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B.—No. 7




B.—No. 7,


No. 1. Mr. FitzGtEEALD to the Hon. the Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives. Sic ) — Government Buildings, "Wellington, Slst July, 1872. In compliance with the 6th clause of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," I have the honor to transmit to you, to lay before Parliament, the report of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, and accompanying accounts, for the year ended 30th June, 1872. I have, &c, James Edwabd FitzG-erald. Chairman of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds. The Hon. the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Enclosure in No. 1. Eepoet of the Commibsionebs of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, for the year ended 30th June, 1872. Wellington, 29th July, 1872. In compliance with the 6th clause of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds have the honor to lay before Parliament the accompanying accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1872. The only matter calling for remark is the state of the Sinking Funds of the Canterbury Loans, which, by " The Sinking Funds Act Amendment Act, 1871," and the Order in Council thereunder, gazetted 22nd December, 1871, were again brought under the operation of the Act of 1868. On the 19th January last, the Commissioners wrote to Messrs. Cocks and Morrison, the trustees in London, enclosing copies of the Act and Order in Council, and requesting them to hand over to Messrs. Featherston and Julyan all the securities and cash in their possession belonging to the Sinking Funds of the Canterbury Loans, of which they are the trustees. A letter was at the same time sent to Messrs. Featherston and Julyan, requesting them to act as the agents of the Commissioners, which these gentlemen have consented to do. Mr. Marshman, the only remaining trustee, was communicated with at Christchurch, and, at the request of the Commissioners, wrote to his co-trustees, consenting to the arrangement. The Commissioners at the same time requested that the trustees in London would furnish complete accounts of the Sinking Funds in their hands to date. The Commissioners have received no accounts from the trustees in London, but Mr. Somers Cocks acquaints the Commissioners that lie has been advised to take the opinion of counsel as to whether he is justified in handing over the securities in his possession. The Commissioners are still awaiting the result of the opinion. I have, &c, James Edward FitzGeeald. Chairman.

B.—No. 7.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860." Sikking Fund at 2 per cent, pee annum :— On £93,100, half-year to 31 Dec, 1871 931 0 0 Interest on Investments: — Treasury Billa at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £3,100, half-year to 31 Dec, 1871 ... 8,350, one year to 31 March, 1872 ... 9,700, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 Debentures of Defence Loan at 5 J- per cent., — On £2,045, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 1,025, 30 Juno to „ „ 20, 8 Sept. to „ „ 550, 18 Oct. to „ „ 9,700, 19 Dec to „ „ ... N 95 1 4 S09 7 0 417 2 0 22 6 6 78 5 5 28 8 4. 0 6 10 6 2 7 17 10 9 Investment Realized : — Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th December, 1871 ... 1,174 10 9 9,700 0 0 11,805 10 9 " Auckland Loan Act, 1863." Interest on Investments : — Debentures of Defence Loan at h\ per cent., — On £775, to 21 April, 1871 „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 625, 30 Juno to „ „ 10, 8 Sept. to „ „ 21 7 3 29 13 2 17 6 7 0 3 5 68 10 5 68 10 5 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862." Sinking Fund at 4 pets cent, pee annum : — On £2,000, half-year to 31st Dec, 1871 40 0 0 Inteeest on Investments : — Debentures of Defence Loan at 5J per cent., — On £520, to 21 April, 1871 „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 40, 30 June to „ „ 30, 18 Oct. to 70, 19 Dec. to „ „ Treasury Bills, — On £700, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 100, half-year to 31 11 14 2 19 18 0 12 2 0 G 8 15 4 30 2 0 3 14 67 9 8 Investment Realized :— Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th Dec, 1871 700 0 0 807 9 8 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866," No. 3. Sinking Fund at 2 pee oekt. pee annum : — On £13,500, half-year to 31 Dec, 1871 270 0 0 Inteeest on Investments :— Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £300, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 300, half-year to 31 „ Debentures of Defence Loan at 5| per cent., — On £535, to 21 April, 1871 „ 21 April to 31 Dec, 15, 30 June to „ „ 10,8 Sept. to „ „ 20, 18 Oct. to „ „ 565, 19 Dec to „ „ Mortgages, — E. Robinson, on £250, to 14 Dec, 1871 ... T. Robinson, on £150, to 3 April, 1872 ... 12 18 0 9 4 0 6 2 0 20 9 7 0 8 4 0 3 5 0 4 6 10 5 17 11 4 30 2 0 Investments Realized : — R. Robinson's Mortgage paid off ... T.Robinson's ,, Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th Dec, 1871 230 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 98 3 7 700 0 0 1,068 3 7 Carried forward ... ... ... .... 13,749 14 5

B.—No. 7.


