 LAND FUND. OLD ACCOUNTPROVINCIAL Accounts, — Commissioners of Crown Lands Receivers of Land Revenuo Fees paid to Members Waste Land Board, Wcstlaud Surveys 1,923 1 2 613 0 2 43 8 0 14,142 14 5 Miscellaneous, — Metalling and repairing Great South Road, Taranaki ... Claims and Awards to Natives 2,500 0 0 337 16 2 2,837 16 2 32 12 6 Refunds of Revenue ... ... .., Payments to Provincial and Other Accounts, — Provincial Accounts Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Canterbury College Reserves Trust Account ... Board of Conservators, Clutha River Miners' Rights Deposit Accounts, &c. Patea Harbour Board New Plymouth Harbour Board 471,419 18 5 16,265 9 0 14,160 0 0 591 4 9 2,246 15 0 458 15 3 450 16 9 Transfers to Consolidated Fund, — Interest on cost of Railways In repayment of Advance under section 3, " Appropriation Act, 1876 " 505,592 19 2 1,092 l 6 Transfers to Public Works Account, — Contribution from Canterbury towards Timaru and Temuka Railway On account of Land Purchases, Auckland 500 0 0 1,592 1 6 7,000 0 0 119 15 0 7,119 15 0 Transfers to Provincial Liabilities Accounts, — Balances at credit of Accounts 9,731 11 7 543,658 19 8 General Account, — Surveyor-General's Department,— Chief Office Advance from Consolidated Fund repaid 3,263 16 7 1,263 16 7 2,000 0 0 Native Lands Act Account, — Native Land Court Transfer to Public Works Account in part repayment of advances therefrom Fees and Duties, 1875-76, transferred to Provincial Liabilities Account 5,269 7 1 2,360 5 2 315 12 9 7,945 5 0 Confiscated Lands Liabilities Account, — Roads, Hawke's Bay Transfer to Public Works Account 340 12 6 19,963 1 3 20,303 13 9 Total Expenditure 575,171 15 0 Total £575,171 15 0



TabL STATEMENT of EECE: PTS and EX: •ENDITUEE >f the PUBLI £ e. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. RECEIPTS. LAND FUND— continued. NEW ACCOUNT. Peotincial District Accounts, —■ Land sales, &c. Fees and duties under the Native Lands Act 540,781 16 2 3,312 7 3 544,034 3 5 Recoveries for credit of Votes, — Crown Lands Department Subsidies to Local Bodies ... Maintenance of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions ... Surveyor-General's Department, — Surveys Miscellaneous, — On account of compensation for destruction of Scabby Sheep 22 9 0 731 13 5 717 7 0 900 16 8 250 14 9 Eeceipts in Aid, — Transfers from Consolidated Fund,— Amount raised by Treasury Bills under section 10, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " Temporary Advances under section 14, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" ... 2,623 0 10 150,000 0 0 125,939 16 8 275,939 16 8 822,657 0 11 Native Land Couet Account,— Eecoverics, — For credit of Votes By transfers to Provincial District Accounts 43 3 4 4,212 0 7 4,255 3 11 Temporary Advances from Consolidated Fund under section 15, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " 4,500 0 0 Suevetoe-Gexekal's Office, — Recoveries, — For credit of Vote By transfers to Provincial District Accounts ... 351 8 3 2,940 7 2 8,755 3 11 3,291 15 5 8,391 15 5 Temporary Advances from Consolidated Fund under Beetion 15, "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" 5,100 0 0 Speplus Land Revenue Account, — Canterbury, — Transfer from Provincial District Account 254,757 0 0 254,757 0 0 Total £1,094,561 0 3



j — continued. CCOTJNT for the Financial Yeae 1876-11—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. EXPENDITURE. LAND FUND—continued. NEW ACCOUNT,— Provincial District Accounts, — Crown Lands Department ... ... .., ...■* Receivers of Land Revenue Surveyor-General's Department,— Chief Office ... ... ... £2,940 7 2 Surveys ... ... ... 48,288 4 9 7,638 14 8 600 0 0 51,228 11 11 4,212 0 7 Native Land Court Interest and Sinking Fund on the Permanent Debt Interest on moneys expended in the construction of Railways Subsidies to Local Bodies Education Maintenance of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Museums Miscellaneous, — Wellington Patent Slip Guarantee ... £2,450 0 0 Pensions ... ... ... 271 13 4 Grants in aid of Higher Education ... 2,656 0 0 Native Claims and Awards... ... 92 2 10 Compensation for destruction of Scabby Sheep ... ... ... 775 5 0 63,679 7 2 89,757 4 4 71,997 8 8 36,553 0 11 91,152 18 4 11,568 4 10 4,065 11 0 6,245 1 2 Under " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," section 35 Services not provided for Refunds of Revenue ... Patea Harbour Board ... Canterbury College Reserves Trust Account Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Account 1,583* 8 9 380 0 0 113.031 15 4 932 4 8 88 11 5 4 15 0 1,312 0 0 3,275 8 9 74,239 16 8 254,757 0 0 Temporary Advances from Consolidated Fund repaid Transfers to Surplus Land Revenue Account Native Land Court Account, — Salaries and Contingencies Temporary Advances from Consolidated Fund repaid 708,316 12 11 4,255 3 11 4,500 0 0 8,755 3 11 Surveyor-General's Office, — Salaries and Contingencies In part repayment of Temporary Advance from Consolidated Fund ... 3,291 15 5 3,794 0 3 7,085 15 8 Surplus Land Revenue Account, — Canterbury,— Payments to County Fund Accounts Transfers, — To Consolidated Fund in repayment of expenses incurred under section 53, " Counties Act, 1876," To Counties Separate Account for distribution amongst Road Districts, under section 31, "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" 32,961 0 0 375 2 11 221,420 17 1 221,796 0 0 254,757 0 0 Total Expenditure 978,914 12 6 Balance on 30th June, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 5,810 6 4 1,177 4 0 108,658 17 5 115,646 7 9 6,987 10 4 Total £1,094,561 0 3 *3—B. 2.



Tabl< STATEMENT of EEC: IIPTS and EXPENDITURE if tho PUBLl BECEIPTS. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. TRUST FUND. 253,581 4 5 Deposits received Investments, — General Account, — Securities realized Interest on Investments ... m 63,438 17 6 29,585 14 3 Credit to Vote, Government Insurance Account 93,024 11 9 11 10 0 Total Beceipts Balance on 30tli June, 1876, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Coloniul Foreign ... ••«. 138,617 9 6 346,617 6 2 13,190 6 7 13,328 13 11 26,510 0 6 165,136 10 0 Total £511,753 16 2 * BILLS RECEIVABLE. Bank Drafts, as per contra, paid 800,000 0 0 Total £800,000 0 0 BILLS PAYABLE. Drafts on Agent-General, London Drafts on Messrs. Gnlbraith and Co., London, for expenses of s s. " Hinemoa " 250,000 0 0 1,537 13 5 Total Beceipts 251,537 13 5 Balance on 30th June, 1876, — Cash in the Public Account 175,000 0 0 Total £426,537 13 5



J — continued. CCOUNT for the Financial Yeae 1816-11—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. EXPENDITURE. TRUST FUND. 167,582 17 0 Deposits withdrawn Investments, — General Account Government Insurance Account Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Account 199,769 10 0 46,700 0 0 1,000 0 0 Interest Account, — Transferred to Po*t Office Savings Bank Account Transferred to Government Insurance Account Interest accrued on Debentures purchased Balance transferred to Consolidated Fund 247,409 10 0 28,762 4 7 174 8 3 97 16 6 551 4 11 29,585 14 3 114,638 1 3 Total Expenditure Balance on 30th Juno, 1877, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to bo accounted for, — Colonial Foreign... 1,011 9 9 6,453 19 0 59,650 6 2 67,115 14 11 7,465 8 9 Total £511,753 16 2 BILLS RECEIVABLE. Drafts on the Bank of New Zealand, — In London ... In Wellington 750,000 o 0 50,000 o o £800,000 0 0 Total BILLS PAYABLE. Drafts retired, — On Crown Agents, London On Agent-General, London Drafts drawn on account of expenses of s.s. " Hinemoa," paid 175,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 1,537 13 5 Total Expenditure 426,537 13 5 Total £426,537 13 5



Table D. STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPROPRIATED out of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Financial Year 1876-77; the RECOVERIES to CREDIT; the EXPENDITURE actually made during the Year; and the AMOUNTS UNEXPENDED or EXPENDED in EXCESS.

rH Authorized. Actual pendituee. Amount Unexpended. Expended IN Excess. Estimates. Credits. Totals. LIABILITIES OF 1875-76. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Civil List: — Division I. ... Division II. ... Permanent Charges :— Interest and Sinking Fund Under Acts of the Goneral Assembly Appropriations :— Vote I.,— Liabilities and Engagements, 30th June, 1876, — Legislative Executive Stamps Printing Geological and Meteorological Electoral ... ... ... ' Crown Lands Inspection of Machinery Supreme Courts ... District Courts ... Resident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions, Witnesses and Jurors Coroners Act Lunatics Act Law and Justice, Contingencies Land Transfer Deeds Registry ... Postal Telegraphic Customs Marine ... ... Miscellaneous and Temporary Exchange and Commission Native Salaries and Contingencies Native Schools Native Land Frauds Prevention Act Militia and Volunteers, — Store Department North Island South Island ... Public Buildings ... Railways, — Head Office ... Auckland and Mercer Kaipara Napier and Waipukurau ... Wellington and Masterton Foxton Tramway New Plymouth and Waitara Picton and Blenheim Nelson and Foxhill Brunner Armed Constabulary Municipalities, Road Boards, &c. £830 0 0 700 0 0 50 0 0 280 0 0 300 0 0 2,400 0 0 15 0 0 100 0 0 270 0 0 275 0 0 1,005 0 0 100 0 0 1,050 0 0 710 0 0 115 0 0 950 0 0 680 0 0 515 0 0 14,850 0 0 5,450 0 0 350 0 0 1,500 0 0 19,100 0 0 30 0 0 4,100 0 0 2,300 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 0 0 900 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 666 0 0 230 0 0 830 0 0 830 0 0 580 0 0 90 0 0 190 0 0 485 0 0 275 0 0 8,300 0 0 1,780 0 0 99 17 11 2 18 23 7 2 8 6 4 6 4 4 1 10 0 2 10 8 15 0 41 10 2 0 10 19 15 8 388 11 9 99* 17 11 125 0 0 987 10 2 2,832 J 4 6 2,012 17 1 822 14 1 888 0 11 42 11 1 276 0 2 756 12 3 2,683 1 9 18 1 3 121 0 9 254 19 7 259 12 2 977 7 6 69 2 8 1,020 11 2 686 16 0 82 16 0 837 14 9 597 4 11 469 13 10 15,578 1 8 5,254 15 1 317 0 9 2,152 2 4 20,167 1 11 25 1 1 4,252 3 7 1,610 8 4 4 4 0 76,395 0 0 78,497 2 8 1,074 11 1 15 13 6 62 5 6 28 29 30 31 9 13 9 1,004 8 4 888 2 3 1,702 4 11 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 0 4 669 6 2 286 17 9 827 0 9 826 18 9 567 8 5 86 8 0 186 2 3 480 0 8 209 11 8 9,777 3 6 1.774 6 8 1,474 4 0 47 15 7



L H IMG JJ — continued. STATEMENT showing the Exi>e>dituee Estimated, <tc. — continued. 6 rH H o Authorized. Actual Amount Unexpended. Expended in Excess. Expenditure. Estimates. Credits. Totals. FINANCIAL YEAR 1876-77. Civil List. £ a. d. £ I 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. Division I.: — Governor Judges Establishment of General Government Division II.: — Native Purposes 5,100 0 0 7,700 0 0 10,050 0 0 5,000 0 0 7,700 0 0 10,050 0 0 5,000 0 0 7,544 11 1 9,346 14 4 155* 8 11 703 5 8 7,000 0 0 9 0 0 7,009 0 0 5,691 2 4 1,317 17 8 Total Civil List 29,750 0 0 9 0 0 29,759 0 0 27,582 7 9 2,176 12 3 Permanent Charges. Interest and Sinking Fund :— Colonial Charges Provincial Charges ITnder Acts of the General Assembly: — Colonial Charges 747,^53 17 10 291,765 5 11 } 2,909 15 8 1,012,028 19 5 968,705 12 9 73,323 6 8 36,064 18 8 37 10 0 36,102 8 8 34,896 6 9 1,206 1 11 Total Permanent Charges 1.H75.1 SI 2 5 2,947 5 8 1,078,131 8 1 1,003,601 19 6 74,529 8 7 Appropriations. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Class I.—Public Departments :— Legislative Department ... Executive Stamp Printing Store Geological and Meteorological Electoral Crown Lauds Inspection of Machinery 40,062 12 0 23,388 7 6 4,185 0 0 12,423 10 0 1,150 0 0 3,335 0 0 5,910 0 0 7,172 5 0 2,000 0 0 3 6 6 53 6 9 1,712 17 10 40.065 18 6 23.441 14 3 4,185 0 0 14,136 7 10 1,150 0 0 3,344 13 3 5,940 13 6 7,230 11 8 2,000 0 0 35,156 11 9 21,792 6 6 3,838 3 10 13,817 14 3 1,027 15 0 3,137 15 5 4,651 1 6 5,677 16 10 1,668 0 5 4,909 6 9 1,049 7 9 346 16 2 318 13 7 122 5 0 206 17 10 1,289 12 0 1,552 14 10 331 19 7 9 13 3 0 13 6 58 6 8 Total Class I. 99,656 14 6 1,838 4 6 90,767 5 6 10,727 13 6 101,494 19 0



-1-tlble J* — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure Estimated, &c. — continued. O i Estimates. Authorized. Credits. Authorized. Totals. Actual Expenditure. Amount Unexpended. Expended in Excess. II 18 13 14 16 10 17 18 19 80 81 88 28 2 1 25 Class II. —Law and Justice :— Department of Justice ... Crown Law Office Supreme Court District Courts Resident Magistrates' Courts Wardens' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions, Witnesses, and Jurors ... Coroners Act, 1867 Contingencies Police Gaols Lunatic Asylums Laud Transfer Department Deeds Registry Department £ s. d. 1.175 0 0 2,160 0 0 8,282 10 0 5,770 0 0 25,638 7 0 9,356 13 9 300 0 0 8,300 0 0 2,200 0 0 2,050 0 0 39,862 10 9 27,213 11 3 32,084 12 8 9,790 0 0 9,555 0 0 £ i. d. 47 3 7 52 1 8 20 35 2 4 4 0 2 10 £ s. d. 1,175 0 0 2,160 0 0 8,329 13 7 5,822 1 8 25,659 2 2 9,356 13 9 300 0 0 8,304 4 0 2,202 1 0 2,650 0 0 39,953 16 9 28,024 10 0 34,083 0 11 9,791 13 4 9,555 0 0 £ s. d. 1,175 0 0 1,832 0 0 7,822 14 3 5,627 3 0 25,408 15 9 8,207 19 8 164 12 8 8,151 8 5 1,976 7 0 3,338 0 3 31,327 14 6 18,272 1 8 15,096 1 6 9,933 7 11 9,926 1 2 £ s. d. 328 0 0 506 19 4 194 18 8 250 6 5 1,148 14 1 135 7 4 152 15 7 225 14 0 £ s. d. 91 6 0 810 18 9 1,998 14 3 1 13 4 8,626 2 3 9,752 8 4 18,987 5 5 688 0 3 141 14 7 371 1 2 Total Class II. 184,338 5 5 3,028 17 9 187.367 3 2 148,259 7 9 40,308 11 5 1,200 16 0 86 8? 28 Class III. —Postal and Telegraphic :— Postal Department Telegraphic Department Subsidy for Australian Cable 144,947 0 0 79,477 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,577 15 10 568 18 7 146,524 15 10 80,045 18 7 5,000 0 0 135,628 0 5 78,991 6 6 5,000 0 0 10,896 15 5 1,051 12 1 Total Class III. 229,424 00 2,146 14 5 231,570 14 5 219,619 6 11 11,951 7 6 29 80 Class IV. —Customs Department :— Customs Marine 41,695 3 6 33,245 18 9 106 9 2 515 17 7 41,801 12 8 33,761 16 4 39,309 14 3 22,696 8 11 2,491 18 5 11,065 7 5 Total Class IV. _ 74,941 2 3 622 6 9 75,503 9 0 62,006 3 2 13,557 5 10 81 88 33 Class V.—Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary Objects :— Miscellaneous and Temporary Objects Exchange and Commission ... . ... Museum 69,344 2 0 3,000 0 0 500 0 0 4,677 17 0 34 19 6 74,021 19 0 3,034 19 6 500 0 0 68,558 3 4 2,486 13 6 500 0 0 5,463 15 8 548 6 0 Total Class V. 72,844 2 0 4,712 16 6 77,556 18 6 71,544 16 10 6,012 1 8



Tclble D — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure Estimated, &c. — continued. d y, Authorized. Expended in Actual Amount Unexpended. O r* Expenditure. Excess. Estimates. Credits. Totals. 84 85 86 89 38 Class VI. —Native: — Salaries and Contingencies Native Schools Native Land Court Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870 Wairarapa 5 per cent. Land Purchase Account ... £ s. d. 21,957 18 9 11,000 0 0 1,052 19 7 450 0 0 150 0 0 £ s. d. 27 0 0 348 1 4 £ s. d. 21,984 18 9 11,348 1 4 1,052 19 7 450 0 0 150 0 0 £ s. a. 22,077 15 3 14,180 6 1 1,052 19 0 311 18 3 163 3 3 £ I. d. 0 0 7 138 1 9 £ s. a. 92 16 6 2,838 4 9 13 3 3 Total Class VI. 37,792 1 10 138 2 4 2,944 4 6 34,610 18 4 375 1 4 34,985 19 8 39 40 41 Class VII. —Militia and Volunteers, Armed Constabulary, and Defence :— Militia and Volunteers ... Armed Constabulary Contingent Defence and Liabilities ... 23,533 12 6 74,806 17 6 10,000 0 0 108,340 10 0 565 10 6 10,066 4 11 944 12 6 24,099 3 0 84,873 2 5 10,944 12 6 26,889 12 2 74,616 17 8 6,355 0 8 10,220 4 9 4,589 11 10 2,790 9 2 Total Class VII. 11,576 7 11 119,916 17 11 107,891 10 6 14,815 16 7 2,790 9 2 12 18 44 Class VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings :— Government Domains Public Buildings Office of the Colonial Architect. 1,241 4 0 25,165 0 0 1,955 0 0 18 4 0 55 18 6 1,259 8 0 25,220 18 6 1,955 0 0 1,076 13 8 21,751 4 7 1,973 7 9 182 14 4 3,469 13 11 18* 7 9 Total Class VIII. 28,361 4 0 74 2 6 28,435 <l 6 24.801 6 0 3,652 8 3 i 18 7 9 45 46 •17 Class IX. —Railways :— Head Office, and Audit, Wellington Northern Railways Southern Railways 4,617 10 0 86,131 6 0 172,638 3 0 3,954 14 0 208 17 4 705 19 1 8,572 4 0 86,340 3 4 173,344 2 1 3,954 14 0 55,952 2 3 105,685 9 9 4,617 10 0 30,388 1 1 7,658 12 4 ... ... ■ Total Class IX. 263,386 19 0 4,869 10 5 26S.256 9 5 225,592 6 0 42,664 3 5 ... IS Class X.—Municipalities and Road Boards :— 75,689 2 7 53,846 15 7 75,689 2 7 53,846 15 7 Grants to Municipalities and Road Boards (including Charitable) 75,000 0 0 689 2 7 21,842 7 0 Total Class X. 75,000 0 0 689 2 7 21,812 7 0


