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gtt-*tt_-a_s»i_--CTi-*^^_f-i l Twr- > Lost and Found. LOST, on East belt, between St Asaph _tre e t and .last belt, or on East belt, on Tuesday night, a Driving Whip. Finder please return to Geo. Terrell, Livery Stables, Cashel street. 4166 TWO POUNDS REWARD^ T OST, on or about the 2ith November, from •*-* COKER'S HOTEL, a Rough-haired, BLACK AND TAN COLLIE DOG. Can be easily identified. Anyone found in the possession of the dog after this date will be prosecuted, " To be returned to Coker*B Hotel. 9495 FOUND, Black Retriever 81ut. Owner can have same by applying at 197. 8t Asiph st west. 47 Public Companies. TMPORTANT TO A SSURED. ILLUSTRATIONS OF TONTINE POLICIES MATURING IN 1886. EXAMPLE 1. POLICY 62,975. Amount, £2000. Premium, £70 ls Bd. Premiums paid in 15 yeara ... £1051 5 0 RESULT IN 1686. Tho policy-holder, after having been assured for £2000 for fifteen years, has now, npon the completion of the Tontine period, the choice of six methods of settlement; the three moat important are the following - — 1. CASH VALUE £1148 13 7 Percentage to premiums paid, 119. 2. PAID-UP VALUE ... £2034 0 0 Percentage to premiums paid, 193. 3. CASH BONUS £586 5 Z Percentage to premiums paid, 56. EXAMPLE n. POLICY 65,365. Amount, £2000. Premium, £100 ss. Premiums paid in 15 years ... £1503 15 0 RESULT IN 1886. 1. CASH VALUE £2062 2 10 Percentage to premiums paid, 137. 2. PAID-UP VALUE ... £2494 0 0 Percentage to premiums paid. 166. 8. CASH BONUS £754 3 2 Percentage to premiums paid, 50. No oth_r Sooiety in the World h«vs paid or is paying rrsults such as the Equitable Lie Assurauoe Society of the United States. Tho Publio are cautioned to observe that this is the only officb in New Zealand which has completed a Tontine period, and practises the SemiTontine System. Office : 7, Chancery Lane. Late Advertisements. PERSONS ADVERTISING FOR SERVANTS ara hereby informed that they can leave ADDRESSES and any other information at THIS OFFICB. WANTED Kuown— Situation, 185, Gloucester Btreet. ia filled. 4162 ANTED, a Respectable Girl. Apply, 110, Hereford street, Chrintchurch. 4170 WANTED, Tenders for Painting two Houses. Particulars, Barrett's Family Hotel. 4155 WANTED to Bent, Two Large Rooms of about 300M t area each. Box 3 15, P.O. 4102 WANTED, Wine Bottles. Apply to the Storeman, Gardner and Pickering, Hereford street. 4135 WANTED to Purchase, a Bedlinvton Terrier Dog Pup. Apply, R. Richardsou, Empire Hotel. 4151 WANTED, for two Lndies Furnished Sitting and Bedroom; moderate terms. /j.A., Post-office. 416*J WANTED, two smart, steady Boya, about fifteen years old. Aulsehrook and Co., Biscuit Factory. 4167 WANTED, a Goneral Sorvant, at once. Apply, Mrs Sohlesiuger'a Registry Office. Manchester street. 4169 WANTED Known, Mr Bush's tender for Papering and distempering has been accepted. 51, Kilmore street. 4141 WANTE l>, a Purchaser for about three hundredweight of pur* Dripping. Apply, stating price givon per pound, to Economy ", Star " offico. 4140 WANTED by a Youcg Lady, Board and Residence, where no other boarders are kept ; i apply immediately. Address, A.8.L., "Times" office. 4173 WANTED to Rent, two good comfortable Unfurnished Rooms, with oue fireplace, or a small three or four-roomed Cottage. Address, stating price, in care Mrs HaU, Eastern H0te1.4163 WANTED, to Let a Blacksmith Shop, adjoining Middleton'- Hotel, Kaiapoi. Anvil, bellows, vices, tools, kd„ fi be taken over very cheap. Apply to B. Mathewf, Kii-ipoi. 9457 WANTED Known. -J. M'Clerry, Bootmaker, Colombo Btre3t, has Bemov-vlto his old shop, GMworks road, Sydenham. Orders left at Oakey's Hair Cutting f?