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For Sale or To Let, npYPJBWRITERS, Second-hand, from £7 -•- 10s, uaeful Remingtons, satiatactory condifeicn. Charles Bea-n, iiea-eford Straet. 87_7_ I CYCLE for Sale, good as new ; worth inepeotion, great bugs-a. K.K., " Tinx©3 " Office. 8900_ F OR Sale, Mitchell Motor Cycle; trial. Apply 80, St Asaph Street, Linwood. 9032 FOR Sale, Small Suburban Drapery, Ladies' ' Underclothing and Stocking Knitting Business. Apply_Draper, "Times." 2056 F" OR* Sale— Good &hap Front, with Pi*teglass, Doors, etc. England and Martin, Tuam 'Street.. &040 FOR Sale, 'by Tender — iNW Mtedern House, 5 Iwrge rooms, large> eectjcii, Fairficld Avenue. Pa^ticulairs afc 40, •Poulson Sureet, Addingion. Tenders close Thursday, 2413 i 'March ; v terms 9114 FOR Sale, in Auckland, First-class Photographer's Business, in excellent position, doing good trade; price . £250. For further particulars, apply to P. Hayman and Co., AucfcUnd. 2034 *rSo~R Sale, Riccarton, nrst-ciass positio n — JC New House of 5 ■rooms, bathroom, 'h. and c, washihouse and copper, set tubs aad iull quarter-acre; price £550; easy iterma, say £25 dopxwit, balance by weekly payments, just the ipiaoe for dealers, for Aldington Yards and Workshop Employees. Apply Kndght and Ohegkley, 164, Hereford Street, east of B.N.Z. FOR Sale, Sydenham, 5 minutes' walk from Railway Station — >N«w Hcuse of 7 rooms, baihioom, hot water from copper, wasnhouse, eet tuba. This is a real good, Bubstairoiuily•built house, and the owner is anxious to sell, consequently will take a very low price. Call early fox card to view, as this property will be sold at a bargain. Apply KruVht 'and Checkley, 164, Hereford Street, cast of' 'B.N.Z. ITU-RNISHBD Bedroom; sum two. 74, Lower High 'Street. 9137 PIANO, Haake, perfect order, £32; 12s 6d monthly. 65, c Dean Street, off Madras i Street aorth. 202S PIANO for Saie, Overstrung, Upright G-ranoC Lipp Model, full irielicrd, walnut case, : cost 70 guineas, will take o*sh £42 10s. Apply j No. 9, Bealey Street, Norih-East Belt. 8958 PIANO (new) for Sale, £43, upright grand, magnificent instrument (cost 68 guineas 6 weeks ago), superb tone, Lipp strung, extended ends, complete iron frame, finest re--1 peating check aotion, overstrung, etc., very handaome plain walnut case. This piano was specially imported and selected. Owner unexpectedly leaving the colony; exceptional bargain; immediate. 51, Gloucester Street, : City; i rpYPEWRITERS, Second-hand, from £7 J- 10s, useful Remingtons, satisfactory condition. Charles Bean, Hereford Street. 8767 A SMALL House to Let. Apply 53", Harper Street, Sydenharo^ 8070 OUSES to l t s\~Ci<by, le-roomed, £110; 10---nooxned, £62; 8-roomed, £78; 7-roomed, £52; 6-roomed, 34». Avonside — 7-rooimed, 17s 6d; 6-Tooni«d, £52. Opawa — 4-roomed, 2J ' acres, 14s. Lin-wood — 7-roomed, £52, and with I titiaibles, etc., 16s; 6-roomed, 17s 6d and £52; . 6-roomed, 16s. Papanui — 6-rcomed, wdtlh 6 I acres, £-15. iSydenham — 14-iroom'ed, £104, £90 for term. Blaike,_l6Baj, Oxford Terrace. 9166 TO Let, Two Unfurnished Front Rooms, suit lady; quiet house. 146, Salisbury | Street.- 9063 O Let, St Aeaph Street, City— Souse 4 rooms, washiouse, 12s. Chas. Hill, Solicitor. , 9186 TO Let, Caledonian Road — House 5 rooms, 10s 6d. Chas' Hill, Solicitor, 194, Hereford Street. . 9186 rrVO Let. Ccrner Shoo, with cellur, plate-glass J- windows. 72, Manchester Street, CockI ayne's Building. 2157 TO Let, South Pelt— House 7 rooms, bathroom, 20s. Chas. Hill, Solicitor, Hereford Street^ 9186_ TO Let, Two Umrurnn'shed Rooms, copper, use of range. 19, Hereford Street, City. _ 9 ii?