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Office of Commissioner of Customs, g IB AVellington, Bth September, 1871. I have the honor to submit for your Excellency's information a copy of the Report of the Marine Department of New Zealand, for the year ending 30th June, 1871. I have, &c, Henry Sewell, To His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.Q., Commissioner. &c, &c, Wellington.

REPORT. Customs Department, (Marine Branch), Sir,— Wellington, 12th August, 1871. 1. In submitting this Report it will be convenient first to notice the arrangement that was made for carrying on the duties of the Marine Department, when the sudden and lamented death of the late Mr. Balfour, in December 1869, deprived the public of his zealous and very valuable sevices as Colonial Marine Engineer. From the date of Mr. Balfour's death to the end of February, 1870, the business of the Department, still remaining under the directions of the Hon. the Postmaster-General, was conducted by Captain Johnson. Soon afterwards, the Government decided to transfer the Marine Department to the control of the Hon. the Commissioner of Customs, and I was instructed to take charge of, and to carry on the administrative business of the Marine Office, as a branch of the Customs Department; the engineering and technical duties which had been performed by the late Mr. Balfour were to be otherwise provided for ; this has since been done by the appointment of Mr. Blackett, the Acting Engineer-in-Chief of the Public Works Department to be Marine-Engineer. Heretofore the management of business connected with shipping and navigation was much divided ; for instance, the duty of seeing that the provisions of the Marine Act, and of the Steam Navigation Acts, were complied with, was discharged by the Marine Department, the officer at the head of which took his directions from the Hon. the Postmaster-General, and, as a rule, communicated with that Minister through the Secretary of the General Post Office. All reports from Officers of Customs and Resident Magistrates, under the Enquiries into Wrecks Act, were sent direct to the Postmaster-General's Department; whilst all matters connected with masters and seamen, under the Merchant Shipping Acts, were attended to by the Customs Department. The advantages of having all business of this kind confined to one Department are too obvious to need particularising; experience has already shown that much time and trouble have been saved by the adoption of this plan. 2. At the close of the year 1869-70, I had been in charge of the Department for so short a time that I was not then possessed of sufficient information, nor had I so thorough an acquaintance with the working of the department as was necessary te enable me to prepare the usual annual Report; the present Report therefore embraces the period from the date when I took charge, down to the end of the year 1870-71. The customary statements and returns are appended hereto for the two years ended on the 30th June last; but the particulars for each year are shown separately. 3. Lighthouses.—The new lighthouses designed by the late Mr. Balfour, were completed towards the close of the financial year 1809-70, and the lights were permanently exhibited at them, as under : — Farewell Spit, 17th June, 1870. Nugget Point, 4th July, 1870. Cape Campbell, Ist August, 1870. The value of these lights, particularly the one on Farewell Spit, is constantly and warmly acknowledged by shipmasters. The several lights throughout the Colony have been regularly inspected from time to time ; this has mainly been effected by taking advantage of Mr. Nancarrow's periodical tours for inspection of steam vessels, to get him at the same time to visit and inspect the lighthouses. The department is much indebted to Mr. Nancarrow for the zealous and satisfactory manner in which he has carried out his duty, as he has had no additional remuneration for it. I have also myself, in the course of my Customs' inspections, taken the opportunity of visiting and inspecting all the lighthouses but two (Tiri Tiri and Mana), and I shall take the earliest opportunity of visiting these also, as an intimate local knowledge of every lighthouse station is indispensable to enable me to take steps for keeping the lighthouses properly supplied with oil, and other necessary stores, as well as to provide for

G.—No. 4.



the light-keepers the means of supplying themselves with provisions and stores. There is frequently much trouble in carrying out this duty, owing to the difficulty of reaching several of the lighthouses, particularly those recently erected, as they are all at a considerable distance from any settlement or harbor, and, from their position, a landing can only be effected from seaward in fine weather, and during certain winds. Tho light at Farewell Spit occupies the most isolated position, and considerable trouble and expense will bo caused in providing for its maintenance. The ground on which the lighthouse and keeper's dwellings are built is composed of sand, not fit for cultivation, and almost destitute of vegetation. Owing to the barren and uninviting character of the station, it will be difficult to get keeper's to stay at it for any length of time together, and they will therefore have to be frequently changed. Up to the present time, an arrangement on reasonable terms has been made with the owners of the " Lady Barkly" (a small steamer plying between Nelson and Collingwood) to visit the Spit with stores once in every three months. So long as this service can be continued, it is the cheapest and most satisfactory one that can be adopted ; but as there is always a risk of the steamer being removed, other plans for supplying this station will shortly be arranged, so as to be ready for adoption in case of this contingency arising. 4. On the occasion of my visit to Dog Island lighthouse, at the end of February last, my attention was directed to a crack in the masonry at the base of the tower, I should here state that soon after the tower was erected it was found that the mortar used in its construction was bad, and this had to be raked out from between the joints of the stones on tho outside, and replaced by Portland cement. Since this was done, the defect above referred to appeared. I thought that sooner or later it might endanger the safety of the tower, which is 100 feet high, and is built of rubble stone work, and accordingly I applied to the Government to instruct Mr Blackett to inspect the structure, and report whether, in his opinion, anything was required to be done immediately to strengthen and repair it. Mr. Blackett soon after visited Dog Island and reported that it was necessary, for the safety of the tower, that it should be strengthened without delay. He was authorised at once to prepare the requisite drawings and specifications, and to have the repairs proceeded with as quickly as possible. All the other lighthouses are in good order ; they are all amply supplied with stores, and the light-keepers are performing their duties zealously and satisfactorily. Several changes of stations have been made in the staff, iu order to place experienced men at the new lighthouses. Two keepers have been dismissed during the last two years ; one for intemperance, and the other because it was found that he was constantly quarrelling with his assistants, and that he had such an ungovernable temper as quite prevented anyone from being able to remain with him. The new dwellings for the keepers at Pencarrow (the necessity for which was pointed out in Mr. Balfour's report for 1868-69) have been recently completed, at a cost of £SO4. The contract for the erection of these buildings was taken by Messrs. Scouler and Archibald, and the work was carried out most satisfactorily. 5. The amount of light dues collected for the year ended 30th June, 1870, was £6,013, and for the year ended in June last, £5,575. Tho falling off in the last year's dues, of £439, as compared with the dues of the previous year, arose from the tonnage of vessels arriving from beyond seas, and the number of steamers plying on the coast, being less than in previous years, and from the steamers now carrying the English mail being exempted from payment of light dues. An Order-in-Council fixing light dues at certain ports, at which dues had not hitherto been charged, and for slightly increasing seme of the existing rates was issued on the 23rd June last; the additional revenue that will be yielded under this order will only be trifling. The changes in the rates were made, not so much with a view to increasing the revenue, as to remove the anomaly of rates being charged at some ports and not at others, and to fix charges on vessels visiting ports benefitted by the new lights. 6. In obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 29th June, 1870, the apparatus for the temporary light at the Manukau Heads was forwarded to Manukau, and instructions were given to Mr. James Stewart, C.E., (prior to the appointment of Mr. Blackett, to be Marine Engineer) to prepare plans for a small tower for this light, or for fixing it in one of the beacons on the South Head of the Manukau Harbour, as was at first intended by the late Marine Engineer. Mr. Stewart has not yet forwarded these plans, in consequence, I believe, of his time being fully occupied in superintending the erection for the Provincial Government of Auckland of the Beau Rock light in the Auckland Harbour, and the Ssudspit passage light between Auckland and the Thames. These lights are now nearly completed; the plans for fixing the Manukau light will therefore, no doubt, be immediately prepared, and as soon as approved of, the work may at once be proceeded with. 7. The necessity for a light at the entrance of Tory Channel has been urged in previous reports of the Marine Department, and Parliament in its last session voted a sum for erecting this light, and also for placing one on Portland Island; but no progress has yet been made towards erecting these lighthouses, as the Government gave directions that they were not to be proceeded with for the present. I trust, however, that the Government will at an early date authorize the Marine Engineer to take steps for erecting the Tory Channel light, as it has been admitted by competent authorities on all sides that this light is greatly needed for the safe navigation of Cook Strait, and for guiding steamers entering Tory Channel at night. Mr. Balfour estimated that the cost of this light would be from £3,000 to £4,000 ; the annual cost of maintaining it after completion would be about £500. The cost of placing a light on Portland Island is estimated at from £5,000 to £6,000, and the annual outlay afterwards at about £600. 8. Buoys and Beacons. —The following buoys and beacons are outside the limits of Provincial jurisdiction, and the maintenance of them therefore devolves upon the Marine Department:— Beacon on Flat Rock, near Kawau Island. Beacon on Richmond Rock, entrance to Pelorus Sound. Beacon on Reef at French Pass. Beacon on Hapuku Reef, Astrolabe Roads.

