HEALTH HINTS FOR RHEUMATISM. Diet plays an impo tiam, Gout, Sciatica, Lumb complaints. Thoae troubl diseases should bo careful, for sonic foods encourage the formation of uric acid. Avoid red meat, beer, vinegar, spices; use te» and coffee sparinglv, and—most important of all—take MIKUMO. It is tho one medicine that will quickly and effectually cure Hheumalism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago and their attendant evil*. Tho first dose of HHKUMO gives relief, and will be found to quickly effect a complete cure. Your chemist or storekeeper sells it. '2s 6d and Is (id a bottle. Give- it a trial. 27 Having purchased n. fire engine out of funds collected from residents and property owners of the district, the Boy Scouts of Sampl'ord (Essex) have- formed themselves into a fire brigade, and are undergoing a special course of trainAccording to u statement presented to the London Comity Council recently of tho twenty-nine London Mayors four have, salaries—namely, 'the Lord Mayor. £IO.OOO a year; the Muvor of Camberwell, i'oOO; Mayor of 1 Ininpsiead. jfJ.'HrO; and tho *Mavor of Woolwich, £2OO.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Star (Christchurch), Issue 10427, 3 April 1912, Page 3