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E.—No. 10.

Being further Return to an Order of the Home of Representatives, dated 2§tli July, 1862.

(Mr. Jollie.)


E.—No. 10.




CENTRAL WHANGANUI. OCCUPANTS. RESERVE. NATIVE CLAIMANTS. g _ _ S H _ ° ° H u =-h^ RENT. «h3 ■J ° LESSEE. REMARKS. Charles Parker, Son, & Brownlow About 300 or 400 9/7/'57 Annual. £12 Verbal Te Kepa Living on reserve. Built two houses, value £20. Have been waiting for Government authority to lease. Hugh Montgomery Putiki Ngatiruaka Tribe 1,900 30 22/8/'54 30 years 22/8/'84 10 yrs. at £15 per annum; remainder 20 years at £30 per annum Written Hakaraia Korako Has built a house, in which he lives, value £30. Has no objection to cancel lease at a valuation. Gillies and McDonnell 4 l/l/'63 21 years l/l/'84 £8 10 per annum Written Hoani Wiremu This :;-acre is just opposite ferry. Have built two stores, value about £150. John Walker Aramoho Tamati Puna 240 240 l/8/'63 6 months 31/l/'64 £12 per half year Verbal Tamati Puna Hold to accommodate in sheep shearing. James Lomax Kaitoke Kawana Paipai and Hoani Wiremu 200 200 l/8/'63 Annual. £15 per annum Verbal Kawana & Hoani Kawana Paipai receives £5, Hoani Wiremu £10. Peek Brothers, David Peat, Alexander, Wright, Mussen, and Price Kai Iwi, Waipnna, Motuhou Wikitoria's family The parties mentioned, adjoining these reserves, pay for cattle trespass at the rate of 5s. per head; the natives may have received £5 in this way during the two years ending December 31st, 1863. JohnJackson ) William Kells ) Waipakura and TJpokougaro ... Tahaua Turoa, Epiha Pa- V tapu, Rangitawira, Poari < Rnramate / 400 or 500 21 years l/2/'83 £15 per annum Written Tahana & Epiha ! Natives wish to increase rent to £50. Has paid in goods and money £60. Not used the land: awaiting proper authority. l/2/'62 1,900 Written 800 l/l/'62 21 years l/l/'83 £25 per annum Tahana k Epiha Waikupa Tamati Puna, Aperahama Tipae, Hoani Rangitaua Mr. G. McGregor has paid £3 for cattle trespass for the 7 years ending 3Ut December, 1863. 2,218 There are no really Ma( Kauaeroa Roman Catholic priest Re' iri Lands —that is, lands outside the European boi T. Lapilla. mdary■OCCU] lied by Ei iropeans, with the exception of at Pipiriki —Church of England catechist Mr. Booth, an John White, Commissioner Native Reserves, Whanganui.

E.—No. 10.




HAWKE'S BAT. OCCUPANT. LOCALITY. NATUKE OF OCCUPATION. EBNTAL BELIEVED TO BE PAID. ABEA. (Approximate. James Watt and George Walker ... John Campbell William Moms E. and W. Eiddell ... V. and H. M. Hamlin and M. Stopford Douglas and Davies ... F. Eeed i\ Spoouer P. Q-ason W. Lock wood... G-. Morgan ... Dr. Scott H. Stanley and J. Caroll Towgood and Briggs... George Condie John Parsons ... C. J. Gully ' S-Begg Capt. A. H. and W. Eussell A. and C. Brown J. N. Williams and J. Herrick Thomas Lowry AV. Ekh W. and II. Parker ... J. vSherson John Heslop ... A. Kennedy ... James Stuart ... J. Stuart Provincial Government, Hawke's Bay AVbangawehi and Table Cape Kiuikiui, near Mahia Mahia Waikokopu, near Mahia Wairoa Waihua Sheep-run ,, ... ... ... ,j ... ... ... ,, ... ... ,j £220 per annum £80 per annum £5 per annum 20,000 acres. 5,000 ., (i,000 „ 12,000 „ 15,000 „ 20,000 „ A few acres. j> • •• • • • • •• • • • •■■ Wairoa Government School and location, Wairoa... Wairoa „ Govt. interpreter & clerk (acting) „ Government medical officer Ferry punt and location Inn and location House location... ,, I believe that £5 per annum is paid by all these persons, and others similarly situated, whose names I have not. 2,000 acres. 10,000 „ 5,000 „ 5,000 „ 1,800 „ S,000 „ 40,000 „ 15,000 „ 10,000 „ 20,000 „ 350 „ 350 „ 500 „ 1,500 „ 500 „ 500 „ 400 „ jj ... ... ... ... ... Tangoio Petane Polmi Native Eeserve, Wharerangi Tutaekuri Cattle-run and shop ... Sheep-run ,, ,j 9 £80 per annum £150 „ ,, ... ,, ... .. • is Matapiro, Ngaruroro Ngaruroro Moteo Waiteo, Tutaekuri ... Waitangi, Ahuriri Plains ... ,, ... ... ... ,, ... ... ... ,, ... ... ■. • £300 „ £450 „ ,, ... ... ... Paddock j, jj •.. jj ,. ... ... ... Eotoponuamu, ,, Ahuriri Plains ,, ... ... ... ... jj Cattle-run ' intended by the natives for ( C farms, to be enclosed i Ferry and location £90 „ £150 „ £50 „ £50 „ £40 „ .... .. _ ... £5 per annum claimed by natives ") £150 per aim. -was agreed to,but I ~\ > think the bargain has not been > ) carried out. ) jj Waitangi, Ahuriri Plains ... Olive Township John Chambers Waipureku Plains ... Havelock Plains Cattle commonage Sheep-run 2,000 ., 8,000 „

E.—No. 10.



OF ALL PERSONS ING OX, OE IN ANY WAY OCCUPYING MAORI LANDS OVEB WHICH THE NATIVE TITI,E HAS SOT BEEX liXTiXUUlSlLKI), WITH Til. FULLEST PARTICULARS THAT CAX BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHAHACTEIt OF THE TENANCY, ETC. HAWKE'S BAY— continued. OCCUPANT. LOCALITY. NATURE 01' OCCUPATION. BENTAL BELIEVED TO BE PAID. AIIEA. (Approximate. Thomas Tanner Rev. S. Williams Cant. Russell J. D. Ormond... T. P. Russell .T. B. Brathwaite .F. G. Gordon ... J. Gordon W. Rich l r Ileretaunga Plains Sheep-run ■j £750 per annum. A recent lease, which excited considerable discussion at the time. Previously the land was used very commonly by settlers, and the natives complain that they were very irregularly paid for the pasturage of their stock. Since sheep have been placed on the land, cattle arc driven away, and this accounts for much of the excitement produced by the lease. It is difficult to see the distinction between the pasturing of sheep and cattle, as far as the culpability of the proprietor goes; but it makes a great difference to the natives in point of income, anditis argued that if leased to sheepowners they are not likely to sell the land. 20,000 acres. Alexander McLean ... A. and S. Birch — Hargreaves — Morrison ... — Boy Ngatarawa Plains ... Waimarama ... Sheep-run I ii ... ... ... j> j) I am informed that this gentleman does not hold under a lease. The natives, however, insist that his sheep trespass, and frequently claim grass money. It is an old quarrel. 30,000 10,000 S,000 0,000 10,000 J) n ,, ... ... ... Takapau 3J | — Mason Rauhawa I 8,000 )» M. 8. Bell J. Gordon W. Cooper Chapman and Synot ... — Mackenzie... W. Rich ... ... Douglas and Davis ... Rev. S. Williams C. M, S. School Tautane Native Reserve, Kidnappers Kohinurakau Pauhawa Native Reserve, Tamumu ... Kaokaoroa ... Ngawhakatatara Patangata TeAute ;> j) j> 3» 10,000 300 5,000 10,000 824 8,000 8,000 It )» 5> )> This is not, 1 think, an illegal occupation. J) 5,000 i) IJ

E.—No. 10.



