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Trade. Sash advertisements under this head, not exoeeding ' fourteen words, wiU be oharged SSXPEScST^ AT the D.LC. every artiole is Sold at Wholesale I Warehouse Price. The First Display for Spring Season of Novelties and Effects now on. 1383 < ANEW Departnre in tne Prioes of Cleaning and Dyeing Ostrioh Feathers— Fashionable shades, largest feathers, ls ; Gloves dyed, 9d ; Gloves cleaned, 6d ; Gentß* Clothes beautifuUy cleaned by G. KingandCompany, Practical Dyers and Cleaners and Ostrich Feather Dressers, 98, Madras street. 9988 /m COMPLETE Revolution in Washing is now ____ taking place by the introduction of G. BarreU and Co.'s Patent Steam Washing Machine. No boiler is required, and there is no rubbing whatever ot the clothes, the whole process being immersion in steam. A family wash can be completed in one hour. The machine soon save its cost. Wanted, everyone to try one. Price, £3 17s 6d. 64, Manchester Btreet. 1670 C" LOCKWORK Galvanic Apparatus. Cures Nervous Diseases. Cost £6 10s. Price, 455. Vega, -' Star " oflice. 3976 Carriage, or any ocner XJ description of Clooks, Cbronograha, Repeaters, or any description of Watches Repaired, by Charles Mills, 189, High street, Satisfaction guaranteed, 7579 CHRISTMAS Presents to Every Customer on Christmas Eve. Photos of HaU, Caffrey, Pens, Lizzie Graham, only 6d each, sent to any address. Tommy Dcdds and Megrims. Poems, 6d each. 16 cigarettes' for 6d ; G.B.D. Pipes, 2a ; Cigars; Fanoy Goods; Cigarette Holders in case, Is each, wonderful cheap, fe*. Schlesinger, the well, known Tobacconist, Manchester street. DO you want New Elastics put in your Boots better and qu'cker and cheaper thau any where else, go to the only piaotical man, btaunton, 181, High street. 4148 DYEING and French Cleaning done. Gentle men's clothes oleaned ; also, feathers cleaned, dyed all the latest Bhodos. W. Harvey, Dyer, 29, Viotoria street. Work oaUed for and deUvered. 8056 DEAFNESS ! — Descriptive Pamphlets of the positively infaUible romedies prescribed by those eminent aurists, the Senior Surgeons of the two London Royal Ear Infirmaries, forwarded (on receipt of stamps for reply) by T. B. Hannaford, Auckland, New Zealand. Over 300 genuine testimonials. 3060 HBOSSITER, Practical Watchmaker, 20 , years' experience in Christchurch, has resumed business in Armagh street, opposite Dr Deamer-s, where all work entrusted with him wiU be carefuUy repaired. Watches cleaned and guaranteed for bix months, 2s 6d. Mu-icol Boxea carefully repaired. 690 IF you want a Bicycle, Tricycle, or repairs all kinds at cheapest rates, go to N. Oates, noxt door to late firm of Kont and Oates, the firm having dissolved partnership. Note address, N. Oates, 114, Colombo street. <>300 LUCAS k SONS, Engineers, Kilmore street, Chrißtohurch. Engines, BoUers, Gas Engines. Printing Maohinery, ko repaired and fixed anywhere. 8870 MRS ROWAN, LADIES' NURSE, 21, Montreal Btroot, Christchuroh (Cort-flod), from Queen Charlotte'B Hospital, London. 2V MRS E. SMITH, Feather Dresser. Gloves and Hats Cleaned. Hats dyed. 159. Armmh _ treet oast. 6768 MR AND MRS GARDINER'S DANCING CLASSES.— Tuesday and rhuraday, Adults , Wednesday, Ladies enly ; Friday Gentlomen only. Private Lessons all honrs. 