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D — No. 11


[Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 2nd August, 1865.] That there be laid upon the Table of this House—" A Beturn of all Papers concerning the Appointment of a General Government Agent at Auckland." (Mr. Carleton.) WELLINGTON. 1865.

D.—No. 11

No. 1. The Superintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sib,— Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 12th April, 1805. I have the honor to transmit copy of correspondence concerning an apprehended disturbance at Coromandel, which, to the best of my belief, has been averted by prompt and decisive action. In the absence of any member of the General Government I found myself in a difficult position, being unwilling to incur any expense on your behalf on account of what might prove to have been an unfounded alarm; yet having no time (if the action taken was to be effectual) for further inquiries. I decided upon assuming the responsibilities in your behalf, which you will find detailed in the enclosure. I trust that the evidence obtained at Coromandel, and the general result, will satisfy you that I did not act on insufficient grounds. I also enclose an account of expenses for your approval. I have, &c, Robert Geaham, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Superintendent. Enclosure to No. 1. Mr. J. Mackat, jun., to His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Sib,— _ H.M.S. " Eclipse," Coromandel, 7th April, 1865. I have the honor to inform you that I loft Auckland, in the s.s. " Sir John Burgovne," on the evening of the sth instant, for Coromandel, for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness' of a report that the Natives intended attacking the settlers there, and at Kennedy's Bay. I arrived at Coromandel at 4.30 a.m. on the Oth, and proceeded immediately to AVaiau, and placed myself in communication with the influential Chief Te Tanewha Kitahi ; he appeared to be of opinion that the rumours were correct, and stated that he had ordered the Pai Marire fanatics then at Kennedy's Bay, to leave that neighbourhood. I then went to Kapanga, accompanied by Te Tanewha, Rawiri to Na Pumipi, and Renata Tanewha. AYe found that H.M.S. " Eclipse" had just arrived in the harbour. As there was considerable excitement among the European population, and a feeling of uneasiness on the part of the resident Natives, I deemed it advisable to convene a public meeting of both races, and to endeavour to investigate the origin of the report in question. Nearly the whole population, Native and European, attended the meeting, but I could not obtain any very satisfactory information.' The report forwarded by Mr. Tookey in his letter of the 2nd instant, was confirmed—so far as the conveying of the intelligence from Kennedy's Bay was concerned ; but the Natives of that place were stated to have since denied having entertained any hostile intentions ; this was, however, considered to be the result of the pressure which had been brought to bear on them by Te Tanewha, Beta Taukaka, and other friendly Natives, and also on account of their plot being discovered and frustrated. The European inhabitants requested to be armed, and I consented to leave fifty stand of arms, subject to certain conditions; but as they did not take the necessary steps to land the same, and as the immediate danger has been overcome, I tlo not now consider myself justified in assuming the grave responsibility. I would, however, strongly recommend that the Government should supply the settlers in that district with arms and ammunition sufficient for their defence in event of any unexpected attack from the Natives. Captain Freemantle, of H.M.S. " Eclipse," having landed, we consulted together as to the state of affairs, and I requested him to proceed with me to Kennedy's Bay ;he agreed to do so. Wo accordingly left Coromandel the same afternoon, taking with us the influential Chiefs Te Tanewha Kitahi, Rawiri te Na Peta Taukaka, Rarawria, Pumipi te Pararena, Makoare, Renata Mohi, and Tame te Piikc ; we arrived at Kennedy's Bay about 8.30 p.m. On lauding there, I proceeded to Mr. McGregor's place, accompanied by the Natives above mentioned. Mr. McGregor stated there were several Pai Marire fanatics from Mataora (near Katikati) at the pa, on the opposite side of the river. He stated " that they were inclined to be troublesome, and about midnight on Sunday, the 2nd, two of them had come to his place much excited, and talked about some report respecting a threat that he was to be murdered and his head to be cut off. A half-caste woman, named Hoana, had previously warned Mr. McGregor that the Pai Marire fanatics intended killing him." The Natives and myself then went to the Native pa, where'the whole of the residents and Pai Marire fanatics were assembled. I informed them of the reports which had been conveyed to Auckland. They stoutly denied any hostile intentions, and declared they knew nothing of the origin of the intelligence which had been furnished to me. I endeavoured to persuade them to abandon tho Pai Marire superstition, but they paid very little attention to my arguments against it. The Chiefs of my parly also spoke very strongly, and said they would assist the Government in protecting tho European settlers; and if the Pai Marires would not live peaceably they had better leave the district. After a very lengthened discussion I left them, and returned to Mr. McGregor's house at 1 a.m.


