PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD. pLEASANT POINT SALE. MONDAY, JULY 16. , Account Loudon Donald, Ashburton 4 Extra Good Cobs (8 and 4 years, unbroken). 1 Yearling (by Man o’ War, dam Quincey mare). 1 Bay Cob (7yrs), broken to saddle and harness. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., Auctioneers. pYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., * TIMARU. WOOLBROICERS, LAND, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS. GENERAL MERCHANTS. LIBERAL ADVANCES Made Against Stock, Ensuing Clips of Wool, and Crops. A FARM WORTH THE MONEY. 800 ACRES FREEHOLD, Easy Hills. Good Wheat-Growing Land, or will carry 1600 Sheep. Close to rail and school, within easy reach of Timaru. Good House, Electric Light. PRICE £l2 PER ACRE. SOLE AGENTS. UNION PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. MOTOR SPIRITS . 17/- per case. DISTILLATE .. 12/6 per case. (Plus Duty.) POWER KEROSENE 11/6 per case. BULK POWER KEROSENE 1/3 per gallon. (Drums Free.) AGENCIES—LONDON AND LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COY. COOPER’S DIPS. WEBB’S SEEDS. ECLIPSE FERTILISERS. CASE TRACTORS AND MACHINERY. Farmers who attended the recent Lecture given in Timaru by the Instructor of Agriculture, will be convinced of the value of the TOP-DRESSING OF PASTURES. WE CAN SUPPLY ALL MANURES FOR THIS PURPOSE. AND SHALL BE PLEASED TO QUOTE. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., TIMARU.
AND BULL VANS J. R. EVANS ROLAND BULL (Licensed Land Broker). (Established 1881.) WILL EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE IN TIMARU, UP TO SAY £I7OO. 5J Acres Christchurch, good, free, black loam, suitable for anything, fine garden, lawns, orchard and paddock. Well-built modern Bungalow of 6 large rooms, with every convenience, garage, etc. PRICE, £2250 cash value, and subject to a mortgage of £6OO. To any Timaru owners wishing to come to Christchurch, we have no hesitation in strongly recommending this property. Full particulars on application. 259/50 CHEAP FAMILY RESIDENCE. OR PAYING BOARDING HOUSE. £I2OO, EASY TERMS. 9 Very,Large Rooms, heavily-built 2-storey ''House with Balcony and Verandah, electric light and pump, hot and cold water, every possible convenience, too numerous to specify. Over 1 acre good land, orchard, lawns, garden, well fenced. 5 minutes’ walk from centre of Rangiora Township This"is a mortgagee sale, hence the price. To anyone wishing to start a boarding house, this is a remarkable opportunity, as one is badly wanted in Rangiora. Immediate possession. Inquiry invited. £I2OO only. Easy terms. ABSENTEE OWNER. 1800 Acres, exceptional terms. Price £8 acre only. In good going order, and carry ewe per acre. 20 miles from Christchurch. 5-roomed house and outbuildings, plantation, etc. Splendid sweet fattening country. Sheep buyers should not fail to inspect. REDUCED TO £l4 PER ACRE. WITH LIVE AND DEAD STOCK GIVEN IN. NOTE THE TERMS. NORTH CANTERBURY. 480 ACRES, L.1.P., 999 years Government Lease. Rent £129/1/4 net. 100 acres lucerne, balance grass. Carrying 510 ewes. 7-roomed house, all outbuildings. £l4 per acre as a going concern. Terms, £lO 00 clown, including live and dead stock. Reduced from £lB bare. Handy school and rail. Full particulars on application. 1S S/ 4 9 EVANS AND BULL, 63 Cathedral Square, CHRISTCHURCH. THE BAY SERVICE STATION. DUNCAN AND CULLING, PROPRIETORS. FOR PETROL, OILS, AND BEST ATTENTION. HOURS: 7 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY. McINTYRE’S Extra Strong Regulating Pills. Ladies recommend ■them. Sold everywhere. 6a 6d par
Page 16 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 16
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