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E—No. 6

No. 4. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of the Bay of Islands under the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858. At the Government House, at Auckland, the Seventh day of December, 1861. Present :—His Excellency the Governor iu Council. Whereas by the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary or revoke : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, to be called the Native District of the Bay of Islands, that is to say:—All the lands north of the following line in which Native Title is extinguished. Line across the Island from North Head of Wangaruru on East Coast to Mongonui Bluff on West Coast, exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished withia the meaning of the said " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." And this Order shall take effect from the date hereof. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 5. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing District of the Bay of Islands under "Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858." At the Government House, at Auckland, the Seventh day of December, 1861. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by the "Native District Regulations Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished, and any such appointment to vary or revoke : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby appoint and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a District for the purposes of the said Act, to be called the District of the Bay of Islands; that is to say :—All the land North of the following line in which Native Title is extinguished. Line across the Island from North Head of Wangururu on East Coast to Mongonui Bluff ou West Coast, exclusive of lands over which the Native Title has been extinguished within the meaning of the said "Native Districts Regulations Act, 1858." And this Order shall take eflect from the date hereof. J. Holt, Clerk of Executive Council.

No. 6. ORDER IN COUNCIL, Appointing " Upper Waikato" District under " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858." By His Excellency Sir George Grey, K. C. B., Governor and Com-mander-in-'Dhief in and over the Colony of New Zealand, &c, &c, &c, With the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Colony. Wherbas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint Districts for the purposes of the said Act, being Districts over which the Native Title shall not for the time being have been extinguished : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his Executive Council, doth hereby order, appoint, and declare that the Territory hereafter described shall be a district (to be called the Upper Waikato District), for the purposes of the said Act, that is to say :—All Territory lying within a boundary line commencing at the Mission Station at Taupiri, on the River Waikato; thence running up the Eastern bank of the river till it meets the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua tribe, and thence following the boundary of the land belonging to the Ngatihaua and Ngatiraukawa tribes (crossing the river Thames), till it returns to the Waikato river, thence running westerly along the Taurangakohu range and crossing to the summit of Pirongia Mountain (so as to enclose the sources of the Waipa river), thence running northerly along the rangus skirting the Western bank of the Waipa and Waikato Rivers to the commencing point at the Missioa Station at Taupiri: