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Miscellaneous. iuTCHEBKNOWS B XSHFUL Couples sometimes endeavour to conceal tneir feennga towartta one another. They may succeed, but ilutcher k_owa You can.' 'i eva_« Hutcher. Directly you're engaged_Butcher knows. IF You" go for a quiet walk by moonlight all alone, Butcher knows. I F YcnTgo nosing around furniture arid" otßer ahops, Butcherjuiowe. TTvIRECTLY You settle the day, Butcher JL/ imows, and he settles himself behind his counter. W" HEN You come into Butcher's "Shop and pretend you don't know what you've come (for, 'Butcher knows, and he producethe 18ot Golden Circlet that you've come for. 9075 "thlTblue boot shop. LUE Boot Shop — Children's felt slippers _ro_» Bd, Women's from Is. Imported j this month. LUii Boot Shop — 'Children's tan and black lace, button and two-bar shoes, _4 sizes. BLUE Boot ©hop — Ladies' button, and laoe shoes and boots from colonial, English ,&nd American, makers. LUE Boot Shop — Gents' button^ a_d laoe boot«, light a_d heavy, colonial, English and American. • T>LUE Boot Shop — The above axe newly J_> landed; offecred at lowest possible cash prices. 9072 FIRB PRICES. TTCTHALE BROS., 230, Colombo Street, can W now give the public a definite idea of the Bargains to be obtained at their shop, as a result of the recent fire. ENTS'~W^terbury Watches I2s 6d, now . 8s 6d, Field Glasses 255, now 11s 6d, practically undamaged. T ADIES' -Watches 15s, mow 9s 6d ; Oak JL/ BiscuTS Barrels 20s, now 14s 6d; suitahle for presents. SERVIETTE Rings 7s 6d, now 3s 6dT Al-arm decks 7s 6d. now 53 6d; Breakfast Cruets 8s 6d, now 4s 6d. ■__ QILVER-MOUNTED Purses ss, now 2s 6d; 0 Silver-Mounted Purses 8s 6d, now 4s 6d. A Nibble^ /TENTS' Silver Links ss, now 3a, Silver\X Mounted Greenstone Pendants 3s 6d, now A. «09 7 D. C. SHIER AND CO. EW Premises, 181, High Street, are now open to the public. Oall and inspect. EW and Up-to-date Stock of Jewellery, Greenstone, Watches, Rings, Clocks, Silver WaTe, etc. /IRANDFATHER'S Clock, handsome oak vJ case, shows phases of, the moon, day of month and time. f*i RIANiDPATBEIR'S Clock, » splendid vX article for presentation. Becomes _n hedrlocxm in family, £25. - D" C. SHIER AND CO. will execute Jewel- • lery Work of all descriptions to customers' orders. 181, High Street. 9073 CATARRH CURED. rpHE Latest Scientific Discovery for the Cure X of Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Feve^ Bronchitis and Deafness, is the New E. J. Worst Co-ro-na Medicator. It has received the highest endorsement of the Medical Profession, sends medicated air into every 'air paseage of the head. The Co-ro-nft, with six months' supply of medicine, posted Free for 7s 6d from the New Zealand Agents— HEALTH SUPPLIES COMPANY, 245 Cashel Street, Christbhurch. Send for free pamphlets. 9074 MORI FIRE PRICES. HALE BROS., 230, Colombo Street, offer Jewellery, etc., at less than half jusual prices. , INNER Cruets 20s, now 10s; Butter Knives 4s 6d, now 2s ; Greenstone Goods greatly reduced. TpNGAGEMENY'Rmgs, "every possible com--Ei bination of precious 6tones, offered just Half Usual Prices. ' TyfANY~of our Fire Lines are impossible IVJ. to catalogue, but they all bear similar reduction's to those njentioned. Tell us what you require and get it 'at Half Price. 9100 CLARKSON'S CYCLES. HAVE you seen the latest in Road Racers? Fitted specially for road racing, JBIB 18s. r"IENTAUR Cycles, the finest maohine made V> made in England; guaranteed for 12 month.6 ; £20. FREEWheels fitted &a 6d, Front Rim Brakes from 10s 6d, Phenomenon Gas Lamps Us 6d, Oceanic Covers 12s 6d, Inner Tubes from 4s. J. B. Clarkson, next Tattereall's Hotel, Cashel Street. ■ ' . DEPOTS Palmerston North, Feiiding, Levin and Dannevirke. , Distributing Centre for South Island, Cashel Street, Chiristchuroh, . 