78, Liohflold st. east.947l MRS POPE'S Art Needle-work Depot, 252. Colombo Btreet, Christohurch, Importer of aU materials for Fancy Work, Wools, SUks, Braids, Arraseno, Canvas, Satin Cloth, Beads, kc. Books, Stationery, and Periodicals, Country orders attended to. 604 MES WITHERS, 12, Viotoria street, Christchuroh, Agent for the Royal Sohool of Art Needlework, South Kensington, Importor of Crewels, Wools, Arrasene, FiloseUes, &c. 4c. A ohoice Beieetion of Work and Material always on band. Country orders punctually attended t0.8965 IN Consequence of having received Large Consignment of Cashmeres per Arawa, we offer a perfeot fitting Cashmere drees, made to order by first-class dressmaker, in the latest stylo, for 255, f uU trimmed with satin. Ple<me order early. T. Armstrong and Co., Tho Cheap Drapery Warobonso, coiner High and St Asaph streets; also. Market place, next Deering, Butcher. TRIPED Window Blinding, !>6in wide, 6d Umbrellas, ls 6d; Evans' Croshet Reels, la 9d dozen ; Grey Calico, 29in, 3d ; new Dreas Buttons, Hd dozen ; odd lot of Children's super Sox, 5 pairs for ls. Heavy importations from manufacturers compel us to let the goods go. Armstrong's. WHITE Mending Cotton, 6d dozeu skeins; Pearl Boads, all colours, half-price, 3d string ; pretty Prints, at S\d ; Crinolettes, la ; extra heavy TwiU Sheeting, 2yds wide, ls. We can do it with no rent to pay. Armstrong's. j PURCHASBD To-day, at a discount of 50 per cent from manufacturer's price, 146 dozon Unbleached Cotton Hose, fosMoned, no seams, best ; quality, price would bo Is to ls 6d a pair anywhero, but to make on immediate clearance, wo shall seU all sizes at 4Jd par pair, or 4s 3d_K>r dozen pairs. Armstrong's Drapory Warehouse, Corner of High and St Ataph streots; also in Market Place, next Dearing, Butcher. j Q -fl f\ REWARD.— Wanted 1000 Peoplo to <3C» I. " 3 Bpend 5a oaoh in good, useful Drapery a**id Clothing, which outitleß thorn to one guesa at the lucky Jar of Peas now exhibited in the window j of T. Austin. Draper and Clothior, London stroet, Lyttelton. First prize, £5 ; second, £3 ; third, £2. MECHANICAL Work of every description satisfactorily execu' od. Bicycles and Tricyclea made and repaired, of the latest style and improvements, and of any size. All new work guaranteed for twelvo months. Repairing of Lawn Mowers. Guns, and all kindß of flro-orma repaired. R. Kont, 110 Colombo street. 5470 LEASBcall on J. Spiller, 179, Colombo street, for Now Zealand and South Sea Island Views. Portraits from 7s Sd dozen. Houses, kc, photographed. town or country. 0987 -|[_>nT & MAGUIRE'S New Season's Teaß, at JtT Is Cd, 2a, 2a 4d, and 2s 6d in lib paoketß ; or at 2d per lb reduction per 121 b tins; also, half* ohests, at la 6d, In 9d, and 2a per lb, are not to bo equaUed. Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned. 6449 SAVE GAS by using J. and T. Danks' Ona Economise---, Givo twice the light of the ordinary burner for the same amount of gas. J. and T. Danks, Gas Enginoers, Liohileld Btroot. SI 28 HOS. PICKERING, Tailor. Gontlomoß's own material mode up at satisfactory prices. AU kinds of repah ric*y and cleaning dono at lov? charges. 140. High street, opposite Gardner and Pickering. ANTJBD the Pnblio to Visit the'D.T.Ci during the present Display of Spring Goods. * 1383 WANTED Known— Tho best place for furnish* ing and household requisites is at Thos. Calvert's, Ironmonger, 147, Colombo streot. 3517 WANTED Known— A change in recreation. Hire A. E. Preece's Sociable or Tandem. CycUsts* Exchange (op)>oaite Hobday's). 