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Buoy on Shearer Rock, near Tiri Tiri Island, Auckland. Buoy at French Pass. The Flat Rock beacon was a strong iron structure designed by the late Mr. Balfour, and was erected in March, 1870 at a cost of £440 Bs. 3d. It was destroyed by the heavy gale that swept over the Northern part of the Colony in March last. Steps are being taken to have it replaced by a new one as soon as possible. The Shearer Rock Buoy broke away in the begiuning of November, 1870, and again in June last. The Department is much indebted to Captain Burgess, the Chief Harbour Master of Auckland, who took a deal of trouble to recover the buoy on each occasion, and afterwards in re-mooring it 9. Inspection of Steamers. —The Steam Navigation Acts, coutinue, on the whole, to work satisfactorily, although there are one or two points in them that should be amended, especially in respect of masters' and engineers' certificates. At present these certificates are applicable only to particular vessels, and have to be renewed on each occasion of a master or engineer shifting to another vessel. The arrangements made by the late Marine Engineer, as set forth in his report for the year 1866-7, for Mr. Nancarrow's official visits to various parts of the Colony to survey steamers, continue to work satisfactorily. 10. " Marine Act Amendment Act, 1870."—The provisions of this Act for facilitating the issue of pilotagage exemption certificates, and for making these certificates apply to whatever vessels may be specified therein and not to one particular vessel, have given great satisfaction and have removed an anomaly that afforded a constant ground of complaint by masters and owners of vessels. The appointment of persons to inspect vessels for the purpose of seeing that they are properly provided with lights, under the power given in this Act, has had the salutary effect of causing vessels, of whatever tonnage, to be provided with side lights, and has thus removed one of the chief sources of danger of collision between vessels at night. 11. Examinations of Masters and Mates.— "The ImperialMerchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, of 1869," extended to the colonies the privilege of granting certificates, under certain conditions, which will be of equal value with those issued by the Board of Trade, and will enable the holders of them to command British ships in any part of the world. The Merchant Ships Officers' Ezamination Act, of last Session, provides for the making of regulations for giving effect to the Imperial Act referred to. Regulations for this purpose have recently been prepared ; they are now in the hands of the printer, and will be ready very shortly for submission for the approval of His Excellency the Governor-in-Council. There is one important point, however, in connexion with this subject, that will have to be considered and attended to before the question of certificates for masters can be regarded as satisfactorily disposed of, and that is, the position that existing uncertificated masters are to hold. The object of the regulations referred to is to prevent incompetent and improper persons from becoming masters or mates of Foreign going ships, and of Home-trade passenger ships. In order to attain this object it will be requisite, when the regulations are issued, to bring into operation those sections of " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854." Nos. 131 to 140, relating to examinations, which, by "The Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Act, 1869," are at present in abeyance. The effect of this would be to inflict a great hardship on many deserving and thoroughly competent ship masters, now trading to and from New Zealand, who are without certificates, and who would, no doubt, after having successfully commanded vessels for many years, have strong objections to being now subjected to an examination in navigation and seamanship. In Great Britain, when the examinations were first instituted, provision was made in " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," to meet the case of persons who had been serving as masters or mates prior to that Act coming into operation, by authorising the Board of Trade to grant certificates of service to to them, instead of requiring them to undergo examinations for certificates of competency. In the papers and instructions from the Board of Trade, which accompanied " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869," no provision is made for the issue in the colonies of certificates of service ; but it is obvious that there is the same necessity here for issuing certificates of service on examinations being instituted, as existed in the United Kingdom when examinations were first established there. The readiest way, probably, of getting over this difficulty would be by the passing of an Act in New Zealand for granting "certificates of service," on conditions relatively the same as those laid down in the 135th Section of " The Imperial Merchant Shipping Act, 1854;" these certificates would not be recognised by the Board of Trade, but they would relieve those masters and mates at present without certificates, who are engaged in the inter-colonial trade, and in trading to the South Sea Islands, from having to accept the alternative of undergoing examinations, or of being deprived of the means of earning a livelihood in their present occupations, when the regulations for examination came into force. 12. As the examination of masters and mates under the system prescribed by the Board of Trade will require at least two examiners, it became necessary to appoint another officer to act in conjunction with Captain Johnson to conduct these examinations. In selecting a person to hold this appointment it was considered advisable to obtain at the same time the services of an officer who, in addition to this duty, could assist with the correspondence of the office, and, if possible, who could also execute any marine surveying that may have to be done from time to time, and especially who could undertake the supervision of regulations connected with the adjustment of compasses. The services of Commander Edwin, R.N., have been secured for carrying out this work; his position in the Royal Navy, and the fact of his having served for some time on board one of the Admiralty surveying

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vessels, furnish a guarantee that he is fully qualified to perform it satisfactorily. I am glad to heable to state that since he has been attached to the Department he has devoted himself most zealously to the discharge of his duties, 13. Enquiries into Wrecks. —The number of casualties that occurred during the year 18G9-70 was 38; the aggregate tonnage, 3,297 ; and the number of lives lost, 12. In 1870-1 there were 28 casualties, tonnage 2,322, and number of lives lost 28; of these, 18 were caused by the foundering, after collision with the " Enterprise," of the steamer " Tauranga" in July, 1870. The wreck statistics of each of the two past years show that fewer casualties have happened in these years than during either of the previous two years. In 1868-69, thirty-three vessels were wrecked, of 4,254 tons, and 28 lives were lost. In 1867-68, fifty-three vessels, of 5,514 tons, were wrecked, and 26 lives were lost on our Coasts. 14. With a view of preserving an accurate record of all wrecks, and of showing at a glance the localities at which they occurred, I have had a wreck chart prepared, a copy of which is appended hereto. It is modelled on the plan of those that are annually issued by the Board of Trade for the United Kingdom. In addition to the wrecks, it shows also the position of the New Zealand lighthouses, and the character of the different lights, whether fixed or revolving, &c , and the distance at which they can be seen. 15. Consolidation of Shipping Laws. —There are now no less than eight different Acts in this Colony relating to shipping and marine affairs, viz.: — " The Steam Navigation Act, 1866." " The Steam Navigation Act Amendment Act, 1867." " The Marine Act, 1867." " The Marine Act Amendment Act, 1870. " " The Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Act, 1869." " The Enquiry into Wrecks Act, 1869." " The Delivery of Goods and Lien for Freight Act, 1869." " The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870." Most of these Acts have evidently been copied from the Imperial Merchant Shipping Acts of 1854 and 1862, and experience has shown that they are most faulty where they differ most widely from the text of these Acts. It would be exceedingly desirable to have all these laws consolidated ; but before doing this it will be prudent to wait until the Bill which is now before the Imperial Parliament for amending and consolidating the Merchant Shipping laws has passed, and then to adopt that Act as a model for a comprehensive measure for regulating all matters relating to shipping in the Colony, which are subject to local control and supervision. 16. Marine Survey. —About the time that the business of the Marine Office was handed over to the Customs Department, the attention of the Government appears to have been directed to the large expenditure that was going on in connection with the marine survey, and soon afterwards the Government arrived at the conclusion that it was undesirable to carry on the survey beyond the completion of the work then in hand. Directions to this effect were accordingly given to the Marine Surveyor, and he was informed, on the 4th May, 1870, that his services would not be required after the completion of the survey of the Manukau bar, and of certain plotting and office work on which he was then engaged. The nature and extent of the work completed by Mr. Woods since the date of his last published report (June 1869) will be best described by giving the following extract from a progress report made by him to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, at Auckland, in February, 1870. * * * " Respecting the work undertaken and completed, my instructions were 'to carry out, with as little delay as possible, surveys for verification of certain portions of the Hauraki Gulf, and Bay of Plenty, rendered dangerous to navigation on account of reported rocks and shoals, and genera inaccuracies on the Admiralty Charts ; likewise, a complete survey of the Manukau bar and approaches to that harbor,' and then to continue with the general West Coast survey of the Middle Island." " The surveys of verification which we proceeded with include the following : — " 1. A survey of the northern portion of Auckland harbor, for the purpose of correcting the coast line, and fixing the boundary of the harbor endowment. "2. A complete survey of the Island and Bay of Kawau, and adjacent waters, particularly recommended by Commodore Lambert, C.B. " 3. A survey of the waters between Bream-tail and the Sail Rock, for the purpose of discovering reported dangers. "4. A survey of the Pukehinou Islands, Hauraki Gulf, for the purpose of a harbor of refuge. " 5. A survey of the waters and coast line of the Bay of Plenty, in the neighborhood of Tauranga and Motiti, for the purpose of discovering reported dangers. " 6. A survey of the waters of the East Cape for the same purpose. " These are now completed, and the survey of the Manukau Bar is in the course of progress ; and I am waiting for a steamer to be placed at my disposal, to enable me to proceed with the work afloat on the Bar." * * * 17. The chart of the Manukau Bar survey only reached the Marine Office in March last. It is ue to Mr. Woods, however, to state that much of the delay which occurred in connexion with this




work was caused by the difficulty that was experienced in getting a steamer to place at his disposal for taking soundings on the bar. 18. The marine surveys having, for the present, been brought to a close, a resume of the work performed, and of the cost of it, may be appropriately given in this Report. By reference to previous Reports of the Marine Department, it will be seen that the marine survey commenced on the 15th December, 1867, at the Kaikoura Peninsula, and that the following places, in addition to those mentioned in the extract given above, have been surveyed; viz., Waiau-au, Gore Bay, Elaxbourne, Cape Campbell, Port Curtis, Entrance to Otago Harbour, and West Coast of Middle Island from Jackson's Head to Cape Foulwind. The amount expended by the Marine Department on these surveys up to the end of June last was: — £ s. d. In the financial year 1867-8 4,347 5 10 „ 1868-9 2,222 18 8 : ~ „ 1869-70 ... 4,333 11 5 1870-71 1,222 15 10 £12,126 11 9 The expenditure in 1869-70 includes a payment of £1,200 to the Government of INew South Wales for the surveying schooner " Edith " and upwards of £800 for fitting her out ; she was afterwards sold for £1,250, thus leaving the sum of £10,876 lis. 9d. as the total cost to the General Government for the marine surveys specified above. I have, &c, William Seed, To the Hon. the Commissioner of Customs, Secretary of Customs. &c. &c. &c.

