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Miao-llar-sous. MAGNIFICENT MODEL ! MILLINERY. HERE are a .core or more Hats that we have imported from Paris, to furnish suggestions to cur milliners. It is needless to say that the hats are beautiful, that they are chic and becoming — they could not be Parisian otherwise. Some of these models will exactly suit the requirements of some ladies, and the models are for sale; but there are some who will like the models, but prefer a change in the colour scheme of the trimmings. Our milliners will attend to that, and give satisfaction. The Model Hats are worth seeing as an education in the fashions, and every woman needs to know as much as possible about Dame Fashion. Here are the prices of the Hats: — Black Velvet Hats, trimmed with- tnerv ribbon and buckle, at 355, 39s each. Picture Hat, in Cardinal Beaver, trimmed black lace and osprey, at 355. New Mole Seal Hat, trimmed with green and heliotrope, at 355. Blue Chenille Toque, trimmed with blue violets, flfc S2s 60L Grey Zibeline Felt, trimmed with blue velvet, at 25s 6d. White Felt Hat, trimmed with pink and eau-de -nil. at 22s 6d. AND OTHERS WO_vxH SEEING. THE N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, 107 to 115, CASHEL STREET. 9095 ABY Carriers for Bicycles, from 12s 6d' Clegg, Perambulator Works, High Street. 9171 CHIP Carving Taught. 162, Armagh Street, City. . 9200 CM. GRAY for Tress' Celeibrated make of • Fft'S-hionaWy-shiaped Hats. M. GRAY for W.oHen,"Shirts and Pants, • for winter wear. 9163 HI__N_SYS Well ©wept; Registers, onesitorey, Is 6d; Rianges, 2s 6d. A. White, 119, Victoria Sarect. ,_^ 9145 ""tjtOLR Sending Home "—Richard WiTTiam. X Colombo iSireeb, next liangdon and Steel, Butchers, is selling 60 'Large Views of N.Z. Scenery for 3a; see my purses for 1«; Ideal Stationary and 'Books. 9159 TMPORTANT for Ladies to know that no -I advertised remedy can compare or excol Dr McGill's Famous Pastilles: month's treatment 10s 6d. Agent— Mrß Walker, Art Needlework Depot, Colombo Street, next Recce,. Ironmonger. 9193 HAVING Cleared big line Silver-mounted ■ -Case Pipes under landed cost, call Wilkinaon's, Tobacconist. 9154 DO not fail to «cc t/hose 3e Case Pipes. Wilkinson, Tobacconist, High Street. 9154 "|7_TB can Sell Genuine Oase Pipes, uaual TTi cost 7s 6d fox 3s. Wilkinson's, Tobaoconjgt, High Street. 9154 FRED. H. E^ST ALL the latest American Papers, including New York Clipper, Brooklyn Eagie, Chicago Tribune, New York Sunday Telegraph, New York Herald, American Journal, 'Frisco Examiner, Vanity Fair, Broadway Weekly, Standard, American Ladies' Magazines, Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Companion, The Delineator, Designer, New Idea, McCall's, Harper's Bazaar, and all the beat American Papers. THE Only Shop in Christohurch for all American Magazines, Papers, etc. ONLY Address— B.B.B., 137, Manchester Street. 9161 ALLAN AND SHEMMINGS' GREAT Sale at Lichfield Street, next Sargood's, on Monday, 21st insl I"lM_Nrfl~-Tew "Sentinel Bicycle, 1 3_ady'. do., 3 Second-hand Machines, 4 Phonographs and Records. 3 SETS of New Dunlop Tyres, 1 Medicine Chest, 1 Set of Harness, 1 Carrier's Express, 1 Spring Trap. . •i SINGLE-BARREL Gun, 1 Good Rabbit J- Dog, 8 Gross Yankee Grip jGlue^ 9AA BOOKS, 500 Lota of Fancy Goods, UXjyJ Drapery, etc. KAA ACRES of Land at £i 103, 800 Acres O\J\J of Land ax SOs, 670 Acres of Land at £7 10s. fTTHE above will be sold by auction ; no reX serve. 9060 NEW ARRIVALS. CD.C, AVON House, Victoria Street, an- • nounce the arrival of New ' Goods in all departments. C~ D.C., FOR Lovely Seasonable Blousings, • newest patterns and lowest prices. Pink and White Flannelettes 4jd. j I CD.C— LADIES' Dress Materials, (59 spe- | • cially imported Dress Lengths, no two ■ alike. Worth inspection. C~~ D.C.