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Miaoellaneous. NOTICE. F having oome under my notice *h»V a Malicioiis Statement is 'being o&roulated 'around Addington, referring to me, I hereby give notice that Proceedings -will be taken against tihe offenders if not -wi>tlhdr»wtt at once. 9176 (Signed) GEORGKB EVAySQUFDRFLUOUS BDair 'Removed, painless, O no disfigurement; hours 7-8; dhaTges moderate. 22, Oonferenoe Street. 9206 rpiiuiMS, (Sairdresser. Riasor Eacpeirt, grinds X and sets razors, 6d. ■Corner St Asaph end Mandreter Streate. 9178 I SYDENHAM CYCLE CO./ BUILDEfRS of the "Arrow" Bicyole, 8.5.A., Perry or ißadie £15 caaih. WE 'have i, for Sale, 2 splendid bargains in : I/adies' Macfhines, £S aad £7 10s. NAidLtSI/LINXr and Plating is -our specialirty ; our price is right, 80s ■» machine. A.lit -.Q '"* Attow " Bicycle, wiiih B.S.A. fromit rim- brake, £1». GENTS Machinee IbuMt tfttwni £15; termsT guaranteed for 12 months. 52, Colombo S-fcreet, Syderftiojn. 9204 go to OUR BOOTMAKER job AiRPET Soles Slippers, la 2d; leather Soles, 1* lid; Evening Shoes, feather made, not Oiloloth, 2s ed^ . H. W. REYNOLDS, jr\ ENTIiBMBITS Stylish Balmorals, 10s VJ" 9d; Ladies' Waking Shoes, 4s 6d; Strong School Boot 3, 4» 8d; Nailed Shooters, 8s 6d. ; [ j A3SE you an authority on Boot 3, them come and atudy our pricea at 130, COLOMBO STREET. . 9191 /CHIMNEYS Well Swept in • clean and tidy vy manner. All orders by ietter or postcard promptly attended to and executed with despatch. C. Morrison, Chimney Sweep, Huxley Street, Syd«niham. 9128 J. RHODES. rriS Hats Wear Well. TTIS Hats Keep tireir Colour. ' TTIS Gwit's NeckweaT is Smart. ■¥TO)9 Hosiery is G«od Value. TTIS Address, 187, High Street. 9208. T ADIES' Carpet Slippers, leather soles, JLi from Is lid pair; cashmere uppers, leather soles, Is lid pair. 9102 YPEWRITBRS, Second-hand, from £7 10s, useful Remingtons, satisfactory condition. Charles -Bean, -Hereford Street. 8767 ■BM HHBBk. SB*H MOB BT * 08T « •*- ' 88l mm $■*# pm ham CUEB, »y that I 1 1 ■— - Vmam i? BtJ 7 ooloiirat^ TALPHTBICIAK and PJJJISIAN STPK3ALIST, X>B. EAEONSICI, showing sufferers how they may CTJKB TItEMSELVES af ALL NEBTOUa YSOUBIiBS, anA their scrims oonsoamnces. A HOME CUSS pan and simple for aft whs Me 4 It. Addrass— Parisian Agency, Castleriagh St., Syiasy. mHE "Denton Hat" is the Best in the J- Market. Try one, 10s 6d. W. Medea, Colombo Street. 5644 rpONEYCLIPFE AND OABGI NEW GOODS FOR NEW SEASON, EXTENSIVE SHIPMENTS. LATEST PRODUCTIONS. READY-MONEY PRICES. Novelties in Zibeline, Flake Knopp, Donegal, Ascot end Kaiapoi Tweeds. Blousing Flannels and Flannelettes in Newest Designs and Makes. Special Value. Newest Shapes and Styles in Ladies' Jackets, Maniiea and Rain Coats. THE MILLINERY This tfeason is more Artistic and Cfhia than ever, and we have a Grand Range both in Trimmed and Untrimmed. Infanta' Millinery and Coats in the Daintiest Stylet. Dress Skirts, Underskirts, Corsets and Underwear. NEW VEILINGS NEW GLOVES NEW LAOES NEW PUES. TONEYCLIFFE AND CAREY, The Ready-Money Diapers. L 2843 A DIARY UF THE WAR. ♦— — NEWS IN BRIEF. February 4— Russia warned Japanese residents at Vladivostock to be prepared for • sudden proclamation of a state of siege, lne Ctafi objection to war overcome by his advisers. Russia* reply to Japan atiU held 'baok, to give Admiral Alexeieff time to prepare for possible consequences. February s— Russian reply telegraphed to Ali*.iefl. Russian fleet assembled cutade i Port Arthur. , I February 6— Russian reply handed to Japanese Government »t Tokio. ■ February 7— Negotiation* closed by Japan, and Russian Ambassador and staff withdrawn from Tokio. . , February B— Count Hyastu denies that Russia s reply was delivered. February 9— Mobilisation of Japan's forces. Seißure of Russian merchant steamers by Japan. Naval attack on Port Arthur. Russian battleships Retvizan and Tsare- . vitoh torpedoed and seriously injured; first-class cruiser Pall*da sunk. February 10— Russia acknowledged having receivad the formal declaration of war. Russian steamer Mongolia captured off Shantung. / February 11— Japanese occupy Seoul, oapital of Korea. More marine captures by Japan. Second fight at Port Arthur reported; four Russian war vessels disabled. The Varyag, Russian cruiser at Chemulpho, accused of firing the first shot in. the war. She, with the czim«r Kor etz, iras ox- ( ploded. Panic *t Port Arthur. Russian \ officers complain of Alexeieff'* laok of prudence »nd fcces.'giht, and okinrour for a sow oommacder in tike parson of General Kuropatkin. February 12— The war unpopular in Russia. Russia, reported to have asked leave to pass her Black Sea Fleet through <he Dardanelles. February 18— Lord Oranborne, in the House of Commons denies • Mtmour thai Wea-ha«-woi would toe given io Japan for «. naval base. ■ " . _ February 14-J*panese new onusers Ka*aga and Nisshin jail in search of Russian volunteer fleet. Sixty thousand Japanese landed in Korean ports. Russian steamer Kotik captured. . February 16— Two thousand Russian*, with, three batteries of artillery, at Niuehwang. Russians iorpjdo Japanese steamer Nakanoura Maru, after her flag had been hauled down, and thirty-three of her crew and passengers Bank wifch her. February 16— Russians accused of robbing and ill-treating refugee Japanese Russia concentrates a kxge force on the Yalu River. Koiea allows Japan a free hand in the war. Furtiher outcry against Akxeieff ■ oonduot of the war. Another attack an Port Arthur on February 14 reported. February 17 — Japan conditionally accepts the American Note on the neutrality of Chin*, reserving right of action in the event of Russia violating China's territory. February ; 18— The cable between Port Arthur and Chifu cut. j February l&-^Furt!her. .concentration, of Rnauian troops on the ''Yalu River. ' February 20— Ghana gives notice of armed neu- . trelity. Great looting and irregularity reported at Pott: Arthur. February 21— Rigid censorship of war news. War correspondents still at Tokio. February 23-Fightinc «n *• Y«fc» xeaw^dl,
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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926Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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