No. 1. Mr. FitzG-eeald to the Hon. the Speaker of the House of Bepresentatives. Sic, — Government Buildings, Wellington, 31st July, 1872. In compliance with the 6th clause of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," I have the honor to transmit to you, to lay before Parliament, the report of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, and accompanying accounts, for the year ended 30th June, 1872. I have, &c, James Edwaed FitzGekald. Chairman of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds. The Hon. the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Enclosure in No. 1. Eepoet of the Commissionebs of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, for the year ended 30th June, 1872. Wellington, 29th July, 1872. In compliance with the 6th clause of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds have the honor to lay before Parliament the accompanying accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1872. The only matter calling for remark is the state of the Sinking Funds of the Canterbury Loans, which, by " The Sinking Funds Act Amendment Act, 1871," and the Order in Council thereunder, gazetted 22nd December, 1871, were again brought under the operation of the Act of IS6B. On the 19th January last, the Commissioners wrote to Messrs. Cocks and Morrison, the trustees in London, enclosing copies of the Act and Order in Council, and requesting them to hand over to Messrs. Featherston and Julyan all the securities and cash in their possession belonging to the Sinking Funds of the Canterbury Loans, of which they are the trustees. A letter was at the same time sent to Messrs. Featherston and Julyan, requesting them to act as the agents of the Commissioners, which these gentlemen have consented to do. Mr. Marshman, the only remaining trustee, was communicated with at Christchurch, and, at the request of the Commissioners, wrote to his co-trustees, consenting to the arrangement. The Commissioners at the same time requested that the trustees in London would furnish complete accounts of the Sinking Funds in their hands to date. The Commissioners have received no accounts from the trustees in London, but Mr. Somers Cocks acquaints the Commissioners that he has been advised to take the opinion of counsel as to whether he is justified in handing over the securities in his possession. The Commissioners are still awaiting the result of the opinion. I have, &c, James Edwaed FitzG-eeaxd. Chairman.

B.—No. 7.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860." Sinking- Fund at 2 pee cent, peb annum :— On £93,100, half-year to 31 Dec, 1871 931 0 0 Interest on Investments : — Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £3,100, half-year to 31 Dee., 1871 ... 8,350, one year to 31 March, 1872 ... 9,700, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 Debentures of Defence Loan at 5§ per cent., — On £2,045, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 1,025, 30 Juno to „ „ 20,8 Sept. to „ „ 550, 18 Oct. to ,, „ 9,700, 19 Dec to „ „ ... % 95 1 4 509 7 0 417 2 0 22 6 6 78 5 5 28 8 4 0 6 10 6 2 7 17 10 9 Investment "Realized : — Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th December, 1871 ... 1,174 10 9 9,700 0 0 11,805 10 9 " Auckland Loan Act, 1863." Interest on Investments : — Debentures of Defence Loan at 5i per cent., — On £775, to 21 April, 1871 ,, 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 625, 30 Juno to „ „ 10, 8 Sept. to „ „ 21 7 3 29 13 2 17 6 7 0 3 5 68 10 5 G8 10 5 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862." Sinking- Fund at 4 pee cent, peb annum : — On £2,000, half-year to 31st Dec, 1871 40 0 0 Interest on Investments : — Debentures of Defence Loan at 5|- per cent., — On £520, to 21 April, 1871 „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 40, 30 June to „ „ 30, 18 Oct. to 70, 19 Dec to „ „ Treasury Bills, — On £700, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 100, half-year to 31 11 14 2 19 18 0 12 2 0 6 8 15 4 30 2 0 3 14 67 9 8 Investment Realized : — Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th Dec, 1871 700 0 0 807 9 8 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866," No. 3. Sinking Fund at 2 pee cext. peb annum : — On £13,500, half-year to 31 Dec, 1871 270 0 0 Interest on Investments :— Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £300, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 300, half-year to 31 „ Debentures of Defence Loan at h\ per cent., — On £535, to 21 April, 1871 „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 15, 30 June to ,, „ 10, 8 Sept. to „ „ 20, 18 Oct. to „ „ 565, 19 Dec to „ „ Mortgages,— E. Kobinson, on £250, to 14 Dec, 1871 ... T. Kobinson, on £150, to 3 April, 1872 ... 12 18 0 9 4 0 0 2 0 20 9 7 0 8 4 0 3 5 0 4 6 10 5 17 11 4 30 2 0 Investments Realized i— R. Robinson's Mortgage paid oft' ... T. Robinson's ,, Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th Dec, 1871 250 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 98 3 7 700 0 0 1,068 3 7 Carried forward ... ... ... ... 13,749 14 5

B.—No: 7.