4 WANTED Known— Picture Framea of every description. J. W. Gibb, Direct Importer of Mouldings, &c, corner Barbadoes and Worceater Btreets. • 1016 WANTED— Sportsman to know best Ammunition always in stock. Gnna at co6t price. Thos. CaWert, Ironmonger, 147, Colombo street. 3817 ANTED Known— That Mrs Reovea has re-eat»blißhcd her Dressmaking buaineas, 114, Armagh street east, late of J, M. Crockor. Latest style guaranteed. 1075 MOODY, Chimney Sweep, and Carpet • Bea'er, 162, Salisbury Btreot west, (opposite Junction Hotol). All work done with doapatoh. Orders attonded to without delay. 9672 ANTED Known— COALß, Wostport, New oas_,9 and Native Coala and Firswood, delivered at lowest current prices. E. J. Martin, Arteßian WeU Sinker, 120. Kilmore street. 51 WANTED Known- W. J. Ballinger, Lichfiold Btreet east, Coal and Firewood Merchant, oontinues to supply the best articles at lowest ratea. FuU weight given. Orders by post attended to. 2349 WANTED Known— That J. PuUan, corner of Colombo and Peterborough streets, iB the Cheapest Shop in Town for Part-os Cash Pui'C-flser of good Second-hand Tools and Furniture. 2481 WANTED Known. — H. MESSAGE'S ,»r~ ,-. 1E ! A ' rENT IMPROVED EASY WASHING MAOHINE i 3 the Best. Please CaU and Inspect. Orders taken by 356 1 H. MESSAGE High b tre ft WANTED Known-B. G. Forgie, Grooer and - „ T^ Blender, Colombo street north. Good Family Tea, la 6d per lb ; Blends, 2s, 2s 4d, 2s 6d, 7?' * °* r\f* * r «K- ri <» at lowest ourrent ratea. Goods deUvered. 9279 »«r ANTED Known— H. Scrimshaw, Under. XX taker, fmndshes f u_ei-_l_ oomplete—Children from £2 : Adults, from £3 10s. Addxoas, 41, oorner of Durham and St Asaph streets, Christohurch Orders by telegram punctually attended 52 «KS WANTED, the pubUo to come aud see and ™ 0.1 Jn(^° for taemselves, Mats, Hearthrugs, Door Slips, Buggy Mats made to order. Mats and x- g8 _ r _"r yed - a ?. d leaned. Orders punctually attended to. Eohpse Dye Works, 132, Gloucester street east. gO3 W A £ w ED ,S no . wn ~ G ' Xin f.e has now Opened « -. ■£ « * street (Bishop's Buildings) a Dairy for the sale of MUk, Cream, Butter, Eggs and other Dairy Produce. Cream can ba Bupplied one hour after mUking, having purchased ?°n_«„2Si£Si!l < £! am Separators. Skim milk (guaranteed fresh). Ud quart. Cream Cheese. 2345 WANTED Known.-R. PortoUi hna opened -„-f .^fJ M w^? m ' , £ 10,18 , Sbo P- 182 - Colombo Btreet, next City Hotel, where he ia propared to snnoly S^SHtS'^hS l^ ?°" aB kiSds of F P isK oleaned and delivered to any part of the City. Oyster Suppers, with tea or coffee. Charges vefV moderate. R. PortoUi, Fishmonger) 9906 W ANTED, everyone to know that A. Begg. the Cnoapest Cash TaUor -Trhn i'olotiv ba^ n irtS k i? n -_ thOM commodious premiaeß, No. WS^High Btreet, next to Prootor. the K Hi^"J he -. Illdian Tea „__. . i,„3a *l %^ h -. Btreet * ne -t City Hotel, Ohrißtohnroh, and 47, Princes street, Dunedin, rives best values in Pure Blended Teas. IS. teas blended by a professional tea tasterTincT 186fc Pure Aseam and Darjeeling Teas. Tha T Indian blends are unoquaUed forsWneth »iS «™iT£? Sold in lib paokSts, «LlO. VaMb tSS? A and ohests. Stores, hotels^ nmholdera __d £ buyers ÜberaUy ealt with? ffirt wK. 150
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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1,602Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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