Table l) continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure Estimated, &c. — continued. Authorised. Actual Expenditure. Amount Unexpended. EXPENDED IN Excess. Estimates. Credits. Totals. SUMMARY :— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Financial Year, 1876-77 s — 29,750 0 0 9 0 0 29,759 0 0 27,582 7 9 2,176 12 3 Civil List Permanent Charges 1,075,184 2 5 2,947 5 8 1,078,131 8 1 1,003,601 19 6 74,529 8 7 Appropriations, — 99,056 14 6 1,838 4 6 90,767 5 6 10,727 13 6 Class I.—Public Departments 101,494 19 0 „ II. —Law and Justice 184,338 5 5 3,02S 17 9 187,367 3 2 148,259 7 9 40,308 11 5 1,200 16 0 „ III. —Postal and Telegraphic 229,424 0 0 2,146 14 5 231,570 14 5 219,619 6 11 11,951 7 6 „ IV. —Customs Department 74,941 2 3 622 6 9 75,563 9 O 62,006 3 2 13,557 5 10 „ V.—Miscellaneous ... ... ... 72,844 2 O 4,712 16 6 77,556 18 6 71,5 It 16 10 6,012 1 8 VI.—Native ... 34,610 18 4 375 1 4 34,985 19 8 37,792 1 10 138 2 4 2,914 4 6 „ VII. —Militia and Volunteers, Armed Constabulary, and Defence 108,340 10 0 11,576 7 11 119,916 17 11 107,891 10 6 14,815 10 7 2,790 9 2 „ VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings... 28,361 4 0 74 2 6 28,435 6 6 24,801 6 O 3,652 8 3 18 7 9 „ IX. —Railways 263.3S6 19 0 4,869 10 5 268,256 9 5 225,592 6 O 42,661. 3 5 „ X. —Municipalities, and Road Boards .(including Charitable) 75,000 0 0 689 2 7 75,689 2 7 53,810 15 7 21,842 7 0 Totals 2,275,837 17 11 32,8S9 10 4 2,308,727 8 3 2,073,305 7 4 242,375 18 4 6,953 17 5




FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR,— Legislative,— Cutlery, glassware, &c, for Bellamy's Legal services re Public Works Bill £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. 228 12 0 70 0 0 29S 12 0 Judicial, — Compensation to Warders, Dunedin Gaol, discharged on account of failing health 217 19 8 Postal, — Gratuity to Clerk in General' Post Office, ou retirement from the service ... 115 0 0 Telegraph,— Proportion payable by New Zealand of cost of charier of steamer for conveyance of telegraph mails during interruption of communication by Java Cable 720 15 0 Marine, — • Otago Graving Dock, — Interest on bonds to 1st May, 1877 ... £652 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 372 7 3 Coals ... ... „. 141 17 o Timber, tallow, &c. ... ... 65 10 0 1,231 14 9 Grahamstown Wharf, — Collector of Tolls, salary to 30th June, 1877 £30 0 0 Timber, &c. ... ... ... 9 8 8 39 8 8 Native, — Kaimai Gold Field, — Expenses of guides Advance to Natives on opening field for gold prospecting Food supplied to Natives Loan to Hone to One, to purchaso cutter " Echo " 1,271 3 5 8 15 0 100 0 0 8 7 2 100 O 0 217 2 2 Miscellaneous, — Interest on quarterly balances at credit of Wellington Reclaimed Land Act Account to 31st May, 1877 Defalcations of R. J. Debncy, lato clerk in Crown Lands Office, Auckland ... Advertising sittings of Assessment Courts, outlying districts Making rate lists, advertising boundaries and valuators ... Refund of fine for landing horses without certificate from port of shipment... Refund of estreated recognizance, Manager Union Bank of Australia, Gisborne Remuneration for acting as Cattlo Inspector, Nelson, one year, to 31st January, 1877 ... Clerk to Executive Officer, Wellington, salary, June quarter, 1877 ... Provincial Under Secretary, Otago, salary, May and June, 1877 ... Lithographer, work on Native Grasses, salary, April, 1877 Government Photographer, travelling expenses Expenses re flying survey of Clutha River 578 17 0 136 9 3 7 19 3 22 15 0 25 6 6 50 0 0 26 5 0 62 10 0 83 6 8 12 10 0 34 4 0 40 10 O 1,080 12 8 Subsidies to Counties and Road and River Boards, — County of Ashburton ... ... £412 18 1 County of Wairoa ... ... 271 6 2 684 4 3 Road Boards,— Ashburton ' ... ... ... £711 3 8 Greytown ... ... ... 87 2 10 Katikati ... ... ... 34 0 0 Kihikihi ... ... ... 22 13 3 Mount Somers ... ... ... 472 12 0 Norsewood ... ... ... 13 17 6 Okawa ... ... ... 103 15 6 Ormondvillc ... ... ... 97 10 O Raleigh (Town Board) ... ... 122 11 3 1,665 6 0 River Board, — Waiohine 88 7 6 Less chargeable to Land Fund ... 2,437 17 9 1,175 7 5 1,262 10 4 5,183 15 3 Carried forward 5,183 15 3



Table E-* mtinued. STATEMENT of the TJnauthorize: i Expendituee— continued. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,183 15 3 Brought forward FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Recoverable, — Public Works Account, — Public Buildings, Blenheim, — Payments on account of Contract Clerk of Works, salary, 5th March to 30th June ... Advertising 1,180 17 3 102 0 0 35 0 2 Provincial Liabilities Account, — Taranaki, —■ Gravelling Mountain Road 1,317 17 5 712 2 6 Wellington,— Expenditure repairing breach South Spit, Wanganui River 1,647 13 7 Nelson, — Grant to County of Collingwood for Road Works, West Wanganui Gold Field Canterbury,— First payment, extension of intermediate wharf, Lyttelton Har-' bour ... ... ...£1,286 0 0 Expenses re Timaru Lighthouse ... 2 3 9 Compensation to Officers of Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works... 398 15 11 500 0 0 1,686 19 8 County oe Manawatu", — Repairs Foxton Gorge Bridge 4,446 15 9 22 0 0 County oe Wairarapa West, — Advertising tenders for erection of Waipaoa Bridge 8 8 0 Land Fund, — Preliminary survey of New Plymouth Harbour Grants to Counties, and Road and River Boards ... 677 13 11 1,175 7 5 1,853 1 4 Trust Fund, — Amount advanced to pay cost of elections, &c., under, Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Act, 1876 100 0 0 Recovered, — Taranaki, — Grant in aid of Revenue 7,748 2 6 5,000 0 0 Total 17,931 17 9 FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF APPROPRIATIONS,— Liabilities op 1875-76 1,074 11 1 Financial Year 1876-77, — Class II.—Law and Justice, — Vote No. 20.—Contingencies ...£688 0 3 „ 24. —Land Transfer Department ... ... 141 14 7 „ 25. —Deeds Registry ... 371 1 2 Class VI.—Native,— Vote No. 34.—Salaries and Contingencies ... ... 92 16 6 „ 35.—Native Schools ...2,838 4 9 „ 38.—Wairarapa 5 per cent. Land Purchase Account ... ... 13 3 3 1,200 16 0 2,944 4 6 Class VII.—Militia and Volunteers, Armed Constabulary, and Contingent Defence, — Vote No. 39. —Militia and Volunteers ... 2,790 9 2 Class VIII.—Public Domains and Buildings— Vote No. 44.—Office of Colonial Architect 18 7 9 Total 6,953 17 5 8,028 8 6 Total Unauthorized Expenditure ... £25,960 6 3



Table F. STATEMENT of ACCOUNT with the several Provincial DISTRICTS under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872," and " The Appropriation Act, 1876," for the Financial YEAR ended 30 June, 1877.

Debits. Credits. Payments and Transfers. Interest and Sinking Fund to 31st December, 1876. Transfers to Account for Interest on Constructed Railways. Total. Capitation Allowance. (Six months). Special Allowance. (Six months). Recoveries from Provincial Districts. Recoveries from Road Boards, itc. Total. Grants to Road Boards, &c. Payments to Provincial Districts. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland 21,740 9 1 5,638 11 8 6,538 13 4 173 15 5 34,091 9 6 30,292 2 6 2,000 0 0 1,563 1 7 236 5 5 34,091 9 6 Taranaki 1,029 13 4 785 0 6 1,382 19 0 97 16 1 3,295 8 11 2,976 7 6 125 0 0 90 14 8 103 6 9 3,295 8 11 Wellington I 7,047 18 4 5,840 11 5 1,740 14 11 3,641 15 2 18,270 19 10 15,457 10 0 375 0 0 2,347 2 8 91 7 2 18,270 19 10 Hawke's Bay ... 3,349 19 5 I 547 5 10 l 740 2 0 1,168 9 8 5,805 10 11 5,017 2 6 750 0 0 38 14 5 5,805 16 11 Nelson 3,404 12 0 1,992 14 0 435 13 0 3,800 2 2 9,633 1 2 9,340 2 6 292 18 8 i 9,633 1 2 Marlborough ... 238 10 10 845 10 3 1,671 8 8 49 1 10 2,804 11 7 2,743 10 0 11 16 9 49 4 10 2,804 11 7 Canterbury 20,891 4 0 5,661 1 3 5,091 2 0 31,6-13 7 3 30,709 2 6 778 1 9 156 3 0 31,643 7 3 Westland 6,385 18 3 935 5 10 466 13 8 19 6 10 7,807 4 7 6,061 17 4 1,010 6 2 715 14 3 19 6 10 7,807 4 7 Otago 36,958 2 10 9,104 11 0 5,012 7 4 51,075 1 2 41,953 2 6 8,899 3 5 222 15 3 51,075 1 2 Totals 101,046 8 1 31,350 11 9 17,988 11 11 14,041 9 2 164,427 0 11 144,550 17 4 4,260 6 2 14,444 9 6 1,171 7 11 164,427 0 11


Table G. STATEMENT showing the Sums APPROPRIATED out of SPECIAL FUNDS for the Financial Year 1876-77; the RECOVERIES TO CREDIT; the ACTUAL EXPENDITURE made during the Year; and the AMOUNTS UNEXPENDED or EXPENDED IN EXCESS.


Vote No. Estimates. Authoeizi Credits. Authorized. Actual Expenditure. Amount Unexpended. Expended in Excess. Totals. 50 51 DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870." Armed Constabulary and Contingent Defence ... Maintenance of Roads in Native Districts, North Island ... £ s. d. 30,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1,670 10 0 £ s. d. 30,000 0 0 11,670 10 0 £ s. d. 30,000 0 0 . 8,693 14 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,976 15 9 Total Defence and otheb Pukposes Loan ... 40,000 0 0 1,670 10 O 41,670 10 0 38,693 14 3 2,976 15 9 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT. Class I.—Immigration :— 54 55 Immigration Advances for Immigration purposes 136,266 19 2 69,410 8 4 15,922 8 7 1,833 9 2 152,189 7 9 71,243 17 G 141,333 7 9 50,917 14 3 7,856 0 0 14,326 3 3 Total Class I. 205,677 7 6 17,755 17 9 223,433 5 3 201,251 2 0 22,182 3 3 Class II. —Public Woeks —Depaetmental :— 66 57 68 Head Office Inspector of Stores Department Agent-General's Department, London 14,948 G 8 1,150 0 0 1,719 3 4 781 13 3 15,729 19 11 1,150 0 0 1,719 3 4 15,C08 13 2 957 18 4 1,864 15 3 721 6 9 192 1 8 145 11 11 Total Class II. 17,817 10 0 781 13 3 18,599 3 3 17,831 6 9 913 8 5 145 11 11 Class III. —Railways :— 59 CO 63 64 65 66 68 68 70 71 72 7:s 74 Xawakawa Kaipara-Puniu Napier-Aljinavratu Wellington-Masterton ... Waitara-Patea ... Patea-Manawatu (with Foxton Branch) Nelson-Foxhill Picton-Blenhcim Brunner-G-reymouth Westport-Ngakiuvau ... ... ... ... ' Amberley-Wnitaki Waitaki Bridge Wailaki-Invereargill ... ... ... ... ... Wiuton-Kingston Surveys of New Lines ... Additional Cost of Land, Rolling Stock, and Station Accommodation ... ..f 20,000 0 0 190,000 0 0 57,000 0 0 137,000 0 0 57,000 0 0 114,000 0 0 15,700 0 O 20.500 0 0 3i,000 0 O 79,000 0 O 87,700 0 0 1,300 0 0 324,400 0 O 53,000 0 O 10,000 0 O 100,000 0 0 14 17 7 4,483 13 10 5,240 12 11 G80 9 9 2,457 1 7 5,614 10 4 270 17 0 234 15 11 G,99S 10 11 127 6 6 3,871 16 6 602 4 0 7,964 10 0 2,520 14 11 20,014 17 7 194,483 13 10 62,240 12 11 137,680 9 9 59,457 1 7 119,614 10 4 15,970 17 0 20,731 15 11 40,998 10 11 79,127 G 6 91,571 16 6 1,902 4 0 332,3(i4 10 0 55,520 14 11 10,000 0 0 100,010 0 0 18,573 IS 4 84,542 3 2 43,884 19 3 137,264 6 4 32,240 5 5 119.242 15 11 6,061 9 3 5,199 12 0 32,105 7 9 54,301 13 4 82,666 16 11 S81 17 11 303,005 8 1 40,754 12 8 5,202 14 4 41,697 15 11 1,440 19 3 109,941 10 8 18,355 13 8 416 3 5 27,210 16 2 371 14 5 9,909 7 9 15,535 3 11 8,893 3 2 24,825 13 2 8,904 19 7 1,020 G 1 28,759 1 11 14,766 2 3 4,797 5 8 58,312 4 1 10 0 0 Total Class III. 1,300,600 0 0 41,092 1 9 1,341,692 1 9 1,00.8,225 1G 7 333,466 5 2 Class IV. —Roads :— 75 76 77 78 North Island Nelson South- West Gold Fields ... Westland ... Hokitika-Christehurch ... ... . ... 29,063 1 3 10,271 16 2 10,294 3 10 1,478 9 2 722 17 6 231 6 3 13 10 10 30,685 18 9 10,271 16 2 10,525 10 1 1,492 0 0 12,270 15 1 2,170 10 10 1,362 5 10 867 12 8 18,415 3 8 7,801 5 4 9,163 4 3 624 7 4 Total Class IV. 52,007 10 5 967 14 7 52,975 5 0 16,971 4 5 36,004 0 7



Table Q—continued. STATEMENT showing the Sums Appropriated out of Special Funds, &c. — continued. Authorized. Vote No. Actual ExPENDITUBB. Amount Unexpended. Expended in Excess. Estimates. Credits. Totals. 79 80 81 82 83 Class V.—Land Purchases, ZS'orth Island :— General Expenses Auckland ... Taranaki Wellington... ... ... ... Hawke's Bay £ s. a. 640- 0 0 72,172 17 1 19,568 3 10 28,091 4 6 5,348 9 1 £ s. a. 450 12 10 999 15 0 4 0 0 21G 0 0 1,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1.090 12 10 73,172 12 1 19,569 . 3 10 28,307 4 6 6,348 9 1 £ s. d. ],114 3 4 52,702 G 4 12,325 18 11 21,399 16 11 712 7 1 £ s. d. 20,410 5 9 7,213 4 11 6,907 7 7 5,636 2 0 £ s. d. 23 10 6 Total Class V. 2,070 7 10 128,488 2 4 40,197 0 3 23 10 6 125,817 14 6 88,314 12 7 Class VI. —Waterworks on Gold Fields :— 460 5 6 137,828 12 5 10,092 0 0 84 85 Water-races Aiding Works on Thames Gold Fields 137,368 6 11 10,092 0 0 76,039 16 1 10,092 0 0 61,788 10 4 Total Class VI. 147,460 6 11 460 6 6 147,920 12 5 80.131 10 1 61.788 16 4 Class VII. —Coal Mines :— 80 Prospecting and Developing Coal Mines 2 3 6 1,863 0 2 1,338 17 9 524 2 5 1,860 16 8 Total Class VII. 1,800 10 8 2 3 6 1,863 0 2 1,338 17 9 524 2 5 Class VIII. —Telegraph Department :— ' 87 Telegraph Extension 4(i,040 0 0 2,340 14 1 4S,380 14 1 35,565 9 1 12,815 5 0 Total Class VIII. 46,040 0 0 2,340 14 1 14^ 85,566 9 1 12,815 5 0 Class IX. —Public Buildings :— 8S 89 90 91 !I2 Judicial Postal and Telegraphic'... Customs Offices for Public Departments Miscellaneous 9,465 2 8 21,933 10 0 1,230 0 0 31,485 0 0 1,850 0 0 14 15 0 9,465 2 8 21,948 5 0 1,230 0 0 31,487 0 0 1,850 0 0 5,075 15 2 17,403 8 4 290 0 0 20,548 2 11 8 12 9 4,389 7 6 4,544 16 8 940 0 0 10,938 17 1 1,841 7 3 "a o o Total Class IX. 65,9(53 12 8 16 16 0 05,980 7 8 43,325 19 2 22,054 8 6 Class X. —Lighthouses :— 93 Lighthouses ... ... ... ■ ... 49,700 0 0 49,700 0 0 . 2,025 0 0 52,325 0 0 29,004 18 5 23,320 1 7 Total Class X. 2,025 0 0 52,325 0 ' 0 29,004 18 5 23,320 1 7 Class XI. —Charges and Expenses of Kaising Loans :— Discount, commission, and other charges 6,000 0 0 94 413 C 5 6,413 6 5 8,149 10 1 1,736 3 8 Total Class XI. 6,000 0 0 413 6 5 " 0,413 6 5 8,149 10 1 1,736 3 8 Class XII. —Otago Provincial Public W torks Advances :— Otago Provincial Public Works Advances Act ... 13,341 7 7 13,341 7 7 13,341 7 7 ... Total Class XII. 13,341 7 7 13,341 7 7 ... 13,341 7 7



Tcll)le Gr — continued. STATEMENT showing the Sums Appropriated out of Special Eunds, &c. — continued. Authorized. Actual Expenditure. Amount Unexpended. Expended in Excess. Estimates. Credits. Totals. SUMMARY. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 6. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Works Account: — Class I.—Immigration ... .., 205,677 7 6 17,755 17 9 223,433 5 3 201,251 2 0 22,182 3 3 „ II. —Public Works, Departmental... 17,817 10 0 781 13 3 18,599 3 3 17,831 6 9 913 8 5 145 11 11 „ III. —Railways 1,300,600 0 0 41,092 1 9 1,341,692 1 9 1,008,225 16 7 333,466 5 2 „ IV. —Roads 52,007 10 5 907 14 7 52,975 5 O 16,971 4 5 36,004 0 7 „ V.—Land Purchases, North Island • 125,817 14 6 2,670 7 10 128,488 2 4 88,314 12 7 40,197 0 3 23 10 6 ,, VI. —Waterworks on Gold Fields ... 147,460 6 11 460 5 6 117,920 12 5 86,131 16 1 61,788 16 4 „ VII.— Coal Mines 1,860 16 8 2 3 6 1,863 0 2 1,338 17 9 524 2 5 i „ VIII. —Telegraph Extension 46,040 0 0 2,310 14 1 48,380 14 1 35,565 9 1 12,815 5 0 „ IX. —Public Buildings... 65,963 12 8 16 15 0 65,980 7 8 43,325 19 2 22,654 8 6 „ X. —Lighthouses 49,700 0 0 2,025 0 0 52,325 0 0 29,004 18 5 23,320 1 7 „ XL- —Charges and Expenses of Raising Loans... . 6,000 0 0 413 6 5 6,413 6 5 8,149 10 1 1,736 3 8 „ XII. —Otago Provincial Public Works Advances 13,341 7 7 13,341 7 7 13,341 7 7 Totals 553,865 11 6 1,905 6 1 2,032,286 6 3 69,125 19 8 2,101,412 5 11 1,549,452 0 6




Table I. BALANCE SHEET of Accounts in the LAND FUND (Old Account), for the Financial Year 1876-77.

Table K. BALANCE SHEET of ACCOUNTS in the LAND FUND (New Account), for the FINANCIAL YEAR 1876-77.