D.-No. 11

On the morning of the 7th, Mr. McGregor brought three Natives to his house—Tamati Tuti, of the Ngapuhi tribe, his wife liana, and a half-caste woman named Hoana; these, he stated, could give me some important information. The woman Hoana said, " Pihiri and Herana, two ofthe Pai Marire party, told me about ten days ago, that as soon as they had dug up the crops and housed the corn, they intended (the party of fanatics) going to the war ; but before they left Kennedy's Bay, they would, if Mr. McGregor and his party of men had any difference or dispute with them, kill the "whole of them." She then proceeded to state, with respect to the reported attack on Coromandel—" On Thursday (30th March) a Native named Heremaia went to the diggings, where Tamati Tute, liana, Pera Rakana, Te Puku, Hoana, Billy Rangara, a New Hollander, and myself, were then residing. Ho came to our house. AYe asked him what was the news from Karataunga (Kennedy's Bay). He replied, there is not anything particular ; the Pai Marire people intend going to Coromandel on Friday (week), to see the races. Hana and myself (Hoana) then said, the Parirai (Pai Marire) had better stay away. He answered, why should they remain away? they would go to the races. If the Europeans interfered with them, that would be enough ; they would at" once fight; that place (the diggings) would then be a beginning of chopping for the Pai Marire. AYe then said, that will be wrong ; you will not be able to stand before the Europeans—you will not be strong enough for them. Hana then told them to return to Mataora with their women and children ; that they were living within the Queen's net. He replied, what is that to the Parirai ? Hana and myself (Hoana) then answered, you had better try on the other side (meaning Kennedy's Bay). He then said, we will not quarrel"with the Europeans there; but if McGregor and his people are impudent, we will then tomahawk those Europeans. This man Heremaia was quite sober, and did not seem to be in the least intoxicated when he had this conversation with us. AYe then went to Kikowhakarere, and reported it to Messrs Galloway and De Thierry ; they told the other Europeans." I then requested these women to attend a meeting of the Kennedy Bay Natives. They consented. Captain Freemantle and Lieutenant Belson of H.M.S. " Eclipse," having arrived, we all proceeded to the Native settlement. The whole of the residents and the fanatics, to the number of about fifty persons, and a number of the Europeans, having assembled, I read over the statement which had been made by the women above mentioned, and I called on them for an explanation of it. Heremaia then said —" I went to the house. The women asked me, what was the talk of the Parirai ? I said, they are coming to sec the races. The women answered, they had better not come, or they will be taken as prisoners by the Europeans. I said, if I went alone I would hide my name (Rii Marire) ; but if a number went we would say we were Parirai —would not hide it: so that if the Europeans interfered (quarrelled or objected), "we would kill them." He would not admit that he had said anything about McGregor, or about killing him or his people. He was then asked by a Native named Bopata, " AVhether he heard, before leaving Harataunga for Coromandel, that the Natives intended attacking the Europeans at Coromandel or at Kennedy's Bay ?" He answered, " I did not hear it here ; but when the women argued with me, I said that if the Europeans quarrelled with us we would kill them." The other Natives still denied everything. I then said il appeared to me there were some ten or twelve men at Harataunga who belonged to Mataora, and although they pleased to deny the accusation, there was little doubt but they were there with iio good intention, and they had better agree to return to their own place at once. Te Tanewha Kitahi, Rawiri te Na Pumipi te Pararewa, Pito Taukaka, and Kairaurea all spoke to the same effect; they all concurred in my view of the case, and they would not allow strangers to disturb the peace of the district. A considerable amount of discussion ensued, and some ofthe Natives were inclined to be impudent. Some threats were also made respecting the women who had given information against them. I then told them that they (that is, the Mataori fanatics) must leave Harataunga, and I gave them ten minutes to come to a decision. Before the expiration of that period they consented to go away. I then arranged they should leave in their boats within two hours. This was agreed to, and they, to the number of nineteen, left at the time stipulated. On reviewing the whole of the circumstances of the case, I am of opinion that a very great evil has been averted; and this becomes more apparent when it is known that at the Native settlements at Cabbage Bay, Koputanaki, and Kikowhakarere, to the northward of Coromandel, there are several Pai Marire converts, who might, under the influence of a blind superstition, be led to assist in an attack on their unarmed European neighbours. It is a matter for congratulation that the Chiefs Tanewha Kitahi, and Pita Taukaka remained firm in their loyalty, and threatened the conspirators, otherwise the result might have been disastrous to the European settlers. In conclusion, I would beg to draw attention to the services rendered by H.M.S. " Eclipse." I consider that her presence did more than anything else in cowing the fanatics, and inducing them to leave the district. lam afraid, but for the moral influence she exercised, it would have been a difficult task for me to have removed them, without appealing to the friendly Natives for assistance in the shape of an armed force. I would beg to thank Captain Freemantle for the zealous manner in which he supported me throughout, and also for the very valuable advice and assistance rendered to me by him and the officers under his command. Mr. McGregor applied to me for some arms and ammunition. Finding that he had sixty Europeans working for him, and taking into consideration their isolated and exposed position, and also their being without any adequate means of defending themselves from any attack of hostile Natives, 1 took upon myself the responsibility of furnishing him with the following warlike stores :—Fifty rifles', fifty accoutrements, 3,000 rounds ammunition, caps in proportion. I may observe that I considered myself justified in doing so, from the fact of the Government having supplied Mr. Craig, of Whangapona, with arms under somewhat similar circumstances. I have, <fee, James Mackay, Jun., His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Civil Commissioner, Hauraki.



