LOST AND FOUND. T OST- ' TWO HOUSES. 1 Ma.ro- (dark brown). 1 Golding, with coyer on, from Mr E. Ellis’, Waslidykc. Please communicate with: E. J. ELLIS. Waslidykc. 1 T OSTThursday Night, between York Street and Theatre DOUBLE STRING PEARLS. 1 Reward. ' . " . “HERALD” OFFICE. LOSTBetween Hydro Grand and Caroline Bay. A GOLD BROOCH. Reward On returning to—--19 OXFORD STREET L°st- , - TWO SUIT CASES. , Enclosed in Cornsacks, Friday afternoon, July 13, between Dunedin and Waimate. One addressed Miss Sleo, Waimatc, other. Ruddcnklau. Please forward former to address on case, latter to Rangitata. Finder communicate with Ruddenklau, Rangitata, .when reward will bo given. WANTED KNOWN. 4 WANTED KNOWN—Have you tried Burley’s Coal —the clean coal from Westport. Westport Coal Co. ; . ENUINE Money Savers—at PortH er’s Stocktaking Sale. China Ornaments from 6d each. Cups and Saucers from 3s, 6d half dozen. Tea Sell in assorted' patterns, 13s fid. Call to-day. M ORISONS LIMITED for greatest value in Colonial White Blankets: Full three-quarter bed size, v ere 35s 6d and 455,' sacrifice price 28s fid and 355. "IT7ANTED TO BUYBACON PTG PO"*'NERS AND CHOPPERS. w. W. WESTAWAY, Box 25. Temuka. A MARRIED COWMAN. Separato Cottage. Interviews Friday. SALARY—£ISO—PER YEAR. Apply to— » ' A. TIIOREAU, Telephone 427, Arcade, WANTED —A wider appreciation of the exceptional shirt values offered by Cameron’s at present. 5s lid each, or two for 11s fid. THE BAY Cash Grocery Emporium sell only the best of all lines, and the prices are rightt Owen Feeney, Proprietor. TRY the new Fruit Shop, opposite Ballantynes, for your next apples. They are from their own orchard, Central Otago, and aro guaranteed the best and at reasonable prices. Ti-ie sale of the season.— Children’s Wool Socks; Is up. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. PRIZE £ls.' Over ninety J .other cash prizes. Open to all users of Raven Tea No entrance fee. Particulars of competition in each packet of Raven Tea. BON’T sleep by yourself.. Taka your old friend “Unique” to bed with you, and keep warm and comfy all night. All sizes. Britain's best tlot Water Bag. 11. LEATHER and Tapestry Couches from 355. New Leather and Moquette Divan Chairs; £5 17s fid. A. Washer and Co'. SECTIONS. —Wo have a large variety of sections from £SO to £SOO. These ca n be bought on terms. A. Washer and Co. THE SALE OF THE SEASON^—Glass Cloths all linen; Is each. Bust and Co., IG7 Stafford Street Central. APPLES- —Apples, nice crisp apples, straight from the orchards. From 2s 6d per case. A. Washer and Co., Auctioneers. RIBBONS AND LACES—Are being offered at big reductions at Ramsay and Miller’s, Stafford Street South, Timaru. THE SALE OF THE SEASON.— Ladies’ White Lawn Handkerchiefs; Is 3d half dozen. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. WANTEDBuyer for Dwelling and over HalfAcre with 2 Large Glass Houses thereon.. Situated in a first-class country town. Good living for energetic gardener or handv man. £2OO CASH REQUIRED. MARK HIGGINS. 21 Arcade. ANTED KNOWNHOUSE TO LET. Apply— A. L. THOREAII AND SON. Labour Exchange. 'Phone 27. Pleasant Point. HAS IT EVER STRUCK YOU THAT it costs no more to Buy GOOD MEAT than inferior stuff? We sell nothing but the Very Best at the CASH BUTCHERY, CANNON ST. IT. WEDLOCK, Proprietor. Orders called Tor and Delivered Daily Telephone 899. CPEC IA L PRIME BACON RASHERS. 1/2 Per Lb. 1/2 Per Lb. Pork Sausages and Belgian 8d lb. 251 b Bag Oatmeal, 5s 6d. At tile WASHDYKE STORE. MILLIARDS FREE “iLLIARDS FREE We have Vacancies for Three or Four Permanents. Free use of Billiard Table. Phone 940 for Terms. UIUEIIAK HOUSE. TjVT E W SEASON’S DRIED 1 * APRICOTS. 1/2 lb. 1/2 lb. JOHN M. COW, General Merchant. 'Phone 65. North Street, Timaru.
Page 15 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 15
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