;er " lie mancial .vrangements .ct, 18' ■0. gol: FIELDS REVENUE. GOLD DUTY. Receipts. Payments. Balances. Receipts. Payments Balances. Counties, — Bruce Buller ... Colliugwood Coromandel Grey Inangahua Luke Maniotolo Marlboroiigk Southland Taieri Thames ... Tuapeka ... Vincent ... Waikouaiti AVaimea ... Wnitaki ... Wallace ... Westland Borough,— Thames ... Native Account £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. 537 13 0 68 12 9 135 6 6 1,280 12 9 363 1 6 411 10 0 535 13 0 37 12 6 298 13 0 26 12 6 233 1 0 717 5 10 726 9 6 34 1 0 81 10 0 6 5 0 127 16 6 2,130 0 0 380 19 3 59 19 3 115 18 8.1 974 2 9 f 277 9 9 ! 338 16 0 ; 467 15 0 I 18 14 0 201 16 6 10 0 0 111 6 6 500 2 10 459 12 0 28 7 0 62 7 0 6 5 0 48 17 0 1,539 6 6 156 13 9 8 13 6 19 7 10 315 10 0 85 11 9 102 11 0 67 18 0 18 18 6 96 16 6 16 12 6 121 14 6 217 3 0 266 17 6 5 14 0 22 9 0 78 19 6 590 13 6 £ s. d. 227 18 10 1.05G 13 O 114 5 2 453 3 4 1,977 3 10 1,845 9 3 648 1 0 886 7 9 87 0 10 131 14 0 00 5 0 3,227 6 6 1,143 1 1 1,508 16 2 116 11 11 38 3 0 50 6 9 217 17 3 2,624 17 8 £ s. d. 227 11 4 914 19 2 93 19 5 453 3 4 1,377 11 10 1,371 2 3 616 17 0 886 7 9 £ 8. d. 0 7 6 141 13 10 20 5 9 599 12 0 474 7 0 14 6 112 2 10 82 3 9 3,227 6 6 1,042 18 4 1,255 19 6 116 8 0 12 15 2 48 2 6 147 7 7 1,891 10 5 87 0 10 19 11 2 8 13 105 2 9 252 16 8 0 3 11 25 7 10 2 4 3 70 9 8 730 7 3 3 18 0 2,307 2 5 1,637 15 0 3 18 0 669 7 5 1,193 14 3 1,193 14 3 Total 10,105 2 9 7,239 10 0 2,805 12 9 17,643 17 1 13,911 6 8 3,732 10 5

Bala 30th Ji CES ON he, 1870. Trans. .CTIONS. Balai 30th Jui TCES ON m, 1877. Provincial District Accounts, — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westland Otago General Account Native Lands Act Account Confiscated Lands Liabilities Account Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. £ s. d. £ s. M. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,760 0 2 135 15 11 388 6 9 131 1 11 29 17 5 40 6 3 31 3 8 10 0 8 495 9 8 17,559 0 1 7,400 4 5 12,659 4 2 9,986 17 2 12,117 14 4 641 11 10 265,037 10 0 8,790 6 5 209,466 11 3 3,263 16 7 7,915 5 0 15,798 19 11 7,264 8 6 12,270 17 5 9,855 15 3 12,087 16 11 601 5 7 265,006 6 4 8,780 5 9 208,971 1 7 3,263 16 7 6,221 2 8 1,724 2 4 20,303 13 9 20,303 13 9 Totals 25,049 18 6 575,171 15 01 550,121 16 6l

Balan 30th Ju: IES ON e, 1876. Transactions. Balances on 30th June, 1877. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Provincial District Accounts, — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westland Otago Nat ive Land Court Account Surveyor-General's Office Surplus Land Revenue Account £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 122,149 5 6 20,931 5 1 65,103 7 4 12,791 3 11 29,453 13 7 7,867 8 9 325,803 18 8 28,136 11 5 96,079 18 8 8,755 3 11 7,085 15 8 £ s. d. 124,647 14 0 21,027 7 8 65,220 7 4 13,423 17 2 30,307 0 1 8,533 8 8 434,501 16 7 28,198 10 10 96,796 12 7 8,755 3 11 8.391 15 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,498 8 6 96 2 7 117 0 0 632 13 3 853 6 6 665 19 11 108,697 17 11 62 5 6 716 13 11 1,30519 9 254,757 0 0 254,757 0 0 Totals 978,914 12 6 11,094,561 O 31 115,646 7- 9



Table L. STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FUND (old account) of the several Provincial Districts for the Financial Year 1876-77. (In respect of the period ended 31st December, 1876.)

Auckland. Taranaki. Wellington. Hawke's Bay Nelson. Marlboro'. Canterbury. Westland. Otago. Totals. RECEIPTS. Land Sales, &c. Gold Fields Revenue ... Gold Duty ... Recoveries, — Surveyor-General's Department,— Surveys Waste Lands Board Transfers from Consolidated Fund, — Under section 3, "Appropriation Act, 1876" Transfers from Provincial Liabilities Account, — Balances at debit of accounts £ s. d. 2,975 3 0 2,804 7 9 3,023 4 4 £ s. d. 3,593 13 7 £ s. d. 9,153 17 10 £ s. d. I 9,355 15 3 £ s. d. 2,975 16 0 4,506 16 0 4,605 4 11 £ b. d. 512 11 3 42 19 6 0 16 £ s. d. 204,761 11 1 £ s. d. 2,207 11 1 3,721 15 0 2,840 13 8 £ s. d. 187,504 11 4 15,963 19 10 5,442 10 5 £ s. d. 483,100 10 5 27,039 18 1 15,911 14 10 ... 296 4 10 11 2 11 16 19 7 10 "*6 0 324 7 4 10 6 0 6,700 0 0 2,750 0 0 3,100 0 0 500 0 0 45 2 3 200 0 0 13,295 2 3 909 12 0 0 11 1 44 15 3 ... 954 18 4 ... Balances on 30th June, 1876 15,798 19 11 1,760 0 2 7,264 8 6 135 15 11 12,270 17 5 388 6 9 9,855 15 3 131 1 11 12,087 16 11 29 17 5 601 5 7 40 6 3 265,006 6 4 31 3 8 8,780 5 9 10 0 8 208,971 1 7 ■195 9 8 540,630 17 3 3,022 2 5 Totals 265,037 10 0 18,790 6 5 | I 209,460 11 3 543,658 19 8 17,559 0 1 7,400 4 5 12,659 4 2 9,986 17 2 12,117 14 4 641 11 10 EXPENDITURE. Commissioners of Crown Lands ... Receivers of Land Revenue Members of Waste Lands Board... Surveyor-General's Department, — ChicfOffice Surveys Miscellaneous... Refunds of Revenue Payments to Provincial and other Accounts, — Provincial Accounts... Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Canterbury College Reserves Trust Account Conservators, Clutha River ... Miners' Rights Deposit Account Patca Harbour Board New Plymouth Harbour Board Transfers to Consolidated Fund, — Interest on cost of Railways ... In repayment of advance Transfers to Public Works Account, — Contribution to cost of Timaru and Tcmuka Railway On account of Land Purchases Transfers to Provincial Liabilities, — Balances at credit of accounts 250 0 0 16 13 4 158 17 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 97 4 5 28 1 9 433 6 8 75 0 0 160 0 0 248 13 1 273 5 1 50 0 0 25 0 O 43 8 O 225 0 0 175 0 0 1,923 1 2 643 0 2 43 8 0 ... 744' 1 1 7,687 9 9 17 0 0 18 8 0 159 18 0 1,599 10 10 2,500 0 0 4 13 6 279 10 0 2,793 13 6 320 16 2 57 '5 9 569 1 9 0 11 1 5 10 0 22 10 2 223 12 0 1,263 16 7 12,878 17 10 2,837 16 2 32 12 6 ... ... 9 11 0 I I I I 3,129 6 9 8,693 19 6 9,002 10 11 10,477 10 11 426 13 6 226,844 0 8 16,265 9 0 14,160 0 0 8,638 14 9 204,207 1 5 471,419 18 5 16,265 9 O 14,160 0 0 591 4 9 2,210 15 0 458 15 3 450 16 9 2,229 15 0 17 0 0 591* 4 9 ... 458 15 3 450 16 9 ... ... ... ... ... ■ ... 500 "o 0 1,092 1 6 1,092 1 6 500 0 0 I ... 119 15 0 7,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 119 15 0 ... 2,846 11 2 975 11 7 221 4 6 232 12 7 1,105 5 9 12,117 14 4 48 17 3 ... 33 3 8 4,268 5 If 9,731 11 7 Totals 17,559 0 1 7,400 4 5 12,659 4 2 I 1 9,986 17 2 641 11 10 265,037 10 0 8,790 6 5 209,466 11 3 543,658 19 8 •


STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FUND (new account) of the several Provincial Districts, for the Financial Year 1876-77. (Under "The Financial Arrangements Act, 1876.")