909() _. ; L BROWNING'S TUBILEE Boot Palace, next door to Knight] tl Butcher, High Street, is worth your attention. LL the Highest Quality Brands in English, American and Colonial Footwear kept in stock. | BE Comfortable in your Footwear and you | will be comfortable in your mind. INCLUDE damp, avoid pinching, fit your J feet with due regard to elegance and style. TOU can do all this and more by purchasing from L. Browning's Jubilee Boot Baiaoe. 9079 I'M WAITING 17* OR Claimants to come along for my ' Electro-Plated Silver Teapota. I don't suppose I shall have to wait very long, and 1 shall be greatly disappointed if I do. I SHALL expect the fortunate Mammas to bring their Twins along for my inspection. I dote on Twins and Twins State on me. I ought to have been Twins myself. IF there hadbeen two Butchers instead of only one! 11 I" N future Butcher is going to set aside a Teapot for every IBct "Wedding lung sold, so as to be prepared for every possible eventuality. ' Y*Wedding Presents given free with each 18ct Gold Wedding Ring are high.y appreciated. My Teapots will be even more so. You lose nothing by going to Butchers. ' 9075 I ADNAMS BROS. . AKERS of the well-known "Al Special" Bicycle, fitted throughout with B.S.A. parfcjN " A -t SPECIAL" Bicycles can be built to -n--L order for ladies and gentlemen at short notice. A DNAMS BROS, guarantee their own work XV, throughout. What we do, we do well. TTINAMELLING, any colour required, and J-J plating done Adnam. Bros., Durham Street, near Oxford Terrace. REPAIRS honestly ancl effectively done by skilled workmen at Adnams Bros.', Durham Street. 9078 " HENRY SWENJBY. IF you ask the man in the street, "Where can I get shaved properly?" "* E will direct you to Henry Sweney, 146, High Street, next Adams's Cycle Shop. F" you a*k, " Where can I get a really good razor?" you will be told f JpHAT Henry Sweney not only keeps the X best stock of Razors in Christchurch, UT that he always shaves you with the razor you purchase before you leave. 9077 " JONES AND SONS. •OEI/IABLE Watches, Brooches, Rings, etc. Jtti Jone»_and Sona RELIABLE Workmanship. We defy com- ■ petition for manufacturing xingSi brooches, etC;^ K____ABLE Prices'. We invite you to compare the quality »nd prices of our rings, watches, brooches, etc. Jones and Song. R' ELIABLE Repairs in this most important branch c- *he trade. -We claim absolute reliability. 9076 (SOLD IN WAITING: rpHE Ist Prize in the Glass Works GuessX ing Contest is a rolling-pin containing h_lf » sovereign. _________________ rjcr ANTED, Motor Cyclists to look us up YY for Trembler Coils, Dry Cells, Porcelains, Petrol, Funnels, Bpark Intensifier., and' 3 v«rything else for motors. O-t*_, Lowry and Co., Christohuroh^ .- >' ■' KAMBLER'Motor Cars.— A shipment of the 1904 design just landed. Half the ehipm e_t already sold. Absolutely tihe best American oar made. Oatea, Lowry and Co., Sole Agents, Chrigtchurch. TI7__NTED, Motor Cyclists to see us for AcYY cumulators, Voltmeters, Dosimeters, Goggles, Sparking PI««s, Horn*. Ampere Metersf Oatea, Lowry and Co., Chmtchurch. . 3818 ' — I'J. WHItEHEAP. TRY one of our Special Lever Watches, 25b, guaranteed 2 year.. 261, High Street ' 9orL „ LADIES' Evening Shoes, very neat shoes, 3b 9e_ with one atrap. Maine J»re». 9102*
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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1,147Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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