RETURN of alt. vnsoHS SQUATTJN& qx, o n ix ant way occtjpttxg MAORI LANDS oveb wiiion the native title -has not bees EXTixarxsnED, with the fl'LLEST PAKTICULAHS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE OHA/RAfcTER OP THE TENANCY, ETC. HAtVKE'S BAT— continued. OCCUPANT. LOCALITY. NATTTEE OF OCCUPATION. HKXTAT, -BELIEVED TO BE PAID. AREA. (Approximate.) • — Ellingham ... 8. Gidney J. Knight J. D. Orinond... Hamilton Wilkinson ... A. St. Hill ... — Crosse .1. D. Canning... ;i TeAute ii ... ... ... ■. - ■tO-mileBush... Eparaima Reserve & other native land •10-mile Bush... Porangahau ... Accommodation house & bush., Bush land (sawyer) ... Sheep-run >> jj 80 acres "),000 „ 10,000 „ 8,000 „ 15,000 „ 8,000 „ 12,000 „ ,> ... ... . ,, ... ... ... ... „ ,, ... ... ... ... », ... These persons, I am informed, actually pay a rent; but very many others have stock on these fertile plains, which adjoin the town, and either pay no grass-money, or from time to time give some small sum to the chief proprietors. In some cases cattle , and horses wander to this excellent pasture and the owner has no wish to trespass, but ; more frequently their animals are turned out there to fatten, which they do very rapidly. I heard lately that, besides horses, there 'were 4,000 great cattle and 7,000 sheep on this land. J. Ilallott -Alley ■—- Shirley Ford and McHardy ... — Batey — Powdrell — Dolbel — Knox Puh Kowhai Plats, Ahuriri Plains ( Cattle-run, and rim for stock-- \ of all descriptions 10,000 acres, of which 2,000 is unavailable swamp. Gr. S. Cooper ... II. R. Russell .1. P. Russell W. Rathbone (Yuickshank and Grant — Anibal Tarawera ) Waipukurau ... ... \ ) Native Reserve ... ... \ TeAute '.. Tikokino, Ruataniwha Waimarama ... Sheep-run 1,200 acres. 218 „ Store Sheep-run 10,000 „ 5,000 „ This return is entirely compiled from information given to me by settlers, in most cases by the persons concerned themselves, or by their neighbours; and so far as the area of the land is concerned, it is impossible to ascertain it until the lands are surveyed. Rents differ so very much that no rule can be deduced from such as have been reported to me, but I believe the gross rental of Maori lands leased to settlers is not less now than £12,000 per annum. G. S. WinTMORE, C.C.

E.—No. 10.




MONGONUI. Name of the Occupant. The year when his occupation began. The quantity of | land held by him. The character of the tenure, whether by sufferance or by positive Lease or Agreement. The amount of rent or other consideration given. Term for which held. Value of Stock or other property possessed by occupant. The tribe ii belongs to. Edward Sydney Yates ... John Smith Henry Moor John Ludolph Subritzky | William Kenny Subritzky j 1852 1854 1862 6 acres 3 acres House and garden Agreement ... Sufferance ... Agreement ... f Running sheep on Native Reserve at ( I Ohora / / By his wife being owner, and chiefs ) ( desiring a deed for their children j None None £5 yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly £20 £100 £100 Rarawa Rarawa Rarawa 1S52 £10 yearly Yearly £50 Rarawa Alfred Murray ... About 200 acres. None Rarawa Mongonui, January 5th, 18G4. W, B, Wiiitk, Resident Magistrate. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Name, &c. Nature of tenancy. Term unexpirod. Yearly rent. Quantity of land. Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remarks. £ 8 0 d. 0 A. B. 1 0 p. 0 Thomas Bevan, senior, Lease for fifteen years storekeeper, Otaki. .10 years 3 years Village of Otaki Kiharoa, Ngatipare Occupier holds as assignee of George Bovan, the original lessee John Lawson Waistcoat, Verbal permission to occupy ; flaxspiimer, Otaki. no term specified 1 2 0 21 years Village of Otaki Nihi, Ngatihuri The native owner is brother to occupier's late wife William Davies, store- Lease for fourteen years keeper, Otaki. 12 years 10 0 0 1 1 0 2 years Village of Otaki Tamihana te Rauparaha, Ngatitoa Edward Prince, carpenter, Verbal agreement ; no term Otaki. specified Manuel de Silva, labourer, Tenancy for life, with absolute Otaki. remainder to occupier's son by an aboriginal female. 12 0 0 0 1 0 1 year Village of Otaki Te Poria, Ngatikikopiri, Ngatiraukawa This land was granted by the relation? of the occupier's wife ; occupier is of African descent 0 1 0 3 years Village of Otaki Eria Mateawa

E.—No. 10.



