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(Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to the above-named Acts.)

INDEX. No. Date. Subject. 1 & 2 21st March, 1859 Constituting Mongonui District. 3 7th December, 1861 Revoking preceding Orders. 4&5 7th December, 1861 Constituting Bay of Islands District. 6 & 7 16th December, 1861 Constituting Upper Waikato District. 8 16th December, 1861 Prohibiting Sale of Spirits in Upper Waikato. 9 & 10 3rd January, 1862 Constituting Waiuku District. 11 & 12 8th January, 1862 Constituting Tokomaru District. 13&14 8th January, 1862 Constituting Waiapu District. 15 & 16 16th January, 1862 Constituting Lower Waikato District. 17 25th January, 1862 Revoking Orders No. 4 and 5, of 7th December, 1861 IS & 19 25th January, 1862 Constituting Mangonui District. 20 25th January, 1862 Constituting Bay of Islands District. 21 25th January, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Kororareka 22 25th January, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Hokianga. 23 25th January, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Waimate. 24 7th March, 1862 For ascertaining assent of Natives to Regulations. 25 & 26 7th March, 1862 Constituting Waihou District. 27 & 28 7th March, 1862 Constituting Manawatu District. 29 7th March, 1862 Constituting Ahuriri District. 30 7th March, 1862 Constituting Bay of Plenty District. 31 7th March, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Rotorua. 32 7th March, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Tauranga. 33 7th March, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Waipukurau. 34 7th March, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Wairoa. 35 7th March, 1862 Constituting Hundred of Ngaruroro. 36 & 37 7th April, 1862 Constituting Taupo District.

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No. 1. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Constituting District of " Mongonui" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." At the Government House at Auckland, the Twenty-First day of March, 1859. Present:—His Excellency the Governor. Colonel Gold, Mr. Tancred. Mr. Richmond, Whereas by the " Native Circuit Courts Act 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary or revoke: Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council doth hereby appoint and declare, that the territory hereafter described or referred to shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, to be called the Native District of Mongonui; that is to say, all such portion of the Colony as is situated to the northward of a line commencing at the North Head of False Hokianga or Herekino, running thence in a straight line to the summit of Maungatawhiri, and thence in a straight line to the South Head of Wangaroa harbour, exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1S58." F. G. Steward.

No. 2. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Constituting District of "Mongonui!' under the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." At the Government House at Auckland, the twenty-first day of July, 1859. Present :—His Excellency the Governor. ' Colonel Gold, Mr. Tancred. Mr. Richmond, Whereas by the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary or revoke : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, hy and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby appoint and declare, that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, to be called the Native District of Mongonui, that is to say:—All such portion of the Colony as is situated to the northward of a line commencing at the North Head of False Hokianga or Herekino, thence in a straight line to the summit of Maungatawhiri, antl thence in a straight line to the South Head of Wangaroa harbour, exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." F. G. Steward.

No. 3. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Revoking certain Orders in Council respecting the Native District of Mongonui. At the Government House at Auckland, the Seventh day of December, 1861. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. His Excellency the Governor doth by this Order in Council revoke the Orders in Council in respect to the appointment of the Native District of Mongonui under the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," and the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," bearing date respectively the 2lst of July, 1859, and the 21st of July, 1859. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.


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No. 4. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of the Bay of Islands under the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858. At the Government House, at Auckland, the Seventh day of December, 1861. Present :—His Excellency the Governor iu Council. Whereas by the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary or revoke : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, to be called the Native District of the Bay of Islands, that is to say:—All the lands north of the following line in which Native Title is extinguished. Line across the Island from North Head of Wangaruru on East Coast to Mongonui Bluff on West Coast, exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished withia the meaning of the said " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." And this Order shall take effect from the date hereof. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 5. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of the Bay of Islands under "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." At the Government House, at Auckland, the Seventh day of December, 1861. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by the "Native District Regulations Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary or revoke : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby appoint and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, to be called the District of the Bay of Islands; that is to say :—All the land North of the following line in which Native Title is extinguished. Line across the Island from North Head of Wangururu on East Coast to Mongonui Bluff ou West Coast, exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said "Native Districts Regulations Act, 1858." And this Order shall take eflect from the date hereof. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 6. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing " Upper Waikato" District under " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." By His Excellency Sir George Grey, K. C. B., Governor and Com-mander-in-'Dhief in and over the Colony of New Zealand, &c, &c, &c, With the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Colony. Wherbas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a district (to be called the Upper Waikato District), for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the Mission Station at Taupiri, on the River Waikato; thence running up the Eastern bank of the river till it meets the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua tribe, and thence following the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua and Ngatiraukawa tribes (crossing the river Thames), till it returns to the Waikato river, thence running westerly along the Taurangakohu range and crossing to the summit of Pirongia Mountain (so as to enclose the sources of the Waipa river), thence running northerly along the rangus skirting the Western bank of the Waipa and Waikato Rivers to the commencing point at the Missioa Station at Taupiri:



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And doth hereby declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of January, 1862. Issued under the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Auckland, the sixteenth day of December, 1861. By His Excellency's command, William Fox.

No. 7. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing " Upper Waikato" District under " Native Districts Regulation Act, 185S." By His Excellency Sir George Grey, K. C. B., Governor and Com-mander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of New Zealand, he, he, he, With the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Colony. Whereas bv an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor iu Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : And whereas it is expedient that the District hereinafter described should be appointed a District for the purposes of the said Act : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say : All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the Mission Station at Taupiri on the River Waikato, thence running up the Eastern bank of the said river till it meets the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua tribe, and thence following the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua and Ngatiraukawa tribes (crossing the River Thames,) till it returns to the Waikato River, thence running westerly along the Taurangakohu ranges and crossing to the summit of Pirongia Mountain ("so as to enclose the sources of the Waipa River), thence running northerly along the ranges skirting the Western bank of the Waipa and Waikato Rivers to the commencing point at the Mission Station at Taupiri : And doth hereby appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the Upper Waikato District :— And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of January, 1862. Issued under the Public Seal of the said Colony at Auckland, the sixteenth day of December, 186'L By His Excellency's command, William Fox.

No. 8. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Prohibiting tke Sale or Removal of Spirituous Liquors in Upper Waikato District. By His Excellency Sir George Grey, K. C. B., Governor and Com-mande-in-Chief in and over the Colony of New Zealand, &c, he, he. With the advice and consent of the Executive Council, of the said Colony. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : And by the same Act it is further provided that that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to make and put in force within any such District Regulations (among other things) for the prevention of drunkenness, and for the sale, removal, and disposal of spirituous and fermented liquors, and for the restriction or prohibition of such sale, removal, and disposal : And by the same Act it is further provided that it shall be lawful by any such Regulations to impose penalties not exceeding Fifty Pounus for the breach or non-observance of any such Regulation ; and that any such Regulation shall be made as far as possible with the general assent of the Native population affected thereby, to be ascertained in such manner as the Governor may deem fitting : And whereas by Order in Council bearing even date herewith, a District (to be callexi the Upper Waikato District) hath been appointed for the purposes of the said Act : And whereas it is expedient to make and put in force within such District the following Regit--lotions relating to the sale, removal, and disposal of spirituous and fermented liquors : And the general assent thereto of the Native population affected thereby has been ascertained to the satisfaction of the Governor :



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Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby make and put in force within the said Upper Waikato District, the following Regulations, that is to say : — 1. No person shall sell or dispose of spirituous or fermented liquors within the said District ; and every person offending against this Regulation shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds. 2. No person shall remove any Spirituous or Fermented Liquors from any place outside the said District into any place within the same, or from any place within the said District to any other place within the same, without a License in that behalf previously had and obtained in manner hereinafter mentioned : and every person offending against this Regulation shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds. 3. It shall be lawful for any ResidentMagistrate, with the concurrence of at least one Native Assessor, acting within such District, to grant Licences for the Removal of Spirituous or Fermented Liquors into or within the said District. 4. AH Fines levied by virtue of the preceding Regulations will, pursuant to the Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858, be appropriated and disposed of from time to time by the Governor in Council, for the purposes of Government within the said District, or otherwise for the common benefit of the inhabitants thereof. And His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent aforesaid, doth hereby further declare, that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of January, 1862. Issued under the Public Seal of the said Colony at Auckland, the sixteenth day of December, 1861. By His Excellency's command, William Fox.