D.—No. 11.

No. 2. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey to the Superintendent, Auckland. £>iJt, — Colonial Secretary's Office, AVellington, 24th April, 1865. I have to return mv thanks lo your Iluitor for the information you have transmitted to me as to steps taken in regard to an apprehended disturbance at Coromandel. I fail however clearly to perceive what responsibilities you have assumed on behalf of the Colonial Government. The Government, whilst fully recognizing your zeal for the Public Service, does not wish you to undertake on their behalf functions different from those undertaken by other Superintendents in other parts of New Zealand. Your Honor does not appear to be fully alive to the fact that in other parts of New Zealand, Superintendents, when called upon in performance of their duty of assisting to secure the peace and order of their districts, have not hitherto felt themselves in any specially difficult position from the absence of any member of tho General Government; and the control of the Police and their employment has always been a strictly Provincial function. Mi-. Mackay appears to have fulfilled his duties on behalf of the General Government in a satisfactory manner. He will bo directed to continue to furnish your Honor with every information ; and other servants of tho General Government arc further required and expected to continue to cooperate with your Honor in the most cordial manner, and to afford you every assistance in suppressing any breach of the peace that may occur in your district, in tho same manner as has been usual in other parts of New Zealand. Should it meet your Honor's wishes, the appointment of an Agent for the General Government in your Province will be considered by the Cabinet. I observe that the account of expenses you refer to has not been forwarded to me. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Fbed. A. Weld. No. 3. The Supekintexdent, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaey. Sin,— Superintendent's Office, Auckland, ISth May, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th ultimo, in reference to measures taken by me towards providing against an expected Native outbreak at Coromandel, informing me that you fail clearly to perceive what responsibilities I have assumed on behalf of the Colonial Government, and stating that you do not wish me to undertake on your behalf functions different from those undertaken by other Superintendents in other parts of New Zealand. I do not feel sure that I have been able to seize your meaning, but presume you to be of opinion that a Superintendent (who is not necessarily in the commission of the peace) has, by virtue of his office, authority to maintain the Queen's peace. Also, that by incurring expenses on your behalf, I did not assume any responsibility. You state that I do not appear to be fully alive to the fact, that in other parts of New Zealand, Superintendents when called upon in performance of their duty of assisting to secure the peace and order of their districts, have not hitherto felt themselves in any specially difficult position, from the absence of any member ofthe General Government. I am not aware whether instructions have been issued by the Government to other Superintendents on the subject —none, however, have been issued to me. You also state that should it meet my wishes the appointment of an Agent for the General Government in my Province will be considered by the Cabinet. I am unable to inform you on the subject without first knowing the amount of power you propose to confer on such Agent; should you give power to the Ageut definitely to conclude arrangements with me, he would, for practical purposes, be as a member of the General Government to me. If, on the other hand, your agent should be appointed, merely as a medium of communication, I must observe that much waste of time would be incurred in circuitous correspondence. I should probably feel it my duty to address my correspondence to the Colonial Secretary direct. I have, &c, Robebt Gbaham, The Honorable the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent. No. 4. The Hon. the Colonial Secbetaey to the Superintendent, Auckland. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, AVellington, 25th May, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant, and in reply to inform your Honor that the Hon. Dr. Pollen has been appointed Agent ofthe General Government at Auckland. I have, Ac, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Feed. A. AVeld. No. 5. Mr. J. H. Cbawfoed to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, AVellington. Sic, — Superintendent's Office, Auckland, Ist June, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, informing me ofthe appointment of Dr. Pollen as Agent for the General Government at Auckland. I have, &c, The Honorable the Colonial Secretary, Jas. H. Cbawfoed, Wellington. (In the absence of the Superintendent.)



D.—No. 11

No. 6. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey to the Hon. Dr. Pollen, Auckland. SlH,— Colonial Secretary's Office, AVellington, 25th May, 1565. Understanding that you are willing to accept the office as Agent at Auckland of the General Government which I have offered fo you, I have tho honor to inform you that the Government will bo glad to avail itself forthwith id'your services in that capacity. It is proposed that from the Ist July next, the date on which Mr. Porter retires, the duties of SubTreasurer should be added to your office of Government Agent, and that you should receive, altogether, a salary at the rate of five hundred (£500) pounds per annum. Yon will, however, be authorized to draw salary at (hat rate from the Ist proximo (June), on which date I anticipate that you will be ableto commence the duties of Government Agent. llr. Knight will be requested to give you all such information, and to hand over to you all papers, &c, of which it may be necessary that you" should he placed in possession. The Government will from time to time give you especial instructions, and, in the absence of such instructions, when any grave emergency occurs the Government confides in your discretion to act on its behalf. It is expedient thai you should keep me fully informed of all your proceedings, and of all matters which it may be important that the Government should know. I have, &c, The Honorable Dr. Pollen, &c, Ac, Auckland. Feed. A. Weld. No. 7. The Hon. Dr. Pollux to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaey, AVellington. SlB~ Auckland, Ist June, 1865. I nave the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, in reference to my appointment as "Agent at Auckland ofthe General Government." Dr. Knight had left Auckland before your letter came to hand, so that I had not the advantage of any communication with him, nor have any papers or official documents connected with the agency come into my possession. I have this day taken possession of an apartment in the Government Buildings to be used as an office, and awaiting further instructions, I have &c„ The Honorable the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Daniel



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PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A GOVERNMENT AGENT AT AUCKLAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-11

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PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A GOVERNMENT AGENT AT AUCKLAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-11

PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A GOVERNMENT AGENT AT AUCKLAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-11

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