_ tTIO Let or for Sale (terms if preferred) — JL New 7-roormd House, scullery, bathroom, pantry, n. and o. water, Vene'tiaii ■b'iSjjds, gas fittings, large rooms, wash'heuse, coal-house, , etc., connected witti main sewer, laid out garden, aspii/att path's, etc., all ckrav«niences. Apply direct; to owner, 145, Batfbadoes 'Street. i 9120 VT R OHASLSB CLASS. EstAbUsksd 1661. AUCTIOtfEEE, hlim ANl> ESTATE AQ22XT, VALUATOR, LICENSED LAND BROKER. MONEY TO LEND, On Freehold Securities, at Current Bates. SEVERAL SPECIAL S%MS NOW AWAITING INVESTMENT. MARKETABLE PBOPESIIES ADVERTISED IN THIS COLUMN FREE OF COST. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. RUGBY STREET— PTetty Villa of 7 rooms »nd all necessary offices; quarter-acre, with aunny aspect; £1100, or offer. 119 RANFURLY STREET—Modern Villa, 7 rooms, bathroom (h., c. and shower), pantry, scullery, windmill, verandah, large bay window, deep sewer connection, asphalt paths; quarter-aore, in lawn and flower garden. Apply at once. £795. 117 COOPER'S LANE, St Albans— One-aore of Splendid Land and Cottage of 4 rooms. Cheap at £250. , 112 OXFORID TERiRACE (best part)— Charming City Residence, 7 rooms, wimh all modern oonvendeiices, verandah front and back, stabling, pretty garden, £1000. 386 CONFERENCE STRBET-JiTew House, 6 rooms, batihrooHi, ih. Amd 0., |-*ere, sunny aspect. v 335 HAWTHORNE ROAD, one minute from the Papanui Road— Dwelling-house of 8 rooms and outbuildings, verand-ah on three sides, \- acre, £830. 116 FEOfiDALTON— The residence of H. G. Sims, Esq., 9 rooms and all convergences, stabling, 5 acres ■ of land in ornamental grounds, orchard and paddock. This property is ridiculously cheap at £1150, it being little more than the value of the bare land. 32 LEINSTHR ROAD— .Modem House of 10 rooms, ruabling, etc, 2j Acres in nice garden, orchard and paddock; only four minutes' walk from the tram; £1850. A very cheap property. HO GORDON AVENUE, off Chapel Street and St xuoana Lane—Two New Houses each containing 6 room*, bathroom, "h. and c, gas, tiled grates, widhboose, quarter-acre to eeoh, laid .out in garden, a«phalt pat/ha; £650 each. LOWIER RIOCARTQN— 3 Comfortable Cottogas oi 5 rooms (plastered), close to the Park and as good. «s new; £450 and £350. 702 and 84 &EIASIDE BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT aad POULTRx FARM-^A really good thing to an euergetio person with a little caipitel. 264 BURWOOD— Irowood's Road, 40 Acres and Cottage of 4 rooms, £420. 262 BAxiBADO-ES STKSEIT N-— 7-a.u*rtex-acxfl* £65 each. The cheapest building sites in _i« market. 002 BICCARTON— Building Situs in all parts of the distriot. Alst, the ansold sections in the Deans's Estate lately ofi«r«d by auction. Now is the tima to buy and reap enhanced values that will rule when this favourite distriot is served by the electric tram. HOWTBY— BIock of 261 Acres, adjoining Hora'by 'Station, very suitable for subdivision, towing long fmxxtsges. Immediate possession, j xJECKENEAM. COLOMBO ROAD SOUTH. Quarter-acres and Upwards. The Cheapest Building Sites in the Market. BPLENDID HALF-ACBES, ONLY £76., Call said Inspect Plan. TO LET- Offices in town and Houses ie Town iwd Suburbs. . BURWOOD— " Arborfleld," 9 rooms, stabling, and 13 acres of land, in ornamental grounds and paddocks. Possession May 9. SPECIAI/— Furnislied Houses, varying in sixe from • to 16 rooms. CATALOGUE OF PHOPEBTIES ON AJP. PLICATION OE POOPED FBEE.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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1,069Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7965, 19 March 1904, Page 6
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