— NEWEST~Shapes in Black Straw • Hats. Trimmings of every description arrived per s.s. Waiwera. D.C., FOR Best Value in Blankets, Sheet- j • ings, Table Linens and Curtains. A ' grand show now being made. 9160 ] T. Q. VOYCE, I £»K COLOMBO Street. The publio are in- ! \JkJ9 vited to visit my New Shop at above 1 address. Tl/TY Prices are right and my lines are not : XVX surpassed for quality anywhere. ! I AM a Practical and Competent Ma_rufaoturing Jeweller and Watohmaker. I guarantee my work. EFFECT Watch or Jewellery Repairs Conscientiously and Punctually at Strictly Moderate Prices far all;. A DDRESS, T. G. Voyce, 95, Colombo --*• Street, ne_t door to T. Taylor, Grocer. 9098 IT IS MARVELLOUS THE value that De Luen and Douglas are giving in Hats, Mercery and Hosiery. ALL their vast stock has been greatly reduced in price. IT will amply repay you to visit the Zetland Hotel Buildings, Cashel Street W. A SPECIAL Feature is Working Shirts, which they are clearing at less than cost PLENTY of Bargains at De Luen and Douglas's, Mercers, Zetland Hotel -tnildinga, Oashel Street. 9190 PIANOS. NICE English instruments, 30 guineas; easy terms. Milner and Thompson. PIANOS, A BIG Selection. Our 30 guinea Pianos are the best. Milner and Thompson. PIANOS. BUYERS will save money by purchasing our 30 guinea instruments; easy terms. Milner and Thompson. 9099 IT'S THE HAIR npHAT makes a woman attractive. Craig's, JL Armagh Streeffc, for Natural, Curly Fringes, IPs 6d each. CRAIG'S -Natural Curly Fringe* keep you looking young _nd 'attractive; 10s 6d each. CtRAIG'S. the Best and 'Cheapest for * Switches, Wigs, Scalps, Fringe?, Pads, Ba.g-3 and Transformations. C CRAIG'S, Armagh ©creet, for Universal f Hair T)ye; Curly Fringes a comfort in hot or rainy weather. 9132 KENNETH MATHESON. •i-iQ COLOMBO STRE'ET— 2O Doz Hard JLXOs Felt Hats, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 8s 6d; 20 doz Sofi Felt H-iis, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 8s 6d; 10 doz Straw Boatexa, 2s ."6d, 3s 6d, 4s 6d. Bought from Bank for Oa&h. Ail New Season's Goods. 9101 WEAR the " DENTON ItAT." Qualitj guaranteed. Price, 10s 6tf. BLACK, BEATTIF. AND CO., 6644 High Street WILSON & WOOD'S AGENCY HAVING secured the New _.e_!a_d Agency for the Ararat Gnupe Wttnes, comprising Light Tart Table Wines of excellent fluvoiir, refreshing _n_ invigorating; Wiines with Rich IMJusoat Flavour, Extra IRiidh Wines for Invalid's and Ohildr«n,; also Wines for Sacramem'tal purposes, retail Is- "64. per bottle; Speciail Quotations an larger qu_n.tiiy »n_ tc the trade; also, Fresh Supplies of Goloni-al, Englislh and. Co-traental Goods, which we offer at lowest competition T>rice_. WILSON WOO©, Grocers and Provision Mer-oh-nts, 222, Oarfiel Stareet w_gt. 9115 a AND J. COLVILLE, LATE FALK-N-XBR AND CQLVILLE, T ICEIN'SED Phim!ber_, 28-30, Cathedral X- 'Square, n«gt Palgety's. Telephone 902. T^STI-dATES fox. Sewer Connections, SaniXU tary Piumibing, Hot and Cold Water, Gas and Bleotric Bell Services. • IRBCT Impbrtars of Ssnreary Ware. Lavatbry Fittings, Sinks, Gas Fixtures, Globes, .BurneCT, etc. - A-TUFACTUIBBRS of Sheet Mefcal Goods. C-thedral 'Squaw; Telepihone- 902. Branch Shop Summeir. 918g MAINE BROS, for Genie 1 Evening Shoe? this winter. Maine Bros. for. Gents' Winter Slippers. 8103
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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1,116Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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