5-B. 2


PROVINCIAL DISTRICTS. Totals. Auckland. Taeanaki. Wellington. !Hawke's Bay. Nelson. Maelboeo'. Canterbury. Westland. OtagS. RECEIPTS. Land Sales, &e. Fees and Duties under the Native Lands Act ... Recoveries for credit of Votes, — ■ Surveys ... Crown Lands Department Subsidies to Local Bodies Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Miscellaneous Transfers from Consolidated Fund, — Temporary Advances under section 14 Proceeds of Treasury Bills —section 10 £ s. d. 1,368 18 8 1,534 19 10 £ s. d. 5,420 17 8 £ 8. d. 19,567 17 0 814 16 9 £ s. d. 4,957 13 1 962 10 8 £ s. a. 7,846 11 1 a s. a. 5,468 7 5 £ s. a. 433,628 6 5 £ e. d. 1,948 8 2 £ s. d. 60,574 16 8 £ a. a. 540,781 16 2 3,312 7 3 ... 486 9 5 94 9 5 141 11 1 22 2 0 42 2 0 114 2 9 22 9 0 900 16 8 22 9 0 731 13 5 717 7 0 250 14 9 ... 479 7 2 63 17 0 252' 6 3 215 3 11 226 11 4 250 14 9 6 10 0 62 2 4 42 17 0 15 1 3 85 '4 2 ... 44,480 0 0 76,300 0 0 8,100 0 0 7,500 0 0 17,900 0 0 26,300 0 0 7,300 0 0 10,395 10 0 12,000 0 0 30,307 0 1 1,050 0 0 2,000 0 0 8,533 8 8 406 0 0 7,608 6 8 18,600 0 0 36,000 0 0 125,939 16 8 150,000 0 0 Total ... 124,647 14 0 21,027 7 8 434,501 16 7 96,796 12 7 822,657 0 11 65,220 7 4 113,423 17 2 28,198 16 10 EXPENDITURE. Crown Lands Department Receivers of Land Revenue Surveyor-General's Department, — Chief Office Surveys Native Land Court Interest and Sinking Fund on Permanent Debt Interest on Railway Expenditure ... Subsidies to Local Bodies Education ... Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Museums ... Miscellaneous, — Patent Slip Guarantee Pensions Grants in aid of higher Educational Institutions Native claims and awards Compensation for destruction of scabby sheep Under " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," section 35 ... Services not provided for Payment to Palea Harbour Board ... Payments to Canterbury College Reserves Account Payments to Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Account ... Refunds of Revenue Advances from the Consolidated Fund repaid ... Surplus revenue transferred to Surplus Land Revenue Account ... 761 10 7 50 0 0 461 1 10 7,917 10 0 2,719 12 9 24,964 5 9 8,780 0 3 6,668 15 3 25,470 0 0 2,128 17 3 2,200 0 0 615 11 6 236 1 0 3,804 5 4 1,585 13 5 1,181 7 7 796 16 5 3,176 8 2 247 9 7 1,107 18 11 50 0 0 520 16 9 8,488 7 5 866 2 .11 10,343 7 11 9,736 9 8 7,043 8 7 11,500 0 0 791 1 5 2,450 0 0 105 0 0 278 18 1 25 0 0 64 14 9 1,184 17 2 1,227 4 11 3,497 14 10 3,451 18 3 441 13 7 2,250 0 0 344 2 4 460 18 9 75 0 0 270 7 0 4,379 3 0 4,700 16 6 2,976 3 8 1,957 17 1 5,869 3 6 1,023 14 1 ... ! ... 266 3 3 25 0 0 44 11 4 718 5 4 631 14 11 1,523 18 5 1,409 9 8 2,733 0 0 340 7 10 ... 646 10 1 175 0 0 558 3 5 8,995 11 11 3,596 14 10 18,661 3 9 8,120 1 0 20,990 4 2 4,082 16 2 875 0 0 166 13 4 401 4 6 25 0 0 179 0 10 2,927 11 0 8,375 14 10 2,110 4 11 580 17 11 5,150 0 0 744 10 9 3,099 19 0 175 0 0 605 10 3 9,872 13 7 32,061 1 4 23,576 4 2 9,534 1 5 14,014 2 6 1,865 5 5 990 11 0 7,638 14 8 600 0 0 2,940 7 2 48,288 4 9 4,212 0 7 89,757 4 4 71,997 8 8 36,553 0 11 91,152 18 4 11,568 4 10 4,005 11 0 3,460 0 0 271 13 4 70 1 10 775 5 0 750 0 0 22 1 0 1,906 0 0 2,656 0 0 92 2 10 775 5 0 ... ... ... 97 10 0 4 3 4 I 86 1 4 43 11 5 25 0 0 | 45 0 0 125 0 0 175 0 0 134 0 0 285 10 0 932 4 8 88 11 5 1,583 8 9 380 0 0 ... 1,583 8 9 ... 380 0 0 4 15 0 39,080 0 0 1,312 0 0 1,312 0 0 4 15 0 74,239 16 8 7,7oo'"o o 11,800 "o 0 7,095 10 0 50 0 0 406' 0 0 7,508 6 8 254,757 0 O 254,757 0 0 Balances on 30th June, 1877 122,149 5 6 2,498 8 6 124,647 14 0 20,931 5 1 96 2 7 65,103 7 4 117 0 0 12,791 3 11 632 13 3 29,453 13 7 853 6 6 7,867 8 9 665 19 11 325,803 18 8 108,697 17 11 28,136 11 5 62 5 5 96,079 18 8 716 13 11 708,316 12 11 114,340 8 0 Total ... 13,423 17 2 30,307 0 1 434,501 16 7 28,198 16 10 96,796 12 7 822,657 0 11 21,027 7 8 65,220 7 4 8,533 8 8



Table N. STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and Expenditure of the Public TRUST FUND for the Financial Year 1876-77.

Balances on 30th June, 1876. Receipts. Expenditure. Balances on 30th June, 1877. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Account 1,154 7 3 667 5 6 30 17 10 1,790 14 11 Bay of Plenty Districts Account 46 5 0 46 5 0 Canterbury Railways Renewal Fund Account 32,715 13 2 32,715 13 2 Ellesmero and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Account ... 1,412 0 0 46 5 6 1,365 14 6 Foreign Telegrams Account ... Dr. 661 16 6 13,742 6 3 13,080 9 9 General Assembly Library Fund Account 40 0 0 88,149 5 4 40 0 0 Government Insurance Account 162,652 1 1 36,336 17 11 214,464 8 6 Grey River Railway Repayment Account Hurunui Bridge Repairs Account 141 7 9 20 0 0 161 7 9 800 0 0 800 0 0 Hurunui-Greta Bridge Account 2,500 0 0 541 8 7 1,958 11 5 Interest Account ... 29,585 14 3 29,585 14 3 Land Assurance Fund Account 11,034 7 0 2,291 3 9 35 2 1 13,290 8 8 Land Clauses Consolidation Act Account 50 0 0 689 8 10 263 11 3 4,"5 17 7 Military Savings Bank Account 156 4 9 156 4 9 Militia Act Account 48 2 0 48 2 0 Merchant Shipping Account... 31 3 3 4 8 8 38 11 11 Native 10 per Cent. Auckland Land Purchase Account 1,376 2 7 1,376 2 7 Native 5 per Cent. Wairarapa Land Purchase Account 201 0 8 163 3 3 361 3 11 Natives at Wellington Deposit Account Native Reserves, Auckland Account ... 370 0 0 370 0 0 Br. 145 15 10 145 15 10 Native Reserves, Taranaki Account 134 3 8 301 12 6 311 15 7 124 0 7 Native Reserves, Wellington Account... Dr. 2,299 11 7 3,176 6 6 713 10 8 163 4 3 Native General Reserves, North Island Account 510 6 6 318 14 1 221 12 5 Native Reserves, Nelson Account 1,224 6 5 1,057 6 C 166 19 11 Native Reserves, Greymouth Account... Native Reserves, Hokonui Endowment Account 3,025 11 5 3,681 18 10 5,666 16 4 1,040 13 11 525 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 425 0 0 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Account 1,194 8 7 1,194 8 7 Port Chalmers Railway Depreciation Account 873 7 0 873 7 0 Post Office Savings Bank Account Railways Servant Fund Account 701,856 14 8 28,762 4 7 30,241 16 1 700,377 3 2 50 8 0 32 16 0 89 4 0 Supreme Court Account 1 10 10 300 0 0 290 0 0 11 10 10 Temporary Deposits Account Trustees'Relief Act Account 18,797 2 9 65,643 9 4 77,443 19 9 6,996 12 4 545 3 9 166 16 9 192 18 3 519 2 3 Unclaimed Balances Account 1,297 1 10 1,018 6 9 313 12 10 2,001 15 9 Unclaimed Balances Closed Account ... 276 9 7 276 9 7 Unclaimed Dividends Account 359 15 8 359 15 8 Unclaimed Property Account 523 1 5 109 11 1 405 3 6 227 9 0 Waimakariri Bridge Account 4,000 0 0 52 10 6 3,947 9 6 Totals 902,428 8 0 283,178 8 8 197,168 11 3 988,438 5 5 Investments —■ General Account 726,222 10 6 Government Insurance Account ... 194,100 0 0 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Account ... 1,000 0 0 Total Investments ... 921,322 10 6 Cash in Public Account 59,650 6 2 Advances to be accounted for— Colonial 1,011 9 9 Foreign 6,453 19 0 7,465 8 9 67,115 14 11 Total £988,438 5 5


Table O. COMPARATIVE RETURN of the DUTIES of CUSTOMS Collected at the several Ports of New Zealand for the Financial Years 1875-76 and 1876-77.

Table P. RETUEN of the GROSS DUTIES of CUSTOMS for each Quarter, from September Quarter, 1865, to the Quarter ended 30th June, 1877, inclusive.


Ports. Financial Year 1875-76. Financial Year 1876-77. Increase. Decrease. Auckland Thames Russell Mongonui Hokianga Tauranga Poverty Bay ... New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington ... Napier Wairau Picton Havelock Kaikoura Nelson Westport Greyiuouth ... Hokitika Lyttelton and Christchurch Akaroa Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargdl and Bluff... Riverton Cbathams £ s. d. 217,423 14 1 9.662 5 0 1,478 9 5 489 7 8 1,600 16 1 1,398 11 7 8,009 14 9 8,290 19 10 27,264 1 8 162,305 15 4 ■11,012 18 2 5.663 19 11 1,133 15 10 914 0 0 1,031 11 9 40,633 7 8 15,262 18 8 37,358 12 1 27,411 14 11 179,962 2 0 87 5 3 24,381 5 4 11,509 2 4 360,310 1 11 84,766 17 2 5,936 17 1 15 0 £ s. d. 197,641 18 5 9,590 11 7 1,222 2 8 396 16 11 1,850 12 7 1,695 7 1 9,434 10 11 8,131 9 1 22,061 9 2 167,855 0 10 39,653 5 10 4,686 10 1 937 12 11 815 16 6 1,074 11 6 34,533 4 2 12,996 18 5 40,458 8 4 35,999 1 8 195,217 10 4 219 14 3 19,590 0 7 11,275 0 1 345,910 10 9 31,830 3 6 4,000 9 11 *1 5 0 £ 8. d. £ s. d. 19,781 15 8 71 13 5 256 6 9 92 10 9 243 10 6 296 15 6 1,424 16 2 165 10 9 5,202 12 6 5,549 5 0 1,359 12 4 977 3 10 196 2 11 68 3 6 42 19 9 6,100 3 6 2,266 0 3 3,099 16 3 8,587 6 9 15,285 8 4 132 9 0 4,791 4 9 281 2 3 14,399 11 2 2.935 13 8 1.936 7 2 Totals 1,225,312 10 6 1,199,140 9 1 3L6G2 13 9 60,S34 15 2 Decrease, £26,172 Is. 5d. Is return for June quarter, 1877, not ■eceived.

