CANT. FARMERS’ CO-OP., ASSN. SALE OF SHROPSHIRE EWES. GERALDINE SALEYARDS. WEDNESDAY, JULY IS. SPECIAL ENTRY. On A/e Mr Stewart Baxter, Ruapuna 75 Purebred Shropshire Ewes, 1. 2, 3 and 4-shear. Rams bred bv Mr Parry, put out on Ist April. CANT. FARMERS’ CO-OP. ASSN., Auctioneers. SALE OF CLANDEBOYE LAND. Under Instructions from the Mortgagee. AT “TATTERSALL’S” YARDS, Stratliallan Street, Timaru. FRIDAY, JULY - 20, at 2 p.m. THIE CANTERBURY FARMERS’ 1 CO-OP. ASSOCIATION, LTD., instructed by the Mortgagee, will offer for Sale by Public Auction, as above: —• ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND containing 209 Acres 1 Rood 24 Perches, being Lot 16, D.P. 1042, and Lot 1, D.P. 3118, situate adjacent to the mouth of Orari River, at Clandeboye. Auctioneer’s Note. —The Property is being sold subject to a First Mortgage of approximately £3237 to the State Advances Superintendent, bearing interest at 6 per cent., payable half-yearly. The farm is all in grass, and consists solely of first-class, heavy dairying land. The house and outbuildings are in good order. For further particulars, apply— Messrs PERRY, FINCH & HUDSON, or CANT. FARMERS’ CO-OP. ASSN., x Auctioneers. HANDY FARM. 60 ACRES FREEHOLD, situated in an ideal position, close to large township. All rich, loamy, level land, watered by water races, and permanent stream. A good area of the land is ploughed and ready to go in crop. Well subdivided, fences all in good order.
PRICE AND TERMS ON APPLICATION. Well-built G-roomed House, bathroom, h and c water, electric light, good outbuildings. Anyone looking for a Country Home on easy worked, rich land, at a most reasonable price, should inquire without delay. Very good terms can be arranged to approved purchaser. WANTED. WANTED FOR CLIENT —150 Acres to 250 Acres,' Lease-in-Perpe-tuity or Freehold. Situated handy to school. Send particulars to Land Dept., C.F.C.A., Timaru. A BARGAIN. • 231 ACRES L.I.P. Rental 8/2 per acre. Situated G miles from railway station, 15 miles from school. Consisting of flat-top-ped agricultural downs, watered by water race and springs. 10 acres turnips, 10 acres rape, 20 acres fallowed, balance grass. PRICE £I4OO GOOD,.ILL. 4-roomed house with verandah, well sheltered, iron granary, loose box, yards, etc. This farm is in great heart, and has been very lightly cropped. . GOOD VALUE. 274 ACRES L,I.P. Rental 4/4 per acre. Situated 7 miles from Pleasant Point, convenient to Geraldine and Temuka. Good fattening farm. 23 acres turnips, balance grass and stubble. PRICE £2500 GOODWILL. Terms £750 Cash. Good 6-roomed house, bathroom, garden and orchard, stable, granary, etc. GOOD FARM. 331 ACRES L.I.P. Rental 4/- per acre. Situated only 21 miles from railway station and 4 miles from Post Office, saleyards, etc. About 250 acres have been cultivated. Grows good crops of wheat, etc. Balance pastoral land, cocksfoot, clover, etc. Carries 600 ewes and fattens the lambs.
- PRICE, £4OOO. Terms Arranged. Buildings comprise five-roomed house, stable, shearing shed, trap shed, yards, etc. Anyone looking for a farm with not too much team work should inquire about this farm. CANTERBURY FARMERS’ CO-OP. ASSOCIATION, LTD., Land Salesmen, TIMARU. v<VS MEEHAN AND SONS, LIMITED. We are Buyers of — Milling and Fowl Wheat, Barley, Oats. Ryegrass, Cocksfoot, Peas, Clover, Linseed and Potatoes, at full market rates. FOR SALE — Velvet. Pearl, Tuscan, Hunters Wheat, grown from College Seed. Algerian and Dun Oats, Ryecorn, Black Barley, Ryegrass and Clover Seed. Farmers should book their requirements now for autumn sowing. AGENTS FOR— Wakefioid’s Castrol Motor Oils, Renfrew Separators, Northern Assurance Coy. As Agents for Kempthorne, Prosser and Co., Hornby, Superphosphate and Mixed Manures, we are in a position to quote lowest prices. Full discounts to buyers of six ton lots direct from works. ' JAMES MEEHAN AND SONS, LTD. George Street.