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Trade. Cash advertisements under thiß hoao-not exoeeding fourteen words, wUI be charged SIXPENCE, THE Masher Short Cover Coat. A few just to hand, at 30b ; equal to made to measure at double the money. N.Z. Tweed Company, two doors below White Hart Hotel, High street. WANTED Known— Best Sugar, Crystals, 2}d, less by bag ; Best Starch, 3)jd ; Flour, 251 b, 3s ; 501 b, 5s lid ; Best Oatmeal, Ss 3d ; a line of 200 Boxes Tea just arrived ; must go at 12s ; best value ever offered in town. Choicest Fresh Butter, Bd. THOMPSON and LOWAN, opposite Club Hotel, i Sydenham. 7776 ! WHAT shall I do to be Clean ? Go to the TURKISH BATH. It is one of the best cleansing and health restoring processes in the world. Baths open daily from 8 ajn to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ladies' Days— Tuesdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Friday evening, from 6 p.m. Turkish Baths, 3s ; Hot Baths, ls. 121, Caahel street east. Chriatohuroh. 1295 WANTED Known— The BEADY MONEY GROCERS ARE SELLING:— New Season's Jams, ssd j Sperms, Electric, 4}d ; Nationals. B|d; Cornflour. 3Jd; Beßt White Sago and Tapioca, 2Jd • Rice, 2Jd ; Barley, 2|d 5 Neaves' Food, lOd ; Pat. Groats, lOd ; Sauce, 6d ; Irish Moss, ls; Pain Killer, ls 2d ; Tricopherous, ls 3d. THOMPSON and LOG *N, opposite Club Hotel, Sydenham. WANTED Known— Rainbow's reliable and safe Lozenges for Sore Throats and Swelling of the Tonsils. One Box is guaranteed to euro any case of inflammation in the throat. Sent to any address, for 14 penny stamps, within the Colony. There will be enclosed in each box a prescription for family use worth 20s, If you cannot get them at your Chemist's or Grocer's, send tho above stamps to W. Rainbow, Forry road, Christchuroh, and a box will be sont by return of post. 5106 WANTED Known— Clarke and Co., Watch, makers and Jewellers, have just receivod a rare fine of Silver English Lever Watches, at £3 10b, worth £6 ; Ladies' Watches from £2, worth £3 10s ; Gold and Waltham Watches, from £3, all warranted for two yearß. In 18-carat Rings, Chains, JeweUery, we guarantee a saving of 30 per cent. Good, quick, and oheap repairs. Hands, brooch pins, glasses, and jewellery jobs, 6d each. Highest price for gold, silver, diamonds. ko. S. Clarke and Co., 148, Colombo street, opposite E. Recce. 9583 Labour. Cash advertisements under this head, not exoeeding fonrtesn words, wiU be oharged SIXPENCE. WANTED, Young Woman as Nurse. Apply, Klingenatein's Hotel, Cashel stroet. 4151 WANTED, a Nurseeirl for Governor's Bay ; two children. Apply at once, 89, Barbadoes street. 4143 WANTED, by Young Lady, employment in Fancy or Confectioner's shop. L.R , "Star "office. 4149 WANTED, a General Servant, two in family Mrs H. A. Davis, 126, Barbados street. Reforences required. 4145 WANTED, young girl as General Servant. Mrs Perkins, Park Villa, Bichmond terrace, Lincoln road. WANTED, a Coach Paintei! and a Body, maker. Apply at onoe, VV. Moor and Co, Victoria street, Christchrvch. 30 WANTED, light employment for •*. clean, honest, respectable boy for school holidays; can got good references from diyand Sunday tchool ; no lato hours. E. W., Sydenham Postoffice. 4158 WANTED, Engagements for Ploagnxue-, Station Hands (all kinds), Youth, ko. (town cr oountry), Female Domestics, kc. Mrs Gaskin, 76, Manchester street south. Sarvants sent only whon references approved. 1113 TOUTH, eighteen years old, seeks situation as Grocer's Assistant ; three years' experience. F.C, "Strr" office. 40SO for Sale and To Let. See also Page 4. Cash advertisements nnder this head, notexooeding fourteen words, will bo charged SIXPENCE. BEES. — Swarms for Sale choap, delivered. Bee Farm, St Martin's. W. J. Neate, Colombo btreet. 