No. 9. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Appointing " Waiuku" District under "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Friday the Third day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Districts Regulations Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from ♦ime to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare, that the Territory hereafter described shall be a district for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say:—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the head of Waiuku Creek, thence proceeding to the Awaroa River by the Public Road from W raiuku to the Awaroa River, thence by the Awaroa River to the Waikato River, thence by the North bank of the vVaikato River to its mouth, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point : Excepting all land over which the Native Title has been extinguished : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the Waiuku District: And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the twentieth day of January, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 10. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing " Waiuku" District under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858. G. Grey Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Friday the Third Day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor by and with the advice and consent of His Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line



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commencing at the head of Waiuku Creek, thence proceeding to the Awaroa River by the Public Road from Waiuku to Awaroa River, thence by the Awaroa River to the Waikato River, thence by the North bank of the Waikato River to its mouth, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point : Excepting all land over which the Native Title has been extinguished. And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the Waiuku District -• And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the twentieth day of January, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 11. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of " Tokomaru" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Wednesday the Eighth day of January, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Counil from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say:—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Waimahuru on the East Coast, thence by the Southern boundary of the Waiapu District to the summit of Tawhiti Mountain, thence along the back boundary line of the lands of the Urungawera and Titaugahauiti tribes respectively, descending thence to the sea at Whangara, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point at Waimahuru : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Tokomaru": And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council,

No. 12. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of Tokomaru under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government Hoose, at Auckland, on Wednesday, the Eighth day of January-, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say: —All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Waimahuru on the East Coast, thence by the Southern boundary of the Waiapu District to the summit of Tawhiti Mountain, thence along the back boundary line of the lands of the Urungawera and Titangahauiti tribes respectively, descending thence to the sea at Whangara, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point at Waimahuru : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Tokomaru": And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.



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No. 13. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of " Waiapu" under the " Native Circuit. Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Wednesday, the Eighth bay of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and eleclare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Te Kaha Point in the Bay of Plenty, thence by a line inland to the summit of Hikurangi Mountain, thence by a line due South about ten miles, thence by a line due East to the summit of Tawhiti Mountain, thence descending to the sea coast at Waimahuru, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point at Te Kaha : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Waiapu": And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 14. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of " Waiapu" under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey-, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Wednesday, the Eighth day of January, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governtvr, by and with the advice and consent of his Execuitve Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Te Kaha Point in the Bay of Plenty, thence by a line inland to the summit of Hikurangi Mountain, thence by a line due South about ten miles, thence by a line due East to the summit of Tawhiti Mountain, thence descending to the sea coast at Waimahuru, and thence by the Ooast Line to the commencing point at Te Kaha: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Waiapu": And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the first day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 15. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing "Lower Waikato" District under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858."' G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Thursday the Sixteenth day of January-, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, entitled " The Native Circnit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title; shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor,' by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be



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a District for the purposes of the said Act; that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the North Head of Kawhia harbour, thence following the ranges Easterly to Pirongia Mountain, thence by the western boundary of the " Upper Waikato District" as constituted by Order in Council on the 16th December, 1861, (along the ranges skirting the western bank of the Waipa and Waikato rivers) to the Northern boundary fence of the Mission Station at Taupiri, thence along that fence and following the boundary of the said Upper Waikato District (along- the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua tribe) to the Eastern watershed of the Waikato river, thence following that watershed so as to include the land watered by the tributaries of the Waikato river to the boundary of the Government land at Mangatawhiri, thence following the boundary of the Government land to the Awaroa river, thence by the Waikato river to its mouth, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Lower Waikato." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifth day of February, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 16. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing " Lower Waikato" District under " Native Districts Regidation Act, 1858." G. Grey Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Thursday the Sixteenth day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Districts Regulations Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall he lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare, that the Territory hereafter described shall be a district for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say: —All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the North Head of Kawhia Harbour, thence following the ranges Easterly to Pirongia Mountains, thence by the western boundary of the "Upper Waikato District," as constituted by Order in Council on the 16th December, 1861, (along the ranges skirting the western bank of the Waipa and Waikato rivers) to the Northern boundary fence of the Mission Station at Taupiri, thence along that fence and following the boundary of the said Upper Waikato District (along the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua tribe) to the Eastern watershed of the Waikato river, thence following that waterthed so as to include the land watered by the tributaries of the Waikato river to the boundary of the Government land at Maungatawhiri, thence following the boundary of the Government land to the Awaroa river, thence by the Waikato river to its mouth, and thence by the Coast Line to the commencing point: And doth appoint and declare that the said district shall be called the " Native District of Lower Waikato": And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fith day of February, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 17. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Revoking certain Orders in Council respecting the Native District of " Bay af Islands." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Saturday, the Twenty-fifth day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled respectively, the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," and the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary and revoke : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby revoke the Orders in Council bearing date respectively the 7th December, 1861, and the 7th December, 1861, appointing the "District of the Bay of Islands" for the purposes of the said Acts respectively :