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "Nbw Zealand Loan Act, 1860." Investments : —■ Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par, — 8 September, 1871 18 October „ 19 December ,, ... ... •■• ... 21 March, 1872 ... 13 May „ 29 June „ 20 0 0 550 0 0 9,700 0 0 1,100 0 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 Amount contributed towards purchase at par of Debenture for £2,000 issued under Canterbury Rivers Act 11,500 0 0 300 0 0 11,800 0 0 "Auckland Loan Act, 1863." Investments : — Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par, — 8 September, 1871 13 May, 1872 25 June, „ 29 June, „ 10 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 70 0 0 "Wellington Loan Act, 1862." Investments : — Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par, — 18 October, 1871... 19 December „ ... 13 May, 1872 30 0 0 700 0 0 60 0 0 790 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866, No. 3." Investments :— Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par, — 8 September, 1871 18 October „ 19 December „ 21 March, 1872 ... 13 May „ 29 June „ 10 0 0 20 0 0 565 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 15 0 0 l,060'"o 0 1,060 0 0 Carried forward 13,720 0 0

B—No. 7.




RECEIPTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. Brought forward 13,749 14 5 " Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864." Sinking Fund at 2 per cent, per annum :— On £14,200, one year to 31 Dec, 1871 Inteeest on Investments : — Debentures of Defence Loan at 5J per cent., — On £1,730, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 300, 30 June to ,. „ 40, 8 Sept. to „ 32 18 5 66 4 3 8 6 4 0 13 9 284 0 0 108 2 9 392 2 9 " Otago Loan Oedinance, 1861-62." Sinking Fund at 3 pee cent, pee annum : — On £40,100, one year to 30 June, 1871 ... ... Inteeest on Investments : — Dunedin Waterworks Debentures at 8 per cent., — On £5,000, one year to 31 Jan., 1872 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures at 8 per cent., — On £3,250, one year to 30 April, 1872 ... Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £800, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 700, half-year to 31 „ Debentures of Defence Loan at 5J per cent., — On £1,060, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 130,26 June to „ „ ... 20, 30 June to „ „ 210, 8 Sept. to „ „ 1,230, 31 Oct. to „ „ ... 130, 18 Nov. to „ „ 800, 19 Dec. to „ „ 400 0 0 260 0 0 34 8 0 21 9 4 1,203 0 0 25 11 4 40 11 5 3 13 7 0 11 1 3 12 2 11 6 1 0 16 10 1 8 11 803 8 9 Investment Realized i— Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14 Dec, 1871 800 0 0 2,806 8 9 " Otago Loan Oedinance, 1862." Sinking Fund at 1 pee cent, pee annum : — On £117,700, one year to 30 June, 1871 Intebest on Investments : —■ City of Dunedin Mortgage at 7 per cent., — On £3,300, one year to 1 Jan., 1872 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures at 8 per cent., — On £3,900, one year to 1 May, 1872 Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £100, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 100, half-year to 31 „ Debentures of Defence Loan at 5£ per cent., — On £1,920, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 150,26 June to „ „ 10, 30 June to „ „ 140, 8 Sept. to „ „ 1,170, 31 Oct. to „ „ 160, 18 Nov. to „ „ 100, 19 Dec. to „ „ ... ... , 231 0 0 312 0 0 4 6 0 3 14 1,177 0 0 48 16 0 73 9 9 4 5 0 0 5 7 2 8 1 10 15 1 10 8 0 3 7 691 11 1 Investment Realized :— Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14 Dec, 1871 100 0 0 1,968 11 1 " Otago Haebour Loan Ordinance, 1862." Sinking Fund at 3 pee cent, pee annum : — On £44,100, one year to 31 Oct., 1871 Inteeest o» Investments : — City of Dunedin Mortgage 7 per cent., — On £1,650, 22 Nov., 1870, to 22 May, 1872 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures 8 per cent., — On £2,600, one year to 30 April, 1872 ... Defence Loan Debentures at 5i per cent., — On £1,795, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ - 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 160, 20 June to „ „ 75, 30 June to „ „ 90, 8 Sept. to „ „ 140, 18 Nov. to „ „ 235, 19 Dec. to „ „ 173 5 0 208 0 0 1,323 0 0 25 13 6 68 14 0 4 10 8 2 17 1 10 11 0 18 2 0 8 6 Carried forward 485 2 4 1,323 0 0 18,916 17 o



B.—No. 7.