G.-ffo. 6.


RETURN of the Cost of the MARINE DEPARTMENT for the Financial Year 1869-70.

RETURN of the Cost of the MARINE DEPARTMENT for the Financial Year 1870-1.


Vote 156 Item. Nature of Expenditure. Details of Expenditure. Amount Expended. Amount Voted. £ s. d. £ s. d. 323 13 1 375 0 0 375 0 0 137 10 0 2,556 1 10 £ a. d. 700 0 0 375 0 0 375 0 0 125 0 0 2,940 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 to 14 15 Marine Engineer Inspector of Steamers and Nautical Assessor Inspector of Steamers and Engineer Surveyor Clerk Lightkeepers' Salaries , Salaries and travelling expenses of Local Inspectors Repairs to Lighthouses Tools and other permanent Lighthouss stores Lighthouse contingencies, including payment of temporary keepers, paint, freight, &c. ... ... Oil and other stores from England, including freight and charges ... Departmental contingencies ... ... ... .„ Do. travelling expenses ... ... Repairs, wages, &c, " St. Kilda" ... ... ... Buoys and Beacons Additions to Custom House, Wellington, for Marine Offices 306 5 0 6 15 0 161 12 6 236 10 9 13,65 1 8 170 11 4 335 18 10 513 0 7 311 7 8 505 8 0 L6 17 Purchase of surrey vessel " Edith " Marine Survey, salaries, maintenance of vessel, &c. . 3,912 11 4 1,200 0 0 3,133 11 5 4,300 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 12,013 7 8 13,815 0 0

Vote 54 Item. Nature of Expenditure. Details of Expenditure. Amount Expended. Amount Voted. 1 2 3 4 5 to 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Inspector of Steamers and Nautical Assessor Inspector of Steamers and Engineer Surveyor Clerk Expenses under " Enquiry into Wrecks Act, 1869 " Lightkeepers' Salaries Completion of Cape Campbell Lighthouse... Completion of Nugget Point Lighthouse ... Erection and maintenance of a small light at Manukau New Lighthouses, Tory Channel and Portland Island New Dwellings for Keepers at Pencarrow... Salaries and travelling expenses of Local Inspectors... Repairs to Lighthouses... Tools and other permanent Lighthouse stores Lighthouse contingencies, including the payment of temporary keepers, frieght, &c. General lighthouse contingencies, including oil, &c. Departmental contingencies Do. travelling expenses ... Lightkeepers' travelling expenses Salary, Marine Engineer Salary, Examiner of Masters and Mates ... Charts and instruments Buoys and beacons ... ... ... ... £ s. d. £ s. d. 328 2 6 375 0 0 150 0 0 25 12 3 3,330 3 3 94 5 8 198 10 4 £ s. d. 375 0 0 375 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 3,420 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 1,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 800 0 0 764," 9 0 385 8 0 171 13 4 111 17 2 381 14 3 1,557 14 11 158 14 6 231 4 6 53 10 9 22 0 10 109 16 5 122 9 0 56 8 10 Jl 21 Marine Survey 3,365 12 6 1,222 15 10 3,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 9,851 11 4 16,970 0 0


G.—No. 6.

RETURN showing the Cost of Maintenance of the NEW ZEALAND LIGHTHOUSES during the Financial Year 1869-70.

RETURN showing the Cost of Maintenance of the NEW ZEALAND LIGHTHOUSES during the Financial Year 1870-1.

RETURN showing the Total Cost of the LIGHTHOUSES recently erected on the Coasts of New Zealand.


Name of Lighthouse. Repairs and Stores of a Permanent Nature. Oil and other Annual Supplies and Contingencies. Keepers' Salaries. Total Expenses for the Year. Tiri Tiri Nelson Mana Island ... Pencarrow Head G-odley Head... Tairoa Head ... Dog Island ... Farewell Spit... Nugget Point £ s. d. 0 7 0 0 15 0 £ s. d. 257 3 1 63 3 9 221 2 6 325 6 1 225 4 6 167 6 4 325 3 6 17 2 8 £ s. d. 350 0 0 180 0 0 340 0 0 340 0 0 350 0 0 343 15 0 471 3 8 65 0 0 116 3 2 £ s. d. 607 10 1 243 18 9 561 2 6 823 1 7 578 14 G 511 1 4 802 7 2 82 2 8 116 3 2 15715 6* 3 10 0 6*' o 0 Totals 168 7 6 1,601 12 5 2,556 1 10 4,326 1 9 * Includes cost of a new set of lamps.

Name of Lighthouse. Repairs and Stores of a Permanent Nature. Oil and other Annual Supplies and Contingencies. Keepers' Salaries. Total Expanses for the Year. Tiri Tiri Farewell Spit... Nelson Mana Island ... Penearrow Head Cape Campbell Godley Head... Toiroa Head ... Nugget Point Dog Island ... £ s. d. 10 16 2 28 11 4 19 0 3 6 7 6 770 5 9* 14 10 3 18 0 2 0 0 182 0 lit 12 19 4 £ s. d. 162 5 3 262 10 2 55 15 0 169 3 6 253 4 10 183 0 9 190 17 0 127 4 2 291 19 8 246 8 10 £ s. d. 350 0 0 346 13 4 180 0 0 319 6 7 340 0 0 333 8 11 341 17 8 320 0 0 364 19 3 433 17 6 £ s. d. 523 1 5 637 14 10 254 15 3 494 17 7 1,363 10 7 530 19 11 534 2 8 449 4 2 838 19 10 693 5 8 Totals ... 1,047 19 6 1,942 9 2 3,330 3 3 6,320 11 11 * Includes cost of new Iwellings for Keepers. Includes cost of repairs and improvements to landing place. ■oad, and oil store at

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Lantern Apparatus and Glasses, Wicks, Tools, and other stores. Cost of Tower and Dwellings ana of approaches to the Lighthouse Stations. Wages &c, of Fitters, fitting up Lantern ana Apparatus. Hire of Steamer ana freight of Stores in the Colony. Salaries of Inspectors of Works. Survey of Site. Stores ana Sundries. Total costNugget Point £ a. a. 2,627 0 5 £ s. a., 3,201 6 2 £ s. a. 106 18 6 £ s. d. 43 4 0 £ s. a. 373 1 0 £ s. a. 125 5 0 £ s. d. 57 8 10 £ s. a. 6,534 3 11 Cape Campbell 2,239 16 9 2,262 5 10 209 11 8 350 2 11 323 16 2 243 9 2 5,619 2 6 Farewell Spit 2,267 7 8 2,597 10 0 232 3 4 377 9 11 340 12 2 324 8 7 6,139 11 8

G.— No. C,



DESCRIPTIVE RETURN of the LIGHTHOUSES on the Coasts of New Zealand.

RETURN of the AMOUNT received for PILOTAGE, PORT CHARGES, &c. (being Provincial Revenue) at the various Ports of New Zealand during the Financial Year, 1869-70.

Name of Lighthouse. Order of Revolving or Fixed. Colour of Light. Tower Lijihl Keepers' Dwellings Built of Total Apparatus. Built of Prime Cost. Tiri Tiri Farewell Spit ... 2nd order Dioptric Fixed ... Revolving White White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark anchorage White Iron Timber ... Timber £ s. d. 5,747 7 3 6,131) 11 8 11 >> jj j) Nelson 4th „ Fixod ... Iron Iron, in same building as tower Timber 2,821 8 !) Mana Island Pencarrow Head. Cape Campbell... GodleyUead ... Tairoa Head ... Nugget Point ... Dog Island 2nd „ „ )) II I) M ••• Revolving Fixed ... JJ ••■ )) ,, Timber ... Stone ... 1» ••• Stone 5,513 0 1 6,422 0 4 5,619 2 6 4,705 16 4 4,923 14 11 6,534 3 11 10,480 12 8 3rd „ „ 1st „ „ „ Holopbotal j, ii ... Revolving Red '.'.'. White )j ... )j ■•• jj ... Jl • ■• jj ••■ »i ••• Total... £5S,009 18 5

Name of Province and Port. Amount received for Pilotage. Amount received for Port Dues, &c. Totals. Auckland — Auckland Onehungn Tauntnga Kaipara ... Kussell ... jVCongonui Hokianga... ... ... £ s. d. 1,411 0 1 151 2 2 17 13 8 160 7 0 120 19 7 15 1 8 52 4 8 £ s. d. 667 2 10 110 !) 5 & s. d. 2,078 11 11 201 11 7 17 13 8 106 7 0 VIA 0 4 15 1 8 52 4 8 2"o 9 1,934 17 10 779 13 0 2,714 10 10 Taranaki — New Plymouth 52 3 0 52 3 0 Bowks'i Bay — Napier 281 15 10 73 4 9 335 0 7 Wellington — Wellington Wnmjanui 701 11 1 704 3 9 290 16 4 1,052 7 5 704 3 9 1,405 14 10 290 16 4 1,750 11 2 Nelson— Nelson 719 10 0 19 2 5 738 12 5 Marlborough — Nil. Canterlnri/ — Ljtlclton... 1,224 6 1 491 12 7 1,715 18 8 Otago— Dunrdin... Oamaru ... 2,033 1 8 505 19 0 25 5 4 2,539 0 8 25 5 4 2,033 1 8 531 4 4 2,504 6 0 Southland — Bluff Invercargill Kiverton 10 4 41 11 2 28 3 0 58 16 5 27 10 9 0 5 0 458 6 9 69 4 11 23 8 0 Counhj of Westlayid — Efokitika ... Okarita ... 469 7 6 86 12 2 555 19 8 107 10 4 2 12 0 107 10 4 2 12 0 110 2 4 110 2 4 Total 8,290 19 1 2,272 5 7 10,503 4 8



G.—No. 6.