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And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifteenth day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 18. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of "MangonuH' under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Saturday, the Twenty-Fifth day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby appoint and declare, that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say:—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the North Head of False Hokianga or Herekino, running thence in a right line to the summit of Maungataniwha, and thence in a right line to the South Head of Whangaroa harbour : Excepting lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Act: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called " the Native District of Mongonui: And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifteenth day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 19. ORDER IN COUNCIL, . Appointing District of " Mangonui" under the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Saturday, the Twenty-fifth day of January, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of His Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying North of a boundary line commencing at the North Head of False Hokianga or Herekino, running thence in a right line to the summit of Maungataniwha, and thence in a right line to the South Head of Wangaroa harbour: Exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Act: And doth hereby appoint and declare that the said District shall be called " the Native District of Mangonui" : And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from after the fifteenth day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.



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No. 20. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of the '• Bay of Islands" under " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Saturday, the Twenty-fifth day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas bv an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say: —All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the North Head of False Hokianga or Herekino, running thence in a right line to the summit of the Maungataniwha, and thence in a right line to the South Head of Whangaroa harbour, thence by the Coast line (including adjacent islands) to the North Head of Tutukaaka harbour, thence by a right line to Maunganui Bluff, and thence by the Coast line to the commencing point: Excepting lauds over which the Native Title has been extiuguished within the meaning of the eaid Act: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of the Bay of Islands." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifteenth day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 21. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing Hundred of " Kororareka." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Saturday, the Twenty-fifth day of January, 1862. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say : All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the North Head of Tutukaaka harbour, thence by a right line to the head of Waikare river, thence by the Northern shore of Waikare river to Okiato, and thence by the Coast Line (including adjacent islands) to the commencing point.- Excepting lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Act : Being part of the Native District of the Bay of Islands, as constituted under the Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858, by Order in Council of even date herewith: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Hundred of Kororareka." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifteenth day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 22. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Appointing Hundred of "Hokianga." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Saturday-, the Twenty-fifth day of January, 1862. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of tho General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time



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to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the North Head of Herekino, thence by a right line to the summit of Mangataniwha, thence by a line following the ridges forming the watershed of the Hokianga river to the head of the Waima river, and thence by a right line to Maunganui Bluff: Excepting lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the the said Act : Being part of the Native District of the Bay of Islands, as constituted under the Native Districts Regulation Act 1858, by Order in Council of even date herewith: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Hundred of Hokianga." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifteenth day of February, 1862. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 23. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing Hundred of " Waimate.'* G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Saturday, the Twenty-fifth day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor. Whereas by an Act of the General Aseembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished:. Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall he a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say : —All that portion of the Native District of the Bay of Islands as constituted under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith, as is not comprised within the limits of the Hundred of Hokianga and Hundred of Kororareka, as constituted under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith : Excepting lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Acts : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Hundred of Waimate." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the fifteenth day of February, 186?. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 24. ORDER IN COUNCIL, For ascertaining absent of Natives to Regulations under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whkreas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have ueen extinguisheti: And by the same Act it is further provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to make and put in force within any such District, Regulations for various purposes in the said Act described: And that all such Regulations shall be made as far as possible with the general assent of the Native population affected thereby, to be ascertained in such manner as the Governor may deem fitting : And whereas in order to ascertain such assent it is expedient to provide in tho first instance for the orderly and deliberate framing of such Regulations by the Natives themselves, whenever practicable, through the Native Institution of the Ruoauga, and that specific powers in that behalf should be conferred upon the Runanga accordingly:



