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LATE ABVERTISEIENTS START NEXT WED. WITH the iinuc of April 8. " Canterbury Times" readers will find plenty of exciting pastirne, combined with profit, \u tiho solution of Puzzles contained in each issue, commencing April 3. FOOTBALL PUNCH ESSENCE. COLD winter nights mate us appreciate a warm stimulating drink, and that'* where Price's Football Punch Essence comes in. It's delicious. Made of the finest aromatic spices and all the ingTcdients neeeesaTV to make a (rood winter punch. It makes a superb, non-intoxicating drink, Bud can bo used hot or cold. Sold by all grocers in bottles Is each, 3 for 2s 6cL. or direct from nole manufacturer, C. W. PRICE, Chemist, Lower High Street. /~i P E R A H O U S ~ Props John Fuller and .Sons. GREAT BE-OPENING DATE, NEXT SATURDAY, APRIL 6th. FULLER'S VATOEVILLE STARS. Led by the Great and Only PASOLA. FASOLA. FASOLA. FASOLA-THE INDIAN FAKIR, FASOLA—MASTER MAGICIAN. FASOLA—THE SILENT HINDU. FASOLA-EMPEROR OF ILLUSIONISTS. FA SOLA-XING OF THE BLACK ART. ALL HAIL TO THE GREAT FASOLA, The man who mystifies, bamboozles and fascinates the multitude by his wierd acts. HE IS THE KING Of Magicians. He begins where all others have left off. His cunning in wizardry hath no equal, neither hath it nnv end. ■ FASOLA, FAKIR OF THE EAST. FASOLA, MONARCH OF MAGIC. Prices—D.C. and 0.5., 2a; Stalls, Is. Plan at Milner and Thompson's. NOTICE~is~ hereby^ven _ thVrH7X~P"ARKER AND CO. PROPRIETARY (Limited) intends to commence business at Christehurch, and that its place of business will be at 188, CASHEL STREET. 26U YSJANTED to Self, the Furniture of Fivett roomed Cottage. P.O. Box 381. 2711 WANTED, a Waitress. Bradford's Private Hotel, opposite Railway Station. ' I? 08 . WANTED— Where are you going Easier} Of course to Akaroa. Then travel Johnston's Coach. 271GX WANTED to Purchase, SingJc-cylindor Magneto. A. Noble, 337, Durham Street. WANTED Known - »• ■ Christehurch, has Leviathan Tlotel ANTED to Sell, Latest B. S. A. Motor- - ■ Cvcles, free engines. 100, Beajey Street, St Albans. 2718 WANTED, Good General Blacksmith take charge country shop, two months. Craddock Hardware Co. _____ 2718 WANTED, a Clean Working Housekeeper, Plain cook. Apply 390, Colombo Street, Sydenham. • 2718 AYfF^7^indl^rronvalid, at once. Apply 390, Colombo Street, Sydenham. 27H WANTED, Housemaid; references required. Apply by letter to SMVs C. Rutherford, Medbury. Stale wages required. 2715 X Vy ANTED Rent, o-roomed House, in or t » about Montreal Street, and Moorhouse Avenue. State particulars, Weekly, '''Star" I Office. 2710 ytTANTED, Plainly Furnished SittmgVit room, for business, few weeks. Must b? central. Terms moderate. M., "Star" Office. 2707 ), Retoucher (Lady), Competent up Enlargements. Apply The Allan Studio, 2TOX _ "WANTED Known—Tlie Popular Line of »»i Ooaohea—Johnston's, the Favourite on the Akaioa Road. ___ _ 2716 _. WANTED)" "foTthe country, OoooT"PiBin Cook and Housemaid-Laundress, good wagei. Apply, mornings and evenings, to Mrs W. Barr Scott, " Spylaw," Knowles Street, St Albans. 6620 X TX/'ANTED, Visitors to Christehurch to V\ 1 stay Leviathan Hotel. Every wtisfaction guaranteed. E. J. Searl, Proprietor. 3718 X ILL Lady, Q*nt'eman who supplied lnI . . formation Monday, call Thursday; urgent. Boardman, Tobacconist 2718 ► ALLANTYNE'fI £6 10s Drophead Ba.llJ bearing Machine has all the latest attachments, and is recommonded as the finest oi value* in home sewing machines. 2 EGGS— Keep your hens laying and get them through the moult quickly by using Singer's Egg Producer. Packets Is 6d, at all stores and Bonnington's, High Street. J2j from Is lid, Corsets from Is Od, Com hinations 2a_6d. 2697 X VELVETS, Tulles, Ribbons, Veilings from 6d; Flowers, Wings from Bd\ Mis G-abites, Victoria Square. 2697 X _pIOLF Caddies.