OF ALL PERSONS SQ' ATTlNGr OX, OR IN ANY WAY OCCUPYING MAOEI LANDS OVER WniCH TUE XATITE TITLE HAS NOT BEEN KXTINUUISHED, NV1X1I THE FULLEST PARTICULARS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHARACTER OF THE TENANCY, ETC. PROVINCE O ? welli: GTON— a mtinued. Name, &c. Nature of Tenancy. Term unexpired. Tearlyrent. Quantity of land. Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Eemarks. £ s. d. A. R. P. 0 2 0 Manuel, seaman, Otaki Verbal permission to occupy; no term specified Free gift 3 years Village of Otaki Eria, Mateawa Occupier is of African descent, and lives with an aboriginal female. Occupier lives with an aboriginal female,whoserelations granted the land Dr. Hewson states that, being in need of a residence, " land was offered to him by the natives, and was accepted, with consent of local authorities." "*) A bakehouse is erected on the one I roodsec. ,which Mr. Eagarretains, but [-has sublet remainder, and the whole | of the two rood section, to John F. J Schultze, storekeeper, Otaki. Native owner assigned this land to occupier, rent free, for 7 years,provided he continued during that period to ply his trade in the village of Otaki. Obtained through marriage with a native. The parcel, contained 12a. 1r. Op., was surveyed by Mr. Stewart. Granted to oceupier's half-caste children bv aboriginal chiefs. "William Edgell Seymour, carpenter, Otaki Charles George Hewson, Esq.,M.D.,nativemedical attendant, Otaki See remarks 21 0 0 10 0 0 17 years 8 years 3) )> Three representatives of Hukiki, Ngatiraukawa Richard Eager, account- ) ant, Wellington Lease for 15 years 0 10 9 years 33 Tamihana to Eauparaha, Ngatitoa Pepe te Euapuia, Ngatituara, N gatiraukawa Ona Warihi, Ngatiraukawa 6 years 5 0 0 Lease for 15 years 5 years 8 0 0 0 2 0 10 years 33 Robert Kirk, blacksmith, Otaki Written agreement for seven 1 year 0 3 6 G years J) years f Free gift 4 0 0 9 years •J James Cootes, settler, J Otaki r i Free gift Free gilt 12 1 0 500 0 0 8 years 22 years » Island of Kapiti Village of Otaki Arapata Hauturu, Ngatikikopiri; Hinenuitepo and Puke, Ngatipare Te Aomarere Puna, Ngatipare Hinenuitepo, ditto Eoera, Hukiki, Ngatiraukawa Lease for twenty-one years U years 12 0 0 9 0 0 10 years Thomas Dodds and AV TilliumDodds, publicans, <j Otaki I See remarks 0 2 0 3 months j> "1 On Nov. 8,18G3, occupiers purchased > fromTeAomarerePuna andHinenui- ) tepo. Native title not extinguished. About 3 months since occupiers purchased for £20 10s. from Eoera and a half-caste lad named Thomas Harvey. Native title not extinguished. See remarks See remarks 10 0 2 0 0 3 months 3 months )) 3)

E.—No. 10.



RETURN op AIX pebsoi™ SQUATTING ok, oh in any way occupyixg MAOEI LANDS over which tiie kative tttle has xot 13EFK extixciujstted, with thti Ft'LLEST PAETICVLABS THAT CAS 1!JO OTiTAT^ED A3 TO THE CHAttAC'TEJ? Of THE TENANCY, ETC, * PEOYINCE OF AVELLINGTON— continued. Name, &c. Nature of tenancy. Term unexpired. Yearly rent. Quantity ol land Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remarks. £ s. d. a. it. p. 0 10 George Faxson, \ flax-worker, Otaki ) Verbal permission to occupy ; uo term specified ■i years Tillage of Otaki Horomono, Ngatiraukawa Occupier (a Frenchman) holds in compliance with requestmadeto natives by E.G. missionaries Granted by relations of occupier's wife, an aboriginal female Free gift 10 0 0 S years Waikawa Paora Pohotiraha. Ngatiteihuhi Thos. Bevan, jn., sheep farmer, Waikawa Lease for fifteen years 11 years 20 0 0 800 0 0 4 years ;J r Hector McDonald, sheep - farmer, -\ Horowhenua Free gift to occupiei-'s half-caste son Lease for twelve years Yearly tenancy i 6 years 25 0 0 30 0 0 43 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 6 years 0 years 4 years Horowlienua Whatanui, Ngatiraukawa Puke,Ngatipare; Horomona, Ngatiraukawa Puke, Ngatipare; Horomona. Ngatiraukawa Whatanui, Ngatiraukawa ; Noa te Whata, Kowhai —Muaupoko j? ?> Lease for twelve years 6 years 8 0 0 1,000 0 0 G years j» ' Lease for six years o years and lOmonths 52 0 0 3,000 0 0 2 months ?» Thos. Cook, slieep-^ farmer, Mana- > watu ) Lease for fifteen years 3 as m o S.o ? o PI u -g-pc 111 Hunia te Hakeke, Bawiri Takaoi. Ngatiapa ; the representatives of'i Kuruho Eangiinaru, Aperahama, Matehuru,Heinara; therepresentatives of Paratene, Ihakara, Tukumaru,Keremeneta —Ngatiraukawa ; Kerei te Panau, Te Peeti, TeAweawe,Honete Eangipouri — Eangitane ; TeKaero,Te Ono, Te Eeihana, Te Piki, Te Naera, Te Angiangi, Mateawa Thomas IT. Cook, Esq., .T.P., of Manawatu, married an aboriginal native, and occupier is their eldest son 12 years 20,000 0 0 3 years 02

E.—No. 10



RETURN of all PEitscm SQUATTING- oy, on or axy way occupying MAORI LANDS over which the native title has not been extinguished, with the FULLEST PABTICULAES THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHARACTER OF THE TENANCY, ETC. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON— continued. Name, &c. Nature of Tenancy. Term uuexpired. Yearly rent. Quantity of land. Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remarks. A. H. P. Thos. Cook, sheep- ~) farmer, Mana- > watu — continued ) Lease for fourteen years 13 years os hi a s fUl .9 « 3 o C 20,000 0 0 1 year Bill kilt Te Matenga, Te Matia, Te Moroati Kiharoa, Te Aomarere Puna, Hoani Taipua Merata ; the representatives of Hukiki, Koera Hukiki, Ropsta toAo,Kiharoa teMahauariki, M emu to Ao, Puicha te Mahauriki, Ihakara Tukumaru, Poutu, Arona te Koliato —Ngatiraukawa; Popo Rau, Tamihana te Hoia, Epiha Taitinui, Kireona Whamaro, Hutana —Ngatihuia ; Hona te Purangi, Takerei Nawe, Raureti Nga Whena, "VVarctini Te Tahora —Ngatiwakaterc Francis Robinson,") Esq., J.P., Mana- > watu j Sl'!j 20 years ■{ ilia's Nepia Taratoa, Parakaia Ponepa; representatives of ParateneTaupiri, Nerai Ngatuua, Pitihira te Kuru, Roera Rangihenca; representatives of Kuruho Rangimaru —Ngatiraukawa ; Matene Matuku, Timihane te Kaha —Ngatiapa; Rapana —Ngatikauwhata ; Rupene —Ngatikauwhata ; Hoani Meihana —Rangitane The block was originally leased to Mr. Robinson in 1845, at which time the right of pre-emption vested in the New Zealand Co., and Mr. Robinson took the land with full sanction of their agent. The present lease is a renewal of that of '45, in which lessors were IhakaraTukumaru,Taikoporua, the late Hukiki, Te Ahukaramu, and the late Nepia Taratoa, (all of Ngatiraukawa). Lease for fifteen years 13 years 20,000 0 0 Stephen C. Hartley, storekeeper,-^ Manawatu Yearly I £ s. d. 4 0 0 0 2 0 17 years Poliuetangi on Manawatu riv. Watikena, Ngatiwakaterc Lease for 21 years 1 10 0 0 2 0 19 years Poliuetangi on Manawatu riv. Ahitara, Ngatiwakatere 2 years

E.—No. 10.



