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A. C. PALMER. T HIS DAY SATURDAY, JULY 14. Commerce Street, Temuka. On Account. Various Clients —■ 3 Halt-Draught Morses, guaranteed sound (all work). 1 Jersey Cross Cow, springing lo 3rd calf (good family cow). Collars, Leading Chains, Riding Saddle and Bridle, Set Clippers 100 Sacks Pig Potatoes, 60 Sacks Fowl Wheat, Peas, Barley, 10 Sacks Oats, Carrots, Potatoes, Onions, Vegetables, Furniture, Rugs, Ladies’ Cloves and Boots, Consignment of Ladies’ Dresses and Children’s Coats, 2 Violins, Crockery, 12 Posts, 6 Hurdles, Motor-Bike and Side-Car (must sell), 3 Bicycles, Sundries. Poultry and Pigs—Present entry, 4 Purebred B. Leghorn Cockerels. V. C. PALMER, Auctioneer. N. M. AND A. CO., LTD. CLEARING SALE. AT CLAREMONT. THURSDAY, JULY 26. ACCOUNT MR M. J. SHEA. HORSES. —1 Bay Gelding Byrs, 1 Gelding 7yrs, 1 mare 7yrs, 1 Gelding aged, 1 mare aged, 1 Hackney Gelding, aged. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. —Farm Dray and Frame, Cultivator, 6-leaf Harrows and Bar, Disc Harrows, D.F. Plough, M.H. Binder, Drill, Gig, 4 Sets C.H. and W., 4-liorse Yoke, 4 Pairs Plough Chains, 4 Trees, 2 Colls Sheep Netting, also Harness and Sundries. Everything For Absolute Sale. SALE AT 1 P.M. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY CO., OF N.Z., LTD., Auctioneers. CLEARING SALE. DEEP CREEK ROAD, WAIMATE. TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928, At 1 p.m. •"THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND 1 AGENCY CO., OF N.Z., LTD., have received instructions from MR P. J. FROST, who has sold his farm, to hold a Complete Clearing Sale of his LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, at the above place and date—--140 F. and F.M. Ewes. B.L. and Romney Rams out April 20. 2 Draught Geldings, 6yrs, all work 2 Draught Geldings, aged, all work 1 Draught Mare, aged, all work. 8 Cows, Sept.-Oct. Calvers. 2 Farm Drays and Frames, Cambridge Roller, Duncan Cultivator, M.H. Binder, Set 5-leaf Tyne Harrows, D.F. R. and G. Plough, 6-liorse Set of Blocks and Chains, Full Set of Trees, 4 Sets of Plough Chains, Planet Jr., 100 Sacks Oaten-Sheaf Chaff, 20 Sacks Cape Barley, Numerous Sundries and Tools, etc.
' ALSO—At the same time and place, on account Mr W. R. TODD — 15 Dairy Cows in profit and due to calve middle Aug', and Sept. 1 Draught Gelding, aged, all work. 1 Draught Mare, aged, all work, in foal to “Craigie Elect.” D.F. Plough, New McCormick Mower, M.H. Binder, Disc Plough, Dray and Frame, Double and Single Trees and Plough Chains, Large Quantity Empty Sacks and Sundries. AFTERNOON TEA PROVIDED. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY CO., OF N.Z., LTD., Auctioneers, Waimate. CLEARING SALE. AT “PEEL VIEW,” RUAPUNA. THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1928. 'THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND 1 AGENCY CO., OF N.Z., LTD., have received instructions from MR E. S. BAXTER, he having sold his “Cracroft” Property, to hold a Clearing Sale 'of his Surplus Stock and Implements, comprising:— SHEEP. 180 2,4, 6 and 8-tooth guaranteed sound-mouth 3-bred Ewes. E.L. and Shrop. Rams April 22. 145 2,4, 6 and 8-tooth guaranteed sound-mouth 1-bred Ewes. E.L. and Corrie. Rams April 22. As Mr Baxter has purchased a Tractor, we will offer all his working draught horses, as under: Bay Mare “Daisy,” 4yrs, all chain work. Bay Mare “Queen,” syrs, all chain work. Blk Mare “Bloss,” syrs, all chain work. Bay Mare “Jean,” 7yrs, all farm work. Bay Gelding “Jock,” Byrs, all chain work. Bay Gelding “Major,” 9yrs, all farm work. Bay Mare “Woolley,” aged, all farm rvork. Filly, 2yrs off, broken to lead. Gelding, 2yrs off, broken to lead. Hack Gelding, broken to saddle and harness. Harness and Covers for all Horses. IMPLEMENTS. Grubber, Stripper, Eight-horse Set Blocks, Chains, and Trees, 2liorse Feeders, 2 Sets Leading Chains, Trees, 60 Totara posts. Auctioneer’s Note.—This Sale offers an opportunity to anyone in search of first-class Breeding Ewes, the above being exceptionally wellwoolled, and in great condition. Mr Baxter's horses are an exceptionally fine lot of good, big upstanding draughts—several of them prizewinners in recent show rings. The sheep, horses and implements are for Absolute Unreserved Sale, and will be trucked free of charge to the purchasers. LUNCHEON PROVIDED. SALE COMMENCES 12 NOON. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY CO., OF N.Z., LTD., Auctioneers. TRY .T. CLARKSON, CHURCH STREET WEST, FOR PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, AND GLAZING. ’Phone 13175, ■ft/f cINTYRE’S Extra Strong Italy 1 gulating Pills. Lndißj recommend them. everywhere. 6s id per box.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 16
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706Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 16
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