3717 FOR Sale— A Four roomed House in Hawkhurst road, Lyttelton. Apply, J. Sowden. EOR SALE,— Sealskin Jacket, nearly new, a bargain. Address, Jacket, "Times" office. 99 EOR Sale— Paddock, Two Acros One Rood; title, Land Transfer. Apply, Thomaa Knight, Kaiapoi. 4025 FOR Sale— Piano, by Jackson and Co., London ; prico, £30; lirat-clasa instrument, Apply by letter, L.M., Post Qlilce. Christchurch. 415. "im OR SALE — BROWN GELLING, 3 off j brokon ; trial given. J. PEL LOW. 4086 Andrew street, Sydenham. FOR SALE, OB TO LET AT OPAWA. Th; STORE AND DWELLING, with every convenience, lately occupied by Mr Thomas Moore; moderate rental and immediate possession. Apply to 5973 S. COHEN, Colombo street, Christchnrch. EOR SALE. — Fivo-roomed House, corner Dancan's road and .St Asaph streot, nearly quarter-acre land, good business si to. Five-roomed House, standing on twenty-eight perches land, Ed<ware road, prico and torms easy. TO LET.— Four-roomed Cottage, Tuam street West. Three-roomed Cottage, Tuam street Wost. Apply to W. H. HARGREAVES, 3711 Cathodral san*r». WANTED to Soil. M'Cormaok Mower, in firstrato oidor. Morrow, Bassett, or E. M. Templar, Offico road, St Albana. 4133 WANTED, to Sell, Few Pairs Light Brahma Fowls, laying. W. Snook, Duncan's road. Linwood. 4104 TO LET— Tnree-rooined House, with U acre 'and. Apply M. BeU. Bichmond. 4109 Board and Besidenoe. Ca"**; advertisements under thia head, not orcoeding fourtoou words, *^U1 ba charged SIXPENCE A VACANCY for Two Gentlemen Hoarders. Pork Villa, Bichmond terrace, off Lincoln road, 4157 FURNISHED APARTMENTS — Excellent Accommodation at No. b, Colombo street, threo minutes' walk from EaiJ <* ay Station or Postoffice. s°*Bs PRIVATE Board and Lod.ings for Three Gentlemen. Apply, 109, Lower High st. 1146 WANTED Known, Vacancies for Gentlemen Boarders at Finsbury House, St Asaph street wost. 40S8 WANTED to Let. Furnished Boom, Stepbons street, fourth house from entrance Lancaster Park. 4097 :. "w I Funerals. Wf ANGFORD, Fnmishing Under- ! • JLi taker, established iv Now Zealand 1840. Funeral Reform, Furnishes Funerals throughout : —Children, from £i 10s ; adults, from j £4. Please note the nddress — Comer North and East Belt ; or, office, No. 133, Colombo street, next J. Goodman's. Country orders receive prompt attention. 70 | -pt_-_awpm***B-Eii«H*M-^i--—-___iJ^ THE Friendß of Mr Frederick Robert Warner are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral | of his late father, Stephen, to leave his residence, King street, Sydenham, on Thursday, 2nd instant, at half -past 2 o'clock, for the Addington Cemotory. H. SCRIMSHAW, Undertaker, 9-27 41, Durham street south. ! Publications. NOW PUBLISHED. TEE (SOUTHERN TJROVINCE3 A LMANAC for 1887. Containing a carefuUy executed MAP of the SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE SOUTH ISLAND, Showing the Railway System between Christchurch and the Bluff. ON SALE By all Booksellers, and Agents of the "LYTTELTON TIMES," "CANTERBURY TIMES," Awn " STAR." San XPbancisco J-LLaIL OUT-MARY. TWELVE PAGES. THE MOST COMPLETE Ann POPULAR SUMMARY FOR HOME READERS IS GIVEN FREE WITH THE LYTTELTON TIMES, AND IS NOW PUBLISHED. The extent of space (12 pages) at disposal permits of full reports being given of all the interesting events of the month. Agents are requested to send in their orders as early as possible, in order to prevent disappoint*
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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1,119Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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