RETUR OK ALL PEItSOXS SQ ■at: ING ox, or ix Axr WAT occuj?nxG MAORI LANDS over which the xatiye title has xot beex ext FULLEST PARTICULARS THAT CAX BE OBTAIXEU AS TO THE CHARACTER OF THE TENAKCY, ETC. :ngi ID, PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON— continued. I " I Name, &c. Nature of tenancy. Ter! n , Yearly rent, unexpired. J Quantity oJ land. Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remarks. Alexander Gray, storekeeper, Manawatu £ a. 5 0 d. 0 A. R. P. 8 0 0 Wereta, kawa NgatirauOccupier first held as sub-tenant to William Lyon, who claimed under a former lease Lease for 5 years 4 years 5 years Te A wahou, Manawatu Albert Henry Nicholson, sheep farmer, Manawatu. Freegift (see remark) 700 0 0 9 years Adjoining S. bank of Manawatu River. Caroline Whawha, an aboriginal female, married occupier's brother. Her relations granted the land to her and her issue. Occupier manages the land, and with the profits supports Caroline and her children Free gift (see remark) 700 0 0 2 months Near S.bankof Eangitikei R. "Written agreement 730 0 0 2 months Kahutorawa, in district of Manawatu Te Peeti, Te Aweawe, Raugitane By agreement dated Nov. 24, 1863, occupier agreed to hold a totara bush containing 830 acres at the rent of £100 per annum " with right of sawing and using any timber on this block as long as he pleases." Said agreement contained a covenant for the purchase by Mr. Haslam for £80 of 100 acres of the said block of land 100 0 0 John Haslam, carpenter, Upper Hutt Written agreement for sale 100 0 o 2 months :» Te Hum, Rangitane Written agreement 80 0 0 1900 0 0 2 months Papaihoea, in district of Manawatu By agreement dated Nov. 25, 1863, occupier agreed to rent a totara bush in extent at least 2000 acres, " with right of sawing and using any timber on this block as long as he wishes. Said agreement contained a covenant for the purchase by Mr. Haglam for £80 of " 100 acres of the said block of land." For the above breaches of the N.Z. Land Purchase Ordinance occupier was on the 14th January, 1864, convicted and lined by Walter Buller, Esq., R.M. Written agreement for sale 2 months >> 100 0 0

E.—No. 10.



RETURN or all pehsons SQUATTING ok, ob in ant way occupying MAORI LANDS otjse which the native title iias xot been extinguished, with thf. FI'LLEST PAflTICULAIlS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CIIAHACTER OF TirE TENANCY, ETC. PROVINCE OP ■WELLINGTON— continue,/. Name, &c. Nature of tenancy. Term unexpired. Yearly rent. Quantity oi land. Time in occupation. Locality. Si ative owner. Remarks. Alexander Winks, settler. Rangitikei Verbal agreement ; nc term spec ilied None agreed upon; see remarks A. E. P. 20 0 0 5 years Parewanui Reserve, Hangitikei Rewiri Takaoi, Ngatiapa Occupier originally went to Parewanui at the urgent request of the natives. He has never paid any stated rent, but as his cattle are allowed to run over about 500 acres of the reserve, jointly with the stork of the natives, he has occasionally given different sums as a kiud of composition for trespass William Waring Taylor. Esq.. J.P., merchant. Wellington Written agreement 10 8. 0 d. 0 500 0 0 Ritamona Ngatiapa Thin rent is a kind of composition for cattle trespass. Further than that there is no voluntary occupation. 2 years „ William Adams, sawyer. Rangitikei Verbal agreement to occupy : no term specified See remarks Rawiri Takaoi Ngatiapa 1. year „ Occupier (a native of Africa) lives in a small hut onthe reserve, but holds no lain! other than the few feet covered by the whare Lease for 21 years 1.-) 0 ! • / 0 500 0 0 5 years „ Rupene, Ngatiapa, liakarain, Ngatiapa Bipoka, Ngatiapa Tlie lease contains a covenant that the native owners may run their cattle onthe land, and may fence in and cultivate such portions as they may require for the rearing of agricultural produce r Donald Eraser, sheepfarmer, Rangitikei ] 0 years • "Written agreement that occupier shall hold until the land shall be fenced in by native owners 5 0 0 GO 0 0 3 months ,, llunia te Jlakeke, Ngatiapa Philip Beratf, jraWican, Rangilikei Lease for 25 years 20 years 10 o . o nr> o o 1 year Waikouc, district of Raugitikei Rupene, Ngatiapa Occupier holds in right of his wife, whom he married about a year since. She held possession for about four years previous to her marriage i

E.—No. 10.



