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Gk—No. 6.



RETURN of WRECKS on which ENQUIRIES have been held under " The Enquiry into Wrecks Act," between 1st July, 1869, and 30th June, 1871.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. No. of Crew. No. of Nature of Cargo, Nature of Casualty. No. of Lives Lost. Wind. Finding of the Court of Enquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Rig. Passengers. Casualty took place. Direction Force. 1869. July 1 Bruce, p.s., 5 years Prince Edward, 10 or 12 years Schooner .,. 83 6 r.i Ballast ... Stranded ; total loss Foundered G-rey Bar ... S.E. ... Very light ... Unavoidable accident... F. Hepburn. „ 30 Brig 174 9 1 Coal West Cape, bearing about N.E., distance about 70 miles Entrance of Nelson Harbour N.N.W. Storm An accident of the sea. Master and crew used every effort to save the vessel J. Pallant. Aug. 6 Murray, s.s.., 10 years, and Waiotahi, 16 years Yarra, p.s., 5 years Rambler Schooner ... 10 8 Produce... Collision S.E. ... Ligh breeze ... A. D. M'Gillivray. 5G Master of the Murray exonerated Ditto 10 2 4 General... Ditto ... Ditto ... Do. ... Ditto Master of Waiotahi blamed for not carrying lights* Master exonerated Daniel Frazer. Sep. 7 Ditto 32 6 Ditto ... Stranded; totalloss Stranded; totalloss North Spit of Hokitika River] South beach of the Okarito River, near the entrance. On a reef at Awaroa Fiji S.E. ... Squally J. Kerley. ,. 9 Ditto 72 6 Ditto ... Northerly Moderate Error of judgment of the master John Cairns, „ 24 Neva,, 16 years Ditto 01 9 Cocoa-nut Oil, &c. Stranded; total loss Easi toN.N.E. Fresh to strong Want of judgment and proper precautions while standing off and on in equally weather Cause of stranding : compass out of order; master acted with want of judment in leaving vessel on shore with sails set John Harrison. „ 30 E. & U. Cameron, 2 years Ditto 4 Genoral... Stranded, and deserted, after which the vessel got afloat and drifted to Awarua Bay Capsized by surf N.E. portion of Cape Farewell Sandspit N.E.... Fresh G-. Donnelly. ■11 Pearl... Grey River Bar ... Heavy sea struck the vessel while crossing the bar in tow of tug. John Gilford. . 8 Ketch 2S Supposed to have been about 3 3 Ditto ... .Supposed not more tban 3. Calm... Oct. 2 Harry Bluff ... Cutter 11 In ballast Stranded; total loss 2 Charleston Bar ... E.N.E. Light Vessel lost solely through the master wilfully disregarding the orders and signals given by the Harbor Master Collision caused by master of No. 2 Enterprise attempting to take hie vessel across the bows of the Duke of Edinburgh. Frederick Jackson. ,. 2 Duke of Edinburgh, 1J- years, and No. 2 Enterprise, 3 years Diana, 7 years ... Schooner ... 51 9 40 Ballast ... Collision Auckland Harbour N.E. ... Light breeze.., W. Farquhar. Ditto 5 15 Ditto ... Ditto ... Ditto ... Do. ... Ditto R. C. Smith, 40' » 15 Ketch J 2 Partlyladen with coal Burned... -. West Wanganui Inlet An accident. Master exonerated Henry Hamilton, * Master of the " Waiotahi" was prosecuted and fined £5 for not carrying li| :hts.