RETURN of the AMOUNT received for PILOTAGE, PORT CHARGES, &c. (being Provincial Revenue) at the various Ports of New Zealand during the Financial Year 1870-71.

RETURN showing AMOUNT of LIGHT DUES collected during the Financial Years 1869-70 and 1870-1

Name of Province and Port. Amount received for Pilotage. Amount received for Port Dues, &o. Totals. Auckland — Auckland Thames ... Onehunga... Tuuranga v Kiiipara ... Eussell ... Mongonui Uokianga ... «u £ s. d. 1,092 14 6 £ s. d. 514 11 7 56 16 10 88 10 11 £ s. d. 1,607 6 1 56 16 10 141 15 5 32 14 6 37 10 8 57 7 7 13 17 10 74 5 0 53 4 6 32 14 6 30 15 5 51 7 5 13 17 10 74 5 0 6 15 3 6 0 2 1,348 19 2 672 14 9 2,021 13 11 Taranalci — Now Plymouth 50 15 3 50 15 3 Hamke's Say — Napier ... 444 11 10 132 13 7 577 5 5 Wellington — Wellington Wanganui 015 12 6 480 11 3 681 12 4 1,600 4 10 480 11 3 1,396 3 9 684 12 4 2,080 16 1 Nelson — Nelson 629 2 2 7 14 4 636 16 6 Nil. Marlborough — Canterbury — Lyttellon... Timaru ... 1,147 6 0 786 12 0 18 14 3 1,933 18 0 18 14 3 1,147 6 0 805 6 3 1,952 12 3 Otar/o- (including late Province of Southland) — Dunedin ... ... ... Oamaru ... Bluff Invercargill Kiverton ... 1,231 15 5 233 1 1 34 17 6 42 3 4 785 0 G 99 15 6 41 L5 7 30 19 11 12 6 2,016 15 11 99 15 6 274 16 8 65 17 5 43 5 10 1,541 17 4 958 14 0 2,500 11 4 County of Westland — Hokitika ... Okarita ... 50 11 G 2 12 0 50 11 6 2 12 0 53 3 6 53 3 6 Totals 6,611 19 0 3,261 15 3 9,873 14 3

Port at which collected. 1869-70. 1S70-1. Auckland Russell Wellington ... Wanganui Nelson Picton Haveloek Ljttelfon Timnru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff Invercargill ... Hiyerton Hokitika G-reymouth ... Westport ... £ s. d. 1,547 8 5 43 5 7 767 5 0 17 12 0 551 15 5 57 8 4 12 19 1 1,014 3 3 7 7 8 6 2 8 1,342 17 10 413 19 3 14 9 0 8 2 10 42 15 1 43 9 9 91 18 3 6,012 19 5 £ a. d. 1,220 4 5 38 13 2 826 5 10 23 2 2 5G2 0 0 55 6 2 11 19 0 098 3 8 26 14 0 40 6 4 1,240 14 2 382 6 3 17 3 10 8 7 11 26 8 7 12 12 7 84 18 3 5,575 6 4

Gk—No. 6.



RETURN of WRECKS on which ENQUIRIES have been held under " The Enquiry into Wrecks Act," between 1st July, 1869, and 30th June, 1871.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. No. of Crew. No. of Nature of Cargo, Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives Lost. Wind. Finding of the Court of Enquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Rig. Passengers. Casualty took place. Direction Force. 1869. July 1 Bruce, p.s., 5 years Prince Edward, 10 or 12 years Schooner .,. 83 6 r.i Ballast ... Stranded ; total loss Foundered G-rey Bar ... S.E. ... Very light ... Unavoidable accident... F. Hepburn. „ 30 Brig 174 9 1 Coal West Cape, bearing about N.E., distance about 70 miles Entrance of Nelson Harbour N.N.W. Storm An accident of the sea. Master and crew used every effort to save the vessel J. Pallant. Aug. 6 Murray, s.s.., 10 years, and Waiotahi, 16 years Yarra, p.s., 5 years Rambler Schooner ... 10 8 Produce... Collision S.E. ... Ligh breeze ... A. D. M'Gillivray. 5G Master of the Murray exonerated Ditto 10 2 4 General... Ditto ... Ditto ... Do. ... Ditto Master of Waiotahi blamed for not carrying lights* Master exonerated Daniel Frazer. Sep. 7 Ditto 32 6 Ditto ... Stranded; totalloss Stranded; totalloss North Spit of Hokitika River] South beach of the Okarito River, near the entrance. On a reef at Awaroa Fiji S.E. ... Squally J. Kerley. ,. 9 Ditto 72 6 Ditto ... Northerly Moderate Error of judgment of the master John Cairns, „ 24 Neva,, 16 years Ditto 01 9 Cocoa-nut Oil, &c. Stranded; total loss Easi toN.N.E. Fresh to strong Want of judgment and proper precautions while standing off and on in equally weather Cause of stranding : compass out of order; master acted with want of judment in leaving vessel on shore with sails set John Harrison. „ 30 E. & U. Cameron, 2 years Ditto 4 Genoral... Stranded, and deserted, after which the vessel got afloat and drifted to Awarua Bay Capsized by surf N.E. portion of Cape Farewell Sandspit N.E.... Fresh G-. Donnelly. ■11 Pearl... Grey River Bar ... Heavy sea struck the vessel while crossing the bar in tow of tug. John Gilford. . 8 Ketch 2S Supposed to have been about 3 3 Ditto ... .Supposed not more tban 3. Calm... Oct. 2 Harry Bluff ... Cutter 11 In ballast Stranded; total loss 2 Charleston Bar ... E.N.E. Light Vessel lost solely through the master wilfully disregarding the orders and signals given by the Harbor Master Collision caused by master of No. 2 Enterprise attempting to take hie vessel across the bows of the Duke of Edinburgh. Frederick Jackson. ,. 2 Duke of Edinburgh, 1J- years, and No. 2 Enterprise, 3 years Diana, 7 years ... Schooner ... 51 9 40 Ballast ... Collision Auckland Harbour N.E. ... Light breeze.., W. Farquhar. Ditto 5 15 Ditto ... Ditto ... Ditto ... Do. ... Ditto R. C. Smith, 40' » 15 Ketch J 2 Partlyladen with coal Burned... -. West Wanganui Inlet An accident. Master exonerated Henry Hamilton, * Master of the " Waiotahi" was prosecuted and fined £5 for not carrying li| :hts.



.—No. 6.

Dato of Casualty. Name of Vessel j also, Age and Class when known. Big. O O No. of Crow. No. of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. ng of the Court of Enquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Direction Force. 1869. Nov. 19 Falcon, 4 years Ketch 37 General,., Stranded; partial loss Near Tom's Bock, about eight miles westward of Pencarrow Head N.W.... Strong Inattention on the part of the master to the sailing directions ; but in consideration of his having brought the vessel into port, though in a very leaky and disabled state, he was only admonished to be more careful in future. The Court found that both the master of the Lalla Bookh and the master of the Jano, ■with which Bho came into collision acted with great want of judgment. Master exonerated. Beef not laid down on chart. John Morrison. n 21 Ltilln Bookh, p.s., 1£ years, and Jane, s.s., 2 years Schooner ... 23 8 about 100 Ballast ... Collision . Auckland Harbonr Light T. Fernandez. Ditto 25 4 about 70 Ditto ... Ditto ... Ditto ... Ditto J. McDougall. „ 29 Active, 1 year Cutter 25 4 General... Stranded j total loss Beef 8 miles from Yendura Island, Fiji At sea, lat. 3435 S., long. 15814 E. S.E. to E.S.E. N.B.byN. Strong W. H. Wilson. Dec. 6 Kate, 13 years, and A vesBel name unknown Blanche Barklayt Barque 15 49 Ditto ... Collision . Fresh The Court considered that there was not a proper look-out on board the Kate, and probably not on board the other vessel* Win. Cooper. 341 Cutter Ballast ... Foundered Off Tairoa Head, Otago Sandspit on the East side of the Wangapoa Biver E.N.E. Fresh Error in judgment ,,, ... Unknown. „ 13 abont 7 26 2 2 „ 24 Eoso Ann 14 years Schooner ,., 3 Timber ... Stranded ; total loss i N.N.W. Light air Master exonerated Thos. Savage. 1870. Jan. 14 Laughing Water, 10 years Barque 411 13 3 Coal Stranded ; total loss 1 Pab.ia Point, distant ten miles, bearing N.E. E.S.E. Moderate gale That the casualty was occasioned by the ship striking on a sunken rock not laid down on the chart. Thos. Gibson. „ 19 Persevere, p.s., 4i years Schooner ... 6 Not known. Q-eneral... Stranded; total loss Hokitika Biver Bar West... Light breeze.., Error of judgment of the signalman on shore, who made the signal, " Take the Bar," before there was suflicient water on it Vessel lost by the mate (who was in charge) not having made sufficient allowance for tide, the master having ordered him to take the vessel to Port Chalmers to save tide. Court blamed the master for not staying with the vessel Alex. Eobertson. 28 Wainui, b.s., 5 years Ditto 13 Ditto ... Stranded ; partial loss Otago Harbour ... Calm... Jas. Leys. H 22 87, * MaBler of " Kate " prosecuted, and fined £5 for not carrying light. t Returi compiled from evidence of the signalman at Tairoa Head.

becks on wh bich ] Enquiries ] haye 1 been 1 held, I &e. — continues.