OF ATX PERSON'S C NG ON, OR IN ANY WAY OCCUPYING MAORI LANDS OVER WHICH THE NATIVE TITLE HAS NOT BEEN EXTINGUISHED, WITH THE VWUtSfS PARTICULARS THAT PAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHARACTER OF THE TENANCY, ETC. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON— continued. Name, &c. Nature of Tenancy. Term unexpired. Yearly rent. Quantity of land. Time in T ,., ,. Locality, occupation. J Native owners. Remarks. Edward Danirll, Esq., J.P., Eaugitikei Lease for seven years 4 years £75,increasing by .£5 per annum for each yr. of tenancy A. R. P. 1G,OOO 0 0 3 years S. bank of the river Eangitikei The rejn-esentatives oi Nepia Taratoa, Miniata, Kereopa, Hare Reweti, Te Eei Te Paehua Aperhama, Tuoi — Ngatiraukawa Eupene, Papaka,Henara, Rakawa, Reweti, Pokura,Hoani Te Eangipouri, Nahona Te Ahu, Pera, Moetai —Ngatiapa John Cameron, Esq., J.P. Verbal agreement for nine years 6 years £ s. d. 00 0 0 8,000 0 0 3 years Wakori, near the Manawatu river The representatives of Nepia Taratoa, Nga tiraukawa, Hamuera, Ngatiapa Hamuera is the person to whom occupier pays rent. The principal owners are supposed to be the Ngatikauwhata. Win. J. Swainson, sheep farmer, Rangitikei John Jordan, settler, Bangitikei Lease for fifteen years 1 S On Oroua plains, five miles from the S. Bank of the Rangitikei riv. See remarks The lease was originally granted to Donald and Duncan Fraser, who subsequently sold their interest to the Messrs. Jordan, by whom Mr. Swainson was taken into partnership. 12 years 0,000 0 0 3 years Joseph William Jordan, settler, Eangitikei Since the death of Nepia Taratoa (a party to the lease) serious disputes have arisen between the Ngatiraukawa and Ngatiapa, regarding the light to this land

E.—No. 10.



ITURN OF ALL PERSONS S fGr ON, OR IN ANY WAY OCCUPYING MAORI LANDS OVER WHICH THE NATIVE TITLE HAS NOT BEEN EXTINGUISHED, WITH THE FULLEST PARTICULARS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHARACTER OF THE TENANCY, ETC. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON— continued. Name, &c. Nature of Tenancy. Term unexpired. Yearly rent. Quantity of land. Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remark*. Ghariea Blewitt, Esq.,1 Ciiptain 65th Regt., Auckland Alex. McDonald, sheep farmer, Rangitikei £30,increasing by £10 per annum for each year of occua. R. p. Wakaari plains, between the rivers Manawatu and Rangitikei. Lease for seven years 2 years 8,000 0 0 5 years Representatives of Nepia Taratoa,Ngatiraukawa Lease for ten years 1) years pancy £ s. d. 20 0 0 500 0 0 12 years Utiku, Ngatiapa; the representatives of Moroati, Ngatiapa John Wliliama Marshall, Esq., J. P., Major ol Militia, Rangitikei N. bank of the river Rangitikei, and adjoining sec. XX, Rangitikei No rent was paid by Major Marshall for his occupation until within the last two years Occupier held this land under a lease for ten years (of which six were unexpired at the end of 1863,) at a rent of .£160, increasing by £10 per annum for each of the first four years, and the rent having thus reached £200, was to remain at that amount for the residue of the term. as, Alexander, settler, I Wanganui | Verbal permission to occupy until cattle shall be removed. 6 months None specified. 40,000 0 0 4 years On sea coast adjoining S. bank of the river Rangitikei See remarks In consequence of the disputes between the Ngatiraukawa, Ngatiapa, and Rangatana. relative to this land, Mr. Alexander surrendered his lease on the 31st December, 1863. The principal lessors were Kerei Te Panau, Te Paeti Te Aweawe, Hoani Meihana, Patiriki Te Atua, Maehi Te Kihi- —Rangitane ; Ratana Ngahina, Kawana Himia, Mohi Main, Rawiri, Takaoi —Ngatiapa.

E.—No. 10.



RETURN of all pebsons SQUATTING on, or in any way occupying MAORI LANDS over which the native title has mot been extinguished, with the fullest PAETICULABS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHAEACTEK OF THE TENANCY, ETC. PEOVINCE OF WELLINGTON— Continued Name, &c. Nature of Tenancy. Term unexpired Yearly rent. Quantity oj land. Time in Occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remarks. A. E. P. 11,000 0 0 4| years S. Bank of the river Rangitikei The representatives Nepia Taratoa, Nepia Winata, Aperahama Te Hurahura, Noa Te llauhihi, Parauihi Te Tan, Wiremu Pukapuka, Te Rei Paihua, Ngawhaka, Patoropu Tinge, Han Reweti, Ngawhaka,Ahitara, Eruera, Mauahi Te Mu —Ngatiraukawa Benjamin Win. Rawson Trafford, Esq., J.P., late Captain Goth Regiment, Park Lane, London. Lease i'or 17 years 13 years £uy,increasiug at the end of seven years to £100, at which the 'rent is to re-i main for the residue of the term. Frederick O'Donnell, carpenter, Bangitikei 100 0 0 5 years Matahiwi, on S. bank of the river Rangitikei The land was the property of occupier's wife (an aboriginal female) in her own right, and the Ngatiraukawa joined in securing it to her and her children. Mr. O'Donnell al leges that he entered into possession with the sanction of Mr. fc'earanke and Major Dark, R,M. Free gift Robert Glasgow, settler, Turakina Verbal agreement for 5 Near village of Turakina 5 years £ s. d. 10 0 0 200 0 0 9 years Watekini, Ngatiapa Hunia te Hakeke, Ngatiapa years Adam Glasgow, settler, Turakina Verbal agreement from year to year u 0 0 100 0 0 t) years Near village of Turakina Rupene, Ngatiapa Charles Cameron, sheepfariner, Turakina Lease for 10 years 150 0 0 11,000 0 0 2 years Between the riversTurakina and Wangaehu Aperahama Tipae, Hapurona, Ihakara, Watekilii —Ngutiapa 8 years

E.—No. 10.



OF AM, RH80N8 SQUATTING ON, OR IN ANY WAY OCCUPYING MAORI LANDS OVER WHICH THE NATIVE TITLE HAS XOT BEEN EXTINGUISHED, WITH THE FULLEST PARTICULARS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED AS TO THE CHARACTER OF THE TENANCY, ETC. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON— continued. Name, Ac. Nature of Tenancy. Term unexpired Yearly Rent. Quantity of land. Time in occupation. Locality. Native owners. Remarks, ilexander Simpson, sheepfarmer, Turakina Written agreement to pay composition for sheep trespass See remarks. See remarks A. R. P. 3,000 0 0 20 months On sea-coast, |, Bupene, Ngatiapa between Tura-i kina and Wa-J ngaehu rivers This agreement is renewed from month to month. £10 is the sum generally agreed on at the commencement of each month £ s. a. 200 0 0 3 years olm Chapman, Bettler, Turakina Lease for ten pears 8 years 20 0 0 Adjoining theReweti, Karene, Hone main road, Waiter©, Tipene, near the vil- Arapata, Hirea, PilageofTura- ripi Hnrntertuigi — kina Ngatiapa On sea-coast, Te Munu, Ngatiapa adjoining S. hank of the liver Wangaehu I i 'rederick Richards, shoe}) tiumev, Tnrakiua Lease for twelve years £75, inei'easing by £5 for each year until the rent shall reach £120, at which amount it shall remain for residue of term. 10 years 2,000 0 0 2 years 1 i i i WaLTKB Bl'LLER, Resi«]en( Magistrate. Resident Magistrate's Office, Manawatn, February 4th, 1864.

E.—No. 10.




Number of Occupiers, 44. Number of Holdings, 57. Amount of Kent payable in 1864, excluding Messrs. Cameron and Simpson's second holding of 3,000 acres ... £1,431 10 0 Quantity of land claimed as having been freely granted A. E. P. 2,093 -2 0 Quantity of land claimed under alleged purchases ... 213 2 0 Quantity of land for which Rents are paid 142,546 1 0 Quantity of laud temporarily occupied. Rent free (including Mr. Alexander's run) 40,023 0 0 184,870 1 0 Walter Buller, Eesident Magistrate. Resident Magistrate's Office, Mauawatu, Februar 4, 1864.

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RETURN OF PERSONS OCCUPYING NATIVE LANDS. IN CONTINUATION OF PAPERS PRESENTED NOVEMBER 6, 1863., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, E-10

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RETURN OF PERSONS OCCUPYING NATIVE LANDS. IN CONTINUATION OF PAPERS PRESENTED NOVEMBER 6, 1863. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, E-10

RETURN OF PERSONS OCCUPYING NATIVE LANDS. IN CONTINUATION OF PAPERS PRESENTED NOVEMBER 6, 1863. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, E-10

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