Financial Year 1865-66. Financial Year 1871-72. September Quarter £180,160") D*"^' >- Imtllt £790,227 March „ 2US,/Ji:L June „ 208,855; September Quarter ... ... £183,722") December „ ... ... 193,079 f piik new March " ■ 196,283 \ i775>9JJ June „ 202,909; Financial Year 1866-67. Financial Year 1872-73. September Quarter £199,452 "^ December „ ???'?„? > £864,668 March „ 220,183 I June „ 217,780; September Quarter ... ..,£203,277) December „ !^'!™ £ £855,812 March „ 210,4661 June „ 231,262; Financial Year 1867-68. Financial Year 1873-74. September Quarter £196,916 December „ 209,118 March „ 194,618 June „ .- ' - 192,742 £793,394 September Quarter £243,325') December „ 280,718 f Net. March „ 297,810 C £1,108,677 June „ 286,794; Financial Year 1868-69. Financial Year 1874-75. September Quarter £191,607 December „ 209,862 March „ 189,590 June „ 213,145 £804,204 September Quarter £311,631 ~) December „ 292,758 ( Net March „ 320,523 (£1,223,276 June „ 298,364; Financial Year 1869-70. Financial Year 1875-76. September Quarter £205,100"^ December „ £808,422 March „ 199,664 ( June „ 187,981.) September Quarter £312,472 December „ 303,008 March „ 317,744 June „ 291,489 Net. £1,225,313 Financial Year 1870-71. Financial Year 1876-77. September Quarter *19°m!f) December „ 12 7'!^ > £733,300 March „ 1/1,4/9 C June „ 183,570; September Quarter £303,430 December „ 294,128 March „ 298,040 •June „ 303,542 Net. £1,199,141 un Islands returns not received.



Table Q. RETURN of the VALUE of IMPORTS and EXPORTS at each Port of New Zealand for the Financial Tear ending 30th June, 1877.

Value op Imports. Value of Exports. Ports. larters em led Quarters em lea Sept. 30 Dec. 31 Mar. 31 June 30 Totals. Sept. 30 Dec. 31 Mar. 31 June 30 Totals. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Auckland... 371,75i 234,096 306,214 282,067 1,194,129 110,571 206,140 113,729 202,087 632,527 Thames ... 4,355 2,887 4,384 3,007 14,633 910 472 495 1,877 Russell 2 2,256 111 266 2,665 1,509 879 1,165 3,553 Mongonui •18 21 170 209 412 901 13 284 1,610 Hokianga... 2,332 675 4,987 1,728 9,722 Kaipara ... 282 157 439 3,979 5,076 4,886 4,627 18,568 Tauranga... 227 294 417 143 1,081 Poverty Bay 6,189 6,429 2,786 771 16,175 23,139 11,640 1,697 36,476 New Plymouth 4,885 5,348 4,177 3,570 17,980 238 238 Wanganui 13,459 14,286 19,082 13,899 60,726 77 77 Wellington 358,982 255,545 315,119 363,869 1,293,515 3,217 132,378 462,776 196,124 794,495 Napier 45,537 32,513 45,099 29,200 152,319 2,160 61,783 162,238 594 226,775 Wairau ... 803 1,400 1,756 401 4,360 Picton 652 258 428 344 1,682 Havelock ... 21 11 371 403 3 3 Kaikoura... 47 275 310 632 i Nelson 57,781 76,961 43,424 39,829 217,995 5,974: 1 i 4,104 3,762 2,519 16,359 Westport... 14,089 10,741 9,063 10,334 44,227 807i 983 175 767 2,732 Greymouth 32,679 45,704 32,480 39,229 150,092 70,045 60,841 20,403 13,955 165,244 Hokitika ... 4,537 63,115 28,472 30,829 126,953 24,366 33,587 27,027 24,473 109,453 Lyttelton ... 322,084 293,347 292,597 325,493 1,233,521 215,002 411,015 568,319 459,630 1,653,966 Akaroa 67 448 944 303 1,762 Timaru 28,702 18,898 18,508 15,460 81,568 7,822 5,287 5,249 7,081 25,442 Oamaru ... 9,672 12,542 15,920 10,818 48,952 6,591 5,145 2,512 5,155 19,403 Duncdin ... 436,437 527,912 529,542 571,431 2,065,322 117,479 239,035 818,519 242,486 1,417,519 Invereargill and Bluff Harbour 51,611 38,561 37,198 30,293 157,663 14,309 14,762 212,309 99,330 340,710 Riverton ... 2,619 1,616 334 778 5,347 Chatham Islands Totals... 1,767,207 1,645,746 1,708,085 I 1,773,342 6,894,380 585,976 1,206,835 2,419,661 1,264,277 5,476,749 Year 1875-76 2,041,237 1,883,656 2,079,267' 1,412,951 7,417,111 767,891, 1,039,105 ,2,595,935 l,246,642i |5,649,573



Table R. RETURN of the Value of IMPORTS and EXPORTS for each Provincial District for the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1877.

Table S. RETURN of the Quantity of FLOUR and GRAIN Imported into and Exported from New Zealand for the Year ended 31st December, 1876.

Provincial District of Value of Imports. Value op Exports. Auckland £ 1,229,331 £ 704,333 Taranaki 17,980 238 Wellington ... 1,354,241 794,572 Hawke's Bay ... 152,349 226,775 Marlborough ... 7,077 3 Nelson 262,222 19,091 Westland 277,045 274,697 Canterbury ... 1,316,851 1,679,408 Otago 2,277,284 1,777,632 Total 6,894,380 5,476,749

Imports. Exports. Flour ... tons* 4,103 497£ Grain— 218,558 Barley ... bushels 62| Maize „ 61,263^ 728 Oats „ 99 1,263,957 Wheat 59,412£ 686,059 Other kinds ( l*gs. (.ewts. 832 bushels, 246 25 * 2,000 lbs.



Table T.

Four Quarters ended 30th June, 1877. Four Quarters ended 30th June, 1876. Total Exported for the Four Quarters ended 30th June, 1877. Total Exported for the Four Quarters ended 30Tn June, 1876. Produce of the Quarters ended Quarters ended Exporting Poets. Provincial District of 30th Sept. 31st Dec. 31st Mar. 30th June. Quantities. Declared Value. Quantities. Declared Value. 30th Sept. 31st Dec. 31st Mar. 30th June. Oz. Oz. Oz. £ Oz. £ Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. 65,718 247,349 9,636 20,595 10,067 42,912 26,559 13,333 13,809 12,017 I 83,210 338,533 Auckland Auckland 450 I 870 3,197 918 3,666 Picton ... Marlborough 870 468 1,727 622 167 2,161 1,562 6,046 23,797 1 4,512 I 17,107 Nelson ... Nelson 1,309 1,780 1,230 4,351 17,403 1,887 7,780 602 4,351 10,269 40,759 Auckland j, 5,574 5,121 4,445 21,714 86,933 21,255 85,111 Westport j> 6,287 5,921 6,622 2,884 6,115 11,645 17,325 16,312 9,870 8,325 52,763 211,148 51,832 207,997 Greymouth » 15,082 15,673 10,363 21,824 87,306 5,417 I l 4,963 7,130 8,290 5,868 6,345 4,754 4,857 25,800 103,120 ,, Westland 8,421 44,691 I 178,757 39,816 159,263 Hokitika n 9,156 8,870 13,848 12,817 10,412 11,943 9,040 15,482 30,655 23,684 36,158 23,130 96,435 387,869 113,627 454,520 Dunedin Otago 25,859 23,806 31,288 8,064 32,448 1,693 1,796 1,040 2,261 2,363 2,400 8,250 33,134 Invercargill » 2,415 2,346 i 331,917 1,312,170 Totals ... 77,048 91,734 99,025 69,958 350,048 1,407,247 99,064 79,619 83,276 82,241



Table U. RETURN showing the AMOUNT and VALUE of GOLD EXPORTED during the Financial Year 1876-77.

Table V. RETURN showing the QUANTITY and VALUE of WOOL EXPORTED from New Zealand during the Year 1876.

Table W. RETURN showing the Value of NEW ZEALAND PHORMIUM EXPORTED during the Year 1876.

1871 1-77. Provincial District op Quantity. Value. Oz. £ Auckland 83,210 338,533 Marlborough 870 3,197 Nelson 90,792 362,637 Westland 70,491 281,877 Otago 104,685 421,003 Totals 350,048 1,407,247 Total Amount of Gold Exported since 1858 Total Value of Gold Exported since 1858 8,458,577 Ounces. £33,000,826.

1876. Provincial District op Quantity. Value. lbs. £ Auckland 2,979,038 175,986 Taranaki 1,136 68 Wellington 10,770,437 624,227 Hawke's Bay 2,911,130 169,195 Marlborough Nelson 56,261 3,074 Canterbury 20,305,217 1,099,736 Westland 119,413 6,081 Otago 22,710,822 59,853,454 1,317,449 3,395,816 Totals I

Provincial District of 1876. £ Auckland 9,770 Taranaki Wellington 2,396 Hawke's Bay 20 Marlborough Nelson 3,540 Canterbury 1,504 Otago 1,055 Totals £18,285



Table X. RETURN of the TOTAL VALUE of IMPORTS and EXPORTS of VICTORIA, NEW SOUTH WALES, and NEW ZEALAND, for the Ten Years ending 31st December, 1875, with the Rate per head of Population.