—A Number of Oaddies llt ... ; h _. e jyqyired at the Shirley Links on \ Monday and Tuesday. 2706 X riG-HLY Respectable Person Would Like -«-.». Position of Tiust as Housekeeper. Apply Experienced, " Star/'_ 2712 L"~~OST, "~Pa.iTGold-rim Spectacles. Reward, this office. 2709 LOST, Gold Crescent Brooch, set with rubies. Finder kindly return to this office. Reward. ' 2718 MYRO.— Alexandra, Hall—Opening Night, Tuesday, April 9th. Wells's Band engaged for season. 2692 X MADAME LEE, English Gipsy,. Psychcmctrist and Clairvoyant, Fee 2s 8d to ss. 48, Kilmore Street. 2570 X MOULTING Period—Get your hens quickly through this critical stage by giving them Singer's Egg Producer. Pn-ckels la 6d, at all stores and Bonnington's, High Street. X 478 ONE Never Tires of the New Jasper Tie, It is quiet and tasteful, and in three «H-lr>« U fid and 2s Gd. At Ballantyne's. i I)IANO, English Maker, good condition; £9 OS, Kmgsley Street, Sydenham. Apply after 5. 2717 X.. P OULTRY—It has been clearly demonstrated that Singer's E?g Producer is of paramount value during the moulting season. Packets 1» Bd, at oil stores and Bonnington's, High Street. X 478 I>ETbUCHER (Lady), Competent Work up AX Enlargements, Wanted for The Allan Studio, Tiniaru. __ 2 1 1 5 X _ Let~Good Villa. g*E, water and sewer . connection. 8, Macaulav Street, Addington. ' 2700 X 'HE Most Fashionable Tie ib the IVew .... Jasper, in throo styles; Is 9d and 2s 6d. At BallantyncV___ __ 3__ rpHE - Most" Compact Hand Machino proX curable at the price; twy running and thoroughly reliable; £3 12a 6ct. At Ballantyne's. 1 ARE YOU A WINNER? T>URCHASI? a copy of the "Canterbury Times" of April 3 from any Rookseller or News Agent, and note the prizes -ffered in the 1912 Puzzle Competition. Jvery succeeding issue will contain suggestions for pleasant recreation for all. ___ f iNOLEUM, FiMtQuality (X), 4s 6d ninXJ ning yd; 12 x 12 room, cut, matched and railed free 60 miles costs 375. Other»iz*d rooms equally as cheap. Same quality as the other shops sell for Es a yd. H. Atkinson, 127, Manchester Street. X 207 , TKINSON'S, House Furnishers, 127, Man-J-A. Chester Street, All purchases over 41 rail paid and paoked free 60 milea. X 207 IfITANTKD to Sell, English Piano, £3B ? V (new), brilliant and rich tone, latsst check action, iron frame, in very handsome «• alnut case; owner leaving. Genuine bargam. 238, Worcester Street, City. X 252 pnfTANTED—Hairdressing is 6d, Shampooj VV, ing 2s Cd, Manicuring Is, Face Masjfige 2» 6d. Superfluous Hairs permanently removed; Hair Combings made up, Vegetable Hair Dye 3s 6d, guaranteed harmlesa, no greenish shades. Sole agent. Mists Clongh, Stewart Chambers, High_Streat. \TOU _ don r t rub it on with a rag. You »pX ply " Linoarnish " Linoleum Polish with a nice clean brush in a nice clean manner. It shines like the sun and sparkles like diamonds. All Grower?'JU 6d. • ENGLISH Cane-seated Chairs, 6s, at H. Atkinson's, 127, Manchester Street. X 207 jHTLL-SIZE Samarang Kapoo Mattresses, ■*- 22s (3d, at H. Atkinson's, 127, Manchester Street. X 207 TOUNG L*dy-help wants Situation whore - "LINOARNISH" - that Permanent Floor Polish—has been uaed. Save the Linoleum. Time, Money and Labour. All Grooera, Is 6d. 9 MATADOR Room-heater. Cheaper than fires. One burning in Minson's window. See it. 2X PJOLL'S Prams from <s Cd at H. Atkm--L' son's Furniture Warehouse, 127, Mancheater Street. 600 to choose from. X 207 A N\ Room wnrmed and kept warm for -*-■»• iosfs than a ha'fpenny per .hour. Matador Heaters. See Minfon's window, 3*
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 10427, 3 April 1912, Page 3
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1,154Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 10427, 3 April 1912, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 10427, 3 April 1912, Page 3
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