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And whereas it may be expedient that Regulations to be so put in force within any such District should be either General Regulations applicable to the whole District, or Local Regulations applicable only to a portion of such District, as the case may be: Now therefore His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, and in exercise of the powers so vested in him as aforesaid, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the assent of the Native population to any such Regulations to be put in force within any District as aforesaid, shall be ascertained in manner following, that is to say : 1. If the Governor shall think fit at any time by Order in Council to constitute within any District or group of Districts or part of a District appointed under the said Act, a Native Runanga for the purpose of ascertaining such assent as aforesaid, such Runanga shall be termed the " District Runanga of ," or the " Village Runanga of ," as the case mav be : And every such Runanga shall continue during the Governor's pleasure. 2. Every District or Village Runanga shall consist in the first instance of such Native Chiefs as may be appointed by the Governor to be members thereof, and of such other members as may be afterwards added by election or otherwise in pursuance of any General or Local Regulation in that behalf : and any member may resign or be removed by the Governor. 3. Every Regulation proposed by any District or Village Runanga to be put in force within any such District, whether the same shall be a General Regulation for the whole District, or a Local Regulation for any part thereof, shall be considered at a meeting of the District or Village Runanga to be specially held for the purpose : and the final adoption thereof at such meeting by a majority of such Runanga, shall be held to be the ascertainment of the general assent thereto of the Native population to be affected thereby, within the meaning of the said Act: Provided that if on the presentation to the Governor of any such Regulations, he shall think fit to return the same to the Runanga with any amendments therein, the Runanga shall consider such amendments in like manner as aforesaid, and the final adoption in manner aforesaid of the Regulations as so amended shall be held to be the ascertainment of the general assent thereto as aforesaid. 4. Whenever the Governor shall not have constituted any District or Village Runanga within any District appointed under the said Act, the assent of the Native population to any Regulations to be put in force therein shall be ascertained by the Civil Commissioner of the District (if any), or by such other Officer, assisted by not less than two Native Assessors, as may- be designated by the Governor in that behalf. And His Excellency, with the advice and consent aforesaid, doth declare that tin's Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, 1862. Hampden Willis, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 25. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of " IVaihou" under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native District Regulations Act, 185S," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say : —All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Tauranga Harbour, and following the Northern and Western boundary of the Ilay of Plenty District till it meets the Northern boundary of the Upper Waikato District, thence following the latter boundary till it meets the Eastern boundary of the Lowe* Waikato District (as the said Districts have respectively been constituted by Orders in Council under the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858"); thence along the last named boundary to the source of tho Mangatawhiri River; thence by a line to the Wairoa River and by the Wairoa River to its mouth; and thence by the coast line (including Waiheke and adjacent Islands) to the commencing point: Excepting lands over which the Native title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Act: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Waihou": And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, 18G2. Hampden Willis, Clerk of Executive Council.



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No. 26. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of " Waihou" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of His Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said A ct, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Tauranga Harbour, and following the Northern and Western boundary of the Bay of Plenty District till it meets the Northern boundary of the Upper Waikato District, thence following the latter boundary till it meets the Eastern boundary of the Lower Waikato District, (as the said Districts have respectively been constituted by Orders in Council under the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858") : thence along the last named boundary to the source of the Mangatawhiri River; thence by a line to the Wairoa River and by the Wairoa River to its mouth; and thence by the coast line (including Waiheke and atljacent Islands) to the commencing point : Excepting lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Act: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Waihou" : And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 27. ORRDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of "Manawatu" under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, ' Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, iniituledthe "Native Districts Reguation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the mouth of the Wangaehu River; thence by that river to the Ruahine Rano-e ; thence following the Ruahine and Tararua Ranges to Paekakariki Hill ; thence westerly across Paekakariki Hill to the sea; and thence by the coast line (including the Island of Kapiti) to the commencing point : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the "Native District of Manawatu" : And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March 1862. Hampden W tillis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 28. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of "Manawatu" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858 " G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday-, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present : —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to




appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the mouth of the Wangaehu River; thence by that river to the Ruahine Range; thence following the Ruahine and Tararua Ranges to Paekakariki Hill; thence westerly across Paekakartki Hil1 to the sea; and thence by the coast line (including the Island of Kapiti) to the commencing point : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the "Native District of Manawatu" : And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 29. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of "Ahuriri" under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, _ Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native District Regulations Act, 185S," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and declare that the 'territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within the boundaries of the Province of H.wke's Bay; excepting the Town of Napier, and all lands over whicli the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Act : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the "Native District of Ahuriri." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 30. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of " The Bay of Plenty" under the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862, Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Regu. lation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguishea: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say : All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the mouth of the Wairoa river in the harbour of Tauranga ; proceeding thence along the Wairoa river to its source; thence by a line running Southwesterly to the Aroha range; thence along the summit ridges of that range to Horohoro; thence by a line to the Southernmost point of Rotomahana Lake; thence by a line to the summit of Mount Edgecumbe (includiug the Tarawera Mountains) ; thence by a line to the point where the Eastern boundary of the Ngatiawa Territory strikes the Ohiwa river; thence by a right line to the Western Head of Ohiwa on the sea coast; thence by the coast line (including the adjacent islands of Motuhoa, Opounui, Tuhua, Aotiti, and Moutohora) to the commencing point : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of the Bay of Plenty":



