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D.—No. 11

No. 6. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey to the Hon. Dr. Pollen, Auckland. SlH,— Colonial Secretary's Office, AVellington, 25th May, 1565. Understanding that you are willing to accept the office as Agent at Auckland of the General Government which I have offered fo you, I have tho honor to inform you that the Government will bo glad to avail itself forthwith id'your services in that capacity. It is proposed that from the Ist July next, the date on which Mr. Porter retires, the duties of SubTreasurer should be added to your office of Government Agent, and that you should receive, altogether, a salary at the rate of five hundred (£500) pounds per annum. Yon will, however, be authorized to draw salary at (hat rate from the Ist proximo (June), on which date I anticipate that you will be ableto commence the duties of Government Agent. llr. Knight will be requested to give you all such information, and to hand over to you all papers, &c, of which it may be necessary that you" should he placed in possession. The Government will from time to time give you especial instructions, and, in the absence of such instructions, when any grave emergency occurs the Government confides in your discretion to act on its behalf. It is expedient thai you should keep me fully informed of all your proceedings, and of all matters which it may be important that the Government should know. I have, &c, The Honorable Dr. Pollen, &c, Ac, Auckland. Feed. A. Weld. No. 7. The Hon. Dr. Pollux to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaey, AVellington. SlB~ Auckland, Ist June, 1865. I nave the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, in reference to my appointment as "Agent at Auckland ofthe General Government." Dr. Knight had left Auckland before your letter came to hand, so that I had not the advantage of any communication with him, nor have any papers or official documents connected with the agency come into my possession. I have this day taken possession of an apartment in the Government Buildings to be used as an office, and awaiting further instructions, I have &c„ The Honorable the Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Daniel