Advertisements Inserted In this Column, for Cash, TWELVE WORDS, 3d. "DICYCLE Lamps—6oo Lamps at.Gam»pe'f J Parker's Oil Lamps 2s 6d, 4s 6d, 7s 6d, ..est value ever offered; latest Acetylene Gas Lamps 7s 6d,- 10s 6d, 12s 6d. Don't risk being caught when you can get » good oil lamp for 2s Gd at Gamage's, High Street, Christchurch. 50XING Gloves, 6oz and Boz, 15s 6d, 22s ■iJ 6d, 25s set; Punching Balls, latest pear shape, 15s 6d, 18s 6d, 21s; Punch Ball Gloves 5s 6d pair; Swivels 4s 6d, 5b 6d and 7s 64 Carnage's, Hiph Street, Christchurch. 'OCKEY Sticks for young players, Is, 2s 6d, 4s Gd; Bussey's Well-seasoned Sticks for ladies and mon, 7g 6d, 6s 6d, lis 6d, 15s 6d; Shin Pads 2s 6d, 3s 6d: Hock»y Balls 2s 6d and 8s Gd. Carnage's, J Street, Christchurch. P"OOTBA.LLS— New Ball7~ju7t~Tponed MP at Gamafre's. Footballs for bovs 5s 6d, 7s 6d; Match Balls 10» 6d. 12s Gd" and 15s 6d; Shin Pads 3s Gd; best Pumps os Gd and 7a 6d. Carnage's are supplying Footballs to the leading town and country clubs. [ICYCLE Capes and Mudfruards—Best —' Celluloid Guards Gs 6d and 7s 6d set, with latest flap on front puard; best Steel Guards 4s 6d, with flap; Waterproof Capes fis 6d; Oilskin Capes 10s 6d. the best cape for roufrh weather. Carnage's, High Street, Christchurch. 1 ARE YOU A SOLVER? ["'HE Puzzles appearing in "cry issuo of JL tbo "Canterbury Tinien" are well worth the attention of everyone looking for pleasant tccrection at home ATTRACTIVE PRIZES. First Puzzles Appear in the issuo of APRIL 3rd. Secure a copy while yet on eale. At all Bookseller l * and Stationers or direct from tho Publishers, •• l.yttelton Times" Company, Limited, Gloucester Stroet arid Cathedral CKristcliurch. YVTASTKD, Retoucher (Lady), Competent »• Work up Enlargements. Apply The Allan Studio, Timaru. 2719 X X\; AMT.D, Board, with respect-Able family, Vt central or near Citv. Apply X.C., " Star" ('.nice. 2718 _ "\TJ"ANTKU everyone to »know—Leviathan j » ' Hotel, Christchurch, i* now run on | lodern linen. Y^^A^\TEif"LeT~Niceiy _ Fu,,,,,,.™ *™,- , » ' with fireplace. 30, Lati- j mcr Square* (from i'i- London). Business strictly private. Ladies only. 190. Gloucester Street, opp Trades Hull. _Short_ reason. 2720_ tIfAXTL'DTMRU Work on Dairy Farm and » } do .Milk Round, milkinp; optional. A. W. Cook, Iniiis Road. St Albans. 2720 ] T)EAO—Cheap Section, St Alb -IV in- Park. £S7 Ids. Term*. . . . . hill, I'it. RETOUCHER (Ladv),"Co"mpett'nt Work up EulanseniL-iilf. Wanted fur The Allan Studio. Timuru. 2719 X I'O L.t, .3 Rooms, 14s; (>. 1 2« _ 'ft'cl"; - 77 _ loh ; - H. '.'Oh; 9, iss. Hire's Arch.'}-. 88, HereWd Street. ' ST'iU
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Star (Christchurch), Issue 10427, 3 April 1912, Page 3