G.—No. 6.



Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. .S a No. of Crew. No. of Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. of tho Court of Enquiry. Namo of Master of Vessel. RigPassengers. Direction Force. , 1870. Feb. 2 Marwell, 9 years Cutter 28 3 2 Kauri Gum and timber Stranded ; total loss 1 Eock off Tiri Tiri Island, Hauraki Gulf About i-mile from tho North Head, Auckland N.B. ... Strong breeze Court cancelled master's certificate J. Austin. „ 16 Luna, p.9., 5 years, and Tartar Charles Edward, 6 years Hera, 3 years, (Norwegian) Falcon, 6 jears Favorite, p.s., 7 years Polly, 9 years Schooner ... 18 Not known Ballast ... Collision Light Neglect on the part of the master of the " Tartar " in not using tho lights required by regulations Master exonerated Win. Marshall. 196: Cutter Schooner ... 15 90 2 17 14 Ditto ... General... Ditto ... Stranded ; partial loss Hollyford Eiver, Martin's Bay D. Manning. T. Holmes. no Mar. 11 Barque 440 12 Wool, &c. Burned... Port Underwood Master exonerated A. Terkelsen. „ 23 Schooner ... 42 4 2 Timber and Sundries Coal Stranded; total Iosb Stranded; total loss Burned... Opunake Bay W.N.W. Moderate Master exonerated J. T. Cicely. April 1 Ditto 59 8 Ahipara beach s.s.w. Moderate gale Master exonerated E. Dyason. .. 8 Cutter 12 3 Goods for native trade General... Wangaruru Court believe fire to have been an accident W. Lloyd „ 24 Euby, 10 years Schooner ,., 4 Stranded; partial loss Kaikoura Harbour N.B. ... Gale Master exonerated ; Court considered loss of vessel caused principally by port moorings being very old and worn No blame attached to the master, officers, or crew Vessel lost by the wind failing when crossing Manukau Bar Vessel leaky, and in this gale made so much water that the master ran her aground to save life. No blame attached to master Lost owing to an error in judgment on part of master Casualty vra8 wholly unavoidable J. W. G. Fraser. May 12 BeautifulStar, b.s. 8 years* Challenge, 3 years Rapid Ditto 13 10 Produce... Stranded ; partial loss Stranded; total loss Stranded ; totallos3 In Wanganui River Calm... J. Christian. 126 „ 13 Ditto 57 5 Timber... Manukau Bar ... Do. ... J. Hobbs. » 25 Ditto 31 4 Ditto ... Near Manawatu Eiver W.N.W. Strong D. Roe. Polly Ketch Coal ... Stranded; total loss Stranded Bar of Waimakariri Eiver Timaru Beach ... N.B. ... Light W. Turner. ,. 27 17 2 2 June 8 .. 8 Layard, 14 years Euby, 10 yeara Brig Schooner .,, 175 24 9 3 Ditto ... General.,. Stranded j total loss Kaikoura Harbour Calm... N.E. ... G. Worledgo. Strong gale ,.. Lost by stress of weather; no blame attached to master. Court consider loss of vessel principally caused by port moorings being very old and worn J. W. G. Fraser. * Vessel repaired and now running.

iiJKTUKJN oi becks on wh bich Enquiries iave 1 been 1 helc &,< &c. — continue*



[.— No. 6.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; al bo, Age and Class when known. Big. 8 & •9 c to O No. |of Crew. No. of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives LOBt. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. Finding of the Court of Enquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Direction Force. 1870. June 9 Lizzy Cutter .,, 20 3 Ballast ... Stranded: total loss Opunake Bay S.W. ... Strong breeze Want of moorings and of a boat's crew to render assistance when a vessel is getting underway after beaching No blame attached to master E. Oleson. „ 24 Star of the South, S.B. 7 years Young America Schooner ... 162 11. 3 General,., Stranded ; total loss Meanee Beach, near Port Ahuriri W. ... Light air W. Bendall. ,. 27 Ditto 12 2 Ditto ... Stranded ; total loss Foundered Beach near Wairau Eiver Hauraki Gulf ... N.W.... Fresh Master incompetent W. Mouritz. i) n Jane, 5 years Ditto w 4 Coal ... 1 N.W.... Whole gale ... Vossel too deeply laden J. Moody. July 10 Esther Ann, 14 years Ditto no; 9 21 General... Stranded j total loss Entrance to Hollyford River Martin's Bay Inside Hokianga Bar W.S.W. Gale Master exonerated from blame ... T. Bronchley „ 16 Cantero, over 20 years Barque 278 10 Timber and Kauri Gum Stranded, and abandoned, partial loss Sunk alongside wharf; partial loss S.E. ... Light Negligence of the master in not paying attention to the signals. Master should have kept by ship No blamo attached to the master. The vessel was, at low water, on an uneven surface without Bupport amidships, which caused seams to open, and she filled with water No blamo attached to master or officers W. Davidson. Elizabeth Curie, 6 years Schooner ... 5 5 Grain ,,. Hokitika River W. A. Payno. 76 ji i) Comarang, p.s., 5 years Ditto Stranded ; partial loss Inside Big Eiver Bar, Poverty Bay Fresh breeze... T. Chrisp „ 22 152 10 1 Cattle and general N.E.... „ 24 Enterprise, 12 years, and Tauranga, s.s., 3 years Ketch 27: 4 Coal ...■) General ) Collision ; total loss of both vessels at least (all hands) About half-way between Point Bodney and Sail Eock, Hauraki Gulf N.W.... Strong breeze Collision occurred by the neglect of the master of the " Enterprise," in not showing the lights required by law j the loss of all hands on board the " Tauranga" is considered by the Nautical Assessor as partly owing to the master of the " Enterprise " not having made any effort to save life ; though his own vessel had foundered, his boat was of ample size and the weather not so boisterous but that he might have tried to have rendered assistance* R. Millia Schooner ... 11 4 (and is supposed more) Ed. V. Bolger. (iS I * Master and Owner of "Enterprise" prosecuted and fined for not carrying lights; the former, £10 or me month's imprisonment, the latter £100 or three months,

of SECK3 on which Enqttieies have been, held, &c. — continued.

G.-No. 6.



becks on wl L1C. Inquiries avo een hold, &c—continued.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Eig. No. of Crew. No. of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. Finding of the Court of Enquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Force. 1870. Aug. 24 Constant 7 years GoAhead, s.s., and Ivanhoe Kate Ketch 13 3 General... Capsized ; total loss Collision ; partial loss to both Stranded ; total Iosb 2 Grey Kiver Bar ... W.S.W. Moderate Error in judgment on part of master. Masters of both vessels to blame J. Pascoe. Sept. 3 Schooner ... SI [ ! Bream Bay, about 2 miles S.E. of Wangarei Heads Catlin River Bar ... S. A. Farquhar. •i ]6 Ditto Ketch to 40 4 Timber ... W. Moderate No blame attached to master. The wind died away while the vessel was on the bar. Signalman at Wuiinakiriri River to blame for having made signal to " take the bar ;" his instructions being not to signal to outward bound vessels as to state of the bar. No blame attached to master ... A. M'Gregor. F. Keenan. u 21 Sturt, p.s , About 16 years Ditto 104 9 Grain, &c. Ditto ... Waimakariri River Bar N.E. Gentle breeze R. Dyason. Wallabi, s.s., 7 years Ocean Wave, 5 years Schooner ... Grey River Bar ... Light breeze R. Daniel. Nov. 5 101 11 2 General... Stranded ; partial loss Ditto ... S.W. Dec. 3 Three-masted Schooner 118 7 3 Timber... Sunken rock off Mahurangi Island S.W. Strong Negleot of master in not allowing sufficiently for set of tide, and not taking cross bearings. Parted from her anchors by reason of the ground tackle being bad. Master beached her to save life. Master exonerated from blame ... J. Galbraith. h 6 Supply Cutter IGi 2 Ditto ... Stranded; total loss Near Penr arrow Head N.W. Whole gale ... J. King. 1871. Jan. 1G Mary Louisa ... Ketch 19 2 Ballast ... Capsized by sudden gust, and foundered Stranded ; total loss Foundered Mouth of Pelorus Sound Variable fromNW Light breeze.., W. Carstens. „ 26 Shamrock, 11 years Caroline ,., Cutter 3 2 Timber ... West Spit of Wangapoa Bar Lat,, 3535 South ; Long., 156-11 E. About i-mile Kast of the mouth of the Waitara River Cabn Loss through defective state of windlass and chain. Stress of weather A. Eagleton. 23 ,. 28 Brig 149 7 General... 1 S.E. Moderate gale J. Ferguson. Feb. 14 Airedale, s.s., 14 years Ditto 286 30 20 General... Stranded ; total loss E. Light That the Airedale was lost in consequence of an extraordinary deviation in her compasses, occasioned by the abnormal condition of the atmosphere. The Court decided that no b'ame could be attached to master or officers or crew. A. Kennedy.




Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Rig. •Is No. of Crew. No. of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took placo. Wind. Finding of tho Court of Enquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Direction Force. Ci 1871. Feb. 20 Banshee, 6 years. Schooner ... ro: Stranded ; total loss. Danger Reef, Mooraki Bay. N.E. Fresh breeze... Error in judgment on part of master in not ascertaining his position during tho voyage ; and master blamed for not using lead constantly. Stress of weather; no blame to master. J. Eckhoff. Twilight, 2£ years. Ditto Kauri gum Ditto ... Riiliu Boy, near Cape Maria Van Diemen. About 3 miles N.W. from New River. Whole gale ... W. Meiklcjohn. Mar. 25 66 5 2 s.w. ., 27 Hindu, 4 yrs, (Norwegian) Brig 255 li Tea Ditto ... s.w. Ditto Miscalculation of leeway and drift; master blamed for not taking soundings. Broke from hor anchors, and was put on beach to save life. Unable to weather the point owing to fresh inshore wind and heavy C. Sandberg. April 5 Charlotto Cutter 21 3 Flour ... Ditto ... Tahanui Beach, in Hawke's Bay. Kempo Point, 5 miles W. of Jackson's Head, Cook Strait. Moeraki Bay S.E. Gale W. Johnson. n 17 Jane ,., ... Ketch li) 2 Ballast ... Ditto ... S.E. Fresh W. Watts. May 10 Pretty Jane, as., 1 year. Foam Three-masted schooner. Ketch 10 Shooksand coal. Grain ... Stranded j partial loss. Stranded ; total loss. Ditto ... S.W. Strong sea. J. Christian. 90 Master exonerated from all blame. „ 24 40 4 Farewell Spit S.W. Strong gale ... jStress of weather. J. A. Aschman. ,, 27 Tairos, s.s., 6 years. Schooner ... 51 8 2 General... Molyneux River Bar Westerly Moderate Master committed error in judgment in entering the river after dark, and against ebb tide. Owner blamed for sending vessel to sea in a leaky state, and in charge of a young and comparatively inexperienced man. Vessel lost through tho leading marks being blown down. Vessel lost through gear being old, and insufficient ballast. G. M'Kinnan. ,, 28 Julia, 18 years. Ditto 15 2 Firewood Ditto ... 1 Taketu Point, Kawau Passago, Hauraki Gulf. N.E. Strong breeze Murdock M'Kay. June 1 Industry, 12 years. Eclair, 111 yearB. Ditto 3 Timber... Ditto ... Waikato Bar Westerly Ditto J. Hay. 21 „ 22 Cutter 17 2 Ballast ... Ditto ... Tairua Harbour, inside tho Bar. E.N.E. Moderate gale J. Stevens.

eecks on wh liich Enqtjieies 1 have 1 been ] helc d, i &c. — continuei

G.-No. 4.



RETURN of MASTERS and ENGINEERS to whom CERTIFICATES of COMPETENCY have been issued during the Financial Year, 1869-70.

Name. Name and Position of Examining Officer. Nature of Examination. Class of CevtiCcate. Vessel for which Certificate has been issued. Date of Issue of Certificate. •si Remarks. Ji Bain ;., A. D. M'Gillivn.y G. 3. Norris ... A. Campbell ... D. M'Kenzie ... J. Leys J. Murray W. Farquhar ... C. Gardiner ... C. Murray J. Maclean W. G. Cellem ... J. Malcolm J. Ferguson J. Edie J. M'Dougall . . C. Watson K. G. Smith ... A. E. Griiustone T. Holmes W. M'Kinley . . X. Hicks A. Bignell T. Fernandez ... C. S. Fison E. Bolger G. Gozpr D. G. Donald ... W. Duncan G. Buchanan ... •I. Coutts R. G. Smjtlie ... - J. Hamilton H. Hunter F. West A. Crawford ... M. Moffatt C Boyd Not again examined ... Captain Turnbull, Licensed Examiner, Westland ... Captain Richard, „ „ Auckland ... Captain Thomson, Licensed Examiner, Otago Captain Richards if n ... ... ... ... Not again examined ... Cuptain Gibson, Licensed Examiner, Lyttelton Not again examined ... j, j, ... ... ... II ii ... ... ■■« ... Captain Thomson Not again examined ... Captain Richards Captain Johnson Master M II II I) 1) H ]) II II II H n it Coasting Servico only „ h ... ... ,, i, ... ... »•• River Service only ,, ,i ... ... ••• Coasting Service only Extended Kiver Service only i> ii j> ••• ••• River Service only Extended River fc'ervieo onlj ii i» ii ••• Coasting Service only i) i, River Service only Coasting Service only Extended River only Coasting Service only Extended River only Kiver Service only Coasting Service only River Service only Keera Murray Comarang Blue Nose Larly of the Lake Wainui Clyde Duke of Edinburgh Waipa Favorite Halcyon Tauranga Maori Golden Ago Wallace Lalk Rookh ... Go-Ahead Enterprise No. 2 Osprey Charles Edward Enterprise Antrim Waipara LullaKookh ... Lndy Bowen ... Tnunnga Waipa Dukeof Edinburgh Persevere Lioness Go-Ahead Clyde Halcyon Wallabi Novelty Peninsula Lady of Lake ... Mullough July 1, 18G9 ii 2w, I, ii ii I* ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Aug. 10, „ ii n ii ii ii ii ii ii n ii u i i) ii ii ii ii n ii ii ii ii Sept. 2*1, ',, Oct. 12, „ if )> tt Nov. 1, „ 174 175 170 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184, 185 186 187 188 In lieu of No. 136 In lieu of No. 73 In lieu of No. 12 In lieu of No. 131 In lieu of No. 158 In lieu of No. 66 Oppfain Thomson >> it II Jan. 4, 1870 it *i )i Feb. 1, „ May 6, „ ii Captain Johnson Cuptain Richards i] n Coasting Service only Extended River only ii u Coasting Servico only Non-condensing Engines, liiver Servico Condensing Engines, Extended River Service Non-condensing Engines, River Service Condensing Engines, Towing Service Non-condensing Engines, Seagoing Servico Non-condensing Engines, Extended River Service » n n J. Stewart, Engine Surveyor, Auckland ... Not again examined ... II Engineer Aug. 10, 1869 i) i) a n In lieu of No. 176 In lieu ot' No. 108 In lieu of No. 132 ii Sept. 9, „ J. Stewart ... Not again examined ... i) n Oct. 15, ", In lieu of No. 156 In lieu of No. 21 ii J. Nauearrow, Engineer Surveyor for the Colony ... Not again examined ... ii it i» ii »i ii Condensing Engines, Coasting Service Non-condensing Engines, River Service IJ it ti „ 27, „ Nov. 22, „ In lieu of No. 58 In lieu of No. 38 In lieu of No. 16 In lieu of No. 59 ]> ii » ... ... ... >) » i) i) ••• ii » a i) „ ... ... ii I) II ;> •■• n ii m II M ... ... ... i) II II II >•• jj a »



G.—No. 4.

EET KN of .astees am Inghkeers to w] .om EETiiiCATES of Competenct have been issued .uring tl ■nancia] ear, 1869-' i.— continue!

Name. Name and Position of Examining OTicer. Nature of Examination. Class of Certificate. Vessel for which Certificate has been issued. Date of Issue of Certificate. Remarks. a. Gyde W. Brown J. Macdonald ... A. Kerr J. Scott J. Leys J. RobinBon W. Harwood ... C. Campbell ... J. Black W. J. Fison ... J. McDonald ... J. Cappell W. Smith J. Fawcus J. Stewart ... it ... ... J. Nancarrow ii ... Not again examined ... » jj ••• J. Stewart ... Not again examined ... J. Stewart ... .... Engineer ii ii jj ii jj it Condensing Engines, Extended River Service Condensing Engines, Coasting Service Non-condensing Engines, River Service tt tt tt ••• Condensing Engines, Coasting Service tt tt ji ii ii jj "• Lady Bowen ... Keera ... Antrim Victoria Murray Comarang Kennedy Tauranga Maori Duke of Edinburgh Clyde Enterprise, No. 2 Keera Enterprise, No. 1 Samson Dee. 2, 1869 »i i» » Jan. 7, 1870 II 1) H April 25, „ » }) ii 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 In lieu of No. 43 In lieu of No. 52 In lieu of No. 31 j> a it jj ••• ii )> )) In lieu of No. 9 j) jj ii jj Condensing Engines, Extended River Service Non-condensing Engines, Extended River Service ii ii 'i May 6, „ j) Not again examined ... M j} ii >> » ii i) i) In lieu of No. 94 In lieu of No. 171 J. Stewart ... n j» »• ji tt Condensing Engines, Coasting Service ... Non-condensing Engines, River Service Condensing Engines, Coasting Service li II M ii 23, „ j) j» ... ... j) EETUEN of Mastees and Engineers to whom Ceetificatei of Competency have been issued duri ng the Financial Year, 1870-71. Name. Narne and Position of Examining Officer. Nature of Exam ination. Class of Certificate. Vessel for which Certificate has been issued. Date of Issue of Certificate. CD dS o Remarks. W. Allason ... R. DyaBon ... E. Tonge J. Gorn J. Linilsey S. Hatfield T. Kitehinghanj J. Nolan G. M'Kinnan ... W. Guy R. Leary J. Butt J. Ellis R. Howarth ... J. M'Dowall ... T. Hart C. Fraser D. Sinclair W. L. Bannatyne A. Marshall ... W. O. McLeod Captain Johnson .., Captain Richards ... Captain Thomson Captain Richards Captain Thomson Captain Turnbull ... 11 ••■ Captain Thomson ... Captain Johnson ,., Captain Richards ... Master ii jj j) it tl tt it tt II Coasting Service only ... .., Extended River Service only >j j> h *•• Coasting Service only River Service only Coasting Service only jj i) ii j) ••• •" jj jj ... ... ,j j, ... ... River Service only Extended River Service only St. Kilda Sturt Challenger Wainui Bine Nose Wainui Dispatch ... Lioness Tairoa Wainui Alpha Clyde Golden Crown... Victoria Clutha Beautiful Star ... Storm Bird Gcelong Maori Blue Nose Gemini July 13,1870 ii i) ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Sept. 6, „ Oct. 15, „ Nov. 17, „ Deo. 20, „ Jan. 20, 1871 Feb. 10, „ Jan. 11, „ 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 205 206 207 » 1) jj •«• II tt j> » River Service only ii ii i> ii ii ii ii 31, ,, Captain Thomson Not again examined ... II )) jj jj ... . ■• Coasting Service only In lieu of No. 7 In lieu of No. 121 M I] ii ii a tt Captain Thomson Not again examined ..,' J. Stewart ... j) ,, ,, ... ... ii ii it II Engineer ii j> •■■ ••• Condensing Engines, Coasting Service Non-condensing Engines, River Service a tt it Sept, 6, „ In lieu of No. 142 u I) M l) jj ... ... tt )i it tt :j » >>

G.— No, 4.



RETURN of STEAM VESSELS to which Certificates have been issued in New Zealand during the Financial Year 1869-70.

Name of Vessel. Tons Register Horsepower of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines. Blue Nose Waipa Rangariri Enterprise No. 1 Enterprise No. 2 Challenger Maori Chief ... Gemini Clyde Tauranga John Penn Favorite Lady Bowen ... Duke of Edinburgh Royal Alfred ... Lalla Kookh ... Go-Ahead Jane Comarang Keera Star of the South "Wellington Rangatira Storm Bird Ahuriri Phcebe Airedale ... Lord Ashley Wanganui ... Taranaki Osprey Halcyon Novelty Mullogh Betsy Douglas Gazelle Moa Beautiful Star ... Wainui Maori Geelong Wallace Tairoa Golden Age Peninsula Lady of the Lake Result Tuapeka Antrim Victoria Expert Waipara Yarra Persevere Lioness Dispatch Wailabi Lyttelton Lady Barkly ... Houtoa Charles Edward Murray Kennedy 42 30 45 22 40 26 15 11 27 67 122 38 26 51 89 23 70 18 152 158 147 261 174 67 130 416 286 296 164 298 22 24 42 46 14 47 47 125 87 118 108 56 51 78 31 57 8 24 36 10 7 47 32 27 26 38 101 86 30 60 89 57 125 30 25 20 14 32 30 26 7 32 40 50 45 34 35 60 14 30 18 60 60 40 80 50 30 50 120 60 80 50 90 10 25 30 15 12 30 25 30 25 60 70 40 30 60 20 25 10 60 30 12 8 30 35 25 60 40 25 25 25 16 60 25 36 Paddle Stern Wheel Paddle ii H H Twin Screw Paddle Twin Screw Paddle » a it Twin Screw Screw Faddle Screw M n )» ii )j M }) i> )i Paddle Twin Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw River ii JJ JJ Extended River n River ii Extended River Sea-going u Extended River » ii Sea-going Extended River Sea-going River Sea-going » n 31 || JJ II II » IS JJ River Extended River River Non-condensing n M )» n a a II H Condensing >} it » j) it Non-condensing M Condensing M jj it M If jj j) 3) || J) 1! Non-condensing i) a ii M n Extended River n ]) M Sea-going n Condensing » n H H )t Paddle II it H ii Screw Paddle )> it Non-condensing River M it ii Jl ii Twin Screw Stern Wheel Paddle Screw n )» n n ii n ii )t i> it Twin Screw Paddle H Sea-going River it )» ii )) jj Sea-going it Condensing 3) Screw Paddle JJ n It it )j Extended River it ii Sea-going it Non-Condensing M Screw Twin Screw H )» ii n M



G.—No. 6;

RETURN of STEAM VESSELS to which Certificates have been issued in New Zealand during the Financial Year 1870-1.

Tons Register Horsepower of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines. Name of Vessel. Blue Nose Waipa Rangariri Enterprise No. 1 Enterprise No. 3 Maori Chief ... Gemini Clyde Lady Bowen ... Puke of Edinburgh Royal Alfred LallaRookh ... John Penn Samson Devon port Challenger ... Golden Crown Napier Williams Comerang Eeera Go-Ahead Star of the South Wellington .,. Rangatira Storm Bird Ahuriri ... Phoebe Airedale ,.. Lord Ashley ... Wanganui St. Kilda Taranaki ... Pioneer Osprey Halcyon Novelty Mullogh Gazelle Moa Beautiful Star Wainui Maori Geelong Wallace Tairoa ... Golden Age ... Peninsula Lady of the Lake Result Tuapeka Clutha Antrim Victoria Waipara Lioness Dispatch Wallabi Lyttelton Lady Barkly ... Charles Edward Murray Kennedy ... 42 30 45 22 40 15 11 27 26 51 89 23 122 111 23 26 207 44 219 152 158 70 147 261 174 67 130 416 286 296 164 91 298 18 22 24 42 46 47 47 125 87 118 108 56 51 78 31 57 8 24 21 36 10 47 26 38 101 86 30 89 57 125 30 25 20 14 32 26 7 32 34 35 60 14 50 70 12 30 140 24 120 60 60 30 40 80 50 30 50 120 60 80 50 30 90 10 10 25 30 15 30 25 30 25 60 70 40 30 60 20 25 10 60 20 30 12 30 60 40 25 25 25 60 25 36 Paddle Eiver Non-condensing Stern'Wheel Paddle » ii II ii 1) 11 Extended River River ii ii Twin Screw Paddle it n Extended River ii j) ii ii Condensing n ii Twin Screw Paddle i] Sea-going Extended River Seagoing n Non-condensing Condensing ii n River Extended River ii Non-condensing n Screw Paddle Sea-going ii Condensing Non-condensing Condensing n N ScrewTwin Screw Screw n H ii ii Non-condensing Condensing n 11 jj M }} H N ii H II n jj II ii I) II n l) H ii n >i ii it H ii 11 ii n Paddle Twin Screw Paddle Screw 1) River ii Non-condensing i) Extended River River ii ii ii M Extended River ii II ii Sea-going ii Condensing H ii 31 ii ii Paddle ii ii ii ii ii Screw Paddle ii ii / Non-condenBing ii River ii ii ii n ii Twin Screw Stem Wheel Paddle ii ii ii ii » ii i] ii ii Screw Twin Screw Paddle ii Sea-going ii ii ii Condensing ii ii Screw Paddle ii H ii n II Extended River Sea-going ii ii ii Screw Twin Screw n I] ii ii ii

G.—No. 6



RETURN of the AMOUNT COLLECTED during the Financial Years 1869-70 and 1870-1, as FEES under the Steam Navigation Act, for PILOTAGE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES, and for SALE of CHARTS, &c.

RETURN of GENERAL PILOTAGE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES issued during the Financial Year, 1869-70.

Nature of Receipt. Keeeived during 1869-70. Received during 1870-1. S s. d. £ s. d. Pees for Survey of Steam Vessels 436 0 0 508 4 0 „ Examination of Masters and Engineers of Steam Vessels ... 19 19 0 8 18 6 „ Pilotage Exemption Certificates 169 1 0 66 3 0 Sale of Charts, &e. 20 4 1 30 15 10 £645 10 1 £614 1 4

