LATE ADVERTISEMEITS W. J. HOPKINS AND CO. GRAND SUBDIVISION OF RICH AGRICULTURAL 1 LAND, HANDY TO THE CITY. THE SUBDIVISION OP THAT EXCEI* ■ LENT FARM Familiarly known u MR JAMES GOSS'S FARM, Situated between UPPER KICOARTOX and FENDALTON, And having Frontage on HAWTHORXDEN, RUSSLEY AND CORIXGA ROADS. amiS Magnificent B!,ock of RICH AGRK x CULTURAL LAND is being subdued' into Blocks from • 10 ACRES up to 50 ACRES. The land 1 is of "the best quality, growl the heaviest cropa of wheat, oata, peas, pota-'' tocs, clover, etc., that we grown withla a radius of 4J miles of Cathedral Bquw«. THE CROPS THIS LAND GROWS AH EXCEPTIONAL. ' " w 00 bushels of Wheat* (thia j * - ' 300 bushels of Oats, ''Mid IS to 20 tons of Potatoes. .'■•' For Clover and Grasses the luul la unsurpassed. The Quality of this land is tie RIGHT CLASS FOR PROFITABLE FARMING. >: : Drought and Wet Seasons narw affect Hi Good land in close proximity to tha City is getting higher in price every year. Seomr#'< a block of this subdivision if yon want t piece of really good land. Buyera will always be able to resell at a profit on the price* 'asked. , • Plana and particulars from W. J. HOPKINS AND CO. £loo^ IX a '.'couple? "of .tears ' ..- THE EIGHTH-ACRE SECTIONS WE ABB SELLING AT MONCKS BAY, SUMNER, TO-DAY FOR;£SO. WILL BE WORTH .DOUBLE THAT SUM IN TWO OR THREE TEARS. There is a verv limited number of Section] in MONCK'S BAT, which is the PREMIER PLEASURE SEASIDE RESOR* OP CHRISTCHUKCH. The Place for Sport: YACHTING ROWING SWIMMING RIFLE SHOOTING , RABBIT SHOOTING" HILL CLIMBING, Etc., Etc. These Sections are ali close- to the Eleotrio Train- Sifirio*.' REASONABLE TERMg OF, PAYMENT. There are only a FEW SECTIONS FOR SALE at the above Original Prices. BUY NOW AND PARTICIPATE IN THE' INCREASE IN VALUES. Particulars from W. J. HOPKINS AND CO., Land Ag«nt«. THE SILVERSTREAM , ESTATE. THE SILVERSTREAM ESTATE. SPLENDID SUBDIVISION. NEAR COLOMBO SOUTH TRAM-LINB And CASHMERE HILLS. BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED SECTIONS, Containing OVER 1-ACRE EACH. Every Section of the subdivision is Gooii High and Dry, Perfectly Level, Rich Garden son. PRICES, £IOO EACH. Termß to Suit Buyer*. i Plans and particulars oa application i» W. J. HOPKINS AND CO., Land and Estate Agent*, CHEAP BUILDING SITES, OX NEW BRIGHTON TRAM-LINE. SUNNYDALH S U B ~ * . .„»-.,. SUNNT D A L E SUBDIVISION. UNQUESTIONABLY THESE SECTIONS Are the BEST AND CHEAPEST ON THE NEW BRIGHTON TRAM-LINE FRONTAGES ON TRAM ROUTES, BREEZES ROAD snd HARLOW ROAD, VALUES ar« RAPIDLY INCREASING in the vicinity of New Brighton, aijd BUYERS of these Sections will find them a | PROFITABLE INVESTMENT, and for Rife. SIDENTIAL PURPOSES the locality HAS NO EQUAL in the vicinity of Chri«t«aurcL QUARTER-ACRES, J?KA TO £BO. Larger Blocks at Absurdly Low Price*. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Flans Mid Prices on application to W. J. HOPKINS AND CO.,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Star (Christchurch), Issue 10427, 3 April 1912, Page 3