DEBTS SINKING- FUNDS— continued. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 13,720 0 0 "Nelson Watbbwoeks Loan Act, 1864." Investments : — Amounts contributed towards tho purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par,-— 8 September, 1871 25 June, 1872 ... 29 June „ 40 0 0 15 0 0 45 0 0 Amount contributed towards purchase of Debentures for £2,000 issued under Canterbury Rivers Act ... 100 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 " Otago Loan Oedinance, 1861-62." Investments : — Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par,— 8 September, 1871 31 October „ 18 November „ 19 December ,, 13 May, 1872 ... ... ... . ... 25 June „ 29 June „ 210 0 0 1,230 0 0 130 0 0 800 0 0 260 0 0 130 0 0 50 0 0 2,810 0 0 2,810 0 0 " Otago Loan Oedinance, 1862." Investments : — Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par, —■ 8 September, 1871 31 October „ 18 November „ 19 December ,, 13 May, 1872 25 June „ 29 June „ 140 0 0 1,170 0 0 160 0 0 100 0 0 170 0 0 160 0 0 50 0 0 1,950 0 0 1,950 0 0 " Otago Haeboub Loan Oedinance, 1862." Investments :— Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par,— 8 September, 1871 18 November „ 19 December ,, 21 March, 1872 ... 13 May „ 25 June „ 29 June „ 90 0 0 140 0 0 235 0 0 1,300 0 0 150 0 O 160 0 0 55 0 0 2,130 0 0 Amount contributed towards the purchase of Debenture for £2,000 issued under Canterbury Eivers Act 100 0 0 2,230 0 0 Carried forward 121,100 0 0

B—No. 7,




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 6. d. Brought forward 485 2 4 1,323 0 0 18,916 17 0 " Otaoo Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862," — continued. Interest on Investments — continued : — Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £200, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 2,700, half-year to „ Otago Public Buildings Loan Debentures at 8 per cent., — On £1,525, one year to 1 April, 1872 8 12 0 82 16 0 122 0 0 Investment Realized : — Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14 Dec, 1871 698 10 4 200 0 0 2,221 10 4 " Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance, 1862." Sinking Fund at 3 pee cent, pee annum : — On £40,075, one year to 1 Oct., 1871 1,202 5 0 Interest on Investments : — City of Dunedin Mortgage at 7 per cent., — On £1,650, 22 Nov., 1870, to 22 May, 1872 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures at 8 per cent., — On £1,550, one year to 1 May, 1872 Treasury Bills at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £200, 1 April to 14 Dec, 1871 3,000, half-year to 31 „ „ Defence Loan Debentures at 5J per cent., — On £1,520, to 21 April, 1871 ... „ 21 April to 31 Dec, „ 60, 26 June to „ „ 90, 30 June to „ „ 80, 8 Sept. to „ „ 70, 18 Nov. to 200, 19 Dee. to „ „ 173 5 0 124 0 0 8 12 0 92 0 0 20 4 10 58 3 7 1 14 0 2 9 10 17 6 0 9 1 0 7 3 Investment Realized : — Share of Treasury Bill for £12,000, redeemed 14th Dec, 1871 482 13 1 200 0 0 1,884 18 1 Total Receipts Balance in Bank ov New Zealand, on 30th June, 1871 23,023 5 5 59 2 11 £23,082 8 4

B.—No. 7.



DEBTS SINKING FUNDS— continued. DISBURSEMENTS. £ 9. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brought forward 21,110 0 0 Otago Public Buildings Loan Okdinance, 1862." Investments : — Amounts contributed towards the purchase of Debentures of Defence Loan at par, — 8 September, 1871 18 November „ 19 December „ 13 May, 1872 25 June ,, 29 June „ 80 0 0 70 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 120 0 0 50 0 0 Amount contributed towards the purchase of Debenture for £2,000 issued under Canterbury Kiyers Act 590 0 0 1,300 0 0 1,890 0 0 Total Disbursements Balance in Bank os New Zealand on 30th June, 1872 23,000 0 0 82 8 4 23,082 8 4

8.-No. 7.

STATEMENT of the SINKING FUNDS in the hands of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, on 30th June, 1872.



Loans in eespect o: which the Sinking- Funds aee held. New Zealand Loan Act, 1860. Auckland Loan Act, 1863. Wellington Loan Act, 1862. Wellington Loan Act, 1866. Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864. Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62. Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862. Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862. Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance, 1862. Totals. Investments. N.Z. Treasury Bills, at 4d. per cent, per diem :— Eedeemable 1 November, 1874 N.Z. Defence Loan Debentures, at 5£ per cent.: — Bedeeniable 31 December, 1878 Debentures issued under " The Canterbury Rivers Act, 1870," interest at 7 per cent: — Eedeemable 13 May, 1877 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures, at 8 per cent. :— Eedeemable 1 November, 1874 Otago Public Buildings Loan Debentures, at 8 per cent. :— Eedeemable 1 October, 1875 Dunedin Waterworks Debentures, at 8 per cent. :— Eedeemable January, 1877 City of Dunedin Corporation Mortgages, at 7 per cent: — Eedeemable 22 November, 1874 „ 1 July, 1898 Mortgage on Eeal Estate, Wellington £ b. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ b. d. 11,450 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 700 0 0 100 0 0 2,700 0 0 3,000 0 0 18,350 0 0 I 14,570 0 0 1,470 0 0 1,350 0 0 1,610 0 0 2,130 0 0 4,020 0 0 4,030 0 0 4,160 0 0 2,260 0 0 ! 35,600 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 1,300 0 0 j 2,000 0 0 3,250 0 0 3,900 '0 0 2,600 0 0 1,550 0 0 | 11,300 0 0 ... 1,525 0 0 1,525 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 3,300 0 0 1,650 0 0 1,650 0 0 3,300 0 0 [ 3,300 0 0 250 0 0 25o"o 0 ... * . • ... Total Investments Cash in Bank of New Zealand 26,320 0 0 8 3 1 1,470 0 0 5 10 5 1,450 0 0 22 9 7 2,160 0 0 9 19 2 2,430 0 0 10 16 1 12,970 0 0 0 14 2 11,330 0 0 i 19 4 5 i 12,735 0 0 5 2 3 9,760 0 0 80,625 0 0 0 9 2 82 8 4 Totals ... 26,328 3 1 1,475 10 5 1,472 9 7 2,169 19 2 2,440 16 1 12,970 14 2 11,349 4 5 12,740 2 3 9,763 9 2 i 80,707 8 4 Statement showing the Debent' .res of each Loan in Circulation, and the Sinking Fu: ds accrued, on 30th June, 872. Loan. Debentures in Circulation. When Eedeemable. Bate of Sinking Fund. ticking Funds Accrued. New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 ... Auckland Loan Act, 1863 Wellington Loan Act, 1862 ... Wellington Loan Act, 1866 ... £ 93,100 31,600 2,000 13,500 1 July, 1891 1 June, 1896 1 July, 1877 1 July, 1886 f £8*000, 1 January, 1876 } ( £6,200, 1 January, 1881 ) ( £34,100, 31 December, 1874 } ( £6.000, 31 December, 1875 ) 1 July, 1878 1 November, 1874 1 October, 1874 ... 2 per cent. 4 2 £ s. d. 26,328 3 1 1,475 10 5 1,472 9 7 2,169 19 2 Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864 14,200 2 2,440 16 1 Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62 40,100 3 12,970 14 2 Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862 Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862 ... Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance, 1862 116,700 44,100 40,075 1 3 3 „ 11,349 4 5 12,740 2 3 9,760 9 2 395,375 80,707 8 4 Statement of Expenses incurred by the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, during the Tear ended 30th June, 1872. Salary of the Secretary and Accountant, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 ... ... ... £50 0 0 G-overnment Buildings, James C. G-ayin, "Wellington, 23rd July, 1872. Secretary and Accountant to the Commissioners.

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ACCOUNTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE PUBLIC DEBTS SINKING FUNDS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE, 1872., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, B-07

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ACCOUNTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE PUBLIC DEBTS SINKING FUNDS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE, 1872. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, B-07

ACCOUNTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE PUBLIC DEBTS SINKING FUNDS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE, 1872. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, B-07

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