A. N. OAKEY AND CO. TUESDAY NEXT, At 1.30 p.m. AT 3 6 OXFORD STREET. A N. OAKEY & CO., are instructed by MRS M. A. HARRIS, to submit to Public Auction, as above, lier HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, including: SITTING ROOM.—7-piece Suite of Leather Couch, 2 Arm and 4 11.8. Chairs, Extension D.R. Table, One-Leaf Occasional Table, Large B.M. Sideboard, Overmantel, Kerb, Congoleum Sriuare. ALSO—I-lallstand and 3 Hall Mats. BEDROOMS. —Double Rlmu Bed and Wire, B.M. Duchesse Chest, Washstand and Ware, 2 Skin Mats and 3 Iron Bed and Wire. KITCHEN. —Kitchen Table, 6 Austrian Chairs, Clieffonier, Clock, Fender, 3 Mats, Books, Pictures, Ornaments and Glassware, Crockery, Cutlery, Pots, Pans and Usual Hardware. ALSO —“White” Hand Sewing Machine (in perfect order), and Electric Iron. OUTSIDE. —Lady’s F.W. Bicycle, Garden Tools, Brooms, Mops, etc. Auctioneer’s Note.— The above Furniture, which is in GOOD ORDER is FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. A. N. OAKEY AND CO., Auctioneers. FRIDAY NEXT, (Note Change of Date), At 2.30 p.m. AT OUR OFFICES, STRATHALLAN STREET. A N. OAKEY & CO. are instructed • by MR GEORGE ARNOLD, to submit to Public Auction, as above — HIS CHARMING PROPERTY, situated 98 Otipua Road (nearly opposite the end of Woodlands Road), consisting of 1 ACRE, 2 ROODS, 35.48 PER. of Land, together with SOLIDLY BUILT BRICK RESIDENCE of SIX ROOMS and SLEEPING . BALCONY, Scullery, Pantry and Bathroom, Porcelain Bath and Basin, Electric Light, Gas, Airing Cupboards, Built-in Wardrobes and Overmantels. Auctioneer’s Note.—There is also a fine Galvanised Iron Stable with loft, workshop, garage and wood shed, and concrete paths and yard, also fowl runs. The Land is well suited for subdivision and approximately 5 building sections could be obtained. The land is level, sunny and situated on one of the healthiest parts of Timaru. Full particulars from the Auctioneers, to whom apply in first instance. A. N. OAKEY AND CO., . Auctioneers. A N. OAKEY AND CO., AUCTIONEERS REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUATORS. CLEARING SALE SPECIALISTS. CHIEF AGENTS: Atlas Assurance Company, Ltd. (Established in the reign of King George III.) Auctioneer: Mr A. N. Oakey. Property Dept: Mr W. E. Donnithorne A JUBILEE BARGAIN. ONE AND A HALF STOREY NEW BRICK BUNGALOW. £l5O DEPOSIT. £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO £IOSO
5 Rooms and Large Sun Balcony, 1£ Storey New Brick Bungalow. Conveniences include Bathroom with I Porcelain Bath and Basin, Electric: Light, Hot and Cold Water, Numer-! ous Cupboards and Tip Bins, Ward-j robes built in in each Bedroom. Wash house and Lavatory under the main roof. \ Very Sunny Section, Concrete 1 Paths, etc. This Property could not be replaced at the Price asked, and the Deposit is only £l5O. The balance may be paid off as rent at say 30/- to 3 2/6 per week. Working Men. Do not pay rent any longer. Pay your deposit on this and pay off your house with the money with which you so foolishly used to pay your rent. PRICE—£IOSO. DEPOSIT £l5O. Balance Reducible Interest and Principal at 30/- to 32/6 per week. A. N. OAKEY AND CO., The Progressive Auctioneers, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Offices: Strathallan Street. 'Phone 41. QEORGE BOWKER & COMPANY. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS, SHAREBROKERS. INSURANCE AGENTS— Fire, Marine, Accident. Chief Agents for South Canterbury for The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, Limited. ARCADE CHAMBERS, TIMARU. ’Phone 312. TAKE a “Unique” Hot Water Bag with you to the Land of Nod, and you’ll find it a warm, pleasant country. Guaranteed no! to burst •r leak. 6-
Page 16 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 16
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