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For Sale or To Lat, TT UG H W T-L 3O 27 AND CO., LAND AN© ESTATE AGENTS, 182, GLOUOESTO3R STREET. FOR SALE— £395, near Lancaster Park and Railway Qtaj tion— A veTy mico 4-room Cottage, all I plastered, aaid in good order, nearly J- ■ acx&; easy toTms can, be arranged; _ most suitable place for * i_ilw«y employee. £800— MANSFXEiL'D (AVENUE— A thorougihly well-built Bouse, all usual modem conveniences; property i« rising in value in this .elect locality. ' £600— iAVON SIDE—^Almost new 6-room House, modern, good neighbourhood, river front/age, exceptional terms ; deposit £30, 15s pax iweok, 5 per cent irAe_est. £530— CAiRLTON— 'New House, 5 rooms, every convenience, tiled hearths and grates, wardrobes, -bay window, sunaiy aspect; owner ■anxious to sell. TOUET. BRICK STORE or Workshop, near to R_ilj way, off Manchester Street, 70 _ 30, ground ■ floor, cheap rent. WORKSHOP, 16 x 18, Central, 7s 6d Week. NEW BRIGHTON— Fdrst-cl&sa Gentleman's Residence, 7 rooms, staible, «tc., £65 per annum. BURWOOD-JS-enikmaai's Residence, 10 rooms and all usual and necessary ouibuildings, I stables, -with or without land; rent £90. ! • ! j . FO R S, A L E— HOUSE of 5 Rooms, with Usual Omces and Conveniences. Can be seen any day after 2.30 -p-^- 64, Milton Street, Sydenham. Offers wanted for the &bo<ve, xo be sent in not later than 26th of MARCH. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. 9157 _ KAiRE Chance— Massey-H»rri* B ioy cl« (Ladies' or Gents'); "Raleigh" Gent's Bicycle, brand new, never riddem, up-to-date in every reapoct. Owner wanta spot otter for one or boiflr. W. H. Corrigan, 170, Hereford Street. P.O. Box 400. 9156 /COMFORTABLE, Furnished Bedroom, V/ bath, breakfast if required; suit gentleman. 317, Colombo 'Street N. 9192 OGS.— Greyhound and Prize. Cocker Spaniel for Sale, cheap. Sport, this Office. _____ TvRESSMiAKING and Millinery Business JIJ fvar 'Sale, tn Pautmerahip ; good connection; Contral__Dress, "Times" Office. 915S EMPTY Oases" for S*l«. Smith and 1 Smith, Oil *nd Colour Merdhaoits, Tuam Street. j 9169 FOR Sale— Five-roomed House, all conveniences, eighth-acre. workshop, cheap. iMiatgr, "Times" Office. 9179 rpo Let, Shop and Rooms. Manchester X Street, near "Station. DeaJ Bros., 8, Msnchestwr JSteeet. 9153 rrXo~L^t— Fiv«-roomed House, modern ccni X veniences. gas, good garden. Apply 35, ; Union Street,.' 9179 O Let, Richmond, 4 rooms and conveniences. srt_b'lin£, orcha-rd, J-acre. Apply 63, Tuam Street. City. 9202 iTpO~Lst. Two U_furnli__jed Front Room*, i X -wi'llh fireplace.. Apply 97, Salisbury j Stew*. 9151 n-jn lbs ENGLISH Brcycles! Advertiser d&jL-S Belling at landed cost, ladies' and gents', usually sold £20, latest pattern, freewheel, Dunlop tyre 3, plated rims, 2 brakes. Apply Value, "Times" Office. 9199 ~7»r» q r\_BEALEY Street— Superior Mod- ! at/DOU crn 5-roomed House, well built. I everything first-class, good section, owner j leaving, worth £700; must sell this month. Apply Bealey, " Times " Office. 9196 Miscellaneous. rpHE "DENTON" HAT wears well. Ttf X o_». Price 10s 6d. W. F. ROCHE AND CO., I 9 High Street I ORANGE LILY. D' R COONLEY'S Orange Lily, cure fo r female complaints; no operations necessary. Heaitfh Supptiea Co. 9074 ! MAINE BRO9. have a good stock of Gents' Lace Danoing Shoes from 4s pair. 9102 j TVyfRS McKENZIE has Resumed Nursing. ItX Apply 34, Madras Street, corner i_ingsley Street, Sydenham. . 9094 MARK. — Mass Louisa Mark (since married), | last heard of at Gray Mountain, New Zealand ; also, Mrs Mary Ann Selluck ( ?) and Airs Jane Asdiumn, last heavd of Ohristohuxch, N^Z. Th« three are sisteirs. Niece inquircß. Send •i»fon_'atio_ to office of _ii_ paper. RELIEF at Last-Try Bell* Asthma. Cure. A- V. tB. Bishop, Chemist, East B«lt. 7033 i QUPERFLUOUS HAIR effectively removed by Electrolysis. Mr Hammond, Medical I Galvanist, 50, dashel Street, City. 2167 rpRY Cash Produce Ocmpany, Sydenham, foi; X ■Butter and Egga; cheap. Wholesale and RetaiL < 9055 rpHOMAS CA_/V_ffl,T T«aoh«s Anglo-Ger-JL man, Chromatio.and EngliA Concertinas. I Care of Riwbin'son, Fruiterer, H«reford Buildj ings : 9113 rPHOMiAS OALVERT Tunes and Repairs J- Corucertin-a* a-nd Acoordions. Care of I Robinson, Fruiteraar, Hereford Buildings. 9113 ■ AINE BROS, have a good stock of La- ! dies' Evening flhoes. Patent from Is | 9d pair 9102 j T ADIES' Evening Shoes, glace, with one I XJ bar. 2s 3d, at Maine Bros. 9102 THE " Denton Hat " is good. Wear one. J. H. Parker, High and Cashel Streets. 5644 AINE BROS, have shiploads of Evening Shoes, Winter Slippers; thousands of pairs ; all must be sold. 9102 HE "Denton Hat" w«us» well. Try one. Price 10b 6d. "W. F. Roche and Co., High Street. 5644 EDDING BOUQUETS adaatioally made up in the late3t London styles of choice hothouse blooms and fern, at Moderate Prices. A. A'iN'JL) S. E_ilD, Floxista, 253, High Street Telephone 1_72. 9004 HULLO, Jack I' Got a new Hat?" "Yes, a 'DENTON'; it's a beauty." "Where _id you g»t it?" "At J. RHODES'S, 5644 -High Street." _O_S «t HEBROT and STRBHeTH, ft DHS^3MOBMCY Bad »Ha_l_XT. % i £ OMttwma havin. fcrfa* lv -ftta. *nmr £ I _d««v-bM« nwMMyr. »n« •« teak 41«- £ i CURB, wilt eunoraxd the a_a_«, Cm* ot : '< -barf** *• tusyoc- iat_n_te_. ; JLAAtVUI A. KIMBB, OJP^. Bt-DHBT. ! T O2IDON DENTAL nraTmjTE _1«, HIGH STSEET, CHRISTCHDRCH. Pai-lesß Operatioss. Bdiable Work. STBICTLY MODERATE FEES. tt. C. Z. HARRIS, D.nturt. eaSl TfipZAK, KEBVOUS SUPFEaiBII. Let v » » send you a trial co_»e of obi OONCKNfRAT3£D BOTANIC REiCBDIES FBEEOl" CHARGE. You will be more than _l«_a«3 fti*. the xwult, «_d jc« wm «W yo_?'_* preawtion of our valuable treatmeat by __T Mveiuw is it* u§e for a few weeks until wm Tibio«__ CBu_____l
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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901Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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