-i!ooM, Colombo st-oet, witl reooive prompt attention. 4103 WANTED. Tenders for Building Three Rooms and Removal of T*«-o t rolu old building, to be joined to new, f<*r Mr G. P. Kay, ot **nmnor. Tenders to bo in by Saturdiy, Dec. 4th. Lowest tender not necessari'y accer,t*.-d. 4159 WANTED. Situation for good Married Couples, Gardeners married and singe. Groom and «Joa.chni .n, jj*ou.-*ekeener aud good Servants of all claaw-s. Oan be weU recommended for either hotel or private. Mm Higgs' Registry Office. 417J ESLEyAN' MISSION HALL, LINCOLN ROAD (opposite Star Hotel.)— Durham Btreet Mission Band, To-morrow Kveuing. 7.30. 4160 CAPABLE Nursemaid wanted, about sixteen slwop at home. Apply V-nbrngh, St James streot, Linwood, Avonside. 4131 "BjIXHtBITIONi Sale~of Work, oud Con<*o-t, Ii Durham Street Wesleyan Schoolroom, This Eveninj. Admission, Is. 4131 df^i OOD Private lioird and Residence. Apply. HJT Aubyn House, li. Cranmur squaw. 4 76 PERSONS baying Claims against Furg Name (Cut-t Chung Heiug, Store heepi-r, late fi High street) are reque3te<i to send in Account! Nt once, as he is leaving for China, Present addrr-ss, Lichfield street east. 41 17 BOOT Trade— Wanted 20 Good Bonchmon. Nt nnc,pi Apply, M. O'Brien and C-*. 9486 MRd J.^El'l', inanglo, requires Cooks, good places ; generals, town country : Housemaid, Cook (together) ; 'Nurse ; Kitchenmaid ; Wording Housekeeper. Arrivod — Octr-ber " Heralds." " Readers," " Police Gazettes," Sullivan- Herald j Match, Christmas Cards. 4159 TO TAILORESSES — Wnuted. 'Irouser Hands. E. Brander, Star Clothing Factory, Lichfield street, 4175 £*{\ SHARES Hobday's Co-operative Stores, QvP cheap. P., "Star" office. 4172 CHILD LOST, tit Evening Bicycle Races, Lancaster Park, Friday next, 5.30 p.m. ; admission, 6d. 4171 4 OURE for ail -won ot z>h.Lsx ma.c, •&.*->_;. A Cure for RHEUMATISM and RALGIA. W B. COOKE. 241, High street, Lato of Christohurch Hospital. HOLIDAYS. HOLIDAYS. LADY visitors to Christchurch nre invited to inspect Mrs Woodrongh's entire new stock of Cheap and Stylish Spring Millinery. Note the address — 3274 8, Victoria street, opposite Supreme Court. 93 • Ogilvie Joowman, pianoforte tuner, Begs to inform tho Public that he has procured a thorough practical Pianoforte Manufacturer and Repairer, and he in now prepared to Renovate, Repair, and Tune Pianos, making them oqual to new. Old Pianos exchanged for New Ones. Instruments selected, and complete satisfaction guaranteed. Address— B7, 89, and 91, Victoria stroet. 5182 New Shipments NOW OPENED, OP SILVER-PLATED WA'E, CUTLERY, AND GENERAL FURNISHING HARDWARE. Defries' Safety Table Lamps, kc, ko, EDWARD REECE AND SONS, Wholesalo and Retail Ironmongers 123, Colombo street, Christo'iurch. S A LITTLE BOY. IF YOU MEET a Little Boy conspicuous for the Neatness and Good Fit of his Clothes, you may depend upon it his Parents have been Patronising the New Zealand Clothing Factory, 169, Cashel street, where may be seen the Finest assortment of Boys' Clothing in the Colony. Suits in Twee**, Velvet, Plush, Holland, Sateen, and Serge. Good Taste, Durability, and Moderate Price combined. 4142 V ictosia House. x\ • Strange & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, ex s.s. Arawa, Further Large Additions of FANCY GOODS and GENERAL DRAPERY. Also, THE NEW FANCY BEADED CUIRASS JACKETS, Dust Cloaks, Ac. TERMS — 5 per cent discount for Cash. 211, 213, AND 215, HIGH STREET. 4161
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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1,100Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5790, 1 December 1886, Page 2
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