"si Name of Master to whom Certificate has been issued. Names of Vessels for which Certificates hare been issued. Ports included in Certificate. 76 John Bain ... Keora Wellington, Lyttelton, Oamaru, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Manukau, Taranaki, Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Kaipara, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Wellington, Lyttelton. Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Taranaki, Manukau, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff, Nelson, Picton. Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff, Nelson, New Plymouth. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarito, Greymouth, Russell, Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellington, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport, Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff. Russell, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Picton, New Plymouth, Manukau. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika. Wellington, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff. Dunedin, Bluff. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika, Okarito, Greymouth, Wellington. Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Auckland, Lyttelton, Timaru, Akaroa. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Wellington. Auckland, Lyttelton. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Wellington. Manukau, New Plymouth, Nelson, Hokitika, Okarito, Greymouth, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Hokitika, Wellington. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika, Okarito, Greymouth. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton. Manukau, Taranaki, Nelson, Hokitika, Okarito, Greymouth, Westport, Wellington. Wellington, Auckland. Waitara, New Plymouth, Picton, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Manukau, Auckland, Wellington, Taranaki, Napier, Lyttelton, Otago, Tauranga. Mongonui, Russell, Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Napier. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika. Russell, Auckland, Lyttelton, Timaru, Akaroa, Hokitika, Wellington. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Dunedin. Wellington. 77 78 79 80 W. Anderson J. Harrold ... H. Moulton... E. Wheeler ... Chanticleer Margaret Anne Melhuish Lord Ashley 81 H. Worsp ... Phoebe 82 J. Hobbs ... Rifleman 83 M J. Malcolm ... W. A. Payne Maori Elizabeth Curie 85 80 Thos. Hart ... W. G-. Cellem Geelong Tauranga 87 G. A. Phmi P 3 Glencoe 89 90 T. Underwood S. Tall P. Toomey ... Claud Hamilton Tairoa Lady Don 91 J. Eckhoff ... Banshee 92 93 94 95 W. Davidson W. Kiddey ... E. Mailler ... T. Holmes ... Cantero Amateur Eagle Charles Edward 96 97 J. Ruxton ... J. Kiddle ... Canterbury Eucalyptus 98 99 100 A. Black ... E. Lusher ... J. Whitwell... Midas City of Newcastle ... Kennedy 101 102 a. Walker ... A. Swanson ... Anne Melhuish E. TJ. Cameron 103 104 W. Walker ... F. Holmes ... Onehunga Taranaki ... 105 D. H. Mackenzie Flirt 106 107 H. Patterson J. Galbraith... Ottawa Ocean Wave 108 109 110 T. Blake J. Watson ... D. Yule Adeline Burke Midas ... Anne Melhuish ...



G.-No. 6,

RETURN of GENERAL PILOTAGE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES issued during the Financial Year, 1870-71.

4 Name of Masters to whom Certificates havo been issued. Names of Vessels for which Certificates have been issued. Ports included in Certificate. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 *1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E. Wheeler ... F. Holmes ... E. Tonner ... R. Dyason ... P. Matzen ... G. Morton ... G. Harrison... J. H. Gibbon S. Burch ... J. W. Johnson A. Palmer ... H. J. C. Andrew J. Gorn J. Flowerday A. Bell J. Paton W. Mathcws W. Odell ... G. Greenwood J. A. Scott ... W. M'Burney C. II. Welsh R. G. A. Pearco David Yule ... J. M'Naughton E. J. Ledwell J. W. Cumming H. J. C. Andrew Brydges White Crofton Fleek D. Williams B. H. Evans T. Hughes J. Allen H. Patching J. Lawrie Taranaki Wellington Nil Desperandum ... Sturt Golden Isle John Bullock Frowning Beauty ... Constance Pet Southern Cross Murray Lord Ashley Wainui St.Kilda Crest of the Wave ... Stranger Gazelle Tell Dayspring Lady Bird Hebe Union Gothenburg Haversham Velocidade Australian Packet ... Margaret Campbell... Lord Ashley Camilla Leonidas Anne Melhuish Union Emma Jane Australind Water Lily Sea Gull Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Taranaki, Manukau, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff, Picton, Nelson. Auckland, Tauranga, Manukau, Napier, Wellington, Taranaki, Lyttelton, Otago. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Auckland. Lyttelton. Auckland, Russell. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington. Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Hokitika, Greyinouth, Okarito, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito, Manukau, Taranaki, Napier. Auckland, Manukau, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Taranaki. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington, Lyttelton Dunedin, Manukau, Tauranga. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellington. Wellington. Wellington. Wellington. Auckland. Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Wellington. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Russell, Auckland. Auckland, Dunedin. Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Taranaki, Manukau, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Picton. Auckland. Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. New Plymouth, Waitara, Dunedin. Lyttelton. Lyttelton. Mongomii, Russell, Auckland, Akaroa, Lyttelton, Timaru, Manukau, Kaipara. Lyttelton. Wellington. Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Picton, Taranaki, Manukau, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff, Nelson. Wellington. Wellington, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff. Wellington. Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Napier, Taranaki, Manukau, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff, Nelson, Picton. Auckland. Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, New Plymouth, Wellington, Manukau, Lyttelton, Otago, Bluff, Nelson. Auckland, Lyttelton. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Auckland, Nelson, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, Nelson. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, Wanganui, Manukau. Wellington, Dunedin. Nelson. Nelson. Napier, Taranaki, Manukau, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson. Wellington, Taranaki, Manukau, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson. New Plymouth, Manukau, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Nelson. Russell, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Taranaki, Manukau, Otago, Lyttelton. Auckland, Wellington. Auckland. 14 15 16 H. A. Westbrook D. E. McKellar A. Kennedy Jane Esk Airedale 17 18 19 20 J. A. Scott T. Underwood E. Stafford F. W. S. Renner Anne Melhuish Alhambra Gazelle Rangatira 21 22 C. Saunders H. Worsp James Patterson Phoebe 23 24 25 D. Hughes G. Morton F. Bowton Amateur John Bullock Joliba 26 27 28 29 Isaac Burch W. Anderson E. Stephens R. Daniels Pet Fawn Crishna Wallabi 30 31 32 33 J. Mathews W. Scott J. Walker A. Palmer City of Newcastle ... Lyttelton Lady Barkly Murray 34 T. Whitwell Kennedy 35 T. Holmes Charles Edward 36 Francis Holmes Star of the South ... 37 38 G. Smith G. HcArthur Duke of Edinburgh... Bella Mary * Certificates No. 1 to 100 were issued under " The Marine Act Amendment Act, 1870."

CK—No. 6,



'ILOTAGE EXEMPTK in Ceetificates — continued. o 3 Name of Masters to whom Certificates have been issued. Names of Vessels for which Certificates have been issued. Ports included in Certificate. 39 10 II ■VI 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 r,l 62 53 54 66 66 67 58 69 60 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 68 69 J. Claverly J. Watson C. H. Walsh P. Duncan J. Wood C. Ifwerson J. W. Johnson W. Bendall P. Carter J. Linklater E. Lusher S. Sampson C. Rogers J. Hagley R. G. A. Pearce E. Wheeler J. Conner A. Chambers A. Williamson T. Hart H. Tucker J. B. Greig C. Frazer M. McKcnzie W. Cooper T. S. Brown J. Brain J. McKenzie II. Mackio J. Hobbs J. Falconer Lismore Midas TJnion Sarali and Mary Cyrene Cleopatra Soutliern Cross Napier Alice Cameron Wanganui Australind P. C. E. Bengal Tararua Gothenburg Taranaki Aborigine Huntress Lady Bird Beautiful Star Camille James Paxton Storm Bird Kenilworth Kato Dancing Ware Aurora Herald Eangitoto Eilleman Jane Anderson Dunedin. Dunedin. Dunedin. Hokitika, Greymouth. Lyttelton. Auckland, Kaipara, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Bluff. Auckland, Russell. Wellington, New Plymouth, Manukau, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Wanganui. Wellington, Lyttelton. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Tiinaru. Dunedin. Auckland, Manukau, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff. Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Napier, New Plymouth Manukau, Otago, Lyttelton, Bluff, Pieton, Nelson. Hokitika, Greymouth, Okarito. Auckland, Russell. Wellington. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff. Wellington, Lyttelton. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff, New River, Riverton. Auckland, Dunedin, Bluff, Now River, Riverton, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland. Auckland. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Russell, Auckland, Kaipara. Auckland, Manukau, Russell, Tauranga, Hokianga, Kaipara, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff. Auckland, Russell, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttolton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Russell. Russell, Napier Roadstead, Lyttelton, Timaru, Akaroa, Auckland. Auckland. Auckland, Wellington. Auckland. Russell, Auckland, Kaipara. Ru9sell, Auckland, Tauranga, Waitara, Taranaki, Manukau, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, New Plymouth, Manukau, Wellington, Lyttelton, Otago, Nelson, Wanganui. Auckland. Wellington, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Hokitika, Greymouth, Okarito. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Hokitika, Okarito, Greymouth. Monganui, Auckland. Russell, Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth. Russell, Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth, Manukau, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Nelson, Wanganui. Russell, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Akaroa, Hokitika. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika, Okarito, Greymouth. Mongonui, Russell, Auckland, Napier, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Wanganui, New Plymouth, Manukau, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Auckland, Hokianga. Russell, Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Okarito, Greymouth, nokitika. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland, Lyttelton. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland. 70 71 72 78 74 75 R. Mauler W. Millar G. Walker W. Edward J. McDonald T. Clirisp Magellan Cloud Sea Gull Alarm Rita W. C. Wentworth ... Comerang 76 P. Doile Go-Ahead 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 J. Ellis J. Sedcolc H. Priest P. O'Brien J. Robinson G. Short G. P. Stephens E. Griffiths Golden Crown Enterprise Isabella 1 Cleopatra Waverley Fiery Cross Prosperity Ocean Wave 85 M. Carey Ahuriri 86 J. Galbraith Ocean Wave ? .. 87 88 89 n. Quinlan W. Best J. Riddle Lady Bird Emulous Eucalyptus 90 D. H. McKenzie Flirt 91 92 W. G. Burnett J. Flowerday Zephyr St. Kilda 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 C. McBurney P. Jones J. Le Brun J. Paton W. Cleary H. Robinson J. W. Clark J. Newring Hebe Sea Gull Waterman Memento Princess Alice Free Trader Claud Hamilton Novelty

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SIXTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEARS 1869-70 AND 1870-1., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-06

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SIXTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEARS 1869-70 AND 1870-1. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-06

SIXTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEARS 1869-70 AND 1870-1. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-06

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