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And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 31. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing Hundred of " Rotorua" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858.'* G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present : — His Excellency the Governor. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Districts Reguation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : New therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All that portion of the Native District of the Bay of Plenty as constituted under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith, as is situated to the South of a line runEing from the source of the Wairoa River to the summit of Otanewainuku mountain, and thence by a line to the summit of Mount Edgecumbe: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Hundred of Rotorua." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect fiom and after the thirty-first day of March, 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 32. ORRDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing Hundred of " Tauranga" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Aseembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Court* Act 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, bpiug Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say : —All that portion of the Native District of the Bay of Plenty as constituted under the " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith, as is not included in the Hundred of Rotorua as constituted by Order in Council of even date herewith: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Hundred of Tauranga." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from aud after the thirty-first day of March 1862. Hampden Willis, Clerk of Executive Council,

No. 33. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Appointing Hundred of " Waipukurau," under the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday-, the Seventh day of March, 1862, Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor iu Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over wliich the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished:



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Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say:—All that portion of the Native District of Ahuriri as constituted under the "Native Districts Regulation Act 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith, as is situate to the South of a line commencing where the Waipawa River flows out of the Ruahine Range, thence along the Waipawa River to its confluence with the Tukituki River, and thence following the Tukituki River to the sea : Excepting all lamJs over which the Native title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Acts: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Hundred of Waipukurau.', And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March 1862. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 34. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing Hundred of " Wairoa" under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of January, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of His Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Teriitory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said A ct, that is to say :—All that portion of the Native District of Ahuriri as constituted under the Districts Regulation Act, 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith, as is situate to the North and East of a line commencing at the mouth of the Tangoio River, thence following that river to the Tutera Lake, and thence by a line Northwest to the Ruahine Range: Excepting lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said Acts: And doth declare that tnis Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, J862. Hampden Willis, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 35. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing Hundred of " Ngaruroro," under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House, at Auckland, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, entitled " The Native Circnit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title •hall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act; that is to say ;—All that portion of the Native District of Ahuriri as constituted under the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," by Order in Council of even date herewith, as is not comprised within the limits of the Hundred of Waipukurau and Hundred of Wairoa, as constituted under the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," by Order iu Council of even date herewith : Excepting the Town of Napier and all land over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of tho said Acts : And doth appoint aud declare that the said district shall be called the " Hundred of Ngaruroro." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day of March, J 802. Hampden Willis, For Clerk of Executive Council,



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No. 36. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of '•' Taupo" under tke " Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." G. Grey Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on the Seventh day of April, 1862. Present :—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doih hereby order, appoint, and declare, that the Territory hereafter described shall be a distiict for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say: —All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Rotomahana, and following the South-eastern boundary of the Bay of Plenty District; thence along the South-eastern boundary of the Upper Waikato District ; thence from the source of the Waipa river to Hikurangi; thence to Ruapehu ; thence to the Kaimanawa range, and along that range till it meets a straight line bearing due South from Rotomahana: Excepting all land over which the Native Title has been extinguished: And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Taupo." And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the twenty-first day of May, 1862. Forster Goring, Acting Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 37. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing "Taupo" District under the "Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." G. Grey, Governor. At the Government House at Auckland, on the Seventh day of April, 1862. Present:—His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint and eleclare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at Rotomahana, and following the South-western boundary of the Bay of Plenty District; thence along the South-eastern boundary of the Upper Waikato District; thence from the source of the Waipa river to Hikurangi; thence to Ruapehu ; thence to the Kaimanawa lange, and along that range till it meets a straight line bearing due South from Rotomahana: Excepting all land over which the Native Title has been extinguished : And doth appoint and declare that the said District shall be called the " Native District of Taupo"t And doth declare that this Order shall take effect from and after the twenty-first day of Mav, 1862. Forster Goring, Acting Clerk of Executive CounciK



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ORDERS IN COUNCIL ISSUED UNDER THE NATIVE DISTRICTS REGULATION ACT, 1858, AND NATIVE CIRCUIT COURTS ACT, 1858., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, E-06

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ORDERS IN COUNCIL ISSUED UNDER THE NATIVE DISTRICTS REGULATION ACT, 1858, AND NATIVE CIRCUIT COURTS ACT, 1858. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, E-06

ORDERS IN COUNCIL ISSUED UNDER THE NATIVE DISTRICTS REGULATION ACT, 1858, AND NATIVE CIRCUIT COURTS ACT, 1858. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, E-06

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