VICTORIA. NEW SOUTH WALES. NEW ZEALAND. Years. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Population. Population. tion. le. Rate. Value. Rate. Value. Rate. Value. Rate. Value. Value. Rate. Value.Rate. 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 643,912 659,887 684,316 710,878 724,725 752,445 770,727 790,492 808,437 823,272 £ 11,315,638 8,921,986 9,424,565 9,984,452 9,089,067 8,935,797 11,220,668 13,108,109 12,865,391 12,490,706 £ s. d. 17 11 5 13 7 4 13 15 6 14 0 10 12 10 9 11 17 6 14 11 2 16 11 7 15 18 3 15 3 5 £ 9,433,473 9,972,333 11,697,893 9,539,816 9,103,323 11,151,622 10,758,658 11,976,707 11,352,515 10,571,806 £ s. d. 14 13 0 15 2 3 17 2 0 13 8 4 12 1 1 14 16 5 13 19 2 15 3 0 14 0 10 12 16 10 431,412 447,620 466,765 485,356 502,861 519,182 539,190 560,275 584,278 606,652 £ 6,412,442 4,553,594 5,736,817 6,334,888 6,069,820 7,577,014 6,183,411 8,018,399 8,664,489 10,078,959 £ s. d. 14 17 3 10 3 5 12 5 9 13 1 0 12 1 5 14 12 0 11 9 4 14 6 2 14 16 7 16 12 3 £ 6,057,585 4,834,505 4,878,344 7,875,577 6,302,577 8,048,426 5,601,982 6,870,433 6,784,941 7,258,022 £ b. d. 14 0 9 10 16 0 10 9 0 16 4 6 12 10 8 15 10 0 10 7 9 12 5 3 11 12 3 11 19 3 208.682 218,668 226,618 237,249 218,400 266,986 279,560 295,946 341,860 375,856 £ 5,657,601 5,179,393 4,825,312 4,841,400 4,360,941 3,967,098 5,059,472 6,332,295 8,022,686 7,676,389 £ s. d. 27 2 3 23 13 8 21 5 10 20 8 1 17 11 1 14 17 2 18 1 11 21 7 11 23 9 4 20 8 5 £ 4,396,100 4,479,464 4,268,762 4,090,134 4,544,682 5,171,054 5,107,186 5,477,979 5,152,143 5,475,844 £ s. d. 21 1 4 20 9 8 18 16 9 17 4 9 18 5 11 19 7 4 18 5 4 18 10 2 15 1 5 14 11 4 new zea: AND, including Aboriginal Natives, 46,000 in Number to end of 1872. Average of Ten Years. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Years. Population. Population. Value. ] Rate. Value. Rate. Value. Rate. Value. Rate. I 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 247,222 257,208 264,518 273,249 284,400 302,986 325,560 340,946 387,330 421,326 £ 5,657,601 5,179,393 4,825,312 4,841,400 4,360,941 3,967,098 5,059,472 6,332,295 8,022,686 7,676,389 £ s. d. 22 17 8 20 2 9 18 4 10 17 14 4 15 6 7 13 1 10 15 10 9 18 11 5 20 14 3 18 4 4 £ 4,396,100 4,479,464 4,268,762 4,090,134 4,544,682 5,171,054 5,107,186 5,477,979 5,152,143 5,475,844 £ s. d. i 17 15 8 17 7 6 16 2 9 14 19 4 i 15 19 8 19 7 4 15 13 8 16 1 4 13 6 0 I 12 19 11 j Victoria New South Wales New Zealand Ditto, including Natives 736,909 514,359 269,982 310,474 £ 10,735,638 6,962,986 5,592.258 5,592,258 £ 8. d. 14 10 9 13 8 6 20 16 6 18 0 10 £ 10,555,814 6,451,239 4,816,334 4,816,334 £ s. d. 14 6 3 12 11 8 18 ,3 4 15 19 3 n this table the British and Foreign goods e: ported from each colony has been deducted from both Imports and Exports, leaving as Ini] nanufacture of such colony. Aboriginal population in 1873 estimated at 45,000 ; in 1874 at 45,< >orts the goods ] ,70; in 1875, at retained in the colony, and for Exports the produce oi 45,470.



Table Y. RETURN showing the VALUE of GOLD, WOOL, GRAIN, and other AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (including Flour, Butter, and Cheese), TIMBER, and FLAX, exported from the Colonies of VICTORIA, NEW SOUTH WALES, and NEW ZEALAND, for the Nine Years ended 31st December, 1875, with the Rate per head of Population.

Year .867. Articles. Vict. iria. New Soutl Wales. New Ze: land. Value. Rate. Value. Rate. Value. Rate. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax £ 5,738,993 3,650.611 122,972 2,960 £ s. d. 8 14 0 5 10 7 0 3 7 0 0 1 £ 129,619 1,711,322 198,916 17,541 £ s. d. 0 5 9 3 16 5 0 8 10 0 0 10 £ 2,724,276 1,580,608 37,532 16,105 4,256 £ s. d. 12 9 2 7 4 7 0 3 5 0 15 0 0 5 Totals 9,515,536 14 8 3 2,057,398 4 11 10 4,362,777 19 19 0 :ae 1868. I 2,492,721 11 0 0 1,516,548 6 13 10 127,704 ; 0 11 3 15,653 j 0 1 4 8,137 | 0 0 9 Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 6,629,465 4,567,182 194,350 8,024 9 13 9 I 6 13 5 ; 0 5 8! 0 0 3 j 125,293 1.879,751 264,277 12,707 0 5 4 4 0 6 0 11 3 0 0 8 ... Totals 11,399,021 16 13 1 2,282,028 4 17 9 4,160,763 j 18 7 2 !AR 1869. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 5,363,759 3,235,091 58,983 7,552 7 10 10 4 11 0 0 18 0 0 2 309,053 J 0 12 9 3,162,522 6 10 4 296,562 0 12 2 23,159 0 0 10 2,341,592 1,371,230 142,307 22,338 45,245 9 17 5 0 15 7 12 0 0 1 10 0 3 10 Totals 12 3 8 3,791,296 I 7 16 1 3,922,712 16 10 8 8,665,385 Year 1870. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 4,891,781 6 15 0 386,930 I 0 15 4 3,119,899 4 6 1 2,741,141 5 9 0 99,898 0 2 9 165,894 | 0 6 7 1,003 ... 22,037 | 0 0 10 8,112,581 11 3 10 | 3.316,002 j 6 11 9 I I 2,163,910 1,703,944 183,472 18,323 132,578 8 14 3 6 17 2 0 14 9 0 1 6 0 10 8 Totals 4,202,227 16 10 8 Year 1871. Gold Wool A gricultural Produce Timber Flax 5,423,687 4,287,011 75,924 6,733 7 4 1 5 13 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 353,356 4,748,160 157.367 58,371 0 13 7 9 2 10 0 6 0 0 2 3 2,788,368 10 8 10 1,606,144 6 0 3 203,506 0 15 3 20,479 0 16 90,611 0 6 10 4,709,108 17 12 8 Totals 9,793,355 12 19 4 5,317,254 10 4 8 :ar 1872. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 4,644,434 4,260,801 104,323 1,515 6 0 6 5 10 6 0 2 8 454,468 0 16 10 3,342,900 6 3 11 210,065 0 7 9 36,160 0 14 1,730,992 2,537,919 205,654 27,373 99,405 6 3 10 9 16 0 14 8 0 1 11 0 7 1 Totals 9,011,073 11 13 8 4,043,593 7 9 10 4,601,343 16 9 0 Year 1873. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 4,632,941 5 17 2 4,809,205 '618 91,982 0 2 3 1,069 443,429 0 15 9 2,201,910 3 18 7 242,529 0 8 7 54,999 Oil 1,987,425 t 6 14 3 2,702,471 9 2 7 164,950 0 11 1 44,390 0 2 11 143,799 0 9 8 Totals 9,535,197 I 12 1 1 2,942,867 I 5 4 0 5,043,035 17 0 6



Dab!© Y.— continued. RETURN showing tl ie Value of G-old, Wool, Gbain, &c. — continued. Yeab 1874. Abticles. Victoi •in. New Sout] Wales. New Z. laland. Value. Rate. Value. Kate. Value. Bate. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax £ 3,617,261 4,996,783 102,991 9,792 £ b. d. 4 9 5 6 3 7 0 2 6 0 0 2 £ 154,949 5,010,125 289,322 52,841 £ s. d. 0 5 3 8 11 5 0 9 10 0 19 £ 1,505,331 2,831,696 337,537 47,455 37,690 £ b. d. 4 8 0 8 5 7 0 19 8 0 2 9 0 2 2 Totals 8,726,827 10 15 8 5,507,237 4,759,709 13 18 2 9 8 3 !AE 1875. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 2,841,037 4,694,139 137,993 21,713 3 9 0 5 14 0 0 3 4 0 0 6 11,914 5,651,643 209,515 69,839 0 0 4 9 6 3 0 6 10 0 2 3 1,407,769 3,398,155 254,978 40,137 11,742 3 14 10 9 0 9 0 13 6 0 2 1 0 0 7 Totals 7,694,882 9 6 10 5,942,911 9 15 8 5,112,781 13 11 9 Gold, the produce of the Colony, coined in the Colony, not included in the above. AvEBAGE OF 9 YeAES. Gold Wool Agricultural Produce Timber Flax 4,864,819 4,180,080 109,935 6,706 6 12 7 5 11 6 0 2 11 0 0 1 263,223 3,383,274 226,048 38,628 0 10 1 6 6 7 0 8 7 0 13 2,126,931 I 8 3 4 2,138,746 7 11 3 184,182 i 0 12 10 28,028 0 111 63,718 0 4 8 4,541,605 16 14 0 Totals 9,161,540 ; 12 7 1 3,911,173 7 6 6 By Authority: Geobge Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—1877. Price 2b. 3d.]

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Bibliographic details

FINANCIAL STATEMENT (In Committee of Supply, July 31st, 1877). BY THE COLONIAL TREASURER, THE HONORABLE MAJOR ATKINSON., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, B-02

Word Count

FINANCIAL STATEMENT (In Committee of Supply, July 31st, 1877). BY THE COLONIAL TREASURER, THE HONORABLE MAJOR ATKINSON. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, B-02

FINANCIAL STATEMENT (In Committee of Supply, July 31st, 1877). BY THE COLONIAL TREASURER, THE HONORABLE MAJOR ATKINSON. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, B-02

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